diff SMART/Java/Python/ncList/FileSorter.py @ 38:2c0c0a89fad7

author m-zytnicki
date Thu, 02 May 2013 09:56:47 -0400
parents 769e306b7933
children 85e80c21b1f7
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/SMART/Java/Python/ncList/FileSorter.py	Thu May 02 09:56:47 2013 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright INRA-URGI 2009-2010
+# This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
+# abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use,
+# modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
+# license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
+# "http://www.cecill.info".
+# As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
+# modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
+# with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the
+# economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited
+# liability.
+# In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
+# with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
+# software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
+# that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also
+# therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced
+# professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
+# encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
+# requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or
+# data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the
+# same conditions as regards security.
+# The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
+# knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms.
+	import cPickle as pickle
+	import pickle
+import random, os
+from heapq import heapify, heappop, heappush
+from itertools import islice, cycle
+from SMART.Java.Python.structure.Transcript import Transcript
+from SMART.Java.Python.misc.Progress import Progress
+from SMART.Java.Python.misc.UnlimitedProgress import UnlimitedProgress
+BUFFER_SIZE = 100 * 1024
+class FileSorter(object):
+	def __init__(self, parser, verbosity = 1):
+		self._parser				  = parser
+		self._verbosity			      = verbosity
+		self._chunks				  = {}
+		self._nbElements			  = 0
+		self._nbElementsPerChromosome = {}
+		self._perChromosome		      = False
+		self._isPreSorted             = False
+		self._outputFileNames		  = {}
+		self._prefix				  = "tmpFile_%d" % (random.randint(0, 100000))
+		self._chromosome			  = None
+		if "SMARTTMPPATH" in os.environ:
+			self._prefix = os.path.join(os.environ["SMARTTMPPATH"], self._prefix)
+	def selectChromosome(self, chromosome):
+		self._chromosome = chromosome
+	def perChromosome(self, boolean):
+		self._perChromosome = boolean
+	def setOutputFileName(self, fileName):
+		self._outputFileName = fileName
+		if self._perChromosome:
+			self._outputFileName = os.path.splitext(self._outputFileName)[0]
+	def setPresorted(self, presorted):
+		self._isPreSorted = presorted
+	def sort(self):
+		if not self._isPreSorted:
+			self._batchSort()
+		else:
+			self._presorted()
+	def _presorted(self):
+		progress = UnlimitedProgress(1000, "Writing files %s" % (self._parser.fileName), self._verbosity)
+		curChromosome = None
+		outputHandle  = None
+		if not self._perChromosome:
+			outputHandle = open(self._outputFileName, "wb")
+		for transcript in self._parser.getIterator():
+			progress.inc()
+			if transcript.__class__.__name__ == "Mapping":
+				transcript = transcript.getTranscript()
+			chromosome = transcript.getChromosome()
+			if self._chromosome != None and chromosome != self._chromosome:
+				continue
+			self._nbElements += 1
+			self._nbElementsPerChromosome[chromosome] = self._nbElementsPerChromosome.get(chromosome, 0) + 1
+			if self._perChromosome:
+				if chromosome != curChromosome:
+					if outputHandle != None:
+						outputHandle.close()
+					self._outputFileNames[chromosome] = "%s_%s.pkl" % (self._outputFileName, chromosome)
+					outputHandle  = open(self._outputFileNames[chromosome], "wb")
+					curChromosome = chromosome
+			outputHandle.writelines("%s" % pickle.dumps(transcript))  
+		if outputHandle != None:
+			outputHandle.close()
+		progress.done() 
+	def getNbElements(self):
+		return self._nbElements
+	def getNbElementsPerChromosome(self):
+		return self._nbElementsPerChromosome
+	def _printSorted(self, chromosome, chunk):
+		chunk.sort(key = lambda transcript: (transcript.getStart(), -transcript.getEnd()))
+		outputChunk = open("%s_%s_%06i.tmp" % (self._prefix, chromosome, len(self._chunks[chromosome])), "wb", 32000)
+		self._chunks[chromosome].append(outputChunk)
+		for transcript in chunk:
+			outputChunk.write(pickle.dumps(transcript, -1))
+		outputChunk.close()
+	def _merge(self, chunks):
+		values = []
+		for chunk in chunks:
+			chunk = open(chunk.name, "rb")
+			try:
+				transcript = pickle.load(chunk)
+				start	   = transcript.getStart()
+				end		   = -transcript.getEnd()
+			except EOFError:
+				try:
+					chunk.close()
+					chunks.remove(chunk)
+					os.remove(chunk.name)
+				except:
+					pass
+			else:
+				heappush(values, (start, end, transcript, chunk))
+		while values:
+			start, end, transcript, chunk = heappop(values)
+			yield transcript
+			try:
+				transcript = pickle.load(chunk)
+				start	   = transcript.getStart()
+				end		   = -transcript.getEnd()
+			except EOFError:
+				try:
+					chunk.close()
+					chunks.remove(chunk)
+					os.remove(chunk.name)
+				except:
+					pass
+			else:
+				heappush(values, (start, end, transcript, chunk))
+	def _batchSort(self):
+		currentChunks = {}
+		counts		  = {}
+		try:
+			progress = UnlimitedProgress(1000, "Sorting file %s" % (self._parser.fileName), self._verbosity)
+			for transcript in self._parser.getIterator():
+				progress.inc()
+				if transcript.__class__.__name__ == "Mapping":
+					transcript = transcript.getTranscript()
+				chromosome = transcript.getChromosome()
+				if self._chromosome != None and chromosome != self._chromosome:
+					continue
+				if chromosome not in self._chunks:
+					self._chunks[chromosome]  = []
+					currentChunks[chromosome] = []
+					counts[chromosome]		= 0
+				currentChunks[chromosome].append(transcript)
+				counts[chromosome] += 1
+				if counts[chromosome] == BUFFER_SIZE:
+					self._printSorted(chromosome, currentChunks[chromosome])
+					currentChunks[chromosome] = []
+					counts[chromosome]		  = 0
+				self._nbElements += 1
+				self._nbElementsPerChromosome[chromosome] = self._nbElementsPerChromosome.get(chromosome, 0) + 1
+			for chromosome in self._chunks:
+				if counts[chromosome] > 0:
+					self._printSorted(chromosome, currentChunks[chromosome])
+			progress.done()
+			if not self._perChromosome:
+				outputHandle = open(self._outputFileName, "wb")
+			progress = Progress(len(self._chunks), "Writing sorted file %s" % (self._parser.fileName), self._verbosity)
+			for chromosome in self._chunks:
+				if self._perChromosome:
+					self._outputFileNames[chromosome] = "%s_%s.pkl" % (self._outputFileName, chromosome)
+					outputHandle = open(self._outputFileNames[chromosome], "wb")
+				for sequence in self._merge(self._chunks[chromosome]):
+					pickle.dump(sequence, outputHandle, -1)
+				if self._perChromosome:
+					outputHandle.close()
+				progress.inc()
+			if not self._perChromosome:
+				outputHandle.close()
+			progress.done()
+		finally:
+			for chunks in self._chunks.values():
+				for chunk in chunks:
+					try:
+						chunk.close()
+						os.remove(chunk.name)
+					except Exception:
+						pass
+	def getOutputFileNames(self):
+		return self._outputFileNames