1 Tool wrapper for MaxQuant.
3 MaxQuant is a Windows only program and so you will likely need to
4 deploy this tool to run on a remote Windows system via the LWR
5 (https://lwr.readthedocs.org).
7 The sample mods file maxquant_mods.loc.sample corresponds to the
8 default modifications MaxQuant is configured with. The Galaxy-P
9 project uses a MaxQuant that has been extended with all of Unimod. To
10 modify MaxQuant in this fashion replace MaxQuant's modifications.xml
11 file with the extended_modifications.xml distributed with this tool
12 and configure Galaxy with the maxquant_mods.loc.sample.extended loc
13 file.# Obtaining Tools
15 Repositories for all Galaxy-P tools can be found at
16 https:/bitbucket.org/galaxyp/.
18 # Contact
20 Please send suggestions for improvements and bug reports to
21 jmchilton@gmail.com.
23 # License
25 All Galaxy-P tools are licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0
26 unless otherwise documented.
28 # Tool Versioning
30 Galaxy-P tools will have versions of the form X.Y.Z. Versions
31 differing only after the second decimal should be completely
32 compatible with each other. Breaking changes should result in an
33 increment of the number before and/or after the first decimal. All
34 tools of version less than 1.0.0 should be considered beta.