view commons/core/checker/ @ 52:418794381650

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author m-zytnicki
date Fri, 10 Jan 2014 08:56:32 -0500
parents 769e306b7933
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# Copyright INRA (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique)
# This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
# abiding by the rules of distribution of free software.  You can  use, 
# modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
# license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
# "". 
# As a counterpart to the access to the source code and  rights to copy,
# modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
# with a limited warranty  and the software's author,  the holder of the
# economic rights,  and the successive licensors  have only  limited
# liability. 
# In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
# with loading,  using,  modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
# software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
# that may mean  that it is complicated to manipulate,  and  that  also
# therefore means  that it is reserved for developers  and  experienced
# professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
# encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
# requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or 
# data to be ensured and,  more generally, to use and operate it in the 
# same conditions as regards security. 
# The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
# knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms.

import re
import sys
from commons.core.utils.RepetConfigParser import RepetConfigParser
from commons.core.checker.ConfigValue import ConfigValue
from commons.core.checker.IChecker import IChecker
from commons.core.checker.RepetException import RepetException
from commons.core.utils.FileUtils import FileUtils

class Rule(object):
    def __init__(self, mandatory= False, isPattern=False, type="", set=(), help =""):
        self.mandatory = mandatory
        self.isPattern = isPattern
        self.type = type
        self.set = set = help
class ConfigRules(object):
    def __init__(self, configName = "", configDescription = ""):
        self.configName = configName
        self.configDescription = configDescription
    def _addRule(self, section, option="DEFAULT", mandatory=False, isPattern=False, type="", set=(), help =""):
        if not self.dRules4Sections.has_key(section):
            self.dRules4Sections[section] = {}
        self.dRules4Sections[section][option]=Rule(mandatory, isPattern, type.lower(), set) 
    def addRuleSection(self, section, mandatory=False, isPattern=False, help = ""):
        self._addRule(section = section, option = "DEFAULT", mandatory = mandatory, isPattern =  isPattern, help = "")
    def addRuleOption(self, section, option, mandatory=False, isPattern=False, type="", set=(), help = ""):
        self._addRule(section = section, option = option, mandatory = mandatory, isPattern =  isPattern, type = type, set=set , help = "")
    def isSectionMandatory(self, section):
        if self.dRules4Sections.has_key(section):
            if self.dRules4Sections[section].has_key("DEFAULT"):
                return self.dRules4Sections[section]["DEFAULT"].mandatory
        return False
    def isOptionMandatory(self, section, option):
        if self.dRules4Sections.has_key(section):
            if self.dRules4Sections[section].has_key(option):
                return self.dRules4Sections[section][option].mandatory
        return False
    def getRule(self, section, option):
        if self.dRules4Sections.has_key(section):
            if self.dRules4Sections[section].has_key(option):
                return self.dRules4Sections[section][option]
        return None
class ConfigChecker(IChecker):
    def __init__ (self, cfgFileName, iCfgRules):
        self._configFileName = cfgFileName
        self._iConfigRules = iCfgRules
        self._iRawConfig = ConfigValue()
        self._iExtendedConfigRules = ConfigRules()
    def readConfigFile(self):
        iConfig = RepetConfigParser()
            return iConfig
#            if DuplicateSectionError:
#                raise Exception ("Duplicate section exist in config file %s" %(self._configFileName ))
        except :
            raise RepetException ("Unexpected error: %s" %  sys.exc_info()[0])
    def setRawConfig(self, iConfig ):
        for sectionName in iConfig.sections(): 
            for optionName in iConfig.options(sectionName):
                optionValue = iConfig.get(sectionName, optionName)
                self._iRawConfig.set(sectionName, optionName, optionValue)
    def getOptionValueAccordingRule(self, iConfig, sectionName, optionName):
        optionRule = self._iExtendedConfigRules.getRule(sectionName, optionName)
        if optionRule == None : 
            return iConfig.get(sectionName, optionName)
        if optionRule.type == "int":
            optionValue = iConfig.getint(sectionName, optionName)
        elif optionRule.type == "float":
            optionValue = iConfig.getfloat(sectionName, optionName)
        elif optionRule.type == "bool" or optionRule.type == "boolean":
            optionValue = iConfig.getboolean(sectionName, optionName)
            optionValue = iConfig.get(sectionName, optionName)
        if optionRule.set!=() and not(optionValue in optionRule.set):  
            #TODO : test and fix    
            raise RepetException ("value must be in %s " % set.__repr__())
        return optionValue
    def setConfig(self, iConfig ):
        config = ConfigValue()
        valueErr = ""
        for sectionName in iConfig.sections():
            for optionName in iConfig.options(sectionName):
                    optionValue = self.getOptionValueAccordingRule(iConfig, sectionName, optionName )
                    config.set(sectionName, optionName, optionValue)
                except RepetException, re :
                    #TODO : test and fix    
                    valueErr += "\n - [%s]: %s %s" % re.getMessage()
        if valueErr == "":
            self._iRawConfig = config
            raise RepetException ("Following errors occurs:%s\n" %valueErr)
    def checkIfExistsConfigFile (self):   
        if not (FileUtils.isRessourceExists(self._configFileName)):
            raise RepetException("CONFIG FILE not found - '%s'" % self._configFileName)
    def checkMandatorySections (self):
        missingSection = ""
        for sectionName in self._iExtendedConfigRules.dRules4Sections.keys():
            if self._iExtendedConfigRules.isSectionMandatory(sectionName) and not self._iRawConfig.has_section(sectionName):
                    missingSection += "\n - %s" %(sectionName)
        if missingSection != "":
            raise RepetException ("Error in configuration file %s, following sections are missing:%s\n" % (self._configFileName, missingSection))
    def checkMandatoryOptions (self):
        missingOption = ""
        for sectionName in self._iExtendedConfigRules.dRules4Sections.keys():
            if self._iExtendedConfigRules.isSectionMandatory(sectionName) or self._iRawConfig.has_section(sectionName) :
                dRules4OptionsOfThisSection = self._iExtendedConfigRules.dRules4Sections[sectionName]
                for optionName in dRules4OptionsOfThisSection.keys():
                    if optionName != "DEFAULT" and self._iExtendedConfigRules.isOptionMandatory(sectionName, optionName) and not self._iRawConfig.has_option(sectionName, optionName):
                        missingOption += "\n - [%s]: %s" % (sectionName, optionName)
        if missingOption != "":
            raise RepetException ("Error in configuration file %s, following options are missing: %s\n" % (self._configFileName, missingOption))
    def getSectionNamesAccordingPatternRules (self, sectionWordOrPattern, isPattern):          
        if isPattern == False:
            if self._iRawConfig.has_section(sectionWordOrPattern):
            for sectionName in self._iRawConfig.sections():
                if, sectionName, re.IGNORECASE):
        return lSectionsFoundAccordingPatternRules
    def getOptionsNamesAccordingPatternRules(self, sectionName, optionWordOrPattern, isPattern):
        if isPattern == False:
            if self._iRawConfig.has_option(sectionName, optionWordOrPattern):
        else :
            for optionName in self._iRawConfig.options(sectionName):
                if, optionName, re.IGNORECASE)!= None:
        return lOptionsFoundAccordingPatternRules
    def extendConfigRulesWithPatternRules(self):
        for sectionName in self._iConfigRules.dRules4Sections.keys():
            dRules4OptionsOfThisSection = self._iConfigRules.dRules4Sections[sectionName] 
            if dRules4OptionsOfThisSection.has_key("DEFAULT"):
                mandatorySection = dRules4OptionsOfThisSection["DEFAULT"].mandatory
                isPatternSection = dRules4OptionsOfThisSection["DEFAULT"].isPattern
                lRawSections=self.getSectionNamesAccordingPatternRules(sectionName, isPatternSection)
                for rawSectionName in lRawSections:
                    self._iExtendedConfigRules.addRuleSection(rawSectionName, "DEFAULT", mandatorySection )
                if mandatorySection and (len(lRawSections)==0):
                    self._iExtendedConfigRules.addRuleSection(sectionName, "DEFAULT", mandatorySection )
            for optionName in dRules4OptionsOfThisSection.keys():
                setOption = dRules4OptionsOfThisSection[optionName].set
                isPatternOption = dRules4OptionsOfThisSection[optionName].isPattern
                mandatoryOption = dRules4OptionsOfThisSection[optionName].mandatory
                typeOption = dRules4OptionsOfThisSection[optionName].type
                if optionName != "DEFAULT":
                    for rawSectionName in lRawSections:
                        lRawOptions=self.getOptionsNamesAccordingPatternRules(rawSectionName, optionName, isPatternOption)
                        for rawOptionName in lRawOptions:
                            self._iExtendedConfigRules.addRuleOption(rawSectionName, rawOptionName, mandatoryOption, False, typeOption, setOption)
                        if mandatoryOption and (len(lRawOptions)==0):
                            self._iExtendedConfigRules.addRuleOption(rawSectionName, optionName, mandatoryOption, False, typeOption, setOption)
    def getConfig(self):
        iConfig = self.readConfigFile()
        return self._iRawConfig