diff commons/tools/srptBlasterMatcher.py @ 18:94ab73e8a190

author m-zytnicki
date Mon, 29 Apr 2013 03:20:15 -0400
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/commons/tools/srptBlasterMatcher.py	Mon Apr 29 03:20:15 2013 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,448 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+This program takes a query directory as input,
+then launches Blaster and/or Matcher on each file in it,
+finally results are optionally gathered in a single file.
+import os
+import sys
+import getopt
+import logging
+import glob
+import ConfigParser
+from pyRepet.launcher.programLauncher import programLauncher
+from pyRepet.launcher import Launcher
+from pyRepet.sql.RepetJobMySQL import RepetJob
+from commons.core.coord.Align import Align
+def help():
+    print
+    print "usage: %s [ options ]" % ( sys.argv[0].split("/")[-1] )
+    print "options:"
+    print "     -h: this help"
+    print "     -g: name of the group identifier (same for all the jobs)"
+    print "     -q: name of the query directory"
+    print "     -S: suffix in the query directory (default='*.fa' for Blaster, '*.align' for Matcher)"
+    print "     -s: absolute path to the subject databank"
+    print "     -Q: resources needed on the cluster)"
+    print "     -d: absolute path to the temporary directory"
+    print "     -m: mix of Blaster and/or Matcher"
+    print "         1: launch Blaster only"
+    print "         2: launch Matcher only (on '*.align' query files)"
+    print "         3: launch Blaster+Matcher in the same job"
+    print "     -B: parameters for Blaster (e.g. \"-a -n tblastx\")"
+    print "     -M: parameters for Matcher (e.g. \"-j\")"
+    print "     -Z: collect all the results into a single file"
+    print "         align (after Blaster)"
+    print "         path/tab (after Matcher)"
+    print "     -C: configuration file from TEdenovo or TEannot pipeline"
+    print "     -t: name of the table recording the jobs (default=jobs)"
+    print "     -p: absolute path to project directory (if jobs management via files)"
+    print "     -c: clean (remove job launch files and job stdout)"
+    print "     -v: verbose (default=0/1/2)"
+    print
+def filterRedundantMatches( inFile, outFile ):
+    """
+    When a pairwise alignment is launched ~ all-by-all (ie one batch against all chunks),
+    one filters the redundant matches. For instance we keep 'chunk3-1-100-chunk7-11-110-...'
+    and we discards 'chunk7-11-110-chunk3-1-100-...'.
+    Also we keep 'chunk5-1-100-chunk5-11-110-...' and we discards
+    'chunk5-11-110-chunk5-1-100-...'.
+    For this of course the results need to be sorted by query, on plus strand,
+    and in ascending coordinates (always the case with Blaster).
+    """
+    inFileHandler = open( inFile, "r" )
+    outFileHandler = open( outFile, "w" )
+    iAlign = Align()
+    countMatches = 0
+    tick = 100000
+    while True:
+        line = inFileHandler.readline()
+        if line == "":
+            break
+        countMatches += 1
+        iAlign.setFromString( line )
+        if "chunk" not in iAlign.range_query.seqname \
+               or "chunk" not in iAlign.range_subject.seqname:
+            print "ERROR: 'chunk' not in seqname"
+            sys.exit(1)
+        if int(iAlign.range_query.seqname.split("chunk")[1]) < int(iAlign.range_subject.seqname.split("chunk")[1]):
+            iAlign.write( outFileHandler )
+        elif int(iAlign.range_query.seqname.split("chunk")[1]) == int(iAlign.range_subject.seqname.split("chunk")[1]):
+            if iAlign.range_query.getMin() < iAlign.range_subject.getMin():
+                iAlign.write( outFileHandler )
+        if countMatches % tick == 0:   # need to free buffer frequently as file can be big
+            outFileHandler.flush()
+            os.fsync( outFileHandler.fileno() )
+    inFileHandler.close()
+    outFileHandler.close()
+def runCollect( groupid, collect, allByAll ):
+    """
+    Gather the results of each job in a single job and adapt path ID if necessary.
+    """
+    if verbose > 0:
+        print "concatenate the results of each job"; sys.stdout.flush()
+    # retrieve the list of the files
+    lFiles = glob.glob( "*.%s" % ( collect ) )
+    lFiles.sort()
+    # concatenate all the individual files
+    if os.path.exists( "%s.%s_tmp" % ( groupid, collect ) ):
+        os.remove( "%s.%s_tmp" % ( groupid, collect ) )
+    for resFile in lFiles:
+        prg = "cat"
+        cmd = prg
+        cmd += " %s >> %s.%s_tmp" % ( resFile, groupid, collect )
+        pL.launch( prg, cmd )
+        if clean == True:
+            prg = "rm"
+            cmd = prg
+            cmd += " -f %s" % ( resFile )
+            pL.launch( prg, cmd )
+    if os.path.exists( "%s.%s" % ( groupid, collect ) ):
+        os.remove( "%s.%s" % ( groupid, collect ) )
+    if collect == "align":
+        if not allByAll:
+            os.system( "mv %s.%s_tmp %s.%s" % ( groupid, collect, groupid, collect ) )
+        else:
+            filterRedundantMatches( "%s.%s_tmp" % ( groupid, collect ),
+                                    "%s.%s" % ( groupid, collect ) )
+    # adapt the path IDs if necessary
+    elif collect == "path":
+        prg = os.environ["REPET_PATH"] + "/bin/"
+        if os.path.exists( prg + "pathnum2id" ):
+            prg += "pathnum2id"
+            cmd = prg
+            cmd += " -i %s.path_tmp" % ( groupid )
+            cmd += " -o %s.path" % ( groupid )
+            cmd += " -v %i" % ( verbose - 1 )
+            pL.launch( prg, cmd )
+        else:
+            prg += "pathnum2id.py"
+            cmd = prg
+            cmd += " -i %s.path_tmp" % ( groupid )
+            cmd += " -o %s.path" % ( groupid )
+            pL.launch( prg, cmd )
+    elif collect == "tab":
+        prg = os.environ["REPET_PATH"] + "/bin/"
+        if os.path.exists( prg + "tabnum2id" ):
+            prg += "tabnum2id"
+            cmd = prg
+            cmd += " -i %s.tab_tmp" % ( groupid )
+            cmd += " -o %s.tab" % ( groupid )
+            cmd += " -v %i" % ( verbose - 1 )
+            pL.launch( prg, cmd )
+        else:
+            prg += "tabnum2id.py"
+            cmd = prg
+            cmd += " -i %s.tab_tmp" % ( groupid )
+            cmd += " -o %s.tab" % ( groupid )
+            pL.launch( prg, cmd )
+    if clean == True:
+        os.remove( "%s.%s_tmp" % ( groupid, collect ) )
+def main():
+    """
+    This program takes a query directory as input,
+    then launches Blaster and/or Matcher on each file in it,
+    finally results are optionally gathered in a single file.
+    """
+    groupid = ""
+    queryDir = ""
+    patternSuffix = ""
+    subjectBank = ""
+    queue = ""
+    tmpDir = ""
+    mix = ""
+    paramBlaster = ""
+    paramMatcher = ""
+    collect = ""
+    configFileName = ""
+    jobTable = "jobs"
+    projectDir = ""
+    global clean
+    clean = False
+    global verbose
+    verbose = 0
+    allByAll = False
+    try:
+        opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],"hg:q:S:s:Q:d:m:B:M:Z:C:t:p:cv:")
+    except getopt.GetoptError, err:
+        print str(err)
+        help()
+        sys.exit(1)
+    for o,a in opts:
+        if o == "-h":
+            help()
+            sys.exit(0)
+        elif o == "-g":
+            groupid = a
+        elif o == "-q":
+            queryDir = a
+            if queryDir[-1] == "/":
+                queryDir = queryDir[:-1]
+        elif o == "-S":
+            patternSuffix = a
+        elif o == "-s":
+            subjectBank = a
+        elif o == "-Q":
+            queue = a
+        elif o == "-d":
+            tmpDir = a
+            if tmpDir[-1] == "/":
+                tmpDir = tmpDir[:-1]
+        elif o == "-m":
+            mix = a
+        elif o == "-B":
+            paramBlaster = a
+        elif o == "-M":
+            paramMatcher = a
+        elif o == "-C":
+            configFileName = a
+        elif o == "-Z":
+            collect = a
+        elif o == "-t":
+            jobTable = a
+        elif o == "-p":
+            projectDir = a
+        elif o == "-c":
+            clean = True
+        elif o == "-v":
+            verbose = int(a)
+    if groupid == "":
+        print "ERROR: missing group identifier (-g)"
+        help()
+        sys.exit(1)
+    if queryDir == "":
+        print "ERROR: missing query directory (-q)"
+        help()
+        sys.exit(1)
+    if mix in [ "1", "3" ] and subjectBank == "":
+        print "ERROR: missing subject bank for Blaster"
+        sys.exit(1)
+    if os.environ["REPET_JOBS"] == "files" and projectDir == "":
+        print "ERROR: missing compulsory options for jobs management via files"
+        help()
+        sys.exit(1)
+    if not os.path.exists( queryDir ):
+        print "ERROR: can't find query directory '%s'" % ( queryDir )
+        sys.exit(1)
+    if verbose > 0:
+        print "START %s" % ( sys.argv[0].split("/")[-1] )
+        sys.stdout.flush()
+    logFileName = "%s_pid%s.log" % ( groupid, os.getpid() )
+    handler = logging.FileHandler( logFileName )
+    formatter = logging.Formatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s" )
+    handler.setFormatter( formatter )
+    logging.getLogger('').addHandler( handler )
+    logging.getLogger('').setLevel( logging.DEBUG )
+    logging.info( "started" )
+    if configFileName != "":
+        if not os.path.exists( configFileName ):
+            print "ERROR: configuration file '%s' doesn't exist" % ( configFileName )
+            sys.exit(1)
+        config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
+        config.readfp( open(configFileName) )
+        host = config.get("repet_env","repet_host")
+        user = config.get("repet_env","repet_user")
+        passwd = config.get("repet_env","repet_pw")
+        dbname = config.get("repet_env","repet_db")
+    else:
+        host = os.environ["REPET_HOST"]
+        user = os.environ["REPET_USER"]
+        passwd = os.environ["REPET_PW"]
+        dbname = os.environ["REPET_DB"]
+    if os.environ["REPET_JOBS"] == "files":
+        jobdb = RepetJob( dbname = projectDir + "/" + os.environ["REPET_DB"] )
+    elif os.environ["REPET_JOBS"] == "MySQL":
+        jobdb = RepetJob( user, host, passwd, dbname )
+    else:
+        print "ERROR: REPET_JOBS is '%s'" % ( os.environ["REPET_JOBS"] )
+        sys.exit(1)
+    currentDir = os.getcwd()
+    if tmpDir == "":
+        tmpDir = currentDir
+    global pL
+    pL = programLauncher()
+    if "-a" in paramBlaster:
+        allByAll = True
+    # if Blaster will be launched, prepare the subject data if necessary
+    if mix != "2" and not os.path.exists( "%s_cut" % ( subjectBank ) ):
+        if verbose > 0:
+            print "prepare subject bank '%s'..." % ( subjectBank.split("/")[-1] )
+            sys.stdout.flush()
+        prg = "blaster"
+        cmd = prg
+        cmd += " -q %s" % ( subjectBank )
+        cmd += " %s" % ( paramBlaster )
+        cmd += " -P"
+        pL.launch( prg, cmd )
+    # launch Blaster only (on '*.fa' in queryDir)
+    if mix == "1":
+        launcher = Launcher.BlasterLauncher( jobdb, queryDir, subjectBank, paramBlaster, currentDir, tmpDir, jobTable, queue, groupid, "Blaster" )
+        if patternSuffix == "":
+            patternSuffix = "*.fa"
+        launcher.run( patternSuffix, verbose )
+        if clean == True:
+            launcher.clean()
+    # launch Matcher only (on '*.align' in queryDir; don't use '-q' or '-s', only '-m')
+    elif mix == "2":
+        launcher = Launcher.MatcherLauncher( jobdb, queryDir, subjectBank, paramMatcher, currentDir, tmpDir, jobTable, queue, groupid, "Matcher" )
+        if patternSuffix == "":
+            patternSuffix = "*.align"
+        launcher.run( patternSuffix, verbose  )
+        if clean == True:
+            launcher.clean()
+    # launch Blaster+Matcher (on '*.fa' in queryDir)
+    elif mix == "3":
+        launcher = Launcher.Launcher( jobdb, queryDir, subjectBank, paramBlaster, currentDir, tmpDir, jobTable, queue, groupid, "BlasterMatcher" )
+        launcher.beginRun()
+        if patternSuffix == "":
+            patternSuffix = "*.fa"
+        lFaFiles = glob.glob( queryDir + "/" + patternSuffix )
+        if len(lFaFiles) == 0:
+            print "ERROR: query directory '%s' is empty of suffix '%s'" % ( queryDir, patternSuffix )
+            sys.exit(1)
+        count = 0
+        for inFaName in lFaFiles:
+            count += 1
+            launcher.acronyme = "BlasterMatcher_%i" % ( count )
+            launcher.job.jobname = launcher.acronyme
+            prefix = os.path.basename( inFaName )
+            cmd_start = ""
+            cmd_start += "if not os.path.exists( \"" + prefix + "\" ):\n"
+            cmd_start += "\tos.system( \"cp " + inFaName + " .\" )\n"
+            launchB = ""
+            launchB += "blaster"
+            launchB += " -q %s" % ( prefix )
+            launchB += " -s %s" % ( subjectBank )
+            launchB += " -B %s" % ( prefix )
+            if paramBlaster != "":
+                launchB += " %s" % ( paramBlaster )
+            cleanB = ""
+            cleanB += "if not os.path.exists( \"%s/%s.param\" ):\n" % ( currentDir, prefix )
+            cleanB += "\tos.system( \"mv %s.param %s\" )\n" % ( prefix, currentDir )
+            cleanB += "if os.path.exists( \"" + prefix + ".Nstretch.map\" ):\n"
+            cleanB += "\tos.remove( \"" + prefix + ".Nstretch.map\" )\n"
+            cleanB += "if os.path.exists( \"" + prefix + "_cut\" ):\n"
+            cleanB += "\tos.system( \"rm -f " + prefix + "_cut*\" )\n"
+            cleanB += "if os.path.exists( \"" + prefix + ".raw\" ):\n"
+            cleanB += "\tos.remove( \"" + prefix + ".raw\" )\n"
+            cleanB += "if os.path.exists( \"" + prefix + ".seq_treated\" ):\n"
+            cleanB += "\tos.remove( \"" + prefix + ".seq_treated\" )\n"
+            launchM = ""
+            launchM += os.environ["REPET_PATH"] + "/bin/matcher"
+            launchM += " -m %s.align" % ( prefix )
+            launchM += " -q %s" % ( prefix )
+            launchM += " -s %s" % ( subjectBank )
+            if paramMatcher != "":
+                launchM += " %s" % ( paramMatcher )
+            cleanM = ""
+            s = ""
+            if "-a" in paramMatcher:
+                s = "match"
+            else:
+                s = "clean_match"
+            if collect == "path":
+                cleanM += "if not os.path.exists( \"%s/%s.align.%s.path\" ):\n" % ( currentDir, prefix, s )
+                cleanM += "\tos.system( \"mv %s.align.%s.path %s\" )\n" % ( prefix, s, currentDir )
+                cleanM += "if os.path.exists( \"" + prefix + ".align."+s+".tab\" ):\n"
+                cleanM += "\tos.remove( \"" + prefix + ".align."+s+".tab\" )\n"
+            elif collect == "tab":
+                cleanM += "if not os.path.exists( \"%s/%s.align.%s.tab\" ):\n" % ( currentDir, prefix, s )
+                cleanM += "\tos.system( \"mv %s.align.%s.tab %s\" )\n" % ( prefix, s, currentDir )
+                cleanM += "if os.path.exists( \"" + prefix + ".align."+s+".path\" ):\n"
+                cleanM += "\tos.remove( \"" + prefix + ".align."+s+".path\" )\n"
+            cleanM += "if not os.path.exists( \"%s/%s.align.%s.param\" ):\n" % ( currentDir, prefix, s )
+            cleanM += "\tos.system( \"mv %s.align.%s.param %s\" )\n" % ( prefix, s, currentDir )
+            if tmpDir != currentDir:
+                cleanM += "if os.path.exists( \"%s\" ):\n" % ( prefix )
+                cleanM += "\tos.remove( \"%s\" )\n" % ( prefix )
+            if clean == True:
+                cleanM += "if os.path.exists( \"" + prefix + ".align\" ):\n"
+                cleanM += "\tos.remove( \"" + prefix + ".align\" )\n"
+            else:
+                cleanM += "if not os.path.exists( \"%s/%s.align\" ):\n" % ( currentDir, prefix )
+                cleanM += "\tos.system( \"mv %s.align %s\" )\n" % ( prefix, currentDir )
+            cleanM += "if os.path.exists( \"" + prefix + ".align."+s+".fa\" ):\n"
+            cleanM += "\tos.remove( \"" + prefix + ".align."+s+".fa\" )\n"
+            cleanM += "if os.path.exists( \"" + prefix + ".align."+s+".map\" ):\n"
+            cleanM += "\tos.remove( \"" + prefix + ".align."+s+".map\" )\n"
+            cmd_start += "print \"" + launchB + "\"; sys.stdout.flush()\n"
+            cmd_start += "log = os.system( \"" + launchB + "\" )\n"
+            cmd_start += "if log != 0:\n"
+            cmd_start += launcher.cmd_test( launcher.job, "error", loop=1 )
+            cmd_start += "\tsys.exit(1)\n"
+            cmd_start += cleanB
+            cmd_start += "print \"" + launchM + "\"; sys.stdout.flush()\n"
+            cmd_start += "log = os.system( \"" + launchM + "\" )\n"
+            cmd_start += cleanM
+            launcher.runSingleJob( cmd_start )
+        launcher.acronyme = "BlasterMatcher"
+        launcher._nbJobs = count
+        launcher.endRun()
+        if clean == True:
+            launcher.clean( "BlasterMatcher_*" )
+    else:
+        print "ERROR: option '-m %s' not recognized" % ( mix )
+        sys.exit(1)
+    if collect != "":
+        if collect in [ "align", "path", "tab" ]:
+            runCollect( groupid, collect, allByAll )
+        else:
+            print "ERROR: collect '%s' not implemented" % ( collect )
+            sys.exit(1)
+    logging.info( "finished" )
+    if verbose > 0:
+        print "END %s" % ( sys.argv[0].split("/")[-1] )
+        sys.stdout.flush()
+    return 0
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()