1 #!/usr/bin/env python
3 # Copyright INRA (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique)
4 # http://www.inra.fr
5 # http://urgi.versailles.inra.fr
6 #
7 # This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
8 # abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use,
9 # modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
10 # license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
11 # "http://www.cecill.info".
12 #
13 # As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
14 # modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
15 # with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the
16 # economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited
17 # liability.
18 #
19 # In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
20 # with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
21 # software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
22 # that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also
23 # therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced
24 # professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
25 # encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
26 # requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or
27 # data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the
28 # same conditions as regards security.
29 #
30 # The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
31 # knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms.
34 import os
35 import sys
36 import ConfigParser
38 from commons.core.sql.DbMySql import DbMySql
39 from commons.core.utils.RepetOptionParser import RepetOptionParser
40 from commons.core.utils.FileUtils import FileUtils
41 from commons.core.parsing.FastaParser import FastaParser
42 from ConfigParser import MissingSectionHeaderError
43 from commons.core.sql.DbFactory import DbFactory
44 from commons.core.sql.TablePathAdaptator import TablePathAdaptator
45 from commons.core.LoggerFactory import LoggerFactory
47 #TODO: use configuration file
49 LOG_DEPTH = "repet.tools"
51 ## Get 3 annotation files, using output from TEannot:
52 #- consensus with one or more full length copy,
53 #- consensus with one or more full length fragment,
54 #- consensus without copy
56 class SplicerFromAnnotation(object):
58 def __init__(self, inInfoFileName = "", tableName = "", verbose = 0):
59 self._inInfoFileName = inInfoFileName
60 self._tableName = tableName
61 self._verbosity = verbose
62 self._log = LoggerFactory.createLogger("%s.%s" % (LOG_DEPTH, self.__class__.__name__), self._verbosity)
64 def _logAndRaise(self, errorMsg):
65 self._log.error(errorMsg)
66 raise Exception(errorMsg)
68 def setAttributesFromCmdLine(self):
69 desc = "Splice annotations from genome. These annotations are Full Length Copy or Full Length Fragment according to consensus."
70 desc += "A TEs library and annotation are necessary. Connection to the database parameters are retrieved from the environment"
72 examples = "\nExample : with a project called \"MyTEannotAnalysis\":\n"
73 examples += "\t$ python SplicerFromAnnotation.py -i inputFastaFileName -C configFileName -t MyTEannotAnalysis_refTEs_seq "
74 examples += "\n\t"
75 examples += "\n\n"
77 parser = RepetOptionParser(description = desc, epilog = examples)
78 parser.add_option("-i", "--file", dest = "inputFastaFileName", action = "store", type = "string", help = "input file (mandatory) = output file with .splice)")
79 parser.add_option("-C", "--config", dest = "configFileName", action = "store", type = "string", help = "config file name to set database connection", default = "")
80 parser.add_option("-t", "--copyType", dest = "copyType" , action = "store", type = "int", help = "type number [default: 1, 2] 1 is Full Length Copy", default = 1 )
81 parser.add_option("-I", "--identity", dest = "identity", action= "store", type = "float", help = "identity between 0 and 100 [default: 80]", default = 80)
82 parser.add_option("-o", "--outputFile",dest = "outputFile", action= "store", type = "string", help = "output fasta file (default=input File + '.splice')", default = "")
83 parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", dest = "verbose", action = "store", type = "int", help = "verbosity level (default=0)", default = 0)
84 (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
85 self._setAttributesFromOptions(options)
87 def _setAttributesFromOptions(self, options):
88 self.setConfigFileName(options.configFileName)
89 self.setInputFileName(options.inputFastaFileName)
90 self.setOutputFileName(options.outputFile)
91 self.setIdentity(options.identity)
92 self.setCopyType(options.copyType)
93 self.setVerbose(options.verbose)
95 def setCopyType(self, copyType):
96 self._copyType = copyType
98 def setIdentity(self,identity):
99 self._identity=identity
101 def setInputFileName(self, inputFastaFileName):
102 self._inputFastaFileName = inputFastaFileName
103 self._projectName= os.path.basename(self._inputFastaFileName)
104 self._projectName = self._projectName.split('.')[0]
105 self._fF=FastaParser(self._inputFastaFileName)
106 self._fF.getInfos()
107 self.genomeSize=self._fF.size
108 self.nbSeqGenome=self._fF.nbSequences
110 def setOutputFileName(self,outputFile):
111 self._outputFileName = outputFile
113 def setConfigFileName(self, configFileName):
114 self._configFileName = configFileName
115 configFileHandle = open(self._configFileName)
116 config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
118 try :
119 config.readfp( configFileHandle )
120 except MissingSectionHeaderError:
121 self._logAndRaise("Config file " + self._configFileName + " must begin with a section header ")
123 self.setup_env( config )
125 def setVerbose(self, verbose):
126 self._verbosity = verbose
128 def setup_env(self, config):
129 os.environ["REPET_HOST"] = config.get("repet_env", "repet_host")
130 os.environ["REPET_USER"] = config.get("repet_env", "repet_user")
131 os.environ["REPET_PW"] = config.get("repet_env", "repet_pw")
132 os.environ["REPET_DB"] = config.get("repet_env", "repet_db")
133 os.environ["REPET_PORT"] = config.get("repet_env", "repet_port")
134 os.environ["REPET_JOB_MANAGER"] = config.get("repet_env", "repet_job_manager")
136 def checkOptions(self):
137 if self._inputFastaFileName != "":
138 if not FileUtils.isRessourceExists(self._inputFastaFileName):
139 self._logAndRaise("Input fasta file does not exist!")
140 else:
141 self._logAndRaise("No specified -i option! It is mandatory")
143 if self._outputFileName =="":
144 self._outputFileName = os.path.basename(self._inputFastaFileName)+'.splice'
146 if self._copyType!=1 or self._copyType!=2:
147 self._logAndRaise("Copy type must be only 1 or 2!")
148 if self._configFileName != "":
149 iDb = DbMySql(cfgFileName = self._configFileName)
150 iDb.close()
151 else:
152 self._logAndRaise("No specified config file name!")
155 def run(self):
156 LoggerFactory.setLevel(self._log, self._verbosity)
157 self.checkOptions()
159 msg = "START SplicerFromAnnotation"
160 msg += "\n input info file: %s" % self._inputFastaFileName
161 msg += "\n Copy type is: %s" % self._copyType
162 msg += "\n identity is: %s" % self._identity
163 msg += "\n host is: %s" % os.environ["REPET_HOST"]
164 msg += "\n user is: %s" % os.environ["REPET_USER"]
165 msg += "\n DB is: %s" % os.environ["REPET_DB"]
166 msg += "\n port is: %s" % os.environ["REPET_PORT"]
167 self._log.debug("%s\n" % msg)
169 cmd="PostAnalyzeTELib.py -a 3 -p %s_chr_allTEs_nr_noSSR_join_path -s %s_refTEs_seq -g %s" % (self._projectName,self._projectName,self.genomeSize)
170 os.system(cmd)
172 cmd="GetSpecificTELibAccordingToAnnotation.py -i %s_chr_allTEs_nr_noSSR_join_path.annotStatsPerTE.tab -t %s_refTEs_seq -v 2" % (self._projectName,self._projectName)
173 os.system(cmd)
175 if self._copyType == 1 :
176 f = open("Splicer_inputFile_chr_allTEs_nr_noSSR_join_path.annotStatsPerTE_FullLengthCopy.txt", "r")
177 else :
178 f = open("Splicer_inputFile_chr_allTEs_nr_noSSR_join_path.annotStatsPerTE_FullLengthFrag.txt", "r")
180 lines=f.readlines()[1:]
181 if len(lines)>0:
182 lConsensusHeader_copyType=[i.split('\t',1)[0] for i in lines]
183 db = DbFactory.createInstance()
185 sql_cmd = "CREATE TABLE %s_annotationIdentitySup%d_path SELECT * FROM %s_chr_allTEs_nr_noSSR_join_path where identity >=%f" % ( self._projectName,int(self._identity),self._projectName,self._identity)
186 db.execute( sql_cmd )
188 iTPA = TablePathAdaptator(db, "%s_annotationIdentitySup%d_path" % (self._projectName, int(self._identity)))
189 lAllDistinctPath=[]
190 for consensusName in lConsensusHeader_copyType:
191 lDistinctPath = iTPA.getIdListFromSubject(consensusName)
192 lAllDistinctPath=lAllDistinctPath+lDistinctPath
194 iTPA = TablePathAdaptator(db,"%s_chr_allTEs_nr_noSSR_join_path" % self._projectName)
195 sql_cmd = "CREATE TABLE %s_annotationToSplice_path LIKE %s_chr_allTEs_nr_noSSR_join_path" % ( self._projectName, self._projectName )
196 db.execute( sql_cmd )
198 for pathId in lAllDistinctPath:
199 sql_cmd = "INSERT INTO %s_annotationToSplice_path SELECT * FROM %s_chr_allTEs_nr_noSSR_join_path where path =%d" % ( self._projectName, self._projectName, pathId )
200 db.execute( sql_cmd )
201 db.close()
203 cmd="SpliceTEsFromGenome.py -i %s_annotationToSplice_path -f path -g %s -o %s -C %s -v 2" % (self._projectName, self._inputFastaFileName, self._outputFileName, self._configFileName)
204 os.system(cmd)
206 else :
207 msg = "There is no consensus in this copy type.\n"
208 self._log.info(msg)
209 f.close()
211 self._log.info("END SplicerFromAnnotation")
212 return 0
214 if __name__ == '__main__':
215 iGetTELib = SplicerFromAnnotation()
216 iGetTELib.setAttributesFromCmdLine()
217 iGetTELib.run()
218 |