view commons/core/coord/test/ @ 14:c79b9ae3f65f

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author m-zytnicki
date Fri, 19 Apr 2013 10:13:11 -0400
parents 769e306b7933
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# Copyright INRA (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique)
# This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
# abiding by the rules of distribution of free software.  You can  use, 
# modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
# license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
# "". 
# As a counterpart to the access to the source code and  rights to copy,
# modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
# with a limited warranty  and the software's author,  the holder of the
# economic rights,  and the successive licensors  have only  limited
# liability. 
# In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
# with loading,  using,  modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
# software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
# that may mean  that it is complicated to manipulate,  and  that  also
# therefore means  that it is reserved for developers  and  experienced
# professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
# encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
# requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or 
# data to be ensured and,  more generally, to use and operate it in the 
# same conditions as regards security. 
# The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
# knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms.

import unittest
import os
import time
from commons.core.coord.PathUtils import PathUtils
from commons.core.coord.Path import Path
from commons.core.coord.Set import Set
from commons.core.utils.FileUtils import FileUtils
from commons.core.coord.Range import Range
from commons.core.coord.Align import Align

class Test_PathUtils ( unittest.TestCase ):

    def test_getSetListFromQueries( self ):
        set1 = Set(1,"TE2","chr1",1,10)
        set2 = Set(1,"TE2","chr1",10,1)
        set3 = Set(1,"TE3","chr4",12,22)
        expList = [set1, set2, set3]

        tuple1 = ("1","chr1","1","10","TE2","11","17","1e-20","30","90.2")
        tuple2 = ("1","chr1","10","1","TE2","11","17","1e-20","30","90.2")
        tuple3 = ("1","chr4","12","22","TE3","11","17","1e-20","30","90.2")

        pathList = self._makePathListFromTupleList( [ tuple1, tuple2, tuple3 ] )

        obsList = PathUtils.getSetListFromQueries( pathList )

        self.assertEquals( expList, obsList )
    def test_getSetListFromQueries_on_empty_list( self ):
        expList = []
        obsList = PathUtils.getSetListFromQueries( [] )

        self.assertEquals( expList, obsList )
    def test_getSetListFromQueries_on_list_size1( self ):
        set1 = Set(1,"TE2","chr1",1,10)
        expList = [set1]
        tuple1 = ("1","chr1","1","10","TE2","11","17","1e-20","30","90.2")
        path1 = Path()
        pathList = [path1]
        obsList = PathUtils.getSetListFromQueries( pathList )
        self.assertEquals( expList, obsList )
    def test_getRangeListFromSubjects_initiallyOrdered_directStrand( self ):
        tuple1 = ("1","chr1","1","10","TE2","1","10","1e-20","30","90.2")
        tuple2 = ("1","chr1","21","30","TE2","11","20","1e-20","30","90.2")
        tuple3 = ("1","chr1","41","50","TE2","21","30","1e-20","30","90.2")
        lPaths = self._makePathListFromTupleList( [ tuple1, tuple2, tuple3 ] )
        iSet1 = Range( "TE2", 1, 10 )
        iSet2 = Range( "TE2", 11, 20 )
        iSet3 = Range( "TE2", 21, 30 )
        lExp = [ iSet1, iSet2, iSet3 ]
        lObs = PathUtils.getRangeListFromSubjects( lPaths )
        self.assertEquals( lExp, lObs )
    def test_getRangeListFromSubjects_initiallyUnordered_directStrand( self ):
        tuple1 = ("1","chr1","1","10","TE2","1","10","1e-20","30","90.2")
        tuple2 = ("1","chr1","41","50","TE2","21","30","1e-20","30","90.2")
        tuple3 = ("1","chr1","21","30","TE2","11","20","1e-20","30","90.2")
        lPaths = self._makePathListFromTupleList( [ tuple1, tuple2, tuple3 ] )
        iSet1 = Range( "TE2", 1, 10 )
        iSet2 = Range( "TE2", 11, 20 )
        iSet3 = Range( "TE2", 21, 30 )
        lExp = [ iSet1, iSet2, iSet3 ]
        lObs = PathUtils.getRangeListFromSubjects( lPaths )
        self.assertEquals( lExp, lObs )
    def test_getRangeListFromSubjects_initiallyUnordered_reverseStrand( self ):
        tuple1 = ("1","chr1","1","10","TE2","10","1","1e-20","30","90.2")
        tuple2 = ("1","chr1","41","50","TE2","30","21","1e-20","30","90.2")
        tuple3 = ("1","chr1","21","30","TE2","20","11","1e-20","30","90.2")
        lPaths = self._makePathListFromTupleList( [ tuple1, tuple2, tuple3 ] )
        iSet3 = Range( "TE2", 30, 21 )
        iSet2 = Range( "TE2", 20, 11 )
        iSet1 = Range( "TE2", 10, 1 )
        lExp = [ iSet1, iSet2, iSet3 ]
        lObs = PathUtils.getRangeListFromSubjects( lPaths )
        self.assertEquals( lExp, lObs )
    def test_getQueryMinMaxFromPathList( self ):
        tuple1 = ("1","chr1","1","10","TE2","11","17","1e-20","30","90.2")
        tuple2 = ("1","chr1","10","1","TE2","11","17","1e-20","30","90.2")
        tuple3 = ("1","chr4","12","22","TE3","11","17","1e-20","30","90.2")
        pathList = self._makePathListFromTupleList([tuple1, tuple2, tuple3])
        obsTuple = PathUtils.getQueryMinMaxFromPathList( pathList )
        expTuple = (1,22) 
        self.assertEquals(expTuple, obsTuple)
    def test_getQueryMinMaxFromPathList_on_empty_list( self ):
        obsTuple = PathUtils.getQueryMinMaxFromPathList( [] )
        expTuple = (-1,-1)
        self.assertEquals( expTuple, obsTuple )
    def test_getQueryMinMaxFromPathList_on_list_size1( self ):
        tuple1 = ("1","chr1","1","10","TE2","11","17","1e-20","30","90.2")
        path1 = Path()
        pathList = [path1]
        obsTuple = PathUtils.getQueryMinMaxFromPathList( pathList )
        expTuple = (1,10) 
        self.assertEquals(expTuple, obsTuple)
    def test_getSubjectMinMaxFromPathList( self ):
        tuple1 = ("1","chr1","1","10","TE2","11","17","1e-20","30","90.2")
        tuple2 = ("1","chr1","10","1","TE2","17","11","1e-20","30","90.2")
        tuple3 = ("1","chr4","12","22","TE3","22","34","1e-20","30","90.2")
        pathList = self._makePathListFromTupleList([tuple1, tuple2, tuple3])
        obsTuple = PathUtils.getSubjectMinMaxFromPathList(pathList)
        expTuple = (11,34) 
        self.assertEquals(expTuple, obsTuple)
    def test_getSubjectMinMaxFromPathList_on_empty_list( self ):
        obsTuple = PathUtils.getSubjectMinMaxFromPathList([])
        expTuple = (-1,-1)
        self.assertEquals(expTuple, obsTuple)
    def test_getSubjectMinMaxFromPathList_on_list_size1( self ):
        tuple1 = ("1","chr1","1","10","TE2","11","17","1e-20","30","90.2")
        path1 = Path()
        pathList = [path1]
        obsTuple = PathUtils.getSubjectMinMaxFromPathList(pathList)
        expTuple = (11,17) 
        self.assertEquals(expTuple, obsTuple)
    def test_areQueriesOverlappingBetweenPathLists_list2_empty( self ):
        tuple1 = ("1","chr1","100","110","TE2","15","10","1e-20","30","90.2")
        tuple2 = ("1","chr1","200","220","TE2","15","10","1e-20","30","90.2")
        tuple3 = ("1","chr1","300","330","TE2","15","10","1e-20","30","90.2")
        pathList1 = self._makePathListFromTupleList([tuple1, tuple2, tuple3])
        pathList2 = []
        expRes = False
        obsRes = PathUtils.areQueriesOverlappingBetweenPathLists( pathList1, pathList2 )
        self.assertEquals( expRes, obsRes )
    def test_areQueriesOverlappingBetweenPathLists_list2_size1( self ):
        tuple1 = ("1","chr1","9","11","TE2","150","200","1e-20","30","90.2")
        tuple2 = ("1","chr1","20","22","TE2","150","200","1e-20","30","90.2")
        tuple3 = ("1","chr1","30","33","TE2","150","200","1e-20","30","90.2")
        pathList1 = self._makePathListFromTupleList( [ tuple1, tuple2, tuple3 ] )
        tuple11 = ("1","chr1","8","11","TE2","150","200","1e-20","30","90.2")
        pathList2 = self._makePathListFromTupleList( [ tuple11 ] )
        expRes = True
        obsRes = PathUtils.areQueriesOverlappingBetweenPathLists( pathList1, pathList2 )
        self.assertEquals( expRes, obsRes )
    def test_areQueriesOverlappingBetweenPathLists_list1_greater_list2( self ):
        tuple1 = ("1","chr1","100","110","TE2","15","10","1e-20","30","90.2")
        tuple2 = ("1","chr1","200","220","TE2","15","10","1e-20","30","90.2")
        tuple3 = ("1","chr1","300","330","TE2","15","10","1e-20","30","90.2")
        pathList1 = self._makePathListFromTupleList( [ tuple1, tuple2, tuple3 ] )
        tuple11 = ("1","chr1","10","11","TE2","150","200","1e-20","30","90.2")
        tuple22 = ("1","chr1","20","22","TE2","150","200","1e-20","30","90.2")
        tuple33 = ("1","chr1","30","33","TE2","150","200","1e-20","30","90.2")
        pathList2 = self._makePathListFromTupleList( [ tuple11, tuple22, tuple33 ] )
        expRes = False
        obsRes = PathUtils.areQueriesOverlappingBetweenPathLists( pathList1, pathList2 )
        self.assertEquals( expRes, obsRes )
    def test_areQueriesOverlappingBetweenPathLists_unordered_first_item_of_list1_greater_second_item_smaller( self ):
        tuple1 = ("1","chr1","400","440","TE2","15","10","1e-20","30","90.2")
        tuple2 = ("1","chr1","1","11","TE2","15","10","1e-20","30","90.2")
        pathList1 = self._makePathListFromTupleList( [ tuple1, tuple2 ] )
        tuple11 = ("1","chr1","15","17","TE2","150","200","1e-20","30","90.2")
        tuple22 = ("1","chr1","20","22","TE2","150","200","1e-20","30","90.2")
        tuple33 = ("1","chr1","30","33","TE2","150","200","1e-20","30","90.2")
        pathList2 = self._makePathListFromTupleList( [ tuple11, tuple22, tuple33 ] )
        expRes = False
        obsRes = PathUtils.areQueriesOverlappingBetweenPathLists( pathList1, pathList2 )
        self.assertEquals( expRes, obsRes )
    def test_areQueriesOverlappingBetweenPathLists_unorderd_second_item_of_list1_overlap_first_item( self ):
        tuple1 = ("1","chr1","400","440","TE2","15","10","1e-20","30","90.2")
        tuple2 = ("1","chr1","1","18","TE2","15","10","1e-20","30","90.2")
        pathList1 = self._makePathListFromTupleList( [ tuple1, tuple2 ] )
        tuple11 = ("1","chr1","15","17","TE2","150","200","1e-20","30","90.2")
        tuple22 = ("1","chr1","20","22","TE2","150","200","1e-20","30","90.2")
        tuple33 = ("1","chr1","30","33","TE2","150","200","1e-20","30","90.2")
        pathList2 = self._makePathListFromTupleList( [ tuple11, tuple22, tuple33 ] )
        expRes = True
        obsRes = PathUtils.areQueriesOverlappingBetweenPathLists( pathList1, pathList2 )
        self.assertEquals( expRes, obsRes )
    def test_areQueriesOverlappingBetweenPathLists_last_item_list1_overlap_last_item_list2( self ):
        tuple1 = ("1","chr1","400","440","TE2","15","10","1e-20","30","90.2")
        tuple2 = ("1","chr1","320","340","TE2","15","10","1e-20","30","90.2")
        pathList1 = self._makePathListFromTupleList( [ tuple1, tuple2 ] )
        tuple11 = ("1","chr1","100","110","TE2","150","200","1e-20","30","90.2")
        tuple22 = ("1","chr1","200","220","TE2","150","200","1e-20","30","90.2")
        tuple33 = ("1","chr1","300","330","TE2","150","200","1e-20","30","90.2")
        pathList2 = self._makePathListFromTupleList( [ tuple11, tuple22, tuple33 ] )
        expRes = True
        obsRes = PathUtils.areQueriesOverlappingBetweenPathLists( pathList1, pathList2 )
        self.assertEquals( expRes, obsRes )
    def test_writeListInFile( self ):
        line1 = ("1\tchr1\t100\t110\tTE2\t150\t200\t1e-20\t30\t90.200000\n")
        line2 = ("1\tchr1\t200\t220\tTE2\t150\t200\t1e-20\t30\t90.200000\n")
        line3 = ("1\tchr1\t300\t330\tTE2\t150\t200\t1e-20\t30\t90.200000\n")
        expFileName = "expFileName.path"
        expFileHandle = open ( expFileName, 'w' )
        line1 = ("1\tchr1\t100\t110\tTE2\t150\t200\t1e-20\t30\t90.2\n")
        line2 = ("1\tchr1\t200\t220\tTE2\t150\t200\t1e-20\t30\t90.2\n")
        line3 = ("1\tchr1\t300\t330\tTE2\t150\t200\t1e-20\t30\t90.2\n")
        obsFileName = "obsFileName.path"
        obsPathList = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ line1, line2, line3 ] )
        PathUtils.writeListInFile( obsPathList, obsFileName )
        self.assertTrue( FileUtils.are2FilesIdentical( expFileName, obsFileName ) )
        os.remove( obsFileName )
        os.remove( expFileName )

    def test_writeListInFile_in_append_mode( self ):
        line1 = ("1\tchr1\t100\t110\tTE2\t150\t200\t1e-20\t30\t90.200000\n")
        line2 = ("1\tchr1\t200\t220\tTE2\t150\t200\t1e-20\t30\t90.200000\n")
        line3 = ("1\tchr1\t300\t330\tTE2\t150\t200\t1e-20\t30\t90.200000\n")
        line4 = ("1\tchr1\t400\t410\tTE2\t150\t200\t1e-20\t30\t90.200000\n")
        line5 = ("1\tchr1\t500\t520\tTE2\t150\t200\t1e-20\t30\t90.200000\n")
        line6 = ("1\tchr1\t600\t630\tTE2\t150\t200\t1e-20\t30\t90.200000\n")
        expFileName = "expFileName.path"
        expFileHandle = open ( expFileName, 'w' )
        line1 = ("1\tchr1\t100\t110\tTE2\t150\t200\t1e-20\t30\t90.200000\n")
        line2 = ("1\tchr1\t200\t220\tTE2\t150\t200\t1e-20\t30\t90.200000\n")
        line3 = ("1\tchr1\t300\t330\tTE2\t150\t200\t1e-20\t30\t90.200000\n")
        line4 = ("1\tchr1\t400\t410\tTE2\t150\t200\t1e-20\t30\t90.2\n")
        line5 = ("1\tchr1\t500\t520\tTE2\t150\t200\t1e-20\t30\t90.2\n")
        line6 = ("1\tchr1\t600\t630\tTE2\t150\t200\t1e-20\t30\t90.2\n")
        obsFileName = "obsFileName.path"
        obsFileHandle = open( obsFileName, 'w' )
        obsPathList = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ line4, line5, line6 ] )

        PathUtils.writeListInFile( obsPathList, obsFileName, "a" )

        self.assertTrue( FileUtils.are2FilesIdentical( expFileName, obsFileName ) )


    def test_getPathListWithoutDuplicates_empty_list( self ):
        pathList = []
        obsPathList = PathUtils.getPathListWithoutDuplicates( pathList )
        expPathList = []
        self.assertEquals( expPathList, obsPathList )
    def test_getPathListWithoutDuplicates_list_size1( self ):
        line1 = ("1\tchr1\t100\t110\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        pathList = self._makePathListFromStringList([line1])
        obsPathList = PathUtils.getPathListWithoutDuplicates( pathList )
        expPathList = pathList
        self.assertEquals( expPathList, obsPathList )
    def test_getPathListWithoutDuplicates_list_with_only_doublons( self ):
        line1 = ("1\tchr1\t100\t110\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        line2 = ("1\tchr1\t100\t110\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        line3 = ("1\tchr1\t100\t110\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        line4 = ("1\tchr1\t100\t110\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        pathList = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ line1, line2, line3, line4 ] )
        obsPathList = PathUtils.getPathListWithoutDuplicates( pathList )
        expPathList = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ line1 ] )
        self.assertEquals( expPathList, obsPathList )
    def test_getPathListWithoutDuplicates_list_with_doublons_at_start_and_at_end( self ):
        line1 = ("1\tchr1\t100\t110\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        line2 = ("1\tchr1\t200\t210\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        line3 = ("1\tchr1\t300\t310\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        line4 = ("1\tchr1\t100\t110\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        pathList = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ line1, line2, line3, line4 ] )
        obsPathList = PathUtils.getPathListWithoutDuplicates( pathList )
        expPathList = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ line1, line2, line3 ] )
        expPathList = PathUtils.getPathListSortedByIncreasingMinQueryThenMaxQuery( expPathList )
        self.assertEquals( expPathList, obsPathList )
    def test_getPathListWithoutDuplicates_list_with_contiguus_doublons( self ):
        line1 = ("1\tchr1\t200\t210\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        line2 = ("1\tchr1\t100\t110\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        line3 = ("1\tchr1\t100\t110\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        line4 = ("1\tchr1\t300\t310\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        pathList = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ line1, line2, line3, line4 ] )
        obsPathList = PathUtils.getPathListWithoutDuplicates( pathList )
        expPathList = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ line1, line2, line4 ] )
        expPathList = PathUtils.getPathListSortedByIncreasingMinQueryThenMaxQuery( expPathList )
        self.assertEquals( expPathList, obsPathList )
    def test_getPathListWithoutDuplicates_list_with_one_doublon( self ):
        line1 = ("1\tchr1\t200\t210\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        line2 = ("1\tchr1\t100\t110\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        line3 = ("1\tchr1\t210\t250\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        line4 = ("1\tchr1\t100\t110\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        line5 = ("1\tchr1\t300\t310\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        pathList = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ line1, line2, line3, line4, line5 ] )
        obsPathList = PathUtils.getPathListWithoutDuplicates( pathList )
        expPathList = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ line1, line2, line3, line5 ] )
        expPathList = PathUtils.getPathListSortedByIncreasingMinQueryThenMaxQuery( expPathList )
        self.assertEquals( expPathList, obsPathList )
    def test_getPathListWithoutDuplicates_list_with_two_doublons( self ):
        line1 = ("1\tchr1\t200\t210\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        line2 = ("1\tchr1\t100\t110\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        line3 = ("1\tchr1\t210\t250\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        line4 = ("1\tchr1\t230\t250\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        line5 = ("1\tchr1\t210\t250\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        line6 = ("1\tchr1\t100\t110\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        line7 = ("1\tchr1\t300\t310\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        pathList = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ line1, line2, line3, line4, line5, line6, line7 ] )
        obsPathList = PathUtils.getPathListWithoutDuplicates( pathList )
        expPathList = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ line1, line2, line3, line4, line7 ] )
        expPathList = PathUtils.getPathListSortedByIncreasingMinQueryThenMaxQuery( expPathList )
        self.assertEquals( expPathList, obsPathList )
    def test_getPathListWithoutDuplicates_list_with_two_doublons_useOnlyCoord_is_False_different_id( self ):
        line1 = ("1\tchr1\t200\t210\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        line2 = ("2\tchr1\t200\t210\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        line3 = ("3\tchr1\t200\t210\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        line4 = ("4\tchr1\t200\t210\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        line5 = ("1\tchr1\t200\t210\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        line6 = ("1\tchr1\t200\t210\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        line7 = ("5\tchr1\t200\t210\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        pathList = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ line1, line2, line3, line4, line5, line6, line7 ] )
        obsPathList = PathUtils.getPathListWithoutDuplicates( pathList )
        expPathList = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ line1, line2, line3, line4, line7 ] )
        expPathList = PathUtils.getPathListSortedByIncreasingMinQueryThenMaxQuery( expPathList )
        self.assertEquals( expPathList, obsPathList )
    def test_getPathListWithoutDuplicates_list_with_two_doublons_useOnlyCoord_is_True_different_id( self ):
        line1 = ("1\tchr1\t200\t210\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        line2 = ("2\tchr1\t200\t210\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        line3 = ("3\tchr1\t200\t210\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        line4 = ("4\tchr1\t200\t210\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        line5 = ("1\tchr1\t200\t210\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        line6 = ("1\tchr1\t200\t210\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        line7 = ("5\tchr1\t200\t210\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        pathList = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ line1, line2, line3, line4, line5, line6, line7 ] )
        obsPathList = PathUtils.getPathListWithoutDuplicates( pathList, True )
        expPathList = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ line1 ] )
        expPathList = PathUtils.getPathListSortedByIncreasingMinQueryThenMaxQuery( expPathList )
        self.assertEquals( expPathList, obsPathList )
    def test_path_getDictOfListsWithIdAsKey_empty_list( self ):
        pathList = []
        obsDict = PathUtils.getDictOfListsWithIdAsKey( pathList )
        expDict = {}
        self.assertEquals( expDict, obsDict )
    def test_path_getDictOfListsWithIdAsKey_list_size1( self ):
        line1 = ( "1\tchr1\t100\t110\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n" )
        pathList = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ line1 ] )
        obsDict = PathUtils.getDictOfListsWithIdAsKey( pathList )
        expPathInstance = Path()
        expPathInstance.setFromString( line1 )
        expDict = { 1: [ expPathInstance ] }
        self.assertEquals( expDict, obsDict )
    def test_getDictOfListsWithIdAsKey_ids_only_once( self ):
        line1 = ( "1\tchr1\t100\t110\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n" )
        line2 = ( "2\tchr1\t200\t210\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n" )
        line3 = ( "3\tchr1\t210\t250\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n" ) 
        pathList = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ line1, line2, line3 ] )
        obsDict = PathUtils.getDictOfListsWithIdAsKey( pathList )
        expPathInstance1 = Path()
        expPathInstance1.setFromString( line1 )
        expPathInstance2 = Path()
        expPathInstance2.setFromString( line2 )
        expPathInstance3 = Path()
        expPathInstance3.setFromString( line3 )
        expDict = { 1: [ expPathInstance1 ], 2: [ expPathInstance2 ], 3: [ expPathInstance3 ] }
        self.assertEquals( expDict, obsDict )
    def test_getDictOfListsWithIdAsKey_ids_more_than_only_once( self ):
        line1 = ( "1\tchr1\t100\t110\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n" )
        line2 = ( "2\tchr1\t200\t210\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n" )
        line3 = ( "3\tchr1\t210\t250\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n" )
        line4 = ( "1\tchr1\t100\t120\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n" ) 
        line5 = ( "2\tchr1\t200\t220\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n" )
        line6 = ( "3\tchr1\t210\t260\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n" )
        line7 = ( "1\tchr1\t110\t120\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n" )
        line8 = ( "2\tchr1\t210\t220\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n" )
        line9 = ( "3\tchr1\t220\t260\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n" )
        pathList = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ line1, line2, line3, line4, line5, line6, line7, line8, line9 ] )
        obsDict = PathUtils.getDictOfListsWithIdAsKey( pathList )
        expPathInstance1 = Path()
        expPathInstance1.setFromString( line1 )
        expPathInstance2 = Path()
        expPathInstance2.setFromString( line2 )
        expPathInstance3 = Path()
        expPathInstance3.setFromString( line3 )
        expPathInstance4 = Path()
        expPathInstance4.setFromString( line4 )
        expPathInstance5 = Path()
        expPathInstance5.setFromString( line5 )
        expPathInstance6 = Path()
        expPathInstance6.setFromString( line6 )
        expPathInstance7 = Path()
        expPathInstance7.setFromString( line7 )
        expPathInstance8 = Path()
        expPathInstance8.setFromString( line8 )
        expPathInstance9 = Path()
        expPathInstance9.setFromString( line9 )
        expDict = { 1: [ expPathInstance1, expPathInstance4, expPathInstance7 ], 2 :[ expPathInstance2, expPathInstance5, expPathInstance8 ], 3: [ expPathInstance3, expPathInstance6, expPathInstance9 ] }
        self.assertEquals( expDict, obsDict )
    def test_getPathListUnjoinedBasedOnQuery_listToKeep_empty_listToUnjoin_empty( self ):
        pathListToKeep = []
        pathListToUnjoin = []
        expList = []
        obsList = PathUtils.getPathListUnjoinedBasedOnQuery( pathListToKeep, pathListToUnjoin )
        self.assertEquals( expList, obsList )
    def test_getPathListUnjoinedBasedOnQuery_listToKeep_empty_listToUnjoin_size1( self ):
        pathListToKeep = []
        line1 = ("1\tchr1\t100\t110\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        pathListToUnjoin = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ line1 ] ) 
        expList = [ pathListToUnjoin ]
        obsList = PathUtils.getPathListUnjoinedBasedOnQuery( pathListToKeep, pathListToUnjoin )
        self.assertEquals( expList, obsList )
    def test_getPathListUnjoinedBasedOnQuery_listToKeep_size1_listToUnjoin_empty( self ):
        lineKeep1 = ("1\tchr1\t1\t11\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        pathListToKeep = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineKeep1 ] )
        pathListToUnjoin = []
        expList = []
        obsList = PathUtils.getPathListUnjoinedBasedOnQuery( pathListToKeep, pathListToUnjoin )
        self.assertEquals( expList, obsList )
    def test_getPathListUnjoinedBasedOnQuery_listToKeep_empty( self ):
        pathListToKeep = []
        line1 = ("1\tchr1\t100\t110\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        line2 = ("1\tchr1\t200\t210\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        line3 = ("1\tchr1\t250\t280\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        pathListToUnjoin = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ line1, line2, line3 ] )
        expList = [ pathListToUnjoin ]
        obsList = PathUtils.getPathListUnjoinedBasedOnQuery( pathListToKeep, pathListToUnjoin )
        self.assertEquals( expList, obsList )
    def test_getPathListUnjoinedBasedOnQuery_listToKeep_size1_listToUnjoin_size1( self ):
        lineKeep1 = ("1\tchr1\t1\t11\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        pathListToKeep = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineKeep1 ] )
        lineUnjoin1 = ("1\tchr1\t100\t110\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        pathListToUnjoin = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineUnjoin1 ] )
        expList = [ pathListToUnjoin ]
        obsList = PathUtils.getPathListUnjoinedBasedOnQuery( pathListToKeep, pathListToUnjoin )
        self.assertEquals( expList, obsList )
    def test_getPathListUnjoinedBasedOnQuery_listToKeep_size1_listToUnjoin_size2_noSplit_minKeep( self ):
        lineKeep1 = ("1\tchr1\t1\t10\tTE2\t150\t90\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        pathListToKeep = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineKeep1 ] )
        lineUnjoin1 = ("1\tchr1\t100\t110\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        lineUnjoin2 = ("1\tchr1\t200\t210\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        pathListToUnjoin = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineUnjoin1, lineUnjoin2 ] )
        expList = [ pathListToUnjoin ]
        obsList = PathUtils.getPathListUnjoinedBasedOnQuery( pathListToKeep, pathListToUnjoin )
        self.assertEquals( expList, obsList )
    def test_getPathListUnjoinedBasedOnQuery_listToKeep_size1_listToUnjoin_size3_noSplit_minKeep( self ):
        lineKeep1 = ("1\tchr1\t1\t10\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        pathListToKeep = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineKeep1 ] )
        lineUnjoin1 = ("1\tchr1\t100\t110\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        lineUnjoin2 = ("1\tchr1\t200\t210\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        lineUnjoin3 = ("1\tchr1\t250\t280\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        pathListToUnjoin = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineUnjoin1, lineUnjoin2, lineUnjoin3 ] )
        obsList = PathUtils.getPathListUnjoinedBasedOnQuery( pathListToKeep, pathListToUnjoin )
        expList = [ pathListToUnjoin ]
        self.assertEquals( expList, obsList )
    def test_getPathListUnjoinedBasedOnQuery_listToKeep_size1_listToUnjoin_size2_noSplit_minUnjoin( self ):
        lineKeep1 = ("1\tchr1\t101\t150\tTE2\t150\t90\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        pathListToKeep = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineKeep1 ] )
        lineUnjoin1 = ("1\tchr1\t1\t10\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        lineUnjoin2 = ("1\tchr1\t21\t40\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        pathListToUnjoin = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineUnjoin1, lineUnjoin2 ] )
        expList = [ pathListToUnjoin ]
        obsList = PathUtils.getPathListUnjoinedBasedOnQuery( pathListToKeep, pathListToUnjoin )
        self.assertEquals( expList, obsList )
    def test_getPathListUnjoinedBasedOnQuery_listToKeep_size3_listToUnjoin_size2_oneSplit_minKeep( self ):
        lineKeep1 = ("1\tchr1\t1\t10\tTE2\t150\t90\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        lineKeep2 = ("1\tchr1\t21\t30\tTE2\t150\t90\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        lineKeep3 = ("1\tchr1\t61\t70\tTE2\t150\t90\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        pathListToKeep = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineKeep1, lineKeep2, lineKeep3 ] )
        lineUnjoin1 = ("1\tchr1\t41\t50\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        lineUnjoin2 = ("1\tchr1\t81\t90\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        pathListToUnjoin = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineUnjoin1, lineUnjoin2 ] )
        expList = []
        expList.append( self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineUnjoin1 ] ) )
        expList.append( self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineUnjoin2 ] ) )
        obsList = PathUtils.getPathListUnjoinedBasedOnQuery( pathListToKeep, pathListToUnjoin )
        self.assertEquals( expList, obsList )
    def test_getPathListUnjoinedBasedOnQuery_listToKeep_size3_listToUnjoin_size3_twoSplits_minUnjoin( self ):
        lineKeep1 = ("1\tchr1\t21\t30\tTE2\t150\t90\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        lineKeep2 = ("1\tchr1\t41\t50\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        lineKeep3 = ("1\tchr1\t81\t90\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        pathListToKeep = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineKeep1, lineKeep2, lineKeep3 ] )
        lineUnjoin1 = ("1\tchr1\t1\t10\tTE2\t150\t90\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        lineUnjoin2 = ("1\tchr1\t61\t70\tTE2\t150\t90\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        lineUnjoin3 = ("1\tchr1\t101\t110\tTE2\t150\t90\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        pathListToUnjoin = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineUnjoin1, lineUnjoin2, lineUnjoin3 ] )
        expList = []
        expList.append( self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineUnjoin1 ] ) )
        expList.append( self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineUnjoin2 ] ) )
        expList.append( self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineUnjoin3 ] ) )
        obsList = PathUtils.getPathListUnjoinedBasedOnQuery( pathListToKeep, pathListToUnjoin )
        self.assertEquals( expList, obsList )
    def test_getPathListUnjoinedBasedOnQuery_listToKeep_size1_listToUnjoin_size2_split( self ):
        lineKeep1 = ("1\tchr1\t51\t80\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        pathListToKeep = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineKeep1 ] )
        lineUnjoin1 = ("1\tchr1\t21\t40\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        lineUnjoin2 = ("1\tchr1\t101\t150\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        pathListToUnjoin = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineUnjoin1, lineUnjoin2 ] )
        expList = []
        expList.append( self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineUnjoin1 ] ) )
        expList.append( self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineUnjoin2 ] ) )
        obsList = PathUtils.getPathListUnjoinedBasedOnQuery( pathListToKeep, pathListToUnjoin )
        self.assertEquals( expList, obsList )
    def test_getPathListUnjoinedBasedOnQuery_listToKeep_size2_listToUnjoin_size2_split( self ):
        lineKeep1 = ("1\tchr1\t1\t15\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        lineKeep2 = ("1\tchr1\t81\t130\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        pathListToKeep = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineKeep1, lineKeep2 ] )
        lineUnjoin1 = ("1\tchr1\t21\t40\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        lineUnjoin2 = ("1\tchr1\t201\t250\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        pathListToUnjoin = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineUnjoin1, lineUnjoin2 ] )
        expList = []
        expList.append( self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineUnjoin1 ] ) )
        expList.append( self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineUnjoin2 ] ) )
        obsList = PathUtils.getPathListUnjoinedBasedOnQuery( pathListToKeep, pathListToUnjoin )
        self.assertEquals( expList, obsList )
    def test_getPathListUnjoinedBasedOnQuery_listToKeep_size1_listToUnjoin_ordered_OneSplit( self ):
        lineKeep1 = ("1\tchr1\t120\t180\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        pathListToKeep = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineKeep1 ] )
        lineUnjoin1 = ("1\tchr1\t100\t110\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        lineUnjoin2 = ("1\tchr1\t200\t210\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        lineUnjoin3 = ("1\tchr1\t250\t280\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        pathListToUnjoin = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineUnjoin1, lineUnjoin2, lineUnjoin3 ] )
        expList = []
        expList.append( self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineUnjoin1 ] ) )
        expList.append( self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineUnjoin2, lineUnjoin3 ] ) )
        obsList = PathUtils.getPathListUnjoinedBasedOnQuery( pathListToKeep, pathListToUnjoin )
        self.assertEquals( expList, obsList )
    def test_getPathListUnjoinedBasedOnQuery_listToKeep_size1_listToUnjoin_unordered_OneSplit( self ):
        lineKeep1 = ("1\tchr1\t120\t180\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        pathListToKeep = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineKeep1 ] )
        lineUnjoin1 = ("1\tchr1\t200\t210\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        lineUnjoin2 = ("1\tchr1\t250\t280\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        lineUnjoin3 = ("1\tchr1\t100\t110\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        pathListToUnjoin = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineUnjoin1, lineUnjoin2, lineUnjoin3 ] )
        expList = []
        expList.append( self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineUnjoin3 ] ) )
        expList.append( self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineUnjoin1, lineUnjoin2 ] ) )
        obsList = PathUtils.getPathListUnjoinedBasedOnQuery( pathListToKeep, pathListToUnjoin )
        self.assertEquals( expList, obsList )

    def test_getPathListUnjoinedBasedOnQuery_listToKeep_size2_listToUnjoin_size4_twoSplits( self ):
        lineKeep1 = ("1\tchr1\t21\t30\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        lineKeep2 = ("1\tchr1\t81\t90\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        pathListToKeep = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineKeep1, lineKeep2 ] )
        lineUnjoin1 = ("1\tchr1\t1\t10\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        lineUnjoin2 = ("1\tchr1\t41\t50\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        lineUnjoin3 = ("1\tchr1\t61\t70\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        lineUnjoin4 = ("1\tchr1\t101\t110\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        pathListToUnjoin = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineUnjoin1, lineUnjoin2, lineUnjoin3, lineUnjoin4 ] )
        expList = []
        expList.append( self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineUnjoin1 ] ) )
        expList.append( self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineUnjoin2, lineUnjoin3 ] ) )
        expList.append( self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineUnjoin4 ] ) )
        obsList = PathUtils.getPathListUnjoinedBasedOnQuery( pathListToKeep, pathListToUnjoin )
        self.assertEquals( expList, obsList )

    def test_changeIdInList_empty_list ( self ):
        pathList = []
        obsList = pathList
        expList = []
        self.assertEquals(expList, obsList)
    def test_changeIdInList_list_size1 ( self ):
        line1 = ("1\tchr1\t100\t110\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        line2 = ("2\tchr1\t100\t110\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
        pathList = self._makePathListFromStringList([line1]) 
        expPathList = pathList   
        obsPathList = self._makePathListFromStringList([line2])  
        self.assertEquals(expPathList, obsPathList)
    def test_changeIdInList( self ):
        line1 = ( "1\tchr1\t100\t110\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n" )
        line2 = ( "2\tchr1\t200\t210\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n" )
        line3 = ( "3\tchr1\t300\t310\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n" )
        pathList = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ line1, line2, line3 ] ) 
        PathUtils.changeIdInList( pathList, 2 )
        obsPathList = pathList
        line11 = ( "2\tchr1\t100\t110\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n" )
        line22 = ( "2\tchr1\t200\t210\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n" )
        line33 = ( "2\tchr1\t300\t310\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n" )
        expPathList = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ line11, line22, line33 ] )
        self.assertEquals( expPathList, obsPathList )
    def test_getIdentityFromPathList( self ):
        p1 = Path()
        p1.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "1", "100", "sbj1", "1", "100", "0.0", "239", "90.0" ) )
        p2 = Path()
        p2.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "121", "350", "sbj1", "101", "200", "0.0", "176", "91.2" ) )
        lPaths = [ p1, p2 ]
        exp = ( 90.0 * ( 100-1+1) + 91.2 * (350-121+1) ) / ( (100-1+1) + (350-121+1) )   # 90.836363636363643
        obs = PathUtils.getIdentityFromPathList( lPaths )
        self.assertEqual( exp, obs )
    def test_getIdentityFromPathList_withOverlap( self ):
        p1 = Path()
        p1.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "1", "100", "sbj1", "1", "100", "0.0", "239", "90.0" ) )
        p2 = Path()
        p2.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "21", "80", "sbj1", "21", "80", "0.0", "176", "91.2" ) )
        p3 = Path()
        p3.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "121", "350", "sbj1", "101", "200", "0.0", "176", "91.2" ) )
        lPaths = [ p1, p2, p3 ]
        exp = ( 91.2 * ( 100-1+1) + 91.2 * (350-121+1) ) / ( (100-1+1) + (350-121+1) )
        obs = PathUtils.getIdentityFromPathList( lPaths )
        self.assertEqual( exp, obs )
    def test_getIdentityFromPathList_diffQueries( self ):
        p1 = Path()
        p1.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "1", "100", "sbj1", "1", "100", "0.0", "239", "90.0" ) )
        p2 = Path()
        p2.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry2", "121", "350", "sbj1", "101", "200", "0.0", "176", "91.2" ) )
        lPaths = [ p1, p2 ]
            obs = PathUtils.getIdentityFromPathList( lPaths )
    def test_getIdentityFromPathList_diffSubjects_check( self ):
        p1 = Path()
        p1.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "1", "100", "sbj1", "1", "100", "0.0", "239", "90.0" ) )
        p2 = Path()
        p2.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "121", "350", "sbj2", "101", "200", "0.0", "176", "91.2" ) )
        lPaths = [ p1, p2 ]
            obs = PathUtils.getIdentityFromPathList( lPaths, True )
    def test_getIdentityFromPathList_diffSubjects_noCheck( self ):
        p1 = Path()
        p1.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "1", "100", "sbj1", "1", "100", "0.0", "239", "90.0" ) )
        p2 = Path()
        p2.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "121", "350", "sbj2", "101", "200", "0.0", "176", "91.2" ) )
        lPaths = [ p1, p2 ]
        exp = ( 90.0 * ( 100-1+1) + 91.2 * (350-121+1) ) / ( (100-1+1) + (350-121+1) )   # 90.836363636363643
        obs = PathUtils.getIdentityFromPathList( lPaths, False )
        self.assertEqual( exp, obs )
    def test_getPathListSortedByIncreasingMinQueryThenMaxQuery_alreadyOrdered_diffIdentifier( self ):
        p1 = Path()
        p1.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "1", "10", "sbj1", "1", "100", "0.0", "239", "90.0" ) )
        p2 = Path()
        p2.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "21", "30", "sbj1", "101", "200", "0.0", "176", "91.2" ) )
        lPaths = [ p1, p2 ]
        expList = [ p1, p2 ]
        obsList = PathUtils.getPathListSortedByIncreasingMinQueryThenMaxQuery( lPaths )
        self.assertEqual( expList, obsList )
    def test_getPathListSortedByIncreasingMinQueryThenMaxQuery_unordered_diffIdentifier( self ):
        p1 = Path()
        p1.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "21", "30", "sbj1", "101", "200", "0.0", "176", "91.2" ) )
        p2 = Path()
        p2.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "1", "10", "sbj1", "1", "100", "0.0", "239", "90.0" ) )
        lPaths = [ p1, p2 ]
        expList = [ p2, p1 ]
        obsList = PathUtils.getPathListSortedByIncreasingMinQueryThenMaxQuery( lPaths )
        self.assertEqual( expList, obsList )
    def test_getPathListSortedByIncreasingMinQueryThenMaxQuery_unordered_sameIdentifier( self ):
        p1 = Path()
        p1.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "21", "30", "sbj1", "101", "200", "0.0", "176", "91.2" ) )
        p2 = Path()
        p2.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "1", "10", "sbj1", "1", "100", "0.0", "239", "90.0" ) )
        lPaths = [ p1, p2 ]
        expList = [ p2, p1 ]
        obsList = PathUtils.getPathListSortedByIncreasingMinQueryThenMaxQuery( lPaths )
        self.assertEqual( expList, obsList )
    def test_getPathListSortedByIncreasingMinQueryThenMaxQuery_unordered_overlapping( self ):
        p1 = Path()
        p1.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "6", "15", "sbj1", "101", "200", "0.0", "176", "91.2" ) )
        p2 = Path()
        p2.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "1", "10", "sbj1", "1", "100", "0.0", "239", "90.0" ) )
        lPaths = [ p1, p2 ]
        expList = [ p2, p1 ]
        obsList = PathUtils.getPathListSortedByIncreasingMinQueryThenMaxQuery( lPaths )
        self.assertEqual( expList, obsList )
    def test_getPathListSortedByIncreasingMinQueryThenMaxQuery_unordered_sameMin_threeSets( self ):
        p1 = Path()
        p1.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "1", "15", "sbj1", "1", "100", "0.0", "239", "90.0" ) )
        p2 = Path()
        p2.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "1", "10", "sbj1", "101", "200", "0.0", "176", "91.2" ) )
        p3 = Path()
        p3.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "1", "12", "sbj1", "101", "200", "0.0", "176", "91.2" ) )
        lPaths = [ p1, p2, p3 ]
        expList = [ p2, p3, p1 ]
        obsList = PathUtils.getPathListSortedByIncreasingMinQueryThenMaxQuery( lPaths )
        self.assertEqual( expList, obsList )
    def test_getPathListSortedByIncreasingMinQueryThenMaxQuery_unordered_included( self ):
        p1 = Path()
        p1.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "2", "4", "sbj1", "101", "200", "0.0", "176", "91.2" ) )
        p2 = Path()
        p2.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "1", "5", "sbj1", "1", "100", "0.0", "239", "90.0" ) )
        lPaths = [ p1, p2 ]
        expList = [ p2, p1 ]
        obsList = PathUtils.getPathListSortedByIncreasingMinQueryThenMaxQuery( lPaths )
        self.assertEqual( expList, obsList )
    def test_getPathListSortedByIncreasingMinQueryThenMaxQueryThenIdentifier_sameCoord_diffId( self ):
        p1 = Path()
        p1.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "1", "5", "sbj1", "101", "200", "0.0", "176", "91.2" ) )
        p2 = Path()
        p2.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "1", "5", "sbj1", "101", "200", "0.0", "176", "91.2" ) )
        lPaths = [ p2, p1 ]
        expList = [ p1, p2 ]
        obsList = PathUtils.getPathListSortedByIncreasingMinQueryThenMaxQueryThenIdentifier( lPaths )
        self.assertEqual( expList, obsList )
    def test_getListOfDistinctIdentifiers( self ):
        p1 = Path()
        p1.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "1", "100", "sbj1", "1", "100", "0.0", "239", "90.0" ) )
        p2 = Path()
        p2.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "121", "350", "sbj1", "101", "200", "0.0", "176", "91.2" ) )
        p3 = Path()
        p3.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "121", "350", "sbj1", "101", "200", "0.0", "176", "91.2" ) )
        lPaths = [ p1, p2, p3 ]
        lExp = [ 1, 2 ]
        lObs = PathUtils.getListOfDistinctIdentifiers( lPaths )
        self.assertEqual( lObs, lExp )
    def test_getListOfDistinctQueryNames( self ):
        p1 = Path()
        p1.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "1", "100", "sbj1", "1", "100", "0.0", "239", "90.0" ) )
        p2 = Path()
        p2.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry2", "121", "350", "sbj1", "101", "200", "0.0", "176", "91.2" ) )
        p3 = Path()
        p3.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry2", "121", "350", "sbj1", "101", "200", "0.0", "176", "91.2" ) )
        lPaths = [ p1, p2, p3 ]
        lExp = [ "qry1", "qry2" ]
        lObs = PathUtils.getListOfDistinctQueryNames( lPaths )
        self.assertEqual( lObs, lExp )
    def test_getListOfDistinctSubjectNames( self ):
        p1 = Path()
        p1.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "1", "100", "sbj1", "1", "100", "0.0", "239", "90.0" ) )
        p2 = Path()
        p2.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry2", "121", "350", "sbj1", "101", "200", "0.0", "176", "91.2" ) )
        p3 = Path()
        p3.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry2", "121", "350", "sbj2", "101", "200", "0.0", "176", "91.2" ) )
        lPaths = [ p1, p2, p3 ]
        lExp = [ "sbj1", "sbj2" ]
        lObs = PathUtils.getListOfDistinctSubjectNames( lPaths )
        self.assertEqual( lObs, lExp )
    def test_getListOfJoinCoordinatesOnQuery_returnCoord( self ):
        p1a = Path()
        p1a.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "1", "500", "sbj1", "1", "500", "0.0", "532", "95.0" ) )
        p1b = Path()
        p1b.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "701", "900", "sbj1", "501", "700", "0.0", "232", "95.3" ) )
        lExp = [ [ 501, 700 ] ]
        lPaths = [ p1a, p1b ]
        lObs = PathUtils.getListOfJoinCoordinatesOnQuery( lPaths )
        self.assertEqual( lObs, lExp )
    def test_getListOfJoinCoordinatesOnQuery_overlap( self ):
        p1a = Path()
        p1a.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "1", "500", "sbj1", "1", "500", "0.0", "532", "95.0" ) )
        p1b = Path()
        p1b.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "491", "900", "sbj1", "501", "770", "0.0", "232", "95.3" ) )
        lExp = []
        lPaths = [ p1a, p1b ]
        minLength = 100
        lObs = PathUtils.getListOfJoinCoordinatesOnQuery( lPaths, minLength )
        self.assertEqual( lObs, lExp )
    def test_getListOfJoinCoordinates_tooShort( self ):
        p1a = Path()
        p1a.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "1", "500", "sbj1", "1", "500", "0.0", "532", "95.0" ) )
        p1b = Path()
        p1b.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "551", "900", "sbj1", "501", "750", "0.0", "232", "95.3" ) )
        lExp = []
        lPaths = [ p1a, p1b ]
        minLength = 100
        lObs = PathUtils.getListOfJoinCoordinatesOnQuery( lPaths, minLength )
        self.assertEqual( lObs, lExp )
    def test_getLengthOnQueryFromPathList( self ):
        p1 = Path()
        p1.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "1", "70", "sbj1", "1", "70", "0.0", "132", "95.0" ) )
        p2 = Path()
        p2.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "51", "90", "sbj2", "40", "1", "0.0", "132", "95.0" ) )
        lPaths = [ p1, p2 ]
        exp = 90
        obs = PathUtils.getLengthOnQueryFromPathList( lPaths )
        self.assertEqual( obs, exp )
    def test_convertPathFileIntoAlignFile( self ):
        pathFile = "dummyPathFile_%s_%s" % ( time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"), os.getpid() )
        pathFileHandler = open( pathFile, "w" )
        pathFileHandler.write( "3\tchr2\t250\t151\tseq5\t1\t100\t1e-31\t147\t98.3\n" )
        expFile = "dummyExpFile_%s_%s" % ( time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"), os.getpid() )
        expFileHandler = open( expFile, "w" )
        expFileHandler.write( "chr2\t151\t250\tseq5\t100\t1\t1e-31\t147\t98.300000\n" )
        obsFile = "dummyObsFile_%s_%s" % ( time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"), os.getpid() )
        PathUtils.convertPathFileIntoAlignFile( pathFile, obsFile )
        self.assertTrue( FileUtils.are2FilesIdentical( expFile, obsFile ) )
        for f in [ pathFile, expFile, obsFile ]:
            if os.path.exists( f ):
                os.remove ( f )
    def test_convertPathFileIntoMapFileWithQueryCoordsOnly( self ):
        pathFile = "dummyPathFile_%s_%s" % ( time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"), os.getpid() )
        pathFileHandler = open( pathFile, "w" )
        pathFileHandler.write( "3\tchr2\t250\t151\tseq5\t1\t100\t1e-31\t147\t98.3\n" )
        pathFileHandler.write( "4\tchr2\t191\t230\tseq8\t237\t387\t1e-11\t187\t95.3\n" )
        pathFileHandler.write( "3\tchr2\t500\t301\tseq5\t101\t300\t1e-81\t247\t96.2\n" )
        expFile = "dummyExpFile_%s_%s" % ( time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"), os.getpid() )
        expFileHandler = open( expFile, "w" )
        expFileHandler.write( "seq5\tchr2\t250\t151\n" )
        expFileHandler.write( "seq8\tchr2\t191\t230\n" )
        expFileHandler.write( "seq5\tchr2\t500\t301\n" )
        obsFile = "dummyObsFile_%s_%s" % ( time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"), os.getpid() )
        PathUtils.convertPathFileIntoMapFileWithQueryCoordsOnly( pathFile, obsFile )
        self.assertTrue( FileUtils.are2FilesIdentical( expFile, obsFile ) )
        for f in [ pathFile, expFile, obsFile ]:
            if os.path.exists( f ):
                os.remove( f )
    def test_mergeMatchesOnQueries( self ):
        pathFile = "dummyPathFile_%s_%s" % ( time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"), os.getpid() )
        pathFileHandler = open( pathFile, "w" )
        pathFileHandler.write( "3\tchr2\t250\t151\tseq5\t1\t100\t1e-31\t147\t98.3\n" )
        pathFileHandler.write( "4\tchr2\t230\t191\tseq8\t237\t387\t1e-11\t187\t95.3\n" )
        pathFileHandler.write( "3\tchr2\t500\t301\tseq5\t101\t300\t1e-81\t247\t96.2\n" )
        expFile = "dummyExpFile_%s_%s" % ( time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"), os.getpid() )
        expFileHandler = open( expFile, "w" )
        expFileHandler.write( "0\tchr2\t151\t250\tseq5\t0\t0\t0.0\t0\t0\n" )
        expFileHandler.write( "0\tchr2\t301\t500\tseq5\t0\t0\t0.0\t0\t0\n" )
        obsFile = "dummyObsFile_%s_%s" % ( time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"), os.getpid() )
        PathUtils.mergeMatchesOnQueries( pathFile, obsFile )
        self.assertTrue( FileUtils.are2FilesIdentical( expFile, obsFile ) )
        for f in [ pathFile, expFile, obsFile ]:
            if os.path.exists( f ):
                os.remove( f )
    def test_filterPathListOnChainLength( self ):
        p1a = Path()
        p1a.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "1", "12", "sbj1", "1", "12", "0.0", "132", "95.0" ) )
        p1b = Path()
        p1b.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "15", "30", "sbj1", "13", "28", "0.0", "132", "95.0" ) )
        p2 = Path()
        p2.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "51", "90", "sbj2", "40", "1", "0.0", "132", "95.0" ) )
        p3 = Path()
        p3.setFromTuple( ( "3", "qry2", "1", "12", "sbj3", "15", "1", "0.0", "132", "95.0" ) )
        lPaths = [ p1a, p1b, p2, p3 ]
        lExp = [ p1a, p1b, p2 ]
        lObs = PathUtils.filterPathListOnChainLength( lPaths, 20 )
        self.assertEqual( lExp, lObs )
    def test_getPathListFromFile(self):
        file = "dummyFile_%s_%s" % ( time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"), os.getpid() )
        fileHandler = open( file, "w" )
        fileHandler.write( "1\tchr2\t151\t250\tseq5\t0\t0\t0.0\t0\t0\n" )
        fileHandler.write( "2\tchr2\t301\t500\tseq5\t0\t0\t0.0\t0\t0\n" )
        p1 = Path()
        p1.setFromTuple( ( "1", "chr2", "151", "250", "seq5", "0", "0", "0.0", "0", "0" ) )
        p2 = Path()
        p2.setFromTuple( ( "2", "chr2", "301", "500", "seq5", "0", "0", "0.0", "0", "0" ) )
        expLPath = [ p1, p2 ]
        obsLPath = PathUtils.getPathListFromFile(file)
        expLPathSorted = PathUtils.getPathListSortedByIncreasingQueryMinThenInvQueryLength(expLPath)
        obsLPathSorted = PathUtils.getPathListSortedByIncreasingQueryMinThenInvQueryLength(obsLPath)
        self.assertEqual( expLPathSorted, obsLPathSorted )
    def test_getPathListFromFile_empty_file(self):
        file = "dummyFile_%s_%s" % ( time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"), os.getpid() )
        fileHandler = open( file, "w" )
        expLPath = []
        obsLPath = PathUtils.getPathListFromFile(file)
        expLPathSorted = PathUtils.getPathListSortedByIncreasingQueryMinThenInvQueryLength(expLPath)
        obsLPathSorted = PathUtils.getPathListSortedByIncreasingQueryMinThenInvQueryLength(obsLPath)
        self.assertEqual( expLPathSorted, obsLPathSorted )
    def test_convertPathFileIntoAlignFileViaPathrange_sortedInput( self ):
        p1a = Path()
        p1a.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "1", "12", "sbj1", "1", "12", "0.0", "132", "95.0" ) )
        p1b = Path()
        p1b.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "16", "30", "sbj1", "13", "28", "1e-270", "150", "97.0" ) )
        p2 = Path()
        p2.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "51", "90", "sbj2", "40", "1", "0.0", "132", "95.0" ) )
        inFile = "dummyInFile"
        inF = open( inFile, "w" )
        for iPath in [ p1a, p1b, p2 ]:
            iPath.write( inF )

        expFile = "dummyExpFile"
        expF = open( expFile, "w" )
        a1 = Align()
        a1.setFromTuple( ( "qry1", "1", "30", "sbj1", "1", "28", "0.0", "282", str((95*12+97*15)/float(12+15)) ) )
        a2 = Align()
        a2.setFromTuple( ( "qry1", "51", "90", "sbj2", "40", "1", "0.0", "132", "95.0" ) )
        for iAlign in [ a1, a2 ]:
            iAlign.write( expF )
        obsFile = "dummyObsFile"
        PathUtils.convertPathFileIntoAlignFileViaPathrange( inFile, obsFile, 0 )
        self.assertTrue( FileUtils.are2FilesIdentical( expFile, obsFile ) )
        for f in [ inFile, expFile, obsFile ]:
            os.remove( f )
    def test_convertPathFileIntoAlignFileViaPathrange_unsortedInput( self ):
        p1a = Path()
        p1a.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "1", "12", "sbj1", "1", "12", "0.0", "132", "95.0" ) )
        p1b = Path()
        p1b.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "16", "30", "sbj1", "13", "28", "0.0", "150", "97.0" ) )
        p2 = Path()
        p2.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "51", "90", "sbj2", "40", "1", "0.0", "132", "95.0" ) )
        inFile = "dummyInFile"
        inF = open( inFile, "w" )
        for iPath in [ p1b, p2, p1a ]:
            iPath.write( inF )

        expFile = "dummyExpFile"
        expF = open( expFile, "w" )
        a1 = Align()
        a1.setFromTuple( ( "qry1", "1", "30", "sbj1", "1", "28", "0.0", "282", str((95*12+97*15)/float(12+15)) ) )
        a2 = Align()
        a2.setFromTuple( ( "qry1", "51", "90", "sbj2", "40", "1", "0.0", "132", "95.0" ) )
        for iAlign in [ a1, a2 ]:
            iAlign.write( expF )
        obsFile = "dummyObsFile"
        PathUtils.convertPathFileIntoAlignFileViaPathrange( inFile, obsFile, 0 )
        self.assertTrue( FileUtils.are2FilesIdentical( expFile, obsFile ) )
        for f in [ inFile, expFile, obsFile ]:
            os.remove( f )
    def test_convertPathFileIntoAlignFileViaPathrange_sortedInput_subjectReverseStrand( self ):
        p1a = Path()
        p1a.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "1", "12", "sbj1", "12", "1", "0.0", "132", "95.0" ) )
        p1b = Path()
        p1b.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "16", "30", "sbj1", "28", "13", "0.0", "150", "97.0" ) )
        p2 = Path()
        p2.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "51", "90", "sbj2", "40", "1", "0.0", "132", "95.0" ) )
        inFile = "dummyInFile"
        inF = open( inFile, "w" )
        for iPath in [ p1a, p1b, p2 ]:
            iPath.write( inF )

        expFile = "dummyExpFile"
        expF = open( expFile, "w" )
        a1 = Align()
        a1.setFromTuple( ( "qry1", "1", "30", "sbj1", "28", "1", "0.0", "282", str((95*12+97*15)/float(12+15)) ) )
        a2 = Align()
        a2.setFromTuple( ( "qry1", "51", "90", "sbj2", "40", "1", "0.0", "132", "95.0" ) )
        for iAlign in [ a1, a2 ]:
            iAlign.write( expF )
        obsFile = "dummyObsFile"
        PathUtils.convertPathFileIntoAlignFileViaPathrange( inFile, obsFile, 0 )
        self.assertTrue( FileUtils.are2FilesIdentical( expFile, obsFile ) )
        for f in [ inFile, expFile, obsFile ]:
            os.remove( f )
    def test_splitPathListByQueryName_empty_list( self ):
        lPath = []
        obsLPath = PathUtils.splitPathListByQueryName( lPath )
        expLPath = []
        self.assertEquals( expLPath, obsLPath )
    def test_splitPathListByQueryName( self ):
        iPath1 = Path()
        iPath2 = Path()
        iPath3 = Path()
        lPath = [ iPath1, iPath2, iPath3 ]
        obsLPath = PathUtils.splitPathListByQueryName( lPath )
        expLPath = [ [ iPath1, iPath3 ],
                     [ iPath2 ] ]
        self.assertEquals( expLPath, obsLPath )
    def test_splitPathListByQueryName_last_align_alone( self ):
        iPath1 = Path()
        iPath2 = Path()
        iPath3 = Path()
        iPath4 = Path()
        iPath5 = Path()
        iPath6 = Path()
        iPath7 = Path()
        iPath8 = Path()
        iPath9 = Path()
        lPath = [ iPath1, iPath2, iPath3, iPath4, iPath5, iPath6, iPath7, iPath8, iPath9 ]
        obsLPath = PathUtils.splitPathListByQueryName( lPath )
        expLPath = [ [ iPath1, iPath3, iPath6, iPath7 ],
                     [ iPath2, iPath5, iPath8 ],
                     [ iPath4 ],
                     [ iPath9 ] ]
        self.assertEquals( expLPath, obsLPath )
    def test_getPathListSortedByIncreasingQueryMinThenInvQueryLength_alreadyOrdered_diffIdentifier( self ):
        iPath1 = Path( 1, Range("qry1",1,10), Range("sbj1",1,10), 0.0, 10, 98.7 )
        iPath2 = Path( 2, Range("qry1",21,30), Range("sbj1",11,20), 0.0, 10, 98.7 )
        lPaths = [ iPath1, iPath2 ]
        lExp = [ Path( 1, Range("qry1",1,10), Range("sbj1",1,10), 0.0, 10, 98.7 ),
                Path( 2, Range("qry1",21,30), Range("sbj1",11,20), 0.0, 10, 98.7 ) ]
        lObs = PathUtils.getPathListSortedByIncreasingQueryMinThenInvQueryLength( lPaths )
        self.assertEquals( lExp, lObs )
    def test_getPathListSortedByIncreasingQueryMinThenInvQueryLength_unordered_diffIdentifier( self ):
        iPath1 = Path( 1, Range("qry1",1,10), Range("sbj1",1,10), 0.0, 10, 98.7 )
        iPath2 = Path( 2, Range("qry1",21,30), Range("sbj1",11,20), 0.0, 10, 98.7 )
        lPaths = [ iPath2, iPath1 ]
        lExp = [ Path( 1, Range("qry1",1,10), Range("sbj1",1,10), 0.0, 10, 98.7 ),
                Path( 2, Range("qry1",21,30), Range("sbj1",11,20), 0.0, 10, 98.7 ) ]
        lObs = PathUtils.getPathListSortedByIncreasingQueryMinThenInvQueryLength( lPaths )
        self.assertEquals( lExp, lObs )
    def test_getPathListSortedByIncreasingQueryMinThenInvQueryLength_unordered_sameIdentifier( self ):
        iPath1a = Path( 1, Range("qry1",1,10), Range("sbj1",1,10), 0.0, 10, 98.7 )
        iPath1b = Path( 1, Range("qry1",21,30), Range("sbj1",11,20), 0.0, 10, 98.7 )
        lPaths = [ iPath1b, iPath1a ]
        lExp = [ Path( 1, Range("qry1",1,10), Range("sbj1",1,10), 0.0, 10, 98.7 ),
                Path( 1, Range("qry1",21,30), Range("sbj1",11,20), 0.0, 10, 98.7 ) ]
        lObs = PathUtils.getPathListSortedByIncreasingQueryMinThenInvQueryLength( lPaths )
        self.assertEquals( lExp, lObs )
    def test_getPathListSortedByIncreasingQueryMinThenInvQueryLength_unordered_overlapping( self ):
        iPath1 = Path( 1, Range("qry1",1,6), Range("sbj1",1,6), 0.0, 10, 98.7 )
        iPath2 = Path( 2, Range("qry1",5,10), Range("sbj1",5,10), 0.0, 10, 98.7 )
        lPaths = [ iPath2, iPath1 ]
        lExp = [ Path( 1, Range("qry1",1,6), Range("sbj1",1,6), 0.0, 10, 98.7 ),
                Path( 2, Range("qry1",5,10), Range("sbj1",5,10), 0.0, 10, 98.7 ) ]
        lObs = PathUtils.getPathListSortedByIncreasingQueryMinThenInvQueryLength( lPaths )
        self.assertEquals( lExp, lObs )
    def test_getPathListSortedByIncreasingQueryMinThenInvQueryLength_threePaths_2sameMin( self ):
        iPath1 = Path( 1, Range("qry1",1,6), Range("sbj1",1,6), 0.0, 10, 98.7 )
        iPath2 = Path( 2, Range("qry1",5,12), Range("sbj1",5,12), 0.0, 10, 98.7 )
        iPath3 = Path( 3, Range("qry1",5,10), Range("sbj1",5,10), 0.0, 10, 98.7 )
        lPaths = [ iPath3, iPath2, iPath1 ]
        lExp = [ Path( 1, Range("qry1",1,6), Range("sbj1",1,6), 0.0, 10, 98.7 ),
                Path( 2, Range("qry1",5,12), Range("sbj1",5,12), 0.0, 10, 98.7 ),
                Path( 3, Range("qry1",5,10), Range("sbj1",5,10), 0.0, 10, 98.7 ) ]
        lObs = PathUtils.getPathListSortedByIncreasingQueryMinThenInvQueryLength( lPaths )
        self.assertEquals( lExp, lObs )
    def test_getPathListSortedByIncreasingQueryMinThenInvQueryLength_unordered_included( self ):
        iPath1 = Path( 1, Range("qry1",1,6), Range("sbj1",1,6), 0.0, 10, 98.7 )
        iPath2 = Path( 2, Range("qry1",2,5), Range("sbj1",2,5), 0.0, 10, 98.7 )
        lPaths = [ iPath2, iPath1 ]
        lExp = [ Path( 1, Range("qry1",1,6), Range("sbj1",1,6), 0.0, 10, 98.7 ),
                Path( 2, Range("qry1",2,5), Range("sbj1",2,5), 0.0, 10, 98.7 ) ]
        lObs = PathUtils.getPathListSortedByIncreasingQueryMinThenInvQueryLength( lPaths )
        self.assertEquals( lExp, lObs )
    def test_mergePathsInList_emptyList( self ):
        lPaths = []
        lExp = []
        lObs = PathUtils.mergePathsInList( lPaths )
        self.assertEquals( lExp, lObs )
    def test_mergePathsInList_onePath( self ):
        iPath1 = Path( 1, Range("qry1",1,10), Range("sbj1",1,10), 0.0, 10, 98.7 )
        lPaths = [ iPath1 ]
        lExp = [ Path( 1, Range("qry1",1,10), Range("sbj1",1,10), 0.0, 10, 98.7 ) ]
        lObs = PathUtils.mergePathsInList( lPaths )
        self.assertEquals( lExp, lObs )
    def test_mergePathsInList_noOverlap( self ):
        iPath1 = Path( 1, Range("qry1",1,10), Range("sbj1",1,10), 0.0, 10, 98.7 )
        iPath2 = Path( 1, Range("qry1",21,30), Range("sbj1",11,20), 0.0, 10, 98.7 )
        lPaths = [ iPath1, iPath2 ]
        lExp = [ Path( 1, Range("qry1",1,10), Range("sbj1",1,10), 0.0, 10, 98.7 ),
                Path( 1, Range("qry1",21,30), Range("sbj1",11,20), 0.0, 10, 98.7 ) ]
        lObs = PathUtils.mergePathsInList( lPaths )
        self.assertEquals( lExp, lObs )
    def test_mergePathsInList_withOverlap( self ):
        iPath1 = Path( 1, Range("qry1",1,10), Range("sbj1",1,10), 0.0, 10, 98.7 )
        iPath2 = Path( 1, Range("qry1",6,15), Range("sbj1",6,15), 0.0, 10, 98.7 )
        lPaths = [ iPath2, iPath1 ]
        lExp = [ Path( 1, Range("qry1",1,15), Range("sbj1",1,15), 0.0, 10, 98.7 ) ]
        lObs = PathUtils.mergePathsInList( lPaths )
        self.assertEquals( lExp, lObs )
    def test_mergePathsInList_withOverlap_reverseOnly( self ):
        iPath1 = Path( 1, Range("qry1",10,1), Range("sbj1",10,1), 0.0, 10, 98.7 )
        iPath2 = Path( 1, Range("qry1",15,6), Range("sbj1",15,6), 0.0, 10, 98.7 )
        lPaths = [ iPath2, iPath1 ]
        lExp = [ Path( 1, Range("qry1",15,1), Range("sbj1",15,1), 0.0, 10, 98.7 ) ]
        lObs = PathUtils.mergePathsInList( lPaths )
        self.assertEquals( lExp, lObs )
    def test_mergePathsInList_withOverlap_directAndReverse( self ):
        iPath1 = Path( 1, Range("qry1",10,1), Range("sbj1",10,1), 0.0, 10, 98.7 )
        iPath2 = Path( 1, Range("qry1",15,6), Range("sbj1",15,6), 0.0, 10, 98.7 )
        iPath3 = Path( 1, Range("qry1",2,5), Range("sbj1",2,5), 0.0, 10, 98.7 )
        lPaths = [ iPath3, iPath2, iPath1 ]
        lExp = [ Path( 1, Range("qry1",15,1), Range("sbj1",15,1), 0.0, 10, 98.7 ) ]
        lObs = PathUtils.mergePathsInList( lPaths )
        self.assertEquals( lExp, lObs )
    def test_mergePathsInList_diffQueries_withOverlap( self ):
        iPath1 = Path( 1, Range("qry1",1,10), Range("sbj1",1,10), 0.0, 10, 98.7 )
        iPath2 = Path( 2, Range("qry2",6,15), Range("sbj1",6,15), 0.0, 10, 98.7 )
        lPaths = [ iPath2, iPath1 ]
        lExp = [ Path( 1, Range("qry1",1,10), Range("sbj1",1,10), 0.0, 10, 98.7 ),
                Path( 2, Range("qry2",6,15), Range("sbj1",6,15), 0.0, 10, 98.7 ) ]
        lObs = PathUtils.mergePathsInList( lPaths )
        self.assertEquals( lExp, lObs )
    def test_mergePathsInList_nonOverlappingSubjects( self ):
        iPath1 = Path( 1, Range("qry1",398,491), Range("sbj1",10,112), 0.0, 10, 98.7 )
        iPath2 = Path( 1, Range("qry1",451,492), Range("sbj1",124,169), 0.0, 10, 98.7 )
        iPath3 = Path( 1, Range("qry1",493,531), Range("sbj1",249,294), 0.0, 10, 98.7 )
        lPaths = [ iPath3, iPath2, iPath1 ]
        lExp = [ Path( 1, Range("qry1",398,491), Range("sbj1",10,112), 0.0, 10, 98.7 ),
                Path( 1, Range("qry1",451,492), Range("sbj1",124,169), 0.0, 10, 98.7 ),
                Path( 1, Range("qry1",493,531), Range("sbj1",249,294), 0.0, 10, 98.7 ) ]
        lObs = PathUtils.mergePathsInList( lPaths )
        self.assertEquals( lExp, lObs )
    def test_mergePathsInListUsingQueryCoordsOnly( self ):
        iPath1 = Path( 1, Range("qry1",398,491), Range("sbj1",10,112), 0.0, 10, 98.7 )
        iPath2 = Path( 1, Range("qry1",451,492), Range("sbj1",124,169), 0.0, 10, 98.7 )
        iPath3 = Path( 1, Range("qry1",493,531), Range("sbj1",249,294), 0.0, 10, 98.7 )
        lPaths = [ iPath3, iPath2, iPath1 ]
        lExp = [ Path( 1, Range("qry1",398,492), Range("sbj1",10,169), 0.0, 10, 98.7 ),
                Path( 1, Range("qry1",493,531), Range("sbj1",249,294), 0.0, 10, 98.7 ) ]
        lObs = PathUtils.mergePathsInListUsingQueryCoordsOnly( lPaths )
        self.assertEquals( lExp, lObs )
    def test_convertPathFileIntoGffFile( self ):
        p1 = Path()
        p1.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "12", "1", "sbj1", "1", "12", "0.0", "132", "95.0" ) )
        p2a = Path()
        p2a.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "16", "30", "sbj2", "1", "15", "1e-270", "150", "97.0" ) )
        p2b = Path()
        p2b.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "51", "90", "sbj2", "21", "60", "0.0", "132", "95.9" ) )
        inFile = "dummyInFile"
        PathUtils.writeListInFile( [ p1, p2a, p2b ], inFile, "w" )
        expFile = "dummyExpFile"
        expF = open( expFile, "w" )
        expF.write( "qry1\tREPET\tmatch\t1\t12\t0\t-\t.\tID=1;Target=sbj1 1 12\n" )
        expF.write( "qry1\tREPET\tmatch\t16\t90\t0\t+\t.\tID=ms2;Target=sbj2 1 60\n" )
        expF.write( "qry1\tREPET\tmatch_part\t16\t30\t1e-270\t+\t.\tID=mp2-1;Parent=ms2;Target=sbj2 1 15\n" )
        expF.write( "qry1\tREPET\tmatch_part\t51\t90\t0\t+\t.\tID=mp2-2;Parent=ms2;Target=sbj2 21 60\n" )
        obsFile = "dummyObsFile"
        PathUtils.convertPathFileIntoGffFile( inFile, obsFile )
        self.assertTrue( FileUtils.are2FilesIdentical( expFile, obsFile ) )
        for f in [ inFile, expFile, obsFile ]:
            os.remove( f )
    def test_convertPathFileIntoSetFile( self ):
        pathFile = "dummyPathFile_%s_%s" % ( time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"), os.getpid() )
        pathFileHandler = open( pathFile, "w" )
        pathFileHandler.write( "3\tchr2\t250\t151\tseq5\t1\t100\t1e-31\t147\t98.3\n" )
        expFile = "dummyExpFile_%s_%s" % ( time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"), os.getpid() )
        expFileHandler = open( expFile, "w" )
        expFileHandler.write( "3\tseq5\tchr2\t250\t151\n" )
        obsFile = "dummyObsFile_%s_%s" % ( time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"), os.getpid() )
        PathUtils.convertPathFileIntoSetFile( pathFile, obsFile )
        self.assertTrue( FileUtils.are2FilesIdentical( expFile, obsFile ) )
        for f in [ pathFile, expFile, obsFile ]:
            if os.path.exists( f ):
                os.remove ( f )
    def test_removeInPathFileDuplicatedPathOnQueryNameQueryCoordAndSubjectName(self):
        pathFile = "dummyPathFile"
        f = open(pathFile, "w")
        obsPathFile = "obsDummyPathFile"
        PathUtils.removeInPathFileDuplicatedPathOnQueryNameQueryCoordAndSubjectName(pathFile, obsPathFile)
        expPathFile = "expDummyPathFile"
        f = open(expPathFile, "w")
        self.assertTrue(FileUtils.are2FilesIdentical(expPathFile, obsPathFile))
    def test_getPathListWithoutDuplicatesOnQueryCoord(self):
        iPath1 = Path(1, Range("qry1",398,491), Range("sbj1",10,112), 0.0, 10, 98.7)
        iPath2 = Path(1, Range("qry1",451,492), Range("sbj1",124,169), 0.0, 10, 98.7)
        iPath3 = Path(1, Range("qry1",451,492), Range("sbj1",249,294), 0.0, 10, 98.7)
        lPaths = [iPath3, iPath2, iPath1]
        obslPaths = PathUtils.getPathListWithoutDuplicatesOnQueryCoord(lPaths)
        explPaths = [iPath1, iPath3]
        self.assertEquals(explPaths, obslPaths)
    def _makePathListFromTupleList ( self, tupleList ):
        pathList = []
        for tuple in tupleList:
            path = Path()
        return pathList
    def _makePathListFromStringList (self, stringList):
        pathList = []
        for string in stringList:
            path = Path()
        return pathList
    def _show (self, list):
        for item in list:
            print item.toString()
test_suite = unittest.TestSuite()
test_suite.addTest( unittest.makeSuite( Test_PathUtils ) )
if __name__ == "__main__":
    unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run( test_suite )