1 #!/usr/bin/env python
3 ##@file
4 # Compare two fasta files of TEs to assess how reference sequences are recovered by de novo consensus.
7 # Copyright INRA (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique)
8 # http://www.inra.fr
9 # http://urgi.versailles.inra.fr
10 #
11 # This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
12 # abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use,
13 # modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
14 # license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
15 # "http://www.cecill.info".
16 #
17 # As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
18 # modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
19 # with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the
20 # economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited
21 # liability.
22 #
23 # In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
24 # with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
25 # software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
26 # that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also
27 # therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced
28 # professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
29 # encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
30 # requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or
31 # data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the
32 # same conditions as regards security.
33 #
34 # The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
35 # knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms.
38 import os
39 import sys
40 import getopt
41 import shutil
42 import glob
45 import pyRepet.launcher.programLauncher
46 from commons.core.coord.AlignUtils import AlignUtils
47 from commons.core.coord.MatchUtils import MatchUtils
48 from commons.core.utils.FileUtils import FileUtils
49 from commons.core.seq.AlignedBioseqDB import AlignedBioseqDB
50 from commons.core.seq.FastaUtils import FastaUtils
51 from commons.tools.ChangeSequenceHeaders import ChangeSequenceHeaders
54 class BenchmarkTEconsensus( object ):
56 def __init__( self ):
57 self._qryFile = ""
58 self._sbjFile = ""
59 self._method = 1
60 self._keepConflictSbj = False
61 self._thresholdCoverage = 95
62 self._thresholdIdentity = 80
63 self._thresholdEvalue = 1e-10
64 self._thresholdCoverageMatch = 90
65 self._useCluster = False
66 self._queue = ""
67 self._configFileName = ""
68 self._clean = False
69 self._verbose = 0
70 self._pL = pyRepet.launcher.programLauncher.programLauncher()
73 def help( self ):
74 print
75 print "usage: BenchmarkTEconsensus.py [ options ]"
76 print "options:"
77 print " -h: this help"
78 print " -q: name of the query file (de novo consensus, format='fasta')"
79 print " -s: name of the subject file (reference sequences, format='fasta')"
80 print " -m: method"
81 print " 1: Blaster + Matcher (default)"
82 print " 2: Blaster + merge + Matcher (not with '-Q')"
83 print " 3: Orienter + Mafft + Matcher"
84 print " 4: Yass + Matcher"
85 print " -a: keep all conflicting subjects in Matcher"
86 print " -t: coverage threshold over which the match is 'complete' (in %% of the seq length, default=%i)" % self._thresholdCoverage
87 print " -I: identity threshold for 'CC' matches (default=%i)" % self._thresholdIdentity
88 print " -E: E-value threshold for 'CC' matches (default=1e-10)"
89 print " -T: coverage threshold for match length on query compare to subject length (default=%i)" % self._thresholdCoverageMatch
90 print " -Q: queue name to run in parallel"
91 print " -C: name of the configuration file (compulsory with '-Q')"
92 print " -c: clean"
93 print " -v: verbosity level (default=0/1/2)"
94 print
97 def setAttributesFromCmdLine( self ):
98 try:
99 opts, args = getopt.getopt( sys.argv[1:], "hq:s:m:at:I:E:T:Q:C:cv:" )
100 except getopt.GetoptError, err:
101 sys.stderr.write( "%s\n" % ( str(err) ) )
102 self.help()
103 sys.exit(1)
104 for o,a in opts:
105 if o == "-h":
106 self.help();
107 sys.exit(0)
108 elif o == "-q":
109 self._qryFile = a
110 elif o == "-s":
111 self._sbjFile = a
112 elif o == "-m":
113 self._method = int(a)
114 elif o == "-a":
115 self._keepConflictSbj = True
116 elif o == "-t":
117 self._thresholdCoverage = int(a)
118 elif o == "-I":
119 self._thresholdIdentity = int(a)
120 elif o == "-E":
121 self._thresholdEvalue = float(a)
122 elif o == "-T":
123 self._thresholdCoverageMatch = int(a)
124 elif o == "-Q":
125 self._useCluster = True
126 self._queue = a
127 elif o == "-C":
128 self._configFile = a
129 elif o == "-c":
130 self._clean = True
131 elif o == "-v":
132 self._verbose = int(a)
135 def checkAttributes( self ):
136 if self._qryFile == "":
137 msg = "ERROR: missing query file (-q)"
138 sys.stderr.write( "%s\n" % ( msg ) )
139 self.help()
140 sys.exit(1)
141 if not os.path.exists( self._qryFile ):
142 msg = "ERROR: can't find file '%s'" % ( self._qryFile )
143 sys.stderr.write( "%s\n" % ( msg ) )
144 self.help()
145 sys.exit(1)
146 if self._sbjFile == "":
147 msg = "ERROR: missing subject file (-s)"
148 sys.stderr.write( "%s\n" % ( msg ) )
149 self.help()
150 sys.exit(1)
151 if not os.path.exists( self._sbjFile ):
152 msg = "ERROR: can't find file '%s'" % ( self._sbjFile )
153 sys.stderr.write( "%s\n" % ( msg ) )
154 self.help()
155 sys.exit(1)
156 if self._useCluster:
157 if self._configFile == "":
158 msg = "ERROR: missing configuration file (-C)"
159 sys.stderr.write( "%s\n" % ( msg ) )
160 self.help()
161 sys.exit(1)
162 if not os.path.exists( self._configFile ):
163 msg = "ERROR: can't find file '%s'" % ( self._configFile )
164 sys.stderr.write( "%s\n" % ( msg ) )
165 self.help()
166 sys.exit(1)
167 if self._method == 2:
168 msg = "ERROR: can't launch method 2 in parallel"
169 sys.stderr.write( "%s\n" % ( msg ) )
170 self.help()
171 sys.exit(1)
172 nbSeqQry = FastaUtils.dbSize( self._qryFile )
173 if nbSeqQry == 0:
174 print "WARNING: query file is empty"
175 sys.exit(0)
176 nbSeqSbj = FastaUtils.dbSize( self._sbjFile )
177 if nbSeqSbj == 0:
178 print "WARNING: subject file is empty"
179 sys.exit(0)
182 def preprocess( self ):
183 tmpDir = "tmp%s_t%i_m%i_I%i" % ( os.getpid(),
184 self._thresholdCoverage,
185 self._method,
186 self._thresholdIdentity )
187 if os.path.exists( tmpDir ):
188 shutil.rmtree( tmpDir )
189 os.mkdir( tmpDir )
190 os.chdir( tmpDir )
192 os.symlink( "../%s" % self._qryFile, self._qryFile )
193 csh = ChangeSequenceHeaders()
194 csh.setInputFile( self._qryFile )
195 csh.setFormat( "fasta" )
196 csh.setStep( 1 )
197 csh.setPrefix( "query" )
198 csh.setOutputFile( "%s.newH" % ( self._qryFile ) )
199 csh.setVerbosityLevel( self._verbose )
200 csh.run()
201 self._qryFile += ".newH"
203 if not os.path.exists( self._sbjFile ):
204 os.symlink( "../%s" % self._sbjFile, self._sbjFile )
207 def compareFastaViaBlasterMatcher( self, merged=False ):
208 """
209 Blaster (+ merged) + Matcher
210 """
211 if self._keepConflictSbj:
212 s = "match"
213 else:
214 s = "clean_match"
215 matchFile = "%s_vs_%s.m%i.align" % ( self._qryFile,
216 self._sbjFile,
217 self._method )
218 pathFile = "%s_vs_%s.m%i.align" % ( self._qryFile,
219 self._sbjFile,
220 self._method )
221 if merged:
222 matchFile += ".merged"
223 pathFile += ".merged"
224 matchFile += ".%s.tab" % ( s )
225 pathFile += ".%s.path" % ( s )
227 if not self._useCluster:
228 prg = "blaster"
229 cmd = prg
230 cmd += " -q %s" % ( self._qryFile )
231 cmd += " -s %s" % ( self._sbjFile )
232 cmd += " -B %s_vs_%s.m%i" % ( self._qryFile,
233 self._sbjFile,
234 self._method )
235 cmd += " -v %i" % ( self._verbose )
236 self._pL.launch( prg, cmd )
238 if merged:
239 tmpFile = "%s_vs_%s.m%i.align.merged" % ( self._qryFile,
240 self._sbjFile,
241 self._method )
242 AlignUtils.mergeFile( "%s_vs_%s.m%i.align" % ( self._qryFile,
243 self._sbjFile,
244 self._method ),
245 tmpFile )
246 else:
247 tmpFile = "%s_vs_%s.m%i.align" % ( self._qryFile,
248 self._sbjFile,
249 self._method )
251 prg = "matcher"
252 cmd = prg
253 cmd += " -m %s" % ( tmpFile )
254 cmd += " -q %s" % ( self._qryFile )
255 cmd += " -s %s" % ( self._sbjFile )
256 cmd += " -j"
257 if self._keepConflictSbj:
258 cmd += " -a"
259 cmd += " -v %i" % ( self._verbose )
260 self._pL.launch( prg, cmd )
262 else:
263 os.symlink( "../%s" % self._configFile, self._configFileName )
265 prg = os.environ["REPET_PATH"] + "/bin/launchBlasterMatcherPerQuery.py"
266 cmd = prg
267 cmd += " -q %s" % ( self._qryFile )
268 cmd += " -s %s" % ( self._sbjFile )
269 cmd += " -Q %s" % ( self._queue )
270 cmd += " -C %s" % ( self._configFile )
271 cmd += " -n %i" % ( 10 )
272 if self._keepConflictSbj:
273 cmd += " -M \"%s\"" % ( "-j -a" )
274 else:
275 cmd += " -M \"%s\"" % ( "-j" )
276 cmd += " -Z tab"
277 if self._clean:
278 cmd += " -c"
279 cmd += " -v %i" % ( self._verbose - 1 )
280 self._pL.launch( prg, cmd )
282 csh = ChangeSequenceHeaders()
283 csh.setInputFile( matchFile )
284 csh.setFormat( "tab" )
285 csh.setStep( 2 )
286 csh.setLinkFile( "%slink" % ( self._qryFile ) )
287 csh.setOutputFile( matchFile.replace(".newH","") )
288 csh.run()
290 csh.setInputFile( pathFile )
291 csh.setFormat( "path" )
292 csh.setStep( 2 )
293 csh.setOutputFile( pathFile.replace(".newH","") )
294 csh.run()
296 return matchFile.replace(".newH",""), pathFile.replace(".newH","")
299 def compareFastaViaMafft( self ):
300 """
301 Orienter, Mafft, Matcher
302 """
303 FastaUtils.dbSplit( self._qryFile, 1, False, False, "query" )
304 FastaUtils.dbSplit( self._sbjFile, 1, False, False, "subject" )
305 lQueries = glob.glob( "query_*.fa" )
306 lSubjects = glob.glob( "subject_*.fa" )
308 if self._keepConflictSbj:
309 s = "match"
310 else:
311 s = "clean_match"
312 matchFile = "%s_vs_%s.m%i.align.%s.tab" % ( self._qryFile,
313 self._sbjFile,
314 self._method,
315 s )
316 os.system( "touch %s" % matchFile )
317 pathFile = "%s_vs_%s.m%i.align.%s.path" % ( self._qryFile,
318 self._sbjFile,
319 self._method,
320 s )
321 os.system( "touch %s" % pathFile )
323 countQueries = 0
324 for query in lQueries:
325 countQueries += 1
326 queryHeader = FastaUtils.dbHeaders( query )[0]
327 queryLength = FastaUtils.dbLengths( query )[0]
328 countSubjects = 0
329 for subject in lSubjects:
330 countSubjects += 1
331 subjectHeader = FastaUtils.dbHeaders( subject )[0]
332 subjectLength = FastaUtils.dbLengths( subject )[0]
333 if self._verbose > 0:
334 print "compare '%s' (%i bp, %i/%i) and '%s' (%i bp, %i/%i)" % ( queryHeader, queryLength,
335 countQueries, len(lQueries),
336 subjectHeader, subjectLength,
337 countSubjects, len(lSubjects) )
338 sys.stdout.flush()
339 qsLengthRatio = 100 * queryLength / float(subjectLength)
340 if qsLengthRatio < self._thresholdCoverage - 2 or qsLengthRatio > 100 + (100-self._thresholdCoverage) + 2:
341 if self._verbose > 0:
342 print "skip (q/s=%.2f%%)" % ( qsLengthRatio )
343 continue
345 tmpFile = "%s_vs_%s" % ( query, subject )
346 FileUtils.catFilesFromList( [ query, subject ],
347 tmpFile )
348 prg = "OrientSequences.py"
349 cmd = prg
350 cmd += " -i %s" % ( tmpFile )
351 cmd += " -p mummer"
352 cmd += " -c"
353 cmd += " -v %i" % ( self._verbose - 1 )
354 self._pL.launch( prg, cmd )
355 prg = "MafftProgramLauncher.py"
356 cmd = prg
357 cmd += " -i %s.oriented" % ( tmpFile )
358 cmd += " -c"
359 cmd += " -v %i" % ( self._verbose - 1 )
360 self._pL.launch( prg, cmd )
362 absDB = AlignedBioseqDB( "%s.oriented.fa_aln" % tmpFile )
363 lHeaders = absDB.getHeaderList()
364 lAligns = absDB.getAlignList( lHeaders[0], lHeaders[1] )
365 for i in lAligns:
366 if "re-oriented" in i.getQueryName():
367 i.setQueryName( queryHeader )
368 start = i.getQueryStart()
369 end = i.getQueryEnd()
370 i.setQueryStart( queryLength - end + 1 )
371 i.setQueryEnd( queryLength - start + 1 )
372 if "re-oriented" in i.getSubjectName():
373 i.setSubjectName( subjectHeader )
374 start = i.getSubjectStart()
375 end = i.getSubjectEnd()
376 i.setSubjectEnd( subjectLength - end + 1 )
377 i.setSubjectStart( subjectLength - start + 1 )
378 if not i.isQueryOnDirectStrand():
379 i.reverse()
380 AlignUtils.writeListInFile( lAligns,
381 "%s.oriented.fa_aln.align" % tmpFile )
383 prg = os.environ["REPET_PATH"] + "/bin/matcher"
384 cmd = prg
385 cmd += " -m %s.oriented.fa_aln.align" % ( tmpFile )
386 cmd += " -q %s" % ( query )
387 cmd += " -s %s" % ( subject )
388 cmd += " -j"
389 if self._keepConflictSbj:
390 cmd += " -a"
391 cmd += " -v %i" % ( self._verbose - 1 )
392 self._pL.launch( prg, cmd )
394 FileUtils.appendFileContent( "%s.oriented.fa_aln.align.%s.path" % ( tmpFile, s ), pathFile )
395 lMatches = MatchUtils.getMatchListFromFile( "%s.oriented.fa_aln.align.%s.tab" % ( tmpFile, s ) )
396 MatchUtils.writeListInFile( lMatches, matchFile, "a" )
398 for f in [ tmpFile,
399 "%s.oriented" % ( tmpFile ),
400 # "%s.oriented.fa_aln" % ( tmpFile ),
401 "%s.oriented.fa_aln.align" % ( tmpFile ),
402 "%s.oriented.fa_aln.align.match.fa" % ( tmpFile ),
403 "%s.oriented.fa_aln.align.match.map" % ( tmpFile ),
404 "%s.oriented.fa_aln.align.match.param" % ( tmpFile ),
405 "%s.oriented.fa_aln.align.match.path" % ( tmpFile ),
406 "%s.oriented.fa_aln.align.match.tab" % ( tmpFile ),
407 ]:
408 os.remove( f )
410 if not FileUtils.isEmpty( matchFile ):
411 csh = ChangeSequenceHeaders()
412 csh.setInputFile( matchFile )
413 csh.setFormat( "tab" )
414 csh.setStep( 2 )
415 csh.setLinkFile( "%slink" % ( self._qryFile ) )
416 csh.setOutputFile( matchFile.replace(".newH","") )
417 csh.run()
418 csh.setInputFile( pathFile )
419 csh.setFormat( "path" )
420 csh.setStep( 2 )
421 csh.setOutputFile( pathFile.replace(".newH","") )
422 csh.run()
423 return matchFile.replace(".newH",""), pathFile.replace(".newH","")
424 else:
425 return "", ""
428 def compareFastaViaYassMatcher( self, merged=False ):
429 """
430 Yass + Matcher
431 """
432 if self._keepConflictSbj:
433 s = "match"
434 else:
435 s = "clean_match"
436 matchFile = "%s_vs_%s.m%i.align" % ( self._qryFile,
437 self._sbjFile,
438 self._method )
439 pathFile = "%s_vs_%s.m%i.align" % ( self._qryFile,
440 self._sbjFile,
441 self._method )
442 if merged:
443 matchFile += ".merged"
444 pathFile += ".merged"
445 matchFile += ".%s.tab" % ( s )
446 pathFile += ".%s.path" % ( s )
448 if not self._useCluster:
449 prg = os.environ["REPET_PATH"] + "/bin/YassProgramLauncher.py"
450 cmd = prg
451 cmd += " -i %s" % ( self._qryFile )
452 cmd += " -s %s" % ( self._sbjFile )
453 cmd += " -c"
454 # cmd += " -p '-i 12'"
455 cmd += " -o %s_vs_%s.m%i.align" % ( self._qryFile,
456 self._sbjFile,
457 self._method )
458 cmd += " -v %i" % ( self._verbose )
459 self._pL.launch( prg, cmd )
461 if merged:
462 tmpFile = "%s_vs_%s.m%i.align.merged" % ( self._qryFile,
463 self._sbjFile,
464 self._method )
465 AlignUtils.mergeFile( "%s_vs_%s.m%i.align" % ( self._qryFile,
466 self._sbjFile,
467 self._method ),
468 tmpFile )
469 else:
470 tmpFile = "%s_vs_%s.m%i.align" % ( self._qryFile,
471 self._sbjFile,
472 self._method )
474 prg = os.environ["REPET_PATH"] + "/bin/matcher"
475 cmd = prg
476 cmd += " -m %s" % ( tmpFile )
477 cmd += " -q %s" % ( self._qryFile )
478 cmd += " -s %s" % ( self._sbjFile )
479 cmd += " -j"
480 if self._keepConflictSbj:
481 cmd += " -a"
482 cmd += " -v %i" % ( self._verbose )
483 self._pL.launch( prg, cmd )
485 csh = ChangeSequenceHeaders()
486 csh.setInputFile( matchFile )
487 csh.setFormat( "tab" )
488 csh.setStep( 2 )
489 csh.setLinkFile( "%slink" % ( self._qryFile ) )
490 csh.setOutputFile( matchFile.replace(".newH","") )
491 csh.run()
493 csh.setInputFile( pathFile )
494 csh.setFormat( "path" )
495 csh.setStep( 2 )
496 csh.setOutputFile( pathFile.replace(".newH","") )
497 csh.run()
499 return matchFile.replace(".newH",""), pathFile.replace(".newH","")
502 def analyzeMatchFile( self, matchFile, pathFile ):
503 if matchFile != "":
504 if self._verbose > 0:
505 print "analyze the 'tab' file..."
506 sys.stdout.flush()
507 prg = os.environ["REPET_PATH"] + "/bin/tabFileReader.py"
508 cmd = prg
509 cmd += " -m %s" % ( matchFile )
510 cmd += " -q %s" % ( self._qryFile.replace(".newH","") )
511 cmd += " -s %s" % ( self._sbjFile.replace(".newH","") )
512 cmd += " -t %i" % ( self._thresholdCoverage )
513 cmd += " -I %i" % ( self._thresholdIdentity )
514 cmd += " -E %g" % ( self._thresholdEvalue )
515 cmd += " -T %i" % ( self._thresholdCoverageMatch )
516 cmd += " -v %i" % ( self._verbose - 1 )
517 self._pL.launch( prg, cmd )
518 for f in [ matchFile, pathFile,
519 "%s_tabFileReader.txt" % matchFile,
520 "%s_qryCategories.txt" % matchFile,
521 "%s_sbjCategories.txt" % matchFile ]:
522 shutil.copy( f, ".." )
523 os.chdir( ".." )
526 def start( self ):
527 self.checkAttributes()
528 if self._verbose > 0:
529 print "START BenchmarkTEconsensus.py"
530 sys.stdout.flush()
533 def end( self ):
534 if self._clean:
535 tmpDir = "tmp%s_t%i_m%i_I%i" % ( os.getpid(),
536 self._thresholdCoverage,
537 self._method,
538 self._thresholdIdentity )
539 shutil.rmtree( tmpDir )
540 if self._verbose > 0:
541 print "END BenchmarkTEconsensus.py"
542 sys.stdout.flush()
545 def run( self ):
546 self.start()
548 self.preprocess()
550 if self._method == 1:
551 matchFile, pathFile = self.compareFastaViaBlasterMatcher()
552 elif self._method == 2:
553 matchFile, pathFile = self.compareFastaViaBlasterMatcher( merged=True )
554 elif self._method == 3:
555 matchFile, pathFile = self.compareFastaViaMafft()
556 elif self._method == 4:
557 matchFile, pathFile = self.compareFastaViaYassMatcher()
559 self.analyzeMatchFile( matchFile, pathFile )
561 self.end()
564 if __name__ == "__main__":
565 i = BenchmarkTEconsensus()
566 i.setAttributesFromCmdLine()
567 i.run()