1 #! /usr/bin/env python
2 #
3 # Copyright INRA-URGI 2009-2010
4 #
5 # This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
6 # abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use,
7 # modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
8 # license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
9 # "http://www.cecill.info".
10 #
11 # As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
12 # modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
13 # with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the
14 # economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited
15 # liability.
16 #
17 # In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
18 # with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
19 # software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
20 # that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also
21 # therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced
22 # professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
23 # encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
24 # requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or
25 # data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the
26 # same conditions as regards security.
27 #
28 # The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
29 # knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms.
30 #
31 import os, os.path
32 import struct
33 import shelve
34 import sys
35 from SMART.Java.Python.ncList.NCListFilePickle import NCListFilePickle, NCListFileUnpickle
36 from SMART.Java.Python.ncList.NCIndex import NCIndex
37 from SMART.Java.Python.misc.Progress import Progress
39 LONG_SIZE = struct.calcsize('l')
41 H = 0
42 L = 1
43 T = 2
44 G = 3
46 H_CELL_SIZE = 2
47 L_CELL_SIZE = 5
48 T_CELL_SIZE = 6
50 START = 0
51 END = 1
52 ADDRESS = 2
53 LIST = 3
54 PARENT = 4
55 NEW = 5
56 LENGTH = 1
58 def pack(input):
59 return struct.pack("l", long(input))
60 def unpack(input):
61 return struct.unpack("l", input)[0]
64 class NCList(object):
66 def __init__(self, verbosity):
67 self._verbosity = verbosity
68 self._subPos = 0
69 self._parentPos = 0
70 self._nbLines = 0
71 self._nbLists = 0
72 self._chromosome = None
73 self._transcriptFileName = None
74 self._lHandle = None
75 self._hHandle = None
76 self._tHandle = None
77 self._parser = None
78 self._sizeDict = {H: H_CELL_SIZE, L: L_CELL_SIZE, T: T_CELL_SIZE}
79 self._offsets = {H: 0, L: 0, G: 0}
80 self._fileNameDict = {}
81 self._handleDict = {}
82 self._createIndex = False
83 self._missingValues = dict([table, {}] for table in self._sizeDict)
84 self._missingValues[T][LIST] = -1
85 self._missingValues[L][LIST] = 0
86 self._missingValues[T][NEW] = -1
88 def __del__(self):
89 for handle in (self._lHandle, self._hHandle):
90 if handle != None:
91 handle.close()
93 def createIndex(self, boolean):
94 self._createIndex = boolean
96 def setChromosome(self, chromosome):
97 self._chromosome = chromosome
99 def setFileName(self, fileName):
100 self._transcriptFileName = fileName
101 self._parser = NCListFileUnpickle(fileName, self._verbosity)
102 self._setFileNames(fileName)
104 def setNbElements(self, nbElements):
105 self._nbLines = nbElements
107 def setOffset(self, fileType, offset):
108 self._offsets[fileType] = offset
110 def _setFileNames(self, fileName):
111 print "Got file name", fileName
112 if self._chromosome != None and fileName != None:
113 coreName = os.path.splitext(fileName)[0]
114 if "SMARTTMPPATH" in os.environ:
115 coreName = os.path.join(os.environ["SMARTTMPPATH"], coreName)
116 print "Used core name", coreName
117 self._hFileName = "%s_H.bin" % (coreName)
118 self._lFileName = "%s_L.bin" % (coreName)
119 self._tFileName = "%s_T.bin" % (coreName)
120 self._fileNameDict = {H: self._hFileName, L: self._lFileName, T: self._tFileName}
122 def getSizeFirstList(self):
123 return self._sizeFirstList
125 def _writeSubListIntoH(self, SubListAddr, SubListLength):
126 self._hHandle.write(pack(SubListAddr))
127 self._hHandle.write(pack(SubListLength))
128 self._subPos += H_CELL_SIZE
130 def _writeParentIntoL(self, readAddr, subListAddr, parentAddr, start, end):
131 self._lHandle.write(pack(start))
132 self._lHandle.write(pack(end))
133 self._lHandle.write(pack(readAddr))
134 self._lHandle.write(pack(subListAddr))
135 self._lHandle.write(pack(parentAddr))
136 self._parentPos += L_CELL_SIZE
138 def getLLineElements(self, subListLAddr):
139 if subListLAddr == -1 or subListLAddr == None:
140 #print "reading bad from L", subListLAddr
141 return -1, -1, -1, -1, -1
142 else:
143 self._lHandle.seek(subListLAddr * L_CELL_SIZE * LONG_SIZE + self._offsets[L])
144 start = self._lHandle.read(LONG_SIZE)
145 if len(start) < LONG_SIZE:
146 #print "reading very bad from L", subListLAddr
147 return -1, -1, -1, -1, -1
148 start = unpack(start)
149 end = unpack(self._lHandle.read(LONG_SIZE))
150 gff3Addr = unpack(self._lHandle.read(LONG_SIZE))
151 subListHAddr = unpack(self._lHandle.read(LONG_SIZE))
152 parentLAddr = unpack(self._lHandle.read(LONG_SIZE))
153 #print "reading from L", subListLAddr, "-->", gff3Addr, subListHAddr, parentLAddr, start, end
154 return gff3Addr, subListHAddr, parentLAddr, start, end
156 def getHLineElements(self, subListHAddr):
157 self._hHandle.seek(subListHAddr * H_CELL_SIZE * LONG_SIZE + self._offsets[H])
158 subListStartBin = self._hHandle.read(LONG_SIZE)
159 if len(subListStartBin) < 8 :
160 #print "reading bad from H"
161 return -1, -1
162 subListStart = unpack(subListStartBin)
163 subListElementsNb = unpack(self._hHandle.read(LONG_SIZE))
164 #print "reading from H", subListHAddr, "-->", subListStart, subListElementsNb
165 return subListStart, subListElementsNb
167 def getRefGffAddr(self, currentRefLAddr):
168 RefGff3Addr, subListHAddr, parentLAddr, start, end = self.getLLineElements(currentRefLAddr)
169 return RefGff3Addr
171 def getIntervalFromAdress(self, address):
172 self._parser.gotoAddress(int(address) + self._offsets[G])
173 iTranscrit = self._parser.getNextTranscript()
174 return iTranscrit
176 def removeFiles(self):
177 return
179 def buildLists(self):
180 if self._createIndex:
181 self._index = NCIndex(self._verbosity)
182 self._createTables()
183 self._labelLists()
184 self._computeSubStart()
185 self._computeAbsPosition()
186 self._cleanFiles()
188 def _createTables(self):
189 self._initLists()
190 self._createTable(H, self._nbLists)
191 self._createTable(T, self._nbLines)
192 self._createTable(L, self._nbLines)
193 self._fillTables()
195 def _initLists(self):
196 previousTranscript = None
197 self._nbLists = 1
198 progress = Progress(self._nbLines, "Initializing lists", self._verbosity-5)
199 for transcript in self._parser.getIterator():
200 if self._isIncluded(transcript, previousTranscript):
201 self._nbLists += 1
202 previousTranscript = transcript
203 progress.inc()
204 progress.done()
206 def _isIncluded(self, transcript1, transcript2):
207 return transcript1 != None and transcript2 != None and transcript1.getStart() >= transcript2.getStart() and transcript1.getEnd() <= transcript2.getEnd()
209 def _createTable(self, name, size):
210 handle = open(self._fileNameDict[name], "w+b")
211 progress = Progress(self._sizeDict[name] * size, "Initializing table %d" % (name), self._verbosity-5)
212 for i in xrange(self._sizeDict[name] * size):
213 handle.write(pack(-1))
214 progress.inc()
215 progress.done()
216 self._handleDict[name] = handle
218 def _fillTables(self):
219 progress = Progress(self._nbLines, "Filling table T", self._verbosity-5)
220 for i, transcript in enumerate(self._parser.getIterator()):
221 self._writeValue(T, i, START, transcript.getStart())
222 self._writeValue(T, i, END, transcript.getEnd())
223 self._writeValue(T, i, ADDRESS, self._parser.getCurrentTranscriptAddress())
224 self._writeValue(T, i, PARENT, -1)
225 self._writeValue(T, i, LIST, -1)
226 progress.inc()
227 progress.done()
228 progress = Progress(self._nbLists, "Filling table H", self._verbosity-5)
229 for i in xrange(self._nbLists):
230 self._writeValue(H, i, LENGTH, 0)
231 progress.inc()
232 progress.done()
234 def _labelLists(self):
235 progress = Progress(self._nbLines, "Getting table structure", self._verbosity-5)
236 nextL = 0
237 for i in xrange(self._nbLines):
238 p = i - 1
239 start = self._readValue(T, i, START)
240 end = self._readValue(T, i, END)
241 while p != -1 and (start < self._readValue(T, p, START) or end > self._readValue(T, p, END)):
242 p = self._readValue(T, p, PARENT)
243 thisL = self._readValue(T, p, LIST)
244 if thisL == -1:
245 #print "entering"
246 thisL = nextL
247 nextL += 1
248 length = 0
249 self._writeValue(T, p, LIST, thisL)
250 else:
251 length = self._readValue(H, thisL, LENGTH)
252 self._writeValue(T, i, PARENT, p)
253 self._writeValue(H, thisL, LENGTH, length + 1)
254 progress.inc()
255 progress.done()
257 def _computeSubStart(self):
258 progress = Progress(self._nbLines, "Getting table sub-lists", self._verbosity-5)
259 total = 0
260 for i in xrange(self._nbLists):
261 self._writeValue(H, i, START, total)
262 total += self._readValue(H, i, LENGTH)
263 self._writeValue(H, i, LENGTH, 0)
264 progress.inc()
265 progress.done()
267 def _computeAbsPosition(self):
268 progress = Progress(self._nbLines, "Writing table", self._verbosity-5)
269 self._sizeFirstList = 0
270 for i in xrange(self._nbLines):
271 s = self._readValue(T, i, START)
272 e = self._readValue(T, i, END)
273 a = self._readValue(T, i, ADDRESS)
274 pt = self._readValue(T, i, PARENT)
275 h = self._readValue(T, pt, LIST)
276 pl = self._readValue(T, pt, NEW)
277 nb = self._readValue(H, h, LENGTH)
278 l = self._readValue(H, h, START) + nb
279 self._writeValue(T, i, NEW, l)
280 self._writeValue(L, l, START, s)
281 self._writeValue(L, l, END, e)
282 self._writeValue(L, l, ADDRESS, a)
283 self._writeValue(L, l, LIST, -1)
284 self._writeValue(L, l, PARENT, pl)
285 self._writeValue(H, h, LENGTH, nb+1)
286 if nb == 0:
287 #print "adding it"
288 self._writeValue(L, pl, LIST, h)
289 if pl == -1:
290 self._sizeFirstList += 1
291 if self._createIndex:
292 self._index.addTranscript(e, l)
293 progress.inc()
294 progress.done()
296 def closeFiles(self):
297 for handle in self._handleDict.values():
298 handle.close()
299 del self._handleDict
300 self._lHandle = None
301 self._hHandle = None
302 self._tHandle = None
303 self._parser = None
305 def openFiles(self):
306 self._lHandle = open(self._fileNameDict[L], "rb")
307 self._hHandle = open(self._fileNameDict[H], "rb")
308 self._handleDict = {H: self._hHandle, L: self._lHandle}
309 self._parser = NCListFileUnpickle(self._transcriptFileName, self._verbosity)
311 def _cleanFiles(self):
312 self.closeFiles()
313 os.remove(self._fileNameDict[T])
315 def _getPosition(self, table, line, key):
316 handle = self._handleDict[table]
317 handle.seek(self._sizeDict[table] * line * LONG_SIZE + key * LONG_SIZE)
318 return handle
320 def _writeValue(self, table, line, key, value):
321 #print "writing", table, line, key, "<-", value
322 if line == -1:
323 self._missingValues[table][key] = value
324 return
325 handle = self._getPosition(table, line, key)
326 handle.write(pack(value))
328 def _readValue(self, table, line, key):
329 #print "reading", table, line, key, "->",
330 if line == -1:
331 #print self._missingValues[table][key]
332 return self._missingValues[table][key]
333 handle = self._getPosition(table, line, key)
334 r = unpack(handle.read(LONG_SIZE))
335 #print r
336 return r
338 def getIndex(self):
339 return self._index