1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2 """
3 Created on Thu Apr 14 16:58:05 2016
5 @author: brentkuenzi
6 """
7 ################################################################################
8 # This program will read in a SAINT formatted 'prey.txt' file or a file
9 # containing a single column list of uniprot accessions (e.g. "P00533" or
10 # "EGFR_HUMAN")query the CRAPome database (v1.1), and return a file specifying
11 # the prevalence of each protein in the CRAPome.
12 ################################################################################
13 # Copyright (C) Brent Kuenzi.
14 # Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
15 # under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3
16 # or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation;
17 # with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts.
18 # A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU
19 # Free Documentation License".
20 ################################################################################
21 ## Dependencies ##
22 import urllib2
23 import sys
24 import numpy
25 import os
26 ################################################################################
28 # 1) crappyData: Prey.txt or single column list of Uniprot accessions
29 crappyData = sys.argv[1] # Prey file or File with single column of accessions
30 # 2) Species: HUMAN or YEAST
31 species = sys.argv[2] # HUMAN or YEAST
32 db_path = sys.argv[4]
33 ################################################################################
34 ## Global Variables ##
35 if species == "HUMAN":
36 database = "Human_CRAPome_v1-1.txt"
37 if species == "YEAST":
38 database = "Yeast_CRAPome_v1-1.txt"
39 ################################################################################
40 ## CRAPomeQuery ##
41 class ReturnValue1(object):
42 def __init__(self, uniprot_acc, gene, swissprot):
43 self.up = uniprot_acc
44 self.gn = gene
45 self.sp = swissprot
46 def get_info(uniprot_accession_in): #get aa lengths and gene name
47 error = open('error proteins.txt', 'a+')
48 i=0
49 while i==0:
50 try:
51 data = urllib2.urlopen("http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/" + uniprot_accession_in + ".fasta")
52 break
53 except urllib2.HTTPError, err:
54 i = i + 1
55 if i == 50:
56 sys.exit("More than 50 errors. Check your file or try again later.")
57 if err.code == 404:
58 error.write(uniprot_accession_in + '\t' + "Invalid URL. Check protein" + '\n')
59 seqlength = 'NA'
60 genename = 'NA'
61 return ReturnValue1(seqlength, genename)
62 elif err.code == 302:
63 sys.exit("Request timed out. Check connection and try again.")
64 else:
65 sys.exit("Uniprot had some other error")
66 lines = data.readlines()
67 header = lines[0]
68 lst = header.split('|')
69 lst2 = lst[2].split(' ')
70 swissprot = lst2[0]
71 uniprot_acc = lst[1]
72 if lines == []:
73 error.write(uniprot_accession_in + '\t' + "Blank Fasta" + '\n')
74 error.close
75 uniprot_acc = 'NA'
76 genename = 'NA'
77 return ReturnValue1(uniprot_acc, genename, swissprot)
78 if lines != []:
79 seqlength = 0
80 header = lines[0]
81 if 'GN=' in header:
82 lst = header.split('GN=')
83 lst2 = lst[1].split(' ')
84 genename = lst2[0]
85 error.close
86 return ReturnValue1(uniprot_acc, genename, swissprot)
87 if 'GN=' not in header:
88 genename = 'NA'
89 error.close
90 return ReturnValue1(uniprot_acc, genename, swissprot)
91 def readtab(infile): # read in tab-delim text
92 with open(infile,'r') as x:
93 output = []
94 for line in x:
95 line = line.strip()
96 temp = line.split('\t')
97 output.append(temp)
98 return output
99 def crapome(infile): # Query CRAPome
100 data = readtab(infile)
101 crapome = readtab(database)
102 filt = []
103 for i in data: # Filter CRAPome database on our data
104 flag = 0 # is protein in CRAPome?
105 ac_flag = 0 # is it _SPECIES or not
106 unique = 0 # only take first ID in CRAPome
107 if "_"+species in i[0]:
108 ac = i[0]
109 else:
110 ac = get_info(i[0]).sp # query swissprot if not _SPECIES
111 ac_flag +=1
112 for j in crapome:
113 if ac == j[2]:
114 if ac_flag == 0: # if _SPECIES
115 if unique == 0:
116 filt.append(j)
117 flag+=1
118 unique+=1
119 if ac_flag != 0: # if not _SPECIES
120 if unique == 0:
121 unique+=1
122 j[2] = i[0] # change to user input
123 filt.append(j)
124 flag +=1
125 if flag == 0: # if protein is not present in CRAPome database then add it
126 filt.append(["\t", "\t", i[0], "Invalid identifier / gene not available"])
127 total = 0 # Experiment counter
128 query = []
129 for i in filt: # Create CRAPome file as list
130 temp=[]
131 if len(i) > 5:
132 cnt=0
133 temp.append(i[2]) # append accession
134 temp.append(i[0]) # append gene name
135 ave = []
136 total = len(i[3:]) # calculate total experiments
137 for j in i[3:]:
138 if j != '0':
139 ave.append(int(j)) # calculate Ave.SC on only experiments with ID
140 cnt+=1
141 temp.append(str(cnt) + " / "+str(total)) # format ratio
142 if ave != []:
143 temp.append(str(round(numpy.mean(ave),1))) # calculate Ave.SC
144 temp.append(str(max(ave))) # calculate Max.SC
145 else:
146 temp.append(0) # add 0 if has not been ID'd in CRAPome
147 temp.append(0) # add 0 if has not been ID'd in CRAPome
148 else:
149 temp.append(i[2]) # append accession
150 temp.append(i[3])
151 query.append(temp) # final query results
153 header = ["User Input","Mapped Gene Symbol","Num of Expt. (found/total)","Ave SC","Max SC"]
154 with open("Crappy Data.txt","wt") as x: # write file
155 x.write("\t".join(header) + "\n")
156 for i in query:
157 x.write("\t".join(i) + "\n")
158 if __name__ == '__main__':
159 crapome(crappyData)
161 os.rename("Crappy Data.txt", sys.argv[3])
162 ## END ## |