view seurat_run_pca.xml @ 3:a54f3400a885 draft

"planemo upload for repository commit f3077a71c898b86794a0d630d11334788b797f2f"
author ebi-gxa
date Sat, 11 Jul 2020 08:42:37 -0400
parents e534a73143b1
children 3fd59cdcb477
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<tool id="seurat_run_pca" name="Seurat RunPCA" version="@SEURAT_VERSION@+galaxy0">
    <description>run a PCA dimensionality reduction</description>
    <expand macro="requirements" />
    <expand macro="version" />
    <command detect_errors="exit_code"><![CDATA[

#if $pc_genes:
    --pc-genes '$pc_genes'
#end if
#if $pc_cells
  --pc-cells '$pc_cells'
#end if
--output-embeddings-file output_embed
--output-loadings-file output_load
--output-stdev-file output_sdev
#if $pcs_compute:
    --pcs-compute '$pcs_compute'
#end if
#if $reverse_pca
#end if


        <expand macro="input_object_params"/>
        <expand macro="output_object_params"/>
        <param name="pc_genes" type="data" format="tabular,txt" optional="True" label="Genes to scale" help="File with gene names to scale/center. Default is all genes in object@data." />
        <param label="Cells to scale" optional="true" name="pc_cells" argument="--pc-cells" type="text" help="File with cell names to scale/center. Default is all cells in object@data."/>
        <param name="pcs_compute" type="integer" optional="True" label="Principal components" help="Total Number of PCs to compute and store (20 by default). Less PCs might be faster, but will explain less variance."/>
        <param label="Reverse PCA" optional="true" name="reverse_pca" argument="--reverse-pca" type="boolean" truevalue="--reverse-pca" checked="false" help="Run PCA on reverse matrix (gene x cell; FALSE by default means cell x gene)."/>

        <expand macro="output_files"/>
        <data name="output_embed" format="csv" from_work_dir="output_embed" label="${} on ${on_string}: Seurat Embeddings"/>
        <data name="output_load" format="csv" from_work_dir="output_load" label="${} on ${on_string}: Seurat Loadings"/>
        <data name="output_sdev" format="csv" from_work_dir="output_sdev" label="${} on ${on_string}: Seurat Std dev"/>

            <param name="input" ftype="rdata" value="out_scale.rds"/>
            <output name="rds_seurat_file" ftype="rdata" value="out_runpca.rds" compare="sim_size"/>
.. class:: infomark

**What it does**

This tool runs a PCA dimensionality reduction.




    * Seurat RDS object, normalised and scaled potentially.
    * Genes used to scale. File of gene names to scale/center. Default is all genes in object.
    * Principal components to compute. Total Number of PCs to compute and store (20 by default). Less PCs might be faster, but will explain less variance.
    * Use imputed. Boolean indicating whether to run PCA on imputed values or not.



    * Seurat RDS object with PCA calculations and embeddings.
    * Embeddings on CSV file. File with a csv-format embeddings table with principal components by cell.
    * Loadings on CSV file. File with a csv-format loadings table with principal components by gene.
    * Standard deviation on CSV file. Contains principal components std. deviations.

.. _Seurat:
.. _Satija Lab:

      <expand macro="citations" />