1 """
2 Python-code: Merge Scaffold Samples Report files
3 @author = Brent Kuenzi
4 @email = Brent.Kuenzi@moffitt.org
5 """
6 #######################################################################################
7 import sys
8 import urllib2
9 import os.path
10 import pandas
11 #######################################################################################
12 ## Description: ##
13 # This program will merge either 2 or 3 scaffold
14 # sample report files together
15 ## Required input: ##
16 infile1 = sys.argv[1] # scaffold report #1 -- filename
17 infile2 = sys.argv[2] # scaffold report #2 -- filename
18 infile3 = sys.argv[3] # scaffold report #3 -- filename or "False"
19 baitfile = sys.argv[4] # Bait file -- filename
20 outfile = sys.argv[5] # output filename
21 class ScaffoldReturn(object):
22 def __init__(self, getdata, getproteins, getheader):
23 self.data = getdata
24 self.proteins = getproteins
25 self.header = getheader
26 class ProteinInfo(object):
27 def __init__(self, getMW, getDescr):
28 self.mw = getMW
29 self.descr = getDescr
30 def readtab(infile):
31 with open(infile,'r') as x: # read in tab-delim text
32 output = []
33 for line in x:
34 line = line.strip()
35 temp = line.split('\t')
36 output.append(temp)
37 return output
38 def read_scaffold(scaffold_input): # Get data, proteins and header from scaffold output
39 dupes = readtab(scaffold_input)
40 cnt = 0
41 for i in dupes:
42 if "Accession Number" in i: # finds the start of header
43 header_start = cnt
44 break
45 cnt += 1
46 header = dupes[header_start]
47 prot_start = header.index("Accession Number")
48 data = dupes[header_start+1:len(dupes)-2] # cut off blank line and END OF FILE
49 proteins = []
50 for i in data:
51 i[prot_start] = i[prot_start].split()[0] # removes the (+##) that sometimes is attached
52 for protein in data:
53 proteins.append(protein[prot_start])
54 return ScaffoldReturn(data, proteins, header)
55 def MakeDF(scaffold_input,bait_input):
56 bait = readtab(bait_input)
57 data = read_scaffold(scaffold_input).data
58 header = read_scaffold(scaffold_input).header
59 proteins = read_scaffold(scaffold_input).proteins
60 prot_start = header.index("Accession Number")
61 bait_index = []
62 ind = []
63 for i in bait:
64 if i[0] in header:
65 bait_index.append(header.index(i[0])) # Find just the baits defined in bait file
66 ind.append(i[0])
67 frames = {}
68 for i in proteins:
69 protein = i.split()[0]
70 if protein not in frames:
71 frames[protein] = [] # create dictionary of proteins for each bait value
72 for i in data:
73 temp = i[prot_start]
74 protein = temp.split()[0]
75 for j in bait_index: # create dataframe
76 frames[protein].append(i[j])
77 df = pd.DataFrame(frames,index=ind)
78 return df
79 def get_info(input1,input2,input3):
80 files = [input1,input2]
81 molwt = {}
82 protdesc = {}
83 if input3 != "False":
84 files.append(input3)
85 for i in files:
86 data = read_scaffold(i).data
87 header = read_scaffold(i).header
88 prot_start = header.index("Accession Number") # find header
89 prot = 0
90 mw = 0
91 cnt=0
92 for j in header: # find info
93 if "Identified" in j:
94 prot=cnt
95 if "Molecular Weight" in j:
96 mw=cnt
97 cnt+=1
98 for k in data: # append info
99 temp = k[prot_start]
100 protein = temp.split()[0]
101 if protein not in protdesc:
102 protdesc[protein] = k[prot]
103 molwt[protein] = k[mw]
104 mw = pd.DataFrame(molwt,index=["Molecular Weight"])
105 descr = pd.DataFrame(protdesc,index=["Identified Proteins"])
106 return ProteinInfo(mw,descr) # return info as dataframe
107 def MakeFile(input1,input2,input3,bait_input):
108 files = [input1,input2]
109 if input3 != "False":
110 files.append(input3)
111 DFs = []
112 DFs.append(get_info(input1,input2,input3).descr)
113 DFs.append(get_info(input1,input2,input3).mw)
114 for i in files:
115 DFs.append(MakeDF(i,bait_input))
116 final_df = pd.concat(DFs)
117 temp = final_df.T
118 temp.index.name = "Accession Number"
119 output = temp.fillna(0)
120 output["Accession Number"] = output.index.get_values()
121 output.index = range(1, len(output.index) + 1)
122 output.index.name = "#"
123 output.to_csv(outfile,sep="\t")
125 #######################################################################################
126 MakeFile(input1 = infile1,input2= infile2,input3 = infile3,bait_input=baitfile, outfile="merged.txt")
127 #######################################################################################