comparison MiSeqBAMtoVariants.xml @ 0:1a23ea467feb default tip

intial commit
author Yusuf Ali <>
date Thu, 26 Mar 2015 09:36:17 -0600 (2015-03-26)
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:1a23ea467feb
1 <?xml version="1.0"?>
3 <tool id="call_miseq_vars" name="Call miSeq variants">
4 <description>using a BAM file</description>
5 <version_string>echo 1.0.0</version_string>
6 <command interpreter="perl">call_miseq_variants $__tool_data_path__ geno . $inputBAM ${targetBED}.bed ${ref_genome}.bed ${ref_genome}.fa 12</command>
7 <inputs>
8 <param format="bam" name="inputBAM" type="data" label="Source BAM (mapped and realigned reads) file"/>
9 <param name="ref_genome" type="genomebuild" label="Reference genome" help="against which the reads were aligned"/>
10 <param name="targetBED" type="select" display="radio" dynamic_options="kit_fileOptions()" label="The enrichment (capture) kit used for the sequencing experiment"/>
11 </inputs>
12 <outputs>
13 <data format="achri_snp_table" label="Confident genotypes" name="confident_genotypes" from_work_dir="geno.combined.collapsed.confident.hgvs.txt"/>
14 <data format="achri_snp_table" label="Marginal genotypes" name="marginal_genotypes" from_work_dir="geno.combined.collapsed.marginal.hgvs.txt"/>
15 <data format="text" label="Genotyping log" name="genotyping log" from_work_dir="geno.call_variants.log.txt"/>
16 </outputs>
18 <!-- the following code populates the selection from the public dbSNP datasets available in the local Galaxy installation -->
19 <code file=""/>
20 <tests/>
22 <help>
23 This tool runs a BAM file against multiple genotypers (FreeBayes 0.8.7, GATKHaplotypeCaller 3.1) and generates a consensus (confident) table of variant calls,
24 including caveats about haplotype phase inconsistencies and other potential false positive indicators.
25 </help>
27 </tool>