view commons/tools/ @ 19:9bcfa7936eec

Deleted selected files
author m-zytnicki
date Mon, 29 Apr 2013 03:23:29 -0400
parents 94ab73e8a190
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/env python


# Copyright INRA (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique)
# This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
# abiding by the rules of distribution of free software.  You can  use, 
# modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
# license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
# "". 
# As a counterpart to the access to the source code and  rights to copy,
# modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
# with a limited warranty  and the software's author,  the holder of the
# economic rights,  and the successive licensors  have only  limited
# liability. 
# In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
# with loading,  using,  modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
# software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
# that may mean  that it is complicated to manipulate,  and  that  also
# therefore means  that it is reserved for developers  and  experienced
# professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
# encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
# requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or 
# data to be ensured and,  more generally, to use and operate it in the 
# same conditions as regards security. 
# The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
# knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms.

from commons.core.utils.RepetOptionParser import RepetOptionParser
from commons.core.utils.FileUtils import FileUtils
from commons.core.sql.DbFactory import DbFactory
from commons.core.sql.TableSeqAdaptator import TableSeqAdaptator
from commons.core.sql.TablePathAdaptator import TablePathAdaptator
import sys
import os

## GFF3Maker exports annotations from a 'path' table into a GFF3 file.
class GFF3Maker(object):

    def __init__(self, inFastaName = "", tablesFileName = "", classifTableName = "", isChado = False, isGFF3WithoutAnnotation = False, isWithSequence = False, areMatchPartsCompulsory = False, configFileName = "", verbose = 0, doMergeIdenticalMatches = False, doSplit = False):
        self._inFastaName = inFastaName
        self._tablesFileName = tablesFileName
        self._classifTableName = classifTableName
        self._isChado = isChado
        self._isGFF3WithoutAnnotation = isGFF3WithoutAnnotation
        self._isWithSequence = isWithSequence
        self._areMatchPartsCompulsory = areMatchPartsCompulsory
        self._configFileName = configFileName
        self._doMergeIdenticalMatches = doMergeIdenticalMatches
        self._doSplit = doSplit
        self._iDB = None
        self._verbose = verbose
    def setAttributesFromCmdLine(self):
        description = "GFF3Maker exports annotations from 'path', 'set' and/or 'classif' tables into a GFF3 file\n"
        parser = RepetOptionParser(description = description)
        parser.add_option("-f", "--inseq",              dest = "inFastaName",               action = "store",       type = "string", help = "'seq' table recording the input sequences", default = "")
        parser.add_option("-t", "--tablesfile",         dest = "tablesFileName",            action = "store",       type = "string", help = "tabulated file of table name to use to create the gff3 files (fields: tier name, format, table name)", default = "")
        parser.add_option("-w", "--withSequence",       dest = "isWithSequence",            action = "store_true",                   help = "write the sequence at the end of GFF3 file", default = False)
        parser.add_option("-a", "--withoutAnnotation",  dest = "isGFF3WithoutAnnotation",   action = "store_true",                   help = "write GFF3 files even if no annotation", default = False)
        parser.add_option("-p", "--matchPart",          dest = "areMatchPartsCompulsory",   action = "store_true",                   help = "always associate a match_part to a match", default = False)
        parser.add_option("-i", "--classifTable",       dest = "classifTable",              action = "store",       type = "string", help = "name of the TE library classification table [optional]", default = "")
        parser.add_option("-c", "--chado",              dest = "isChado",                   action = "store_true",                   help = "Chado compliance", default = False)
        parser.add_option("-m", "--doMergeIdenticalMatches",              dest = "doMergeIdenticalMatches",                   action = "store_true",                   help = "merge identical matches based on query start, query end, score", default = False)
        parser.add_option("-s", "--doSplit",            dest = "doSplit",                   action = "store_true",                   help = "split each GFF3 per annotation type", default = False)
        parser.add_option("-C", "--config",             dest = "configFileName",            action = "store",       type = "string", help = "configuration file for database connection", default = "")
        parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose",            dest = "verbose",                   action = "store",       type = "int",    help = "verbosity level (default=0, else 1 or 2)", default = 0)
        options = parser.parse_args()[0]
    #TODO: write a "setAttributesFromConfig"
    def _setAttributesFromOptions(self, options):
    def setInFastaName(self, inFastaName):
        self._inFastaName = inFastaName
    def setTablesFileName(self, tablesFileName):
        self._tablesFileName = tablesFileName
    def setIsWithSequence(self, isWithSequence):
        self._isWithSequence = isWithSequence
    def setIsGFF3WithoutAnnotation(self, isGFF3WithoutAnnotation):
        self._isGFF3WithoutAnnotation = isGFF3WithoutAnnotation
    def setAreMatchPartCompulsory(self, areMatchPartsCompulsory):
        self._areMatchPartsCompulsory = areMatchPartsCompulsory
    def setClassifTable(self, classifTable):
        self._classifTableName = classifTable
    def setIsChado(self, isChado):
        self._isChado = isChado
    def setDoMergeIdenticalMatches(self, doMergeIdenticalMatches):
        self._doMergeIdenticalMatches = doMergeIdenticalMatches
    def setDoSplit(self, doSplit):
        self._doSplit = doSplit
    def setConfigFileName(self, configFileName):
        self._configFileName = configFileName
    def setVerbose(self, verbose):
        self._verbose = verbose

    def checkOptions(self):       
        if self._inFastaName == "":
            raise Exception("ERROR: options -f required")
        if self._configFileName != "":
            if not FileUtils.isRessourceExists(self._configFileName):
                raise Exception("ERROR: configuration file does not exist!")
        if self._classifTableName and not self._iDB.doesTableExist(self._classifTableName):
            raise Exception("ERROR: classification table '%s' does not exist!" % self._classifTableName)
    ## Retrieve the features to write in the GFF3 file.
    # @param pathTable string name of the table recording the annotations (i.e. the features)
    # @param seqName string name of the sequence (the source feature) on which we want to visualize the matches (the features)
    # @param source string the program that generated the feature (i.e. REPET)
    # @param frame string "." by default (or "+", "-")
    # @return pathString string which will be printed in path file 
    def _getPathFeatures(self, pathTable, seqTable, seqName, source, feature, frame):
        pathString = ""
        iTPA = TablePathAdaptator(self._iDB, pathTable)
        lPaths = iTPA.getPathListSortedByQueryCoordAndScoreFromQuery(seqName)
        # organise them into 'match' and 'match_part'
        if lPaths:
            dPathID2Data = self._gatherSamePathFeatures(lPaths)
            # build the output string
            for pathID in dPathID2Data:
                pathString += self._organizeEachPathFeature(pathID, dPathID2Data[pathID], seqName, source, frame, seqTable)
        return pathString
    ## Gather matches with the same path ID.
    # @param data list of string lists results of a SQL request
    # @return dPathID2Matchs dict whose keys are path IDs and values are matches data
    def _gatherSamePathFeatures(self, lPaths):
        dPathID2Matchs = {}
        iPreviousPath = lPaths[0]
        iPreviousPath.otherTargets = []
        for iPath in lPaths[1:]:
            if self._doMergeIdenticalMatches and iPreviousPath.getQueryStart() == iPath.getQueryStart() and iPreviousPath.getQueryEnd() == iPath.getQueryEnd() and iPreviousPath.getScore() == iPath.getScore() and iPreviousPath.getSubjectName() != iPath.getSubjectName():
                iPreviousPath.otherTargets.append("%s %d %d" % (iPath.getSubjectName(), iPath.getSubjectStart(), iPath.getSubjectEnd()))
                self._addPathToMatchDict(dPathID2Matchs, iPreviousPath)
                iPreviousPath = iPath
                iPreviousPath.otherTargets = []
        self._addPathToMatchDict(dPathID2Matchs, iPreviousPath)
        return dPathID2Matchs
    def _getClassifEvidenceBySeqName(self, seqName):
        lseqName = seqName.split('_')
        seqNameStructure =  '%s_%%' % lseqName[0]
        if lseqName[-1] == 'reversed':
            seqNameStructure +=  '%s_%s' % (lseqName[-2],lseqName[-1])
            seqNameStructure += lseqName[-1]
        qry = "SELECT evidence FROM %s WHERE seq_name like \"%s\"" % (self._classifTableName, seqNameStructure)
        result = ""
            result = "".join(self._iDB.fetchall()[0])
        except: pass
        return  result
    def _addPathToMatchDict(self, dPathID2Matchs, iPreviousPath):
        pathId = iPreviousPath.getIdentifier()
        subjectStart = iPreviousPath.getSubjectStart()
        subjectEnd = iPreviousPath.getSubjectEnd()
        strand = iPreviousPath.getSubjectStrand()
        if subjectStart > subjectEnd:
            tmp = subjectStart
            subjectStart = subjectEnd
            subjectEnd = tmp
        queryStart = iPreviousPath.getQueryStart()
        queryEnd = iPreviousPath.getQueryEnd()
        subjectName = iPreviousPath.getSubjectName()
        eValue = iPreviousPath.getEvalue()
        identity = iPreviousPath.getIdentity()
        otherTargets = iPreviousPath.otherTargets
        if dPathID2Matchs.has_key(pathId):
            dPathID2Matchs[pathId].append([queryStart, queryEnd, strand, subjectName, subjectStart, subjectEnd, eValue, identity, otherTargets])
            dPathID2Matchs[pathId] = [[queryStart, queryEnd, strand, subjectName, subjectStart, subjectEnd, eValue, identity, otherTargets]]

    def _getConsensusLengthByTargetName(self, targetName, seqTableName):
        iTableSeqAdaptator = TableSeqAdaptator(self._iDB, seqTableName)
        return  iTableSeqAdaptator.getSeqLengthFromDescription(targetName)
    ## For a specific path ID, organize match data according to the GFF3 format.
    # @param pathID string path ID
    # @param lMatches match list
    # @param seqName string name of the source feature
    # @param source string 'source' field for GFF3 format
    # @param frame string 'frame' field for GFF3 format
    # @return lines string to write in the GFF3 file
    def _organizeEachPathFeature(self, pathID, lMatches, seqName, source, frame, seqTable = ""):
        lines = ""
        minStart = lMatches[0][0]
        maxEnd = lMatches[0][1]
        minStartSubject = lMatches[0][4]
        maxEndSubject = lMatches[0][5]
        strand = lMatches[0][2]
        # for each match
        for i in lMatches:
            if i[0] < minStart:
                minStart = i[0]
            if i[1] > maxEnd:
                maxEnd = i[1]
            if i[4] < minStartSubject:
                minStartSubject = i[4]
            if i[5] > maxEndSubject:
                maxEndSubject = i[5]
        target = lMatches[0][3]
        targetDescTag = ""
        if self._classifTableName != "":
            targetDescTag = self._getClassifEvidenceBySeqName(target)
            if targetDescTag != "":
                targetDescTag = ";TargetDescription=%s" % targetDescTag.replace('=', ':').replace(';', '').replace(',', ' |')
        targetLengthTag = ""
        if seqTable != "":
            targetLengthTag = self._getConsensusLengthByTargetName(target, seqTable)
            targetLengthTag = ";TargetLength=%i" % targetLengthTag
        attributes = "ID=ms%s_%s_%s" % (pathID, seqName, target)
        if self._isChado:
            attributes += ";Target=%s+%s+%s" % (target, minStartSubject, maxEndSubject)
            attributes += ";Target=%s %s %s" % (target, minStartSubject, maxEndSubject)
        if lMatches[0][8]:
            otherTargets = ", ".join(lMatches[0][8])
            attributes += ";OtherTargets=%s" % otherTargets
            attributes += targetLengthTag
            attributes += targetDescTag
            if len(lMatches) == 1:
                attributes += ";Identity=%s" % lMatches[0][7]

        lines += "%s\t%s\tmatch\t%s\t%s\t0.0\t%s\t%s\t%s\n" % (seqName, source, minStart, maxEnd, strand, frame, attributes)
        if len(lMatches) > 1 or self._areMatchPartsCompulsory:
            count = 1
            for i in lMatches:
                attributes = "ID=mp%s-%i_%s_%s" % (pathID, count, seqName, target)
                attributes += ";Parent=ms%s%s%s%s%s" % (pathID, "_", seqName, "_", target)
                if self._isChado:
                    attributes += ";Target=%s+%s+%s" % (target, i[4], i[5])
                    attributes += ";Target=%s %s %s" % (target, i[4], i[5])
                if not i[8]:
                    attributes += ";Identity=%s" % i[7]
                lines += "%s\t%s\tmatch_part\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n" % (seqName, source, i[0], i[1], i[6], i[2], frame, attributes)
                count += 1
        return lines
    ## Retrieve the features to write in the GFF3 file.
    # @param table string name of the table recording the annotations (i.e. the features)
    # @param key string name of the sequence (the source feature) on which we want to visualize the matches (the features)
    # @param source string the program that generated the feature (i.e. REPET)
    # @param frame string "." by default (or "+", "-")
    # @return setString string which will be printed in set file 
    def _getSetFeatures(self, table, key, source, feature, frame):
        setString = ""
        # retrieve all the data about the matches
        qry = "SELECT DISTINCT path,name,start,end FROM %s WHERE chr=\"%s\"" % (table, key)
        data = self._iDB.fetchall()
        # organise them into 'match' and 'match_part'
        dPathID2Data = self._gatherSameSetFeatures(data)
        # build the output string
        for pathID in dPathID2Data:
            setString += self._organizeEachSetFeature(pathID, dPathID2Data[pathID], key, source, frame)
        return setString
    ## Gather matches with the same path ID.
    # @param data list of string lists results of a SQL request
    # @return dSetID2Matchs dict whose keys are set IDs and values are matches data
    def _gatherSameSetFeatures(self, data):
        dSetID2Matchs = {}
        for i in data:
            setID = i[0]
            name = i[1]
            start = i[2]
            end = i[3]
            matchStart = min(start, end)
            matchEnd = max(start, end)
            strand = self._getStrand(start, end)
            if dSetID2Matchs.has_key(setID):
                dSetID2Matchs[setID].append([name, matchStart, matchEnd, strand])
                dSetID2Matchs[setID] = [[name, matchStart, matchEnd, strand]]
        return dSetID2Matchs
    ## For a specific set ID, organize match data according to the GFF3 format.
    # @param setID string path ID
    # @param lMatches match list
    # @param seqName string name of the source feature
    # @param source string 'source' field for GFF3 format
    # @param frame string 'frame' field for GFF3 format
    # @return lines string to write in the GFF3 file
    def _organizeEachSetFeature(self, setID, lMatches, seqName, source, frame):
        lines = ""
        minStart = min(lMatches[0][1], lMatches[0][2])
        maxEnd = max(lMatches[0][1], lMatches[0][2])
        strand = lMatches[0][3]
        # for each match
        for i in lMatches:
            start = min(i[1],i[2])
            if start < minStart:
                minStart = start
            end = max(i[1],i[2])
            if end > maxEnd:
                maxEnd = end
        target = lMatches[0][0].replace("(","").replace(")","").replace("#","")
        attributes = "ID=ms%s_%s_%s" % (setID, seqName, target)
        if self._isChado:
            attributes += ";Target=%s+%s+%s" % (target, "1", abs(minStart-maxEnd)+1)
            attributes += ";Target=%s %s %s" % (target, "1", abs(minStart-maxEnd)+1)
        lines += "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n" % (seqName, source, "match", minStart, maxEnd, "0.0", strand, frame, attributes)

        if len(lMatches) > 1 or self._areMatchPartsCompulsory:    
            count = 1
            for i in lMatches:
                attributes = "ID=mp%s-%i_%s_%s" % (setID, count, seqName, target)
                attributes += ";Parent=ms%s%s%s%s%s" % (setID, "_", seqName, "_", target)
                if self._isChado:
                    attributes += ";Target=%s+%s+%s" % (target, "1", abs(i[1]-i[2])+1)
                    attributes += ";Target=%s %s %s" % (target, "1", abs(i[1]-i[2])+1)
                lines += "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n" % (seqName, source, "match_part", i[1], i[2], "0.0", i[3], frame, attributes)
                count += 1

        return lines
    ## Return the strand ('+' if start < end, '-' otherwise).
    # @param start integer start coordinate
    # @param end integer end coordinate
    # @return strand string "+" or "-"
    def _getStrand(self, start, end):
        if start < end:
            return "+"
            return "-"
    def run(self):
        #TODO: cat all gff in one gff file in option
        if self._configFileName == "":
            self._iDB = DbFactory.createInstance()
            self._iDB = DbFactory.createInstance(self._configFileName)
        if self._verbose > 0:
            print "START GFF3Maker"

        tablesFile = open(self._tablesFileName, "r")
        linesFromAnnotationTablesFile = tablesFile.readlines()
        feature = "region"
        frame = "."
        iTSA = TableSeqAdaptator(self._iDB, self._inFastaName)
        lTuples = iTSA.getAccessionAndLengthList()
        for seqName, length in lTuples :
            if not self._doSplit:
                fileName = "%s.gff3" % seqName
                outFile = open(fileName, "w")
                outFile.write("##gff-version 3\n")
                outFile.write("##sequence-region %s 1 %s\n" % (seqName, length))
                for line in linesFromAnnotationTablesFile:
                    if line[0] == "#":
                    tok = line.split()
                    if len(tok) == 0:
                    source = tok[0]
                    format = tok[1]
                    table = tok[2]
                    tableseq = ""
                    if len(tok) == 4:
                        tableseq = tok[3]
                    if format == 'path' :
                        annotations = self._getPathFeatures(table, tableseq, seqName, source, feature, frame)
                    elif format == 'set' :
                        annotations = self._getSetFeatures(table, seqName, source, feature, frame)
                        raise Exception("Wrong format : %s" % format)
                #TODO: check getNbLinesInSingleFile() to handle big files
                if not self._isGFF3WithoutAnnotation and FileUtils.getNbLinesInSingleFile(fileName) == 2:
                elif self._isWithSequence:
                    outFile = open(fileName, "a")
                    iBioseq = iTSA.getBioseqFromHeader(seqName)
                count = 1
                for line in linesFromAnnotationTablesFile:
                    if line[0] == "#":
                    tok = line.split()
                    if len(tok) == 0:
                    source = tok[0]
                    format = tok[1]
                    table = tok[2]
                    tableseq = ""
                    if len(tok) == 4:
                        tableseq = tok[3]
                    fileName = "%s_Annot%i.gff3" % (seqName, count)
                    outFile = open(fileName, "w")
                    outFile.write("##gff-version 3\n")
                    outFile.write("##sequence-region %s 1 %s\n" % (seqName, length))
                    if format == 'path' :
                        annotations = self._getPathFeatures(table, tableseq, seqName, source, feature, frame)
                    elif format == 'set' :
                        annotations = self._getSetFeatures(table, seqName, source, feature, frame)
                        raise Exception("Wrong format : %s" % format)
                    #TODO: check getNbLinesInSingleFile() to handle big files
                    if not self._isGFF3WithoutAnnotation and FileUtils.getNbLinesInSingleFile(fileName) == 2:
                    elif self._isWithSequence:
                        outFile = open(fileName, "a")
                        iBioseq = iTSA.getBioseqFromHeader(seqName)
                    count += 1
        if self._verbose > 0:
            print "END GFF3Maker"
if __name__ == "__main__":
    iGFF3Maker = GFF3Maker()