diff bin/maf-convert @ 0:06f8460885ff

migrate from GitHub
author yutaka-saito
date Sun, 19 Apr 2015 20:51:13 +0900
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/bin/maf-convert	Sun Apr 19 20:51:13 2015 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,674 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014 Martin C. Frith
+# Read MAF-format alignments: write them in other formats.
+# Seems to work with Python 2.x, x>=4
+# By "MAF" we mean "multiple alignment format" described in the UCSC
+# Genome FAQ, not e.g. "MIRA assembly format".
+from itertools import *
+import sys, os, fileinput, math, operator, optparse, signal, string
+def maxlen(s):
+    return max(map(len, s))
+def joined(things, delimiter):
+    return delimiter.join(map(str, things))
+identityTranslation = string.maketrans("", "")
+def deleted(myString, deleteChars):
+    return myString.translate(identityTranslation, deleteChars)
+def quantify(iterable, pred=bool):
+    """Count how many times the predicate is true."""
+    return sum(map(pred, iterable))
+class Maf:
+    def __init__(self, aLine, sLines, qLines, pLines):
+        self.namesAndValues = dict(i.split("=") for i in aLine[1:])
+        if not sLines: raise Exception("empty alignment")
+        cols = zip(*sLines)
+        self.seqNames = cols[1]
+        self.alnStarts = map(int, cols[2])
+        self.alnSizes = map(int, cols[3])
+        self.strands = cols[4]
+        self.seqSizes = map(int, cols[5])
+        self.alnStrings = cols[6]
+        self.qLines = qLines
+        self.pLines = pLines
+def dieUnlessPairwise(maf):
+    if len(maf.alnStrings) != 2:
+        raise Exception("pairwise alignments only, please")
+def insertionCounts(alnString):
+    gaps = alnString.count("-")
+    forwardFrameshifts = alnString.count("\\")
+    reverseFrameshifts = alnString.count("/")
+    letters = len(alnString) - gaps - forwardFrameshifts - reverseFrameshifts
+    return letters, forwardFrameshifts, reverseFrameshifts
+def coordinatesPerLetter(alnString, alnSize):
+    letters, forwardShifts, reverseShifts = insertionCounts(alnString)
+    if forwardShifts or reverseShifts or letters < alnSize: return 3
+    else: return 1
+def mafLetterSizes(maf):
+    return map(coordinatesPerLetter, maf.alnStrings, maf.alnSizes)
+def alnLetterSizes(sLines):
+    return [coordinatesPerLetter(i[6], int(i[3])) for i in sLines]
+def isTranslated(sLines):
+    for i in sLines:
+        alnString = i[6]
+        if "\\" in alnString or "/" in alnString: return True
+        if len(alnString) - alnString.count("-") < int(i[3]): return True
+    return False
+def insertionSize(alnString, letterSize):
+    """Get the length of sequence included in the alnString."""
+    letters, forwardShifts, reverseShifts = insertionCounts(alnString)
+    return letters * letterSize + forwardShifts - reverseShifts
+def symbolSize(symbol, letterSize):
+    if symbol == "-": return 0
+    if symbol == "\\": return 1
+    if symbol == "/": return -1
+    return letterSize
+def isMatch(alignmentColumn):
+    # No special treatment of ambiguous bases/residues: same as NCBI BLAST.
+    first = alignmentColumn[0].upper()
+    for i in alignmentColumn[1:]:
+        if i.upper() != first: return False
+    return True
+def isGapless(alignmentColumn):
+    return "-" not in alignmentColumn
+def matchAndInsertSizes(alignmentColumns, letterSizes):
+    """Get sizes of gapless blocks, and of the inserts between them."""
+    for k, v in groupby(alignmentColumns, isGapless):
+        if k:
+            sizeOfGaplessBlock = len(list(v))
+            yield str(sizeOfGaplessBlock)
+        else:
+            blockRows = izip(*v)
+            blockRows = imap(''.join, blockRows)
+            insertSizes = imap(insertionSize, blockRows, letterSizes)
+            yield joined(insertSizes, ":")
+##### Routines for converting to AXT format: #####
+axtCounter = count()
+def writeAxt(maf):
+    if maf.strands[0] != "+":
+        raise Exception("for AXT, the 1st strand in each alignment must be +")
+    # Convert to AXT's 1-based coordinates:
+    alnStarts = imap(operator.add, maf.alnStarts, repeat(1))
+    alnEnds = imap(operator.add, maf.alnStarts, maf.alnSizes)
+    rows = zip(maf.seqNames, alnStarts, alnEnds, maf.strands)
+    head, tail = rows[0], rows[1:]
+    outWords = []
+    outWords.append(axtCounter.next())
+    outWords.extend(head[:3])
+    outWords.extend(chain(*tail))
+    outWords.append(maf.namesAndValues["score"])
+    print joined(outWords, " ")
+    for i in maf.alnStrings: print i
+    print  # print a blank line at the end
+##### Routines for converting to tabular format: #####
+def writeTab(maf):
+    aLine, sLines, qLines, pLines = maf
+    score = "0"
+    expect = None
+    mismap = None
+    for i in aLine:
+        if   i.startswith("score="): score = i[6:]
+        elif i.startswith("expect="): expect = i[7:]
+        elif i.startswith("mismap="): mismap = i[7:]
+    outWords = []
+    outWords.append(score)
+    for i in sLines: outWords.extend(i[1:6])
+    alnStrings = [i[6] for i in sLines]
+    alignmentColumns = zip(*alnStrings)
+    letterSizes = alnLetterSizes(sLines)
+    gapStrings = matchAndInsertSizes(alignmentColumns, letterSizes)
+    gapWord = ",".join(gapStrings)
+    outWords.append(gapWord)
+    if expect: outWords.append(expect)
+    if mismap: outWords.append(mismap)
+    print "\t".join(outWords)
+##### Routines for converting to PSL format: #####
+def pslBlocks(alignmentColumns, alnStarts, letterSizes):
+    """Get sizes and start coordinates of gapless blocks in an alignment."""
+    start1, start2 = alnStarts
+    letterSize1, letterSize2 = letterSizes
+    size = 0
+    for x, y in alignmentColumns:
+        if x == "-":
+            if size:
+                yield size, start1, start2
+                start1 += size * letterSize1
+                start2 += size * letterSize2
+                size = 0
+            start2 += symbolSize(y, letterSize2)
+        elif y == "-":
+            if size:
+                yield size, start1, start2
+                start1 += size * letterSize1
+                start2 += size * letterSize2
+                size = 0
+            start1 += symbolSize(x, letterSize1)
+        else:
+            size += 1
+    if size: yield size, start1, start2
+def pslCommaString(things):
+    # UCSC software seems to prefer a trailing comma
+    return joined(things, ",") + ","
+def gapRunCount(letters):
+    """Get the number of runs of gap characters."""
+    uniqLetters = map(operator.itemgetter(0), groupby(letters))
+    return uniqLetters.count("-")
+def pslEndpoints(alnStart, alnSize, strand, seqSize):
+    alnEnd = alnStart + alnSize
+    if strand == "+": return alnStart, alnEnd
+    else: return seqSize - alnEnd, seqSize - alnStart
+def caseSensitivePairwiseMatchCounts(columns, isProtein):
+    # repMatches is always zero
+    # for proteins, nCount is always zero, because that's what BLATv34 does
+    standardBases = "ACGTU"
+    matches = mismatches = repMatches = nCount = 0
+    for i in columns:
+        if "-" in i: continue
+        x, y = i
+        if x in standardBases and y in standardBases or isProtein:
+            if x == y: matches += 1
+            else: mismatches += 1
+        else: nCount += 1
+    return matches, mismatches, repMatches, nCount
+def writePsl(maf, isProtein):
+    dieUnlessPairwise(maf)
+    alnStrings = map(str.upper, maf.alnStrings)
+    alignmentColumns = zip(*alnStrings)
+    letterSizes = mafLetterSizes(maf)
+    matchCounts = caseSensitivePairwiseMatchCounts(alignmentColumns, isProtein)
+    matches, mismatches, repMatches, nCount = matchCounts
+    numGaplessColumns = sum(matchCounts)
+    qNumInsert = gapRunCount(maf.alnStrings[0])
+    qBaseInsert = maf.alnSizes[1] - numGaplessColumns * letterSizes[1]
+    tNumInsert = gapRunCount(maf.alnStrings[1])
+    tBaseInsert = maf.alnSizes[0] - numGaplessColumns * letterSizes[0]
+    strand = maf.strands[1]
+    if max(letterSizes) > 1:
+        strand += maf.strands[0]
+    elif maf.strands[0] != "+":
+        raise Exception("for non-translated PSL, the 1st strand in each alignment must be +")
+    tName, qName = maf.seqNames
+    tSeqSize, qSeqSize = maf.seqSizes
+    rows = zip(maf.alnStarts, maf.alnSizes, maf.strands, maf.seqSizes)
+    tStart, tEnd = pslEndpoints(*rows[0])
+    qStart, qEnd = pslEndpoints(*rows[1])
+    blocks = list(pslBlocks(alignmentColumns, maf.alnStarts, letterSizes))
+    blockCount = len(blocks)
+    blockSizes, tStarts, qStarts = map(pslCommaString, zip(*blocks))
+    outWords = (matches, mismatches, repMatches, nCount,
+                qNumInsert, qBaseInsert, tNumInsert, tBaseInsert, strand,
+                qName, qSeqSize, qStart, qEnd, tName, tSeqSize, tStart, tEnd,
+                blockCount, blockSizes, qStarts, tStarts)
+    print joined(outWords, "\t")
+##### Routines for converting to SAM format: #####
+def readGroupId(readGroupItems):
+    for i in readGroupItems:
+        if i.startswith("ID:"):
+            return i[3:]
+    raise Exception("readgroup must include ID")
+def readSequenceLengths(lines):
+    """Read name & length of topmost sequence in each maf block."""
+    sequenceLengths = {}  # an OrderedDict might be nice
+    isSearching = True
+    for line in lines:
+        if line.isspace(): isSearching = True
+        elif isSearching:
+            w = line.split()
+            if w[0] == "s":
+                seqName, seqSize = w[1], w[5]
+                sequenceLengths[seqName] = seqSize
+                isSearching = False
+    return sequenceLengths
+def naturalSortKey(s):
+    """Return a key that sorts strings in "natural" order."""
+    return [(str, int)[k]("".join(v)) for k, v in groupby(s, str.isdigit)]
+def karyotypicSortKey(s):
+    """Attempt to sort chromosomes in GATK's ridiculous order."""
+    if s == "chrM": return []
+    if s == "MT": return ["~"]
+    return naturalSortKey(s)
+def writeSamHeader(sequenceLengths, dictFile, readGroupItems):
+    print "@HD\tVN:1.3\tSO:unsorted"
+    for k in sorted(sequenceLengths, key=karyotypicSortKey):
+        print "@SQ\tSN:%s\tLN:%s" % (k, sequenceLengths[k])
+    if dictFile:
+        for i in fileinput.input(dictFile):
+            if i.startswith("@SQ"): print i,
+            elif not i.startswith("@"): break
+    if readGroupItems:
+        print "@RG\t" + "\t".join(readGroupItems)
+mapqMissing = "255"
+mapqMaximum = "254"
+mapqMaximumNum = float(mapqMaximum)
+def mapqFromProb(probString):
+    try: p = float(probString)
+    except ValueError: raise Exception("bad probability: " + probString)
+    if p < 0 or p > 1: raise Exception("bad probability: " + probString)
+    if p == 0: return mapqMaximum
+    phred = -10 * math.log(p, 10)
+    if phred >= mapqMaximumNum: return mapqMaximum
+    return str(int(round(phred)))
+def cigarParts(beg, alignmentColumns, end):
+    if beg: yield str(beg) + "H"
+    # (doesn't handle translated alignments)
+    isActive = True
+    for x, y in alignmentColumns: break
+    else: isActive = False
+    while isActive:
+        size = 1
+        if x == "-":
+            for x, y in alignmentColumns:
+                if x != "-": break
+                size += 1
+            else: isActive = False
+            yield str(size) + "I"
+        elif y == "-":
+            for x, y in alignmentColumns:
+                if y != "-": break
+                size += 1
+            else: isActive = False
+            yield str(size) + "D"
+        else:
+            for x, y in alignmentColumns:
+                if x == "-" or y == "-": break
+                size += 1
+            else: isActive = False
+            yield str(size) + "M"
+    if end: yield str(end) + "H"
+def writeSam(maf, rg):
+    aLine, sLines, qLines, pLines = maf
+    if isTranslated(sLines):
+        raise Exception("this looks like translated DNA - can't convert to SAM format")
+    score = None
+    evalue = None
+    mapq = mapqMissing
+    for i in aLine:
+        if i.startswith("score="):
+            v = i[6:]
+            if v.isdigit(): score = "AS:i:" + v  # it must be an integer
+        elif i.startswith("expect="):
+            evalue = "EV:Z:" + i[7:]
+        elif i.startswith("mismap="):
+            mapq = mapqFromProb(i[7:])
+    head, tail = sLines[0], sLines[1:]
+    s, rName, rStart, rAlnSize, rStrand, rSeqSize, rAlnString = head
+    if rStrand != "+":
+        raise Exception("for SAM, the 1st strand in each alignment must be +")
+    pos = str(int(rStart) + 1)  # convert to 1-based coordinate
+    for s, qName, qStart, qAlnSize, qStrand, qSeqSize, qAlnString in tail:
+        alignmentColumns = zip(rAlnString.upper(), qAlnString.upper())
+        qStart = int(qStart)
+        qRevStart = int(qSeqSize) - qStart - int(qAlnSize)
+        cigar = "".join(cigarParts(qStart, iter(alignmentColumns), qRevStart))
+        seq = deleted(qAlnString, "-")
+        qual = "*"
+        if qLines:
+            q, qualityName, qualityString = qLines[0]
+            # don't try to handle multiple alignments for now (YAGNI):
+            if len(qLines) > 1 or len(tail) > 1 or qualityName != qName:
+                raise Exception("can't interpret the quality data")
+            qual = ''.join(j for i, j in izip(qAlnString, qualityString)
+                           if i != "-")
+        # It's hard to get all the pair info, so this is very
+        # incomplete, but hopefully good enough.
+        # I'm not sure whether to add 2 and/or 8 to flag.
+        if qName.endswith("/1"):
+            qName = qName[:-2]
+            if qStrand == "+": flag = "99"  # 1 + 2 + 32 + 64
+            else:              flag = "83"  # 1 + 2 + 16 + 64
+        elif qName.endswith("/2"):
+            qName = qName[:-2]
+            if qStrand == "+": flag = "163"  # 1 + 2 + 32 + 128
+            else:              flag = "147"  # 1 + 2 + 16 + 128
+        else:
+            if qStrand == "+": flag = "0"
+            else:              flag = "16"
+        editDistance = sum(1 for x, y in alignmentColumns if x != y)
+        # no special treatment of ambiguous bases: might be a minor bug
+        editDistance = "NM:i:" + str(editDistance)
+        outWords = [qName, flag, rName, pos, mapq, cigar, "*\t0\t0", seq, qual]
+        outWords.append(editDistance)
+        if score: outWords.append(score)
+        if evalue: outWords.append(evalue)
+        if rg: outWords.append(rg)
+        print "\t".join(outWords)
+##### Routines for converting to BLAST-like format: #####
+def pairwiseMatchSymbol(alignmentColumn):
+    if isMatch(alignmentColumn): return "|"
+    else: return " "
+def strandText(strand):
+    if strand == "+": return "Plus"
+    else: return "Minus"
+def blastCoordinate(oneBasedCoordinate, strand, seqSize):
+    if strand == "-":
+        oneBasedCoordinate = seqSize - oneBasedCoordinate + 1
+    return str(oneBasedCoordinate)
+def chunker(things, chunkSize):
+    for i in range(0, len(things), chunkSize):
+        yield things[i:i+chunkSize]
+def blastChunker(maf, lineSize, alignmentColumns):
+    letterSizes = mafLetterSizes(maf)
+    coords = maf.alnStarts
+    for chunkCols in chunker(alignmentColumns, lineSize):
+        chunkRows = zip(*chunkCols)
+        chunkRows = map(''.join, chunkRows)
+        starts = [i + 1 for i in coords]  # change to 1-based coordinates
+        starts = map(blastCoordinate, starts, maf.strands, maf.seqSizes)
+        increments = map(insertionSize, chunkRows, letterSizes)
+        coords = map(operator.add, coords, increments)
+        ends = map(blastCoordinate, coords, maf.strands, maf.seqSizes)
+        yield chunkCols, chunkRows, starts, ends
+def writeBlast(maf, lineSize, oldQueryName):
+    dieUnlessPairwise(maf)
+    if maf.seqNames[1] != oldQueryName:
+        print "Query= %s" % maf.seqNames[1]
+        print "         (%s letters)" % maf.seqSizes[1]
+        print
+    print ">%s" % maf.seqNames[0]
+    print "          Length = %s" % maf.seqSizes[0]
+    print
+    scoreLine = " Score = %s" % maf.namesAndValues["score"]
+    try: scoreLine += ", Expect = %s" % maf.namesAndValues["expect"]
+    except KeyError: pass
+    print scoreLine
+    alignmentColumns = zip(*maf.alnStrings)
+    alnSize = len(alignmentColumns)
+    matches = quantify(alignmentColumns, isMatch)
+    matchPercent = 100 * matches // alnSize  # round down, like BLAST
+    identLine = " Identities = %s/%s (%s%%)" % (matches, alnSize, matchPercent)
+    gaps = alnSize - quantify(alignmentColumns, isGapless)
+    gapPercent = 100 * gaps // alnSize  # round down, like BLAST
+    if gaps: identLine += ", Gaps = %s/%s (%s%%)" % (gaps, alnSize, gapPercent)
+    print identLine
+    strands = map(strandText, maf.strands)
+    print " Strand = %s / %s" % (strands[1], strands[0])
+    print
+    for chunk in blastChunker(maf, lineSize, alignmentColumns):
+        cols, rows, starts, ends = chunk
+        startWidth = maxlen(starts)
+        matchSymbols = map(pairwiseMatchSymbol, cols)
+        matchSymbols = ''.join(matchSymbols)
+        print "Query: %-*s %s %s" % (startWidth, starts[1], rows[1], ends[1])
+        print "       %-*s %s"    % (startWidth, " ", matchSymbols)
+        print "Sbjct: %-*s %s %s" % (startWidth, starts[0], rows[0], ends[0])
+        print
+##### Routines for converting to HTML format: #####
+def writeHtmlHeader():
+    print '''
+ "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
+<html lang="en"><head>
+<meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
+<title>Reliable Alignments</title>
+<style type="text/css">
+/* Try to force monospace, working around browser insanity: */
+pre {font-family: "Courier New", monospace, serif; font-size: 0.8125em}
+.a {background-color: #3333FF}
+.b {background-color: #9933FF}
+.c {background-color: #FF66CC}
+.d {background-color: #FF3333}
+.e {background-color: #FF9933}
+.f {background-color: #FFFF00}
+.key {display:inline; margin-right:2em}
+<div style="line-height:1">
+<pre class="key"><span class="a">  </span> prob &gt; 0.999</pre>
+<pre class="key"><span class="b">  </span> prob &gt; 0.99 </pre>
+<pre class="key"><span class="c">  </span> prob &gt; 0.95 </pre>
+<pre class="key"><span class="d">  </span> prob &gt; 0.9  </pre>
+<pre class="key"><span class="e">  </span> prob &gt; 0.5  </pre>
+<pre class="key"><span class="f">  </span> prob &le; 0.5  </pre>
+def probabilityClass(probabilityColumn):
+    p = ord(min(probabilityColumn)) - 33
+    if   p >= 30: return 'a'
+    elif p >= 20: return 'b'
+    elif p >= 13: return 'c'
+    elif p >= 10: return 'd'
+    elif p >=  3: return 'e'
+    else: return 'f'
+def identicalRuns(s):
+    """Yield (item, start, end) for each run of identical items in s."""
+    beg = 0
+    for k, v in groupby(s):
+        end = beg + len(list(v))
+        yield k, beg, end
+        beg = end
+def htmlSpan(text, classRun):
+    key, beg, end = classRun
+    textbit = text[beg:end]
+    if key: return '<span class="%s">%s</span>' % (key, textbit)
+    else: return textbit
+def multipleMatchSymbol(alignmentColumn):
+    if isMatch(alignmentColumn): return "*"
+    else: return " "
+def writeHtml(maf, lineSize):
+    scoreLine = "Alignment"
+    try:
+        scoreLine += " score=%s" % maf.namesAndValues["score"]
+        scoreLine += ", expect=%s" % maf.namesAndValues["expect"]
+    except KeyError: pass
+    print "<h3>%s:</h3>" % scoreLine
+    if maf.pLines:
+        probRows = [i[1] for i in maf.pLines]
+        probCols = izip(*probRows)
+        classes = imap(probabilityClass, probCols)
+    else:
+        classes = repeat(None)
+    nameWidth = maxlen(maf.seqNames)
+    alignmentColumns = zip(*maf.alnStrings)
+    print '<pre>'
+    for chunk in blastChunker(maf, lineSize, alignmentColumns):
+        cols, rows, starts, ends = chunk
+        startWidth = maxlen(starts)
+        endWidth = maxlen(ends)
+        matchSymbols = map(multipleMatchSymbol, cols)
+        matchSymbols = ''.join(matchSymbols)
+        classChunk = islice(classes, lineSize)
+        classRuns = list(identicalRuns(classChunk))
+        for n, s, r, e in zip(maf.seqNames, starts, rows, ends):
+            spans = [htmlSpan(r, i) for i in classRuns]
+            spans = ''.join(spans)
+            formatParams = nameWidth, n, startWidth, s, spans, endWidth, e
+            print '%-*s %*s %s %*s' % formatParams
+        print ' ' * nameWidth, ' ' * startWidth, matchSymbols
+        print
+    print '</pre>'
+##### Routines for reading MAF format: #####
+def mafInput(lines, isKeepComments):
+    a = []
+    s = []
+    q = []
+    p = []
+    for i in lines:
+        w = i.split()
+        if not w:
+            if a: yield a, s, q, p
+            a = []
+            s = []
+            q = []
+            p = []
+        elif w[0] == "a":
+            a = w
+        elif w[0] == "s":
+            s.append(w)
+        elif w[0] == "q":
+            q.append(w)
+        elif w[0] == "p":
+            p.append(w)
+        elif i[0] == "#" and isKeepComments:
+            print i,
+    if a: yield a, s, q, p
+def isFormat(myString, myFormat):
+    return myFormat.startswith(myString)
+def mafConvert(opts, args):
+    format = args[0].lower()
+    if isFormat(format, "sam"):
+        if opts.dictionary: d = readSequenceLengths(fileinput.input(args[1:]))
+        else: d = {}
+        if opts.readgroup:
+            readGroupItems = opts.readgroup.split()
+            rg = "RG:Z:" + readGroupId(readGroupItems)
+        else:
+            readGroupItems = []
+            rg = ""
+        if not opts.noheader: writeSamHeader(d, opts.dictfile, readGroupItems)
+    inputLines = fileinput.input(args[1:])
+    if isFormat(format, "html") and not opts.noheader: writeHtmlHeader()
+    isKeepCommentLines = isFormat(format, "tabular") and not opts.noheader
+    oldQueryName = ""
+    for maf in mafInput(inputLines, isKeepCommentLines):
+        if   isFormat(format, "axt"): writeAxt(Maf(*maf))
+        elif isFormat(format, "blast"):
+            maf = Maf(*maf)
+            writeBlast(maf, opts.linesize, oldQueryName)
+            oldQueryName = maf.seqNames[1]
+        elif isFormat(format, "html"): writeHtml(Maf(*maf), opts.linesize)
+        elif isFormat(format, "psl"): writePsl(Maf(*maf), opts.protein)
+        elif isFormat(format, "sam"): writeSam(maf, rg)
+        elif isFormat(format, "tabular"): writeTab(maf)
+        else: raise Exception("unknown format: " + format)
+    if isFormat(format, "html") and not opts.noheader: print "</body></html>"
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    signal.signal(signal.SIGPIPE, signal.SIG_DFL)  # avoid silly error message
+    usage = """
+  %prog --help
+  %prog axt mafFile(s)
+  %prog blast mafFile(s)
+  %prog html mafFile(s)
+  %prog psl mafFile(s)
+  %prog sam mafFile(s)
+  %prog tab mafFile(s)"""
+    description = "Read MAF-format alignments & write them in another format."
+    op = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage, description=description)
+    op.add_option("-p", "--protein", action="store_true",
+                  help="assume protein alignments, for psl match counts")
+    op.add_option("-n", "--noheader", action="store_true",
+                  help="omit any header lines from the output")
+    op.add_option("-d", "--dictionary", action="store_true",
+                  help="include dictionary of sequence lengths in sam format")
+    op.add_option("-f", "--dictfile",
+                  help="get sequence dictionary from DICTFILE")
+    op.add_option("-r", "--readgroup",
+                  help="read group info for sam format")
+    op.add_option("-l", "--linesize", type="int", default=60, #metavar="CHARS",
+                  help="line length for blast and html formats (default: %default)")
+    (opts, args) = op.parse_args()
+    if opts.linesize <= 0: op.error("option -l: should be >= 1")
+    if opts.dictionary and opts.dictfile: op.error("can't use both -d and -f")
+    if len(args) < 1: op.error("I need a format-name and some MAF alignments")
+    if opts.dictionary and (len(args) == 1 or "-" in args[1:]):
+        op.error("need file (not pipe) with option -d")
+    try: mafConvert(opts, args)
+    except KeyboardInterrupt: pass  # avoid silly error message
+    except Exception, e:
+        prog = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
+        sys.exit(prog + ": error: " + str(e))