1 #!/usr/bin/env perl
3 use Bio::DB::Sam;
4 use GD::Graph::bars;
5 use File::Basename;
6 use strict;
7 use warnings;
8 use vars qw($good_homo_coverage);
10 $good_homo_coverage = 3;
12 if(@ARGV == 1 and $ARGV[0] eq "-v"){
13 print "Version 1.0\n";
14 exit;
15 }
17 # configuration file parsing/loading
18 my %config;
19 my $dirname = dirname(__FILE__);
20 my $tool_data = shift @ARGV;
21 if(not -e "$tool_data/depth_report.loc"){
22 system("cp $dirname/tool-data/depth_report.loc $tool_data/depth_report.loc");
23 }
25 open CONFIG, '<', "$tool_data/depth_report.loc";
26 while(<CONFIG>){
27 (my $key, my $value) = split(/\s+/, $_ );
28 $config{$key} = $value;
29 }
30 close CONFIG;
32 my $quiet = 0;
33 if(@ARGV and $ARGV[0] =~ /^-q(?:uiet)?$/){
34 $quiet = 1;
35 shift @ARGV;
36 }
38 my $good_coverage_basic = 20;
39 @ARGV == 7 or @ARGV == 8 or @ARGV == 9
40 or die "Usage: $0 [-q(uiet)] <mapped reads.bam> <targeted regions.bed> <out_summary_table> <out_poor_coverage_bed> <out_depth_graph> <out_depth_table> <out_mapped_percentile_table> [input_dud_regions.bed] [chr#]\n";
42 if(not -e $ARGV[0]){
43 die "The specified BAM read alignment file ($ARGV[0]) does not exist\n";
44 }
45 if(not -r $ARGV[0]){
46 die "The specified BAM read alignment file ($ARGV[0]) is not readable\n";
47 }
49 if(@ARGV == 7 or $ARGV[7] eq "None"){
50 $ARGV[7] = "/dev/null";
51 }
52 if(not -r $ARGV[7]){
53 die "The specified dud regions BED file ($ARGV[7]) is not readable\n";
54 }
56 my $target_contig;
57 if(@ARGV == 9){
58 $target_contig = $ARGV[8]; # for debugging or whole genomes
59 }
61 my $bed_file = $config{"capture_kits_dir"} . $ARGV[1];
62 my $targeted_total = 0;
63 my $targeted_regions = 0;
64 my $targeted_coverage = 0;
65 my %regions; # contigname => %region{start+-end}
66 open(BED, $bed_file )
67 or die "Cannot open target regions BED file $bed_file for reading: $!\n";
69 open(STATS, ">$ARGV[2]")
70 or die "Cannot open summary table $ARGV[2] for writing: $!\n";
71 open(POOR, ">$ARGV[3]")
72 or die "Cannot open poor coverage BED file $ARGV[3] for writing: $!\n";
73 open(HISTOGRAM, ">$ARGV[4]")
74 or die "Cannot open cumulative depth graph $ARGV[4] for writing: $!\n";
75 open(COVER, ">$ARGV[5]")
76 or die "Cannot open read depth table $ARGV[5] for writing: $!\n";
77 open(PERCENTILE, ">$ARGV[6]")
78 or die "Cannot open percentile table $ARGV[6] for writing: $!\n";
79 print PERCENTILE "# Percentile of mapped bases\tNum reference targeted positions covered\n";
81 print STATS "# Summary statistics for BAM file $ARGV[0] using targeted regions from $bed_file\n" unless $quiet;
83 print STDERR "Reading in target regions from BED file\n" unless $quiet;
84 while(<BED>){
85 next if /^\s*(?:track\s|#)/;
86 tr/\r//d;
87 chomp;
88 my @fields = split /\t/, $_;
89 next if defined $target_contig and $fields[0] ne $target_contig;
90 if(not exists $regions{$fields[0]}){
91 $regions{$fields[0]} = {};
92 }
93 $regions{$fields[0]}->{$fields[1].":".$fields[2]} = 0;
94 $targeted_regions++;
95 $targeted_total += $fields[2]-$fields[1]+1;
96 }
97 close(BED);
100 print STDERR "Reading in dud regions from BED file\n" unless $quiet;
101 my %duds; # contigname => %region{start+-end}
102 my $duds_total = 0;
103 open(DUDS, $ARGV[7])
104 or die "Cannot open dud regions BED file $ARGV[7] for reading: $!\n";
105 while(<DUDS>){
106 next if /^\s*#/;
107 chomp;
108 my @fields = split /\t/, $_;
109 next if defined $target_contig and $fields[0] ne $target_contig;
110 if(not exists $regions{$fields[0]}->{$fields[1].$fields[5].$fields[2]}){
111 die "The duds file includes a region ($fields[0]:$fields[1]$fields[5]$fields[2]) ",
112 "not listed in the targeted regions BED file, ",
113 "please make sure the two are synched.\n";
114 }
115 if(not exists $duds{$fields[0]}){
116 $duds{$fields[0]} = {};
117 }
118 $duds{$fields[0]}->{$fields[1].$fields[5].$fields[2]} = 1;
119 $duds_total += $fields[2]-$fields[1]+1;
120 }
121 close(DUDS);
124 my $tick_count = int($targeted_total/100); # for progress bar
126 # Read the alignment info
127 # Load the BAM file
128 my $sam = Bio::DB::Sam->new(-bam => $ARGV[0], -autoindex => 1);
129 my $bam_header = $sam->bam->header;
130 my $contig_names = $bam_header->target_name;
132 # Make sure the BED file and reference sequence refer to the same contigs
133 for my $contig_name (@$contig_names){
134 next if defined $target_contig and $contig_name ne $target_contig;
135 if(not exists $regions{$contig_name}){
136 print STATS "#Warning: The BED file makes no reference to the BAM's $contig_name reference sequence, ",
137 "no reporting will be done for this contig's mappings\n" unless $quiet;
138 }
139 }
141 print STATS "Total number of targeted reference contigs\t", scalar(keys %regions), "\n";
142 print STATS "Total number of targeted regions\t$targeted_regions\n";
143 print STATS "Total number of targeted nucleotide bases\t$targeted_total\n";
144 print STATS "Total number of targeted bases considered pre-emptively as duds\t$duds_total\n";
146 # Heuristic
147 my $isMale = &isMale($sam);
148 #print STDERR "Male: $isMale\n" unless $quiet;
150 # Check each BED region for coverage stats
151 print STDERR "Reading coverage data from BAM file (each dot represents $tick_count bases)\n" unless $quiet;
152 print STDERR "0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%\n" unless $quiet;
153 my $base_count = 0;
154 my @coverages;
155 for my $contig_name (sort keys %regions){
156 next if defined $target_contig and $contig_name ne $target_contig;
157 my $c_name = $contig_name;
158 if(not grep {$_ eq $c_name} @$contig_names){
159 $c_name =~ s/^chr//;
160 if(not grep {$_ eq $c_name} @$contig_names){
161 print STATS "#Warning: The BAM file makes no reference to the BED's $contig_name reference sequence, ",
162 "no reporting will be done for this contig's mappings\n" unless $quiet;
163 next;
164 }
165 }
166 my $good_coverage = $good_coverage_basic;
167 $good_coverage = $good_homo_coverage if $contig_name =~ /X$/ and $isMale; # males are hemizygous for X, so adjust the poor coverage threshold accordingly
168 for my $range_key (keys %{$regions{$contig_name}}){
169 #print STDERR "Processing range $range_key\n";
170 my ($range_min, $range_max) = $range_key =~ /^(\d+):(\d+)$/;
171 my @cov = $sam->get_features_by_location(-seq_id => $c_name,
172 -type => "coverage",
173 -start => $range_min,
174 -end => $range_max);
175 if(not @cov){
176 if(not $quiet){
177 die "No BAM data for $c_name (", $range_min,",",
178 $range_max, "). No coverage data returned\n";
179 }
180 next;
181 }
182 @cov = $cov[0]->coverage;
184 if(@cov == 0){
185 @cov = (0) x ($range_max-$range_min+1);
186 }
188 # Gather min, Q1, median, Q3, max
189 $regions{$contig_name}->{$range_key} = [];
190 my $ignore = exists $duds{$contig_name}->{$range_key};
191 my $low_coverage_start = -1;
192 my @low_covs;
193 for(my $i = 0; $i <= $#cov; $i++){
194 $targeted_coverage += $cov[$i];
195 if(not $ignore){
196 $coverages[$base_count++] = $cov[$i];
197 if($cov[$i] >= $good_coverage){
198 if(@low_covs){
199 &print_low($contig_name, \@low_covs, $range_min, $low_coverage_start);
200 @low_covs = (); # clear!
201 }
202 }
203 else{
204 if(not @low_covs){
205 # starting a low coverage section
206 $low_coverage_start = $i;
207 }
208 # else continuing a low coverage section
209 push @low_covs, $cov[$i];
210 }
211 }
212 print STDERR "." if not $quiet and $base_count%$tick_count == 0;
213 }
214 if(@low_covs){
215 &print_low($contig_name, \@low_covs, $range_min, $low_coverage_start);
216 }
217 }
218 }
219 print STDERR "$base_count/",($targeted_total-$duds_total),"\n" unless $quiet;
221 print STATS "Total number of bases mapped to targeted regions\t$targeted_coverage\n";
223 my $percentile_size = int($targeted_coverage/100);
225 # Generate a cumulative distribution of coverage
226 print STDERR "Sorting mapped read depth statistics\n" unless $quiet;
227 @coverages = sort {$a <=> $b} @coverages;
229 print STATS "Minimum coverage in targeted regions\t$coverages[0]\n";
230 print STATS "Median coverage in targeted regions\t", $coverages[int($#coverages/2)], "\n";
231 print STATS "Mean coverage in targeted regions\t", ($targeted_coverage/$targeted_total), "\n";
232 print STATS "Maximum coverage in targeted regions\t", $coverages[$#coverages], "\n";
234 # Estimate the false negative rates
235 print STDERR "Estimating SNP discovery sensitivity...\n" unless $quiet;
236 print COVER "# Mapped read depth\tNumber of bases\n";
237 my $last_coverage = 0;
238 my $coverage_count = 0;
239 my $homo_misses = 0;
240 my $het_misses = 0;
241 my @depth_labels;
242 my @cumu_pct;
243 $#coverages = int($#coverages*0.98); # Look at percentiles 0-98, otherwise chart is too big due to long tail
244 for my $c (@coverages){
245 if($c != $last_coverage){
246 if($last_coverage != 0){
247 # fill in any missing values for the x axis of the cumulative distribution graph
248 for(my $i = $#depth_labels+1; $i < $last_coverage; $i++){
249 push @depth_labels, ($i%10?"":$i);
250 push @cumu_pct, $cumu_pct[$i-1];
251 }
252 }
253 push @depth_labels, ($last_coverage%10?"":$last_coverage); # label every 10 bars
254 if($last_coverage == 0){
255 push @cumu_pct, $coverage_count/($targeted_total-$duds_total)*100; # cumulative percentage
256 }
257 else{
258 push @cumu_pct, $cumu_pct[$#cumu_pct]+$coverage_count/($targeted_total-$duds_total)*100; # cumulative percentage
259 }
260 print COVER "$last_coverage\t$coverage_count\n";
261 if($c <= $good_coverage_basic){
262 $homo_misses += false_neg_homo_count($last_coverage, $coverage_count);
263 $het_misses += false_neg_het_count($last_coverage, $coverage_count);
264 }
265 $coverage_count = 0;
266 $last_coverage = $c;
267 }
268 $coverage_count++;
269 }
270 $homo_misses = int($homo_misses+0.5);
271 $het_misses = int($het_misses+0.5);
272 print STATS "Estimated percentage of homozygous SNPs missed\t", $homo_misses/($targeted_total*0.000358*0.35)*100, "\n";
273 print STATS "Estimated number of homozygous SNPs missed\t$homo_misses\n";
274 print STATS "Estimated percentage of heterozygous SNPs missed\t", $het_misses/($targeted_total*0.000358*0.65)*100, "\n";
275 print STATS "Estimated number of heterozygous SNPs missed\t$het_misses\n";
277 print STDERR "Generating coverage percentiles and false negative/false positive estimates\n" unless $quiet;
279 my $percentile_reporting = 1;
280 my $lt_fold_10 = 0;
281 my $lt_fold_20 = 0;
282 my $poor_cutoff_percentile = 5;
283 my $poor_cutoff_coverage = 0;
284 my $running_cov_tot;
285 for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#coverages; $i++){
286 $running_cov_tot += $coverages[$i];
287 if($coverages[$i] < $good_coverage_basic){
288 $lt_fold_20++;
289 if($coverages[$i] < $good_homo_coverage){
290 $lt_fold_10++;
291 }
292 }
293 if($running_cov_tot >= $percentile_reporting*$percentile_size){
294 print PERCENTILE "$percentile_reporting\t$i\n";
295 $percentile_reporting++;
296 }
297 }
298 close(PERCENTILE);
300 print STATS "Total bases with less than $good_homo_coverage-fold coverage\t$lt_fold_10\n";
301 print STATS "Total bases with less than $good_coverage_basic-fold coverage\t$lt_fold_20\n";
302 close(STATS);
304 print STDERR "Generating read depth cumulative distribution graph\n" unless $quiet;
305 # Using three colors to show trouble coverage levels
306 my @low_coverage = @cumu_pct[0..$good_homo_coverage];
307 my @medium_coverage = (("0") x ($good_homo_coverage-1), @cumu_pct[$good_homo_coverage..($good_coverage_basic-1)]);
308 for(my $i = 0; $i < $good_coverage_basic; $i++){
309 $cumu_pct[$i] = 0;
310 }
311 my $graph = new GD::Graph::bars(($#cumu_pct*2)+100, 600);
312 $graph->set(x_label => "Mapped read depth",
313 y_label => "Percentage of target reference",
314 title => "Cumulative distribution of mapped read depth (0 to 98th percentiles)",
315 cumulate => 1,
316 transparent => 0,
317 bar_spacing => 0,
318 bar_width => 2,
319 fgclr => "black",
320 dclrs => ["red", "yellow", "green"],
321 x_ticks => 0,
322 long_ticks => 1,
323 tick_length => 0,
324 y_tick_number => 10,
325 y_number_format =>'%d%%',
326 box_axis => 0)
327 or die "While setting up chart", $graph->error;
328 my $gd = $graph->plot([\@depth_labels, \@low_coverage, \@medium_coverage, \@cumu_pct]) or die $graph->error;
329 binmode HISTOGRAM;
330 print HISTOGRAM $gd->png;
331 close(HISTOGRAM);
333 # args: read depth, count of bases with this read depth
334 sub false_neg_homo_count{
335 if($_[0] < $good_homo_coverage){ # 0.000358 based on doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1000160
336 return 0.000358*0.35*$_[1]; # 35% of SNPs are homo based on own observations
337 }
338 elsif($_[0] > $good_coverage_basic){
339 return 0;
340 }
341 return (-0.118*log($_[0])+0.27)*0.000358*$_[1];
342 }
344 sub false_neg_het_count{
345 if($_[0] < $good_homo_coverage){
346 return 0.000358*0.65*$_[1]; # 65% of SNPs are het based on own observations
347 }
348 elsif($_[0] >= $good_coverage_basic){
349 return 0;
350 }
351 return (-0.0004*($_[0]**2)-0.00048*$_[0]+0.2483)*0.000358*$_[1];
352 }
354 sub print_low{
355 my ($contig_name, $low_covs_ref, $base_pos, $low_offset) = @_;
356 # exiting a low coverage section, print it, split into poor het call regions, and poor homo call regions
357 my $start = $base_pos+$low_offset;
358 my $last_i = 0;
359 for(my $i = 1; $i <= $#{$low_covs_ref}; $i++){
360 if($low_covs_ref->[$i] >= $good_homo_coverage){
361 if($low_covs_ref->[$last_i] < $good_homo_coverage){
362 my @sorted_low_covs = sort {$a <=> $b} @{$low_covs_ref}[$last_i..($i-1)];
363 print POOR "$contig_name\t",$start+$last_i,"\t", $start+$i, "\t", $sorted_low_covs[0]."-".$sorted_low_covs[$#sorted_low_covs], "\t0\n";
364 $last_i = $i;
365 }
366 if($i == $#{$low_covs_ref}){
367 my @sorted_low_covs = sort {$a <=> $b} @{$low_covs_ref}[$last_i..$i];
368 print POOR "$contig_name\t",$start+$last_i,"\t", $start+$i, "\t", $sorted_low_covs[0]."-".$sorted_low_covs[$#sorted_low_covs], "\t1\n";
369 }
370 # else continuation of a good homo coverage region
371 }
372 else{
373 if($low_covs_ref->[$last_i] >= $good_homo_coverage or $i == $#{$low_covs_ref}){
374 my @sorted_low_covs = sort {$a <=> $b} @{$low_covs_ref}[$last_i..($i-1)];
375 print POOR "$contig_name\t",$start+$last_i,"\t", $start+$i, "\t", $sorted_low_covs[0]."-".$sorted_low_covs[$#sorted_low_covs], "\t1\n";
376 $last_i = $i;
377 }
378 if($i == $#{$low_covs_ref}){
379 my @sorted_low_covs = sort {$a <=> $b} @{$low_covs_ref}[$last_i..$i];
380 print POOR "$contig_name\t",$start+$last_i,"\t", $start+$i, "\t", $sorted_low_covs[0]."-".$sorted_low_covs[$#sorted_low_covs], "\t0\n";
381 }
382 # else continuation of a poor homo region
383 }
384 }
385 }
387 sub isMale{
388 my ($sam) = @_;
389 # Local observation:
390 # A robust measure across whole genome and exome kits (generally not capturing any Y genes)
391 # to detect female is an exceptionally low ratio for the number of reads mapped to chrY:9200000-9300000
392 # (which contains several testes-specific genes), and chrY:13800000-13900000 (which is highly repetitive)
393 # in hg19 (UCSC).
394 # This holds regardless of the read depth for the experiment, so should be robust. Females have
395 # an average ratio of 0.000583843, with a std dev of 0.00069961. We'll set the threshold to 0.004334299 (mu + 3*sigma)
396 # to be 99% sure it's not a female sample (I know normal dist isn't the correct model here, but it's close enough). -Paul G. 2013-11-01
397 my $chrYName = "chrY";
398 if(not grep {$_ eq "chrY"} $sam->seq_ids){
399 if(grep {$_ eq "Y"} $sam->seq_ids){
400 $chrYName = "Y";
401 }
402 else{ # not human-ish?
403 return 0;
404 }
405 }
406 my $low_count_region = 0;
407 #print STDERR "Checking sex by chrY data...\n" unless $quiet;
408 $sam->fetch("$chrYName:9200000-9300000", sub {$low_count_region++});
409 my $high_count_region = 0;
410 $sam->fetch("$chrYName:13800000-13900000", sub {$high_count_region++});
411 if($high_count_region){
412 #print STDERR "$low_count_region/$high_count_region = ", $low_count_region/$high_count_region, "\n" unless $quiet;
413 }
414 else{
415 #print STDERR "No relevant chrY data\n" unless $quiet;
416 }
417 return $high_count_region ? ($low_count_region/$high_count_region > 0.004334299 ? 1 : 0) : 0;
418 }