changeset 21:105e78d03f35 draft

Deleted selected files
author bzeitouni
date Thu, 12 Jul 2012 12:19:19 -0400
parents 42353a10899a
children eb65c0fa5542
files svdetect/ svdetect/BAM_preprocessingPairs.xml svdetect/ svdetect/SVDetect_compare.xml svdetect/ svdetect/SVDetect_import.xml svdetect/ svdetect/SVDetect_run_parallel.xml svdetect/ svdetect/circos_graph.xml
diffstat 10 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 5605 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/svdetect/	Thu Jul 12 12:10:27 2012 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,340 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Getopt::Std;
-my $version = '0.4b_galaxy';
-my $SAMTOOLS_BIN_DIR="/bioinfo/local/samtools";
-my %opts = ( t=>1, p=>1, n=>1000000, f=>3, s=>0, S=>10000, o=>"." );
-getopts('dt:p:n:f:s:S:o:b:l:x:N:', \%opts); #GALAXY 
-my $working_dir=($opts{o} ne ".")? $opts{o}:"working directory";
-my $pt_bad_mates_file=$opts{b};  #GALAXY 
-my $pt_log_file=$opts{l}; #GALAXY 
-my $pt_good_mates_file=$opts{x} if($opts{d}); #GALAXY 
-    Preprocessing of mates to get anomalously mapped mate-pair\/paired-end reads as input
-    for SVDetect.
-    From all pairs mapped onto the reference genome, this script outputs abnormal pairs:
-        - mapped on two different chromosomes
-        - with an incorrect strand orientation and\/or pair order
-        - with an insert size distance +- sigma threshold
-    into a file <prefix.ab.bam\/sam> sorted by read names
-    -BAM\/SAM File input format only.
-    Version : $version
-    SAMtools required for BAM files
-Usage: [options] <all_mate_file.sorted.bam\/sam>
-Options: -t BOOLEAN   read type: =1 (Illumina), =0 (SOLiD) [$opts{t}]
-         -p BOOLEAN   pair type: =1 (paired-end), =0 (mate-pair)  [$opts{p}]
-         -n INTEGER   number of pairs for calculating mu and sigma lengths [$opts{n}]
-	 -s INTEGER   minimum value of ISIZE for calculating mu and sigma lengths [$opts{s}]
-	 -S INTEGER   maximum value of ISIZE for calculating mu and sigma lengths [$opts{S}]
-         -f REAL      minimal number of sigma fold for filtering pairs [$opts{f}]
-         -d           dump normal pairs into a file [<prefix.norm.bam\/sam>] (optional)
-	 -o STRING    output directory [$working_dir]
-\n/) if (@ARGV == 0 && -t STDIN);
-unless (-d $opts{o}){
-	mkdir $opts{o} or die;
-$opts{o}.="/" if($opts{o}!~/\/$/);
-my $mates_file=shift(@ARGV);
-my $bad_mates_file=(split(/\//,$mates_file))[$#_];
-    $bad_mates_file=~s/.(b|s)am$/.ab.sam/;
-    $bad_mates_file=$opts{o}.$bad_mates_file;
-    die "Error: mate_file with the extension <.bam> or <.sam> needed !\n";
-my $good_mates_file;
-    $good_mates_file=(split(/\//,$mates_file))[$#_];
-    $good_mates_file=~s/.(b|s)am$/.norm.sam/;
-    $good_mates_file=$opts{o}.$good_mates_file;
-my $log_file=$opts{o}.$opts{N}.".svdetect_preprocessing.log"; #GALAXY 
-#Calculate mu and sigma
-open LOG,">$log_file" or die "$0: can't open ".$log_file.":$!\n";
-print LOG "\# Calculating mu and sigma lengths...\n";
-print LOG "-- file=$mates_file\n";
-print LOG "-- n=$opts{n}\n";
-print LOG "-- ISIZE min=$opts{s}, max=$opts{S}\n";
-my ($record, $sumX,$sumX2) = (0,0,0);
-my $warn=$opts{n}/10;
-my $prev_pair="FIRST";
-my $bam=($mates_file =~ /.bam$/)? 1:0;
-    open(MATES, "${SAMTOOLS_BIN_DIR}/samtools view $mates_file |") or die "$0: can't open ".$mates_file.":$!\n";
-    open MATES, "<".$mates_file or die "$0: can't open ".$mates_file.":$!\n";
-    my @t=split;
-    next if ($t[0]=~/^@/);
-    my $current_pair=$t[0];
-    next if($current_pair eq $prev_pair);
-    $prev_pair=$current_pair;                                                   
-    my ($chr1,$chr2,$length)=($t[2],$t[6],abs($t[8]));
-    next if ($chr1 eq "*" || $chr2 eq "*");
-    next if ($length<$opts{s} || $length>$opts{S}) ;
-    if($chr2 eq "="){
-        $sumX += $length;							#add to sum and sum^2 for mean and variance calculation
-	$sumX2 += $length*$length;
-        $record++;
-    }
-    if($record>$warn){
-	print LOG "-- $warn pairs analysed\n";
-        $warn+=$warn;
-    }
-    last if ($record>$opts{n});
-close (MATES);
-my $mu = $sumX/$record;
-my $sigma = sqrt($sumX2/$record - $mu*$mu); 
-print LOG "-- Total : $record pairs analysed\n";
-print LOG "-- mu length = ".decimal($mu,1).", sigma length = ".decimal($sigma,1)."\n";
-#Preprocessing pairs
-my %count=( ab=>0, norm=>0, chr=>0, sense=>0, dist=>0, unmap=>0);
-my $read_type=($opts{t})? "Illumina":"SOLiD";
-my $pair_type=($opts{p})? "paired-end":"mate-paired";
-print LOG "\# Preprocessing pairs...\n";
-print LOG "-- file= $mates_file\n";
-print LOG "-- type= $read_type $pair_type reads\n";
-print LOG "-- sigma threshold= $opts{f}\n";
-print LOG "-- using ".decimal($mu-$opts{f}*$sigma,4)."-".decimal($mu+$opts{f}*$sigma,4)." as normal range of insert size\n";
-my @header;
-    open(HEADER, "${SAMTOOLS_BIN_DIR}/samtools view -H $mates_file |") or die "$0: can't open ".$mates_file.":$!\n";
-    @header=<HEADER>;
-    close HEADER;
-    open(MATES, "${SAMTOOLS_BIN_DIR}/samtools view $mates_file |") or die "$0: can't open ".$mates_file.":$!\n";
-    open MATES, "<".$mates_file or die "$0: can't open ".$mates_file.":$!\n";
-open AB, ">$bad_mates_file" or die "$0: can't write in the output: $bad_mates_file :$!\n";
-print AB @header if($bam);
-    open NORM, ">$good_mates_file" or die "$0: can't write in the output: $good_mates_file :$!\n";
-    print NORM @header if($bam);
-my $prev_bad;
-    my @t=split;
-    my $bad=0;
-    if ($t[0]=~/^@/){
-        print AB;
-        print NORM if ($opts{d});
-        next;
-    }
-    my $current_pair=$t[0];
-    if($current_pair eq $prev_pair){
-        next if($prev_bad==-1);
-        if($prev_bad){
-            print AB;
-        }elsif(!$prev_bad){
-            print NORM if($opts{d});
-        }
-        next;
-    }
-    $prev_pair=$current_pair;
-    my ($chr1,$chr2,$pos1,$pos2,$length)=($t[2],$t[6],$t[3],$t[7], abs($t[8]));
-    if ($chr1 eq "*" || $chr2 eq "*"){
-        $prev_bad=-1;
-        $count{unmap}++;
-        $record++;
-        next;
-    }
-    my $strand1 = (($t[1]&0x0010))? 'R':'F';
-    my $strand2 = (($t[1]&0x0020))? 'R':'F';
-    my $order1  = (($t[1]&0x0040))? '1':'2';
-    my $order2  = (($t[1]&0x0080))? '1':'2';
-    if($order1 == 2){
-        ($strand1,$strand2)=($strand2,$strand1);
-        ($chr1,$chr2)=($chr2,$chr1);
-        ($pos1,$pos2)=($pos2,$pos1);
-        ($order1,$order2)=($order2,$order1);
-    }
-    my $sense=$strand1.$strand2;
-    if($chr1 ne "=" && $chr2 ne "="){
-        $bad=1;
-        $count{chr}++;
-    }
-    if($opts{p}){ #paired-end
-        if(!(($sense eq "FR" && $pos1<$pos2) || ($sense eq "RF" && $pos2<$pos1))){
-            $bad=1;
-            $count{sense}++;
-        }
-    }else{ #mate-pair
-        if($opts{t}){ #Illumina
-            if(!(($sense eq "FR" && $pos2<$pos1) || ($sense eq "RF" && $pos1<$pos2))){
-            $bad=1;
-            $count{sense}++;
-            }
-        }else{ #SOLiD
-            if(!(($sense eq "FF" && $pos2<$pos1) || ($sense eq "RR" && $pos1<$pos2))){
-            $bad=1;
-            $count{sense}++;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    if(($chr1 eq "=" || $chr2 eq "=") && ($length <$mu - $opts{f}*$sigma || $length>$mu + $opts{f}*$sigma)){
-        $bad=1;
-        $count{dist}++;
-    }
-    if($bad){
-        print AB;
-        $count{ab}++;
-        $prev_bad=$bad;
-    }else{
-        print NORM if ($opts{d});
-        $count{norm}++;
-        $prev_bad=$bad;
-    }
-    $record++;
-    if($record>$warn){
-        print LOG "-- $warn pairs analysed\n";
-        $warn+=100000;
-    }
-close AB;
-close NORM if($opts{d});
-print LOG "-- Total : $record pairs analysed\n";
-print LOG "-- $count{unmap} pairs whose one or both reads are unmapped\n";
-print LOG "-- ".($count{ab}+$count{norm})." mapped pairs\n";
-print LOG "---- $count{ab} abnormal mapped pairs\n";
-print LOG "------ $count{chr} pairs mapped on two different chromosomes\n";
-print LOG "------ $count{sense} pairs with incorrect strand orientation and\/or pair order\n";
-print LOG "------ $count{dist} pairs with incorrect insert size distance\n";
-print LOG "--- $count{norm} correct mapped pairs\n";
-    my $bam_file=$bad_mates_file;
-    $bam_file=~s/.sam$/.bam/;
-    print LOG "\# Converting sam to bam for abnormal mapped pairs\n";
-    system("${SAMTOOLS_BIN_DIR}/samtools view -bS $bad_mates_file > $bam_file 2>".$opts{o}."samtools.log");
-    unlink($bad_mates_file);
-    print LOG "-- output created: $bam_file\n";
-    system "rm $pt_bad_mates_file ; ln -s $bam_file $pt_bad_mates_file"; #GALAXY
-    if($opts{d}){
-        $bam_file=$good_mates_file;
-        $bam_file=~s/.sam$/.bam/;
-        print LOG "\# Converting sam to bam for correct mapped pairs\n";
-        system("${SAMTOOLS_BIN_DIR}/samtools view -bS $good_mates_file > $bam_file 2>".$opts{o}."samtools.log");
-        unlink($good_mates_file);
-        print LOG "-- output created: $bam_file\n";
-	system "rm $pt_good_mates_file ; ln -s $bam_file $pt_good_mates_file"; #GALAXY
-    }
-    print LOG "-- output created: $bad_mates_file\n";
-    print LOG "-- output created: $good_mates_file\n" if($opts{d});
-close LOG;
-system "rm $pt_log_file ; ln -s $log_file $pt_log_file"; #GALAXY
-sub decimal{
-  my $num=shift;
-  my $digs_to_cut=shift;
-  $num=sprintf("%.".($digs_to_cut-1)."f", $num) if ($num=~/\d+\.(\d){$digs_to_cut,}/);
-  return $num;
--- a/svdetect/BAM_preprocessingPairs.xml	Thu Jul 12 12:10:27 2012 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-<tool id="svdetect_preprocessing" name="BAM preprocessing">
-  <description>to get abnormal pairs</description>
-  <command interpreter="perl"> -t '$readType' -p '$pairType' -n '$nbrePair' -s '$isizeMin' -S '$isizeMax' -f '$foldPair' -o $__new_file_path__/svdetect -b '$abBAM' -l '$log' -N $sample_name
-	#if $newBam.pairNormal=="yes" 
-	-d -x '$normBAM'
-	#end if
-	'$inputBam'
-  </command>
-  <inputs>
-    <param name="sample_name" type="text" value="sample" label="Sample Name"/>
-    <param name="inputBam" type="data" format="bam" label="BAM input file"/>
-    <param name="readType" type="select" label="Read type">
-	<option value="1">Illumina</option>
-	<option value="0">SOLiD</option>
-   </param>
-   <param name="pairType" type="select" label="Library type">
-	<option value="1">Paired-end</option>
-	<option value="0">Mate-Pair</option>
-   </param>
-   <conditional name="newBam">
-   <param name="pairNormal" type="select" label="Do you want an additional bam file listing concordant mapped pairs?" help="Dump normal pairs into a file sample_name.norm.bam/sam">
-	<option value="no">No</option>
-	<option value="yes">Yes</option>
-   </param>
-    <when value="yes">
-	  <!-- do nothing here -->
-    </when>
-    <when value="no">
-	 <!-- do nothing here -->
-    </when>
-   </conditional>
-   <param name="nbrePair" value="1000000" type="integer" size="30" label="Number of pairs for calculating mu (µ) and sigma (σ) lengths"/>
-   <param name="isizeMin" value="0" type="integer" size="30" label="Minimum value of ISIZE for calculating mu (µ) and sigma (σ) lengths"/>
-   <param name="isizeMax" value="10000" type="integer" size="30" label="Maximum value of ISIZE for calculating mu (µ)and sigma( σ) lengths"/>
-   <param name="foldPair" value="3" type="float" size="30" label="Minimal number of sigma (σ) fold for filtering pairs"/>
-  </inputs>
-  <outputs>
-    <data format="bam" name="abBAM" label="${$sample_name}.ab.bam"/> 
-    <data format="txt" name="log" label="${$sample_name}.svdetect_preprocessing.log"/>
-    <data format="bam" name="normBAM" label="${$sample_name}.norm.bam">
-    <filter>newBam['pairNormal'] == 'yes'</filter>
-    </data> 
-  </outputs>
-  <help>
-**What it does**
-Bam_preprocessingPairs - Version 0.4b
-Preprocessing of mates to get anomalously mapped mate-pair/paired-end reads as input for SVDetect.
-From all pairs mapped onto the reference genome, this script outputs abnormal pairs:
-	* mapped on two different chromosomes
-	* with an incorrect strand orientation and/or pair order
-	* with an insert size distance +- sigma threshold
-into a file prefix.ab.bam/sam sorted by read names
--BAM/SAM File input format only.
-SAMtools required for BAM files
-.. class:: infomark
-Contact Bruno Zeitouni ( for any questions or concerns about the Galaxy implementation of SVDetect.
-  </help>
--- a/svdetect/	Thu Jul 12 12:10:27 2012 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,716 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-=head1 NAME
-SVDetect Compare for Galaxy
-Version: 0.8 for Galaxy
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- links2compare -conf <configuration_file> [-help] [-man]
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Pod::Usage;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use Config::General;
-use Tie::IxHash;
-my %OPT;
-	   'conf=s',
-	   'out1=s', #GALAXY
-	   'out2=s', #GALAXY
-	   'out3=s', #GALAXY
-	   'out4=s', #GALAXY
-	   'out5=s', #GALAXY
-	   'out6=s', #GALAXY
-	   'out7=s', #GALAXY
-	   'out8=s', #GALAXY
-	   'out9=s', #GALAXY
-	   'l=s', #GALAXY
-	   'N=s', #GALAXY
-	   'help',
-           'man'
-	  );
-pod2usage() if $OPT{help};
-pod2usage(-verbose=>2) if $OPT{man};
-pod2usage(-message=> "$!", -exitval => 2) if (!defined $OPT{conf});
-pod2usage() if(@ARGV<1);
-tie (my %func, 'Tie::IxHash',links2compare=>\&links2compare);
-foreach my $command (@ARGV){
-    pod2usage(-message=> "Unknown command \"$command\"", -exitval => 2) if (!defined($func{$command}));
-my $conf=Config::General->new(    -ConfigFile        => $OPT{conf},
-                                  -Tie => "Tie::IxHash",
-                                  -AllowMultiOptions => 1,
-				  -LowerCaseNames    => 1,
-				  -AutoTrue => 1);
-my %CONF= $conf->getall;
-validateconfiguration(\%CONF);							#validation of the configuration parameters
-my $SAMTOOLS_BIN_DIR="/bioinfo/local/samtools"; #GALAXY
-my $BEDTOOLS_BIN_DIR="/bioinfo/local/BEDTools/bin"; #GALAXY
-my $pt_log_file=$OPT{l}; #GALAXY
-my $log_file=$CONF{general}{output_dir}.$OPT{N}.".svdetect_compare.log"; #GALAXY
-open LOG,">$log_file" or die "$0: can't open ".$log_file.":$!\n";#GALAXY
-my @pt_sv_file=($OPT{out1},$OPT{out2},$OPT{out3}) if($OPT{out1}); #GALAXY common,sample,reference
-my @pt_circos_file=($OPT{out4},$OPT{out5},$OPT{out6}) if($OPT{out4}); #GALAXY common,sample,reference
-my @pt_bed_file=($OPT{out7},$OPT{out8},$OPT{out9}) if($OPT{out7}); #GALAXY common,sample,reference
-$CONF{compare}{sample_link_file}=~s/.sv.txt//; #GALAXY
-$CONF{compare}{reference_link_file}=~s/.sv.txt//; #GALAXY
-foreach my $command (@ARGV){
-    &{$func{$command}}();
-print LOG "-- end\n";
-close LOG;#GALAXY
-system "rm $pt_log_file ; ln -s $log_file $pt_log_file"; #GALAXY
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
-#MAIN FUNCTION number 5:Comparison between samples, common or specific links
-sub links2compare{
-    my @compare_files;
-    compareSamples($CONF{general}{output_dir},
-		   $CONF{compare}{list_samples},
-		   $CONF{compare}{sample_link_file},
-		   $CONF{compare}{reference_link_file},
-		   $CONF{compare}{min_overlap},
-		   $CONF{compare}{same_sv_type},
-		   \@compare_files);
-    my $pt_ind=0;
-    for my $input_file (@compare_files){
-	$input_file=$CONF{general}{output_dir}.$input_file;
-	my $output_file=$input_file;
-	$output_file=~s/unique$/compared/;
-	sortLinks($input_file, $output_file,1);
-	if($CONF{compare}{circos_output}){
-	    links2segdup($CONF{circos}{organism_id},
-			 $CONF{circos}{colorcode},
-			 $output_file,
-			 $output_file.".segdup.txt");
-	    system "rm $pt_circos_file[$pt_ind]; ln -s $output_file.segdup.txt $pt_circos_file[$pt_ind]" if (defined $pt_circos_file[$pt_ind]); #GALAXY
-	}
-	if($CONF{compare}{bed_output}){
-	links2bedfile($CONF{compare}{read_lengths},
-		      $CONF{bed}{colorcode},
-		      $output_file,
-		      $output_file.".bed");
-	system "rm $pt_bed_file[$pt_ind]; ln -s $output_file.bed $pt_bed_file[$pt_ind]" if (defined $pt_bed_file[$pt_ind]); #GALAXY
-	}
-	if($CONF{compare}{sv_output}){
-	    links2SVfile ($output_file, $output_file.".sv.txt");
-	    system "rm $pt_sv_file[$pt_ind]; ln -s $ $pt_sv_file[$pt_ind]" if (defined $pt_sv_file[$pt_ind]); #GALAXY
-	}
-	$pt_ind++;
-    }
-    unlink(@compare_files);
-sub compareSamples{
-    my ($dir,$list_samples,$sample_file,$reference_file,$min_overlap,$same_sv_type,$file_names)=@_;
-    my @bedpefiles;
-    my @list=split(",",$list_samples);
-    my @list_files=($sample_file,$reference_file);
-    print LOG "\# Comparison procedure...\n";
-    print LOG "-- samples=$list_samples\n".
-	 "-- minimum overlap=$min_overlap\n".
-	 "-- same SV type=$same_sv_type\n";
-    #conversion of links to bedPE format file
-    print LOG "-- Conversion of links.filtered files to bedPE format\n";
-    for my $s (0..$#list) {
-	links2bedPElinksfile($list[$s],$list_files[$s],$list_files[$s].".bedpe.txt");
-	push(@bedpefiles,$list_files[$s].".bedpe.txt");
-    }
-    #get common links between all samples compared
-    print LOG "-- Getting common links between all samples with BEDTools\n";
-    my $common_name=join(".",@list);
-    my $nb=scalar @list;
-    my $command="";
-    my $prompt=">";
-    while ($nb>0){
-	for my $i (0..$#list_files){
-	    $command.="$BEDTOOLS_BIN_DIR/pairToPair -type both -f $min_overlap -a ".$list_files[$i].".bedpe.txt";
-	    my $pipe=0;
-	    for my $j ($i+1..$#list_files){
-		$command.="| $BEDTOOLS_BIN_DIR/pairToPair -type both -f $min_overlap -a stdin" if($pipe);
-		$command.=" -b ".$list_files[$j].".bedpe.txt";
-		$pipe=1;
-	    }
-	    $command.=$prompt.$dir.$common_name.".bedpe.tmp;";
-	    $prompt=">>";
-	    my $first=shift(@list_files); push(@list_files,$first);
-	    last;
-	}
-	$nb--;
-    }
-    system ($command);
-    push(@bedpefiles,$dir.$common_name.".bedpe.tmp");
-    #Post comparison to get common links if same type only (as an option)
-    open( FILE, "<".$dir.$common_name.".bedpe.tmp") or die "Can't open".$dir.$common_name.".bedpe.tmp : $!";
-    open( OUT, ">".$dir.$common_name.".bedpe.unique") or die "Can't write in ".$dir.$common_name.".bedpe.unique : $!";
-    while(<FILE>){
-	my @t=split("\t",$_);
-	my $s=(split("_",$t[6]))[0];
-	my ($sv1,$sv2)=($t[7],$t[18]);
-	splice(@t,11,$#t);
-	if($same_sv_type){
-	    print OUT join("\t",@t)."\n" if($sv1 eq $sv2);
-	}else{
-	    print OUT join("\t",@t)."\n";
-	}
-    }
-    close FILE;
-    close OUT;
-    bedPElinks2linksfile($dir.$common_name.".bedpe.unique", $dir.$common_name.".unique");
-    push(@bedpefiles,$dir.$common_name.".bedpe.unique");
-    push(@$file_names,$common_name.".unique");
-    print LOG "-- output created: ".$dir.$common_name.".compared\n";
-    #get specific links for each sample
-    print LOG "-- Getting specific links for each sample\n";
-    for my $s (0..$#list) {
-	system("grep -Fxv -f ".$dir.$common_name.".bedpe.unique ".$list_files[$s].".bedpe.txt >".$dir.$list[$s].".bedpe.unique");
-	bedPElinks2linksfile($dir.$list[$s].".bedpe.unique",$dir.$list[$s].".unique");
-	push(@bedpefiles,$dir.$list[$s].".bedpe.unique");
-	push(@$file_names,$list[$s].".unique");
-	print LOG "-- output created: ".$dir.$list[$s].".compared\n";
-    }
-    unlink(@bedpefiles);
-#convert the links file to the circos format
-sub links2segdup{
-    my($id,$color_code,$links_file,$segdup_file)=@_;
-    print LOG "\# Converting to the circos format...\n";
-    tie (my %hcolor,'Tie::IxHash');						#color-code hash table
-    foreach my $col (keys %{$color_code}){
-	my ($min_links,$max_links)=split(",",$color_code->{$col});
-	$hcolor{$col}=[$min_links,$max_links];
-    }
-    open LINKS, "<$links_file" or die "$0: can't open $links_file :$!\n";
-    open SEGDUP, ">$segdup_file" or die "$0: can't write in the output: $segdup_file :$!\n";
-    my $index=1;
-    while(<LINKS>){
-	my ($chr1,$start1,$end1,$chr2,$start2,$end2,$count)=(split)[0,1,2,3,4,5,6];
-	my $color=getColor($count,\%hcolor,"circos");				#get the color-code according the number of links
-	print SEGDUP "$index\t$id$chr1\t$start1\t$end1\tcolor=$color\n".	#circos output
-		     "$index\t$id$chr2\t$start2\t$end2\tcolor=$color\n";
-	$index++;
-    }
-    close LINKS;
-    close SEGDUP;
-    print LOG "-- output created: $segdup_file\n";
-#convert the links file to the bedPE format for BEDTools usage
-sub links2bedPElinksfile{
-    my ($sample,$links_file,$bedpe_file)=@_;
-    open LINKS, "<$links_file" or die "$0: can't open $links_file :$!\n";
-    open BEDPE, ">$bedpe_file" or die "$0: can't write in the output: $bedpe_file :$!\n";
-    my $nb_links=1;
-    while(<LINKS>){
-	chomp;
-	my @t=split("\t",$_);
-	my ($chr1,$start1,$end1,$chr2,$start2,$end2)=splice(@t,0,6);
-	my $type=($chr1 eq $chr2)? "INTRA":"INTER";
-	$type.="_".$t[10];
-	$start1--; $start2--;
-	print BEDPE "$chr1\t$start1\t$end1\t$chr2\t$start2\t$end2".
-	"\t$sample"."_link$nb_links\t$type\t.\t.".
-	"\t".join("|",@t)."\n";
-	$nb_links++;
-    }
-    close LINKS;
-    close BEDPE;
-sub bedPElinks2linksfile{
-    my ($bedpe_file,$links_file)=@_;
-    open BEDPE, "<$bedpe_file" or die "$0: can't open: $bedpe_file :$!\n";
-    open LINKS, ">$links_file" or die "$0: can't write in the output $links_file :$!\n";
-    while(<BEDPE>){
-	chomp;
-	my $sample=(split("_",(split("\t",$_))[6]))[0];
-	my @t1=(split("\t",$_))[0,1,2,3,4,5];
-	my @t2=split(/\|/,(split("\t",$_))[10]);
-	push(@t2,$sample);
-	print LINKS join("\t",@t1)."\t".join("\t",@t2)."\n";
-    }
-    close BEDPE;
-    close LINKS;
-#convert the links file to the bed format
-sub links2bedfile{
-    my ($tag_length,$color_code,$links_file,$bed_file)=@_;
-    print LOG "\# Converting to the bed format...\n";
-    my $compare=1;
-    if($links_file!~/compared$/){
-	$compare=0;
-	$tag_length->{none}->{1}=$tag_length->{1};
-	$tag_length->{none}->{2}=$tag_length->{2};
-    }
-    #color-code hash table
-    tie (my %hcolor,'Tie::IxHash');
-    my %color_order;
-    $color_order{"255,255,255"}=0;
-    my $n=1;
-    foreach my $col (keys %{$color_code}){
-	my ($min_links,$max_links)=split(",",$color_code->{$col});
-	$hcolor{$col}=[$min_links,$max_links];
-	$color_order{$col}=$n;
-	$n++;
-    }
-    my %pair;
-    my %pt;
-    $n=1;
-    open LINKS, "<$links_file" or die "$0: can't open $links_file:$!\n";
-    my %str=( "F"=>"+", "R"=>"-" );
-    while(<LINKS>){
-	my @t=split;
-	my $sample=($compare)? pop(@t):"none";
-	my $chr1=$t[0]; 
-	my $chr2=$t[3];
-	$chr1 = "chr".$chr1 unless ($chr1 =~ m/chr/i);
-	$chr2 = "chr".$chr2 unless ($chr2 =~ m/chr/i);
-	my $same_chr=($chr1 eq $chr2)? 1:0;
-	my $count=$t[6];
-	my $color=getColor($count,\%hcolor,"bed");
-	my @pairs=deleteBadOrderSensePairs(split(",",$t[7]));
-	my @strand1=deleteBadOrderSensePairs(split(",",$t[8]));
-	my @strand2=deleteBadOrderSensePairs(split(",",$t[9]));
-	my @ends_order1=deleteBadOrderSensePairs(split(",",$t[10]));
-	my @ends_order2=deleteBadOrderSensePairs(split(",",$t[11]));
-	my @position1=deleteBadOrderSensePairs(split(",",$t[14]));
-	my @position2=deleteBadOrderSensePairs(split(",",$t[15]));
-	my @start1; my @end1; getCoordswithLeftMost(\@start1,\@end1,\@position1,\@strand1,\@ends_order1,$tag_length->{$sample});
-	my @start2; my @end2; getCoordswithLeftMost(\@start2,\@end2,\@position2,\@strand2,\@ends_order2,$tag_length->{$sample});
-	for my $p (0..$#pairs){						
-	    if (!exists $pair{$pairs[$p]}){
-		if($same_chr){
-		    $pair{$pairs[$p]}->{0}=[ $chr1, $start1[$p]-1, $end2[$p], $pairs[$p], 0, $str{$strand1[$p]},
-				    $start1[$p]-1, $end2[$p], $color,
-				    2, $tag_length->{$sample}->{$ends_order1[$p]}.",".$tag_length->{$sample}->{$ends_order2[$p]}, "0,".($start2[$p]-$start1[$p]) ];    
-		    $pt{$n}=$pair{$pairs[$p]}->{0};
-		    $n++;
-		}else{
-		    $pair{$pairs[$p]}->{1}=[ $chr1, $start1[$p]-1, $end1[$p] , $pairs[$p]."/1", 0, $str{$strand1[$p]},
-						$start1[$p]-1, $end1[$p], $color,
-						1, $tag_length->{$sample}->{$ends_order1[$p]}, 0];
-		    $pt{$n}=$pair{$pairs[$p]}->{1};
-		    $n++;
-		    $pair{$pairs[$p]}->{2}=[ $chr2, $start2[$p]-1, $end2[$p], $pairs[$p]."/2", 0, $str{$strand2[$p]},
-						$start2[$p]-1, $end2[$p], $color,
-						1, $tag_length->{$sample}->{$ends_order2[$p]}, 0];
-		    $pt{$n}=$pair{$pairs[$p]}->{2};
-		    $n++;
-		}
-	    }else{
-		if($same_chr){
-		    ${$pair{$pairs[$p]}->{0}}[8]=$color if($color_order{$color}>$color_order{${$pair{$pairs[$p]}->{0}}[8]});
-		}else{
-		    ${$pair{$pairs[$p]}->{1}}[8]=$color if($color_order{$color}>$color_order{${$pair{$pairs[$p]}->{1}}[8]});
-		    ${$pair{$pairs[$p]}->{2}}[8]=$color if($color_order{$color}>$color_order{${$pair{$pairs[$p]}->{2}}[8]});
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    close LINKS;
-    my $nb_pairs=$n-1;
-    open BED, ">$bed_file" or die "$0: can't write in the output: $bed_file :$!\n";
-    print BED "track name=\"$bed_file\" description=\"mate pairs involved in links\" ".
-	      "visibility=2 itemRgb=\"On\"\n";
-    for my $i (1..$nb_pairs){
-	print BED join("\t",@{$pt{$i}})."\n";
-    }
-    close BED;
-    print LOG "-- output created: $bed_file\n";
-    undef %pair;
-    undef %pt;
-sub links2SVfile{
-    my($links_file,$sv_file)=@_;
-    print LOG "\# Converting to the sv output table...\n";
-    open LINKS, "<$links_file" or die "$0: can't open $links_file:$!\n";
-    open SV, ">$sv_file" or die "$0: can't write in the output: $sv_file :$!\n";
-    my @header=qw(chr_type SV_type BAL_type chromosome1 start1-end1 average_dist
-    chromosome2 start2-end2 nb_pairs score_strand_filtering score_order_filtering score_insert_size_filtering
-    final_score breakpoint1_start1-end1 breakpoint2_start2-end2);
-    my $nb_links=0;
-    while (<LINKS>){
-	my @t=split;
-	my @sv=();
-	my $sv_type="-";
-	my $strand_ratio="-";
-	my $eq_ratio="-";
-	my $eq_type="-";
-	my $insert_ratio="-";
-	my $link="-";
-	my ($bk1, $bk2)=("-","-");
-	my $score="-";
-	my ($chr1,$start1,$end1)=($t[0],$t[1],$t[2]); 
-	my ($chr2,$start2,$end2)=($t[3],$t[4],$t[5]);
-	my $nb_pairs=$t[6];
-	$chr1 = "chr".$chr1 unless ($chr1 =~ m/chr/i);
-	$chr2 = "chr".$chr2 unless ($chr2 =~ m/chr/i);
-	my $chr_type=($chr1 eq $chr2)? "INTRA":"INTER";
-	#if strand filtering
-	if (defined $t[16]){
-	    #if inter-chr link
-	    $sv_type=$t[16];
-	    if(defined $t[17] && $t[17]=~/^(\d+)\/(\d+)$/){
-		$strand_ratio=floor($1/$2*100)."%";
-		$score=$t[18];
-	    }
-	    if(defined $t[18] && $t[18]=~/^(\d+)\/(\d+)$/){
-	    #if intra-chr link with insert size filtering
-		$strand_ratio=floor($1/$2*100)."%";
-		$link=floor($t[17]);
-		if($sv_type!~/^INV/){
-		    $insert_ratio=floor($1/$2*100)."%" if($t[19]=~/^(\d+)\/(\d+)$/);
-		    $score=$t[20];
-		}else{
-		    $score=$t[19];
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-	if(defined $t[18] && ($t[18] eq "UNBAL" || $t[18] eq "BAL")){
-	    #if strand and order filtering only and/or interchr link
-	    $eq_type=$t[18];
-	    $eq_ratio=floor($1/$2*100)."%" if($t[19]=~/^(\d+)\/(\d+)$/);
-	    ($bk1, $bk2)=($t[20],$t[21]);
-	    foreach my $bk ($bk1, $bk2){$bk=~s/\),\(/ /g; $bk=~s/(\(|\))//g; $bk=~s/,/-/g;}
-	    $score=$t[22];
-	}elsif(defined $t[19] && ($t[19] eq "UNBAL" || $t[19] eq "BAL")){
-	    #if all three filtering
-	    $link=floor($t[17]);
-	    $eq_type=$t[19];
-	    $eq_ratio=floor($1/$2*100)."%" if($t[20]=~/^(\d+)\/(\d+)$/);
-	    if(defined $t[21] && $t[21]=~/^(\d+)\/(\d+)$/){
-		$insert_ratio=floor($1/$2*100)."%";
-		($bk1, $bk2)=($t[22],$t[23]);
-		$score=$t[24];
-	    }else{
-		($bk1, $bk2)=($t[21],$t[22]);
-		$score=$t[23];
-	    }
-	    foreach my $bk ($bk1, $bk2){$bk=~s/\),\(/ /g; $bk=~s/(\(|\))//g; $bk=~s/,/-/g;}
-	}
-	push(@sv, $chr_type, $sv_type,$eq_type);
-	push(@sv,"$chr1\t$start1-$end1");
-	push(@sv, $link);
-	push(@sv,"$chr2\t$start2-$end2",
-	     $nb_pairs,$strand_ratio,$eq_ratio,$insert_ratio, decimal($score,4), $bk1, $bk2);
-	print SV join("\t",@sv)."\n";
-    }
-    close LINKS;
-    close SV;
-    system "sort  -k 9,9nr -k 13,13nr $sv_file > $sv_file.sorted";
-    open SV, "<".$sv_file.".sorted" or die "$0: can't open in the output: $sv_file".".sorted :$!\n";
-    my @links=<SV>;
-    close SV;
-    open SV, ">$sv_file" or die "$0: can't write in the output: $sv_file :$!\n";
-    print SV join("\t",@header)."\n";
-    print SV @links;
-    close SV;
-    unlink($sv_file.".sorted");
-    print LOG "-- output created: $sv_file\n";
-sub deleteBadOrderSensePairs{
-    my (@tab)=@_;
-    my @tab2;
-    foreach my $v (@tab){
-	$v=~s/[\(\)]//g;
-	push(@tab2,$v) if($v!~/[\$\*\@]$/);
-    }
-    return @tab2;
-#gets starts and ends Coords when start=leftmost given positions, directions and orders
-sub getCoordswithLeftMost {
-    my ($starts,$ends,$positions,$strand,$end_order,$tag_length) = @_;
-    for my $i (0..scalar(@{$positions})-1) {
-	if($strand->[$i] eq 'F'){
-	    $starts->[$i]=$positions->[$i];
-	    $ends->[$i]=$positions->[$i]+$tag_length->{$end_order->[$i]}-1;
-	}else{
-	    $starts->[$i]=$positions->[$i]-$tag_length->{$end_order->[$i]}+1;
-	    $ends->[$i]=$positions->[$i];
-	}
-    }    
-sub floor {
-    my $nb = $_[0];
-    $nb=~ s/\..*//;
-    return $nb;
-sub decimal{
-  my $num=shift;
-  my $digs_to_cut=shift;
-  $num=sprintf("%.".($digs_to_cut-1)."f", $num) if ($num=~/\d+\.(\d){$digs_to_cut,}/);
-  return $num;
-#Sort links according the concerned chromosomes and their coordinates
-sub sortLinks{
-    my ($links_file,$sortedlinks_file,$unique)=@_;
-    print LOG "# Sorting links...\n";
-    my $pipe=($unique)? "| sort -u":"";
-    system "sort -k 1,1 -k 4,4 -k 2,2n -k 5,5n -k 8,8n $links_file $pipe > $sortedlinks_file";
-sub getColor{
-    my($count,$hcolor,$format)=@_;
-    for my $col ( keys % { $hcolor} ) {
-       return $col if($count>=$hcolor->{$col}->[0] && $count<=$hcolor->{$col}->[1]);
-    }
-    return "white" if($format eq "circos");
-    return "255,255,255" if($format eq "bed");
-#check if the configuration file is correct
-sub validateconfiguration{
-    my %conf=%{$_[0]};
-    my $list_prgs="@ARGV";
-    my @circos_params=qw(organism_id colorcode);
-    my @bed_params=qw(colorcode);
-    my @compare_params=qw(list_samples list_read_lengths sample_link_file reference_link_file);
-    unless (defined($conf{general}{output_dir})) {
-	$conf{general}{output_dir} = ".";
-    }
-    unless (-d $conf{general}{output_dir}){
-	mkdir $conf{general}{output_dir} or die;
-    }
-    $conf{general}{output_dir}.="/" if($conf{general}{output_dir}!~/\/$/);
-    if($list_prgs=~/links2compare/){
-	foreach my $p (@compare_params) {
-	    die("Error Config : The compare parameter \"$p\" is not defined\n") if (!defined $conf{compare}{$p});
-	}
-	unless (defined($conf{compare}{same_sv_type})) {
-	    $conf{compare}{same_sv_type} = 0;
-	}
-	unless (defined($conf{compare}{min_overlap})) {
-	    $conf{compare}{min_overlap} = 1E-9;
-	}
-	if($conf{compare}{circos_output}){
-	    foreach my $p (@circos_params) {
-		next if($list_prgs=~/^ratio/ && $p eq "colorcode");
-		die("Error Config : The circos parameter \"$p\" is not defined\n") if (!defined $conf{circos}{$p});
-	    }
-	}
-	if($conf{compare}{bed_output}){
-	    foreach my $p (@bed_params) {
-		die("Error Config : The bed parameter \"$p\" is not defined\n") if (!defined $conf{bed}{$p});
-	    }
-	    die("Error Config : The compare parameter \"list_read_lengths\" is not defined\n") if (!defined $conf{compare}{list_read_lengths});
-	    my @samples=split(",",$conf{compare}{list_samples});
-	    my @read_lengths=split(",",$conf{compare}{list_read_lengths});
-	    for my $i (0..$#samples){
-		my @l=split("-",$read_lengths[$i]);
-		$conf{compare}{read_lengths}{$samples[$i]}={ 1=> $l[0], 2=> $l[1]};
-	    }
-	}
-    }
--- a/svdetect/SVDetect_compare.xml	Thu Jul 12 12:10:27 2012 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
-<tool id="svdetect_compare" name="Compare">
-<description>structural variants between two samples</description>
-<command interpreter="perl"> links2compare -conf '$config_file' -l '$log_file' -N '$sample_name.$reference_name'
-#if $links2SV
--out1 '$common_sv_file'
--out2 '$sample_sv_file'
--out3 '$reference_sv_file'
-#end if
-#if $file_conversion.file_conversion_select=="convert" and $file_conversion.links2circos
--out4 '$common_circos_file'
--out5 '$sample_circos_file'
--out6 '$reference_circos_file'
-#end if
-#if $file_conversion.file_conversion_select=="convert" and $file_conversion.links2bed
--out7 '$common_bed_file'
--out8 '$sample_bed_file'
--out9 '$reference_bed_file'
-#end if
-	<param name="sample_name" type="text" size="20" value="sample" label="Sample Name"/>
-	<param name="sample_read1_length" type="integer" size="10" value="50" label="Sample read 1 length (bp)"/>
-	<param name="sample_read2_length" type="integer" size="10" value="50" label="Sample read 2 length (bp)"/>
-   	<param name="sample_mates_file" type="data" format="sv" label="Sample input file" help=".sv file"/>
-	<param name="reference_name" type="text" size="20" value="reference" label="Reference Name"/>
-	<param name="reference_read1_length" type="integer" size="10" value="50" label="Reference read 1 length (bp)"/>
-	<param name="reference_read2_length" type="integer" size="10" value="50" label="Reference read 2 length (bp)"/>
-   	<param name="reference_mates_file" type="data" format="sv" label="Reference input file" help=".sv file"/>
-	<param name="min_overlap" type="float" size="10"  value="0.05" label="Minimum overlap of links required as a fraction"/>
-	<param name="same_sv_type" label="Comparison of SVs with the same type only ?" type="boolean" truevalue="1" falsevalue="0" checked="True"/>
-	<param name="links2SV" label="Do you want to have filtered links in a tabulated file format showing significant SVs?" type="boolean" truevalue="1" falsevalue="0" checked="True"/>
-	<conditional name="file_conversion">
-		<param name="file_conversion_select" type="select" label="Output file conversion" help="Converts filtered links to Circos/BED files format for graphical view of SVs">
-			<option value="do_not_convert">No</option>
-			<option value="convert">Yes</option>
-		</param>
-		<when value="do_not_convert">
-				<!-- do nothing here -->
-		</when>
-		<when value="convert">
-			<param name="links2circos" label="Converts the link list to the Circos link format" type="boolean" truevalue="1" falsevalue="0" checked="True"/>
-			<param name="links2bed" label="Converts the link list to the UCSC BED format" type="boolean" truevalue="1" falsevalue="0" checked="False"/>
-			<param name="organism_id" type="text" size="10" value="hs" label="Organism ID"/>
-			<repeat name="color_code" title="Color-code" min="1" max="7">
-				<param name="color" type="select" label="Color">
-					<option value="grey">grey</option>
-					<option value="black">black</option>
-					<option value="blue">blue</option>
-					<option value="green">green</option>
-					<option value="purple">purple</option>
-					<option value="orange">orange</option>
-					<option value="red">red</option>
-				</param>
-				<param name="interval" type="text" value="1,3" label="Interval"/>
-			</repeat>
-		</when>
-	</conditional>
-	<data format="sv" name="common_sv_file" label="">
-		<filter>links2SV is True</filter>
-	</data>
-	<data format="sv" name="sample_sv_file" label="${sample_name}">
-		<filter>links2SV is True</filter>
-	</data>
-	<data format="sv" name="reference_sv_file" label="${reference_name}">
-		<filter>links2SV is True</filter>
-	</data>
-	<data format="segdup" name="common_circos_file" label="common.compared.segdup">
-		<filter>(
-			file_conversion['file_conversion_select']=="convert" and
-			file_conversion['links2circos'] is True
-			)
-		</filter>
-	</data>
-	<data format="segdup" name="sample_circos_file" label="${sample_name}.compared.segdup">
-		<filter>(
-			file_conversion['file_conversion_select']=="convert" and
-			file_conversion['links2circos'] is True
-			)
-		</filter>
-	</data>
-	<data format="segdup" name="reference_circos_file" label="${reference_name}.compared.segdup">
-		<filter>(
-			file_conversion['file_conversion_select']=="convert" and
-			file_conversion['links2circos'] is True
-			)
-		</filter>
-	</data>
-	<data format="bed" name="common_bed_file" label="common.compared.bed">
-		<filter>(
-			file_conversion['file_conversion_select']=="convert" and
-			file_conversion['links2bed'] is True
-			)
-		</filter>
-	</data>
-	<data format="bed" name="sample_bed_file" label="${sample_name}.compared.bed">
-		<filter>(
-			file_conversion['file_conversion_select']=="convert" and
-			file_conversion['links2bed'] is True
-			)
-		</filter>
-	</data>
-	<data format="bed" name="reference_bed_file" label="${reference_name}.compared.bed">
-		<filter>(
-			file_conversion['file_conversion_select']=="convert" and
-			file_conversion['links2bed'] is True
-			)
-		</filter>
-	</data>
-	<data format="txt" name="log_file" label="${sample_name}.${reference_name}.svdetect_compare.log"/>
-	<configfile name="config_file">
-#if $file_conversion.file_conversion_select == "convert"
-#if $file_conversion.links2circos
-#for $color_repeat in $file_conversion.color_code
-#end for
-#end if
-#if $file_conversion.links2bed
-#for $color_repeat in $file_conversion.color_code
-#if str($color_repeat.color)== "grey"
-#end if
-#if str($color_repeat.color)== "black"
-#end if
-#if str($color_repeat.color)== "blue"
-#end if
-#if str($color_repeat.color)== "green"
-#end if
-#if str($color_repeat.color)== "purple"
-#end if
-#if str($color_repeat.color)== "orange"
-#end if
-#if str($color_repeat.color)== "red"
-#end if
-#end for
-#end if
-#end if
-#if $file_conversion.file_conversion_select == "convert"
-#end if
-	</configfile>
-  <help>
-**What it does**
-SVDetect - Version : 0.8
-Comparison of clusters between two samples to get common or sample-specific SVs
-This program is designed to compare filtered links between two anomalously mapped mate-pair/paired-end datasets
-and to identify common and sample-specific SVs (like the usual sample/reference design).
-Overlaps between coordinates of clusters and types of SVs are used as parameters of comparison.
-Manual documentation available at the
-.. class:: infomark
-Contact Bruno Zeitouni ( for any questions or concerns about the Galaxy implementation of SVDetect.
-  </help>
--- a/svdetect/	Thu Jul 12 12:10:27 2012 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-while getopts "i:o:" optionName; do
-case "$optionName" in
--- a/svdetect/SVDetect_import.xml	Thu Jul 12 12:10:27 2012 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-<tool id="svdetect_import" name="Import data">
-  <description>BAM, chromosome info or sv files</description>
-  <command interpreter="bash"> -i $file_path
-  #if str($type.file_type)=="bam"
-  -o $outbamfile
-  #elif str($type.file_type)=="len"
-  -o $outlenfile
-  #elif str($type.file_type)=="sv"
-  -o $outsvfile
-  #end if
-  </command>
-  <inputs>
-    <param name="file_name" type="text" value="file1" label="File Name"/>
-    <conditional name="type">
-      <param name="file_type" type="select" label="Select the file type to import" help="BAM file (BAM) or text file (SAM, chromosome list or a SV tabulated text file)">
-          <option value="bam">BAM file (.bam)</option>
-          <option value="len">Chromosome info file (.len)</option>
-          <option value="sv">SVDetect output file (.sv)</option>
-      </param>
-    <when value="bam">
-      <!-- do nothing here -->
-    </when>
-    <when value="len">
-      <!-- do nothing here -->
-    </when>
-     <when value="sv">
-      <!-- do nothing here -->
-    </when>
-    </conditional>
-     <param name="file_path" type="text" size="150" label="Path to file"/>
-  </inputs>
-  <outputs>
-    <data format="bam" name="outbamfile" label="${file_name}.bam">
-      <filter>type['file_type']=="bam"</filter>
-    </data>
-    <data format="len" name="outlenfile" label="${file_name}.len">
-      <filter>type['file_type']=="len"</filter>
-    </data>
-    <data format="sv" name="outsvfile" label="${file_name}.sv">
-      <filter>type['file_type']=="sv"</filter>
-    </data>
-  </outputs>
-  <help>
-**What it does**
-This tool allows you to import quickly a BAM file, a chromosome info file or a SVDetect output file from you computer as inputs for SVDetect.
-**Example of chromosome file**
-Input len file::
-    1  chr1  247249719
-    2  chr2  242951149
-    3  chr3  199501827
-    4  chr4  191273063
-    5  chr5  180857866
-    6  chr6  170899992
-    7  chr7  158821424
-    8  chr8  146274826
-    9  chr9  140273252
-    10  chr10  135374737
-    11  chr11  134452384
-    12  chr12  132349534
-    13  chr13  114142980
-    14  chr14  106368585
-    15  chr15  100338915
-    16  chr16  88827254
-    17  chr17  78774742
-    18  chr18  76117153
-    19  chr19  63811651
-    20  chr20  62435964
-    21  chr21  46944323
-    22  chr22  49691432
-    23  chrX  154913754
-    24  chrY  57772954
-.. class:: infomark
-Contact Bruno Zeitouni ( for any questions or concerns about the Galaxy implementation of SVDetect.
-  </help>
--- a/svdetect/	Thu Jul 12 12:10:27 2012 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,3537 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-=head1 NAME
-SVDetect - Program designed to the detection of structural variations
-from paired-end/mate-pair sequencing data, compatible with SOLiD and Illumina (>=1.3) reads
-Version: 0.8 for Galaxy
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-SVDetect <command> -conf <configuration_file> [-help] [-man]
-    Command:
-    	linking		detection and isolation of links
-        filtering	filtering of links according different parameters
-        links2circos	links conversion to circos format
-	links2bed 	paired-ends of links converted to bed format (UCSC)
-	links2SV	formatted output to show most significant SVs
-	cnv		calculate copy-number profiles
-	ratio2circos	ratio conversion to circos density format
-	ratio2bedgraph	ratio conversion to bedGraph density format (UCSC)
-This is a command-line interface to SVDetect.
-=head1 AUTHORS
-Bruno Zeitouni E<lt>bruno.zeitouni@curie.frE<gt>,
-Valentina Boeva E<lt>valentina.boeva@curie.frE<gt>
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Pod::Usage;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use Config::General;
-use Tie::IxHash;
-use FileHandle;
-use Parallel::ForkManager;
-my %OPT;
-	   'conf=s',
-	   'out1=s', #GALAXY
-	   'out2=s', #GALAXY
-	   'out3=s', #GALAXY
-	   'out4=s', #GALAXY
-	   'out5=s', #GALAXY
-	   'l=s', #GALAXY
-	   'N=s',#GALAXY
-	   'help',#GALAXY
-           'man'
-	  );
-pod2usage() if $OPT{help};
-pod2usage(-verbose=>2) if $OPT{man};
-pod2usage(-message=> "$!", -exitval => 2) if (!defined $OPT{conf});
-pod2usage() if(@ARGV<1);
-tie (my %func, 'Tie::IxHash',linking=>\&createlinks,
-			     filtering=>\&filterlinks,
-			     links2circos=>\&links2circos,
-			     links2bed=>\&links2bed,
-			     links2compare=>\&links2compare,
-			     links2SV=>\&links2SV,
-			     cnv=>\&cnv,
-			     ratio2circos=>\&ratio2circos,
-			     ratio2bedgraph=>\&ratio2bedgraph);
-foreach my $command (@ARGV){
-    pod2usage(-message=> "Unknown command \"$command\"", -exitval => 2) if (!defined($func{$command}));
-my $conf=Config::General->new(    -ConfigFile        => $OPT{conf},
-                                  -Tie => "Tie::IxHash",
-                                  -AllowMultiOptions => 1,
-				  -LowerCaseNames    => 1,
-				  -AutoTrue => 1);
-my %CONF= $conf->getall;
-validateconfiguration(\%CONF);							#validation of the configuration parameters
-my $SAMTOOLS_BIN_DIR="/bioinfo/local/samtools"; #GALAXY
-my $pt_log_file=$OPT{l}; #GALAXY
-my $pt_links_file=$OPT{out1} if($OPT{out1}); #GALAXY
-my $pt_flinks_file=$OPT{out2} if($OPT{out2}); #GALAXY
-my $pt_sv_file=$OPT{out3} if($OPT{out3}); #GALAXY
-my $pt_circos_file=$OPT{out4} if($OPT{out4}); #GALAXY
-my $pt_bed_file=$OPT{out5} if($OPT{out5}); #GALAXY
-my $log_file=$CONF{general}{output_dir}.$OPT{N}.".svdetect_run.log"; #GALAXY
-open LOG,">$log_file" or die "$0: can't open ".$log_file.":$!\n";#GALAXY
-foreach my $command (@ARGV){
-    &{$func{$command}}();
-print LOG "-- end\n";#GALAXY
-close LOG;#GALAXY
-system "rm $pt_log_file ; ln -s $log_file $pt_log_file"; #GALAXY
-#MAIN FUNCTION number 1: Detection of links from mate-pairs data
-sub createlinks{
-    my %CHR;									#main hash table 1: fragments, links
-    my %CHRID;
-    my @MATEFILES;
-    my $output_prefix=$CONF{general}{mates_file}.".".$CONF{general}{sv_type};
-    my @path=split(/\//,$output_prefix);
-    $output_prefix=$CONF{general}{output_dir}.$path[$#path];
-    my $tmp_mates_prefix=$CONF{general}{tmp_dir}."mates/".$path[$#path];
-    my $tmp_links_prefix=$CONF{general}{tmp_dir}."links/".$path[$#path];
-    shearingChromosome(\%CHR, \%CHRID,						#making the genomic fragment library with the detection parameters
-		     $CONF{detection}{window_size},
-		     $CONF{detection}{step_length},
-		     $CONF{general}{cmap_file});
-    if($CONF{detection}{split_mate_file}){
-	splitMateFile(\%CHR, \%CHRID, \@MATEFILES, $tmp_mates_prefix,
-		      $CONF{general}{sv_type},
-		      $CONF{general}{mates_file},
-		      $CONF{general}{input_format},
-		      $CONF{general}{read_lengths}
-		      );
-    }else{
-	@MATEFILES=qx{ls $tmp_mates_prefix*} or die "# Error: No splitted mate files already created at $CONF{general}{tmp_dir} :$!";
-	chomp(@MATEFILES);
-	print LOG "# Splitted mate files already created.\n";
-    }
-    #Parallelization of the linking per chromosome for intra +  interchrs
-    my $pm = new Parallel::ForkManager($CONF{general}{num_threads});
-    foreach my $matefile (@MATEFILES){
-	my $pid = $pm->start and next;
-	getlinks(\%CHR, \%CHRID, $matefile);
-	$pm->finish;
-    }
-    $pm->wait_all_children;
-    #Merge the chromosome links file into only one
-    my @LINKFILES= qx{ls $tmp_links_prefix*links} or die "# Error: No links files created at $CONF{general}{tmp_dir} :$!";
-    chomp(@LINKFILES);
-    catFiles( \@LINKFILES => "$output_prefix.links" );
-    system "rm $pt_links_file; ln -s $output_prefix.links $pt_links_file" if (defined $pt_links_file); #GALAXY
-    print LOG "# Linking end procedure : output created: $output_prefix.links\n";
-    #unlink(@LINKFILES);
-    #unlink(@MATEFILES);
-    undef %CHR;
-    undef %CHRID;
-sub getlinks {
-    my ($chr,$chrID,$tmp_mates_prefix)=@_;
-    my $tmp_links_prefix=$tmp_mates_prefix;
-    $tmp_links_prefix=~s/\/mates\//\/links\//;
-    my %PAIR;									#main hash table 2: pairs
-    linking($chr,$chrID, \%PAIR,						#creation of all links from chromosome coordinates of pairs
-	  $CONF{general}{read_lengths},
-	  $CONF{detection}{window_size},
-	  $CONF{detection}{step_length},
-	  $tmp_mates_prefix,
-	  $CONF{general}{input_format},
-	  $CONF{general}{sv_type},
-	  "$tmp_links_prefix.links.mapped"
-	  );
-    getUniqueLinks("$tmp_links_prefix.links.mapped",					#remove the doublons
-		   "$tmp_links_prefix.links.unique");
-    defineCoordsLinks($chr,$chrID, \%PAIR,					#definition of the precise coordinates of links
-		      $CONF{general}{input_format},
-		      $CONF{general}{sv_type},
-		      $CONF{general}{read_lengths},
-		      "$tmp_links_prefix.links.unique",
-		      "$tmp_links_prefix.links.unique_defined"); 
-    sortLinks("$tmp_links_prefix.links.unique_defined",				#sorting links from coordinates
-	      "$tmp_links_prefix.links.sorted");
-    removeFullyOverlappedLinks("$tmp_links_prefix.links.sorted",			#remove redundant links
-			       "$tmp_links_prefix.links",1);				#file output
-    undef %PAIR;
-    unlink("$tmp_links_prefix.links.mapped",
-	   "$tmp_links_prefix.links.unique",
-	   "$tmp_links_prefix.links.unique_defined",
-	   "$tmp_links_prefix.links.sorted");
-sub splitMateFile{
-    my ($chr,$chrID,$files_list,$output_prefix,$sv_type,$mates_file,$input_format,$tag_length)=@_;
-    print LOG "# Splitting the mate file \"$mates_file\" for parallel processing...\n";
-    my %filesHandle;
-    #fichier matefile inter
-    if($sv_type=~/^(all|inter)$/){
-	my $newFileName="$output_prefix.interchrs";
-	push(@{$files_list},$newFileName);
-	my $fh = new FileHandle;
-	$fh->open(">$newFileName");
-	$filesHandle{inter}=$fh;
-    }
-    #fichiers matefiles intra
-    if($sv_type=~/^(all|intra)$/){
-	foreach my $k (1..$chr->{nb_chrs}){
-	    my $newFileName=$output_prefix.".".$chr->{$k}->{name};
-	    push(@{$files_list},$newFileName);
-	    my $fh = new FileHandle;
-	    $fh->open(">$newFileName");
-	    $filesHandle{$k}=$fh;
-	}
-    }
-    if ($mates_file =~ /.gz$/) {
-	open(MATES, "gunzip -c $mates_file |") or die "$0: can't open ".$mates_file.":$!\n"; #gzcat
-    }elsif($mates_file =~ /.bam$/){
-	open(MATES, "$SAMTOOLS_BIN_DIR/samtools view $mates_file |") or die "$0: can't open ".$mates_file.":$!\n";#GALAXY
-    }else{
-	open MATES, "<".$mates_file or die "$0: can't open ".$mates_file.":$!\n";
-    }
-    while(<MATES>){
-	my @t=split;								
-	my ($chr_read1, $chr_read2, $firstbase_read1, $firstbase_read2, $end_order_read1,$end_order_read2);
-	next if (!readMateFile(\$chr_read1, \$chr_read2, \$firstbase_read1, \$firstbase_read2, \$end_order_read1, \$end_order_read2, \@t, $input_format,$tag_length));
-	next unless (exists $chrID->{$chr_read1} && exists $chrID->{$chr_read2});
-	($chr_read1, $chr_read2)= ($chrID->{$chr_read1},$chrID->{$chr_read2});
-	if( ($sv_type=~/^(all|inter)$/) && ($chr_read1 ne $chr_read2) ){
-	    my $fh2print=$filesHandle{inter};
-	    print $fh2print join("\t",@t)."\n";
-	}
-	if( ($sv_type=~/^(all|intra)$/) && ($chr_read1 eq $chr_read2) ){
-	    my $fh2print=$filesHandle{$chr_read1};
-	    print $fh2print join("\t",@t)."\n";
-	}
-    }
-    foreach my $name (keys %filesHandle){
-	my $fh=$filesHandle{$name};
-	$fh->close;
-    }
-    print LOG "# Splitted mate files of \"$mates_file\" created.\n";
-sub filterlinks{
-    my %CHR;
-    my %CHRID;
-    my @LINKFILES;
-    my @FLINKFILES;
-    my $output_prefix=$CONF{general}{mates_file}.".".$CONF{general}{sv_type};
-    my @path=split(/\//,$output_prefix);
-    $output_prefix=$CONF{general}{output_dir}.$path[$#path];
-    my $tmp_links_prefix=$CONF{general}{tmp_dir}."links/".$path[$#path];
-    createChrHashTables(\%CHR,\%CHRID,
-			$CONF{general}{cmap_file});
-    if($CONF{filtering}{split_link_file}){
-	splitLinkFile(\%CHR, \%CHRID, \@LINKFILES,
-		      $tmp_links_prefix,
-		      $CONF{general}{sv_type},
-		      "$output_prefix.links",
-		      );
-    }else{
-	@LINKFILES=qx{ls $tmp_links_prefix*links} or die "# Error: No splitted link files already created\n";
-	chomp(@LINKFILES);
-	print LOG "# Splitted link files already created.\n";
-    }
-    #Parallelization of the filtering per chromosome for intra +  interchrs
-    my $pm = new Parallel::ForkManager($CONF{general}{num_threads});
-    foreach my $linkfile (@LINKFILES){
-	my $pid = $pm->start and next;
-	getFilteredlinks(\%CHR, \%CHRID, $linkfile);
-	$pm->finish;
-    }
-    $pm->wait_all_children;
-    #Merge the chromosome links file into only one
-    @FLINKFILES= qx{ls $tmp_links_prefix*filtered} or die "# Error: No links files created\n";
-    chomp(@FLINKFILES);
-    catFiles( \@FLINKFILES => "$output_prefix.links.filtered" );
-    system "rm $pt_flinks_file; ln -s $output_prefix.links.filtered $pt_flinks_file" if (defined $pt_flinks_file); #GALAXY
-    print LOG"# Filtering end procedure : output created: $output_prefix.links.filtered\n";
-    undef %CHR;
-    undef %CHRID;
-sub splitLinkFile{
-    my ($chr,$chrID,$files_list,$input_prefix,$sv_type,$link_file)=@_;
-    print LOG "# Splitting the link file for parallel processing...\n";
-    my %filesHandle;
-    #fichier matefile inter
-    if($sv_type=~/^(all|inter)$/){
-	my $newFileName="$input_prefix.interchrs.links";
-	push(@{$files_list},$newFileName);
-	my $fh = new FileHandle;
-	$fh->open(">$newFileName");
-	$filesHandle{inter}=$fh;
-    }
-    #fichiers matefiles intra
-    if($sv_type=~/^(all|intra)$/){
-	foreach my $k (1..$chr->{nb_chrs}){
-	    my $newFileName=$input_prefix.".".$chr->{$k}->{name}.".links";
-	    push(@{$files_list},$newFileName);
-	    my $fh = new FileHandle;
-	    $fh->open(">$newFileName");
-	    $filesHandle{$k}=$fh;
-	}
-    }
-    open LINKS, "<".$link_file or die "$0: can't open ".$link_file.":$!\n";
-    while(<LINKS>){
-	my @t=split;
-	my ($chr_read1,$chr_read2)=($t[0],$t[3]);							
-	next unless (exists $chrID->{$chr_read1} && exists $chrID->{$chr_read2});
-	($chr_read1, $chr_read2)= ($chrID->{$chr_read1},$chrID->{$chr_read2});
-	if( ($sv_type=~/^(all|inter)$/) && ($chr_read1 ne $chr_read2) ){
-	    my $fh2print=$filesHandle{inter};
-	    print $fh2print join("\t",@t)."\n";
-	}
-	if( ($sv_type=~/^(all|intra)$/) && ($chr_read1 eq $chr_read2) ){
-	    my $fh2print=$filesHandle{$chr_read1};
-	    print $fh2print join("\t",@t)."\n";
-	}
-    }
-    foreach my $name (keys %filesHandle){
-	my $fh=$filesHandle{$name};
-	$fh->close;
-    }
-    print LOG "# Splitted link files created.\n";
-#MAIN FUNCTION number 2: Filtering processing
-sub getFilteredlinks {
-    my ($chr,$chrID,$tmp_links_prefix)=@_;
-    my %PAIR;
-    strandFiltering($chr,$chrID,
-		     $CONF{filtering}{nb_pairs_threshold},			#filtering of links
-		     $CONF{filtering}{strand_filtering},
-		     $CONF{filtering}{chromosomes},
-		     $CONF{general}{input_format},
-		     $CONF{general}{cmap_file},
-		     $CONF{general}{mates_orientation},
-		     $CONF{general}{read_lengths},
-		    $tmp_links_prefix,
-		    "$tmp_links_prefix.filtered",
-		    ); 						
-    if($CONF{filtering}{strand_filtering}){					#re-definition of links coordinates with strand filtering
-	my @tmpfiles;
-	rename("$tmp_links_prefix.filtered","$tmp_links_prefix.filtered_unique");
-	getUniqueLinks("$tmp_links_prefix.filtered_unique",
-		       "$tmp_links_prefix.filtered");
-	push(@tmpfiles,"$tmp_links_prefix.filtered_unique");
-	if($CONF{filtering}{order_filtering}){					#filtering using the order
-	    rename("$tmp_links_prefix.filtered","$tmp_links_prefix.filtered_ordered");
-	    orderFiltering($chr,$chrID,
-			      $CONF{filtering}{nb_pairs_threshold},
-			      $CONF{filtering}{nb_pairs_order_threshold},			   
-			      $CONF{filtering}{mu_length},
-			      $CONF{filtering}{sigma_length},
-			      $CONF{general}{mates_orientation},	      
-			      $CONF{general}{read_lengths},
-			      "$tmp_links_prefix.filtered_ordered", 
-			      "$tmp_links_prefix.filtered",				
-			     );
-	    push(@tmpfiles,"$tmp_links_prefix.filtered_ordered");
-	}
-	if (($CONF{filtering}{insert_size_filtering})&&
-	    ($CONF{general}{sv_type} ne 'inter')){ 				 
-	    rename("$tmp_links_prefix.filtered","$tmp_links_prefix.filtered_withoutIndelSize");
-	    addInsertionInfo($chr,$chrID,
-			     $CONF{filtering}{nb_pairs_threshold},
-			     $CONF{filtering}{order_filtering},
-			     $CONF{filtering}{indel_sigma_threshold},
-			     $CONF{filtering}{dup_sigma_threshold},
-			     $CONF{filtering}{singleton_sigma_threshold}, 
-			     $CONF{filtering}{mu_length},
-			     $CONF{filtering}{sigma_length},
-			     $CONF{general}{mates_orientation},
-			     $CONF{general}{read_lengths},
-			     "$tmp_links_prefix.filtered_withoutIndelSize", 
-			     "$tmp_links_prefix.filtered"			
-			     );
-	    push(@tmpfiles,"$tmp_links_prefix.filtered_withoutIndelSize");    
-	}
-	sortLinks("$tmp_links_prefix.filtered",
-		  "$tmp_links_prefix.filtered_sorted");
-	removeFullyOverlappedLinks("$tmp_links_prefix.filtered_sorted",
-			           "$tmp_links_prefix.filtered_nodup",
-				   );				
-	postFiltering("$tmp_links_prefix.filtered_nodup",
-		      "$tmp_links_prefix.filtered",
-		       $CONF{filtering}{final_score_threshold});
-	push(@tmpfiles,"$tmp_links_prefix.filtered_sorted","$tmp_links_prefix.filtered_nodup");
-	unlink(@tmpfiles);
-    }
-    undef %PAIR;
-#MAIN FUNCTION number 3: Circos format conversion for links
-sub links2circos{
-    my $input_file=$CONF{general}{mates_file}.".".$CONF{general}{sv_type}.".links.filtered";
-    my @path=split(/\//,$input_file);
-    $input_file=$CONF{general}{output_dir}.$path[$#path];
-    my $output_file.=$input_file.".segdup.txt";
-    links2segdup($CONF{circos}{organism_id},
-		 $CONF{circos}{colorcode},
-		 $input_file,
-		 $output_file);							#circos file output
-    system "rm $pt_circos_file; ln -s $output_file $pt_circos_file" if (defined $pt_circos_file); #GALAXY
-#MAIN FUNCTION number 4: Bed format conversion for links
-sub links2bed{
-    my $input_file=$CONF{general}{mates_file}.".".$CONF{general}{sv_type}.".links.filtered";
-    my @path=split(/\//,$input_file);
-    $input_file=$CONF{general}{output_dir}.$path[$#path];
-    my $output_file.=$input_file.".bed.txt";
-    links2bedfile($CONF{general}{read_lengths},
-		  $CONF{bed}{colorcode},
-		  $input_file,
-		  $output_file);						#bed file output
-    system "rm $pt_bed_file; ln -s $output_file $pt_bed_file" if (defined $pt_bed_file); #GALAXY
-#MAIN FUNCTION number 6: Bed format conversion for links
-sub links2SV{
-    my $input_file=$CONF{general}{mates_file}.".".$CONF{general}{sv_type}.".links.filtered";
-    my @path=split(/\//,$input_file);
-    $input_file=$CONF{general}{output_dir}.$path[$#path];
-    my $output_file.=$input_file.".sv.txt";
-    links2SVfile( $input_file,
-		  $output_file);
-     system "rm $pt_sv_file; ln -s $output_file $pt_sv_file" if (defined $pt_sv_file); #GALAXY	
-#MAIN FUNCTION number 7: copy number variations, coverage ratio calculation
-sub cnv{
-    my %CHR;
-    my %CHRID;
-    my @MATEFILES;
-    my $output_prefix=$CONF{general}{mates_file};
-    my $output_prefix_ref=$CONF{detection}{mates_file_ref};
-    my @path=split(/\//,$output_prefix);
-    my @path_ref=split(/\//,$output_prefix_ref);
-    $output_prefix=$CONF{general}{output_dir}.$path[$#path];
-    $output_prefix_ref=$CONF{general}{output_dir}.$path_ref[$#path_ref];
-    my $tmp_mates_prefix=$CONF{general}{tmp_dir}."mates/".$path[$#path];
-    my $tmp_mates_prefix_ref=$CONF{general}{tmp_dir}."mates/".$path_ref[$#path_ref];
-    my $tmp_density_prefix=$CONF{general}{tmp_dir}."density/".$path[$#path];
-    shearingChromosome(\%CHR, \%CHRID,						#making the genomic fragment library with the detection parameters
-		     $CONF{detection}{window_size},
-		     $CONF{detection}{step_length},
-		     $CONF{general}{cmap_file});
-    if($CONF{detection}{split_mate_file}){
-	splitMateFile(\%CHR, \%CHRID, \@MATEFILES, $tmp_mates_prefix,
-		      "intra",
-		      $CONF{general}{mates_file},
-		      $CONF{general}{input_format},
-		      $CONF{general}{read_lengths}
-		      );
-	splitMateFile(\%CHR, \%CHRID, \@MATEFILES_REF, $tmp_mates_prefix_ref,
-		      "intra",
-		      $CONF{detection}{mates_file_ref},
-		      $CONF{general}{input_format},
-		      $CONF{general}{read_lengths}
-		      );
-    }else{
-	@MATEFILES=qx{ls $tmp_mates_prefix*} or die "# Error: No splitted sample mate files of \"$CONF{general}{mates_file}\" already created at $CONF{general}{tmp_dir} :$!";
-	chomp(@MATEFILES);
-	@MATEFILES_REF=qx{ls $tmp_mates_prefix_ref*} or die "# Error: No splitted reference mate files of \"$CONF{detection}{mates_file_ref}\" already created at $CONF{general}{tmp_dir} :$!";
-	chomp(@MATEFILES_REF);
-	print LOG "# Splitted sample and reference mate files already created.\n";
-    }
-    #Parallelization of the cnv per chromosome
-    my $pm = new Parallel::ForkManager($CONF{general}{num_threads});
-    foreach my $file (0..$#MATEFILES){
-	my $pid = $pm->start and next;
-	densityCalculation(\%CHR, \%CHRID, $file,
-	  $CONF{general}{read_lengths},
-	  $CONF{detection}{window_size},
-	  $CONF{detection}{step_length},
-	  $MATEFILES[$file].".density",
-	  $CONF{general}{input_format});
-	$pm->finish;
-    }
-    $pm->wait_all_children;
-    #Merge the chromosome links file into only one
-    my @DENSITYFILES= qx{ls $tmp_density_prefix*density} or die "# Error: No density files created at $CONF{general}{tmp_dir} :$!";
-    chomp(@DENSITYFILES);
-    catFiles( \@DENSITYFILES => "$output_prefix.density" );
-    print LOG "# cnv end procedure : output created: $output_prefix.density\n";
-    undef %CHR;
-    undef %CHRID;
-#MAIN FUNCTION number 8: Circos format conversion for cnv ratios
-sub ratio2circos{
-    my $input_file=$CONF{general}{mates_file}.".density";
-    my @path=split(/\//,$input_file);
-    $input_file=$CONF{general}{output_dir}.$path[$#path];
-    my $output_file.=$input_file.".segdup.txt";
-    ratio2segdup($CONF{circos}{organism_id},		
-		 $input_file,
-		 $output_file);
-#MAIN FUNCTION number 9: BedGraph format conversion for cnv ratios
-sub ratio2bedgraph{
-    my $input_file=$CONF{general}{mates_file}.".density";
-    my @path=split(/\//,$input_file);
-    $input_file=$CONF{general}{output_dir}.$path[$#path];
-    my $output_file.=$input_file.".bedgraph.txt";
-    ratio2bedfile($input_file,
-		  $output_file);						#bed file output
-#Creation of the fragment library
-sub shearingChromosome{
-    print LOG "# Making the fragments library...\n";
-    my ($chr,$chrID,$window,$step,$cmap_file)=@_;				#window and step sizes parameters
-    createChrHashTables($chr,$chrID,$cmap_file);				#hash tables: chromosome ID <=> chromsomes Name
-    foreach my $k (1..$chr->{nb_chrs}){						
-	print LOG"-- $chr->{$k}->{name}\n";
-	my $frag=1;
-	for (my $start=0; $start<$chr->{$k}->{length}; $start+=$step){
-	    my $end=($start<($chr->{$k}->{length})-$window)? $start+$window-1:($chr->{$k}->{length})-1;
-	    $chr->{$k}->{$frag}=[$start,$end];					#creation of fragments, coordinates storage
-	    if($end==($chr->{$k}->{length})-1){
-		$chr->{$k}->{nb_frag}=$frag;					#nb of fragments per chromosome
-		last;
-	    }
-	    $frag++;
-	}
-    }
-#Creation of chromosome hash tables from the cmap file
-sub createChrHashTables{
-    my ($chr,$chrID,$cmap_file)=@_;
-    $chr->{nb_chrs}=0;
-    open CMAP, "<".$cmap_file or die "$0: can't open ".$cmap_file.":$!\n";
-    while(<CMAP>){
-	if(/^\s+$/){ next;}
-	my ($k,$name,$length) = split;
-	$chr->{$k}->{name}=$name;
-	$chr->{$k}->{length}=$length;
-	$chrID->{$name}=$k;
-	$chr->{nb_chrs}++;
-    }
-    close CMAP;
-#Read the mate file according the input format file (solid, eland or sam)
-sub readMateFile{
-    my ($chr1,$chr2,$pos1,$pos2,$order1,$order2,$t,$file_type,$tag_length)=@_;
-    my ($strand1,$strand2);
-    if($file_type eq "solid"){
-	($$chr1,$$chr2,$$pos1,$$pos2,$$order1,$$order2)=($$t[6],$$t[7],$$t[8]+1,$$t[9]+1,1,2); #0-based
-    }else{
-	my ($tag_length1,$tag_length2);
-	($$chr1,$$chr2,$$pos1,$strand1,$$pos2,$strand2,$$order1,$$order2,$tag_length1,$tag_length2)=($$t[11],$$t[12],$$t[7],$$t[8],$$t[9],$$t[10],1,2,length($$t[1]),length($$t[2])) #1-based
-	if($file_type eq "eland");
-	if($file_type eq "sam"){
-	    return 0 if ($$t[0]=~/^@/);						#header sam filtered out
-	    ($$chr1,$$chr2,$$pos1,$$pos2)=($$t[2],$$t[6],$$t[3],$$t[7]);
-	    return 0 if ($$chr1 eq "*" || $$chr2 eq "*");
-	    $$chr2=$$chr1 if($$chr2 eq "=");
-	    $strand1 = (($$t[1]&0x0010))? 'R':'F';
-	    $strand2 = (($$t[1]&0x0020))? 'R':'F';
-	    $$order1=  (($$t[1]&0x0040))? '1':'2';
-	    $$order2=  (($$t[1]&0x0080))? '1':'2';
-	    $tag_length1 = $tag_length->{$$order1};
-	    $tag_length2 = $tag_length->{$$order2};
-	}
-	$$pos1 = -($$pos1+$tag_length1) if ($strand1 eq "R");		#get sequencing starts
-	$$pos2 = -($$pos2+$tag_length2) if ($strand2 eq "R");
-    }
-    return 1;
-#Parsing of the mates files and creation of links between 2 chromosomal fragments
-sub linking{
-    my ($chr,$chrID,$pair,$tag_length,$window_dist,$step,$mates_file,$input_format,$sv_type,$links_file)=@_;
-    my %link;
-    my $record=0;
-    my $nb_links=0;
-    my $warn=10000;
-    my @sfile=split(/\./,$mates_file);
-    my $fchr=$sfile[$#sfile];
-    my $fh = new FileHandle;
-    print LOG "# $fchr : Linking procedure...\n";
-    print LOG "-- file=$mates_file\n".
-	 "-- chromosome=$fchr\n".
-	 "-- input format=$input_format\n".
-	 "-- type=$sv_type\n".
-	 "-- read1 length=$tag_length->{1}, read2 length=$tag_length->{2}\n".
-	 "-- window size=$window_dist, step length=$step\n";
-    if ($mates_file =~ /.gz$/) {
-	$fh->open("gunzip -c $mates_file |") or die "$0: can't open ".$mates_file.":$!\n"; #gzcat
-    }elsif($mates_file =~ /.bam$/){
-	$fh->open("$SAMTOOLS_BIN_DIR/samtools view $mates_file |") or die "$0: can't open ".$mates_file.":$!\n";#GALAXY
-    }else{
-	$fh->open("<".$mates_file) or die "$0: can't open ".$mates_file.":$!\n";
-    }
-    while(<$fh>){
-	my @t=split;								#for each mate-pair
-	my $mate=$t[0];
-	my ($chr_read1, $chr_read2, $firstbase_read1, $firstbase_read2, $end_order_read1,$end_order_read2);
-	next if(exists $$pair{$mate});
-	next if (!readMateFile(\$chr_read1, \$chr_read2, \$firstbase_read1, \$firstbase_read2, \$end_order_read1, \$end_order_read2, \@t, $input_format,$tag_length));
-	next unless (exists $chrID->{$chr_read1} && exists $chrID->{$chr_read2});
-	($chr_read1, $chr_read2)= ($chrID->{$chr_read1},$chrID->{$chr_read2});
-	if($sv_type ne "all"){
-	    if( ($sv_type eq "inter") && ($chr_read1 ne $chr_read2) ||
-	        ($sv_type eq "intra") && ($chr_read1 eq $chr_read2) ){
-	    }else{
-		next;
-	    }
-	}
-	$$pair{$mate}=[$chr_read1, $chr_read2, $firstbase_read1, $firstbase_read2, $end_order_read1, $end_order_read2 ]; 	#fill out the hash pair table (ready for the defineCoordsLinks function)
-	$record++; 
-	my ($coord_start_read1,$coord_end_read1,$coord_start_read2,$coord_end_read2);	#get the coordinates of each read
-	recupCoords($firstbase_read1,\$coord_start_read1,\$coord_end_read1,$tag_length->{$end_order_read1},$input_format);
-	recupCoords($firstbase_read2,\$coord_start_read2,\$coord_end_read2,$tag_length->{$end_order_read2},$input_format);
-	for(my $i=1;$i<=$chr->{$chr_read1}->{'nb_frag'};$i++){			#fast genome parsing for link creation
-	    if (abs ($coord_start_read1-${$chr->{$chr_read1}->{$i}}[0]) <= $window_dist){
-		if(overlap($coord_start_read1,$coord_end_read1,${$chr->{$chr_read1}->{$i}}[0],${$chr->{$chr_read1}->{$i}}[1])){
-		    for(my $j=1;$j<=$chr->{$chr_read2}->{'nb_frag'};$j++){
-			if (abs ($coord_start_read2-${$chr->{$chr_read2}->{$j}}[0]) <= $window_dist) {
-			    if(overlap($coord_start_read2,$coord_end_read2,${$chr->{$chr_read2}->{$j}}[0],${$chr->{$chr_read2}->{$j}}[1])){
-				makeLink(\%link,$chr_read1,$i,$chr_read2,$j,$mate,\$nb_links);	#make the link
-			    }
-			}else{
-			    $j=getNextFrag($coord_start_read2,$j,${$chr->{$chr_read2}->{$j}}[0],$chr->{$chr_read2}->{nb_frag},$window_dist,$step);
-			}				
-		    }
-		}
-	    }else{
-		$i=getNextFrag($coord_start_read1,$i,${$chr->{$chr_read1}->{$i}}[0],$chr->{$chr_read1}->{nb_frag},$window_dist,$step);
-	    }
-	}
-	if($record>=$warn){
-	    print LOG "-- $fchr : $warn mate-pairs analysed - $nb_links links done\n";
-	    $warn+=10000;
-	}
-    }
-    $fh->close;
-    if(!$nb_links){
-	print LOG "-- $fchr : No mate-pairs !\n".
-	 "-- $fchr : No links have been found with the selected type of structural variations \($sv_type\)\n";
-    }
-    print LOG "-- $fchr : Total : $record mate-pairs analysed - $nb_links links done\n";
-    print LOG "-- $fchr : writing...\n";
-    $fh = new FileHandle;
-    $fh->open(">".$links_file) or die "$0: can't write in the output ".$links_file." :$!\n";
-    foreach my $chr1 ( sort { $a <=> $b} keys %link){				#Sorted links output
-	foreach my $chr2 ( sort { $a <=> $b} keys %{$link{$chr1}}){
-	    foreach my $frag1 ( sort { $a <=> $b} keys %{$link{$chr1}{$chr2}}){
-		foreach my $frag2 ( sort { $a <=> $b} keys %{$link{$chr1}{$chr2}{$frag1}}){
-		    my @count=split(",",$link{$chr1}{$chr2}{$frag1}{$frag2});
-		    print $fh "$chr->{$chr1}->{name}\t".(${$chr->{$chr1}->{$frag1}}[0]+1)."\t".(${$chr->{$chr1}->{$frag1}}[1]+1)."\t".
-				"$chr->{$chr2}->{name}\t".(${$chr->{$chr2}->{$frag2}}[0]+1)."\t".(${$chr->{$chr2}->{$frag2}}[1]+1)."\t".
-				scalar @count."\t".				#nb of read
-				$link{$chr1}{$chr2}{$frag1}{$frag2}."\n";	#mate list
-		}  
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    $fh->close;
-    undef %link;
-#remove exact links doublons according to the mate list
-sub getUniqueLinks{
-    my ($links_file,$nrlinks_file)=@_;
-    my %links;
-    my %pt;
-    my $nb_links;
-    my $n=1;
-    my $record=0;
-    my $warn=300000;
-    my @sfile=split(/\./,$links_file);
-    my $fchr=$sfile[$#sfile-2];
-    my $fh = new FileHandle;
-    print LOG "# $fchr : Getting unique links...\n";
-    $fh->open("<$links_file") or die "$0: can't open $links_file :$!\n";
-    while(<$fh>){
-	my @t=split;
-	my $mates=$t[7];
-	$record++;
-	if(!exists $links{$mates}){						#Unique links selection
-	    $links{$mates}=[@t];
-	    $pt{$n}=$links{$mates};
-	    $n++;
-	}else{									#get the link coordinates from the mate-pairs list
-	    for my $i (1,2,4,5){						#get the shortest regions
-		$links{$mates}->[$i]=($t[$i]>$links{$mates}->[$i])? $t[$i]:$links{$mates}->[$i]	#maximum start
-		if($i==1 || $i==4);
-		$links{$mates}->[$i]=($t[$i]<$links{$mates}->[$i])? $t[$i]:$links{$mates}->[$i]	#minimum end
-		if($i==2 || $i==5);
-	    }
-	}
-	if($record>=$warn){
-	    print LOG "-- $fchr : $warn links analysed - ".($n-1)." unique links done\n";
-	    $warn+=300000;
-	}
-    }
-    $fh->close;
-    $nb_links=$n-1;
-    print LOG "-- $fchr : Total : $record links analysed - $nb_links unique links done\n";
-    $fh = new FileHandle;
-    $fh->open(">$nrlinks_file") or die "$0: can't write in the output: $nrlinks_file :$!\n";
-    print LOG "-- $fchr : writing...\n";
-    for my $i (1..$nb_links){
-	print $fh join("\t",@{$pt{$i}})."\n";				#all links output
-    }
-    $fh->close;
-    undef %links;
-    undef %pt;
-#get the new coordinates of each link from the mate list
-sub defineCoordsLinks{
-    my ($chr,$chrID,$pair,$input_format,$sv_type,$tag_length,$links_file,$clinks_file)=@_;
-    my @sfile=split(/\./,$links_file);
-    my $fchr=$sfile[$#sfile-2];
-    my $fh = new FileHandle;
-    my $fh2 = new FileHandle;
-    $fh->open("<$links_file") or die "$0: can't open $links_file :$!\n";
-    $fh2->open(">$clinks_file") or die "$0: can't write in the output: $clinks_file :$!\n";
-    print LOG "# $fchr : Defining precise link coordinates...\n";
-    my $record=0;
-    my $warn=100000;
-    my %coords;
-    my %strands;
-    my %order;
-    my %ends_order;
-    while(<$fh>){
-	my ($col1,$col2)=(1,2);							#for an intrachromosomal link
-	my $diffchr=0;								#difference between chr1 and chr2
-	my ($chr1,$chr2,$mates_list,$npairs)=(split)[0,3,7,8];
-	($chr1,$chr2) = ($chrID->{$chr1},$chrID->{$chr2});
-	if ($chr1 != $chr2){							#for an interchromosomal link
-	    $col1=$col2=0;							#no distinction
-	    $diffchr=1;
-	}
-	my @pairs=split(",",$mates_list);
-	$coords{$col1}{$chr1}->{start}=undef;
-	$coords{$col1}{$chr1}->{end}=undef;
-	$coords{$col2}{$chr2}->{start}=undef;
-	$coords{$col2}{$chr2}->{end}=undef;
-	$strands{$col1}{$chr1}=undef;
-	$strands{$col2}{$chr2}=undef;
-	$ends_order{$col1}{$chr1}=undef;
-	$ends_order{$col2}{$chr2}=undef;
-	$order{$col1}{$chr1}->{index}->{1}=undef;
-	$order{$col1}{$chr1}->{index}->{2}=undef;
-	$order{$col2}{$chr2}->{index}->{1}=undef;
-	$order{$col2}{$chr2}->{index}->{2}=undef;
-	$order{$col1}{$chr1}->{order}=undef;
-	$order{$col2}{$chr2}->{order}=undef;
-	$record++;
-	for my $p (0..$#pairs){							#for each pair
-	    my ($coord_start_read1,$coord_end_read1);
-	    my ($coord_start_read2,$coord_end_read2);
-	    my $strand_read1=recupCoords(${$$pair{$pairs[$p]}}[2],\$coord_start_read1,\$coord_end_read1,$tag_length->{${$$pair{$pairs[$p]}}[4]},$input_format);
-	    my $strand_read2=recupCoords(${$$pair{$pairs[$p]}}[3],\$coord_start_read2,\$coord_end_read2,$tag_length->{${$$pair{$pairs[$p]}}[5]},$input_format);
-	    if(!$diffchr){							#for a intrachromosomal link
-		if($coord_start_read2<$coord_start_read1){				#get the closer start coordinate for each column
-		    ($col1,$col2)=(2,1);
-		}else{
-		    ($col1,$col2)=(1,2);
-		}
-	    }
-	    push(@{$coords{$col1}{${$$pair{$pairs[$p]}}[0]}->{start}},$coord_start_read1);	#get coords and strands of f3 and r3 reads
-	    push(@{$coords{$col1}{${$$pair{$pairs[$p]}}[0]}->{end}},$coord_end_read1);
-	    push(@{$coords{$col2}{${$$pair{$pairs[$p]}}[1]}->{start}},$coord_start_read2);
-	    push(@{$coords{$col2}{${$$pair{$pairs[$p]}}[1]}->{end}},$coord_end_read2);
-	    push(@{$strands{$col1}{${$$pair{$pairs[$p]}}[0]}},$strand_read1);
-	    push(@{$strands{$col2}{${$$pair{$pairs[$p]}}[1]}},$strand_read2);
-	    push(@{$ends_order{$col1}{${$$pair{$pairs[$p]}}[0]}},${$$pair{$pairs[$p]}}[4]);
-	    push(@{$ends_order{$col2}{${$$pair{$pairs[$p]}}[1]}},${$$pair{$pairs[$p]}}[5]);
-	}
-	($col1,$col2)=(1,2) if(!$diffchr);
-	my $coord_start_chr1=min(min(@{$coords{$col1}{$chr1}->{start}}),min(@{$coords{$col1}{$chr1}->{end}}));		#get the biggest region
-	my $coord_end_chr1=max(max(@{$coords{$col1}{$chr1}->{start}}),max(@{$coords{$col1}{$chr1}->{end}}));		
-	my $coord_start_chr2=min(min(@{$coords{$col2}{$chr2}->{start}}),min(@{$coords{$col2}{$chr2}->{end}}));	
-	my $coord_end_chr2=max(max(@{$coords{$col2}{$chr2}->{start}}),max(@{$coords{$col2}{$chr2}->{end}}));
-	@{$order{$col1}{$chr1}->{index}->{1}}= sort {${$coords{$col1}{$chr1}->{start}}[$a] <=>  ${$coords{$col1}{$chr1}->{start}}[$b]} 0 .. $#{$coords{$col1}{$chr1}->{start}};
-	@{$order{$col2}{$chr2}->{index}->{1}}= sort {${$coords{$col2}{$chr2}->{start}}[$a] <=>  ${$coords{$col2}{$chr2}->{start}}[$b]} 0 .. $#{$coords{$col2}{$chr2}->{start}};
-	foreach my $i (@{$order{$col1}{$chr1}->{index}->{1}}){			#get the rank of the chr2 reads according to the sorted chr1 reads (start coordinate sorting)
-	    foreach my $j (@{$order{$col2}{$chr2}->{index}->{1}}){
-		if(${$order{$col1}{$chr1}->{index}->{1}}[$i] == ${$order{$col2}{$chr2}->{index}->{1}}[$j]){
-		    ${$order{$col1}{$chr1}->{index}->{2}}[$i]=$i;
-		    ${$order{$col2}{$chr2}->{index}->{2}}[$i]=$j;
-		    last;
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-	foreach my $i (@{$order{$col1}{$chr1}->{index}->{2}}){			#use rank chr1 as an ID
-	    foreach my $j (@{$order{$col2}{$chr2}->{index}->{2}}){
-		if(${$order{$col1}{$chr1}->{index}->{2}}[$i] == ${$order{$col2}{$chr2}->{index}->{2}}[$j]){
-		    ${$order{$col1}{$chr1}->{order}}[$i]=$i+1;
-		    ${$order{$col2}{$chr2}->{order}}[$i]=$j+1;
-		    last;
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-	@pairs=sortTablebyIndex(\@{$order{$col1}{$chr1}->{index}->{1}},\@pairs);#sorting of the pairs, strands, and start coords from the sorted chr2 reads
-	@{$strands{$col1}{$chr1}}=sortTablebyIndex(\@{$order{$col1}{$chr1}->{index}->{1}},$strands{$col1}{$chr1});
-	@{$strands{$col2}{$chr2}}=sortTablebyIndex(\@{$order{$col1}{$chr1}->{index}->{1}},$strands{$col2}{$chr2});
-	@{$ends_order{$col1}{$chr1}}=sortTablebyIndex(\@{$order{$col1}{$chr1}->{index}->{1}},$ends_order{$col1}{$chr1});
-	@{$ends_order{$col2}{$chr2}}=sortTablebyIndex(\@{$order{$col1}{$chr1}->{index}->{1}},$ends_order{$col2}{$chr2});
-	@{$coords{$col1}{$chr1}->{start}}=sortTablebyIndex(\@{$order{$col1}{$chr1}->{index}->{1}},$coords{$col1}{$chr1}->{start});
-	@{$coords{$col2}{$chr2}->{start}}=sortTablebyIndex(\@{$order{$col1}{$chr1}->{index}->{1}},$coords{$col2}{$chr2}->{start});
-	my @link=($chr->{$chr1}->{name}, $coord_start_chr1 , $coord_end_chr1,	#all information output
-		  $chr->{$chr2}->{name}, $coord_start_chr2 , $coord_end_chr2,
-		  scalar @pairs,
-		  join(",",@pairs),
-		  join(",",@{$strands{$col1}{$chr1}}),
-		  join(",",@{$strands{$col2}{$chr2}}),
-		  join(",",@{$ends_order{$col1}{$chr1}}),
-		  join(",",@{$ends_order{$col2}{$chr2}}),
-		  join(",",@{$order{$col1}{$chr1}->{order}}),
-		  join(",",@{$order{$col2}{$chr2}->{order}}),
-		  join(",",@{$coords{$col1}{$chr1}->{start}}),
-		  join(",",@{$coords{$col2}{$chr2}->{start}}));
-	print $fh2 join("\t",@link)."\n";
-	if($record>=$warn){
-	    print LOG "-- $fchr : $warn links processed\n";
-	    $warn+=100000;
-	}
-    }
-    $fh->close;
-    $fh2->close;
-    print LOG "-- $fchr : Total : $record links processed\n";
-#Sort links according the concerned chromosomes and their coordinates
-sub sortLinks{
-    my ($links_file,$sortedlinks_file,$unique)=@_;
-    my @sfile=split(/\./,$links_file);
-    my $fchr=$sfile[$#sfile-2];
-    print LOG "# $fchr : Sorting links...\n";
-    my $pipe=($unique)? "| sort -u":"";
-    system "sort -k 1,1 -k 4,4 -k 2,2n -k 5,5n -k 8,8n $links_file $pipe > $sortedlinks_file";
-#removal of fully overlapped links
-sub removeFullyOverlappedLinks{
-    my ($links_file,$nrlinks_file,$warn_out)=@_;
-    my %pt;
-    my $n=1;
-    my @sfile=split(/\./,$links_file);
-    my $fchr=$sfile[$#sfile-2];
-    my $fh = new FileHandle;
-    $fh->open("<$links_file") or die "$0: can't open $links_file :$!\n";
-    while(<$fh>){
-	my @t=split("\t",$_);
-	$pt{$n}=[@t];
-	$n++;
-    }
-    $fh->close;
-    my $nb_links=$n-1;
-    my $nb=$nb_links;
-    my %pt2;
-    my $nb2=1;
-    my $record=0;
-    my $warn=10000;
-    print LOG "# $fchr : Removing fully overlapped links...\n";
-    LINK:
-    for my $i (1..$nb){
-	my @link=();
-	my @next_link=();
-	my $ind1=$i;
-	$record++;
-	if($record>=$warn){
-	    print LOG "-- $fchr : $warn unique links analysed - ".($nb2-1)." non-overlapped links done\n";
-	    $warn+=10000;
-	}
-	if(exists $pt{$ind1}){
-	    @link=@{$pt{$ind1}};                                                #link1
-	}else{
-	    next LINK;
-	}
-	my ($chr1,$start1,$end1,$chr2,$start2,$end2)=($link[0],$link[1],$link[2],$link[3],$link[4],$link[5]);	#get info of link1
-	my @mates=deleteBadOrderSensePairs(split(",",$link[7]));
-	my $ind2=$ind1+1;
-	$ind2++ while (!exists $pt{$ind2}&& $ind2<=$nb);			#get the next found link
-	if($ind2<=$nb){
-	    @next_link=@{$pt{$ind2}};					        #link2
-	    my ($chr3,$start3,$end3,$chr4,$start4,$end4)=($next_link[0],$next_link[1],$next_link[2],$next_link[3],$next_link[4],$next_link[5]); #get info of link2
-	    my @next_mates=deleteBadOrderSensePairs(split(",",$next_link[7]));
-	    while(($chr1 eq $chr3 && $chr2 eq $chr4) && overlap($start1,$end1,$start3,$end3)){	#loop here according to the chr1 coordinates, need an overlap between links to enter
-		if(!overlap($start2,$end2,$start4,$end4)){			#if no overlap with chr2 coordinates ->next link2
-		    $ind2++;
-		    $ind2++ while (!exists $pt{$ind2}&& $ind2<=$nb);
-		    if($ind2>$nb){						#if no more link in the file -> save link1
-			$pt2{$nb2}=\@link;
-			$nb2++;
-			next LINK;
-		    }
-		    @next_link=@{$pt{$ind2}};
-		    ($chr3,$start3,$end3,$chr4,$start4,$end4)=($next_link[0],$next_link[1],$next_link[2],$next_link[3],$next_link[4],$next_link[5]);
-		    @next_mates=deleteBadOrderSensePairs(split(",",$next_link[7]));
-		    next;
-		}
-		my %mates=map{$_ =>1} @mates;					#get the equal number of mates
-		my @same_mates = grep( $mates{$_}, @next_mates );
-		my $nb_mates= scalar @same_mates;
-		if($nb_mates == scalar @mates){
-		    delete $pt{$ind1};						#if pairs of link 1 are all included in link 2 -> delete link1
-		    next LINK;							#go to link2, link2 becomes link1
-		}else{
-			delete $pt{$ind2} if($nb_mates == scalar @next_mates);	#if pairs of link2 are all included in link 1 -> delete link2
-			$ind2++;							#we continue by checking the next link2
-			$ind2++ while (!exists $pt{$ind2}&& $ind2<=$nb);
-			if($ind2>$nb){						#if no more link in the file -> save link1
-			    $pt2{$nb2}=\@link;
-			    $nb2++;
-			    next LINK;
-			}
-			@next_link=@{$pt{$ind2}};					#get info of link2
-			($chr3,$start3,$end3,$chr4,$start4,$end4)=($next_link[0],$next_link[1],$next_link[2],$next_link[3],$next_link[4],$next_link[5]);
-			@next_mates=deleteBadOrderSensePairs(split(",",$next_link[7]));
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-	$pt2{$nb2}=\@link;							#if no (more) link with chr1 coordinates overlap -> save link1
-	$nb2++;
-    }																																				
-    print LOG "-- $fchr : Total : $nb_links unique links analysed - ".($nb2-1)." non-overlapped links done\n";
-    #OUTPUT
-    $fh = new FileHandle;
-    $fh->open(">$nrlinks_file") or die "$0: can't write in the output: $nrlinks_file :$!\n";
-    print LOG "-- $fchr :  writing...\n";
-    for my $i (1..$nb2-1){
-	print $fh join("\t",@{$pt2{$i}});				#all links output
-    }
-    close $fh;
-    print LOG "-- $fchr : output created: $nrlinks_file\n" if($warn_out);
-    undef %pt;
-    undef %pt2;
-sub postFiltering {
-    my ($links_file,$pflinks_file, $finalScore_thres)=@_;
-    my @sfile=split(/\./,$links_file);
-    my $fchr=$sfile[$#sfile-2];
-    my ($nb,$nb2)=(0,0);
-    print LOG "# $fchr : Post-filtering links...\n";
-    print LOG "-- $fchr : final score threshold = $finalScore_thres\n";
-    my $fh = new FileHandle;
-    my $fh2 = new FileHandle;
-    $fh->open("<$links_file") or die "$0: can't open $links_file :$!\n";
-    $fh2->open(">$pflinks_file") or die "$0: can't write in the output: $pflinks_file :$!\n";
-    while(<$fh>){
-	my @t=split("\t",$_);
-	my $score=$t[$#t-1];
-	if($score >= $finalScore_thres){
-	    print $fh2 join("\t", @t);
-	    $nb2++;
-	}
-	$nb++;
-    }
-    $fh->close;
-    $fh2->close;
-    print LOG "-- $fchr : Total : $nb unique links analysed - $nb2 links kept\n";
-    print LOG "-- $fchr : output created: $pflinks_file\n";
-#Filtering of the links
-sub strandFiltering{
-    my($chr,$chrID,$pairs_threshold,$strand_filtering,$chromosomes,
-       $input_format,$cmap_file,$mate_sense, $tag_length,$links_file,$flinks_file)=@_;
-    my @sfile=split(/\./,$links_file);
-    my $fchr=$sfile[$#sfile-1];
-    my %chrs;
-    my %chrs1;
-    my %chrs2;
-    my $nb_chrs;
-    my $exclude;
-    if($chromosomes){
-	my @chrs=split(",",$chromosomes);
-	$nb_chrs=scalar @chrs;
-	$exclude=($chrs[0]=~/^\-/)? 1:0;
-	for my $chrName (@chrs){
-	    $chrName=~s/^(\-)//;
-	    my $col=($chrName=~s/_(1|2)$//);
-	    if(!$col){
-		$chrs{$chrID->{$chrName}}=undef 
-	    }else{
-		$chrs1{$chrID->{$chrName}}=undef if($1==1);
-		$chrs2{$chrID->{$chrName}}=undef if($1==2);
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    my $record=0;
-    my $nb_links=0;
-    my $warn=10000;
-    my $sens_ratio_threshold=0.6;
-    print LOG "\# Filtering procedure...\n";
-    print LOG "\# Number of pairs and strand filtering...\n";
-    print LOG "-- file=$links_file\n";
-    print LOG "-- nb_pairs_threshold=$pairs_threshold, strand_filtering=".(($strand_filtering)? "yes":"no").
-	 ", chromosomes=".(($chromosomes)? "$chromosomes":"all")."\n";
-    my $fh = new FileHandle;
-    my $fh2 = new FileHandle;
-    $fh->open("<$links_file") or die "$0: can't open $links_file :$!\n";
-    $fh2->open(">$flinks_file") or die "$0: can't write in the output: $flinks_file :$!\n";
-    while(<$fh>){
-	my @t=split;	#for each link
-	my $is_good=1;
-	$record++;
-	if($chromosomes){
-	    my ($chr1,$chr2)=($chrID->{$t[0]},$chrID->{$t[3]});
-	    if(!$exclude){
-		$is_good=(exists $chrs{$chr1} && exists $chrs{$chr2})? 1:0;
-		$is_good=(exists $chrs1{$chr1} && exists $chrs2{$chr2})? 1:0 if(!$is_good);
-		$is_good=($nb_chrs==1 && (exists $chrs1{$chr1} || exists $chrs2{$chr2}))? 1:0 if(!$is_good);
-	    }else{
-		$is_good=(exists $chrs{$chr1} || exists $chrs{$chr2})? 0:1;
-		$is_good=(exists $chrs1{$chr1} || exists $chrs2{$chr2})? 0:1 if($is_good);
-	    }
-	}
-	$is_good = ($is_good && $t[6] >= $pairs_threshold)? 1 :0;		#filtering according the number of pairs
-	if($is_good && $strand_filtering){					#if filtering according the strand sense
-	    my @mates=split(/,/,$t[7]);						#get the concordant pairs in the strand sense
-	    my @strands1=split(/,/,$t[8]);
-	    my @strands2=split(/,/,$t[9]);
-	    my %mate_class=( 'FF' => 0, 'RR' => 0, 'FR' => 0,  'RF' => 0);
-	    my %mate_reverse=( 'FF' => 'RR', 'RR' => 'FF',			#group1: FF,RR
-		       'FR' => 'RF', 'RF' => 'FR');				#group2: FR,RF
-	    my %mate_class2=( $mate_sense=>"NORMAL_SENSE", inverseSense($mate_sense)=>"NORMAL_SENSE",
-		    substr($mate_sense,0,1).inverseSense(substr($mate_sense,1,1))=>"REVERSE_SENSE",
-		    inverseSense(substr($mate_sense,0,1)).substr($mate_sense,1,1)=>"REVERSE_SENSE");
-	    if($t[6] == 1){
-		push(@t,$mate_class2{$strands1[0].$strands2[0]},"1/1",1,1);
-	    }else{
-		tie (my %class,'Tie::IxHash');
-		my $split;
-		foreach my $i (0..$#mates){
-		    $mate_class{$strands1[$i].$strands2[$i]}++;		#get the over-represented group
-		}
-		my $nb_same_sens_class=$mate_class{FF}+$mate_class{RR};
-		my $nb_diff_sens_class=$mate_class{FR}+$mate_class{RF};
-		my $sens_ratio=max($nb_same_sens_class,$nb_diff_sens_class)/($nb_same_sens_class+$nb_diff_sens_class);
-		if($sens_ratio < $sens_ratio_threshold){
-		    %class=(1=>'FF', 2=>'FR');
-		    $split=1;
-		}else{
-		    $class{1}=($nb_same_sens_class >  $nb_diff_sens_class)? 'FF':'FR';	#if yes get the concerned class
-		    $split=0;
-		}
-		$is_good=getConsistentSenseLinks(\@t,\@mates,\@strands1,\@strands2,$tag_length,$mate_sense,\%mate_reverse,\%mate_class2,\%class,$split,$pairs_threshold);
-	    }
-	}
-	if($is_good){								#PRINT
-	    my $nb=scalar @t;
-	    if($nb > 20){
-		my @t2=splice(@t,0,20);
-		print $fh2 join("\t",@t2)."\n";
-		$nb_links++;
-	    }
-	    $nb_links++;
-	    print $fh2 join("\t",@t)."\n";
-	}
-	if($record>=$warn){
-	   print LOG "-- $fchr : $warn links analysed - $nb_links links kept\n";
-	    $warn+=10000;
-	}
-    }
-    $fh->close;
-    $fh2->close;
-    print LOG "-- $fchr : No links have been found with the selected filtering parameters\n" if(!$nb_links);
-    print LOG "-- $fchr : Total : $record links analysed - $nb_links links kept\n";
-sub getConsistentSenseLinks{
-    my ($t,$mates,$strands1,$strands2,$tag_length,$mate_sense, $mate_reverse,$mate_class2, $class, $split,$thres)=@_;
-    my $npairs=scalar @$mates;
-    my @ends_order1 = split (/,/,$$t[10]);
-    my @ends_order2 = split (/,/,$$t[11]);
-    my @order1 = split (/,/,$$t[12]);
-    my @order2 = split (/,/,$$t[13]);
-    my @positions1 = split (/,/,$$t[14]);
-    my @positions2 = split (/,/,$$t[15]);
-    my @newlink;
-    foreach my $ind (keys %{$class} ){
-	tie (my %flink,'Tie::IxHash');
-	my @orders2remove=();
-	foreach my $i (0..$#{$mates}){					#get the pairs belonging the over-represented group
-	    if((($$strands1[$i].$$strands2[$i]) eq $$class{$ind}) || (($$strands1[$i].$$strands2[$i]) eq $$mate_reverse{$$class{$ind}})){
-		push(@{$flink{mates}},$$mates[$i]);
-		push(@{$flink{strands1}},$$strands1[$i]);
-		push(@{$flink{strands2}},$$strands2[$i]);
-		push(@{$flink{ends_order1}},$ends_order1[$i]);
-		push(@{$flink{ends_order2}},$ends_order2[$i]);
-		push(@{$flink{positions1}},$positions1[$i]);
-		push(@{$flink{positions2}},$positions2[$i]);
-	    }else{
-		push(@orders2remove,$order1[$i]);
-	    }
-	}
-	@{$flink{order1}}=();
-	@{$flink{order2}}=();
-	if(scalar @orders2remove > 0){
-	    getNewOrders(\@order1,\@order2,\@orders2remove,$flink{order1},$flink{order2})
-	}else{
-	    @{$flink{order1}}=@order1;
-	    @{$flink{order2}}=@order2;
-	}
-	my @ends1; getEnds(\@ends1,$flink{positions1},$flink{strands1},$flink{ends_order1},$tag_length);
-	my @ends2; getEnds(\@ends2,$flink{positions2},$flink{strands2},$flink{ends_order2},$tag_length);
-	my $fnpairs=scalar @{$flink{mates}};
-	my $strand_filtering_ratio=$fnpairs."/".$npairs;
-	my $real_ratio=$fnpairs/$npairs;
-	if($fnpairs>=$thres){							#filtering according the number of pairs
-	    push(@newlink,
-		$$t[0],
-		min(min(@{$flink{positions1}}),min(@ends1)),
-		max(max(@{$flink{positions1}}),max(@ends1)),
-		$$t[3],
-		min(min(@{$flink{positions2}}),min(@ends2)),
-		max(max(@{$flink{positions2}}),max(@ends2)),
-		$fnpairs,
-		join(",",@{$flink{mates}}),
-		join(",",@{$flink{strands1}}),
-		join(",",@{$flink{strands2}}),
-		join(",",@{$flink{ends_order1}}),
-		join(",",@{$flink{ends_order2}}),
-		join(",",@{$flink{order1}}),
-		join(",",@{$flink{order2}}),
-		join(",",@{$flink{positions1}}),
-		join(",",@{$flink{positions2}}),
-		$$mate_class2{${$flink{strands1}}[0].${$flink{strands2}}[0]},
-		$strand_filtering_ratio,
-		$real_ratio,
-		$npairs
-	    );
-	}
-    }
-    if (grep {defined($_)} @newlink) {
-	@$t=@newlink;
-	return 1
-    }
-    return 0;
-sub getNewOrders{
-    my($tab1,$tab2,$list,$newtab1,$newtab2)=@_;
-    my $j=1;
-    my $k=1;
-    for my $i (0..$#{$tab2}){
-	my $c=0;
-	for my $j (0..$#{$list}){
-	    $c++ if(${$list}[$j] < ${$tab2}[$i]);
-	    if(${$list}[$j] == ${$tab2}[$i]){
-		$c=-1; last;
-	    }
-	}
-	if($c!=-1){
-	    push(@{$newtab2}, ${$tab2}[$i]-$c);
-	    push(@{$newtab1}, $k);
-	    $k++;
-	}
-    }
-#Filtering of the links using their order
-sub orderFiltering {
-    my ($chr,$chrID,$nb_pairs_threshold,$nb_pairs_order_threshold,$mu,$sigma,$mate_sense,$tag_length,$links_file,$flinks_file)=@_;
-    my @sfile=split(/\./,$links_file);
-    my $fchr=$sfile[$#sfile-2];
-    my $diff_sense_ends=(($mate_sense eq "FR") || ($mate_sense eq "RF"))? 1:0; 
-    my $record=0;
-    my $warn=10000;
-    my $nb_links=0;
-    my $quant05 = 1.644854;
-    my $quant001 = 3.090232;
-    my $alphaDist = $quant05 * 2 * $sigma;
-    my $maxFragmentLength = &floor($quant001 * $sigma + $mu);
-    print LOG "\# Filtering by order...\n";
-    print LOG "-- mu length=$mu, sigma length=$sigma, nb pairs order threshold=$nb_pairs_order_threshold\n";
-    print LOG "-- distance between comparable pairs was set to $alphaDist\n";
-    print LOG "-- maximal fragment length was set to $maxFragmentLength\n";
-    my $fh = new FileHandle;
-    my $fh2 = new FileHandle;
-    $fh->open("<$links_file") or die "$0: can't open $links_file :$!\n";
-    $fh2->open(">$flinks_file") or die "$0: can't write in the output: $flinks_file :$!\n";
-    while(<$fh>){
-	$record++; 
-	my @t = split; 
-	my ($chr1,$chr2,$mates_list)=@t[0,3,7];
-	my @pairs=split(",",$mates_list);
-	($chr1,$chr2) = ($chrID->{$chr1},$chrID->{$chr2});
-	my ($coord_start_chr1,$coord_end_chr1,$coord_start_chr2,$coord_end_chr2) = @t[1,2,4,5];
-	my $numberOfPairs = $t[6];
-	my @strand1 = split (/,/,$t[8]);
-	my @strand2 = split (/,/,$t[9]);
-	my @ends_order1 = split (/,/,$t[10]);
-	my @ends_order2 = split (/,/,$t[11]);
-	my @order1 = split (/,/,$t[12]);
-	my @order2 = split (/,/,$t[13]);
-	my @positions1 = split (/,/,$t[14]); 
-	my @positions2 = split (/,/,$t[15]);
-	my @ends1; getEnds(\@ends1,\@positions1,\@strand1,\@ends_order1,$tag_length);
-	my @ends2; getEnds(\@ends2,\@positions2,\@strand2,\@ends_order2,$tag_length);
-	my $clusterCoordinates_chr1;
-	my $clusterCoordinates_chr2;
-	my $reads_left = 0;
-	my $ifRenv = $t[16];
-	my $strand_ratio_filtering=$t[17]; 
-	#kind of strand filtering. For example, will keep only FFF-RRR from a link FFRF-RRRF if <F-R> orientation is correct
-	my ($singleBreakpoint, %badInFRSense) = findBadInFRSenseSOLiDSolexa(\@strand1,\@strand2,\@ends_order1,\@ends_order2,\@order1,\@order2,$mate_sense);
-										#find pairs type F-RRRR or FFFF-R in the case if <R-F> orientation is correct
-										#These pairs are annotated as BED pairs forever! They won't be recycled!
-	my $table;
-	for my $i (0..$numberOfPairs-1) {					#fill the table with non adequate pairs: pairID	numberOfNonAdPairs nonAdPairIDs
-	    my $nonAdeq = 0;
-	    for my $j (0..$i-1) {
-		if (exists($table->{$j}->{$i})) {		    
-		    $nonAdeq++;
-		    $table->{$i}->{$j} = 1;		    
-		}
-	    }
-	    for my $j ($i+1..$numberOfPairs-1) {
-		if ($positions1[$j]-$positions1[$i]>$alphaDist) {		    
-		    if (&reversed ($i,$j,$ifRenv,\@positions2)) {
-			$nonAdeq++;
-			$table->{$i}->{$j} = 1;
-		    }
-		}
-	    }
-	    $table->{$i}->{nonAdeq} = $nonAdeq;   	    
-	}	
-	for my $bad (keys %badInFRSense) { #remove pairs type F-RRRR or FFFF-R in the case of <R-F> orientation
-	    &remove($bad,$table);	    
-	}	
-	my @falseReads;	
-							#RRRR-F -> RRRR or R-FFFF -> FFFF	
-	@falseReads = findBadInRFSenseSOLiDSolexa(\@strand1,\@ends_order1,$mate_sense, keys %{$table});
-										#these pairs will be recycled later as $secondTable
-	for my $bad (@falseReads) {
-	    &remove($bad,$table);
-	}			
-	my $bad = &check($table); 
-	while ($bad ne "OK") {							#clear the table to reject non adequate pairs in the sense of ORDER
-	   # push (@falseReads, $bad);  remove completely!!!
-	    &remove($bad,$table);  
-	    $bad = &check($table);	    
-	}
-	$reads_left = scalar keys %{$table}; 
-	my $coord_start_chr1_cluster1 = min(min(@positions1[sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{$table}]),min(@ends1[sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{$table}]));
-	my $coord_end_chr1_cluster1 = max(max(@positions1[sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{$table}]),max(@ends1[sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{$table}]));   
-	my $coord_start_chr2_cluster1 = min(min(@positions2[sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{$table}]),min(@ends2[sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{$table}]));
-	my $coord_end_chr2_cluster1 = max(max(@positions2[sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{$table}]),max(@ends2[sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{$table}]));  	
-	$clusterCoordinates_chr1 = '('.$coord_start_chr1_cluster1.','.$coord_end_chr1_cluster1.')';
-	$clusterCoordinates_chr2 = '('.$coord_start_chr2_cluster1.','.$coord_end_chr2_cluster1.')';
-	my $ifBalanced = 'UNBAL';
-	my $secondTable;
-	my $clusterCoordinates;
-	my ($break_pont_chr1,$break_pont_chr2);
-	my $signatureType="";
-	my $maxCoord1 =$chr->{$chr1}->{length};
-	my $maxCoord2 =$chr->{$chr2}->{length};
-	if (scalar @falseReads) {
-	    @falseReads = sort @falseReads; 
-	    #now delete FRFR choosing the majority
-	    my @newfalseReads;	   							#find and remove pairs type RRRR-F or R-FFFF	
-	    @newfalseReads = findBadInRFSenseSOLiDSolexa(\@strand1,\@ends_order1,$mate_sense,@falseReads);	     #these @newfalseReads  won't be recycled
-	    my %hashTmp;
-	    for my $count1 (0..scalar(@falseReads)-1) {
-		my $i = $falseReads[$count1];
-		$hashTmp{$i} = 1;
-		for my $bad (@newfalseReads) {
-		    if ($bad == $i) {
-			delete $hashTmp{$i};
-			next;
-		    }
-		}
-	    }
-	    @falseReads = sort keys %hashTmp;  #what is left
-	    for my $count1 (0..scalar(@falseReads)-1) {				#fill the table for reads which were previously rejected  
-		my $nonAdeq = 0;
-		my $i = $falseReads[$count1];
-		for my $count2 (0..$count1-1) {
-		    my $j = $falseReads[$count2];
-		    if (exists($secondTable->{$j}->{$i})) {		    
-			$nonAdeq++;
-			$secondTable->{$i}->{$j} = 1;		    
-		    }
-		}
-		for my $count2 ($count1+1..scalar(@falseReads)-1) {
-		    my $j = $falseReads[$count2];
-		    if ($positions1[$j]-$positions1[$i]>$alphaDist) {
-			if (&reversed ($i,$j,$ifRenv,\@positions2)) {
-			    $nonAdeq++;
-			    $secondTable->{$i}->{$j} = 1;
-			}
-		    }
-		}
-		$secondTable->{$i}->{nonAdeq} = $nonAdeq;
-	    }
-	    my @falseReads2;
-	    my $bad = &check($secondTable);
-	    while ($bad ne "OK") {						#clear the table to reject non adequate pairs
-		push (@falseReads2, $bad);
-		&remove($bad,$secondTable);
-		$bad = &check($secondTable);
-	    }
-	    if (scalar keys %{$secondTable} >= $nb_pairs_order_threshold) {
-		my $coord_start_chr1_cluster2 = min(min(@positions1[sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{$secondTable}]),min(@ends1[sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{$secondTable}]));
-		my $coord_end_chr1_cluster2 = max(max(@positions1[sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{$secondTable}]),max(@ends1[sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{$secondTable}]));   
-		my $coord_start_chr2_cluster2 = min(min(@positions2[sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{$secondTable}]),min(@ends2[sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{$secondTable}]));
-		my $coord_end_chr2_cluster2 = max(max(@positions2[sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{$secondTable}]),max(@ends2[sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{$secondTable}]));   		 
-		$ifBalanced = 'BAL';
-		if ($ifBalanced eq 'BAL') {
-		    if (scalar keys %{$table} < $nb_pairs_order_threshold) {
-			$ifBalanced = 'UNBAL';					#kill cluster 1!
-			($table,$secondTable)=($secondTable,$table);		#this means that one needs to exchange cluster1 with cluster2
-			$reads_left = scalar keys %{$table};
-			$coord_start_chr1_cluster1 = $coord_start_chr1_cluster2;
-			$coord_end_chr1_cluster1 = $coord_end_chr1_cluster2;   
-			$coord_start_chr2_cluster1 = $coord_start_chr2_cluster2;
-			$coord_end_chr2_cluster1 = $coord_end_chr2_cluster2;
-			$clusterCoordinates_chr1 = '('.$coord_start_chr1_cluster1.','.$coord_end_chr1_cluster1.')';
-			$clusterCoordinates_chr2 = '('.$coord_start_chr2_cluster1.','.$coord_end_chr2_cluster1.')';
-		    } else {
-			$reads_left += scalar keys %{$secondTable};
-			next if ($reads_left < $nb_pairs_threshold);
-			if ($coord_end_chr1_cluster2 < $coord_start_chr1_cluster1) {
-			    ($table,$secondTable)=($secondTable,$table);	 #this means that one needs to exchange cluster1 with cluster2
-			    ($coord_start_chr1_cluster1,$coord_start_chr1_cluster2) = ($coord_start_chr1_cluster2,$coord_start_chr1_cluster1);
-			    ($coord_end_chr1_cluster1,$coord_end_chr1_cluster2)=($coord_end_chr1_cluster2,$coord_end_chr1_cluster1);   
-			    ($coord_start_chr2_cluster1,$coord_start_chr2_cluster2)=($coord_start_chr2_cluster2,$coord_start_chr2_cluster1);
-			    ($coord_end_chr2_cluster1 , $coord_end_chr2_cluster2)=($coord_end_chr2_cluster2 , $coord_end_chr2_cluster1);
-			    $clusterCoordinates_chr1 = '('.$coord_start_chr1_cluster1.','.$coord_end_chr1_cluster1.'),'.$clusterCoordinates_chr1;
-			    $clusterCoordinates_chr2 = '('.$coord_start_chr2_cluster1.','.$coord_end_chr2_cluster1.'),'.$clusterCoordinates_chr2;			
-			}else {
-			    $clusterCoordinates_chr1 .= ',('.$coord_start_chr1_cluster2.','.$coord_end_chr1_cluster2.')';
-			    $clusterCoordinates_chr2 .= ',('.$coord_start_chr2_cluster2.','.$coord_end_chr2_cluster2.')';			
-			}
-			$coord_start_chr1 = min($coord_start_chr1_cluster1,$coord_start_chr1_cluster2);
-			$coord_end_chr1 = max($coord_end_chr1_cluster1,$coord_end_chr1_cluster2);
-			$coord_start_chr2 =  min($coord_start_chr2_cluster1,$coord_start_chr2_cluster2);
-			$coord_end_chr2 = max($coord_end_chr2_cluster1,$coord_end_chr2_cluster2);
-			#to calculate breakpoints one need to take into account read orientation in claster..
-			my $leftLetterOk = substr($mate_sense, 0, 1);  #R
-			my $rightLetterOk = substr($mate_sense, 1, 1); #F
-			my @index1 = keys %{$table};
-			my @index2 = keys %{$secondTable};
-			my (@generalStrand1,@generalStrand2) = 0;
-			if ($leftLetterOk eq $rightLetterOk) { #SOLID mate-pairs
-			    $leftLetterOk = 'R';
-			    $rightLetterOk = 'F';
-			    @generalStrand1 = translateSolidToRF(\@strand1,\@ends_order1);	
-			    @generalStrand2 = translateSolidToRF(\@strand2,\@ends_order2);
-			} else {
-			    @generalStrand1 = @strand1;
-			    @generalStrand2 = @strand2; # TODO check if it is correct
-			}
-			if ($generalStrand1[$index1[0]] eq $leftLetterOk && $generalStrand1[$index2[0]] eq $rightLetterOk) { #(R,F)
-			    $break_pont_chr1 = '('.$coord_end_chr1_cluster1.','.$coord_start_chr1_cluster2.')';
-			    if ($generalStrand2[$index1[0]] eq $rightLetterOk && $generalStrand2[$index2[0]] eq $leftLetterOk) {
-				if ($coord_end_chr2_cluster1 >= $coord_end_chr2_cluster2) {
-				    $break_pont_chr2 = '('.$coord_end_chr2_cluster2.','.$coord_start_chr2_cluster1.')';
-				    $signatureType = "TRANSLOC";
-				} else {
-				    $break_pont_chr2 = '('.max(($coord_end_chr2_cluster1-$maxFragmentLength),1).','.$coord_start_chr2_cluster1.')';	
-				    $break_pont_chr2 .= ',('.$coord_end_chr2_cluster2.','.min(($coord_start_chr2_cluster2+$maxFragmentLength),$maxCoord2).')';
-				    $signatureType = "INS_FRAGMT";
-				}		    
-			    } elsif ($generalStrand2[$index1[0]] eq $leftLetterOk && $generalStrand2[$index2[0]] eq $rightLetterOk) {
-				if ($coord_end_chr2_cluster1 >= $coord_end_chr2_cluster2) {
-				    $break_pont_chr2 = '('.max(($coord_end_chr2_cluster2-$maxFragmentLength),1).','.$coord_start_chr2_cluster2.')';	
-				    $break_pont_chr2 .= ',('.$coord_end_chr2_cluster1.','.min(($coord_start_chr2_cluster1+$maxFragmentLength),$maxCoord2).')';
-				    $signatureType = "INV_INS_FRAGMT";
-				} else {
-				    $break_pont_chr2 = '('.$coord_end_chr2_cluster1.','.$coord_start_chr2_cluster2.')';
-				    $signatureType = "INV_TRANSLOC";
-				}	
-			    } else {
-				#should not occur
-				print STDERR "\nError in orderFiltering\n\n";				    
-			    }
-			}
-			elsif ($generalStrand1[$index1[0]] eq $rightLetterOk && $generalStrand1[$index2[0]] eq $leftLetterOk) { #(F,R)
-			    $break_pont_chr1 = '('.max(($coord_end_chr1_cluster1-$maxFragmentLength),1).','.$coord_start_chr1_cluster1.')';	
-			    $break_pont_chr1 .= ',('.$coord_end_chr1_cluster2.','.min(($coord_start_chr1_cluster2+$maxFragmentLength),$maxCoord1).')';				
-			    if ($generalStrand2[$index1[0]] eq $rightLetterOk && $generalStrand2[$index2[0]] eq $leftLetterOk) { 
-				if ($coord_end_chr2_cluster1 >= $coord_end_chr2_cluster2) {
-				    $break_pont_chr2 = '('.$coord_end_chr2_cluster2.','.$coord_start_chr2_cluster1.')';
-				    $signatureType = "INV_INS_FRAGMT";
-				} else {
-				    $break_pont_chr2 = '('.max(($coord_end_chr2_cluster1-$maxFragmentLength),1).','.$coord_start_chr2_cluster1.')';	
-				    $break_pont_chr2 .= ',('.$coord_end_chr2_cluster2.','.min(($coord_start_chr2_cluster2+$maxFragmentLength),$maxCoord2).')';
-				    $signatureType = "INV_COAMPLICON";
-				}		    
-			    } elsif ($generalStrand2[$index1[0]] eq $leftLetterOk && $generalStrand2[$index2[0]] eq $rightLetterOk) {
-				if ($coord_end_chr2_cluster1 >= $coord_end_chr2_cluster2) {
-				    $break_pont_chr2 = '('.max(($coord_end_chr2_cluster2-$maxFragmentLength),1).','.$coord_start_chr2_cluster2.')';	
-				    $break_pont_chr2 .= ',('.$coord_end_chr2_cluster1.','.min(($coord_start_chr2_cluster1+$maxFragmentLength),$maxCoord2).')';
-				    $signatureType = "COAMPLICON";
-				} else {
-				    $break_pont_chr2 = '('.$coord_end_chr2_cluster1.','.$coord_start_chr2_cluster2.')';
-				    $signatureType = "INS_FRAGMT";
-				}	
-			    } else {
-				#should not occur
-				$signatureType = "UNDEFINED";
-			    }
-			}			    
-			else { # (F,F) or (R,R)  something strange. We will discard the smallest cluster
-			    $ifBalanced = 'UNBAL';				
-			    if (scalar keys %{$secondTable} > scalar keys %{$table}) {
-				($table,$secondTable)=($secondTable,$table);		#this means that one needs to exchange cluster1 with cluster2
-				$coord_start_chr1_cluster1 = $coord_start_chr1_cluster2;
-				$coord_end_chr1_cluster1 = $coord_end_chr1_cluster2;   
-				$coord_start_chr2_cluster1 = $coord_start_chr2_cluster2;
-				$coord_end_chr2_cluster1 = $coord_end_chr2_cluster2;
-				$clusterCoordinates_chr1 = '('.$coord_start_chr1_cluster1.','.$coord_end_chr1_cluster1.')';
-				$clusterCoordinates_chr2 = '('.$coord_start_chr2_cluster1.','.$coord_end_chr2_cluster1.')';			    
-			    }
-			    $reads_left = scalar keys %{$table};
-			}
-			if ($ifBalanced eq 'BAL') {
-			    $ifRenv = $signatureType;
-			}	
-		    }
-		}
-	    }   
-	}	
-	if ($ifBalanced ne 'BAL') {
-	    #define possible break point
-	    $coord_start_chr1 = $coord_start_chr1_cluster1;
-	    $coord_end_chr1 = $coord_end_chr1_cluster1;
-	    $coord_start_chr2 = $coord_start_chr2_cluster1;
-	    $coord_end_chr2 = $coord_end_chr2_cluster1;
-	    my $region_length_chr1 = $coord_end_chr1-$coord_start_chr1;
-	    my $region_length_chr2 = $coord_end_chr2-$coord_start_chr2;
-	    my $leftLetterOk = substr($mate_sense, 0, 1);  #R
-	    my $rightLetterOk = substr($mate_sense, 1, 1); #F
-	    my @index = keys %{$table};			    
-	    unless ($diff_sense_ends) {
-		my $firstEndOrder1 = $ends_order1[$index[0]];
-		my $firstEndOrder2 = $ends_order2[$index[0]];
-	        $break_pont_chr1 = (($strand1[$index[0]] eq 'R' && $firstEndOrder1 == 2) || ($strand1[$index[0]] eq 'F' && $firstEndOrder1 == 1))?'('.$coord_end_chr1.','.min(($coord_start_chr1+$maxFragmentLength),$maxCoord1).')':'('.max(($coord_end_chr1-$maxFragmentLength),1).','.$coord_start_chr1.')';
-	        $break_pont_chr2 = (($strand2[$index[0]] eq 'R' && $firstEndOrder2 == 2) || ($strand2[$index[0]] eq 'F' && $firstEndOrder2 == 1))?'('.$coord_end_chr2.','.min(($coord_start_chr2+$maxFragmentLength),$maxCoord2).')':'('.max(($coord_end_chr2-$maxFragmentLength),1).','.$coord_start_chr2.')';	
-	    } else {
-	        $break_pont_chr1 = ($strand1[$index[0]] eq $leftLetterOk )?'('.$coord_end_chr1.','.min(($coord_start_chr1+$maxFragmentLength),$maxCoord1).')':'('.max(($coord_end_chr1-$maxFragmentLength),1).','.$coord_start_chr1.')';
-	        $break_pont_chr2 = ($strand2[$index[0]] eq $leftLetterOk )?'('.$coord_end_chr2.','.min(($coord_start_chr2+$maxFragmentLength),$maxCoord2).')':'('.max(($coord_end_chr2-$maxFragmentLength),1).','.$coord_start_chr2.')';	
-	    }
-	    if ($chr1 ne $chr2){
-		$ifRenv="INV_TRANSLOC" if($ifRenv eq "REVERSE_SENSE");
-		$ifRenv="TRANSLOC" if($ifRenv eq "NORMAL_SENSE");
-	    }  
-	}
-	if (($ifBalanced eq 'BAL')&&( (scalar keys %{$table}) + (scalar keys %{$secondTable}) < $nb_pairs_threshold)) {
-	    next; 								#discard the link
-	}	
- 	if (($ifBalanced eq 'UNBAL')&&(scalar keys %{$table} < $nb_pairs_threshold)) {
-	    next; 								#discard the link
-	}
-	my $ratioTxt = "$reads_left/".(scalar @pairs);
-	my ($n1,$nTot) = split ("/",$strand_ratio_filtering);
-	my $ratioReal = $reads_left/$nTot;    
-	if ($coord_start_chr1<=0) {
-	    $coord_start_chr1=1;
-	}
-	if ($coord_start_chr2<=0) {
-	    $coord_start_chr2=1;
-	}
-	#create output	
-	my @link=($chr->{$chr1}->{name}, $coord_start_chr1 , $coord_end_chr1,	#all information output
-		  $chr->{$chr2}->{name}, $coord_start_chr2 , $coord_end_chr2,
-		  $reads_left,
-		  &redraw(1,$table,$secondTable,\%badInFRSense,$ifBalanced,\@pairs),
-		  &redraw(1,$table,$secondTable,\%badInFRSense,$ifBalanced,\@strand1),
-		  &redraw(1,$table,$secondTable,\%badInFRSense,$ifBalanced,\@strand2),
-		  &redraw(1,$table,$secondTable,\%badInFRSense,$ifBalanced,\@ends_order1),
-		  &redraw(1,$table,$secondTable,\%badInFRSense,$ifBalanced,\@ends_order2),
-		  &redraw(2,$table,$secondTable,\%badInFRSense,$ifBalanced,\@order1),
-		  &redraw(2,$table,$secondTable,\%badInFRSense,$ifBalanced,\@order2),
-		  &redraw(1,$table,$secondTable,\%badInFRSense,$ifBalanced,\@positions1),
-		  &redraw(1,$table,$secondTable,\%badInFRSense,$ifBalanced,\@positions2),
-		  $ifRenv,
-		  $strand_ratio_filtering,
-		  $ifBalanced, $ratioTxt, $break_pont_chr1, $break_pont_chr2,
-		  $ratioReal, $nTot);
-	$nb_links++;
-	print $fh2 join("\t",@link)."\n";
-	if($record>=$warn){
-	    print LOG "-- $fchr : $warn links analysed - $nb_links links kept\n";
-	    $warn+=10000;
-	}
-    }
-    $fh->close;
-    $fh2->close;
-    print LOG "-- $fchr : Total : $record links analysed - $nb_links links kept\n";
-#gets information about ends positions given start, direction and order
-sub getEnds {
-    my ($ends,$starts,$strand,$end_order,$tag_length) = @_;
-    for my $i (0..scalar(@{$starts})-1) {
-	$ends->[$i] = getEnd($starts->[$i],$strand->[$i],$end_order->[$i],$tag_length);
-    }    
-sub getEnd {
-    my ($start,$strand, $end_order,$tag_length) = @_;       
-    return ($strand eq 'F')? $start+$tag_length->{$end_order}-1:$start-$tag_length->{$end_order}+1;
-#gets starts and ends Coords when start=leftmost given positions, directions and orders
-sub getCoordswithLeftMost {
-    my ($starts,$ends,$positions,$strand,$end_order,$tag_length) = @_;
-    for my $i (0..scalar(@{$positions})-1) {
-	if($strand->[$i] eq 'F'){
-	    $starts->[$i]=$positions->[$i];
-	    $ends->[$i]=$positions->[$i]+$tag_length->{$end_order->[$i]}-1;
-	}else{
-	    $starts->[$i]=$positions->[$i]-$tag_length->{$end_order->[$i]}+1;
-	    $ends->[$i]=$positions->[$i];
-	}
-    }    
-sub addInsertionInfo { 								#add field with INS,DEL,NA and distance between clusters and performs filtering 
-    my ($chr,$chrID,$nb_pairs_threshold,$order_filtering,$indel_sigma_threshold,$dup_sigma_threshold,$singleton_sigma_threshold,$mu,$sigma,$mate_sense,$tag_length,$links_file,$flinks_file)=@_;
-    my @sfile=split(/\./,$links_file);
-    my $fchr=$sfile[$#sfile-2];
-    my $diff_sense_ends=(($mate_sense eq "FR") || ($mate_sense eq "RF"))? 1:0; 
-    my $record=0;
-    my $nb_links=0;
-    my $warn=10000;
-    print LOG "\# Filtering out normal pairs using insert size...\n";
-    print LOG "-- mu length=$mu, sigma length=$sigma, indel sigma threshold=$indel_sigma_threshold, dup sigma threshold=$dup_sigma_threshold\n";
-    print LOG "-- using ".($mu-$indel_sigma_threshold*$sigma)."-".
-		      ($mu+$indel_sigma_threshold*$sigma)." as normal range of insert size for indels\n";
-    print LOG "-- using ".($mu-$dup_sigma_threshold*$sigma)."-".
-		      ($mu+$dup_sigma_threshold*$sigma)." as normal range of insert size for duplications\n";
-    print LOG "-- using ".($mu-$singleton_sigma_threshold*$sigma)." as the upper limit of insert size for singletons\n" if($mate_sense eq "RF");
-    my $fh = new FileHandle;
-    my $fh2 = new FileHandle;
-    $fh->open("<$links_file") or die "$0: can't open $links_file :$!\n";
-    $fh2->open(">$flinks_file") or die "$0: can't write in the output: $flinks_file :$!\n";
-    while(<$fh>){
-	$record++; 
-	my @t = split;
-	my ($chr1,$chr2,$mates_list)=@t[0,3,7];
-	if($chrID->{$chr1} ne $chrID->{$chr2}) {				#if inter-chromosomal link here (because sv_type=all), 
-	    $nb_links++;
-	    $t[16]="INV_TRANSLOC" if($t[16] eq "REVERSE_SENSE");
-	    $t[16]="TRANSLOC" if($t[16] eq "NORMAL_SENSE");
-	    $t[16].= "\t";
-	    $t[19].= "\t";
-	    print $fh2 join("\t",@t)."\n";
-	    if($record>=$warn){
-		print LOG "-- $fchr : $warn links processed - $nb_links links kept\n";
-		$warn+=10000;
-	    }								
-	    next;								
-	}									
-	my $ifRenv = $t[16];
-	my $ifBalanced = "UNBAL";
-	$ifBalanced = $t[18] if ($order_filtering);
-	my $numberOfPairs = $t[6];
-	my @positions1 = deleteBadOrderSensePairs(split (/,/,$t[14]));
-	my @positions2 = deleteBadOrderSensePairs(split (/,/,$t[15]));
-	if ($ifBalanced eq "BAL") {
-	    if ($ifRenv eq "INV_TRANSLOC") {
-		$ifRenv = "INV_FRAGMT"; #for intrachromosomal inverted translocation is the same as inverted fragment
-	    }
-	    if ($ifRenv eq "NORMAL_SENSE") {
-		$ifRenv = "TRANSLOC"; 
-	    }
-	    if ($ifRenv eq "REVERSE_SENSE") {
-		$ifRenv = "INV_FRAGMT"; #for intrachromosomal inverted translocation is the same as inverted fragment
-	    }
-	    $t[19].= "\t";
-	    my $meanDistance = 0;
-	    for my $i (0..$numberOfPairs-1) {
-		$meanDistance += $positions2[$i]-$positions1[$i];
-	    }
-	    $meanDistance /= $numberOfPairs;      
-	    $t[16] = $ifRenv."\t".$meanDistance;
-	    #dont touch the annotation. It should be already OK.
-	} else {
-	    #only for unbalanced
-	    my $ifoverlap=overlap($t[1],$t[2],$t[4],$t[5]);
-	    my $ends_sense_class = (deleteBadOrderSensePairs(split (/,/,$t[8])))[0].
-				   (deleteBadOrderSensePairs(split (/,/,$t[9])))[0];
-	    my $ends_order_class = (deleteBadOrderSensePairs(split (/,/,$t[10])))[0].
-				   (deleteBadOrderSensePairs(split (/,/,$t[11])))[0];
-	    my $indel_type = $ifRenv;
-	    my $meanDistance = "N/A";
-	    ($meanDistance, $indel_type) = checkIndel ($numberOfPairs,		#identify insertion type for rearrangments without inversion, calculates distance between cluster
-						       \@positions1,		#assign N/A to $indel_type if unknown
-						       \@positions2,
-						       $ifRenv,
-						       $ifoverlap,
-						       $indel_sigma_threshold,
-						       $dup_sigma_threshold,
-						       $singleton_sigma_threshold,
-						       $mu,
-						       $sigma,
-						       $ifBalanced,
-						       $ends_sense_class,
-						       $ends_order_class,
-						       $mate_sense,
-						       $diff_sense_ends,
-						       );
-	    #filtering of pairs with distance inconsistant with the SV
-	    if ($ifRenv ne "REVERSE_SENSE") {
-		my $maxCoord1 =$chr->{$chrID->{$chr1}}->{length};	
-		my $maxCoord2 =$chr->{$chrID->{$chr2}}->{length};
-		$meanDistance = recalc_t_usingInsertSizeInfo(\@t,$mu,$sigma,$meanDistance,$tag_length,$diff_sense_ends,$mate_sense,
-							     $maxCoord1,$maxCoord2,$ends_sense_class,$ends_order_class,$nb_pairs_threshold,$order_filtering);
-		next if ($t[6] < $nb_pairs_threshold);
-	    }else{
-		 $t[19].= "\t";
-	    }
-	    $t[16] = $indel_type."\t".$meanDistance;
-	}
-	$nb_links++;
-	print $fh2 join("\t",@t)."\n";
-	if($record>=$warn){
-	     print LOG "-- $fchr : $warn links processed - $nb_links links kept\n";
-	    $warn+=10000;
-	}
-    }
-    $fh->close;
-    $fh2->close; 
-    print LOG "-- $fchr : Total : $record links analysed - $nb_links links kept\n";
-sub checkIndel  {
-    my ($numberOfPairs,	$positions1, $positions2, $ifRenv, $ifoverlap, $indel_sigma_threshold, $dup_sigma_threshold, $singleton_sigma_threshold,
-	$mu, $sigma, $ifBalanced,$ends_sense_class,$ends_order_class,$mate_sense,$diff_sense_ends) = @_;
-    my $meanDistance = 0;
-    for my $i (0..$numberOfPairs-1) {
-	$meanDistance += $positions2->[$i]-$positions1->[$i];
-    }
-    $meanDistance /= $numberOfPairs;
-    return ($meanDistance,"INV_DUPLI") if (($ifRenv eq "REVERSE_SENSE") && ($meanDistance<$mu+$dup_sigma_threshold*$sigma) );
-    return ($meanDistance,"INVERSION") if ($ifRenv eq "REVERSE_SENSE");
-    if($diff_sense_ends){
-	return ($meanDistance, "LARGE_DUPLI") if ($ends_sense_class ne $mate_sense) && ($meanDistance>$mu+$dup_sigma_threshold*$sigma) ;
-	return ($meanDistance, "SINGLETON") if (($meanDistance<$mu-$singleton_sigma_threshold*$sigma) && $mate_sense eq "RF" && ($ends_sense_class eq inverseSense($mate_sense)));
-    }else{
-	return ($meanDistance, "LARGE_DUPLI") if (($ends_sense_class eq $mate_sense) && ($ends_order_class eq "12") || ($ends_sense_class eq inverseSense($mate_sense)) && ($ends_order_class eq "21")) &&
-	($meanDistance>$mu+$dup_sigma_threshold*$sigma) ; 
-    }
-    return ($meanDistance, "SMALL_DUPLI") if (($meanDistance<$mu-$dup_sigma_threshold*$sigma) && $ifoverlap);
-    return ($meanDistance, "DUPLICATION") if ($diff_sense_ends && ($ends_sense_class ne $mate_sense) && ($meanDistance<$mu-$dup_sigma_threshold*$sigma) ) ;
-    return ($meanDistance, "INSERTION") if ($meanDistance<$mu -$indel_sigma_threshold*$sigma);
-    return ($meanDistance, "DELETION") if ($meanDistance>$mu+$indel_sigma_threshold*$sigma);
-    return ($meanDistance, "UNDEFINED");
-#sub reacalulate @t so that get rid of unconsistent pairs (unconsistent insert size )
-sub recalc_t_usingInsertSizeInfo {
-    my($t,$mu,$sigma,$meanDistance,$tag_length,$diff_sense_ends,$mate_sense,$maxCoord1,$maxCoord2,$ends_sense_class,$ends_order_class,$nb_pairs_threshold,$order_filtering) = @_;
-    my @badPairs;
-    my @positions1 = getAllEntries($t->[14]);
-    my @positions2 = getAllEntries($t->[15]);	    
-    if ($meanDistance < $mu) {
-	for my $i (0..scalar(@positions1)-1) {
-	    if (substr($positions2[$i],-1,1) ne '$' && substr($positions2[$i],-1,1) ne '*' && $positions2[$i]-$positions1[$i]>=$mu) {
-	    	push(@badPairs,$i);		    
-	    }
-    	}
-    } else {
-	for my $i (0..scalar(@positions1)-1) {
-	    if (substr($positions2[$i],-1,1) ne '$' && substr($positions2[$i],-1,1) ne '*' && $positions2[$i]-$positions1[$i]<=$mu) {
-		push(@badPairs,$i);
-	    }
-	}	    
-    }
-    if (scalar (@badPairs)>0) {
-	#print join("\t",@badPairs).": ".join("\t",@t)."\n";	        
-	#remove these inconsistant links
-	$t->[6] -= scalar(@badPairs); #numberOfPairs
-	return if ($t->[6] < $nb_pairs_threshold); 	
-	$t->[7] = mark_values(\@badPairs, $t->[7]);
-	$t->[8] = mark_values(\@badPairs, $t->[8]);
-	$t->[9] = mark_values(\@badPairs, $t->[9]);
-	$t->[10] = mark_values(\@badPairs, $t->[10]);
-	$t->[11] = mark_values(\@badPairs, $t->[11]);
-	$t->[12] = mark_indexes(\@badPairs, $t->[12]);
-	$t->[13] = mark_indexes(\@badPairs, $t->[13]);	    
-	$t->[14] = mark_values(\@badPairs, $t->[14]);
-	$t->[15] = mark_values(\@badPairs, $t->[15]);
-	$t->[19] = recalculate_ratio($t->[6],$t->[19]) if ($order_filtering); #add the second ratio
-	$t->[17] = recalculate_ratio($t->[6],$t->[17]) unless ($order_filtering);
-	($t->[1],$t->[2]) = recalculate_boundaries($t->[14],$t->[8],$t->[10],$tag_length);
-	($t->[4],$t->[5]) = recalculate_boundaries($t->[15],$t->[9],$t->[11],$tag_length);	 
-	#recalc breakpoints:
-	my $quant001 = 3.090232;
-	my $maxFragmentLength = &floor($quant001 * $sigma + $mu);
-	$t->[20] = recalc_breakpoints($mate_sense,$maxCoord1,$t->[14],substr($ends_sense_class,0,1),substr($ends_order_class,0,1),$t->[1],$t->[2],$maxFragmentLength,$diff_sense_ends ) if ($order_filtering);
-	$t->[21] = recalc_breakpoints($mate_sense,$maxCoord2,$t->[15],substr($ends_sense_class,1,1),substr($ends_order_class,1,1),$t->[4],$t->[5],$maxFragmentLength,$diff_sense_ends ) if ($order_filtering);
-	#recalc total ratio
-	$t->[22] = $t->[6] / $t->[23] if ($order_filtering);
-	$t->[18] = $t->[6] / $t->[19] unless ($order_filtering);
-    	@positions1 = deleteBadOrderSensePairs(split (/,/,$t->[14]));
-    	@positions2 = deleteBadOrderSensePairs(split (/,/,$t->[15]));		
-	$meanDistance = 0;
-	for my $i (0..scalar(@positions1)-1) {
-	    $meanDistance += $positions2[$i]-$positions1[$i];
-	}
-	$meanDistance /= scalar(@positions1);
-    } else {
-	$t->[17] = recalculate_ratio((split(/\//,$t->[17]))[0],$t->[17]) unless ($order_filtering);
-	$t->[19] = recalculate_ratio((split(/\//,$t->[19]))[0],$t->[19]) if ($order_filtering);
-    } #nothing has been filtered
-    return $meanDistance;
-sub recalculate_ratio {
-    my ($left, $ratio) = @_;
-    my @elements = split (/\//,$ratio);
-    $elements[1]= $elements[0];
-    $elements[0]=$left;
-    return $ratio."\t".join("/",@elements);    
-sub recalc_breakpoints {
-    my ($mate_sense,$maxCoord,$startString,$strand,$firstEndOrder,$coord_start_chr,$coord_end_chr,$maxFragmentLength,$diff_sense_ends ) = @_;
-    my $break_pont_chr;
-    my $leftLetterOk = substr($mate_sense, 0, 1);  #R
-    my $rightLetterOk = substr($mate_sense, 1, 1); #F	    
-    my @positions = deleteBadOrderSensePairs(split (/,/,$startString));
-    unless ($diff_sense_ends) {
-	$break_pont_chr = (($strand eq 'R' && $firstEndOrder == 2) || ($strand eq 'F' && $firstEndOrder == 1))?'('.$coord_end_chr.','.min(($coord_start_chr+$maxFragmentLength),$maxCoord).')':'('.max(($coord_end_chr-$maxFragmentLength),1).','.$coord_start_chr.')';
-    } else {
-	$break_pont_chr = ($strand eq $leftLetterOk)?'('.$coord_end_chr.','.min(($coord_start_chr+$maxFragmentLength),$maxCoord).')':'('.max(($coord_end_chr-$maxFragmentLength),1).','.$coord_start_chr.')';
-    }    
-    return $break_pont_chr;
-sub recalculate_boundaries {
-    my ($startString,$senseString,$endsOrderString,$tag_length) = @_;
-    my @positions = deleteBadOrderSensePairs(split (/,/,$startString));
-    my @strands = deleteBadOrderSensePairs(split (/,/,$senseString));
-    my @ends_orders = deleteBadOrderSensePairs(split (/,/,$endsOrderString));
-    my @ends; getEnds(\@ends,\@positions,\@strands,\@ends_orders,$tag_length);   
-    my $coord_start_cluster = min(min(@positions),min(@ends));
-    my $coord_end_cluster = max(max(@positions),max(@ends));
-    return ($coord_start_cluster,$coord_end_cluster);
-sub remove_indexes {
-    my ($bads, $string) = @_;
-    my @elements = deleteBadOrderSensePairs(split (/,/,$string));
-    for my $i (reverse sort %{$bads}) {
-	delete $elements[$i];
-    }
-    return "(".join(",",@elements).")";
-##add @ to to elements 
-sub mark_values {
-    my ($bads, $string) = @_;
-    my @elements = getAllEntries($string);
-    for my $i (@{$bads}) {
-	$elements[$i] .= "@";
-    }    
-    return "(".join(",",@elements).")";
-##add @ to to indexes
-sub mark_indexes {
-    my ($bads, $string) = @_;
-    my @elements = getAllEntries($string);
-    for my $i ((0..scalar(@elements)-1)) {
-	for my $j (@{$bads}) {	    
-	    $elements[$i] .= "@" if ($elements[$i] eq ($j+1));
-	}	   
-    }
-    return "(".join(",",@elements).")";    
-sub redraw {
-    my ($type,$table,$secondTable,$badInFRSense,$ifBalanced,$arr) = @_;	
-    my $out;
-    my @first_arr;
-    if ($ifBalanced eq 'BAL') {
-	my @second_arr;
-	my $lastPushed = 1;
-	if ($type == 1) {
-	    for my $i (0 .. scalar(@{$arr})-1) {
-		if (exists ($table->{$i})) {
-	    	    push(@first_arr,$arr->[$i]);
-		    $lastPushed = 1;
-		}elsif (exists ($secondTable->{$i})) {
-		    push(@second_arr,$arr->[$i]);
-		    $lastPushed = 2;
-		} elsif ($lastPushed == 1) {
-		    if (exists ($badInFRSense->{$i})) {
-		        push(@first_arr,$arr->[$i]."\$");
-		    }else {
-		        push(@first_arr,$arr->[$i]."*");
-		    }
-		} elsif ($lastPushed == 2) {
-		    if (exists ($badInFRSense->{$i})) {
-		        push(@second_arr,$arr->[$i]."\$");
-		    }else {
-			push(@second_arr,$arr->[$i]."*");
-		    }
-		} else {print "Error!";exit;}
-	    }
-	} else {
-	     for my $i (@{$arr}) {
-		if (exists ($table->{$i-1})) {
-	    	    push(@first_arr,$i);
-		    $lastPushed = 1;
-		}elsif (exists ($secondTable->{$i-1})) {
-		    push(@second_arr,$i);
-		    $lastPushed = 2;
-		} elsif ($lastPushed == 1) {
-		    if (exists ($badInFRSense->{$i-1})) {
-		        push(@first_arr,$i."\$");
-		    }else {
-			push(@first_arr,$i."*");
-		    }
-		} elsif ($lastPushed == 2) {
-		    if (exists ($badInFRSense->{$i-1})) {
-		        push(@second_arr,$i."\$");
-		    }else {
-			push(@second_arr,$i."*");
-		    }
-		} else {print "Error!";exit;}
-	    }
-	}		
-	$out = '('.join(",",@first_arr).'),('.join(",",@second_arr).')';
-    }
-    else {
-	if ($type == 1) {
-	    for my $i (0 .. scalar(@{$arr})-1) { 
-		if (exists ($table->{$i})) {
-	    	    push(@first_arr,$arr->[$i]);
-		} else {
-		    if (exists ($badInFRSense->{$i})) {
-			push(@first_arr,$arr->[$i]."\$");
-		    }else {
-		        push(@first_arr,$arr->[$i]."*");
-		    }
-		}
-	    }
-	} else {
-	    for my $i (@{$arr}) {
-		if (exists ($table->{$i-1})) {
-	    	    push(@first_arr,$i);
-		} else {
-		    if (exists ($badInFRSense->{$i-1})) {
-			push(@first_arr,$i."\$");
-		    }else {
-			push(@first_arr,$i."*");
-		    }
-		}
-	    }	    
-	}	
-	$out = '('.join(",",@first_arr).')';
-    }    
-    return $out;
-sub check {
-    my $table = $_[0];
-    my $bad = 'OK';
-    my $max = 0;  
-    for my $i (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{$table}) { 				
-	unless ($table->{$i}->{nonAdeq} == 0) {
-	    if ($max<$table->{$i}->{nonAdeq}) {
-		$max=$table->{$i}->{nonAdeq};
-		$bad = $i;
-	    }
-	}	    
-    } 
-    return $bad;
-sub reversed {
-    my ($i,$j,$ifRenv,$positions) = @_;
-    if (($ifRenv eq 'REVERSE_SENSE' && $positions->[$i]<$positions->[$j]) || ($ifRenv ne 'REVERSE_SENSE' && $positions->[$i]>$positions->[$j])){
-	return 1;
-    }
-    return 0;    
-sub remove {
-    my ($bad,$table) = @_;
-    for my $i (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{$table}) {
-	if ($bad == $i) {
-	    delete($table->{$i});;
-	} else {
-	    if (exists($table->{$i}->{$bad})) {
-		delete($table->{$i}->{$bad});
-		$table->{$i}->{nonAdeq}--;
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-sub findBadInRFSenseSOLiDSolexa { #choose maximum: FFFFs or RRRRs
-    my ($strand,$ends_order,$mate_sense,@keysLeft) = @_;
-    my $leftLetterOk = substr($mate_sense, 0, 1);  #R
-    my $rightLetterOk = substr($mate_sense, 1, 1); #F
-    my (@standardArray);
-    if ($leftLetterOk eq $rightLetterOk) { #SOLID mate-pairs
-	$leftLetterOk = 'R';
-	$rightLetterOk = 'F';
-	@standardArray = translateSolidToRF($strand,$ends_order);
-    } else {
-	@standardArray = @{$strand};	
-    }
-    my $ifR = 0;
-    my @Rs;
-    for my $i (@keysLeft) {	
-	if ($standardArray[$i] eq $leftLetterOk) {
-	    $ifR++;
-	    push(@Rs,$i);
-	}
-    }
-    my $ifF = 0;
-    my @Fs;
-    for my $i (@keysLeft) {	
-	if ($standardArray[$i] eq $rightLetterOk) {
-	    $ifF++;
-	    push(@Fs,$i);
-	}
-    }
-    if($ifR>=$ifF) {
-	return @Fs;
-    }
-    return @Rs;     
-sub findBadInFRSenseSOLiDSolexa { #should work both for SOLiD and Solexa 
-    my ($strand1,$strand2,$ends_order1,$ends_order2,$order1,$order2) = ($_[0],$_[1],$_[2],$_[3],$_[4],$_[5]);
-    my $mate_sense =  $_[6];
-    my $leftLetterOk = substr($mate_sense, 0, 1);  #R
-    my $rightLetterOk = substr($mate_sense, 1, 1); #F
-    my (@standardArray1,@standardArray2);
-    if ($leftLetterOk eq $rightLetterOk) { #SOLID mate-pairs
-	$leftLetterOk = 'R';
-	$rightLetterOk = 'F';
-	@standardArray1 = translateSolidToRF($strand1,$ends_order1);
-	my @arr = getOrderedStrands($strand2,$order2); 
-	my @ends2 = getOrderedStrands($ends_order2,$order2); 
-	@standardArray2 = translateSolidToRF(\@arr,\@ends2);  
-    } else {
-	@standardArray1 = @{$strand1};
-	@standardArray2 = getOrderedStrands($strand2,$order2);
-    }
-    #we will try 4 possibilities, 2 for each end of the link: RFRR-FFF->RFFFF , RFRR-FFF->RRRFFF
-    #for the first end:   
-    my @array = @standardArray1; 
-    my %badInFRSense1;
-    for my $i (1..scalar (@array)-1){ # FRFRFFFF -> FFFFFF and RRFRFRFFFF -> RRFFFFFF
-	if ($array[$i-1] eq $rightLetterOk && $array[$i] eq $leftLetterOk) {
-	    $badInFRSense1{$i}=1;
-	    $array[$i] = $rightLetterOk;
-	}
-    }    
-    my $numberRRRFFF_or_FFF_1 = scalar(@array)-scalar(keys %badInFRSense1);
-    @array = @standardArray1;    
-    my %badInFRSense0;
-    for my $i (reverse(1..scalar (@array)-1)){ # FRFRFFFFRR -> FFFFFFRR
-	if ($array[$i-1] eq $rightLetterOk && $array[$i] eq $leftLetterOk) {
-	    $badInFRSense0{$i-1}=1;
-	    $array[$i-1] = $leftLetterOk;
-	}
-    }
-    my $numberRRF1 = scalar(@array)-scalar(keys %badInFRSense0);
-    #for the second end:   
-    @array = @standardArray2;
-    my %badInFRSense3;
-    for my $i (1..scalar(@array)-1){
-	if ($array[$i-1] eq $rightLetterOk && $array[$i] eq $leftLetterOk) {
-	    $badInFRSense3{$order2->[$i]}=1;
-	    $array[$i] = $rightLetterOk;
-	}
-    }
-    my $numberRRRFFF_or_FFF_2 = scalar(@array)-scalar(keys %badInFRSense3);
-    @array = @standardArray2;
-    my %badInFRSense5;
-    for my $i (reverse(1..scalar (@array)-1)){ # FRFRFFFF -> FFFFFF
-	if ($array[$i-1] eq $rightLetterOk && $array[$i] eq $leftLetterOk) {
-	    $badInFRSense5{$i-1}=1;
-	    $array[$i-1] = $leftLetterOk;
-	}
-    }
-    my $numberRRF2 = scalar(@array)-scalar(keys %badInFRSense5);  
-    if ($numberRRF1>=$numberRRRFFF_or_FFF_1 && $numberRRF1 >= $numberRRRFFF_or_FFF_2 && $numberRRF1 >=$numberRRF2) {
-	return (1,%badInFRSense0);
-    }   
-    if ($numberRRRFFF_or_FFF_1 >=$numberRRF1 && $numberRRRFFF_or_FFF_1 >= $numberRRRFFF_or_FFF_2 && $numberRRRFFF_or_FFF_1 >= $numberRRF2) {
-	return (1,%badInFRSense1);
-    }
-    if ($numberRRRFFF_or_FFF_2 >= $numberRRF1 && $numberRRRFFF_or_FFF_2 >= $numberRRRFFF_or_FFF_1 && $numberRRRFFF_or_FFF_2 >=$numberRRF2) {
-	return (2,%badInFRSense3);
-    }
-    if ($numberRRF2 >=  $numberRRF1 && $numberRRF2 >= $numberRRRFFF_or_FFF_1 && $numberRRF2 >= $numberRRRFFF_or_FFF_2 ) {
-	return (2,%badInFRSense5);
-    }  
-    #should not get here:
-    print STDERR "Error in findBadInFRSenseSOLiDSolexa()!\n";
-    return (1,%badInFRSense1); 
-sub getOrderedStrands {
-    my ($strand,$order) = ($_[0],$_[1]);
-    my @arr;
-    for my $i (0..scalar(@{$strand})-1) {
-	push(@arr,$strand->[$order->[$i]-1]); 
-    }    
-    return @arr; 
-sub checkClusters {
-    my ($ifRenv,$coord_start_chr1_cluster1,$coord_start_chr1_cluster2,$coord_start_chr2_cluster1,$coord_start_chr2_cluster2) = @_;
-    if ($ifRenv eq 'REVERSE_SENSE') {
-	if ($coord_start_chr1_cluster1 <= $coord_start_chr1_cluster2) {
-	    return ($coord_start_chr2_cluster1 <= $coord_start_chr2_cluster2)?1:0; 
-	}
-	return ($coord_start_chr2_cluster1 >= $coord_start_chr2_cluster2)?1:0; 
-    }
-    #if NORM
-    if ($coord_start_chr1_cluster1 <= $coord_start_chr1_cluster2) {
-        return ($coord_start_chr2_cluster1 >= $coord_start_chr2_cluster2)?1:0; 
-    }
-    return ($coord_start_chr2_cluster1 <= $coord_start_chr2_cluster2)?1:0; 
-sub translateSolidToRF {
-    my ($strandArr,$ends_orderArr)=@_;
-    my @array;
-    for my $i (0..scalar(@{$strandArr})-1) {					
-	if ($ends_orderArr->[$i]==1 && $strandArr->[$i] eq 'F') {
-	    push(@array,'F');
-	}
-	if ($ends_orderArr->[$i]==2 && $strandArr->[$i] eq 'F') {
-	    push(@array,'R');
-	}
-	if ($ends_orderArr->[$i]==1 && $strandArr->[$i] eq 'R') {
-	    push(@array,'R');   
-	}
-	if ($ends_orderArr->[$i]==2 && $strandArr->[$i] eq 'R') {
-	    push(@array,'F');    
-	}
-    }
-    return @array;
-#convert the links file to the circos format
-sub links2segdup{
-    my($id,$color_code,$links_file,$segdup_file)=@_;
-    print LOG "# Converting to the circos format...\n";
-    tie (my %hcolor,'Tie::IxHash');						#color-code hash table
-    foreach my $col (keys %{$color_code}){
-	my ($min_links,$max_links)=split(",",$color_code->{$col});
-	$hcolor{$col}=[$min_links,$max_links];
-    }
-    open LINKS, "<$links_file" or die "$0: can't open $links_file :$!\n";
-    open SEGDUP, ">$segdup_file" or die "$0: can't write in the output: $segdup_file :$!\n";
-    my $index=1;
-    while(<LINKS>){
-	my ($chr1,$start1,$end1,$chr2,$start2,$end2,$count)=(split)[0,1,2,3,4,5,6];
-	my $color=getColor($count,\%hcolor,"circos");				#get the color-code according the number of links
-	print SEGDUP "$index\t$id$chr1\t$start1\t$end1\tcolor=$color\n".	#circos output
-		     "$index\t$id$chr2\t$start2\t$end2\tcolor=$color\n";
-	$index++;
-    }
-    close LINKS;
-    close SEGDUP;
-    print LOG "-- output created: $segdup_file\n";
-#convert the links file to the bedPE format for BEDTools usage
-sub links2bedPElinksfile{
-    my ($sample,$links_file,$bedpe_file)=@_;
-    open LINKS, "<$links_file" or die "$0: can't open $links_file :$!\n";
-    open BEDPE, ">$bedpe_file" or die "$0: can't write in the output: $bedpe_file :$!\n";
-    my $nb_links=1;
-    while(<LINKS>){
-	chomp;
-	my @t=split("\t",$_);
-	my ($chr1,$start1,$end1,$chr2,$start2,$end2)=splice(@t,0,6);
-	my $type=($chr1 eq $chr2)? "INTRA":"INTER";
-	$type.="_".$t[10];
-	$start1--; $start2--;
-	print BEDPE "$chr1\t$start1\t$end1\t$chr2\t$start2\t$end2".
-	"\t$sample"."_link$nb_links\t$type\t.\t.".
-	"\t".join("|",@t)."\n";
-	$nb_links++;
-    }
-    close LINKS;
-    close BEDPE;
-sub bedPElinks2linksfile{
-    my ($bedpe_file,$links_file)=@_;
-    open BEDPE, "<$bedpe_file" or die "$0: can't open: $bedpe_file :$!\n";
-    open LINKS, ">$links_file" or die "$0: can't write in the output $links_file :$!\n";
-    while(<BEDPE>){
-	chomp;
-	my $sample=(split("_",(split("\t",$_))[6]))[0];
-	my @t1=(split("\t",$_))[0,1,2,3,4,5];
-	my @t2=split(/\|/,(split("\t",$_))[10]);
-	push(@t2,$sample);
-	print LINKS join("\t",@t1)."\t".join("\t",@t2)."\n";
-    }
-    close BEDPE;
-    close LINKS;
-#convert the links file to the bed format
-sub links2bedfile{
-    my ($tag_length,$color_code,$links_file,$bed_file)=@_;
-    print LOG "# Converting to the bed format...\n";
-    my $compare=1;
-    if($links_file!~/compared$/){
-	$compare=0;
-	$tag_length->{none}->{1}=$tag_length->{1};
-	$tag_length->{none}->{2}=$tag_length->{2};
-    }
-    #color-code hash table
-    tie (my %hcolor,'Tie::IxHash');
-    my %color_order;
-    my $n=1;
-    foreach my $col (keys %{$color_code}){
-	my ($min_links,$max_links)=split(",",$color_code->{$col});
-	$hcolor{$col}=[$min_links,$max_links];
-	$color_order{$col}=$n;
-	$n++;
-    }
-    my %pair;
-    my %pt;
-    $n=1;
-    open LINKS, "<$links_file" or die "$0: can't open $links_file:$!\n";
-    my %str=( "F"=>"+", "R"=>"-" );
-    while(<LINKS>){
-	my @t=split;
-	my $sample=($compare)? pop(@t):"none";
-	my $chr1=$t[0]; 
-	my $chr2=$t[3];
-	$chr1 = "chr".$chr1 unless ($chr1 =~ m/chr/i);
-	$chr2 = "chr".$chr2 unless ($chr2 =~ m/chr/i);
-	my $same_chr=($chr1 eq $chr2)? 1:0;
-	my $count=$t[6];
-	my $color=getColor($count,\%hcolor,"bed");
-	my @pairs=deleteBadOrderSensePairs(split(",",$t[7]));
-	my @strand1=deleteBadOrderSensePairs(split(",",$t[8]));
-	my @strand2=deleteBadOrderSensePairs(split(",",$t[9]));
-	my @ends_order1=deleteBadOrderSensePairs(split(",",$t[10]));
-	my @ends_order2=deleteBadOrderSensePairs(split(",",$t[11]));
-	my @position1=deleteBadOrderSensePairs(split(",",$t[14]));
-	my @position2=deleteBadOrderSensePairs(split(",",$t[15]));
-	my @start1; my @end1; getCoordswithLeftMost(\@start1,\@end1,\@position1,\@strand1,\@ends_order1,$tag_length->{$sample});
-	my @start2; my @end2; getCoordswithLeftMost(\@start2,\@end2,\@position2,\@strand2,\@ends_order2,$tag_length->{$sample});
-	for my $p (0..$#pairs){						
-	    if (!exists $pair{$pairs[$p]}){
-		if($same_chr){
-		    $pair{$pairs[$p]}->{0}=[ $chr1, $start1[$p]-1, $end2[$p], $pairs[$p], 0, $str{$strand1[$p]},
-				    $start1[$p]-1, $end2[$p], $color,
-				    2, $tag_length->{$sample}->{$ends_order1[$p]}.",".$tag_length->{$sample}->{$ends_order2[$p]}, "0,".($start2[$p]-$start1[$p]) ];    
-		    $pt{$n}=$pair{$pairs[$p]}->{0};
-		    $n++;
-		}else{
-		    $pair{$pairs[$p]}->{1}=[ $chr1, $start1[$p]-1, $end1[$p] , $pairs[$p]."/1", 0, $str{$strand1[$p]},
-						$start1[$p]-1, $end1[$p], $color,
-						1, $tag_length->{$sample}->{$ends_order1[$p]}, 0];
-		    $pt{$n}=$pair{$pairs[$p]}->{1};
-		    $n++;
-		    $pair{$pairs[$p]}->{2}=[ $chr2, $start2[$p]-1, $end2[$p], $pairs[$p]."/2", 0, $str{$strand2[$p]},
-						$start2[$p]-1, $end2[$p], $color,
-						1, $tag_length->{$sample}->{$ends_order2[$p]}, 0];
-		    $pt{$n}=$pair{$pairs[$p]}->{2};
-		    $n++;
-		}
-	    }else{
-		if($same_chr){
-		    ${$pair{$pairs[$p]}->{0}}[8]=$color if($color_order{$color}>$color_order{${$pair{$pairs[$p]}->{0}}[8]});
-		}else{
-		    ${$pair{$pairs[$p]}->{1}}[8]=$color if($color_order{$color}>$color_order{${$pair{$pairs[$p]}->{1}}[8]});
-		    ${$pair{$pairs[$p]}->{2}}[8]=$color if($color_order{$color}>$color_order{${$pair{$pairs[$p]}->{2}}[8]});
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    close LINKS;
-    my $nb_pairs=$n-1;
-    open BED, ">$bed_file" or die "$0: can't write in the output: $bed_file :$!\n";
-    print BED "track name=\"$bed_file\" description=\"mate pairs involved in links\" ".
-	      "visibility=2 itemRgb=\"On\"\n";
-    for my $i (1..$nb_pairs){
-	print BED join("\t",@{$pt{$i}})."\n";
-    }
-    close BED;
-    print LOG "-- output created: $bed_file\n";
-    undef %pair;
-    undef %pt;
-sub deleteBadOrderSensePairs{
-    my (@tab)=@_;
-    my @tab2;
-    foreach my $v (@tab){
-	$v=~s/[\(\)]//g;
-	push(@tab2,$v) if($v!~/[\$\*\@]$/);
-    }
-    return @tab2;
-sub getAllEntries{    
-    my (@tab)=split (/,/,$_[0]);
-    my @tab2;
-    foreach my $v (@tab){
-	$v=~s/[\(\)]//g;
-	push(@tab2,$v);
-    }
-    return @tab2;
-sub getAllEntriesWOspecialChar{    
-    my (@tab)=split (/,/,$_[0]);
-    my @tab2;
-    foreach my $v (@tab){
-	$v=~s/[\(\)\$\*\@]//g;
-	push(@tab2,$v);
-    }
-    return @tab2;
-sub links2SVfile{
-    my($links_file,$sv_file)=@_;
-    print LOG "# Converting to the sv output table...\n";
-    open LINKS, "<$links_file" or die "$0: can't open $links_file:$!\n";
-    open SV, ">$sv_file" or die "$0: can't write in the output: $sv_file :$!\n";
-    my @header=qw(chr_type SV_type BAL_type chromosome1 start1-end1 average_dist
-    chromosome2 start2-end2 nb_pairs score_strand_filtering score_order_filtering score_insert_size_filtering
-    final_score breakpoint1_start1-end1 breakpoint2_start2-end2);
-    my $nb_links=0;
-    while (<LINKS>){
-	my @t=split;
-	my @sv=();
-	my $sv_type="-";
-	my $strand_ratio="-";
-	my $eq_ratio="-";
-	my $eq_type="-";
-	my $insert_ratio="-";
-	my $link="-";
-	my ($bk1, $bk2)=("-","-");
-	my $score="-";
-	my ($chr1,$start1,$end1)=($t[0],$t[1],$t[2]); 
-	my ($chr2,$start2,$end2)=($t[3],$t[4],$t[5]);
-	my $nb_pairs=$t[6];
-	$chr1 = "chr".$chr1 unless ($chr1 =~ m/chr/i);
-	$chr2 = "chr".$chr2 unless ($chr2 =~ m/chr/i);
-	my $chr_type=($chr1 eq $chr2)? "INTRA":"INTER";
-	#if strand filtering
-	if (defined $t[16]){
-	    #if inter-chr link
-	    $sv_type=$t[16];
-	    if(defined $t[17] && $t[17]=~/^(\d+)\/(\d+)$/){
-		$strand_ratio=floor($1/$2*100)."%";
-		$score=$t[18];
-	    }
-	    if(defined $t[18] && $t[18]=~/^(\d+)\/(\d+)$/){
-	    #if intra-chr link with insert size filtering
-		$strand_ratio=floor($1/$2*100)."%";
-		$link=floor($t[17]);
-		if($sv_type!~/^INV/){
-		    $insert_ratio=floor($1/$2*100)."%" if($t[19]=~/^(\d+)\/(\d+)$/);
-		    $score=$t[20];
-		}else{
-		    $score=$t[19];
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-	if(defined $t[18] && ($t[18] eq "UNBAL" || $t[18] eq "BAL")){
-	    #if strand and order filtering only and/or interchr link
-	    $eq_type=$t[18];
-	    $eq_ratio=floor($1/$2*100)."%" if($t[19]=~/^(\d+)\/(\d+)$/);
-	    ($bk1, $bk2)=($t[20],$t[21]);
-	    foreach my $bk ($bk1, $bk2){$bk=~s/\),\(/ /g; $bk=~s/(\(|\))//g; $bk=~s/,/-/g;}
-	    $score=$t[22];
-	}elsif(defined $t[19] && ($t[19] eq "UNBAL" || $t[19] eq "BAL")){
-	    #if all three filtering
-	    $link=floor($t[17]);
-	    $eq_type=$t[19];
-	    $eq_ratio=floor($1/$2*100)."%" if($t[20]=~/^(\d+)\/(\d+)$/);
-	    if(defined $t[21] && $t[21]=~/^(\d+)\/(\d+)$/){
-		$insert_ratio=floor($1/$2*100)."%";
-		($bk1, $bk2)=($t[22],$t[23]);
-		$score=$t[24];
-	    }else{
-		($bk1, $bk2)=($t[21],$t[22]);
-		$score=$t[23];
-	    }
-	    foreach my $bk ($bk1, $bk2){$bk=~s/\),\(/ /g; $bk=~s/(\(|\))//g; $bk=~s/,/-/g;}
-	}
-	push(@sv, $chr_type, $sv_type,$eq_type);
-	push(@sv,"$chr1\t$start1-$end1");
-	push(@sv, $link);
-	push(@sv,"$chr2\t$start2-$end2",
-	     $nb_pairs,$strand_ratio,$eq_ratio,$insert_ratio, decimal($score,4), $bk1, $bk2);
-	print SV join("\t",@sv)."\n";
-    }
-    close LINKS;
-    close SV;
-    system "sort  -k 9,9nr -k 13,13nr $sv_file > $sv_file.sorted";
-    open SV, "<".$sv_file.".sorted" or die "$0: can't open in the output: $sv_file".".sorted :$!\n";
-    my @links=<SV>;
-    close SV;
-    open SV, ">$sv_file" or die "$0: can't write in the output: $sv_file :$!\n";
-    print SV join("\t",@header)."\n";
-    print SV @links;
-    close SV;
-    unlink($sv_file.".sorted");
-    print LOG "-- output created: $sv_file\n";
-sub densityCalculation{
-    my ($chr,$chrID,$file,$tag_length,$window_dist,$step,$mates_file,$mates_file_ref,$density_file,$input_format)=@_;
-    my @sfile=split(/\./,$$mates_file[$file]);
-    my $fchr=$sfile[$#sfile];
-    my $fh = new FileHandle;
-    my %density;
-    my %density_ref;
-    my @ratio;
-    my ($cov,$cov_ref);
-    print LOG "# $fchr : Frequency calculation procedure...\n";
-    &FreqCalculation(\%density,$chr,$chrID,$tag_length,$window_dist,$step,$$mates_file[$file],$input_format);
-    &FreqCalculation(\%density_ref,$chr,$chrID,$tag_length,$window_dist,$step,$$mates_file_ref[$file],$input_format);
-    print LOG "\# Ratio calculation procedure...\n";
-    $density_file=~s/\/mates\//\/density\//;
-    $fh->open(">".$density_file) or die "$0: can't write in the output ".$density_file." :$!\n";
-    foreach my $k (1..$chr->{nb_chrs}){
-	foreach my $frag (1..$chr->{$k}->{nb_frag}){
-	    @ratio= ($chr->{$k}->{name},
-		    (${$chr->{$k}->{$frag}}[0]+1),
-		    (${$chr->{$k}->{$frag}}[1]+1));
-	    $cov=(exists $density{$k}{$frag}->{count})? $density{$k}{$frag}->{count}:0;
-	    $cov_ref=(exists $density_ref{$k}{$frag}->{count})? $density_ref{$k}{$frag}->{count}:0;
-	    push(@ratio,$cov,$cov_ref);
-	    push(@ratio,log($cov/$cov_ref)) if($cov && $cov_ref);
-	    push(@ratio,-log($cov_ref+1)) if(!$cov && $cov_ref);
-	    push(@ratio,log($cov+1)) if($cov && !$cov_ref);
-	    next if(!$cov && !$cov_ref);
-	    print $fh join("\t",@ratio)."\n";
-	}
-    }
-    $fh->close;
-    print LOG "-- output created: $density_file\n";
-    undef %density;
-    undef %density_ref;
-sub FreqCalculation{
-    my ($density,$chr,$chrID,$tag_length,$window_dist,$step,$mates_file,$input_format) = @_;
-    my @sfile=split(/\./,$mates_file);
-    my $fchr=$sfile[$#sfile];
-    my $fh = new FileHandle;
-    my $nb_windows=0;
-    my $warn=100000;
-    my $record=0;
-    my %pair;
-    my ($sumX,$sumX2) = (0,0);
-    print LOG "\# Frequency calculation for $mates_file...\n";
-     if ($mates_file =~ /.gz$/) {
-	$fh->open("gunzip -c $mates_file |") or die "$0: can't open ".$mates_file.":$!\n";
-    }elsif($mates_file =~ /.bam$/){
-	o$fh->open("$SAMTOOLS_BIN_DIR/samtools view $mates_file |") or die "$0: can't open ".$mates_file.":$!\n";#GALAXY
-    }else{
-	$fh->open("<".$mates_file) or die "$0: can't open ".$mates_file.":$!\n";
-    }
-    while(<$fh>){
-	my @t=split;
-	my $mate=$t[0];
-	my ($chr_read1, $chr_read2, $firstbase_read1, $firstbase_read2, $end_order_read1, $end_order_read2,);
-	next if(exists $pair{$mate});
-	next if (!readMateFile(\$chr_read1, \$chr_read2, \$firstbase_read1, \$firstbase_read2,\$end_order_read1, \$end_order_read2, \@t, $input_format,$tag_length));
-	next unless (exists $chrID->{$chr_read1} || exists $chrID->{$chr_read2}); 
-	($chr_read1, $chr_read2)= ($chrID->{$chr_read1},$chrID->{$chr_read2});
-	$pair{$mate}=undef;
-	$record++;
-	my ($coord_start_read1,$coord_end_read1, $coord_start_read2,$coord_end_read2);
-	recupCoords($firstbase_read1,\$coord_start_read1,\$coord_end_read1,$tag_length->{$end_order_read1},$input_format);
-	recupCoords($firstbase_read2,\$coord_start_read2,\$coord_end_read2,$tag_length->{$end_order_read2},$input_format);
-	my $length = abs($coord_start_read1-$coord_start_read2);
-	$sumX += $length;							#add to sum and sum^2 for mean and variance calculation
-	$sumX2 += $length*$length;	
-	for(my $i=1;$i<=$chr->{$chr_read1}->{'nb_frag'};$i++){
-	    if (abs ($coord_start_read1-${$chr->{$chr_read1}->{$i}}[0]) <= $window_dist){
-		&addToDensity($density,$chr_read1,$i,\$nb_windows)
-		if(overlap($coord_start_read1,$coord_end_read2,${$chr->{$chr_read1}->{$i}}[0],${$chr->{$chr_read1}->{$i}}[1]));
-	    }else{
-		$i=getNextFrag($coord_start_read1,$i,${$chr->{$chr_read1}->{$i}}[0],$chr->{$chr_read1}->{nb_frag},$window_dist,$step);
-	    }
-	}
-	if($record>=$warn){
-	    print LOG "-- $warn mate-pairs analysed - $nb_windows points created\n";
-	    $warn+=100000;
-	}
-    }
-    $fh->close;
-    print LOG "-- $fchr : Total : $record mate-pairs analysed - $nb_windows points created\n";
-    if($record>0){
-	my $mu = $sumX/$record;
-	my $sigma = sqrt($sumX2/$record - $mu*$mu);
-	print LOG "-- $fchr : mu length = $mu, sigma length = $sigma\n";
-    }
-sub ratio2segdup{
-    my($id,$density_file,$segdup_file)=@_;
-    print LOG "# Converting to circos format...\n";
-    open RATIO, "<$density_file" or die "$0: can't open $density_file :$!\n";
-    open SEGDUP, ">$segdup_file" or die "$0: can't write in the output: $segdup_file :$!\n";
-    while(<RATIO>){
-	chomp;
-	my ($chr1,$start1,$end1,$ratio)=(split /\t/)[0,1,2,5];	
-	print SEGDUP "$id$chr1\t$start1\t$end1\t$ratio\n";
-    }
-    close RATIO;
-    close SEGDUP;
-    print LOG "-- output created: $segdup_file\n";
-sub ratio2bedfile{
-    my($density_file,$bed_file)=@_;
-    print LOG "# Converting to bedGraph format...\n";
-    open RATIO, "<$density_file" or die "$0: can't open $density_file :$!\n";
-    open BED, ">$bed_file" or die "$0: can't write in the output: $bed_file :$!\n";
-    print BED "track type=bedGraph name=\"$bed_file\" description=\"log ratios for cnv detection\" ".
-	      "visibility=2 color=255,0,0 alwaysZero=\"On\"\n";
-    while(<RATIO>){
-	chomp;
-	my ($chr1,$start1,$end1,$ratio)=(split /\t/)[0,1,2,5];
-	$chr1 = "chr".$chr1 unless ($chr1 =~ m/chr/);
-	print BED "$chr1\t".($start1-1)."\t$end1\t$ratio\n";
-    }
-    close RATIO;
-    close BED;
-    print LOG "-- output created: $bed_file\n";
-sub inverseSense{
-    my $mate_sense=$_[0];
-    my %reverse=( 'F'  => 'R' , 'R'  => 'F' ,
-		  'FF' => 'RR', 'RR' => 'FF',			
-		  'FR' => 'RF', 'RF' => 'FR');
-    return $reverse{$mate_sense};
-sub getNextFrag{
-    my ($read_start,$frag_num,$frag_start,$frag_last,$window_dist,$step)=@_;
-    my $how_far = $read_start-$frag_start;
-    my $nb_windows_toskip;
-    if($how_far>0){
-	$nb_windows_toskip=($how_far/$step)-($window_dist/$step);
-	$nb_windows_toskip=~ s/\..*//;
-	$nb_windows_toskip=0 if($nb_windows_toskip<0);
-	return ($frag_num + $nb_windows_toskip);
-    }
-    return $frag_last;
-sub getColor{
-    my($count,$hcolor,$format)=@_;
-    for my $col ( keys % { $hcolor} ) {
-       return $col if($count>=$hcolor->{$col}->[0] && $count<=$hcolor->{$col}->[1]);
-    }
-    return "white" if($format eq "circos");
-    return "255,255,255" if($format eq "bed");
-sub recupCoords{
-    my($c_hit,$cs_hit,$ce_hit,$tag_length,$input_format)=@_;
-    my $strand = 'F';
-    if ($c_hit=~s/^\-//) {
-	$strand='R';
-	    $$cs_hit=$c_hit;
-	    $$ce_hit=$c_hit-($tag_length-1); 
-    }else{
-	$$cs_hit=$c_hit;
-	$$ce_hit=$c_hit+($tag_length-1); 
-    }
-    return $strand;
-sub overlap {
-    my($cs_hit,$ce_hit,$cs_region,$ce_region)=@_;
-    if( (($cs_hit < $cs_region) && ($ce_hit < $cs_region )) || (($cs_hit > $ce_region) && ($ce_hit > $ce_region )) ) {
-        return 0;
-    }
-    return 1;
-sub makeLink {
-    my ($link,$chr1,$frag1,$chr2,$frag2,$mt,$nb)=@_;
-    if($chr1>$chr2){
-        ($chr1,$chr2)= ($chr2,$chr1);
-        ($frag1,$frag2)= ($frag2,$frag1);
-    }
-     if($chr1 == $chr2){
-        if($frag1>$frag2){
-	    ($frag1,$frag2)= ($frag2,$frag1);
-	}
-    }
-    if(!exists $link->{$chr1}->{$chr2}->{$frag1}->{$frag2}){
-        $link->{$chr1}->{$chr2}->{$frag1}->{$frag2}=$mt;
-	$$nb++;
-    }elsif($link->{$chr1}->{$chr2}->{$frag1}->{$frag2}!~/(^|,)$mt(,|$)/){
-        $link->{$chr1}->{$chr2}->{$frag1}->{$frag2}.=",$mt";
-    }
-#fonction of adding the read to the density profile
-sub addToDensity {
-    my ($density,$chr1,$frag1,$nb)=@_;
-    if(!exists $density->{$chr1}->{$frag1}->{count}){
-            $density->{$chr1}->{$frag1}->{count}=1;
-	    $$nb++;
-    }else{
-            $density->{$chr1}->{$frag1}->{count}++;
-    }
-sub floor {
-    my $nb = $_[0];
-    $nb=~ s/\..*//;
-    return $nb;
-sub decimal{
-  my $num=shift;
-  my $digs_to_cut=shift;
-  $num=sprintf("%.".($digs_to_cut-1)."f", $num) if ($num=~/\d+\.(\d){$digs_to_cut,}/);
-  return $num;
-sub max {
-    my($max) = shift(@_);
-    foreach my $temp (@_) {
-        $max = $temp if $temp > $max;
-    }
-    return($max);
-sub min {
-    my($min) = shift(@_);
-    foreach my $temp (@_) {
-        $min = $temp if $temp < $min;
-    }
-    return($min);
-sub sortTablebyIndex{
-    my ($tab1,$tab2)=@_;
-    my @tab3;
-    foreach my $i (@$tab1){
-	$tab3[$i]=$$tab2[$$tab1[$i]];
-    }
-    return @tab3;
-sub round {
-  my $number = shift || 0;
-  my $dec = 10 ** (shift || 0);
-  return int( $dec * $number + .5 * ($number <=> 0)) / $dec;
-sub getUniqueTable{
-    my (@tab)=@_;
-    my (%saw,@out)=();
-    undef %saw;
-    return sort(grep(!$saw{$_}++, @tab)); 
-sub catFiles {
-    unlink("$_[1]") if(exists $_[1]);
-    system qq( cat "$_" >> "$_[1]" ) for @{$_[0]};
-#check if the configuration file is correct
-sub validateconfiguration{
-    my %conf=%{$_[0]};
-    my $list_prgs="@ARGV";
-    my @general_params=qw(input_format mates_orientation read1_length read2_length mates_file cmap_file);
-    my @detection_params=qw(split_mate_file window_size step_length split_mate_file);
-    my @filtering_params=qw(split_link_file nb_pairs_threshold strand_filtering split_link_file);
-    my @circos_params=qw(organism_id colorcode);
-    my @bed_params=qw(colorcode);
-    my @compare_params=qw(list_samples file_suffix);
-    foreach my $dir ($conf{general}{output_dir},$conf{general}{tmp_dir}){
-	unless (defined($dir)) {
-	    $dir = ".";
-	}
-	unless (-d $dir){
-	    mkdir $dir or die;
-	}
-	$dir.="/" if($dir!~/\/$/);
-    }
-    unless (defined($conf{general}{num_threads})) {
-	    $conf{general}{num_threads} = 1;
-	}
-    $conf{general}{num_threads}=24 if($conf{general}{num_threads}>24);
-    if($list_prgs!~/links2compare/){
-	foreach my $p (@general_params){
-	    die("Error Config : The parameter \"$p\" is not defined\n") if (!defined $conf{general}{$p});
-	}
-	$conf{general}{input_format}="sam" if($conf{general}{input_format} eq "bam");
-	unless (defined($conf{general}{sv_type})) {
-	    $conf{general}{sv_type} = "all";
-	}
-	$conf{general}{read_lengths}={ 1=> $conf{general}{read1_length}, 2=> $conf{general}{read2_length}};
-    }
-    if($list_prgs=~/(linking|cnv)/){
-	foreach my $p (@detection_params){
-	    die("Error Config : The parameter \"$p\" is not defined\n") if (!defined $conf{detection}{$p});
-	}
-	die("Error Config : The parameter \"mates_file_ref\" is not defined\n") if($list_prgs=~/cnv/ && !defined $conf{detection}{mates_file_ref});
-	if($conf{detection}{step_length}>$conf{detection}{window_size}){
-	    die("Error Config : Parameter \"step_length\" should not exceed \"window size\"\n");
-	}
-	unless (-d $conf{general}{tmp_dir}."/mates"){
-	    mkdir $conf{general}{tmp_dir}."/mates" or die;
-	}
-	if($list_prgs=~/linking/){
-	    unless (-d $conf{general}{tmp_dir}."/links"){
-		mkdir $conf{general}{tmp_dir}."/links" or die;
-	    }
-	}
-	if($list_prgs=~/cnv/){
-	    unless (-d $conf{general}{tmp_dir}."/density"){
-		mkdir $conf{general}{tmp_dir}."/density" or die;
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    if($list_prgs=~/filtering/){
-	foreach my $p (@filtering_params) {
-	    die("Error Config : The filtering parameter \"$p\" is not defined\n") if (!defined $conf{filtering}{$p});
-	}
-	if(defined($conf{filtering}{chromosomes})) {
-	    my @chrs=split(",",$conf{filtering}{chromosomes});
-	    my $exclude=($chrs[0]=~/^\-/)? 1:0;
-	    for my $chrName (@chrs){
-		die("Error Config : The filtering parameter \"chromosomes\" is not valid\n")
-		if(($chrName!~/^\-/ && $exclude) || ($chrName=~/^\-/ && !$exclude));
-	    }
-	}
-	if (( $conf{filtering}{order_filtering} )&& !$conf{filtering}{strand_filtering}) {
-	    die("Error Config : The parameter strand_filtering is set to \"0\" while order_filtering is selected".
-		"\nChange strand_filtering to \"1\" if you want to use the order filtering\n");
-	}
-	if (( !defined($conf{filtering}{mu_length}) || !defined($conf{filtering}{sigma_length}) )&& $conf{filtering}{order_filtering}) {
-	    die("Error Config : You should set parameters \"mu_length\" and \"sigma_length\" to use order filtering\n");
-	}
-	if (( $conf{filtering}{insert_size_filtering} )&& !$conf{filtering}{strand_filtering}) {
-	    die("Error Config : The parameter strand_filtering is set to \"0\" while insert_size_filtering is selected".
-		"\nChange strand_filtering to \"1\" if you want to use the insert size filtering\n");
-	}
-	if (( !defined($conf{filtering}{mu_length}) || !defined($conf{filtering}{sigma_length}) )&& $conf{filtering}{insert_size_filtering}) {
-	    die("Error Config : You should set parameters \"mu_length\" and \"sigma_length\" to use discriminate insertions from deletions\n");
-	}
-	if (!defined($conf{filtering}{indel_sigma_threshold})) {
-	    $conf{filtering}{indel_sigma_threshold} = 2;
-	}
-	if (!defined($conf{filtering}{dup_sigma_threshold})) {
-	    $conf{filtering}{dup_sigma_threshold} = 2;
-	}
-	if (!defined($conf{filtering}{singleton_sigma_threshold})) {
-	    $conf{filtering}{singleton_sigma_threshold} = 4;
-	}
-	if (!defined($conf{filtering}{nb_pairs_order_threshold})) {
-	    $conf{filtering}{nb_pairs_order_threshold} = 1;
-	}
-	if (!defined($conf{filtering}{final_score_threshold})) {
-	    $conf{filtering}{final_score_threshold} = 0.8;
-	}
-	if ($conf{filtering}{nb_pairs_order_threshold}>$conf{filtering}{nb_pairs_threshold}) {
-	    die("Error Config : Parameter \"nb_pairs_order_threshold\" should not exceed \"nb_pairs_threshold\"\n");
-	}
-    }
-    if($list_prgs=~/2circos$/){
-	foreach my $p (@circos_params) {
-	    next if($list_prgs=~/^ratio/ && $p eq "colorcode");
-	    die("Error Config : The circos parameter \"$p\" is not defined\n") if (!defined $conf{circos}{$p});
-	}
-    }
-    if($list_prgs=~/2bed$/){
-	foreach my $p (@bed_params) {
-	    die("Error Config : The bed parameter \"$p\" is not defined\n") if (!defined $conf{bed}{$p});
-	}
-    }
-    if($list_prgs=~/links2compare/){
-	foreach my $p (@compare_params) {
-	    die("Error Config : The compare parameter \"$p\" is not defined\n") if (!defined $conf{compare}{$p});
-	}
-	unless (defined($conf{compare}{same_sv_type})) {
-	    $conf{compare}{same_sv_type} = 0;
-	}
-	unless (defined($conf{compare}{min_overlap})) {
-	    $conf{compare}{min_overlap} = 1E-9;
-	}
-	if($conf{compare}{circos_output}){
-	    foreach my $p (@circos_params) {
-		next if($list_prgs=~/^ratio/ && $p eq "colorcode");
-		die("Error Config : The circos parameter \"$p\" is not defined\n") if (!defined $conf{circos}{$p});
-	    }
-	}
-	if($conf{compare}{bed_output}){
-	    foreach my $p (@bed_params) {
-		die("Error Config : The bed parameter \"$p\" is not defined\n") if (!defined $conf{bed}{$p});
-	    }
-	    die("Error Config : The compare parameter \"list_read_lengths\" is not defined\n") if (!defined $conf{compare}{list_read_lengths});
-	    my @samples=split(",",$conf{compare}{list_samples});
-	    my @read_lengths=split(",",$conf{compare}{list_read_lengths});
-	    for my $i (0..$#samples){
-		my @l=split("-",$read_lengths[$i]);
-		$conf{compare}{read_lengths}{$samples[$i]}={ 1=> $l[0], 2=> $l[1]};
-	    }
-	}
-    }
--- a/svdetect/SVDetect_run_parallel.xml	Thu Jul 12 12:10:27 2012 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,324 +0,0 @@
-<tool id="svdetect_run_parallel" name="Detect clusters of anomalously mapped pairs">
-<description>and identify structural variants</description>
-<command interpreter="perl">
-#if $getLinks.linking == "linking"
-<!-- -out1 '$links_file' -->
-#end if
-#if $getFilteredLinks.filtering == "filtering"
-<!--- out2 '$flinks_file' -->
-#if str($getFilteredLinks.links2SV) == "create"
--out3 '$sv_file'
-#end if
-#if  $getFilteredLinks.file_conversion.file_conversion_select=="convert" and str($getFilteredLinks.file_conversion.links2circos) == "create"
--out4 '$circos_file'
-#end if
-#if  $getFilteredLinks.file_conversion.file_conversion_select=="convert" and str($getFilteredLinks.file_conversion.links2bed) == "create"
--out5 '$bed_file'
-#end if
-#end if
--conf '$config_file'
--l '$log_file'
--N '$sample_name'
-	<param name="sample_name" type="text" value="sample" label="Sample Name"/>
-	<param name="mates_file" format="bam" type="data" label="Input BAM file (.ab.bam)"/>
-   	<param name="cmap_file" format="len" type="data" label="Chromosomes list file (.len)" help="Tabulated file format with Chromosome ID (integer from 1), name and length"/>
-  	<param name="mates_orientation" type="select" format="txt" label="Type of sequencing technology and libraries">
-		<option value="FR">Illumina paired-ends</option>
-		<option value="RF">Illumina mate-pairs</option>
-		<option value="FR">SOLiD paired-ends</option>
-		<option value="RR">SOLiD mate-pairs</option>
-   	</param>
-	<param name="read1_length" type="integer" size="10" value="50" label="Read 1 length (bp)" help="Length of the first read in a pair (left read)"/>
-	<param name="read2_length" type="integer" size="10" value="50" label="Read 2 length (bp)" help="Length of the second read in a pair (right read)"/>
-	<param name="sv_type" type="select" format="txt" label="Type of SV to detect">
-		<option value="all">all types of SVs</option>
-		<option value="intra">intrachromosomal SVs only</option>
-		<option value="inter">interchromosomal SVs only</option>
-  	</param>
-   	<conditional name="getLinks">
-   		<param name="linking" type="select" label="Linking procedure" help="Detection and isolation of links">
-			<option value="linking">Yes</option>
-			<option value="">No, already done</option>
-  		</param>
-		<when value="">
-    			<!-- do nothing here -->
-   		</when>
-    		<when value="linking">
-			<param name="splitmate" label="Do you want to split the original mate file per chromosome for parallel computing?" type="boolean" truevalue="split" falsevalue="do_not_split" checked="True" help="Untick it if already done"/>
-    			<param name="window_size" type="integer" size="20" value="3000" label="Window size (bp)" help="Equal to at least “2µ+2√2σ"/>
-			<param name="step_length" type="integer" size="20" value="250" label="Step length size (bp)" help="Equal to 1/2 or 1/4 of the window size"/>
-    		</when>
-   	</conditional>
-   	<conditional name="getFilteredLinks">
-	   	<param name="filtering" type="select" label="Filtering procedure" help="Filtering of links according different parameters and thresholds">
-			<option value="filtering">Yes</option>
-                        <option value="">No</option>
-	  	</param>
-		<when value="">
-	    		<!-- do nothing here -->
-	   	</when>
-	    	<when value="filtering">
-			<param name="splitlink" label="Do you want to split the original link file per chromosome for parallel computing?" type="boolean" truevalue="split" falsevalue="do_not_split" checked="False" help="Untick it if (the linking is) already done"/>
-			<param name="chromosomes" type="text" size="20" label="List of chromosome names to keep or exclude"/>
-			<param name="nb_pairs_threshold" type="integer" size="20" value="5" label="Minimum number of pairs in a cluster"/>
-			<conditional name="filter1">
-	   			<param name="strand_filtering" type="select" label="Strand filtering procedure">
-					<option value="strand">Yes</option>
-					<option value="">No</option>
-	  			</param>
-				<when value="">
-	    				<!-- do nothing here -->
-	   			</when>
-	    			<when value="strand">
-					<conditional name="filter2">
-			   			<param name="order_filtering" type="select" label="Order filtering procedure">
-							<option value="order">Yes</option>
-							<option value="">No</option>
-			  			</param>
-						<when value="">
-			    				<!-- do nothing here -->
-			   			</when>
-			    			<when value="order">
-							<conditional name="filter3">
-					   			<param name="insert_size_filtering" type="select" label="Insert-size filtering procedure">
-									<option value="insert">Yes</option>
-									<option value="">No</option>
-					  			</param>
-								<when value="">
-					    				<!-- do nothing here -->
-					   			</when>
-					    			<when value="insert">
-									<param name="indel_sigma_threshold" type="float" size="20" value="3" label="Minimal number of sigma fold for the insert size filtering and to call insertions and deletions"/>
-									<param name="dup_sigma_threshold" type="float" size="20" value="3" label="minimal number of sigma fold for the insert size filtering to call tandem duplications"/>
-									<param name="singleton_sigma_threshold" type="float" size="20" value="4" label="Minimal number of sigma fold for the insert size filtering to call singletons" help="for Illumina mate-pairs only"/>
-			    					</when>
-			   				</conditional>
-							<param name="mu_length" type="integer" size="20" value="3000" label="Mean insert size value (µ) of normally mapped mate-pairs, in bp"/>
-							<param name="sigma_length" type="integer" size="20" value="250" label="Calculated sd value (σ) from the distribution of normally mapped  mate-pairs, in bp"/>
-			    				<param name="nb_pairs_order_threshold" type="integer" size="20" value="2" label="Minimal number of pairs in a subgroup of paired-end reads for balanced events"/>
-			    			</when>
-			   		</conditional>
-					<param name="final_score_threshold" type="float" size="20"  value="1.0" label="Minimal final filtering score for calling SVs" help="A value of 1 means all the pairs in a cluster were consistent between each other after applying filters"/>
-	    			</when>
-	   		</conditional>
-			<param name="links2SV" label="Do you want to have filtered links in a tabulated file format showing significant SVs?" type="boolean" truevalue="create" falsevalue="do_not_create" checked="True"/>
-			<conditional name="file_conversion">
-				<param name="file_conversion_select" type="select" label="Output file conversion" help="Converts filtered links to Circos/BED files format for graphical view of SVs">
-					<option value="do_not_convert">No</option>
-					<option value="convert">Yes</option>
-				</param>
-				<when value="do_not_convert">
-					    <!-- do nothing here -->
-				</when>
-				<when value="convert">
-					<param name="links2circos" label="Converts the link list to the Circos link format" type="boolean" truevalue="create" falsevalue="do_not_create" checked="True"/>
-					<param name="links2bed" label="Converts the link list to the UCSC BED format" type="boolean" truevalue="create" falsevalue="do_not_create" checked="False"/>
-					<param name="organism_id" type="text" size="10" value="hs" label="Organism ID"/>
-					<repeat name="color_code" title="Color-code" min="1" max="7">
-						<param name="color" type="select" label="Color">
-							<option value="grey">grey</option>
-							<option value="black">black</option>
-							<option value="blue">blue</option>
-							<option value="green">green</option>
-							<option value="purple">purple</option>
-							<option value="orange">orange</option>
-							<option value="red">red</option>
-						</param>
-						<param name="interval" type="text" value="1,3" label="Interval"/>
-					</repeat>
-				</when>
-			</conditional>
-    		</when>
-	</conditional>
-	<!--<data format="txt" name="links_file" label="svdetect.links">
-		<filter>getLinks['linking']=="linking"</filter>
-	</data>
-	<data format="txt" name="flinks_file" label="svdetect.links.filtered">
-		<filter>getFilteredLinks['filtering']=="filtering"</filter>
-	</data>-->
-	<data format="sv" name="sv_file" label="${sample_name}.sv">
-		<filter>(
-			getFilteredLinks['filtering']=="filtering" and
-			getFilteredLinks['links2SV'] is True
-			)
-	         </filter>
-	</data>
-	<data format="segdup" name="circos_file" label="${sample_name}.segdup">
-		<filter>(
-			getFilteredLinks['filtering']=="filtering" and
-			getFilteredLinks['file_conversion']['file_conversion_select']=="convert" and
-			getFilteredLinks['file_conversion']['links2circos'] is True
-			)
-	         </filter>
-	</data>
-	<data format="bed" name="bed_file" label="${sample_name}.bed">
-		<filter>(
-			getFilteredLinks['filtering']=="filtering" and
-			getFilteredLinks['file_conversion']['file_conversion_select']=="convert" and
-			getFilteredLinks['file_conversion']['links2bed'] is True
-			)
-	         </filter>
-	</data>
-	<data format="txt" name="log_file" label="${sample_name}.svdetect_run.log"/>
-	<configfile name="config_file">
-input_format = bam
-sv_type = ${sv_type}
-#if $getLinks.linking == "linking"
-#if str($getLinks.splitmate) == "split"
-#end if
-#end if
-#if $getFilteredLinks.filtering == "filtering"
-#if str($getFilteredLinks.splitlink) == "split"
-#end if
-#if str($getFilteredLinks.chromosomes) != ""
-#end if
-#if $getFilteredLinks.filter1.strand_filtering == "strand"
-#if $getFilteredLinks.filter1.filter2.order_filtering == "order"
-#if $getFilteredLinks.filter1.filter2.filter3.insert_size_filtering == "insert"
-#end if
-#end if
-#end if
-#end if
-#if $getFilteredLinks.filtering == "filtering"
-#if $getFilteredLinks.file_conversion.file_conversion_select == "convert"
-#if str($getFilteredLinks.file_conversion.links2circos) == "create"
-#for $color_repeat in $getFilteredLinks.file_conversion.color_code
-#end for
-#end if
-#if str($getFilteredLinks.file_conversion.links2bed) == "create"
-#for $color_repeat in $getFilteredLinks.file_conversion.color_code
-#if str($color_repeat.color)== "grey"
-#end if
-#if str($color_repeat.color)== "black"
-#end if
-#if str($color_repeat.color)== "blue"
-#end if
-#if str($color_repeat.color)== "green"
-#end if
-#if str($color_repeat.color)== "purple"
-#end if
-#if str($color_repeat.color)== "orange"
-#end if
-#if str($color_repeat.color)== "red"
-#end if
-#end for
-#end if
-#end if
-#end if	
-	</configfile>
-  <help>
-**What it does**
-SVDetect - Version : 0.8
-Parallel version (nCPU=8)
-SVDetect is a application for the isolation and the type prediction of intra- and inter-chromosomal rearrangements from paired-end/mate-pair sequencing data provided by the high-throughput sequencing technologies
-This tool aims to identifying structural variations (SVs) with both clustering and sliding-window strategies, and helping in their visualization at the genome scale.
-SVDetect is compatible with SOLiD and Illumina (>=1.3) reads.
-Manual documentation available at the
-.. class:: infomark
-Contact Bruno Zeitouni ( for any questions or concerns about the Galaxy implementation of SVDetect.
-  </help>
--- a/svdetect/	Thu Jul 12 12:10:27 2012 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-#Copy your circos directory installation in the galaxy svdetect folder
-#>> ls SVDetect/circos
-#bin/  Build.PL  CHANGES  data/  etc/  fonts/  install-unix*  lib/  MANIFEST.SKIP  README  svg/  TODO  tools/  tutorials/
--- a/svdetect/circos_graph.xml	Thu Jul 12 12:10:27 2012 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,289 +0,0 @@
-<tool id="circos_graph" name="Circos">
-<command interpreter="perl">circos
--conf '$circos_config_file'
--outputdir $__new_file_path__/svdetect
--outputfile '$outputfile'
--out1 '$out1_png'
-> '$log_file'
-	<param name="graph_name" type="text" size="20" value="graph1" label="Graph name"/>
-	<param name="karyotype" type="select" format="txt" label="Type of model organism">
-		<option value="data/karyotype.human_hg19.txt">Human (homo sapiens, hs) -hg19-</option>
-		<option value="data/karyotype.human.txt">Human (homo sapiens, hs) -hg18-</option>
-		<option value="data/2/karyotype.mouse.txt">Mouse (Mus Musculus, mm)</option>
-		<option value="data/2/">Dog (Canis familiaris, cf)</option>
-		<option value="data/2/karyotype.rt.txt">Rat (Rattus norvegicus, rn)</option>
-		<option value="data/karyotype.yeast.txt">Yeast (Saccharomyces Cerevisiae, sc) -SGD-</option>
-  	</param>
-	<param name="chromosomes_units" type="integer" size="50" value="1000000" label="Chromosomes units"/>
-	<param name="chromosomes" type="text" size="100" value="" label="List of chromosome names to keep or exclude" help="ex: hs2;hs3 or -hsX;-hsY">
-		<sanitizer>
-			<valid initial="string.printable">
-				<add value=";"/>
-			</valid>
-		</sanitizer>
-	</param>
-	<param name="link_file" format="segdup" type="data" label="Input link file (.segdup)"/>
-	<param name="outputfile" type="text" size="50" value="graph1.circos.png" label="Output image name file (png)"/>
-	<data format="txt" name="log_file" label="${graph_name}.circos.log"/>
-	<data format="png" name="out1_png" label="${outputfile}"/>
-	<configfile name="ideogram_config_file">
-default = 5u
-break   = 1u
-axis_break_at_edge = yes
-axis_break         = yes
-axis_break_style   = 2
-&lt;break_style 1&gt;
-stroke_color = black
-fill_color   = blue
-thickness    = 0.25r
-stroke_thickness = 2
-&lt;break_style 2&gt;
-stroke_color     = black
-stroke_thickness = 3p
-thickness        = 1.5r
-## thickness (px) of chromosome ideogram
-thickness        = 100p
-stroke_thickness = 2
-## ideogram border color
-stroke_color     = black
-fill             = yes
-## the default chromosome color is set here and any value
-## defined in the karyotype file overrides it
-fill_color       = black
-## fractional radius position of chromosome ideogram within image
-radius         = 0.85r
-show_label     = yes
-label_with_tag = yes
-label_font     = condensedbold
-label_radius   = dims(ideogram,radius) + 0.075r
-label_size     = 60p
-## cytogenetic bands
-band_stroke_thickness = 2
-## show_bands determines whether the outline of cytogenetic bands
-## will be seen
-show_bands            = yes
-## in order to fill the bands with the color defined in the karyotype
-## file you must set fill_bands
-fill_bands            = yes
-	</configfile>
-	<configfile name="ticks_config_file">
-show_ticks          = yes
-show_tick_labels    = yes
-radius               = dims(ideogram,radius_outer)
-multiplier           = 1e-6
-spacing        = 0.5u
-size           = 2p
-thickness      = 2p
-color          = grey
-show_label     = no
-label_size     = 12p
-label_offset   = 0p
-format         = %.2f
-spacing        = 1u
-size           = 3p
-thickness      = 2p
-color          = dgrey
-show_label     = no
-label_size     = 12p
-label_offset   = 0p
-format         = %.2f
-spacing        = 5u
-size           = 5p
-thickness      = 2p
-color          = black
-show_label     = yes
-label_size     = 16p
-label_offset   = 0p
-format         = %d
-spacing        = 10u
-size           = 8p
-thickness      = 2p
-color          = black
-show_label     = yes
-label_size     = 20p
-label_offset   = 5p
-format         = %d
-	</configfile>	
-	<configfile name="circos_config_file">
-&lt;&lt;include etc/colors.conf&gt;&gt;
-&lt;&lt;include etc/fonts.conf&gt;&gt;
-&lt;&lt;include $ideogram_config_file&gt;&gt;
-&lt;&lt;include $ticks_config_file&gt;&gt;
-karyotype = $karyotype
-24bit = yes
-##png = yes
-##svg = no
-## radius of inscribed circle in image
-radius         = 1500p
-background     = white
-## by default angle=0 is at 3 o'clock position
-angle_offset   = -90
-#angle_orientation = counterclockwise
-auto_alpha_colors = yes
-auto_alpha_steps  = 5
-chromosomes_units= $chromosomes_units
-#if str($chromosomes)==""
-chromosomes_display_default = yes
-chromosomes_display_default = no
-chromosomes = $chromosomes
-#end if
-z      = 0
-radius = 0.95r
-bezier_radius = 0.2r
-&lt;link segdup&gt;
-show         = yes
-color        = dgrey_a5
-thickness    = 2
-file         = $link_file
-record_limit = 1000
-anglestep       = 0.5
-minslicestep    = 10
-beziersamples   = 40
-debug           = no
-warnings        = no
-imagemap        = no
-units_ok = bupr
-units_nounit = n
-	</configfile>
-  <help>
-**What it does**
-Manual documentation available at the
-**Example of link segdup file**
-segdup file::
-    1	hs1	1077096	1078746	color=red
-    1	hs1	1080923	1082805	color=red
-    2	hs1	1137684	1137961	color=red
-    2	hs3	1138138	1138423	color=red
-    3	hs11	1169417	1170000	color=red
-    3	hs11	1170025	1170975	color=red
-    4	hs11	1222480	1224271	color=green
-    4	hs11	1223328	1225675	color=green
-    5	hs12	1223336	1225812	color=grey
-    5	hs13	1224709	1227633	color=grey
-    6	hs11	1223621	1226460	color=red
-    6	hs11	1224918	1227633	color=red
-    7	hs11	1399510	1401513	color=white
-    7	hs11	1401628	1403697	color=white
-    8	hs15	1652045	1653746	color=red
-    8	hs15	1657167	1658940	color=red
-    9	hs11	165333	165887	color=white
-    9	hs11	165981	168016	color=white
-    10	hs11	1702700	1702841	color=red
-    10	hs11	1702903	1703057	color=red
-    11	hs11	1912272	1915186	color=white
-    11	hs11	1937111	1939824	color=white
-    12	hs11	1983211	1983355	color=red
-    12	hs11	1983591	1983748	color=red
-    13	hs11	2913657	2913898	color=white
-    13	hs11	2914048	2914341	color=white
-    14	hs11	3090593	3090749	color=purple
-    14	hs11	3090709	3090864	color=purple
-    15	hs21	3466365	3466434	color=red
-    15	hs21	3466554	3466620	color=red
-    16	hsX	3603073	3603321	color=white
-    16	hsX	3603295	3603520	color=white
-.. class:: infomark
-Contact Bruno Zeitouni ( for any questions or concerns about the Galaxy implementation of Circos.
-  </help>