view commons/core/sql/test/ @ 14:c79b9ae3f65f

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author m-zytnicki
date Fri, 19 Apr 2013 10:13:11 -0400
parents 769e306b7933
line wrap: on
line source

# Copyright INRA (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique)
# This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
# abiding by the rules of distribution of free software.  You can  use, 
# modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
# license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
# "". 
# As a counterpart to the access to the source code and  rights to copy,
# modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
# with a limited warranty  and the software's author,  the holder of the
# economic rights,  and the successive licensors  have only  limited
# liability. 
# In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
# with loading,  using,  modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
# software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
# that may mean  that it is complicated to manipulate,  and  that  also
# therefore means  that it is reserved for developers  and  experienced
# professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
# encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
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# same conditions as regards security. 
# The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
# knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms.

import unittest
import os
import time
from commons.core.sql.TablePathAdaptator import TablePathAdaptator
from commons.core.coord.Path import Path
from commons.core.coord.Set import Set
from commons.core.sql.DbMySql import DbMySql
from commons.core.coord.Range import Range
from commons.core.coord.PathUtils import PathUtils
from copy import deepcopy

class Test_TablePathAdaptator( unittest.TestCase ):
    def setUp( self ):
        self._uniqId = "%s_%s" % ( time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S") , os.getpid() )
        self._configFileName = "dummyConfigFile_%s" % ( self._uniqId )
        configF = open(self._configFileName, "w" )
        configF.write( "[repet_env]\n" )
        configF.write( "repet_host: %s\n" % ( os.environ["REPET_HOST"] ) )
        configF.write( "repet_user: %s\n" % ( os.environ["REPET_USER"] ) )
        configF.write( "repet_pw: %s\n" % ( os.environ["REPET_PW"] ) )
        configF.write( "repet_db: %s\n" % ( os.environ["REPET_DB"] ) )
        configF.write( "repet_port: %s\n" % ( os.environ["REPET_PORT"] ) )
        self._db = DbMySql( cfgFileName = self._configFileName )
        self._table = "dummyPathTable_%s" % ( self._uniqId )
        self._tpA = TablePathAdaptator( self._db, self._table )
    def tearDown( self ):
        self._uniqId = None
        self._db.dropTable( self._table )
        self._table = None
        self._tMatchA = None
        os.remove( self._configFileName )
        self._configFileName = ""  
################## Tests for methods in ITableMapAdaptator #######################
    def test_getPathListFromId( self ):
        pathFileName = "dummyPathFile_%s" % ( self._uniqId )
        pathF = open( pathFileName, "w" )
        pathF.write( "1\tchr1\t1\t6\tTE2\t11\t16\t1e-20\t30\t90.2\n" )
        pathF.write( "2\tchr1\t1001\t1006\tTE2\t11\t16\t1e-20\t30\t90.2\n" )
        pathF.write( "2\tchr1\t1201\t1226\tTE2\t10\t26\t1e-40\t70\t87.2\n" )
        p1 = Path()
        p1.setFromString( "2\tchr1\t1001\t1006\tTE2\t11\t16\t1e-20\t30\t90.2\n" )
        p2 = Path()
        p2.setFromString( "2\tchr1\t1201\t1226\tTE2\t10\t26\t1e-40\t70\t87.2\n" )
        lExp = [ p1, p2 ]
        self._db.createTable( self._table, "path", pathFileName )
        lObs = self._tpA.getPathListFromId( 2 )
        self.assertEqual( lObs, lExp )
        os.remove( pathFileName )
    def test_getPathListFromIdList_empty_id_list( self ):
        pathFileName = "dummyPathFile_%s" % ( self._uniqId )
        pathF = open( pathFileName, "w" )
        self._db.createTable( self._table, "path", pathFileName )
        expList = []
        obsList = self._tpA.getPathListFromIdList([])
        self.assertEquals(expList, obsList)
        os.remove( pathFileName )
    def test_getPathListFromIdList( self ):
        pathFileName = "dummyPathFile_%s" % ( self._uniqId )
        pathF = open( pathFileName, "w" )

        tuple = ("1", "chr1","1", "10","TE2","11","17","1e-20","30","90.2")
        p1 = Path()
        tuple = ("2", "chr1","2", "9","TE2","10","13","1e-20","30","90.2")
        p2 = Path()

        tuple = ("3", "chr1","8", "13","TE2","11","17","1e-20","30","90.2")
        p3 = Path()
        self._db.createTable( self._table, "path", pathFileName )
        lObs = self._tpA.getPathListFromIdList((1, 2, 3))
        self.assertEquals(3, len(lObs))
        lExp = [p1, p2, p3]
        self.assertEquals(lExp, lObs)
        os.remove( pathFileName )
    def test_getPathListFromQuery( self ):
        pathFileName = "dummyPathFile_%s" % ( self._uniqId )
        pathF = open( pathFileName, "w" )
        self._db.createTable( self._table, "path", pathFileName )
        path1 = Path()
        path2 = Path()
        expList = [ path1, path2 ]
        obsList = self._tpA.getPathListFromQuery("chr1")
        self.assertEquals( expList, obsList )
        os.remove( pathFileName )
    def test_getPathListFromQuery_unexisted_query( self ):
        pathFileName = "dummyPathFile_%s" % ( self._uniqId )
        pathF = open( pathFileName, "w" )
        self._db.createTable( self._table, "path", pathFileName )
        expList = []
        obsList = self._tpA.getPathListFromQuery("dummy")
        self.assertEquals( expList, obsList )
        os.remove( pathFileName )
    def test_getPathListFromSubject( self ):
        pathFileName = "dummyPathFile_%s" % ( self._uniqId )
        pathF = open( pathFileName, "w" )
        self._db.createTable( self._table, "path", pathFileName )
        path1 = Path()
        path3 = Path()
        expList = [ path1, path3 ]
        obsList = self._tpA.getPathListFromSubject("TE2")
        self.assertEquals( expList, obsList )

        os.remove( pathFileName )
    def test_getPathListFromSubject_unexisted_subject( self ):
        pathFileName = "dummyPathFile_%s" % ( self._uniqId )
        pathF = open( pathFileName, "w" )
        self._db.createTable( self._table, "path", pathFileName )
        expList = []
        obsList = self._tpA.getPathListFromSubject("dummy")
        self.assertEquals( expList, obsList )

        os.remove( pathFileName )
    def test_insert_QryDirSbjDir( self ):
        path2Insert = Path()
        rangeQuery2Insert = Range()
        rangeQuery2Insert.seqname = "chr1"
        rangeQuery2Insert.start = 1
        rangeQuery2Insert.end = 10
        rangeSubject2Insert = Range()
        rangeSubject2Insert.seqname = "TE2"
        rangeSubject2Insert.start = 11
        rangeSubject2Insert.end = 17
        path2Insert.range_query = rangeQuery2Insert
        path2Insert.range_subject = rangeSubject2Insert
        path2Insert.identity = 90.2
        path2Insert.score = 30
        path2Insert.e_value = 1e-20 = 1
        self._db.createTable( self._table, "path" )
        self._tpA.insert( path2Insert )
        expPathTuple = ((1L, "chr1", 1L, 10L, "TE2", 11L, 17L, 1e-20, 30L, 90.2),)
        sqlCmd = "SELECT * FROM %s" % ( self._table )
        self._db.execute( sqlCmd )
        obsPathTuple = self._db.cursor.fetchall()
        self.assertEquals(expPathTuple, obsPathTuple)
    def test_insert_BigEvalue( self ):
        path2Insert = Path()
        rangeQuery2Insert =  Range()
        rangeQuery2Insert.seqname = "chr1"
        rangeQuery2Insert.start = 1
        rangeQuery2Insert.end = 10
        rangeSubject2Insert =  Range()
        rangeSubject2Insert.seqname = "TE2"
        rangeSubject2Insert.start = 11
        rangeSubject2Insert.end = 17
        path2Insert.range_query = rangeQuery2Insert
        path2Insert.range_subject = rangeSubject2Insert
        path2Insert.identity = 90.2
        path2Insert.score = 30.0
        path2Insert.e_value = 1e-300 = 1
        self._db.createTable( self._table, "path" )
        self._tpA.insert( path2Insert )
        expPathTuple = ((1L, "chr1", 1L, 10L, "TE2", 11L, 17L, 1e-300, 30L, 90.2),)
        sqlCmd = "SELECT * FROM %s" % ( self._table )
        self._db.execute( sqlCmd )
        obsPathTuple = self._db.cursor.fetchall()
        self.assertEquals(expPathTuple, obsPathTuple)
    def test_insert_QryRevSbjDir( self ):
        path2Insert = Path()
        rangeQuery2Insert =  Range()
        rangeQuery2Insert.seqname = "chr1"
        rangeQuery2Insert.start = 10
        rangeQuery2Insert.end = 1
        rangeSubject2Insert =  Range()
        rangeSubject2Insert.seqname = "TE2"
        rangeSubject2Insert.start = 11
        rangeSubject2Insert.end = 17
        path2Insert.range_query = rangeQuery2Insert
        path2Insert.range_subject = rangeSubject2Insert
        path2Insert.identity = 90.2
        path2Insert.score = 30
        path2Insert.e_value = 1e-216 = 1
        self._db.createTable( self._table, "path" )
        self._tpA.insert( path2Insert )
        expPathTuple = ((1L, "chr1", 1L, 10L, "TE2", 17L, 11L, 1e-216, 30L, 90.2),)
        sqlCmd = "SELECT * FROM %s" % ( self._table )
        self._db.execute( sqlCmd )
        obsPathTuple = self._db.cursor.fetchall()
        self.assertEquals(expPathTuple, obsPathTuple)
    def test_insertList(self):
        p1 = Path()
        p1.setFromString( "1\tchr1\t1\t10\tTE1\t11\t17\t1e-20\t30\t90.2\n" )
        p2 = Path()
        p2.setFromString( "2\tchr1\t2\t9\tTE2\t10\t13\t1e-20\t30\t90.2\n" )
        p3 = Path()
        p3.setFromString( "2\tchr1\t12\t19\tTE2\t15\t22\t1e-10\t40\t94.2\n" )
        p4 = Path()
        p4.setFromString( "3\tchr2\t8\t13\tTE1\t11\t17\t1e-20\t30\t90.2\n" )
        lPath = [ p1, p2, p3, p4]
        self._db.createTable( self._table, "path" )
        tuple1 = (1L, "chr1", 1L, 10L, "TE1", 11L, 17L, 1e-20, 30L, 90.2)
        tuple2 = (2L, "chr1", 2L, 9L, "TE2", 10L, 13L, 1e-20, 30L, 90.2)
        tuple3 = (2L, "chr1", 12L, 19L, "TE2", 15L, 22L, 1e-10, 40L, 94.2)
        tuple4 = (3L, "chr2", 8L, 13L, "TE1", 11L, 17L, 1e-20, 30L, 90.2)
        expPathTuple = ( tuple1, tuple2, tuple3, tuple4)
        sqlCmd = "SELECT * FROM %s" % ( self._table )
        self._db.execute( sqlCmd )
        obsPathTuple = self._db.cursor.fetchall()
        self.assertEquals(expPathTuple, obsPathTuple)
    def test_getIdListFromQuery( self ):
        self._db.createTable( self._table, "path" )
        p1 = Path()
        p1.setFromString( "1\tchr1\t1\t10\tTE1\t11\t17\t1e-20\t30\t90.2\n" )
        p2a = Path()
        p2a.setFromString( "2\tchr1\t2\t9\tTE2\t10\t13\t1e-20\t30\t90.2\n" )
        p2b = Path()
        p2b.setFromString( "2\tchr1\t12\t19\tTE2\t15\t22\t1e-10\t40\t94.2\n" )
        p3 = Path()
        p3.setFromString( "3\tchr2\t8\t13\tTE1\t11\t17\t1e-20\t30\t90.2\n" )
        for p in [ p1, p2a, p2b, p3 ]: self._tpA.insert( p )
        lExp = [ 1, 2 ]
        lObs = self._tpA.getIdListFromQuery( "chr1" )
        self.assertEqual( lObs, lExp )
    def test_getIdListFromSubject( self ):
        self._db.createTable( self._table, "path" )
        p1 = Path()
        p1.setFromString( "1\tchr1\t1\t10\tTE1\t11\t17\t1e-20\t30\t90.2\n" )
        p2a = Path()
        p2a.setFromString( "2\tchr1\t2\t9\tTE2\t10\t13\t1e-20\t30\t90.2\n" )
        p2b = Path()
        p2b.setFromString( "2\tchr1\t12\t19\tTE2\t15\t22\t1e-10\t40\t94.2\n" )
        p3 = Path()
        p3.setFromString( "3\tchr2\t8\t13\tTE1\t11\t17\t1e-20\t30\t90.2\n" )
        for p in [ p1, p2a, p2b, p3 ]: self._tpA.insert( p )
        lExp = [ 2 ]
        lObs = self._tpA.getIdListFromSubject( "TE2" )
        self.assertEqual( lObs, lExp )
    def test_getIdList( self ):
        self._db.createTable( self._table, "path" )
        p1 = Path()
        p1.setFromString( "1\tchr1\t1\t10\tTE1\t11\t17\t1e-20\t30\t90.2\n" )
        p2 = Path()
        p2.setFromString( "2\tchr1\t2\t9\tTE2\t10\t13\t1e-20\t30\t90.2\n" )
        p3 = Path()
        p3.setFromString( "2\tchr1\t12\t19\tTE2\t15\t22\t1e-10\t40\t94.2\n" )
        p4 = Path()
        p4.setFromString( "3\tchr2\t8\t13\tTE1\t11\t17\t1e-20\t30\t90.2\n" )
        lPath = [ p1, p2, p3, p4]
        expList = [ 1, 2, 3 ]
        obsList = self._tpA.getIdList()
        self.assertEqual( expList, obsList )
    def test_getSubjectList( self ):
        pathFileName = "dummyPathFile_%s" % ( self._uniqId )
        pathF = open( pathFileName, "w" )
        self._db.createTable( self._table, "path", pathFileName )
        expList = [ "TE1", "TE2", "TE3" ]
        obsList = self._tpA.getSubjectList()
        self.assertEqual( expList, obsList )
        os.remove( pathFileName )
    def test_getSubjectList_empty_table( self ):
        self._db.createTable( self._table, "path" )
        expList = []
        obsList = self._tpA.getSubjectList()
        self.assertEqual( obsList, expList )
    def test_getQueryList( self ):
        pathFileName = "dummyPathFile_%s" % ( self._uniqId )
        pathF = open( pathFileName, "w" )
        self._db.createTable( self._table, "path", pathFileName )
        expList = [ "chr1", "chr2" ]
        obsList = self._tpA.getQueryList()
        self.assertEqual( expList, obsList )
        os.remove( pathFileName )
    def test_getSubjectListFromQuery( self ):
        pathFileName = "dummyPathFile_%s" % ( self._uniqId )
        pathF = open( pathFileName, "w" )
        self._db.createTable( self._table, "path", pathFileName )
        expList = [ "TE3", "TE2" ]
        obsList = self._tpA.getSubjectListFromQuery( "chr1" )
        self.assertEqual( expList, obsList )
        os.remove( pathFileName )
    def test_getSubjectListFromQuery_with_unexisted_query( self ):
        pathFileName = "dummyPathFile_%s" % ( self._uniqId )
        pathF = open( pathFileName, "w" )
        self._db.createTable( self._table, "path", pathFileName )
        expList = []
        obsList = self._tpA.getSubjectListFromQuery( "chr3" )
        self.assertEqual( expList, obsList )
        os.remove( pathFileName )
    def test_getListOfAllPaths( self ):
        self._db.createTable( self._table, "path" )
        p1 = Path()
        p1.setFromString( "1\tchr1\t1\t10\tTE3\t11\t17\t1e-20\t30\t85.2\n" )
        p2a = Path()
        p2a.setFromString( "2\tchr1\t2\t9\tTE2\t10\t13\t1e-20\t30\t90.5\n" )
        p2b = Path()
        p2b.setFromString( "2\tchr1\t12\t19\tTE2\t15\t22\t1e-10\t40\t89.5\n" )
        lPaths = [ p1, p2a, p2b ]
        self._tpA.insertList( lPaths )
        expList = [ p1, p2a, p2b ]
        obsList = self._tpA.getListOfAllPaths()
        self.assertEqual( expList, obsList )
    def test_getListOfAllPaths_empty_table( self ):
        self._db.createTable( self._table, "path" )
        expList = []
        obsList = self._tpA.getListOfAllPaths()
        self.assertEqual( expList, obsList )
    def test_getPathListWithDirectQueryDirectSubjectFromQuerySubject( self ):
        self._db.createTable( self._table, "path" )
        p1 = Path()
        p1.setFromString( "1\tchr1\t1\t100\tTE1\t11\t110\t1e-20\t130\t85.2\n" )
        p2 = Path()
        p2.setFromString( "2\tchr2\t1\t100\tTE1\t11\t110\t1e-20\t130\t85.2\n" )  # different query
        p3 = Path()
        p3.setFromString( "3\tchr1\t1\t100\tTE2\t11\t110\t1e-20\t130\t85.2\n" )  # different subject
        p4 = Path()
        p4.setFromString( "4\tchr1\t100\t1\tTE1\t11\t110\t1e-20\t130\t85.2\n" )  # query on reverse strand
        p5 = Path()
        p5.setFromString( "5\tchr1\t1\t100\tTE1\t110\t11\t1e-20\t130\t85.2\n" )  # subject on reverse strand
        p6 = Path()
        p6.setFromString( "6\tchr1\t301\t400\tTE1\t11\t110\t1e-20\t130\t85.2\n" )  # further along the query
        for p in [ p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6 ]: self._tpA.insert( p )
        expList = [ p1, p6 ]
        obsList = self._tpA.getPathListWithDirectQueryDirectSubjectFromQuerySubject( "chr1", "TE1" )
        self.assertEqual( expList, obsList )
    def test_getPathListWithDirectQueryReverseSubjectFromQuerySubject( self ):
        self._db.createTable( self._table, "path" )
        p1 = Path()
        p1.setFromString( "1\tchr1\t1\t100\tTE1\t110\t11\t1e-20\t130\t85.2\n" )
        p2 = Path()
        p2.setFromString( "2\tchr2\t1\t100\tTE1\t110\t11\t1e-20\t130\t85.2\n" )  # different query
        p3 = Path()
        p3.setFromString( "3\tchr1\t1\t100\tTE2\t110\t11\t1e-20\t130\t85.2\n" )  # different subject
        p4 = Path()
        p4.setFromString( "4\tchr1\t100\t1\tTE1\t110\t11\t1e-20\t130\t85.2\n" )  # query on reverse strand
        p5 = Path()
        p5.setFromString( "5\tchr1\t1\t100\tTE1\t11\t110\t1e-20\t130\t85.2\n" )  # subject on direct strand
        p6 = Path()
        p6.setFromString( "6\tchr1\t301\t400\tTE1\t110\t11\t1e-20\t130\t85.2\n" )  # further along the query
        for p in [ p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6 ]: self._tpA.insert( p )
        lExp = [ p1, p6 ]
        lObs = self._tpA.getPathListWithDirectQueryReverseSubjectFromQuerySubject( "chr1", "TE1" )
        self.assertEqual( lObs, lExp )
    def test_isEmpty( self ):
        self._db.createTable( self._table, "path" )
        obs = self._tpA.isEmpty()
        self.assertTrue( obs )
        p = Path()
        p.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "1", "100", "sbj1", "1", "100", "1e-32", "164", "97.5" ) )
        self._tpA.insert( p )
        obs = self._tpA.isEmpty()
        self.assertFalse( obs )
    def test_getNbPathsFromQuery( self ):
        self._db.createTable( self._table, "path" )
        p1a = Path()
        p1a.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "1", "100", "sbj1", "1", "100", "1e-32", "164", "97.5" ) )
        p1b = Path()
        p1b.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "111", "200", "sbj1", "101", "190", "1e-32", "164", "97.5" ) )
        p2 = Path()
        p2.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "2001", "2200", "sbj3", "1", "200", "1e-76", "247", "96.2" ) )
        p3 = Path()
        p3.setFromTuple( ( "3", "qry2", "1", "350", "sbj1", "1", "350", "1e-43", "624", "98.1" ) )
        lPaths = [ p1a, p1b, p2, p3 ]
        self._tpA.insertList( lPaths )
        expNb = 3
        obsNb = self._tpA.getNbPathsFromQuery( "qry1" )
        self.assertEqual( expNb, obsNb )
    def test_getNbPathsFromQuery_unexisted_query( self ):
        self._db.createTable( self._table, "path" )
        p1a = Path()
        p1a.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "1", "100", "sbj1", "1", "100", "1e-32", "164", "97.5" ) )
        p1b = Path()
        p1b.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "111", "200", "sbj1", "101", "190", "1e-32", "164", "97.5" ) )
        p2 = Path()
        p2.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "2001", "2200", "sbj3", "1", "200", "1e-76", "247", "96.2" ) )
        p3 = Path()
        p3.setFromTuple( ( "3", "qry2", "1", "350", "sbj1", "1", "350", "1e-43", "624", "98.1" ) )
        lPaths = [ p1a, p1b, p2, p3 ]
        self._tpA.insertList( lPaths )
        expNb = 0
        obsNb = self._tpA.getNbPathsFromQuery( "qry3" )
        self.assertEqual( expNb, obsNb )
    def test_getNbPathsFromSubject( self ):
        self._db.createTable( self._table, "path" )
        p1a = Path()
        p1a.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "1", "100", "sbj1", "1", "100", "1e-32", "164", "97.5" ) )
        p1b = Path()
        p1b.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "111", "200", "sbj1", "101", "190", "1e-32", "164", "97.5" ) )
        p2 = Path()
        p2.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "2001", "2200", "sbj3", "1", "200", "1e-76", "247", "96.2" ) )
        p3 = Path()
        p3.setFromTuple( ( "3", "qry2", "1", "350", "sbj1", "1", "350", "1e-43", "624", "98.1" ) )
        lPaths = [ p1a, p1b, p2, p3 ]
        self._tpA.insertList( lPaths )
        expNb = 3
        obsNb = self._tpA.getNbPathsFromSubject( "sbj1" )
        self.assertEqual( expNb, obsNb )
    def test_getNbPathsFromSubject_unexisted_subject( self ):
        self._db.createTable( self._table, "path" )
        p1a = Path()
        p1a.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "1", "100", "sbj1", "1", "100", "1e-32", "164", "97.5" ) )
        p1b = Path()
        p1b.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "111", "200", "sbj1", "101", "190", "1e-32", "164", "97.5" ) )
        p2 = Path()
        p2.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "2001", "2200", "sbj3", "1", "200", "1e-76", "247", "96.2" ) )
        p3 = Path()
        p3.setFromTuple( ( "3", "qry2", "1", "350", "sbj1", "1", "350", "1e-43", "624", "98.1" ) )
        lPaths = [ p1a, p1b, p2, p3 ]
        self._tpA.insertList( lPaths )
        expNb = 0
        obsNb = self._tpA.getNbPathsFromSubject( "qry1" )
        self.assertEqual( expNb, obsNb )
    def test_getNbIds( self ):
        self._db.createTable( self._table, "path" )
        p1a = Path()
        p1a.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "1", "100", "sbj1", "1", "100", "1e-32", "164", "97.5" ) )
        p1b = Path()
        p1b.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "111", "200", "sbj1", "101", "190", "1e-32", "164", "97.5" ) )
        p2 = Path()
        p2.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "2001", "2200", "sbj3", "1", "200", "1e-76", "247", "96.2" ) )
        p3 = Path()
        p3.setFromTuple( ( "3", "qry2", "1", "350", "sbj1", "1", "350", "1e-43", "624", "98.1" ) )
        for p in [ p1a, p1b, p2, p3 ]: self._tpA.insert( p )
        exp = 3
        obs = self._tpA.getNbIds()
        self.assertEqual( obs, exp )
    def test_getNbIdsFromSubject( self ):
        self._db.createTable( self._table, "path" )
        p1 = Path()
        p1.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "101", "200", "sbj1", "1", "100", "0.0", "137", "98.5" ) )
        self._tpA.insert( p1 )
        p2 = Path()
        p2.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "351", "500", "sbj1", "1", "150", "0.0", "187", "97.2" ) )
        self._tpA.insert( p2 )

        expNb = 2
        obsNb = self._tpA.getNbIdsFromSubject( "sbj1" )
        self.assertEqual( expNb, obsNb )
    def test_getNbIdsFromSubject_unexisted_subject( self ):
        self._db.createTable( self._table, "path" )
        p1 = Path()
        p1.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "101", "200", "sbj1", "1", "100", "0.0", "137", "98.5" ) )
        self._tpA.insert( p1 )
        p2 = Path()
        p2.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "351", "500", "sbj1", "1", "150", "0.0", "187", "97.2" ) )
        self._tpA.insert( p2 )

        expNb = 0
        obsNb = self._tpA.getNbIdsFromSubject( "sbj2" )
        self.assertEqual( expNb, obsNb ) 
    def test_getNbIdsFromQuery( self ):
        self._db.createTable( self._table, "path" )
        p1 = Path()
        p1.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "101", "200", "sbj1", "1", "100", "0.0", "137", "98.5" ) )
        self._tpA.insert( p1 )
        p2 = Path()
        p2.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "351", "500", "sbj2", "1", "150", "0.0", "187", "97.2" ) )
        self._tpA.insert( p2 )

        expNb = 2
        obsNb = self._tpA.getNbIdsFromQuery( "qry1" )
        self.assertEqual( expNb, obsNb )
    def test_getNbIdsFromQuery_unexisted_query( self ):
        self._db.createTable( self._table, "path" )
        p1 = Path()
        p1.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "101", "200", "sbj1", "1", "100", "0.0", "137", "98.5" ) )
        self._tpA.insert( p1 )
        p2 = Path()
        p2.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "351", "500", "sbj2", "1", "150", "0.0", "187", "97.2" ) )
        self._tpA.insert( p2 )

        expNb = 0
        obsNb = self._tpA.getNbIdsFromQuery( "qry2" )
        self.assertEqual( expNb, obsNb )
    def test_getPathListIncludedInQueryCoord_included( self ):
        self._db.createTable( self._table, "path" )
        p = Path()
        p.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "123", "184", "sbj1", "1", "63", "0.0", "75", "97.5" ) )
        self._tpA.insert( p )
        p2 = Path()
        p2.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "351", "500", "sbj2", "1", "150", "0.0", "187", "97.2" ) )
        self._tpA.insert( p2 )
        expList = [ p ]
        obsList = self._tpA.getPathListIncludedInQueryCoord( "qry1", 100, 200 )
        self.assertEqual( expList, obsList )
    def test_getPathListIncludedInQueryCoord_included_start_higher_than_end( self ):
        self._db.createTable( self._table, "path" )
        p = Path()
        p.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "123", "184", "sbj1", "1", "63", "0.0", "75", "97.5" ) )
        self._tpA.insert( p )
        p2 = Path()
        p2.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "351", "500", "sbj2", "1", "150", "0.0", "187", "97.2" ) )
        self._tpA.insert( p2 )
        expList = [ p ]
        obsList = self._tpA.getPathListIncludedInQueryCoord( "qry1", 200, 100 )
        self.assertEqual( expList, obsList )
    def test_getPathListIncludedInQueryCoord_overlapping( self ):
        self._db.createTable( self._table, "path" )
        p = Path()
        p.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "83", "184", "sbj1", "1", "103", "0.0", "137", "96.5" ) )
        self._tpA.insert( p )
        p2 = Path()
        p2.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "351", "500", "sbj2", "1", "150", "0.0", "187", "97.2" ) )
        self._tpA.insert( p2 )
        expList = []
        obsList = self._tpA.getPathListIncludedInQueryCoord( "qry1", 100, 200 )
        self.assertEqual( expList, obsList )
    def test_getPathListOverlappingQueryCoord(self):
        self._db.createTable( self._table, "path" )
        p1 = Path()
        p1.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "83", "184", "sbj1", "1", "103", "0.0", "137", "96.5" ) )
        p2 = Path()
        p2.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "351", "500", "sbj2", "1", "150", "0.0", "187", "97.2" ) )
        p3 = Path()
        p3.setFromTuple( ( "3", "qry1", "1", "350", "sbj1", "1", "350", "1e-43", "624", "98.1" ) )
        lPath = [ p1, p2, p3 ]
        expList = [ p1, p3 ]
        obsList = self._tpA.getPathListOverlappingQueryCoord( "qry1", 100, 200 )
        self.assertEqual( expList, obsList )
    def test_getPathListOverlappingQueryCoord_no_overlapping_and_start_higher_than_end(self):
        self._db.createTable( self._table, "path" )
        p1 = Path()
        p1.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "83", "184", "sbj1", "1", "103", "0.0", "137", "96.5" ) )
        p2 = Path()
        p2.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "351", "500", "sbj2", "1", "150", "0.0", "187", "97.2" ) )
        p3 = Path()
        p3.setFromTuple( ( "3", "qry2", "1", "350", "sbj1", "1", "350", "1e-43", "624", "98.1" ) )
        lPath = [ p1, p2, p3 ]
        expList = []
        obsList = self._tpA.getPathListOverlappingQueryCoord( "qry1", 80, 1 )
        self.assertEqual( expList, obsList )
    def test_getPathListOverlappingQueryCoord_withChains(self):
        self._db.createTable( self._table, "path" )
        p1 = Path()
        p1.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "83", "184", "sbj1", "1", "103", "0.0", "137", "96.5" ) )
        p2a = Path()
        p2a.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "1", "150", "sbj2", "1", "150", "0.0", "187", "97.2" ) )
        p2b = Path()
        p2b.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "251", "350", "sbj1", "151", "250", "1e-43", "624", "98.1" ) )
        lPath = [ p1, p2a, p2b ]
        expList = [ p1, p2a ]
        obsList = self._tpA.getPathListOverlappingQueryCoord( "qry1", 100, 200 )
        self.assertEqual( expList, obsList )
    def test_getChainListOverlappingQueryCoord(self):
        self._db.createTable( self._table, "path" )
        p1 = Path()
        p1.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "83", "184", "sbj1", "1", "103", "0.0", "137", "96.5" ) )
        p2a = Path()
        p2a.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "1", "150", "sbj2", "1", "150", "0.0", "187", "97.2" ) )
        p2b = Path()
        p2b.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "251", "350", "sbj1", "151", "250", "1e-43", "624", "98.1" ) )
        lPath = [ p1, p2a, p2b ]
        expList = [ p1, p2a, p2b ]
        obsList = self._tpA.getChainListOverlappingQueryCoord( "qry1", 100, 200 )
        self.assertEqual( expList, obsList )
    def test_getSetListOverlappingQueryCoord(self):
        self._db.createTable( self._table, "path" )
        p1 = Path()
        p1.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "83", "184", "sbj1", "1", "103", "0.0", "137", "96.5" ) )
        p2 = Path()
        p2.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "351", "500", "sbj2", "1", "150", "0.0", "187", "97.2" ) )
        p3 = Path()
        p3.setFromTuple( ( "3", "qry1", "1", "350", "sbj2", "1", "350", "1e-43", "624", "98.1" ) )
        lPath = [ p1, p2, p3 ]
        set1 = Set()
        set1.setFromTuple( ( "1", "sbj1", "qry1", "83", "184" ) )
        set3 = Set()
        set3.setFromTuple( ( "3", "sbj2", "qry1", "1", "350" ) )
        expList = [ set1, set3 ]
        obsList = self._tpA.getSetListOverlappingQueryCoord( "qry1", 100, 200 )
        self.assertEqual( expList, obsList )
    def test_getSetListOverlappingQueryCoord_no_overlapping_and_start_higher_than_end(self):
        self._db.createTable( self._table, "path" )
        p1 = Path()
        p1.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "83", "184", "sbj1", "1", "103", "0.0", "137", "96.5" ) )
        p2 = Path()
        p2.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "351", "500", "sbj2", "1", "150", "0.0", "187", "97.2" ) )
        p3 = Path()
        p3.setFromTuple( ( "3", "qry2", "1", "350", "sbj1", "1", "350", "1e-43", "624", "98.1" ) )
        lPath = [ p1, p2, p3 ]
        expList = []
        obsList = self._tpA.getSetListOverlappingQueryCoord( "qry1", 80, 1 )
        self.assertEqual( expList, obsList )
    def test_getSetListIncludedInQueryCoord(self):
        self._db.createTable( self._table, "path" )
        p1 = Path()
        p1.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "102", "184", "sbj1", "1", "103", "0.0", "137", "96.5" ) )
        p2 = Path()
        p2.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "351", "500", "sbj2", "1", "150", "0.0", "187", "97.2" ) )
        p3 = Path()
        p3.setFromTuple( ( "3", "qry1", "1", "350", "sbj2", "1", "350", "1e-43", "624", "98.1" ) )
        lPath = [ p1, p2, p3 ]
        set1 = Set()
        set1.setFromTuple( ( "1", "sbj1", "qry1", "102", "184" ) )
        expList = [ set1 ]
        obsList = self._tpA.getSetListIncludedInQueryCoord( "qry1", 100, 200 )
        self.assertEqual( expList, obsList )
    def test_getSetListIncludedInQueryCoord_no_including_and_start_higher_than_end(self):
        self._db.createTable( self._table, "path" )
        p1 = Path()
        p1.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "83", "184", "sbj1", "1", "103", "0.0", "137", "96.5" ) )
        p2 = Path()
        p2.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "351", "500", "sbj2", "1", "150", "0.0", "187", "97.2" ) )
        p3 = Path()
        p3.setFromTuple( ( "3", "qry2", "1", "350", "sbj1", "1", "350", "1e-43", "624", "98.1" ) )
        lPath = [ p1, p2, p3 ]
        expList = []
        obsList = self._tpA.getSetListIncludedInQueryCoord( "qry1", 80, 1 )
        self.assertEqual( expList, obsList )
    def test_getPathListSortedByQueryCoord( self ):
        self._db.createTable( self._table, "path" )
        p1 = Path()
        p1.setFromTuple( ( "3", "qry2", "101", "200", "sbj3", "1", "100", "0.0", "137", "96.5" ) )
        self._tpA.insert( p1 )
        p2 = Path()
        p2.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "151", "500", "sbj1", "1", "350", "0.0", "137", "96.5" ) )
        self._tpA.insert( p2 )
        p3 = Path()
        p3.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "1", "200", "sbj3", "1", "200", "0.0", "137", "96.5" ) )
        self._tpA.insert( p3 )
        expList = [ p3, p2, p1 ]
        obsList = self._tpA.getPathListSortedByQueryCoord()
        self.assertEqual( expList, obsList )
    def test_getPathListSortedByQueryCoordFromQuery( self ):
        self._db.createTable( self._table, "path" )
        p1 = Path()
        p1.setFromTuple( ( "3", "qry2", "101", "200", "sbj3", "1", "100", "0.0", "137", "96.5" ) )
        self._tpA.insert( p1 )
        p2 = Path()
        p2.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "151", "500", "sbj1", "1", "350", "0.0", "137", "96.5" ) )
        self._tpA.insert( p2 )
        p3 = Path()
        p3.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "1", "200", "sbj3", "1", "200", "0.0", "137", "96.5" ) )
        self._tpA.insert( p3 )
        expList = [ p3, p2 ]
        obsList = self._tpA.getPathListSortedByQueryCoordFromQuery( "qry1" )
        self.assertEqual( expList, obsList )
    def test_getPathListSortedByQueryCoordAndScoreFromQuery( self ):
        self._db.createTable( self._table, "path" )
        p1 = Path()
        p1.setFromTuple( ( "3", "qry2", "101", "200", "sbj3", "1", "100", "0.0", "137", "96.5" ) )
        self._tpA.insert( p1 )
        p2 = Path()
        p2.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "151", "500", "sbj1", "1", "350", "0.0", "137", "96.5" ) )
        self._tpA.insert( p2 )
        p3 = Path()
        p3.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "1", "200", "sbj3", "1", "200", "0.0", "137", "96.5" ) )
        self._tpA.insert( p3 )
        p4 = Path()
        p4.setFromTuple( ( "4", "qry1", "1", "200", "sbj3", "1", "200", "0.0", "200", "96.5" ) )
        self._tpA.insert( p4 )
        expList = [  p3, p4, p2 ]
        obsList = self._tpA.getPathListSortedByQueryCoordAndScoreFromQuery( "qry1" )
        self.assertEqual( expList, obsList )
    def test_getCumulLengthFromSubject( self ):
        self._db.createTable( self._table, "path" )
        p1 = Path()
        p1.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "101", "200", "sbj1", "1", "100", "0.0", "137", "98.5" ) )
        self._tpA.insert( p1 )
        p2 = Path()
        p2.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "351", "500", "sbj1", "1", "150", "0.0", "187", "97.2" ) )
        self._tpA.insert( p2 )

        exp = 250
        obs = self._tpA.getCumulLengthFromSubject( "sbj1" )
        self.assertEqual( obs, exp )
    def test_getCumulLengthFromSubject_with_no_subject( self ):
        self._db.createTable( self._table, "path" )
        p1 = Path()
        p1.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "101", "200", "sbj1", "1", "100", "0.0", "137", "98.5" ) )
        self._tpA.insert( p1 )
        p2 = Path()
        p2.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "351", "500", "sbj1", "1", "150", "0.0", "187", "97.2" ) )
        self._tpA.insert( p2 )

        exp = 0
        obs = self._tpA.getCumulLengthFromSubject( "sbj2" )
        self.assertEqual( obs, exp )    
    def test_getChainLengthListFromSubject( self ):
        self._db.createTable( self._table, "path" )
        p1 = Path()
        p1.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "101", "200", "sbj1", "1", "100", "0.0", "137", "98.5" ) )
        self._tpA.insert( p1 )
        p2 = Path()
        p2.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "351", "500", "sbj1", "101", "250", "0.0", "187", "97.2" ) )
        self._tpA.insert( p2 )
        p3 = Path()
        p3.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "801", "900", "sbj1", "1", "100", "0.0", "187", "97.2" ) )
        self._tpA.insert( p3 )
        p4 = Path()
        p4.setFromTuple( ( "3", "qry1", "1900", "1801", "sbj1", "1", "100", "0.0", "187", "97.2" ) )
        self._tpA.insert( p4 )
        p5 = Path()
        p5.setFromTuple( ( "4", "qry1", "1801", "1900", "sbj1", "100", "1", "0.0", "187", "97.2" ) )
        self._tpA.insert( p5 )
        expList = [ 250, 100, 100, 100 ]
        obsList = self._tpA.getChainLengthListFromSubject( "sbj1" )
        self.assertEqual( expList, obsList )
    def test_getChainIdentityListFromSubject( self ):
        self._db.createTable( self._table, "path" )
        p1 = Path()
        p1.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "101", "200", "sbj1", "1", "100", "0.0", "137", "98.5" ) )
        self._tpA.insert( p1 )
        p2 = Path()
        p2.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "351", "500", "sbj1", "101", "250", "0.0", "187", "97.2" ) )
        self._tpA.insert( p2 )
        p3 = Path()
        p3.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "801", "900", "sbj1", "1", "100", "0.0", "187", "94.3" ) )
        self._tpA.insert( p3 )
        idChain1 = ( 98.5*(200-101+1) + 97.2*(500-351+1) ) / float(200-101+1+500-351+1)
        idChain2 = 94.3*(900-801+1) / float(900-801+1)
        expList = [ idChain1, idChain2 ]
        obsList = self._tpA.getChainIdentityListFromSubject( "sbj1" )
        self.assertEqual( expList, obsList )
    def test_getPathLengthListFromSubject( self ):
        self._db.createTable( self._table, "path" )
        p1 = Path()
        p1.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "101", "200", "sbj1", "1", "100", "0.0", "137", "98.5" ) )
        self._tpA.insert( p1 )
        p2 = Path()
        p2.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "351", "500", "sbj1", "101", "250", "0.0", "187", "97.2" ) )
        self._tpA.insert( p2 )
        p3 = Path()
        p3.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "801", "900", "sbj1", "1", "100", "0.0", "187", "97.2" ) )
        self._tpA.insert( p3 )
        expList = [ 100, 150, 100 ]
        obsList = self._tpA.getPathLengthListFromSubject( "sbj1" )
        self.assertEqual( expList, obsList )
    def test_getIdListSortedByDecreasingChainLengthFromSubject( self ):
        self._db.createTable( self._table, "path" )
        p1 = Path()
        p1.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "101", "200", "sbj1", "1", "100", "0.0847", "100", "97.2" ) )
        self._tpA.insert( p1 )
        p2a = Path()
        p2a.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "351", "500", "sbj1", "1", "150", "0.0035", "100", "97.2" ) )
        self._tpA.insert( p2a )
        p2b = Path()
        p2b.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "551", "700", "sbj1", "151", "300", "0.0098", "100", "97.2" ) )
        self._tpA.insert( p2b )
        p3 = Path()
        p3.setFromTuple( ( "3", "qry2", "541", "800", "sbj1", "1", "260", "0.147", "100", "97.2" ) )
        self._tpA.insert( p3 )
        expList = [ 2, 3, 1 ]
        obsList = self._tpA.getIdListSortedByDecreasingChainLengthFromSubject( "sbj1" )
        self.assertEqual( expList, obsList )
    def test_getIdListFromSubjectWhereChainsLongerThanThreshold( self ):
        self._db.createTable( self._table, "path" )
        p1 = Path()
        p1.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "1", "100", "sbj1", "1", "100", "0.0847", "100", "97.2" ) )  # 1-fragment copy, long enough
        self._tpA.insert( p1 )
        p2a = Path()
        p2a.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry2", "1", "50", "sbj1", "1", "50", "0.0035", "100", "97.2" ) )
        self._tpA.insert( p2a )
        p2b = Path()
        p2b.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry2", "101", "150", "sbj1", "51", "100", "0.0098", "100", "97.2" ) )  # 2-fragment copy, long enough
        self._tpA.insert( p2b )
        p3 = Path()
        p3.setFromTuple( ( "3", "qry3", "1", "80", "sbj1", "1", "80", "0.147", "100", "97.2" ) )  # 1-fragment copy, too short
        self._tpA.insert( p3 )
        p4a = Path()
        p4a.setFromTuple( ( "4", "qry4", "1", "30", "sbj1", "1", "30", "0.0035", "100", "97.2" ) )
        self._tpA.insert( p4a )
        p4b = Path()
        p4b.setFromTuple( ( "4", "qry4", "101", "150", "sbj1", "31", "80", "0.0098", "100", "97.2" ) )  # 2-fragment copy, too short
        self._tpA.insert( p4b )
        exp = [ 1, 2 ]
        obs = self._tpA.getIdListFromSubjectWhereChainsLongerThanThreshold( "sbj1", 90 )
        self.assertEqual( exp, obs )
    def test_getSetListFromQuery(self):
        self._db.createTable( self._table, "path" )
        p1 = Path()
        p1.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "101", "200", "sbj1", "1", "100", "0.0", "137", "98.5" ) )
        self._tpA.insert( p1 )
        p2 = Path()
        p2.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "351", "500", "sbj1", "101", "250", "0.0", "187", "97.2" ) )
        self._tpA.insert( p2 )
        p3 = Path()
        p3.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "801", "900", "sbj1", "1", "100", "0.0", "187", "97.2" ) )
        self._tpA.insert( p3 )
        set1 = Set()
        set1.setFromTuple( ( "1", "sbj1", "qry1", "101", "200" ) )
        set2 = Set()
        set2.setFromTuple( ( "1", "sbj1", "qry1", "351", "500" ) )    
        set3 = Set()
        set3.setFromTuple( ( "2", "sbj1", "qry1", "801", "900" ) )
        expList = [set1, set2, set3]
        obsList =  self._tpA.getSetListFromQuery("qry1")
        self.assertEqual( expList, obsList )
    def test_deleteFromId(self):
        self._db.createTable( self._table, "path" )
        p1 = Path()
        p1.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "101", "200", "sbj1", "1", "100", "0.0", "137", "98.5" ) )
        self._tpA.insert( p1 )
        p2 = Path()
        p2.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "351", "500", "sbj1", "101", "250", "0.0", "187", "97.2" ) )
        self._tpA.insert( p2 )
        p3 = Path()
        p3.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "801", "900", "sbj1", "1", "100", "0.0", "187", "97.2" ) )
        self._tpA.insert( p3 )
        expList = [p1, p2]
        obsList = self._tpA.getListOfAllPaths()
        self.assertEqual( expList, obsList )
    def test_deleteFromPath(self):
        self._db.createTable( self._table, "path" )
        p1 = Path()
        p1.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "101", "200", "sbj1", "1", "100", "0.0", "137", "98.5" ) )
        self._tpA.insert( p1 )
        p2 = Path()
        p2.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "351", "500", "sbj1", "101", "250", "0.0", "187", "97.2" ) )
        self._tpA.insert( p2 )
        p3 = Path()
        p3.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "801", "900", "sbj1", "1", "100", "0.0", "187", "97.2" ) )
        self._tpA.insert( p3 )
        expList = [p1, p2]
        obsList = self._tpA.getListOfAllPaths()
        self.assertEqual( expList, obsList )
    def test_deleteFromPath_two_lines_to_delete(self):
        self._db.createTable( self._table, "path" )
        p1 = Path()
        p1.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "101", "200", "sbj1", "1", "100", "0.0", "137", "98.5" ) )
        self._tpA.insert( p1 )
        p2 = Path()
        p2.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "351", "500", "sbj1", "101", "250", "0.0", "187", "97.2" ) )
        self._tpA.insert( p2 )
        p3 = Path()
        p3.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "801", "900", "sbj1", "1", "100", "0.0", "187", "97.2" ) )
        self._tpA.insert( p3 )
        p4 = Path()
        p4.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "801", "900", "sbj1", "1", "100", "0.0", "187", "97.2" ) )
        self._tpA.insert( p4 )
        expList = [p1, p2]
        obsList = self._tpA.getListOfAllPaths()
        self.assertEqual( expList, obsList )
    def test_deleteFromIdList(self):
        self._db.createTable( self._table, "path" )
        p1 = Path()
        p1.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "101", "200", "sbj1", "1", "100", "0.0", "137", "98.5" ) )
        self._tpA.insert( p1 )
        p2 = Path()
        p2.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "351", "500", "sbj1", "101", "250", "0.0", "187", "97.2" ) )
        self._tpA.insert( p2 )
        p3 = Path()
        p3.setFromTuple( ( "3", "qry1", "801", "900", "sbj1", "1", "100", "0.0", "187", "97.2" ) )
        self._tpA.insert( p3 )
        lId = [ 1, 2 ]
        expList = [ p3 ]
        obsList = self._tpA.getListOfAllPaths()
        self.assertEqual( expList, obsList )
    def test_joinTwoPaths(self):
        self._db.createTable( self._table, "path" )
        idPath1 = 5
        p1 = Path()
        p1.setFromTuple( ( "5", "qry1", "101", "200", "sbj1", "1", "100", "0.0", "137", "98.5" ) )
        idPath2 = 2
        p2 = Path()
        p2.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "351", "500", "sbj1", "101", "250", "0.0", "187", "97.2" ) )
        lPath = [ p1, p2 ]
        self._tpA.insertList( lPath )

        self._tpA.joinTwoPaths(idPath1, idPath2)

        expP1 = Path()
        expP1.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "101", "200", "sbj1", "1", "100", "0.0", "137", "98.5" ) )
        expP2 = Path()
        expP2.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "351", "500", "sbj1", "101", "250", "0.0", "187", "97.2" ) )
        expList = [ expP1, expP2 ]
        obsList = self._tpA.getListOfAllPaths()
        self.assertEqual( expList, obsList)
    def test_joinTwoPaths_with_id1_inferior_at_id2(self):
        self._db.createTable( self._table, "path" )
        idPath1 = 5
        p1 = Path()
        p1.setFromTuple( ( "5", "qry1", "101", "200", "sbj1", "1", "100", "0.0", "137", "98.5" ) )
        idPath2 = 2
        p2 = Path()
        p2.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "351", "500", "sbj1", "101", "250", "0.0", "187", "97.2" ) )
        lPath = [ p1, p2 ]
        self._tpA.insertList( lPath )

        self._tpA.joinTwoPaths(idPath2, idPath1)

        expP1 = Path()
        expP1.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "101", "200", "sbj1", "1", "100", "0.0", "137", "98.5" ) )
        expP2 = Path()
        expP2.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "351", "500", "sbj1", "101", "250", "0.0", "187", "97.2" ) )
        expList = [ expP1, expP2 ]
        obsList = self._tpA.getListOfAllPaths()
        self.assertEqual( expList, obsList)
    def test_getNewId(self):
        self._db.createTable( self._table, "path" )
        p1 = Path()
        p1.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "101", "200", "sbj1", "1", "100", "0.0", "137", "98.5" ) )
        self._tpA.insert( p1 )
        p2 = Path()
        p2.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "351", "500", "sbj1", "101", "250", "0.0", "187", "97.2" ) )
        self._tpA.insert( p2 )
        p3 = Path()
        p3.setFromTuple( ( "3", "qry1", "801", "900", "sbj1", "1", "100", "0.0", "187", "97.2" ) )
        self._tpA.insert( p3 )
        expId = 4
        obsId = self._tpA.getNewId()
        self.assertEqual( expId, obsId)
    def test_getNewId_path_null(self):
        self._db.createTable( self._table, "path" )
        expId = 1
        obsId = self._tpA.getNewId()
        self.assertEqual( expId, obsId)
    def test_getListOfChainsSortedByAscIdentityFromQuery( self ):
        self._db.createTable( self._table, "path" )
        p1a = Path()
        p1a.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "11", "100", "sbj1", "1", "90", "0.0", "132", "96.2" ) )
        p2a = Path()
        p2a.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "101", "120", "sbj2", "1", "20", "0.0", "36", "98.0" ) )
        p1b = Path()
        p1b.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "121", "200", "sbj1", "91", "170", "0.0", "117", "96.5" ) )
        p2b = Path()
        p2b.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "201", "800", "sbj2", "21", "620", "0.0", "856", "93.2" ) )
        p3 = Path()
        p3.setFromTuple( ( "3", "qry2", "1", "1000", "sbj1", "1", "1000", "1e-120", "900", "100.0" ) )
        for p in [ p1a, p2a, p1b, p2b, p3 ]: self._tpA.insert( p )
        lPaths1 = [ p1a, p1b ]
        lPaths2 = [ p2a, p2b ]
        expList = [ lPaths2, lPaths1 ]
        obsList = self._tpA.getListOfChainsSortedByAscIdentityFromQuery( "qry1" )
        for lPaths in expList: PathUtils.getPathListSortedByIncreasingMinQueryThenMaxQuery( lPaths )
        for lPaths in obsList: PathUtils.getPathListSortedByIncreasingMinQueryThenMaxQuery( lPaths )
        self.assertEqual( expList, obsList )
    def test_getPathListSortedByIncreasingEvalueFromQuery( self ):
        self._db.createTable( self._table, "path" )
        p1 = Path()
        p1.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "101", "200", "sbj1", "1", "100", "0.0847", "100", "97.2" ) )
        self._tpA.insert( p1 )
        p2 = Path()
        p2.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "351", "500", "sbj2", "1", "150", "0.0035", "100", "97.2" ) )
        self._tpA.insert( p2 )
        p3 = Path()
        p3.setFromTuple( ( "3", "qry2", "541", "800", "sbj3", "1", "260", "0.147", "100", "97.2" ) )
        self._tpA.insert( p3 )
        expList = [ p2, p1 ]
        obsList = self._tpA.getPathListSortedByIncreasingEvalueFromQuery( "qry1" )
        self.assertEqual( expList, obsList )
    def test_path2PathRange_QryDirSbjDir( self ):
        self._db.createTable( self._table, "path" )
        p1 = Path()
        p1.setFromTuple( ( "1", "chr1", "1", "10", "TE3", "11", "17", "1e-20", "30", "85.0" ) )
        p2a = Path()
        p2a.setFromTuple( ( "2", "chr2", "1", "100", "TE2", "10", "109", "1e-20", "163", "92.1" ) )
        p2b = Path()
        p2b.setFromTuple( ( "2", "chr2", "201", "250", "TE2", "151", "200", "1e-10", "75", "88.7" ) )
        for p in [ p1, p2a, p2b ]: self._tpA.insert( p )
        p2 = Path()
        p2.setFromTuple( ( "2", "chr2", "1", "250", "TE2", "10", "200", "1e-20", "238", "90.96" ) )   # 'merge' p2a and p2b
        expList = [ p1, p2 ]
        obsTable = self._tpA.path2PathRange()
        self._tpA._table = obsTable
        obsList = self._tpA.getListOfAllPaths()
        self.assertEqual( expList, obsList )
        self._db.dropTable( obsTable )
    def test_path2PathRange_QryDirSbjRev( self ):
        self._db.createTable( self._table, "path" )
        p1 = Path()
        p1.setFromTuple( ( "1", "chr1", "1", "10", "TE3", "11", "17", "1e-20", "30", "85.0" ) )
        p2a = Path()
        p2a.setFromTuple( ( "2", "chr2", "1", "100", "TE2", "109", "10", "1e-20", "163", "92.1" ) )
        p2b = Path()
        p2b.setFromTuple( ( "2", "chr2", "201", "250", "TE2", "200", "151", "1e-10", "75", "88.7" ) )
        for p in [ p1, p2a, p2b ]: self._tpA.insert( p )
        p2 = Path()
        p2.setFromTuple( ( "2", "chr2", "1", "250", "TE2", "200", "10", "1e-20", "238", "90.96" ) )   # 'merge' p2a and p2b
        expList = [ p1, p2 ]
        obsTable = self._tpA.path2PathRange()
        self._tpA._table = obsTable
        obsList = self._tpA.getListOfAllPaths()
        self.assertEqual( obsList, expList )
        self._db.dropTable( obsTable )
############################ Tests for other methods ##############################
    def test_path2PathRangeFromQuery_QryDirSbjDir( self ):
        self._db.createTable( self._table, "path" )
        p1 = Path()
        p1.setFromTuple( ( "1", "chr1", "1", "10", "TE3", "11", "17", "1e-20", "30", "85.0" ) )
        p2a = Path()
        p2a.setFromTuple( ( "2", "chr2", "1", "100", "TE2", "10", "109", "1e-20", "163", "92.1" ) )
        p2b = Path()
        p2b.setFromTuple( ( "2", "chr2", "201", "250", "TE2", "151", "200", "1e-10", "75", "88.7" ) )
        for p in [ p1, p2a, p2b ]: self._tpA.insert( p )
        p2 = Path()
        p2.setFromTuple( ( "2", "chr2", "1", "250", "TE2", "10", "200", "1e-20", "238", "90.96" ) )   # 'merge' p2a and p2b
        expList = [ p2 ]
        obsTable = self._tpA._path2PathRangeFromQuery( "chr2" )
        self._tpA._table = obsTable
        obsList = self._tpA.getListOfAllPaths()
        self.assertEqual( expList, obsList )
        self._db.dropTable( obsTable )
    def test_path2PathRangeFromQuery_QryDirSbjRev( self ):
        self._db.createTable( self._table, "path" )
        p1 = Path()
        p1.setFromTuple( ( "1", "chr1", "1", "10", "TE3", "11", "17", "1e-20", "30", "85.0" ) )
        p2a = Path()
        p2a.setFromTuple( ( "2", "chr2", "1", "100", "TE2", "109", "10", "1e-20", "163", "92.1" ) )
        p2b = Path()
        p2b.setFromTuple( ( "2", "chr2", "201", "250", "TE2", "200", "151", "1e-10", "75", "88.7" ) )
        for p in [ p1, p2a, p2b ]: self._tpA.insert( p )
        p2 = Path()
        p2.setFromTuple( ( "2", "chr2", "1", "250", "TE2", "200", "10", "1e-20", "238", "90.96" ) )   # 'merge' p2a and p2b
        expList = [ p2 ]
        obsTable = self._tpA._path2PathRangeFromQuery( "chr2" )
        self._tpA._table = obsTable
        obsList = self._tpA.getListOfAllPaths()
        self.assertEqual( obsList, expList )
        self._db.dropTable( obsTable )
    def test_getNbOccurrences( self ):
        self._db.createTable( self._table, "path" )
        p1 = Path()
        p1.setFromTuple( ( "1", "chr1", "1", "10", "TE3", "11", "17", "1e-20", "30", "85.0" ) )
        exp = 0
        obs = self._tpA.getNbOccurrences( p1 )
        self.assertEquals( exp, obs )
        self._tpA.insert( p1 )
        exp = 1
        obs = self._tpA.getNbOccurrences( p1 )
        self.assertEquals( exp, obs )
        self._tpA.insert( p1 )
        exp = 2
        obs = self._tpA.getNbOccurrences( p1 )
        self.assertEquals( exp, obs )
    def test_getListOfUniqueOccPath(self):
        p1 = Path()
        p1.setFromTuple( ( "1", "chr1", "1", "10", "TE3", "11", "17", "1e-20", "30", "85.0" ) )
        p2 = Path()
        p2.setFromTuple( ( "1", "chr1", "1", "10", "TE3", "11", "17", "1e-20", "30", "85.0" ) )
        p3 = Path()
        p3.setFromTuple( ( "1", "chr1", "2", "10", "TE3", "11", "17", "1e-20", "30", "85.0" ) )
        p4 = Path()
        p4.setFromTuple( ( "2", "chr2", "2", "11", "TE4", "10", "18", "1e-30", "40", "95.0" ) )
        lPath = [p1,p2,p3,p4]
        expListPath = deepcopy([p1,p3,p4])     
        obsListUniquePath = self._tpA.getListOfUniqueOccPath(lPath)
        self.assertEquals( expListPath, obsListUniquePath )

    def test_getListOfUniqueOccPath_empty_list(self):
        expListPath = []     
        obsListUniquePath = self._tpA.getListOfUniqueOccPath([])
        self.assertEquals( expListPath, obsListUniquePath )
    def test_getListOfUniqueOccPath_one_item(self):
        p1 = Path()
        p1.setFromTuple( ( "1", "chr1", "1", "10", "TE3", "11", "17", "1e-20", "30", "85.0" ) )
        expListPath = deepcopy([p1])      
        obsListUniquePath = self._tpA.getListOfUniqueOccPath([p1])
        self.assertEquals( expListPath, obsListUniquePath )

    def test_getListOfUniqueOccPath_unsorted_list(self):
        p1 = Path()
        p1.setFromTuple( ( "1", "chr1", "1", "10", "TE3", "11", "17", "1e-20", "30", "85.0" ) )
        p3 = Path()
        p3.setFromTuple( ( "1", "chr1", "3", "10", "TE3", "11", "17", "1e-20", "30", "85.0" ) )
        p4 = Path()
        p4.setFromTuple( ( "2", "chr2", "2", "11", "TE4", "10", "18", "1e-30", "40", "95.0" ) )
        p2 = Path()
        p2.setFromTuple( ( "1", "chr1", "1", "10", "TE3", "11", "17", "1e-20", "30", "85.0" ) )
        lPath = [p1,p3,p4,p2]
        expListPath = deepcopy([p1,p3,p4])     
        obsListUniquePath = self._tpA.getListOfUniqueOccPath(lPath)
        self.assertEquals( expListPath, obsListUniquePath )

test_suite = unittest.TestSuite()
test_suite.addTest( unittest.makeSuite( Test_TablePathAdaptator ) )
if __name__ == "__main__":
    unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run( test_suite )