diff SMART/Java/Python/structure/TranscriptListsComparator.py @ 36:44d5973c188c

author m-zytnicki
date Tue, 30 Apr 2013 15:02:29 -0400
parents 769e306b7933
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/SMART/Java/Python/structure/TranscriptListsComparator.py	Tue Apr 30 15:02:29 2013 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,1198 @@
+# Copyright INRA-URGI 2009-2010
+# This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
+# abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use,
+# modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
+# license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
+# "http://www.cecill.info".
+# As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
+# modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
+# with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the
+# economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited
+# liability.
+# In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
+# with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
+# software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
+# that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also
+# therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced
+# professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
+# encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
+# requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or
+# data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the
+# same conditions as regards security.
+# The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
+# knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms.
+import sys
+import random
+from SMART.Java.Python.misc import Utils
+from SMART.Java.Python.structure.Transcript import Transcript
+from SMART.Java.Python.structure.TranscriptList import TranscriptList
+from SMART.Java.Python.structure.TranscriptContainer import TranscriptContainer
+from SMART.Java.Python.mySql.MySqlConnection import MySqlConnection
+from SMART.Java.Python.mySql.MySqlTranscriptTable import MySqlTranscriptTable
+from SMART.Java.Python.misc.Progress import Progress
+from commons.core.writer.MySqlTranscriptWriter import MySqlTranscriptWriter
+class TranscriptListsComparator(object):
+    """
+    Compare two transcript lists, using a database for one of the list
+    Uses one TranscriptContainer for query data, 
+             one TranscriptContainer exported to MySqlTranscriptTable for reference data, 
+             one MySqlTranscriptTable for transformed reference data
+    @ivar inputTranscriptContainers: parsers to the list of query transcripts
+    @type inputTranscriptContainers: list of 2 L{TranscriptContainer<TranscriptContainer>}
+    @ivar writer:                    transcript list writer
+    @type writer:                    class L{TranscriptListWriter<TranscriptListWriter>}
+    @ivar mySqlConnection:           connection to a MySQL database (to compute the ovelapping efficiently)
+    @type mySqlConnection:           class L{MySqlConnection<MySqlConnection>}
+    @ivar introns:                   compare transcripts or exons only
+    @type introns:                   list of 2 boolean
+    @ivar starts:                    restrict the query transcripts to first nucleotides
+    @type starts:                    list of 2 int or None
+    @ivar fivePrimes:                extend a list of transcripts by their 5' end
+    @type fivePrimes:                list of 2 int or None
+    @ivar threePrimes:               extend a list of transcripts by their 3' end
+    @type threePrimes:               list of 2 int or None
+    @ivar minDistance:               min distance between two transcripts [default: 0]
+    @type minDistance:               int
+    @ivar maxDistance:               max distance between two transcripts [default: 0]
+    @type maxDistance:               int
+    @ivar minOverlap:                minimum number of overlapping nucleotides to declare an overlap
+    @type minOverlap:                int
+    @ivar pcOverlap:                 percentage of overlapping nucleotides to declare an overlap
+    @type pcOverlap:                 int
+    @ivar upstreams:                 consider distances with elements which are upstream of the transcripts
+    @type upstreams:                 boolean
+    @ivar downstreams:               consider distances with elements which are downstream of the transcripts
+    @type downstreams:               boolean
+    @ivar colinear:                  whether transcripts should overlap in the same direction
+    @type colinear:                  boolean
+    @ivar antisense:                 whether transcripts should overlap in the opposite direction
+    @type antisense:                 boolean
+    @ivar outputDistance:            output distance between query and reference instead of query transcript
+    @type outputDistance:            boolean
+    @ivar absolute:                  do not consider the strand while computing distance
+    @type absolute:                  boolean
+    @ivar strandedDistance:          return a line per strand while computing distances
+    @type strandedDistance:          boolean
+    @ivar QUERY:                     constant specifying the query objects
+    @type QUERY:                     int
+    @ivar REFERENCE:                 constant specifying the reference objects
+    @type REFERENCE:                 int
+    @ivar INPUTTYPES:                set of input types of data (query or reference) objects
+    @type INPUTTYPES:                list of 2 int
+    @ivar typeToString:              string representation of the previous types
+    @type typeToString:              dict
+    @ivar tableNames:                name of the transcript tables
+    @type tableNames:                dict of strings
+    @ivar nbTranscripts:             number of transcript in the query/reference set
+    @type nbTranscripts:             list of 2 int or None
+    @ivar nbNucleotides:             number of nucleotides in the query/reference set
+    @type nbNucleotides:             list of 2 int or None
+    @ivar transcriptsToBeStored:     transcripts that will be stored into database
+    @type transcriptsToBeStored:     dict of class L{TranscriptList<TranscriptList>}
+    @ivar multiple:                  in merge mode, aggregate multiple transcripts
+    @type multiple:                  boolean
+    @ivar normalization:             normalize each element by the number of mappings of this element
+    @type normalization:             boolean
+    @ivar invert:                    invert the current comparison
+    @type invert:                    boolean
+    @ivar splitDifference:           split into intervals when computing difference
+    @type splitDifference:           boolean
+    @ivar odds:                      whether odds about the comparison should be computed
+    @type odds:                      boolean
+    @ivar overlapResults:            count the number of overlaps
+    @type overlapResults:            dictionary
+    @ivar oddResults:                compute the number of times each transcript overlaps (or is merged with) another one
+    @type oddResults:                dictionary
+    @ivar outputContainer:           container of the output transcripts
+    @type outputContainer:           class L{TranscriptContainer<TranscriptContainer>}
+    @ivar logHandle:                 log handle
+    @type logHandle:                 file
+    @ivar verbosity:                 verbosity
+    @type verbosity:                 int    
+    """
+    def __init__(self, logHandle = None, verbosity = 0):
+        """
+        Constructor
+        @param transcriptListParser2: parser to the list of reference transcripts
+        @type  transcriptListParser2: class L{TranscriptListParser<TranscriptListParser>}
+        @param logHandle:             log handle
+        @type  logHandle:             file
+        @param verbosity:             verbosity
+        @type  verbosity:             int
+        """
+        self.QUERY                     = 0
+        self.REFERENCE                 = 1
+        self.WORKING                   = 2
+        self.INPUTTYPES                = (self.QUERY, self.REFERENCE)
+        self.INPUTWORKINGTYPES         = (self.QUERY, self.REFERENCE, self.WORKING)
+        self.typeToString              = {self.QUERY: "Query", self.REFERENCE: "Reference", self.WORKING: "Working"}
+        self.logHandle                 = logHandle
+        self.verbosity                 = verbosity
+        self.mySqlConnection           = MySqlConnection(self.verbosity-1)
+        self.inputTranscriptContainers = [None, None]
+        self.tableNames                = ["tmpQueryTable_%d" % (random.randint(0, 100000)), "tmpReferenceTable_%d" % (random.randint(0, 100000)), "tmpOutputTable_%d" % (random.randint(0, 100000)), "tmpWorkingTable_%d" % (random.randint(0, 100000))]
+        self.mySqlTranscriptWriters    = [MySqlTranscriptWriter(self.mySqlConnection, name, verbosity-1) for name in self.tableNames]
+        self.writer                    = None
+        self.introns                   = [False, False]
+        self.starts                    = [None, None]
+        self.ends                      = [None, None]
+        self.fivePrimes                = [None, None]
+        self.threePrimes               = [None, None]
+        self.minDistance               = None
+        self.maxDistance               = 0
+        self.minOverlap                = 1
+        self.pcOverlap                 = None
+        self.colinear                  = False
+        self.antisense                 = False
+        self.downstreams               = [False, False]
+        self.upstreams                 = [False, False]
+        self.outputDistance            = False
+        self.absolute                  = False
+        self.strandedDistance          = False
+        self.nbTranscripts             = [None, None]
+        self.nbNucleotides             = [None, None]
+        self.normalization             = False
+        self.included                  = False
+        self.including                 = False
+        self.invert                    = False
+        self.notOverlapping            = False
+        self.splitDifference           = False
+        self.multiple                  = False
+        self.odds                      = False
+        self.overlapResults            = None
+        self.oddResults                = None
+        self.outputContainer           = None
+        self.transcriptsToBeStored     = dict([(type, TranscriptList()) for type in self.INPUTWORKINGTYPES])
+        self.nbPrinted                 = 0
+        self.mySqlConnection.createDatabase()
+    def __del__(self):
+        """
+        Destructor
+        Remove all temporary tables
+        """
+        for type in self.INPUTWORKINGTYPES:
+            self.mySqlTranscriptWriters[type].removeTables()
+        self.mySqlConnection.deleteDatabase()
+    def acceptIntrons(self, type, bool):
+        """
+        Compare transcripts or exons only
+        @param type: whether use query/reference data
+        @type  type: int
+        @param bool: include introns or not
+        @type  bool: boolean
+        """
+        self.introns[type] = bool
+    def restrictToStart(self, type, size):
+        """
+        Restrict a list of transcripts to first nucleotides
+        @param type: whether use query/reference data
+        @type  type: int
+        @param size: the size of the transcript to be considered
+        @type  size: int
+        """
+        self.starts[type]  = size
+        self.introns[type] = False
+    def restrictToEnd(self, type, size):
+        """
+        Restrict a list of transcripts to first nucleotides
+        @param type: whether use query/reference data
+        @type  type: int
+        @param size: the size of the transcript to be considered
+        @type  size: int
+        """
+        self.ends[type]    = size
+        self.introns[type] = False
+    def extendFivePrime(self, type, size):
+        """
+        Extend a list of transcripts by their 5' end
+        @param type: whether use query/reference data
+        @type  type: int
+        @param size: size of the extension
+        @type  size: int
+        """
+        self.fivePrimes[type] = size
+    def extendThreePrime(self, type, size):
+        """
+        Extend the list of query transcripts by their 3' end
+        @param type: whether use query/reference data
+        @type  type: int
+        @param size: size of the extension
+        @type  size: int
+        """
+        self.threePrimes[type] = size
+    def setMinDistance(self, distance):
+        """
+        Set the min distance between two transcripts
+        @param distance: distance
+        @type  distance: int
+        """
+        self.minDistance = distance
+    def setMaxDistance(self, distance):
+        """
+        Set the max distance between two transcripts
+        @param distance: distance
+        @type  distance: int
+        """
+        self.maxDistance = distance
+    def setMinOverlap(self, overlap):
+        """
+        Set the minimum number of nucleotides to declare an overlap
+        @param overlap: minimum number of nucleotides
+        @type  overlap: int
+        """
+        self.minOverlap = overlap
+    def setPcOverlap(self, overlap):
+        """
+        Set the percentage of nucleotides to declare an overlap
+        @param overlap: percentage of nucleotides
+        @type  overlap: int
+        """
+        self.pcOverlap = overlap
+    def setUpstream(self, type, boolean):
+        """
+        Consider transcripts which are upstream of some transcripts
+        @param type:        whether use query/reference data
+        @type  type:        int
+        @param boolean: consider only these transcripts or not
+        @type  boolean: boolean
+        """
+        self.upstreams[type] = boolean
+    def setDownstream(self, type, boolean):
+        """
+        Consider transcripts which are downstream of some transcripts
+        @param type:        whether use query/reference data
+        @type  type:        int
+        @param boolean: consider only these transcripts or not
+        @type  boolean: boolean
+        """
+        self.downstreams[type] = boolean
+    def setOutputDistance(self, boolean):
+        """
+        Output distance between query and reference instead of query transcript
+        @param boolean: whether distance should be output
+        @type  boolean: boolean
+        """
+        self.outputDistance = boolean
+    def setAbsolute(self, boolean):
+        """
+        Do not consider strand when computing distance (thus, having only non-negative values)
+        @param boolean: whether we should consider strands
+        @type  boolean: boolean
+        """
+        self.absolute = boolean
+    def setStrandedDistance(self, boolean):
+        """
+        Return two distance distributions, one per strand
+        @param boolean: whether we should return 2 distance distance
+        @type  boolean: boolean
+        """
+        self.strandedDistance = boolean
+    def getColinearOnly(self, boolean):
+        """
+        Only consider transcripts that overlap in the same direction
+        @param boolean: whether transcripts should overlap in the same direction
+        @type  boolean: boolean
+        """
+        self.colinear = boolean
+    def getAntisenseOnly(self, boolean):
+        """
+        Only consider transcripts that overlap in the opposite direction
+        @param boolean: whether transcripts should overlap in the opposite direction
+        @type  boolean: boolean
+        """
+        self.antisense = boolean
+    def setIncludedOnly(self, boolean):
+        """
+        Keep the elements from first set which are included in the second set
+        @param boolean: whether to keep included elements only
+        @type  boolean: boolean
+        """
+        self.included = boolean
+    def setIncludingOnly(self, boolean):
+        """
+        Keep the elements from second set which are included in the first set
+        @param boolean: whether to keep included elements only
+        @type  boolean: boolean
+        """
+        self.including = boolean
+    def setNormalization(self, boolean):
+        """
+        Normalize the elements by the number of mappings in the genome
+        @param boolean: whether normalize
+        @type  boolean: boolean
+        """
+        self.normalization = boolean
+    def getInvert(self, boolean):
+        """
+        Only consider transcripts that do not overlap
+        @param boolean: whether invert the selection
+        @type  boolean: boolean
+        """
+        self.invert = boolean
+    def includeNotOverlapping(self, boolean):
+        """
+        Also output the elements which do not overlap
+        @param boolean: whether output the elements which do not overlap
+        @type  boolean: boolean
+        """
+        self.notOverlapping = boolean
+    def setSplitDifference(self, boolean):
+        """
+        Split into intervals when computing difference
+        @param boolean: whether to split
+        @type  boolean: boolean
+        """
+        self.splitDifference = boolean
+    def aggregate(self, boolean):
+        """
+        In merge mode, aggregate multiple transcripts
+        @param boolean: aggregate multiple transcripts
+        @type  boolean: boolean
+        """
+        self.multiple = boolean
+    def getTables(self, type):
+        """
+        Get the SQL tables
+        @param type: type of the table (query, reference, etc.)
+        @type  type: int
+        """
+        return self.mySqlTranscriptWriters[type].getTables()
+    def computeOdds(self, boolean):
+        """
+        Compute odds
+        @param boolean: whether odds should be computed
+        @type  boolean: boolean
+        """
+        self.odds = boolean
+        if self.odds:
+            self.overlapResults = dict()
+    def computeOddsPerTranscript(self, boolean):
+        """
+        Compute odds for each transcript
+        @param boolean: whether odds for each transcript should be computed
+        @type  boolean: boolean
+        """
+        self.odds = boolean
+        if self.odds:
+            self.overlapResults = dict()
+    def removeTables(self):
+        """
+        Remove the temporary MySQL tables
+        """
+        for type in self.INPUTWORKINGTYPES:
+            for chromosome in self.getTables(type):
+                self.getTables(type)[chromosome].remove()
+    def clearTables(self):
+        """
+        Empty the content of the databases
+        """
+        for type in self.INPUTWORKINGTYPES:
+            if self.transcriptListParsers[type] != None:
+                for chromosome in self.getTables(type):
+                    self.getTables(type)[chromosome].clear()
+    def extendTranscript(self, type, transcript):
+        """
+        Extend a transcript corresponding to the parameters of the class
+        @param transcript: a transcript
+        @type  transcript: class L{Transcript<Transcript>}
+        @return: the possibly extended transcript
+        """
+        extendedTranscript = Transcript()
+        extendedTranscript.copy(transcript)
+        if self.starts[type] != None:
+            extendedTranscript.restrictStart(self.starts[type])
+        if self.ends[type] != None:
+            extendedTranscript.restrictEnd(self.ends[type])
+        if self.fivePrimes[type] != None:
+            extendedTranscript.extendStart(self.fivePrimes[type])
+        if self.threePrimes[type] != None:
+            extendedTranscript.extendEnd(self.threePrimes[type])
+        return extendedTranscript
+    def storeTranscript(self, type, transcript, now = True):
+        """
+        Add a transcript to a MySQL database, or postpone the store
+        @param type:       whether use query/reference table
+        @type  type:       int
+        @param transcript: a transcript
+        @type  transcript: class L{Transcript<Transcript>}
+        @param now:        whether transcript should be stored now (or stored can be postponed)
+        @type  now:        bool
+        """
+        self.mySqlTranscriptWriters[type].addTranscript(transcript)
+        if type == self.REFERENCE:
+            self.mySqlTranscriptWriters[self.WORKING].addTranscript(transcript)
+        if now:
+            self.mySqlTranscriptWriters[type].write()
+            if type == self.REFERENCE:
+                self.mySqlTranscriptWriters[self.WORKING].write()
+    def writeTranscript(self, transcript):
+        """
+        Write a transcript in the output file
+        @param transcript: a transcript
+        @type  transcript: class L{Transcript<Transcript>}
+        """
+        if self.writer != None:
+            self.writer.addTranscript(transcript)
+            self.nbPrinted += 1
+    def flushData(self, type = None):
+        """
+        Store the remaining transcripts
+        @param type: whether use query/reference table (None for all)
+        @type  type: int or None
+        """
+        if type == None:
+            types = self.INPUTWORKINGTYPES
+        else:
+            types = [type]
+        for type in types:
+            self.mySqlTranscriptWriters[type].write()
+        if self.writer != None:
+            self.writer.write()
+    def unstoreTranscript(self, type, transcript):
+        """
+        Remove a transcript from a MySQL database
+        @param type:       whether use query/reference table
+        @type  type:       int
+        @param transcript: a transcript
+        @type  transcript: class L{Transcript<Transcript>}
+        """
+        self.getTables(type)[transcript.getChromosome()].removeTranscript(transcript)
+        if type == self.REFERENCE:
+            self.getTables(self.WORKING)[transcript.getChromosome()].removeTranscript(transcript)
+    def addIndexes(self, tables):
+        """
+        Add useful indexes to the tables
+        @param tables: which tables should be indexed
+        @type  tables: list of int
+        """
+        for type in tables:
+            for chromosome in self.getTables(type):
+                self.getTables(type)[chromosome].createIndex("iStart_transcript_%s_%d_%d" % (chromosome, type, random.randint(0, 100000)), ["start"])
+                self.getTables(type)[chromosome].exonsTable.createIndex("iTranscriptId_exon_%s_%d_%d" % (chromosome, type, random.randint(0, 100000)), ["transcriptId"])
+    def storeTranscriptList(self, type, transcriptListParser, extension):
+        """
+        Store a transcript list into database
+        @param type:      whether use query/reference parser
+        @type  type:      int
+        @param parser:    a parser of transcript list
+        @type  parser:    class L{TranscriptContainer<TranscriptContainer>}
+        @param extension: extend (or not) the transcripts
+        @type  extension: boolean
+        """
+        progress = Progress(transcriptListParser.getNbTranscripts(), "Writing transcripts for %s" % ("query" if type == self.QUERY else "reference"), self.verbosity-1)
+        for transcript in transcriptListParser.getIterator():
+            if extension:
+                transcript = self.extendTranscript(type, transcript)
+            self.mySqlTranscriptWriters[type].addTranscript(transcript)
+            progress.inc()
+        self.mySqlTranscriptWriters[type].write()
+        progress.done()
+        if type == self.REFERENCE:
+            for chromosome in self.getTables(self.REFERENCE):
+                self.getTables(self.WORKING)[chromosome] = MySqlTranscriptTable(self.mySqlConnection, self.tableNames[self.WORKING], chromosome, self.verbosity-1)
+                self.getTables(self.WORKING)[chromosome].copy(self.getTables(self.REFERENCE)[chromosome])
+    def setInputTranscriptContainer(self, type, inputTranscriptContainer):
+        """
+        Set an input transcript list container
+        @param type:                     whether use query/reference parser
+        @type  type:                     int
+        @param inputTranscriptContainer: a container
+        @type  inputTranscriptContainer: class L{TranscriptContainer<TranscriptContainer>}
+        """
+        self.inputTranscriptContainers[type] = inputTranscriptContainer
+        self.nbTranscripts[type]             = self.inputTranscriptContainers[type].getNbTranscripts()
+        self.nbNucleotides[type]             = self.inputTranscriptContainers[type].getNbNucleotides()
+    def setOutputWriter(self, writer):
+        """
+        Set an output transcript list writer
+        @param writer: a writer
+        @type  writer: class L{TranscriptListWriter<TranscriptListWriter>}
+        """
+        self.writer = writer
+    def compareTranscript(self, transcript1, transcript2, includeDistance = False):
+        """
+        Compare two transcripts, using user defined parameters
+        @param transcript1:     a transcript from the query set (already extended)
+        @type  transcript1:     class L{Transcript<Transcript>}
+        @param transcript2:     a transcript from the reference set (already extended)
+        @type  transcript2:     class L{Transcript<Transcript>}
+        @param includeDistance: take into account the distance too
+        @type  includeDistance: boolean
+        @return:                true, if they overlap
+        """
+        extendedTranscript1 = Transcript()
+        extendedTranscript1.copy(transcript1)
+        if includeDistance:
+            if self.maxDistance > 0:
+                extendedTranscript1.extendStart(self.maxDistance)
+                extendedTranscript1.extendEnd(self.maxDistance)
+        minOverlap = self.minOverlap
+        if self.pcOverlap != None:
+            minOverlap = max(minOverlap, transcript1.getSize() / 100.0 * self.pcOverlap)
+        if not extendedTranscript1.overlapWith(transcript2, self.minOverlap):
+            return False
+        if (self.downstreams[self.QUERY]       and transcript2.getStart() > extendedTranscript1.getStart()) or \
+             (self.upstreams[self.QUERY]       and transcript2.getEnd()   < extendedTranscript1.getEnd())   or \
+             (self.downstreams[self.REFERENCE] and extendedTranscript1.getStart() > transcript2.getStart()) or \
+             (self.upstreams[self.REFERENCE]   and extendedTranscript1.getEnd()   < transcript2.getEnd()):
+            return False
+        if (self.antisense and extendedTranscript1.getDirection() == transcript2.getDirection()) or (self.colinear and extendedTranscript1.getDirection() != transcript2.getDirection()):
+            return False
+        if self.included and not transcript2.include(extendedTranscript1):
+            return False
+        if self.including and not extendedTranscript1.include(transcript2):
+            return False
+        if self.introns[self.REFERENCE] and self.introns[self.QUERY]:
+            if self.logHandle != None:
+                self.logHandle.write("%s overlaps with intron of %s\n" % (str(extendedTranscript1), str(transcript2)))
+            return True
+        if (not self.introns[self.REFERENCE]) and (not self.introns[self.QUERY]) and extendedTranscript1.overlapWithExon(transcript2, minOverlap):
+            if self.logHandle != None:
+                self.logHandle.write("%s overlaps with exon of %s\n" % (str(extendedTranscript1), str(transcript2)))
+            return True
+        return False
+    def compareTranscriptToList(self, transcript1):
+        """
+        Compare a transcript to the reference list of transcripts
+        (Do not extend the transcripts, except for the distance)
+        @param transcript1: a transcript (from the query set)
+        @type  transcript1: class L{Transcript<Transcript>}
+        @return:            the reference transcripts overlapping
+        """
+        # no transcript in the reference table
+        if transcript1.getChromosome() not in self.getTables(self.WORKING):
+            return
+        # retrieve the the transcripts that may overlap in the working tables
+        clauses = []
+        extendedTranscript1 = Transcript()
+        extendedTranscript1.copy(transcript1)
+        if self.maxDistance > 0:
+            extendedTranscript1.extendStart(self.maxDistance)
+        if self.maxDistance > 0:
+            extendedTranscript1.extendEnd(self.maxDistance)
+        command = "SELECT * FROM %s WHERE (" % (self.getTables(self.WORKING)[transcript1.getChromosome()].getName())
+        for binPair in extendedTranscript1.getBins():
+            clause = "bin "
+            if binPair[0] == binPair[1]:
+                clause += "= %i" % (binPair[0])
+            else:
+                clause += "BETWEEN %i AND %i" % (binPair[0], binPair[1])
+            clauses.append(clause)
+        command += " OR ".join(clauses)
+        command += ") AND start <= %d AND end >= %d" % (extendedTranscript1.getEnd(), extendedTranscript1.getStart())
+        for index2, transcript2 in self.getTables(self.REFERENCE)[transcript1.getChromosome()].selectTranscripts(command):
+            if self.compareTranscript(extendedTranscript1, transcript2):
+                yield transcript2
+    def compareTranscriptList(self):
+        """
+        Compare a list of transcript to the reference one
+        @return: the transcripts that overlap with the reference set
+        """
+        distance      = 0
+        nbClustersIn  = 0
+        nbClustersOut = 0
+        if self.maxDistance != None:
+            distance = self.maxDistance
+        self.addIndexes([self.QUERY, self.REFERENCE])
+        # export the container into tables
+        self.storeTranscriptList(self.QUERY, self.inputTranscriptContainers[self.QUERY], True)
+        self.storeTranscriptList(self.REFERENCE, self.inputTranscriptContainers[self.REFERENCE], True)
+        # looping
+        for chromosome1 in sorted(self.getTables(self.QUERY).keys()):
+            # get range of transcripts
+            command = "SELECT MIN(start), MAX(end), COUNT(id) FROM %s" % (self.getTables(self.QUERY)[chromosome1].getName())
+            query     = self.mySqlConnection.executeQuery(command)
+            result    = query.getLine()
+            first     = result[0]
+            last      = result[1]
+            nb        = result[2]
+            transcripts1 = []
+            toBeRemoved1 = []
+            transcripts2 = []
+            toBeRemoved2 = []
+            overlapsWith = []
+            nbOverlaps   = []
+            nbChunks     = max(1, nb / 100)
+            chunkSize    = (last - first) / nbChunks
+            progress     = Progress(nbChunks + 1, "Analyzing chromosome %s" % (chromosome1), self.verbosity-1)
+            for chunk in range(nbChunks + 1):
+                # load transcripts
+                start   = first + chunk * chunkSize
+                end     = start + chunkSize - 1
+                command = "SELECT * FROM %s WHERE start BETWEEN %d AND %d" % (self.getTables(self.QUERY)[chromosome1].getName(), start, end-1)
+                for index1, transcript1 in self.getTables(self.QUERY)[chromosome1].selectTranscripts(command):
+                    transcripts1.append(transcript1)
+                    overlapsWith.append([])
+                    nbOverlaps.append(0)
+                    nbClustersIn += 1 if "nbElements" not in transcript1.getTagNames() else transcript1.getTagValue("nbElements")
+                command = "DELETE FROM %s WHERE start < %d" % (self.getTables(self.QUERY)[chromosome1].getName(), end)
+                self.mySqlConnection.executeQuery(command)
+                if chromosome1 in self.getTables(self.REFERENCE):
+                    command = "SELECT * FROM %s WHERE start BETWEEN %d AND %d" % (self.getTables(self.REFERENCE)[chromosome1].getName(), start-distance, end+distance-1)
+                    if chunk == 0:
+                        command = "SELECT * FROM %s WHERE start < %d" % (self.getTables(self.REFERENCE)[chromosome1].getName(), end + distance)
+                    for index2, transcript2 in self.getTables(self.REFERENCE)[chromosome1].selectTranscripts(command):
+                        transcripts2.append(transcript2)
+                    command = "DELETE FROM %s WHERE start < %d" % (self.getTables(self.REFERENCE)[chromosome1].getName(), end + distance)
+                    self.mySqlConnection.executeQuery(command)
+                # compare sets
+                for index1, transcript1 in enumerate(transcripts1):
+                    overlappingNames = []
+                    nbElements1      = 1 if "nbElements" not in transcript1.getTagNames() else transcript1.getTagValue("nbElements")
+                    for transcript2 in transcripts2:
+                        if self.compareTranscript(transcript1, transcript2, True):
+                            id2 = transcript2.getTagValue("ID") if "ID" in transcript2.getTagNames() else transcript2.getName()
+                            if id2 not in overlapsWith[index1]:
+                                overlapsWith[index1].append(id2)
+                                nbOverlaps[index1] += 1 if "nbElements" not in transcript2.getTagNames() else transcript2.getTagValue("nbElements")
+                                if self.odds:
+                                    if transcript2.getName() not in self.overlapResults:
+                                        self.overlapResults[transcript2.getName()] = 0
+                                    self.overlapResults[transcript2.getName()] += nbElements1
+                    # check if query transcript extends bounds of the chunk
+                    if transcript1.getEnd() < end:
+                        if Utils.xor(overlapsWith[index1], self.invert) or self.notOverlapping:
+                            if overlapsWith[index1]:
+                                transcript1.setTagValue("overlapWith", ",".join(overlapsWith[index1])[:100])
+                                transcript1.setTagValue("nbOverlaps", "%d" % (nbOverlaps[index1]))
+                            elif self.notOverlapping:
+                                transcript1.setTagValue("nbOverlaps", "0")
+                            self.writeTranscript(transcript1)
+                            nbClustersOut += nbElements1
+                        toBeRemoved1.append(index1)
+                # update list of query transcripts
+                for index1 in reversed(toBeRemoved1):
+                    del transcripts1[index1]
+                    del overlapsWith[index1]
+                    del nbOverlaps[index1]
+                toBeRemoved1 = []
+                # check if the reference transcripts extends bounds of the chunk
+                for index2, transcript2 in enumerate(transcripts2):
+                    if transcript2.getEnd() + distance < end:
+                        toBeRemoved2.append(index2)
+                for index2 in reversed(toBeRemoved2):
+                    del transcripts2[index2]
+                toBeRemoved2 = []
+                progress.inc()
+            for index1, transcript1 in enumerate(transcripts1):
+                if Utils.xor(overlapsWith[index1], self.invert) or self.notOverlapping:
+                    if overlapsWith[index1]:
+                        transcript1.setTagValue("overlapWith", ",".join(overlapsWith[index1])[:100])
+                        transcript1.setTagValue("nbOverlaps", "%d" % (nbOverlaps[index1]))
+                    elif self.notOverlapping:
+                        transcript1.setTagValue("nbOverlaps", "0")
+                    self.writeTranscript(transcript1)
+                    nbClustersOut += 1 if "nbElements" not in transcript1.getTagNames() else transcript1.getTagValue("nbElements")
+            progress.done()
+            self.getTables(self.QUERY)[chromosome1].remove()
+            if chromosome1 in self.getTables(self.REFERENCE):
+                self.getTables(self.REFERENCE)[chromosome1].remove()
+                self.getTables(self.WORKING)[chromosome1].remove()
+        self.flushData()
+        if self.writer != None:
+            self.writer.close()
+            self.writer = None
+        if self.verbosity > 0:
+            print "reference: %d elements" % (self.nbTranscripts[self.REFERENCE])
+            print "query:     %d elements, %d clustered" % (self.nbTranscripts[self.QUERY], nbClustersIn)
+            if self.nbTranscripts[self.QUERY] != 0:
+                print "output:    %d elements (%.2f%%)"% (self.nbPrinted, self.nbPrinted / float(self.nbTranscripts[self.QUERY]) * 100), 
+                if nbClustersOut != 0:
+                    print ", %d clustered (%.2f%%)" % (nbClustersOut, float(nbClustersOut) / nbClustersIn * 100)
+    def compareTranscriptListDistance(self):
+        """
+        Compare a list of transcript to the reference one
+        @return: the distance distributions in a hash
+        """
+        nbDistances  = 0
+        distances    = {}
+        absDistances = {}
+        strandedDistances = dict([(strand, {}) for strand in (1, -1)])
+        # export the container into tables
+        self.storeTranscriptList(self.QUERY, self.inputTranscriptContainers[self.QUERY], True)
+        self.storeTranscriptList(self.REFERENCE, self.inputTranscriptContainers[self.REFERENCE], True)
+        progress = Progress(self.nbTranscripts[self.QUERY], "Analyzing chromosomes", self.verbosity-1)
+        for transcript1 in self.inputTranscriptContainers[self.QUERY].getIterator():
+            # get the distance
+            transcript1    = self.extendTranscript(self.QUERY, transcript1)
+            distance       = self.maxDistance + 1
+            strand         = None
+            closestElement = "None"
+            for transcript2 in self.compareTranscriptToList(transcript1):
+                thisStrand = transcript1.getDirection() * transcript2.getDirection()
+                if self.antisense or (not self.colinear and transcript1.getDirection() != transcript2.getDirection()):
+                    transcript2.reverse()
+                if self.absolute:
+                    transcript2.setDirection(transcript1.getDirection())
+                if transcript2.getDirection() == transcript1.getDirection():
+                    if self.starts[self.REFERENCE] != None:
+                        transcript2.restrictStart(self.starts[self.REFERENCE])
+                    if self.ends[self.REFERENCE] != None:
+                        transcript2.restrictEnd(self.ends[self.REFERENCE])
+                    thisDistance = transcript1.getRelativeDistance(transcript2)
+                    if (self.absolute):
+                        thisDistance = abs(thisDistance)
+                    if abs(thisDistance) < abs(distance):
+                        distance       = thisDistance
+                        strand         = thisStrand
+                        closestElement = transcript2.getTagValue("ID") if "ID" in transcript2.getTagNames() else transcript2.getName()
+            if (distance <= self.maxDistance) and (self.minDistance == None or distance >= self.minDistance):
+                nbDistances                        += 1
+                distances[distance]                 = distances.get(distance, 0) + 1
+                absDistance                         = abs(distance)
+                absDistances[absDistance]           = absDistances.get(absDistance, 0) + 1
+                strandedDistances[strand][distance] = strandedDistances[strand].get(distance, 0)
+                if distance not in strandedDistances[-strand]:
+                    strandedDistances[-strand][distance] = 0
+            # write transcript
+            if distance == self.maxDistance + 1:
+                distance = "None"
+            tmpTranscript = Transcript()
+            tmpTranscript.copy(transcript1)
+            tmpTranscript.setTagValue("distance", distance)
+            tmpTranscript.setTagValue("closestElement", closestElement)
+            self.writeTranscript(tmpTranscript)
+            progress.inc()
+        progress.done()
+        self.flushData()
+        if self.verbosity > 0:
+            print "reference: %d sequences" % (self.nbTranscripts[self.REFERENCE])
+            print "query:     %d sequences" % (self.nbTranscripts[self.QUERY])
+            if nbDistances == 0:
+                print "Nothing matches"
+            else:
+                print "min/avg/med/max transcripts: %d/%.2f/%.1f/%d" % Utils.getMinAvgMedMax(absDistances)
+                print "for %d distances (%.2f%%)" % (nbDistances, float(nbDistances) / self.nbTranscripts[self.QUERY] * 100)
+        if self.strandedDistance:
+            return strandedDistances
+        return distances
+    def compareTranscriptListMerge(self):
+        """
+        Merge the query list of transcript with itself
+        @return: the merged transcripts in a transcript list database
+        """
+        nbMerges  = 0
+        for type in (self.QUERY, self.REFERENCE):
+            self.storeTranscriptList(type, self.inputTranscriptContainers[type], True)
+        self.flushData()
+        # Loop on the chromosomes
+        for chromosome in sorted(self.getTables(self.QUERY).keys()):
+            if chromosome not in self.getTables(self.REFERENCE):
+                continue
+            # Get the size of the chromosome
+            maxEnd   = 0
+            nbChunks = 0
+            for type in (self.QUERY, self.REFERENCE):
+                command  = "SELECT MAX(end) from %s" % (self.getTables(type)[chromosome].getName())
+                query    = self.mySqlConnection.executeQuery(command)
+                maxEnd   = max(maxEnd, int(query.getLine()[0]))
+                nbChunks = max(nbChunks, self.getTables(type)[chromosome].getNbElements())
+            mergedTranscripts = {}
+            transcripts = {self.QUERY: [], self.REFERENCE: []}
+            progress    = Progress(nbChunks, "Analyzing %s" % (chromosome), self.verbosity-1)
+            for i in range(nbChunks):
+                rangeStart = int(i * (float(maxEnd) / nbChunks)) + 1
+                rangeEnd   = int((i+1) * (float(maxEnd) / nbChunks))
+                # Get all transcripts in query and reference from chunk
+                for type in (self.QUERY, self.REFERENCE):
+                    correction = 0 if self.QUERY else self.maxDistance
+                    command = "SELECT * FROM %s WHERE start <= %d" % (self.getTables(type)[chromosome].getName(), rangeEnd + correction)
+                    for index, transcript in self.getTables(type)[chromosome].selectTranscripts(command):
+                        transcripts[type].append(transcript)
+                # Merge elements between the two samples
+                for iQuery, queryTranscript in enumerate(transcripts[self.QUERY]):
+                    for iReference, referenceTranscript in enumerate(transcripts[self.REFERENCE]):
+                        if referenceTranscript == None: continue
+                        if self.compareTranscript(queryTranscript, referenceTranscript, True):
+                            if queryTranscript.getDirection() != referenceTranscript.getDirection():
+                                referenceTranscript.setDirection(queryTranscript.getDirection())
+                            queryTranscript.merge(referenceTranscript, self.normalization)
+                            nbMerges += 1
+                            transcripts[self.REFERENCE][iReference] = None
+                            if not self.multiple:
+                                mergedTranscripts[iQuery] = 0
+                # Remove transcripts from database
+                for type in (self.QUERY, self.REFERENCE):
+                    correction = 0 if self.QUERY else self.maxDistance
+                    command    = "DELETE FROM %s WHERE start <= %d" % (self.getTables(type)[chromosome].getName(), rangeEnd - correction)
+                    query      = self.mySqlConnection.executeQuery(command)
+                # Just in case, self-merge the elements in the query (beware of mergedTranscripts!)
+                if (self.multiple):
+                    for iQuery1, queryTranscript1 in enumerate(transcripts[self.QUERY]):
+                        if queryTranscript1 == None: continue
+                        for iQuery2, queryTranscript2 in enumerate(transcripts[self.QUERY]):
+                            if iQuery2 <= iQuery1 or queryTranscript2 == None: continue
+                            minOverlap = self.minOverlap
+                            if self.pcOverlap != None:
+                                minOverlap = max(minOverlap, queryTranscript1.getSize() / 100.0 * self.pcOverlap)
+                            if queryTranscript2.overlapWith(queryTranscript1, minOverlap) and (queryTranscript1.getDirection() == queryTranscript2.getDirection() or not self.colinear):
+                                if queryTranscript1.getDirection() != queryTranscript2.getDirection():
+                                    queryTranscript2.setDirection(queryTranscript1.getDirection())
+                                queryTranscript1.merge(queryTranscript2, self.normalization)
+                                transcripts[self.QUERY][iQuery2] = None
+                                nbMerges += 1
+                                if not self.multiple:
+                                    mergedTranscripts[iQuery1] = 0
+                # Update the sets of transcripts and write into database (also update mergedTranscripts)
+                newTranscripts = {self.QUERY: [], self.REFERENCE: []}
+                newMergedTranscripts = {}
+                for type in (self.QUERY, self.REFERENCE):
+                    for i, transcript in enumerate(transcripts[type]):
+                        if transcript == None: continue
+                        correction = 0 if self.QUERY else self.maxDistance
+                        if transcript.getEnd() < rangeEnd - correction:
+                            if self.multiple or ((type == self.QUERY) and (i in mergedTranscripts)):
+                                self.writeTranscript(transcripts[type][i])
+                        else:
+                            if type == self.QUERY and i in mergedTranscripts:
+                                newMergedTranscripts[len(newTranscripts[type])] = 0
+                            newTranscripts[type].append(transcript)
+                transcripts = newTranscripts
+                mergedTranscripts = newMergedTranscripts
+                progress.inc()
+            progress.done()
+            for type in (self.QUERY, self.REFERENCE):
+                for i, transcript in enumerate(transcripts[type]):
+                    if transcripts == None: continue
+                    if self.multiple or ((type == self.QUERY) and (i in mergedTranscripts)):
+                        self.writeTranscript(transcripts[type][i])
+        # Manage chromosomes with no corresponding data
+        if self.multiple:
+            for type in self.INPUTTYPES:
+                for chromosome in self.getTables(type):
+                    if chromosome in self.getTables(1 - type):
+                        continue
+                    for transcript in self.getTables(self.OUTPUT)[chromosome].getIterator():
+                        self.writeTranscript(transcript)
+        self.flushData()
+        if self.writer != None:
+            self.writer.close()
+            self.writer = None
+        if self.verbosity > 0:
+            print "query:    %d sequences" % (self.nbTranscripts[self.QUERY])
+            print "# merges: %d" % (nbMerges)
+            print "# printed %d (%.2f%%)" % (self.nbPrinted, self.nbPrinted / float(self.nbTranscripts[self.QUERY]) * 100)
+    def compareTranscriptListSelfMerge(self):
+        """
+        Merge the query list of transcript with itself
+        @return: the merged transcripts in a transcript list database
+        """
+        nbMerges  = 0
+        distance  = self.maxDistance if self.maxDistance != None else 0
+        self.addIndexes([self.QUERY])
+        self.storeTranscriptList(self.QUERY, self.inputTranscriptContainers[self.QUERY], True)
+        self.flushData()
+        # looping
+        for chromosome1 in sorted(self.getTables(self.QUERY).keys()):
+            transcripts2 = []
+            # get range of transcripts
+            progress = Progress(self.getTables(self.QUERY)[chromosome1].getNbElements(), "Analyzing chromosome %s" % (chromosome1), self.verbosity-1)
+            command  = "SELECT * FROM %s ORDER BY start" % (self.getTables(self.QUERY)[chromosome1].getName())
+            for index1, transcript1 in self.getTables(self.QUERY)[chromosome1].selectTranscripts(command):
+                # compare sets
+                toBeRemoved = set()
+                toBePrinted = set()
+                for index2, transcript2 in enumerate(transcripts2):
+                    if self.compareTranscript(transcript1, transcript2, True):
+                        if transcript1.getDirection() != transcript2.getDirection():
+                            transcript2.setDirection(transcript1.getDirection())
+                        transcript1.merge(transcript2, self.normalization)
+                        toBeRemoved.add(index2)
+                        nbMerges += 1
+                    elif transcript2.getEnd() + distance < transcript1.getStart():
+                        toBePrinted.add(index2)
+                transcripts2.append(transcript1)
+                for index2 in sorted(toBePrinted):
+                    self.writeTranscript(transcripts2[index2])
+                transcripts2 = [transcripts2[index2] for index2 in range(len(transcripts2)) if index2 not in (toBeRemoved | toBePrinted)]
+            for transcript2 in transcripts2:
+                self.writeTranscript(transcript2)
+            progress.done()
+            self.getTables(self.QUERY)[chromosome1].remove()
+        self.flushData()
+        if self.writer != None:
+            self.writer.close()
+            self.writer = None
+        if self.verbosity > 0:
+            print "query:    %d sequences" % (self.nbTranscripts[self.QUERY])
+            print "# merges: %d" % (nbMerges)
+            print "# printed %d (%.2f%%)" % (self.nbPrinted, self.nbPrinted / float(self.nbTranscripts[self.QUERY]) * 100)
+    def getDifferenceTranscriptList(self):
+        """
+        Get the elements of the first list which do not overlap the second list (at the nucleotide level)
+        @return: the transcripts that overlap with the reference set
+        """
+        distance = 0 if self.maxDistance == None else self.maxDistance
+        self.addIndexes([self.QUERY, self.REFERENCE])
+        # export the container into tables
+        self.storeTranscriptList(self.QUERY, self.inputTranscriptContainers[self.QUERY], True)
+        self.storeTranscriptList(self.REFERENCE, self.inputTranscriptContainers[self.REFERENCE], True)
+        # looping
+        for chromosome1 in sorted(self.getTables(self.QUERY).keys()):
+            # get range of transcripts
+            command = "SELECT MIN(start), MAX(end), COUNT(id) FROM %s" % (self.getTables(self.QUERY)[chromosome1].getName())
+            query   = self.mySqlConnection.executeQuery(command)
+            result  = query.getLine()
+            first   = result[0]
+            last    = result[1]
+            nb      = result[2]
+            transcripts1 = []
+            transcripts2 = []
+            nbChunks     = max(1, nb / 100)
+            chunkSize    = (last - first) / nbChunks
+            progress     = Progress(nbChunks + 1, "Analyzing chromosome %s" % (chromosome1), self.verbosity-1)
+            for chunk in range(nbChunks + 1):
+                # load transcripts
+                start   = first + chunk * chunkSize
+                end     = start + chunkSize - 1
+                command = "SELECT * FROM %s WHERE start BETWEEN %d AND %d" % (self.getTables(self.QUERY)[chromosome1].getName(), start, end-1)
+                for index1, transcript1 in self.getTables(self.QUERY)[chromosome1].selectTranscripts(command):
+                    transcripts1.append(transcript1)
+                command = "DELETE FROM %s WHERE start < %d" % (self.getTables(self.QUERY)[chromosome1].getName(), end)
+                self.mySqlConnection.executeQuery(command)
+                if chromosome1 in self.getTables(self.REFERENCE):
+                    command = "SELECT * FROM %s WHERE start BETWEEN %d AND %d" % (self.getTables(self.REFERENCE)[chromosome1].getName(), start-distance, end+distance-1)
+                    if chunk == 0:
+                        command = "SELECT * FROM %s WHERE start < %d" % (self.getTables(self.REFERENCE)[chromosome1].getName(), end + distance)
+                    for index2, transcript2 in self.getTables(self.REFERENCE)[chromosome1].selectTranscripts(command):
+                        transcripts2.append(transcript2)
+                    command = "DELETE FROM %s WHERE start < %d" % (self.getTables(self.REFERENCE)[chromosome1].getName(), end + distance)
+                    self.mySqlConnection.executeQuery(command)
+                # compare sets
+                toBeRemoved1 = []
+                for index1, transcript1 in enumerate(transcripts1):
+                    newTranscript1 = Transcript()
+                    newTranscript1.copy(transcript1)
+                    for transcript2 in transcripts2:
+                        newTranscript1 = newTranscript1.getDifference(transcript2)
+                        if newTranscript1 == None:
+                            toBeRemoved1.append(index1)
+                            break
+                    transcripts1[index1] = newTranscript1
+                    # check if query transcript extends bounds of the chunk
+                    if newTranscript1 != None and newTranscript1.getEnd() < end:
+                        if self.splitDifference:
+                            for exon in newTranscript1.getExons():
+                                transcript = Transcript()
+                                transcript.copy(exon)
+                                self.writeTranscript(transcript)
+                        else:
+                            self.writeTranscript(newTranscript1)
+                        toBeRemoved1.append(index1)
+                # update list of query transcripts
+                for index1 in reversed(toBeRemoved1):
+                    del transcripts1[index1]
+                # check if the reference transcripts extends bounds of the chunk
+                toBeRemoved2 = []
+                for index2, transcript2 in enumerate(transcripts2):
+                    if transcript2.getEnd() + distance < end:
+                        toBeRemoved2.append(index2)
+                for index2 in reversed(toBeRemoved2):
+                    del transcripts2[index2]
+                progress.inc()
+            for transcript1 in transcripts1:
+                if self.splitDifference:
+                    for exon in transcript1.getExons():
+                        transcript = Transcript()
+                        transcript.copy(exon)
+                        self.writeTranscript(transcript)
+                else:
+                    self.writeTranscript(transcript1)
+            progress.done()
+            self.getTables(self.QUERY)[chromosome1].remove()
+            if chromosome1 in self.getTables(self.REFERENCE):
+                self.getTables(self.REFERENCE)[chromosome1].remove()
+                self.getTables(self.WORKING)[chromosome1].remove()
+        self.flushData()
+        if self.writer != None:
+            self.writer.close()
+            self.writer = None
+        if self.verbosity > 0:
+            print "query:     %d elements" % (self.nbTranscripts[self.QUERY])
+            print "reference: %d elements" % (self.nbTranscripts[self.REFERENCE])
+            print "# printed: %d (%.2f%%)" % (self.nbPrinted, self.nbPrinted / float(self.nbTranscripts[self.QUERY]) * 100)
+    def getOddsPerTranscript(self):
+        """
+        Return overlap results
+        @return a dict of data
+        """
+        if not self.odds:
+            raise Exception("Did not compute odds!")
+        return self.overlapResults
+    def getOdds(self):
+        """
+        Return odds about the overlap
+        @return a dict of data
+        """
+        if not self.odds:
+            raise Exception("Did not compute odds!")
+        if self.oddResults != None:
+            return self.oddResults
+        self.oddResults = {}
+        for name, value in self.overlapResults.iteritems():
+            self.oddResults[value] = self.oddResults.get(value, 0) + 1
+        return self.oddResults