diff dna_features_viewer/biotools.py @ 1:e923c686ead9 draft

planemo upload commit 94b0cd1fff0826c6db3e7dc0c91c0c5a8be8bb0c
author cpt
date Mon, 05 Jun 2023 02:45:31 +0000 (22 months ago)
children b79e98299a78
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/dna_features_viewer/biotools.py	Mon Jun 05 02:45:31 2023 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+import textwrap
+from Bio.Seq import Seq
+from Bio.SeqFeature import SeqFeature, FeatureLocation
+from Bio.PDB.Polypeptide import aa1, aa3
+from Bio import SeqIO
+    from BCBio import GFF
+except ImportError:
+    class GFF:
+        def parse(*a):
+            """Not available. Please install bcbio-gff."""
+            raise ImportError("Please install the bcbio-gff library to parse GFF data")
+def complement(dna_sequence):
+    """Return the complement of the DNA sequence.
+    For instance ``complement("ATGCCG")`` returns ``"TACGGC"``.
+    Uses BioPython for speed.
+    """
+    return str(Seq(dna_sequence).complement())
+def reverse_complement(sequence):
+    """Return the reverse-complement of the DNA sequence.
+    For instance ``complement("ATGCCG")`` returns ``"GCCGTA"``.
+    Uses BioPython for speed.
+    """
+    return complement(sequence)[::-1]
+aa_short_to_long_form_dict = {
+    _aa1: _aa3[0] + _aa3[1:].lower() for (_aa1, _aa3) in zip(aa1 + "*", aa3 + ["*"])
+def translate(dna_sequence, long_form=False):
+    """Translate the DNA sequence into an amino-acids sequence MLKYQT...
+    If long_form is true, a list of 3-letter amino acid representations
+    is returned instead (['Ala', 'Ser', ...]).
+    """
+    result = str(Seq(dna_sequence).translate())
+    if long_form:
+        result = [aa_short_to_long_form_dict[aa] for aa in result]
+    return result
+def extract_graphical_translation(sequence, location, long_form=False):
+    """Return a string of the "graphical" translation of a sequence's subsegment.
+    Here "graphical" means that the amino acid sequence is always given
+    left-to-right, as it will appear under the sequence in the plot. This matters
+    when the location is on the -1 strand. In this case, the amino-acids are
+    determined by (part of) the reverse-complement of the sequence, however
+    the sequence returned will be the mirror of the translated sequence, as
+    this is the left-to-right order in which the codons corresponding to the
+    amino-acids appear in the sequence.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    sequence
+      An "ATGC" string.
+    location
+      Either (start, end) or (start, end, strand), with strand in (0, 1, -1).
+    long_form
+      if True, a list of 3-letter amino acid representations is returned instead
+      (['Ala', 'Ser', ...]).
+    """
+    if len(location) == 3:
+        start, end, strand = location
+    else:
+        start, end = location
+        strand = 1
+    subsequence = sequence[start:end]
+    if strand == -1:
+        subsequence = reverse_complement(subsequence)
+    translation = translate(subsequence, long_form=long_form)
+    if strand == -1:
+        translation = translation[::-1]
+    return translation
+def load_record(path):
+    """Load a Genbank file"""
+    if isinstance(path, str):
+        # Input is a file path
+        if path.lower().endswith(".gff"):
+            return list(GFF.parse(path))[0]
+        else:
+            return SeqIO.read(path, "genbank")
+    else:
+        # Input is a file-like object
+        try:
+            return SeqIO.read(path, "genbank")
+        except:
+            path.seek(0)
+            return list(GFF.parse(path))[0]
+def annotate_biopython_record(
+    seqrecord, location="full", feature_type="misc_feature", margin=0, **qualifiers
+    """Add a feature to a Biopython SeqRecord.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    seqrecord
+      The biopython seqrecord to be annotated.
+    location
+      Either (start, end) or (start, end, strand). (strand defaults to +1)
+    feature_type
+      The type associated with the feature
+    margin
+      Number of extra bases added on each side of the given location.
+    qualifiers
+      Dictionnary that will be the Biopython feature's `qualifiers` attribute.
+    """
+    if location == "full":
+        location = (margin, len(seqrecord) - margin)
+    strand = location[2] if len(location) == 3 else 1
+    seqrecord.features.append(
+        SeqFeature(
+            FeatureLocation(location[0], location[1], strand),
+            qualifiers=qualifiers,
+            type=feature_type,
+        )
+    )
+def find_narrowest_text_wrap(text, max_line_length):
+    """Wrap the text into a multi-line text minimizing the longest line length.
+    This is done by first wrapping the text using max_line_length, then
+    attempt new wraps by iteratively decreasing the line_length, as long as the
+    number of lines stays the same as with max_line_length.
+    """
+    narrowest_wrap = textwrap.wrap(text, max_line_length)
+    narrowest_width = max([len(l) for l in narrowest_wrap])
+    for line_length in range(max_line_length - 1, 0, -1):
+        wrap = textwrap.wrap(text, line_length)
+        if len(wrap) <= len(narrowest_wrap):
+            width = max([len(l) for l in wrap])
+            if width < narrowest_width:
+                narrowest_wrap = wrap
+                narrowest_width = width
+        else:
+            break
+    return "\n".join(narrowest_wrap)