comparison SMART/Java/Sav/ @ 18:94ab73e8a190

author m-zytnicki
date Mon, 29 Apr 2013 03:20:15 -0400
parents 769e306b7933
equal deleted inserted replaced
17:b0e8584489e6 18:94ab73e8a190
1 /**
2 *
3 * Copyright INRA-URGI 2009-2010
4 *
5 * This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
6 * abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use,
7 * modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
8 * license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
9 * "".
10 *
11 * As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
12 * modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
13 * with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the
14 * economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited
15 * liability.
16 *
17 * In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
18 * with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
19 * software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
20 * that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also
21 * therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced
22 * professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
23 * encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
24 * requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or
25 * data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the
26 * same conditions as regards security.
27 *
28 * The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
29 * knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms.
30 *
31 */
32 import java.util.*;
33 import java.awt.*;
34 import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
35 import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
36 import*;
37 import javax.swing.*;
38 import javax.swing.filechooser.*;
39 import javax.swing.border.*;
40 import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
43 public class ProgramOption {
44 boolean input;
45 String identifier;
46 String type;
47 String comment;
48 boolean compulsory;
49 String[] format;
50 String formatIdentifier;
51 ProgramOption associatedOption;
52 String defaultValue;
53 String[] choices;
54 JComponent component;
55 JPanel panel;
58 public ProgramOption() {
59 this.input = true;
60 this.identifier = null;
61 this.type = null;
62 this.comment = null;
63 this.compulsory = false;
64 this.format = null;
65 this.formatIdentifier = null;
66 this.associatedOption = null;
67 this.defaultValue = "";
68 this.choices = null;
69 this.component = null;
70 this.panel = null;
71 }
74 public void setInput(boolean input) {
75 this.input = input;
76 }
79 public void setIdentifier(String identifier) {
80 this.identifier = identifier;
81 }
84 public void setType(String type) {
85 this.type = type;
86 }
89 public void setComment(String comment) {
90 this.comment = comment;
91 }
94 public void setCompulsory(boolean compulsory) {
95 this.compulsory = compulsory;
96 }
99 public void setFormat(String[] format) {
100 this.format = format;
101 }
104 public void setFormat(String format) {
105 this.format = new String[1];
106 this.format[0] = format;
107 }
110 public void setFormatIdentifier(String formatIdentifier) {
111 this.formatIdentifier = formatIdentifier;
112 }
115 public void setAssociatedOption(ProgramOption option) {
116 this.associatedOption = option;
117 }
120 public void setChoices(String[] choices) {
121 this.choices = choices;
122 }
125 public void setDefault(String defaultValue) {
126 this.defaultValue = defaultValue;
127 }
130 public boolean isInput() {
131 return this.input;
132 }
135 public JPanel getPanel() {
136 if (this.panel != null) {
137 return this.panel;
138 }
139 String comment = this.comment;
140 if (this.compulsory) {
141 comment += " [*]";
142 }
144 GridLayout horizontalLayout = new GridLayout(1, 0);
145 this.panel = new JPanel(false);
146 this.panel.setLayout(horizontalLayout);
147 JLabel label = new JLabel(comment);
149 if (this.type == null) {
150 System.out.println("Error! Option '" + this.identifier + "' is not set!");
151 }
153 if (("int".compareToIgnoreCase(this.type) == 0) || ("float".compareToIgnoreCase(this.type) == 0) || ("string".compareToIgnoreCase(this.type) == 0) || (("file".compareToIgnoreCase(this.type) == 0) && (!this.input))) {
154 this.component = new JTextField();
155 if (this.defaultValue != null) {
156 ((JTextField) this.component).setText(this.defaultValue);
157 }
158 label.setLabelFor(this.component);
159 this.panel.add(label);
160 this.panel.add(this.component);
161 }
162 else if ("file".compareToIgnoreCase(this.type) == 0) {
163 this.component = new JList(Global.fileNames);
164 ((JList) this.component).setVisibleRowCount(1);
165 JScrollPane scroll = new JScrollPane(this.component);
167 Box box = Box.createHorizontalBox();
168 box.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(0, 100)));
169 box.add(scroll);
171 label.setLabelFor(this.component);
172 this.panel.add(label);
173 this.panel.add(box);
174 }
175 else if ("boolean".compareToIgnoreCase(this.type) == 0) {
176 this.component = new JCheckBox();
177 if ((this.defaultValue != null) && (this.defaultValue.compareToIgnoreCase("true") == 0)) {
178 ((JCheckBox) this.component).setSelected(true);
179 }
180 label.setLabelFor(this.component);
181 this.panel.add(label);
182 this.panel.add(this.component);
183 }
184 else if ("format".compareToIgnoreCase(this.type) == 0) {
185 Vector < String > formats = new Vector < String > ();
186 for (String format: this.format) {
187 formats.addAll(Global.formats.getFormats(format).getFormats());
188 }
189 this.component = new JComboBox(formats);
190 label.setLabelFor(this.component);
191 this.panel.add(label);
192 this.panel.add(this.component);
193 }
194 else if ("files".compareToIgnoreCase(this.type) == 0) {
195 JButton button = new JButton("file...");
196 this.component = new JTextField();
197 label.setLabelFor(this.component);
198 this.panel.add(label);
199 this.panel.add(this.component);
200 this.panel.add(button);
201 Global.otherFileConcatenationChooser.put(button, (JTextField) this.component);
202 }
203 else if ("directory".compareToIgnoreCase(this.type) == 0) {
204 JButton button = new JButton("directory...");
205 this.component = new JTextField();
206 label.setLabelFor(this.component);
207 this.panel.add(label);
208 JPanel rightPanel = new JPanel(false);
209 rightPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(rightPanel, BoxLayout.LINE_AXIS));
210 rightPanel.add(this.component);
211 rightPanel.add(button);
212 this.panel.add(rightPanel);
213 Global.otherDirectoriesChooser.put(button, (JTextField) this.component);
214 }
215 else if ("choice".compareToIgnoreCase(this.type) == 0) {
216 this.component = new JComboBox(this.choices);
217 label.setLabelFor(this.component);
218 this.panel.add(label);
219 this.panel.add(this.component);
220 }
221 else {
222 System.out.println("Do not know how to read type " + this.type);
223 }
225 return this.panel;
226 }
229 public JComponent getComponent() {
230 if (component == null) {
231 this.getPanel();
232 }
233 return this.component;
234 }
237 private String getValue() {
238 if (("int".equals(this.type)) || ("float".equals(this.type)) || ("string".equals(this.type)) || (("file".equals(this.type)) && (! this.input)) || ("directory".equals(this.type)) || ("files".equals(this.type))) {
239 String s = ((JTextField) this.component).getText();
240 if ("None".equals(s)) {
241 return "";
242 }
243 return s;
244 }
245 if ("file".equals(this.type)) {
246 return (String) ((JList) this.component).getSelectedValue();
247 }
248 if ("boolean".equals(this.type)) {
249 return ((JCheckBox) this.component).isSelected()? "true": "false";
250 }
251 if ("format".equals(this.type)) {
252 return (String) ((JComboBox) this.component).getSelectedItem();
253 }
254 return null;
255 }
258 public String checkValue() {
259 String value = this.getValue();
260 if ((this.compulsory) && ((value == null) || ("".equals(value)))) {
261 return "Option '" + this.comment + "' has no value... Please specify it.\n";
262 }
263 if ("int".equals(this.type)) {
264 if ((value != null) && (! "".equals(value)) && (! "None".equals(value))) {
265 try {
266 int i = Integer.parseInt(value);
267 }
268 catch (NumberFormatException e) {
269 return "Option '" + this.comment + "' should be an integer... Please correct it.\n";
270 }
271 }
272 }
273 else if ("float".equals(this.type)) {
274 if ((value != null) && (! "".equals(value))) {
275 try {
276 float i = Float.parseFloat(value);
277 }
278 catch (NumberFormatException e) {
279 return "Option '" + this.comment + "' should be a float... Please correct it.\n";
280 }
281 }
282 }
283 return null;
284 }
287 public LinkedList <String> getCommand() {
288 LinkedList <String> list = new LinkedList <String> ();
290 if (("int".equals(this.type)) || ("float".equals(this.type)) || ("string".equals(this.type)) || (("file".equals(this.type)) && (! this.input)) || ("format".equals(this.type)) || ("directory".equals(this.type)) || ("files".equals(this.type))) {
291 String value = this.getValue();
292 if (value.length() == 0) {
293 return list;
294 }
295 list.add(this.identifier);
296 list.add(value);
297 return list;
298 }
299 if ("file".equals(this.type)) {
300 String fileName = (String) ((JList) this.component).getSelectedValue();
301 if (fileName == null) {
302 return list;
303 }
304 list.add(this.identifier);
305 list.add(this.getValue());
306 return list;
307 }
308 if ("boolean".equals(this.type)) {
309 if ("true".equals(this.getValue())) {
310 list.add(this.identifier);
311 }
312 return list;
313 }
314 return null;
315 }
318 public File getOutputFile() {
319 if (this.input) return null;
320 String format = "";
321 if (this.format != null) {
322 format = this.format[0];
323 }
324 if (this.associatedOption != null) {
325 format = this.associatedOption.getValue();
326 }
327 return new File(this.getValue() + "." + format, Global.formats.getFormatType(format), format);
328 }
329 }