changeset 0:2f4f6f08c8c4 draft

author george-weingart
date Tue, 13 May 2014 21:58:57 -0400 (2014-05-14)
children cd71e90abfab
files HMPStool10PCoA.png README.txt datatypes_conf.xml input/CommaDelim.pcl input/FeatureMetadata.pcl input/PeriodDelim.pcl input/Test-env.txt input/Test.biom input/Test.pcl input/Test.tree input/Test2.biom input/TestFeatures.taxa input/Test_Matrix.txt micropita.xml micropita_galaxy_ReadMe.txt pcl_diagram.png src/ src/ConstantsMicropita.pyc src/ src/__init__.pyc src/breadcrumbs/ src/breadcrumbs/ src/breadcrumbs/__init__.pyc src/breadcrumbs/demo_input/GreenGenesCore-May09.ref.tre src/breadcrumbs/demo_input/Test-Biplot.tsv src/breadcrumbs/demo_input/Test-BiplotNA.tsv src/breadcrumbs/demo_input/Test-comma.biom src/breadcrumbs/demo_input/Test-comma.pcl src/breadcrumbs/demo_input/Test.biom src/breadcrumbs/demo_input/Test.pcl src/breadcrumbs/demo_input/Test.tsv src/breadcrumbs/demo_input/TestForConversion.biom src/breadcrumbs/demo_input/Test_no_metadata.biom src/breadcrumbs/demo_input/Test_no_metadata.pcl src/breadcrumbs/demo_input/fastunifrac_Ley_et_al_NRM_2_sample_id_map-colors.txt src/breadcrumbs/demo_input/fastunifrac_Ley_et_al_NRM_2_sample_id_map.txt src/breadcrumbs/demo_input/testFeatureMetadata.pcl src/breadcrumbs/docs/PCL-Description.txt src/breadcrumbs/docs/ src/breadcrumbs/hclust/ src/breadcrumbs/scripts/scriptBiplotTSV.R src/breadcrumbs/scripts/ src/breadcrumbs/scripts/ src/breadcrumbs/scripts/ src/breadcrumbs/scripts/ src/breadcrumbs/scripts/ src/breadcrumbs/src/ src/breadcrumbs/src/AbundanceTable.pyc src/breadcrumbs/src/ src/breadcrumbs/src/ src/breadcrumbs/src/CClade.pyc src/breadcrumbs/src/ src/breadcrumbs/src/ src/breadcrumbs/src/ src/breadcrumbs/src/ConstantsBreadCrumbs.pyc src/breadcrumbs/src/ src/breadcrumbs/src/ src/breadcrumbs/src/ src/breadcrumbs/src/KMedoids.pyc src/breadcrumbs/src/ src/breadcrumbs/src/MLPYDistanceAdaptor.pyc src/breadcrumbs/src/ src/breadcrumbs/src/Metric.pyc src/breadcrumbs/src/ src/breadcrumbs/src/ src/breadcrumbs/src/ src/breadcrumbs/src/ src/breadcrumbs/src/SVM.pyc src/breadcrumbs/src/ src/breadcrumbs/src/ src/breadcrumbs/src/ src/breadcrumbs/src/UtilityMath.pyc src/breadcrumbs/src/ src/breadcrumbs/src/ValidateData.pyc src/breadcrumbs/src/ src/breadcrumbs/src/__init__.pyc src/breadcrumbs/src/circlader/ src/breadcrumbs/src/circlader/ src/breadcrumbs/src/under_development/ tool_dependencies.xml
diffstat 81 files changed, 28467 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
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Binary file HMPStool10PCoA.png has changed
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Tue May 13 21:58:57 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,1145 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+Author: Timothy Tickle
+Description: Class to Run analysis for the microPITA paper
+#Copyright (C) <2012>
+#Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
+#this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the
+#Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy,
+#modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,
+#and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+#the following conditions:
+#The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies
+#or substantial portions of the Software.
+__author__ = "Timothy Tickle"
+__copyright__ = "Copyright 2012"
+__credits__ = ["Timothy Tickle"]
+__license__ = "MIT"
+__maintainer__ = "Timothy Tickle"
+__email__ = ""
+__status__ = "Development"
+import sys
+import argparse
+from src.breadcrumbs.src.AbundanceTable import AbundanceTable
+from src.breadcrumbs.src.ConstantsBreadCrumbs import ConstantsBreadCrumbs
+from src.breadcrumbs.src.Metric import Metric
+from src.breadcrumbs.src.KMedoids import Kmedoids
+from src.breadcrumbs.src.MLPYDistanceAdaptor import MLPYDistanceAdaptor
+from src.breadcrumbs.src.SVM import SVM
+from src.breadcrumbs.src.UtilityMath import UtilityMath
+from src.ConstantsMicropita import ConstantsMicropita
+import csv
+import logging
+import math
+import mlpy
+import numpy as np
+import operator
+import os
+import random
+import scipy.cluster.hierarchy as hcluster
+import scipy.spatial.distance
+from types import *
+class MicroPITA:
+	"""
+	Selects samples from a first tier of a multi-tiered study to be used in a second tier.
+	Different methods can be used for selection.
+	The expected input is an abundance table (and potentially a text file of targeted features,
+	if using the targeted features option). Output is a list of samples exhibiting the
+	characteristics of interest.
+	"""
+	#Constants
+	#Diversity metrics Alpha
+	c_strInverseSimpsonDiversity = Metric.c_strInvSimpsonDiversity
+	c_strChao1Diversity = Metric.c_strChao1Diversity
+	#Diversity metrics Beta
+	c_strBrayCurtisDissimilarity = Metric.c_strBrayCurtisDissimilarity
+	#Additive inverses of diversity metrics beta
+	c_strInvBrayCurtisDissimilarity = Metric.c_strInvBrayCurtisDissimilarity
+	#Technique Names
+	ConstantsMicropita.c_strDiversity2 = ConstantsMicropita.c_strDiversity+"_C"
+	#Targeted feature settings
+	c_strTargetedRanked = ConstantsMicropita.c_strTargetedRanked
+	c_strTargetedAbundance = ConstantsMicropita.c_strTargetedAbundance
+	#Technique groupings
+#	c_lsDiversityMethods = [ConstantsMicropita.c_strDiversity,ConstantsMicropita.c_strDiversity2]
+	#Converts ecology metrics into standardized method selection names
+	dictConvertAMetricDiversity = {c_strInverseSimpsonDiversity:ConstantsMicropita.c_strDiversity, c_strChao1Diversity:ConstantsMicropita.c_strDiversity2}
+#	dictConvertMicroPITAToAMetric = {ConstantsMicropita.c_strDiversity:c_strInverseSimpsonDiversity, ConstantsMicropita.c_strDiversity2:c_strChao1Diversity}
+	dictConvertBMetricToMethod = {c_strBrayCurtisDissimilarity:ConstantsMicropita.c_strRepresentative}
+	dictConvertInvBMetricToMethod = {c_strBrayCurtisDissimilarity:ConstantsMicropita.c_strExtreme}
+	#Linkage used in the Hierarchical clustering
+	c_strHierarchicalClusterMethod = 'average'
+####Group 1## Diversity
+	#Testing: Happy path Testing (8)
+	def funcGetTopRankedSamples(self, lldMatrix = None, lsSampleNames = None, iTopAmount = None):
+		"""
+		Given a list of lists of measurements, for each list the indices of the highest values are returned. If lsSamplesNames is given
+			it is treated as a list of string names that is in the order of the measurements in each list. Indices are returned or the sample
+			names associated with the indices.
+		:param	lldMatrix:	List of lists [[value,value,value,value],[value,value,value,value]].
+		:type:	List of lists	List of measurements. Each list is a different measurement. Each measurement in positionally related to a sample.
+		:param	lsSampleNames:	List of sample names positionally related (the same) to each list (Optional).
+		:type:	List of strings	List of strings.
+		:param	iTopAmount:	The amount of top measured samples (assumes the higher measurements are better).
+		:type:	integer	Integer amount of sample names/ indices to return.
+		:return	List:	List of samples to be selected.
+		"""
+		topRankListRet = []
+		for rowMetrics in lldMatrix:
+			#Create 2 d array to hold value and index and sort
+			liIndexX = [rowMetrics,range(len(rowMetrics))]
+			liIndexX[1].sort(key = liIndexX[0].__getitem__,reverse = True)
+			if lsSampleNames:
+				topRankListRet.append([lsSampleNames[iIndex] for iIndex in liIndexX[1][:iTopAmount]])
+			else:
+				topRankListRet.append(liIndexX[1][:iTopAmount])
+		return topRankListRet
+	####Group 2## Representative Dissimilarity
+	#Testing: Happy path tested 1
+	def funcGetCentralSamplesByKMedoids(self, npaMatrix=None, sMetric=None, lsSampleNames=None, iNumberSamplesReturned=0, istmBetaMatrix=None, istrmTree=None, istrmEnvr=None):
+		"""
+		Gets centroid samples by k-medoids clustering of a given matrix.
+		:param	npaMatrix:	Numpy array where row=features and columns=samples
+		:type:	Numpy array	Abundance Data.
+		:param	sMetric:	String name of beta metric used as the distance metric.
+		:type:	String	String name of beta metric.
+		:param	lsSampleNames:	The names of the sample
+		:type:	List	List of strings
+		:param	iNumberSamplesReturned:	Number of samples to return, each will be a centroid of a sample.
+		:type:	Integer	Number of samples to return
+		:return	List:	List of selected samples.
+		:param	istmBetaMatrix: File with beta-diversity matrix
+		:type:	File stream or file path string
+		"""
+		#Count of how many rows
+		sampleCount = npaMatrix.shape[0]
+		if iNumberSamplesReturned > sampleCount:
+			logging.error("MicroPITA.funcGetCentralSamplesByKMedoids:: There are not enough samples to return the amount of samples specified. Return sample count = "+str(iNumberSamplesReturned)+". Sample number = "+str(sampleCount)+".")
+			return False
+		#If the cluster count is equal to the sample count return all samples
+		if sampleCount == iNumberSamplesReturned:
+			return list(lsSampleNames)
+		#Get distance matrix
+		distanceMatrix=scipy.spatial.distance.squareform(Metric.funcReadMatrixFile(istmMatrixFile=istmBetaMatrix,lsSampleOrder=lsSampleNames)[0]) if istmBetaMatrix else Metric.funcGetBetaMetric(npadAbundancies=npaMatrix, sMetric=sMetric, istrmTree=istrmTree, istrmEnvr=istrmEnvr, lsSampleOrder=lsSampleNames)
+		if type(distanceMatrix) is BooleanType:
+			logging.error("MicroPITA.funcGetCentralSamplesByKMedoids:: Could not read in the supplied distance matrix, returning false.")
+			return False
+		# Handle unifrac output
+		if sMetric in [Metric.c_strUnifracUnweighted,Metric.c_strUnifracWeighted]:
+			distanceMatrix = distanceMatrix[0]
+		#Log distance matrix
+		logging.debug("MicroPITA.funcGetCentralSamplesByKMedoids:: Distance matrix for representative selection using metric="+str(sMetric))
+		distance = MLPYDistanceAdaptor(npaDistanceMatrix=distanceMatrix, fIsCondensedMatrix=True)
+		#Create object to determine clusters/medoids
+		medoidsMaker = Kmedoids(k=iNumberSamplesReturned, dist=distance)
+		#medoidsData includes(1d numpy array, medoids indexes; 
+		#			  1d numpy array, non-medoids indexes;
+		#			  1d numpy array, cluster membership for non-medoids;
+		#			  double, cost of configuration)
+		#npaMatrix is samples x rows
+		#Build a matrix of lists of indicies to pass to the distance matrix
+		lliIndicesMatrix = [[iIndexPosition] for iIndexPosition in xrange(0,len(npaMatrix))]
+		medoidsData = medoidsMaker.compute(np.array(lliIndicesMatrix))
+		logging.debug("MicroPITA.funcGetCentralSamplesByKMedoids:: Results from the kmedoid method in representative selection:")
+		logging.debug(str(medoidsData))
+		#If returning the same amount of clusters and samples
+		#Return centroids
+		selectedIndexes = medoidsData[0]
+		return [lsSampleNames[selectedIndexes[index]] for index in xrange(0,iNumberSamplesReturned)]
+	####Group 3## Highest Dissimilarity
+	#Testing: Happy path tested
+	def funcSelectExtremeSamplesFromHClust(self, strBetaMetric, npaAbundanceMatrix, lsSampleNames, iSelectSampleCount, istmBetaMatrix=None, istrmTree=None, istrmEnvr=None):
+		"""
+		Select extreme samples from HClustering.
+		:param	strBetaMetric:	The beta metric to use for distance matrix generation.
+		:type:	String	The name of the beta metric to use.
+		:param	npaAbundanceMatrix:	Numpy array where row=samples and columns=features.
+		:type:	Numpy Array	Abundance data.
+		:param	lsSampleNames:	The names of the sample.
+		:type:	List	List of strings.
+		:param	iSelectSampleCount:	Number of samples to select (return).
+		:type:	Integer	Integer number of samples returned.
+		:return	Samples:	List of samples.
+		:param	istmBetaMatrix: File with beta-diversity matrix
+		:type:	File stream or file path string
+		"""
+		#If they want all the sample count, return all sample names
+		iSampleCount=len(npaAbundanceMatrix[:,0])
+		if iSelectSampleCount==iSampleCount:
+		  return lsSampleNames
+		#Holds the samples to be returned
+		lsReturnSamplesRet = []
+		#Generate beta matrix
+		#Returns condensed matrix
+		tempDistanceMatrix = scipy.spatial.distance.squareform(Metric.funcReadMatrixFile(istmMatrixFile=istmBetaMatrix,lsSampleOrder=lsSampleNames)[0]) if istmBetaMatrix else Metric.funcGetBetaMetric(npadAbundancies=npaAbundanceMatrix, sMetric=strBetaMetric, istrmTree=istrmTree, istrmEnvr=istrmEnvr, lsSampleOrder=lsSampleNames, fAdditiveInverse = True)
+		if strBetaMetric in [Metric.c_strUnifracUnweighted,Metric.c_strUnifracWeighted]:
+			tempDistanceMatrix = tempDistanceMatrix[0]
+		if type(tempDistanceMatrix) is BooleanType:
+			logging.error("MicroPITA.funcSelectExtremeSamplesFromHClust:: Could not read in the supplied distance matrix, returning false.")
+			return False
+		if istmBetaMatrix:
+			tempDistanceMatrix = 1-tempDistanceMatrix
+		#Feed beta matrix to linkage to cluster
+		#Send condensed matrix
+		linkageMatrix = hcluster.linkage(tempDistanceMatrix, method=self.c_strHierarchicalClusterMethod)
+		#Extract cluster information from dendrogram
+		#The linakge matrix is of the form
+		#[[int1 int2 doube int3],...]
+		#int1 and int1 are the paired samples indexed at 0 and up.
+		#each list is an entry for a branch that is number starting with the first
+		#list being sample count index + 1
+		#each list is then named by an increment as they appear
+		#this means that if a number is in the list and is = sample count or greater it is not
+		#terminal and is instead a branch.
+		#This method just takes the lowest metric measurement (highest distance pairs/clusters)
+		#Works much better than the original technique
+		#get total number of samples
+		iCurrentSelectCount = 0
+		for row in linkageMatrix:
+			#Get nodes ofthe lowest pairing (so the furthest apart pair)
+			iNode1 = int(row[0])
+			iNode2 = int(row[1])
+			#Make sure the nodes are a terminal node (sample) and not a branch in the dendrogram
+			#The branching in the dendrogram will start at the number of samples and increment higher.
+			#Add each of the pair one at a time breaking when enough samples are selected.
+			if iNode1<iSampleCount:
+				lsReturnSamplesRet.append(lsSampleNames[iNode1])
+				iCurrentSelectCount = iCurrentSelectCount + 1
+			if iCurrentSelectCount == iSelectSampleCount:
+				break
+			if iNode2<iSampleCount:
+				lsReturnSamplesRet.append(lsSampleNames[iNode2])
+				iCurrentSelectCount = iCurrentSelectCount + 1
+			if iCurrentSelectCount == iSelectSampleCount:
+				break
+		#Return selected samples
+		return lsReturnSamplesRet
+	####Group 4## Rank Average of user Defined Taxa
+		#Testing: Happy Path Tested
+	def funcGetAverageAbundanceSamples(self, abndTable, lsTargetedFeature, fRank=False):
+		"""
+		Averages feature abundance or ranked abundance. Expects a column 0 of taxa id that is skipped.
+		:param	abndTable:	Abundance Table to analyse
+		:type:	AbundanceTable	Abundance Table
+		:param	lsTargetedFeature:	String names
+		:type:	list	list of string names of features (bugs) which are measured after ranking against the full sample
+		:param  fRank:	Indicates to rank the abundance before getting the average abundance of the features (default false)
+		:type:   boolean	Flag indicating ranking abundance before calculating average feature measurement (false= no ranking)
+		:return	List of lists or boolean:	List of lists or False on error. One internal list per sample indicating the sample,
+				feature average abundance or ranked abundance. Lists will already be sorted.
+				For not Ranked [[sample,average abundance of selected feature,1]]
+				For Ranked [[sample,average ranked abundance, average abundance of selected feature]]
+				Error Returns false
+		"""
+		llAbundance = abndTable.funcGetAverageAbundancePerSample(lsTargetedFeature)
+		if not llAbundance:
+			logging.error("MicroPITA.funcGetAverageAbundanceSamples:: Could not get average abundance, returned false. Make sure the features (bugs) are spelled correctly and in the abundance table.")
+			return False
+		#Add a space for ranking if needed
+		#Not ranked will be [[sSample,average abundance,1]]
+		#(where 1 will not discriminant ties if used in later functions, so this generalizes)
+		#Ranked will be [[sSample, average rank, average abundance]]
+		llRetAbundance = [[llist[0],-1,llist[1]] for llist in llAbundance]
+		#Rank if needed
+		if fRank:
+			abndRanked = abndTable.funcRankAbundance()
+			if abndRanked == None:
+				logging.error("MicroPITA.funcGetAverageAbundanceSamples:: Could not rank the abundance table, returned false.")
+				return False
+			llRetRank = abndRanked.funcGetAverageAbundancePerSample(lsTargetedFeature)
+			if not llRetRank:
+				logging.error("MicroPITA.funcGetAverageAbundanceSamples:: Could not get average ranked abundance, returned false. Make sure the features (bugs) are spelled correctly and in the abundance table.")
+				return False
+			dictRanks = dict(llRetRank)
+			llRetAbundance = [[a[0],dictRanks[a[0]],a[2]] for a in llRetAbundance]
+		#Sort first for ties and then for the main feature
+ 		if not fRank or ConstantsMicropita.c_fBreakRankTiesByDiversity:
+			llRetAbundance = sorted(llRetAbundance, key = lambda sampleData: sampleData[2], reverse = not fRank)
+		if fRank:
+			llRetAbundance = sorted(llRetAbundance, key = lambda sampleData: sampleData[1], reverse = not fRank)
+		return llRetAbundance
+	#Testing: Happy Path Tested
+	def funcSelectTargetedTaxaSamples(self, abndMatrix, lsTargetedTaxa, iSampleSelectionCount, sMethod = ConstantsMicropita.lsTargetedFeatureMethodValues[0]):
+	  """
+	  Selects samples with the highest ranks or abundance of targeted features.
+	  If ranked, select the highest abundance for tie breaking
+	  :param	abndMatrix:	Abundance table to analyse 
+	  :type:	AbundanceTable	Abundance table
+	  :param	lsTargetedTaxa:	List of features
+	  :type:	list	list of strings
+	  :param	iSampleSelectionCount:	Number of samples to select
+	  :type:	integer	integer
+	  :param	sMethod:	Method to select targeted features
+	  :type:	string	String (Can be values found in ConstantsMicropita.lsTargetedFeatureMethodValues)
+	  :return	List of strings:	List of sample names which were selected
+	  List of strings	Empty list is returned on an error.
+	  """
+	  #Check data
+	  if(len(lsTargetedTaxa) < 1):
+		logging.error("MicroPITA.funcSelectTargetedTaxaSamples. Taxa defined selection was requested but no features were given.")
+		return []
+	  lsTargetedSamples = self.funcGetAverageAbundanceSamples(abndTable=abndMatrix, lsTargetedFeature=lsTargetedTaxa,
+	  	fRank=sMethod.lower() == self.c_strTargetedRanked.lower())
+	  #If an error occured or the key word for the method was not recognized
+	  if lsTargetedSamples == False: 
+		  logging.error("MicroPITA.funcSelectTargetedTaxaSamples:: Was not able to select for the features given. So targeted feature selection was performed. Check to make sure the features are spelled correctly and exist in the abundance file.")
+		  return []
+	  #Select from results
+	  return [sSample[0] for sSample in lsTargetedSamples[:iSampleSelectionCount]]
+	####Group 5## Random
+	#Testing: Happy path Tested
+	def funcGetRandomSamples(self, lsSamples=None, iNumberOfSamplesToReturn=0):
+		"""
+		Returns random sample names of the number given. No replacement.
+		:param	lsSamples:	List of sample names 
+		:type:	list	list of strings
+		:param	iNumberOfSamplesToReturn:	Number of samples to select
+		:type:	integer	integer.
+		:return	List:	List of selected samples (strings).
+		"""
+		#Input matrix sample count
+		sampleCount = len(lsSamples)
+		#Return the full matrix if they ask for a return matrix where length == original
+		if(iNumberOfSamplesToReturn >= sampleCount):
+			return lsSamples
+		#Get the random indices for the sample (without replacement)
+		liRandomIndices = random.sample(range(sampleCount), iNumberOfSamplesToReturn)
+		#Create a boolean array of if indexes are to be included in the reduced array
+                return [sSample for iIndex, sSample in enumerate(lsSamples) if iIndex in liRandomIndices]
+	#Happy path tested (case 3)
+	def funcGetAveragePopulation(self, abndTable, lfCompress):
+		"""
+		Get the average row per column in the abndtable.
+		:param abndTable: AbundanceTable of data to be averaged
+		:type: AbudanceTable
+		:param lfCompress: List of boolean flags (false means to remove sample before averaging
+		:type: List of floats
+		:return List of doubles: 
+		"""
+		if sum(lfCompress) == 0:
+			return []
+		#Get the average populations
+		lAverageRet = []
+		for sFeature in abndTable.funcGetAbundanceCopy():
+			sFeature = list(sFeature)[1:]
+			sFeature=np.compress(lfCompress,sFeature,axis=0)
+			lAverageRet.append(sum(sFeature)/float(len(sFeature)))
+		return lAverageRet
+	#Happy path tested (2 cases)
+	def funcGetDistanceFromAverage(self, abndTable,ldAverage,lsSamples,lfSelected):
+		"""
+		Given an abundance table and an average sample, this returns the distance of each sample
+		(measured using brays-curtis dissimilarity) from the average.
+		The distances are reduced by needing to be in the lsSamples and being a true in the lfSelected
+		(which is associated with the samples in the order of the samples in the abundance table;
+		use abundancetable.funcGetSampleNames() to see the order if needed).
+		:param abndTable: Abundance table holding the data to be analyzed.
+		:type: AbundanceTable
+		:param ldAverage: Average population (Average features of the abundance table of samples)
+		:type: List of doubles which represent the average population
+		:param lsSamples: These are the only samples used in the analysis
+		:type: List of strings (sample ids)
+		:param lfSelected: Samples to be included in the analysis
+		:type: List of boolean (true means include)
+		:return: List of distances (doubles)
+		"""
+		#Get the distance from label 1 of all samples in label0 splitting into selected and not selected lists
+		ldSelectedDistances = []
+		for sSampleName in [sSample for iindex, sSample in enumerate(lsSamples) if lfSelected[iindex]]:
+			#Get the sample measurements
+			ldSelectedDistances.append(Metric.funcGetBrayCurtisDissimilarity(np.array([abndTable.funcGetSample(sSampleName),ldAverage]))[0])
+		return ldSelectedDistances
+	#Happy path tested (1 case)
+	def funcMeasureDistanceFromLabelToAverageOtherLabel(self, abndTable, lfGroupOfInterest, lfGroupOther):
+		"""
+		Get the distance of samples from one label from the average sample of not the label.
+		Note: This assumes 2 classes.  
+		:param abndTable: Table of data to work out of.
+		:type: Abundace Table
+		:param lfGroupOfInterest: Boolean indicator of the sample being in the first group.
+		:type: List of floats, true indicating an individual in the group of interest.
+		:param lfGroupOther:	Boolean indicator of the sample being in the other group.
+		:type:	List of floats, true indicating an individual in the 
+		:return List of List of doubles: [list of tuples (string sample name,double distance) for the selected population, list of tuples for the not selected population]
+		"""
+		#Get all sample names
+		lsAllSamples = abndTable.funcGetSampleNames()
+		#Get average populations
+		lAverageOther = self.funcGetAveragePopulation(abndTable=abndTable, lfCompress=lfGroupOther)
+		#Get the distance from the average of the other label (label 1)
+		ldSelectedDistances = self.funcGetDistanceFromAverage(abndTable=abndTable, ldAverage=lAverageOther,
+			lsSamples=lsAllSamples, lfSelected=lfGroupOfInterest)
+		return zip([lsAllSamples[iindex] for iindex, fGroup in enumerate(lfGroupOfInterest) if fGroup],ldSelectedDistances)
+	#Happy path tested (1 test case)
+	def funcPerformDistanceSelection(self, abndTable, iSelectionCount, sLabel, sValueOfInterest):
+		"""
+		Given metadata, metadata of one value (sValueOfInterest) is measured from the average (centroid) value of another label group.
+		An iSelectionCount of samples is selected from the group of interest closest to and furthest from the centroid of the other group.
+		:params  abndTable: Abundance of measurements
+		:type: AbundanceTable
+		:params iSelectionCount: The number of samples selected per sample.
+		:type: Integer Integer greater than 0
+		:params sLabel: ID of the metadata which is the supervised label
+		:type: String
+		:params sValueOfInterest: Metadata value in the sLabel metadta row of the abundance table which defines the group of interest.
+		:type: String found in the abundance table metadata row indicated by sLabel.
+		:return list list of tuples (samplename, distance) [[iSelectionCount of tuples closest to the other centroid], [iSelectionCount of tuples farthest from the other centroid], [all tuples of samples not selected]]
+		"""
+		lsMetadata = abndTable.funcGetMetadata(sLabel)
+		#Other metadata values
+		lsUniqueOtherValues = list(set(lsMetadata)-set(sValueOfInterest))
+		#Get boolean indicator of values of interest
+		lfLabelsInterested = [sValueOfInterest == sValue for sValue in lsMetadata]
+                #Get the distances of the items of interest from the other metadata values
+		dictDistanceAverages = {}
+                for sOtherLabel in lsUniqueOtherValues:
+			#Get boolean indicator of labels not of interest 
+			lfLabelsOther = [sOtherLabel == sValue for sValue in lsMetadata]
+			#Get the distances of data from two different groups to the average of the other
+			ldValueDistances = dict(self.funcMeasureDistanceFromLabelToAverageOtherLabel(abndTable, lfLabelsInterested, lfLabelsOther))
+			for sKey in ldValueDistances:
+				dictDistanceAverages[sKey] = ldValueDistances[sKey] + dictDistanceAverages[sKey] if sKey in dictDistanceAverages else ldValueDistances[sKey]
+		#Finish average by dividing by length of lsUniqueOtherValues
+		ltpleAverageDistances = [(sKey, dictDistanceAverages[sKey]/float(len(lsUniqueOtherValues))) for sKey in dictDistanceAverages]
+                #Sort to extract extremes
+                ltpleAverageDistances = sorted(ltpleAverageDistances,key=operator.itemgetter(1))
+		#Get the closest and farthest distances
+		ltupleDiscriminantSamples = ltpleAverageDistances[:iSelectionCount]
+		ltupleDistinctSamples = ltpleAverageDistances[iSelectionCount*-1:]
+		#Remove the selected samples from the larger population of distances (better visualization)
+		ldSelected = [tpleSelected[0] for tpleSelected in ltupleDiscriminantSamples+ltupleDistinctSamples]
+		#Return discriminant tuples, distinct tuples, other tuples
+		return [ltupleDiscriminantSamples, ltupleDistinctSamples,
+			   [tplData for tplData in ltpleAverageDistances if tplData[0] not in ldSelected]]
+	#Run the supervised method surrounding distance from centroids
+	#Happy path tested (3 test cases)
+	def funcRunSupervisedDistancesFromCentroids(self, abundanceTable, fRunDistinct, fRunDiscriminant,
+						xOutputSupFile, xPredictSupFile, strSupervisedMetadata,
+						iSampleSupSelectionCount, lsOriginalSampleNames, lsOriginalLabels, fAppendFiles = False):
+		"""
+		Runs supervised methods based on measuring distances of one label from the centroid of another. NAs are evaluated as theirown group.
+		:param	abundanceTable:	AbundanceTable
+		:type:	AbudanceTable	Data to analyze
+		:param	fRunDistinct:	Run distinct selection method
+		:type:	Boolean	boolean (true runs method)
+		:param	fRunDiscriminant:	Run discriminant method
+		:type:	Boolean	boolean (true runs method)
+		:param	xOutputSupFile:	File output from supervised methods detailing data going into the method.
+		:type:	String or FileStream
+		:param	xPredictSupFile:	File output from supervised methods distance results from supervised methods.
+		:type:	String or FileStream
+		:param strSupervisedMetadata:	The metadata that will be used to group samples.
+		:type:	String
+		:param	iSampleSupSelectionCount:	Number of samples to select
+		:type:	Integer	int sample selection count
+		:param lsOriginalSampleNames:	List of the sample names, order is important and should be preserved from the abundanceTable.
+		:type:	List of samples	
+		:param	fAppendFiles:	Indicates that output files already exist and appending is occuring.
+		:type:	Boolean
+		:return	Selected Samples:	A dictionary of selected samples by selection ID
+		Dictionary	{"Selection Method":["SampleID","SampleID"...]}
+		"""
+		#Get labels and run one label against many
+		lstrMetadata = abundanceTable.funcGetMetadata(strSupervisedMetadata)
+		dictlltpleDistanceMeasurements = {}
+		for sMetadataValue in set(lstrMetadata):
+			#For now perform the selection here for the label of interest against the other labels
+			dictlltpleDistanceMeasurements.setdefault(sMetadataValue,[]).extend(self.funcPerformDistanceSelection(abndTable=abundanceTable,
+				iSelectionCount=iSampleSupSelectionCount, sLabel=strSupervisedMetadata, sValueOfInterest=sMetadataValue))
+		#Make expected output files for supervised methods
+		#1. Output file which is similar to an input file for SVMs
+		#2. Output file that is similar to the probabilitic output of a SVM (LibSVM)
+		#Manly for making output of supervised methods (Distance from Centroid) similar
+		#MicropitaVis needs some of these files
+		if xOutputSupFile:
+			if fAppendFiles:
+				SVM.funcUpdateSVMFileWithAbundanceTable(abndAbundanceTable=abundanceTable, xOutputSVMFile=xOutputSupFile,
+					lsOriginalLabels=lsOriginalLabels, lsSampleOrdering=lsOriginalSampleNames)
+			else:
+				SVM.funcConvertAbundanceTableToSVMFile(abndAbundanceTable=abundanceTable, xOutputSVMFile=xOutputSupFile,
+					sMetadataLabel=strSupervisedMetadata, lsOriginalLabels=lsOriginalLabels, lsSampleOrdering=lsOriginalSampleNames)
+		#Will contain the samples selected to return
+		#One or more of the methods may be active so this is why I am extending instead of just returning the result of each method type
+		dictSelectedSamplesRet = dict()
+		for sKey, ltplDistances in dictlltpleDistanceMeasurements.items():
+			if fRunDistinct:
+				dictSelectedSamplesRet.setdefault(ConstantsMicropita.c_strDistinct,[]).extend([ltple[0] for ltple in ltplDistances[1]])
+			if fRunDiscriminant:
+				dictSelectedSamplesRet.setdefault(ConstantsMicropita.c_strDiscriminant,[]).extend([ltple[0] for ltple in ltplDistances[0]])
+		if xPredictSupFile:
+			dictFlattenedDistances = dict()
+			[dictFlattenedDistances.setdefault(sKey, []).append(tple)
+				for sKey, lltple in dictlltpleDistanceMeasurements.items()
+				for ltple in lltple for tple in ltple]
+			if fAppendFiles:
+				self._updatePredictFile(xPredictSupFile=xPredictSupFile, xInputLabelsFile=xOutputSupFile,
+					dictltpleDistanceMeasurements=dictFlattenedDistances, abundanceTable=abundanceTable, lsOriginalSampleNames=lsOriginalSampleNames)
+			else:
+				self._writeToPredictFile(xPredictSupFile=xPredictSupFile, xInputLabelsFile=xOutputSupFile,
+					dictltpleDistanceMeasurements=dictFlattenedDistances, abundanceTable=abundanceTable, lsOriginalSampleNames=lsOriginalSampleNames)
+		return dictSelectedSamplesRet
+	#Two happy path test cases
+	def _updatePredictFile(self, xPredictSupFile, xInputLabelsFile, dictltpleDistanceMeasurements, abundanceTable, lsOriginalSampleNames):
+		"""
+		Manages updating the predict file.
+		:param	xPredictSupFile: File that has predictions (distances) from the supervised method.
+		:type:	FileStream or String file path
+		:param	xInputLabelsFile: File that as input to the supervised methods.
+		:type:	FileStream or String file path
+		:param	dictltpleDistanceMeasurements: 
+		:type:	Dictionary of lists of tuples {"labelgroup":[("SampleName",dDistance)...], "labelgroup":[("SampleName",dDistance)...]}
+		"""
+		if not isinstance(xPredictSupFile, str):
+			xPredictSupFile.close()
+			xPredictSupFile =
+		csvr = open(xPredictSupFile,'r')
+		f = csv.reader(csvr,delimiter=ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_strBreadCrumbsSVMSpace)
+		lsHeader =[1:]
+		dictlltpleRead = dict([(sHeader,[]) for sHeader in lsHeader])
+		#Read data in 
+		iSampleIndex = 0
+		for sRow in f:
+			sLabel = sRow[0]
+			[dictlltpleRead[lsHeader[iDistanceIndex]].append((lsOriginalSampleNames[iSampleIndex],dDistance)) for iDistanceIndex, dDistance in enumerate(sRow[1:])
+				if not dDistance == ConstantsMicropita.c_sEmptyPredictFileValue]
+			iSampleIndex += 1
+		#Combine dictltpleDistanceMeasurements with new data
+		#If they share a key then merge keeping parameter data
+		#If they do not share the key, keep the full data
+		dictNew = {}
+		for sKey in dictltpleDistanceMeasurements.keys():
+			lsSamples = [tple[0] for tple in dictltpleDistanceMeasurements[sKey]]
+			dictNew[sKey] = dictltpleDistanceMeasurements[sKey]+[tple for tple in dictlltpleRead[sKey] if tple[0] not in lsSamples] if sKey in dictlltpleRead.keys() else dictltpleDistanceMeasurements[sKey]
+                for sKey in dictlltpleRead:
+			if sKey not in dictltpleDistanceMeasurements.keys():
+				dictNew[sKey] = dictlltpleRead[sKey]
+		#Call writer
+		self._writeToPredictFile(xPredictSupFile=xPredictSupFile, xInputLabelsFile=xInputLabelsFile,
+			dictltpleDistanceMeasurements=dictNew, abundanceTable=abundanceTable,
+			lsOriginalSampleNames=lsOriginalSampleNames, fFromUpdate=True)
+	#2 happy path test cases
+        def _writeToPredictFile(self, xPredictSupFile, xInputLabelsFile, dictltpleDistanceMeasurements, abundanceTable, lsOriginalSampleNames, fFromUpdate=False):
+		"""
+		Write to the predict file.
+		:param	xPredictSupFile: File that has predictions (distances) from the supervised method.
+		:type:	FileStream or String file path
+		:param	xInputLabelsFile: File that as input to the supervised methods.
+		:type:	FileStream or String file path
+		:param	dictltpleDistanceMeasurements: 
+		:type:	Dictionary of lists of tuples {"labelgroup":[("SampleName",dDistance)...], "labelgroup":[("SampleName",dDistance)...]}
+		:param	abundanceTable: An abundance table of the sample data.
+		:type:	AbundanceTable
+		:param	lsOriginalSampleNames: Used if the file is being updated as the sample names so that it may be passed in and consistent with other writing.
+			Otherwise will use the sample names from the abundance table.
+		:type:	List of strings
+		:param	fFromUpdate:	Indicates if this is part of an update to the file or not.
+		:type:	Boolean
+		"""
+		xInputLabelsFileName = xInputLabelsFile
+		if not isinstance(xInputLabelsFile,str):
+			xInputLabelsFileName =
+		f = csv.writer(open(xPredictSupFile,"w") if isinstance(xPredictSupFile, str) else xPredictSupFile,delimiter=ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_strBreadCrumbsSVMSpace)
+		lsAllSampleNames = abundanceTable.funcGetSampleNames()
+		lsLabels = SVM.funcReadLabelsFromFile(xSVMFile=xInputLabelsFileName, lsAllSampleNames= lsOriginalSampleNames if fFromUpdate else lsAllSampleNames,
+						isPredictFile=False)
+		dictLabels = dict([(sSample,sLabel) for sLabel in lsLabels.keys() for sSample in lsLabels[sLabel]])
+		#Dictionay keys will be used to order the predict file
+		lsMeasurementKeys = dictltpleDistanceMeasurements.keys()
+		#Make header
+		f.writerow(["labels"]+lsMeasurementKeys)
+		#Reformat dictionary to make it easier to use
+		for sKey in dictltpleDistanceMeasurements:
+			dictltpleDistanceMeasurements[sKey] = dict([ltpl for ltpl in dictltpleDistanceMeasurements[sKey]])
+		for sSample in lsOriginalSampleNames:
+			#Make body of file
+			f.writerow([dictLabels.get(sSample,ConstantsMicropita.c_sEmptyPredictFileValue)]+
+				[str(dictltpleDistanceMeasurements[sKey].get(sSample,ConstantsMicropita.c_sEmptyPredictFileValue))
+				for sKey in lsMeasurementKeys])
+	def _funcRunNormalizeSensitiveMethods(self, abndData, iSampleSelectionCount, dictSelectedSamples, lsAlphaMetrics, lsBetaMetrics, lsInverseBetaMetrics,
+												fRunDiversity, fRunRepresentative, fRunExtreme, strAlphaMetadata=None,
+												istmBetaMatrix=None, istrmTree=None, istrmEnvr=None, fInvertDiversity=False):
+		"""
+		Manages running methods that are sensitive to normalization. This is called twice, once for the set of methods which should not be normalized and the other
+		for the set that should be normalized.
+		:param	abndData:	Abundance table object holding the samples to be measured.
+		:type:	AbundanceTable
+		:param	iSampleSelectionCount	The number of samples to select per method.
+		:type:	Integer
+		:param	dictSelectedSamples	Will be added to as samples are selected {"Method:["strSelectedSampleID","strSelectedSampleID"...]}.
+		:type:	Dictionary
+		:param	lsAlphaMetrics:	List of alpha metrics to use on alpha metric dependent assays (like highest diversity).
+		:type:	List of strings
+		:param	lsBetaMetrics:	List of beta metrics to use on beta metric dependent assays (like most representative).
+		:type:	List of strings
+		:param	lsInverseBetaMetrics:	List of inverse beta metrics to use on inverse beta metric dependent assays (like most dissimilar).
+		:type:	List of strings
+		:param	fRunDiversity:	Run Diversity based methods (true indicates run).
+		:type:	Boolean	
+		:param	fRunRepresentative:	Run Representative based methods (true indicates run).
+		:type:	Boolean	
+		:param	fRunExtreme:	Run Extreme based methods (true indicates run).
+		:type:	Boolean	
+		:param	istmBetaMatrix:	File that has a precalculated beta matrix
+		:type:	File stream or File path string
+		:return	Selected Samples:	Samples selected by methods.
+				Dictionary	{"Selection Method":["SampleID","SampleID","SampleID",...]}
+		"""
+		#Sample ids/names
+		lsSampleNames = abndData.funcGetSampleNames()
+		#Generate alpha metrics and get most diverse
+		if fRunDiversity:
+			#Get Alpha metrics matrix
+			internalAlphaMatrix = None
+			#Name of technique
+			strMethod = [strAlphaMetadata] if strAlphaMetadata else lsAlphaMetrics
+			#If given an alpha-diversity metadata
+			if strAlphaMetadata:
+				internalAlphaMatrix = [[float(strNum) for strNum in abndData.funcGetMetadata(strAlphaMetadata)]]
+			else:
+				#Expects Observations (Taxa (row) x sample (column))
+				#Returns [[metric1-sample1, metric1-sample2, metric1-sample3],[metric1-sample1, metric1-sample2, metric1-sample3]]
+				internalAlphaMatrix = Metric.funcBuildAlphaMetricsMatrix(npaSampleAbundance = abndData.funcGetAbundanceCopy()
+							if not abndData.funcIsSummed()
+							else abndData.funcGetFeatureAbundanceTable(abndData.funcGetTerminalNodes()).funcGetAbundanceCopy(),
+							lsSampleNames = lsSampleNames, lsDiversityMetricAlpha = lsAlphaMetrics)
+			if internalAlphaMatrix:
+				#Invert measurments
+				if fInvertDiversity:
+					lldNewDiversity = []
+					for lsLine in internalAlphaMatrix:
+						lldNewDiversity.append([1/max(dValue,ConstantsMicropita.c_smallNumber) for dValue in lsLine])
+					internalAlphaMatrix = lldNewDiversity
+				#Get top ranked alpha diversity by most diverse
+				#Expects [[sample1,sample2,sample3...],[sample1,sample2,sample3..],...]
+				#Returns [[sampleName1, sampleName2, sampleNameN],[sampleName1, sampleName2, sampleNameN]]
+				mostDiverseAlphaSamplesIndexes = self.funcGetTopRankedSamples(lldMatrix=internalAlphaMatrix, lsSampleNames=lsSampleNames, iTopAmount=iSampleSelectionCount)
+				#Add to results
+				for index in xrange(0,len(strMethod)):
+					strSelectionMethod = self.dictConvertAMetricDiversity.get(strMethod[index],ConstantsMicropita.c_strDiversity+"="+strMethod[index])
+					dictSelectedSamples.setdefault(strSelectionMethod,[]).extend(mostDiverseAlphaSamplesIndexes[index])
+"MicroPITA.funcRunNormalizeSensitiveMethods:: Selected Samples 1b")
+		#Generate beta metrics and 
+		if fRunRepresentative or fRunExtreme:
+			#Abundance matrix transposed
+			npaTransposedAbundance = UtilityMath.funcTransposeDataMatrix(abndData.funcGetAbundanceCopy(), fRemoveAdornments=True)
+			#Get center selection using clusters/tiling
+			#This will be for beta metrics in normalized space
+			if fRunRepresentative:
+				if istmBetaMatrix:
+					#Get representative dissimilarity samples
+					medoidSamples=self.funcGetCentralSamplesByKMedoids(npaMatrix=npaTransposedAbundance, sMetric=ConstantsMicropita.c_custom, lsSampleNames=lsSampleNames, iNumberSamplesReturned=iSampleSelectionCount, istmBetaMatrix=istmBetaMatrix, istrmTree=istrmTree, istrmEnvr=istrmEnvr)
+					if medoidSamples:
+						dictSelectedSamples.setdefault(ConstantsMicropita.c_strRepresentative+"="+ConstantsMicropita.c_custom,[]).extend(medoidSamples)
+				else:
+"MicroPITA.funcRunNormalizeSensitiveMethods:: Performing representative selection on normalized data.")
+					for bMetric in lsBetaMetrics:
+						#Get representative dissimilarity samples
+						medoidSamples=self.funcGetCentralSamplesByKMedoids(npaMatrix=npaTransposedAbundance, sMetric=bMetric, lsSampleNames=lsSampleNames, iNumberSamplesReturned=iSampleSelectionCount, istmBetaMatrix=istmBetaMatrix, istrmTree=istrmTree, istrmEnvr=istrmEnvr)
+						if medoidSamples:
+							dictSelectedSamples.setdefault(self.dictConvertBMetricToMethod.get(bMetric,ConstantsMicropita.c_strRepresentative+"="+bMetric),[]).extend(medoidSamples)
+			#Get extreme selection using clusters, tiling
+			if fRunExtreme:
+"MicroPITA.funcRunNormalizeSensitiveMethods:: Performing extreme selection on normalized data.")
+				if istmBetaMatrix:
+					#Samples for representative dissimilarity
+					#This involves inverting the distance metric,
+					#Taking the dendrogram level of where the number cluster == the number of samples to select
+					#Returning a repersentative sample from each cluster
+					extremeSamples = self.funcSelectExtremeSamplesFromHClust(strBetaMetric=ConstantsMicropita.c_custom, npaAbundanceMatrix=npaTransposedAbundance, lsSampleNames=lsSampleNames, iSelectSampleCount=iSampleSelectionCount, istmBetaMatrix=istmBetaMatrix, istrmTree=istrmTree, istrmEnvr=istrmEnvr)
+					#Add selected samples
+					if extremeSamples:
+						dictSelectedSamples.setdefault(ConstantsMicropita.c_strExtreme+"="+ConstantsMicropita.c_custom,[]).extend(extremeSamples)
+				else:
+					#Run KMedoids with inverse custom distance metric in normalized space
+					for bMetric in lsInverseBetaMetrics:
+						#Samples for representative dissimilarity
+						#This involves inverting the distance metric,
+						#Taking the dendrogram level of where the number cluster == the number of samples to select
+						#Returning a repersentative sample from each cluster
+						extremeSamples = self.funcSelectExtremeSamplesFromHClust(strBetaMetric=bMetric, npaAbundanceMatrix=npaTransposedAbundance, lsSampleNames=lsSampleNames, iSelectSampleCount=iSampleSelectionCount, istmBetaMatrix=istmBetaMatrix, istrmTree=istrmTree, istrmEnvr=istrmEnvr)
+						#Add selected samples
+						if extremeSamples:
+							dictSelectedSamples.setdefault(self.dictConvertInvBMetricToMethod.get(bMetric,ConstantsMicropita.c_strExtreme+"="+bMetric),[]).extend(extremeSamples)
+"MicroPITA.funcRunNormalizeSensitiveMethods:: Selected Samples 2,3b")
+		return dictSelectedSamples
+	def funcRun(self, strIDName, strLastMetadataName, istmInput,
+					  ostmInputPredictFile, ostmPredictFile, ostmCheckedFile, ostmOutput,
+					  cDelimiter, cFeatureNameDelimiter, strFeatureSelection,
+					  istmFeatures, iCount, lstrMethods, strLastRowMetadata = None, strLabel = None, strStratify = None,
+					  strCustomAlpha = None, strCustomBeta = None, strAlphaMetadata = None, istmBetaMatrix = None, istrmTree = None, istrmEnvr = None, 
+					  iMinSeqs = ConstantsMicropita.c_liOccurenceFilter[0], iMinSamples = ConstantsMicropita.c_liOccurenceFilter[1], fInvertDiversity = False):
+		"""
+		Manages the selection of samples given different metrics.
+		:param	strIDName: Sample Id metadata row
+		:type:	String
+		:param	strLastMetadataName: The id of the metadata positioned last in the abundance table.
+		:type:	String	String metadata id.
+		:param	istmInput: File to store input data to supervised methods.
+		:type:	FileStream of String file path
+		:param	ostmInputPredictFile: File to store distances from supervised methods.
+		:type:	FileStream or String file path
+		:param	ostmCheckedFile: File to store the AbundanceTable data after it is being checked.
+		:type:	FileStream or String file path
+		:param	ostmOutPut: File to store sample selection by methods of interest.
+		:type:	FileStream or String file path
+		:param	cDelimiter: Delimiter of abundance table.
+		:type:	Character Char (default TAB).
+		:param	cFeatureNameDelimiter: Delimiter of the name of features (for instance if they contain consensus lineages indicating clades).
+		:type:	Character (default |).
+		:param	stFeatureSelectionMethod: Which method to use to select features in a targeted manner (Using average ranked abundance or average abundance).
+		:type:	String (specific values indicated in ConstantsMicropita.lsTargetedFeatureMethodValues).
+		:param	istmFeatures: File which holds the features of interest if using targeted feature methodology.
+		:type:	FileStream or String file path
+		:param	iCount:	Number of samples to select in each methods, supervised methods select this amount per label if possible.
+		:type:	Integer	integer.
+		:param	lstrMethods: List of strings indicating selection techniques.
+		:type:	List of string method names
+		:param	strLabel: The metadata used for supervised labels.
+		:type:	String
+		:param	strStratify: The metadata used to stratify unsupervised data.
+		:type:	String
+		:param	strCustomAlpha: Custom alpha diversity metric
+		:type:	String
+		:param	strCustomBeta: Custom beta diversity metric
+		:type:	String
+		:param	strAlphaMetadata: Metadata id which is a diveristy metric to use in highest diversity sampling
+		:type:	String
+		:param	istmBetaMatrix: File containing precalculated beta-diversity matrix for representative sampling
+		:type:	FileStream or String file path
+		:param	istrmTree: File containing tree for phylogentic beta-diversity analysis
+		:type:	FileStream or String file path
+		:param	istrmEnvr: File containing environment for phylogentic beta-diversity analysis
+		:type:	FileStream or String file path
+		:param	iMinSeqs: Minimum sequence in the occurence filter which filters all features not with a minimum number of sequences in each of a minimum number of samples.
+		:type:	Integer
+		:param	iMinSamples: Minimum sample count for the occurence filter.
+		:type:	Integer
+		:param	fInvertDiversity: When true will invert diversity measurements before using.
+		:type:	boolean
+		:return	Selected Samples:	Samples selected by methods.
+				Dictionary	{"Selection Method":["SampleID","SampleID","SampleID",...]}
+		"""
+		#Holds the top ranked samples from different metrics
+		#dict[metric name] = [samplename,samplename...]
+		selectedSamples = dict()
+		#If a target feature file is given make sure that targeted feature is in the selection methods, if not add
+		if ConstantsMicropita.c_strFeature in lstrMethods:
+		  if not istmFeatures:
+			logging.error("MicroPITA.funcRun:: Did not receive both the Targeted feature file and the feature selection method. MicroPITA did not run.")
+			return False
+		#Diversity metrics to run
+		#Use custom metrics if specified
+                #Custom beta metrics set to normalized only, custom alpha metrics set to count only
+		diversityMetricsAlpha = [] if strCustomAlpha or strAlphaMetadata else [MicroPITA.c_strInverseSimpsonDiversity]
+		diversityMetricsBeta = [] if istmBetaMatrix else [strCustomBeta] if strCustomBeta else [MicroPITA.c_strBrayCurtisDissimilarity]
+#		inverseDiversityMetricsBeta = [MicroPITA.c_strInvBrayCurtisDissimilarity]
+		diversityMetricsAlphaNoNormalize = [strAlphaMetadata] if strAlphaMetadata else [strCustomAlpha] if strCustomAlpha else []
+		diversityMetricsBetaNoNormalize = []
+#		inverseDiversityMetricsBetaNoNormalize = []
+		#Targeted taxa
+		userDefinedTaxa = []
+		#Perform different flows flags
+		c_RUN_MAX_DIVERSITY_1 = ConstantsMicropita.c_strDiversity in lstrMethods
+		c_RUN_REPRESENTIVE_DISSIMILARITY_2 = ConstantsMicropita.c_strRepresentative in lstrMethods
+		c_RUN_MAX_DISSIMILARITY_3 = ConstantsMicropita.c_strExtreme in lstrMethods
+		if ConstantsMicropita.c_strFeature in lstrMethods:
+			if not istmFeatures:
+				logging.error("MicroPITA.funcRun:: No taxa file was given for taxa selection.") 
+				return False
+			#Read in taxa list, break down to lines and filter out empty strings
+			userDefinedTaxa = filter(None,(s.strip( ) for s in istmFeatures.readlines()))
+		c_RUN_RANDOM_5 = ConstantsMicropita.c_strRandom in lstrMethods
+		c_RUN_DISTINCT = ConstantsMicropita.c_strDistinct in lstrMethods
+		c_RUN_DISCRIMINANT = ConstantsMicropita.c_strDiscriminant in lstrMethods
+		#Read in abundance data
+		#Abundance is a structured array. Samples (column) by Taxa (rows) with the taxa id row included as the column index=0
+		#Abundance table object to read in and manage data
+		totalAbundanceTable = AbundanceTable.funcMakeFromFile(xInputFile=istmInput, lOccurenceFilter = [iMinSeqs, iMinSamples],
+								cDelimiter=cDelimiter, sMetadataID=strIDName, sLastMetadataRow=strLastRowMetadata,
+								sLastMetadata=strLastMetadataName, cFeatureNameDelimiter=cFeatureNameDelimiter, xOutputFile=ostmCheckedFile)
+		if not totalAbundanceTable:
+			logging.error("MicroPITA.funcRun:: Could not read in the abundance table. Analysis was not performed."+
+				" This often occurs when the Last Metadata is not specified correctly."+
+				" Please check to make sure the Last Metadata selection is the row of the last metadata,"+
+				" all values after this selection should be microbial measurements and should be numeric.")
+			return False
+		lsOriginalLabels = SVM.funcMakeLabels(totalAbundanceTable.funcGetMetadata(strLabel)) if strLabel else strLabel
+		dictTotalMetadata = totalAbundanceTable.funcGetMetadataCopy()
+		logging.debug("MicroPITA.funcRun:: Received metadata=" + str(dictTotalMetadata))
+		#If there is only 1 unique value for the labels, do not run the Supervised methods
+		if strLabel and ( len(set(dictTotalMetadata.get(strLabel,[]))) < 2 ):
+			logging.error("The label " + strLabel + " did not have 2 or more values. Labels found=" + str(dictTotalMetadata.get(strLabel,[])))
+			return False
+		#Run unsupervised methods###
+		#Stratify the data if need be and drop the old data
+		lStratifiedAbundanceTables = totalAbundanceTable.funcStratifyByMetadata(strStratify) if strStratify else [totalAbundanceTable]
+		#For each stratified abundance block or for the unstratfified abundance
+		#Run the unsupervised blocks
+		fAppendSupFiles = False
+		for stratAbundanceTable in lStratifiedAbundanceTables:
+"MicroPITA.funcRun:: Running abundance block:"+stratAbundanceTable.funcGetName())
+			#Only perform if the data is not yet normalized
+			if not stratAbundanceTable.funcIsNormalized( ):
+				#Need to first work with unnormalized data
+					self._funcRunNormalizeSensitiveMethods(abndData=stratAbundanceTable, iSampleSelectionCount=iCount,
+													 dictSelectedSamples=selectedSamples, lsAlphaMetrics=diversityMetricsAlphaNoNormalize,
+													 lsBetaMetrics=diversityMetricsBetaNoNormalize,
+													 lsInverseBetaMetrics=diversityMetricsBetaNoNormalize,
+													 fRunDiversity=c_RUN_MAX_DIVERSITY_1,fRunRepresentative=c_RUN_REPRESENTIVE_DISSIMILARITY_2,
+													 fRunExtreme=c_RUN_MAX_DISSIMILARITY_3, strAlphaMetadata=strAlphaMetadata, 
+                                                                                                         istrmTree=istrmTree, istrmEnvr=istrmEnvr, fInvertDiversity=fInvertDiversity)
+			#Generate selection by the rank average of user defined taxa
+			#Expects (Taxa (row) by Samples (column))
+			#Expects a column 0 of taxa id that is skipped
+			#Returns [(sample name,average,rank)]
+			stratAbundanceTable.funcSumClades()
+			#Normalize data at this point
+			stratAbundanceTable.funcNormalize()
+				selectedSamples[ConstantsMicropita.c_strFeature] = self.funcSelectTargetedTaxaSamples(abndMatrix=stratAbundanceTable,
+						lsTargetedTaxa=userDefinedTaxa, iSampleSelectionCount=iCount, sMethod=strFeatureSelection)
+"MicroPITA.funcRun:: Selected Samples Rank")
+ 			###SUMMED AND NORMALIZED analysis block
+			#Diversity based metric will move reduce to terminal taxa as needed
+				self._funcRunNormalizeSensitiveMethods(abndData=stratAbundanceTable, iSampleSelectionCount=iCount,
+												 dictSelectedSamples=selectedSamples, lsAlphaMetrics=diversityMetricsAlpha,
+												 lsBetaMetrics=diversityMetricsBeta,
+												 lsInverseBetaMetrics=diversityMetricsBeta,
+												 fRunDiversity=c_RUN_MAX_DIVERSITY_1,fRunRepresentative=c_RUN_REPRESENTIVE_DISSIMILARITY_2,
+												 fRunExtreme=c_RUN_MAX_DISSIMILARITY_3,
+                                                                                                 istmBetaMatrix=istmBetaMatrix, istrmTree=istrmTree, istrmEnvr=istrmEnvr, fInvertDiversity=fInvertDiversity)
+			#5::Select randomly
+			#Expects sampleNames = List of sample names [name, name, name...]
+			if(c_RUN_RANDOM_5):
+				#Select randomly from sample names
+				selectedSamples[ConstantsMicropita.c_strRandom] = self.funcGetRandomSamples(lsSamples=stratAbundanceTable.funcGetSampleNames(), iNumberOfSamplesToReturn=iCount)
+"MicroPITA.funcRun:: Selected Samples Random")
+			#Perform supervised selection
+ 				if strLabel:
+					dictSelectionRet = self.funcRunSupervisedDistancesFromCentroids(abundanceTable=stratAbundanceTable,
+								fRunDistinct=c_RUN_DISTINCT, fRunDiscriminant=c_RUN_DISCRIMINANT,
+								xOutputSupFile=ostmInputPredictFile,xPredictSupFile=ostmPredictFile,
+								strSupervisedMetadata=strLabel, iSampleSupSelectionCount=iCount,
+								lsOriginalSampleNames = totalAbundanceTable.funcGetSampleNames(),
+								lsOriginalLabels = lsOriginalLabels,
+								fAppendFiles=fAppendSupFiles)
+					[selectedSamples.setdefault(sKey,[]).extend(lValue) for sKey,lValue in dictSelectionRet.items()]
+					if not fAppendSupFiles:
+						fAppendSupFiles = True
+"MicroPITA.funcRun:: Selected Samples Unsupervised")
+		return selectedSamples
+	#Testing: Happy path tested
+	@staticmethod
+	def funcWriteSelectionToFile(dictSelection,xOutputFilePath):
+		"""
+		Writes the selection of samples by method to an output file.
+		:param	dictSelection:	The dictionary of selections by method to be written to a file.
+		:type:	Dictionary	The dictionary of selections by method {"method":["sample selected","sample selected"...]}
+		:param	xOutputFilePath:	FileStream or String path to file inwhich the dictionary is written.
+		:type:	String	FileStream or String path to file
+		"""
+		if not dictSelection:
+			return
+		#Open file
+		f = csv.writer(open(xOutputFilePath,"w") if isinstance(xOutputFilePath, str) else xOutputFilePath, delimiter=ConstantsMicropita.c_outputFileDelim )
+		#Create output content from dictionary
+		for sKey in dictSelection:
+			f.writerow([sKey]+dictSelection[sKey])
+			logging.debug("MicroPITA.funcRun:: Selected samples output to file:"+str(dictSelection[sKey]))
+	#Testing: Happy Path tested
+	@staticmethod
+	def funcReadSelectionFileToDictionary(xInputFile):
+		"""
+		Reads in an output selection file from micropita and formats it into a dictionary.
+		:param	xInputFile:	String path to file or file stream to read and translate into a dictionary.
+									{"method":["sample selected","sample selected"...]}
+		:type:	FileStream or String Path to file
+		:return	Dictionary:	Samples selected by methods.
+					Dictionary	{"Selection Method":["SampleID","SampleID","SampleID",...]}
+		"""
+		#Open file
+		istmReader = csv.reader(open(xInputFile,'r') if isinstance(xInputFile, str) else xInputFile, delimiter = ConstantsMicropita.c_outputFileDelim)
+		#Dictionary to hold selection data
+		return dict([(lsLine[0], lsLine[1:]) for lsLine in istmReader])
+#Set up arguments reader
+argp = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog = "", 
+	description = """Selects samples from abundance tables based on various selection schemes.""" )
+args = argp.add_argument_group( "Common", "Commonly modified options" )
+args.add_argument(ConstantsMicropita.c_strCountArgument,"--num", dest="iCount", metavar = "samples", default = 10, type = int, help = ConstantsMicropita.c_strCountHelp)
+args.add_argument("-m","--method", dest = "lstrMethods", metavar = "method", default = [], help = ConstantsMicropita.c_strSelectionTechniquesHelp,
+	choices = ConstantsMicropita.c_lsAllMethods, action = "append")
+args = argp.add_argument_group( "Custom", "Selecting and inputing custom metrics" )
+args.add_argument("-a","--alpha", dest = "strAlphaDiversity", metavar = "AlphaDiversity", default = None, help = ConstantsMicropita.c_strCustomAlphaDiversityHelp,  choices = Metric.setAlphaDiversities)
+args.add_argument("-b","--beta", dest = "strBetaDiversity", metavar = "BetaDiversity", default = None, help = ConstantsMicropita.c_strCustomBetaDiversityHelp,  choices = list(Metric.setBetaDiversities)+[Metric.c_strUnifracUnweighted,Metric.c_strUnifracWeighted])
+args.add_argument("-q","--alphameta", dest = "strAlphaMetadata", metavar = "AlphaDiversityMetadata", default = None, help = ConstantsMicropita.c_strCustomAlphaDiversityMetadataHelp)
+args.add_argument("-x","--betamatrix", dest = "istmBetaMatrix", metavar = "BetaDiversityMatrix", default = None, help = ConstantsMicropita.c_strCustomBetaDiversityMatrixHelp)
+args.add_argument("-o","--tree", dest = "istrmTree", metavar = "PhylogeneticTree", default = None, help = ConstantsMicropita.c_strCustomPhylogeneticTreeHelp)
+args.add_argument("-i","--envr", dest = "istrmEnvr", metavar = "EnvironmentFile", default = None, help = ConstantsMicropita.c_strCustomEnvironmentFileHelp)
+args.add_argument("-f","--invertDiversity", dest = "fInvertDiversity", action="store_true", default = False, help = ConstantsMicropita.c_strInvertDiversityHelp)
+args = argp.add_argument_group( "Miscellaneous", "Row/column identifiers and feature targeting options" )
+args.add_argument("-d",ConstantsMicropita.c_strIDNameArgument, dest="strIDName", metavar="sample_id", help= ConstantsMicropita.c_strIDNameHelp)
+args.add_argument("-l",ConstantsMicropita.c_strLastMetadataNameArgument, dest="strLastMetadataName", metavar = "metadata_id", default = None,
+				  help= ConstantsMicropita.c_strLastMetadataNameHelp)
+args.add_argument("-r",ConstantsMicropita.c_strTargetedFeatureMethodArgument, dest="strFeatureSelection", metavar="targeting_method", default=ConstantsMicropita.lsTargetedFeatureMethodValues[0],
+				  choices=ConstantsMicropita.lsTargetedFeatureMethodValues, help= ConstantsMicropita.c_strTargetedFeatureMethodHelp)
+args.add_argument("-t",ConstantsMicropita.c_strTargetedSelectionFileArgument, dest="istmFeatures", metavar="feature_file", type=argparse.FileType("rU"), help=ConstantsMicropita.c_strTargetedSelectionFileHelp)
+args.add_argument("-w",ConstantsMicropita.c_strFeatureMetadataArgument, dest="strLastFeatureMetadata", metavar="Last_Feature_Metadata", default=None, help=ConstantsMicropita.c_strFeatureMetadataHelp)
+args = argp.add_argument_group( "Data labeling", "Metadata IDs for strata and supervised label values" )
+args.add_argument("-e",ConstantsMicropita.c_strSupervisedLabelArgument, dest="strLabel", metavar= "supervised_id", help=ConstantsMicropita.c_strSupervisedLabelHelp)
+args.add_argument("-s",ConstantsMicropita.c_strUnsupervisedStratifyMetadataArgument, dest="strUnsupervisedStratify", metavar="stratify_id", 
+				  help= ConstantsMicropita.c_strUnsupervisedStratifyMetadataHelp)
+args = argp.add_argument_group( "File formatting", "Rarely modified file formatting options" )
+args.add_argument("-j",ConstantsMicropita.c_strFileDelimiterArgument, dest="cFileDelimiter", metavar="column_delimiter", default="\t", help=ConstantsMicropita.c_strFileDelimiterHelp) 
+args.add_argument("-k",ConstantsMicropita.c_strFeatureNameDelimiterArgument, dest="cFeatureNameDelimiter", metavar="taxonomy_delimiter", default="|", help=ConstantsMicropita.c_strFeatureNameDelimiterHelp) 
+args = argp.add_argument_group( "Debugging", "Debugging options - modify at your own risk!" )
+args.add_argument("-v",ConstantsMicropita.c_strLoggingArgument, dest="strLogLevel", metavar = "log_level", default="WARNING", 
+				  choices=ConstantsMicropita.c_lsLoggingChoices, help= ConstantsMicropita.c_strLoggingHelp)
+args.add_argument("-c",ConstantsMicropita.c_strCheckedAbundanceFileArgument, dest="ostmCheckedFile", metavar = "output_qc", type = argparse.FileType("w"), help = ConstantsMicropita.c_strCheckedAbundanceFileHelp)
+args.add_argument("-g",ConstantsMicropita.c_strLoggingFileArgument, dest="ostmLoggingFile", metavar = "output_log", type = argparse.FileType("w"), help = ConstantsMicropita.c_strLoggingFileHelp)
+args.add_argument("-u",ConstantsMicropita.c_strSupervisedInputFile, dest="ostmInputPredictFile", metavar = "output_scaled", type = argparse.FileType("w"), help = ConstantsMicropita.c_strSupervisedInputFileHelp)
+args.add_argument("-p",ConstantsMicropita.c_strSupervisedPredictedFile, dest="ostmPredictFile", metavar = "output_labels", type = argparse.FileType("w"), help = ConstantsMicropita.c_strSupervisedPredictedFileHelp)
+argp.add_argument("istmInput", metavar = "input.pcl/biome", type = argparse.FileType("rU"), help = ConstantsMicropita.c_strAbundanceFileHelp,
+	default = sys.stdin)
+argp.add_argument("ostmOutput", metavar = "output.txt", type = argparse.FileType("w"), help = ConstantsMicropita.c_strGenericOutputDataFileHelp,
+	default = sys.stdout)
+__doc__ = "::\n\n\t" + argp.format_help( ).replace( "\n", "\n\t" ) + __doc__
+def _main( ):
+	args = argp.parse_args( )
+	#Set up logger
+	iLogLevel = getattr(logging, args.strLogLevel.upper(), None)
+	logging.basicConfig(stream = args.ostmLoggingFile if args.ostmLoggingFile else sys.stderr, filemode = 'w', level=iLogLevel)
+	#Run micropita
+"MicroPITA:: Start microPITA")
+	microPITA = MicroPITA()
+	#Argparse will append to the default but will not remove the default so I do this here
+	if not len(args.lstrMethods):
+		args.lstrMethods = [ConstantsMicropita.c_strRepresentative]
+	dictSelectedSamples = microPITA.funcRun(
+		strIDName		= args.strIDName,
+		strLastMetadataName	= args.strLastMetadataName,
+		istmInput		= args.istmInput,
+		ostmInputPredictFile	= args.ostmInputPredictFile,
+		ostmPredictFile		= args.ostmPredictFile,
+		ostmCheckedFile		= args.ostmCheckedFile,
+		ostmOutput		= args.ostmOutput,
+		cDelimiter		= args.cFileDelimiter,
+		cFeatureNameDelimiter	= args.cFeatureNameDelimiter,
+		istmFeatures		= args.istmFeatures,
+		strFeatureSelection	= args.strFeatureSelection,
+		iCount			= args.iCount,
+		strLastRowMetadata	= args.strLastFeatureMetadata,
+		strLabel		= args.strLabel,
+		strStratify		= args.strUnsupervisedStratify,
+		strCustomAlpha		= args.strAlphaDiversity,
+		strCustomBeta		= args.strBetaDiversity,
+		strAlphaMetadata	= args.strAlphaMetadata,
+		istmBetaMatrix		= args.istmBetaMatrix,
+		istrmTree		= args.istrmTree,
+		istrmEnvr		= args.istrmEnvr,
+		lstrMethods		= args.lstrMethods,
+		fInvertDiversity	= args.fInvertDiversity
+	)
+	if not dictSelectedSamples:
+		logging.error("MicroPITA:: Error, did not get a result from analysis.")
+		return -1
+"End microPITA")
+	#Log output for debugging
+	logging.debug("MicroPITA:: Returned the following samples:"+str(dictSelectedSamples))
+	#Write selection to file
+	microPITA.funcWriteSelectionToFile(dictSelection=dictSelectedSamples, xOutputFilePath=args.ostmOutput)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+	_main( )
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Tue May 13 21:58:57 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+# Using microPITA commandline #
+These common commands can be used on the default data set obtained when downloading microPITA, simply cut and paste them into a commandline in the downloaded microPITA directory.
+## Expected input file. ##
+I. PCL file or BIOM file
+BIOM file definition:
+For BIOM file definition please see
+PCL file definition:
+Although some defaults can be changed, microPITA expects a PCL file as an input file. Several PCL files are supplied by default in the input directory. A PCL file is a TEXT delimited file similar to an excel spread sheet with the following characteristics.
+1. Rows represent metadata and features (bugs), columns represent samples.
+2. The first row by default should be the sample ids.
+3. Metadata rows should be next.
+4. Lastly, rows containing features (bugs) measurements (like abundance) should be after metadata rows.
+5. The first column should contain the ID describing the column. For metadata this may be, for example, "Age" for a row containing the age of the patients donating the samples. For measurements, this should be the feature name (bug name).
+5. By default the file is expected to be TAB delimited.
+6. If a consensus lineage or hierarchy of taxonomy is contained in the feature name, the default delimiter between clades is the pipe ("|").
+II. Targeted feature file
+If using the targeted feature methodology, you will need to provide a txt file listing the feature(s) of interest. Each feature should be on it's own line and should be written as found in the input PCL file.
+## Basic unsupervised methods ##
+Please note, all calls to microPITA should work interchangeably with PCL or BIOM files. BIOM files do not require the --lastmeta or --id arguments.
+There are four unsupervised methods which can be performed:
+diverse (maximum diversity), extreme (most dissimilar), representative (representative dissimilarity) and features (targeted feature).
+The first three methods are performed as follows (selecting a default 10 samples):
+> python --lastmeta Label -m representative input/Test.pcl output.txt
+> python -m representative input/Test.biom output.txt
+> python --lastmeta Label -m diverse input/Test.pcl output.txt
+> python -m diverse input/Test.biom output.txt
+> python --lastmeta Label -m extreme input/Test.pcl output.txt
+> python -m extreme input/Test.biom output.txt
+Each of the previous methods are made up of the following pieces:
+1. python to call the microPITA script.
+2. --lastmeta which indicates the keyword (first column value) of the last row that contains metadata (PCL input only).
+3. -m which indicates the method to use in selection.
+4. input/Test.pcl or input/Test.biom which is the first positional argument indicating an input file
+5. output.txt which is the second positional argument indicating the location to write to the output file.
+Selecting specific features has additional arguments to consider --targets (required) and --feature_method (optional).
+> python --lastmeta Label -m features --targets input/TestFeatures.taxa input/Test.pcl output.txt
+> python -m features --targets input/TestFeatures.taxa input/Test.biom output.txt
+> python --lastmeta Label -m features --feature_method abundance --targets input/TestFeatures.taxa input/Test.pcl output.txt
+> python -m features --feature_method abundance --targets input/TestFeatures.taxa input/Test.biom output.txt
+These additional arguments are described as:
+1. --targets The path to the file that has the features (bugs or clades) of interest. Make sure they are written as they appear in your input file!
+2. --feature_method is the method of selection used and can be based on ranked abundance ("rank") or abundance ("abundance"). The default value is rank.
+To differentiate the methods, rank tends to select samples in which the feature dominates the samples regardless of it's abundance.
+Abundance tends to select samples in which the feature is most abundant without a guarantee that the feature is the most abundant feature in the sample. 
+## Basic supervised methods ##
+Two supervised methods are also available:
+distinct and discriminant
+These methods require an additional argument --label which is the first column keyword of the row used to classify samples for the supervised methods.
+These methods can be performed as follows:
+> python --lastmeta Label --label Label -m distinct input/Test.pcl output.txt
+> python --label Label -m distinct input/Test.biom output.txt
+> python --lastmeta Label --label Label -m discriminant input/Test.pcl output.txt
+> python --label Label -m discriminant input/Test.biom output.txt
+## Custom alpha- and beta-diversities ##
+The default alpha diversity for the maximum diversity sampling method is inverse simpson; the default beta-diversity for representative and most dissimilar
+selection is bray-curtis dissimilarity. There are several mechanisms that allow one to change this. You may: 
+1. Choose from a selection of alpha-diveristy metrics.
+Note when supplying an alpha diversity. This will affect the maximum diveristy sampling method only. Please make sure to use a diversity metric where the larger number indicates a higher diversity. If this is not the case make sure to use the -f or --invertDiversity flag to invert the metric. The inversion is multiplicative (1/alpha-metric).
+> python --lastmeta Label -m diverse -a simpson input/Test.pcl output.txt
+> python -m diverse -a simpson input/Test.biom output.txt
+A case where inverting the metric is needed.
+> python --lastmeta Label -m diverse -a dominance -f input/Test.pcl output.txt
+> python -m diverse -a dominance -f input/Test.biom output.txt
+2. Choose from a selection of beta-diversity metrics.
+Note when supplying a beta-diversity. This will effect both the representative and most dissimilar sampling methods. The metric as given will be used for the representative method while 1-beta-metric is used for the most dissimilar.
+> python --lastmeta Label -m representative -b euclidean input/Test.pcl output.txt
+> python -m representative -b euclidean input/Test.biom output.txt
+> python --lastmeta Label -m extreme -b euclidean input/Test.pcl output.txt
+> python -m extreme -b euclidean input/Test.biom output.txt
+Note for using Unifrac. Both Weighted and Unweighted unifrac are available for use. Make sure to supply the associated tree (-o, --tree) and environment files 
+(-i,--envr) as well as indicate using Unifrac with (-b,--beta)
+> python --lastmeta Label -m extreme -b unifrac_weighted -o input/Test.tree -i input/Test-env.txt input/Test.pcl output.txt
+> python -m extreme -b unifrac_weighted -o input/Test.tree -i input/Test-env.txt input/Test.biom output.txt
+> python --lastmeta Label -m extreme -b unifrac_unweighted -o input/Test.tree -i input/Test-env.txt input/Test.pcl output.txt
+> python -m extreme -b unifrac_unweighted -o input/Test.tree -i input/Test-env.txt input/Test.biom output.txt
+> python --lastmeta Label -m representative -b unifrac_weighted -o input/Test.tree -i input/Test-env.txt input/Test.pcl output.txt
+> python -m representative -b unifrac_weighted -o input/Test.tree -i input/Test-env.txt input/Test.biom output.txt
+> python --lastmeta Label -m representative -b unifrac_unweighted -o input/Test.tree -i input/Test-env.txt input/Test.pcl output.txt
+> python -m representative -b unifrac_unweighted -o input/Test.tree -i input/Test-env.txt input/Test.biom output.txt
+3. Supply your own custom alpha-diversity per sample as a metadata (row) in your pcl file.
+> python --lastmeta Label -m diverse -q alpha_custom input/Test.pcl output.txt
+> python -m diverse -q alpha_custom input/Test2.biom output.txt
+4. Supply your own custom beta diversity as a matrix (provided in a seperate file).
+> python --lastmeta Label -m representative -x input/Test_Matrix.txt input/Test.pcl output.txt
+> python -m representative -x input/Test_Matrix.txt input/Test.biom output.txt
+> python --lastmeta Label -m extreme -x input/Test_Matrix.txt input/Test.pcl output.txt
+> python -m extreme -x input/Test_Matrix.txt input/Test.biom output.txt
+## Changing defaults ##
+Sample Selection:
+To change the number of selected samples for any method use the -n argument. This example selects 6 representative samples instead of the default 10.
+> python --lastmeta Label -m representative -n 6 input/Test.pcl output.txt
+> python -m representative -n 6 input/Test.biom output.txt
+When using a supervised method this indicates how many samples will be selected per class of sample. For example if you are performing supervised selection of 6 samples (-n 6) on a dataset with 2 classes (values) in it's label row, you will get 6 x 2 = 12 samples. If a class does not have 6 samples in it, you will get the max possible for that class. In a scenario where you are selecting 6 samples (-n 6) and have two classes but one class has only 3 samples then you will get 6 + 3 = 9 selected samples.
+To stratify any method use the --stratify argument which is the first column keyword of the metadata row used to stratify samples before selection occurs. (Selection will occur independently within each strata). This example stratifies diverse selection by the "Label".
+> python --lastmeta Label --stratify Label -m representative input/Test.pcl output.txt
+> python --stratify Label -m representative input/Test.biom output.txt
+> python --lastmeta Label --label Label --stratify StratifyLabel -m distinct input/Test.pcl output.txt
+> python --label Label --stratify StratifyLabel -m distinct input/Test2.biom output.txt 
+Changing PCL file defaults:
+Some PCL files have feature metadata. These are columns of data that comment on bug features (rows) in the file. An example of this could be a certain taxonomy clade for different bug features. If this type of data exists please use -w or --lastFeatureMetadata to indicate the last column of feature metadata before the first column which is a sample. For an example please look in docs for PCL-Description.txt. This only applys to PCL files.
+> python --lastmeta Label -m representative -w taxonomy_5 input/FeatureMetadata.pcl output.txt
+MicroPITA assumes the first row of the input file is the sample IDs, if it is not you may use --id to indicate the row.
+--id expects the entry in the first column of your input file that matches the row used as Sample Ids. See the input file and the following command as an example.
+This only applys to PCL files.
+> python --id Sample --lastmeta Label -m representative input/Test.pcl output.txt
+MicroPITA assumes the input file is TAB delimited, we strongly recommend you use this convention. If not, you can use --delim to change the delimiter used to read in the file.
+Here is an example of reading the comma delimited file micropita/input/CommaDelim.pcl
+This only applys to PCL files.
+> python --delim , --lastmeta Label -m representative input/CommaDelim.pcl output.txt
+MicroPITA assumes the input file has feature names in which, if the name contains the consensus lineage or full taxonomic hierarchy, it is delimited with a pipe "|". We strongly recommend you use this default. The delimiter of the feature name can be changed using --featdelim. Here is an example of reading in a file with periods as the delimiter.
+This only applys to PCL files.
+> python --featdelim . --lastmeta Label -m representative input/PeriodDelim.pcl output.txt
+## Dependencies ##
+Please note the following dependencies need to be installed for micropita to run.
+1. Python 2.x
+2. blist
+3. NumPy
+4. SciPy
+5. PyCogent
+6. mlpy
+7. mpi4py
+8. biome support
+This covers how to use microPITA. Thank you for using this software and good luck with all your endeavors!
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/README.txt	Tue May 13 21:58:57 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+# Using microPITA commandline #
+These common commands can be used on the default data set obtained when downloading microPITA, simply cut and paste them into a commandline in the downloaded microPITA directory.
+## Expected input file. ##
+I. PCL file or BIOM file
+BIOM file definition:
+For BIOM file definition please see
+PCL file definition:
+Although some defaults can be changed, microPITA expects a PCL file as an input file. Several PCL files are supplied by default in the input directory. A PCL file is a TEXT delimited file similar to an excel spread sheet with the following characteristics.
+1. Rows represent metadata and features (bugs), columns represent samples.
+2. The first row by default should be the sample ids.
+3. Metadata rows should be next.
+4. Lastly, rows containing features (bugs) measurements (like abundance) should be after metadata rows.
+5. The first column should contain the ID describing the column. For metadata this may be, for example, "Age" for a row containing the age of the patients donating the samples. For measurements, this should be the feature name (bug name).
+5. By default the file is expected to be TAB delimited.
+6. If a consensus lineage or hierarchy of taxonomy is contained in the feature name, the default delimiter between clades is the pipe ("|").
+II. Targeted feature file
+If using the targeted feature methodology, you will need to provide a txt file listing the feature(s) of interest. Each feature should be on it's own line and should be written as found in the input PCL file.
+## Basic unsupervised methods ##
+Please note, all calls to microPITA should work interchangeably with PCL or BIOM files. BIOM files do not require the --lastmeta or --id arguments.
+There are four unsupervised methods which can be performed:
+diverse (maximum diversity), extreme (most dissimilar), representative (representative dissimilarity) and features (targeted feature).
+The first three methods are performed as follows (selecting a default 10 samples):
+> python --lastmeta Label -m representative input/Test.pcl output.txt
+> python -m representative input/Test.biom output.txt
+> python --lastmeta Label -m diverse input/Test.pcl output.txt
+> python -m diverse input/Test.biom output.txt
+> python --lastmeta Label -m extreme input/Test.pcl output.txt
+> python -m extreme input/Test.biom output.txt
+Each of the previous methods are made up of the following pieces:
+1. python to call the microPITA script.
+2. --lastmeta which indicates the keyword (first column value) of the last row that contains metadata (PCL input only).
+3. -m which indicates the method to use in selection.
+4. input/Test.pcl or input/Test.biom which is the first positional argument indicating an input file
+5. output.txt which is the second positional argument indicating the location to write to the output file.
+Selecting specific features has additional arguments to consider --targets (required) and --feature_method (optional).
+> python --lastmeta Label -m features --targets input/TestFeatures.taxa input/Test.pcl output.txt
+> python -m features --targets input/TestFeatures.taxa input/Test.biom output.txt
+> python --lastmeta Label -m features --feature_method abundance --targets input/TestFeatures.taxa input/Test.pcl output.txt
+> python -m features --feature_method abundance --targets input/TestFeatures.taxa input/Test.biom output.txt
+These additional arguments are described as:
+1. --targets The path to the file that has the features (bugs or clades) of interest. Make sure they are written as they appear in your input file!
+2. --feature_method is the method of selection used and can be based on ranked abundance ("rank") or abundance ("abundance"). The default value is rank.
+To differentiate the methods, rank tends to select samples in which the feature dominates the samples regardless of it's abundance.
+Abundance tends to select samples in which the feature is most abundant without a guarantee that the feature is the most abundant feature in the sample. 
+## Basic supervised methods ##
+Two supervised methods are also available:
+distinct and discriminant
+These methods require an additional argument --label which is the first column keyword of the row used to classify samples for the supervised methods.
+These methods can be performed as follows:
+> python --lastmeta Label --label Label -m distinct input/Test.pcl output.txt
+> python --label Label -m distinct input/Test.biom output.txt
+> python --lastmeta Label --label Label -m discriminant input/Test.pcl output.txt
+> python --label Label -m discriminant input/Test.biom output.txt
+## Custom alpha- and beta-diversities ##
+The default alpha diversity for the maximum diversity sampling method is inverse simpson; the default beta-diversity for representative and most dissimilar
+selection is bray-curtis dissimilarity. There are several mechanisms that allow one to change this. You may: 
+1. Choose from a selection of alpha-diveristy metrics.
+Note when supplying an alpha diversity. This will affect the maximum diveristy sampling method only. Please make sure to use a diversity metric where the larger number indicates a higher diversity. If this is not the case make sure to use the -f or --invertDiversity flag to invert the metric. The inversion is multiplicative (1/alpha-metric).
+> python --lastmeta Label -m diverse -a simpson input/Test.pcl output.txt
+> python -m diverse -a simpson input/Test.biom output.txt
+A case where inverting the metric is needed.
+> python --lastmeta Label -m diverse -a dominance -f input/Test.pcl output.txt
+> python -m diverse -a dominance -f input/Test.biom output.txt
+2. Choose from a selection of beta-diversity metrics.
+Note when supplying a beta-diversity. This will effect both the representative and most dissimilar sampling methods. The metric as given will be used for the representative method while 1-beta-metric is used for the most dissimilar.
+> python --lastmeta Label -m representative -b euclidean input/Test.pcl output.txt
+> python -m representative -b euclidean input/Test.biom output.txt
+> python --lastmeta Label -m extreme -b euclidean input/Test.pcl output.txt
+> python -m extreme -b euclidean input/Test.biom output.txt
+Note for using Unifrac. Both Weighted and Unweighted unifrac are available for use. Make sure to supply the associated tree (-o, --tree) and environment files 
+(-i,--envr) as well as indicate using Unifrac with (-b,--beta)
+> python --lastmeta Label -m extreme -b unifrac_weighted -o input/Test.tree -i input/Test-env.txt input/Test.pcl output.txt
+> python -m extreme -b unifrac_weighted -o input/Test.tree -i input/Test-env.txt input/Test.biom output.txt
+> python --lastmeta Label -m extreme -b unifrac_unweighted -o input/Test.tree -i input/Test-env.txt input/Test.pcl output.txt
+> python -m extreme -b unifrac_unweighted -o input/Test.tree -i input/Test-env.txt input/Test.biom output.txt
+> python --lastmeta Label -m representative -b unifrac_weighted -o input/Test.tree -i input/Test-env.txt input/Test.pcl output.txt
+> python -m representative -b unifrac_weighted -o input/Test.tree -i input/Test-env.txt input/Test.biom output.txt
+> python --lastmeta Label -m representative -b unifrac_unweighted -o input/Test.tree -i input/Test-env.txt input/Test.pcl output.txt
+> python -m representative -b unifrac_unweighted -o input/Test.tree -i input/Test-env.txt input/Test.biom output.txt
+3. Supply your own custom alpha-diversity per sample as a metadata (row) in your pcl file.
+> python --lastmeta Label -m diverse -q alpha_custom input/Test.pcl output.txt
+> python -m diverse -q alpha_custom input/Test2.biom output.txt
+4. Supply your own custom beta diversity as a matrix (provided in a seperate file).
+> python --lastmeta Label -m representative -x input/Test_Matrix.txt input/Test.pcl output.txt
+> python -m representative -x input/Test_Matrix.txt input/Test.biom output.txt
+> python --lastmeta Label -m extreme -x input/Test_Matrix.txt input/Test.pcl output.txt
+> python -m extreme -x input/Test_Matrix.txt input/Test.biom output.txt
+## Changing defaults ##
+Sample Selection:
+To change the number of selected samples for any method use the -n argument. This example selects 6 representative samples instead of the default 10.
+> python --lastmeta Label -m representative -n 6 input/Test.pcl output.txt
+> python -m representative -n 6 input/Test.biom output.txt
+When using a supervised method this indicates how many samples will be selected per class of sample. For example if you are performing supervised selection of 6 samples (-n 6) on a dataset with 2 classes (values) in it's label row, you will get 6 x 2 = 12 samples. If a class does not have 6 samples in it, you will get the max possible for that class. In a scenario where you are selecting 6 samples (-n 6) and have two classes but one class has only 3 samples then you will get 6 + 3 = 9 selected samples.
+To stratify any method use the --stratify argument which is the first column keyword of the metadata row used to stratify samples before selection occurs. (Selection will occur independently within each strata). This example stratifies diverse selection by the "Label".
+> python --lastmeta Label --stratify Label -m representative input/Test.pcl output.txt
+> python --stratify Label -m representative input/Test.biom output.txt
+> python --lastmeta Label --label Label --stratify StratifyLabel -m distinct input/Test.pcl output.txt
+> python --label Label --stratify StratifyLabel -m distinct input/Test2.biom output.txt 
+Changing PCL file defaults:
+Some PCL files have feature metadata. These are columns of data that comment on bug features (rows) in the file. An example of this could be a certain taxonomy clade for different bug features. If this type of data exists please use -w or --lastFeatureMetadata to indicate the last column of feature metadata before the first column which is a sample. For an example please look in docs for PCL-Description.txt. This only applys to PCL files.
+> python --lastmeta Label -m representative -w taxonomy_5 input/FeatureMetadata.pcl output.txt
+MicroPITA assumes the first row of the input file is the sample IDs, if it is not you may use --id to indicate the row.
+--id expects the entry in the first column of your input file that matches the row used as Sample Ids. See the input file and the following command as an example.
+This only applys to PCL files.
+> python --id Sample --lastmeta Label -m representative input/Test.pcl output.txt
+MicroPITA assumes the input file is TAB delimited, we strongly recommend you use this convention. If not, you can use --delim to change the delimiter used to read in the file.
+Here is an example of reading the comma delimited file micropita/input/CommaDelim.pcl
+This only applys to PCL files.
+> python --delim , --lastmeta Label -m representative input/CommaDelim.pcl output.txt
+MicroPITA assumes the input file has feature names in which, if the name contains the consensus lineage or full taxonomic hierarchy, it is delimited with a pipe "|". We strongly recommend you use this default. The delimiter of the feature name can be changed using --featdelim. Here is an example of reading in a file with periods as the delimiter.
+This only applys to PCL files.
+> python --featdelim . --lastmeta Label -m representative input/PeriodDelim.pcl output.txt
+## Dependencies ##
+Please note the following dependencies need to be installed for micropita to run.
+1. Python 2.x
+2. blist
+3. NumPy
+4. SciPy
+5. PyCogent
+6. mlpy
+7. mpi4py
+8. biome support
+This covers how to use microPITA. Thank you for using this software and good luck with all your endeavors!
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/datatypes_conf.xml	Tue May 13 21:58:57 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+    <registration>
+        <datatype extension="micropita" type="" subclass="true" display_in_upload="true"/>
+    </registration>
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/input/CommaDelim.pcl	Tue May 13 21:58:57 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/input/FeatureMetadata.pcl	Tue May 13 21:58:57 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ID	taxonomy_0	taxonomy_1	taxonomy_2	taxonomy_3	taxonomy_4	taxonomy_5	70009986	70009894	70008980	70009988	70003470	70007472	70003744	70007476	70003274	70476
+TID	NA	NA	NA	NA	NA	NA	CohortA	CohortA	CohortB	CohortB	CohortB	CohortA	CohortA	CohortB	CohortA	CohortB
+Label	NA	NA	NA	NA	NA	NA	L_Antecubital_fossa	R_Retroauricular_crease	Subgingival_plaque	R_Antecubital_fossa	L_Retroauricular_crease	R_Retroauricular_crease	L_Antecubital_fossa	R_Antecubital_fossa	L_Antecubital_fossa	R_Antecubital_fossa
+72	Bacteria	Firmicutes	Bacilli	Bacillales	Bacillaceae	unclassified	1.23	0	12	0	6	0	2	1	2	1
+4904	Bacteria	Firmicutes	Bacilli	Bacillales	Bacillaceae	unclassified	0	10	43	6	0	23	0	6	5	53
+1361	Bacteria	Firmicutes	Bacilli	Bacillales	Bacillaceae	unclassified	3	0	29	0	45	0	1	1	1	3
+3417	Bacteria	Firmicutes	Bacilli	Bacillales	Bacillaceae	unclassified	0	45	34	3	0	0	0	4	0	3
+1368	Bacteria	Firmicutes	Bacilli	Bacillales	Bacillaceae	unclassified	5	0	2	0	6	0	1	1	3	1
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/input/PeriodDelim.pcl	Tue May 13 21:58:57 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+ID	Sample_0_D	Sample_1_D	Sample_2_D	Sample_3_D	Sample_4_D	Sample_5_D	Sample_6_D	Sample_7_D	Sample_8_D	Sample_9_D	Sample_10_D	Sample_11_D	Sample_12_D	Sample_13_D	Sample_14_D	Sample_15_D	Sample_16_R	Sample_17_R	Sample_18_R	Sample_19_R	Sample_20_R	Sample_21_R	Sample_22_R	Sample_23_R	Sample_24_R	Sample_25_R	Sample_26_R	Sample_27_R	Sample_28_R	Sample_29_R	Sample_30_E	Sample_31_E	Sample_32_E	Sample_33_E	Sample_34_E	Sample_35_E	Sample_36_E	Sample_37_E	Sample_38_E	Sample_39_E	Sample_40_E	Sample_41_E	Sample_42_E	Sample_43_E	Sample_44_T	Sample_45_T	Sample_46_T	Sample_47_T
+Sample	Sample_0_D	Sample_1_D	Sample_2_D	Sample_3_D	Sample_4_D	Sample_5_D	Sample_6_D	Sample_7_D	Sample_8_D	Sample_9_D	Sample_10_D	Sample_11_D	Sample_12_D	Sample_13_D	Sample_14_D	Sample_15_D	Sample_16_R	Sample_17_R	Sample_18_R	Sample_19_R	Sample_20_R	Sample_21_R	Sample_22_R	Sample_23_R	Sample_24_R	Sample_25_R	Sample_26_R	Sample_27_R	Sample_28_R	Sample_29_R	Sample_30_E	Sample_31_E	Sample_32_E	Sample_33_E	Sample_34_E	Sample_35_E	Sample_36_E	Sample_37_E	Sample_38_E	Sample_39_E	Sample_40_E	Sample_41_E	Sample_42_E	Sample_43_E	Sample_44_T	Sample_45_T	Sample_46_T	Sample_47_T
+Group	Complex	Complex	Complex	Complex	Complex	Complex	Complex	Complex	Complex	Complex	Complex	Complex	Complex	Complex	Complex	Complex	Moderate_Dissimilarity_Feature	Moderate_Dissimilarity_Feature	Moderate_Dissimilarity_Feature	Moderate_Dissimilarity	Moderate_Dissimilarity	Moderate_Dissimilarity	Moderate_Dissimilarity	Moderate_Dissimilarity	Moderate_Dissimilarity	Moderate_Dissimilarity	Moderate_Dissimilarity	Moderate_Dissimilarity	Moderate_Dissimilarity	Moderate_Dissimilarity	High_Dissimilarity	High_Dissimilarity	High_Dissimilarity_Feature	High_Dissimilarity	High_Dissimilarity	High_Dissimilarity	High_Dissimilarity	High_Dissimilarity	High_Dissimilarity	High_Dissimilarity	High_Dissimilarity	High_Dissimilarity	High_Dissimilarity	High_Dissimilarity	Targeted_Feature	Targeted_Feature	Targeted_Feature	Targeted_Feature
+StratifyLabel	1	2	1	2	1	2	1	2	1	2	1	2	1	2	1	2	1	2	1	2	1	2	1	2	1	2	1	2	1	2	1	2	1	2	1	2	1	2	1	2	1	2	1	2	1	2	1	2
+Label	Class-Two	Class-One	Class-Two	Class-One	Class-One	Class-One	Class-One	Class-Two	Class-Two	Class-One	Class-Two	Class-One	Class-One	Class-Two	Class-Two	Class-Two	Class-Two	Class-Two	Class-Two	Class-Two	Class-One	Class-One	Class-One	Class-One	Class-One	Class-Two	Class-One	Class-Two	Class-Two	Class-One	Class-Two	Class-Two	Class-Two	Class-Two	Class-One	Class-One	Class-One	Class-One	Class-One	Class-Two	Class-One	Class-Two	Class-Two	Class-One	Class-Two	Class-Two	Class-Two	Class-Two
+Root.Taxa_0	0	0.132639108	51.67205155	0	0	0	51.7444670649	0	0	0	0	0	51.2083349844	52.1495033914	0	54.2809813981	51.6829297536	0	0.3123676392	0	0	0	0	0	0.2166953032	0	0.2411828448	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3122296644	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1772302872
+Root.Taxa_1	54.0993873098	0	0.441962075	0	0	0	50.6647838005	53.447223597	50.5817481168	0	53.5412967792	0	0	0	0	0	54.5327122192	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3066743566	0	0.4312838574	0	0.3731209223	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1274865184	0	0
+Root.Taxa_2	51.461026897	0	0	0	0	53.0265676376	0	0	0	0	54.047444278	0	52.5264375555	0	0	0	54.9402852499	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4223345514	0	0	0	0	0.4607446961	0	0.3442454432	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_3	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.7506605469	0	0.4148157079	0	0	0	0.2685767173	0	0	0	0	0	0.3663062251	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.5269874981	51.8543446876	53.7681811219	52.6344247487
+Root.Taxa_4	50.2405694418	51.7777654529	0	54.8458795552	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.8808302665	0	0	0	0	50.0282264237	0	0	0	0.0980723897	0	0.3886813644	0	0	0	0	0	0.4286598254	0	0	0	0.4731642927	0	0	0	0	0.1568392012	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_5	0	0	0	0	0	51.9510168529	0.2296159024	52.9698629485	0	0	0	52.1974377835	0	0	0.2252690679	0	53.653338634	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3963056725	0	0	0.0678330435	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_6	0	0	0	0	0	54.5673895399	0	0	0	0	51.1909575326	0.2522232281	0	52.4007159288	54.537199915	0	51.3239204408	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.174038431	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0525796302	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_7	0	0	54.88999104	50.5925030784	0	0	0	54.6763349395	0.1189223448	50.2393175313	0	0	0	0	0	0	54.6969237057	0	0	0.2640195362	0	0	0	0	0	0.0939317767	0	0	0	0.0068426746	0	0	0	0.1884530288	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_8	50.1672106262	0	52.3303780427	0	0	0	0	0.2608503236	51.234970106	53.8379188167	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.1581385397	0.0006708697	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	102.3508238	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2592061142	0.2733698621	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_9	0	0	54.2954191601	0.3900482594	53.497720447	0	52.8536155873	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.0705186084	53.9973207505	52.56799841	52.4336682846	0	0.4420715363	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.206258829	0	0.2217424642	0	102.360729463	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_10	0	52.0300437903	0	0	50.8347498672	0	54.6878325497	0	52.7748472684	0	0.1728499078	0	0	0.3494023242	0	53.2923245881	52.0944101248	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	103.408803256	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2798474092	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_11	0	0	0	0	0	50.2266430142	0	0	0	0	54.8005510793	0	0	0.2614548375	54.6340123255	0	53.3054007305	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	104.297495933	0.4147771248	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2095019599	0.2636646004	0	0.14962244	0
+Root.Taxa_12	0	51.2451248947	0	0	52.1894997513	0	0	0	0.1485402206	0	0	51.4578345044	0	0	0	53.7144038587	52.4887800004	0	0.4912827723	0	0	0.0408387312	0	0.1298874355	0	0	0	0	0.406059988	0	100.324803499	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1119222201	0	0
+Root.Taxa_13	0.3049766554	0	0	0	0	0.2577053654	0	0.0339606845	54.7690836618	50.697970653	0	0	53.8640699725	0	52.0035776407	0	53.6428696687	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4254096216	0.2249415069	0	0.1878483248	0	0	102.107460191	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_14	0	52.2259912051	0	50.2457134484	0	0	0	50.1864151028	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.9709023399	0.2492557784	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	101.397444005	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1555731341	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_15	0	0	0	51.4281949608	52.6962274694	0	0.3201392865	0	0	54.7756797792	0	50.5018107598	54.1937447792	53.2064670747	0	0	54.2549432464	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	102.286601935	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4705889836	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_16	51.0029739062	0	0	0	51.0607335169	53.2862118709	0	0	0	51.9134794272	54.854099933	0	0	0	54.0630985892	54.5356379274	0	50.5822786088	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_17	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2048863855	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.088151158	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0350232592	0	0	0	0.3510405665	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_18	0	51.9909876648	54.2742154768	53.1653297993	0	0	50.8771925078	50.9077149464	54.9729403134	0	0.1353582563	0	0	50.2703191505	0	0	0	53.4546555778	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1975913675	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.252506998	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3668075477
+Root.Taxa_19	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.2084286662	0.0317855187	0	0	0	0	0.0731542793	0	0.279365334	0	0	0	0.3232868601	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	51.3273493399	51.7950595639	51.5148741732	50.1446039379
+Root.Taxa_20	0	0	0	54.2901512603	0	52.5606309423	52.3731376332	54.4526691389	0	0	0	0	0	0	52.0984154658	0	0	51.7513288419	0	0	0	0.3622193485	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1691945034	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_21	50.2825468404	0	0	0	0	0	50.9821712326	0	0	0	0	51.3809679697	0	52.2721137248	0	0	0	50.870859988	0	0	0.1977675671	0	0	0	0	0	0.4552416279	0	0	0	0	0.3435864481	0	0	0.4880371356	0	0.0536765879	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_22	0	0	0	0	52.3029086027	52.5983394759	54.5052639743	0	0	54.1888891315	50.0266182403	50.2221118781	50.6633223951	51.3579357417	0	52.1345899387	0	53.3732609456	0	0	0	0	0	0.3609204935	0	0	0	0.4993218153	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1591353836	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_23	54.6156171564	0.4886273801	0	0	0	0	0	52.5107503356	52.9460850983	0	0.3957098383	0	0	0	0	0	0	52.6539251409	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2303307173	0.2311735324	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0630202217
+Root.Taxa_24	52.5265835651	0	0	0	0	0	0	51.6181213067	0	52.5277460465	52.5621645367	0.4212381405	0	0	0	0	0	50.0368297309	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	102.75434916	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_25	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1372806711	0	0	0	52.0166897294	0	0	0	0	0	53.9284449204	0	0	0	0.2143980699	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4006338331	100.175399372	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.460244722	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_26	0	54.7808897118	0	0	0	0	0	0.2249763103	0	0.4844513576	0	0	0	0	50.6980071274	0	0	51.8963562506	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	104.480318071	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_27	0	52.1818437283	0	0.0091068777	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	52.0711732439	0.3445929637	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	101.492137287	0	0	0.2358311064	0	0	0.3478219918	0	0	0	0	0.0292885238	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_28	0	0	52.0901812605	52.2730517877	50.0978668154	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	51.1042973997	50.3396791485	0	51.8579185538	0	54.1478490943	0	0	0	0	0	0.1924004269	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	103.860589722	0	0	0	0	0.2958273103	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2432510884	0	0
+Root.Taxa_29	0	0	50.6253941664	0	0	0	0	0	51.4636945289	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	52.4434570833	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0206172628	0	0.4787711449	0	0	103.664216721	0	0	0	0	0	0.0896190717	0.0482937601	0.3775884668	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_30	0	0	0	53.2702698702	0	50.9530439909	0.3906002073	0	52.564962527	0	0	0	50.5342042489	0	0	53.3525431291	0.3955450675	52.1377811142	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	104.569105127	0	0	0	0	0	0.0711511496	0	0	0	0.2969135198	0	0	0	0	0.0820027166	0
+Root.Taxa_31	0	53.4160907647	50.2412640143	0	52.7503772737	0.266001	0	0	0	51.4156779274	52.3495772244	50.4296303411	53.0746552584	0.2312726671	50.1591453136	0	0	52.6740375005	0.0684119121	0.3554946578	0.22106748	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4044619717	0	103.683580625	0	0	0	0.1031302462	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_32	0	50.5756083483	0	0	52.0313756582	53.7110562743	52.3907208953	53.8846639811	0	0	0.0046756583	0	52.4749313611	0.2397819191	0	54.0544476992	0	0	54.8355397676	0.1297890121	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4593982017	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3506631122	0.4629464165	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_33	0	0	0	50.878130145	0.4999058566	0	0	0	0	51.3518277314	0.3761236625	0.3944068153	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.3174548238	0	0	0.1504482951	0	0.127140027	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2548248911	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_34	53.3206087196	0	0	0	0	53.3594257978	54.7550426596	0	0	0	0.2037470024	54.1086095437	0	0	0	0	0	0	54.1113517717	0.3138467421	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3490515927	0	0	0	0	0.1981740901	0	0	0.1208211414	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_35	51.5748239395	51.8559498273	0	54.0804785553	0	0	0	0	0	0	54.739358927	53.3751470718	53.0003988321	50.9511660413	0	0	0	0.4262712797	51.4526566441	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2979733489	0	0	0.4111736556	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0689009855	0	0	0	0	0	0.380858705	0.3682137697	0	0.346123284	0
+Root.Taxa_36	0	0	0	0	51.7955322468	50.7825938818	0.0748252557	0	0	54.9524236749	0	0.3548118535	51.8703689184	0	0	51.0568246533	0	0	53.3875472963	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0529775051	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_37	0	0	52.9933793712	0	0	0	54.6905079521	0	52.7922091401	0	0	0	0	0	50.3044859311	0	0	0	54.747541461	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0457887715	0.3809741474	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2279874575	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_38	0	0	51.4270643055	0	54.6785989992	0	54.8206987373	0	53.9385865565	0	0	0	0	51.4129548343	53.1265043809	0	0	0	54.0071260493	0	0	0	0	0.0939906902	0.3673230157	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4789676492	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_39	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2387940384	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	54.1627418823	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2795966978	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_40	0	0	0	50.0210852211	0	0	0	0	0.2150901129	0	0	0	0	52.1867569927	53.6264651202	0	0	0	52.9491874829	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2507515189	0	0	0	0	100.862557832	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.210881571	0
+Root.Taxa_41	51.4977031121	52.9164968998	0.3534159391	0	0	0.1157486694	0	0	51.7018934192	0.1345887328	0	51.9984923274	0.3081525427	0	0.0615519713	0	0	0	53.3008194045	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	104.430795814	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2867404482	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_42	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.1007007713	0	54.9461220565	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.0375057479	0	0	0	0.4319383958	0	0.171622271	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	102.196402398	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_43	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	51.0446210947	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0792792689	0	0	0	0	0	104.880373605	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	51.3715760597	52.9044112969	51.740910549	50.5004381267
+Root.Taxa_44	0	53.9514218116	53.7974560811	0	0	0.2172397029	0	54.4604334223	0	0	54.6862061224	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.1944500806	0	0.1702076899	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1000241075	0	0	0.4379056345	102.222128629	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0702419447	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_45	0.4414396255	0	0	0	0	53.3442434459	0	0	52.0433499114	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	51.0099383616	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	102.926221483	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0083155843	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_46	50.8759769798	0	53.2075254666	50.6746294731	51.236316237	0.0529739748	0	0	0	51.7118414842	52.4785335361	0	0	0	52.8668573736	52.6248831998	0	0	53.2532692581	0	0	0	0.2068341838	0	0.0509557931	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	101.581986405	0	0	0.3929810805	0	0	0	0	0.4084069824	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_47	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	51.7620853649	0	0	51.3185303073	50.1321408484	51.7645853205	53.2729757957	0	53.2368893169	0	0	54.6339039774	0	0	0	0	0	0.2721644329	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1529640426	102.170619684	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4808707791	0	0	0	0.0259939588	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_48	52.4267089962	0	0	54.1214115467	50.0928272167	0	53.4772363871	54.7860576144	0	0	0	51.9697613142	0	0	0	0	0.2912755603	0	0	52.4029555007	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1730979361	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_49	0	54.141972569	0	0	0	0.3109906772	0	0.2574068121	0	0	0	0	51.8320818925	0	0	0	0	0	0	54.6830485117	0.2736483385	0	0	0.1530487213	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4823438429	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_50	0	0.4124418207	52.6693177921	0	0.4591352641	0	0	50.0076295469	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0891656276	0	0	52.060661218	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.456119945	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_51	0	0	0.4290217531	0.3651461426	0	52.193712592	0	0	0	0	0	54.8820040231	50.9889836189	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.729079995	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1077332822	0	0	0	0	0	0.2396906645	0	0	0	0	0.1208910872	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1170604419	0	0
+Root.Taxa_52	54.8376652197	0	50.6807988659	0	0	0	50.2423356742	0	0	53.1215806153	0	0	53.0799270537	0	0	0	0	0	0	51.035020958	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2183915943	0	0.0377484647	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_53	0.4082266649	53.8883783744	0.4415559686	0	0	54.6386307308	0	0	51.2693532809	0	54.6221640864	0	0	0	0	0	0.3041499927	0	0.3724731651	54.412795112	0.1367159827	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3980338784	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_54	0.3273113474	0	0	54.926390833	0	0	0	0	0	0.3088645786	0	0	0	0.0605177339	0	50.044487362	0	0	0	54.6371458056	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4771918399	0.2768604633	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0335516302	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_55	0	0	50.0656052232	0	0	0.0179441975	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.138961788	54.9330831299	0	0	0	52.5769169001	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1782178292	0	0	0	0	0.3407637923	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4782188759	0.4542681566	0	0	0	0.4875039412	0	0
+Root.Taxa_56	54.5989539227	0	0	0	53.2426950573	50.250740261	0	0	0	53.9546687981	0	0	0	53.8898181275	52.0200822419	0	0	0	0	50.1281331335	0	0	0	0.3264303961	0.2427488814	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2980135425	102.341991379	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2057570112	0.1926807528	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_57	0	51.354416492	0	0	0	50.4552746731	0	0	53.9138353446	53.4965113987	0	0	0.4402856364	0	50.9875219614	0	0	0.2843309221	0	52.8337602214	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	100.009745288	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.484674028	0	0
+Root.Taxa_58	0.4370935688	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.5695657696	53.5922767311	0	52.4207781953	0	0.0828238371	54.0436231227	0	54.1439337916	0	0	0	53.6109641407	0	0	0.247319441	0	0	0	0	0	0.1293668424	0	0	0	0	102.817247688	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_59	54.1877803261	54.8734852288	51.9631978735	0	53.7893179854	0	0	0	0	0	0	52.9662052797	0.3843803475	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.5938366041	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	103.811586753	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1697259821	0	0	0.4337967626	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_60	0	0	0	51.6462568319	0	0	52.1950606158	52.2145629515	53.8111850302	54.6277290472	0	0	0	0.4097991131	0	0	0	0	0	54.4787895985	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	100.148275143	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_61	0	0	0	0	0	0.2040732361	0	0	0	0.2783150788	0	0	0	50.5350340247	51.0309419327	0	0	0	0	51.8822943576	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0622838924	0.3612372393	102.431353618	0	0	0	0	0.1492745202	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1621554116	0	0.4346019485
+Root.Taxa_62	0	0	0	50.6703344071	0	0	54.4857512291	0	0	0	54.0871158771	50.599265154	53.7767317456	0	0	51.3898411169	0	0	0	50.3643983668	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4853324113	0	0.4473445252	0	102.425622639	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_63	0.4529478175	0	0	0	54.2379721914	0	0	0	0	0	53.7525110896	0	0.4360800234	53.3175262291	54.2646984279	0	0	0	0	54.0018428816	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	103.879540704	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.200286561	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_64	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	51.0672277557	52.7285706827	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.3133856033	0	0	0	0	0.122468849	0	0	0	0.2195248661	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4512989848	0	0
+Root.Taxa_65	0	0	0	0	0	54.2826532163	0.0546722913	50.5873967928	0	0	0	0	50.7408726249	51.9223310392	0	51.4656070102	0	0	0	0	50.605962135	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0313052349	0	0.0248505033	0	0	0	0	0.1801267876	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_66	0	0	0	0	50.1694459571	0	0.2098148433	0	54.8130942577	52.1816782427	0	0	0	0	0	0.0087912135	0	0	0	0	52.4555738805	0	0.1946081847	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.231151394	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_67	53.0846900346	54.412517058	54.5238051166	0	0	0	0	0	0	54.595576556	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2415041929	0	0	54.7069813167	0.2996548558	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0425357392	0	0	0	0.4645055552	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_68	51.3995469362	0	0	50.331795309	51.0448312155	53.6201946543	0	0	53.4099339516	0	50.770176676	54.2683984233	0	52.1643426732	54.0442901397	0.1032379248	0	0	0.3522214367	0	54.4540657102	0	0.110175445	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.433013846	0	0	0	0	0.1886158766	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_69	50.9648348214	53.6736175822	51.590495556	51.8412088782	0	54.2987533453	52.3634972313	0	0	0	51.151811413	53.7359358267	0	0	54.7917255302	0	0.4325211547	0	0	0	53.3545695108	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.069227689	0	0	0	0	0	0.3882377702	0	0	0	0	0.2976571254	0	0	0	0.0263550726	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_70	0	0	0	0	50.7217921254	0	54.7066155956	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.6315693012	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3724946615	0	0.2673542736	0	0	0.3328376298	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_71	0.1620439572	0.0674540068	0.0359000069	0	0	52.036928436	0	0	0	0	53.2771147688	0	0	50.2197978468	0	0.1980547765	0	0	0	0	52.6803755712	0	0	0	0.4341710263	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2646443485	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1923538669	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0887843003
+Root.Taxa_72	0	0	0	0.208477186	0.191122797	0	53.3877940796	0	0	0	0	54.8605306811	52.8806578443	0.4634942747	0	53.7859248539	0	0	0	0	54.0390981091	0	0	0	0.2015376913	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	104.81826701	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.470124035	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_73	0	0	54.0543538675	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	52.5074922807	0	51.8833322526	0	0	0	0	0	50.7807937909	0	0	0.232942393	0	0	0.1220451999	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2828927528	100.872762323	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4539101431	0.443320587	0	0.1132961507	0.3185656437
+Root.Taxa_74	0	0	54.3809381001	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2304558325	0.3130208717	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.825957476	0	0	0.0572096867	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0168392183	0	103.904238553	0.311377563	0	0	0	0	0.4866264421	0	0	0	0	0.3384127287	0	0
+Root.Taxa_75	0.4307504192	51.7633538316	0	0	51.4215501537	0	0	53.6131499522	0.0308805275	0	0	0	52.3514348753	0	0	0	0	0.1696651501	0	0	53.9066979693	0	0	0.1281638803	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	102.958441755	0	0	0	0.0609186756	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0993970743
+Root.Taxa_76	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1206515095	0	51.8281885745	0.1220819529	0	0	0	0	50.8290781889	0	0	0	0	54.9709648675	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4297384241	104.083448416	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3426330327	0	0
+Root.Taxa_77	0	0	0.3601206776	53.0516805067	0	0	0	0	0	0	52.427138658	53.0537708068	0	0	51.9809609217	51.4358398959	0	0	0	0	53.8140262772	0	0.2518970133	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4379598295	0	0	0	0	101.154787919	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_78	0	50.9977659171	0.205815553	50.3018855792	0.2485134475	0	54.8612742676	0	0	54.7417532517	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.2633197891	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1158681467	0	0	103.568400155	0	0	0	0.2837734628	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_79	53.2388661668	0	0	0	0	0	0	54.4991602286	52.8373936886	0	0	0	0	50.3435784568	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.1761666666	0.179916926	0	0	0	0	0.3216605414	0.0902658359	0	0	0	0	0	0	102.053964001	0	0	0	0.3941161454	0	0.4024567987	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_80	54.7892618987	54.5318181169	0	0	52.5024244557	0	0.2824605846	54.1520416938	0	51.6347900016	54.2899104182	52.9606082444	51.9671909833	0	0	53.5378565436	0	0	0	0.1663700836	0	50.401981588	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_81	0	51.8337862969	54.4049970921	0	51.8557420992	52.5229095783	0.0436287387	0	54.5758600794	0	0	0.191168701	0.0239379812	51.9482488619	0	0	0	0	0.4139979892	0	0	52.9118524132	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.366252635	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3986870557	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_82	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.3984918842	0	0	0	54.4976071698	0	0	0	51.0106416962	0	0	0	0	0	0	52.0283746591	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1361657687	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0758464948	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_83	0	0	0	50.3794761616	0	52.7343387153	53.0193553248	51.2257869732	0.0006319949	0	0	0.2720348266	52.9907821351	0	0	0	0	0.2233355579	0	0	0.1050158817	54.9458704446	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2172519645	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_84	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	54.1408497487	52.8337996475	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	51.6022529984	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_85	0	52.3235728903	0	0	0.3320989701	0.4248255219	0	0	51.7466072582	50.4503592933	0	54.5914510381	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	52.4345973615	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2927939436	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0847785671	0	0
+Root.Taxa_86	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.8900286515	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	54.7211930279	0	0	0	0.1860511137	0	0	0	0	0.4099157235	0	0.2539220727	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_87	54.1801851168	0.2755052968	54.4929431324	53.8377295485	0	0	0	52.4040288729	0	0	0	54.7801295644	54.0400263047	0	0	0.1966747301	0	0	0	0	0	51.8162873023	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4679406891	0	0	0	0.2959793419	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_88	0	0	0	53.9390998937	0	51.5633425952	51.2958523861	0	0	53.5152813263	0	0	0	0	54.4016767058	53.2390333136	0.4146855389	0	0	0	0	54.4130820735	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0204961504	101.326823224	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1066233614	0.0363300378	0
+Root.Taxa_89	53.0543892529	0	0	0	0	0	53.674266645	0	0	0	0	50.7712795605	0	0	0.1019179568	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.7975387016	0	0.0977898128	0	0	0	0	0	0.0993452942	0	0	0	0	0	100.997769091	0.3619621508	0	0	0	0.3904948159	0	0	0.0872044741	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_90	0	0	50.8115416489	0	50.754506055	0	0	0	52.3941131969	0	0	0	51.8243341099	0	0	51.3772399507	0	0	0	0	0	52.4678412328	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	100.520314429	0	0	0.2133005765	0.1264533195	0	0.1775747368	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_91	0	0.1440747388	0	52.2420346752	0	0	0	0	0	0	51.306304352	0	0	54.5023389653	51.6143705277	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.2618330615	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	103.306676868	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2591604764	0
+Root.Taxa_92	0	54.6210630241	0	0	53.5305422245	0	0	0	0	0	54.3568545147	0	0.3760358617	53.614501565	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.1740916731	0	0	0	0	0.1862491638	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	102.868597317	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_93	0	0	52.1871299484	0	0	0	0	0.4391172051	0	0	0	0.376050992	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2089241073	0.1723162287	51.9279788044	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	103.481228475	0	0	0.2200556727	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_94	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3256636158	0	0	0	0	0.364965086	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.1229798984	0	0	0	0.1559587637	0.4001034299	0	0	0	0.3262818835	0	0	0.2076639482	0	101.02718778	0	0	0	0	0.2707225645	0.417074225	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_95	50.6928865646	0	0	0	0	53.8301341769	0	0	0.0103564044	0.3986304957	0	0	0	54.2377241737	52.3696486305	53.0287787824	0	0	0	0.0081133227	0	51.3118465046	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	100.436094872	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_96	0	0	0	0.0306082277	0	0	53.4258105193	0	0	53.4595268013	0	0	54.111068736	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	51.1151885409	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0718316031	0	0	0	0.0856188686	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1088778111	0	0
+Root.Taxa_97	54.0131831358	0.3162587064	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.5541897884	0	50.8535862291	0	0	0	52.5365058191	0	0.1993715632	0	0	0	0	0	51.2674686071	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3301504415	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_98	0	0	53.7149011582	0.4173513921	51.1073102759	52.9646951786	50.2964122406	50.8655941987	0	0	50.6709458088	0	0	52.5329187655	0	0	0	0	0.1295957195	0	0	0	50.697495499	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4731593744	0	0	0.1248322964	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2822300821	0	0	0	0.4313599044
+Root.Taxa_99	0	0	0	0	53.9606157979	0	0	0	53.2300749713	0	0	53.3830729082	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2475868847	0	0	52.8931864333	0	0	0.4867202557	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3688932196	0.0563714613	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3712734193	0.4418757976
+Root.Taxa_100	50.056868693	53.8826557038	51.7558450346	0	0	0	0	0	52.1246108797	0	0	0	52.5289140861	0	0	0.1157214473	0	0	0	0	0	0	54.1241903946	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2108212732	0	0	0	0	0.0601948469	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_101	0	53.2749401798	0.3457314983	0	0	54.4227088415	0	0	0	0	52.6300612332	0	54.4154008017	0	0.0671882326	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.1007193022	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0900018692	0	0.175114791	0.473746692	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_102	52.6950430067	0	0.4354763357	0	54.9986822481	0.053637061	0.3994923336	0	0	0	0	51.4154828937	0.4664348065	53.2002848034	51.817857542	0.2712106096	0	0	0	0	0	0	54.8655468121	0	0.3710474144	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3822684551	0	0	0.006423485	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0162876791	0	0	0.1017937381	0
+Root.Taxa_103	0.3425931453	52.9993627033	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	52.3092110352	0	0	0.2767992224	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.5254117447	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.015074463	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3959814799	0	0	0.1943574615	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_104	0	0	0	53.4713033884	54.3579475688	52.6955685823	50.7596515057	0	0.1731414916	52.1442151554	0	0	0	50.3835988803	0	0	0	0	0	0.4060476246	0	0	50.733284076	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	104.214620416	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_105	0	54.7806460339	0	0	0	54.0826678158	0	0	0.0672647388	52.1675841037	0	0	0	53.9554537185	0	52.4303251482	0	0	0	0.2334350482	0	0.4098819176	54.7028473218	0	0.2667853728	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	101.795431091	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_106	0	0	52.5565456759	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.6619334569	0	0	0	0	0	51.3961540827	0	0.2140895941	0	0	0.2995571882	0.221779498	52.5708897858	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1233866431	0	0	0	0	102.570605443	0	0	0	0	0	0.4118529029	0	0.3766700102	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_107	54.5303707299	0	0	51.0579585274	0	0	0	0	0	0	52.9392581011	0	0	0	54.6683053936	0.3356273709	0	0.4393523569	0	0	0	0	53.8546643238	0	0	0.490563499	0	0	0	0	0	0.1035835818	0	0	0	0	101.68701225	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_108	0	0.0831253556	0	50.9377309168	0	0	0	53.5728270552	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4250388828	0	0	50.474152487	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	101.552599433	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_109	0	0	0	50.7291731582	0.1487014569	0	50.3194645485	54.8863005781	51.0698065958	0	0	0.3224429939	54.070754096	0	0	52.748043897	0	0	0.2273795381	0	0	0	54.8240827687	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	104.106043157	0	0.4804401716	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_110	0	0.2551561223	52.683061103	0	0	0	0	0	0.3193054438	0.2135924862	0	52.2430501794	0	0	51.1526587024	50.841997407	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.4151489286	0.1306208862	0	0	0.218684585	0	0	0.4787247711	0	0	0	0	0	0	102.8864492	0	0.2203846269	0.2282855691	0	0	0	0	0.0824536039	0	0	0.1350548782
+Root.Taxa_111	0	0	0	0.4533598523	0	0	0	54.0952514858	0	0.246414477	0	0	0	0	0	0.2734378482	0	0	0	0	0	0	54.3493366089	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	100.442925155	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_112	52.8796511547	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	52.8431676735	52.5435996612	0	0	0.25953187	52.1281290498	0	50.3434325139	0	0.2009750675	0.2712162231	0	0	0	0	52.6989684504	0.3289420094	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1775970696	0	0	0	0	0.2978109744	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_113	0	0	0	0	53.8573505274	54.100587941	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4647473082	0.0778451335	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.8835256873	0	0	0	0	0	0.0377493305	0	0	0	0	0	0.2198580664	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0487963934	0	0
+Root.Taxa_114	0	0	0	51.3010891504	50.6235825947	0	0	0	54.3294385847	0	52.4915264128	0	50.2204943195	0	54.672706648	0	0.102503602	0	0	0	0	0.4953540541	0	53.5948742929	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2376060834	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_115	0	50.3846457133	0.0453624707	52.2810809921	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2962109532	52.356551925	0	0	0	53.2473750995	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.4842530361	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_116	0	0	50.7893793239	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.3047078447	52.7281058343	0	0	0	53.1172663716	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	51.5151956714	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4667210276	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0901319476	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4911531549	0
+Root.Taxa_117	54.4214998557	51.706627646	0	52.7351162212	0	0	53.5635180636	50.6309452706	0	0	0	50.3299983355	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.3673919695	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0622798374	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_118	0	0	0	50.050071526	51.2057127172	0.3221579782	0	0	54.6853641877	0	0	53.1801030862	0.3483857771	0	0	0	0	0	0.0251496664	0	0	0.4456743928	0.1322548859	50.3810409073	0.3577083992	0	0	0.1275077605	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0602159539	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_119	51.922082888	0	0	0	0	54.6252344439	51.1848430863	0	0	52.4525135577	0.0056796712	52.6744844414	54.9720726431	0	0	54.1421484212	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.3926322948	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0022038827	0	0	0	0	0	0.1747333445	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_120	0	0.0535385325	0	0	0	0	53.9885983831	51.1715526045	0	50.7359508767	0	0	0	0.057468086	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1300280471	0	0	51.1346821396	0.0705595777	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.125181148	0	0	101.991997388	0	0	0.1003367696	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_121	0.0008154986	0	0.3280314362	0	0.1820039777	0	0	0	0.4577127314	0	54.1095884096	0	53.524176304	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.2073699901	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1840049668	0	0	0	0	0	0	102.909580903	0	0	0.181993672	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_122	50.8681143585	0	51.320734447	0.0095748392	0	53.3636168816	0	0	0	0	0	0	52.1852430741	51.262329877	0	0	0	0.0622433267	0	0	0	0	0	53.7047465055	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	100.034546601	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_123	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0133316433	0	50.8087609677	0	0.2245461255	0	0	0	0	0.4556854398	0	0	0	0	0	54.3209051793	0	0.3736911327	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	104.076577343	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1563644404	0	0.1938368617
+Root.Taxa_124	0	54.159458256	0	0	0	0	0	0	52.4862177718	0	0	0	0	52.496544274	0	54.9051403008	0	0	0	0.4490948229	0	0	0	52.2518193792	0	0	0	0	0	0.0384124203	0.0511539478	0	0	0	0	0	0	101.020590712	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3109116096	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_125	0	0	54.433585035	0	0	0.4950654415	54.7477615553	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.1122769028	54.023921379	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.1890587578	0.4471825391	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	101.147356821	0	0.2035924438	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1910229169
+Root.Taxa_126	0	52.1375779443	52.1865837244	0	0	52.1370101292	0.2221869542	54.704837352	0	0	0	0.2606668186	0	0	52.935749446	0	0.456212443	0	0	0	0.059009802	0	0	53.5136073383	0	0	0	0	0	0.2580221564	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	101.602167074	0	0	0	0	0.0384759088	0	0	0	0.0426162704	0
+Root.Taxa_127	0	0	0	0	51.6721722493	0	0	50.0454865499	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	51.0920304632	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	104.950389985	0	0	0	0	0.1667482347	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_128	0.1331336535	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.1804152394	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.4100979573	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4921252139	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_129	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.299465996	0	50.8592848841	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.3264729709	0.0137091047	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4537700047	0	0	0	0	0	0.2579709315
+Root.Taxa_130	0	50.2573135552	54.3323301317	0	0	0	53.3188760975	52.486926787	0	52.1968656152	0	51.7574049244	0	52.9868373017	0	0	0	0	0	0.4673611098	0	0	0	0	53.0377205693	0	0	0	0.016580682	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0335388511	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1914559368	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_131	52.0537010278	0	0	0	0.3107571236	0	0	53.7766034349	51.1158811827	0	50.8621611349	0	0	0	0	54.4723584233	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	54.7479994972	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4448196373	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_132	0	0	0	0	0	0.172789176	0	50.8806545977	0	51.4070126504	0	0	51.5052899747	0	0	50.3473589335	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.4325984047	0	0	0	0	0.3105304607	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2583166482	0
+Root.Taxa_133	0	52.7654105634	0	50.0632713856	0	52.0514206023	50.6029858176	50.7861005586	0	52.4097818001	0	51.7341909396	0	52.0623266294	51.8588365816	53.9426808897	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.2340335763	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2940476931	0	0	0	0	0.2795160082	0	0	0	0	0.4342558817	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_134	54.276968809	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.237846912	0	0	0	0	52.4128774358	0	0	0.2731953573	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0488747015	0	0	0.076239614	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_135	0	0	52.7355757954	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1575747261	0	0	0	0	0	53.4331203286	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4680498471	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2991610257	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_136	50.1663935409	50.8493833059	0	52.9072919333	0	0	0	0	0	0	52.6624415517	0	52.909339742	52.3463756458	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	52.9310570222	0	0	0	0.0192803969	0.1048063969	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	103.643993471	0.3463790228	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4044988888
+Root.Taxa_137	0	0	50.3271812384	54.6107876926	54.705408862	0	53.3726497122	0.4384243337	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	54.8353816372	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	104.59642024	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_138	0	0	0	0	50.3508366293	53.6026619085	0.2754542254	0	0	0	0	50.1171609828	50.1887506526	0.3372854117	0	0	0	0	0	0.111696425	0	0	0	0	53.1285946944	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1244802407	0	102.391488906	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_139	0	0	0	50.0851651917	53.0605762996	0	0	0	0	0.129094429	0	0	0	52.6006306021	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	54.3550166147	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	102.410658174	0	0	0	0.1707530269	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_140	54.9509896394	0.2643862525	0	0	0	53.3036799045	0	0.4734565241	0	51.9407821206	54.7631097044	0	0	0	53.214956066	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4481639127	0	0	52.6356438545	0	0	0	0	0	0.4017381726	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.342668534	101.128726959	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_141	0	0	50.4557417684	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.7723044977	0	0.4715730335	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4829783113	0.2970710556	0	0	53.8805006607	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	101.641222915	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3372654319
+Root.Taxa_142	0	52.6370559114	0	0	51.2203811896	54.0425062776	51.7800027177	0	54.9863155754	0	0.0443837671	0	0	0	0	0	0.1782547418	0	0	0	0.0976464757	0	0	0	50.5885233525	0	0.2188058424	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3333792751	0	0	0	0	102.063304696	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_143	0	0	0.2903019444	0.355206109	0.3868817776	0	0	0	52.350206994	0	50.6961451488	0	0.3403821611	0	52.3388756388	53.2885492361	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	54.0373695539	0	0.4911168798	0	0	0	0	0	0.4874580754	0	0	0	0	0	102.204406541	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_144	0	0	51.8506264628	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1037747282	0	0	52.8869772838	0	52.2264077052	0	0.1189331919	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	51.8338015039	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3940431239	0	0
+Root.Taxa_145	0	52.7823443475	0	0	0	0	52.4609240421	0	0	0	50.0987051436	0	0	50.968244462	0	50.9263535704	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	54.8807366247	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4132385692	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_146	0	0	0	0	53.7530389298	52.9631250672	0	0	53.5665153562	0	0	52.9559048601	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.5760856857	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0801642474	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_147	0	0	54.2907613529	0	0	0	0	54.286398784	0	0	0	52.2872431861	0	0	0	52.0786440961	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.8528614118	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_148	0	0	0	0	0.1047768904	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2939648053	0	52.4551515426	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.4002141385	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1929436104	0	0	0	0.1053827705	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4051583407	0
+Root.Taxa_149	54.2777035359	0	0	54.187394364	0	0	0	0	0	53.443367591	51.4130125124	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4145177727	0	0	0.1005042838	0	0	53.2067688306	0	0.3207376689	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_150	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0612681294	0.4244032829	50.5626683266	0	0.0111672322	53.9739733465	54.2175708967	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3781355911	0	0	0	0	51.471972695	0	0.3851659467	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3979675191	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_151	0	0	0	52.7431585634	0	0	0	50.2017836015	0	0	0	53.0748043966	50.5224853183	0	0	0	0	0.1754280507	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	52.4546382453	0.3528670196	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3672557933	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_152	53.0678431488	0	0	0.0546989371	0	0	51.2315217005	0	0	0	0	50.4114866073	0	53.7070251388	52.7692539832	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.3134097985	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1112163285	0	0	0	0	0	0	102.15706607	0	0	0.0546144515	0	0	0	0	0.411126339
+Root.Taxa_153	54.9629484736	50.5573652099	54.2746441994	51.6232779595	0	50.9204894262	52.1654321914	0.1884089049	50.7479203266	0.0221645359	53.1077653448	0	0	0	0	52.6512164947	0	0.2981989018	0	0	0	0.0807715368	0	0	0	50.1370901086	0	0.4542572973	0	0	0	0	0	0.4192882307	0	0	0	0	0	103.662801847	0	0.3979888829	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_154	0	0	0	50.163331859	54.3225166315	0	0	0	54.2741962951	0.3987782149	0	0.3906929996	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.1163702243	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3365017002	0	0	0	0	103.671105895	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_155	0	54.1850524251	0	0.4907963023	54.9825970045	52.2360487216	0	0.2119051547	52.5585979852	51.509361986	0	0	0	0	53.3575243815	0	0	0	0	0	0.4358898121	0	0	0	0.3494253042	50.397495396	0	0	0	0	0.1242609805	0	0	0	0	0.4671507012	0	0	0.1868497381	104.22255511	0	0	0	0	0.4712259955	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_156	0	0.1488298437	0	0.1426635063	0	0	53.2356214553	52.332511369	0	51.5725150026	0	0	50.0507645562	0.4215629634	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3357119997	0	0	53.1939946532	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3648066076	0	0	0	103.458287072	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_157	50.6978732494	0	50.6734842361	0	0	0	0	51.7777257263	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.7294750771	0	0.1644620726	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	54.1941881246	0	0	0	0	0	0.3476189713	0	0	0.3611656822	0	0	0	0	102.508893906	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3394288541	0.3707488064
+Root.Taxa_158	0	53.7561622573	0	0.1709683787	51.9863822632	52.1013896181	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	52.5375657735	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.2073591757	0	0	0.1038712117	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	104.721558927	0	0	0	0	0	0.2370944335	0	0
+Root.Taxa_159	0.3874316195	0	0	0	0.0552919119	0	0	0	0	0	54.4124660215	0	0	0	0.2227858482	0	0	0	0.3861346603	0	0	0	0	0	0	51.0208960264	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	103.997856026	0.2930440729	0.2454792928	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_160	0	0	52.9419023174	0	0	0	52.4349614444	53.1019048862	0	0	0	0	53.768020292	50.9370694265	0	0	0	0	0.4617021973	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.8639548458	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_161	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.9463874577	0	50.2973248145	52.3586283584	54.0246650833	53.5797750183	52.58628782	0	54.6614480918	0	0.1450967381	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.3155658458	0	0	0.4296255491	0	0	0	0	0	0.4629821219	0	0	0	0	0.1737198594	0.2686717286	0	0.0978520167	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_162	53.1480600841	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	52.3645492168	0	0	53.907858137	0.0830708636	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0522518002	0.0998390594	0	0	54.6418044878	0.1071592541	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_163	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1032253511	0	0	0	0	0	0.1375874333	51.6200703686	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4511394821	0	0	53.7873572369	0	0	0	0	0.2951931824	0	0	0.1880146955	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_164	0.4835113024	0	0	50.3719699426	0	51.9771225761	0	0	0	0	0	50.3547158319	50.2502208924	0	53.8459195753	54.3741304475	0.024577205	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.3286767397	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3925771428	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_165	52.0968027182	0.1727382739	0	0	52.0064350501	0	0	50.5583883437	53.6043075055	53.0323951087	0.015868495	0.2276317641	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4527866454	0	0	0.3027420952	0	0.384873724	0	53.9270526894	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1809349348	0.3820501581	0	0	0	0	0.4145347686	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_166	52.7505897873	53.9549468598	51.4271330184	52.6350719286	0	0	0	51.4072420959	0.1322200828	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3235715088	0	0	51.7533492233	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3218342588	0
+Root.Taxa_167	0	0	0	0.3558686048	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1432562186	50.6823351017	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2934262859	0	0	0	50.0240967706	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_168	0	0	0	0	0	54.3451420666	0	51.3494668429	51.5131678207	52.5733542268	0.3945348022	0	53.826644509	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0624962977	50.2705591379	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3168581661	0	0	0	100.792598893	0	0	0	0.1824407078	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_169	0	52.3081498196	52.0504650623	0	0	0	0	0	0.20752284	0	0	50.1886994174	0	0.4728794387	54.1324005816	0	0.4331534803	0	0	0	0.0642689439	0	0.1251965139	0	0	0	53.9445664526	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.399145223	0	0	0	0	0	100.661367081	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_170	0	53.7805706154	0	50.9944363379	51.9866603495	53.6859953206	0	0	0	0	51.983336686	0	0	0	0	0	0.4572159306	0.0492165376	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.915460038	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	102.196365333	0	0	0.1419077746	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_171	0	53.2094792455	0.1489580956	0	52.2630749516	0	0	0	50.1948292546	0	0	0	0	0	0	54.2354745265	0	0.0333639634	0	0	0	0	0.1990114174	0	0	0	54.8033722735	0.4511957743	0	0	0	0.232926566	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	102.98051989	0	0	0.3016712375	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_172	51.0671898877	0	0	0	0	0.0511781296	0	0	0	0	0.2109176808	50.4738026808	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.735860776	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4304878063	0	0	0	100.325004789	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_173	0	0	0	0	54.0128674588	0	54.3605479719	0	0	0.468473056	53.7053016943	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	52.4806040921	0	0	0	0.4440176055	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	102.327508124	0.1299130454	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_174	0	0	54.5156851	52.5986848711	0	51.4073193408	0	0	0	52.0673966016	0	0.2029731535	0	54.7115612862	0	0.1249151498	0	0.0041863337	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.3096691132	0	0.2252071989	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	101.371606613	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_175	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.3537914845	0	0	0	0	0	0	51.0325020147	51.5109616955	0.4444300716	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0713851372	0	0	0	51.4884897233	0.1621744325	0.0650189427	0	0	0	0	0	0.2974779045	0	0.4862985628	0	0	0	103.478234958	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_176	0	0.4555503772	0	0	0	0	53.8636925608	0	52.6708232365	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4237214796	0.3767939371	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	52.0523308197	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2257095009	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_177	50.475411618	0	0	52.2346780318	0	0	0.3436295501	0	53.7249478704	51.0031927895	53.9509039005	53.833396097	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3597522784	0	0	0	0	0	50.109383045	0	0	0	0	0	0.3478571808	0.2179063686	0	0.2819056479	0	0	0	0	0	0.0854901409	0	0.2940278032	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_178	51.1271601449	54.8860173667	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	51.6268134565	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	51.3849503597	0	0.4858649487	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_179	0	0	0	0	52.166291339	0	0	53.765176324	0	0	0.1970422822	0	0	0	0	0	0.4265009899	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	52.5279778091	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3352695026	0	0	0.33414374	0	0	0	0.3020387723	0	0	0.2431528132	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_180	0	0	0	0	0.3200819933	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.583385197	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0013638078	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.4349148139	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4186021993	0	0	0.1217993021	0	0.3372202371	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_181	0.2819251852	0	0	54.7493143772	54.2492072498	0	0	50.8945849016	0	0	0	0	0.4230922399	52.4557762201	0	50.5470429792	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.262423604	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_182	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	52.8860624056	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2177694838	0	0	0.0426182111	0	0	0	51.7431170066	0	0	0	0	0	0.4120160848	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4202458646	0
+Root.Taxa_183	0	0	51.4057895825	0	0.348959037	51.813387383	53.0094547995	0	0	0	54.1428713129	0	51.868728964	0	0	52.2561040348	0	0	0	0	0	0.2599077514	0	0	0	0	0	54.7085060955	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0300257631	0	0.058526713	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_184	0	0	0	0.3137102393	0	52.1430757063	0	0	0	0	0	51.3195918888	54.8671168984	0	54.4710598727	0	0	0	0	0.2815828512	0	0	0	0.4589160147	0	0.3225932485	0	51.5141825365	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	103.059342486	0	0	0	0.2181513139	0	0.2214639224
+Root.Taxa_185	0	0	54.389314375	0	0	0	0	0	0	54.7267292213	0	0	51.5915698536	0	50.219987935	0	0	0	0.4246763691	0	0	0	0	0.3108703032	0	0	0	50.6423249736	0	0	0	0.3046097687	0	0	0	0	0	0.1816515957	0	0	0	104.657049771	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_186	0.2578890924	0	0	54.9417630492	0	0	52.5251964762	50.6241253824	0	54.336635758	0	0	53.8959566907	50.6069116272	0	0	0	0	0	0.3393123192	0	0.2282115619	0	0	0	0	0	52.3706346328	0	0	0.3694309992	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0214825341	0	0	100.213819152	0.4798189848	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_187	52.9225564174	50.9556974217	0	51.9632176621	53.041227125	52.1350513686	0	0	0	0.0109429699	0	52.6077372192	0	0	52.6016736512	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1115057321	0	0	53.6644244189	0	0.0444891502	0	0.2264456126	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4351778245	104.24137393	0	0	0	0.302465445	0	0.003393226
+Root.Taxa_188	0	0	50.7929335187	0	0	0	0	0.0230501905	0	53.6741909148	50.5908790468	0	0	54.3781425253	53.9150822838	51.9440621712	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	51.3050243267	0.3083766005	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	101.222657064	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_189	53.1156860216	0	50.2004019551	0	53.5393781093	0	0	0.4767799759	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2510714584	0	0	0	0	0	0.0313474882	0	0	54.3585907576	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3815601461	0	0	0.0661751984	0	0	103.093749372	0	0.3328062103	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_190	0	51.8421062419	0	0	0	53.3427531356	52.5952915076	0	52.2138916423	0	0.1584601307	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1606301123	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	52.6852858362	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	104.906827283	0.2424074586	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_191	0	51.2781148402	0	0	0.2445757987	0	0	52.2653477791	0	0	50.7773450711	0	0.096988651	52.9500712259	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.3546323716	0.3642238437	0	0	0.2580494612	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4405137253	0	102.645104533	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_192	52.0827037946	0	0	53.3591565492	0	0	52.3984658047	0	0	0	0	0	53.1365027963	52.1224468617	0.2413320858	0	0	0.4208501086	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	54.1591071637	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_193	51.1294803083	54.000378627	0	0	0	52.1201148141	0	51.4793102236	0	52.7028030721	0	0.2554842302	0	51.0278208653	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	52.5398921345	0	0	0	0.2921036679	0	0	0.0121176867	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1737701306	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_194	0	53.3175217655	54.3162751517	0	50.1223851156	0	0.4184720644	53.8254943468	0	53.7365842832	0	50.3085076248	0	0.0440271517	54.2949627388	0	0	0	0	0	0.202831309	0	0	0	0	0.1944977516	0.0278157737	0	51.0262433359	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2768269464	0	0.1355769703	0
+Root.Taxa_195	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	54.2177701685	52.9208199615	0	51.3350564705	0	0	53.6987592548	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.4505941005	0	0	0	0.2366040567	0	0	0.0706983798	0	0.4048068191	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_196	0	0	50.6109850879	0	0	51.0658949888	0	0	0	0.4576835496	52.2501412607	0	53.2433525996	0	0.0866719841	0.1044734051	0	0	0	0	0	0.496363439	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.8202104672	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4776304856	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_197	0	0	51.6313839246	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	52.7963856942	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2973905015	0.0408162681	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0982300275	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_198	0	53.047207326	0	0	0	53.2380971568	54.5651723179	0	0	0	0	50.0759819974	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.191167896	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.0878653178	0	0.1127647836	0	0	0	0.3103576187	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3988252675	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_199	0	0	0	0	52.0714878521	0	0	51.3096678644	0	0	50.4793163079	0	0	0	53.2342697162	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.322882781	0	0	0	0.0518037931	0	0	53.2300848959	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2133714863	0	0	0	0.4607870842
+Root.Taxa_200	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	54.8676932307	0	0	0	54.8465490773	0	50.0099690264	50.7561511906	0	0	0	0	0.1307286405	0	0	0	0	0.0415073515	0	0	52.6545608425	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.184158767	0	0	0	0	0	0	104.026411169	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_201	0	0	0.0684272076	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3333347799	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0661544997	0	0	0	0	0	51.4443606906	0	0	0.0771979655	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2761105027	102.275033805	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_202	54.5088647863	0	0	0	0.0321756373	0	0	0	52.0726025305	0	0	53.0253269521	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2083645807	0.1062779642	54.2981710912	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3699929419	0	0	0	0	0	101.947183747	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_203	0	0	0	53.0890034691	53.4478307116	0	0	52.0807007841	0	0	0.3932551686	0	0	50.8859238684	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4819659907	0	0	0	0	0	50.4463062145	0	0	0	0	0	0.0022291218	0	0	0	0.0260392603	0	0	0	103.245769713	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_204	0	0	0	50.2568349213	0	0	0	0	52.4975993007	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3938938146	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1752154	0	0	0	50.8254339282	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2911676263	0	0	102.001279284	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_205	0	0	52.7163994001	0	0	0	52.2676963135	0	0	0	53.5958965115	0	0	0.3119935484	0.476493088	0.0382216967	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2807420398	0	50.4720582791	0	0	0.0450551832	0.3918770618	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	102.486209016	0	0	0.4059267464	0.4356299041	0.4526614144
+Root.Taxa_206	0	0	0	53.5087326257	0	53.0326686943	53.9077681483	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.8938971864	52.5574477678	53.8098522525	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	54.2401876661	0.2242680732	0.115238483	0	0	0	0	0.4881061169	0	0	0	0	0	0	102.186344705	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_207	51.2183210273	51.1563774994	0	0	54.1762942805	0	0	0	51.2704897195	52.8968592985	0	52.288966104	0	0	0	54.3906412249	0	0	0	0	0.0048042154	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	51.2408250309	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	103.110597368	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_208	0	0	0	0.0546805022	0	0.1599409596	50.0472074245	0.4099746803	51.4051352965	0	0	0	0	53.2887290406	0	0.0848935397	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1555916655	0	0	0	0	0	53.0135385478	0.1497035187	0	0.0691993821	0	0.3373772825	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2522945018	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_209	0	50.1030172793	0	0	0	0	54.1650217307	52.2230603121	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1143171628	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	51.8871962649	0.299430337	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4798221512	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_210	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.5549695516	52.1576796275	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	52.3992524271	0	0	0	0.1706714754	0	0	0	0	0.3811782646	0.0008517706	0	0	0	51.0207565229	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0102807436	0	0	0	0	0.0085181585	0	0
+Root.Taxa_211	50.536257303	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	51.9813477573	0	51.5911214861	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.1296406718	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4077664043	0
+Root.Taxa_212	0	0	0	0	0.4699813783	0	0	0	0	54.5530559822	0	50.743119663	51.3155881447	0	0	53.2941828392	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0342022552	0	0	54.1038020638	0	0	0	0.040960994	0	0	0	0.4947938425	0	0	0	0	0.3862038599	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_213	0.3399472909	0	0	0	0	0	54.6671775034	0.050131803	50.2999962265	0	51.8713213189	0	0	0	53.2943170335	51.1243603164	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.6101294432	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_214	50.0115213059	0	0	0	0	50.8371273498	0	0	0	54.4139864126	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3015435222	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0872919265	0.2777439996	50.3179817753	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4557640334	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_215	0	0.4561298327	0	53.5216413012	54.8891010063	50.9129555637	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.4880926895	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1940475073	0.2803421878	50.3585027491	0	0	0	0.345883306	0.3534255574	0	0	0	0	0	0.2075798899	0	0.4493876473	0	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_216	0	52.664567111	54.9286304319	0	0	0.3528460271	0	0	0	53.8271900954	53.2864160864	0	0	53.8916659856	0	0	0.0390396631	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0501403367	53.9106611035	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	102.503416561	0	0	0.2323723816	0
+Root.Taxa_217	0	0	0	53.8189770697	0	0	0	0	0	0	51.0739213403	51.9325727684	53.6586894371	0	50.8848681615	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4134750657	0.2984209586	0	0	0	0	0.3984011824	0	50.0637489202	0.1745273923	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0970082737	102.133370457	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_218	53.6309027759	0	0	54.1993531611	0	53.8609164351	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4230445366	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3460879368	0	0	0	54.0328089965	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1875089533	0	0	102.742579014	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_219	0	0	50.6959593123	0	0	0	0	0	52.9583336932	51.2063060177	0	0	0	0	0.1839092432	0.1624310372	0	0	0.2217437424	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	51.3989543421	0.1469196015	0	0	0.4515484111	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.362398058	0	0	103.426555217	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_220	53.138860148	54.260252989	50.1122213715	0	53.7052604162	0	0.4760342302	0	51.9385050693	0.191283382	0	0	51.217538964	0	0.2580800578	50.1174597734	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.115889335	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.3111145776	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	104.430682236	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_221	0	0.3384535892	0.4106893002	52.1411487055	50.5241190477	0	0	53.9774121283	0	0	0	52.1082021353	0	0	0	0	0.4172253944	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.9817139231	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4224842988	0	0	0	102.376952212	0.2260951816	0	0.3067861355	0
+Root.Taxa_222	0	52.3172435891	52.6471280765	0	51.567115685	0	0	53.6724555185	0	0	0	0	0	54.2428549188	51.6482654065	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2425898966	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	51.1118820396	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2951844288	0	0	102.047792613	0	0	0	0
+Root.Taxa_223	0	0	0.2600381862	0	0	50.2577764475	0.4992511416	0	0	0	0	51.3720073928	0	53.1526569712	0.3864806128	0	0	0.0519771654	0	0	0	0	0	0.3896198936	0	0	0	0.4447746424	0	51.736707456	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	103.397909634	0	0	0	0
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/input/Test-env.txt	Tue May 13 21:58:57 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,10083 @@
+Taxa_0	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_1	Sample_0_D	54
+Taxa_2	Sample_0_D	51
+Taxa_3	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_4	Sample_0_D	50
+Taxa_5	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_6	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_7	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_8	Sample_0_D	50
+Taxa_9	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_10	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_11	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_12	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_13	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_14	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_15	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_16	Sample_0_D	51
+Taxa_18	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_19	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_20	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_21	Sample_0_D	50
+Taxa_22	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_23	Sample_0_D	55
+Taxa_24	Sample_0_D	53
+Taxa_25	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_26	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_27	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_28	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_29	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_30	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_31	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_32	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_33	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_34	Sample_0_D	53
+Taxa_35	Sample_0_D	52
+Taxa_36	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_37	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_38	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_40	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_41	Sample_0_D	51
+Taxa_42	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_43	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_44	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_45	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_46	Sample_0_D	51
+Taxa_47	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_48	Sample_0_D	52
+Taxa_49	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_50	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_51	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_52	Sample_0_D	55
+Taxa_53	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_54	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_55	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_56	Sample_0_D	55
+Taxa_57	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_58	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_59	Sample_0_D	54
+Taxa_60	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_61	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_62	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_63	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_64	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_65	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_66	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_67	Sample_0_D	53
+Taxa_68	Sample_0_D	51
+Taxa_69	Sample_0_D	51
+Taxa_70	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_71	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_72	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_73	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_74	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_75	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_76	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_77	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_78	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_79	Sample_0_D	53
+Taxa_80	Sample_0_D	55
+Taxa_81	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_82	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_83	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_84	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_85	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_87	Sample_0_D	54
+Taxa_88	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_89	Sample_0_D	53
+Taxa_90	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_91	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_92	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_93	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_95	Sample_0_D	51
+Taxa_96	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_97	Sample_0_D	54
+Taxa_98	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_99	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_100	Sample_0_D	50
+Taxa_101	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_102	Sample_0_D	53
+Taxa_103	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_104	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_105	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_106	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_107	Sample_0_D	55
+Taxa_108	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_109	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_110	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_111	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_112	Sample_0_D	53
+Taxa_113	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_114	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_115	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_116	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_117	Sample_0_D	54
+Taxa_118	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_119	Sample_0_D	52
+Taxa_120	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_121	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_122	Sample_0_D	51
+Taxa_123	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_124	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_125	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_126	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_127	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_129	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_130	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_131	Sample_0_D	52
+Taxa_132	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_133	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_136	Sample_0_D	50
+Taxa_137	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_138	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_139	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_140	Sample_0_D	55
+Taxa_141	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_142	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_143	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_144	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_145	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_146	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_147	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_149	Sample_0_D	54
+Taxa_150	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_151	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_152	Sample_0_D	53
+Taxa_153	Sample_0_D	55
+Taxa_154	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_155	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_156	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_157	Sample_0_D	51
+Taxa_158	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_159	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_160	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_161	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_162	Sample_0_D	53
+Taxa_164	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_165	Sample_0_D	52
+Taxa_166	Sample_0_D	53
+Taxa_168	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_169	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_170	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_171	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_172	Sample_0_D	51
+Taxa_173	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_174	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_175	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_176	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_177	Sample_0_D	50
+Taxa_178	Sample_0_D	51
+Taxa_179	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_181	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_183	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_184	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_185	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_186	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_187	Sample_0_D	53
+Taxa_188	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_189	Sample_0_D	53
+Taxa_190	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_191	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_192	Sample_0_D	52
+Taxa_193	Sample_0_D	51
+Taxa_194	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_195	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_196	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_198	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_199	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_200	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_202	Sample_0_D	55
+Taxa_203	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_204	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_205	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_206	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_207	Sample_0_D	51
+Taxa_208	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_209	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_210	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_211	Sample_0_D	51
+Taxa_212	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_213	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_214	Sample_0_D	50
+Taxa_215	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_216	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_217	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_218	Sample_0_D	54
+Taxa_219	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_220	Sample_0_D	53
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+Taxa_222	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_223	Sample_0_D	0
+Taxa_0	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_1	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_2	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_3	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_4	Sample_1_D	52
+Taxa_5	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_6	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_7	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_8	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_9	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_10	Sample_1_D	52
+Taxa_11	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_12	Sample_1_D	51
+Taxa_13	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_14	Sample_1_D	52
+Taxa_15	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_16	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_18	Sample_1_D	52
+Taxa_19	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_20	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_21	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_22	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_23	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_24	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_25	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_26	Sample_1_D	55
+Taxa_27	Sample_1_D	52
+Taxa_28	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_29	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_30	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_31	Sample_1_D	53
+Taxa_32	Sample_1_D	51
+Taxa_33	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_34	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_35	Sample_1_D	52
+Taxa_36	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_37	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_38	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_40	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_41	Sample_1_D	53
+Taxa_42	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_43	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_44	Sample_1_D	54
+Taxa_45	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_46	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_47	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_48	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_49	Sample_1_D	54
+Taxa_50	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_51	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_52	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_53	Sample_1_D	54
+Taxa_54	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_55	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_56	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_57	Sample_1_D	51
+Taxa_58	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_59	Sample_1_D	55
+Taxa_60	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_61	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_62	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_63	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_64	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_65	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_66	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_67	Sample_1_D	54
+Taxa_68	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_69	Sample_1_D	54
+Taxa_70	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_71	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_72	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_73	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_74	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_75	Sample_1_D	52
+Taxa_76	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_77	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_78	Sample_1_D	51
+Taxa_79	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_80	Sample_1_D	55
+Taxa_81	Sample_1_D	52
+Taxa_82	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_83	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_84	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_85	Sample_1_D	52
+Taxa_87	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_88	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_89	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_90	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_91	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_92	Sample_1_D	55
+Taxa_93	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_95	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_96	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_97	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_98	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_99	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_100	Sample_1_D	54
+Taxa_101	Sample_1_D	53
+Taxa_102	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_103	Sample_1_D	53
+Taxa_104	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_105	Sample_1_D	55
+Taxa_106	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_107	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_108	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_109	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_110	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_111	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_112	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_113	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_114	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_115	Sample_1_D	50
+Taxa_116	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_117	Sample_1_D	52
+Taxa_118	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_119	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_120	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_121	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_122	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_123	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_124	Sample_1_D	54
+Taxa_125	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_126	Sample_1_D	52
+Taxa_127	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_129	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_130	Sample_1_D	50
+Taxa_131	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_132	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_133	Sample_1_D	53
+Taxa_136	Sample_1_D	51
+Taxa_137	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_138	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_139	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_140	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_141	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_142	Sample_1_D	53
+Taxa_143	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_144	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_145	Sample_1_D	53
+Taxa_146	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_147	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_149	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_150	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_151	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_152	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_153	Sample_1_D	51
+Taxa_154	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_155	Sample_1_D	54
+Taxa_156	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_157	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_158	Sample_1_D	54
+Taxa_159	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_160	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_161	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_162	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_164	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_165	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_166	Sample_1_D	54
+Taxa_168	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_169	Sample_1_D	52
+Taxa_170	Sample_1_D	54
+Taxa_171	Sample_1_D	53
+Taxa_172	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_173	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_174	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_175	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_176	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_177	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_178	Sample_1_D	55
+Taxa_179	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_181	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_183	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_184	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_185	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_186	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_187	Sample_1_D	51
+Taxa_188	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_189	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_190	Sample_1_D	52
+Taxa_191	Sample_1_D	51
+Taxa_192	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_193	Sample_1_D	54
+Taxa_194	Sample_1_D	53
+Taxa_195	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_196	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_198	Sample_1_D	53
+Taxa_199	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_200	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_202	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_203	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_204	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_205	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_206	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_207	Sample_1_D	51
+Taxa_208	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_209	Sample_1_D	50
+Taxa_210	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_211	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_212	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_213	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_214	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_215	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_216	Sample_1_D	53
+Taxa_217	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_218	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_219	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_220	Sample_1_D	54
+Taxa_221	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_222	Sample_1_D	52
+Taxa_223	Sample_1_D	0
+Taxa_0	Sample_2_D	52
+Taxa_1	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_2	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_3	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_4	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_5	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_6	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_7	Sample_2_D	55
+Taxa_8	Sample_2_D	52
+Taxa_9	Sample_2_D	54
+Taxa_10	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_11	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_12	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_13	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_14	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_15	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_16	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_18	Sample_2_D	54
+Taxa_19	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_20	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_21	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_22	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_23	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_24	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_25	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_26	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_27	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_28	Sample_2_D	52
+Taxa_29	Sample_2_D	51
+Taxa_30	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_31	Sample_2_D	50
+Taxa_32	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_33	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_34	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_35	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_36	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_37	Sample_2_D	53
+Taxa_38	Sample_2_D	51
+Taxa_40	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_41	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_42	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_43	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_44	Sample_2_D	54
+Taxa_45	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_46	Sample_2_D	53
+Taxa_47	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_48	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_49	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_50	Sample_2_D	53
+Taxa_51	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_52	Sample_2_D	51
+Taxa_53	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_54	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_55	Sample_2_D	50
+Taxa_56	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_57	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_58	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_59	Sample_2_D	52
+Taxa_60	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_61	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_62	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_63	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_64	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_65	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_66	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_67	Sample_2_D	55
+Taxa_68	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_69	Sample_2_D	52
+Taxa_70	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_71	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_72	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_73	Sample_2_D	54
+Taxa_74	Sample_2_D	54
+Taxa_75	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_76	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_77	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_78	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_79	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_80	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_81	Sample_2_D	54
+Taxa_82	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_83	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_84	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_85	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_87	Sample_2_D	54
+Taxa_88	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_89	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_90	Sample_2_D	51
+Taxa_91	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_92	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_93	Sample_2_D	52
+Taxa_95	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_96	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_97	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_98	Sample_2_D	54
+Taxa_99	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_100	Sample_2_D	52
+Taxa_101	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_102	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_103	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_104	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_105	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_106	Sample_2_D	53
+Taxa_107	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_108	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_109	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_110	Sample_2_D	53
+Taxa_111	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_112	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_113	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_114	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_115	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_116	Sample_2_D	51
+Taxa_117	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_118	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_119	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_120	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_121	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_122	Sample_2_D	51
+Taxa_123	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_124	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_125	Sample_2_D	54
+Taxa_126	Sample_2_D	52
+Taxa_127	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_129	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_130	Sample_2_D	54
+Taxa_131	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_132	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_133	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_136	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_137	Sample_2_D	50
+Taxa_138	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_139	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_140	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_141	Sample_2_D	50
+Taxa_142	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_143	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_144	Sample_2_D	52
+Taxa_145	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_146	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_147	Sample_2_D	54
+Taxa_149	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_150	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_151	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_152	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_153	Sample_2_D	54
+Taxa_154	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_155	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_156	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_157	Sample_2_D	51
+Taxa_158	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_159	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_160	Sample_2_D	53
+Taxa_161	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_162	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_164	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_165	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_166	Sample_2_D	51
+Taxa_168	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_169	Sample_2_D	52
+Taxa_170	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_171	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_172	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_173	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_174	Sample_2_D	55
+Taxa_175	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_176	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_177	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_178	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_179	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_181	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_183	Sample_2_D	51
+Taxa_184	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_185	Sample_2_D	54
+Taxa_186	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_187	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_188	Sample_2_D	51
+Taxa_189	Sample_2_D	50
+Taxa_190	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_191	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_192	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_193	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_194	Sample_2_D	54
+Taxa_195	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_196	Sample_2_D	51
+Taxa_198	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_199	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_200	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_202	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_203	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_204	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_205	Sample_2_D	53
+Taxa_206	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_207	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_208	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_209	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_210	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_211	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_212	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_213	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_214	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_215	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_216	Sample_2_D	55
+Taxa_217	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_218	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_219	Sample_2_D	51
+Taxa_220	Sample_2_D	50
+Taxa_221	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_222	Sample_2_D	53
+Taxa_223	Sample_2_D	0
+Taxa_0	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_1	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_2	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_3	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_4	Sample_3_D	55
+Taxa_5	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_6	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_7	Sample_3_D	51
+Taxa_8	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_9	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_10	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_11	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_12	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_13	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_14	Sample_3_D	50
+Taxa_15	Sample_3_D	51
+Taxa_16	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_18	Sample_3_D	53
+Taxa_19	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_20	Sample_3_D	54
+Taxa_21	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_22	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_23	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_24	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_25	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_26	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_27	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_28	Sample_3_D	52
+Taxa_29	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_30	Sample_3_D	53
+Taxa_31	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_32	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_33	Sample_3_D	51
+Taxa_34	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_35	Sample_3_D	54
+Taxa_36	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_37	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_38	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_40	Sample_3_D	50
+Taxa_41	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_42	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_43	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_44	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_45	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_46	Sample_3_D	51
+Taxa_47	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_48	Sample_3_D	54
+Taxa_49	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_50	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_51	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_52	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_53	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_54	Sample_3_D	55
+Taxa_55	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_56	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_57	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_58	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_59	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_60	Sample_3_D	52
+Taxa_61	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_62	Sample_3_D	51
+Taxa_63	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_64	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_65	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_66	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_67	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_68	Sample_3_D	50
+Taxa_69	Sample_3_D	52
+Taxa_70	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_71	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_72	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_73	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_74	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_75	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_76	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_77	Sample_3_D	53
+Taxa_78	Sample_3_D	50
+Taxa_79	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_80	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_81	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_82	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_83	Sample_3_D	50
+Taxa_84	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_85	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_87	Sample_3_D	54
+Taxa_88	Sample_3_D	54
+Taxa_89	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_90	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_91	Sample_3_D	52
+Taxa_92	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_93	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_95	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_96	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_97	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_98	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_99	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_100	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_101	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_102	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_103	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_104	Sample_3_D	53
+Taxa_105	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_106	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_107	Sample_3_D	51
+Taxa_108	Sample_3_D	51
+Taxa_109	Sample_3_D	51
+Taxa_110	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_111	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_112	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_113	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_114	Sample_3_D	51
+Taxa_115	Sample_3_D	52
+Taxa_116	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_117	Sample_3_D	53
+Taxa_118	Sample_3_D	50
+Taxa_119	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_120	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_121	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_122	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_123	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_124	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_125	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_126	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_127	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_129	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_130	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_131	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_132	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_133	Sample_3_D	50
+Taxa_136	Sample_3_D	53
+Taxa_137	Sample_3_D	55
+Taxa_138	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_139	Sample_3_D	50
+Taxa_140	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_141	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_142	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_143	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_144	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_145	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_146	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_147	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_149	Sample_3_D	54
+Taxa_150	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_151	Sample_3_D	53
+Taxa_152	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_153	Sample_3_D	52
+Taxa_154	Sample_3_D	50
+Taxa_155	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_156	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_157	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_158	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_159	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_160	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_161	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_162	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_164	Sample_3_D	50
+Taxa_165	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_166	Sample_3_D	53
+Taxa_168	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_169	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_170	Sample_3_D	51
+Taxa_171	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_172	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_173	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_174	Sample_3_D	53
+Taxa_175	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_176	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_177	Sample_3_D	52
+Taxa_178	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_179	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_181	Sample_3_D	55
+Taxa_183	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_184	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_185	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_186	Sample_3_D	55
+Taxa_187	Sample_3_D	52
+Taxa_188	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_189	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_190	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_191	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_192	Sample_3_D	53
+Taxa_193	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_194	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_195	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_196	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_198	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_199	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_200	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_202	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_203	Sample_3_D	53
+Taxa_204	Sample_3_D	50
+Taxa_205	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_206	Sample_3_D	54
+Taxa_207	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_208	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_209	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_210	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_211	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_212	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_213	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_214	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_215	Sample_3_D	54
+Taxa_216	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_217	Sample_3_D	54
+Taxa_218	Sample_3_D	54
+Taxa_219	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_220	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_221	Sample_3_D	52
+Taxa_222	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_223	Sample_3_D	0
+Taxa_0	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_1	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_2	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_3	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_4	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_5	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_6	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_7	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_8	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_9	Sample_4_D	53
+Taxa_10	Sample_4_D	51
+Taxa_11	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_12	Sample_4_D	52
+Taxa_13	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_14	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_15	Sample_4_D	53
+Taxa_16	Sample_4_D	51
+Taxa_18	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_19	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_20	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_21	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_22	Sample_4_D	52
+Taxa_23	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_24	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_25	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_26	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_27	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_28	Sample_4_D	50
+Taxa_29	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_30	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_31	Sample_4_D	53
+Taxa_32	Sample_4_D	52
+Taxa_33	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_34	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_35	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_36	Sample_4_D	52
+Taxa_37	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_38	Sample_4_D	55
+Taxa_40	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_41	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_42	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_43	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_44	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_45	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_46	Sample_4_D	51
+Taxa_47	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_48	Sample_4_D	50
+Taxa_49	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_50	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_51	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_52	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_53	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_54	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_55	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_56	Sample_4_D	53
+Taxa_57	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_58	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_59	Sample_4_D	54
+Taxa_60	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_61	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_62	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_63	Sample_4_D	54
+Taxa_64	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_65	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_66	Sample_4_D	50
+Taxa_67	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_68	Sample_4_D	51
+Taxa_69	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_70	Sample_4_D	51
+Taxa_71	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_72	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_73	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_74	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_75	Sample_4_D	51
+Taxa_76	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_77	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_78	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_79	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_80	Sample_4_D	53
+Taxa_81	Sample_4_D	52
+Taxa_82	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_83	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_84	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_85	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_87	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_88	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_89	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_90	Sample_4_D	51
+Taxa_91	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_92	Sample_4_D	54
+Taxa_93	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_95	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_96	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_97	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_98	Sample_4_D	51
+Taxa_99	Sample_4_D	54
+Taxa_100	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_101	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_102	Sample_4_D	55
+Taxa_103	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_104	Sample_4_D	54
+Taxa_105	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_106	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_107	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_108	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_109	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_110	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_111	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_112	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_113	Sample_4_D	54
+Taxa_114	Sample_4_D	51
+Taxa_115	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_116	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_117	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_118	Sample_4_D	51
+Taxa_119	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_120	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_121	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_122	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_123	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_124	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_125	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_126	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_127	Sample_4_D	52
+Taxa_129	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_130	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_131	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_132	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_133	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_136	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_137	Sample_4_D	55
+Taxa_138	Sample_4_D	50
+Taxa_139	Sample_4_D	53
+Taxa_140	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_141	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_142	Sample_4_D	51
+Taxa_143	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_144	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_145	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_146	Sample_4_D	54
+Taxa_147	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_149	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_150	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_151	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_152	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_153	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_154	Sample_4_D	54
+Taxa_155	Sample_4_D	55
+Taxa_156	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_157	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_158	Sample_4_D	52
+Taxa_159	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_160	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_161	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_162	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_164	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_165	Sample_4_D	52
+Taxa_166	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_168	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_169	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_170	Sample_4_D	52
+Taxa_171	Sample_4_D	52
+Taxa_172	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_173	Sample_4_D	54
+Taxa_174	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_175	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_176	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_177	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_178	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_179	Sample_4_D	52
+Taxa_181	Sample_4_D	54
+Taxa_183	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_184	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_185	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_186	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_187	Sample_4_D	53
+Taxa_188	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_189	Sample_4_D	54
+Taxa_190	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_191	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_192	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_193	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_194	Sample_4_D	50
+Taxa_195	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_196	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_198	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_199	Sample_4_D	52
+Taxa_200	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_202	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_203	Sample_4_D	53
+Taxa_204	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_205	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_206	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_207	Sample_4_D	54
+Taxa_208	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_209	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_210	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_211	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_212	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_213	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_214	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_215	Sample_4_D	55
+Taxa_216	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_217	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_218	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_219	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_220	Sample_4_D	54
+Taxa_221	Sample_4_D	51
+Taxa_222	Sample_4_D	52
+Taxa_223	Sample_4_D	0
+Taxa_0	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_1	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_2	Sample_5_D	53
+Taxa_3	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_4	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_5	Sample_5_D	52
+Taxa_6	Sample_5_D	55
+Taxa_7	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_8	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_9	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_10	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_11	Sample_5_D	50
+Taxa_12	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_13	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_14	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_15	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_16	Sample_5_D	53
+Taxa_18	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_19	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_20	Sample_5_D	53
+Taxa_21	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_22	Sample_5_D	53
+Taxa_23	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_24	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_25	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_26	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_27	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_28	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_29	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_30	Sample_5_D	51
+Taxa_31	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_32	Sample_5_D	54
+Taxa_33	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_34	Sample_5_D	53
+Taxa_35	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_36	Sample_5_D	51
+Taxa_37	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_38	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_40	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_41	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_42	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_43	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_44	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_45	Sample_5_D	53
+Taxa_46	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_47	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_48	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_49	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_50	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_51	Sample_5_D	52
+Taxa_52	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_53	Sample_5_D	55
+Taxa_54	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_55	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_56	Sample_5_D	50
+Taxa_57	Sample_5_D	50
+Taxa_58	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_59	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_60	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_61	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_62	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_63	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_64	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_65	Sample_5_D	54
+Taxa_66	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_67	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_68	Sample_5_D	54
+Taxa_69	Sample_5_D	54
+Taxa_70	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_71	Sample_5_D	52
+Taxa_72	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_73	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_74	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_75	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_76	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_77	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_78	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_79	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_80	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_81	Sample_5_D	53
+Taxa_82	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_83	Sample_5_D	53
+Taxa_84	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_85	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_87	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_88	Sample_5_D	52
+Taxa_89	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_90	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_91	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_92	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_93	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_95	Sample_5_D	54
+Taxa_96	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_97	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_98	Sample_5_D	53
+Taxa_99	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_100	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_101	Sample_5_D	54
+Taxa_102	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_103	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_104	Sample_5_D	53
+Taxa_105	Sample_5_D	54
+Taxa_106	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_107	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_108	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_109	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_110	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_111	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_112	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_113	Sample_5_D	54
+Taxa_114	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_115	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_116	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_117	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_118	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_119	Sample_5_D	55
+Taxa_120	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_121	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_122	Sample_5_D	53
+Taxa_123	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_124	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_125	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_126	Sample_5_D	52
+Taxa_127	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_129	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_130	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_131	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_132	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_133	Sample_5_D	52
+Taxa_136	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_137	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_138	Sample_5_D	54
+Taxa_139	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_140	Sample_5_D	53
+Taxa_141	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_142	Sample_5_D	54
+Taxa_143	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_144	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_145	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_146	Sample_5_D	53
+Taxa_147	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_149	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_150	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_151	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_152	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_153	Sample_5_D	51
+Taxa_154	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_155	Sample_5_D	52
+Taxa_156	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_157	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_158	Sample_5_D	52
+Taxa_159	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_160	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_161	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_162	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_164	Sample_5_D	52
+Taxa_165	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_166	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_168	Sample_5_D	54
+Taxa_169	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_170	Sample_5_D	54
+Taxa_171	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_172	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_173	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_174	Sample_5_D	51
+Taxa_175	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_176	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_177	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_178	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_179	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_181	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_183	Sample_5_D	52
+Taxa_184	Sample_5_D	52
+Taxa_185	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_186	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_187	Sample_5_D	52
+Taxa_188	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_189	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_190	Sample_5_D	53
+Taxa_191	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_192	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_193	Sample_5_D	52
+Taxa_194	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_195	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_196	Sample_5_D	51
+Taxa_198	Sample_5_D	53
+Taxa_199	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_200	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_202	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_203	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_204	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_205	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_206	Sample_5_D	53
+Taxa_207	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_208	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_209	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_210	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_211	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_212	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_213	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_214	Sample_5_D	51
+Taxa_215	Sample_5_D	51
+Taxa_216	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_217	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_218	Sample_5_D	54
+Taxa_219	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_220	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_221	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_222	Sample_5_D	0
+Taxa_223	Sample_5_D	50
+Taxa_0	Sample_6_D	52
+Taxa_1	Sample_6_D	51
+Taxa_2	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_3	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_4	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_5	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_6	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_7	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_8	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_9	Sample_6_D	53
+Taxa_10	Sample_6_D	55
+Taxa_11	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_12	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_13	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_14	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_15	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_16	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_18	Sample_6_D	51
+Taxa_19	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_20	Sample_6_D	52
+Taxa_21	Sample_6_D	51
+Taxa_22	Sample_6_D	55
+Taxa_23	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_24	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_25	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_26	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_27	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_28	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_29	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_30	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_31	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_32	Sample_6_D	52
+Taxa_33	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_34	Sample_6_D	55
+Taxa_35	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_36	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_37	Sample_6_D	55
+Taxa_38	Sample_6_D	55
+Taxa_40	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_41	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_42	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_43	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_44	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_45	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_46	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_47	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_48	Sample_6_D	53
+Taxa_49	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_50	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_51	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_52	Sample_6_D	50
+Taxa_53	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_54	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_55	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_56	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_57	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_58	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_59	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_60	Sample_6_D	52
+Taxa_61	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_62	Sample_6_D	54
+Taxa_63	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_64	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_65	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_66	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_67	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_68	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_69	Sample_6_D	52
+Taxa_70	Sample_6_D	55
+Taxa_71	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_72	Sample_6_D	53
+Taxa_73	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_74	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_75	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_76	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_77	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_78	Sample_6_D	55
+Taxa_79	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_80	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_81	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_82	Sample_6_D	50
+Taxa_83	Sample_6_D	53
+Taxa_84	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_85	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_87	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_88	Sample_6_D	51
+Taxa_89	Sample_6_D	54
+Taxa_90	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_91	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_92	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_93	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_95	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_96	Sample_6_D	53
+Taxa_97	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_98	Sample_6_D	50
+Taxa_99	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_100	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_101	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_102	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_103	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_104	Sample_6_D	51
+Taxa_105	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_106	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_107	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_108	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_109	Sample_6_D	50
+Taxa_110	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_111	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_112	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_113	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_114	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_115	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_116	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_117	Sample_6_D	54
+Taxa_118	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_119	Sample_6_D	51
+Taxa_120	Sample_6_D	54
+Taxa_121	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_122	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_123	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_124	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_125	Sample_6_D	55
+Taxa_126	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_127	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_129	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_130	Sample_6_D	53
+Taxa_131	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_132	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_133	Sample_6_D	51
+Taxa_136	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_137	Sample_6_D	53
+Taxa_138	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_139	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_140	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_141	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_142	Sample_6_D	52
+Taxa_143	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_144	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_145	Sample_6_D	52
+Taxa_146	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_147	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_149	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_150	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_151	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_152	Sample_6_D	51
+Taxa_153	Sample_6_D	52
+Taxa_154	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_155	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_156	Sample_6_D	53
+Taxa_157	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_158	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_159	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_160	Sample_6_D	52
+Taxa_161	Sample_6_D	51
+Taxa_162	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_164	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_165	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_166	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_168	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_169	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_170	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_171	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_172	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_173	Sample_6_D	54
+Taxa_174	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_175	Sample_6_D	50
+Taxa_176	Sample_6_D	54
+Taxa_177	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_178	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_179	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_181	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_183	Sample_6_D	53
+Taxa_184	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_185	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_186	Sample_6_D	53
+Taxa_187	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_188	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_189	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_190	Sample_6_D	53
+Taxa_191	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_192	Sample_6_D	52
+Taxa_193	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_194	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_195	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_196	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_198	Sample_6_D	55
+Taxa_199	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_200	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_202	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_203	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_204	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_205	Sample_6_D	52
+Taxa_206	Sample_6_D	54
+Taxa_207	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_208	Sample_6_D	50
+Taxa_209	Sample_6_D	54
+Taxa_210	Sample_6_D	51
+Taxa_211	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_212	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_213	Sample_6_D	55
+Taxa_214	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_215	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_216	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_217	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_218	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_219	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_220	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_221	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_222	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_223	Sample_6_D	0
+Taxa_0	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_1	Sample_7_D	53
+Taxa_2	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_3	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_4	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_5	Sample_7_D	53
+Taxa_6	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_7	Sample_7_D	55
+Taxa_8	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_9	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_10	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_11	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_12	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_13	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_14	Sample_7_D	50
+Taxa_15	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_16	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_18	Sample_7_D	51
+Taxa_19	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_20	Sample_7_D	54
+Taxa_21	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_22	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_23	Sample_7_D	53
+Taxa_24	Sample_7_D	52
+Taxa_25	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_26	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_27	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_28	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_29	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_30	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_31	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_32	Sample_7_D	54
+Taxa_33	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_34	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_35	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_36	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_37	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_38	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_40	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_41	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_42	Sample_7_D	50
+Taxa_43	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_44	Sample_7_D	54
+Taxa_45	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_46	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_47	Sample_7_D	52
+Taxa_48	Sample_7_D	55
+Taxa_49	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_50	Sample_7_D	50
+Taxa_51	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_52	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_53	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_54	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_55	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_56	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_57	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_58	Sample_7_D	54
+Taxa_59	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_60	Sample_7_D	52
+Taxa_61	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_62	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_63	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_64	Sample_7_D	51
+Taxa_65	Sample_7_D	51
+Taxa_66	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_67	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_68	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_69	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_70	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_71	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_72	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_73	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_74	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_75	Sample_7_D	54
+Taxa_76	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_77	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_78	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_79	Sample_7_D	54
+Taxa_80	Sample_7_D	54
+Taxa_81	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_82	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_83	Sample_7_D	51
+Taxa_84	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_85	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_87	Sample_7_D	52
+Taxa_88	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_89	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_90	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_91	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_92	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_93	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_95	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_96	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_97	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_98	Sample_7_D	51
+Taxa_99	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_100	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_101	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_102	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_103	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_104	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_105	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_106	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_107	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_108	Sample_7_D	54
+Taxa_109	Sample_7_D	55
+Taxa_110	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_111	Sample_7_D	54
+Taxa_112	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_113	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_114	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_115	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_116	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_117	Sample_7_D	51
+Taxa_118	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_119	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_120	Sample_7_D	51
+Taxa_121	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_122	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_123	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_124	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_125	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_126	Sample_7_D	55
+Taxa_127	Sample_7_D	50
+Taxa_129	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_130	Sample_7_D	52
+Taxa_131	Sample_7_D	54
+Taxa_132	Sample_7_D	51
+Taxa_133	Sample_7_D	51
+Taxa_136	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_137	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_138	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_139	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_140	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_141	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_142	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_143	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_144	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_145	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_146	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_147	Sample_7_D	54
+Taxa_149	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_150	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_151	Sample_7_D	50
+Taxa_152	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_153	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_154	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_155	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_156	Sample_7_D	52
+Taxa_157	Sample_7_D	52
+Taxa_158	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_159	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_160	Sample_7_D	53
+Taxa_161	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_162	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_164	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_165	Sample_7_D	51
+Taxa_166	Sample_7_D	51
+Taxa_168	Sample_7_D	51
+Taxa_169	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_170	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_171	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_172	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_173	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_174	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_175	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_176	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_177	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_178	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_179	Sample_7_D	54
+Taxa_181	Sample_7_D	51
+Taxa_183	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_184	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_185	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_186	Sample_7_D	51
+Taxa_187	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_188	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_189	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_190	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_191	Sample_7_D	52
+Taxa_192	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_193	Sample_7_D	51
+Taxa_194	Sample_7_D	54
+Taxa_195	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_196	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_198	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_199	Sample_7_D	51
+Taxa_200	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_202	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_203	Sample_7_D	52
+Taxa_204	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_205	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_206	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_207	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_208	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_209	Sample_7_D	52
+Taxa_210	Sample_7_D	52
+Taxa_211	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_212	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_213	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_214	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_215	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_216	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_217	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_218	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_219	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_220	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_221	Sample_7_D	54
+Taxa_222	Sample_7_D	54
+Taxa_223	Sample_7_D	0
+Taxa_0	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_1	Sample_8_D	51
+Taxa_2	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_3	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_4	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_5	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_6	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_7	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_8	Sample_8_D	51
+Taxa_9	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_10	Sample_8_D	53
+Taxa_11	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_12	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_13	Sample_8_D	55
+Taxa_14	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_15	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_16	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_18	Sample_8_D	55
+Taxa_19	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_20	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_21	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_22	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_23	Sample_8_D	53
+Taxa_24	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_25	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_26	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_27	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_28	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_29	Sample_8_D	51
+Taxa_30	Sample_8_D	53
+Taxa_31	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_32	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_33	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_34	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_35	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_36	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_37	Sample_8_D	53
+Taxa_38	Sample_8_D	54
+Taxa_40	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_41	Sample_8_D	52
+Taxa_42	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_43	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_44	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_45	Sample_8_D	52
+Taxa_46	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_47	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_48	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_49	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_50	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_51	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_52	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_53	Sample_8_D	51
+Taxa_54	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_55	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_56	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_57	Sample_8_D	54
+Taxa_58	Sample_8_D	54
+Taxa_59	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_60	Sample_8_D	54
+Taxa_61	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_62	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_63	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_64	Sample_8_D	53
+Taxa_65	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_66	Sample_8_D	55
+Taxa_67	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_68	Sample_8_D	53
+Taxa_69	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_70	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_71	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_72	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_73	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_74	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_75	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_76	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_77	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_78	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_79	Sample_8_D	53
+Taxa_80	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_81	Sample_8_D	55
+Taxa_82	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_83	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_84	Sample_8_D	54
+Taxa_85	Sample_8_D	52
+Taxa_87	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_88	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_89	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_90	Sample_8_D	52
+Taxa_91	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_92	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_93	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_95	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_96	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_97	Sample_8_D	54
+Taxa_98	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_99	Sample_8_D	53
+Taxa_100	Sample_8_D	52
+Taxa_101	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_102	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_103	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_104	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_105	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_106	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_107	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_108	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_109	Sample_8_D	51
+Taxa_110	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_111	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_112	Sample_8_D	53
+Taxa_113	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_114	Sample_8_D	54
+Taxa_115	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_116	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_117	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_118	Sample_8_D	55
+Taxa_119	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_120	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_121	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_122	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_123	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_124	Sample_8_D	52
+Taxa_125	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_126	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_127	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_129	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_130	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_131	Sample_8_D	51
+Taxa_132	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_133	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_136	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_137	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_138	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_139	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_140	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_141	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_142	Sample_8_D	55
+Taxa_143	Sample_8_D	52
+Taxa_144	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_145	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_146	Sample_8_D	54
+Taxa_147	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_149	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_150	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_151	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_152	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_153	Sample_8_D	51
+Taxa_154	Sample_8_D	54
+Taxa_155	Sample_8_D	53
+Taxa_156	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_157	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_158	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_159	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_160	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_161	Sample_8_D	50
+Taxa_162	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_164	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_165	Sample_8_D	54
+Taxa_166	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_168	Sample_8_D	52
+Taxa_169	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_170	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_171	Sample_8_D	50
+Taxa_172	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_173	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_174	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_175	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_176	Sample_8_D	53
+Taxa_177	Sample_8_D	54
+Taxa_178	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_179	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_181	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_183	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_184	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_185	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_186	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_187	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_188	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_189	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_190	Sample_8_D	52
+Taxa_191	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_192	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_193	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_194	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_195	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_196	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_198	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_199	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_200	Sample_8_D	55
+Taxa_202	Sample_8_D	52
+Taxa_203	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_204	Sample_8_D	52
+Taxa_205	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_206	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_207	Sample_8_D	51
+Taxa_208	Sample_8_D	51
+Taxa_209	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_210	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_211	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_212	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_213	Sample_8_D	50
+Taxa_214	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_215	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_216	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_217	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_218	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_219	Sample_8_D	53
+Taxa_220	Sample_8_D	52
+Taxa_221	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_222	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_223	Sample_8_D	0
+Taxa_0	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_1	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_2	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_3	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_4	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_5	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_6	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_7	Sample_9_D	50
+Taxa_8	Sample_9_D	54
+Taxa_9	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_10	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_11	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_12	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_13	Sample_9_D	51
+Taxa_14	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_15	Sample_9_D	55
+Taxa_16	Sample_9_D	52
+Taxa_18	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_19	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_20	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_21	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_22	Sample_9_D	54
+Taxa_23	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_24	Sample_9_D	53
+Taxa_25	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_26	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_27	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_28	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_29	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_30	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_31	Sample_9_D	51
+Taxa_32	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_33	Sample_9_D	51
+Taxa_34	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_35	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_36	Sample_9_D	55
+Taxa_37	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_38	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_40	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_41	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_42	Sample_9_D	55
+Taxa_43	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_44	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_45	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_46	Sample_9_D	52
+Taxa_47	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_48	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_49	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_50	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_51	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_52	Sample_9_D	53
+Taxa_53	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_54	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_55	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_56	Sample_9_D	54
+Taxa_57	Sample_9_D	53
+Taxa_58	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_59	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_60	Sample_9_D	55
+Taxa_61	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_62	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_63	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_64	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_65	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_66	Sample_9_D	52
+Taxa_67	Sample_9_D	55
+Taxa_68	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_69	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_70	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_71	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_72	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_73	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_74	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_75	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_76	Sample_9_D	52
+Taxa_77	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_78	Sample_9_D	55
+Taxa_79	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_80	Sample_9_D	52
+Taxa_81	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_82	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_83	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_84	Sample_9_D	53
+Taxa_85	Sample_9_D	50
+Taxa_87	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_88	Sample_9_D	54
+Taxa_89	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_90	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_91	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_92	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_93	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_95	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_96	Sample_9_D	53
+Taxa_97	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_98	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_99	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_100	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_101	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_102	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_103	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_104	Sample_9_D	52
+Taxa_105	Sample_9_D	52
+Taxa_106	Sample_9_D	54
+Taxa_107	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_108	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_109	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_110	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_111	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_112	Sample_9_D	53
+Taxa_113	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_114	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_115	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_116	Sample_9_D	50
+Taxa_117	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_118	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_119	Sample_9_D	52
+Taxa_120	Sample_9_D	51
+Taxa_121	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_122	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_123	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_124	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_125	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_126	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_127	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_129	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_130	Sample_9_D	52
+Taxa_131	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_132	Sample_9_D	51
+Taxa_133	Sample_9_D	52
+Taxa_136	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_137	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_138	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_139	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_140	Sample_9_D	52
+Taxa_141	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_142	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_143	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_144	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_145	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_146	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_147	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_149	Sample_9_D	53
+Taxa_150	Sample_9_D	51
+Taxa_151	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_152	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_153	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_154	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_155	Sample_9_D	52
+Taxa_156	Sample_9_D	52
+Taxa_157	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_158	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_159	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_160	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_161	Sample_9_D	52
+Taxa_162	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_164	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_165	Sample_9_D	53
+Taxa_166	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_168	Sample_9_D	53
+Taxa_169	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_170	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_171	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_172	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_173	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_174	Sample_9_D	52
+Taxa_175	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_176	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_177	Sample_9_D	51
+Taxa_178	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_179	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_181	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_183	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_184	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_185	Sample_9_D	55
+Taxa_186	Sample_9_D	54
+Taxa_187	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_188	Sample_9_D	54
+Taxa_189	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_190	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_191	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_192	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_193	Sample_9_D	53
+Taxa_194	Sample_9_D	54
+Taxa_195	Sample_9_D	54
+Taxa_196	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_198	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_199	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_200	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_202	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_203	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_204	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_205	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_206	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_207	Sample_9_D	53
+Taxa_208	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_209	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_210	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_211	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_212	Sample_9_D	55
+Taxa_213	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_214	Sample_9_D	54
+Taxa_215	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_216	Sample_9_D	54
+Taxa_217	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_218	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_219	Sample_9_D	51
+Taxa_220	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_221	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_222	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_223	Sample_9_D	0
+Taxa_0	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_1	Sample_10_D	54
+Taxa_2	Sample_10_D	54
+Taxa_3	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_4	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_5	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_6	Sample_10_D	51
+Taxa_7	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_8	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_9	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_10	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_11	Sample_10_D	55
+Taxa_12	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_13	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_14	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_15	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_16	Sample_10_D	55
+Taxa_18	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_19	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_20	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_21	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_22	Sample_10_D	50
+Taxa_23	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_24	Sample_10_D	53
+Taxa_25	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_26	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_27	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_28	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_29	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_30	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_31	Sample_10_D	52
+Taxa_32	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_33	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_34	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_35	Sample_10_D	55
+Taxa_36	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_37	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_38	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_40	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_41	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_42	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_43	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_44	Sample_10_D	55
+Taxa_45	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_46	Sample_10_D	52
+Taxa_47	Sample_10_D	51
+Taxa_48	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_49	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_50	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_51	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_52	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_53	Sample_10_D	55
+Taxa_54	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_55	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_56	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_57	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_58	Sample_10_D	52
+Taxa_59	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_60	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_61	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_62	Sample_10_D	54
+Taxa_63	Sample_10_D	54
+Taxa_64	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_65	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_66	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_67	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_68	Sample_10_D	51
+Taxa_69	Sample_10_D	51
+Taxa_70	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_71	Sample_10_D	53
+Taxa_72	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_73	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_74	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_75	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_76	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_77	Sample_10_D	52
+Taxa_78	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_79	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_80	Sample_10_D	54
+Taxa_81	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_82	Sample_10_D	54
+Taxa_83	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_84	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_85	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_87	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_88	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_89	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_90	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_91	Sample_10_D	51
+Taxa_92	Sample_10_D	54
+Taxa_93	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_95	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_96	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_97	Sample_10_D	51
+Taxa_98	Sample_10_D	51
+Taxa_99	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_100	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_101	Sample_10_D	53
+Taxa_102	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_103	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_104	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_105	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_106	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_107	Sample_10_D	53
+Taxa_108	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_109	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_110	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_111	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_112	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_113	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_114	Sample_10_D	52
+Taxa_115	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_116	Sample_10_D	53
+Taxa_117	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_118	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_119	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_120	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_121	Sample_10_D	54
+Taxa_122	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_123	Sample_10_D	51
+Taxa_124	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_125	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_126	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_127	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_129	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_130	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_131	Sample_10_D	51
+Taxa_132	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_133	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_136	Sample_10_D	53
+Taxa_137	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_138	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_139	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_140	Sample_10_D	55
+Taxa_141	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_142	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_143	Sample_10_D	51
+Taxa_144	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_145	Sample_10_D	50
+Taxa_146	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_147	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_149	Sample_10_D	51
+Taxa_150	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_151	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_152	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_153	Sample_10_D	53
+Taxa_154	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_155	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_156	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_157	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_158	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_159	Sample_10_D	54
+Taxa_160	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_161	Sample_10_D	54
+Taxa_162	Sample_10_D	52
+Taxa_164	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_165	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_166	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_168	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_169	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_170	Sample_10_D	52
+Taxa_171	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_172	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_173	Sample_10_D	54
+Taxa_174	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_175	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_176	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_177	Sample_10_D	54
+Taxa_178	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_179	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_181	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_183	Sample_10_D	54
+Taxa_184	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_185	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_186	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_187	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_188	Sample_10_D	51
+Taxa_189	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_190	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_191	Sample_10_D	51
+Taxa_192	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_193	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_194	Sample_10_D	0
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+Taxa_199	Sample_10_D	50
+Taxa_200	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_202	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_203	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_204	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_205	Sample_10_D	54
+Taxa_206	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_207	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_208	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_209	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_210	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_211	Sample_10_D	52
+Taxa_212	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_213	Sample_10_D	52
+Taxa_214	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_215	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_216	Sample_10_D	53
+Taxa_217	Sample_10_D	51
+Taxa_218	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_219	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_220	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_221	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_222	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_223	Sample_10_D	0
+Taxa_0	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_1	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_2	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_3	Sample_11_D	0
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+Taxa_5	Sample_11_D	52
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+Taxa_7	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_8	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_9	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_10	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_11	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_12	Sample_11_D	51
+Taxa_13	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_14	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_15	Sample_11_D	51
+Taxa_16	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_18	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_19	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_20	Sample_11_D	0
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+Taxa_22	Sample_11_D	50
+Taxa_23	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_24	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_25	Sample_11_D	52
+Taxa_26	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_27	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_28	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_29	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_30	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_31	Sample_11_D	50
+Taxa_32	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_33	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_34	Sample_11_D	54
+Taxa_35	Sample_11_D	53
+Taxa_36	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_37	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_38	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_40	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_41	Sample_11_D	52
+Taxa_42	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_43	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_44	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_45	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_46	Sample_11_D	0
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+Taxa_50	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_51	Sample_11_D	55
+Taxa_52	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_53	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_54	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_55	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_56	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_57	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_58	Sample_11_D	0
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+Taxa_60	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_61	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_62	Sample_11_D	51
+Taxa_63	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_64	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_65	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_66	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_67	Sample_11_D	0
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+Taxa_70	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_71	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_72	Sample_11_D	55
+Taxa_73	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_74	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_75	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_76	Sample_11_D	0
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+Taxa_78	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_79	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_80	Sample_11_D	53
+Taxa_81	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_82	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_83	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_84	Sample_11_D	0
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+Taxa_88	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_89	Sample_11_D	51
+Taxa_90	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_91	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_92	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_93	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_95	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_96	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_97	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_98	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_99	Sample_11_D	53
+Taxa_100	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_101	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_102	Sample_11_D	51
+Taxa_103	Sample_11_D	52
+Taxa_104	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_105	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_106	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_107	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_108	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_109	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_110	Sample_11_D	52
+Taxa_111	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_112	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_113	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_114	Sample_11_D	0
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+Taxa_116	Sample_11_D	0
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+Taxa_119	Sample_11_D	53
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+Taxa_121	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_122	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_123	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_124	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_125	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_126	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_127	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_129	Sample_11_D	0
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+Taxa_131	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_132	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_133	Sample_11_D	52
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+Taxa_137	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_138	Sample_11_D	50
+Taxa_139	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_140	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_141	Sample_11_D	54
+Taxa_142	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_143	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_144	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_145	Sample_11_D	0
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+Taxa_150	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_151	Sample_11_D	53
+Taxa_152	Sample_11_D	50
+Taxa_153	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_154	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_155	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_156	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_157	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_158	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_159	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_160	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_161	Sample_11_D	54
+Taxa_162	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_164	Sample_11_D	50
+Taxa_165	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_166	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_168	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_169	Sample_11_D	50
+Taxa_170	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_171	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_172	Sample_11_D	50
+Taxa_173	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_174	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_175	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_176	Sample_11_D	0
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+Taxa_179	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_181	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_183	Sample_11_D	0
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+Taxa_185	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_186	Sample_11_D	0
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+Taxa_188	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_189	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_190	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_191	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_192	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_193	Sample_11_D	0
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+Taxa_195	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_196	Sample_11_D	0
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+Taxa_199	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_200	Sample_11_D	0
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+Taxa_203	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_204	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_205	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_206	Sample_11_D	0
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+Taxa_209	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_210	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_211	Sample_11_D	0
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+Taxa_213	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_214	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_215	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_216	Sample_11_D	0
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+Taxa_219	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_220	Sample_11_D	0
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+Taxa_222	Sample_11_D	0
+Taxa_223	Sample_11_D	51
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+Taxa_4	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_5	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_6	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_7	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_8	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_9	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_10	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_11	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_12	Sample_12_D	0
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+Taxa_15	Sample_12_D	54
+Taxa_16	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_18	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_19	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_20	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_21	Sample_12_D	0
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+Taxa_23	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_24	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_25	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_26	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_27	Sample_12_D	0
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+Taxa_29	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_30	Sample_12_D	51
+Taxa_31	Sample_12_D	53
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+Taxa_34	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_35	Sample_12_D	53
+Taxa_36	Sample_12_D	52
+Taxa_37	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_38	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_40	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_41	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_42	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_43	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_44	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_45	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_46	Sample_12_D	0
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+Taxa_48	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_49	Sample_12_D	52
+Taxa_50	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_51	Sample_12_D	51
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+Taxa_54	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_55	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_56	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_57	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_58	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_59	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_60	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_61	Sample_12_D	0
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+Taxa_63	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_64	Sample_12_D	0
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+Taxa_67	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_68	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_69	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_70	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_71	Sample_12_D	0
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+Taxa_74	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_75	Sample_12_D	52
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+Taxa_77	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_78	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_79	Sample_12_D	0
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+Taxa_81	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_82	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_83	Sample_12_D	53
+Taxa_84	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_85	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_87	Sample_12_D	54
+Taxa_88	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_89	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_90	Sample_12_D	52
+Taxa_91	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_92	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_93	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_95	Sample_12_D	0
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+Taxa_97	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_98	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_99	Sample_12_D	0
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+Taxa_101	Sample_12_D	54
+Taxa_102	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_103	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_104	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_105	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_106	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_107	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_108	Sample_12_D	0
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+Taxa_110	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_111	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_112	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_113	Sample_12_D	0
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+Taxa_115	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_116	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_117	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_118	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_119	Sample_12_D	55
+Taxa_120	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_121	Sample_12_D	54
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+Taxa_124	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_125	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_126	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_127	Sample_12_D	0
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+Taxa_130	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_131	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_132	Sample_12_D	52
+Taxa_133	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_136	Sample_12_D	53
+Taxa_137	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_138	Sample_12_D	50
+Taxa_139	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_140	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_141	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_142	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_143	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_144	Sample_12_D	53
+Taxa_145	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_146	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_147	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_149	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_150	Sample_12_D	54
+Taxa_151	Sample_12_D	51
+Taxa_152	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_153	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_154	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_155	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_156	Sample_12_D	50
+Taxa_157	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_158	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_159	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_160	Sample_12_D	54
+Taxa_161	Sample_12_D	53
+Taxa_162	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_164	Sample_12_D	50
+Taxa_165	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_166	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_168	Sample_12_D	54
+Taxa_169	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_170	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_171	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_172	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_173	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_174	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_175	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_176	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_177	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_178	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_179	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_181	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_183	Sample_12_D	52
+Taxa_184	Sample_12_D	55
+Taxa_185	Sample_12_D	52
+Taxa_186	Sample_12_D	54
+Taxa_187	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_188	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_189	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_190	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_191	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_192	Sample_12_D	53
+Taxa_193	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_194	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_195	Sample_12_D	51
+Taxa_196	Sample_12_D	53
+Taxa_198	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_199	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_200	Sample_12_D	55
+Taxa_202	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_203	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_204	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_205	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_206	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_207	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_208	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_209	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_210	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_211	Sample_12_D	52
+Taxa_212	Sample_12_D	51
+Taxa_213	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_214	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_215	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_216	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_217	Sample_12_D	54
+Taxa_218	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_219	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_220	Sample_12_D	51
+Taxa_221	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_222	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_223	Sample_12_D	0
+Taxa_0	Sample_13_D	52
+Taxa_1	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_2	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_3	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_4	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_5	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_6	Sample_13_D	52
+Taxa_7	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_8	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_9	Sample_13_D	53
+Taxa_10	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_11	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_12	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_13	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_14	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_15	Sample_13_D	53
+Taxa_16	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_18	Sample_13_D	50
+Taxa_19	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_20	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_21	Sample_13_D	52
+Taxa_22	Sample_13_D	51
+Taxa_23	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_24	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_25	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_26	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_27	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_28	Sample_13_D	50
+Taxa_29	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_30	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_31	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_32	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_33	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_34	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_35	Sample_13_D	51
+Taxa_36	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_37	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_38	Sample_13_D	51
+Taxa_40	Sample_13_D	52
+Taxa_41	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_42	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_43	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_44	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_45	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_46	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_47	Sample_13_D	53
+Taxa_48	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_49	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_50	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_51	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_52	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_53	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_54	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_55	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_56	Sample_13_D	54
+Taxa_57	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_58	Sample_13_D	54
+Taxa_59	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_60	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_61	Sample_13_D	51
+Taxa_62	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_63	Sample_13_D	53
+Taxa_64	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_65	Sample_13_D	52
+Taxa_66	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_67	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_68	Sample_13_D	52
+Taxa_69	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_70	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_71	Sample_13_D	50
+Taxa_72	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_73	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_74	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_75	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_76	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_77	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_78	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_79	Sample_13_D	50
+Taxa_80	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_81	Sample_13_D	52
+Taxa_82	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_83	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_84	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_85	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_87	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_88	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_89	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_90	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_91	Sample_13_D	55
+Taxa_92	Sample_13_D	54
+Taxa_93	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_95	Sample_13_D	54
+Taxa_96	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_97	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_98	Sample_13_D	53
+Taxa_99	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_100	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_101	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_102	Sample_13_D	53
+Taxa_103	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_104	Sample_13_D	50
+Taxa_105	Sample_13_D	54
+Taxa_106	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_107	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_108	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_109	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_110	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_111	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_112	Sample_13_D	52
+Taxa_113	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_114	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_115	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_116	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_117	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_118	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_119	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_120	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_121	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_122	Sample_13_D	51
+Taxa_123	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_124	Sample_13_D	52
+Taxa_125	Sample_13_D	53
+Taxa_126	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_127	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_129	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_130	Sample_13_D	53
+Taxa_131	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_132	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_133	Sample_13_D	52
+Taxa_136	Sample_13_D	52
+Taxa_137	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_138	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_139	Sample_13_D	53
+Taxa_140	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_141	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_142	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_143	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_144	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_145	Sample_13_D	51
+Taxa_146	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_147	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_149	Sample_13_D	0
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+Taxa_151	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_152	Sample_13_D	54
+Taxa_153	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_154	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_155	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_156	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_157	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_158	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_159	Sample_13_D	0
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+Taxa_161	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_162	Sample_13_D	54
+Taxa_164	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_165	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_166	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_168	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_169	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_170	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_171	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_172	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_173	Sample_13_D	0
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+Taxa_175	Sample_13_D	51
+Taxa_176	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_177	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_178	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_179	Sample_13_D	0
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+Taxa_183	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_184	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_185	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_186	Sample_13_D	51
+Taxa_187	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_188	Sample_13_D	54
+Taxa_189	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_190	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_191	Sample_13_D	53
+Taxa_192	Sample_13_D	52
+Taxa_193	Sample_13_D	51
+Taxa_194	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_195	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_196	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_198	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_199	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_200	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_202	Sample_13_D	0
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+Taxa_204	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_205	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_206	Sample_13_D	54
+Taxa_207	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_208	Sample_13_D	53
+Taxa_209	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_210	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_211	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_212	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_213	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_214	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_215	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_216	Sample_13_D	54
+Taxa_217	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_218	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_219	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_220	Sample_13_D	0
+Taxa_221	Sample_13_D	0
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+Taxa_223	Sample_13_D	53
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+Taxa_1	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_2	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_3	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_4	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_5	Sample_14_D	0
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+Taxa_7	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_8	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_9	Sample_14_D	54
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+Taxa_11	Sample_14_D	55
+Taxa_12	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_13	Sample_14_D	52
+Taxa_14	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_15	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_16	Sample_14_D	54
+Taxa_18	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_19	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_20	Sample_14_D	52
+Taxa_21	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_22	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_23	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_24	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_25	Sample_14_D	0
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+Taxa_27	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_28	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_29	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_30	Sample_14_D	0
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+Taxa_32	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_33	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_34	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_35	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_36	Sample_14_D	0
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+Taxa_38	Sample_14_D	53
+Taxa_40	Sample_14_D	54
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+Taxa_42	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_43	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_44	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_45	Sample_14_D	0
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+Taxa_48	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_49	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_50	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_51	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_52	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_53	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_54	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_55	Sample_14_D	0
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+Taxa_57	Sample_14_D	51
+Taxa_58	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_59	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_60	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_61	Sample_14_D	51
+Taxa_62	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_63	Sample_14_D	54
+Taxa_64	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_65	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_66	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_67	Sample_14_D	0
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+Taxa_69	Sample_14_D	55
+Taxa_70	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_71	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_72	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_73	Sample_14_D	52
+Taxa_74	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_75	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_76	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_77	Sample_14_D	52
+Taxa_78	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_79	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_80	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_81	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_82	Sample_14_D	51
+Taxa_83	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_84	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_85	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_87	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_88	Sample_14_D	54
+Taxa_89	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_90	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_91	Sample_14_D	52
+Taxa_92	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_93	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_95	Sample_14_D	52
+Taxa_96	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_97	Sample_14_D	53
+Taxa_98	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_99	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_100	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_101	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_102	Sample_14_D	52
+Taxa_103	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_104	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_105	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_106	Sample_14_D	0
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+Taxa_108	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_109	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_110	Sample_14_D	51
+Taxa_111	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_112	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_113	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_114	Sample_14_D	55
+Taxa_115	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_116	Sample_14_D	53
+Taxa_117	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_118	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_119	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_120	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_121	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_122	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_123	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_124	Sample_14_D	0
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+Taxa_126	Sample_14_D	53
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+Taxa_129	Sample_14_D	51
+Taxa_130	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_131	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_132	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_133	Sample_14_D	52
+Taxa_136	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_137	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_138	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_139	Sample_14_D	0
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+Taxa_141	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_142	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_143	Sample_14_D	52
+Taxa_144	Sample_14_D	52
+Taxa_145	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_146	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_147	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_149	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_150	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_151	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_152	Sample_14_D	53
+Taxa_153	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_154	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_155	Sample_14_D	53
+Taxa_156	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_157	Sample_14_D	54
+Taxa_158	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_159	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_160	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_161	Sample_14_D	55
+Taxa_162	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_164	Sample_14_D	54
+Taxa_165	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_166	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_168	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_169	Sample_14_D	54
+Taxa_170	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_171	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_172	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_173	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_174	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_175	Sample_14_D	52
+Taxa_176	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_177	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_178	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_179	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_181	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_183	Sample_14_D	0
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+Taxa_185	Sample_14_D	50
+Taxa_186	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_187	Sample_14_D	53
+Taxa_188	Sample_14_D	54
+Taxa_189	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_190	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_191	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_192	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_193	Sample_14_D	0
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+Taxa_195	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_196	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_198	Sample_14_D	0
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+Taxa_200	Sample_14_D	50
+Taxa_202	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_203	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_204	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_205	Sample_14_D	0
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+Taxa_207	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_208	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_209	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_210	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_211	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_212	Sample_14_D	0
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+Taxa_214	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_215	Sample_14_D	53
+Taxa_216	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_217	Sample_14_D	51
+Taxa_218	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_219	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_220	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_221	Sample_14_D	0
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+Taxa_223	Sample_14_D	0
+Taxa_0	Sample_15_D	54
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+Taxa_2	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_3	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_4	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_5	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_6	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_7	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_8	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_9	Sample_15_D	53
+Taxa_10	Sample_15_D	53
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+Taxa_12	Sample_15_D	54
+Taxa_13	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_14	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_15	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_16	Sample_15_D	55
+Taxa_18	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_19	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_20	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_21	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_22	Sample_15_D	52
+Taxa_23	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_24	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_25	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_26	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_27	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_28	Sample_15_D	52
+Taxa_29	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_30	Sample_15_D	53
+Taxa_31	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_32	Sample_15_D	54
+Taxa_33	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_34	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_35	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_36	Sample_15_D	51
+Taxa_37	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_38	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_40	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_41	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_42	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_43	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_44	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_45	Sample_15_D	0
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+Taxa_47	Sample_15_D	53
+Taxa_48	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_49	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_50	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_51	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_52	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_53	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_54	Sample_15_D	50
+Taxa_55	Sample_15_D	55
+Taxa_56	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_57	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_58	Sample_15_D	54
+Taxa_59	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_60	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_61	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_62	Sample_15_D	51
+Taxa_63	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_64	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_65	Sample_15_D	51
+Taxa_66	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_67	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_68	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_69	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_70	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_71	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_72	Sample_15_D	54
+Taxa_73	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_74	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_75	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_76	Sample_15_D	51
+Taxa_77	Sample_15_D	51
+Taxa_78	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_79	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_80	Sample_15_D	54
+Taxa_81	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_82	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_83	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_84	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_85	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_87	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_88	Sample_15_D	53
+Taxa_89	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_90	Sample_15_D	51
+Taxa_91	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_92	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_93	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_95	Sample_15_D	53
+Taxa_96	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_97	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_98	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_99	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_100	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_101	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_102	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_103	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_104	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_105	Sample_15_D	52
+Taxa_106	Sample_15_D	51
+Taxa_107	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_108	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_109	Sample_15_D	53
+Taxa_110	Sample_15_D	51
+Taxa_111	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_112	Sample_15_D	50
+Taxa_113	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_114	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_115	Sample_15_D	53
+Taxa_116	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_117	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_118	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_119	Sample_15_D	54
+Taxa_120	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_121	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_122	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_123	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_124	Sample_15_D	55
+Taxa_125	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_126	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_127	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_129	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_130	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_131	Sample_15_D	54
+Taxa_132	Sample_15_D	50
+Taxa_133	Sample_15_D	54
+Taxa_136	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_137	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_138	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_139	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_140	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_141	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_142	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_143	Sample_15_D	53
+Taxa_144	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_145	Sample_15_D	51
+Taxa_146	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_147	Sample_15_D	52
+Taxa_149	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_150	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_151	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_152	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_153	Sample_15_D	53
+Taxa_154	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_155	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_156	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_157	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_158	Sample_15_D	53
+Taxa_159	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_160	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_161	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_162	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_164	Sample_15_D	54
+Taxa_165	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_166	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_168	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_169	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_170	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_171	Sample_15_D	54
+Taxa_172	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_173	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_174	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_175	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_176	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_177	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_178	Sample_15_D	52
+Taxa_179	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_181	Sample_15_D	51
+Taxa_183	Sample_15_D	52
+Taxa_184	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_185	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_186	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_187	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_188	Sample_15_D	52
+Taxa_189	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_190	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_191	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_192	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_193	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_194	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_195	Sample_15_D	54
+Taxa_196	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_198	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_199	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_200	Sample_15_D	51
+Taxa_202	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_203	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_204	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_205	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_206	Sample_15_D	54
+Taxa_207	Sample_15_D	54
+Taxa_208	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_209	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_210	Sample_15_D	52
+Taxa_211	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_212	Sample_15_D	53
+Taxa_213	Sample_15_D	51
+Taxa_214	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_215	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_216	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_217	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_218	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_219	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_220	Sample_15_D	50
+Taxa_221	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_222	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_223	Sample_15_D	0
+Taxa_0	Sample_16_R	52
+Taxa_1	Sample_16_R	55
+Taxa_2	Sample_16_R	55
+Taxa_3	Sample_16_R	54
+Taxa_4	Sample_16_R	50
+Taxa_5	Sample_16_R	54
+Taxa_6	Sample_16_R	51
+Taxa_7	Sample_16_R	55
+Taxa_8	Sample_16_R	50
+Taxa_9	Sample_16_R	52
+Taxa_10	Sample_16_R	52
+Taxa_11	Sample_16_R	53
+Taxa_12	Sample_16_R	52
+Taxa_13	Sample_16_R	54
+Taxa_14	Sample_16_R	51
+Taxa_15	Sample_16_R	54
+Taxa_16	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_18	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_19	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_20	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_21	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_22	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_23	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_24	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_25	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_26	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_27	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_28	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_29	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_30	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_31	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_32	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_33	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_34	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_35	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_36	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_37	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_38	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_40	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_41	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_42	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_43	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_44	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_45	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_46	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_47	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_48	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_49	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_50	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_51	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_52	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_53	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_54	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_55	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_56	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_57	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_58	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_59	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_60	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_61	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_62	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_63	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_64	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_65	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_66	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_67	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_68	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_69	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_70	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_71	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_72	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_73	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_74	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_75	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_76	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_77	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_78	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_79	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_80	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_81	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_82	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_83	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_84	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_85	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_87	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_88	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_89	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_90	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_91	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_92	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_93	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_95	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_96	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_97	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_98	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_99	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_100	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_101	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_102	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_103	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_104	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_105	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_106	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_107	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_108	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_109	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_110	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_111	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_112	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_113	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_114	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_115	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_116	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_117	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_118	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_119	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_120	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_121	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_122	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_123	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_124	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_125	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_126	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_127	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_129	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_130	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_131	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_132	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_133	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_136	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_137	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_138	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_139	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_140	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_141	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_142	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_143	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_144	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_145	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_146	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_147	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_149	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_150	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_151	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_152	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_153	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_154	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_155	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_156	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_157	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_158	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_159	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_160	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_161	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_162	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_164	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_165	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_166	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_168	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_169	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_170	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_171	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_172	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_173	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_174	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_175	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_176	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_177	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_178	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_179	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_181	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_183	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_184	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_185	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_186	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_187	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_188	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_189	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_190	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_191	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_192	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_193	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_194	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_195	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_196	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_198	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_199	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_200	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_202	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_203	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_204	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_205	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_206	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_207	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_208	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_209	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_210	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_211	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_212	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_213	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_214	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_215	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_216	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_217	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_218	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_219	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_220	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_221	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_222	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_223	Sample_16_R	0
+Taxa_0	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_1	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_2	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_3	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_4	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_5	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_6	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_7	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_8	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_9	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_10	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_11	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_12	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_13	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_14	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_15	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_16	Sample_17_R	51
+Taxa_18	Sample_17_R	53
+Taxa_19	Sample_17_R	53
+Taxa_20	Sample_17_R	52
+Taxa_21	Sample_17_R	51
+Taxa_22	Sample_17_R	53
+Taxa_23	Sample_17_R	53
+Taxa_24	Sample_17_R	50
+Taxa_25	Sample_17_R	54
+Taxa_26	Sample_17_R	52
+Taxa_27	Sample_17_R	52
+Taxa_28	Sample_17_R	54
+Taxa_29	Sample_17_R	52
+Taxa_30	Sample_17_R	52
+Taxa_31	Sample_17_R	53
+Taxa_32	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_33	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_34	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_35	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_36	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_37	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_38	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_40	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_41	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_42	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_43	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_44	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_45	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_46	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_47	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_48	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_49	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_50	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_51	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_52	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_53	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_54	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_55	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_56	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_57	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_58	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_59	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_60	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_61	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_62	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_63	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_64	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_65	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_66	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_67	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_68	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_69	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_70	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_71	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_72	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_73	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_74	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_75	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_76	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_77	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_78	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_79	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_80	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_81	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_82	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_83	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_84	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_85	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_87	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_88	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_89	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_90	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_91	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_92	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_93	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_95	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_96	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_97	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_98	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_99	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_100	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_101	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_102	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_103	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_104	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_105	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_106	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_107	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_108	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_109	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_110	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_111	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_112	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_113	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_114	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_115	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_116	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_117	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_118	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_119	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_120	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_121	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_122	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_123	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_124	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_125	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_126	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_127	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_129	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_130	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_131	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_132	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_133	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_136	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_137	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_138	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_139	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_140	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_141	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_142	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_143	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_144	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_145	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_146	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_147	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_149	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_150	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_151	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_152	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_153	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_154	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_155	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_156	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_157	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_158	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_159	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_160	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_161	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_162	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_164	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_165	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_166	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_168	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_169	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_170	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_171	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_172	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_173	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_174	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_175	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_176	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_177	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_178	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_179	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_181	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_183	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_184	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_185	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_186	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_187	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_188	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_189	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_190	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_191	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_192	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_193	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_194	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_195	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_196	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_198	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_199	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_200	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_202	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_203	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_204	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_205	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_206	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_207	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_208	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_209	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_210	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_211	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_212	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_213	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_214	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_215	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_216	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_217	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_218	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_219	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_220	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_221	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_222	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_223	Sample_17_R	0
+Taxa_0	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_1	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_2	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_3	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_4	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_5	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_6	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_7	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_8	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_9	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_10	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_11	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_12	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_13	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_14	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_15	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_16	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_18	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_19	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_20	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_21	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_22	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_23	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_24	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_25	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_26	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_27	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_28	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_29	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_30	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_31	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_32	Sample_18_R	55
+Taxa_33	Sample_18_R	50
+Taxa_34	Sample_18_R	54
+Taxa_35	Sample_18_R	51
+Taxa_36	Sample_18_R	53
+Taxa_37	Sample_18_R	55
+Taxa_38	Sample_18_R	54
+Taxa_40	Sample_18_R	53
+Taxa_41	Sample_18_R	53
+Taxa_42	Sample_18_R	53
+Taxa_43	Sample_18_R	51
+Taxa_44	Sample_18_R	53
+Taxa_45	Sample_18_R	51
+Taxa_46	Sample_18_R	53
+Taxa_47	Sample_18_R	55
+Taxa_48	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_49	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_50	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_51	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_52	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_53	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_54	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_55	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_56	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_57	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_58	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_59	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_60	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_61	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_62	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_63	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_64	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_65	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_66	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_67	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_68	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_69	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_70	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_71	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_72	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_73	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_74	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_75	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_76	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_77	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_78	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_79	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_80	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_81	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_82	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_83	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_84	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_85	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_87	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_88	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_89	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_90	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_91	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_92	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_93	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_95	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_96	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_97	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_98	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_99	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_100	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_101	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_102	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_103	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_104	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_105	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_106	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_107	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_108	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_109	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_110	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_111	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_112	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_113	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_114	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_115	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_116	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_117	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_118	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_119	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_120	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_121	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_122	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_123	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_124	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_125	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_126	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_127	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_129	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_130	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_131	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_132	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_133	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_136	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_137	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_138	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_139	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_140	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_141	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_142	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_143	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_144	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_145	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_146	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_147	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_149	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_150	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_151	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_152	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_153	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_154	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_155	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_156	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_157	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_158	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_159	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_160	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_161	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_162	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_164	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_165	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_166	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_168	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_169	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_170	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_171	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_172	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_173	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_174	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_175	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_176	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_177	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_178	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_179	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_181	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_183	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_184	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_185	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_186	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_187	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_188	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_189	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_190	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_191	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_192	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_193	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_194	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_195	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_196	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_198	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_199	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_200	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_202	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_203	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_204	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_205	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_206	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_207	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_208	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_209	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_210	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_211	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_212	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_213	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_214	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_215	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_216	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_217	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_218	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_219	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_220	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_221	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_222	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_223	Sample_18_R	0
+Taxa_0	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_1	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_2	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_3	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_4	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_5	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_6	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_7	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_8	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_9	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_10	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_11	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_12	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_13	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_14	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_15	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_16	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_18	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_19	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_20	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_21	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_22	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_23	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_24	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_25	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_26	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_27	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_28	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_29	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_30	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_31	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_32	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_33	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_34	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_35	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_36	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_37	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_38	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_40	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_41	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_42	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_43	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_44	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_45	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_46	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_47	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_48	Sample_19_R	52
+Taxa_49	Sample_19_R	55
+Taxa_50	Sample_19_R	52
+Taxa_51	Sample_19_R	54
+Taxa_52	Sample_19_R	51
+Taxa_53	Sample_19_R	54
+Taxa_54	Sample_19_R	55
+Taxa_55	Sample_19_R	53
+Taxa_56	Sample_19_R	50
+Taxa_57	Sample_19_R	53
+Taxa_58	Sample_19_R	54
+Taxa_59	Sample_19_R	51
+Taxa_60	Sample_19_R	54
+Taxa_61	Sample_19_R	52
+Taxa_62	Sample_19_R	50
+Taxa_63	Sample_19_R	54
+Taxa_64	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_65	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_66	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_67	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_68	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_69	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_70	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_71	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_72	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_73	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_74	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_75	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_76	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_77	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_78	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_79	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_80	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_81	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_82	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_83	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_84	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_85	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_87	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_88	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_89	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_90	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_91	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_92	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_93	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_95	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_96	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_97	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_98	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_99	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_100	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_101	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_102	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_103	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_104	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_105	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_106	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_107	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_108	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_109	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_110	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_111	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_112	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_113	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_114	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_115	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_116	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_117	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_118	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_119	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_120	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_121	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_122	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_123	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_124	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_125	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_126	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_127	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_129	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_130	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_131	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_132	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_133	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_136	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_137	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_138	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_139	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_140	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_141	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_142	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_143	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_144	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_145	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_146	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_147	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_149	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_150	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_151	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_152	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_153	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_154	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_155	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_156	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_157	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_158	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_159	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_160	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_161	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_162	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_164	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_165	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_166	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_168	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_169	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_170	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_171	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_172	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_173	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_174	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_175	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_176	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_177	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_178	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_179	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_181	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_183	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_184	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_185	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_186	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_187	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_188	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_189	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_190	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_191	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_192	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_193	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_194	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_195	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_196	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_198	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_199	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_200	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_202	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_203	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_204	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_205	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_206	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_207	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_208	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_209	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_210	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_211	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_212	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_213	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_214	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_215	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_216	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_217	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_218	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_219	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_220	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_221	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_222	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_223	Sample_19_R	0
+Taxa_0	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_1	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_2	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_3	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_4	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_5	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_6	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_7	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_8	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_9	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_10	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_11	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_12	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_13	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_14	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_15	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_16	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_18	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_19	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_20	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_21	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_22	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_23	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_24	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_25	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_26	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_27	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_28	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_29	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_30	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_31	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_32	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_33	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_34	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_35	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_36	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_37	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_38	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_40	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_41	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_42	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_43	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_44	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_45	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_46	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_47	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_48	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_49	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_50	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_51	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_52	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_53	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_54	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_55	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_56	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_57	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_58	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_59	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_60	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_61	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_62	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_63	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_64	Sample_20_R	53
+Taxa_65	Sample_20_R	51
+Taxa_66	Sample_20_R	52
+Taxa_67	Sample_20_R	55
+Taxa_68	Sample_20_R	54
+Taxa_69	Sample_20_R	53
+Taxa_70	Sample_20_R	51
+Taxa_71	Sample_20_R	53
+Taxa_72	Sample_20_R	54
+Taxa_73	Sample_20_R	51
+Taxa_74	Sample_20_R	54
+Taxa_75	Sample_20_R	54
+Taxa_76	Sample_20_R	55
+Taxa_77	Sample_20_R	54
+Taxa_78	Sample_20_R	53
+Taxa_79	Sample_20_R	53
+Taxa_80	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_81	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_82	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_83	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_84	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_85	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_87	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_88	Sample_20_R	0
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+Taxa_90	Sample_20_R	0
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+Taxa_99	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_100	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_101	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_102	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_103	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_104	Sample_20_R	0
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+Taxa_108	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_109	Sample_20_R	0
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+Taxa_127	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_129	Sample_20_R	0
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+Taxa_132	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_133	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_136	Sample_20_R	0
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+Taxa_139	Sample_20_R	0
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+Taxa_141	Sample_20_R	0
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+Taxa_150	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_151	Sample_20_R	0
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+Taxa_157	Sample_20_R	0
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+Taxa_170	Sample_20_R	0
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+Taxa_179	Sample_20_R	0
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+Taxa_189	Sample_20_R	0
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+Taxa_222	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_223	Sample_20_R	0
+Taxa_0	Sample_21_R	0
+Taxa_1	Sample_21_R	0
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+Taxa_5	Sample_21_R	0
+Taxa_6	Sample_21_R	0
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+Taxa_9	Sample_21_R	0
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+Taxa_13	Sample_21_R	0
+Taxa_14	Sample_21_R	0
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+Taxa_18	Sample_21_R	0
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+Taxa_38	Sample_21_R	0
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+Taxa_50	Sample_21_R	0
+Taxa_51	Sample_21_R	0
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+Taxa_68	Sample_21_R	0
+Taxa_69	Sample_21_R	0
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+Taxa_71	Sample_21_R	0
+Taxa_72	Sample_21_R	0
+Taxa_73	Sample_21_R	0
+Taxa_74	Sample_21_R	0
+Taxa_75	Sample_21_R	0
+Taxa_76	Sample_21_R	0
+Taxa_77	Sample_21_R	0
+Taxa_78	Sample_21_R	0
+Taxa_79	Sample_21_R	0
+Taxa_80	Sample_21_R	50
+Taxa_81	Sample_21_R	53
+Taxa_82	Sample_21_R	52
+Taxa_83	Sample_21_R	55
+Taxa_84	Sample_21_R	52
+Taxa_85	Sample_21_R	52
+Taxa_87	Sample_21_R	52
+Taxa_88	Sample_21_R	54
+Taxa_89	Sample_21_R	54
+Taxa_90	Sample_21_R	52
+Taxa_91	Sample_21_R	53
+Taxa_92	Sample_21_R	50
+Taxa_93	Sample_21_R	52
+Taxa_95	Sample_21_R	51
+Taxa_96	Sample_21_R	0
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+Taxa_99	Sample_21_R	0
+Taxa_100	Sample_21_R	0
+Taxa_101	Sample_21_R	0
+Taxa_102	Sample_21_R	0
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+Taxa_109	Sample_21_R	0
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+Taxa_111	Sample_21_R	0
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+Taxa_136	Sample_21_R	0
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+Taxa_139	Sample_21_R	0
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+Taxa_141	Sample_21_R	0
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+Taxa_150	Sample_21_R	0
+Taxa_151	Sample_21_R	0
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+Taxa_161	Sample_21_R	0
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+Taxa_164	Sample_21_R	0
+Taxa_165	Sample_21_R	0
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+Taxa_168	Sample_21_R	0
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+Taxa_170	Sample_21_R	0
+Taxa_171	Sample_21_R	0
+Taxa_172	Sample_21_R	0
+Taxa_173	Sample_21_R	0
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+Taxa_175	Sample_21_R	0
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+Taxa_177	Sample_21_R	0
+Taxa_178	Sample_21_R	0
+Taxa_179	Sample_21_R	0
+Taxa_181	Sample_21_R	0
+Taxa_183	Sample_21_R	0
+Taxa_184	Sample_21_R	0
+Taxa_185	Sample_21_R	0
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+Taxa_189	Sample_21_R	0
+Taxa_190	Sample_21_R	0
+Taxa_191	Sample_21_R	0
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+Taxa_198	Sample_21_R	0
+Taxa_199	Sample_21_R	0
+Taxa_200	Sample_21_R	0
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+Taxa_220	Sample_21_R	0
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+Taxa_222	Sample_21_R	0
+Taxa_223	Sample_21_R	0
+Taxa_0	Sample_22_R	0
+Taxa_1	Sample_22_R	0
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+Taxa_9	Sample_22_R	0
+Taxa_10	Sample_22_R	0
+Taxa_11	Sample_22_R	0
+Taxa_12	Sample_22_R	0
+Taxa_13	Sample_22_R	0
+Taxa_14	Sample_22_R	0
+Taxa_15	Sample_22_R	0
+Taxa_16	Sample_22_R	0
+Taxa_18	Sample_22_R	0
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+Taxa_37	Sample_22_R	0
+Taxa_38	Sample_22_R	0
+Taxa_40	Sample_22_R	0
+Taxa_41	Sample_22_R	0
+Taxa_42	Sample_22_R	0
+Taxa_43	Sample_22_R	0
+Taxa_44	Sample_22_R	0
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+Taxa_50	Sample_22_R	0
+Taxa_51	Sample_22_R	0
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+Taxa_53	Sample_22_R	0
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+Taxa_55	Sample_22_R	0
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+Taxa_62	Sample_22_R	0
+Taxa_63	Sample_22_R	0
+Taxa_64	Sample_22_R	0
+Taxa_65	Sample_22_R	0
+Taxa_66	Sample_22_R	0
+Taxa_67	Sample_22_R	0
+Taxa_68	Sample_22_R	0
+Taxa_69	Sample_22_R	0
+Taxa_70	Sample_22_R	0
+Taxa_71	Sample_22_R	0
+Taxa_72	Sample_22_R	0
+Taxa_73	Sample_22_R	0
+Taxa_74	Sample_22_R	0
+Taxa_75	Sample_22_R	0
+Taxa_76	Sample_22_R	0
+Taxa_77	Sample_22_R	0
+Taxa_78	Sample_22_R	0
+Taxa_79	Sample_22_R	0
+Taxa_80	Sample_22_R	0
+Taxa_81	Sample_22_R	0
+Taxa_82	Sample_22_R	0
+Taxa_83	Sample_22_R	0
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+Taxa_85	Sample_22_R	0
+Taxa_87	Sample_22_R	0
+Taxa_88	Sample_22_R	0
+Taxa_89	Sample_22_R	0
+Taxa_90	Sample_22_R	0
+Taxa_91	Sample_22_R	0
+Taxa_92	Sample_22_R	0
+Taxa_93	Sample_22_R	0
+Taxa_95	Sample_22_R	0
+Taxa_96	Sample_22_R	51
+Taxa_97	Sample_22_R	51
+Taxa_98	Sample_22_R	51
+Taxa_99	Sample_22_R	53
+Taxa_100	Sample_22_R	54
+Taxa_101	Sample_22_R	53
+Taxa_102	Sample_22_R	55
+Taxa_103	Sample_22_R	51
+Taxa_104	Sample_22_R	51
+Taxa_105	Sample_22_R	55
+Taxa_106	Sample_22_R	53
+Taxa_107	Sample_22_R	54
+Taxa_108	Sample_22_R	50
+Taxa_109	Sample_22_R	55
+Taxa_110	Sample_22_R	50
+Taxa_111	Sample_22_R	54
+Taxa_112	Sample_22_R	0
+Taxa_113	Sample_22_R	0
+Taxa_114	Sample_22_R	0
+Taxa_115	Sample_22_R	0
+Taxa_116	Sample_22_R	0
+Taxa_117	Sample_22_R	0
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+Taxa_119	Sample_22_R	0
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+Taxa_126	Sample_22_R	0
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+Taxa_136	Sample_22_R	0
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+Taxa_139	Sample_22_R	0
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+Taxa_149	Sample_22_R	0
+Taxa_150	Sample_22_R	0
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+Taxa_179	Sample_22_R	0
+Taxa_181	Sample_22_R	0
+Taxa_183	Sample_22_R	0
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+Taxa_220	Sample_22_R	0
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+Taxa_222	Sample_22_R	0
+Taxa_223	Sample_22_R	0
+Taxa_0	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_1	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_2	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_3	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_4	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_5	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_6	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_7	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_8	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_9	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_10	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_11	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_12	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_13	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_14	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_15	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_16	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_18	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_19	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_20	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_21	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_22	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_23	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_24	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_25	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_26	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_27	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_28	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_29	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_30	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_31	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_32	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_33	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_34	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_35	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_36	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_37	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_38	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_40	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_41	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_42	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_43	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_44	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_45	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_46	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_47	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_48	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_49	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_50	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_51	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_52	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_53	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_54	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_55	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_56	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_57	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_58	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_59	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_60	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_61	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_62	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_63	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_64	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_65	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_66	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_67	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_68	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_69	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_70	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_71	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_72	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_73	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_74	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_75	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_76	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_77	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_78	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_79	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_80	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_81	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_82	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_83	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_84	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_85	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_87	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_88	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_89	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_90	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_91	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_92	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_93	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_95	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_96	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_97	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_98	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_99	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_100	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_101	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_102	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_103	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_104	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_105	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_106	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_107	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_108	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_109	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_110	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_111	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_112	Sample_23_R	53
+Taxa_113	Sample_23_R	51
+Taxa_114	Sample_23_R	54
+Taxa_115	Sample_23_R	50
+Taxa_116	Sample_23_R	52
+Taxa_117	Sample_23_R	50
+Taxa_118	Sample_23_R	50
+Taxa_119	Sample_23_R	53
+Taxa_120	Sample_23_R	51
+Taxa_121	Sample_23_R	50
+Taxa_122	Sample_23_R	54
+Taxa_123	Sample_23_R	54
+Taxa_124	Sample_23_R	52
+Taxa_125	Sample_23_R	53
+Taxa_126	Sample_23_R	54
+Taxa_127	Sample_23_R	51
+Taxa_129	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_130	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_131	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_132	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_133	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_136	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_137	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_138	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_139	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_140	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_141	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_142	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_143	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_144	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_145	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_146	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_147	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_149	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_150	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_151	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_152	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_153	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_154	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_155	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_156	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_157	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_158	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_159	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_160	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_161	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_162	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_164	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_165	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_166	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_168	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_169	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_170	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_171	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_172	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_173	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_174	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_175	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_176	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_177	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_178	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_179	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_181	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_183	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_184	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_185	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_186	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_187	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_188	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_189	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_190	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_191	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_192	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_193	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_194	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_195	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_196	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_198	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_199	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_200	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_202	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_203	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_204	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_205	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_206	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_207	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_208	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_209	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_210	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_211	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_212	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_213	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_214	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_215	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_216	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_217	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_218	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_219	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_220	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_221	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_222	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_223	Sample_23_R	0
+Taxa_0	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_1	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_2	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_3	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_4	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_5	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_6	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_7	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_8	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_9	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_10	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_11	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_12	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_13	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_14	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_15	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_16	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_18	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_19	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_20	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_21	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_22	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_23	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_24	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_25	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_26	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_27	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_28	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_29	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_30	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_31	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_32	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_33	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_34	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_35	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_36	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_37	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_38	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_40	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_41	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_42	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_43	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_44	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_45	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_46	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_47	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_48	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_49	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_50	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_51	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_52	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_53	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_54	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_55	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_56	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_57	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_58	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_59	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_60	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_61	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_62	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_63	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_64	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_65	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_66	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_67	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_68	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_69	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_70	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_71	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_72	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_73	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_74	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_75	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_76	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_77	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_78	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_79	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_80	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_81	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_82	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_83	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_84	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_85	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_87	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_88	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_89	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_90	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_91	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_92	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_93	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_95	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_96	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_97	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_98	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_99	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_100	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_101	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_102	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_103	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_104	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_105	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_106	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_107	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_108	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_109	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_110	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_111	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_112	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_113	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_114	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_115	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_116	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_117	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_118	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_119	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_120	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_121	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_122	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_123	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_124	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_125	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_126	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_127	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_129	Sample_24_R	53
+Taxa_130	Sample_24_R	53
+Taxa_131	Sample_24_R	55
+Taxa_132	Sample_24_R	53
+Taxa_133	Sample_24_R	50
+Taxa_136	Sample_24_R	53
+Taxa_137	Sample_24_R	55
+Taxa_138	Sample_24_R	53
+Taxa_139	Sample_24_R	54
+Taxa_140	Sample_24_R	53
+Taxa_141	Sample_24_R	54
+Taxa_142	Sample_24_R	51
+Taxa_143	Sample_24_R	54
+Taxa_144	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_145	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_146	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_147	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_149	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_150	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_151	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_152	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_153	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_154	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_155	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_156	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_157	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_158	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_159	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_160	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_161	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_162	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_164	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_165	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_166	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_168	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_169	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_170	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_171	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_172	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_173	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_174	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_175	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_176	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_177	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_178	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_179	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_181	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_183	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_184	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_185	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_186	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_187	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_188	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_189	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_190	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_191	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_192	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_193	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_194	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_195	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_196	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_198	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_199	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_200	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_202	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_203	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_204	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_205	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_206	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_207	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_208	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_209	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_210	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_211	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_212	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_213	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_214	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_215	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_216	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_217	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_218	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_219	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_220	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_221	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_222	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_223	Sample_24_R	0
+Taxa_0	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_1	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_2	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_3	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_4	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_5	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_6	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_7	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_8	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_9	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_10	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_11	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_12	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_13	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_14	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_15	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_16	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_18	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_19	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_20	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_21	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_22	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_23	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_24	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_25	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_26	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_27	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_28	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_29	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_30	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_31	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_32	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_33	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_34	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_35	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_36	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_37	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_38	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_40	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_41	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_42	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_43	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_44	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_45	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_46	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_47	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_48	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_49	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_50	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_51	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_52	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_53	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_54	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_55	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_56	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_57	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_58	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_59	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_60	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_61	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_62	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_63	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_64	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_65	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_66	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_67	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_68	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_69	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_70	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_71	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_72	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_73	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_74	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_75	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_76	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_77	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_78	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_79	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_80	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_81	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_82	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_83	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_84	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_85	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_87	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_88	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_89	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_90	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_91	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_92	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_93	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_95	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_96	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_97	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_98	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_99	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_100	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_101	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_102	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_103	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_104	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_105	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_106	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_107	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_108	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_109	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_110	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_111	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_112	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_113	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_114	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_115	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_116	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_117	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_118	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_119	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_120	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_121	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_122	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_123	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_124	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_125	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_126	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_127	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_129	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_130	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_131	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_132	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_133	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_136	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_137	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_138	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_139	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_140	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_141	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_142	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_143	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_144	Sample_25_R	52
+Taxa_145	Sample_25_R	55
+Taxa_146	Sample_25_R	51
+Taxa_147	Sample_25_R	51
+Taxa_149	Sample_25_R	53
+Taxa_150	Sample_25_R	51
+Taxa_151	Sample_25_R	52
+Taxa_152	Sample_25_R	50
+Taxa_153	Sample_25_R	50
+Taxa_154	Sample_25_R	50
+Taxa_155	Sample_25_R	50
+Taxa_156	Sample_25_R	53
+Taxa_157	Sample_25_R	54
+Taxa_158	Sample_25_R	50
+Taxa_159	Sample_25_R	51
+Taxa_160	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_161	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_162	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_164	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_165	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_166	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_168	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_169	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_170	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_171	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_172	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_173	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_174	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_175	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_176	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_177	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_178	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_179	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_181	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_183	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_184	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_185	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_186	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_187	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_188	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_189	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_190	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_191	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_192	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_193	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_194	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_195	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_196	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_198	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_199	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_200	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_202	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_203	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_204	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_205	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_206	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_207	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_208	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_209	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_210	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_211	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_212	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_213	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_214	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_215	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_216	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_217	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_218	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_219	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_220	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_221	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_222	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_223	Sample_25_R	0
+Taxa_0	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_1	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_2	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_3	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_4	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_5	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_6	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_7	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_8	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_9	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_10	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_11	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_12	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_13	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_14	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_15	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_16	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_18	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_19	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_20	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_21	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_22	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_23	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_24	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_25	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_26	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_27	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_28	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_29	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_30	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_31	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_32	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_33	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_34	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_35	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_36	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_37	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_38	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_40	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_41	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_42	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_43	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_44	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_45	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_46	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_47	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_48	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_49	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_50	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_51	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_52	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_53	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_54	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_55	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_56	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_57	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_58	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_59	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_60	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_61	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_62	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_63	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_64	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_65	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_66	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_67	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_68	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_69	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_70	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_71	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_72	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_73	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_74	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_75	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_76	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_77	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_78	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_79	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_80	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_81	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_82	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_83	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_84	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_85	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_87	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_88	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_89	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_90	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_91	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_92	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_93	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_95	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_96	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_97	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_98	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_99	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_100	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_101	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_102	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_103	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_104	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_105	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_106	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_107	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_108	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_109	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_110	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_111	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_112	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_113	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_114	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_115	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_116	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_117	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_118	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_119	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_120	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_121	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_122	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_123	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_124	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_125	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_126	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_127	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_129	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_130	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_131	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_132	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_133	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_136	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_137	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_138	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_139	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_140	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_141	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_142	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_143	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_144	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_145	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_146	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_147	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_149	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_150	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_151	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_152	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_153	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_154	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_155	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_156	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_157	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_158	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_159	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_160	Sample_26_R	54
+Taxa_161	Sample_26_R	50
+Taxa_162	Sample_26_R	55
+Taxa_164	Sample_26_R	50
+Taxa_165	Sample_26_R	54
+Taxa_166	Sample_26_R	52
+Taxa_168	Sample_26_R	50
+Taxa_169	Sample_26_R	54
+Taxa_170	Sample_26_R	51
+Taxa_171	Sample_26_R	55
+Taxa_172	Sample_26_R	51
+Taxa_173	Sample_26_R	52
+Taxa_174	Sample_26_R	53
+Taxa_175	Sample_26_R	51
+Taxa_176	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_177	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_178	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_179	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_181	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_183	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_184	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_185	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_186	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_187	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_188	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_189	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_190	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_191	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_192	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_193	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_194	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_195	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_196	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_198	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_199	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_200	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_202	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_203	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_204	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_205	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_206	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_207	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_208	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_209	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_210	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_211	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_212	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_213	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_214	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_215	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_216	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_217	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_218	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_219	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_220	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_221	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_222	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_223	Sample_26_R	0
+Taxa_0	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_1	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_2	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_3	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_4	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_5	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_6	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_7	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_8	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_9	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_10	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_11	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_12	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_13	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_14	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_15	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_16	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_18	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_19	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_20	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_21	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_22	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_23	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_24	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_25	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_26	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_27	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_28	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_29	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_30	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_31	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_32	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_33	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_34	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_35	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_36	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_37	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_38	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_40	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_41	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_42	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_43	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_44	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_45	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_46	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_47	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_48	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_49	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_50	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_51	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_52	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_53	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_54	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_55	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_56	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_57	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_58	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_59	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_60	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_61	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_62	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_63	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_64	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_65	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_66	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_67	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_68	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_69	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_70	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_71	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_72	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_73	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_74	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_75	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_76	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_77	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_78	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_79	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_80	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_81	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_82	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_83	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_84	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_85	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_87	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_88	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_89	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_90	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_91	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_92	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_93	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_95	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_96	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_97	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_98	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_99	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_100	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_101	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_102	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_103	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_104	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_105	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_106	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_107	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_108	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_109	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_110	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_111	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_112	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_113	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_114	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_115	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_116	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_117	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_118	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_119	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_120	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_121	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_122	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_123	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_124	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_125	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_126	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_127	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_129	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_130	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_131	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_132	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_133	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_136	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_137	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_138	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_139	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_140	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_141	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_142	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_143	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_144	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_145	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_146	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_147	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_149	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_150	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_151	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_152	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_153	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_154	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_155	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_156	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_157	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_158	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_159	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_160	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_161	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_162	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_164	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_165	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_166	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_168	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_169	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_170	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_171	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_172	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_173	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_174	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_175	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_176	Sample_27_R	52
+Taxa_177	Sample_27_R	50
+Taxa_178	Sample_27_R	51
+Taxa_179	Sample_27_R	53
+Taxa_181	Sample_27_R	50
+Taxa_183	Sample_27_R	55
+Taxa_184	Sample_27_R	52
+Taxa_185	Sample_27_R	51
+Taxa_186	Sample_27_R	52
+Taxa_187	Sample_27_R	54
+Taxa_188	Sample_27_R	51
+Taxa_189	Sample_27_R	54
+Taxa_190	Sample_27_R	53
+Taxa_191	Sample_27_R	50
+Taxa_192	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_193	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_194	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_195	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_196	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_198	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_199	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_200	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_202	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_203	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_204	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_205	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_206	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_207	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_208	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_209	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_210	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_211	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_212	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_213	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_214	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_215	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_216	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_217	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_218	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_219	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_220	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_221	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_222	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_223	Sample_27_R	0
+Taxa_0	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_1	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_2	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_3	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_4	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_5	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_6	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_7	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_8	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_9	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_10	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_11	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_12	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_13	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_14	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_15	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_16	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_18	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_19	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_20	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_21	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_22	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_23	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_24	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_25	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_26	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_27	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_28	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_29	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_30	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_31	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_32	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_33	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_34	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_35	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_36	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_37	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_38	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_40	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_41	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_42	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_43	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_44	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_45	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_46	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_47	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_48	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_49	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_50	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_51	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_52	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_53	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_54	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_55	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_56	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_57	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_58	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_59	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_60	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_61	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_62	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_63	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_64	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_65	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_66	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_67	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_68	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_69	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_70	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_71	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_72	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_73	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_74	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_75	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_76	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_77	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_78	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_79	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_80	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_81	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_82	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_83	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_84	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_85	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_87	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_88	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_89	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_90	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_91	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_92	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_93	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_95	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_96	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_97	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_98	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_99	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_100	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_101	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_102	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_103	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_104	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_105	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_106	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_107	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_108	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_109	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_110	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_111	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_112	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_113	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_114	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_115	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_116	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_117	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_118	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_119	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_120	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_121	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_122	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_123	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_124	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_125	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_126	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_127	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_129	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_130	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_131	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_132	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_133	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_136	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_137	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_138	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_139	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_140	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_141	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_142	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_143	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_144	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_145	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_146	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_147	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_149	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_150	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_151	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_152	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_153	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_154	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_155	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_156	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_157	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_158	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_159	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_160	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_161	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_162	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_164	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_165	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_166	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_168	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_169	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_170	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_171	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_172	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_173	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_174	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_175	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_176	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_177	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_178	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_179	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_181	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_183	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_184	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_185	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_186	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_187	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_188	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_189	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_190	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_191	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_192	Sample_28_R	54
+Taxa_193	Sample_28_R	53
+Taxa_194	Sample_28_R	51
+Taxa_195	Sample_28_R	50
+Taxa_196	Sample_28_R	54
+Taxa_198	Sample_28_R	50
+Taxa_199	Sample_28_R	53
+Taxa_200	Sample_28_R	53
+Taxa_202	Sample_28_R	54
+Taxa_203	Sample_28_R	50
+Taxa_204	Sample_28_R	51
+Taxa_205	Sample_28_R	50
+Taxa_206	Sample_28_R	54
+Taxa_207	Sample_28_R	51
+Taxa_208	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_209	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_210	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_211	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_212	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_213	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_214	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_215	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_216	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_217	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_218	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_219	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_220	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_221	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_222	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_223	Sample_28_R	0
+Taxa_0	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_1	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_2	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_3	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_4	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_5	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_6	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_7	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_8	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_9	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_10	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_11	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_12	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_13	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_14	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_15	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_16	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_18	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_19	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_20	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_21	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_22	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_23	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_24	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_25	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_26	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_27	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_28	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_29	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_30	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_31	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_32	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_33	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_34	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_35	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_36	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_37	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_38	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_40	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_41	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_42	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_43	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_44	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_45	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_46	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_47	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_48	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_49	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_50	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_51	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_52	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_53	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_54	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_55	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_56	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_57	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_58	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_59	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_60	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_61	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_62	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_63	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_64	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_65	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_66	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_67	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_68	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_69	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_70	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_71	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_72	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_73	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_74	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_75	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_76	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_77	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_78	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_79	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_80	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_81	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_82	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_83	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_84	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_85	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_87	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_88	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_89	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_90	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_91	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_92	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_93	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_95	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_96	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_97	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_98	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_99	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_100	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_101	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_102	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_103	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_104	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_105	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_106	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_107	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_108	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_109	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_110	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_111	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_112	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_113	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_114	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_115	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_116	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_117	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_118	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_119	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_120	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_121	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_122	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_123	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_124	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_125	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_126	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_127	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_129	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_130	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_131	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_132	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_133	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_136	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_137	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_138	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_139	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_140	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_141	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_142	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_143	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_144	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_145	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_146	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_147	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_149	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_150	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_151	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_152	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_153	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_154	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_155	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_156	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_157	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_158	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_159	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_160	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_161	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_162	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_164	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_165	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_166	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_168	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_169	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_170	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_171	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_172	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_173	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_174	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_175	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_176	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_177	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_178	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_179	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_181	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_183	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_184	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_185	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_186	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_187	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_188	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_189	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_190	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_191	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_192	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_193	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_194	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_195	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_196	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_198	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_199	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_200	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_202	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_203	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_204	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_205	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_206	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_207	Sample_29_R	0
+Taxa_208	Sample_29_R	53
+Taxa_209	Sample_29_R	52
+Taxa_210	Sample_29_R	51
+Taxa_211	Sample_29_R	53
+Taxa_212	Sample_29_R	54
+Taxa_213	Sample_29_R	51
+Taxa_214	Sample_29_R	50
+Taxa_215	Sample_29_R	50
+Taxa_216	Sample_29_R	54
+Taxa_217	Sample_29_R	50
+Taxa_218	Sample_29_R	54
+Taxa_219	Sample_29_R	51
+Taxa_220	Sample_29_R	53
+Taxa_221	Sample_29_R	51
+Taxa_222	Sample_29_R	51
+Taxa_223	Sample_29_R	52
+Taxa_0	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_1	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_2	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_3	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_4	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_5	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_6	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_7	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_8	Sample_30_E	102
+Taxa_9	Sample_30_E	102
+Taxa_10	Sample_30_E	103
+Taxa_11	Sample_30_E	104
+Taxa_12	Sample_30_E	100
+Taxa_13	Sample_30_E	102
+Taxa_14	Sample_30_E	101
+Taxa_15	Sample_30_E	102
+Taxa_16	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_18	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_19	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_20	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_21	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_22	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_23	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_24	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_25	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_26	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_27	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_28	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_29	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_30	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_31	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_32	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_33	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_34	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_35	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_36	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_37	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_38	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_40	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_41	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_42	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_43	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_44	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_45	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_46	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_47	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_48	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_49	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_50	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_51	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_52	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_53	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_54	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_55	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_56	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_57	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_58	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_59	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_60	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_61	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_62	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_63	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_64	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_65	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_66	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_67	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_68	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_69	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_70	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_71	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_72	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_73	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_74	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_75	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_76	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_77	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_78	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_79	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_80	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_81	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_82	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_83	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_84	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_85	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_87	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_88	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_89	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_90	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_91	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_92	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_93	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_95	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_96	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_97	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_98	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_99	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_100	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_101	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_102	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_103	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_104	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_105	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_106	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_107	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_108	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_109	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_110	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_111	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_112	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_113	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_114	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_115	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_116	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_117	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_118	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_119	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_120	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_121	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_122	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_123	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_124	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_125	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_126	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_127	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_129	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_130	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_131	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_132	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_133	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_136	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_137	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_138	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_139	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_140	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_141	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_142	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_143	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_144	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_145	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_146	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_147	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_149	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_150	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_151	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_152	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_153	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_154	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_155	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_156	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_157	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_158	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_159	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_160	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_161	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_162	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_164	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_165	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_166	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_168	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_169	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_170	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_171	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_172	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_173	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_174	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_175	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_176	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_177	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_178	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_179	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_181	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_183	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_184	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_185	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_186	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_187	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_188	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_189	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_190	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_191	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_192	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_193	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_194	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_195	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_196	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_198	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_199	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_200	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_202	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_203	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_204	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_205	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_206	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_207	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_208	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_209	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_210	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_211	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_212	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_213	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_214	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_215	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_216	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_217	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_218	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_219	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_220	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_221	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_222	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_223	Sample_30_E	0
+Taxa_0	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_1	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_2	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_3	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_4	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_5	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_6	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_7	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_8	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_9	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_10	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_11	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_12	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_13	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_14	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_15	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_16	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_18	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_19	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_20	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_21	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_22	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_23	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_24	Sample_31_E	103
+Taxa_25	Sample_31_E	100
+Taxa_26	Sample_31_E	104
+Taxa_27	Sample_31_E	101
+Taxa_28	Sample_31_E	104
+Taxa_29	Sample_31_E	104
+Taxa_30	Sample_31_E	105
+Taxa_31	Sample_31_E	104
+Taxa_32	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_33	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_34	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_35	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_36	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_37	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_38	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_40	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_41	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_42	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_43	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_44	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_45	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_46	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_47	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_48	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_49	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_50	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_51	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_52	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_53	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_54	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_55	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_56	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_57	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_58	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_59	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_60	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_61	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_62	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_63	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_64	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_65	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_66	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_67	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_68	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_69	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_70	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_71	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_72	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_73	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_74	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_75	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_76	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_77	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_78	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_79	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_80	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_81	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_82	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_83	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_84	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_85	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_87	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_88	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_89	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_90	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_91	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_92	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_93	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_95	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_96	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_97	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_98	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_99	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_100	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_101	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_102	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_103	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_104	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_105	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_106	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_107	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_108	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_109	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_110	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_111	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_112	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_113	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_114	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_115	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_116	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_117	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_118	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_119	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_120	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_121	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_122	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_123	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_124	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_125	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_126	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_127	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_129	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_130	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_131	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_132	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_133	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_136	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_137	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_138	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_139	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_140	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_141	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_142	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_143	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_144	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_145	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_146	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_147	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_149	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_150	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_151	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_152	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_153	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_154	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_155	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_156	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_157	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_158	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_159	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_160	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_161	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_162	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_164	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_165	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_166	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_168	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_169	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_170	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_171	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_172	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_173	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_174	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_175	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_176	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_177	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_178	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_179	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_181	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_183	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_184	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_185	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_186	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_187	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_188	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_189	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_190	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_191	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_192	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_193	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_194	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_195	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_196	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_198	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_199	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_200	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_202	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_203	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_204	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_205	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_206	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_207	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_208	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_209	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_210	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_211	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_212	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_213	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_214	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_215	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_216	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_217	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_218	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_219	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_220	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_221	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_222	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_223	Sample_31_E	0
+Taxa_0	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_1	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_2	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_3	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_4	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_5	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_6	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_7	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_8	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_9	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_10	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_11	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_12	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_13	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_14	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_15	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_16	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_18	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_19	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_20	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_21	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_22	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_23	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_24	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_25	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_26	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_27	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_28	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_29	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_30	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_31	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_32	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_33	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_34	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_35	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_36	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_37	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_38	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_40	Sample_32_E	101
+Taxa_41	Sample_32_E	104
+Taxa_42	Sample_32_E	102
+Taxa_43	Sample_32_E	105
+Taxa_44	Sample_32_E	102
+Taxa_45	Sample_32_E	103
+Taxa_46	Sample_32_E	102
+Taxa_47	Sample_32_E	102
+Taxa_48	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_49	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_50	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_51	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_52	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_53	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_54	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_55	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_56	Sample_32_E	0
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+Taxa_61	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_62	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_63	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_64	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_65	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_66	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_67	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_68	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_69	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_70	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_71	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_72	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_73	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_74	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_75	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_76	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_77	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_78	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_79	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_80	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_81	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_82	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_83	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_84	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_85	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_87	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_88	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_89	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_90	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_91	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_92	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_93	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_95	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_96	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_97	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_98	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_99	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_100	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_101	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_102	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_103	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_104	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_105	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_106	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_107	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_108	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_109	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_110	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_111	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_112	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_113	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_114	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_115	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_116	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_117	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_118	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_119	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_120	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_121	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_122	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_123	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_124	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_125	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_126	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_127	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_129	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_130	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_131	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_132	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_133	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_136	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_137	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_138	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_139	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_140	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_141	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_142	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_143	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_144	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_145	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_146	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_147	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_149	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_150	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_151	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_152	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_153	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_154	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_155	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_156	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_157	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_158	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_159	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_160	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_161	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_162	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_164	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_165	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_166	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_168	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_169	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_170	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_171	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_172	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_173	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_174	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_175	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_176	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_177	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_178	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_179	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_181	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_183	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_184	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_185	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_186	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_187	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_188	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_189	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_190	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_191	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_192	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_193	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_194	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_195	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_196	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_198	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_199	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_200	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_202	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_203	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_204	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_205	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_206	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_207	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_208	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_209	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_210	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_211	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_212	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_213	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_214	Sample_32_E	0
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+Taxa_216	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_217	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_218	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_219	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_220	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_221	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_222	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_223	Sample_32_E	0
+Taxa_0	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_1	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_2	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_3	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_4	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_5	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_6	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_7	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_8	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_9	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_10	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_11	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_12	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_13	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_14	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_15	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_16	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_18	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_19	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_20	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_21	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_22	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_23	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_24	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_25	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_26	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_27	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_28	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_29	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_30	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_31	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_32	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_33	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_34	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_35	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_36	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_37	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_38	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_40	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_41	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_42	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_43	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_44	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_45	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_46	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_47	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_48	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_49	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_50	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_51	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_52	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_53	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_54	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_55	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_56	Sample_33_E	102
+Taxa_57	Sample_33_E	100
+Taxa_58	Sample_33_E	103
+Taxa_59	Sample_33_E	104
+Taxa_60	Sample_33_E	100
+Taxa_61	Sample_33_E	102
+Taxa_62	Sample_33_E	102
+Taxa_63	Sample_33_E	104
+Taxa_64	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_65	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_66	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_67	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_68	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_69	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_70	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_71	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_72	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_73	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_74	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_75	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_76	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_77	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_78	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_79	Sample_33_E	0
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+Taxa_82	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_83	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_84	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_85	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_87	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_88	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_89	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_90	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_91	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_92	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_93	Sample_33_E	0
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+Taxa_98	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_99	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_100	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_101	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_102	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_103	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_104	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_105	Sample_33_E	0
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+Taxa_107	Sample_33_E	0
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+Taxa_121	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_122	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_123	Sample_33_E	0
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+Taxa_125	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_126	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_127	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_129	Sample_33_E	0
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+Taxa_132	Sample_33_E	0
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+Taxa_136	Sample_33_E	0
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+Taxa_138	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_139	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_140	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_141	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_142	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_143	Sample_33_E	0
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+Taxa_145	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_146	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_147	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_149	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_150	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_151	Sample_33_E	0
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+Taxa_153	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_154	Sample_33_E	0
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+Taxa_156	Sample_33_E	0
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+Taxa_170	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_171	Sample_33_E	0
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+Taxa_222	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_223	Sample_33_E	0
+Taxa_0	Sample_34_E	0
+Taxa_1	Sample_34_E	0
+Taxa_2	Sample_34_E	0
+Taxa_3	Sample_34_E	0
+Taxa_4	Sample_34_E	0
+Taxa_5	Sample_34_E	0
+Taxa_6	Sample_34_E	0
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+Taxa_11	Sample_34_E	0
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+Taxa_14	Sample_34_E	0
+Taxa_15	Sample_34_E	0
+Taxa_16	Sample_34_E	0
+Taxa_18	Sample_34_E	0
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+Taxa_20	Sample_34_E	0
+Taxa_21	Sample_34_E	0
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+Taxa_34	Sample_34_E	0
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+Taxa_67	Sample_34_E	0
+Taxa_68	Sample_34_E	0
+Taxa_69	Sample_34_E	0
+Taxa_70	Sample_34_E	0
+Taxa_71	Sample_34_E	0
+Taxa_72	Sample_34_E	105
+Taxa_73	Sample_34_E	101
+Taxa_74	Sample_34_E	104
+Taxa_75	Sample_34_E	103
+Taxa_76	Sample_34_E	104
+Taxa_77	Sample_34_E	101
+Taxa_78	Sample_34_E	104
+Taxa_79	Sample_34_E	102
+Taxa_80	Sample_34_E	0
+Taxa_81	Sample_34_E	0
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+Taxa_100	Sample_34_E	0
+Taxa_101	Sample_34_E	0
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+Taxa_150	Sample_34_E	0
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+Taxa_170	Sample_34_E	0
+Taxa_171	Sample_34_E	0
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+Taxa_179	Sample_34_E	0
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+Taxa_198	Sample_34_E	0
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+Taxa_200	Sample_34_E	0
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+Taxa_223	Sample_34_E	0
+Taxa_0	Sample_35_E	0
+Taxa_1	Sample_35_E	0
+Taxa_2	Sample_35_E	0
+Taxa_3	Sample_35_E	0
+Taxa_4	Sample_35_E	0
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+Taxa_6	Sample_35_E	0
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+Taxa_9	Sample_35_E	0
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+Taxa_69	Sample_35_E	0
+Taxa_70	Sample_35_E	0
+Taxa_71	Sample_35_E	0
+Taxa_72	Sample_35_E	0
+Taxa_73	Sample_35_E	0
+Taxa_74	Sample_35_E	0
+Taxa_75	Sample_35_E	0
+Taxa_76	Sample_35_E	0
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+Taxa_84	Sample_35_E	0
+Taxa_85	Sample_35_E	0
+Taxa_87	Sample_35_E	0
+Taxa_88	Sample_35_E	101
+Taxa_89	Sample_35_E	101
+Taxa_90	Sample_35_E	101
+Taxa_91	Sample_35_E	103
+Taxa_92	Sample_35_E	103
+Taxa_93	Sample_35_E	103
+Taxa_95	Sample_35_E	100
+Taxa_96	Sample_35_E	0
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+Taxa_100	Sample_35_E	0
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+Taxa_212	Sample_35_E	0
+Taxa_213	Sample_35_E	0
+Taxa_214	Sample_35_E	0
+Taxa_215	Sample_35_E	0
+Taxa_216	Sample_35_E	0
+Taxa_217	Sample_35_E	0
+Taxa_218	Sample_35_E	0
+Taxa_219	Sample_35_E	0
+Taxa_220	Sample_35_E	0
+Taxa_221	Sample_35_E	0
+Taxa_222	Sample_35_E	0
+Taxa_223	Sample_35_E	0
+Taxa_0	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_1	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_2	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_3	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_4	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_5	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_6	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_7	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_8	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_9	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_10	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_11	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_12	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_13	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_14	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_15	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_16	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_18	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_19	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_20	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_21	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_22	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_23	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_24	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_25	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_26	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_27	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_28	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_29	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_30	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_31	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_32	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_33	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_34	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_35	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_36	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_37	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_38	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_40	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_41	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_42	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_43	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_44	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_45	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_46	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_47	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_48	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_49	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_50	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_51	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_52	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_53	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_54	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_55	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_56	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_57	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_58	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_59	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_60	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_61	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_62	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_63	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_64	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_65	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_66	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_67	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_68	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_69	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_70	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_71	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_72	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_73	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_74	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_75	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_76	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_77	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_78	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_79	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_80	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_81	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_82	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_83	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_84	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_85	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_87	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_88	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_89	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_90	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_91	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_92	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_93	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_95	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_96	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_97	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_98	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_99	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_100	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_101	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_102	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_103	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_104	Sample_36_E	104
+Taxa_105	Sample_36_E	102
+Taxa_106	Sample_36_E	103
+Taxa_107	Sample_36_E	102
+Taxa_108	Sample_36_E	102
+Taxa_109	Sample_36_E	104
+Taxa_110	Sample_36_E	103
+Taxa_111	Sample_36_E	100
+Taxa_112	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_113	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_114	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_115	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_116	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_117	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_118	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_119	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_120	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_121	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_122	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_123	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_124	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_125	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_126	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_127	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_129	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_130	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_131	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_132	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_133	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_136	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_137	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_138	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_139	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_140	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_141	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_142	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_143	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_144	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_145	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_146	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_147	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_149	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_150	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_151	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_152	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_153	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_154	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_155	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_156	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_157	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_158	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_159	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_160	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_161	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_162	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_164	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_165	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_166	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_168	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_169	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_170	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_171	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_172	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_173	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_174	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_175	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_176	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_177	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_178	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_179	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_181	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_183	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_184	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_185	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_186	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_187	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_188	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_189	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_190	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_191	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_192	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_193	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_194	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_195	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_196	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_198	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_199	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_200	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_202	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_203	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_204	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_205	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_206	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_207	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_208	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_209	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_210	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_211	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_212	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_213	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_214	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_215	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_216	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_217	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_218	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_219	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_220	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_221	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_222	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_223	Sample_36_E	0
+Taxa_0	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_1	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_2	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_3	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_4	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_5	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_6	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_7	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_8	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_9	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_10	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_11	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_12	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_13	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_14	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_15	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_16	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_18	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_19	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_20	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_21	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_22	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_23	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_24	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_25	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_26	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_27	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_28	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_29	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_30	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_31	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_32	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_33	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_34	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_35	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_36	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_37	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_38	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_40	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_41	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_42	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_43	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_44	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_45	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_46	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_47	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_48	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_49	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_50	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_51	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_52	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_53	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_54	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_55	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_56	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_57	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_58	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_59	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_60	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_61	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_62	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_63	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_64	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_65	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_66	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_67	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_68	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_69	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_70	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_71	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_72	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_73	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_74	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_75	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_76	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_77	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_78	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_79	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_80	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_81	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_82	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_83	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_84	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_85	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_87	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_88	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_89	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_90	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_91	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_92	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_93	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_95	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_96	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_97	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_98	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_99	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_100	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_101	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_102	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_103	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_104	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_105	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_106	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_107	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_108	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_109	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_110	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_111	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_112	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_113	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_114	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_115	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_116	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_117	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_118	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_119	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_120	Sample_37_E	102
+Taxa_121	Sample_37_E	103
+Taxa_122	Sample_37_E	100
+Taxa_123	Sample_37_E	104
+Taxa_124	Sample_37_E	101
+Taxa_125	Sample_37_E	101
+Taxa_126	Sample_37_E	102
+Taxa_127	Sample_37_E	105
+Taxa_129	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_130	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_131	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_132	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_133	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_136	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_137	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_138	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_139	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_140	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_141	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_142	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_143	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_144	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_145	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_146	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_147	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_149	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_150	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_151	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_152	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_153	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_154	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_155	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_156	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_157	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_158	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_159	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_160	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_161	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_162	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_164	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_165	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_166	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_168	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_169	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_170	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_171	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_172	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_173	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_174	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_175	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_176	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_177	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_178	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_179	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_181	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_183	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_184	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_185	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_186	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_187	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_188	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_189	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_190	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_191	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_192	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_193	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_194	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_195	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_196	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_198	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_199	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_200	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_202	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_203	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_204	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_205	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_206	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_207	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_208	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_209	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_210	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_211	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_212	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_213	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_214	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_215	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_216	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_217	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_218	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_219	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_220	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_221	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_222	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_223	Sample_37_E	0
+Taxa_0	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_1	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_2	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_3	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_4	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_5	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_6	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_7	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_8	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_9	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_10	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_11	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_12	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_13	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_14	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_15	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_16	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_18	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_19	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_20	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_21	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_22	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_23	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_24	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_25	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_26	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_27	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_28	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_29	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_30	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_31	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_32	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_33	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_34	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_35	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_36	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_37	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_38	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_40	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_41	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_42	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_43	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_44	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_45	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_46	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_47	Sample_38_E	0
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+Taxa_49	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_50	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_51	Sample_38_E	0
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+Taxa_53	Sample_38_E	0
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+Taxa_62	Sample_38_E	0
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+Taxa_66	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_67	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_68	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_69	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_70	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_71	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_72	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_73	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_74	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_75	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_76	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_77	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_78	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_79	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_80	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_81	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_82	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_83	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_84	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_85	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_87	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_88	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_89	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_90	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_91	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_92	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_93	Sample_38_E	0
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+Taxa_96	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_97	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_98	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_99	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_100	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_101	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_102	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_103	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_104	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_105	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_106	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_107	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_108	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_109	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_110	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_111	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_112	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_113	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_114	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_115	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_116	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_117	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_118	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_119	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_120	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_121	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_122	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_123	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_124	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_125	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_126	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_127	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_129	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_130	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_131	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_132	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_133	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_136	Sample_38_E	104
+Taxa_137	Sample_38_E	105
+Taxa_138	Sample_38_E	102
+Taxa_139	Sample_38_E	102
+Taxa_140	Sample_38_E	101
+Taxa_141	Sample_38_E	102
+Taxa_142	Sample_38_E	102
+Taxa_143	Sample_38_E	102
+Taxa_144	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_145	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_146	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_147	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_149	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_150	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_151	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_152	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_153	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_154	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_155	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_156	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_157	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_158	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_159	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_160	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_161	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_162	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_164	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_165	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_166	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_168	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_169	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_170	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_171	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_172	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_173	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_174	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_175	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_176	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_177	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_178	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_179	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_181	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_183	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_184	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_185	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_186	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_187	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_188	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_189	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_190	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_191	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_192	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_193	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_194	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_195	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_196	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_198	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_199	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_200	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_202	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_203	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_204	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_205	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_206	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_207	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_208	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_209	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_210	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_211	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_212	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_213	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_214	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_215	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_216	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_217	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_218	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_219	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_220	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_221	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_222	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_223	Sample_38_E	0
+Taxa_0	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_1	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_2	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_3	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_4	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_5	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_6	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_7	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_8	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_9	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_10	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_11	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_12	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_13	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_14	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_15	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_16	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_18	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_19	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_20	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_21	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_22	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_23	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_24	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_25	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_26	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_27	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_28	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_29	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_30	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_31	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_32	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_33	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_34	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_35	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_36	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_37	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_38	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_40	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_41	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_42	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_43	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_44	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_45	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_46	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_47	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_48	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_49	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_50	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_51	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_52	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_53	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_54	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_55	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_56	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_57	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_58	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_59	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_60	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_61	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_62	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_63	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_64	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_65	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_66	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_67	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_68	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_69	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_70	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_71	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_72	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_73	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_74	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_75	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_76	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_77	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_78	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_79	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_80	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_81	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_82	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_83	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_84	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_85	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_87	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_88	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_89	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_90	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_91	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_92	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_93	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_95	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_96	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_97	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_98	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_99	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_100	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_101	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_102	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_103	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_104	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_105	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_106	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_107	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_108	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_109	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_110	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_111	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_112	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_113	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_114	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_115	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_116	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_117	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_118	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_119	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_120	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_121	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_122	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_123	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_124	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_125	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_126	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_127	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_129	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_130	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_131	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_132	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_133	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_136	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_137	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_138	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_139	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_140	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_141	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_142	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_143	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_144	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_145	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_146	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_147	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_149	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_150	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_151	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_152	Sample_39_E	102
+Taxa_153	Sample_39_E	104
+Taxa_154	Sample_39_E	104
+Taxa_155	Sample_39_E	104
+Taxa_156	Sample_39_E	103
+Taxa_157	Sample_39_E	103
+Taxa_158	Sample_39_E	105
+Taxa_159	Sample_39_E	104
+Taxa_160	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_161	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_162	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_164	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_165	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_166	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_168	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_169	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_170	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_171	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_172	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_173	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_174	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_175	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_176	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_177	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_178	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_179	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_181	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_183	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_184	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_185	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_186	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_187	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_188	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_189	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_190	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_191	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_192	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_193	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_194	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_195	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_196	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_198	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_199	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_200	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_202	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_203	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_204	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_205	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_206	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_207	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_208	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_209	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_210	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_211	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_212	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_213	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_214	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_215	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_216	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_217	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_218	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_219	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_220	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_221	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_222	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_223	Sample_39_E	0
+Taxa_0	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_1	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_2	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_3	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_4	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_5	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_6	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_7	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_8	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_9	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_10	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_11	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_12	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_13	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_14	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_15	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_16	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_18	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_19	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_20	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_21	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_22	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_23	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_24	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_25	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_26	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_27	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_28	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_29	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_30	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_31	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_32	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_33	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_34	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_35	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_36	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_37	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_38	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_40	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_41	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_42	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_43	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_44	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_45	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_46	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_47	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_48	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_49	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_50	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_51	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_52	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_53	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_54	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_55	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_56	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_57	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_58	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_59	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_60	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_61	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_62	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_63	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_64	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_65	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_66	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_67	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_68	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_69	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_70	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_71	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_72	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_73	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_74	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_75	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_76	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_77	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_78	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_79	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_80	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_81	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_82	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_83	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_84	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_85	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_87	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_88	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_89	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_90	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_91	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_92	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_93	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_95	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_96	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_97	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_98	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_99	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_100	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_101	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_102	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_103	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_104	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_105	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_106	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_107	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_108	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_109	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_110	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_111	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_112	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_113	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_114	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_115	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_116	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_117	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_118	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_119	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_120	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_121	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_122	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_123	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_124	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_125	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_126	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_127	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_129	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_130	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_131	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_132	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_133	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_136	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_137	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_138	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_139	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_140	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_141	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_142	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_143	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_144	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_145	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_146	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_147	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_149	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_150	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_151	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_152	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_153	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_154	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_155	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_156	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_157	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_158	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_159	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_160	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_161	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_162	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_164	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_165	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_166	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_168	Sample_40_E	101
+Taxa_169	Sample_40_E	101
+Taxa_170	Sample_40_E	102
+Taxa_171	Sample_40_E	103
+Taxa_172	Sample_40_E	100
+Taxa_173	Sample_40_E	102
+Taxa_174	Sample_40_E	101
+Taxa_175	Sample_40_E	103
+Taxa_176	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_177	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_178	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_179	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_181	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_183	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_184	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_185	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_186	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_187	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_188	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_189	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_190	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_191	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_192	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_193	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_194	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_195	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_196	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_198	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_199	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_200	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_202	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_203	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_204	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_205	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_206	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_207	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_208	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_209	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_210	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_211	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_212	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_213	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_214	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_215	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_216	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_217	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_218	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_219	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_220	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_221	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_222	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_223	Sample_40_E	0
+Taxa_0	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_1	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_2	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_3	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_4	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_5	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_6	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_7	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_8	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_9	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_10	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_11	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_12	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_13	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_14	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_15	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_16	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_18	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_19	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_20	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_21	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_22	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_23	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_24	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_25	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_26	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_27	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_28	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_29	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_30	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_31	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_32	Sample_41_E	0
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+Taxa_37	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_38	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_40	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_41	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_42	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_43	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_44	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_45	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_46	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_47	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_48	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_49	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_50	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_51	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_52	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_53	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_54	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_55	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_56	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_57	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_58	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_59	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_60	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_61	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_62	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_63	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_64	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_65	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_66	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_67	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_68	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_69	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_70	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_71	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_72	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_73	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_74	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_75	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_76	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_77	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_78	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_79	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_80	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_81	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_82	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_83	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_84	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_85	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_87	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_88	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_89	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_90	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_91	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_92	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_93	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_95	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_96	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_97	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_98	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_99	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_100	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_101	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_102	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_103	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_104	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_105	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_106	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_107	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_108	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_109	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_110	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_111	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_112	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_113	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_114	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_115	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_116	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_117	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_118	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_119	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_120	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_121	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_122	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_123	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_124	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_125	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_126	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_127	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_129	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_130	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_131	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_132	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_133	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_136	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_137	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_138	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_139	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_140	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_141	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_142	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_143	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_144	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_145	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_146	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_147	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_149	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_150	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_151	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_152	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_153	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_154	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_155	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_156	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_157	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_158	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_159	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_160	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_161	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_162	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_164	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_165	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_166	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_168	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_169	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_170	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_171	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_172	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_173	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_174	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_175	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_176	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_177	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_178	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_179	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_181	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_183	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_184	Sample_41_E	103
+Taxa_185	Sample_41_E	105
+Taxa_186	Sample_41_E	100
+Taxa_187	Sample_41_E	104
+Taxa_188	Sample_41_E	101
+Taxa_189	Sample_41_E	103
+Taxa_190	Sample_41_E	105
+Taxa_191	Sample_41_E	103
+Taxa_192	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_193	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_194	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_195	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_196	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_198	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_199	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_200	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_202	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_203	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_204	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_205	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_206	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_207	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_208	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_209	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_210	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_211	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_212	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_213	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_214	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_215	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_216	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_217	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_218	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_219	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_220	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_221	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_222	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_223	Sample_41_E	0
+Taxa_0	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_1	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_2	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_3	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_4	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_5	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_6	Sample_42_E	0
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+Taxa_9	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_10	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_11	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_12	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_13	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_14	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_15	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_16	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_18	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_19	Sample_42_E	0
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+Taxa_41	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_42	Sample_42_E	0
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+Taxa_65	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_66	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_67	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_68	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_69	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_70	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_71	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_72	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_73	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_74	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_75	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_76	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_77	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_78	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_79	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_80	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_81	Sample_42_E	0
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+Taxa_83	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_84	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_85	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_87	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_88	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_89	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_90	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_91	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_92	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_93	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_95	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_96	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_97	Sample_42_E	0
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+Taxa_99	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_100	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_101	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_102	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_103	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_104	Sample_42_E	0
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+Taxa_109	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_110	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_111	Sample_42_E	0
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+Taxa_113	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_114	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_115	Sample_42_E	0
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+Taxa_123	Sample_42_E	0
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+Taxa_125	Sample_42_E	0
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+Taxa_127	Sample_42_E	0
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+Taxa_136	Sample_42_E	0
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+Taxa_139	Sample_42_E	0
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+Taxa_141	Sample_42_E	0
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+Taxa_150	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_151	Sample_42_E	0
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+Taxa_157	Sample_42_E	0
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+Taxa_159	Sample_42_E	0
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+Taxa_170	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_171	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_172	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_173	Sample_42_E	0
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+Taxa_175	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_176	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_177	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_178	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_179	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_181	Sample_42_E	0
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+Taxa_187	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_188	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_189	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_190	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_191	Sample_42_E	0
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+Taxa_193	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_194	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_195	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_196	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_198	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_199	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_200	Sample_42_E	104
+Taxa_202	Sample_42_E	102
+Taxa_203	Sample_42_E	103
+Taxa_204	Sample_42_E	102
+Taxa_205	Sample_42_E	102
+Taxa_206	Sample_42_E	102
+Taxa_207	Sample_42_E	103
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+Taxa_209	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_210	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_211	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_212	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_213	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_214	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_215	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_216	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_217	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_218	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_219	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_220	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_221	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_222	Sample_42_E	0
+Taxa_223	Sample_42_E	0
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+Taxa_1	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_2	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_3	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_4	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_5	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_6	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_7	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_8	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_9	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_10	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_11	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_12	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_13	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_14	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_15	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_16	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_18	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_19	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_20	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_21	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_22	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_23	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_24	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_25	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_26	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_27	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_28	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_29	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_30	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_31	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_32	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_33	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_34	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_35	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_36	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_37	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_38	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_40	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_41	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_42	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_43	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_44	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_45	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_46	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_47	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_48	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_49	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_50	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_51	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_52	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_53	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_54	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_55	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_56	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_57	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_58	Sample_43_E	0
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+Taxa_60	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_61	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_62	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_63	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_64	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_65	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_66	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_67	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_68	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_69	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_70	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_71	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_72	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_73	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_74	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_75	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_76	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_77	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_78	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_79	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_80	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_81	Sample_43_E	0
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+Taxa_83	Sample_43_E	0
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+Taxa_85	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_87	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_88	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_89	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_90	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_91	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_92	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_93	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_95	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_96	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_97	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_98	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_99	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_100	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_101	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_102	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_103	Sample_43_E	0
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+Taxa_111	Sample_43_E	0
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+Taxa_113	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_114	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_115	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_116	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_117	Sample_43_E	0
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+Taxa_119	Sample_43_E	0
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+Taxa_123	Sample_43_E	0
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+Taxa_150	Sample_43_E	0
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+Taxa_156	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_157	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_158	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_159	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_160	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_161	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_162	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_164	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_165	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_166	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_168	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_169	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_170	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_171	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_172	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_173	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_174	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_175	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_176	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_177	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_178	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_179	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_181	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_183	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_184	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_185	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_186	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_187	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_188	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_189	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_190	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_191	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_192	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_193	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_194	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_195	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_196	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_198	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_199	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_200	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_202	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_203	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_204	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_205	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_206	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_207	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_208	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_209	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_210	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_211	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_212	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_213	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_214	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_215	Sample_43_E	0
+Taxa_216	Sample_43_E	103
+Taxa_217	Sample_43_E	102
+Taxa_218	Sample_43_E	103
+Taxa_219	Sample_43_E	103
+Taxa_220	Sample_43_E	104
+Taxa_221	Sample_43_E	102
+Taxa_222	Sample_43_E	102
+Taxa_223	Sample_43_E	103
+Taxa_0	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_1	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_2	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_3	Sample_44_T	51
+Taxa_4	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_5	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_6	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_7	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_8	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_9	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_10	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_11	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_12	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_13	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_14	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_15	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_16	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_18	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_19	Sample_44_T	51
+Taxa_20	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_21	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_22	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_23	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_24	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_25	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_26	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_27	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_28	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_29	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_30	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_31	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_32	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_33	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_34	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_35	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_36	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_37	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_38	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_40	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_41	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_42	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_43	Sample_44_T	51
+Taxa_44	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_45	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_46	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_47	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_48	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_49	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_50	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_51	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_52	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_53	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_54	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_55	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_56	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_57	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_58	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_59	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_60	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_61	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_62	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_63	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_64	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_65	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_66	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_67	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_68	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_69	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_70	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_71	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_72	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_73	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_74	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_75	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_76	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_77	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_78	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_79	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_80	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_81	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_82	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_83	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_84	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_85	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_87	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_88	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_89	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_90	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_91	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_92	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_93	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_95	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_96	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_97	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_98	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_99	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_100	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_101	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_102	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_103	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_104	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_105	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_106	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_107	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_108	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_109	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_110	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_111	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_112	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_113	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_114	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_115	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_116	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_117	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_118	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_119	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_120	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_121	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_122	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_123	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_124	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_125	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_126	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_127	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_129	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_130	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_131	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_132	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_133	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_136	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_137	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_138	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_139	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_140	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_141	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_142	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_143	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_144	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_145	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_146	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_147	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_149	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_150	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_151	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_152	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_153	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_154	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_155	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_156	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_157	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_158	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_159	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_160	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_161	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_162	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_164	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_165	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_166	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_168	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_169	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_170	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_171	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_172	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_173	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_174	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_175	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_176	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_177	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_178	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_179	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_181	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_183	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_184	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_185	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_186	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_187	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_188	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_189	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_190	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_191	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_192	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_193	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_194	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_195	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_196	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_198	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_199	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_200	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_202	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_203	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_204	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_205	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_206	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_207	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_208	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_209	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_210	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_211	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_212	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_213	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_214	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_215	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_216	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_217	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_218	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_219	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_220	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_221	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_222	Sample_44_T	0
+Taxa_223	Sample_44_T	0
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+Taxa_2	Sample_45_T	0
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+Taxa_5	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_6	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_7	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_8	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_9	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_10	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_11	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_12	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_13	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_14	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_15	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_16	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_18	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_19	Sample_45_T	52
+Taxa_20	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_21	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_22	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_23	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_24	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_25	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_26	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_27	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_28	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_29	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_30	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_31	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_32	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_33	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_34	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_35	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_36	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_37	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_38	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_40	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_41	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_42	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_43	Sample_45_T	53
+Taxa_44	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_45	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_46	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_47	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_48	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_49	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_50	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_51	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_52	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_53	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_54	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_55	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_56	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_57	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_58	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_59	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_60	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_61	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_62	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_63	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_64	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_65	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_66	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_67	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_68	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_69	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_70	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_71	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_72	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_73	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_74	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_75	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_76	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_77	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_78	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_79	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_80	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_81	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_82	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_83	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_84	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_85	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_87	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_88	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_89	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_90	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_91	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_92	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_93	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_95	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_96	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_97	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_98	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_99	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_100	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_101	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_102	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_103	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_104	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_105	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_106	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_107	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_108	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_109	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_110	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_111	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_112	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_113	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_114	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_115	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_116	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_117	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_118	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_119	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_120	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_121	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_122	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_123	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_124	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_125	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_126	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_127	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_129	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_130	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_131	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_132	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_133	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_136	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_137	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_138	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_139	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_140	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_141	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_142	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_143	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_144	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_145	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_146	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_147	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_149	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_150	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_151	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_152	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_153	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_154	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_155	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_156	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_157	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_158	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_159	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_160	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_161	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_162	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_164	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_165	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_166	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_168	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_169	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_170	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_171	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_172	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_173	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_174	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_175	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_176	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_177	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_178	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_179	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_181	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_183	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_184	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_185	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_186	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_187	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_188	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_189	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_190	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_191	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_192	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_193	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_194	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_195	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_196	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_198	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_199	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_200	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_202	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_203	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_204	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_205	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_206	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_207	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_208	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_209	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_210	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_211	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_212	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_213	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_214	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_215	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_216	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_217	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_218	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_219	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_220	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_221	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_222	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_223	Sample_45_T	0
+Taxa_0	Sample_46_T	0
+Taxa_1	Sample_46_T	0
+Taxa_2	Sample_46_T	0
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+Taxa_5	Sample_46_T	0
+Taxa_6	Sample_46_T	0
+Taxa_7	Sample_46_T	0
+Taxa_8	Sample_46_T	0
+Taxa_9	Sample_46_T	0
+Taxa_10	Sample_46_T	0
+Taxa_11	Sample_46_T	0
+Taxa_12	Sample_46_T	0
+Taxa_13	Sample_46_T	0
+Taxa_14	Sample_46_T	0
+Taxa_15	Sample_46_T	0
+Taxa_16	Sample_46_T	0
+Taxa_18	Sample_46_T	0
+Taxa_19	Sample_46_T	52
+Taxa_20	Sample_46_T	0
+Taxa_21	Sample_46_T	0
+Taxa_22	Sample_46_T	0
+Taxa_23	Sample_46_T	0
+Taxa_24	Sample_46_T	0
+Taxa_25	Sample_46_T	0
+Taxa_26	Sample_46_T	0
+Taxa_27	Sample_46_T	0
+Taxa_28	Sample_46_T	0
+Taxa_29	Sample_46_T	0
+Taxa_30	Sample_46_T	0
+Taxa_31	Sample_46_T	0
+Taxa_32	Sample_46_T	0
+Taxa_33	Sample_46_T	0
+Taxa_34	Sample_46_T	0
+Taxa_35	Sample_46_T	0
+Taxa_36	Sample_46_T	0
+Taxa_37	Sample_46_T	0
+Taxa_38	Sample_46_T	0
+Taxa_40	Sample_46_T	0
+Taxa_41	Sample_46_T	0
+Taxa_42	Sample_46_T	0
+Taxa_43	Sample_46_T	52
+Taxa_44	Sample_46_T	0
+Taxa_45	Sample_46_T	0
+Taxa_46	Sample_46_T	0
+Taxa_47	Sample_46_T	0
+Taxa_48	Sample_46_T	0
+Taxa_49	Sample_46_T	0
+Taxa_50	Sample_46_T	0
+Taxa_51	Sample_46_T	0
+Taxa_52	Sample_46_T	0
+Taxa_53	Sample_46_T	0
+Taxa_54	Sample_46_T	0
+Taxa_55	Sample_46_T	0
+Taxa_56	Sample_46_T	0
+Taxa_57	Sample_46_T	0
+Taxa_58	Sample_46_T	0
+Taxa_59	Sample_46_T	0
+Taxa_60	Sample_46_T	0
+Taxa_61	Sample_46_T	0
+Taxa_62	Sample_46_T	0
+Taxa_63	Sample_46_T	0
+Taxa_64	Sample_46_T	0
+Taxa_65	Sample_46_T	0
+Taxa_66	Sample_46_T	0
+Taxa_67	Sample_46_T	0
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+Taxa_0	Sample_47_T	0
+Taxa_1	Sample_47_T	0
+Taxa_2	Sample_47_T	0
+Taxa_3	Sample_47_T	53
+Taxa_4	Sample_47_T	0
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+Taxa_19	Sample_47_T	50
+Taxa_20	Sample_47_T	0
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+Taxa_43	Sample_47_T	51
+Taxa_44	Sample_47_T	0
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+Taxa_150	Sample_47_T	0
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+Taxa_220	Sample_47_T	0
+Taxa_221	Sample_47_T	0
+Taxa_222	Sample_47_T	0
+Taxa_223	Sample_47_T	0
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/input/Test.biom	Tue May 13 21:58:57 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+{"id": "None","format": "Biological Observation Matrix 1.0.0","format_url": "","type": "OTU table","generated_by": "BreadCrumbs","date": "2013-10-07T16:48:52.647220","matrix_type": "sparse","matrix_element_type": "float","shape": [224, 48],"data": [[0,1,0.13263911008834839],[0,2,51.672050476074219],[0,6,51.744468688964844],[0,12,51.208335876464844],[0,13,52.149501800537109],[0,15,54.280982971191406],[0,16,51.682929992675781],[0,18,0.31236764788627625],[0,24,0.21669530868530273],[0,26,0.2411828488111496],[0,33,0.31222966313362122],[0,47,0.17723028361797333],[1,0,54.099388122558594],[1,2,0.44196206331253052],[1,6,50.664783477783203],[1,7,53.447223663330078],[1,8,50.581748962402344],[1,10,53.541297912597656],[1,16,54.532711029052734],[1,28,0.30667436122894287],[1,30,0.4312838613986969],[1,32,0.37312093377113342],[1,45,0.12748651206493378],[2,0,51.461025238037109],[2,5,53.026569366455078],[2,10,54.047443389892578],[2,12,52.526435852050781],[2,16,54.940284729003906],[2,32,0.42233455181121826],[2,37,0.460744708776474],[2,39,0.34424543380737305],[3,16,53.750659942626953],[3,18,0.41481569409370422],[3,22,0.26857671141624451],[3,28,0.36630621552467346],[3,44,50.526988983154297],[3,45,51.854343414306641],[3,46,53.768180847167969],[3,47,52.634426116943359],[4,0,50.240570068359375],[4,1,51.777767181396484],[4,3,54.845878601074219],[4,11,53.880828857421875],[4,16,50.028224945068359],[4,20,0.098072387278079987],[4,22,0.38868135213851929],[4,28,0.4286598265171051],[4,32,0.47316429018974304],[4,37,0.15683920681476593],[5,5,51.951015472412109],[5,6,0.22961589694023132],[5,7,52.969863891601562],[5,11,52.197437286376953],[5,14,0.22526906430721283],[5,16,53.653339385986328],[5,25,0.39630568027496338],[5,28,0.06783304363489151],[6,5,54.567390441894531],[6,10,51.190956115722656],[6,11,0.25222322344779968],[6,13,52.400714874267578],[6,14,54.537200927734375],[6,16,51.323921203613281],[6,29,0.17403842508792877],[6,41,0.052579630166292191],[7,2,54.889991760253906],[7,3,50.592502593994141],[7,7,54.676334381103516],[7,8,0.11892234534025192],[7,9,50.23931884765625],[7,16,54.696922302246094],[7,19,0.26401954889297485],[7,25,0.093931779265403748],[7,29,0.0068426746875047684],[7,33,0.18845303356647491],[8,0,50.167209625244141],[8,2,52.330379486083984],[8,7,0.26085031032562256],[8,8,51.234970092773438],[8,9,53.837917327880859],[8,16,50.158138275146484],[8,17,0.00067086971830576658],[8,30,102.35082244873047],[8,37,0.25920611619949341],[8,38,0.27336984872817993],[9,2,54.295417785644531],[9,3,0.39004826545715332],[9,4,53.497718811035156],[9,6,52.853614807128906],[9,13,53.070518493652344],[9,14,53.997322082519531],[9,15,52.567996978759766],[9,16,52.433670043945312],[9,18,0.44207152724266052],[9,26,0.20625883340835571],[9,28,0.22174246609210968],[9,30,102.36073303222656],[10,1,52.030044555664062],[10,4,50.834751129150391],[10,6,54.687831878662109],[10,8,52.774848937988281],[10,10,0.17284990847110748],[10,13,0.34940233826637268],[10,15,53.292324066162109],[10,16,52.094409942626953],[10,30,103.40880584716797],[10,39,0.2798474133014679],[11,5,50.226642608642578],[11,10,54.800552368164062],[11,13,0.26145485043525696],[11,14,54.634014129638672],[11,16,53.305400848388672],[11,30,104.29749298095703],[11,31,0.41477712988853455],[11,43,0.2095019668340683],[11,44,0.2636646032333374],[11,46,0.14962244033813477],[12,1,51.245124816894531],[12,4,52.189498901367188],[12,8,0.14854021370410919],[12,11,51.457836151123047],[12,15,53.714405059814453],[12,16,52.488780975341797],[12,18,0.49128276109695435],[12,21,0.040838729590177536],[12,23,0.12988743185997009],[12,28,0.40605998039245605],[12,30,100.32480621337891],[12,45,0.11192221939563751],[13,0,0.30497664213180542],[13,5,0.25770536065101624],[13,7,0.033960685133934021],[13,8,54.769084930419922],[13,9,50.697971343994141],[13,12,53.864070892333984],[13,14,52.003578186035156],[13,16,53.642868041992188],[13,24,0.42540961503982544],[13,25,0.22494150698184967],[13,27,0.18784832954406738],[13,30,102.10746002197266],[14,1,52.225990295410156],[14,3,50.245712280273438],[14,7,50.186416625976562],[14,16,50.970901489257812],[14,17,0.24925577640533447],[14,30,101.39744567871094],[14,43,0.15557312965393066],[15,3,51.428195953369141],[15,4,52.69622802734375],[15,6,0.32013928890228271],[15,9,54.775680541992188],[15,11,50.501811981201172],[15,12,54.193744659423828],[15,13,53.206466674804688],[15,16,54.25494384765625],[15,30,102.28659820556641],[15,38,0.47058898210525513],[16,0,51.002975463867188],[16,4,51.060733795166016],[16,5,53.286212921142578],[16,9,51.913478851318359],[16,10,54.854099273681641],[16,14,54.063098907470703],[16,15,54.535636901855469],[16,17,50.582279205322266],[17,6,0.20488639175891876],[17,17,53.088150024414062],[17,35,0.035023260861635208],[17,39,0.35104057192802429],[18,1,51.990985870361328],[18,2,54.274215698242188],[18,3,53.165328979492188],[18,6,50.877193450927734],[18,7,50.90771484375],[18,8,54.972938537597656],[18,10,0.13535825908184052],[18,13,50.270320892333984],[18,17,53.454654693603516],[18,31,0.19759136438369751],[18,38,0.25250700116157532],[18,47,0.36680755019187927],[19,17,53.208427429199219],[19,18,0.031785517930984497],[19,23,0.073154278099536896],[19,25,0.27936533093452454],[19,29,0.32328686118125916],[19,44,51.327350616455078],[19,45,51.795059204101562],[19,46,51.514873504638672],[19,47,50.144603729248047],[20,3,54.290149688720703],[20,5,52.560630798339844],[20,6,52.373138427734375],[20,7,54.452667236328125],[20,14,52.098415374755859],[20,17,51.751327514648438],[20,21,0.36221933364868164],[20,30,0.16919450461864471],[21,0,50.282546997070312],[21,6,50.982170104980469],[21,11,51.380966186523438],[21,13,52.272113800048828],[21,17,50.870861053466797],[21,20,0.19776757061481476],[21,26,0.4552416205406189],[21,31,0.34358644485473633],[21,34,0.48803713917732239],[21,36,0.053676586598157883],[22,4,52.302909851074219],[22,5,52.598339080810547],[22,6,54.505264282226562],[22,9,54.188888549804688],[22,10,50.026618957519531],[22,11,50.222110748291016],[22,12,50.663322448730469],[22,13,51.357936859130859],[22,15,52.134590148925781],[22,17,53.373260498046875],[22,23,0.3609204888343811],[22,27,0.49932181835174561],[22,38,0.15913538634777069],[23,0,54.615615844726562],[23,1,0.48862737417221069],[23,7,52.510749816894531],[23,8,52.946086883544922],[23,10,0.39570984244346619],[23,17,52.653926849365234],[23,29,0.23033072054386139],[23,30,0.23117353022098541],[23,47,0.063020221889019012],[24,0,52.526584625244141],[24,7,51.618122100830078],[24,9,52.527744293212891],[24,10,52.562164306640625],[24,11,0.42123815417289734],[24,17,50.036830902099609],[24,31,102.75434875488281],[25,7,0.13728067278862],[25,11,52.016689300537109],[25,17,53.928443908691406],[25,21,0.21439807116985321],[25,30,0.40063384175300598],[25,31,100.17539978027344],[25,39,0.46024471521377563],[26,1,54.780891418457031],[26,7,0.2249763160943985],[26,9,0.48445135354995728],[26,14,50.698005676269531],[26,17,51.896354675292969],[26,31,104.48031616210938],[27,1,52.181842803955078],[27,3,0.0091068772599101067],[27,17,52.071174621582031],[27,18,0.34459295868873596],[27,31,101.49213409423828],[27,34,0.23583111166954041],[27,37,0.34782198071479797],[27,42,0.029288522899150848],[28,2,52.090179443359375],[28,3,52.273052215576172],[28,4,50.097866058349609],[28,12,51.104297637939453],[28,13,50.339679718017578],[28,15,51.857917785644531],[28,17,54.147850036621094],[28,23,0.19240042567253113],[28,31,103.86058807373047],[28,36,0.29582729935646057],[28,45,0.24325108528137207],[29,2,50.625392913818359],[29,8,51.463695526123047],[29,17,52.443458557128906],[29,26,0.02061726339161396],[29,28,0.4787711501121521],[29,31,103.66421508789062],[29,37,0.089619070291519165],[29,38,0.048293761909008026],[29,39,0.37758848071098328],[30,3,53.270271301269531],[30,5,50.953044891357422],[30,6,0.39060020446777344],[30,8,52.564964294433594],[30,12,50.534202575683594],[30,15,53.352542877197266],[30,16,0.39554506540298462],[30,17,52.137779235839844],[30,31,104.56910705566406],[30,37,0.07115115225315094],[30,41,0.29691353440284729],[30,46,0.082002714276313782],[31,1,53.416091918945312],[31,2,50.241264343261719],[31,4,52.750377655029297],[31,5,0.26600098609924316],[31,9,51.415676116943359],[31,10,52.349578857421875],[31,11,50.429630279541016],[31,12,53.074653625488281],[31,13,0.23127266764640808],[31,14,50.159145355224609],[31,17,52.674037933349609],[31,18,0.06841190904378891],[31,19,0.35549464821815491],[31,20,0.22106747329235077],[31,29,0.40446197986602783],[31,31,103.68357849121094],[31,35,0.10313024371862411],[32,1,50.575607299804688],[32,4,52.031375885009766],[32,5,53.711055755615234],[32,6,52.390720367431641],[32,7,53.884662628173828],[32,10,0.0046756584197282791],[32,12,52.474929809570312],[32,13,0.23978191614151001],[32,15,54.054447174072266],[32,18,54.835540771484375],[32,19,0.12978900969028473],[32,26,0.45939821004867554],[32,35,0.35066312551498413],[32,36,0.46294641494750977],[33,3,50.878131866455078],[33,4,0.49990585446357727],[33,9,51.351829528808594],[33,10,0.37612366676330566],[33,11,0.39440682530403137],[33,18,50.317455291748047],[33,21,0.15044829249382019],[33,23,0.12714003026485443],[33,33,0.25482487678527832],[34,0,53.320610046386719],[34,5,53.359424591064453],[34,6,54.755043029785156],[34,10,0.20374700427055359],[34,11,54.108608245849609],[34,18,54.111351013183594],[34,19,0.31384673714637756],[34,31,0.34905159473419189],[34,36,0.19817408919334412],[34,39,0.12082114070653915],[35,0,51.574825286865234],[35,1,51.855949401855469],[35,3,54.080478668212891],[35,10,54.739360809326172],[35,11,53.375148773193359],[35,12,53.000400543212891],[35,13,50.951164245605469],[35,17,0.42627128958702087],[35,18,51.452655792236328],[35,25,0.29797333478927612],[35,28,0.41117364168167114],[35,37,0.068900987505912781],[35,43,0.38085871934890747],[35,44,0.36821377277374268],[35,46,0.34612327814102173],[36,4,51.7955322265625],[36,5,50.7825927734375],[36,6,0.074825257062911987],[36,9,54.952423095703125],[36,11,0.35481184720993042],[36,12,51.870368957519531],[36,15,51.05682373046875],[36,18,53.387546539306641],[36,34,0.052977506071329117],[37,2,52.993377685546875],[37,6,54.690509796142578],[37,8,52.792209625244141],[37,14,50.304485321044922],[37,18,54.747543334960938],[37,25,0.045788772404193878],[37,26,0.38097414374351501],[37,41,0.22798745334148407],[38,2,51.42706298828125],[38,4,54.678600311279297],[38,6,54.820697784423828],[38,8,53.938587188720703],[38,13,51.412956237792969],[38,14,53.126502990722656],[38,18,54.007125854492188],[38,23,0.093990691006183624],[38,24,0.36732301115989685],[38,36,0.47896763682365417],[39,9,0.23879404366016388],[39,18,54.162742614746094],[39,25,0.27959668636322021],[40,3,50.021083831787109],[40,8,0.21509011089801788],[40,13,52.186756134033203],[40,14,53.62646484375],[40,18,52.949188232421875],[40,27,0.25075152516365051],[40,32,100.86255645751953],[40,46,0.21088157594203949],[41,0,51.497703552246094],[41,1,52.916496276855469],[41,2,0.35341593623161316],[41,5,0.11574866622686386],[41,8,51.701892852783203],[41,9,0.13458873331546783],[41,11,51.998493194580078],[41,12,0.30815255641937256],[41,14,0.06155196949839592],[41,18,53.300819396972656],[41,32,104.43079376220703],[41,39,0.28674045205116272],[42,7,50.100700378417969],[42,9,54.946121215820312],[42,18,53.037506103515625],[42,22,0.43193840980529785],[42,24,0.17162227630615234],[42,32,102.19640350341797],[43,18,51.044620513916016],[43,26,0.07927926629781723],[43,32,104.88037109375],[43,44,51.371574401855469],[43,45,52.904411315917969],[43,46,51.740909576416016],[43,47,50.500438690185547],[44,1,53.951423645019531],[44,2,53.797454833984375],[44,5,0.21723970770835876],[44,7,54.460433959960938],[44,10,54.686206817626953],[44,18,53.194450378417969],[44,20,0.17020769417285919],[44,28,0.10002410411834717],[44,31,0.43790563941001892],[44,32,102.22212982177734],[44,41,0.070241943001747131],[45,0,0.44143962860107422],[45,5,53.344242095947266],[45,8,52.043350219726562],[45,18,51.009937286376953],[45,32,102.92622375488281],[45,41,0.008315584622323513],[46,0,50.8759765625],[46,2,53.207527160644531],[46,3,50.674629211425781],[46,4,51.236316680908203],[46,5,0.052973974496126175],[46,9,51.711841583251953],[46,10,52.478534698486328],[46,14,52.866855621337891],[46,15,52.624881744384766],[46,18,53.253269195556641],[46,22,0.20683418214321136],[46,24,0.050955794751644135],[46,32,101.58198547363281],[46,35,0.39298108220100403],[46,40,0.40840697288513184],[47,7,51.7620849609375],[47,10,51.318531036376953],[47,11,50.13214111328125],[47,12,51.764583587646484],[47,13,53.272975921630859],[47,15,53.236888885498047],[47,18,54.633903503417969],[47,24,0.27216443419456482],[47,31,0.1529640406370163],[47,32,102.17061614990234],[47,40,0.48087078332901001],[47,44,0.025993958115577698],[48,0,52.426708221435547],[48,3,54.121410369873047],[48,4,50.092826843261719],[48,6,53.477237701416016],[48,7,54.786056518554688],[48,11,51.969760894775391],[48,16,0.29127556085586548],[48,19,52.4029541015625],[48,32,0.17309793829917908],[49,1,54.141971588134766],[49,5,0.31099069118499756],[49,7,0.2574068009853363],[49,12,51.832080841064453],[49,19,54.683048248291016],[49,20,0.27364835143089294],[49,23,0.15304872393608093],[49,35,0.48234385251998901],[50,1,0.41244181990623474],[50,2,52.669319152832031],[50,4,0.4591352641582489],[50,7,50.00762939453125],[50,16,0.089165627956390381],[50,19,52.060661315917969],[50,34,0.45611995458602905],[51,2,0.42902174592018127],[51,3,0.36514613032341003],[51,5,52.193714141845703],[51,11,54.882003784179688],[51,12,50.988983154296875],[51,19,53.729080200195312],[51,26,0.10773327946662903],[51,32,0.23969066143035889],[51,37,0.12089108675718307],[51,45,0.11706044524908066],[52,0,54.837665557861328],[52,2,50.680797576904297],[52,6,50.242336273193359],[52,9,53.12158203125],[52,12,53.079925537109375],[52,19,51.035022735595703],[52,27,0.21839159727096558],[52,29,0.037748463451862335],[53,0,0.40822666883468628],[53,1,53.888378143310547],[53,2,0.44155597686767578],[53,5,54.638629913330078],[53,8,51.269351959228516],[53,10,54.622165679931641],[53,16,0.30414998531341553],[53,18,0.37247315049171448],[53,19,54.412796020507812],[53,20,0.13671597838401794],[53,41,0.39803388714790344],[54,0,0.32731133699417114],[54,3,54.9263916015625],[54,9,0.30886456370353699],[54,13,0.060517732053995132],[54,15,50.044486999511719],[54,19,54.63714599609375],[54,26,0.47719183564186096],[54,27,0.27686047554016113],[54,37,0.033551629632711411],[55,2,50.065605163574219],[55,5,0.017944198101758957],[55,14,0.1389617919921875],[55,15,54.933082580566406],[55,19,52.576915740966797],[55,27,0.17821782827377319],[55,32,0.34076377749443054],[55,40,0.47821888327598572],[55,41,0.45426815748214722],[55,45,0.48750394582748413],[56,0,54.598953247070312],[56,4,53.242694854736328],[56,5,50.250740051269531],[56,9,53.954669952392578],[56,13,53.889816284179688],[56,14,52.02008056640625],[56,19,50.128131866455078],[56,23,0.32643041014671326],[56,24,0.24274888634681702],[56,32,0.29801353812217712],[56,33,102.34198760986328],[56,41,0.20575700700283051],[56,42,0.19268074631690979],[57,1,51.354415893554688],[57,5,50.455276489257812],[57,8,53.913833618164062],[57,9,53.496509552001953],[57,12,0.44028562307357788],[57,14,50.987522125244141],[57,17,0.28433093428611755],[57,19,52.833759307861328],[57,33,100.00974273681641],[57,45,0.48467403650283813],[58,0,0.43709355592727661],[58,7,53.569564819335938],[58,8,53.592277526855469],[58,10,52.4207763671875],[58,12,0.08282383531332016],[58,13,54.043624877929688],[58,15,54.143932342529297],[58,19,53.610965728759766],[58,22,0.24731944501399994],[58,28,0.12936684489250183],[58,33,102.81724548339844],[59,0,54.187778472900391],[59,1,54.873485565185547],[59,2,51.963199615478516],[59,4,53.789318084716797],[59,11,52.966205596923828],[59,12,0.38438034057617188],[59,19,50.593837738037109],[59,33,103.81158447265625],[59,41,0.16972598433494568],[59,44,0.43379676342010498],[60,3,51.646255493164062],[60,6,52.195060729980469],[60,7,52.214561462402344],[60,8,53.811183929443359],[60,9,54.627727508544922],[60,13,0.40979909896850586],[60,19,54.478790283203125],[60,33,100.14827728271484],[61,5,0.2040732353925705],[61,9,0.27831506729125977],[61,13,50.5350341796875],[61,14,51.030941009521484],[61,19,51.882293701171875],[61,31,0.062283892184495926],[61,32,0.36123722791671753],[61,33,102.43135070800781],[61,38,0.14927451312541962],[61,45,0.1621554046869278],[61,47,0.43460196256637573],[62,3,50.670333862304688],[62,6,54.485752105712891],[62,10,54.087116241455078],[62,11,50.599266052246094],[62,12,53.7767333984375],[62,15,51.389842987060547],[62,19,50.364398956298828],[62,29,0.48533239960670471],[62,31,0.44734451174736023],[62,33,102.42562103271484],[63,0,0.45294782519340515],[63,4,54.237972259521484],[63,10,53.752510070800781],[63,12,0.43608000874519348],[63,13,53.317527770996094],[63,14,54.264698028564453],[63,19,54.001842498779297],[63,33,103.87953948974609],[63,44,0.20028656721115112],[64,7,51.067226409912109],[64,8,52.728569030761719],[64,20,53.313385009765625],[64,25,0.12246885150671005],[64,29,0.21952486038208008],[64,45,0.45129898190498352],[65,5,54.28265380859375],[65,6,0.05467228963971138],[65,7,50.587398529052734],[65,12,50.740871429443359],[65,13,51.922332763671875],[65,15,51.465606689453125],[65,20,50.605960845947266],[65,31,0.031305234879255295],[65,33,0.024850502610206604],[65,38,0.18012678623199463],[66,4,50.169445037841797],[66,6,0.20981484651565552],[66,8,54.813095092773438],[66,9,52.181678771972656],[66,15,0.0087912138551473618],[66,20,52.455574035644531],[66,22,0.1946081817150116],[66,42,0.23115138709545135],[67,0,53.084690093994141],[67,1,54.412517547607422],[67,2,54.5238037109375],[67,9,54.595577239990234],[67,17,0.24150419235229492],[67,20,54.706981658935547],[67,21,0.29965484142303467],[67,39,0.042535740882158279],[67,43,0.46450555324554443],[68,0,51.399547576904297],[68,3,50.331794738769531],[68,4,51.044830322265625],[68,5,53.620193481445312],[68,8,53.409934997558594],[68,10,50.770175933837891],[68,11,54.268398284912109],[68,13,52.164340972900391],[68,14,54.044288635253906],[68,15,0.10323792695999146],[68,18,0.35222142934799194],[68,20,54.454067230224609],[68,22,0.11017544567584991],[68,33,0.43301385641098022],[68,38,0.18861587345600128],[69,0,50.964836120605469],[69,1,53.673618316650391],[69,2,51.590496063232422],[69,3,51.841209411621094],[69,5,54.298751831054688],[69,6,52.363498687744141],[69,10,51.151809692382812],[69,11,53.735935211181641],[69,14,54.791725158691406],[69,16,0.43252116441726685],[69,20,53.354568481445312],[69,27,0.069227688014507294],[69,33,0.38823777437210083],[69,38,0.29765713214874268],[69,42,0.026355072855949402],[70,4,50.721790313720703],[70,6,54.706615447998047],[70,20,50.631568908691406],[70,28,0.37249466776847839],[70,30,0.26735427975654602],[70,33,0.33283764123916626],[71,0,0.16204395890235901],[71,1,0.067454010248184204],[71,2,0.03590000793337822],[71,5,52.036930084228516],[71,10,53.277114868164062],[71,13,50.219799041748047],[71,15,0.19805477559566498],[71,20,52.680374145507812],[71,24,0.43417102098464966],[71,33,0.26464435458183289],[71,40,0.19235385954380035],[71,47,0.088784299790859222],[72,3,0.20847718417644501],[72,4,0.19112280011177063],[72,6,53.387794494628906],[72,11,54.860530853271484],[72,12,52.880657196044922],[72,13,0.46349427103996277],[72,15,53.785923004150391],[72,20,54.039096832275391],[72,24,0.20153769850730896],[72,34,104.81826782226562],[72,42,0.47012403607368469],[73,2,54.054355621337891],[73,12,52.507492065429688],[73,14,51.883331298828125],[73,20,50.780792236328125],[73,23,0.23294238746166229],[73,26,0.12204519659280777],[73,33,0.28289276361465454],[73,34,100.87276458740234],[73,43,0.45391014218330383],[73,44,0.44332057237625122],[73,46,0.11329615116119385],[73,47,0.31856563687324524],[74,2,54.380939483642578],[74,11,0.23045583069324493],[74,12,0.31302088499069214],[74,20,53.825958251953125],[74,23,0.057209685444831848],[74,32,0.016839217394590378],[74,34,103.90423583984375],[74,35,0.31137755513191223],[74,40,0.48662644624710083],[74,45,0.33841273188591003],[75,0,0.43075042963027954],[75,1,51.763355255126953],[75,4,51.421550750732422],[75,7,53.613151550292969],[75,8,0.030880527570843697],[75,12,52.351436614990234],[75,17,0.1696651428937912],[75,20,53.906696319580078],[75,23,0.12816387414932251],[75,34,102.95844268798828],[75,38,0.060918673872947693],[75,47,0.099397070705890656],[76,7,0.12065150588750839],[76,9,51.828189849853516],[76,10,0.1220819503068924],[76,15,50.829078674316406],[76,20,54.970966339111328],[76,33,0.42973843216896057],[76,34,104.08345031738281],[76,45,0.34263303875923157],[77,2,0.36012068390846252],[77,3,53.051681518554688],[77,10,52.427139282226562],[77,11,53.05377197265625],[77,14,51.980960845947266],[77,15,51.435840606689453],[77,20,53.81402587890625],[77,22,0.25189700722694397],[77,29,0.43795982003211975],[77,34,101.15478515625],[78,1,50.997764587402344],[78,2,0.20581555366516113],[78,3,50.301883697509766],[78,4,0.24851344525814056],[78,6,54.861274719238281],[78,9,54.741752624511719],[78,20,53.263320922851562],[78,31,0.11586814373731613],[78,34,103.56839752197266],[78,38,0.28377345204353333],[79,0,53.238864898681641],[79,7,54.499160766601562],[79,8,52.837394714355469],[79,13,50.343578338623047],[79,20,53.176166534423828],[79,21,0.17991693317890167],[79,26,0.32166054844856262],[79,27,0.090265832841396332],[79,34,102.05396270751953],[79,38,0.39411613345146179],[79,40,0.40245679020881653],[80,0,54.789260864257812],[80,1,54.531818389892578],[80,4,52.502426147460938],[80,6,0.28246057033538818],[80,7,54.152042388916016],[80,9,51.634788513183594],[80,10,54.289909362792969],[80,11,52.960609436035156],[80,12,51.967189788818359],[80,15,53.537857055664062],[80,19,0.16637007892131805],[80,21,50.401981353759766],[81,1,51.833786010742188],[81,2,54.404998779296875],[81,4,51.855743408203125],[81,5,52.522911071777344],[81,6,0.043628737330436707],[81,8,54.575859069824219],[81,11,0.19116869568824768],[81,12,0.023937981575727463],[81,13,51.948249816894531],[81,18,0.41399797797203064],[81,21,52.911853790283203],[81,29,0.36625263094902039],[81,42,0.39868706464767456],[82,6,50.398490905761719],[82,10,54.497608184814453],[82,14,51.010643005371094],[82,21,52.028373718261719],[82,30,0.13616576790809631],[82,43,0.075846493244171143],[83,3,50.379474639892578],[83,5,52.734336853027344],[83,6,53.019355773925781],[83,7,51.225788116455078],[83,8,0.00063199491705745459],[83,11,0.27203482389450073],[83,12,52.99078369140625],[83,17,0.22333556413650513],[83,20,0.10501588135957718],[83,21,54.945869445800781],[83,41,0.2172519713640213],[84,8,54.140850067138672],[84,9,52.83380126953125],[84,21,51.602252960205078],[85,1,52.323574066162109],[85,4,0.33209896087646484],[85,5,0.424825519323349],[85,8,51.746608734130859],[85,9,50.450359344482422],[85,11,54.591449737548828],[85,21,52.434597015380859],[85,33,0.29279392957687378],[85,45,0.084778569638729095],[86,7,50.890029907226562],[86,21,54.72119140625],[86,25,0.18605111539363861],[86,30,0.40991571545600891],[86,32,0.25392207503318787],[87,0,54.180183410644531],[87,1,0.27550530433654785],[87,2,54.492942810058594],[87,3,53.837730407714844],[87,7,52.404029846191406],[87,11,54.780128479003906],[87,12,54.040027618408203],[87,15,0.19667473435401917],[87,21,51.816287994384766],[87,32,0.46794068813323975],[87,36,0.29597935080528259],[88,3,53.939098358154297],[88,5,51.563343048095703],[88,6,51.295852661132812],[88,9,53.515281677246094],[88,14,54.401676177978516],[88,15,53.239032745361328],[88,16,0.41468554735183716],[88,21,54.413082122802734],[88,34,0.020496150478720665],[88,35,101.32682037353516],[88,45,0.10662335902452469],[88,46,0.036330036818981171],[89,0,53.054389953613281],[89,6,53.674266815185547],[89,11,50.771278381347656],[89,14,0.10191795974969864],[89,21,53.797538757324219],[89,23,0.097789809107780457],[89,29,0.099345296621322632],[89,35,100.99777221679688],[89,36,0.36196213960647583],[89,40,0.39049482345581055],[89,43,0.087204471230506897],[90,2,50.811542510986328],[90,4,50.754505157470703],[90,8,52.394111633300781],[90,12,51.824333190917969],[90,15,51.377239227294922],[90,21,52.467842102050781],[90,35,100.52031707763672],[90,38,0.21330057084560394],[90,39,0.12645332515239716],[90,41,0.17757473886013031],[91,1,0.14407473802566528],[91,3,52.242034912109375],[91,10,51.306304931640625],[91,13,54.502338409423828],[91,14,51.614372253417969],[91,21,53.261833190917969],[91,35,103.30667877197266],[91,46,0.25916048884391785],[92,1,54.621063232421875],[92,4,53.530540466308594],[92,10,54.356853485107422],[92,12,0.37603586912155151],[92,13,53.614501953125],[92,21,50.174091339111328],[92,26,0.18624916672706604],[92,35,102.86859893798828],[93,2,52.187129974365234],[93,7,0.4391171932220459],[93,11,0.37605097889900208],[93,19,0.20892411470413208],[93,20,0.17231622338294983],[93,21,51.927978515625],[93,35,103.48123168945312],[93,38,0.22005566954612732],[94,8,0.32566362619400024],[94,13,0.36496508121490479],[94,21,53.122978210449219],[94,25,0.15595875680446625],[94,26,0.40010342001914978],[94,30,0.32628187537193298],[94,33,0.20766395330429077],[94,35,101.02719116210938],[94,40,0.27072256803512573],[94,41,0.41707423329353333],[95,0,50.692886352539062],[95,5,53.830135345458984],[95,8,0.010356404818594456],[95,9,0.39863049983978271],[95,13,54.237724304199219],[95,14,52.369647979736328],[95,15,53.028778076171875],[95,19,0.0081133227795362473],[95,21,51.311847686767578],[95,35,100.43609619140625],[96,3,0.030608227476477623],[96,6,53.425811767578125],[96,9,53.459526062011719],[96,12,54.111068725585938],[96,22,51.115188598632812],[96,31,0.071831606328487396],[96,35,0.085618868470191956],[96,45,0.10887780785560608],[97,0,54.01318359375],[97,1,0.31625869870185852],[97,8,53.554191589355469],[97,10,50.853588104248047],[97,14,52.536506652832031],[97,16,0.19937156140804291],[97,22,51.267467498779297],[97,40,0.33015045523643494],[98,2,53.714900970458984],[98,3,0.41735139489173889],[98,4,51.107311248779297],[98,5,52.964694976806641],[98,6,50.296413421630859],[98,7,50.865592956542969],[98,10,50.670944213867188],[98,13,52.532917022705078],[98,18,0.12959572672843933],[98,22,50.697494506835938],[98,32,0.47315937280654907],[98,35,0.12483229488134384],[98,43,0.28223007917404175],[98,47,0.4313599169254303],[99,4,53.960617065429688],[99,8,53.230075836181641],[99,11,53.383071899414062],[99,19,0.24758689105510712],[99,22,52.893184661865234],[99,25,0.48672026395797729],[99,35,0.36889320611953735],[99,36,0.056371461600065231],[99,46,0.37127342820167542],[99,47,0.44187578558921814],[100,0,50.056869506835938],[100,1,53.882656097412109],[100,2,51.755844116210938],[100,8,52.124610900878906],[100,12,52.528915405273438],[100,15,0.1157214492559433],[100,22,54.124191284179688],[100,34,0.21082127094268799],[100,39,0.060194846242666245],[101,1,53.274940490722656],[101,2,0.34573149681091309],[101,5,54.422710418701172],[101,10,52.630062103271484],[101,12,54.415401458740234],[101,14,0.067188233137130737],[101,22,53.100719451904297],[101,34,0.090001866221427917],[101,36,0.17511479556560516],[101,37,0.47374668717384338],[102,0,52.695041656494141],[102,2,0.43547633290290833],[102,4,54.998683929443359],[102,5,0.053637061268091202],[102,6,0.39949232339859009],[102,11,51.415481567382812],[102,12,0.46643480658531189],[102,13,53.200283050537109],[102,14,51.817855834960938],[102,15,0.27121061086654663],[102,22,54.865547180175781],[102,24,0.37104740738868713],[102,33,0.38226845860481262],[102,36,0.0064234849996864796],[102,43,0.016287678852677345],[102,46,0.10179373621940613],[103,0,0.34259313344955444],[103,1,52.999362945556641],[103,11,52.309211730957031],[103,14,0.27679923176765442],[103,22,50.525413513183594],[103,32,0.015074462629854679],[103,40,0.39598149061203003],[103,43,0.19435745477676392],[104,3,53.471302032470703],[104,4,54.357948303222656],[104,5,52.695568084716797],[104,6,50.759651184082031],[104,8,0.17314149439334869],[104,9,52.144214630126953],[104,13,50.383598327636719],[104,19,0.40604761242866516],[104,22,50.733283996582031],[104,36,104.21462249755859],[105,1,54.780647277832031],[105,5,54.082668304443359],[105,8,0.067264735698699951],[105,9,52.167583465576172],[105,13,53.955451965332031],[105,15,52.430324554443359],[105,19,0.23343504965305328],[105,21,0.40988191962242126],[105,22,54.702846527099609],[105,24,0.2667853832244873],[105,36,101.79543304443359],[106,2,52.556545257568359],[106,9,53.661933898925781],[106,15,51.396152496337891],[106,17,0.21408958733081818],[106,20,0.29955717921257019],[106,21,0.22177949547767639],[106,22,52.570888519287109],[106,31,0.12338664382696152],[106,36,102.57060241699219],[106,42,0.41185289621353149],[106,44,0.37667000293731689],[107,0,54.530372619628906],[107,3,51.057956695556641],[107,10,52.939258575439453],[107,14,54.668304443359375],[107,15,0.33562737703323364],[107,17,0.4393523633480072],[107,22,53.854663848876953],[107,25,0.49056351184844971],[107,31,0.10358358174562454],[107,36,101.68701171875],[108,1,0.08312535285949707],[108,3,50.937732696533203],[108,7,53.572826385498047],[108,19,0.42503887414932251],[108,22,50.474151611328125],[108,36,101.55259704589844],[109,3,50.729171752929688],[109,4,0.14870145916938782],[109,6,50.319465637207031],[109,7,54.886299133300781],[109,8,51.069805145263672],[109,11,0.32244300842285156],[109,12,54.070755004882812],[109,15,52.748043060302734],[109,18,0.22737953066825867],[109,22,54.824081420898438],[109,36,104.10604095458984],[109,38,0.4804401695728302],[110,1,0.25515612959861755],[110,2,52.683059692382812],[110,8,0.31930544972419739],[110,9,0.21359248459339142],[110,11,52.243049621582031],[110,14,51.152660369873047],[110,15,50.841999053955078],[110,22,50.415149688720703],[110,23,0.13062088191509247],[110,26,0.21868458390235901],[110,29,0.47872477769851685],[110,36,102.88645172119141],[110,38,0.2203846275806427],[110,39,0.22828556597232819],[110,44,0.082453601062297821],[110,47,0.13505487143993378],[111,3,0.45335984230041504],[111,7,54.095252990722656],[111,9,0.24641448259353638],[111,15,0.27343785762786865],[111,22,54.349334716796875],[111,36,100.44292449951172],[112,0,52.879650115966797],[112,8,52.843166351318359],[112,9,52.543598175048828],[112,12,0.25953185558319092],[112,13,52.128128051757812],[112,15,50.343433380126953],[112,17,0.20097506046295166],[112,18,0.27121621370315552],[112,23,52.698966979980469],[112,24,0.32894200086593628],[112,39,0.17759707570075989],[112,44,0.29781097173690796],[113,4,53.857349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14013672],[132,29,0.31053045392036438],[132,46,0.25831663608551025],[133,1,52.765411376953125],[133,3,50.063270568847656],[133,5,52.051422119140625],[133,6,50.602985382080078],[133,7,50.786102294921875],[133,9,52.409782409667969],[133,11,51.73419189453125],[133,13,52.062328338623047],[133,14,51.858837127685547],[133,15,53.942680358886719],[133,24,50.234031677246094],[133,32,0.29404768347740173],[133,37,0.27951601147651672],[133,42,0.43425586819648743],[134,0,54.276969909667969],[134,19,0.23784691095352173],[134,24,52.412876129150391],[134,27,0.27319535613059998],[134,39,0.048874702304601669],[134,42,0.076239615678787231],[135,2,52.735576629638672],[135,18,0.15757472813129425],[135,24,53.433120727539062],[135,35,0.46804985404014587],[135,44,0.29916101694107056],[136,0,50.166393280029297],[136,1,50.849384307861328],[136,3,52.907291412353516],[136,10,52.662441253662109],[136,12,52.909339904785156],[136,13,52.34637451171875],[136,24,52.931056976318359],[136,28,0.019280396401882172],[136,29,0.10480639338493347],[136,38,103.64399719238281],[136,39,0.34637901186943054],[136,47,0.4044988751411438],[137,2,50.327182769775391],[137,3,54.610786437988281],[137,4,54.705410003662109],[137,6,53.372650146484375],[137,7,0.43842431902885437],[137,24,54.835380554199219],[137,38,104.59642028808594],[138,4,50.350837707519531],[138,5,53.6026611328125],[138,6,0.27545422315597534],[138,11,50.117160797119141],[138,12,50.188751220703125],[138,13,0.33728539943695068],[138,19,0.11169642210006714],[138,24,53.128593444824219],[138,36,0.124480240046978],[138,38,102.39148712158203],[139,3,50.085166931152344],[139,4,53.060577392578125],[139,9,0.12909442186355591],[139,13,52.600631713867188],[139,24,54.355014801025391],[139,38,102.41065979003906],[139,42,0.17075303196907043],[140,0,54.95098876953125],[140,1,0.26438626646995544],[140,5,53.303680419921875],[140,7,0.47345653176307678],[140,9,51.940780639648438],[140,10,54.763111114501953],[140,14,53.214954376220703],[140,21,0.44816392660140991],[140,24,52.635643005371094],[140,30,0.40173816680908203],[140,37,0.34266853332519531],[140,38,101.12872314453125],[141,2,50.455741882324219],[141,11,53.772304534912109],[141,13,0.47157302498817444],[141,20,0.48297831416130066],[141,21,0.29707106947898865],[141,24,53.880500793457031],[141,38,101.64122009277344],[141,47,0.33726543188095093],[142,1,52.637054443359375],[142,4,51.220382690429688],[142,5,54.042507171630859],[142,6,51.780002593994141],[142,8,54.986316680908203],[142,10,0.044383767992258072],[142,16,0.17825473845005035],[142,20,0.097646474838256836],[142,24,50.588523864746094],[142,26,0.21880584955215454],[142,33,0.33337926864624023],[142,38,102.06330108642578],[143,2,0.29030194878578186],[143,3,0.35520610213279724],[143,4,0.38688176870346069],[143,8,52.350208282470703],[143,10,50.696144104003906],[143,12,0.3403821587562561],[143,14,52.338874816894531],[143,15,53.288547515869141],[143,24,54.037368774414062],[143,26,0.49111688137054443],[143,32,0.48745808005332947],[143,38,102.20440673828125],[144,2,51.850627899169922],[144,9,0.10377472639083862],[144,12,52.886978149414062],[144,14,52.226406097412109],[144,16,0.11893319338560104],[144,25,51.83380126953125],[144,45,0.39404311776161194],[145,1,52.782344818115234],[145,6,52.460922241210938],[145,10,50.098705291748047],[145,13,50.968242645263672],[145,15,50.926353454589844],[145,25,54.8807373046875],[145,36,0.41323855519294739],[146,4,53.753040313720703],[146,5,52.963123321533203],[146,8,53.566516876220703],[146,11,52.955905914306641],[146,25,50.576084136962891],[146,43,0.080164246261119843],[147,2,54.290760040283203],[147,7,54.286399841308594],[147,11,52.287242889404297],[147,15,52.078643798828125],[147,25,50.852863311767578],[148,4,0.10477688908576965],[148,11,0.29396480321884155],[148,13,52.455150604248047],[148,25,53.400215148925781],[148,32,0.19294361770153046],[148,36,0.1053827702999115],[148,46,0.40515834093093872],[149,0,54.277702331542969],[149,3,54.187393188476562],[149,9,53.443367004394531],[149,10,51.413013458251953],[149,19,0.41451776027679443],[149,22,0.10050428658723831],[149,25,53.206768035888672],[149,27,0.32073765993118286],[150,7,0.061268128454685211],[150,8,0.42440328001976013],[150,9,50.562667846679688],[150,11,0.011167231947183609],[150,12,53.973972320556641],[150,13,54.217571258544922],[150,20,0.37813559174537659],[150,25,51.471973419189453],[150,27,0.38516595959663391],[150,37,0.39796751737594604],[151,3,52.743160247802734],[151,7,50.2017822265625],[151,11,53.074806213378906],[151,12,50.522483825683594],[151,17,0.17542804777622223],[151,25,52.454639434814453],[151,26,0.3528670072555542],[151,40,0.3672558069229126],[152,0,53.067844390869141],[152,3,0.054698936641216278],[152,6,51.231521606445312],[152,11,50.411487579345703],[152,13,53.707023620605469],[152,14,52.769252777099609],[152,25,50.313407897949219],[152,32,0.11121632903814316],[152,39,102.15706634521484],[152,42,0.05461445078253746],[152,47,0.41112634539604187],[153,0,54.962947845458984],[153,1,50.557365417480469],[153,2,54.274642944335938],[153,3,51.623279571533203],[153,5,50.920490264892578],[153,6,52.165431976318359],[153,7,0.18840891122817993],[153,8,50.747920989990234],[153,9,0.022164536640048027],[153,10,53.107765197753906],[153,15,52.651214599609375],[153,17,0.29819890856742859],[153,21,0.080771535634994507],[153,25,50.137088775634766],[153,27,0.4542573094367981],[153,33,0.41928821802139282],[153,39,103.66280364990234],[153,41,0.39798888564109802],[154,3,50.163330078125],[154,4,54.322517395019531],[154,8,54.274196624755859],[154,9,0.39877820014953613],[154,11,0.39069300889968872],[154,25,50.116371154785156],[154,34,0.33650168776512146],[154,39,103.67110443115234],[155,1,54.185050964355469],[155,3,0.49079629778862],[155,4,54.982597351074219],[155,5,52.236049652099609],[155,7,0.21190515160560608],[155,8,52.558597564697266],[155,9,51.509361267089844],[155,14,53.357524871826172],[155,20,0.43588981032371521],[155,24,0.34942531585693359],[155,25,50.397495269775391],[155,30,0.12426097691059113],[155,35,0.46715068817138672],[155,38,0.18684974312782288],[155,39,104.22255706787109],[155,44,0.47122600674629211],[156,1,0.14882984757423401],[156,3,0.14266350865364075],[156,6,53.235622406005859],[156,7,52.332511901855469],[156,9,51.572513580322266],[156,12,50.050765991210938],[156,13,0.42156296968460083],[156,22,0.33571198582649231],[156,25,53.193996429443359],[156,35,0.36480662226676941],[156,39,103.45829010009766],[157,0,50.697872161865234],[157,2,50.673484802246094],[157,7,51.777725219726562],[157,14,53.729476928710938],[157,16,0.16446207463741302],[157,25,54.194187164306641],[157,31,0.34761896729469299],[157,34,0.36116567254066467],[157,39,102.50889587402344],[157,46,0.33942884206771851],[157,47,0.37074881792068481],[158,1,53.756160736083984],[158,3,0.17096838355064392],[158,4,51.986381530761719],[158,5,52.101390838623047],[158,15,52.537567138671875],[158,25,50.207359313964844],[158,28,0.10387121140956879],[158,39,104.7215576171875],[158,45,0.23709443211555481],[159,0,0.38743162155151367],[159,4,0.055291913449764252],[159,10,54.412464141845703],[159,14,0.22278584539890289],[159,18,0.38613465428352356],[159,25,51.020896911621094],[159,39,103.99785614013672],[159,40,0.29304406046867371],[159,41,0.2454792857170105],[160,2,52.941902160644531],[160,6,52.434963226318359],[160,7,53.101905822753906],[160,12,53.768020629882812],[160,13,50.937068939208984],[160,18,0.46170219779014587],[160,26,53.863956451416016],[161,6,50.946388244628906],[161,8,50.297325134277344],[161,9,52.358627319335938],[161,10,54.024665832519531],[161,11,53.579776763916016],[161,12,52.586288452148438],[161,14,54.661449432373047],[161,16,0.14509673416614532],[161,26,50.315567016601562],[161,29,0.42962554097175598],[161,35,0.46298211812973022],[161,40,0.1737198531627655],[161,41,0.26867172122001648],[161,43,0.097852014005184174],[162,0,53.148059844970703],[162,10,52.364547729492188],[162,13,53.907859802246094],[162,14,0.083070866763591766],[162,22,0.052251800894737244],[162,23,0.099839061498641968],[162,26,54.641803741455078],[162,27,0.10715925693511963],[163,8,0.10322535037994385],[163,14,0.13758742809295654],[163,15,51.620071411132812],[163,23,0.45113947987556458],[163,26,53.787357330322266],[163,31,0.29519319534301758],[163,34,0.18801470100879669],[164,0,0.4835112988948822],[164,3,50.371971130371094],[164,5,51.977123260498047],[164,11,50.354717254638672],[164,12,50.250221252441406],[164,14,53.845920562744141],[164,15,54.374130249023438],[164,16,0.024577204138040543],[164,26,50.328678131103516],[164,42,0.39257714152336121],[165,0,52.0968017578125],[165,1,0.17273826897144318],[165,4,52.006435394287109],[165,7,50.558387756347656],[165,8,53.60430908203125],[165,9,53.032394409179688],[165,10,0.015868494287133217],[165,11,0.22763176262378693],[165,19,0.4527866542339325],[165,22,0.30274209380149841],[165,24,0.38487371802330017],[165,26,53.927051544189453],[165,33,0.18093493580818176],[165,34,0.38205015659332275],[165,39,0.41453477740287781],[166,0,52.750591278076172],[166,1,53.954948425292969],[166,2,51.427131652832031],[166,3,52.63507080078125],[166,7,51.407241821289062],[166,8,0.13222008943557739],[166,23,0.32357150316238403],[166,26,51.753349304199219],[166,46,0.3218342661857605],[167,3,0.35586860775947571],[167,14,0.14325621724128723],[167,15,50.682334899902344],[167,22,0.2934262752532959],[167,26,50.024097442626953],[168,5,54.345142364501953],[168,7,51.349468231201172],[168,8,51.513168334960938],[168,9,52.573352813720703],[168,10,0.39453479647636414],[168,12,53.826644897460938],[168,25,0.062496297061443329],[168,26,50.270557403564453],[168,36,0.31685817241668701],[168,40,100.7926025390625],[168,44,0.18244071304798126],[169,1,52.308151245117188],[169,2,52.050464630126953],[169,8,0.20752283930778503],[169,11,50.188697814941406],[169,13,0.47287943959236145],[169,14,54.132400512695312],[169,16,0.43315348029136658],[169,20,0.064268946647644043],[169,22,0.12519651651382446],[169,26,53.944564819335938],[169,34,0.3991452157497406],[169,40,100.66136932373047],[170,1,53.780570983886719],[170,3,50.994438171386719],[170,4,51.986660003662109],[170,5,53.685997009277344],[170,10,51.98333740234375],[170,16,0.45721593499183655],[170,17,0.049216538667678833],[170,26,50.915458679199219],[170,40,102.19636535644531],[170,43,0.14190778136253357],[171,1,53.209480285644531],[171,2,0.14895810186862946],[171,4,52.263076782226562],[171,8,50.194828033447266],[171,15,54.2354736328125],[171,17,0.033363964408636093],[171,22,0.1990114152431488],[171,26,54.803371429443359],[171,27,0.45119577646255493],[171,31,0.23292656242847443],[171,40,102.98052215576172],[171,43,0.30167123675346375],[172,0,51.067188262939453],[172,5,0.051178131252527237],[172,10,0.21091768145561218],[172,11,50.473804473876953],[172,26,50.735858917236328],[172,36,0.43048781156539917],[172,40,100.32500457763672],[173,4,54.012866973876953],[173,6,54.360546112060547],[173,9,0.46847304701805115],[173,10,53.705303192138672],[173,26,52.480602264404297],[173,30,0.44401761889457703],[173,40,102.32750701904297],[173,41,0.12991304695606232],[174,2,54.51568603515625],[174,3,52.598686218261719],[174,5,51.407318115234375],[174,9,52.067398071289062],[174,11,0.20297315716743469],[174,13,54.711563110351562],[174,15,0.12491515278816223],[174,17,0.0041863336227834225],[174,26,53.309669494628906],[174,28,0.22520719468593597],[174,40,101.37160491943359],[175,6,50.353790283203125],[175,13,51.032501220703125],[175,14,51.510963439941406],[175,15,0.44443008303642273],[175,22,0.071385137736797333],[175,26,51.488491058349609],[175,27,0.16217443346977234],[175,28,0.065018944442272186],[175,34,0.29747790098190308],[175,36,0.48629856109619141],[175,40,103.47823333740234],[176,1,0.45555037260055542],[176,6,53.863693237304688],[176,8,52.670822143554688],[176,16,0.42372149229049683],[176,17,0.37679395079612732],[176,27,52.052330017089844],[176,38,0.22570949792861938],[177,0,50.475410461425781],[177,3,52.234676361083984],[177,6,0.34362953901290894],[177,8,53.724948883056641],[177,9,51.003192901611328],[177,10,53.950904846191406],[177,11,53.833396911621094],[177,21,0.35975226759910583],[177,27,50.109382629394531],[177,33,0.34785717725753784],[177,34,0.21790637075901031],[177,36,0.2819056510925293],[177,42,0.085490137338638306],[177,44,0.29402780532836914],[178,0,51.127159118652344],[178,1,54.886016845703125],[178,15,51.626811981201172],[178,27,51.38494873046875],[178,29,0.48586493730545044],[179,4,52.166290283203125],[179,7,53.765174865722656],[179,10,0.19704228639602661],[179,16,0.42650097608566284],[179,27,52.527976989746094],[179,34,0.3352695107460022],[179,37,0.33414372801780701],[179,41,0.3020387589931488],[179,44,0.24315281212329865],[180,4,0.32008197903633118],[180,11,50.583385467529297],[180,20,0.0013638078235089779],[180,27,53.434913635253906],[180,34,0.41860219836235046],[180,37,0.12179930508136749],[180,39,0.33722025156021118],[181,0,0.28192517161369324],[181,3,54.749313354492188],[181,4,54.24920654296875],[181,7,50.894584655761719],[181,12,0.42309224605560303],[181,13,52.455776214599609],[181,15,50.547042846679688],[181,27,50.262424468994141],[182,8,52.886062622070312],[182,20,0.21776948869228363],[182,23,0.042618211358785629],[182,27,51.743118286132812],[182,33,0.41201609373092651],[182,46,0.42024585604667664],[183,2,51.405788421630859],[183,4,0.34895902872085571],[183,5,51.813388824462891],[183,6,53.009456634521484],[183,10,54.142871856689453],[183,12,51.868728637695312],[183,15,52.256103515625],[183,21,0.25990775227546692],[183,27,54.708507537841797],[183,39,0.030025763437151909],[183,41,0.058526713401079178],[184,3,0.31371024250984192],[184,5,52.143074035644531],[184,11,51.319591522216797],[184,12,54.867115020751953],[184,14,54.471061706542969],[184,19,0.28158286213874817],[184,23,0.45891600847244263],[184,25,0.32259324193000793],[184,27,51.514183044433594],[184,41,103.05934143066406],[184,45,0.21815131604671478],[184,47,0.22146391868591309],[185,2,54.389312744140625],[185,9,54.726730346679688],[185,12,51.591567993164062],[185,14,50.219989776611328],[185,18,0.42467635869979858],[185,23,0.31087028980255127],[185,27,50.642326354980469],[185,31,0.30460977554321289],[185,37,0.18165159225463867],[185,41,104.65705108642578],[186,0,0.25788909196853638],[186,3,54.941764831542969],[186,6,52.525196075439453],[186,7,50.624126434326172],[186,9,54.336635589599609],[186,12,53.895957946777344],[186,13,50.606910705566406],[186,19,0.33931231498718262],[186,21,0.22821156680583954],[186,27,52.370635986328125],[186,30,0.36943098902702332],[186,38,0.02148253470659256],[186,41,100.21382141113281],[186,42,0.47981896996498108],[187,0,52.922557830810547],[187,1,50.955696105957031],[187,3,51.963218688964844],[187,4,53.041225433349609],[187,5,52.135051727294922],[187,9,0.010942969471216202],[187,11,52.607738494873047],[187,14,52.601673126220703],[187,24,0.11150573194026947],[187,27,53.664424896240234],[187,29,0.044489149004220963],[187,31,0.22644561529159546],[187,40,0.43517783284187317],[187,41,104.24137115478516],[187,45,0.30246543884277344],[187,47,0.0033932260703295469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+Root|Taxa_4	50.2405694418	51.7777654529	0	54.8458795552	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.8808302665	0	0	0	0	50.0282264237	0	0	0	0.0980723897	0	0.3886813644	0	0	0	0	0	0.4286598254	0	0	0	0.4731642927	0	0	0	0	0.1568392012	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_5	0	0	0	0	0	51.9510168529	0.2296159024	52.9698629485	0	0	0	52.1974377835	0	0	0.2252690679	0	53.653338634	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3963056725	0	0	0.0678330435	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_6	0	0	0	0	0	54.5673895399	0	0	0	0	51.1909575326	0.2522232281	0	52.4007159288	54.537199915	0	51.3239204408	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.174038431	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0525796302	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_7	0	0	54.88999104	50.5925030784	0	0	0	54.6763349395	0.1189223448	50.2393175313	0	0	0	0	0	0	54.6969237057	0	0	0.2640195362	0	0	0	0	0	0.0939317767	0	0	0	0.0068426746	0	0	0	0.1884530288	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_8	50.1672106262	0	52.3303780427	0	0	0	0	0.2608503236	51.234970106	53.8379188167	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.1581385397	0.0006708697	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	102.3508238	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2592061142	0.2733698621	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_9	0	0	54.2954191601	0.3900482594	53.497720447	0	52.8536155873	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.0705186084	53.9973207505	52.56799841	52.4336682846	0	0.4420715363	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.206258829	0	0.2217424642	0	102.360729463	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_10	0	52.0300437903	0	0	50.8347498672	0	54.6878325497	0	52.7748472684	0	0.1728499078	0	0	0.3494023242	0	53.2923245881	52.0944101248	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	103.408803256	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2798474092	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_11	0	0	0	0	0	50.2266430142	0	0	0	0	54.8005510793	0	0	0.2614548375	54.6340123255	0	53.3054007305	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	104.297495933	0.4147771248	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2095019599	0.2636646004	0	0.14962244	0
+Root|Taxa_12	0	51.2451248947	0	0	52.1894997513	0	0	0	0.1485402206	0	0	51.4578345044	0	0	0	53.7144038587	52.4887800004	0	0.4912827723	0	0	0.0408387312	0	0.1298874355	0	0	0	0	0.406059988	0	100.324803499	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1119222201	0	0
+Root|Taxa_13	0.3049766554	0	0	0	0	0.2577053654	0	0.0339606845	54.7690836618	50.697970653	0	0	53.8640699725	0	52.0035776407	0	53.6428696687	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4254096216	0.2249415069	0	0.1878483248	0	0	102.107460191	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_14	0	52.2259912051	0	50.2457134484	0	0	0	50.1864151028	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.9709023399	0.2492557784	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	101.397444005	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1555731341	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_15	0	0	0	51.4281949608	52.6962274694	0	0.3201392865	0	0	54.7756797792	0	50.5018107598	54.1937447792	53.2064670747	0	0	54.2549432464	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	102.286601935	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4705889836	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_16	51.0029739062	0	0	0	51.0607335169	53.2862118709	0	0	0	51.9134794272	54.854099933	0	0	0	54.0630985892	54.5356379274	0	50.5822786088	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_17	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2048863855	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.088151158	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0350232592	0	0	0	0.3510405665	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_18	0	51.9909876648	54.2742154768	53.1653297993	0	0	50.8771925078	50.9077149464	54.9729403134	0	0.1353582563	0	0	50.2703191505	0	0	0	53.4546555778	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1975913675	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.252506998	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3668075477
+Root|Taxa_19	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.2084286662	0.0317855187	0	0	0	0	0.0731542793	0	0.279365334	0	0	0	0.3232868601	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	51.3273493399	51.7950595639	51.5148741732	50.1446039379
+Root|Taxa_20	0	0	0	54.2901512603	0	52.5606309423	52.3731376332	54.4526691389	0	0	0	0	0	0	52.0984154658	0	0	51.7513288419	0	0	0	0.3622193485	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1691945034	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_21	50.2825468404	0	0	0	0	0	50.9821712326	0	0	0	0	51.3809679697	0	52.2721137248	0	0	0	50.870859988	0	0	0.1977675671	0	0	0	0	0	0.4552416279	0	0	0	0	0.3435864481	0	0	0.4880371356	0	0.0536765879	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_22	0	0	0	0	52.3029086027	52.5983394759	54.5052639743	0	0	54.1888891315	50.0266182403	50.2221118781	50.6633223951	51.3579357417	0	52.1345899387	0	53.3732609456	0	0	0	0	0	0.3609204935	0	0	0	0.4993218153	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1591353836	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_23	54.6156171564	0.4886273801	0	0	0	0	0	52.5107503356	52.9460850983	0	0.3957098383	0	0	0	0	0	0	52.6539251409	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2303307173	0.2311735324	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0630202217
+Root|Taxa_24	52.5265835651	0	0	0	0	0	0	51.6181213067	0	52.5277460465	52.5621645367	0.4212381405	0	0	0	0	0	50.0368297309	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	102.75434916	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_25	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1372806711	0	0	0	52.0166897294	0	0	0	0	0	53.9284449204	0	0	0	0.2143980699	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4006338331	100.175399372	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.460244722	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_26	0	54.7808897118	0	0	0	0	0	0.2249763103	0	0.4844513576	0	0	0	0	50.6980071274	0	0	51.8963562506	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	104.480318071	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_27	0	52.1818437283	0	0.0091068777	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	52.0711732439	0.3445929637	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	101.492137287	0	0	0.2358311064	0	0	0.3478219918	0	0	0	0	0.0292885238	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_28	0	0	52.0901812605	52.2730517877	50.0978668154	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	51.1042973997	50.3396791485	0	51.8579185538	0	54.1478490943	0	0	0	0	0	0.1924004269	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	103.860589722	0	0	0	0	0.2958273103	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2432510884	0	0
+Root|Taxa_29	0	0	50.6253941664	0	0	0	0	0	51.4636945289	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	52.4434570833	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0206172628	0	0.4787711449	0	0	103.664216721	0	0	0	0	0	0.0896190717	0.0482937601	0.3775884668	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_30	0	0	0	53.2702698702	0	50.9530439909	0.3906002073	0	52.564962527	0	0	0	50.5342042489	0	0	53.3525431291	0.3955450675	52.1377811142	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	104.569105127	0	0	0	0	0	0.0711511496	0	0	0	0.2969135198	0	0	0	0	0.0820027166	0
+Root|Taxa_31	0	53.4160907647	50.2412640143	0	52.7503772737	0.266001	0	0	0	51.4156779274	52.3495772244	50.4296303411	53.0746552584	0.2312726671	50.1591453136	0	0	52.6740375005	0.0684119121	0.3554946578	0.22106748	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4044619717	0	103.683580625	0	0	0	0.1031302462	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_32	0	50.5756083483	0	0	52.0313756582	53.7110562743	52.3907208953	53.8846639811	0	0	0.0046756583	0	52.4749313611	0.2397819191	0	54.0544476992	0	0	54.8355397676	0.1297890121	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4593982017	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3506631122	0.4629464165	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_33	0	0	0	50.878130145	0.4999058566	0	0	0	0	51.3518277314	0.3761236625	0.3944068153	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.3174548238	0	0	0.1504482951	0	0.127140027	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2548248911	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_34	53.3206087196	0	0	0	0	53.3594257978	54.7550426596	0	0	0	0.2037470024	54.1086095437	0	0	0	0	0	0	54.1113517717	0.3138467421	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3490515927	0	0	0	0	0.1981740901	0	0	0.1208211414	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_35	51.5748239395	51.8559498273	0	54.0804785553	0	0	0	0	0	0	54.739358927	53.3751470718	53.0003988321	50.9511660413	0	0	0	0.4262712797	51.4526566441	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2979733489	0	0	0.4111736556	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0689009855	0	0	0	0	0	0.380858705	0.3682137697	0	0.346123284	0
+Root|Taxa_36	0	0	0	0	51.7955322468	50.7825938818	0.0748252557	0	0	54.9524236749	0	0.3548118535	51.8703689184	0	0	51.0568246533	0	0	53.3875472963	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0529775051	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_37	0	0	52.9933793712	0	0	0	54.6905079521	0	52.7922091401	0	0	0	0	0	50.3044859311	0	0	0	54.747541461	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0457887715	0.3809741474	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2279874575	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_38	0	0	51.4270643055	0	54.6785989992	0	54.8206987373	0	53.9385865565	0	0	0	0	51.4129548343	53.1265043809	0	0	0	54.0071260493	0	0	0	0	0.0939906902	0.3673230157	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4789676492	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_39	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2387940384	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	54.1627418823	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2795966978	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_40	0	0	0	50.0210852211	0	0	0	0	0.2150901129	0	0	0	0	52.1867569927	53.6264651202	0	0	0	52.9491874829	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2507515189	0	0	0	0	100.862557832	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.210881571	0
+Root|Taxa_41	51.4977031121	52.9164968998	0.3534159391	0	0	0.1157486694	0	0	51.7018934192	0.1345887328	0	51.9984923274	0.3081525427	0	0.0615519713	0	0	0	53.3008194045	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	104.430795814	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2867404482	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_42	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.1007007713	0	54.9461220565	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.0375057479	0	0	0	0.4319383958	0	0.171622271	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	102.196402398	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_43	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	51.0446210947	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0792792689	0	0	0	0	0	104.880373605	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	51.3715760597	52.9044112969	51.740910549	50.5004381267
+Root|Taxa_44	0	53.9514218116	53.7974560811	0	0	0.2172397029	0	54.4604334223	0	0	54.6862061224	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.1944500806	0	0.1702076899	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1000241075	0	0	0.4379056345	102.222128629	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0702419447	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_45	0.4414396255	0	0	0	0	53.3442434459	0	0	52.0433499114	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	51.0099383616	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	102.926221483	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0083155843	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_46	50.8759769798	0	53.2075254666	50.6746294731	51.236316237	0.0529739748	0	0	0	51.7118414842	52.4785335361	0	0	0	52.8668573736	52.6248831998	0	0	53.2532692581	0	0	0	0.2068341838	0	0.0509557931	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	101.581986405	0	0	0.3929810805	0	0	0	0	0.4084069824	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_47	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	51.7620853649	0	0	51.3185303073	50.1321408484	51.7645853205	53.2729757957	0	53.2368893169	0	0	54.6339039774	0	0	0	0	0	0.2721644329	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1529640426	102.170619684	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4808707791	0	0	0	0.0259939588	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_48	52.4267089962	0	0	54.1214115467	50.0928272167	0	53.4772363871	54.7860576144	0	0	0	51.9697613142	0	0	0	0	0.2912755603	0	0	52.4029555007	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1730979361	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_49	0	54.141972569	0	0	0	0.3109906772	0	0.2574068121	0	0	0	0	51.8320818925	0	0	0	0	0	0	54.6830485117	0.2736483385	0	0	0.1530487213	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4823438429	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_50	0	0.4124418207	52.6693177921	0	0.4591352641	0	0	50.0076295469	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0891656276	0	0	52.060661218	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.456119945	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_51	0	0	0.4290217531	0.3651461426	0	52.193712592	0	0	0	0	0	54.8820040231	50.9889836189	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.729079995	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1077332822	0	0	0	0	0	0.2396906645	0	0	0	0	0.1208910872	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1170604419	0	0
+Root|Taxa_52	54.8376652197	0	50.6807988659	0	0	0	50.2423356742	0	0	53.1215806153	0	0	53.0799270537	0	0	0	0	0	0	51.035020958	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2183915943	0	0.0377484647	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_53	0.4082266649	53.8883783744	0.4415559686	0	0	54.6386307308	0	0	51.2693532809	0	54.6221640864	0	0	0	0	0	0.3041499927	0	0.3724731651	54.412795112	0.1367159827	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3980338784	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_54	0.3273113474	0	0	54.926390833	0	0	0	0	0	0.3088645786	0	0	0	0.0605177339	0	50.044487362	0	0	0	54.6371458056	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4771918399	0.2768604633	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0335516302	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_55	0	0	50.0656052232	0	0	0.0179441975	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.138961788	54.9330831299	0	0	0	52.5769169001	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1782178292	0	0	0	0	0.3407637923	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4782188759	0.4542681566	0	0	0	0.4875039412	0	0
+Root|Taxa_56	54.5989539227	0	0	0	53.2426950573	50.250740261	0	0	0	53.9546687981	0	0	0	53.8898181275	52.0200822419	0	0	0	0	50.1281331335	0	0	0	0.3264303961	0.2427488814	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2980135425	102.341991379	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2057570112	0.1926807528	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_57	0	51.354416492	0	0	0	50.4552746731	0	0	53.9138353446	53.4965113987	0	0	0.4402856364	0	50.9875219614	0	0	0.2843309221	0	52.8337602214	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	100.009745288	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.484674028	0	0
+Root|Taxa_58	0.4370935688	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.5695657696	53.5922767311	0	52.4207781953	0	0.0828238371	54.0436231227	0	54.1439337916	0	0	0	53.6109641407	0	0	0.247319441	0	0	0	0	0	0.1293668424	0	0	0	0	102.817247688	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_59	54.1877803261	54.8734852288	51.9631978735	0	53.7893179854	0	0	0	0	0	0	52.9662052797	0.3843803475	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.5938366041	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	103.811586753	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1697259821	0	0	0.4337967626	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_60	0	0	0	51.6462568319	0	0	52.1950606158	52.2145629515	53.8111850302	54.6277290472	0	0	0	0.4097991131	0	0	0	0	0	54.4787895985	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	100.148275143	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_61	0	0	0	0	0	0.2040732361	0	0	0	0.2783150788	0	0	0	50.5350340247	51.0309419327	0	0	0	0	51.8822943576	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0622838924	0.3612372393	102.431353618	0	0	0	0	0.1492745202	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1621554116	0	0.4346019485
+Root|Taxa_62	0	0	0	50.6703344071	0	0	54.4857512291	0	0	0	54.0871158771	50.599265154	53.7767317456	0	0	51.3898411169	0	0	0	50.3643983668	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4853324113	0	0.4473445252	0	102.425622639	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_63	0.4529478175	0	0	0	54.2379721914	0	0	0	0	0	53.7525110896	0	0.4360800234	53.3175262291	54.2646984279	0	0	0	0	54.0018428816	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	103.879540704	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.200286561	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_64	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	51.0672277557	52.7285706827	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.3133856033	0	0	0	0	0.122468849	0	0	0	0.2195248661	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4512989848	0	0
+Root|Taxa_65	0	0	0	0	0	54.2826532163	0.0546722913	50.5873967928	0	0	0	0	50.7408726249	51.9223310392	0	51.4656070102	0	0	0	0	50.605962135	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0313052349	0	0.0248505033	0	0	0	0	0.1801267876	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_66	0	0	0	0	50.1694459571	0	0.2098148433	0	54.8130942577	52.1816782427	0	0	0	0	0	0.0087912135	0	0	0	0	52.4555738805	0	0.1946081847	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.231151394	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_67	53.0846900346	54.412517058	54.5238051166	0	0	0	0	0	0	54.595576556	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2415041929	0	0	54.7069813167	0.2996548558	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0425357392	0	0	0	0.4645055552	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_68	51.3995469362	0	0	50.331795309	51.0448312155	53.6201946543	0	0	53.4099339516	0	50.770176676	54.2683984233	0	52.1643426732	54.0442901397	0.1032379248	0	0	0.3522214367	0	54.4540657102	0	0.110175445	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.433013846	0	0	0	0	0.1886158766	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_69	50.9648348214	53.6736175822	51.590495556	51.8412088782	0	54.2987533453	52.3634972313	0	0	0	51.151811413	53.7359358267	0	0	54.7917255302	0	0.4325211547	0	0	0	53.3545695108	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.069227689	0	0	0	0	0	0.3882377702	0	0	0	0	0.2976571254	0	0	0	0.0263550726	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_70	0	0	0	0	50.7217921254	0	54.7066155956	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.6315693012	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3724946615	0	0.2673542736	0	0	0.3328376298	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_71	0.1620439572	0.0674540068	0.0359000069	0	0	52.036928436	0	0	0	0	53.2771147688	0	0	50.2197978468	0	0.1980547765	0	0	0	0	52.6803755712	0	0	0	0.4341710263	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2646443485	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1923538669	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0887843003
+Root|Taxa_72	0	0	0	0.208477186	0.191122797	0	53.3877940796	0	0	0	0	54.8605306811	52.8806578443	0.4634942747	0	53.7859248539	0	0	0	0	54.0390981091	0	0	0	0.2015376913	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	104.81826701	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.470124035	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_73	0	0	54.0543538675	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	52.5074922807	0	51.8833322526	0	0	0	0	0	50.7807937909	0	0	0.232942393	0	0	0.1220451999	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2828927528	100.872762323	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4539101431	0.443320587	0	0.1132961507	0.3185656437
+Root|Taxa_74	0	0	54.3809381001	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2304558325	0.3130208717	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.825957476	0	0	0.0572096867	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0168392183	0	103.904238553	0.311377563	0	0	0	0	0.4866264421	0	0	0	0	0.3384127287	0	0
+Root|Taxa_75	0.4307504192	51.7633538316	0	0	51.4215501537	0	0	53.6131499522	0.0308805275	0	0	0	52.3514348753	0	0	0	0	0.1696651501	0	0	53.9066979693	0	0	0.1281638803	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	102.958441755	0	0	0	0.0609186756	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0993970743
+Root|Taxa_76	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1206515095	0	51.8281885745	0.1220819529	0	0	0	0	50.8290781889	0	0	0	0	54.9709648675	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4297384241	104.083448416	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3426330327	0	0
+Root|Taxa_77	0	0	0.3601206776	53.0516805067	0	0	0	0	0	0	52.427138658	53.0537708068	0	0	51.9809609217	51.4358398959	0	0	0	0	53.8140262772	0	0.2518970133	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4379598295	0	0	0	0	101.154787919	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_78	0	50.9977659171	0.205815553	50.3018855792	0.2485134475	0	54.8612742676	0	0	54.7417532517	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.2633197891	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1158681467	0	0	103.568400155	0	0	0	0.2837734628	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_79	53.2388661668	0	0	0	0	0	0	54.4991602286	52.8373936886	0	0	0	0	50.3435784568	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.1761666666	0.179916926	0	0	0	0	0.3216605414	0.0902658359	0	0	0	0	0	0	102.053964001	0	0	0	0.3941161454	0	0.4024567987	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_80	54.7892618987	54.5318181169	0	0	52.5024244557	0	0.2824605846	54.1520416938	0	51.6347900016	54.2899104182	52.9606082444	51.9671909833	0	0	53.5378565436	0	0	0	0.1663700836	0	50.401981588	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_81	0	51.8337862969	54.4049970921	0	51.8557420992	52.5229095783	0.0436287387	0	54.5758600794	0	0	0.191168701	0.0239379812	51.9482488619	0	0	0	0	0.4139979892	0	0	52.9118524132	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.366252635	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3986870557	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_82	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.3984918842	0	0	0	54.4976071698	0	0	0	51.0106416962	0	0	0	0	0	0	52.0283746591	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1361657687	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0758464948	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_83	0	0	0	50.3794761616	0	52.7343387153	53.0193553248	51.2257869732	0.0006319949	0	0	0.2720348266	52.9907821351	0	0	0	0	0.2233355579	0	0	0.1050158817	54.9458704446	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2172519645	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_84	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	54.1408497487	52.8337996475	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	51.6022529984	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_85	0	52.3235728903	0	0	0.3320989701	0.4248255219	0	0	51.7466072582	50.4503592933	0	54.5914510381	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	52.4345973615	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2927939436	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0847785671	0	0
+Root|Taxa_86	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.8900286515	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	54.7211930279	0	0	0	0.1860511137	0	0	0	0	0.4099157235	0	0.2539220727	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_87	54.1801851168	0.2755052968	54.4929431324	53.8377295485	0	0	0	52.4040288729	0	0	0	54.7801295644	54.0400263047	0	0	0.1966747301	0	0	0	0	0	51.8162873023	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4679406891	0	0	0	0.2959793419	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_88	0	0	0	53.9390998937	0	51.5633425952	51.2958523861	0	0	53.5152813263	0	0	0	0	54.4016767058	53.2390333136	0.4146855389	0	0	0	0	54.4130820735	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0204961504	101.326823224	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1066233614	0.0363300378	0
+Root|Taxa_89	53.0543892529	0	0	0	0	0	53.674266645	0	0	0	0	50.7712795605	0	0	0.1019179568	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.7975387016	0	0.0977898128	0	0	0	0	0	0.0993452942	0	0	0	0	0	100.997769091	0.3619621508	0	0	0	0.3904948159	0	0	0.0872044741	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_90	0	0	50.8115416489	0	50.754506055	0	0	0	52.3941131969	0	0	0	51.8243341099	0	0	51.3772399507	0	0	0	0	0	52.4678412328	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	100.520314429	0	0	0.2133005765	0.1264533195	0	0.1775747368	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_91	0	0.1440747388	0	52.2420346752	0	0	0	0	0	0	51.306304352	0	0	54.5023389653	51.6143705277	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.2618330615	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	103.306676868	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2591604764	0
+Root|Taxa_92	0	54.6210630241	0	0	53.5305422245	0	0	0	0	0	54.3568545147	0	0.3760358617	53.614501565	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.1740916731	0	0	0	0	0.1862491638	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	102.868597317	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_93	0	0	52.1871299484	0	0	0	0	0.4391172051	0	0	0	0.376050992	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2089241073	0.1723162287	51.9279788044	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	103.481228475	0	0	0.2200556727	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_94	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3256636158	0	0	0	0	0.364965086	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.1229798984	0	0	0	0.1559587637	0.4001034299	0	0	0	0.3262818835	0	0	0.2076639482	0	101.02718778	0	0	0	0	0.2707225645	0.417074225	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_95	50.6928865646	0	0	0	0	53.8301341769	0	0	0.0103564044	0.3986304957	0	0	0	54.2377241737	52.3696486305	53.0287787824	0	0	0	0.0081133227	0	51.3118465046	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	100.436094872	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_96	0	0	0	0.0306082277	0	0	53.4258105193	0	0	53.4595268013	0	0	54.111068736	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	51.1151885409	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0718316031	0	0	0	0.0856188686	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1088778111	0	0
+Root|Taxa_97	54.0131831358	0.3162587064	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.5541897884	0	50.8535862291	0	0	0	52.5365058191	0	0.1993715632	0	0	0	0	0	51.2674686071	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3301504415	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_98	0	0	53.7149011582	0.4173513921	51.1073102759	52.9646951786	50.2964122406	50.8655941987	0	0	50.6709458088	0	0	52.5329187655	0	0	0	0	0.1295957195	0	0	0	50.697495499	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4731593744	0	0	0.1248322964	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2822300821	0	0	0	0.4313599044
+Root|Taxa_99	0	0	0	0	53.9606157979	0	0	0	53.2300749713	0	0	53.3830729082	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2475868847	0	0	52.8931864333	0	0	0.4867202557	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3688932196	0.0563714613	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3712734193	0.4418757976
+Root|Taxa_100	50.056868693	53.8826557038	51.7558450346	0	0	0	0	0	52.1246108797	0	0	0	52.5289140861	0	0	0.1157214473	0	0	0	0	0	0	54.1241903946	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2108212732	0	0	0	0	0.0601948469	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_101	0	53.2749401798	0.3457314983	0	0	54.4227088415	0	0	0	0	52.6300612332	0	54.4154008017	0	0.0671882326	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.1007193022	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0900018692	0	0.175114791	0.473746692	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_102	52.6950430067	0	0.4354763357	0	54.9986822481	0.053637061	0.3994923336	0	0	0	0	51.4154828937	0.4664348065	53.2002848034	51.817857542	0.2712106096	0	0	0	0	0	0	54.8655468121	0	0.3710474144	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3822684551	0	0	0.006423485	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0162876791	0	0	0.1017937381	0
+Root|Taxa_103	0.3425931453	52.9993627033	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	52.3092110352	0	0	0.2767992224	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.5254117447	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.015074463	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3959814799	0	0	0.1943574615	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_104	0	0	0	53.4713033884	54.3579475688	52.6955685823	50.7596515057	0	0.1731414916	52.1442151554	0	0	0	50.3835988803	0	0	0	0	0	0.4060476246	0	0	50.733284076	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	104.214620416	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_105	0	54.7806460339	0	0	0	54.0826678158	0	0	0.0672647388	52.1675841037	0	0	0	53.9554537185	0	52.4303251482	0	0	0	0.2334350482	0	0.4098819176	54.7028473218	0	0.2667853728	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	101.795431091	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_106	0	0	52.5565456759	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.6619334569	0	0	0	0	0	51.3961540827	0	0.2140895941	0	0	0.2995571882	0.221779498	52.5708897858	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1233866431	0	0	0	0	102.570605443	0	0	0	0	0	0.4118529029	0	0.3766700102	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_107	54.5303707299	0	0	51.0579585274	0	0	0	0	0	0	52.9392581011	0	0	0	54.6683053936	0.3356273709	0	0.4393523569	0	0	0	0	53.8546643238	0	0	0.490563499	0	0	0	0	0	0.1035835818	0	0	0	0	101.68701225	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_108	0	0.0831253556	0	50.9377309168	0	0	0	53.5728270552	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4250388828	0	0	50.474152487	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	101.552599433	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_109	0	0	0	50.7291731582	0.1487014569	0	50.3194645485	54.8863005781	51.0698065958	0	0	0.3224429939	54.070754096	0	0	52.748043897	0	0	0.2273795381	0	0	0	54.8240827687	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	104.106043157	0	0.4804401716	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_110	0	0.2551561223	52.683061103	0	0	0	0	0	0.3193054438	0.2135924862	0	52.2430501794	0	0	51.1526587024	50.841997407	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.4151489286	0.1306208862	0	0	0.218684585	0	0	0.4787247711	0	0	0	0	0	0	102.8864492	0	0.2203846269	0.2282855691	0	0	0	0	0.0824536039	0	0	0.1350548782
+Root|Taxa_111	0	0	0	0.4533598523	0	0	0	54.0952514858	0	0.246414477	0	0	0	0	0	0.2734378482	0	0	0	0	0	0	54.3493366089	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	100.442925155	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_112	52.8796511547	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	52.8431676735	52.5435996612	0	0	0.25953187	52.1281290498	0	50.3434325139	0	0.2009750675	0.2712162231	0	0	0	0	52.6989684504	0.3289420094	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1775970696	0	0	0	0	0.2978109744	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_113	0	0	0	0	53.8573505274	54.100587941	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4647473082	0.0778451335	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.8835256873	0	0	0	0	0	0.0377493305	0	0	0	0	0	0.2198580664	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0487963934	0	0
+Root|Taxa_114	0	0	0	51.3010891504	50.6235825947	0	0	0	54.3294385847	0	52.4915264128	0	50.2204943195	0	54.672706648	0	0.102503602	0	0	0	0	0.4953540541	0	53.5948742929	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2376060834	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_115	0	50.3846457133	0.0453624707	52.2810809921	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2962109532	52.356551925	0	0	0	53.2473750995	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.4842530361	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_116	0	0	50.7893793239	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.3047078447	52.7281058343	0	0	0	53.1172663716	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	51.5151956714	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4667210276	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0901319476	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4911531549	0
+Root|Taxa_117	54.4214998557	51.706627646	0	52.7351162212	0	0	53.5635180636	50.6309452706	0	0	0	50.3299983355	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.3673919695	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0622798374	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_118	0	0	0	50.050071526	51.2057127172	0.3221579782	0	0	54.6853641877	0	0	53.1801030862	0.3483857771	0	0	0	0	0	0.0251496664	0	0	0.4456743928	0.1322548859	50.3810409073	0.3577083992	0	0	0.1275077605	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0602159539	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_119	51.922082888	0	0	0	0	54.6252344439	51.1848430863	0	0	52.4525135577	0.0056796712	52.6744844414	54.9720726431	0	0	54.1421484212	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.3926322948	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0022038827	0	0	0	0	0	0.1747333445	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_120	0	0.0535385325	0	0	0	0	53.9885983831	51.1715526045	0	50.7359508767	0	0	0	0.057468086	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1300280471	0	0	51.1346821396	0.0705595777	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.125181148	0	0	101.991997388	0	0	0.1003367696	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_121	0.0008154986	0	0.3280314362	0	0.1820039777	0	0	0	0.4577127314	0	54.1095884096	0	53.524176304	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.2073699901	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1840049668	0	0	0	0	0	0	102.909580903	0	0	0.181993672	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_122	50.8681143585	0	51.320734447	0.0095748392	0	53.3636168816	0	0	0	0	0	0	52.1852430741	51.262329877	0	0	0	0.0622433267	0	0	0	0	0	53.7047465055	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	100.034546601	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_123	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0133316433	0	50.8087609677	0	0.2245461255	0	0	0	0	0.4556854398	0	0	0	0	0	54.3209051793	0	0.3736911327	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	104.076577343	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1563644404	0	0.1938368617
+Root|Taxa_124	0	54.159458256	0	0	0	0	0	0	52.4862177718	0	0	0	0	52.496544274	0	54.9051403008	0	0	0	0.4490948229	0	0	0	52.2518193792	0	0	0	0	0	0.0384124203	0.0511539478	0	0	0	0	0	0	101.020590712	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3109116096	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_125	0	0	54.433585035	0	0	0.4950654415	54.7477615553	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.1122769028	54.023921379	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.1890587578	0.4471825391	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	101.147356821	0	0.2035924438	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1910229169
+Root|Taxa_126	0	52.1375779443	52.1865837244	0	0	52.1370101292	0.2221869542	54.704837352	0	0	0	0.2606668186	0	0	52.935749446	0	0.456212443	0	0	0	0.059009802	0	0	53.5136073383	0	0	0	0	0	0.2580221564	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	101.602167074	0	0	0	0	0.0384759088	0	0	0	0.0426162704	0
+Root|Taxa_127	0	0	0	0	51.6721722493	0	0	50.0454865499	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	51.0920304632	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	104.950389985	0	0	0	0	0.1667482347	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_128	0.1331336535	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.1804152394	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.4100979573	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4921252139	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_129	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.299465996	0	50.8592848841	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.3264729709	0.0137091047	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4537700047	0	0	0	0	0	0.2579709315
+Root|Taxa_130	0	50.2573135552	54.3323301317	0	0	0	53.3188760975	52.486926787	0	52.1968656152	0	51.7574049244	0	52.9868373017	0	0	0	0	0	0.4673611098	0	0	0	0	53.0377205693	0	0	0	0.016580682	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0335388511	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1914559368	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_131	52.0537010278	0	0	0	0.3107571236	0	0	53.7766034349	51.1158811827	0	50.8621611349	0	0	0	0	54.4723584233	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	54.7479994972	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4448196373	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_132	0	0	0	0	0	0.172789176	0	50.8806545977	0	51.4070126504	0	0	51.5052899747	0	0	50.3473589335	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.4325984047	0	0	0	0	0.3105304607	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2583166482	0
+Root|Taxa_133	0	52.7654105634	0	50.0632713856	0	52.0514206023	50.6029858176	50.7861005586	0	52.4097818001	0	51.7341909396	0	52.0623266294	51.8588365816	53.9426808897	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.2340335763	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2940476931	0	0	0	0	0.2795160082	0	0	0	0	0.4342558817	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_134	54.276968809	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.237846912	0	0	0	0	52.4128774358	0	0	0.2731953573	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0488747015	0	0	0.076239614	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_135	0	0	52.7355757954	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1575747261	0	0	0	0	0	53.4331203286	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4680498471	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2991610257	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_136	50.1663935409	50.8493833059	0	52.9072919333	0	0	0	0	0	0	52.6624415517	0	52.909339742	52.3463756458	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	52.9310570222	0	0	0	0.0192803969	0.1048063969	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	103.643993471	0.3463790228	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4044988888
+Root|Taxa_137	0	0	50.3271812384	54.6107876926	54.705408862	0	53.3726497122	0.4384243337	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	54.8353816372	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	104.59642024	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_138	0	0	0	0	50.3508366293	53.6026619085	0.2754542254	0	0	0	0	50.1171609828	50.1887506526	0.3372854117	0	0	0	0	0	0.111696425	0	0	0	0	53.1285946944	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1244802407	0	102.391488906	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_139	0	0	0	50.0851651917	53.0605762996	0	0	0	0	0.129094429	0	0	0	52.6006306021	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	54.3550166147	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	102.410658174	0	0	0	0.1707530269	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_140	54.9509896394	0.2643862525	0	0	0	53.3036799045	0	0.4734565241	0	51.9407821206	54.7631097044	0	0	0	53.214956066	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4481639127	0	0	52.6356438545	0	0	0	0	0	0.4017381726	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.342668534	101.128726959	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_141	0	0	50.4557417684	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.7723044977	0	0.4715730335	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4829783113	0.2970710556	0	0	53.8805006607	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	101.641222915	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3372654319
+Root|Taxa_142	0	52.6370559114	0	0	51.2203811896	54.0425062776	51.7800027177	0	54.9863155754	0	0.0443837671	0	0	0	0	0	0.1782547418	0	0	0	0.0976464757	0	0	0	50.5885233525	0	0.2188058424	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3333792751	0	0	0	0	102.063304696	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_143	0	0	0.2903019444	0.355206109	0.3868817776	0	0	0	52.350206994	0	50.6961451488	0	0.3403821611	0	52.3388756388	53.2885492361	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	54.0373695539	0	0.4911168798	0	0	0	0	0	0.4874580754	0	0	0	0	0	102.204406541	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_144	0	0	51.8506264628	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1037747282	0	0	52.8869772838	0	52.2264077052	0	0.1189331919	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	51.8338015039	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3940431239	0	0
+Root|Taxa_145	0	52.7823443475	0	0	0	0	52.4609240421	0	0	0	50.0987051436	0	0	50.968244462	0	50.9263535704	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	54.8807366247	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4132385692	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_146	0	0	0	0	53.7530389298	52.9631250672	0	0	53.5665153562	0	0	52.9559048601	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.5760856857	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0801642474	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_147	0	0	54.2907613529	0	0	0	0	54.286398784	0	0	0	52.2872431861	0	0	0	52.0786440961	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.8528614118	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_148	0	0	0	0	0.1047768904	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2939648053	0	52.4551515426	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.4002141385	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1929436104	0	0	0	0.1053827705	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4051583407	0
+Root|Taxa_149	54.2777035359	0	0	54.187394364	0	0	0	0	0	53.443367591	51.4130125124	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4145177727	0	0	0.1005042838	0	0	53.2067688306	0	0.3207376689	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_150	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0612681294	0.4244032829	50.5626683266	0	0.0111672322	53.9739733465	54.2175708967	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3781355911	0	0	0	0	51.471972695	0	0.3851659467	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3979675191	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_151	0	0	0	52.7431585634	0	0	0	50.2017836015	0	0	0	53.0748043966	50.5224853183	0	0	0	0	0.1754280507	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	52.4546382453	0.3528670196	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3672557933	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_152	53.0678431488	0	0	0.0546989371	0	0	51.2315217005	0	0	0	0	50.4114866073	0	53.7070251388	52.7692539832	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.3134097985	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1112163285	0	0	0	0	0	0	102.15706607	0	0	0.0546144515	0	0	0	0	0.411126339
+Root|Taxa_153	54.9629484736	50.5573652099	54.2746441994	51.6232779595	0	50.9204894262	52.1654321914	0.1884089049	50.7479203266	0.0221645359	53.1077653448	0	0	0	0	52.6512164947	0	0.2981989018	0	0	0	0.0807715368	0	0	0	50.1370901086	0	0.4542572973	0	0	0	0	0	0.4192882307	0	0	0	0	0	103.662801847	0	0.3979888829	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_154	0	0	0	50.163331859	54.3225166315	0	0	0	54.2741962951	0.3987782149	0	0.3906929996	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.1163702243	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3365017002	0	0	0	0	103.671105895	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_155	0	54.1850524251	0	0.4907963023	54.9825970045	52.2360487216	0	0.2119051547	52.5585979852	51.509361986	0	0	0	0	53.3575243815	0	0	0	0	0	0.4358898121	0	0	0	0.3494253042	50.397495396	0	0	0	0	0.1242609805	0	0	0	0	0.4671507012	0	0	0.1868497381	104.22255511	0	0	0	0	0.4712259955	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_156	0	0.1488298437	0	0.1426635063	0	0	53.2356214553	52.332511369	0	51.5725150026	0	0	50.0507645562	0.4215629634	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3357119997	0	0	53.1939946532	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3648066076	0	0	0	103.458287072	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_157	50.6978732494	0	50.6734842361	0	0	0	0	51.7777257263	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.7294750771	0	0.1644620726	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	54.1941881246	0	0	0	0	0	0.3476189713	0	0	0.3611656822	0	0	0	0	102.508893906	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3394288541	0.3707488064
+Root|Taxa_158	0	53.7561622573	0	0.1709683787	51.9863822632	52.1013896181	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	52.5375657735	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.2073591757	0	0	0.1038712117	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	104.721558927	0	0	0	0	0	0.2370944335	0	0
+Root|Taxa_159	0.3874316195	0	0	0	0.0552919119	0	0	0	0	0	54.4124660215	0	0	0	0.2227858482	0	0	0	0.3861346603	0	0	0	0	0	0	51.0208960264	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	103.997856026	0.2930440729	0.2454792928	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_160	0	0	52.9419023174	0	0	0	52.4349614444	53.1019048862	0	0	0	0	53.768020292	50.9370694265	0	0	0	0	0.4617021973	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.8639548458	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_161	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.9463874577	0	50.2973248145	52.3586283584	54.0246650833	53.5797750183	52.58628782	0	54.6614480918	0	0.1450967381	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.3155658458	0	0	0.4296255491	0	0	0	0	0	0.4629821219	0	0	0	0	0.1737198594	0.2686717286	0	0.0978520167	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_162	53.1480600841	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	52.3645492168	0	0	53.907858137	0.0830708636	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0522518002	0.0998390594	0	0	54.6418044878	0.1071592541	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_163	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1032253511	0	0	0	0	0	0.1375874333	51.6200703686	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4511394821	0	0	53.7873572369	0	0	0	0	0.2951931824	0	0	0.1880146955	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_164	0.4835113024	0	0	50.3719699426	0	51.9771225761	0	0	0	0	0	50.3547158319	50.2502208924	0	53.8459195753	54.3741304475	0.024577205	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.3286767397	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3925771428	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_165	52.0968027182	0.1727382739	0	0	52.0064350501	0	0	50.5583883437	53.6043075055	53.0323951087	0.015868495	0.2276317641	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4527866454	0	0	0.3027420952	0	0.384873724	0	53.9270526894	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1809349348	0.3820501581	0	0	0	0	0.4145347686	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_166	52.7505897873	53.9549468598	51.4271330184	52.6350719286	0	0	0	51.4072420959	0.1322200828	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3235715088	0	0	51.7533492233	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3218342588	0
+Root|Taxa_167	0	0	0	0.3558686048	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1432562186	50.6823351017	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2934262859	0	0	0	50.0240967706	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_168	0	0	0	0	0	54.3451420666	0	51.3494668429	51.5131678207	52.5733542268	0.3945348022	0	53.826644509	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0624962977	50.2705591379	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3168581661	0	0	0	100.792598893	0	0	0	0.1824407078	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_169	0	52.3081498196	52.0504650623	0	0	0	0	0	0.20752284	0	0	50.1886994174	0	0.4728794387	54.1324005816	0	0.4331534803	0	0	0	0.0642689439	0	0.1251965139	0	0	0	53.9445664526	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.399145223	0	0	0	0	0	100.661367081	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_170	0	53.7805706154	0	50.9944363379	51.9866603495	53.6859953206	0	0	0	0	51.983336686	0	0	0	0	0	0.4572159306	0.0492165376	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.915460038	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	102.196365333	0	0	0.1419077746	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_171	0	53.2094792455	0.1489580956	0	52.2630749516	0	0	0	50.1948292546	0	0	0	0	0	0	54.2354745265	0	0.0333639634	0	0	0	0	0.1990114174	0	0	0	54.8033722735	0.4511957743	0	0	0	0.232926566	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	102.98051989	0	0	0.3016712375	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_172	51.0671898877	0	0	0	0	0.0511781296	0	0	0	0	0.2109176808	50.4738026808	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.735860776	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4304878063	0	0	0	100.325004789	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_173	0	0	0	0	54.0128674588	0	54.3605479719	0	0	0.468473056	53.7053016943	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	52.4806040921	0	0	0	0.4440176055	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	102.327508124	0.1299130454	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_174	0	0	54.5156851	52.5986848711	0	51.4073193408	0	0	0	52.0673966016	0	0.2029731535	0	54.7115612862	0	0.1249151498	0	0.0041863337	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.3096691132	0	0.2252071989	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	101.371606613	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_175	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.3537914845	0	0	0	0	0	0	51.0325020147	51.5109616955	0.4444300716	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0713851372	0	0	0	51.4884897233	0.1621744325	0.0650189427	0	0	0	0	0	0.2974779045	0	0.4862985628	0	0	0	103.478234958	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_176	0	0.4555503772	0	0	0	0	53.8636925608	0	52.6708232365	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4237214796	0.3767939371	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	52.0523308197	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2257095009	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_177	50.475411618	0	0	52.2346780318	0	0	0.3436295501	0	53.7249478704	51.0031927895	53.9509039005	53.833396097	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3597522784	0	0	0	0	0	50.109383045	0	0	0	0	0	0.3478571808	0.2179063686	0	0.2819056479	0	0	0	0	0	0.0854901409	0	0.2940278032	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_178	51.1271601449	54.8860173667	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	51.6268134565	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	51.3849503597	0	0.4858649487	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_179	0	0	0	0	52.166291339	0	0	53.765176324	0	0	0.1970422822	0	0	0	0	0	0.4265009899	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	52.5279778091	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3352695026	0	0	0.33414374	0	0	0	0.3020387723	0	0	0.2431528132	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_180	0	0	0	0	0.3200819933	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.583385197	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0013638078	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.4349148139	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4186021993	0	0	0.1217993021	0	0.3372202371	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_181	0.2819251852	0	0	54.7493143772	54.2492072498	0	0	50.8945849016	0	0	0	0	0.4230922399	52.4557762201	0	50.5470429792	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.262423604	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_182	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	52.8860624056	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2177694838	0	0	0.0426182111	0	0	0	51.7431170066	0	0	0	0	0	0.4120160848	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4202458646	0
+Root|Taxa_183	0	0	51.4057895825	0	0.348959037	51.813387383	53.0094547995	0	0	0	54.1428713129	0	51.868728964	0	0	52.2561040348	0	0	0	0	0	0.2599077514	0	0	0	0	0	54.7085060955	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0300257631	0	0.058526713	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_184	0	0	0	0.3137102393	0	52.1430757063	0	0	0	0	0	51.3195918888	54.8671168984	0	54.4710598727	0	0	0	0	0.2815828512	0	0	0	0.4589160147	0	0.3225932485	0	51.5141825365	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	103.059342486	0	0	0	0.2181513139	0	0.2214639224
+Root|Taxa_185	0	0	54.389314375	0	0	0	0	0	0	54.7267292213	0	0	51.5915698536	0	50.219987935	0	0	0	0.4246763691	0	0	0	0	0.3108703032	0	0	0	50.6423249736	0	0	0	0.3046097687	0	0	0	0	0	0.1816515957	0	0	0	104.657049771	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_186	0.2578890924	0	0	54.9417630492	0	0	52.5251964762	50.6241253824	0	54.336635758	0	0	53.8959566907	50.6069116272	0	0	0	0	0	0.3393123192	0	0.2282115619	0	0	0	0	0	52.3706346328	0	0	0.3694309992	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0214825341	0	0	100.213819152	0.4798189848	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_187	52.9225564174	50.9556974217	0	51.9632176621	53.041227125	52.1350513686	0	0	0	0.0109429699	0	52.6077372192	0	0	52.6016736512	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1115057321	0	0	53.6644244189	0	0.0444891502	0	0.2264456126	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4351778245	104.24137393	0	0	0	0.302465445	0	0.003393226
+Root|Taxa_188	0	0	50.7929335187	0	0	0	0	0.0230501905	0	53.6741909148	50.5908790468	0	0	54.3781425253	53.9150822838	51.9440621712	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	51.3050243267	0.3083766005	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	101.222657064	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_189	53.1156860216	0	50.2004019551	0	53.5393781093	0	0	0.4767799759	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2510714584	0	0	0	0	0	0.0313474882	0	0	54.3585907576	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3815601461	0	0	0.0661751984	0	0	103.093749372	0	0.3328062103	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_190	0	51.8421062419	0	0	0	53.3427531356	52.5952915076	0	52.2138916423	0	0.1584601307	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1606301123	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	52.6852858362	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	104.906827283	0.2424074586	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_191	0	51.2781148402	0	0	0.2445757987	0	0	52.2653477791	0	0	50.7773450711	0	0.096988651	52.9500712259	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.3546323716	0.3642238437	0	0	0.2580494612	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4405137253	0	102.645104533	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_192	52.0827037946	0	0	53.3591565492	0	0	52.3984658047	0	0	0	0	0	53.1365027963	52.1224468617	0.2413320858	0	0	0.4208501086	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	54.1591071637	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_193	51.1294803083	54.000378627	0	0	0	52.1201148141	0	51.4793102236	0	52.7028030721	0	0.2554842302	0	51.0278208653	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	52.5398921345	0	0	0	0.2921036679	0	0	0.0121176867	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1737701306	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_194	0	53.3175217655	54.3162751517	0	50.1223851156	0	0.4184720644	53.8254943468	0	53.7365842832	0	50.3085076248	0	0.0440271517	54.2949627388	0	0	0	0	0	0.202831309	0	0	0	0	0.1944977516	0.0278157737	0	51.0262433359	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2768269464	0	0.1355769703	0
+Root|Taxa_195	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	54.2177701685	52.9208199615	0	51.3350564705	0	0	53.6987592548	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.4505941005	0	0	0	0.2366040567	0	0	0.0706983798	0	0.4048068191	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_196	0	0	50.6109850879	0	0	51.0658949888	0	0	0	0.4576835496	52.2501412607	0	53.2433525996	0	0.0866719841	0.1044734051	0	0	0	0	0	0.496363439	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.8202104672	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4776304856	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_197	0	0	51.6313839246	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	52.7963856942	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2973905015	0.0408162681	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0982300275	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_198	0	53.047207326	0	0	0	53.2380971568	54.5651723179	0	0	0	0	50.0759819974	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.191167896	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.0878653178	0	0.1127647836	0	0	0	0.3103576187	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3988252675	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_199	0	0	0	0	52.0714878521	0	0	51.3096678644	0	0	50.4793163079	0	0	0	53.2342697162	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.322882781	0	0	0	0.0518037931	0	0	53.2300848959	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2133714863	0	0	0	0.4607870842
+Root|Taxa_200	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	54.8676932307	0	0	0	54.8465490773	0	50.0099690264	50.7561511906	0	0	0	0	0.1307286405	0	0	0	0	0.0415073515	0	0	52.6545608425	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.184158767	0	0	0	0	0	0	104.026411169	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_201	0	0	0.0684272076	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3333347799	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0661544997	0	0	0	0	0	51.4443606906	0	0	0.0771979655	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2761105027	102.275033805	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_202	54.5088647863	0	0	0	0.0321756373	0	0	0	52.0726025305	0	0	53.0253269521	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2083645807	0.1062779642	54.2981710912	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3699929419	0	0	0	0	0	101.947183747	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_203	0	0	0	53.0890034691	53.4478307116	0	0	52.0807007841	0	0	0.3932551686	0	0	50.8859238684	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4819659907	0	0	0	0	0	50.4463062145	0	0	0	0	0	0.0022291218	0	0	0	0.0260392603	0	0	0	103.245769713	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_204	0	0	0	50.2568349213	0	0	0	0	52.4975993007	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3938938146	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1752154	0	0	0	50.8254339282	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2911676263	0	0	102.001279284	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_205	0	0	52.7163994001	0	0	0	52.2676963135	0	0	0	53.5958965115	0	0	0.3119935484	0.476493088	0.0382216967	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2807420398	0	50.4720582791	0	0	0.0450551832	0.3918770618	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	102.486209016	0	0	0.4059267464	0.4356299041	0.4526614144
+Root|Taxa_206	0	0	0	53.5087326257	0	53.0326686943	53.9077681483	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.8938971864	52.5574477678	53.8098522525	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	54.2401876661	0.2242680732	0.115238483	0	0	0	0	0.4881061169	0	0	0	0	0	0	102.186344705	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_207	51.2183210273	51.1563774994	0	0	54.1762942805	0	0	0	51.2704897195	52.8968592985	0	52.288966104	0	0	0	54.3906412249	0	0	0	0	0.0048042154	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	51.2408250309	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	103.110597368	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_208	0	0	0	0.0546805022	0	0.1599409596	50.0472074245	0.4099746803	51.4051352965	0	0	0	0	53.2887290406	0	0.0848935397	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1555916655	0	0	0	0	0	53.0135385478	0.1497035187	0	0.0691993821	0	0.3373772825	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2522945018	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_209	0	50.1030172793	0	0	0	0	54.1650217307	52.2230603121	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1143171628	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	51.8871962649	0.299430337	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4798221512	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_210	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.5549695516	52.1576796275	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	52.3992524271	0	0	0	0.1706714754	0	0	0	0	0.3811782646	0.0008517706	0	0	0	51.0207565229	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0102807436	0	0	0	0	0.0085181585	0	0
+Root|Taxa_211	50.536257303	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	51.9813477573	0	51.5911214861	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.1296406718	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4077664043	0
+Root|Taxa_212	0	0	0	0	0.4699813783	0	0	0	0	54.5530559822	0	50.743119663	51.3155881447	0	0	53.2941828392	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0342022552	0	0	54.1038020638	0	0	0	0.040960994	0	0	0	0.4947938425	0	0	0	0	0.3862038599	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_213	0.3399472909	0	0	0	0	0	54.6671775034	0.050131803	50.2999962265	0	51.8713213189	0	0	0	53.2943170335	51.1243603164	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.6101294432	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_214	50.0115213059	0	0	0	0	50.8371273498	0	0	0	54.4139864126	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3015435222	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0872919265	0.2777439996	50.3179817753	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4557640334	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_215	0	0.4561298327	0	53.5216413012	54.8891010063	50.9129555637	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.4880926895	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1940475073	0.2803421878	50.3585027491	0	0	0	0.345883306	0.3534255574	0	0	0	0	0	0.2075798899	0	0.4493876473	0	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_216	0	52.664567111	54.9286304319	0	0	0.3528460271	0	0	0	53.8271900954	53.2864160864	0	0	53.8916659856	0	0	0.0390396631	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0501403367	53.9106611035	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	102.503416561	0	0	0.2323723816	0
+Root|Taxa_217	0	0	0	53.8189770697	0	0	0	0	0	0	51.0739213403	51.9325727684	53.6586894371	0	50.8848681615	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4134750657	0.2984209586	0	0	0	0	0.3984011824	0	50.0637489202	0.1745273923	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0970082737	102.133370457	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_218	53.6309027759	0	0	54.1993531611	0	53.8609164351	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4230445366	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3460879368	0	0	0	54.0328089965	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1875089533	0	0	102.742579014	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_219	0	0	50.6959593123	0	0	0	0	0	52.9583336932	51.2063060177	0	0	0	0	0.1839092432	0.1624310372	0	0	0.2217437424	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	51.3989543421	0.1469196015	0	0	0.4515484111	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.362398058	0	0	103.426555217	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_220	53.138860148	54.260252989	50.1122213715	0	53.7052604162	0	0.4760342302	0	51.9385050693	0.191283382	0	0	51.217538964	0	0.2580800578	50.1174597734	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.115889335	0	0	0	0	0	0	53.3111145776	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	104.430682236	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_221	0	0.3384535892	0.4106893002	52.1411487055	50.5241190477	0	0	53.9774121283	0	0	0	52.1082021353	0	0	0	0	0.4172253944	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	50.9817139231	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4224842988	0	0	0	102.376952212	0.2260951816	0	0.3067861355	0
+Root|Taxa_222	0	52.3172435891	52.6471280765	0	51.567115685	0	0	53.6724555185	0	0	0	0	0	54.2428549188	51.6482654065	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2425898966	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	51.1118820396	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2951844288	0	0	102.047792613	0	0	0	0
+Root|Taxa_223	0	0	0.2600381862	0	0	50.2577764475	0.4992511416	0	0	0	0	51.3720073928	0	53.1526569712	0.3864806128	0	0	0.0519771654	0	0	0	0	0	0.3896198936	0	0	0	0.4447746424	0	51.736707456	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	103.397909634	0	0	0	0
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/input/Test.tree	Tue May 13 21:58:57 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/input/Test2.biom	Tue May 13 21:58:57 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+{"id": "None","format": "Biological Observation Matrix 1.0.0","format_url": "","type": "OTU table","generated_by": "BreadCrumbs","date": "2013-10-08T12:59:54.028525","matrix_type": "sparse","matrix_element_type": "float","shape": [224, 48],"data": [[0,1,0.13263911008834839],[0,2,51.672050476074219],[0,6,51.744468688964844],[0,12,51.208335876464844],[0,13,52.149501800537109],[0,15,54.280982971191406],[0,16,51.682929992675781],[0,18,0.31236764788627625],[0,24,0.21669530868530273],[0,26,0.2411828488111496],[0,33,0.31222966313362122],[0,47,0.17723028361797333],[1,0,54.099388122558594],[1,2,0.44196206331253052],[1,6,50.664783477783203],[1,7,53.447223663330078],[1,8,50.581748962402344],[1,10,53.541297912597656],[1,16,54.532711029052734],[1,28,0.30667436122894287],[1,30,0.4312838613986969],[1,32,0.37312093377113342],[1,45,0.12748651206493378],[2,0,51.461025238037109],[2,5,53.026569366455078],[2,10,54.047443389892578],[2,12,52.526435852050781],[2,16,54.940284729003906],[2,32,0.42233455181121826],[2,37,0.460744708776474],[2,39,0.34424543380737305],[3,16,53.750659942626953],[3,18,0.41481569409370422],[3,22,0.26857671141624451],[3,28,0.36630621552467346],[3,44,50.526988983154297],[3,45,51.854343414306641],[3,46,53.768180847167969],[3,47,52.634426116943359],[4,0,50.240570068359375],[4,1,51.777767181396484],[4,3,54.845878601074219],[4,11,53.880828857421875],[4,16,50.028224945068359],[4,20,0.098072387278079987],[4,22,0.38868135213851929],[4,28,0.4286598265171051],[4,32,0.47316429018974304],[4,37,0.15683920681476593],[5,5,51.951015472412109],[5,6,0.22961589694023132],[5,7,52.969863891601562],[5,11,52.197437286376953],[5,14,0.22526906430721283],[5,16,53.653339385986328],[5,25,0.39630568027496338],[5,28,0.06783304363489151],[6,5,54.567390441894531],[6,10,51.190956115722656],[6,11,0.25222322344779968],[6,13,52.400714874267578],[6,14,54.537200927734375],[6,16,51.323921203613281],[6,29,0.17403842508792877],[6,41,0.052579630166292191],[7,2,54.889991760253906],[7,3,50.592502593994141],[7,7,54.676334381103516],[7,8,0.11892234534025192],[7,9,50.23931884765625],[7,16,54.696922302246094],[7,19,0.26401954889297485],[7,25,0.093931779265403748],[7,29,0.0068426746875047684],[7,33,0.18845303356647491],[8,0,50.167209625244141],[8,2,52.330379486083984],[8,7,0.26085031032562256],[8,8,51.234970092773438],[8,9,53.837917327880859],[8,16,50.158138275146484],[8,17,0.00067086971830576658],[8,30,102.35082244873047],[8,37,0.25920611619949341],[8,38,0.27336984872817993],[9,2,54.295417785644531],[9,3,0.39004826545715332],[9,4,53.497718811035156],[9,6,52.853614807128906],[9,13,53.070518493652344],[9,14,53.997322082519531],[9,15,52.567996978759766],[9,16,52.433670043945312],[9,18,0.44207152724266052],[9,26,0.20625883340835571],[9,28,0.22174246609210968],[9,30,102.36073303222656],[10,1,52.030044555664062],[10,4,50.834751129150391],[10,6,54.687831878662109],[10,8,52.774848937988281],[10,10,0.17284990847110748],[10,13,0.34940233826637268],[10,15,53.292324066162109],[10,16,52.094409942626953],[10,30,103.40880584716797],[10,39,0.2798474133014679],[11,5,50.226642608642578],[11,10,54.800552368164062],[11,13,0.26145485043525696],[11,14,54.634014129638672],[11,16,53.305400848388672],[11,30,104.29749298095703],[11,31,0.41477712988853455],[11,43,0.2095019668340683],[11,44,0.2636646032333374],[11,46,0.14962244033813477],[12,1,51.245124816894531],[12,4,52.189498901367188],[12,8,0.14854021370410919],[12,11,51.457836151123047],[12,15,53.714405059814453],[12,16,52.488780975341797],[12,18,0.49128276109695435],[12,21,0.040838729590177536],[12,23,0.12988743185997009],[12,28,0.40605998039245605],[12,30,100.32480621337891],[12,45,0.11192221939563751],[13,0,0.30497664213180542],[13,5,0.25770536065101624],[13,7,0.033960685133934021],[13,8,54.769084930419922],[13,9,50.697971343994141],[13,12,53.864070892333984],[13,14,52.003578186035156],[13,16,53.642868041992188],[13,24,0.42540961503982544],[13,25,0.22494150698184967],[13,27,0.18784832954406738],[13,30,102.10746002197266],[14,1,52.225990295410156],[14,3,50.245712280273438],[14,7,50.186416625976562],[14,16,50.970901489257812],[14,17,0.24925577640533447],[14,30,101.39744567871094],[14,43,0.15557312965393066],[15,3,51.428195953369141],[15,4,52.69622802734375],[15,6,0.32013928890228271],[15,9,54.775680541992188],[15,11,50.501811981201172],[15,12,54.193744659423828],[15,13,53.206466674804688],[15,16,54.25494384765625],[15,30,102.28659820556641],[15,38,0.47058898210525513],[16,0,51.002975463867188],[16,4,51.060733795166016],[16,5,53.286212921142578],[16,9,51.913478851318359],[16,10,54.854099273681641],[16,14,54.063098907470703],[16,15,54.535636901855469],[16,17,50.582279205322266],[17,6,0.20488639175891876],[17,17,53.088150024414062],[17,35,0.035023260861635208],[17,39,0.35104057192802429],[18,1,51.990985870361328],[18,2,54.274215698242188],[18,3,53.165328979492188],[18,6,50.877193450927734],[18,7,50.90771484375],[18,8,54.972938537597656],[18,10,0.13535825908184052],[18,13,50.270320892333984],[18,17,53.454654693603516],[18,31,0.19759136438369751],[18,38,0.25250700116157532],[18,47,0.36680755019187927],[19,17,53.208427429199219],[19,18,0.031785517930984497],[19,23,0.073154278099536896],[19,25,0.27936533093452454],[19,29,0.32328686118125916],[19,44,51.327350616455078],[19,45,51.795059204101562],[19,46,51.514873504638672],[19,47,50.144603729248047],[20,3,54.290149688720703],[20,5,52.560630798339844],[20,6,52.373138427734375],[20,7,54.452667236328125],[20,14,52.098415374755859],[20,17,51.751327514648438],[20,21,0.36221933364868164],[20,30,0.16919450461864471],[21,0,50.282546997070312],[21,6,50.982170104980469],[21,11,51.380966186523438],[21,13,52.272113800048828],[21,17,50.870861053466797],[21,20,0.19776757061481476],[21,26,0.4552416205406189],[21,31,0.34358644485473633],[21,34,0.48803713917732239],[21,36,0.053676586598157883],[22,4,52.302909851074219],[22,5,52.598339080810547],[22,6,54.505264282226562],[22,9,54.188888549804688],[22,10,50.026618957519531],[22,11,50.222110748291016],[22,12,50.663322448730469],[22,13,51.357936859130859],[22,15,52.134590148925781],[22,17,53.373260498046875],[22,23,0.3609204888343811],[22,27,0.49932181835174561],[22,38,0.15913538634777069],[23,0,54.615615844726562],[23,1,0.48862737417221069],[23,7,52.510749816894531],[23,8,52.946086883544922],[23,10,0.39570984244346619],[23,17,52.653926849365234],[23,29,0.23033072054386139],[23,30,0.23117353022098541],[23,47,0.063020221889019012],[24,0,52.526584625244141],[24,7,51.618122100830078],[24,9,52.527744293212891],[24,10,52.562164306640625],[24,11,0.42123815417289734],[24,17,50.036830902099609],[24,31,102.75434875488281],[25,7,0.13728067278862],[25,11,52.016689300537109],[25,17,53.928443908691406],[25,21,0.21439807116985321],[25,30,0.40063384175300598],[25,31,100.17539978027344],[25,39,0.46024471521377563],[26,1,54.780891418457031],[26,7,0.2249763160943985],[26,9,0.48445135354995728],[26,14,50.698005676269531],[26,17,51.896354675292969],[26,31,104.48031616210938],[27,1,52.181842803955078],[27,3,0.0091068772599101067],[27,17,52.071174621582031],[27,18,0.34459295868873596],[27,31,101.49213409423828],[27,34,0.23583111166954041],[27,37,0.34782198071479797],[27,42,0.029288522899150848],[28,2,52.090179443359375],[28,3,52.273052215576172],[28,4,50.097866058349609],[28,12,51.104297637939453],[28,13,50.339679718017578],[28,15,51.857917785644531],[28,17,54.147850036621094],[28,23,0.19240042567253113],[28,31,103.86058807373047],[28,36,0.29582729935646057],[28,45,0.24325108528137207],[29,2,50.625392913818359],[29,8,51.463695526123047],[29,17,52.443458557128906],[29,26,0.02061726339161396],[29,28,0.4787711501121521],[29,31,103.66421508789062],[29,37,0.089619070291519165],[29,38,0.048293761909008026],[29,39,0.37758848071098328],[30,3,53.270271301269531],[30,5,50.953044891357422],[30,6,0.39060020446777344],[30,8,52.564964294433594],[30,12,50.534202575683594],[30,15,53.352542877197266],[30,16,0.39554506540298462],[30,17,52.137779235839844],[30,31,104.56910705566406],[30,37,0.07115115225315094],[30,41,0.29691353440284729],[30,46,0.082002714276313782],[31,1,53.416091918945312],[31,2,50.241264343261719],[31,4,52.750377655029297],[31,5,0.26600098609924316],[31,9,51.415676116943359],[31,10,52.349578857421875],[31,11,50.429630279541016],[31,12,53.074653625488281],[31,13,0.23127266764640808],[31,14,50.159145355224609],[31,17,52.674037933349609],[31,18,0.06841190904378891],[31,19,0.35549464821815491],[31,20,0.22106747329235077],[31,29,0.40446197986602783],[31,31,103.68357849121094],[31,35,0.10313024371862411],[32,1,50.575607299804688],[32,4,52.031375885009766],[32,5,53.711055755615234],[32,6,52.390720367431641],[32,7,53.884662628173828],[32,10,0.0046756584197282791],[32,12,52.474929809570312],[32,13,0.23978191614151001],[32,15,54.054447174072266],[32,18,54.835540771484375],[32,19,0.12978900969028473],[32,26,0.45939821004867554],[32,35,0.35066312551498413],[32,36,0.46294641494750977],[33,3,50.878131866455078],[33,4,0.49990585446357727],[33,9,51.351829528808594],[33,10,0.37612366676330566],[33,11,0.39440682530403137],[33,18,50.317455291748047],[33,21,0.15044829249382019],[33,23,0.12714003026485443],[33,33,0.25482487678527832],[34,0,53.320610046386719],[34,5,53.359424591064453],[34,6,54.755043029785156],[34,10,0.20374700427055359],[34,11,54.108608245849609],[34,18,54.111351013183594],[34,19,0.31384673714637756],[34,31,0.34905159473419189],[34,36,0.19817408919334412],[34,39,0.12082114070653915],[35,0,51.574825286865234],[35,1,51.855949401855469],[35,3,54.080478668212891],[35,10,54.739360809326172],[35,11,53.375148773193359],[35,12,53.000400543212891],[35,13,50.951164245605469],[35,17,0.42627128958702087],[35,18,51.452655792236328],[35,25,0.29797333478927612],[35,28,0.41117364168167114],[35,37,0.068900987505912781],[35,43,0.38085871934890747],[35,44,0.36821377277374268],[35,46,0.34612327814102173],[36,4,51.7955322265625],[36,5,50.7825927734375],[36,6,0.074825257062911987],[36,9,54.952423095703125],[36,11,0.35481184720993042],[36,12,51.870368957519531],[36,15,51.05682373046875],[36,18,53.387546539306641],[36,34,0.052977506071329117],[37,2,52.993377685546875],[37,6,54.690509796142578],[37,8,52.792209625244141],[37,14,50.304485321044922],[37,18,54.747543334960938],[37,25,0.045788772404193878],[37,26,0.38097414374351501],[37,41,0.22798745334148407],[38,2,51.42706298828125],[38,4,54.678600311279297],[38,6,54.820697784423828],[38,8,53.938587188720703],[38,13,51.412956237792969],[38,14,53.126502990722656],[38,18,54.007125854492188],[38,23,0.093990691006183624],[38,24,0.36732301115989685],[38,36,0.47896763682365417],[39,9,0.23879404366016388],[39,18,54.162742614746094],[39,25,0.27959668636322021],[40,3,50.021083831787109],[40,8,0.21509011089801788],[40,13,52.186756134033203],[40,14,53.62646484375],[40,18,52.949188232421875],[40,27,0.25075152516365051],[40,32,100.86255645751953],[40,46,0.21088157594203949],[41,0,51.497703552246094],[41,1,52.916496276855469],[41,2,0.35341593623161316],[41,5,0.11574866622686386],[41,8,51.701892852783203],[41,9,0.13458873331546783],[41,11,51.998493194580078],[41,12,0.30815255641937256],[41,14,0.06155196949839592],[41,18,53.300819396972656],[41,32,104.43079376220703],[41,39,0.28674045205116272],[42,7,50.100700378417969],[42,9,54.946121215820312],[42,18,53.037506103515625],[42,22,0.43193840980529785],[42,24,0.17162227630615234],[42,32,102.19640350341797],[43,18,51.044620513916016],[43,26,0.07927926629781723],[43,32,104.88037109375],[43,44,51.371574401855469],[43,45,52.904411315917969],[43,46,51.740909576416016],[43,47,50.500438690185547],[44,1,53.951423645019531],[44,2,53.797454833984375],[44,5,0.21723970770835876],[44,7,54.460433959960938],[44,10,54.686206817626953],[44,18,53.194450378417969],[44,20,0.17020769417285919],[44,28,0.10002410411834717],[44,31,0.43790563941001892],[44,32,102.22212982177734],[44,41,0.070241943001747131],[45,0,0.44143962860107422],[45,5,53.344242095947266],[45,8,52.043350219726562],[45,18,51.009937286376953],[45,32,102.92622375488281],[45,41,0.008315584622323513],[46,0,50.8759765625],[46,2,53.207527160644531],[46,3,50.674629211425781],[46,4,51.236316680908203],[46,5,0.052973974496126175],[46,9,51.711841583251953],[46,10,52.478534698486328],[46,14,52.866855621337891],[46,15,52.624881744384766],[46,18,53.253269195556641],[46,22,0.20683418214321136],[46,24,0.050955794751644135],[46,32,101.58198547363281],[46,35,0.39298108220100403],[46,40,0.40840697288513184],[47,7,51.7620849609375],[47,10,51.318531036376953],[47,11,50.13214111328125],[47,12,51.764583587646484],[47,13,53.272975921630859],[47,15,53.236888885498047],[47,18,54.633903503417969],[47,24,0.27216443419456482],[47,31,0.1529640406370163],[47,32,102.17061614990234],[47,40,0.48087078332901001],[47,44,0.025993958115577698],[48,0,52.426708221435547],[48,3,54.121410369873047],[48,4,50.092826843261719],[48,6,53.477237701416016],[48,7,54.786056518554688],[48,11,51.969760894775391],[48,16,0.29127556085586548],[48,19,52.4029541015625],[48,32,0.17309793829917908],[49,1,54.141971588134766],[49,5,0.31099069118499756],[49,7,0.2574068009853363],[49,12,51.832080841064453],[49,19,54.683048248291016],[49,20,0.27364835143089294],[49,23,0.15304872393608093],[49,35,0.48234385251998901],[50,1,0.41244181990623474],[50,2,52.669319152832031],[50,4,0.4591352641582489],[50,7,50.00762939453125],[50,16,0.089165627956390381],[50,19,52.060661315917969],[50,34,0.45611995458602905],[51,2,0.42902174592018127],[51,3,0.36514613032341003],[51,5,52.193714141845703],[51,11,54.882003784179688],[51,12,50.988983154296875],[51,19,53.729080200195312],[51,26,0.10773327946662903],[51,32,0.23969066143035889],[51,37,0.12089108675718307],[51,45,0.11706044524908066],[52,0,54.837665557861328],[52,2,50.680797576904297],[52,6,50.242336273193359],[52,9,53.12158203125],[52,12,53.079925537109375],[52,19,51.035022735595703],[52,27,0.21839159727096558],[52,29,0.037748463451862335],[53,0,0.40822666883468628],[53,1,53.888378143310547],[53,2,0.44155597686767578],[53,5,54.638629913330078],[53,8,51.269351959228516],[53,10,54.622165679931641],[53,16,0.30414998531341553],[53,18,0.37247315049171448],[53,19,54.412796020507812],[53,20,0.13671597838401794],[53,41,0.39803388714790344],[54,0,0.32731133699417114],[54,3,54.9263916015625],[54,9,0.30886456370353699],[54,13,0.060517732053995132],[54,15,50.044486999511719],[54,19,54.63714599609375],[54,26,0.47719183564186096],[54,27,0.27686047554016113],[54,37,0.033551629632711411],[55,2,50.065605163574219],[55,5,0.017944198101758957],[55,14,0.1389617919921875],[55,15,54.933082580566406],[55,19,52.576915740966797],[55,27,0.17821782827377319],[55,32,0.34076377749443054],[55,40,0.47821888327598572],[55,41,0.45426815748214722],[55,45,0.48750394582748413],[56,0,54.598953247070312],[56,4,53.242694854736328],[56,5,50.250740051269531],[56,9,53.954669952392578],[56,13,53.889816284179688],[56,14,52.02008056640625],[56,19,50.128131866455078],[56,23,0.32643041014671326],[56,24,0.24274888634681702],[56,32,0.29801353812217712],[56,33,102.34198760986328],[56,41,0.20575700700283051],[56,42,0.19268074631690979],[57,1,51.354415893554688],[57,5,50.455276489257812],[57,8,53.913833618164062],[57,9,53.496509552001953],[57,12,0.44028562307357788],[57,14,50.987522125244141],[57,17,0.28433093428611755],[57,19,52.833759307861328],[57,33,100.00974273681641],[57,45,0.48467403650283813],[58,0,0.43709355592727661],[58,7,53.569564819335938],[58,8,53.592277526855469],[58,10,52.4207763671875],[58,12,0.08282383531332016],[58,13,54.043624877929688],[58,15,54.143932342529297],[58,19,53.610965728759766],[58,22,0.24731944501399994],[58,28,0.12936684489250183],[58,33,102.81724548339844],[59,0,54.187778472900391],[59,1,54.873485565185547],[59,2,51.963199615478516],[59,4,53.789318084716797],[59,11,52.966205596923828],[59,12,0.38438034057617188],[59,19,50.593837738037109],[59,33,103.81158447265625],[59,41,0.16972598433494568],[59,44,0.43379676342010498],[60,3,51.646255493164062],[60,6,52.195060729980469],[60,7,52.214561462402344],[60,8,53.811183929443359],[60,9,54.627727508544922],[60,13,0.40979909896850586],[60,19,54.478790283203125],[60,33,100.14827728271484],[61,5,0.2040732353925705],[61,9,0.27831506729125977],[61,13,50.5350341796875],[61,14,51.030941009521484],[61,19,51.882293701171875],[61,31,0.062283892184495926],[61,32,0.36123722791671753],[61,33,102.43135070800781],[61,38,0.14927451312541962],[61,45,0.1621554046869278],[61,47,0.43460196256637573],[62,3,50.670333862304688],[62,6,54.485752105712891],[62,10,54.087116241455078],[62,11,50.599266052246094],[62,12,53.7767333984375],[62,15,51.389842987060547],[62,19,50.364398956298828],[62,29,0.48533239960670471],[62,31,0.44734451174736023],[62,33,102.42562103271484],[63,0,0.45294782519340515],[63,4,54.237972259521484],[63,10,53.752510070800781],[63,12,0.43608000874519348],[63,13,53.317527770996094],[63,14,54.264698028564453],[63,19,54.001842498779297],[63,33,103.87953948974609],[63,44,0.20028656721115112],[64,7,51.067226409912109],[64,8,52.728569030761719],[64,20,53.313385009765625],[64,25,0.12246885150671005],[64,29,0.21952486038208008],[64,45,0.45129898190498352],[65,5,54.28265380859375],[65,6,0.05467228963971138],[65,7,50.587398529052734],[65,12,50.740871429443359],[65,13,51.922332763671875],[65,15,51.465606689453125],[65,20,50.605960845947266],[65,31,0.031305234879255295],[65,33,0.024850502610206604],[65,38,0.18012678623199463],[66,4,50.169445037841797],[66,6,0.20981484651565552],[66,8,54.813095092773438],[66,9,52.181678771972656],[66,15,0.0087912138551473618],[66,20,52.455574035644531],[66,22,0.1946081817150116],[66,42,0.23115138709545135],[67,0,53.084690093994141],[67,1,54.412517547607422],[67,2,54.5238037109375],[67,9,54.595577239990234],[67,17,0.24150419235229492],[67,20,54.706981658935547],[67,21,0.29965484142303467],[67,39,0.042535740882158279],[67,43,0.46450555324554443],[68,0,51.399547576904297],[68,3,50.331794738769531],[68,4,51.044830322265625],[68,5,53.620193481445312],[68,8,53.409934997558594],[68,10,50.770175933837891],[68,11,54.268398284912109],[68,13,52.164340972900391],[68,14,54.044288635253906],[68,15,0.10323792695999146],[68,18,0.35222142934799194],[68,20,54.454067230224609],[68,22,0.11017544567584991],[68,33,0.43301385641098022],[68,38,0.18861587345600128],[69,0,50.964836120605469],[69,1,53.673618316650391],[69,2,51.590496063232422],[69,3,51.841209411621094],[69,5,54.298751831054688],[69,6,52.363498687744141],[69,10,51.151809692382812],[69,11,53.735935211181641],[69,14,54.791725158691406],[69,16,0.43252116441726685],[69,20,53.354568481445312],[69,27,0.069227688014507294],[69,33,0.38823777437210083],[69,38,0.29765713214874268],[69,42,0.026355072855949402],[70,4,50.721790313720703],[70,6,54.706615447998047],[70,20,50.631568908691406],[70,28,0.37249466776847839],[70,30,0.26735427975654602],[70,33,0.33283764123916626],[71,0,0.16204395890235901],[71,1,0.067454010248184204],[71,2,0.03590000793337822],[71,5,52.036930084228516],[71,10,53.277114868164062],[71,13,50.219799041748047],[71,15,0.19805477559566498],[71,20,52.680374145507812],[71,24,0.43417102098464966],[71,33,0.26464435458183289],[71,40,0.19235385954380035],[71,47,0.088784299790859222],[72,3,0.20847718417644501],[72,4,0.19112280011177063],[72,6,53.387794494628906],[72,11,54.860530853271484],[72,12,52.880657196044922],[72,13,0.46349427103996277],[72,15,53.785923004150391],[72,20,54.039096832275391],[72,24,0.20153769850730896],[72,34,104.81826782226562],[72,42,0.47012403607368469],[73,2,54.054355621337891],[73,12,52.507492065429688],[73,14,51.883331298828125],[73,20,50.780792236328125],[73,23,0.23294238746166229],[73,26,0.12204519659280777],[73,33,0.28289276361465454],[73,34,100.87276458740234],[73,43,0.45391014218330383],[73,44,0.44332057237625122],[73,46,0.11329615116119385],[73,47,0.31856563687324524],[74,2,54.380939483642578],[74,11,0.23045583069324493],[74,12,0.31302088499069214],[74,20,53.825958251953125],[74,23,0.057209685444831848],[74,32,0.016839217394590378],[74,34,103.90423583984375],[74,35,0.31137755513191223],[74,40,0.48662644624710083],[74,45,0.33841273188591003],[75,0,0.43075042963027954],[75,1,51.763355255126953],[75,4,51.421550750732422],[75,7,53.613151550292969],[75,8,0.030880527570843697],[75,12,52.351436614990234],[75,17,0.1696651428937912],[75,20,53.906696319580078],[75,23,0.12816387414932251],[75,34,102.95844268798828],[75,38,0.060918673872947693],[75,47,0.099397070705890656],[76,7,0.12065150588750839],[76,9,51.828189849853516],[76,10,0.1220819503068924],[76,15,50.829078674316406],[76,20,54.970966339111328],[76,33,0.42973843216896057],[76,34,104.08345031738281],[76,45,0.34263303875923157],[77,2,0.36012068390846252],[77,3,53.051681518554688],[77,10,52.427139282226562],[77,11,53.05377197265625],[77,14,51.980960845947266],[77,15,51.435840606689453],[77,20,53.81402587890625],[77,22,0.25189700722694397],[77,29,0.43795982003211975],[77,34,101.15478515625],[78,1,50.997764587402344],[78,2,0.20581555366516113],[78,3,50.301883697509766],[78,4,0.24851344525814056],[78,6,54.861274719238281],[78,9,54.741752624511719],[78,20,53.263320922851562],[78,31,0.11586814373731613],[78,34,103.56839752197266],[78,38,0.28377345204353333],[79,0,53.238864898681641],[79,7,54.499160766601562],[79,8,52.837394714355469],[79,13,50.343578338623047],[79,20,53.176166534423828],[79,21,0.17991693317890167],[79,26,0.32166054844856262],[79,27,0.090265832841396332],[79,34,102.05396270751953],[79,38,0.39411613345146179],[79,40,0.40245679020881653],[80,0,54.789260864257812],[80,1,54.531818389892578],[80,4,52.502426147460938],[80,6,0.28246057033538818],[80,7,54.152042388916016],[80,9,51.634788513183594],[80,10,54.289909362792969],[80,11,52.960609436035156],[80,12,51.967189788818359],[80,15,53.537857055664062],[80,19,0.16637007892131805],[80,21,50.401981353759766],[81,1,51.833786010742188],[81,2,54.404998779296875],[81,4,51.855743408203125],[81,5,52.522911071777344],[81,6,0.043628737330436707],[81,8,54.575859069824219],[81,11,0.19116869568824768],[81,12,0.023937981575727463],[81,13,51.948249816894531],[81,18,0.41399797797203064],[81,21,52.911853790283203],[81,29,0.36625263094902039],[81,42,0.39868706464767456],[82,6,50.398490905761719],[82,10,54.497608184814453],[82,14,51.010643005371094],[82,21,52.028373718261719],[82,30,0.13616576790809631],[82,43,0.075846493244171143],[83,3,50.379474639892578],[83,5,52.734336853027344],[83,6,53.019355773925781],[83,7,51.225788116455078],[83,8,0.00063199491705745459],[83,11,0.27203482389450073],[83,12,52.99078369140625],[83,17,0.22333556413650513],[83,20,0.10501588135957718],[83,21,54.945869445800781],[83,41,0.2172519713640213],[84,8,54.140850067138672],[84,9,52.83380126953125],[84,21,51.602252960205078],[85,1,52.323574066162109],[85,4,0.33209896087646484],[85,5,0.424825519323349],[85,8,51.746608734130859],[85,9,50.450359344482422],[85,11,54.591449737548828],[85,21,52.434597015380859],[85,33,0.29279392957687378],[85,45,0.084778569638729095],[86,7,50.890029907226562],[86,21,54.72119140625],[86,25,0.18605111539363861],[86,30,0.40991571545600891],[86,32,0.25392207503318787],[87,0,54.180183410644531],[87,1,0.27550530433654785],[87,2,54.492942810058594],[87,3,53.837730407714844],[87,7,52.404029846191406],[87,11,54.780128479003906],[87,12,54.040027618408203],[87,15,0.19667473435401917],[87,21,51.816287994384766],[87,32,0.46794068813323975],[87,36,0.29597935080528259],[88,3,53.939098358154297],[88,5,51.563343048095703],[88,6,51.295852661132812],[88,9,53.515281677246094],[88,14,54.401676177978516],[88,15,53.239032745361328],[88,16,0.41468554735183716],[88,21,54.413082122802734],[88,34,0.020496150478720665],[88,35,101.32682037353516],[88,45,0.10662335902452469],[88,46,0.036330036818981171],[89,0,53.054389953613281],[89,6,53.674266815185547],[89,11,50.771278381347656],[89,14,0.10191795974969864],[89,21,53.797538757324219],[89,23,0.097789809107780457],[89,29,0.099345296621322632],[89,35,100.99777221679688],[89,36,0.36196213960647583],[89,40,0.39049482345581055],[89,43,0.087204471230506897],[90,2,50.811542510986328],[90,4,50.754505157470703],[90,8,52.394111633300781],[90,12,51.824333190917969],[90,15,51.377239227294922],[90,21,52.467842102050781],[90,35,100.52031707763672],[90,38,0.21330057084560394],[90,39,0.12645332515239716],[90,41,0.17757473886013031],[91,1,0.14407473802566528],[91,3,52.242034912109375],[91,10,51.306304931640625],[91,13,54.502338409423828],[91,14,51.614372253417969],[91,21,53.261833190917969],[91,35,103.30667877197266],[91,46,0.25916048884391785],[92,1,54.621063232421875],[92,4,53.530540466308594],[92,10,54.356853485107422],[92,12,0.37603586912155151],[92,13,53.614501953125],[92,21,50.174091339111328],[92,26,0.18624916672706604],[92,35,102.86859893798828],[93,2,52.187129974365234],[93,7,0.4391171932220459],[93,11,0.37605097889900208],[93,19,0.20892411470413208],[93,20,0.17231622338294983],[93,21,51.927978515625],[93,35,103.48123168945312],[93,38,0.22005566954612732],[94,8,0.32566362619400024],[94,13,0.36496508121490479],[94,21,53.122978210449219],[94,25,0.15595875680446625],[94,26,0.40010342001914978],[94,30,0.32628187537193298],[94,33,0.20766395330429077],[94,35,101.02719116210938],[94,40,0.27072256803512573],[94,41,0.41707423329353333],[95,0,50.692886352539062],[95,5,53.830135345458984],[95,8,0.010356404818594456],[95,9,0.39863049983978271],[95,13,54.237724304199219],[95,14,52.369647979736328],[95,15,53.028778076171875],[95,19,0.0081133227795362473],[95,21,51.311847686767578],[95,35,100.43609619140625],[96,3,0.030608227476477623],[96,6,53.425811767578125],[96,9,53.459526062011719],[96,12,54.111068725585938],[96,22,51.115188598632812],[96,31,0.071831606328487396],[96,35,0.085618868470191956],[96,45,0.10887780785560608],[97,0,54.01318359375],[97,1,0.31625869870185852],[97,8,53.554191589355469],[97,10,50.853588104248047],[97,14,52.536506652832031],[97,16,0.19937156140804291],[97,22,51.267467498779297],[97,40,0.33015045523643494],[98,2,53.714900970458984],[98,3,0.41735139489173889],[98,4,51.107311248779297],[98,5,52.964694976806641],[98,6,50.296413421630859],[98,7,50.865592956542969],[98,10,50.670944213867188],[98,13,52.532917022705078],[98,18,0.12959572672843933],[98,22,50.697494506835938],[98,32,0.47315937280654907],[98,35,0.12483229488134384],[98,43,0.28223007917404175],[98,47,0.4313599169254303],[99,4,53.960617065429688],[99,8,53.230075836181641],[99,11,53.383071899414062],[99,19,0.24758689105510712],[99,22,52.893184661865234],[99,25,0.48672026395797729],[99,35,0.36889320611953735],[99,36,0.056371461600065231],[99,46,0.37127342820167542],[99,47,0.44187578558921814],[100,0,50.056869506835938],[100,1,53.882656097412109],[100,2,51.755844116210938],[100,8,52.124610900878906],[100,12,52.528915405273438],[100,15,0.1157214492559433],[100,22,54.124191284179688],[100,34,0.21082127094268799],[100,39,0.060194846242666245],[101,1,53.274940490722656],[101,2,0.34573149681091309],[101,5,54.422710418701172],[101,10,52.630062103271484],[101,12,54.415401458740234],[101,14,0.067188233137130737],[101,22,53.100719451904297],[101,34,0.090001866221427917],[101,36,0.17511479556560516],[101,37,0.47374668717384338],[102,0,52.695041656494141],[102,2,0.43547633290290833],[102,4,54.998683929443359],[102,5,0.053637061268091202],[102,6,0.39949232339859009],[102,11,51.415481567382812],[102,12,0.46643480658531189],[102,13,53.200283050537109],[102,14,51.817855834960938],[102,15,0.27121061086654663],[102,22,54.865547180175781],[102,24,0.37104740738868713],[102,33,0.38226845860481262],[102,36,0.0064234849996864796],[102,43,0.016287678852677345],[102,46,0.10179373621940613],[103,0,0.34259313344955444],[103,1,52.999362945556641],[103,11,52.309211730957031],[103,14,0.27679923176765442],[103,22,50.525413513183594],[103,32,0.015074462629854679],[103,40,0.39598149061203003],[103,43,0.19435745477676392],[104,3,53.471302032470703],[104,4,54.357948303222656],[104,5,52.695568084716797],[104,6,50.759651184082031],[104,8,0.17314149439334869],[104,9,52.144214630126953],[104,13,50.383598327636719],[104,19,0.40604761242866516],[104,22,50.733283996582031],[104,36,104.21462249755859],[105,1,54.780647277832031],[105,5,54.082668304443359],[105,8,0.067264735698699951],[105,9,52.167583465576172],[105,13,53.955451965332031],[105,15,52.430324554443359],[105,19,0.23343504965305328],[105,21,0.40988191962242126],[105,22,54.702846527099609],[105,24,0.2667853832244873],[105,36,101.79543304443359],[106,2,52.556545257568359],[106,9,53.661933898925781],[106,15,51.396152496337891],[106,17,0.21408958733081818],[106,20,0.29955717921257019],[106,21,0.22177949547767639],[106,22,52.570888519287109],[106,31,0.12338664382696152],[106,36,102.57060241699219],[106,42,0.41185289621353149],[106,44,0.37667000293731689],[107,0,54.530372619628906],[107,3,51.057956695556641],[107,10,52.939258575439453],[107,14,54.668304443359375],[107,15,0.33562737703323364],[107,17,0.4393523633480072],[107,22,53.854663848876953],[107,25,0.49056351184844971],[107,31,0.10358358174562454],[107,36,101.68701171875],[108,1,0.08312535285949707],[108,3,50.937732696533203],[108,7,53.572826385498047],[108,19,0.42503887414932251],[108,22,50.474151611328125],[108,36,101.55259704589844],[109,3,50.729171752929688],[109,4,0.14870145916938782],[109,6,50.319465637207031],[109,7,54.886299133300781],[109,8,51.069805145263672],[109,11,0.32244300842285156],[109,12,54.070755004882812],[109,15,52.748043060302734],[109,18,0.22737953066825867],[109,22,54.824081420898438],[109,36,104.10604095458984],[109,38,0.4804401695728302],[110,1,0.25515612959861755],[110,2,52.683059692382812],[110,8,0.31930544972419739],[110,9,0.21359248459339142],[110,11,52.243049621582031],[110,14,51.152660369873047],[110,15,50.841999053955078],[110,22,50.415149688720703],[110,23,0.13062088191509247],[110,26,0.21868458390235901],[110,29,0.47872477769851685],[110,36,102.88645172119141],[110,38,0.2203846275806427],[110,39,0.22828556597232819],[110,44,0.082453601062297821],[110,47,0.13505487143993378],[111,3,0.45335984230041504],[111,7,54.095252990722656],[111,9,0.24641448259353638],[111,15,0.27343785762786865],[111,22,54.349334716796875],[111,36,100.44292449951172],[112,0,52.879650115966797],[112,8,52.843166351318359],[112,9,52.543598175048828],[112,12,0.25953185558319092],[112,13,52.128128051757812],[112,15,50.343433380126953],[112,17,0.20097506046295166],[112,18,0.27121621370315552],[112,23,52.698966979980469],[112,24,0.32894200086593628],[112,39,0.17759707570075989],[112,44,0.29781097173690796],[113,4,53.857349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14013672],[132,29,0.31053045392036438],[132,46,0.25831663608551025],[133,1,52.765411376953125],[133,3,50.063270568847656],[133,5,52.051422119140625],[133,6,50.602985382080078],[133,7,50.786102294921875],[133,9,52.409782409667969],[133,11,51.73419189453125],[133,13,52.062328338623047],[133,14,51.858837127685547],[133,15,53.942680358886719],[133,24,50.234031677246094],[133,32,0.29404768347740173],[133,37,0.27951601147651672],[133,42,0.43425586819648743],[134,0,54.276969909667969],[134,19,0.23784691095352173],[134,24,52.412876129150391],[134,27,0.27319535613059998],[134,39,0.048874702304601669],[134,42,0.076239615678787231],[135,2,52.735576629638672],[135,18,0.15757472813129425],[135,24,53.433120727539062],[135,35,0.46804985404014587],[135,44,0.29916101694107056],[136,0,50.166393280029297],[136,1,50.849384307861328],[136,3,52.907291412353516],[136,10,52.662441253662109],[136,12,52.909339904785156],[136,13,52.34637451171875],[136,24,52.931056976318359],[136,28,0.019280396401882172],[136,29,0.10480639338493347],[136,38,103.64399719238281],[136,39,0.34637901186943054],[136,47,0.4044988751411438],[137,2,50.327182769775391],[137,3,54.610786437988281],[137,4,54.705410003662109],[137,6,53.372650146484375],[137,7,0.43842431902885437],[137,24,54.835380554199219],[137,38,104.59642028808594],[138,4,50.350837707519531],[138,5,53.6026611328125],[138,6,0.27545422315597534],[138,11,50.117160797119141],[138,12,50.188751220703125],[138,13,0.33728539943695068],[138,19,0.11169642210006714],[138,24,53.128593444824219],[138,36,0.124480240046978],[138,38,102.39148712158203],[139,3,50.085166931152344],[139,4,53.060577392578125],[139,9,0.12909442186355591],[139,13,52.600631713867188],[139,24,54.355014801025391],[139,38,102.41065979003906],[139,42,0.17075303196907043],[140,0,54.95098876953125],[140,1,0.26438626646995544],[140,5,53.303680419921875],[140,7,0.47345653176307678],[140,9,51.940780639648438],[140,10,54.763111114501953],[140,14,53.214954376220703],[140,21,0.44816392660140991],[140,24,52.635643005371094],[140,30,0.40173816680908203],[140,37,0.34266853332519531],[140,38,101.12872314453125],[141,2,50.455741882324219],[141,11,53.772304534912109],[141,13,0.47157302498817444],[141,20,0.48297831416130066],[141,21,0.29707106947898865],[141,24,53.880500793457031],[141,38,101.64122009277344],[141,47,0.33726543188095093],[142,1,52.637054443359375],[142,4,51.220382690429688],[142,5,54.042507171630859],[142,6,51.780002593994141],[142,8,54.986316680908203],[142,10,0.044383767992258072],[142,16,0.17825473845005035],[142,20,0.097646474838256836],[142,24,50.588523864746094],[142,26,0.21880584955215454],[142,33,0.33337926864624023],[142,38,102.06330108642578],[143,2,0.29030194878578186],[143,3,0.35520610213279724],[143,4,0.38688176870346069],[143,8,52.350208282470703],[143,10,50.696144104003906],[143,12,0.3403821587562561],[143,14,52.338874816894531],[143,15,53.288547515869141],[143,24,54.037368774414062],[143,26,0.49111688137054443],[143,32,0.48745808005332947],[143,38,102.20440673828125],[144,2,51.850627899169922],[144,9,0.10377472639083862],[144,12,52.886978149414062],[144,14,52.226406097412109],[144,16,0.11893319338560104],[144,25,51.83380126953125],[144,45,0.39404311776161194],[145,1,52.782344818115234],[145,6,52.460922241210938],[145,10,50.098705291748047],[145,13,50.968242645263672],[145,15,50.926353454589844],[145,25,54.8807373046875],[145,36,0.41323855519294739],[146,4,53.753040313720703],[146,5,52.963123321533203],[146,8,53.566516876220703],[146,11,52.955905914306641],[146,25,50.576084136962891],[146,43,0.080164246261119843],[147,2,54.290760040283203],[147,7,54.286399841308594],[147,11,52.287242889404297],[147,15,52.078643798828125],[147,25,50.852863311767578],[148,4,0.10477688908576965],[148,11,0.29396480321884155],[148,13,52.455150604248047],[148,25,53.400215148925781],[148,32,0.19294361770153046],[148,36,0.1053827702999115],[148,46,0.40515834093093872],[149,0,54.277702331542969],[149,3,54.187393188476562],[149,9,53.443367004394531],[149,10,51.413013458251953],[149,19,0.41451776027679443],[149,22,0.10050428658723831],[149,25,53.206768035888672],[149,27,0.32073765993118286],[150,7,0.061268128454685211],[150,8,0.42440328001976013],[150,9,50.562667846679688],[150,11,0.011167231947183609],[150,12,53.973972320556641],[150,13,54.217571258544922],[150,20,0.37813559174537659],[150,25,51.471973419189453],[150,27,0.38516595959663391],[150,37,0.39796751737594604],[151,3,52.743160247802734],[151,7,50.2017822265625],[151,11,53.074806213378906],[151,12,50.522483825683594],[151,17,0.17542804777622223],[151,25,52.454639434814453],[151,26,0.3528670072555542],[151,40,0.3672558069229126],[152,0,53.067844390869141],[152,3,0.054698936641216278],[152,6,51.231521606445312],[152,11,50.411487579345703],[152,13,53.707023620605469],[152,14,52.769252777099609],[152,25,50.313407897949219],[152,32,0.11121632903814316],[152,39,102.15706634521484],[152,42,0.05461445078253746],[152,47,0.41112634539604187],[153,0,54.962947845458984],[153,1,50.557365417480469],[153,2,54.274642944335938],[153,3,51.623279571533203],[153,5,50.920490264892578],[153,6,52.165431976318359],[153,7,0.18840891122817993],[153,8,50.747920989990234],[153,9,0.022164536640048027],[153,10,53.107765197753906],[153,15,52.651214599609375],[153,17,0.29819890856742859],[153,21,0.080771535634994507],[153,25,50.137088775634766],[153,27,0.4542573094367981],[153,33,0.41928821802139282],[153,39,103.66280364990234],[153,41,0.39798888564109802],[154,3,50.163330078125],[154,4,54.322517395019531],[154,8,54.274196624755859],[154,9,0.39877820014953613],[154,11,0.39069300889968872],[154,25,50.116371154785156],[154,34,0.33650168776512146],[154,39,103.67110443115234],[155,1,54.185050964355469],[155,3,0.49079629778862],[155,4,54.982597351074219],[155,5,52.236049652099609],[155,7,0.21190515160560608],[155,8,52.558597564697266],[155,9,51.509361267089844],[155,14,53.357524871826172],[155,20,0.43588981032371521],[155,24,0.34942531585693359],[155,25,50.397495269775391],[155,30,0.12426097691059113],[155,35,0.46715068817138672],[155,38,0.18684974312782288],[155,39,104.22255706787109],[155,44,0.47122600674629211],[156,1,0.14882984757423401],[156,3,0.14266350865364075],[156,6,53.235622406005859],[156,7,52.332511901855469],[156,9,51.572513580322266],[156,12,50.050765991210938],[156,13,0.42156296968460083],[156,22,0.33571198582649231],[156,25,53.193996429443359],[156,35,0.36480662226676941],[156,39,103.45829010009766],[157,0,50.697872161865234],[157,2,50.673484802246094],[157,7,51.777725219726562],[157,14,53.729476928710938],[157,16,0.16446207463741302],[157,25,54.194187164306641],[157,31,0.34761896729469299],[157,34,0.36116567254066467],[157,39,102.50889587402344],[157,46,0.33942884206771851],[157,47,0.37074881792068481],[158,1,53.756160736083984],[158,3,0.17096838355064392],[158,4,51.986381530761719],[158,5,52.101390838623047],[158,15,52.537567138671875],[158,25,50.207359313964844],[158,28,0.10387121140956879],[158,39,104.7215576171875],[158,45,0.23709443211555481],[159,0,0.38743162155151367],[159,4,0.055291913449764252],[159,10,54.412464141845703],[159,14,0.22278584539890289],[159,18,0.38613465428352356],[159,25,51.020896911621094],[159,39,103.99785614013672],[159,40,0.29304406046867371],[159,41,0.2454792857170105],[160,2,52.941902160644531],[160,6,52.434963226318359],[160,7,53.101905822753906],[160,12,53.768020629882812],[160,13,50.937068939208984],[160,18,0.46170219779014587],[160,26,53.863956451416016],[161,6,50.946388244628906],[161,8,50.297325134277344],[161,9,52.358627319335938],[161,10,54.024665832519531],[161,11,53.579776763916016],[161,12,52.586288452148438],[161,14,54.661449432373047],[161,16,0.14509673416614532],[161,26,50.315567016601562],[161,29,0.42962554097175598],[161,35,0.46298211812973022],[161,40,0.1737198531627655],[161,41,0.26867172122001648],[161,43,0.097852014005184174],[162,0,53.148059844970703],[162,10,52.364547729492188],[162,13,53.907859802246094],[162,14,0.083070866763591766],[162,22,0.052251800894737244],[162,23,0.099839061498641968],[162,26,54.641803741455078],[162,27,0.10715925693511963],[163,8,0.10322535037994385],[163,14,0.13758742809295654],[163,15,51.620071411132812],[163,23,0.45113947987556458],[163,26,53.787357330322266],[163,31,0.29519319534301758],[163,34,0.18801470100879669],[164,0,0.4835112988948822],[164,3,50.371971130371094],[164,5,51.977123260498047],[164,11,50.354717254638672],[164,12,50.250221252441406],[164,14,53.845920562744141],[164,15,54.374130249023438],[164,16,0.024577204138040543],[164,26,50.328678131103516],[164,42,0.39257714152336121],[165,0,52.0968017578125],[165,1,0.17273826897144318],[165,4,52.006435394287109],[165,7,50.558387756347656],[165,8,53.60430908203125],[165,9,53.032394409179688],[165,10,0.015868494287133217],[165,11,0.22763176262378693],[165,19,0.4527866542339325],[165,22,0.30274209380149841],[165,24,0.38487371802330017],[165,26,53.927051544189453],[165,33,0.18093493580818176],[165,34,0.38205015659332275],[165,39,0.41453477740287781],[166,0,52.750591278076172],[166,1,53.954948425292969],[166,2,51.427131652832031],[166,3,52.63507080078125],[166,7,51.407241821289062],[166,8,0.13222008943557739],[166,23,0.32357150316238403],[166,26,51.753349304199219],[166,46,0.3218342661857605],[167,3,0.35586860775947571],[167,14,0.14325621724128723],[167,15,50.682334899902344],[167,22,0.2934262752532959],[167,26,50.024097442626953],[168,5,54.345142364501953],[168,7,51.349468231201172],[168,8,51.513168334960938],[168,9,52.573352813720703],[168,10,0.39453479647636414],[168,12,53.826644897460938],[168,25,0.062496297061443329],[168,26,50.270557403564453],[168,36,0.31685817241668701],[168,40,100.7926025390625],[168,44,0.18244071304798126],[169,1,52.308151245117188],[169,2,52.050464630126953],[169,8,0.20752283930778503],[169,11,50.188697814941406],[169,13,0.47287943959236145],[169,14,54.132400512695312],[169,16,0.43315348029136658],[169,20,0.064268946647644043],[169,22,0.12519651651382446],[169,26,53.944564819335938],[169,34,0.3991452157497406],[169,40,100.66136932373047],[170,1,53.780570983886719],[170,3,50.994438171386719],[170,4,51.986660003662109],[170,5,53.685997009277344],[170,10,51.98333740234375],[170,16,0.45721593499183655],[170,17,0.049216538667678833],[170,26,50.915458679199219],[170,40,102.19636535644531],[170,43,0.14190778136253357],[171,1,53.209480285644531],[171,2,0.14895810186862946],[171,4,52.263076782226562],[171,8,50.194828033447266],[171,15,54.2354736328125],[171,17,0.033363964408636093],[171,22,0.1990114152431488],[171,26,54.803371429443359],[171,27,0.45119577646255493],[171,31,0.23292656242847443],[171,40,102.98052215576172],[171,43,0.30167123675346375],[172,0,51.067188262939453],[172,5,0.051178131252527237],[172,10,0.21091768145561218],[172,11,50.473804473876953],[172,26,50.735858917236328],[172,36,0.43048781156539917],[172,40,100.32500457763672],[173,4,54.012866973876953],[173,6,54.360546112060547],[173,9,0.46847304701805115],[173,10,53.705303192138672],[173,26,52.480602264404297],[173,30,0.44401761889457703],[173,40,102.32750701904297],[173,41,0.12991304695606232],[174,2,54.51568603515625],[174,3,52.598686218261719],[174,5,51.407318115234375],[174,9,52.067398071289062],[174,11,0.20297315716743469],[174,13,54.711563110351562],[174,15,0.12491515278816223],[174,17,0.0041863336227834225],[174,26,53.309669494628906],[174,28,0.22520719468593597],[174,40,101.37160491943359],[175,6,50.353790283203125],[175,13,51.032501220703125],[175,14,51.510963439941406],[175,15,0.44443008303642273],[175,22,0.071385137736797333],[175,26,51.488491058349609],[175,27,0.16217443346977234],[175,28,0.065018944442272186],[175,34,0.29747790098190308],[175,36,0.48629856109619141],[175,40,103.47823333740234],[176,1,0.45555037260055542],[176,6,53.863693237304688],[176,8,52.670822143554688],[176,16,0.42372149229049683],[176,17,0.37679395079612732],[176,27,52.052330017089844],[176,38,0.22570949792861938],[177,0,50.475410461425781],[177,3,52.234676361083984],[177,6,0.34362953901290894],[177,8,53.724948883056641],[177,9,51.003192901611328],[177,10,53.950904846191406],[177,11,53.833396911621094],[177,21,0.35975226759910583],[177,27,50.109382629394531],[177,33,0.34785717725753784],[177,34,0.21790637075901031],[177,36,0.2819056510925293],[177,42,0.085490137338638306],[177,44,0.29402780532836914],[178,0,51.127159118652344],[178,1,54.886016845703125],[178,15,51.626811981201172],[178,27,51.38494873046875],[178,29,0.48586493730545044],[179,4,52.166290283203125],[179,7,53.765174865722656],[179,10,0.19704228639602661],[179,16,0.42650097608566284],[179,27,52.527976989746094],[179,34,0.3352695107460022],[179,37,0.33414372801780701],[179,41,0.3020387589931488],[179,44,0.24315281212329865],[180,4,0.32008197903633118],[180,11,50.583385467529297],[180,20,0.0013638078235089779],[180,27,53.434913635253906],[180,34,0.41860219836235046],[180,37,0.12179930508136749],[180,39,0.33722025156021118],[181,0,0.28192517161369324],[181,3,54.749313354492188],[181,4,54.24920654296875],[181,7,50.894584655761719],[181,12,0.42309224605560303],[181,13,52.455776214599609],[181,15,50.547042846679688],[181,27,50.262424468994141],[182,8,52.886062622070312],[182,20,0.21776948869228363],[182,23,0.042618211358785629],[182,27,51.743118286132812],[182,33,0.41201609373092651],[182,46,0.42024585604667664],[183,2,51.405788421630859],[183,4,0.34895902872085571],[183,5,51.813388824462891],[183,6,53.009456634521484],[183,10,54.142871856689453],[183,12,51.868728637695312],[183,15,52.256103515625],[183,21,0.25990775227546692],[183,27,54.708507537841797],[183,39,0.030025763437151909],[183,41,0.058526713401079178],[184,3,0.31371024250984192],[184,5,52.143074035644531],[184,11,51.319591522216797],[184,12,54.867115020751953],[184,14,54.471061706542969],[184,19,0.28158286213874817],[184,23,0.45891600847244263],[184,25,0.32259324193000793],[184,27,51.514183044433594],[184,41,103.05934143066406],[184,45,0.21815131604671478],[184,47,0.22146391868591309],[185,2,54.389312744140625],[185,9,54.726730346679688],[185,12,51.591567993164062],[185,14,50.219989776611328],[185,18,0.42467635869979858],[185,23,0.31087028980255127],[185,27,50.642326354980469],[185,31,0.30460977554321289],[185,37,0.18165159225463867],[185,41,104.65705108642578],[186,0,0.25788909196853638],[186,3,54.941764831542969],[186,6,52.525196075439453],[186,7,50.624126434326172],[186,9,54.336635589599609],[186,12,53.895957946777344],[186,13,50.606910705566406],[186,19,0.33931231498718262],[186,21,0.22821156680583954],[186,27,52.370635986328125],[186,30,0.36943098902702332],[186,38,0.02148253470659256],[186,41,100.21382141113281],[186,42,0.47981896996498108],[187,0,52.922557830810547],[187,1,50.955696105957031],[187,3,51.963218688964844],[187,4,53.041225433349609],[187,5,52.135051727294922],[187,9,0.010942969471216202],[187,11,52.607738494873047],[187,14,52.601673126220703],[187,24,0.11150573194026947],[187,27,53.664424896240234],[187,29,0.044489149004220963],[187,31,0.22644561529159546],[187,40,0.43517783284187317],[187,41,104.24137115478516],[187,45,0.30246543884277344],[187,47,0.0033932260703295469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+	Sample_0_D	Sample_1_D	Sample_2_D	Sample_3_D	Sample_4_D	Sample_5_D	Sample_6_D	Sample_7_D	Sample_8_D	Sample_9_D	Sample_10_D	Sample_11_D	Sample_12_D	Sample_13_D	Sample_14_D	Sample_15_D	Sample_16_R	Sample_17_R	Sample_18_R	Sample_19_R	Sample_20_R	Sample_21_R	Sample_22_R	Sample_23_R	Sample_24_R	Sample_25_R	Sample_26_R	Sample_27_R	Sample_28_R	Sample_29_R	Sample_30_E	Sample_31_E	Sample_32_E	Sample_33_E	Sample_34_E	Sample_35_E	Sample_36_E	Sample_37_E	Sample_38_E	Sample_39_E	Sample_40_E	Sample_41_E	Sample_42_E	Sample_43_E	Sample_44_T	Sample_45_T	Sample_46_T	Sample_47_T
+Sample_0_D	0.0	0.3504150231223735	0.3774532814755867	0.3498523857145207	0.38460427869111374	0.3684573878701818	0.3942884495138759	0.38442113907082526	0.35972509349143367	0.3503313862645051	0.33248801726485966	0.31498656531755315	0.3942341294900376	0.37691872196965986	0.38506803012912605	0.40343673351243525	0.4642329552936743	0.46327757133691333	0.46381907488716906	0.4618600444490561	0.4642002980737147	0.4630109221246633	0.4632154661879316	0.4637283539991759	0.46308382425028444	0.46301385613996987	0.46375984183730984	0.4634953549046846	0.4635688923034126	0.4641219606524568	0.4907356279586906	0.49025021878085095	0.48094572139780023	0.4800344179041085	0.489881012077767	0.4818947274226439	0.48952425845281133	0.4905534755560824	0.48135203631818196	0.4718635215269368	0.4898600014443216	0.4813349137840063	0.48154364575925396	0.4806321203597953	0.49391802273735197	0.4986688133323061	0.4953322195388267	0.49596318917365195
+Sample_1_D	0.3504150231223735	0.0	0.34990687415642924	0.37804056462059465	0.3320503081927189	0.3402915420230556	0.37791685442214407	0.35943689445783744	0.3596328925657078	0.376858373865497	0.3758152883772704	0.33350908005263896	0.41167572457511786	0.37678662660456774	0.40303268494031574	0.3681904907503879	0.46331866507608044	0.462779422729878	0.46358263694042234	0.4625806743587285	0.463277690990464	0.4630525876856449	0.46298383477193006	0.4642561244897644	0.4645217075941841	0.4639369713582843	0.46329945469077466	0.4639146441137947	0.463007318770675	0.463307176055478	0.4732100717071456	0.47198337234234367	0.4812253017531194	0.4810195560904611	0.4816792295812404	0.4898468979768662	0.4899712925253329	0.4808663981919258	0.48167238628476633	0.4721589058941818	0.47221426569213504	0.47331038683295035	0.4904559533167224	0.4718986049801861	0.4926062109512548	0.49621983236350575	0.49659966327963156	0.49709402570559835
+Sample_2_D	0.3774532814755867	0.34990687415642924	0.0	0.4113389591418409	0.378165235951646	0.42062021435447655	0.3675904747461084	0.3747978922512954	0.40297643061235044	0.36752276282523993	0.39423416141602996	0.41151692300869547	0.3683202817867162	0.36681975316646004	0.34158481204797986	0.3860843947020536	0.46252881559166836	0.4642433915384347	0.4622482749043408	0.4641850558917974	0.4623806469198768	0.4628682242557616	0.46369378341314976	0.4636171590257385	0.46389357257556946	0.46392455885481554	0.46312296201964426	0.46423797566225483	0.4635117693026363	0.46348179210419205	0.48137564708846353	0.47305507177773737	0.4805352268992408	0.4898495343596132	0.4805601079311763	0.48122697697777655	0.48106800576956765	0.4725933812043244	0.48182229639868557	0.48139329533548064	0.48056443059065074	0.47256741970552285	0.49049948497199125	0.46333490991372994	0.4939241197438564	0.49406487910982544	0.4933576629571626	0.49125724041072816
+Sample_3_D	0.3498523857145207	0.37804056462059465	0.4113389591418409	0.0	0.35024175605832153	0.3596738717040975	0.341498293743435	0.3420939770008637	0.4038025007649029	0.38565118250681873	0.36813367547302267	0.3316298213886089	0.3676114464189733	0.35145674807254823	0.3594847704053428	0.37692034582164535	0.4628690756420117	0.462295311277525	0.4641679853319643	0.4627293636562284	0.4646914421283104	0.462602276291508	0.4634107138030018	0.46433757250421087	0.4639770329016334	0.46344745530023335	0.46400331369113484	0.4622017367604051	0.46322063044770395	0.4627493339884753	0.4819967281571807	0.4813260288089169	0.4817536847973929	0.48109870424444373	0.4817564191578727	0.4811229211269271	0.4642083728035972	0.49956389520625194	0.4717371330300269	0.48184922146018805	0.48134470735164514	0.48101120555335175	0.4718961185768399	0.47219009480759566	0.49692113665299764	0.49783002594076065	0.49519013298288145	0.49743189664426457
+Sample_4_D	0.38460427869111374	0.3320503081927189	0.378165235951646	0.35024175605832153	0.0	0.3418224508074406	0.3936656297543116	0.3777884466020609	0.35037178438461297	0.3767009892667313	0.38543550825316863	0.35039755506149556	0.3945992366379761	0.34950426702302617	0.3588445884566689	0.35939982192757863	0.4632981976702886	0.46481373551167376	0.46297378176230547	0.4629095807689372	0.4648093678074958	0.46343673398855906	0.462511310002931	0.46392584691261185	0.4629526847238008	0.4629953184025435	0.4635300952872424	0.46289136175701256	0.4634782873572858	0.46361337064418634	0.4639145589177183	0.4821647442724562	0.4906403823340647	0.47121470102029495	0.49017405113376583	0.48077512847035964	0.4898517889998354	0.49085240858272244	0.46346734367667025	0.47172668591886796	0.4722495594340588	0.48106775967033494	0.48062234154837996	0.4726500410103903	0.49418502370670253	0.4970222833076462	0.49716533470266455	0.49548571290643806
+Sample_5_D	0.3684573878701818	0.3402915420230556	0.42062021435447655	0.3596738717040975	0.3418224508074406	0.0	0.34999106848181405	0.4118994471792147	0.3940464299606249	0.35961737994891	0.35931314689766924	0.3673023205248321	0.3499864242220861	0.3502244206610792	0.33169930653879276	0.35826009471520026	0.46283686022357823	0.46381569876845796	0.46312046371312204	0.4636618844652933	0.46309065751802325	0.46286833737653355	0.4635882606409972	0.46258015392334073	0.4628707854361588	0.4640122794192769	0.4637163994434894	0.46338316135417995	0.4638876166276631	0.4643095120206829	0.49086197994722475	0.49063760420423586	0.4896143382296912	0.4814872101294644	0.49947398180999003	0.4809914986646892	0.48083794165856886	0.48098334660072223	0.47209105908670784	0.47330310097000483	0.47235159710635916	0.4722771712961802	0.4895965064950825	0.48175963705963143	0.4944075285089823	0.4952002287934291	0.4989462356864437	0.4975408880817702
+Sample_6_D	0.3942884495138759	0.37791685442214407	0.3675904747461084	0.341498293743435	0.3936656297543116	0.34999106848181405	0.0	0.34229721569057475	0.37761399883054053	0.3766513232639412	0.38617377454624063	0.3682825908099172	0.3590390819433938	0.3337320665820052	0.3767535114640392	0.3502625724403966	0.4631453250388116	0.46364735220123415	0.4623767086335369	0.46320543812726783	0.4630816894599294	0.4639405819601849	0.4649108161927208	0.4633078761923241	0.46349827877539873	0.4644588914313616	0.46341715428747676	0.4631259294837974	0.4632161869420274	0.4635655808621018	0.48022325626354007	0.4989778882033775	0.4988602843508856	0.4807184438873326	0.48064833061196094	0.4810603397454277	0.48126787450543146	0.48104540561541936	0.48104215005496476	0.4730641762341333	0.48185876125663457	0.4813508624156037	0.4808713437221233	0.4992759138142592	0.4976302876701483	0.49765492003134354	0.4983055113560354	0.4936213729748551
+Sample_7_D	0.38442113907082526	0.35943689445783744	0.3747978922512954	0.3420939770008637	0.3777884466020609	0.4118994471792147	0.34229721569057475	0.0	0.4033502631977479	0.3689865131390402	0.41132592595908146	0.3941366390651051	0.37683543191733526	0.3685021928192986	0.43789983361369006	0.39338468396634557	0.46287118063968846	0.463732545007208	0.4636297877052171	0.4625859586645998	0.463688127437598	0.46345201706232586	0.46257752900563803	0.464428529688762	0.46361134408291166	0.463713627509157	0.4641452284995833	0.4644550087165054	0.46385614833424654	0.4631874294459042	0.4900308048532776	0.4902853325244056	0.47192055962904855	0.48168700476762466	0.4804894116788494	0.4992440557708044	0.4716350089055842	0.4726375449260369	0.4987906965317727	0.48140629365854076	0.49024292837509015	0.4819991730897126	0.49034516924323607	0.4808022559588234	0.49670044259466894	0.4981610773730664	0.49567804492401724	0.4943693831078025
+Sample_8_D	0.35972509349143367	0.3596328925657078	0.40297643061235044	0.4038025007649029	0.35037178438461297	0.3940464299606249	0.37761399883054053	0.4033502631977479	0.0	0.3682946989952721	0.395566622975234	0.4109151345584366	0.4118183155816275	0.4205968205564621	0.39450825882121854	0.36924693423774635	0.46323772212287107	0.4633295263850465	0.4632273690166986	0.4632936438181133	0.46311775870332306	0.4629733309596447	0.46357398638340774	0.46335698922821716	0.4627826416375829	0.4635362654200382	0.46405423537943585	0.46326390015922325	0.46378009029479383	0.46421935249686735	0.47229031911046504	0.4821225433654095	0.48184915201573253	0.4708901599453811	0.4901073094601247	0.490137230165389	0.4903530085502632	0.49071327556512867	0.4804081843529192	0.472077327577874	0.4818514738678554	0.48989679559904736	0.4637710310439459	0.4813971625108328	0.4942650391688446	0.4964175261360027	0.4972533400557505	0.49719971864918266
+Sample_9_D	0.3503313862645051	0.376858373865497	0.36752276282523993	0.38565118250681873	0.3767009892667313	0.35961737994891	0.3766513232639412	0.3689865131390402	0.3682946989952721	0.0	0.3773467934488862	0.3862208227069416	0.3414180774782601	0.3760519623914124	0.3683369515321321	0.3499949770902947	0.4642027175763418	0.4638422061828824	0.46335652622076096	0.46151149569539146	0.4629514791585543	0.46336333723125117	0.46321404772144487	0.46445835412766245	0.46347582870286325	0.4645141099347256	0.46428689880682894	0.46279330039723554	0.46329496522744523	0.46303888784218233	0.4720712415963275	0.4819344505756555	0.4812208106952821	0.47122073211265336	0.4814338233266534	0.48968986943306714	0.47275389908507554	0.48991166493677385	0.4902676257267282	0.4820619777511736	0.4815913446415059	0.4721169427333643	0.4895858473481442	0.4816495638025605	0.4925678556528127	0.496442400774936	0.49644981377647496	0.4999149825758584
+Sample_10_D	0.33248801726485966	0.3758152883772704	0.39423416141602996	0.36813367547302267	0.38543550825316863	0.35931314689766924	0.38617377454624063	0.41132592595908146	0.395566622975234	0.3773467934488862	0.0	0.39409324968386716	0.34957387913108134	0.3513068273454219	0.3062267240176665	0.3593087643143745	0.46275281258911566	0.4633463834063974	0.46300808671790505	0.4630014946177025	0.4644827884479492	0.4619029722671979	0.4640912870323887	0.46400447872855644	0.464136078862182	0.4638155165756152	0.4633832822996987	0.46334613079866116	0.4634720293388015	0.46343612790541866	0.4892599634781094	0.4810452777154291	0.47170562643977676	0.4716269773450866	0.49087301496316055	0.48139152221753023	0.4900749784350992	0.48106991909214714	0.4727704928272489	0.48101913630082477	0.48073417570426347	0.4816429886062087	0.4906989300078242	0.4812013592223334	0.49628087294452605	0.4978436632305417	0.4928555186148247	0.4935259454443311
+Sample_11_D	0.31498656531755315	0.33350908005263896	0.41151692300869547	0.3316298213886089	0.35039755506149556	0.3673023205248321	0.3682825908099172	0.3941366390651051	0.4109151345584366	0.3862208227069416	0.39409324968386716	0.0	0.34193505586678	0.40346079895477566	0.3680806531209073	0.36774916063272506	0.46331696302416386	0.4646037619307972	0.4633975978168822	0.462776325424626	0.46215099871120124	0.462195854082331	0.46333911161438096	0.46326193597935816	0.46373387217995055	0.463173807751079	0.4641109103871518	0.4633950076182821	0.46395911122144673	0.46320890904784595	0.4821499208799689	0.4814961192961988	0.4813616718199667	0.481042853401867	0.48026607246541614	0.4906011822633163	0.48962065322582216	0.4991971044600112	0.4813075879948328	0.49016226441549515	0.4813480438367311	0.4818883572064713	0.4807162324886042	0.47268969117070286	0.49318894132223307	0.497377235319802	0.4960232379787571	0.49512951123187854
+Sample_12_D	0.3942341294900376	0.41167572457511786	0.3683202817867162	0.3676114464189733	0.3945992366379761	0.3499864242220861	0.3590390819433938	0.37683543191733526	0.4118183155816275	0.3414180774782601	0.34957387913108134	0.34193505586678	0.0	0.3854837846723696	0.39532734185469987	0.3163354924823303	0.46357448327790035	0.46409314890377235	0.46350428707723224	0.4633534551684179	0.46389738097578687	0.4629579745939854	0.4628751327550734	0.46283663585140306	0.46380357218194807	0.46416087338777173	0.4633643832214535	0.462809326359136	0.4636195958771908	0.4636316165448188	0.48120986828773815	0.47310525862625996	0.49026404598886686	0.4901603471829701	0.47294904516561403	0.48968387138642266	0.48951206345200166	0.4803858720835696	0.4814742086799534	0.4908443735918781	0.4900734911722115	0.47165838044966507	0.4895781391600947	0.4815132953370032	0.49661303879086155	0.4964069635868935	0.49620522086151514	0.49531466612293806
+Sample_13_D	0.37691872196965986	0.37678662660456774	0.36681975316646004	0.35145674807254823	0.34950426702302617	0.3502244206610792	0.3337320665820052	0.3685021928192986	0.4205968205564621	0.3760519623914124	0.3513068273454219	0.40346079895477566	0.3854837846723696	0.0	0.3403056845294547	0.3581904386483478	0.4639635640101223	0.46455887628211173	0.4632084870446958	0.4626700817691886	0.46463015754164005	0.46281214994536896	0.46358355168288823	0.46349141387450227	0.46235864741635746	0.46376213822925144	0.4631194991182233	0.4630778356055831	0.46352288466086733	0.462938276982339	0.48135677931849086	0.4907035647416217	0.48076011820670284	0.46301646509679534	0.49059681738625127	0.4718002267902432	0.481034152561012	0.4728667998055218	0.4809102136712479	0.4900411998089873	0.4810417379542341	0.47294169781620543	0.4809087734522268	0.47201951656261454	0.4953764977478303	0.4986785579560372	0.4951086811322987	0.4919950885273459
+Sample_14_D	0.38506803012912605	0.40303268494031574	0.34158481204797986	0.3594847704053428	0.3588445884566689	0.33169930653879276	0.3767535114640392	0.43789983361369006	0.39450825882121854	0.3683369515321321	0.3062267240176665	0.3680806531209073	0.39532734185469987	0.3403056845294547	0.0	0.3758080093814365	0.4620960075205722	0.4644782816293538	0.4636562269127788	0.46435865488318184	0.4633658816502553	0.4631972159676214	0.46367571259083706	0.4626233550381417	0.4633807314456471	0.4632149319692506	0.4627712336819966	0.46341474112681064	0.46376243606838063	0.4629673464364503	0.4718311676681968	0.4820080238808156	0.48092316351096637	0.46361925228456774	0.4815314437496609	0.4719090486026693	0.4814661986682998	0.48135141573770657	0.481511384259471	0.4726504811006462	0.48084485573829877	0.46333712873586663	0.481548512292325	0.4818063161683003	0.4945418457589582	0.49473118907375635	0.4941348960989179	0.4911072716826435
+Sample_15_D	0.40343673351243525	0.3681904907503879	0.3860843947020536	0.37692034582164535	0.35939982192757863	0.35826009471520026	0.3502625724403966	0.39338468396634557	0.36924693423774635	0.3499949770902947	0.3593087643143745	0.36774916063272506	0.3163354924823303	0.3581904386483478	0.3758080093814365	0.0	0.46321299830808005	0.46353698358030154	0.4631290302149788	0.4635904290166632	0.46447263953392565	0.4635089118345961	0.4637500227981696	0.463140784776741	0.46292371730397475	0.4645826918533355	0.46283677039560217	0.4637893424724464	0.4630699683716528	0.463345681074068	0.47275442219989555	0.4812599741705139	0.4811574247749399	0.4812195430300686	0.4732476672541347	0.47233748328601477	0.4638526528277896	0.48988068272769403	0.49017819862503215	0.48162254076581257	0.48979777346722203	0.4902920200826821	0.47168939658043896	0.4909002763307854	0.4965499858653412	0.495233084378049	0.49878851161198384	0.4989787474050167
+Sample_16_R	0.4642329552936743	0.46331866507608044	0.46252881559166836	0.4628690756420117	0.4632981976702886	0.46283686022357823	0.4631453250388116	0.46287118063968846	0.46323772212287107	0.4642027175763418	0.46275281258911566	0.46331696302416386	0.46357448327790035	0.4639635640101223	0.4620960075205722	0.46321299830808005	0.0	0.49936631552596855	0.4988507492929998	0.4994418391027863	0.49947868227936487	0.4996716305717177	0.4994198214589	0.4995937038191676	0.49941609264902803	0.49940385149117017	0.49900573478820365	0.499346475805313	0.4986738696374886	0.49938374939576446	0.2530233154789866	0.4994204753989922	0.49912861692415506	0.4993558642300054	0.49939548511894555	0.49967066665875337	0.5000000046753712	0.4989526367814421	0.49912658699206386	0.49910891990215506	0.4992735109895648	0.4992824760291631	0.4997145697293434	0.4993663053955607	0.4670524394015869	0.46732178603743507	0.4670757372073602	0.4677233683078083
+Sample_17_R	0.46327757133691333	0.462779422729878	0.4642433915384347	0.462295311277525	0.46481373551167376	0.46381569876845796	0.46364735220123415	0.463732545007208	0.4633295263850465	0.4638422061828824	0.4633463834063974	0.4646037619307972	0.46409314890377235	0.46455887628211173	0.4644782816293538	0.46353698358030154	0.49936631552596855	0.0	0.49936800418897515	0.49962208949879156	0.4993223334526803	0.49920940916469025	0.49959258039482257	0.4990919340829452	0.49988078303267913	0.4988873717246977	0.4995618468077211	0.4991558849177425	0.49921733349789366	0.49939627367777967	0.4993656610295406	0.250758413918762	0.5000000063766875	0.499654438725308	0.4994627775986885	0.4999157341111055	0.4994004802617539	0.4993414898159354	0.49954686871419196	0.4989781629748646	0.4998444643836462	0.49941774246420745	0.4997599867823482	0.49945296297440744	0.46793657431726066	0.46724354578487626	0.467930468554186	0.4667142330613921
+Sample_18_R	0.46381907488716906	0.46358263694042234	0.4622482749043408	0.4641679853319643	0.46297378176230547	0.46312046371312204	0.4623767086335369	0.4636297877052171	0.4632273690166986	0.46335652622076096	0.46300808671790505	0.4633975978168822	0.46350428707723224	0.4632084870446958	0.4636562269127788	0.4631290302149788	0.4988507492929998	0.49936800418897515	0.0	0.49948125030952184	0.4995744844427768	0.49963053876246416	0.49917476540058014	0.4994128863494557	0.49908410673033166	0.4991737040385118	0.4989182837274046	0.4994408983109178	0.49910263264310256	0.4993456675545196	0.4993654478080566	0.4990083481782433	0.25308600514569646	0.4993274976854046	0.49982581529149733	0.4991772081013913	0.4991759444272432	0.49964641467001414	0.49971262476515405	0.499423464321813	0.49903576132547117	0.4990545818186456	0.4997410250916151	0.49917078793511754	0.4684230009977462	0.4696246471483272	0.46819776485750303	0.46965345679206993
+Sample_19_R	0.4618600444490561	0.4625806743587285	0.4641850558917974	0.4627293636562284	0.4629095807689372	0.4636618844652933	0.46320543812726783	0.4625859586645998	0.4632936438181133	0.46151149569539146	0.4630014946177025	0.462776325424626	0.4633534551684179	0.4626700817691886	0.46435865488318184	0.4635904290166632	0.4994418391027863	0.49962208949879156	0.49948125030952184	0.0	0.4995293587858124	0.4995022782777004	0.4988427950283382	0.49928350038143854	0.49891342612214007	0.4993876115562858	0.49930969405533904	0.4988495455938675	0.4997474351554163	0.499172943407011	0.4997692347471864	0.4992987693925418	0.49914610602979337	0.25378709662236265	0.4994944997078994	0.49929299175427894	0.4990565950647597	0.4996418234028766	0.4997077330668413	0.49964966499108926	0.4997023602136887	0.49889410113255933	0.4996375504683526	0.4998843923640902	0.497566580602127	0.49593341432011817	0.49985427400841653	0.4983230565959039
+Sample_20_R	0.4642002980737147	0.463277690990464	0.4623806469198768	0.4646914421283104	0.4648093678074958	0.46309065751802325	0.4630816894599294	0.463688127437598	0.46311775870332306	0.4629514791585543	0.4644827884479492	0.46215099871120124	0.46389738097578687	0.46463015754164005	0.4633658816502553	0.46447263953392565	0.49947868227936487	0.4993223334526803	0.4995744844427768	0.4995293587858124	0.0	0.4992485614494689	0.49940020374196403	0.49952255379735594	0.4990412512702128	0.49930808519526926	0.4995093365057814	0.4995551336654912	0.4994627465344259	0.4994428385977681	0.49976234935852026	0.49949196205344704	0.49983272631665965	0.498507224574142	0.24927406145408057	0.49915421437983354	0.4997920478012976	0.4996096488036459	0.4985936266807521	0.4997184443953054	0.4992422846236945	0.499816085252913	0.4992816350251058	0.4994453659655242	0.49805815076277976	0.4964941161641117	0.4993705286897671	0.4981250418324548
+Sample_21_R	0.4630109221246633	0.4630525876856449	0.4628682242557616	0.462602276291508	0.46343673398855906	0.46286833737653355	0.4639405819601849	0.46345201706232586	0.4629733309596447	0.46336333723125117	0.4619029722671979	0.462195854082331	0.4629579745939854	0.46281214994536896	0.4631972159676214	0.4635089118345961	0.4996716305717177	0.49920940916469025	0.49963053876246416	0.4995022782777004	0.4992485614494689	0.0	0.49937256086159926	0.4992863669920106	0.4991943138283921	0.499715886560638	0.4995456129658999	0.49908465541960567	0.49937979111964104	0.4993345248482059	0.49866459167226557	0.4997991340125901	0.4995637018476783	0.4993489555037935	0.49963728317080547	0.25189416671784676	0.49876797427559816	0.4997918026547514	0.49917836074946165	0.4997065118657915	0.499347838395385	0.4991494961331281	0.49938283021635915	0.49920882973004016	0.49954412998879455	0.4993833044435624	0.49909074870966713	0.4996342401688223
+Sample_22_R	0.4632154661879316	0.46298383477193006	0.46369378341314976	0.4634107138030018	0.462511310002931	0.4635882606409972	0.4649108161927208	0.46257752900563803	0.46357398638340774	0.46321404772144487	0.4640912870323887	0.46333911161438096	0.4628751327550734	0.46358355168288823	0.46367571259083706	0.4637500227981696	0.4994198214589	0.49959258039482257	0.49917476540058014	0.4988427950283382	0.49940020374196403	0.49937256086159926	0.0	0.49981282506964236	0.4992383741129352	0.49915514669200894	0.49925250191566634	0.4994970874577969	0.49917103957510867	0.4993196207259362	0.4998940891143055	0.4996629997084483	0.49909708764405064	0.4994468482847445	0.49937281477991746	0.49928892277939896	0.2502098249588591	0.4996168753567368	0.49949403478704407	0.4994493078297287	0.4992011684752594	0.4999608649535067	0.49925269367196057	0.49933952255424907	0.49839906660231603	0.4995040216845463	0.4983854480199241	0.4966731958009985
+Sample_23_R	0.4637283539991759	0.4642561244897644	0.4636171590257385	0.46433757250421087	0.46392584691261185	0.46258015392334073	0.4633078761923241	0.464428529688762	0.46335698922821716	0.46445835412766245	0.46400447872855644	0.46326193597935816	0.46283663585140306	0.46349141387450227	0.4626233550381417	0.463140784776741	0.4995937038191676	0.4990919340829452	0.4994128863494557	0.49928350038143854	0.49952255379735594	0.4992863669920106	0.49981282506964236	0.0	0.4990956732461742	0.49953822338160814	0.4993270986291748	0.4989307316978851	0.4999224102263219	0.4992943597627621	0.4994056345383354	0.4995234593840538	0.499767873282813	0.4995644719727325	0.499468291026632	0.49964515223468614	0.4996924958271143	0.24930775031101912	0.4997885261788941	0.4996933812507369	0.49973538015516394	0.49927280758852893	0.49975921358604614	0.4994699386639629	0.49753865870647024	0.4988202940289412	0.49795596744384046	0.4981792735047705
+Sample_24_R	0.46308382425028444	0.4645217075941841	0.46389357257556946	0.4639770329016334	0.4629526847238008	0.4628707854361588	0.46349827877539873	0.46361134408291166	0.4627826416375829	0.46347582870286325	0.464136078862182	0.46373387217995055	0.46380357218194807	0.46235864741635746	0.4633807314456471	0.46292371730397475	0.49941609264902803	0.49988078303267913	0.49908410673033166	0.49891342612214007	0.4990412512702128	0.4991943138283921	0.4992383741129352	0.4990956732461742	0.0	0.49965139444284334	0.49922578656139144	0.4995652753321529	0.4998759274691992	0.49950162510162444	0.4994314653508401	0.49984243733571565	0.499095405178534	0.4990406877618181	0.4996149413889681	0.49942473029344914	0.49952865287590653	0.49931852487806233	0.24995659885774596	0.4990013141559369	0.4995804379234809	0.4995185373544212	0.4992503510622099	0.4992903471832403	0.4985811328211148	0.499908277431166	0.49898766380725507	0.4962047228769835
+Sample_25_R	0.46301385613996987	0.4639369713582843	0.46392455885481554	0.46344745530023335	0.4629953184025435	0.4640122794192769	0.4644588914313616	0.463713627509157	0.4635362654200382	0.4645141099347256	0.4638155165756152	0.463173807751079	0.46416087338777173	0.46376213822925144	0.4632149319692506	0.4645826918533355	0.49940385149117017	0.4988873717246977	0.4991737040385118	0.4993876115562858	0.49930808519526926	0.499715886560638	0.49915514669200894	0.49953822338160814	0.49965139444284334	0.0	0.49961524613262176	0.4990023844957746	0.49954591426923234	0.4995463056464555	0.49958417007341427	0.49972798138996855	0.4997044534410086	0.4995955964358216	0.4995792247468059	0.49914893828643125	0.4993193272469372	0.4994919641211143	0.49988668997449937	0.25407192266239415	0.4993517310408833	0.4992888824594787	0.4999420266725116	0.4995337636501476	0.49801897149358243	0.4973860553951744	0.4969531539886237	0.49662604625923457
+Sample_26_R	0.46375984183730984	0.46329945469077466	0.46312296201964426	0.46400331369113484	0.4635300952872424	0.4637163994434894	0.46341715428747676	0.4641452284995833	0.46405423537943585	0.46428689880682894	0.4633832822996987	0.4641109103871518	0.4633643832214535	0.4631194991182233	0.4627712336819966	0.46283677039560217	0.49900573478820365	0.4995618468077211	0.4989182837274046	0.49930969405533904	0.4995093365057814	0.4995456129658999	0.49925250191566634	0.4993270986291748	0.49922578656139144	0.49961524613262176	0.0	0.4992879663294135	0.4993852350506523	0.4995929006415997	0.4994100493539082	0.49943504691433854	0.4994305189770601	0.4993982684467283	0.4987021473209567	0.49915545106961945	0.49869307546504926	0.4998830712366838	0.49924520997880295	0.4996092874691393	0.2511055053096391	0.4993845108500122	0.49945164294122335	0.4996005421371583	0.49916100765734833	0.4997221989939481	0.4987068621605247	0.4994405709575792
+Sample_27_R	0.4634953549046846	0.4639146441137947	0.46423797566225483	0.4622017367604051	0.46289136175701256	0.46338316135417995	0.4631259294837974	0.4644550087165054	0.46326390015922325	0.46279330039723554	0.46334613079866116	0.4633950076182821	0.462809326359136	0.4630778356055831	0.46341474112681064	0.4637893424724464	0.499346475805313	0.4991558849177425	0.4994408983109178	0.4988495455938675	0.4995551336654912	0.49908465541960567	0.4994970874577969	0.4989307316978851	0.4995652753321529	0.4990023844957746	0.4992879663294135	0.0	0.49932910953870124	0.4989896582494232	0.49955787142215885	0.49938382285459404	0.4997441739417443	0.4991276462125352	0.4991476290903428	0.4997305230614895	0.4996689934183551	0.49936252332726005	0.4996183412111812	0.49921538875435223	0.49909319521564094	0.25081136732175435	0.49921134244802445	0.4991139867704399	0.49826071996424265	0.49828181911358993	0.4985573219900368	0.4992935205600046
+Sample_28_R	0.4635688923034126	0.463007318770675	0.4635117693026363	0.46322063044770395	0.4634782873572858	0.4638876166276631	0.4632161869420274	0.46385614833424654	0.46378009029479383	0.46329496522744523	0.4634720293388015	0.46395911122144673	0.4636195958771908	0.46352288466086733	0.46376243606838063	0.4630699683716528	0.4986738696374886	0.49921733349789366	0.49910263264310256	0.4997474351554163	0.4994627465344259	0.49937979111964104	0.49917103957510867	0.4999224102263219	0.4998759274691992	0.49954591426923234	0.4993852350506523	0.49932910953870124	0.0	0.4994918065252856	0.4991423167539412	0.4994256844900974	0.49894560341958166	0.4995538418606931	0.49960558760080104	0.4993580120000461	0.49941272803608805	0.4995624446152713	0.4999434285264204	0.4993084196337534	0.4997005011157829	0.49939016307997747	0.2519597693703914	0.499542044936638	0.4972487991550752	0.4980380222908761	0.4977489693773089	0.49690019579876427
+Sample_29_R	0.4641219606524568	0.463307176055478	0.46348179210419205	0.4627493339884753	0.46361337064418634	0.4643095120206829	0.4635655808621018	0.4631874294459042	0.46421935249686735	0.46303888784218233	0.46343612790541866	0.46320890904784595	0.4636316165448188	0.462938276982339	0.4629673464364503	0.463345681074068	0.49938374939576446	0.49939627367777967	0.4993456675545196	0.499172943407011	0.4994428385977681	0.4993345248482059	0.4993196207259362	0.4992943597627621	0.49950162510162444	0.4995463056464555	0.4995929006415997	0.4989896582494232	0.4994918065252856	0.0	0.49930174192334814	0.4994618449263123	0.49995816685814026	0.49919708010728575	0.49932147460333587	0.4994641094314841	0.49965433420304045	0.4992305837092918	0.49980367318091184	0.4995470691926101	0.4991604511756189	0.4997796507434215	0.4990592688020088	0.2508125582723029	0.49659067050210093	0.49959986957986746	0.49657609124345886	0.49930936218645006
+Sample_30_E	0.4907356279586906	0.4732100717071456	0.48137564708846353	0.4819967281571807	0.4639145589177183	0.49086197994722475	0.48022325626354007	0.4900308048532776	0.47229031911046504	0.4720712415963275	0.4892599634781094	0.4821499208799689	0.48120986828773815	0.48135677931849086	0.4718311676681968	0.47275442219989555	0.2530233154789866	0.4993656610295406	0.4993654478080566	0.4997692347471864	0.49976234935852026	0.49866459167226557	0.4998940891143055	0.4994056345383354	0.4994314653508401	0.49958417007341427	0.4994100493539082	0.49955787142215885	0.4991423167539412	0.49930174192334814	0.0	0.499506818066389	0.49957918225380316	0.49962262158760795	0.4998407157672578	0.4996566596433882	0.4999999982657073	0.4992551413199049	0.49921661477217383	0.4995136505115723	0.49936554266326566	0.49949946362255493	0.49964717585297264	0.499538654686967	0.49890613345395624	0.49939175447204953	0.4992563697754623	0.4998597054553685
+Sample_31_E	0.49025021878085095	0.47198337234234367	0.47305507177773737	0.4813260288089169	0.4821647442724562	0.49063760420423586	0.4989778882033775	0.4902853325244056	0.4821225433654095	0.4819344505756555	0.4810452777154291	0.4814961192961988	0.47310525862625996	0.4907035647416217	0.4820080238808156	0.4812599741705139	0.4994204753989922	0.250758413918762	0.4990083481782433	0.4992987693925418	0.49949196205344704	0.4997991340125901	0.4996629997084483	0.4995234593840538	0.49984243733571565	0.49972798138996855	0.49943504691433854	0.49938382285459404	0.4994256844900974	0.4994618449263123	0.499506818066389	0.0	0.49957906181420814	0.499677683156787	0.49925779392871006	0.4998937989425263	0.49953113688799133	0.49958063836987215	0.4997253154008855	0.4990599723406793	0.499630832187268	0.4992562957567554	0.4998341896827537	0.49973306059810774	0.49959390784657803	0.4990023316156439	0.49926086637911105	0.4995959216444699
+Sample_32_E	0.48094572139780023	0.4812253017531194	0.4805352268992408	0.4817536847973929	0.4906403823340647	0.4896143382296912	0.4988602843508856	0.47192055962904855	0.48184915201573253	0.4812208106952821	0.47170562643977676	0.4813616718199667	0.49026404598886686	0.48076011820670284	0.48092316351096637	0.4811574247749399	0.49912861692415506	0.5000000063766875	0.25308600514569646	0.49914610602979337	0.49983272631665965	0.4995637018476783	0.49909708764405064	0.499767873282813	0.499095405178534	0.4997044534410086	0.4994305189770601	0.4997441739417443	0.49894560341958166	0.49995816685814026	0.49957918225380316	0.49957906181420814	0.0	0.49960154842950216	0.4999479955453622	0.49962345235071615	0.4997566735141761	0.4992631649613697	0.4996148544853952	0.49955439491667336	0.49923289553117745	0.4996225803655023	0.49933062652066096	0.4998204503454673	0.4364859288331077	0.43556768580546923	0.43560702453330485	0.43580100088133855
+Sample_33_E	0.4800344179041085	0.4810195560904611	0.4898495343596132	0.48109870424444373	0.47121470102029495	0.4814872101294644	0.4807184438873326	0.48168700476762466	0.4708901599453811	0.47122073211265336	0.4716269773450866	0.481042853401867	0.4901603471829701	0.46301646509679534	0.46361925228456774	0.4812195430300686	0.4993558642300054	0.499654438725308	0.4993274976854046	0.25378709662236265	0.498507224574142	0.4993489555037935	0.4994468482847445	0.4995644719727325	0.4990406877618181	0.4995955964358216	0.4993982684467283	0.4991276462125352	0.4995538418606931	0.49919708010728575	0.49962262158760795	0.499677683156787	0.49960154842950216	0.0	0.49911665885365253	0.4998740237540649	0.49982520249621104	0.49997515327465614	0.4993972675133303	0.49963587161436657	0.4994095166430225	0.4994075706680715	0.4995810452811335	0.49954461327625643	0.4976257770187389	0.49755901009070364	0.49934652717746425	0.4981129536704402
+Sample_34_E	0.489881012077767	0.4816792295812404	0.4805601079311763	0.4817564191578727	0.49017405113376583	0.49947398180999003	0.48064833061196094	0.4804894116788494	0.4901073094601247	0.4814338233266534	0.49087301496316055	0.48026607246541614	0.47294904516561403	0.49059681738625127	0.4815314437496609	0.4732476672541347	0.49939548511894555	0.4994627775986885	0.49982581529149733	0.4994944997078994	0.24927406145408057	0.49963728317080547	0.49937281477991746	0.499468291026632	0.4996149413889681	0.4995792247468059	0.4987021473209567	0.4991476290903428	0.49960558760080104	0.49932147460333587	0.4998407157672578	0.49925779392871006	0.4999479955453622	0.49911665885365253	0.0	0.49979770076641916	0.4996023411908984	0.49945177596492174	0.4995506174305344	0.4991104837535392	0.49885049504163076	0.4998178459370114	0.4994315587405926	0.4997258772765634	0.49788329615478827	0.4978790310222312	0.4994211879727363	0.4984689832743117
+Sample_35_E	0.4818947274226439	0.4898468979768662	0.48122697697777655	0.4811229211269271	0.48077512847035964	0.4809914986646892	0.4810603397454277	0.4992440557708044	0.490137230165389	0.48968986943306714	0.48139152221753023	0.4906011822633163	0.48968387138642266	0.4718002267902432	0.4719090486026693	0.47233748328601477	0.49967066665875337	0.4999157341111055	0.4991772081013913	0.49929299175427894	0.49915421437983354	0.25189416671784676	0.49928892277939896	0.49964515223468614	0.49942473029344914	0.49914893828643125	0.49915545106961945	0.4997305230614895	0.4993580120000461	0.4994641094314841	0.4996566596433882	0.4998937989425263	0.49962345235071615	0.4998740237540649	0.49979770076641916	0.0	0.4995077395672544	0.4999568755702877	0.49958376021328554	0.4993953250911724	0.4990616088618384	0.499246619977483	0.49958253704628247	0.49955179453951154	0.49942954583913984	0.49929361488564705	0.49886573177148286	0.4996988322235001
+Sample_36_E	0.48952425845281133	0.4899712925253329	0.48106800576956765	0.4642083728035972	0.4898517889998354	0.48083794165856886	0.48126787450543146	0.4716350089055842	0.4903530085502632	0.47275389908507554	0.4900749784350992	0.48962065322582216	0.48951206345200166	0.481034152561012	0.4814661986682998	0.4638526528277896	0.5000000046753712	0.4994004802617539	0.4991759444272432	0.4990565950647597	0.4997920478012976	0.49876797427559816	0.2502098249588591	0.4996924958271143	0.49952865287590653	0.4993193272469372	0.49869307546504926	0.4996689934183551	0.49941272803608805	0.49965433420304045	0.4999999982657073	0.49953113688799133	0.4997566735141761	0.49982520249621104	0.4996023411908984	0.4995077395672544	0.0	0.4998938365507953	0.4994995354298467	0.49979065088896524	0.49903264212616527	0.5000000005751417	0.49947473575350493	0.499898365707218	0.49819494236130957	0.4998206572826379	0.49989804200971566	0.49954149725920505
+Sample_37_E	0.4905534755560824	0.4808663981919258	0.4725933812043244	0.49956389520625194	0.49085240858272244	0.48098334660072223	0.48104540561541936	0.4726375449260369	0.49071327556512867	0.48991166493677385	0.48106991909214714	0.4991971044600112	0.4803858720835696	0.4728667998055218	0.48135141573770657	0.48988068272769403	0.4989526367814421	0.4993414898159354	0.49964641467001414	0.4996418234028766	0.4996096488036459	0.4997918026547514	0.4996168753567368	0.24930775031101912	0.49931852487806233	0.4994919641211143	0.4998830712366838	0.49936252332726005	0.4995624446152713	0.4992305837092918	0.4992551413199049	0.49958063836987215	0.4992631649613697	0.49997515327465614	0.49945177596492174	0.4999568755702877	0.4998938365507953	0.0	0.4996050298576426	0.4995430213626283	0.4998279686510625	0.4996642530188385	0.4994545636172452	0.4999567965494394	0.49877858445228734	0.499442427992359	0.4997290105615935	0.4987908150358317
+Sample_38_E	0.48135203631818196	0.48167238628476633	0.48182229639868557	0.4717371330300269	0.46346734367667025	0.47209105908670784	0.48104215005496476	0.4987906965317727	0.4804081843529192	0.4902676257267282	0.4727704928272489	0.4813075879948328	0.4814742086799534	0.4809102136712479	0.481511384259471	0.49017819862503215	0.49912658699206386	0.49954686871419196	0.49971262476515405	0.4997077330668413	0.4985936266807521	0.49917836074946165	0.49949403478704407	0.4997885261788941	0.24995659885774596	0.49988668997449937	0.49924520997880295	0.4996183412111812	0.4999434285264204	0.49980367318091184	0.49921661477217383	0.4997253154008855	0.4996148544853952	0.4993972675133303	0.4995506174305344	0.49958376021328554	0.4994995354298467	0.4996050298576426	0.0	0.4994402081668643	0.4997609967368293	0.4998397516492559	0.49985190552224473	0.4999598687415415	0.49975304204953674	0.49990948004085867	0.49999999965393727	0.49725522677241296
+Sample_39_E	0.4718635215269368	0.4721589058941818	0.48139329533548064	0.48184922146018805	0.47172668591886796	0.47330310097000483	0.4730641762341333	0.48140629365854076	0.472077327577874	0.4820619777511736	0.48101913630082477	0.49016226441549515	0.4908443735918781	0.4900411998089873	0.4726504811006462	0.48162254076581257	0.49910891990215506	0.4989781629748646	0.499423464321813	0.49964966499108926	0.4997184443953054	0.4997065118657915	0.4994493078297287	0.4996933812507369	0.4990013141559369	0.25407192266239415	0.4996092874691393	0.49921538875435223	0.4993084196337534	0.4995470691926101	0.4995136505115723	0.4990599723406793	0.49955439491667336	0.49963587161436657	0.4991104837535392	0.4993953250911724	0.49979065088896524	0.4995430213626283	0.4994402081668643	0.0	0.49982143812674157	0.49925394539305656	0.4997630321356698	0.4997211365030237	0.49802318566509585	0.49926592510115103	0.4987021921154233	0.4970767440747246
+Sample_40_E	0.4898600014443216	0.47221426569213504	0.48056443059065074	0.48134470735164514	0.4722495594340588	0.47235159710635916	0.48185876125663457	0.49024292837509015	0.4818514738678554	0.4815913446415059	0.48073417570426347	0.4813480438367311	0.4900734911722115	0.4810417379542341	0.48084485573829877	0.48979777346722203	0.4992735109895648	0.4998444643836462	0.49903576132547117	0.4997023602136887	0.4992422846236945	0.499347838395385	0.4992011684752594	0.49973538015516394	0.4995804379234809	0.4993517310408833	0.2511055053096391	0.49909319521564094	0.4997005011157829	0.4991604511756189	0.49936554266326566	0.499630832187268	0.49923289553117745	0.4994095166430225	0.49885049504163076	0.4990616088618384	0.49903264212616527	0.4998279686510625	0.4997609967368293	0.49982143812674157	0.0	0.498963690268877	0.49987351344636555	0.4989880580659021	0.49934533171019463	0.4991406739662497	0.4999999985971044	0.4998721277887906
+Sample_41_E	0.4813349137840063	0.47331038683295035	0.47256741970552285	0.48101120555335175	0.48106775967033494	0.4722771712961802	0.4813508624156037	0.4819991730897126	0.48989679559904736	0.4721169427333643	0.4816429886062087	0.4818883572064713	0.47165838044966507	0.47294169781620543	0.46333712873586663	0.4902920200826821	0.4992824760291631	0.49941774246420745	0.4990545818186456	0.49889410113255933	0.499816085252913	0.4991494961331281	0.4999608649535067	0.49927280758852893	0.4995185373544212	0.4992888824594787	0.4993845108500122	0.25081136732175435	0.49939016307997747	0.4997796507434215	0.49949946362255493	0.4992562957567554	0.4996225803655023	0.4994075706680715	0.4998178459370114	0.499246619977483	0.5000000005751417	0.4996642530188385	0.4998397516492559	0.49925394539305656	0.498963690268877	0.0	0.4992798575405853	0.49973992062518047	0.4997154953368182	0.4981141526178374	0.49982093992442694	0.49901987021286887
+Sample_42_E	0.48154364575925396	0.4904559533167224	0.49049948497199125	0.4718961185768399	0.48062234154837996	0.4895965064950825	0.4808713437221233	0.49034516924323607	0.4637710310439459	0.4895858473481442	0.4906989300078242	0.4807162324886042	0.4895781391600947	0.4809087734522268	0.481548512292325	0.47168939658043896	0.4997145697293434	0.4997599867823482	0.4997410250916151	0.4996375504683526	0.4992816350251058	0.49938283021635915	0.49925269367196057	0.49975921358604614	0.4992503510622099	0.4999420266725116	0.49945164294122335	0.49921134244802445	0.2519597693703914	0.4990592688020088	0.49964717585297264	0.4998341896827537	0.49933062652066096	0.4995810452811335	0.4994315587405926	0.49958253704628247	0.49947473575350493	0.4994545636172452	0.49985190552224473	0.4997630321356698	0.49987351344636555	0.4992798575405853	0.0	0.4999412943085991	0.49969904645974317	0.4987431983000706	0.49863624237062043	0.49854474068122046
+Sample_43_E	0.4806321203597953	0.4718986049801861	0.46333490991372994	0.47219009480759566	0.4726500410103903	0.48175963705963143	0.4992759138142592	0.4808022559588234	0.4813971625108328	0.4816495638025605	0.4812013592223334	0.47268969117070286	0.4815132953370032	0.47201951656261454	0.4818063161683003	0.4909002763307854	0.4993663053955607	0.49945296297440744	0.49917078793511754	0.4998843923640902	0.4994453659655242	0.49920882973004016	0.49933952255424907	0.4994699386639629	0.4992903471832403	0.4995337636501476	0.4996005421371583	0.4991139867704399	0.499542044936638	0.2508125582723029	0.499538654686967	0.49973306059810774	0.4998204503454673	0.49954461327625643	0.4997258772765634	0.49955179453951154	0.499898365707218	0.4999567965494394	0.4999598687415415	0.4997211365030237	0.4989880580659021	0.49973992062518047	0.4999412943085991	0.0	0.4986592239527547	0.5000000025204372	0.4977004863530355	0.4994265813220846
+Sample_44_T	0.49391802273735197	0.4926062109512548	0.4939241197438564	0.49692113665299764	0.49418502370670253	0.4944075285089823	0.4976302876701483	0.49670044259466894	0.4942650391688446	0.4925678556528127	0.49628087294452605	0.49318894132223307	0.49661303879086155	0.4953764977478303	0.4945418457589582	0.4965499858653412	0.4670524394015869	0.46793657431726066	0.4684230009977462	0.497566580602127	0.49805815076277976	0.49954412998879455	0.49839906660231603	0.49753865870647024	0.4985811328211148	0.49801897149358243	0.49916100765734833	0.49826071996424265	0.4972487991550752	0.49659067050210093	0.49890613345395624	0.49959390784657803	0.4364859288331077	0.4976257770187389	0.49788329615478827	0.49942954583913984	0.49819494236130957	0.49877858445228734	0.49975304204953674	0.49802318566509585	0.49934533171019463	0.4997154953368182	0.49969904645974317	0.4986592239527547	0.0	0.019584678413384585	0.020572419678914527	0.02382744868352471
+Sample_45_T	0.4986688133323061	0.49621983236350575	0.49406487910982544	0.49783002594076065	0.4970222833076462	0.4952002287934291	0.49765492003134354	0.4981610773730664	0.4964175261360027	0.496442400774936	0.4978436632305417	0.497377235319802	0.4964069635868935	0.4986785579560372	0.49473118907375635	0.495233084378049	0.46732178603743507	0.46724354578487626	0.4696246471483272	0.49593341432011817	0.4964941161641117	0.4993833044435624	0.4995040216845463	0.4988202940289412	0.499908277431166	0.4973860553951744	0.4997221989939481	0.49828181911358993	0.4980380222908761	0.49959986957986746	0.49939175447204953	0.4990023316156439	0.43556768580546923	0.49755901009070364	0.4978790310222312	0.49929361488564705	0.4998206572826379	0.499442427992359	0.49990948004085867	0.49926592510115103	0.4991406739662497	0.4981141526178374	0.4987431983000706	0.5000000025204372	0.019584678413384585	0.0	0.020356500840554154	0.020309528543168948
+Sample_46_T	0.4953322195388267	0.49659966327963156	0.4933576629571626	0.49519013298288145	0.49716533470266455	0.4989462356864437	0.4983055113560354	0.49567804492401724	0.4972533400557505	0.49644981377647496	0.4928555186148247	0.4960232379787571	0.49620522086151514	0.4951086811322987	0.4941348960989179	0.49878851161198384	0.4670757372073602	0.467930468554186	0.46819776485750303	0.49985427400841653	0.4993705286897671	0.49909074870966713	0.4983854480199241	0.49795596744384046	0.49898766380725507	0.4969531539886237	0.4987068621605247	0.4985573219900368	0.4977489693773089	0.49657609124345886	0.4992563697754623	0.49926086637911105	0.43560702453330485	0.49934652717746425	0.4994211879727363	0.49886573177148286	0.49989804200971566	0.4997290105615935	0.49999999965393727	0.4987021921154233	0.4999999985971044	0.49982093992442694	0.49863624237062043	0.4977004863530355	0.020572419678914527	0.020356500840554154	0.0	0.014540004047772032
+Sample_47_T	0.49596318917365195	0.49709402570559835	0.49125724041072816	0.49743189664426457	0.49548571290643806	0.4975408880817702	0.4936213729748551	0.4943693831078025	0.49719971864918266	0.4999149825758584	0.4935259454443311	0.49512951123187854	0.49531466612293806	0.4919950885273459	0.4911072716826435	0.4989787474050167	0.4677233683078083	0.4667142330613921	0.46965345679206993	0.4983230565959039	0.4981250418324548	0.4996342401688223	0.4966731958009985	0.4981792735047705	0.4962047228769835	0.49662604625923457	0.4994405709575792	0.4992935205600046	0.49690019579876427	0.49930936218645006	0.4998597054553685	0.4995959216444699	0.43580100088133855	0.4981129536704402	0.4984689832743117	0.4996988322235001	0.49954149725920505	0.4987908150358317	0.49725522677241296	0.4970767440747246	0.4998721277887906	0.49901987021286887	0.49854474068122046	0.4994265813220846	0.02382744868352471	0.020309528543168948	0.014540004047772032	0.0
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/micropita.xml	Tue May 13 21:58:57 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+<tool id="micropita" name="Run" version="1.0.1">
+<code file=""/> 
+<command interpreter="python"> 
+--lastmeta $cls_x 
+-m $cond.method_sel
+-n $selected_samples
+--input $inp_data
+--output $out_file1
+--stratify_value $cls_s
+#if $cond.method_sel  == "features":
+	--feature_method $cond.feature_method
+	--targets $cond.cls_f
+#end if
+#if $cond.method_sel  == "distinct" or   $cond.method_sel  == "discriminant" :
+	--label_value $cond.cls_L
+#end if
+  <inputs>
+	<param format="micropita" name="inp_data" type="data" label="Input file"/>
+	<param name="cls_x" type="select" label="Last metadata row (Use 'Label' for demo data)"  multiple="False" size ="70"  dynamic_options="get_cols(inp_data,'0')"/>
+	<param name="cond" type="data_column" data_ref="inp_data" accept_default="true" /> 
+		<conditional name="cond" type="data_column" data_ref="inp_data" accept_default="true">
+		      	<param name="method_sel" type="select" data_ref="inp_data" label="Select method">
+		         	<option value="representative" selected="True">Representative</option>
+				<option value="diverse">Diverse</option>
+				<option value="extreme" >Extreme</option>
+				<option value="features" >Features</option>
+				<option value="distinct" >Distinct (Supervised)</option>
+				<option value="discriminant" >Discriminant (Supervised)</option>
+			</param>
+		     	<when value="representative">
+			</when>
+		      	<when value="diverse">
+		       	</when>
+		      	<when value="extreme">
+		       	</when>
+		      	<when value="features">
+				<param name="cls_f" type="select" label="Targeted feature(s)"  multiple="True" size ="70"  dynamic_options="get_cols_features(inp_data,'0',cls_x)"/>
+				<param name="feature_method" type="select" format="text">
+					<label>Selection type</label>
+						<option value="rank">Rank</option>
+						<option value="abundance">Abundance</option>
+				</param>
+		       	</when>
+		      	<when value="distinct">
+				<param name="cls_L" type="select" label="Label (Use 'Group' for demo data)"  multiple="False" size ="70"  dynamic_options="get_cols_add_line(inp_data,'0',cls_x)"/>
+		       	</when>
+		      	<when value="discriminant">
+				<param name="cls_L" type="select" label="Label (Use 'Group' for demo data)"  multiple="False" size ="70"  dynamic_options="get_cols_add_line(inp_data,'0',cls_x)"/>
+		       	</when>
+               	</conditional>
+	<param name="cls_s" type="select" label="Stratify by (optional) (Use 'StratifyLabel' for demo data)"  multiple="False" size ="70"  dynamic_options="get_cols_add_line(inp_data,'0',cls_x)"/>
+	<param name="selected_samples" type="integer" size="4" value="10"  label="Number of samples to select"/>
+  </inputs>
+  <outputs>
+    <data format="text" name="out_file1" />
+  </outputs>
+  <requirements>
+    <requirement type="set_environment">micropita_SCRIPT_PATH</requirement>
+  </requirements>
+  <help>
+microbiome: Picking Interesting Taxonomic Abundance
+microPITA is a computational tool enabling sample selection in tiered studies. Using tiered-study designs can more efficiently allocate resources, reducing study costs, and maximizing the use of samples. From a survey study, selection of samples can be performed to target various microbial communities including:
+1. Samples with the most diverse community (maximum diversity);
+2. Samples dominated by specific microbes (targeted feature);
+3. Samples with microbial communities representative of the survey (representative dissimilarity);
+4. Samples with the most extreme microbial communities in the survey (most dissimilar);
+5. Given a phenotype (like disease state), samples at the border of phenotypes (discriminant) or samples typical of each phenotype (distinct). 
+Additionally, methods can leverage clinical metadata by stratifying samples into groups in which samples are subsequently selected. This enables the use of microPITA in cohort studies.
+.. image::
+    :height: 500        
+    :width: 600  
+MicroPITA unsupervised method selection in the HMP 16S Gut Microbiome. Selection of 10 samples using targeted feature targeting *Bacteroides* (blue), maximum diversity (orange), representative dissimilarity (purple), and most dissimilar (pink) using Principle Covariance Analysis (PCoA) for ordination. Targeted feature selects samples dominated by *Bacteroides* (upper left) while maximum diversity select more diverse samples away from *Bacteroides* dominant samples. Representative selection selects samples covering the range of samples in the PCoA plot focusing on the higher density central region while maximum dissimilarity selects samples at the periphery of the plot.
+Intructions to run:
+Before running microPita,  you must upload your data using Glaxay's **Get Data -  Upload File**
+Please make sure that you choose **File Format Micropita**
+An example can be found at
+Required inputs
+microPITA requires an input pcl file of metadata and microbial community measurements. Although some defaults can be changed, microPITA expects a PCL file as an input file. A PCL file is a text delimited file similar to an excel spread sheet with the following characteristics.
+1. **Rows** represent metadata and features (bugs), **columns** represent samples.
+2. The **first row** by default should be the sample ids.
+3. Metadata rows should be next.
+4. Lastly, rows containing features (bugs) measurements (like abundance) should be after metadata rows.
+5. The **first column** should contain the ID describing the column. For metadata this may be, for example, "Age" for a row containing the age of the patients donating the samples. For measurements, this should be the feature name (bug name).
+6. The file is expected to be TAB delimited.
+7. If a consensus lineage or hierarchy of taxonomy is contained in the feature name, the default delimiter between clades is the pipe ("|").
+**Note** MAC users, please save file as windows formatted text.
+.. image::
+    :height: 500        
+    :width: 600  
+The Run MicroPITA module will create one output text file. The output will consist of one line starting with a key word for the selection method and then followed by selected samples delimited by tabs. An example of 6 samples selected by the representative:
+representative	sample_1	sample_2	sample_3	sample_4	sample_5	sample_6
+Run microPITA
+A brief description of the Run micropita module.
+**Input file:**
+This should be populated by the Load microPITA module.
+**Last metadata row:**
+The row on the input pcl file that is the last metadata. All microbial measurements should follow this row.
+**Select method:**
+Select which method to use for sample selection. Selection methods include:
+1. Representative. Samples with microbial communities representative of the survey (representative dissimilarity);
+2. Diverse. Samples with the most diverse community (maximum diversity);
+3. Extreme. Samples with the most extreme microbial communities in the survey (most dissimilar);
+4. Features. Samples dominated by specific microbes (targeted feature);
+5. Distinct. Given a phenotype (like disease state), samples typical of each phenotype (Distinct). 
+6. Discriminant. Given a phenotype (like disease state), samples at the border of phenotypes (Discriminant). 
+**Targeted feature(s):** (visible with Features method selection only)
+Select 1 or more features to target in sample selection.
+**Selection type:** (visible with Features method selection only)
+Rank or Abundance. 
+1. Rank indicates selecting samples that have the highest rank of the Targeted features(s), this tends to select sample in which these feature dominant the sample.
+2. Abundance indicates selecting samples that have the highest average abundance of the Targeted features(s), this selects samples where features are most abundant but not necessarily dominant in the community.
+**Label:** (visible with supervised method selection only)
+The row which contains the label used to classify the samples from supervised methods.
+**Stratify by (optional):**
+The row which contains the groupings the samples will first be placed in before running the selection method on each group. If no grouping is selected, selection methods will be performed on the data set as a whole.
+**Number of samples to select:**
+The number of samples to select. If samples are stratified, this is per stratification (or group). If supervised methods are used, this is the number of samples selected per classification group (as defined by the label).
+For more information please visit
+Special thanks to Eric Franzosa for developing the above PCL figure!
+Citation and Contacts
+For more information please visit
+When using MicroPITA please cite:
+Tickle T, Segata N, Waldron L, Weingart G, Huttenhower C. Two-stage microbial community experimental design. (Under review)
+Please feel free to contact us at for any questions or comments!
+ </help>
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Tue May 13 21:58:57 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+Author: George Weingart
+Description: Dynamically read columns from input file for UI
+#Copyright (C) <2012>
+#Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
+#this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the
+#Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy,
+#modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,
+#and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+#the following conditions:
+#The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies
+#or substantial portions of the Software.
+__author__ = "George Weingart"
+__copyright__ = "Copyright 2012"
+__credits__ = ["George Weingart"]
+__license__ = "MIT"
+__maintainer__ = "George Weingart"
+__email__ = ""
+__status__ = "Development"
+import sys,string,time
+from pprint import pprint
+def red(st,l):
+	if len(st) <= l: return st 
+	l1,l2 = l/2,l/2
+	return st[:l1]+".."+st[len(st)-l2:]
+def get_cols(data,full_names):
+	if data == "": return []
+	max_len =32 
+        fname = data.dataset.file_name
+	input_file = open(fname,'rU')
+	input_lines = input_file.readlines()
+	input_file.close()
+	table_lines = []
+	for x in input_lines:
+		first_column = x.split('\t')[0]
+		table_lines.append(first_column)
+	opt = []
+	rc = ''
+	lines = []
+        try:
+		lines = [(red((rc+v.split()[0]),max_len),'%d' % (i+1),False) for i,v in enumerate(table_lines) if v]
+	except:
+		l1 = '*ALL*'
+		l2 = 1
+		l3 = False
+		MyList = [l1,l2,l3]
+		lines.append(MyList)
+	return opt+lines
+def get_cols_add_line(data,full_names,lastmeta):
+	if data == "": return []
+	display_to = 1
+	try:
+		display_to = int(lastmeta)
+	except:		
+		pass
+	max_len = 32 
+        fname = data.dataset.file_name
+	input_file = open(fname,'rU')
+	input_lines = input_file.readlines()
+	input_file.close()
+	table_lines = []
+	for x in input_lines:
+		first_column = x.split('\t')[0]
+		table_lines.append(first_column)
+	table_lines.insert(0,'-')
+	if  not display_to == 1:
+		del  table_lines[display_to + 1:]
+	opt = []
+	rc = ''
+	lines = []
+        try:
+		lines = [(red((rc+v.split()[0]),max_len),'%d' % (i+1),False) for i,v in enumerate(table_lines) if v]
+	except:
+		l1 = '*ALL*'
+		l2 = 1
+		l3 = False
+		MyList = [l1,l2,l3]
+		lines.append(MyList)
+	return opt+lines
+def get_cols_features(data,full_names,lastmeta):
+	if data == "": return []
+	display_from = 1
+	try:
+		display_from = int(lastmeta)
+	except:		
+		pass
+	max_len = 32 
+        fname = data.dataset.file_name
+	input_file = open(fname,'rU')
+	input_lines = input_file.readlines()
+	input_file.close()
+	table_lines = []
+	for x in input_lines:
+		first_column = x.split('\t')[0]
+		table_lines.append(first_column)
+	opt = []
+	rc = ''
+	del table_lines[:display_from]
+	lines = []
+        try:
+		lines = [(red((rc+v.split()[0]),max_len),'%d' % (i+1),False) for i,v in enumerate(table_lines) if v]
+	except:
+		l1 = '*ALL*'
+		l2 = 1
+		l3 = False
+		MyList = [l1,l2,l3]
+		lines.append(MyList)
+	return opt+lines
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/micropita_galaxy_ReadMe.txt	Tue May 13 21:58:57 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+#Installation instructions for microPITA in a galaxy environment.
+These instructions require the Mercurial versioning system, galaxy, and an internet connection.
+#For general reference about microPita please refer to:
+#Installation Instructions
+In the  "galaxy-dist/tools" directory install micropita by typing in a terminal:
+hg clone
+Update member tool_conf.xml  in the galaxy directory adding the following: 
+  <section name="micropita" id="micropita">
+    <tool file="micropita/galaxy/micropita.xml"/>
+  </section>
+Update member datatypes_conf.xml  in the galaxy directory adding the following:
+	<datatype extension="micropita" type="" subclass="true" display_in_upload="true"/>
+Copy the 2 *.png  members   to /galaxy/static/images
+Recycle galaxy
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Tue May 13 21:58:57 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+Author: George Weingart
+Description: Prepare parameters to call micropita
+#Copyright (C) <2012>
+#Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
+#this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the
+#Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy,
+#modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,
+#and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+#the following conditions:
+#The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies
+#or substantial portions of the Software.
+__author__ = "George Weingart"
+__copyright__ = "Copyright 2012"
+__credits__ = ["George Weingart"]
+__license__ = "MIT"
+__maintainer__ = "George Weingart"
+__email__ = ""
+__status__ = "Development"
+import argparse
+from cStringIO import StringIO
+import sys,string,time
+import os
+from time import gmtime, strftime
+from pprint import pprint
+import subprocess  
+import blist
+import shlex
+import tempfile
+#   Modification by George Weingart    5/6/2014                                  #
+#   Using subprocess to invoke the calls to Micropita                            #
+#   and allocating the temporary file using trmpfile                             #
+#  Decode Parms                                                                  #
+def read_params(x):
+	parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Micropita Annotate Argparser')
+	parser.add_argument('--input', action="store",dest='inputname')
+	parser.add_argument('--output', action="store",dest='outputname')
+	parser.add_argument('-m', action="store",dest='MParameter')
+	parser.add_argument('-n', action="store",dest='NSamples')
+	parser.add_argument('--lastmeta', action="store",dest='lastmeta')
+	parser.add_argument('--stratify_value', action="store",dest='stratify_value')
+	try:
+		parser.add_argument('--feature_method', action="store",dest='feature_method')
+	except:
+		pass
+	try:
+		parser.add_argument('--targets', action="store",dest='targets')
+	except:
+		pass
+	try:
+		parser.add_argument('--label_value', action="store",dest='label_value')
+	except:
+		pass
+	return  parser
+#  Main Program                                                                  #
+parser = read_params( sys.argv )
+results = parser.parse_args()
+root_dir = os.environ.get('micropita_SCRIPT_PATH')
+fname =  results.inputname
+input_file = open(fname,'rU')
+input_lines = input_file.readlines()
+table_lines = []
+for x in input_lines:
+	first_column = x.split('\t')[0]
+	table_lines.append(first_column)
+FileTimeStamp =  strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", gmtime())
+LastMetaInt = 0
+if results.lastmeta and not results.lastmeta == "None":
+	LastMetaInt = int(results.lastmeta) - 1
+StratifyValueInt = 0
+if  results.stratify_value and not   results.stratify_value == "None":
+	StratifyValueInt = int(results.stratify_value) - 2 
+LabelValueInt = 0
+if results.label_value and not results.label_value == "None":
+	LabelValueInt = int(results.label_value) - 1
+stratify_string = ""
+q = '"'
+if  not results.stratify_value == '1':
+	stratify_string = " --stratify " + q + table_lines[StratifyValueInt] + q + " "
+if results.MParameter == "features":
+	TBTargets = list()
+	TableTargets = results.targets.split(',')
+	for t in TableTargets:
+		tb_entry = int(t) + LastMetaInt 
+		TBTargets.append(int(tb_entry))
+	OutTargetsFile  = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w', delete=False )   
+	TempTargetsFileName = 
+	indx = -1
+	for  c in table_lines:
+		indx+=1
+		if  indx in TBTargets:
+			OutputString = table_lines[indx] + "\n"
+			OutTargetsFile.write(OutputString)
+	OutTargetsFile.close()
+	os_command = "python " + \
+		root_dir + \
+		"/ "+\
+		"--lastmeta " + table_lines[LastMetaInt]+ " " +\
+		"--feature_method " + results.feature_method + " " + \
+		"--target " + TempTargetsFileName + " " +\
+		"-m " + results.MParameter + " " + \
+		"-n " + results.NSamples + " " +\
+	stratify_string + " " +\
+	results.inputname + " " +\
+	results.outputname
+	#print os_command
+	os.system(os_command)
+	argsx = shlex.split(os_command)					#Split the command
+	try:
+			subprocess.check_call(argsx , shell=False)
+	except:
+			print "The call to micropita failed============="
+	sys.exit(0)
+if results.MParameter == "representative"\
+or results.MParameter == "diverse"\
+or results.MParameter == "extreme": 
+		os_command = "python " + \
+		root_dir +  \
+		"/ "+\
+		"--lastmeta " + table_lines[LastMetaInt]+ " " +\
+		"-m " + results.MParameter + " " + \
+		"-n " + results.NSamples + " " +\
+		stratify_string + " " + \
+		results.inputname + " " +\
+		results.outputname
+		argsx = shlex.split(os_command)					#Split the command
+		try:
+				###os.system(os_command)
+				subprocess.check_call(argsx , shell=False)
+		except:
+				print "The call to micropita failed============="
+		sys.exit(0)
+if results.MParameter == "distinct"\
+or results.MParameter == "discriminant": 
+	os_command = "python " + \
+		root_dir + \
+		"/ "+\
+		"--lastmeta " + table_lines[LastMetaInt]+ " " +\
+		"--label " + table_lines[LastMetaInt]+ " " +\
+		"-m " + results.MParameter + " " + \
+		"-n " + results.NSamples + " " +\
+		stratify_string + " " + \
+	results.inputname + " " +\
+	results.outputname
+	#print os_command
+	argsx = shlex.split(os_command)					#Split the command
+	try:
+			subprocess.check_call(argsx , shell=False)
+	except:
+			print "The call to micropita failed============="
+	sys.exit(0)
Binary file pcl_diagram.png has changed
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/	Tue May 13 21:58:57 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+Author: Timothy Tickle
+Description: Constants.
+#Copyright (C) <2012>
+#Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
+#this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the
+#Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy,
+#modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,
+#and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+#the following conditions:
+#The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies
+#or substantial portions of the Software.
+__author__ = "Timothy Tickle"
+__copyright__ = "Copyright 2012"
+__credits__ = ["Timothy Tickle"]
+__license__ = "MIT"
+__maintainer__ = "Timothy Tickle"
+__email__ = ""
+__status__ = "Development"
+from breadcrumbs.src.Metric import Metric
+class ConstantsMicropita():
+    """
+    Class to hold project constants.
+    """
+    #Character Constants
+    COLON = ":"
+    COMMA = ","
+    QUOTE = "\""
+    TAB = '\t'
+    WHITE_SPACE = " "
+    PIPE = "|"
+    c_outputFileDelim = '\t'
+    c_sEmptyPredictFileValue = 'NA'
+    #Used to stop divide by zero errors
+    c_smallNumber = 0.00000000001
+    #SVM related
+    c_COST_RANGE_KEY = "range"
+    c_lCostRange = [-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
+    c_SCALED_FILE_EXT = ".scaled"
+    c_intScaleLowerBound = 0
+    #LIBSVM file extensions
+    c_SCALING_PARAMETERS = ".range"
+    c_CV_FILE_EXT = ".cv.out"
+    c_CV_IMAGE_EXT = ".cv.png"
+    c_MODEL_FILE_EXT = ".model"
+    c_PREDICT_FILE_EXT = ".predict"
+    c_fProbabilitistic = True
+    c_SCALED_FOR_PREDICTION_FILE_EXT = ".scaledForpredict"
+    #SVM output Dictionary keywords for files
+    c_strKeywordInputFile = "INPUT"
+    c_strKeywordScaledFile = "SCALED"
+    c_strKeywordRangeFile = "RANGE"
+    c_strKeywordCVOutFile = "CV_OUT"
+    c_strKeywordModelFile = "MODEL"
+    c_strKeywordScaledPredFile = "SCALED_FOR_PREDICTION"
+    c_strKeywordPredFile = "PREDICTION"
+    c_strKeywordCostValue = "C"
+    c_strKeywordAccuracy = "ACCURACY"
+    #Default values for missing data in the Abundance Table
+    c_strEmptyAbundanceData = "0"
+    c_strEmptyDataMetadata = "NA"
+    lNAs = list(set(["NA","na","Na","nA",c_strEmptyDataMetadata]))
+    #Occurence filter [min abundance, min samples occuring in]
+    #To turn off make == [0,0]
+    c_liOccurenceFilter = [0,0]
+    #Break ties in targeted feature with diversity
+    c_fBreakRankTiesByDiversity = False
+    ####Commandline arguments
+    #a Custom diversity metrics found in cogent
+    c_strCustomAlphaDiversityHelp = "A key word for any PyCogent supplied alpha diveristy metric (Richness, evenness, or diversity). Please supply an unnormalized (counts) abundance table for these metrics. Metrics include "+" ".join(Metric.setAlphaDiversities)+"."
+    #b Custom diversity metrics found in cogent
+    c_strCustomBetaDiversityHelp = "A key word for any PyCogent supplied beta diversity metric. Metrics include "+" ".join(list(Metric.setBetaDiversities)+[Metric.c_strUnifracUnweighted,Metric.c_strUnifracWeighted])+"."
+    #c,checked Checked abundance file
+    c_strCheckedAbundanceFileArgument = "--checked"
+    c_strCheckedAbundanceFileHelp = "Before analysis abundance files are checked and a new file results which analysis is perfromed on. The name of the checked file can be specified of the default will will be used (appending a -Checked to the end of the file name)."
+    #d,id Name of the sample id row
+    c_strIDNameArgument = "--id"
+    c_strIDNameHelp = "The row in the abundance file that is the sample name/id row. Should be the sample name/Id in first column of the row."
+    #e,label Supervised Label
+    c_strSupervisedLabelArgument = "--label"
+    c_strSupervisedLabelHelp = "The name of the metadata on which to perform supervised methods"
+    #f, invertDiversity
+    c_strInvertDiversityHelp = "".join(["When using this flag, the diversity will be inverted (multiplicative inverse) before ranking in the highest diversity method. ",
+			       "Recommended to use with dominance, menhinick, reciprocal_simpson, berger_parker_d, mcintosh_e, simpson_e, strong and any metric where 0 indicates most diverse."])
+    #g,logging Path of the logging file
+    c_strLoggingFileArgument = "--logfile"
+    c_strLoggingFileHelp = "File path to save the logging file."
+    #h help
+    #i,tree
+    c_strCustomEnvironmentFileHelp = "File describing the smaple environments; for use with Unifrac distance metrics."
+    #j,delim File delimiter
+    c_strFileDelimiterArgument = "--delim"
+    c_strFileDelimiterHelp = "The delimiter for the abundance table (default = TAB)"
+    #k,featdelim Feature delimiter
+    c_strFeatureNameDelimiterArgument = "--featdelim"
+    c_strFeatureNameDelimiterHelp = "The delimiter for a feature name if it contains a consensus sequence."
+    #l,lastmeta The name of the last metadata
+    c_strLastMetadataNameArgument = "--lastmeta"
+    c_strLastMetadataNameHelp = "The row in the abundance file that is the sample name/id row. Should be the metadata name/Id in first column of the metadta row."
+    #m,method
+    c_strSelectionTechniquesHelp = "Select techniques listed one after another."
+    #n,num The Number of unsupervised sample selection
+    c_strCountArgument = "-n"
+    c_strCountHelp = "The number of samples to select with unsupervised methodology. (An integer greater than 0.)."
+    #o,tree
+    c_strCustomPhylogeneticTreeHelp = "Tree for phylogenetic when selecting custom beta-diversities in the representative sampling criteria."
+    #p,suppredfile File path fo the predict file for the supervised methods
+    c_strSupervisedPredictedFile = "--suppredfile"
+    c_strSupervisedPredictedFileHelp = "The file path for the predict file."
+    #q,alphameta
+    c_strCustomAlphaDiversityMetadataHelp = "Metric in the pcl file which has custom alpha diversity measurements to use with the highest diversity sampling criteria. Should be a number between 0.0 and 1.0 with 1.0 meaning most diverse."
+    #r,targetmethod Taxa selection method
+    c_strTargetedFeatureMethodArgument = "--feature_method"
+    c_strTargetedFeatureMethodHelp = "The ranking method used to select targeted features."
+    #s,stratify Unsupervised stratify metadata
+    c_strUnsupervisedStratifyMetadataArgument = "--stratify"
+    c_strUnsupervisedStratifyMetadataHelp = "The metatdata to stratify unsupervised analysis."
+    #t,target Targeted feature file
+    c_strTargetedSelectionFileArgument = "--targets"
+    c_strTargetedSelectionFileHelp = "A file containing taxa/OTUs/clades to be used in targeted feature sampling criteria."
+    #u,supinputfile File path for the input file for the supervised methods
+    c_strSupervisedInputFile = "--supinputfile"
+    c_strSupervisedInputFileHelp = "The file path for the input file for supervised methods."
+    #v,logging String for logging level
+    c_strLoggingArgument = "--logging"
+    c_strLoggingHelp = "".join(["Logging level which will be logged to a .log file with the",
+         " same name as the strOutFile (but with a .log extension). Valid values are DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, or CRITICAL."])
+    c_lsLoggingChoices = ["DEBUG","INFO","WARNING","ERROR","CRITICAL"]
+    #w, Last Feature Metadata indicator
+    c_strFeatureMetadataArgument = "--lastFeatureMetadata"
+    c_strFeatureMetadataHelp = "The last metadata describing a (bug) feature (not sample). Not all studies have feature metadata, if so this can be ignored and not used. See doc for PCL-Description.txt"
+    #x,betamatrix
+    c_strCustomBetaDiversityMatrixHelp = "Precalculated beta-diversity matrix to be used in the representative sampling criteria. Should be a number between 0.0 and 1.0 with 1.0 meaning most dissimilar."
+    #Order is important, the first is the default
+    c_strTargetedRanked = "rank"
+    c_strTargetedAbundance = "abundance"
+    lsTargetedFeatureMethodValues = [c_strTargetedRanked, c_strTargetedAbundance]
+    #Selection methods
+    c_strDiversity = "diverse"
+    c_strExtreme = "extreme"
+    c_strDiscriminant = "discriminant"
+    c_strDistinct = "distinct"
+    c_strRandom = "random"
+    c_strRepresentative = "representative"
+    c_strFeature = "features"
+    c_custom = "custom"
+    c_lsAllUnsupervisedMethods = [c_strRepresentative,c_strDiversity,c_strExtreme,c_strFeature,c_strRandom]
+    c_lsAllSupervisedMethods = [c_strDiscriminant,c_strDistinct]
+    c_lsAllMethods = c_lsAllUnsupervisedMethods + c_lsAllSupervisedMethods
+    #Technique Names
+    c_strDiversity2 = c_strDiversity+"_C"
+    ####################################
+    #Arguments without commandline flags
+    c_strAbundanceFileHelp = "Input file as either a PCL or Biome file."
+    c_strGenericOutputDataFileHelp = "The generated output data file."
Binary file src/ConstantsMicropita.pyc has changed
Binary file src/__init__.pyc has changed
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/breadcrumbs/	Tue May 13 21:58:57 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+# BreadCrumbs #
+BreadCrumbs is an unofficial collection of scripts and code intended to consolidate functions for tool development and contain scripts for command line access to commonly used functions. Breadcrumbs tends to include functionality associated with metagenomics analysis but you never know what you will find!
+## Dependencies: ##
+1. Cogent
+2. MatplotLib
+3. Mercurial (optional for downloading)
+4. Numpy
+5. Python 2.x
+6. SciPy
+7. biom support
+## How to download ##
+To download BreadCrumbs from BitBucket use the command:
+> hg clone
+To update BreadCrumbs, in the BreadCrumbs directory use the 2 commands sequentially:
+> hg pull  
+> hg update
+## Scripts: ##
+Scripts are included to expose core functionality through the command line. Currently these scripts center on manipulating and visualizing abundance tables.  
+A quick description of the scripts include:
+* ** Flexible script to create a visualization of hierarchical clustering of abundance tables (or other matrices).
+* *scriptBiplotTSV.R* Allows one to plot a tsv file as a biplot using nonmetric multidimensional scaling.
+* ** Allows one to plot a histogram, boxplot, or scatter plot of a bug or metadata in an abundance table. Will work on any row in a matrix.
+* ** Allows one to perform common functions on an abundance table including, summing, normalizing, filtering, stratifying tables.
+* ** Allows one to plot a principle covariance analysis (PCoA) plot of an abundance table.
+* ** Allows one to convert between BIOM and PCL file formats.
+## Programming Classes: ##
+Brief descriptions of classes are as follows. More detailed descriptions are given in the classes themselves.
+* *AbundanceTable* Data structure to contain and perform operations on an abundance table.
+* *BoxPlot* Wrapper to plot box plots.
+* *CClade* Helper object used in hierarchical summing and normalization
+* *Cladogram* Object that manipulated an early dendrogram visualization. Deprecated, should use the GraPhlan visualization tool on bitbucket instead.
+* *CommandLine* Collection of code to work with command line. Deprecated. Should use sfle calls.
+* *ConstantsBreadCrumbs* Contains generic constants.
+* *ConstantsFiguresBreadCrumbs* Contains constants associated with formatting figures.
+* *KMedoids* Code from MLPY which performs KMedoids sample selection.
+* *MLPYDistanceAdaptor* Used to allow custom distance matrices to be used by KMedoids.
+* *Metric* Difference functions associated with distance and diversity metrics.
+* *PCoA* Functionality surrounding the plotting of a PCoA
+* *PlotMatrix* Allows on to plot a matrix of numbers.
+* *SVM* Support Vector Machine associated scripts.
+* *Utility* Generic functions
+* *UtilityMath* Generic math related functions
+* *ValidateData* Collection of functions to validate data types when needed.
+## Demo input files: ##
+* *fastunifrac_Ley_et_al_NRM_2_sample_id_map.txt* Example Unifrac Id mapping file (source
+* *GreenGenesCore-May09.ref.tre* Example Greengenes core set reference for Unifrac demo (source
+* *Test.pcl* Example file / Test PCL file to run scripts on.
+* *Test.biom* Example file / Test BIOM file to run scripts on.
+* *Test_no_metadata.pcl* Example file / Test PCL file to run scripts on which does not have metadata.
+* *Test_no_metadata.biom* Example file / Test BIOM file to run scripts on which does not have metadata.
+* *Test-biplot.tsv* Example file / Test file for the scriptBiplotTSV.R
+## Contributing Authors: ##
+Timothy Tickle, George Weingart, Nicola Segata, Curtis Huttenhower
+## Contact: ##
+Please feel free to contact with questions.
Binary file src/breadcrumbs/__init__.pyc has changed
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/breadcrumbs/demo_input/GreenGenesCore-May09.ref.tre	Tue May 13 21:58:57 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/breadcrumbs/demo_input/Test-Biplot.tsv	Tue May 13 21:58:57 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+TID	Continuous	STSite	Bacteria|Firmicutes|Clostridia|Clostridiales|Clostridiaceae|Clostridium|72	Bacteria|unclassified|4904	Bacteria|Firmicutes|Bacilli|Lactobacillales|Lactobacillaceae|Lactobacillus|1361	Bacteria|3417	Bacteria|Firmicutes|Bacilli|Bacillales|Bacillaceae|unclassified|1368
+700098986	1	L_Antecubital_fossa	1	0	3	0	5
+700098984	2	R_Retroauricular_crease	0	10	0	45	0
+700098980	4	Subgingival_plaque	12	43	29	34	2
+700098988	5	R_Antecubital_fossa	0	6	0	3	0
+700037470	6	L_Retroauricular_crease	6	0	45	0	6
+700037472	7	R_Retroauricular_crease	0	23	0	0	0
+700037474	8	L_Antecubital_fossa	2	0	1	0	1
+700037476	9	R_Antecubital_fossa	1	1	1	1	1
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/breadcrumbs/demo_input/Test-BiplotNA.tsv	Tue May 13 21:58:57 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+TID	Continuous	STSite	Bacteria|Firmicutes|Clostridia|Clostridiales|Clostridiaceae|Clostridium|72	Bacteria|unclassified|4904	Bacteria|Firmicutes|Bacilli|Lactobacillales|Lactobacillaceae|Lactobacillus|1361	Bacteria|3417	Bacteria|Firmicutes|Bacilli|Bacillales|Bacillaceae|unclassified|1368
+700098986	1	L_Antecubital_fossa	1	0	3	0	5
+700098984	2	NA	0	10	0	45	0
+700098980	4	Subgingival_plaque	12	43	29	34	2
+700098988	5	R_Antecubital_fossa	0	6	0	3	0
+700037470	6	L_Retroauricular_crease	6	0	45	0	6
+700037472	7	R_Retroauricular_crease	0	23	0	0	0
+700037474	8	NA	2	0	1	0	1
+700037476	9	R_Antecubital_fossa	1	1	1	1	1
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/breadcrumbs/demo_input/Test-comma.biom	Tue May 13 21:58:57 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+{"id": "None","format": "Biological Observation Matrix 1.0.0","format_url": "","type": "OTU table","generated_by": "BreadCrumbs","date": "2013-09-08T17:12:24.307906","matrix_type": "sparse","matrix_element_type": "float","shape": [5, 8],"data": [[0,0,1.0],[0,2,12.0],[0,4,6.0],[0,6,2.0],[0,7,1.0],[1,1,10.0],[1,2,43.0],[1,3,6.0],[1,5,23.0],[1,7,1.0],[2,0,3.0],[2,2,29.0],[2,4,45.0],[2,6,1.0],[2,7,1.0],[3,1,45.0],[3,2,34.0],[3,3,3.0],[3,7,1.0],[4,0,5.0],[4,2,2.0],[4,4,6.0],[4,6,1.0],[4,7,1.0]],"rows": [{"id": "Bacteria|Firmicutes|Bacilli|Bacillales|Bacillaceae|unclassified|72", "metadata": null},{"id": "Bacteria|Firmicutes|Bacilli|Bacillales|Bacillaceae|unclassified|4904", "metadata": null},{"id": "Bacteria|Firmicutes|Bacilli|Bacillales|Bacillaceae|unclassified|1361", "metadata": null},{"id": "Bacteria|Firmicutes|Bacilli|Bacillales|Bacillaceae|unclassified|3417", "metadata": null},{"id": "Bacteria|Firmicutes|Bacilli|Bacillales|Bacillaceae|unclassified|1368", "metadata": null}],"columns": [{"id": "700098986", "metadata": {"TID": "700098986", "STSite": "L_Antecubital_fossa", "ID": "700098986"}},{"id": "700098984", "metadata": {"TID": "700098984", "STSite": "R_Retroauricular_crease", "ID": "700098984"}},{"id": "700098980", "metadata": {"TID": "700098980", "STSite": "Subgingival_plaque", "ID": "700098980"}},{"id": "700098988", "metadata": {"TID": "700098988", "STSite": "R_Antecubital_fossa", "ID": "700098988"}},{"id": "700037470", "metadata": {"TID": "700037470", "STSite": "L_Retroauricular_crease", "ID": "700037470"}},{"id": "700037472", "metadata": {"TID": "700037472", "STSite": "R_Retroauricular_crease", "ID": "700037472"}},{"id": "700037474", "metadata": {"TID": "700037474", "STSite": "L_Antecubital_fossa", "ID": "700037474"}},{"id": "700037476", "metadata": {"TID": "700037476", "STSite": "R_Antecubital_fossa", "ID": "700037476"}}]}
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/breadcrumbs/demo_input/Test-comma.pcl	Tue May 13 21:58:57 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/breadcrumbs/demo_input/Test.biom	Tue May 13 21:58:57 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+{"id": "None","format": "Biological Observation Matrix 1.0.0","format_url": "","type": "OTU table","generated_by": "BreadCrumbs","date": "2013-09-04T12:40:01.356447","matrix_type": "sparse","matrix_element_type": "float","shape": [5, 8],"data": [[0,0,1.2300000190734863],[0,2,12.0],[0,4,6.0],[0,6,2.0],[0,7,1.0],[1,1,10.0],[1,2,43.0],[1,3,6.0],[1,5,23.0],[1,7,1.0],[2,0,3.0],[2,2,29.0],[2,4,45.0],[2,6,1.0],[2,7,1.0],[3,1,45.0],[3,2,34.0],[3,3,3.0],[3,7,1.0],[4,0,5.0],[4,2,2.0],[4,4,6.0],[4,6,1.0],[4,7,1.0]],"rows": [{"id": "72", "metadata": {"taxonomy": ["Bacteria", "Firmicutes", "Bacilli", "Bacillales", "Bacillaceae", "unclassified"]}},{"id": "4904", "metadata": {"taxonomy": ["Bacteria", "Firmicutes", "Bacilli", "Bacillales", "Bacillaceae", "unclassified"]}},{"id": "1361", "metadata": {"taxonomy": ["Bacteria", "Firmicutes", "Bacilli", "Bacillales", "Bacillaceae", "unclassified"]}},{"id": "3417", "metadata": {"taxonomy": ["Bacteria", "Firmicutes", "Bacilli", "Bacillales", "Bacillaceae", "unclassified"]}},{"id": "1368", "metadata": {"taxonomy": ["Bacteria", "Firmicutes", "Bacilli", "Bacillales", "Bacillaceae", "unclassified"]}}],"columns": [{"id": "700098986", "metadata": {"TID": "700098986", "STSite": "L_Antecubital_fossa", "ID": "700098986"}},{"id": "700098984", "metadata": {"TID": "700098984", "STSite": "R_Retroauricular_crease", "ID": "700098984"}},{"id": "700098980", "metadata": {"TID": "700098980", "STSite": "Subgingival_plaque", "ID": "700098980"}},{"id": "700098988", "metadata": {"TID": "700098988", "STSite": "R_Antecubital_fossa", "ID": "700098988"}},{"id": "700037470", "metadata": {"TID": "700037470", "STSite": "L_Retroauricular_crease", "ID": "700037470"}},{"id": "700037472", "metadata": {"TID": "700037472", "STSite": "R_Retroauricular_crease", "ID": "700037472"}},{"id": "700037474", "metadata": {"TID": "700037474", "STSite": "L_Antecubital_fossa", "ID": "700037474"}},{"id": "700037476", "metadata": {"TID": "700037476", "STSite": "R_Antecubital_fossa", "ID": "700037476"}}]}
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/breadcrumbs/demo_input/Test.pcl	Tue May 13 21:58:57 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ID	700098986	700098984	700098980	700098988	700037470	700037472	700037474	700037476
+TID	700098986	700098984	700098980	700098988	700037470	700037472	700037474	700037476
+STSite	L_Antecubital_fossa	R_Retroauricular_crease	Subgingival_plaque	R_Antecubital_fossa	L_Retroauricular_crease	R_Retroauricular_crease	L_Antecubital_fossa	R_Antecubital_fossa
+Bacteria|Firmicutes|Bacilli|Bacillales|Bacillaceae|unclassified|72	1.23	0.0	12.0	0.0	6.0	0.0	2.0	1.0
+Bacteria|Firmicutes|Bacilli|Bacillales|Bacillaceae|unclassified|4904	0.0	10.0	43.0	6.0	0.0	23.0	0.0	1.0
+Bacteria|Firmicutes|Bacilli|Bacillales|Bacillaceae|unclassified|1361	3.0	0.0	29.0	0.0	45.0	0.0	1.0	1.0
+Bacteria|Firmicutes|Bacilli|Bacillales|Bacillaceae|unclassified|3417	0.0	45.0	34.0	3.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	1.0
+Bacteria|Firmicutes|Bacilli|Bacillales|Bacillaceae|unclassified|1368	5.0	0.0	2.0	0.0	6.0	0.0	1.0	1.0
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/breadcrumbs/demo_input/Test.tsv	Tue May 13 21:58:57 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+TID	STSite	Bacteria|Firmicutes|Clostridia|Clostridiales|Clostridiaceae|Clostridium|72	Bacteria|unclassified|4904	Bacteria|Firmicutes|Bacilli|Lactobacillales|Lactobacillaceae|Lactobacillus|1361	Bacteria|3417	Bacteria|Firmicutes|Bacilli|Bacillales|Bacillaceae|unclassified|1368
+700098986	L_Antecubital_fossa	1	0	3	0	5
+700098984	R_Retroauricular_crease	0	10	0	45	0
+700098980	Subgingival_plaque	12	43	29	34	2
+700098988	R_Antecubital_fossa	0	6	0	3	0
+700037470	L_Retroauricular_crease	6	0	45	0	6
+700037472	R_Retroauricular_crease	0	23	0	0	0
+700037474	L_Antecubital_fossa	2	0	1	0	1
+700037476	R_Antecubital_fossa	1	1	1	1	1
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/breadcrumbs/demo_input/TestForConversion.biom	Tue May 13 21:58:57 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+{"id": "None","format": "Biological Observation Matrix 1.0.0","format_url": "","type": "OTU table","generated_by": "BreadCrumbs","date": "2013-09-17T04:25:03.670076","matrix_type": "sparse","matrix_element_type": "float","shape": [5, 8],"data": [[0,0,1.2300000190734863],[0,2,12.0],[0,4,6.0],[0,6,2.0],[0,7,1.0],[1,1,10.0],[1,2,43.0],[1,3,6.0],[1,5,23.0],[1,7,1.0],[2,0,3.0],[2,2,29.0],[2,4,45.0],[2,6,1.0],[2,7,1.0],[3,1,45.0],[3,2,34.0],[3,3,3.0],[3,7,1.0],[4,0,5.0],[4,2,2.0],[4,4,6.0],[4,6,1.0],[4,7,1.0]],"rows": [{"id": "Bacteria|Firmicutes|Bacilli|Bacillales|Bacillaceae|unclassified|72", "metadata": null},{"id": "Bacteria|Firmicutes|Bacilli|Bacillales|Bacillaceae|unclassified|4904", "metadata": null},{"id": "Bacteria|Firmicutes|Bacilli|Bacillales|Bacillaceae|unclassified|1361", "metadata": null},{"id": "Bacteria|Firmicutes|Bacilli|Bacillales|Bacillaceae|unclassified|3417", "metadata": null},{"id": "Bacteria|Firmicutes|Bacilli|Bacillales|Bacillaceae|unclassified|1368", "metadata": null}],"columns": [{"id": "700098986", "metadata": {"TID": "700098986", "STSite": "L_Antecubital_fossa", "ID": "700098986"}},{"id": "700098984", "metadata": {"TID": "700098984", "STSite": "R_Retroauricular_crease", "ID": "700098984"}},{"id": "700098980", "metadata": {"TID": "700098980", "STSite": "Subgingival_plaque", "ID": "700098980"}},{"id": "700098988", "metadata": {"TID": "700098988", "STSite": "R_Antecubital_fossa", "ID": "700098988"}},{"id": "700037470", "metadata": {"TID": "700037470", "STSite": "L_Retroauricular_crease", "ID": "700037470"}},{"id": "700037472", "metadata": {"TID": "700037472", "STSite": "R_Retroauricular_crease", "ID": "700037472"}},{"id": "700037474", "metadata": {"TID": "700037474", "STSite": "L_Antecubital_fossa", "ID": "700037474"}},{"id": "700037476", "metadata": {"TID": "700037476", "STSite": "R_Antecubital_fossa", "ID": "700037476"}}]}
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/breadcrumbs/demo_input/Test_no_metadata.biom	Tue May 13 21:58:57 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+{"id": "None","format": "Biological Observation Matrix 1.0.0","format_url": "","type": "OTU table","generated_by": "BreadCrumbs","date": "2013-09-08T21:45:51.197864","matrix_type": "sparse","matrix_element_type": "float","shape": [5, 8],"data": [[0,0,1.2300000190734863],[0,2,12.0],[0,4,6.0],[0,6,2.0],[0,7,1.0],[1,1,10.0],[1,2,43.0],[1,3,6.0],[1,5,23.0],[1,7,1.0],[2,0,3.0],[2,2,29.0],[2,4,45.0],[2,6,1.0],[2,7,1.0],[3,1,45.0],[3,2,34.0],[3,3,3.0],[3,7,1.0],[4,0,5.0],[4,2,2.0],[4,4,6.0],[4,6,1.0],[4,7,1.0]],"rows": [{"id": "Bacteria|Firmicutes|Bacilli|Bacillales|Bacillaceae|unclassified|72", "metadata": null},{"id": "Bacteria|Firmicutes|Bacilli|Bacillales|Bacillaceae|unclassified|4904", "metadata": null},{"id": "Bacteria|Firmicutes|Bacilli|Bacillales|Bacillaceae|unclassified|1361", "metadata": null},{"id": "Bacteria|Firmicutes|Bacilli|Bacillales|Bacillaceae|unclassified|3417", "metadata": null},{"id": "Bacteria|Firmicutes|Bacilli|Bacillales|Bacillaceae|unclassified|1368", "metadata": null}],"columns": [{"id": "700098986", "metadata": {"ID": "700098986"}},{"id": "700098984", "metadata": {"ID": "700098984"}},{"id": "700098980", "metadata": {"ID": "700098980"}},{"id": "700098988", "metadata": {"ID": "700098988"}},{"id": "700037470", "metadata": {"ID": "700037470"}},{"id": "700037472", "metadata": {"ID": "700037472"}},{"id": "700037474", "metadata": {"ID": "700037474"}},{"id": "700037476", "metadata": {"ID": "700037476"}}]}
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/breadcrumbs/demo_input/Test_no_metadata.pcl	Tue May 13 21:58:57 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ID	700098986	700098984	700098980	700098988	700037470	700037472	700037474	700037476
+Bacteria|Firmicutes|Bacilli|Bacillales|Bacillaceae|unclassified|72	1.23	0.0	12.0	0.0	6.0	0.0	2.0	1.0
+Bacteria|Firmicutes|Bacilli|Bacillales|Bacillaceae|unclassified|4904	0.0	10.0	43.0	6.0	0.0	23.0	0.0	1.0
+Bacteria|Firmicutes|Bacilli|Bacillales|Bacillaceae|unclassified|1361	3.0	0.0	29.0	0.0	45.0	0.0	1.0	1.0
+Bacteria|Firmicutes|Bacilli|Bacillales|Bacillaceae|unclassified|3417	0.0	45.0	34.0	3.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	1.0
+Bacteria|Firmicutes|Bacilli|Bacillales|Bacillaceae|unclassified|1368	5.0	0.0	2.0	0.0	6.0	0.0	1.0	1.0
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/breadcrumbs/demo_input/fastunifrac_Ley_et_al_NRM_2_sample_id_map-colors.txt	Tue May 13 21:58:57 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/breadcrumbs/demo_input/fastunifrac_Ley_et_al_NRM_2_sample_id_map.txt	Tue May 13 21:58:57 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,4844 @@
+150394	Tg#1249	1
+150394	Tg#1251	2
+215260	Nso#65	1
+215260	Nso#1209	4
+16073	Vg#h#1061	1
+16072	Vg#h#1104	1
+16076	Vg#o#1128	2
+16076	Vg#oh#1070	84
+16076	Vg#oh#1055	1
+16076	Vg#o#1132	2
+16076	Tg#1249	2
+16076	Vg#o#1153	2
+35238	Nse#L#151	1
+35238	Nw#R#50	2
+35238	Nso#106	1
+16074	Vg#h#1043	2
+16074	Vg#oh#1070	1
+16074	Vg#oh#1051	1
+16074	Vg#h#1038	6
+16074	Vg#o#1132	2
+101767	Nw#L#5	1
+101767	Nso#108	1
+114078	Nso#65	1
+131443	Vg#h#1039	1
+144338	Tg#1249	1
+111532	Nso#108	1
+111532	Nso#107	7
+169721	Vg#oh#1055	26
+169721	Vg#oh#1051	33
+103892	Sse#M#62	1
+214891	Nso#65	1
+214891	Nso#1209	1
+170442	Sse#M#62	1
+58397	Tg#1252	1
+58397	Nse#L#150	1
+82191	Tg#1238	2
+93780	Nw#L#5	1
+61204	Swb#M#156	42
+61204	Swb#M#157	118
+61204	Swb#M#154	10
+61204	Swb#M#155	2
+61204	Sws#M#1227	10
+61204	Sws#M#163	276
+61204	Nso#108	1
+61204	Sws#M#83	44
+61204	Sws#M#1234	15
+61204	Swb#M#137	2
+61204	Sws#M#1230	27
+130882	Nso#65	1
+130882	Nw#L#5	1
+130882	Nw#L#119	1
+130882	Sse#M#169	1
+130882	Nso#107	1
+130882	Nw#R#50	1
+6155	Nw#R#50	1
+6155	Nso#108	1
+6155	Nso#106	2
+167734	Vg#o#1132	2
+7624	Sws#M#1234	1
+7624	Sse#M#62	1
+7624	Sse#M#63	1
+7624	Sse#M#75	1
+7624	Sws#M#83	1
+182229	Vg#o#1153	1
+131207	Sse#M#169	1
+131207	Sse#M#63	1
+131207	Swb#M#156	2
+112460	Nse#L#151	1
+112460	Sse#M#64	1
+192175	Vg#o#1124	3
+57724	Swb#M#154	8
+57724	Sws#M#163	1
+57724	Nso#108	2
+57724	Nso#106	1
+166488	Nse#L#151	1
+155255	Nso#1209	1
+55589	Nso#65	1
+220301	Vg#o#1124	2
+97151	Vg#h#1039	4
+97151	Vg#h#1104	8
+97151	Vg#h#1043	1
+166485	Sse#M#62	1
+154652	Sse#M#62	1
+154652	Sse#M#63	2
+60136	Vg#oh#1055	2
+6294	Swb#M#156	1
+6294	Swb#M#155	1
+6294	Nse#L#98	1
+6294	Nw#R#50	1
+6294	Sse#M#75	1
+6294	Nso#108	2
+6294	Sse#M#64	1
+191465	Nse#L#98	1
+191465	Nw#L#160	1
+191465	Nso#106	1
+152550	Sws#M#1230	26
+152550	Sws#M#1227	56
+152550	Sws#M#1234	6
+152550	Sse#M#64	2
+152550	Sws#M#83	1
+106352	Swb#M#154	1
+106352	Sws#M#163	2
+106352	Sse#M#62	1
+106352	Sse#M#75	1
+152557	Sws#M#83	5
+105395	Nw#L#5	1
+105395	Nw#L#160	2
+105395	Nw#L#119	5
+105395	Nw#R#189	2
+105004	Nso#1209	3
+105004	Nso#107	1
+105004	Nw#R#50	1
+81674	Vg#oh#1070	127
+81674	Vg#oh#1055	10
+81674	Vg#oh#1051	137
+81674	Vg#o#1132	3
+140328	Nso#1209	1
+101380	Nw#L#119	1
+101380	Nso#107	1
+227238	Nso#65	1
+227238	Nse#L#150	1
+227238	Nso#106	1
+199059	Vg#o#1124	5
+43051	Vg#h#1043	1
+43051	Vg#o#1124	4
+43051	Vg#o#1128	1
+43051	Vg#oh#1070	1
+43051	Vg#o#1132	1
+43051	Vg#o#1153	1
+161296	Sse#M#63	1
+101018	Nse#L#98	1
+159156	Sse#M#75	1
+200413	Sse#M#62	5
+200413	Sse#M#63	2
+10709	Sse#M#169	1
+10709	Nso#108	2
+2446	Sse#M#14	1
+2446	Sws#M#1227	1
+2446	Sws#M#83	4
+2446	Nw#R#189	1
+2446	Swb#M#137	1
+2446	Sws#M#1230	12
+2446	Sse#M#62	1
+2446	Sse#M#64	4
+99206	Nse#L#150	1
+95791	Tg#1238	2
+95791	Tg#1249	1
+128299	Nse#L#151	1
+128299	Nso#1209	1
+102326	Nso#1209	2
+102326	Sws#M#163	1
+102326	Nso#108	1
+150608	Sse#M#63	1
+38438	Vg#o#1124	11
+167514	Vg#o#1124	8
+113170	Nso#108	1
+2045	Vg#o#1124	1
+2045	Vg#h#1061	1
+2045	Vg#oh#1055	44
+2045	Vg#h#1038	1
+2045	Vg#h#1039	1
+2045	Vg#o#1132	1
+84125	Vg#h#1104	7
+84125	Vg#h#1061	9
+190826	Sws#M#83	1
+102448	Sws#M#163	1
+102448	Swb#M#157	1
+102448	Sws#M#83	1
+34809	Vg#h#1061	2
+154272	Sse#M#62	1
+128618	Nso#1209	1
+21292	Nw#L#119	3
+21292	Nso#106	1
+105718	Vg#h#1038	1
+105718	Vg#h#1104	3
+105718	Vg#o#1132	1
+153802	Nw#R#50	1
+80115	Sse#M#62	1
+1783	Nso#108	1
+1783	Nso#1209	1
+1783	Nso#107	10
+1783	Nso#106	13
+45661	Sse#M#75	1
+90000	Nse#L#98	1
+14135	Sws#M#83	1
+164968	Vg#h#1104	1
+164968	Vg#o#1124	3
+164968	Vg#oh#1070	9
+164968	Vg#oh#1055	39
+164968	Vg#oh#1051	33
+164968	Vg#h#1039	3
+164968	Vg#o#1132	1
+164968	Vg#o#1153	2
+63116	Sse#M#169	1
+63116	Nw#R#50	1
+200704	Sse#M#169	1
+46867	Vg#o#1132	1
+142023	Tg#1251	1
+70396	Nso#108	1
+70396	Nso#106	1
+198122	Vg#oh#1070	4
+198122	Vg#oh#1055	2
+198122	Vg#oh#1051	3
+163720	Swb#M#155	13
+48540	Nw#L#160	2
+48540	Nw#R#50	1
+108713	Tg#1249	1
+108713	Sws#M#163	1
+108713	Nso#108	3
+108713	Sws#M#83	2
+108713	Nw#R#189	3
+220892	Nso#108	2
+220892	Nso#107	2
+84672	Tg#1252	1
+84672	Tg#1251	1
+84672	Tg#1249	1
+84672	Sse#1224	1
+40185	Sse#M#62	1
+108716	Vg#o#1128	1
+48787	Sse#1224	17
+217069	Nso#107	1
+15710	Vg#h#1061	1
+49481	Nse#L#153	1
+49481	Sws#M#1230	1
+112956	Sws#M#163	1
+112956	Sws#M#1234	1
+106778	Tg#1249	4
+21437	Nso#108	1
+21437	Nse#L#153	1
+21437	Sse#M#63	1
+1624	Nso#65	7
+1624	Tg#1249	1
+1624	Nso#1209	3
+1624	Nso#106	1
+172948	Sse#M#62	1
+175403	Nse#L#153	1
+146474	Tg#1251	1
+146475	Nse#L#98	1
+188962	Vg#o#1160	2
+41587	Nw#L#160	1
+41587	Tg#1252	1
+112227	Vg#o#1132	1
+83477	Swb#M#156	1
+83477	Swb#M#154	4
+83477	Sws#M#163	1
+83477	Sws#M#1230	1
+83477	Sse#M#63	1
+83477	Nw#R#50	1
+188919	Vg#h#1039	1
+229081	Sws#M#1227	1
+229081	Sws#M#1234	1
+229081	Sws#M#83	1
+101918	Sse#M#62	1
+14240	Vg#oh#1070	1
+14240	Vg#h#1104	1
+14240	Vg#h#1061	1
+146872	Swb#M#155	3
+146872	Vg#h#1104	1
+146872	Vg#o#1132	1
+17822	Vg#o#1132	1
+107660	Sse#M#63	1
+107660	Sse#M#64	1
+171306	Nso#65	8
+171306	Nw#R#189	2
+171306	Vg#o#1124	4
+156651	Nso#1209	1
+156658	Nso#1209	11
+108481	Vg#h#1104	1
+14397	Nse#L#151	2
+30743	Vg#h#1043	4
+30743	Vg#h#1104	5
+30743	Tg#1238	1
+30743	Tg#1251	1
+30743	Vg#o#1128	1
+30743	Vg#h#1061	8
+30743	Vg#oh#1070	20
+30743	Vg#h#1039	5
+30743	Vg#o#1132	1
+109280	Nse#L#153	2
+31691	Swb#M#156	1
+31691	Swb#M#157	3
+31691	Sse#M#75	5
+31691	Swb#M#155	4
+208896	Nso#1209	1
+18143	Swb#M#155	3
+18143	Sws#M#1230	1
+18143	Sse#M#62	3
+18143	Sse#M#64	1
+103391	Nso#108	1
+108139	Vg#h#1038	2
+1287	Nse#L#98	1
+1287	Nse#L#151	2
+110836	Vg#h#1043	1
+196416	Nw#L#5	1
+196416	Nso#108	1
+156811	Sse#1224	1
+94496	Vg#o#1128	3
+94496	Vg#h#1061	1
+94496	Vg#h#1039	2
+94496	Vg#o#1153	1
+94496	Vg#o#1132	3
+77973	Tg#1249	3
+148459	Nse#L#152	1
+148459	Vg#o#1128	1
+148459	Vg#h#1061	3
+79712	Nso#65	5
+79712	Nso#108	1
+79712	Nso#1209	1
+151090	Swb#M#156	18
+151090	Swb#M#157	2
+151090	Swb#M#154	41
+151090	Swb#M#155	18
+145085	Sse#M#14	1
+144509	Tg#1238	2
+144509	Tg#1251	1
+8384	Swb#M#155	2
+8384	Vg#h#1104	7
+8384	Nw#R#50	2
+137514	Vg#oh#1055	230
+51476	Nso#65	2
+51476	Nso#108	4
+51476	Nso#1209	2
+51476	Nso#107	1
+11418	Sse#M#14	1
+11418	Sws#M#163	1
+11418	Swb#M#137	3
+11418	Sws#M#83	1
+188183	Vg#oh#1070	4
+188183	Vg#o#1128	1
+186160	Nso#65	4
+186160	Nso#1209	1
+186160	Nse#L#153	1
+186160	Nse#L#152	1
+186160	Nso#108	1
+132011	Vg#h#1104	8
+132011	Vg#o#1124	2
+132011	Vg#o#1128	1
+132011	Vg#o#1160	1
+132011	Vg#h#1039	6
+132011	Vg#o#1132	1
+132011	Vg#o#1153	1
+24410	Nse#L#150	2
+24410	Swb#M#154	1
+97840	Nw#L#160	1
+151144	Vg#o#1128	1
+151144	Vg#h#1061	1
+151144	Vg#h#1104	1
+151144	Vg#h#1039	2
+151144	Vg#o#1153	1
+151144	Vg#o#1132	1
+180191	Vg#h#1104	1
+180191	Vg#o#1124	9
+180191	Vg#h#1061	1
+111268	Vg#o#1124	1
+111268	Vg#oh#1070	1
+111268	Vg#o#1132	1
+111268	Vg#o#1153	1
+143354	Nso#65	1
+143354	Nw#L#119	5
+143354	Nso#1209	2
+136933	Nso#107	1
+136933	Sse#M#62	1
+136935	Sws#M#163	1
+136935	Sws#M#1230	2
+8494	Sse#M#169	1
+8494	Nso#65	1
+8494	Nso#1209	1
+113658	Nso#108	7
+113658	Nse#L#151	3
+35933	Nse#L#151	1
+28964	Sws#M#163	1
+81121	Nse#L#150	1
+110016	Vg#oh#1070	3
+110016	Vg#o#1124	1
+46567	Vg#o#1153	2
+46567	Vg#oh#1070	1
+46567	Vg#o#1128	3
+13720	Sse#M#75	24
+13720	Sse#M#169	5
+13720	Sse#M#63	1
+43267	Vg#h#1038	2
+43267	Vg#o#1132	1
+43267	Vg#h#1061	1
+13726	Swb#M#154	17
+13726	Swb#M#155	1
+13726	Sse#M#62	1
+13726	Sse#M#63	1
+13727	Nse#L#98	1
+88702	Swb#M#154	1
+88702	Nso#108	2
+88702	Nso#1209	3
+146376	Tg#1249	1
+146376	Tg#1251	1
+192222	Vg#h#1104	1
+193360	Vg#o#1160	1
+11376	Vg#o#1160	1
+11376	Vg#h#1061	1
+161044	Sse#M#64	1
+180288	Vg#o#1124	56
+180288	Vg#h#1039	1
+7523	Sse#1224	1
+131877	Vg#o#1124	1
+91842	Vg#h#1061	1
+228113	Vg#h#1104	1
+214060	Nse#L#152	3
+214060	Nso#1209	21
+100171	Nso#65	1
+110128	Vg#o#1124	1
+51292	Nso#107	1
+51292	Nse#L#151	1
+51292	Nso#108	6
+51292	Nso#1209	1
+51292	Nso#106	4
+213210	Nso#107	2
+104381	Nse#L#152	1
+104381	Sws#M#163	21
+150161	Vg#oh#1070	12
+114686	Tg#1238	2
+214088	Nse#L#151	2
+214088	Nso#1209	2
+145100	Nw#R#189	1
+31908	Sse#M#62	1
+101620	Sws#M#1234	9
+101620	Sws#M#163	1
+101620	Sws#M#1227	2
+101620	Sws#M#83	5
+165618	Sws#M#1230	3
+165344	Sse#M#63	1
+153946	Sse#M#63	1
+211845	Nso#1209	2
+153017	Swb#M#156	1
+153017	Sws#M#83	2
+99987	Nso#1209	8
+177109	Vg#h#1043	7
+177109	Vg#h#1039	2
+155317	Nso#1209	1
+4622	Nso#1209	1
+182289	Vg#oh#1070	2
+182289	Vg#oh#1055	1
+190751	Nse#L#153	1
+43992	Nso#108	4
+43992	Vg#o#1132	1
+43992	Nso#1209	5
+65460	Nso#108	1
+65460	Nso#106	1
+130091	Vg#h#1104	13
+219934	Swb#M#137	1
+28705	Nw#L#160	1
+154445	Sse#M#62	1
+26148	Nse#L#151	1
+26148	Nse#L#153	1
+26148	Nso#1209	1
+12003	Sse#M#62	1
+12003	Sse#M#63	1
+141206	Swb#M#137	3
+141206	Nso#1209	1
+184617	Sws#M#83	1
+81187	Swb#M#156	1
+81187	Nso#1209	1
+81187	Nso#106	1
+201556	Sse#M#169	7
+201556	Sse#M#63	1
+11591	Nse#L#98	1
+51109	Vg#o#1132	2
+139838	Sse#M#62	1
+139838	Nse#L#153	1
+205413	Sws#M#83	1
+119998	Swb#M#157	1
+119998	Swb#M#155	3
+119998	Sws#M#1234	10
+119998	Sws#M#163	5
+119998	Sws#M#1227	4
+119998	Swb#M#137	2
+119998	Sws#M#1230	5
+119998	Sws#M#83	3
+113092	Nso#65	1
+113092	Nso#108	2
+113092	Nso#1209	1
+113092	Nso#106	2
+46277	Sse#M#64	1
+31830	Nse#L#151	1
+31830	Nso#108	2
+31830	Nso#107	1
+31830	Nso#1209	16
+105637	Sse#M#62	1
+105637	Tg#1249	2
+138615	Nso#108	1
+138615	Nso#106	1
+95547	Nse#L#153	1
+95547	Nso#1209	1
+152837	Nso#106	1
+162021	Nso#65	1
+162021	Vg#h#1039	1
+162021	Nw#L#119	1
+162021	Nso#1209	1
+207228	Sws#M#163	1
+29154	Sse#M#169	1
+29154	Nso#106	1
+42483	Vg#h#1104	1
+11627	Nw#R#50	1
+11627	Nso#108	3
+11627	Nso#1209	2
+98298	Swb#M#154	1
+98298	Sws#M#1234	1
+98298	Sws#M#1230	5
+98298	Sws#M#83	1
+202585	Sse#1224	2
+154287	Nw#L#5	5
+154287	Nse#L#98	1
+154287	Nso#108	4
+154287	Nso#106	2
+154287	Nso#65	6
+98297	Tg#1251	1
+6365	Nse#L#150	1
+6365	Nw#L#160	1
+6365	Nso#108	4
+104129	Nso#65	1
+104129	Nse#L#150	1
+104129	Sse#M#75	1
+10401	Sse#M#14	1
+10401	Sse#M#75	1
+62477	Sse#M#63	1
+62479	Nse#L#152	1
+52410	Vg#oh#1070	161
+52410	Vg#h#1061	3
+52410	Vg#oh#1055	2
+52410	Vg#oh#1051	9
+52410	Vg#h#1039	1
+52410	Vg#o#1132	3
+139634	Nse#L#98	1
+139634	Nso#1209	1
+139634	Nso#106	1
+101849	Vg#h#1038	2
+101849	Vg#o#1132	1
+20648	Swb#M#156	2
+20648	Tg#1238	3
+20648	Sse#M#169	1
+20648	Nse#L#153	1
+20648	Nse#L#152	1
+20648	Nse#L#98	1
+20648	Nw#R#50	6
+20648	Nso#108	1
+20648	Nso#1209	7
+100730	Sse#M#62	1
+100730	Sse#M#63	1
+175418	Vg#h#1039	1
+200775	Sws#M#83	1
+186851	Vg#o#1160	2
+186851	Vg#oh#1055	5
+102384	Nso#1209	1
+102384	Sse#M#63	1
+102384	Sse#M#64	1
+102384	Sws#M#83	1
+164402	Sse#M#62	1
+233559	Sws#M#83	3
+134576	Sse#1224	1
+152729	Sse#M#63	1
+6819	Nse#L#153	1
+6819	Nse#L#98	1
+6819	Nso#108	1
+6819	Vg#o#1132	1
+113432	Nso#108	1
+175240	Vg#o#1124	4
+113435	Swb#M#154	37
+113435	Swb#M#155	55
+113435	Sws#M#1234	2
+113435	Sws#M#163	9
+102361	Nse#L#151	1
+102361	Nse#L#150	5
+1605	Nso#107	3
+1605	Nso#1209	1
+1605	Nso#106	4
+49406	Vg#o#1124	1
+49406	Vg#h#1061	1
+49406	Vg#oh#1070	5
+49406	Vg#h#1039	1
+49406	Vg#o#1132	5
+49406	Tg#1249	1
+62895	Vg#h#1104	1
+62895	Vg#o#1128	1
+62895	Vg#o#1132	3
+62895	Tg#1249	1
+99439	Sws#M#1227	1
+194264	Vg#h#1104	1
+194264	Vg#o#1128	1
+194264	Vg#h#1039	1
+223835	Nso#1209	1
+1966	Tg#1251	1
+145319	Tg#1252	2
+145319	Tg#1249	1
+145319	Tg#1238	2
+149597	Tg#1249	4
+149597	Vg#h#1061	1
+102768	Tg#1251	1
+102768	Nw#R#50	2
+118817	Swb#M#157	1
+118817	Sws#M#1227	28
+118817	Sws#M#163	4
+118817	Sws#M#1230	36
+118817	Sws#M#1234	8
+118817	Sws#M#83	26
+83466	Nso#107	1
+148629	Tg#1251	2
+180133	Vg#oh#1055	185
+2871	Nso#1209	2
+132338	Vg#h#1043	3
+137211	Sws#M#163	1
+137211	Swb#M#137	3
+137211	Sws#M#83	1
+160662	Sws#M#163	1
+160662	Sws#M#83	1
+113888	Sws#M#163	1
+137181	Tg#1251	1
+137181	Tg#1252	1
+26099	Tg#1238	4
+26099	Sws#M#163	12
+87543	Sws#M#83	1
+29808	Nso#1209	1
+138986	Sse#M#62	1
+138986	Sse#M#63	1
+138986	Sse#M#64	2
+138986	Nw#R#50	1
+112434	Vg#o#1124	1
+78015	Vg#o#1160	1
+78015	Tg#1238	4
+78015	Tg#1249	1
+29770	Nw#L#160	1
+29770	Tg#1251	1
+29770	Nso#1209	1
+29770	Nso#107	1
+108027	Vg#oh#1070	2
+108027	Vg#o#1132	4
+108027	Vg#o#1124	1
+143180	Tg#1252	4
+68830	Swb#M#157	3
+68830	Sws#M#163	5
+68830	Swb#M#137	12
+68830	Sws#M#83	1
+12488	Sse#M#14	2
+12488	Sse#M#63	1
+109290	Sse#M#62	3
+109290	Sse#M#63	1
+109290	Sse#M#64	2
+109290	Nse#L#150	1
+114305	Nso#108	1
+32831	Swb#M#155	1
+108457	Tg#1251	1
+108457	Tg#1252	1
+67688	Nso#1209	1
+5508	Nso#108	1
+5508	Nso#107	1
+5508	Nso#1209	3
+185234	Vg#o#1124	1
+230366	Swb#M#155	1
+230366	Sws#M#1234	1
+230366	Sws#M#163	1
+230366	Sws#M#1227	1
+187087	Vg#o#1124	12
+187087	Vg#h#1043	1
+193148	Vg#o#1124	1
+1547	Sse#M#14	4
+1547	Swb#M#154	1
+1540	Sse#M#62	1
+100017	Nso#65	1
+132691	Vg#o#1124	27
+11113	Swb#M#156	1
+26704	Vg#o#1132	3
+30334	Tg#1251	1
+136616	Sws#M#1234	1
+156535	Sws#M#1234	2
+156535	Swb#M#156	1
+110796	Swb#M#154	2
+110796	Sse#1224	1
+110796	Sws#M#163	1
+31573	Vg#oh#1051	1
+31573	Vg#o#1132	1
+31573	Vg#h#1043	4
+212772	Nso#65	1
+212772	Nso#1209	3
+143237	Swb#M#154	1
+143237	Nw#R#50	4
+143237	Sws#M#83	1
+142753	Nso#1209	1
+110799	Vg#h#1104	1
+111310	Vg#h#1061	1
+8028	Nse#L#153	1
+47332	Sse#M#63	2
+132063	Sse#1224	1
+112746	Nso#108	1
+8026	Swb#M#156	1
+8026	Swb#M#154	2
+8026	Sse#M#14	1
+8026	Sws#M#163	1
+8026	Sse#M#63	1
+8026	Sse#M#64	1
+212484	Nso#65	1
+212484	Nse#L#151	2
+212484	Nse#L#150	1
+212484	Nso#106	1
+212484	Nso#107	2
+100137	Nw#L#5	5
+100137	Nse#L#151	1
+100137	Nse#L#150	3
+100137	Nse#L#152	1
+100137	Nw#L#160	1
+100137	Nso#108	1
+100137	Tg#1249	1
+100137	Nso#1209	2
+103701	Nso#65	4
+103701	Nso#107	3
+103701	Nso#108	3
+103701	Nso#106	3
+50403	Nse#L#151	1
+50403	Nso#106	1
+50403	Nw#R#189	1
+7561	Sse#M#14	4
+7561	Sse#M#62	5
+213171	Nso#106	1
+213171	Nso#1209	20
+103709	Sws#M#163	3
+103709	Sws#M#1234	2
+103709	Swb#M#155	6
+143436	Nso#65	1
+143436	Nso#1209	1
+208976	Nso#106	2
+122531	Swb#M#156	3
+122531	Swb#M#157	13
+122531	Swb#M#155	2
+122531	Sws#M#163	1
+122531	Sws#M#1227	2
+122531	Sws#M#83	2
+136924	Sse#M#63	1
+136924	Swb#M#154	1
+130403	Vg#o#1132	4
+130403	Vg#o#1124	2
+230719	Vg#o#1124	12
+132451	Vg#o#1124	13
+132662	Nso#1209	1
+22641	Tg#1238	14
+22641	Tg#1249	4
+111555	Vg#o#1124	1
+109277	Sws#M#163	1
+144719	Tg#1252	1
+11366	Vg#o#1128	3
+206038	Nso#1209	2
+16195	Vg#o#1124	4
+197891	Vg#o#1124	5
+159087	Sse#M#75	1
+230405	Sse#M#63	1
+230405	Tg#1251	1
+105625	Nso#108	1
+105625	Nso#107	1
+105625	Nso#106	1
+230409	Vg#o#1124	4
+131268	Vg#o#1124	2
+154672	Sws#M#163	1
+222882	Nso#65	2
+222882	Nso#1209	1
+222882	Nso#107	5
+222882	Nso#106	4
+137295	Sws#M#83	1
+214430	Nso#106	1
+65677	Nse#L#152	1
+65677	Nso#107	3
+150575	Vg#o#1124	3
+65675	Nso#107	1
+65674	Nso#107	1
+65695	Nso#106	1
+103056	Nse#L#98	3
+65691	Nso#107	2
+65691	Sws#M#163	1
+65691	Nso#1209	3
+65693	Nw#L#119	1
+65693	Nso#108	5
+65693	Nso#106	4
+100923	Vg#h#1039	1
+100923	Vg#h#1038	1
+100923	Vg#h#1061	7
+51823	Nw#L#5	2
+51823	Sws#M#83	4
+16232	Vg#o#1124	2
+16232	Vg#o#1128	2
+16232	Vg#h#1061	13
+16232	Vg#oh#1070	29
+16232	Vg#o#1132	10
+16232	Vg#h#1039	5
+2200	Vg#h#1038	11
+2200	Vg#o#1132	2
+98593	Sws#M#163	2
+98593	Sws#M#83	2
+154451	Swb#M#157	1
+154451	Sse#1224	1
+154451	Sws#M#83	1
+135161	Sse#M#63	1
+105024	Sws#M#163	1
+16054	Vg#h#1043	1
+16054	Vg#o#1128	1
+16054	Vg#o#1153	1
+16054	Vg#o#1132	3
+220214	Nse#L#152	1
+166220	Nso#65	1
+166220	Nse#L#151	1
+166220	Nso#106	2
+46201	Nse#L#150	1
+46201	Nse#L#152	2
+46201	Sws#M#163	1
+46201	Sse#M#64	1
+46201	Nso#1209	1
+19731	Nso#107	1
+19731	Nso#1209	16
+99888	Tg#1249	1
+205400	Nse#L#151	1
+105678	Swb#M#155	3
+185648	Vg#h#1039	1
+118311	Sse#M#64	1
+118311	Sws#M#1230	1
+85294	Sse#M#14	1
+85294	Sse#M#169	1
+153827	Vg#h#1104	1
+153827	Tg#1238	1
+153827	Vg#h#1043	5
+153827	Vg#oh#1055	12
+153827	Vg#o#1132	3
+153827	Tg#1249	2
+154294	Nw#R#189	2
+154294	Swb#M#156	3
+154294	Swb#M#155	1
+42325	Sse#M#75	1
+225963	Sws#M#1230	3
+225963	Sse#M#62	1
+225963	Sws#M#83	2
+169004	Vg#o#1124	1
+70228	Sse#M#63	1
+105514	Vg#o#1128	1
+105514	Vg#h#1061	3
+135410	Tg#1249	1
+135410	Tg#1238	3
+10167	Sws#M#163	2
+48237	Vg#h#1104	1
+194302	Sws#M#83	8
+172363	Nso#65	1
+172363	Nse#L#150	1
+46681	Vg#h#1104	1
+46681	Tg#1251	2
+46681	Tg#1249	2
+3536	Nw#L#160	1
+3536	Sws#M#1227	1
+149693	Tg#1249	1
+149693	Tg#1251	1
+190311	Vg#o#1124	2
+43095	Swb#M#155	2
+222765	Nse#L#150	1
+12743	Tg#1238	3
+12743	Nso#108	1
+12743	Tg#1249	1
+80396	Sse#M#14	1
+80396	Nse#L#152	1
+80396	Nse#L#98	2
+128706	Swb#M#154	1
+128706	Nso#106	1
+128706	Nso#1209	5
+128706	Nso#108	4
+128706	Nso#65	1
+128706	Swb#M#137	1
+128706	Sse#M#62	1
+128706	Sse#M#64	1
+8229	Swb#M#154	5
+8229	Swb#M#155	7
+8229	Sws#M#163	3
+8229	Sws#M#1230	4
+172612	Sse#M#62	1
+172612	Sse#M#63	1
+172612	Sse#M#64	1
+102556	Sse#M#75	1
+41211	Nso#108	1
+41211	Nso#1209	1
+41211	Nso#107	2
+41211	Nso#106	1
+159953	Swb#M#156	20
+159953	Swb#M#154	5
+159956	Nse#L#98	2
+159956	Nso#107	1
+18546	Nw#L#5	1
+18546	Sws#M#1234	1
+179615	Vg#h#1038	1
+179615	Vg#o#1153	1
+14081	Vg#oh#1070	1
+14081	Vg#o#1132	5
+14081	Vg#h#1061	1
+9760	Swb#M#155	1
+9760	Vg#h#1104	2
+9760	Tg#1251	2
+9760	Vg#o#1124	1
+9760	Vg#o#1132	2
+95195	Tg#1238	1
+99158	Nw#R#189	3
+99158	Nw#L#119	2
+99158	Nse#L#153	1
+99158	Nso#108	1
+99409	Sws#M#163	1
+99409	Swb#M#157	1
+148392	Tg#1249	1
+211447	Nso#65	5
+211447	Nse#L#151	1
+211447	Nse#L#152	1
+211447	Nso#1209	1
+1975	Vg#h#1104	4
+1975	Tg#1251	1
+87292	Vg#h#1104	1
+87292	Vg#o#1132	1
+87292	Vg#h#1061	1
+98930	Vg#o#1128	11
+146291	Sws#M#163	1
+199567	Vg#o#1124	8
+78268	Tg#1249	1
+198568	Vg#o#1124	2
+112201	Tg#1251	1
+112201	Vg#h#1061	1
+112201	Vg#oh#1070	2
+198563	Vg#oh#1051	3
+146854	Nw#L#119	1
+108024	Nw#L#5	1
+108024	Nse#L#150	1
+108024	Nso#108	1
+108024	Nso#107	2
+108024	Nso#106	2
+108024	Nso#65	2
+108024	Nso#1209	1
+132329	Nso#1209	1
+232752	Sws#M#163	1
+2842	Sse#M#62	3
+2842	Sse#M#63	3
+2843	Sse#M#14	1
+2840	Nso#65	1
+2840	Nso#107	1
+10212	Vg#h#1104	1
+1673	Swb#M#156	2
+1673	Sws#M#163	1
+219686	Nso#1209	2
+191839	Nso#108	6
+33833	Vg#o#1124	1
+33833	Vg#h#1043	1
+33833	Vg#h#1061	1
+33833	Vg#h#1039	1
+33833	Vg#o#1132	6
+174207	Sse#M#62	1
+7056	Nw#L#5	4
+7056	Nse#L#98	1
+7056	Nw#R#50	2
+7056	Sws#M#163	2
+7056	Nso#108	3
+7056	Nw#R#189	10
+221168	Nso#107	5
+221168	Nso#65	7
+175339	Nso#107	1
+107605	Vg#o#1132	2
+107605	Vg#h#1039	1
+33987	Tg#1252	1
+33987	Vg#oh#1070	12
+33987	Vg#oh#1051	1
+33987	Vg#o#1132	1
+33987	Tg#1249	2
+33987	Vg#o#1153	1
+33984	Tg#1238	1
+33984	Vg#o#1128	2
+33984	Vg#o#1160	1
+33984	Vg#oh#1070	4
+33984	Vg#h#1104	1
+33984	Vg#oh#1055	7
+33984	Vg#oh#1051	8
+33984	Vg#h#1039	13
+33984	Vg#o#1132	1
+33984	Tg#1249	1
+112113	Nso#107	1
+78001	Tg#1249	2
+182959	Sse#1224	1
+182959	Sws#M#1234	1
+182959	Swb#M#154	1
+137447	Sws#M#1227	1
+30983	Nw#L#5	1
+30983	Nse#L#150	1
+34403	Nso#1209	1
+99057	Nse#L#150	1
+99057	Nse#L#98	1
+167995	Sse#M#62	1
+167995	Sse#M#75	1
+146921	Nw#L#160	1
+161631	Sws#M#163	1
+108110	Nse#L#152	1
+108110	Sse#M#75	1
+18361	Vg#o#1128	2
+18361	Vg#oh#1070	24
+18361	Vg#oh#1055	148
+18361	Vg#oh#1051	227
+18361	Vg#o#1132	4
+222209	Nse#L#151	2
+222209	Nse#L#150	1
+222209	Nse#L#153	1
+222209	Sse#M#75	1
+222209	Nso#1209	1
+159771	Swb#M#155	1
+11103	Sse#M#62	1
+217998	Nse#L#151	1
+217998	Nso#107	2
+217998	Nso#106	1
+142598	Nso#107	1
+142598	Nso#106	2
+77851	Sws#M#1230	1
+31745	Vg#h#1104	1
+171614	Nso#65	1
+13855	Vg#oh#1055	4
+13855	Vg#o#1132	1
+13855	Vg#h#1061	2
+143240	Sse#M#62	1
+143240	Sse#M#63	1
+67784	Swb#M#155	1
+107272	Vg#h#1043	14
+107272	Vg#o#1128	1
+107272	Vg#h#1061	3
+107272	Vg#oh#1070	2
+107272	Vg#h#1039	4
+107272	Vg#o#1132	3
+51452	Nso#107	1
+103772	Vg#h#1104	1
+103772	Vg#oh#1070	1
+103772	Vg#oh#1055	1
+103772	Vg#o#1132	2
+91225	Tg#1252	3
+77721	Nse#L#98	1
+77721	Sse#M#169	1
+151164	Sse#M#62	1
+151164	Sws#M#83	1
+225329	Nso#108	1
+225329	Nse#L#153	1
+217200	Nse#L#98	1
+101831	Nso#106	1
+106893	Nw#L#160	1
+22963	Nso#106	1
+136950	Nso#1209	1
+156732	Nse#L#150	1
+213181	Nso#1209	4
+149904	Tg#1249	1
+149904	Tg#1238	2
+63933	Vg#o#1132	2
+145762	Tg#1251	1
+47013	Nso#106	2
+23709	Vg#h#1061	7
+228860	Vg#o#1124	7
+76995	Tg#1238	1
+166172	Swb#M#155	1
+13989	Vg#h#1038	1
+13989	Vg#o#1132	10
+13989	Vg#h#1043	4
+13989	Vg#h#1104	1
+13989	Vg#o#1128	3
+13989	Vg#o#1160	1
+13989	Vg#oh#1070	179
+13989	Vg#oh#1055	139
+13989	Vg#oh#1051	136
+13989	Vg#h#1039	2
+96329	Nse#L#150	1
+96329	Sse#M#62	5
+96329	Sse#M#63	1
+96329	Sse#M#64	2
+96329	Sse#M#75	1
+130744	Vg#o#1124	5
+130744	Vg#o#1128	1
+130744	Vg#oh#1070	10
+130744	Vg#o#1132	1
+130744	Vg#o#1153	30
+11353	Nso#106	2
+89122	Sws#M#1234	1
+89122	Sse#M#63	1
+89122	Sse#M#75	1
+26077	Nso#106	1
+228462	Swb#M#155	6
+228462	Sws#M#163	3
+228462	Sws#M#1234	3
+228462	Swb#M#137	2
+228462	Sws#M#83	1
+223314	Nse#L#151	1
+223314	Nse#L#153	1
+60324	Nse#L#151	1
+60325	Nso#65	1
+150102	Tg#1249	1
+19611	Vg#o#1132	1
+19611	Vg#o#1128	1
+19611	Vg#h#1061	1
+131250	Vg#h#1061	1
+149878	Sws#M#1234	2
+149878	Swb#M#156	2
+110361	Vg#h#1061	5
+110361	Vg#oh#1070	1
+110361	Vg#h#1039	2
+110361	Vg#o#1132	7
+154598	Vg#h#1039	1
+154598	Vg#h#1061	1
+130306	Sse#M#169	1
+130306	Sse#M#62	1
+60815	Nse#L#98	2
+196134	Vg#o#1124	2
+55316	Nse#L#151	1
+55316	Nso#107	1
+151211	Swb#M#154	5
+151211	Swb#M#155	4
+151211	Sws#M#83	1
+215917	Nse#L#153	1
+187655	Vg#o#1124	9
+135577	Tg#1238	1
+26888	Vg#o#1128	1
+26888	Vg#o#1132	1
+26888	Vg#h#1061	1
+153036	Nse#L#151	2
+153036	Nso#106	1
+153036	Nso#65	1
+153036	Nso#1209	5
+65686	Nso#107	4
+14001	Vg#h#1104	1
+14001	Vg#o#1128	1
+14001	Vg#o#1124	8
+14001	Vg#oh#1070	30
+14001	Vg#oh#1055	28
+14001	Vg#oh#1051	18
+14001	Vg#h#1043	7
+14001	Vg#o#1132	5
+14001	Vg#o#1153	1
+184671	Vg#h#1039	4
+65682	Nso#107	1
+65682	Nw#L#160	3
+65682	Nso#108	3
+65682	Nso#106	4
+78365	Sse#M#14	1
+78365	Nse#L#98	1
+78365	Sse#M#62	2
+78365	Sse#M#63	1
+101771	Vg#h#1038	1
+101771	Vg#h#1043	1
+23926	Tg#1238	1
+23926	Tg#1249	9
+227245	Tg#1251	1
+192192	Swb#M#137	1
+192192	Sws#M#83	1
+204874	Nso#65	1
+204874	Sse#M#14	1
+204874	Nse#L#150	2
+204874	Nse#L#153	1
+105037	Vg#h#1043	9
+105037	Vg#h#1061	13
+105037	Vg#o#1128	1
+105037	Vg#h#1038	1
+220599	Nse#L#152	1
+21881	Vg#o#1124	2
+21881	Vg#o#1132	1
+84198	Vg#oh#1051	1
+81160	Vg#o#1124	2
+81160	Vg#oh#1070	34
+81160	Vg#oh#1055	55
+81160	Vg#oh#1051	46
+81160	Vg#o#1132	2
+191542	Vg#o#1160	1
+191542	Vg#h#1104	2
+69031	Nso#106	1
+101990	Sws#M#163	2
+101991	Vg#h#1039	4
+101991	Vg#h#1061	4
+104581	Vg#h#1038	2
+104581	Vg#h#1104	6
+104581	Vg#o#1124	1
+104581	Vg#o#1128	4
+104581	Vg#h#1061	8
+104581	Vg#o#1160	1
+104581	Vg#oh#1051	1
+104581	Vg#h#1043	2
+104581	Vg#o#1132	2
+25562	Vg#o#1132	1
+191786	Vg#o#1124	1
+191786	Vg#h#1043	1
+106258	Vg#o#1153	2
+106258	Vg#o#1132	3
+106258	Vg#o#1128	1
+102964	Nso#1209	3
+148429	Swb#M#156	1
+148429	Sws#M#1234	2
+148429	Swb#M#155	1
+149113	Sws#M#1234	1
+149113	Sws#M#163	1
+102418	Nso#108	2
+102418	Nso#1209	1
+102418	Nso#107	1
+102418	Nso#106	1
+90275	Swb#M#154	14
+152521	Vg#h#1061	1
+167279	Nso#1209	1
+17199	Nso#1209	1
+141661	Tg#1238	3
+162576	Vg#o#1160	1
+162576	Vg#o#1124	5
+2722	Nso#108	3
+155885	Nso#106	1
+153214	Nso#1209	1
+1807	Nse#L#153	1
+1807	Nso#108	11
+1807	Nso#107	9
+1807	Nso#106	3
+1807	Nso#65	14
+1807	Nso#1209	6
+112328	Vg#h#1104	2
+112328	Vg#h#1061	1
+146066	Swb#M#155	2
+146066	Sws#M#1234	1
+146066	Sws#M#1227	37
+146066	Sws#M#1230	4
+16915	Vg#o#1132	1
+16915	Vg#o#1128	1
+63782	Nso#108	1
+63785	Sse#M#169	1
+63785	Nse#L#153	1
+63784	Sse#M#62	1
+199379	Vg#o#1153	2
+199379	Vg#o#1124	2
+45529	Vg#o#1132	1
+113524	Nso#108	3
+128717	Nse#L#150	4
+215478	Sws#M#1234	1
+215478	Nw#L#160	1
+167417	Sse#M#75	1
+45522	Nse#L#152	2
+69013	Nso#1209	1
+69013	Nw#R#50	2
+45741	Sws#M#1227	1
+45741	Sws#M#1230	1
+45741	Sws#M#1234	6
+45741	Sws#M#83	2
+113452	Nse#L#151	1
+113452	Nse#L#150	1
+113452	Nso#108	5
+113452	Nso#1209	1
+44695	Vg#o#1132	1
+99031	Nse#L#150	1
+137054	Nse#L#152	1
+137054	Nso#108	2
+137054	Vg#o#1132	1
+137054	Nso#107	1
+137054	Nso#65	1
+137054	Nso#1209	4
+99414	Vg#o#1160	1
+99414	Vg#oh#1070	1
+193893	Nse#L#152	1
+136522	Sws#M#1227	2
+136522	Nso#1209	1
+172220	Vg#o#1124	9
+172220	Vg#h#1039	1
+172220	Vg#o#1132	1
+39712	Nse#L#150	3
+99097	Vg#h#1104	1
+152182	Swb#M#137	2
+211927	Vg#h#1061	1
+179045	Nse#L#153	1
+173598	Tg#1238	8
+173598	Tg#1252	1
+173598	Tg#1249	5
+163423	Nw#L#119	3
+163423	Sws#M#83	1
+2851	Sws#M#1230	1
+2851	Sse#M#63	1
+2853	Sws#M#83	1
+191820	Vg#h#1038	1
+136481	Sse#M#75	2
+136481	Sse#M#169	5
+129392	Sse#M#169	1
+1701	Sse#M#63	1
+129409	Nso#65	2
+129409	Nso#107	1
+129409	Nso#106	1
+174747	Vg#oh#1070	23
+174747	Vg#oh#1051	8
+156603	Nse#L#151	2
+156603	Nse#L#150	1
+41153	Nso#108	4
+41153	Nso#106	1
+202289	Nw#L#160	1
+175182	Vg#h#1043	1
+175182	Vg#h#1061	1
+175182	Vg#oh#1055	1
+169013	Vg#o#1124	6
+137302	Nso#65	2
+137302	Nso#1209	1
+210111	Nso#107	5
+30991	Sse#M#14	1
+30991	Nso#108	1
+30991	Nso#1209	1
+111151	Sws#M#1230	1
+111151	Nso#1209	2
+189163	Vg#oh#1055	14
+83155	Vg#h#1043	2
+83155	Vg#h#1061	1
+26724	Sse#M#64	1
+26724	Sse#M#75	1
+26724	Nso#108	2
+26724	Sse#M#63	2
+26724	Nso#1209	23
+226151	Nse#L#151	4
+226151	Nse#L#150	3
+226151	Nse#L#153	1
+225539	Nso#106	1
+225539	Nw#R#50	1
+143525	Nw#R#50	3
+90166	Nse#L#150	1
+225240	Nse#L#98	3
+114856	Tg#1238	1
+114856	Tg#1249	2
+174109	Vg#h#1043	14
+207653	Nw#L#119	1
+207653	Nse#L#152	1
+137235	Nso#106	1
+137235	Nso#1209	4
+108876	Swb#M#154	15
+108876	Sws#M#1234	1
+175763	Vg#o#1124	6
+111025	Nw#L#160	1
+156513	Swb#M#154	1
+217505	Nse#L#98	1
+217505	Nso#106	1
+217505	Nse#L#150	1
+131066	Vg#o#1124	9
+175967	Vg#oh#1070	2
+175967	Tg#1238	1
+175967	Vg#oh#1055	1
+175967	Vg#o#1132	3
+175967	Vg#o#1153	1
+175967	Vg#h#1043	1
+199804	Nw#L#160	1
+188174	Nse#L#151	1
+66950	Nse#L#98	3
+197250	Vg#o#1132	1
+197250	Vg#o#1124	1
+67799	Sse#M#62	1
+161159	Nw#L#160	1
+161159	Nw#R#50	3
+156770	Sse#1224	2
+2488	Nso#108	1
+133808	Nse#L#153	1
+133808	Nse#L#152	1
+221327	Tg#1252	1
+156779	Sse#1224	2
+26613	Nso#108	1
+136126	Nso#1209	1
+111978	Vg#h#1061	1
+111978	Nso#1209	2
+111978	Nso#107	1
+111978	Nso#106	1
+170060	Swb#M#157	1
+170060	Swb#M#155	2
+170060	Sse#M#62	3
+170060	Sse#M#75	2
+15143	Vg#o#1124	2
+189151	Sws#M#1234	1
+189151	Nso#106	1
+189151	Nso#1209	1
+3802	Swb#M#154	2
+114509	Tg#1249	1
+43239	Nse#L#150	1
+136769	Sse#M#62	1
+136769	Sse#M#63	1
+8190	Sws#M#1234	4
+8190	Swb#M#137	1
+8190	Sws#M#1230	1
+8190	Sws#M#83	1
+39143	Nw#L#119	1
+2868	Sse#M#63	1
+111483	Sse#M#62	1
+207833	Tg#1249	1
+88848	Sse#M#63	1
+88848	Sse#M#64	2
+150714	Sse#M#62	1
+224117	Nso#65	3
+224117	Nso#1209	1
+145151	Tg#1251	1
+145151	Vg#oh#1051	2
+227601	Nw#L#119	2
+227601	Nse#L#150	1
+227601	Nse#L#153	3
+227601	Nso#106	1
+227601	Nw#R#189	13
+166688	Nse#L#153	1
+166688	Nse#L#98	1
+166688	Nse#L#152	2
+110192	Vg#o#1124	3
+110192	Vg#h#1061	1
+110192	Vg#h#1039	1
+110192	Vg#o#1132	1
+32581	Nso#65	1
+32581	Nso#108	4
+32581	Nso#106	1
+13881	Sse#1224	1
+13881	Nse#L#152	1
+104242	Nse#L#150	1
+104242	Nso#1209	1
+86097	Nse#L#151	1
+86097	Nso#108	1
+204909	Sse#1224	1
+204909	Nse#L#152	1
+49893	Swb#M#155	1
+155778	Nw#L#119	2
+73937	Vg#o#1132	1
+16039	Vg#o#1124	1
+16039	Vg#h#1061	3
+16039	Vg#oh#1070	1
+16039	Vg#h#1038	4
+16039	Vg#o#1153	1
+16039	Vg#o#1132	1
+155524	Sse#M#62	1
+46444	Nse#L#151	1
+46444	Nse#L#150	1
+189445	Vg#o#1124	3
+189445	Vg#h#1043	1
+141274	Nso#65	2
+141274	Nse#L#151	1
+141274	Nso#1209	1
+141274	Nso#107	1
+110227	Vg#o#1124	1
+110227	Vg#h#1043	1
+110227	Vg#oh#1070	1
+73339	Nso#108	2
+73339	Nso#107	2
+4617	Swb#M#154	5
+4617	Sse#M#169	1
+4617	Nso#108	1
+4617	Nso#65	1
+4617	Nso#1209	3
+4617	Sse#M#64	1
+99547	Vg#h#1061	37
+101503	Nse#L#153	1
+205645	Nso#65	2
+205645	Nso#107	1
+131339	Nso#108	2
+104024	Nw#L#160	1
+192046	Vg#h#1104	1
+192046	Vg#o#1124	1
+57451	Nse#L#152	1
+81374	Nse#L#150	1
+162211	Vg#o#1124	2
+10837	Sse#M#14	2
+10836	Sse#M#14	3
+10836	Nse#L#152	1
+10836	Sse#M#62	5
+10836	Sse#M#63	1
+10836	Sse#M#75	1
+177731	Vg#o#1128	1
+10056	Tg#1238	2
+10056	Sws#M#163	1
+10056	Tg#1249	1
+153733	Sws#M#1227	1
+153733	Nw#R#50	1
+153733	Sws#M#163	7
+10839	Sse#M#14	1
+85388	Nw#L#5	6
+85388	Sws#M#163	1
+85388	Nw#L#160	11
+85388	Nw#R#50	8
+191556	Vg#h#1061	1
+222698	Sse#M#14	1
+222698	Nse#L#151	1
+222698	Nw#R#50	1
+222698	Nse#L#152	1
+63062	Nw#R#50	1
+154329	Nse#L#151	1
+154329	Nw#R#50	1
+154329	Nse#L#153	1
+154329	Nso#1209	1
+185622	Vg#h#1039	1
+21096	Vg#o#1124	3
+21096	Vg#o#1132	8
+32126	Vg#o#1132	1
+4503	Tg#1249	1
+4503	Nso#1209	1
+149101	Nse#L#98	1
+149101	Sws#M#1234	1
+149101	Sse#M#63	1
+192598	Vg#o#1124	2
+148295	Tg#1251	2
+27791	Vg#h#1043	17
+27791	Vg#o#1128	7
+27791	Vg#oh#1070	6
+27791	Vg#oh#1055	12
+27791	Vg#oh#1051	6
+27791	Vg#h#1061	3
+27791	Vg#h#1038	17
+27791	Vg#h#1039	23
+27791	Vg#o#1132	5
+27791	Vg#o#1153	5
+42308	Nse#L#153	1
+218058	Nse#L#151	1
+7546	Sse#M#14	3
+7546	Sse#M#169	1
+7546	Sse#M#62	7
+7546	Sse#M#63	1
+7546	Nw#R#50	1
+217947	Nso#107	1
+141905	Sse#M#14	1
+141905	Swb#M#155	1
+200746	Swb#M#155	1
+200746	Sse#M#64	1
+200746	Sse#M#62	2
+200746	Nso#107	1
+113199	Nso#108	1
+113624	Nso#108	2
+113626	Nso#108	1
+113626	Nso#107	24
+113626	Nso#106	15
+113190	Nso#108	1
+113190	Nso#1209	1
+113190	Nso#106	1
+10699	Sse#M#14	1
+10699	Sse#M#62	1
+10699	Sse#M#63	1
+99395	Nso#1209	1
+93813	Sse#1224	1
+93813	Nse#L#152	1
+93813	Sse#M#62	1
+93813	Sse#M#63	1
+10680	Sse#M#62	1
+222747	Nso#107	2
+36808	Nse#L#150	1
+36808	Nse#L#98	1
+146972	Nso#1209	1
+146972	Sws#M#83	1
+2401	Sws#M#1227	2
+2401	Sws#M#83	14
+2401	Sws#M#1234	1
+2401	Sws#M#1230	4
+2401	Sse#M#62	1
+2401	Sse#M#64	3
+135899	Tg#1238	1
+48325	Vg#o#1132	2
+48325	Tg#1238	2
+48325	Tg#1251	3
+48325	Vg#h#1043	3
+48325	Vg#h#1061	6
+48325	Vg#oh#1070	7
+48325	Tg#1249	5
+48325	Vg#h#1039	5
+53827	Nso#106	1
+53827	Swb#M#154	14
+20456	Swb#M#157	1
+20456	Swb#M#155	1
+20456	Nw#L#119	5
+20456	Sws#M#163	1
+20456	Sws#M#83	2
+159977	Sse#M#62	1
+159977	Sse#M#75	1
+159977	Sws#M#83	3
+152083	Nso#65	1
+210246	Nso#65	2
+210246	Nw#L#119	1
+210246	Nso#107	1
+216666	Nso#107	1
+216666	Nse#L#150	1
+1957	Vg#h#1038	1
+152244	Nso#65	1
+152244	Nso#1209	1
+152244	Nso#106	1
+200639	Nso#106	1
+182857	Vg#oh#1070	1
+10794	Sse#M#14	1
+10794	Sse#M#169	1
+10794	Sse#M#62	1
+210997	Nse#L#152	1
+172792	Tg#1252	8
+169809	Tg#1238	1
+169809	Vg#oh#1070	5
+169809	Vg#oh#1055	1
+169809	Tg#1249	1
+39700	Vg#o#1124	4
+39700	Tg#1251	1
+39700	Vg#h#1043	2
+182398	Vg#h#1038	1
+182398	Vg#oh#1055	1
+182398	Vg#o#1124	1
+70208	Tg#1251	1
+70208	Nso#108	3
+148671	Tg#1251	1
+148676	Tg#1251	1
+133650	Tg#1249	1
+134438	Swb#M#156	1
+134438	Swb#M#154	4
+134438	Nso#1209	1
+134438	Sse#M#62	1
+110046	Vg#h#1061	1
+110046	Vg#oh#1051	1
+18983	Vg#o#1124	23
+67542	Sse#M#14	1
+67542	Sse#M#62	1
+88752	Nse#L#152	1
+9014	Sse#M#75	2
+6161	Nse#L#150	1
+6161	Nse#L#152	1
+6161	Nw#R#50	1
+6161	Sse#M#75	1
+6161	Nso#108	3
+6161	Nso#107	1
+6161	Nso#106	2
+6161	Nso#1209	1
+6161	Sse#M#62	1
+186650	Vg#h#1104	1
+186650	Vg#o#1124	11
+48079	Nso#65	1
+48079	Nso#1209	1
+129513	Sse#M#63	1
+27824	Nse#L#151	1
+27824	Nso#108	3
+125759	Swb#M#156	4
+125759	Sws#M#1230	2
+125759	Swb#M#154	73
+125759	Swb#M#155	11
+1710	Swb#M#156	1
+1710	Nse#L#151	1
+1710	Nso#1209	3
+1717	Sse#M#14	1
+1717	Nse#L#98	1
+1717	Sse#M#62	1
+1717	Nso#106	1
+143881	Vg#h#1038	1
+24022	Sse#M#63	1
+1719	Nse#L#152	3
+1719	Nse#L#151	1
+1719	Nse#L#150	1
+1718	Swb#M#154	1
+1718	Nso#107	4
+1718	Nso#108	6
+1718	Nso#106	5
+175192	Nse#L#150	1
+175192	Vg#o#1124	2
+175192	Vg#h#1039	1
+148705	Nse#L#152	2
+148705	Vg#h#1061	2
+137040	Nw#L#160	5
+137040	Nso#1209	1
+137040	Sws#M#83	1
+102469	Vg#o#1153	1
+102469	Vg#h#1038	63
+102469	Vg#h#1039	1
+102469	Vg#h#1043	2
+102469	Vg#h#1104	2
+102469	Vg#o#1132	1
+83542	Sse#M#64	3
+40523	Vg#o#1132	1
+40523	Vg#h#1061	5
+47490	Tg#1252	2
+47490	Tg#1251	2
+47490	Tg#1249	2
+15483	Vg#o#1153	1
+67797	Sse#M#62	1
+68865	Nso#65	1
+68865	Nw#L#5	1
+68865	Nso#1209	1
+2419	Sws#M#1227	1
+103111	Swb#M#154	18
+103111	Swb#M#155	5
+103111	Sws#M#163	1
+50218	Vg#o#1128	1
+50218	Vg#h#1061	1
+50218	Vg#h#1039	1
+50218	Vg#o#1132	5
+50218	Tg#1249	1
+95342	Sws#M#163	1
+95342	Sws#M#83	1
+169976	Sws#M#83	22
+212106	Vg#o#1124	1
+35786	Vg#o#1132	1
+35786	Vg#h#1043	3
+18746	Sws#M#83	3
+18745	Nw#L#119	1
+18745	Nse#L#150	1
+18745	Nse#L#153	1
+18745	Vg#o#1132	1
+18745	Sse#M#75	1
+216118	Nse#L#151	3
+216118	Nse#L#152	1
+216118	Nw#L#160	2
+216118	Nw#R#189	1
+216118	Nso#1209	1
+157367	Nse#L#152	1
+144617	Sws#M#1234	1
+144617	Sse#M#63	1
+114420	Tg#1238	8
+114420	Tg#1249	6
+66944	Nso#108	2
+66944	Nse#L#152	1
+126228	Sws#M#1234	4
+126228	Nse#L#152	1
+126228	Sws#M#163	4
+126228	Sws#M#1227	1
+126228	Sws#M#1230	2
+126228	Sws#M#83	7
+8051	Swb#M#155	3
+8051	Nse#L#151	1
+8051	Sws#M#163	1
+8051	Sse#M#62	1
+183592	Vg#h#1038	2
+6763	Tg#1238	1
+6763	Tg#1249	1
+6763	Nw#R#50	1
+23652	Tg#1238	2
+114223	Tg#1252	1
+109318	Vg#h#1061	3
+156763	Sse#1224	2
+207733	Nso#107	2
+207733	Nse#L#151	1
+207733	Nse#L#150	1
+207733	Nso#106	1
+207733	Nso#65	15
+207733	Nso#1209	9
+50458	Vg#oh#1055	3
+50458	Vg#o#1132	1
+50457	Vg#oh#1070	2
+50457	Vg#oh#1051	2
+50457	Vg#h#1104	8
+50457	Vg#o#1124	1
+38392	Nse#L#98	1
+219480	Nso#1209	1
+219480	Nse#L#152	1
+219640	Nso#107	2
+91082	Nso#106	2
+182970	Vg#h#1061	1
+106877	Sse#M#62	1
+66234	Nso#107	1
+66234	Nso#1209	1
+66234	Nso#108	1
+155199	Swb#M#154	2
+155199	Swb#M#155	5
+155199	Sse#M#63	1
+131435	Nse#L#151	1
+131435	Nse#L#150	1
+131435	Nse#L#153	1
+72455	Nse#L#98	1
+72455	Nse#L#151	1
+72455	Nse#L#152	2
+182626	Nse#L#152	1
+182626	Sse#M#62	1
+111580	Nso#1209	3
+111580	Nso#108	3
+111580	Nw#R#50	1
+111580	Nso#106	1
+90147	Nw#L#119	1
+197817	Vg#oh#1055	16
+7564	Sse#1224	1
+197123	Vg#o#1124	5
+100135	Vg#oh#1070	9
+100135	Vg#o#1124	1
+192261	Sse#M#64	1
+207827	Nso#1209	1
+191612	Vg#o#1124	6
+110161	Vg#h#1043	1
+110161	Vg#o#1124	1
+110161	Vg#o#1128	1
+110161	Vg#h#1061	3
+110161	Vg#oh#1070	2
+110161	Vg#h#1038	3
+110161	Vg#h#1039	5
+110161	Tg#1249	1
+145811	Tg#1251	1
+145811	Tg#1252	1
+223372	Nso#65	1
+223372	Nso#107	3
+223372	Nso#106	2
+103807	Swb#M#155	9
+103807	Sws#M#163	12
+103807	Sws#M#1234	8
+103807	Swb#M#137	10
+19323	Swb#M#156	1
+19323	Swb#M#155	2
+19323	Sws#M#163	2
+19323	Sws#M#1234	10
+19323	Swb#M#137	3
+7719	Sse#M#75	1
+4760	Nse#L#150	2
+4760	Nso#108	1
+187006	Vg#h#1104	6
+187006	Tg#1251	1
+187006	Vg#h#1061	2
+187006	Tg#1249	1
+187006	Vg#h#1039	7
+187006	Vg#o#1132	1
+188034	Vg#o#1160	2
+189521	Vg#o#1160	13
+189521	Vg#o#1132	2
+189521	Vg#o#1153	3
+77791	Tg#1249	1
+196210	Vg#o#1128	4
+49369	Vg#oh#1070	2
+49369	Vg#oh#1055	2
+49369	Vg#o#1132	2
+148072	Vg#o#1128	2
+148075	Tg#1251	2
+26459	Nw#L#5	2
+153904	Sse#M#75	2
+55342	Vg#o#1153	1
+109841	Vg#h#1043	1
+16023	Vg#o#1124	17
+16023	Vg#oh#1051	6
+16023	Vg#h#1039	1
+155204	Sse#M#63	1
+100912	Vg#o#1128	1
+100912	Vg#h#1043	1
+100912	Vg#h#1039	1
+100912	Vg#o#1160	1
+16202	Vg#o#1128	32
+16202	Vg#h#1061	3
+16202	Vg#h#1039	1
+16202	Vg#o#1132	1
+16202	Vg#o#1153	3
+27355	Vg#o#1124	1
+27355	Vg#h#1043	1
+27355	Tg#1249	1
+27355	Vg#oh#1055	7
+27355	Vg#oh#1051	2
+27355	Vg#o#1132	1
+77667	Tg#1249	1
+209576	Vg#h#1061	1
+88072	Nse#L#98	1
+88072	Nso#108	2
+187802	Vg#h#1039	1
+187802	Vg#oh#1070	1
+187802	Vg#oh#1055	1
+187802	Vg#o#1132	1
+187802	Vg#o#1124	1
+63607	Nso#107	3
+113559	Nso#108	2
+113559	Nso#1209	1
+55946	Nso#107	1
+193506	Vg#o#1124	34
+128429	Swb#M#156	1
+128429	Swb#M#154	7
+128429	Swb#M#155	1
+128429	Sse#M#64	2
+128429	Nso#106	1
+227914	Vg#h#1043	1
+227914	Vg#oh#1070	1
+227914	Vg#oh#1055	5
+227914	Vg#oh#1051	10
+155335	Nso#107	2
+159328	Sse#M#169	1
+16111	Sse#1224	1
+205078	Nso#65	1
+205078	Nw#L#5	1
+101263	Nse#L#152	1
+101263	Sse#M#62	1
+101263	Sse#M#63	2
+101263	Nw#R#50	1
+130699	Vg#h#1061	1
+130699	Vg#o#1124	6
+130699	Vg#h#1043	6
+101086	Tg#1249	1
+120203	Swb#M#156	5
+120203	Swb#M#157	1
+120203	Swb#M#154	8
+120203	Swb#M#155	4
+120203	Sws#M#163	38
+120203	Sws#M#1234	1
+120203	Swb#M#137	1
+120203	Sws#M#1230	2
+140868	Vg#h#1104	1
+140868	Vg#o#1160	1
+85393	Nw#L#119	1
+85393	Nw#L#160	2
+85393	Nso#106	1
+204581	Vg#h#1061	2
+148449	Nso#107	2
+148449	Nso#106	1
+175114	Vg#o#1124	8
+136346	Sws#M#163	1
+136346	Swb#M#137	1
+136346	Nso#106	1
+167256	Vg#o#1124	2
+167256	Vg#oh#1070	29
+167256	Vg#o#1132	3
+42372	Vg#oh#1051	1
+42372	Vg#o#1124	2
+97256	Nw#R#189	5
+97256	Nw#L#5	11
+195479	Nse#L#153	1
+195479	Nso#1209	1
+61870	Sse#M#64	1
+61870	Sws#M#83	3
+141399	Nso#65	1
+141399	Nso#108	2
+141399	Nso#1209	1
+141399	Nw#R#50	1
+79540	Sse#M#75	1
+90456	Swb#M#156	1
+90456	Swb#M#154	18
+26279	Tg#1249	1
+128374	Sse#M#63	1
+190369	Vg#h#1104	5
+190369	Vg#oh#1055	2
+190369	Vg#o#1124	21
+101880	Swb#M#155	1
+140565	Swb#M#137	6
+195947	Vg#h#1038	1
+195947	Tg#1238	1
+195947	Vg#h#1043	2
+195947	Tg#1249	2
+10688	Nse#L#151	1
+10688	Nse#L#153	1
+10688	Sse#M#63	2
+10689	Swb#M#154	1
+215025	Nso#107	1
+49628	Nw#R#189	1
+49628	Sse#M#64	1
+49628	Sws#M#83	4
+10686	Nse#L#98	1
+10686	Sse#M#64	1
+146034	Tg#1251	3
+173910	Vg#o#1124	1
+173910	Tg#1249	1
+173910	Vg#h#1104	1
+173910	Vg#h#1038	1
+102500	Swb#M#154	2
+102500	Swb#M#155	1
+102500	Sws#M#163	2
+102500	Sse#M#75	1
+199354	Vg#o#1124	2
+173611	Sws#M#1234	1
+173611	Nso#1209	1
+135881	Nso#108	1
+210619	Nse#L#98	1
+210619	Nse#L#151	1
+10750	Nse#L#150	1
+159436	Nso#1209	1
+159436	Nso#106	1
+10754	Nse#L#153	1
+113276	Nso#108	7
+113276	Nso#1209	2
+232669	Sse#M#62	1
+103662	Nw#R#50	1
+112905	Nso#108	1
+14059	Vg#h#1061	1
+45296	Vg#o#1132	1
+106698	Vg#h#1038	1
+1929	Vg#oh#1055	7
+1929	Tg#1251	1
+1929	Vg#h#1043	3
+83959	Nw#L#5	5
+83959	Nse#L#150	1
+83959	Nse#L#153	2
+83959	Nw#L#160	1
+83959	Sws#M#1230	1
+219107	Sws#M#163	1
+163334	Swb#M#154	4
+163334	Sse#M#75	1
+168811	Tg#1249	2
+164536	Sse#M#14	1
+164536	Sse#M#62	1
+154687	Sse#M#62	1
+54834	Vg#o#1128	1
+54834	Vg#o#1132	1
+70198	Vg#oh#1070	2
+70198	Vg#o#1124	2
+70198	Vg#o#1128	2
+44216	Nso#107	1
+112872	Sse#M#169	2
+112872	Sse#M#62	1
+102030	Swb#M#154	1
+179710	Nw#L#160	1
+179710	Sse#M#63	1
+179710	Nso#107	3
+157680	Nse#L#152	1
+207038	Sse#1224	1
+40043	Swb#M#156	1
+40043	Nw#L#119	1
+40043	Nse#L#153	1
+40043	Nse#L#152	1
+40043	Nse#L#98	1
+40043	Nso#108	3
+40043	Sse#M#62	1
+123462	Swb#M#156	2
+123462	Swb#M#155	2
+123462	Sws#M#1234	10
+123462	Sws#M#163	6
+123462	Sws#M#83	2
+58374	Nw#L#119	1
+58374	Nw#R#50	1
+9008	Sws#M#163	1
+9008	Sse#M#64	3
+9008	Sse#M#75	6
+37234	Sse#M#64	1
+37234	Sws#M#1230	1
+37234	Sws#M#83	1
+1728	Nse#L#150	1
+1728	Nso#1209	1
+1728	Nso#107	1
+1724	Sse#M#14	1
+1724	Sse#M#62	4
+1724	Sse#M#63	3
+216057	Nso#65	1
+216057	Nso#1209	8
+216057	Nso#106	1
+1720	Tg#1249	1
+1720	Sse#M#62	1
+1720	Tg#1252	1
+62691	Sws#M#83	2
+62692	Sws#M#1234	2
+62692	Sws#M#83	1
+62693	Sws#M#1227	7
+62693	Sws#M#1234	1
+62693	Tg#1238	1
+62693	Sws#M#1230	2
+62693	Sse#M#62	1
+62693	Sws#M#83	1
+78343	Tg#1249	1
+115129	Nw#L#119	2
+115129	Nw#L#160	2
+136786	Nso#65	1
+136786	Nso#1209	1
+205984	Nw#L#160	1
+147178	Tg#1251	1
+105982	Nso#1209	5
+137492	Vg#h#1104	4
+78569	Swb#M#154	14
+78569	Sws#M#163	1
+78569	Swb#M#137	1
+78569	Sws#M#83	1
+212281	Vg#h#1038	3
+138924	Sse#M#62	1
+138924	Sse#M#63	2
+14301	Sse#1224	1
+10678	Sse#1224	1
+202248	Sse#M#62	5
+202248	Sse#M#63	1
+222341	Nso#1209	1
+99616	Nse#L#150	1
+48487	Nso#106	1
+174162	Vg#oh#1070	2
+174166	Vg#o#1153	1
+143093	Nso#107	1
+135311	Tg#1238	1
+137789	Nso#1209	1
+137789	Nso#107	3
+137789	Nso#106	1
+38217	Swb#M#155	3
+78163	Tg#1249	2
+115051	Vg#h#1038	6
+115051	Vg#o#1132	2
+30376	Nso#1209	5
+114239	Sse#M#75	11
+178759	Vg#h#1043	1
+73897	Nso#108	1
+173357	Sse#M#63	1
+5655	Sws#M#1227	1
+5655	Sse#M#75	2
+5655	Sws#M#163	1
+5655	Sws#M#83	13
+5655	Sws#M#1234	6
+5655	Swb#M#137	4
+5655	Sws#M#1230	9
+209888	Nso#65	1
+209888	Nse#L#150	1
+50448	Vg#o#1160	1
+50448	Vg#oh#1070	9
+50448	Vg#o#1132	3
+50448	Vg#o#1153	17
+136962	Nw#L#160	1
+77816	Tg#1249	1
+77816	Tg#1238	1
+187114	Vg#oh#1055	6
+187114	Vg#o#1132	1
+187114	Vg#h#1061	1
+103744	Tg#1251	8
+103744	Tg#1249	1
+144777	Nw#L#5	1
+225192	Nso#1209	1
+1456	Nso#65	5
+1456	Nse#L#151	1
+1456	Nso#108	2
+1456	Nso#1209	3
+132198	Vg#h#1039	1
+132198	Vg#o#1124	12
+159606	Nso#1209	1
+114529	Tg#1238	9
+114529	Tg#1249	5
+154831	Swb#M#155	5
+147602	Nso#106	3
+147602	Nw#R#50	1
+196213	Vg#o#1124	1
+216941	Vg#h#1061	4
+185556	Vg#o#1160	1
+185556	Vg#o#1153	3
+133917	Nse#L#151	1
+86113	Sse#M#64	1
+70461	Vg#h#1104	1
+70461	Vg#oh#1055	72
+70461	Vg#o#1124	1
+70461	Vg#h#1043	2
+100450	Vg#oh#1070	64
+100450	Vg#h#1061	1
+100450	Vg#h#1039	2
+100450	Vg#o#1132	3
+155059	Tg#1238	1
+111350	Tg#1251	1
+234651	Tg#1251	1
+234651	Tg#1249	1
+130804	Vg#o#1153	1
+130804	Vg#h#1038	1
+130804	Vg#h#1104	1
+130804	Vg#o#1132	3
+130804	Vg#h#1043	1
+130804	Vg#oh#1055	1
+130804	Vg#h#1039	1
+95864	Vg#o#1128	3
+95864	Nw#R#189	1
+95864	Nw#R#50	1
+83558	Vg#h#1104	1
+73001	Swb#M#154	1
+73001	Swb#M#155	41
+110407	Nw#L#119	1
+110407	Nso#1209	1
+82283	Vg#o#1124	4
+82283	Vg#h#1104	1
+82283	Vg#oh#1055	3
+82283	Vg#oh#1051	31
+82283	Vg#o#1132	11
+114417	Nso#1209	7
+114417	Nso#108	2
+114417	Nso#106	1
+86075	Nse#L#153	1
+155239	Nso#108	1
+155239	Nso#107	1
+110535	Vg#h#1039	1
+110535	Vg#h#1104	1
+110535	Vg#o#1128	1
+110535	Vg#h#1061	1
+187332	Vg#o#1153	1
+187332	Vg#o#1124	8
+28110	Nse#L#151	1
+28110	Nse#L#150	2
+28110	Nse#L#153	1
+28110	Nse#L#98	1
+28110	Nso#108	2
+28110	Nso#1209	3
+39053	Nso#65	1
+201697	Tg#1238	10
+201697	Nso#1209	8
+22777	Nso#65	2
+22777	Nse#L#151	1
+22777	Nse#L#153	1
+22777	Nso#1209	4
+55854	Vg#h#1038	2
+56320	Vg#o#1128	1
+56320	Vg#h#1038	3
+180091	Vg#o#1124	9
+109632	Nw#L#5	1
+109632	Vg#h#1061	1
+42560	Vg#h#1104	5
+42560	Vg#h#1043	1
+42560	Vg#h#1061	2
+42560	Vg#o#1132	1
+147174	Nso#65	1
+147174	Swb#M#155	3
+147174	Nse#L#151	1
+147174	Nse#L#153	1
+161941	Nse#L#151	1
+100077	Swb#M#156	1
+100077	Sws#M#163	1
+100077	Sse#M#64	1
+100077	Sws#M#83	3
+97007	Sse#M#62	5
+97007	Sse#M#63	1
+97007	Sse#M#64	2
+95646	Nso#1209	1
+192067	Vg#o#1124	7
+5903	Swb#M#156	18
+5903	Swb#M#157	2
+5903	Swb#M#154	47
+5903	Swb#M#155	3
+5903	Sws#M#1227	16
+5903	Sws#M#163	102
+5903	Sws#M#83	17
+5903	Sws#M#1234	70
+5903	Swb#M#137	11
+5903	Sws#M#1230	4
+10810	Swb#M#157	1
+10810	Sse#M#14	5
+10810	Nse#L#152	1
+10810	Sse#M#62	2
+10810	Sse#M#63	2
+10810	Sse#M#64	1
+10810	Sws#M#83	2
+104358	Vg#h#1043	3
+137363	Nso#65	5
+137363	Nse#L#153	1
+137363	Nso#108	1
+137363	Nso#1209	1
+227450	Nso#1209	2
+206896	Nse#L#151	4
+206896	Nse#L#150	3
+206896	Nso#107	1
+206896	Nso#106	2
+206896	Nso#65	1
+206896	Nso#1209	13
+107946	Swb#M#155	1
+159337	Nse#L#98	3
+43810	Nw#R#50	1
+135632	Tg#1249	1
+135632	Tg#1238	1
+6901	Swb#M#155	2
+6901	Nw#L#119	1
+6901	Nw#R#50	1
+6901	Sws#M#163	2
+6901	Nso#107	1
+6901	Sse#M#75	1
+137367	Tg#1249	1
+137367	Tg#1251	4
+146638	Sws#M#1234	2
+146638	Sws#M#163	3
+146638	Swb#M#137	3
+146638	Sws#M#1230	2
+146638	Sws#M#83	2
+30714	Sws#M#1234	2
+98087	Vg#h#1104	1
+98087	Vg#o#1124	21
+187845	Vg#o#1124	2
+12533	Vg#oh#1055	1
+12533	Tg#1252	1
+2554	Nw#L#119	2
+105774	Swb#M#157	1
+105774	Swb#M#154	32
+105774	Swb#M#155	2
+105774	Swb#M#156	6
+105774	Sws#M#163	14
+105774	Sse#M#62	3
+105774	Sse#M#63	3
+201230	Nso#1209	2
+193730	Vg#h#1043	1
+193730	Vg#oh#1070	8
+193730	Vg#oh#1055	6
+193730	Vg#oh#1051	2
+193730	Vg#o#1153	2
+193730	Vg#o#1132	1
+99977	Vg#o#1153	1
+52379	Vg#h#1061	1
+52379	Vg#oh#1070	2
+52379	Vg#oh#1055	1
+52379	Vg#o#1132	2
+52379	Nso#1209	1
+220492	Nse#L#151	2
+220492	Nse#L#150	1
+220492	Nse#L#152	2
+121120	Nso#65	1
+121120	Nso#107	1
+121120	Nse#L#151	1
+121120	Nso#1209	2
+212457	Nso#65	2
+212457	Nso#1209	21
+200018	Nw#R#50	1
+20534	Vg#h#1061	1
+20534	Vg#o#1132	1
+112259	Sse#M#75	1
+46885	Tg#1251	1
+11370	Vg#oh#1055	3
+11370	Vg#oh#1051	7
+11370	Vg#o#1128	1
+93838	Nso#107	1
+93838	Nso#1209	1
+4136	Tg#1252	89
+4136	Tg#1238	1
+4136	Tg#1251	5
+4136	Tg#1249	1
+38834	Vg#h#1104	1
+38834	Vg#h#1043	1
+38834	Vg#o#1124	63
+190303	Vg#h#1039	1
+21213	Vg#h#1104	3
+21213	Vg#h#1039	2
+21213	Vg#o#1132	2
+230324	Swb#M#155	2
+58041	Vg#o#1132	2
+102511	Sse#M#64	1
+102513	Vg#o#1132	1
+102513	Vg#h#1104	2
+130005	Nso#65	1
+152799	Nso#65	2
+152799	Nw#L#5	2
+152799	Nse#L#150	6
+152799	Nse#L#153	1
+152799	Nso#1209	3
+152799	Nso#106	2
+1854	Swb#M#154	5
+1854	Nso#107	4
+1854	Nso#108	14
+1854	Nso#1209	1
+1854	Nso#106	5
+1857	Nso#65	10
+1857	Nse#L#153	1
+1857	Nso#108	5
+1857	Nso#1209	2
+1857	Nw#R#50	1
+2170	Vg#h#1104	1
+2170	Vg#h#1043	2
+2170	Vg#h#1038	89
+2170	Vg#o#1153	3
+101301	Nse#L#152	1
+101301	Nso#108	3
+119242	Nw#R#189	1
+119242	Swb#M#156	1
+119242	Swb#M#154	2
+119242	Sws#M#1234	1
+119242	Sws#M#1227	3
+119242	Sws#M#1230	1
+119242	Sws#M#83	3
+119242	Nw#R#50	1
+167133	Sws#M#1230	1
+167133	Sws#M#83	1
+204312	Nso#1209	8
+113263	Nso#108	1
+113263	Nse#L#150	1
+113262	Nso#108	5
+113262	Nso#107	1
+80993	Nso#65	1
+1588	Nso#108	1
+2603	Nse#L#153	1
+2603	Sws#M#1227	1
+2603	Nso#106	1
+49274	Vg#o#1124	1
+49274	Vg#h#1043	1
+49274	Vg#oh#1070	1
+49274	Vg#oh#1055	39
+49274	Vg#oh#1051	43
+49274	Vg#o#1132	1
+49274	Tg#1249	2
+190309	Vg#h#1043	8
+190309	Vg#oh#1055	311
+190309	Vg#oh#1051	1133
+106687	Vg#h#1104	1
+83963	Vg#h#1104	2
+83963	Vg#h#1038	2
+163322	Nw#L#119	1
+163322	Nse#L#153	1
+163322	Nse#L#152	1
+163322	Nw#L#160	2
+163322	Nw#R#50	1
+163322	Nso#108	2
+107464	Vg#h#1039	1
+107464	Vg#oh#1070	3
+107464	Vg#o#1132	1
+163328	Vg#h#1104	17
+163328	Vg#o#1124	3
+134102	Nso#65	1
+134102	Nso#108	1
+105224	Nse#L#98	2
+45604	Vg#h#1104	3
+45604	Vg#o#1132	1
+45604	Vg#o#1124	1
+45604	Vg#o#1128	1
+11920	Nso#1209	3
+141722	Nse#L#150	1
+141722	Nse#L#153	4
+141722	Nw#L#160	1
+179728	Nso#107	1
+34789	Vg#oh#1070	1
+34789	Vg#h#1104	1
+34789	Vg#o#1132	1
+41059	Swb#M#156	1
+41059	Sse#1224	1
+41059	Sse#M#14	5
+41059	Sse#M#62	2
+30146	Vg#o#1132	1
+30146	Swb#M#154	6
+112885	Tg#1249	1
+107485	Vg#o#1153	2
+107485	Vg#o#1132	1
+44489	Vg#h#1104	6
+44489	Vg#o#1124	1
+1732	Nse#L#151	1
+1732	Nse#L#150	3
+1732	Nse#L#153	3
+1732	Nse#L#152	2
+1732	Nw#R#50	1
+1732	Tg#1252	2
+137027	Nso#107	2
+137027	Nso#106	7
+137102	Nso#108	1
+78354	Tg#1249	1
+71553	Nw#R#50	1
+59998	Nso#1209	2
+15156	Vg#o#1132	2
+112738	Nse#L#98	3
+112738	Nso#108	4
+112738	Nso#1209	1
+112738	Nso#107	1
+112738	Nso#106	1
+202096	Nse#L#150	1
+202096	Nso#108	1
+202096	Nso#107	1
+147162	Nso#1209	2
+136770	Sse#M#62	1
+7088	Nw#R#189	1
+7088	Vg#h#1104	1
+7088	Nw#L#160	1
+7088	Nw#R#50	2
+129297	Tg#1249	1
+14314	Sse#1224	3
+156900	Nso#108	1
+156900	Nso#1209	1
+156900	Nso#106	5
+211730	Nw#L#119	3
+168486	Sws#M#1230	1
+168486	Sse#M#62	2
+168486	Sws#M#83	2
+164097	Nw#L#5	2
+164097	Nso#107	1
+164097	Vg#h#1043	39
+164097	Vg#o#1128	1
+164097	Vg#o#1132	6
+164097	Nso#106	1
+66927	Nse#L#150	1
+171541	Sse#M#62	1
+131988	Swb#M#156	2
+131988	Swb#M#154	1
+131988	Swb#M#157	13
+131988	Sse#M#75	7
+131988	Sse#M#62	3
+131988	Sse#M#63	1
+131988	Sse#M#64	5
+131988	Sws#M#83	1
+173359	Tg#1252	1
+173359	Tg#1251	1
+18998	Sws#M#163	1
+18998	Nw#R#50	1
+59347	Nw#L#119	1
+5645	Sws#M#1227	1
+5645	Sse#M#75	4
+5645	Sws#M#83	4
+5645	Sse#M#63	1
+5645	Sse#M#64	1
+185339	Vg#o#1153	1
+185339	Vg#oh#1070	1
+143442	Tg#1249	1
+143442	Tg#1238	3
+225365	Nso#1209	4
+222887	Nse#L#98	2
+222887	Nse#L#151	1
+222887	Nse#L#152	1
+129580	Sse#M#63	1
+132391	Vg#o#1124	1
+162895	Vg#h#1061	1
+162895	Vg#oh#1070	6
+162895	Vg#o#1153	3
+162895	Vg#o#1132	3
+68844	Vg#h#1043	5
+68844	Tg#1251	3
+68844	Vg#o#1124	10
+68844	Vg#o#1160	3
+68844	Vg#oh#1070	1
+68844	Vg#h#1061	5
+68844	Vg#oh#1051	1
+68844	Vg#h#1039	8
+68844	Vg#o#1132	12
+68844	Tg#1249	1
+1443	Swb#M#154	83
+137482	Vg#oh#1070	3
+137482	Vg#o#1132	1
+137482	Vg#oh#1051	2
+156416	Swb#M#156	1
+156416	Vg#oh#1055	1
+156416	Sse#M#62	2
+156416	Sse#M#63	1
+79316	Sws#M#163	2
+50491	Nso#108	1
+50491	Nso#106	2
+228825	Nso#107	2
+136359	Sse#M#169	1
+136359	Sse#M#62	1
+136359	Sse#M#64	1
+206971	Nso#1209	5
+150817	Sws#M#1234	7
+150817	Swb#M#155	7
+114396	Nw#L#160	1
+114396	Nso#108	12
+114396	Nso#106	2
+114390	Nso#108	1
+114390	Nso#1209	9
+19521	Vg#h#1104	1
+19521	Tg#1251	1
+19521	Vg#o#1128	3
+19521	Vg#h#1043	1
+19521	Vg#h#1061	1
+19521	Vg#oh#1070	4
+19521	Vg#h#1039	1
+19521	Vg#o#1132	2
+111722	Sse#M#64	1
+101158	Swb#M#154	2
+126685	Vg#h#1061	1
+126685	Nse#L#153	1
+131723	Nw#L#119	1
+131723	Nse#L#150	3
+131723	Nse#L#151	1
+131723	Nse#L#153	1
+131723	Nse#L#152	1
+131723	Nse#L#98	1
+131723	Nso#108	8
+131723	Nso#107	2
+131723	Nso#106	4
+131723	Nso#65	7
+131723	Nso#1209	3
+131723	Sse#M#62	1
+100119	Vg#o#1153	1
+145830	Tg#1251	1
+32841	Nso#106	1
+32841	Nso#1209	2
+7586	Sse#M#14	2
+7586	Swb#M#157	1
+7587	Sse#M#14	1
+7587	Swb#M#137	1
+7587	Sse#M#62	1
+7587	Sse#M#64	1
+100440	Vg#o#1128	19
+100440	Vg#h#1061	1
+234313	Vg#o#1124	3
+187038	Vg#o#1153	1
+187038	Tg#1249	1
+174445	Nse#L#152	1
+174445	Nso#106	1
+174445	Nso#1209	1
+192164	Vg#h#1043	1
+229483	Nso#106	1
+229483	Swb#M#154	1
+78916	Swb#M#154	3
+78916	Swb#M#155	2
+78916	Nse#L#150	1
+78916	Sws#M#163	1
+78916	Nso#108	2
+78916	Nw#R#50	2
+78912	Sse#M#14	1
+78912	Sse#M#64	1
+96386	Sse#M#63	1
+96386	Sse#M#75	1
+192107	Nw#R#189	3
+192107	Sws#M#83	2
+167951	Vg#h#1061	1
+132726	Sse#M#64	1
+132726	Nse#L#153	1
+12523	Vg#h#1104	4
+69811	Sws#M#83	1
+195602	Vg#h#1039	1
+195602	Vg#o#1160	1
+181469	Nso#1209	3
+181466	Tg#1238	4
+181466	Vg#h#1043	1
+181466	Vg#o#1132	1
+220629	Nso#106	1
+113984	Nso#108	2
+222530	Nso#106	1
+230549	Nse#L#153	1
+9675	Sws#M#83	1
+111450	Sse#M#62	1
+111450	Sse#M#64	1
+111450	Sse#M#75	1
+111450	Nse#L#152	1
+161200	Swb#M#155	1
+96014	Swb#M#157	6
+96014	Sse#M#75	1
+96014	Sws#M#83	4
+135194	Tg#1238	2
+17553	Nso#65	1
+17553	Nse#L#150	1
+17553	Nso#1209	2
+17553	Nso#107	1
+98504	Sse#M#14	2
+98504	Sse#M#63	1
+140807	Swb#M#156	2
+61856	Sse#M#14	1
+61856	Sse#M#62	1
+61856	Sws#M#1234	1
+3678	Swb#M#154	3
+3677	Nso#1209	1
+3677	Nse#L#151	1
+3677	Nse#L#150	1
+3677	Nse#L#152	2
+231309	Nw#L#160	1
+231309	Sws#M#1234	1
+114601	Vg#h#1104	1
+199119	Vg#h#1043	2
+199119	Vg#h#1061	1
+58637	Nw#L#119	1
+17311	Vg#h#1039	1
+17311	Vg#o#1132	1
+17311	Tg#1249	1
+136142	Sse#1224	1
+52305	Vg#o#1124	1
+52305	Vg#oh#1070	1
+52305	Vg#oh#1051	16
+52305	Vg#h#1061	1
+52305	Vg#o#1132	4
+60184	Sws#M#163	1
+60184	Nse#L#153	1
+60184	Sse#M#64	1
+65483	Nse#L#153	1
+140716	Swb#M#157	1
+140716	Swb#M#155	134
+140716	Swb#M#154	12
+140716	Sws#M#163	2
+140716	Sws#M#83	7
+140716	Sws#M#1234	2
+140716	Sse#M#62	1
+140716	Sse#M#63	1
+140716	Sse#M#64	1
+203683	Tg#1249	1
+162538	Sse#M#169	1
+162538	Nse#L#151	1
+105780	Sse#M#63	2
+105782	Nw#L#160	1
+105782	Nso#1209	1
+105782	Nso#106	1
+105782	Sws#M#83	1
+191128	Sse#M#63	3
+99566	Vg#h#1104	3
+99566	Vg#o#1128	2
+99566	Vg#oh#1070	31
+99566	Vg#oh#1055	2
+99566	Vg#h#1061	1
+99566	Vg#oh#1051	1
+99566	Vg#o#1153	1
+99566	Vg#o#1132	2
+52403	Vg#h#1043	1
+52403	Vg#o#1128	2
+52403	Vg#h#1061	1
+52403	Vg#oh#1055	4
+52403	Vg#h#1038	4
+52403	Vg#o#1132	5
+234617	Sws#M#1227	66
+234617	Sws#M#163	59
+234617	Nso#107	1
+234617	Sws#M#1234	134
+234617	Swb#M#137	28
+234617	Sws#M#1230	119
+45562	Tg#1251	3
+134266	Tg#1251	1
+134266	Vg#o#1124	3
+134265	Vg#h#1043	1
+1847	Nso#65	1
+1847	Swb#M#154	1
+1847	Nso#107	1
+1847	Nse#L#151	1
+1847	Nse#L#150	1
+1847	Nse#L#152	2
+1847	Nse#L#98	1
+1847	Nso#108	3
+1847	Nso#106	1
+58110	Nse#L#151	1
+58110	Nso#108	1
+58110	Nso#65	3
+43604	Swb#M#155	1
+105109	Vg#o#1124	2
+105109	Vg#o#1132	2
+193703	Vg#oh#1070	3
+141539	Nso#65	1
+141539	Sse#M#75	1
+137270	Nw#L#160	2
+104782	Sse#M#63	1
+197517	Vg#oh#1055	1
+14035	Vg#o#1124	7
+113707	Tg#1252	1
+190238	Vg#o#1124	1
+135845	Tg#1238	2
+135845	Tg#1249	2
+98988	Sse#M#63	1
+1906	Tg#1249	1
+1907	Nse#L#150	1
+175547	Sws#M#1227	1
+198806	Vg#o#1160	5
+198806	Vg#h#1038	3
+198806	Vg#o#1132	4
+198806	Vg#o#1153	4
+147978	Nse#L#150	1
+147978	Nso#1209	1
+188911	Tg#1238	3
+188911	Vg#h#1043	4
+188911	Vg#o#1128	1
+44762	Nse#L#151	1
+75119	Sws#M#1227	1
+75119	Sws#M#1230	3
+144253	Nso#65	3
+144253	Nso#1209	1
+99294	Vg#o#1132	1
+146392	Tg#1251	1
+102985	Nw#R#189	5
+102985	Nw#L#5	11
+102985	Nw#L#160	1
+102985	Nw#L#119	2
+163049	Nse#L#150	1
+10585	Nse#L#98	1
+10585	Nso#108	2
+10585	Nso#1209	2
+141750	Nw#L#160	1
+138694	Sws#M#163	2
+45363	Vg#o#1160	1
+45363	Vg#oh#1070	5
+45363	Vg#oh#1055	37
+45363	Vg#oh#1051	1
+198643	Vg#o#1128	1
+41043	Nse#L#150	1
+25807	Tg#1249	1
+25807	Nso#106	2
+25807	Sws#M#83	4
+44017	Nso#108	5
+44012	Nse#L#153	1
+44012	Nse#L#152	1
+44012	Nw#R#50	1
+44012	Sse#1224	2
+44012	Sws#M#1230	1
+134487	Sse#M#169	1
+99034	Vg#o#1124	20
+14148	Sse#M#14	1
+45382	Sws#M#1234	2
+108652	Sws#M#1234	2
+144392	Tg#1252	6
+149604	Tg#1251	1
+44493	Vg#o#1160	1
+33286	Nse#L#153	1
+33286	Nso#108	1
+33286	Nso#1209	1
+77008	Nse#L#152	1
+155827	Nse#L#150	1
+155827	Nse#L#152	1
+155827	Nso#1209	1
+175148	Vg#o#1124	1
+102303	Nso#65	1
+102303	Nso#108	4
+102303	Nso#1209	3
+102303	Nso#106	1
+70898	Swb#M#154	1
+71617	Nso#106	1
+71617	Nso#1209	1
+4588	Nso#65	1
+4588	Nso#1209	1
+113490	Sse#M#62	1
+113490	Sse#M#63	3
+157794	Sse#M#62	1
+109928	Vg#h#1061	3
+112727	Nse#L#153	2
+93647	Vg#o#1132	1
+44460	Sse#M#14	2
+44460	Swb#M#137	4
+44460	Sws#M#83	1
+106447	Vg#h#1061	1
+106447	Tg#1249	1
+138900	Nso#1209	1
+10641	Nso#108	4
+10641	Nse#L#150	1
+216140	Tg#1251	1
+78144	Tg#1249	1
+169989	Tg#1249	2
+169989	Tg#1251	1
+169989	Tg#1252	3
+174635	Vg#h#1043	1
+174635	Vg#h#1061	3
+174635	Vg#h#1039	1
+174634	Sse#1224	1
+174634	Sws#M#83	2
+79762	Nw#L#160	1
+79767	Sws#M#163	1
+67537	Nso#65	2
+67537	Nse#L#151	5
+67537	Nse#L#150	1
+67537	Nse#L#152	3
+67537	Nse#L#98	3
+67537	Nso#108	7
+67537	Nso#1209	2
+1791	Nso#107	13
+1791	Nso#106	4
+169430	Sws#M#1227	17
+169430	Nso#1209	2
+169430	Sws#M#83	1
+136506	Tg#1238	1
+133843	Vg#o#1124	3
+169183	Vg#h#1104	3
+169183	Vg#o#1160	1
+169183	Vg#oh#1070	5
+169183	Vg#oh#1055	6
+169183	Vg#h#1061	1
+169183	Vg#oh#1051	13
+169183	Vg#o#1132	1
+115098	Vg#o#1124	4
+136690	Tg#1249	1
+136690	Tg#1238	1
+207768	Nso#108	1
+136988	Nse#L#150	1
+111289	Nw#L#5	1
+3112	Nw#L#160	6
+3112	Nse#L#152	10
+137345	Sws#M#1234	3
+137345	Sws#M#1230	4
+175033	Vg#h#1043	5
+175033	Vg#o#1128	1
+175033	Vg#h#1061	1
+226370	Nw#R#189	1
+114946	Vg#h#1038	1
+114946	Vg#o#1132	1
+229650	Swb#M#137	5
+100454	Vg#h#1039	2
+100454	Vg#h#1061	1
+222877	Nse#L#150	2
+222877	Nso#1209	1
+9121	Sse#M#63	1
+9121	Sse#M#75	2
+23209	Swb#M#156	2
+23209	Swb#M#154	20
+23209	Swb#M#155	3
+23209	Nse#L#153	1
+23209	Nso#108	22
+23209	Nso#107	1
+23209	Nso#106	2
+23209	Nso#65	2
+23209	Nso#1209	1
+136349	Vg#h#1104	1
+136349	Vg#o#1124	1
+136349	Vg#o#1128	1
+136349	Vg#h#1061	1
+111739	Swb#M#154	1
+111739	Swb#M#155	2
+111739	Sws#M#163	1
+111739	Sws#M#1234	2
+111739	Sws#M#83	2
+114382	Sse#M#14	1
+114382	Nso#108	1
+147627	Tg#1249	1
+147627	Tg#1251	2
+13933	Vg#oh#1070	1
+67849	Nse#L#98	1
+5583	Swb#M#157	1
+5583	Nw#R#50	1
+103304	Sws#M#83	1
+160817	Sws#M#163	1
+160817	Swb#M#156	1
+160817	Swb#M#154	12
+160817	Swb#M#155	1
+109697	Vg#h#1061	1
+145536	Tg#1251	1
+91363	Nw#L#119	1
+91363	Nso#1209	1
+212243	Nso#65	1
+212243	Nse#L#151	1
+212243	Nse#L#153	2
+212243	Nse#L#98	1
+221978	Tg#1238	1
+221978	Tg#1251	1
+221978	Tg#1249	1
+79548	Swb#M#156	2
+79548	Swb#M#155	1
+7772	Sws#M#1230	4
+170512	Tg#1252	1
+170512	Vg#o#1132	2
+170512	Vg#h#1043	1
+170512	Tg#1249	1
+77057	Nso#1209	1
+110392	Nse#L#98	1
+110392	Nw#L#160	1
+110392	Nso#108	2
+136443	Nw#L#160	1
+145197	Tg#1249	2
+145197	Tg#1251	1
+222851	Vg#o#1124	1
+144222	Sse#M#75	1
+11278	Swb#M#155	1
+11278	Sse#M#62	1
+39070	Nw#L#5	1
+39070	Tg#1249	1
+100270	Swb#M#156	1
+100270	Nse#L#153	1
+100270	Swb#M#155	1
+127094	Swb#M#156	1
+127094	Swb#M#157	3
+127094	Sws#M#163	1
+127094	Swb#M#137	3
+127094	Sws#M#1230	1
+127094	Sws#M#83	4
+155780	Swb#M#156	2
+155780	Swb#M#157	5
+155780	Swb#M#155	1
+155780	Nw#L#119	5
+155780	Nse#L#153	1
+155780	Nw#R#50	4
+155780	Nso#108	1
+155780	Nw#R#189	19
+155780	Nso#1209	1
+148007	Tg#1251	2
+146761	Tg#1251	1
+50433	Vg#o#1128	4
+50433	Vg#oh#1070	89
+50433	Vg#o#1132	1
+177553	Nso#65	2
+177553	Nso#1209	1
+224027	Vg#oh#1055	29
+222526	Nse#L#98	3
+185760	Vg#o#1124	16
+145262	Tg#1252	2
+110060	Vg#o#1124	3
+110060	Vg#o#1128	1
+110060	Vg#o#1132	1
+110060	Tg#1249	2
+221872	Nso#1209	1
+213063	Nso#1209	1
+13753	Nso#106	2
+23971	Nso#65	1
+138306	Nw#R#50	1
+92037	Swb#M#155	4
+92037	Sws#M#1227	23
+92037	Nse#L#153	1
+92037	Nw#L#160	22
+92037	Nw#R#50	2
+92037	Sws#M#163	39
+92037	Sws#M#83	1
+92037	Sws#M#1234	41
+92037	Swb#M#137	4
+92037	Sws#M#1230	109
+145609	Tg#1249	1
+145609	Tg#1251	2
+145609	Tg#1252	2
+82334	Nso#108	1
+82334	Nse#L#151	1
+10876	Nse#L#151	1
+10876	Nse#L#150	1
+3667	Nso#65	1
+3667	Nso#108	2
+219387	Nso#1209	1
+90253	Nso#65	5
+90253	Nse#L#98	1
+90253	Nso#108	7
+104551	Tg#1238	4
+104551	Tg#1252	1
+104551	Tg#1249	5
+150441	Sws#M#1227	1
+61847	Sse#M#62	1
+61847	Sse#M#63	1
+61848	Sws#M#83	1
+1665	Sse#M#63	1
+1665	Sse#M#75	1
+149351	Nw#R#50	1
+141639	Swb#M#157	2
+141639	Swb#M#155	1
+141639	Sws#M#163	54
+2577	Sse#M#63	1
+114411	Nso#108	13
+114411	Nso#1209	2
+56341	Sse#1224	3
+52311	Vg#o#1132	7
+52311	Tg#1251	3
+52311	Vg#o#1124	10
+52311	Vg#oh#1070	3
+52311	Vg#h#1039	3
+52311	Vg#h#1043	10
+52311	Vg#h#1104	2
+52311	Vg#h#1061	1
+52311	Vg#o#1160	2
+52311	Vg#o#1153	4
+52311	Vg#oh#1055	12
+52311	Vg#oh#1051	7
+46159	Vg#o#1128	4
+46159	Vg#oh#1070	26
+46159	Vg#h#1104	1
+46159	Vg#o#1132	1
+60592	Nso#107	1
+10908	Sse#M#14	1
+153534	Nse#L#153	1
+153534	Nso#106	1
+153534	Nso#1209	1
+21232	Vg#h#1104	3
+21232	Vg#h#1043	1
+21232	Vg#o#1128	8
+21232	Vg#h#1061	3
+21232	Vg#o#1132	1
+21232	Tg#1249	4
+2592	Nw#L#5	1
+2592	Nw#R#50	5
+1872	Vg#o#1132	1
+1872	Vg#o#1124	5
+105156	Nse#L#98	11
+105156	Nw#R#50	1
+105156	Nse#L#152	1
+221873	Sse#M#169	1
+1878	Sws#M#1234	1
+1878	Tg#1251	1
+36733	Tg#1249	1
+102539	Vg#h#1061	1
+36731	Nse#L#152	1
+105331	Swb#M#156	5
+105331	Swb#M#157	1
+105331	Swb#M#155	8
+105331	Sws#M#1234	6
+105331	Sws#M#163	1
+105331	Sws#M#1227	39
+105331	Sws#M#1230	25
+105331	Sws#M#83	14
+134379	Vg#o#1124	1
+102531	Nse#L#151	1
+176174	Vg#o#1124	6
+130982	Nso#65	1
+130982	Nso#108	1
+104795	Nw#R#189	2
+104795	Nw#L#119	1
+104795	Nse#L#152	1
+104795	Sse#M#62	1
+104795	Sse#M#64	1
+104795	Nw#R#50	1
+135755	Sws#M#163	1
+141830	Tg#1238	1
+141830	Tg#1252	6
+104793	Vg#o#1160	1
+14023	Vg#o#1124	2
+14023	Vg#oh#1070	3
+14023	Vg#h#1039	1
+14023	Vg#o#1132	2
+200671	Nw#L#5	1
+199413	Vg#o#1128	4
+199413	Vg#h#1039	23
+199413	Vg#oh#1070	37
+199413	Vg#h#1061	2
+199413	Vg#o#1132	2
+128032	Nso#108	13
+128032	Nso#107	1
+128032	Nso#1209	15
+99132	Nse#L#152	1
+210805	Sse#1224	1
+113241	Nse#L#151	1
+113241	Nso#108	1
+113241	Nso#1209	6
+113241	Nso#107	1
+113241	Nso#106	2
+141525	Tg#1238	1
+141525	Tg#1252	1
+135876	Tg#1238	2
+1911	Nse#L#150	5
+1911	Nse#L#153	4
+1911	Nse#L#152	1
+1911	Nse#L#98	1
+1911	Nso#108	1
+1911	Sse#M#63	1
+1911	Sse#M#75	1
+1912	Sse#M#62	1
+1912	Sse#M#63	2
+1912	Sse#M#64	1
+1912	Sse#M#75	1
+1914	Sse#M#14	1
+110924	Vg#h#1104	1
+110924	Vg#o#1124	1
+110924	Vg#oh#1055	1
+110924	Vg#o#1132	1
+102227	Nse#L#153	1
+167370	Nso#65	11
+167370	Nse#L#151	1
+167370	Nse#L#153	1
+167370	Nse#L#98	2
+167370	Nso#1209	1
+78204	Tg#1249	1
+163696	Vg#o#1132	1
+163696	Vg#o#1128	1
+2751	Nso#65	2
+2751	Nso#108	1
+2751	Nso#107	2
+227169	Tg#1238	1
+227169	Nse#L#150	3
+227169	Nso#106	2
+227169	Nw#R#50	2
+210240	Nso#106	2
+112280	Nso#108	1
+156950	Nw#L#119	1
+27866	Vg#oh#1070	35
+27866	Vg#oh#1055	449
+27866	Vg#oh#1051	170
+27866	Vg#o#1132	8
+231994	Nw#L#160	1
+156301	Swb#M#157	1
+156301	Swb#M#155	1
+33448	Nse#L#150	1
+14158	Vg#o#1132	1
+216710	Vg#h#1043	1
+216710	Vg#o#1153	1
+174734	Vg#o#1128	1
+174734	Vg#oh#1070	2
+174734	Vg#h#1039	2
+174734	Nso#1209	2
+9053	Swb#M#154	3
+9053	Swb#M#155	31
+9053	Sse#M#75	1
+9053	Sws#M#83	1
+164271	Sws#M#1230	2
+29275	Nw#L#119	1
+103041	Sws#M#83	2
+176825	Swb#M#156	1
+176825	Nse#L#152	2
+176825	Nso#108	1
+176825	Nso#106	1
+232196	Sse#M#62	1
+230312	Nw#L#160	1
+184023	Vg#oh#1055	1
+74504	Sws#M#1234	1
+194409	Sse#1224	1
+107418	Nw#L#119	1
+107777	Sws#M#1234	1
+68992	Swb#M#157	8
+68992	Sws#M#1234	2
+68992	Swb#M#155	4
+68992	Sws#M#1227	3
+68992	Sws#M#163	4
+68992	Swb#M#137	1
+68992	Sws#M#1230	3
+68992	Sws#M#83	2
+68995	Sws#M#1227	1
+68995	Sws#M#83	3
+68994	Sws#M#163	3
+68994	Sws#M#1234	1
+68994	Swb#M#137	1
+68994	Sws#M#1230	1
+68994	Sws#M#83	11
+4597	Sse#M#62	1
+1681	Sse#M#62	1
+143480	Nso#65	1
+143480	Nso#1209	4
+143480	Nso#108	1
+178618	Vg#o#1124	2
+178618	Vg#h#1043	1
+142268	Nso#108	1
+149504	Vg#h#1104	1
+149504	Vg#o#1124	1
+149504	Vg#h#1043	3
+149504	Vg#o#1160	1
+149504	Vg#oh#1055	584
+149504	Vg#oh#1051	472
+130187	Sse#M#169	1
+192827	Vg#o#1128	1
+192398	Vg#oh#1070	1
+192398	Vg#oh#1055	4
+192398	Vg#oh#1051	1
+131965	Sse#M#169	3
+131965	Sse#M#63	1
+131965	Sse#M#75	1
+1266	Nso#108	1
+24546	Vg#o#1124	4
+24546	Vg#h#1043	1
+24546	Vg#h#1061	3
+24546	Vg#oh#1070	16
+24546	Vg#oh#1051	3
+24546	Vg#o#1153	1
+24546	Vg#o#1132	2
+178986	Vg#o#1124	15
+11057	Vg#o#1132	1
+207121	Nse#L#152	1
+202129	Nw#L#160	1
+202129	Nso#1209	2
+209831	Nso#65	1
+106786	Vg#h#1039	1
+106786	Vg#o#1132	1
+106786	Vg#h#1104	1
+106786	Tg#1251	2
+106786	Vg#oh#1055	3
+106786	Vg#o#1124	1
+207770	Vg#o#1124	4
+183480	Vg#oh#1055	103
+166372	Sse#M#62	1
+234489	Swb#M#155	1
+234489	Sws#M#1227	1
+234489	Nso#108	1
+34464	Vg#h#1043	21
+34464	Vg#h#1104	2
+34464	Vg#o#1128	6
+34464	Vg#oh#1070	1
+34464	Vg#oh#1055	1
+34464	Vg#h#1061	2
+34464	Vg#h#1039	12
+34464	Vg#o#1132	13
+34464	Vg#o#1153	11
+94878	Sse#M#14	1
+94878	Sse#M#62	2
+94878	Sse#M#64	2
+207791	Nso#1209	2
+218700	Sse#M#169	1
+111250	Vg#h#1038	1
+111250	Tg#1238	1
+73788	Swb#M#155	3
+73788	Sws#M#163	2
+73788	Sse#M#62	1
+73788	Vg#o#1132	2
+34649	Vg#o#1124	2
+34649	Vg#oh#1070	6
+34649	Vg#oh#1055	23
+34649	Vg#oh#1051	5
+34649	Vg#o#1132	1
+34649	Vg#o#1153	1
+2833	Sse#M#64	1
+2833	Sws#M#1230	3
+2833	Sws#M#83	3
+132414	Sse#M#169	1
+53290	Swb#M#156	14
+53290	Swb#M#157	4
+53290	Swb#M#155	3
+53290	Sws#M#1234	67
+53290	Sws#M#163	15
+53290	Sws#M#1227	19
+53290	Swb#M#137	7
+53290	Sws#M#1230	10
+53290	Sws#M#83	13
+190891	Vg#h#1043	1
+114375	Sws#M#1234	2
+135740	Nso#108	2
+135740	Nse#L#153	1
+145850	Tg#1251	1
+108351	Vg#oh#1070	3
+108351	Tg#1249	1
+105930	Tg#1252	1
+105930	Tg#1251	1
+105930	Nso#107	3
+105930	Nse#L#150	1
+105930	Nse#L#152	1
+105930	Nse#L#98	1
+105930	Nw#R#50	1
+105930	Nso#108	1
+27673	Nso#107	1
+27673	Nso#106	1
+106388	Vg#o#1132	1
+129921	Vg#h#1043	5
+129921	Tg#1251	2
+129921	Vg#o#1124	6
+129921	Vg#h#1061	2
+129921	Vg#oh#1055	9
+129921	Vg#oh#1051	5
+129921	Vg#h#1039	3
+180687	Vg#h#1039	1
+222283	Nso#107	2
+222283	Nso#106	3
+111384	Tg#1238	1
+111384	Vg#h#1061	1
+221485	Swb#M#155	2
+183441	Nse#L#151	1
+133665	Sse#M#169	1
+71332	Nso#65	1
+226806	Sse#M#63	1
+159255	Sse#M#63	1
+6702	Tg#1238	2
+6702	Tg#1252	1
+6702	Nse#L#151	1
+6702	Nse#L#150	1
+6702	Nse#L#153	1
+6702	Nse#L#152	2
+6702	Nse#L#98	1
+6702	Nw#R#50	2
+6702	Nso#107	2
+6702	Tg#1249	2
+6702	Vg#o#1153	1
+6702	Nw#R#189	1
+148038	Tg#1249	1
+148038	Tg#1252	1
+193471	Tg#1249	1
+193471	Vg#h#1104	1
+193471	Vg#o#1124	1
+114114	Nso#108	9
+114114	Nso#107	1
+114114	Nso#106	1
+15221	Vg#oh#1070	3
+15221	Vg#o#1132	1
+39088	Swb#M#154	2
+39088	Nso#108	1
+39088	Nso#107	1
+141748	Nso#107	2
+141748	Nw#R#50	1
+141748	Nso#108	3
+141748	Nso#106	5
+141748	Nso#65	1
+61189	Swb#M#157	2
+61189	Sws#M#1234	5
+61189	Sws#M#163	9
+61189	Sws#M#1227	4
+61189	Sws#M#1230	24
+61189	Sws#M#83	4
+226807	Nse#L#98	1
+226807	Sse#M#63	1
+226807	Sse#M#169	1
+96259	Tg#1238	2
+96259	Sse#M#63	1
+96259	Sse#M#64	1
+150308	Tg#1251	1
+180464	Nso#108	1
+180464	Sws#M#1230	1
+180464	Nso#1209	4
+49541	Sws#M#83	1
+87861	Nw#L#160	1
+116532	Sws#M#1230	17
+116532	Sws#M#1227	21
+116532	Sse#M#64	2
+155771	Sse#M#62	1
+7633	Nse#L#153	1
+221738	Sse#M#14	1
+221738	Nse#L#152	1
+215442	Nso#1209	1
+16559	Vg#h#1043	3
+16559	Vg#h#1038	1
+16559	Vg#o#1132	2
+16559	Vg#o#1153	1
+229371	Vg#o#1124	2
+229371	Vg#h#1043	1
+185977	Sse#M#64	1
+185977	Swb#M#154	2
+185977	Swb#M#155	1
+16087	Sse#M#14	1
+114029	Sse#M#62	1
+4056	Tg#1238	1
+4056	Nse#L#153	1
+4056	Tg#1252	4
+4056	Tg#1249	2
+114709	Nse#L#150	1
+109894	Vg#h#1043	1
+109894	Vg#o#1128	1
+109894	Vg#h#1061	4
+109894	Vg#oh#1070	1
+109894	Vg#h#1038	1
+109894	Vg#h#1039	3
+109894	Tg#1249	1
+161221	Nso#107	1
+163874	Vg#o#1124	6
+103846	Nso#106	1
+10869	Nse#L#98	2
+10869	Sse#M#169	1
+10869	Sse#M#62	1
+51211	Vg#h#1104	1
+198075	Tg#1238	1
+198075	Tg#1251	2
+198075	Tg#1249	3
+198075	Vg#h#1039	1
+207011	Nso#106	1
+166297	Vg#o#1124	10
+183808	Sse#M#64	1
+195431	Vg#o#1124	2
+154082	Swb#M#155	1
+162741	Vg#h#1038	2
+130639	Vg#o#1124	9
+114620	Tg#1249	4
+114620	Tg#1238	1
+155577	Vg#h#1061	1
+155577	Vg#o#1124	3
+150056	Tg#1249	1
+82250	Nw#L#119	1
+82250	Nse#L#151	3
+82250	Nse#L#153	2
+82250	Nse#L#152	4
+82250	Nw#L#160	2
+82250	Vg#o#1132	1
+82250	Nso#1209	1
+65357	Swb#M#155	1
+154220	Nse#L#150	1
+154220	Nso#1209	2
+42395	Tg#1251	2
+42395	Vg#oh#1070	1
+42395	Vg#o#1132	1
+42395	Vg#o#1124	1
+10311	Swb#M#156	1
+10311	Nw#L#119	1
+10311	Sws#M#163	1
+10311	Nso#1209	1
+10311	Sse#M#64	1
+214543	Nw#L#119	1
+214543	Nso#65	2
+214543	Nso#1209	1
+45496	Sws#M#1227	1
+45496	Swb#M#155	6
+106308	Nso#1209	1
+63760	Sws#M#163	1
+106304	Nse#L#153	2
+106304	Nse#L#152	2
+106304	Nw#L#160	1
+51677	Vg#o#1124	5
+113017	Nso#108	1
+113017	Nso#1209	1
+113017	Nse#L#152	1
+195548	Vg#o#1128	1
+195548	Vg#o#1124	1
+130035	Sse#M#169	2
+130034	Vg#oh#1055	1
+4688	Nso#65	3
+4688	Nse#L#152	1
+4688	Nso#108	3
+4688	Sws#M#83	1
+90568	Nse#L#98	1
+153433	Sse#M#14	1
+99836	Nse#L#152	1
+98733	Nse#L#152	1
+98733	Nw#L#160	6
+98733	Nw#R#50	14
+224206	Vg#oh#1070	3
+224206	Tg#1238	1
+224206	Vg#h#1104	2
+224206	Vg#o#1132	1
+224206	Vg#h#1043	1
+224206	Tg#1249	2
+224206	Vg#h#1061	1
+6052	Sse#M#62	1
+6052	Tg#1249	1
+204369	Tg#1249	1
+36896	Vg#o#1124	1
+36896	Vg#h#1043	14
+36896	Vg#o#1160	7
+36896	Vg#oh#1055	1
+36896	Vg#h#1039	9
+36896	Vg#o#1132	6
+36896	Vg#o#1153	1
+113239	Nso#65	1
+113239	Tg#1238	7
+190255	Vg#o#1124	5
+36892	Vg#h#1061	2
+36892	Vg#o#1132	1
+36892	Vg#o#1124	2
+41287	Vg#h#1043	1
+41287	Vg#h#1104	2
+41287	Vg#h#1039	2
+41287	Vg#o#1132	1
+113232	Nse#L#151	2
+113232	Nse#L#150	3
+113232	Nso#108	7
+113232	Sse#M#64	1
+113726	Nso#108	1
+113726	Nse#L#151	2
+113726	Nse#L#150	1
+106015	Vg#o#1132	2
+164869	Vg#oh#1070	155
+164869	Vg#oh#1055	2
+164869	Vg#oh#1051	206
+164869	Vg#h#1061	1
+164869	Vg#h#1039	1
+164869	Vg#o#1132	3
+3439	Nse#L#151	20
+3439	Nse#L#150	1
+3439	Nse#L#153	20
+3439	Nse#L#152	8
+3439	Nse#L#98	1
+3439	Sws#M#1227	11
+3439	Nso#108	1
+3439	Sws#M#83	3
+3439	Nw#L#160	2
+3439	Sws#M#1230	2
+33112	Vg#o#1132	2
+141770	Tg#1252	1
+135462	Vg#h#1104	2
+135462	Vg#o#1124	5
+135462	Vg#h#1043	1
+135462	Vg#oh#1055	1
+135462	Vg#oh#1051	15
+167566	Tg#1238	6
+167566	Nso#108	1
+167566	Nso#1209	2
+200608	Tg#1249	1
+4594	Sws#M#83	1
+72863	Sse#M#63	1
+135927	Sws#M#83	1
+114828	Sws#M#1227	1
+33331	Swb#M#156	1
+33331	Sse#M#14	1
+33331	Sws#M#1234	1
+33331	Sws#M#83	1
+196718	Vg#o#1160	3
+196718	Vg#o#1153	2
+94718	Vg#h#1038	1
+94718	Vg#oh#1070	23
+94718	Vg#o#1132	3
+94718	Vg#o#1124	6
+94718	Vg#h#1043	1
+14169	Sse#1224	1
+10461	Vg#oh#1055	6
+10461	Sse#1224	1
+155973	Nw#L#160	15
+179116	Vg#o#1124	5
+168296	Sws#M#1234	1
+24077	Sse#1224	1
+134023	Tg#1249	1
+134023	Tg#1251	1
+111879	Sws#M#163	6
+111879	Sws#M#83	3
+111879	Sws#M#1234	8
+111879	Sws#M#1230	1
+232434	Vg#o#1128	1
+232434	Vg#oh#1070	1
+232434	Vg#o#1124	1
+146995	Nse#L#98	1
+146995	Sws#M#83	1
+29865	Vg#o#1160	1
+29865	Vg#o#1128	1
+15164	Vg#o#1132	2
+112747	Nso#108	2
+83335	Nw#L#119	1
+91160	Nso#107	2
+131573	Vg#oh#1070	1
+131573	Vg#oh#1055	4
+131573	Vg#o#1124	4
+131573	Vg#h#1061	1
+158854	Vg#h#1061	1
+228870	Nw#R#189	3
+228870	Nw#L#119	1
+228870	Nw#R#50	3
+104895	Tg#1238	1
+104895	Vg#o#1128	1
+104895	Vg#h#1061	2
+211749	Nso#65	1
+18226	Nse#L#153	1
+18226	Nso#108	5
+18226	Nso#107	4
+18226	Nso#106	4
+18226	Nso#65	5
+177590	Vg#o#1124	3
+1674	Swb#M#154	4
+1674	Swb#M#155	1
+155970	Nso#65	1
+155970	Nse#L#151	3
+155970	Nse#L#150	2
+132552	Nse#L#151	1
+132552	Nse#L#150	1
+143031	Tg#1249	1
+143031	Tg#1238	1
+131973	Vg#h#1104	1
+209828	Nso#106	1
+179971	Vg#oh#1055	17
+179971	Vg#oh#1051	3
+179971	Vg#o#1132	1
+159670	Vg#o#1128	1
+159670	Vg#h#1104	1
+20204	Sse#M#75	3
+15698	Vg#o#1153	1
+15698	Vg#o#1128	2
+7604	Nse#L#150	1
+95046	Sse#M#63	1
+95046	Swb#M#154	5
+129486	Sse#M#169	1
+111138	Vg#o#1124	1
+109901	Vg#h#1104	5
+109901	Tg#1252	1
+15989	Vg#h#1043	1
+15989	Nse#L#150	1
+15989	Tg#1238	1
+157425	Vg#o#1128	1
+156688	Sse#M#62	2
+156688	Sse#M#64	1
+156689	Sse#1224	1
+15980	Nse#L#150	1
+183477	Vg#h#1039	6
+136415	Vg#o#1128	1
+136415	Vg#h#1038	1
+136415	Vg#o#1132	1
+183479	Tg#1251	1
+183479	Vg#h#1043	1
+183479	Vg#o#1128	1
+183479	Vg#h#1039	3
+183479	Tg#1249	2
+229691	Sws#M#1234	1
+184028	Vg#o#1124	6
+217293	Nso#108	1
+217293	Nso#107	2
+217293	Nso#106	2
+107379	Vg#h#1061	5
+107379	Vg#h#1104	1
+107379	Vg#h#1038	33
+160748	Nse#L#153	2
+23149	Vg#oh#1055	1
+151001	Nso#1209	2
+151001	Nso#106	1
+151001	Nse#L#150	1
+27669	Tg#1238	1
+27669	Nso#108	1
+27669	Nw#R#50	1
+72978	Nw#L#5	1
+72978	Nso#108	1
+229211	Vg#h#1104	1
+229211	Vg#o#1160	2
+50779	Vg#o#1132	2
+50779	Vg#o#1124	1
+50779	Vg#h#1043	1
+106487	Sws#M#83	1
+145515	Tg#1251	1
+50807	Swb#M#157	1
+50807	Swb#M#154	1
+50807	Sws#M#1227	1
+50807	Sws#M#163	3
+50807	Swb#M#137	2
+50807	Sws#M#83	2
+131798	Nso#1209	1
+131798	Nse#L#150	5
+131798	Nse#L#152	3
+19191	Vg#o#1153	1
+19191	Vg#oh#1070	1
+55727	Nso#1209	1
+161348	Nso#65	1
+161348	Swb#M#154	1
+161348	Sse#M#75	1
+159244	Sws#M#1227	1
+161343	Vg#o#1124	1
+224515	Nse#L#151	1
+159481	Nso#107	1
+159481	Nw#L#5	1
+159481	Nso#108	4
+159481	Nso#106	3
+151267	Vg#o#1132	1
+151267	Vg#h#1061	1
+159484	Nse#L#152	1
+100526	Vg#o#1124	3
+100526	Vg#h#1039	1
+100526	Vg#o#1153	2
+228504	Tg#1252	2
+36737	Nso#108	1
+77189	Nso#65	1
+77189	Nso#108	10
+77189	Nso#1209	1
+130950	Sse#M#169	1
+151468	Sse#M#62	1
+66029	Nw#L#5	1
+66029	Nw#R#189	4
+82792	Swb#M#157	1
+82792	Swb#M#155	1
+82792	Nw#L#119	1
+82792	Sws#M#1234	4
+82792	Sws#M#1227	3
+82792	Sws#M#83	18
+98683	Vg#o#1124	3
+88207	Nse#L#98	2
+2474	Swb#M#156	1
+145246	Tg#1238	1
+145246	Tg#1252	2
+145246	Tg#1251	3
+135350	Tg#1251	1
+135350	Vg#h#1104	5
+135350	Vg#o#1124	1
+76923	Vg#o#1132	2
+114581	Tg#1249	2
+101238	Swb#M#154	7
+101238	Swb#M#155	1
+109018	Vg#oh#1070	3
+109018	Vg#o#1132	2
+100328	Sse#M#75	1
+145643	Tg#1251	2
+154764	Nso#108	1
+191730	Nse#L#153	1
+191730	Nse#L#98	1
+191730	Nw#L#160	2
+191730	Nso#108	2
+191730	Nso#106	1
+191730	Sws#M#1234	1
+191730	Nso#1209	1
+166286	Tg#1252	11
+224294	Nso#65	1
+224294	Nso#1209	4
+165959	Vg#o#1132	1
+165959	Vg#o#1124	5
+165959	Vg#o#1128	2
+165959	Vg#h#1061	1
+165959	Vg#oh#1070	4
+165959	Vg#oh#1055	3
+165959	Vg#oh#1051	4
+165959	Vg#h#1039	1
+97371	Swb#M#154	1
+97371	Sse#M#62	1
+97371	Sse#M#63	1
+130603	Nse#L#153	2
+130603	Nse#L#152	1
+158015	Vg#h#1061	1
+148235	Tg#1251	1
+113312	Nso#65	7
+113312	Nso#108	1
+186820	Vg#o#1124	3
+104538	Nso#1209	1
+149371	Tg#1252	1
+149371	Tg#1251	1
+144924	Nso#65	1
+182787	Vg#o#1160	6
+182787	Vg#o#1153	6
+114637	Tg#1238	2
+114637	Vg#o#1124	2
+114637	Tg#1249	1
+97196	Vg#o#1124	1
+2359	Swb#M#156	4
+2359	Swb#M#157	2
+2359	Swb#M#155	1
+2359	Sws#M#1230	3
+2359	Sse#M#62	1
+2359	Sse#M#64	1
+2359	Sws#M#83	5
+177228	Vg#o#1124	1
+152594	Nso#1209	3
+63772	Sse#M#62	1
+95448	Nse#L#152	1
+95448	Nso#1209	1
+153517	Nso#1209	1
+196857	Nso#65	2
+196857	Sws#M#1227	2
+196857	Swb#M#137	1
+196857	Sws#M#1230	3
+196857	Nso#1209	2
+196857	Sws#M#83	4
+102805	Nw#R#50	1
+118269	Swb#M#157	5
+118269	Swb#M#155	1
+118269	Sws#M#1234	3
+118269	Sws#M#1230	1
+118269	Sws#M#83	3
+21147	Nso#1209	1
+3732	Nse#L#151	1
+3732	Nso#1209	1
+138778	Swb#M#157	1
+138778	Swb#M#155	1
+138778	Nse#L#151	1
+138778	Sws#M#1227	2
+138778	Nse#L#152	1
+138778	Nw#R#50	1
+138778	Sse#M#75	1
+138778	Sws#M#163	1
+138778	Sws#M#83	4
+138778	Sws#M#1230	2
+138778	Nso#1209	2
+138778	Sse#M#62	6
+138778	Sse#M#64	1
+42709	Vg#h#1061	1
+209786	Nse#L#151	1
+152494	Nso#107	1
+159115	Tg#1249	1
+49015	Vg#o#1132	2
+49015	Vg#h#1061	2
+215462	Nw#R#189	3
+204192	Nso#65	5
+204192	Nso#1209	1
+96804	Sse#M#14	1
+96804	Nso#107	1
+43052	Tg#1249	1
+43052	Vg#o#1132	1
+113223	Sse#M#62	1
+10700	Tg#1251	4
+101908	Vg#h#1061	1
+49231	Nso#1209	1
+110292	Vg#h#1043	2
+85145	Vg#o#1128	3
+85145	Vg#oh#1070	72
+85145	Vg#oh#1055	6
+85145	Vg#oh#1051	51
+85145	Vg#o#1132	2
+12398	Nso#108	1
+13820	Vg#o#1132	1
+211356	Vg#h#1104	1
+43417	Vg#oh#1070	119
+43417	Vg#o#1132	2
+43417	Vg#o#1128	27
+105599	Tg#1238	1
+105599	Tg#1252	1
+105599	Tg#1251	1
+105599	Tg#1249	3
+141161	Sws#M#83	1
+216016	Nso#65	3
+216016	Nso#1209	3
+63800	Sse#M#62	1
+227183	Sse#M#63	1
+115290	Sse#1224	3
+128659	Vg#h#1104	22
+128659	Nw#R#50	2
+14174	Sse#1224	2
+31951	Vg#h#1104	1
+161507	Nw#L#160	1
+142193	Nse#L#153	1
+142193	Nso#1209	1
+58380	Vg#h#1043	2
+58380	Vg#o#1124	5
+58380	Vg#o#1160	1
+58380	Vg#oh#1070	7
+58380	Vg#oh#1055	22
+58380	Vg#oh#1051	104
+58380	Vg#h#1039	1
+58380	Vg#o#1132	15
+58380	Vg#o#1153	1
+16057	Vg#o#1128	1
+16057	Vg#oh#1070	1
+16057	Vg#o#1132	1
+159808	Nse#L#150	1
+159808	Vg#o#1128	1
+180895	Vg#h#1039	2
+180895	Vg#h#1043	1
+180895	Vg#o#1128	1
+63777	Sse#M#62	1
+106179	Swb#M#156	1
+106179	Swb#M#155	1
+106179	Sws#M#163	9
+21769	Vg#h#1038	1
+21769	Vg#h#1061	1
+106171	Swb#M#156	27
+106171	Swb#M#157	1
+106171	Swb#M#154	1
+106171	Swb#M#155	1
+106171	Sws#M#1234	3
+106171	Sws#M#163	18
+217644	Nso#107	5
+133702	Sse#M#169	2
+22125	Sse#M#64	1
+112352	Nso#106	1
+188898	Vg#o#1124	1
+37044	Nse#L#153	1
+102116	Nw#R#50	1
+54730	Vg#o#1153	2
+54730	Vg#oh#1070	26
+54730	Vg#o#1132	1
+54730	Sse#M#62	1
+54730	Vg#o#1128	4
+2917	Nso#108	1
+1797	Nso#107	6
+1797	Nso#108	1
+1797	Nso#1209	1
+1797	Nso#106	1
+133091	Vg#o#1124	1
+133091	Vg#o#1128	1
+133091	Vg#oh#1070	89
+133091	Vg#oh#1055	104
+133091	Vg#oh#1051	68
+133091	Vg#o#1153	1
+133091	Vg#o#1132	1
+207151	Nse#L#153	1
+45930	Swb#M#157	2
+45930	Sse#M#14	1
+45930	Sws#M#163	1
+45930	Sws#M#1230	1
+45930	Sse#M#62	8
+45930	Sse#M#64	2
+29453	Vg#o#1128	3
+29453	Vg#oh#1070	1
+29453	Vg#o#1132	1
+153549	Nso#106	2
+13016	Nso#108	3
+133416	Vg#o#1160	1
+84230	Sws#M#83	1
+70993	Sse#1224	2
+14575	Nso#65	2
+14575	Nso#1209	14
+216196	Nso#107	2
+216196	Nse#L#150	1
+216196	Nso#106	2
+169390	Sws#M#163	1
+182806	Vg#o#1124	5
+40639	Vg#oh#1070	18
+40639	Vg#oh#1055	6
+40639	Vg#o#1132	1
+202106	Sse#M#64	1
+205808	Nw#R#189	1
+205808	Nw#R#50	1
+133894	Nse#L#151	3
+133894	Nso#65	2
+133894	Nso#1209	14
+114912	Vg#o#1160	1
+94046	Nw#L#119	4
+94046	Nw#L#160	1
+94046	Sse#1224	1
+94046	Nso#107	1
+94046	Nw#R#50	1
+14754	Nso#65	1
+58645	Swb#M#156	1
+58645	Swb#M#155	1
+58645	Sws#M#83	2
+106810	Nse#L#98	7
+7634	Sse#M#14	4
+7634	Sws#M#1230	1
+7634	Sse#M#62	9
+7634	Sse#M#64	5
+178564	Vg#o#1153	1
+178564	Vg#o#1124	1
+226615	Nso#65	4
+226615	Nso#1209	2
+226615	Nse#L#152	3
+226615	Nso#108	3
+226615	Nso#106	1
+5793	Sse#M#75	1
+142449	Nso#65	1
+142449	Sws#M#163	1
+142449	Nw#R#50	4
+136894	Sws#M#1234	4
+136894	Sws#M#83	1
+28056	Vg#h#1104	1
+28056	Vg#o#1132	2
+13348	Vg#h#1104	7
+13348	Vg#oh#1055	1
+13348	Tg#1249	1
+212699	Nse#L#151	1
+137427	Nw#R#189	1
+197152	Vg#o#1128	1
+137423	Sws#M#1227	1
+137423	Swb#M#154	1
+105919	Nw#L#160	1
+105919	Nw#R#50	1
+7705	Sse#1224	2
+213627	Sws#M#1234	3
+213627	Swb#M#137	3
+213627	Sws#M#1227	7
+213627	Sws#M#1230	16
+213627	Sws#M#83	7
+213627	Sse#M#64	3
+109485	Nse#L#153	1
+1537	Tg#1251	1
+144055	Nso#1209	1
+91627	Nse#L#150	1
+91627	Nse#L#152	1
+171695	Nso#107	1
+103446	Nso#1209	1
+194236	Vg#o#1124	6
+63101	Sse#M#75	1
+63101	Sse#M#169	12
+63101	Sse#M#62	3
+63101	Sse#M#63	2
+130540	Sse#M#169	4
+130540	Sse#M#62	1
+109624	Vg#h#1104	1
+109624	Vg#h#1061	1
+109624	Vg#h#1043	1
+109624	Vg#o#1128	1
+189786	Vg#h#1039	3
+189786	Tg#1238	1
+224503	Nso#106	1
+233613	Nw#R#189	1
+15241	Swb#M#155	1
+151290	Swb#M#156	1
+145476	Tg#1251	2
+206683	Nso#1209	1
+55371	Sse#M#75	6
+55371	Sws#M#83	4
+55371	Sws#M#163	3
+55371	Sws#M#1234	8
+55371	Sws#M#1230	2
+55371	Sse#M#64	1
+214114	Nso#107	2
+145090	Nse#L#153	1
+223894	Nse#L#153	1
+181056	Vg#o#1132	1
+158569	Vg#h#1039	1
+158569	Vg#oh#1070	1
+158569	Tg#1251	2
+158569	Vg#o#1124	1
+31890	Sse#M#169	1
+31890	Sse#M#75	1
+112831	Sse#M#14	1
+112831	Sse#M#62	2
+112831	Sse#M#63	4
+44024	Nso#107	2
+60733	Nso#108	1
+111120	Tg#1252	1
+111120	Vg#h#1043	1
+111120	Vg#h#1061	1
+111120	Vg#h#1039	5
+215863	Nse#L#153	1
+217207	Sws#M#1227	6
+217207	Sws#M#163	3
+217207	Nw#L#160	5
+217207	Sws#M#1230	10
+217207	Nw#R#50	2
+39131	Nw#L#5	1
+159582	Sws#M#1234	1
+214163	Nso#1209	5
+186812	Vg#o#1128	1
+153747	Swb#M#137	1
+50882	Sws#M#163	1
+50882	Nso#65	1
+32355	Sse#M#64	1
+32355	Nse#L#150	1
+32355	Nso#107	1
+3468	Sws#M#163	2
+160549	Nse#L#98	1
+57713	Nw#R#50	1
+11402	Nso#107	1
+230904	Vg#o#1124	3
+105129	Sse#M#62	1
+209489	Nse#L#151	1
+209489	Nso#1209	2
+204006	Nso#65	6
+204006	Nso#1209	3
+101111	Swb#M#156	3
+101111	Swb#M#157	57
+101111	Swb#M#155	12
+101111	Sws#M#1227	5
+101111	Sws#M#163	63
+101111	Sws#M#83	36
+101111	Sws#M#1234	31
+101111	Swb#M#137	29
+101111	Sws#M#1230	6
+21798	Nso#65	1
+21798	Nw#L#160	1
+21798	Nw#L#5	1
+114725	Tg#1252	1
+114725	Tg#1249	3
+106366	Vg#h#1038	1
+106366	Vg#o#1132	1
+64393	Nso#107	2
+64393	Nso#65	3
+150722	Nse#L#151	1
+1885	Nse#L#153	1
+135391	Vg#o#1132	2
+135391	Vg#o#1124	3
+199640	Vg#h#1039	1
+128221	Sse#M#169	2
+36271	Tg#1251	1
+36271	Vg#h#1061	1
+36271	Vg#h#1039	1
+218114	Nse#L#150	1
+133675	Vg#o#1124	8
+104054	Swb#M#154	1
+104054	Nw#L#119	2
+104054	Nso#65	5
+104054	Nw#R#189	3
+104054	Nso#1209	1
+154140	Nso#107	1
+195102	Vg#o#1128	1
+195102	Vg#h#1039	3
+195102	Vg#h#1043	2
+195102	Vg#h#1061	1
+104029	Tg#1251	1
+204762	Sws#M#163	3
+204762	Sws#M#1234	2
+204762	Swb#M#137	9
+57445	Nse#L#153	1
+57445	Sws#M#83	3
+107566	Swb#M#156	3
+107566	Swb#M#154	1
+45580	Nw#L#5	2
+45580	Nso#1209	2
+45580	Nso#107	1
+45580	Nw#L#119	2
+42281	Nse#L#98	1
+42281	Nse#L#150	1
+142208	Vg#h#1061	1
+53707	Nw#L#160	1
+53707	Sse#M#169	1
+57448	Sws#M#83	6
+104871	Nso#107	1
+104871	Nso#1209	2
+135808	Vg#o#1124	10
+18609	Nso#108	1
+18609	Nse#L#151	1
+147938	Nso#1209	1
+114374	Nso#108	4
+85152	Nso#1209	1
+176038	Vg#h#1104	2
+176038	Vg#h#1043	1
+176038	Vg#o#1128	1
+104439	Vg#h#1061	2
+95582	Sws#M#83	2
+23625	Vg#o#1132	1
+176744	Sws#M#1234	1
+176744	Sws#M#1230	7
+196583	Vg#o#1124	2
+196583	Vg#o#1128	1
+71422	Vg#h#1038	1
+71422	Vg#h#1104	5
+71422	Tg#1252	1
+113101	Nse#L#151	3
+113101	Nse#L#150	1
+113101	Nso#108	2
+113101	Nso#106	2
+113101	Nso#65	2
+113101	Nso#1209	7
+90217	Vg#o#1128	7
+41204	Vg#o#1132	1
+204506	Sse#M#62	1
+44294	Vg#oh#1070	1
+44294	Vg#o#1132	2
+44294	Vg#o#1128	1
+211984	Vg#o#1128	2
+14108	Vg#o#1124	4
+99789	Vg#h#1061	1
+165132	Vg#h#1104	3
+96909	Sse#M#64	1
+143838	Sws#M#83	3
+213179	Tg#1238	1
+21772	Vg#o#1132	6
+21772	Vg#o#1124	2
+112183	Sse#M#169	1
+112183	Sse#M#62	1
+112183	Sse#M#63	1
+63120	Sse#M#169	6
+63120	Sse#M#62	2
+63120	Sse#M#63	1
+63120	Sse#M#75	24
+112186	Vg#h#1043	3
+112186	Vg#h#1061	2
+112186	Vg#h#1039	1
+112186	Vg#o#1132	1
+51154	Swb#M#156	2
+51154	Swb#M#154	2
+221463	Nso#65	1
+221463	Nso#1209	7
+204430	Nso#65	3
+204430	Nso#1209	1
+204430	Nse#L#153	1
+113744	Nso#108	3
+113744	Nso#106	1
+231910	Sws#M#163	5
+112973	Nso#65	4
+112973	Nso#1209	1
+112973	Nse#L#151	1
+112973	Nso#108	1
+112973	Nso#106	1
+112341	Swb#M#155	1
+99322	Nso#1209	1
+41135	Swb#M#156	1
+41135	Swb#M#157	1
+41135	Swb#M#155	2
+41135	Sws#M#1227	1
+112160	Nso#108	3
+112160	Nso#1209	1
+138944	Nw#R#189	1
+138944	Vg#o#1132	1
+138944	Nso#108	5
+95512	Swb#M#155	3
+95512	Sws#M#163	1
+95512	Sws#M#1230	1
+41482	Vg#o#1128	2
+41482	Vg#oh#1070	11
+41482	Vg#o#1132	6
+44184	Vg#o#1132	1
+44185	Sws#M#163	1
+14611	Nso#65	2
+14611	Sse#1224	1
+14611	Sse#M#169	1
+83226	Vg#h#1043	8
+83226	Vg#h#1104	8
+83226	Vg#o#1124	2
+83226	Vg#o#1128	1
+83226	Tg#1251	2
+83226	Vg#o#1160	1
+83226	Vg#oh#1070	2
+83226	Vg#oh#1055	4
+83226	Vg#oh#1051	15
+83226	Vg#o#1132	3
+83226	Tg#1249	1
+83226	Vg#o#1153	3
+83226	Tg#1252	1
+79121	Sse#M#63	1
+79121	Nse#L#153	1
+205747	Vg#h#1061	1
+106618	Vg#h#1038	46
+106618	Vg#h#1104	1
+44052	Nse#L#150	1
+133406	Vg#oh#1070	1
+133406	Vg#o#1124	15
+133406	Vg#oh#1055	1
+109780	Vg#h#1043	2
+179958	Vg#o#1124	5
+111225	Vg#h#1061	1
+184145	Nso#65	1
+34346	Tg#1252	1
+143496	Tg#1252	1
+196518	Vg#o#1128	1
+29534	Swb#M#155	1
+27500	Tg#1249	4
+143122	Tg#1249	1
+1430	Nso#1209	1
+29533	Nw#R#50	1
+114291	Swb#M#154	2
+114291	Swb#M#155	2
+28552	Sse#M#169	1
+216735	Vg#h#1038	5
+216735	Vg#oh#1070	16
+216735	Vg#o#1132	1
+216735	Vg#h#1043	3
+216735	Vg#o#1128	5
+37128	Tg#1249	1
+172802	Sse#M#14	1
+172802	Sse#M#62	1
+172802	Sse#M#63	1
+136728	Nso#1209	2
+40287	Nso#1209	1
+40287	Nse#L#153	1
+40287	Nso#107	1
+156660	Nso#107	1
+156660	Nw#R#50	2
+212685	Vg#h#1104	1
+212685	Vg#o#1124	12
+209792	Nw#R#189	1
+77895	Tg#1249	3
+61960	Sse#M#75	1
+195962	Nw#R#189	2
+195962	Sws#M#1234	3
+195962	Swb#M#137	2
+195962	Sws#M#83	13
+188863	Vg#o#1124	2
+51535	Tg#1238	6
+51535	Vg#o#1132	2
+51535	Tg#1249	1
+74641	Sse#1224	5
+7710	Sws#M#83	4
+7820	Vg#h#1104	1
+7820	Nw#L#5	1
+7820	Nse#L#152	1
+7820	Nso#108	1
+109491	Vg#o#1128	1
+109491	Vg#h#1043	2
+109491	Vg#o#1160	1
+109491	Vg#oh#1070	1
+109491	Vg#h#1038	1
+109491	Vg#h#1039	2
+109491	Vg#o#1132	1
+132286	Nw#L#119	1
+132286	Nse#L#151	1
+132286	Nse#L#150	2
+132286	Nso#1209	4
+132286	Nso#65	1
+132286	Nw#R#189	1
+188467	Sws#M#1230	1
+188467	Nse#L#153	1
+148915	Vg#o#1160	1
+148915	Tg#1251	3
+148915	Vg#o#1128	1
+78294	Tg#1238	2
+78294	Tg#1249	1
+78294	Vg#h#1061	1
+216234	Nso#107	1
+216235	Nw#L#160	1
+50283	Sse#M#75	1
+50283	Sse#M#169	1
+50283	Sse#M#62	1
+110842	Vg#h#1043	4
+219565	Nso#1209	1
+151687	Sse#M#63	1
+110847	Vg#h#1038	1
+110847	Vg#o#1132	1
+110847	Vg#h#1061	1
+31333	Vg#o#1124	2
+90268	Tg#1249	1
+131826	Sse#M#169	1
+214698	Nso#1209	2
+206850	Sws#M#163	1
+88595	Nse#L#152	1
+132757	Vg#h#1104	1
+132757	Vg#o#1124	2
+230638	Swb#M#156	3
+230638	Swb#M#157	2
+230638	Swb#M#154	1
+230638	Sws#M#163	4
+230638	Sws#M#1234	2
+230638	Sws#M#1230	1
+136385	Swb#M#155	1
+136385	Vg#oh#1055	4
+136385	Vg#o#1132	4
+28952	Vg#h#1043	2
+129841	Vg#o#1124	1
+79476	Nso#106	1
+79476	Nse#L#98	1
+79476	Nso#108	6
+79476	Nw#R#50	1
+167534	Nse#L#151	1
+110609	Nso#1209	1
+210102	Vg#oh#1070	1
+210102	Vg#o#1132	1
+19082	Tg#1249	1
+22115	Vg#o#1132	1
+16058	Vg#h#1039	1
+100296	Vg#h#1039	1
+109546	Tg#1238	1
+109546	Tg#1249	1
+109546	Vg#h#1043	1
+155720	Swb#M#155	4
+149860	Tg#1252	2
+149860	Tg#1251	1
+25317	Vg#o#1132	2
+25317	Vg#o#1124	1
+88772	Swb#M#154	1
+128382	Vg#h#1038	1
+182658	Vg#o#1128	1
+189688	Vg#o#1124	16
+110020	Tg#1251	2
+23427	Nw#L#119	1
+23427	Nw#L#160	2
+23427	Nw#L#5	5
+23427	Nw#R#189	7
+23427	Nw#R#50	6
+230759	Vg#o#1124	4
+161093	Swb#M#154	3
+4009	Tg#1238	27
+4009	Tg#1251	5
+4009	Tg#1249	24
+4009	Tg#1252	17
+195985	Vg#o#1124	5
+226796	Nso#65	2
+226796	Nse#L#152	2
+226796	Nso#1209	1
+226796	Nso#106	2
+144987	Nse#L#152	1
+144987	Nso#107	1
+144987	Nso#106	1
+233630	Sws#M#83	6
+223032	Nso#1209	1
+223032	Nso#107	1
+159595	Sse#M#62	1
+159595	Nse#L#153	1
+25004	Vg#h#1104	5
+25004	Vg#o#1124	2
+25004	Vg#h#1043	2
+25004	Vg#h#1061	2
+25004	Vg#o#1132	4
+183870	Vg#o#1124	1
+150154	Tg#1251	2
+30315	Sse#M#63	1
+65700	Nso#107	2
+65700	Nso#106	2
+60575	Nso#1209	1
+60573	Swb#M#155	2
+60573	Nse#L#152	2
+60573	Sws#M#83	1
+139167	Vg#oh#1055	58
+139167	Vg#h#1039	1
+179297	Vg#o#1124	1
+179297	Vg#o#1153	2
+4715	Nse#L#150	1
+4715	Sse#M#75	1
+58609	Nw#R#189	2
+58609	Swb#M#156	1
+58609	Nw#L#119	1
+58609	Sse#M#64	1
+58609	Sws#M#83	1
+84842	Swb#M#156	1
+84842	Sws#M#83	1
+140764	Sse#1224	1
+140764	Sse#M#75	12
+105115	Sws#M#1234	4
+105115	Sws#M#163	8
+105115	Sws#M#1227	1
+105115	Swb#M#137	2
+105115	Sws#M#1230	4
+105115	Sws#M#83	3
+77707	Tg#1238	1
+77707	Tg#1249	1
+142837	Nw#L#119	3
+142837	Nso#108	1
+142837	Nso#107	1
+142837	Nw#R#50	1
+124930	Nw#L#5	3
+124930	Nw#L#160	2
+124930	Nw#R#50	3
+124930	Sws#M#1227	3
+124930	Sws#M#83	17
+124930	Nw#R#189	3
+124930	Sws#M#1234	1
+124930	Sws#M#1230	28
+150083	Tg#1251	32
+220363	Swb#M#157	1
+51880	Vg#oh#1070	5
+51880	Vg#oh#1055	1
+51880	Vg#o#1124	5
+38895	Vg#o#1153	9
+38895	Vg#h#1038	2
+38895	Vg#h#1039	62
+38895	Vg#h#1043	5
+38895	Vg#o#1132	1
+38895	Vg#o#1128	14
+9474	Vg#o#1132	1
+85092	Nso#108	1
+130062	Sse#M#169	1
+74387	Nw#L#5	1
+74387	Sws#M#83	3
+225891	Nw#L#160	1
+113628	Nso#108	1
+113628	Nso#1209	2
+196985	Vg#o#1124	3
+113023	Nso#65	1
+113023	Nso#108	1
+113023	Sse#1224	1
+135349	Tg#1249	1
+2483	Nw#L#160	1
+111332	Vg#o#1124	2
+104511	Vg#h#1104	5
+104511	Vg#h#1061	1
+52441	Vg#o#1124	8
+52441	Vg#o#1132	1
+70612	Nso#108	1
+70612	Nso#107	2
+70612	Nso#1209	8
+235094	Vg#o#1124	1
+159133	Sws#M#1234	2
+159131	Sse#1224	2
+42071	Nso#108	1
+105640	Nse#L#151	2
+105640	Nse#L#153	1
+105640	Nse#L#152	2
+105640	Nso#108	1
+105640	Sws#M#83	8
+105640	Nso#1209	1
+105647	Vg#h#1038	3
+134526	Nse#L#98	1
+134526	Nse#L#151	1
+158424	Sse#M#169	1
+158424	Sse#M#63	1
+158424	Nse#L#150	1
+159353	Sse#M#63	1
+231888	Swb#M#156	4
+231888	Swb#M#157	8
+231888	Sws#M#1234	2
+231888	Swb#M#155	4
+231888	Sws#M#1227	1
+231888	Nw#L#160	2
+231888	Sws#M#1230	3
+231888	Sws#M#83	1
+149167	Tg#1238	2
+149167	Tg#1251	1
+134631	Vg#o#1124	3
+68979	Swb#M#156	27
+68979	Swb#M#157	4
+68979	Swb#M#154	6
+68979	Swb#M#155	1
+68979	Sws#M#1234	1
+68979	Sws#M#163	16
+68979	Swb#M#137	6
+231395	Nse#L#151	1
+152808	Nso#65	5
+152808	Nso#107	4
+152808	Nso#1209	1
+210598	Nso#107	1
+210598	Nso#1209	2
+163639	Vg#o#1124	9
+159862	Nso#1209	1
+164940	Vg#h#1038	1
+164940	Vg#o#1124	1
+101811	Nse#L#151	1
+101811	Nse#L#150	1
+107427	Tg#1238	1
+107427	Tg#1249	2
+17494	Vg#h#1061	1
+17494	Vg#o#1132	2
+17494	Vg#o#1124	2
+197958	Vg#h#1043	4
+197958	Vg#o#1128	1
+197958	Vg#h#1061	2
+197958	Vg#oh#1055	1
+197958	Vg#oh#1051	3
+197958	Vg#h#1039	1
+106114	Swb#M#156	1
+106114	Swb#M#154	1
+148781	Tg#1251	1
+203188	Sse#1224	1
+149095	Tg#1251	1
+162129	Vg#o#1128	1
+162129	Vg#o#1160	13
+162129	Vg#oh#1070	28
+162129	Vg#oh#1055	9
+162129	Vg#oh#1051	31
+162129	Vg#o#1132	7
+18619	Vg#o#1132	1
+18619	Vg#o#1124	2
+18619	Vg#oh#1055	1
+168711	Vg#h#1104	2
+168711	Vg#o#1124	12
+168711	Vg#h#1061	1
+168711	Vg#o#1160	1
+168711	Vg#oh#1070	91
+168711	Vg#oh#1055	109
+168711	Vg#oh#1051	179
+168711	Vg#o#1132	7
+168711	Vg#o#1153	1
+15734	Vg#o#1124	2
+1833	Nso#65	6
+1833	Nso#108	13
+1833	Nso#1209	3
+1833	Nso#107	2
+1833	Nso#106	1
+40972	Nse#L#153	2
+33272	Vg#h#1104	2
+33272	Nso#108	1
+176865	Vg#h#1104	1
+2879	Nso#108	1
+62668	Nse#L#152	1
+14604	Swb#M#155	1
+14604	Nso#1209	2
+78199	Tg#1249	1
+62666	Sse#1224	1
+17111	Nse#L#153	2
+17111	Nse#L#152	1
+78421	Nse#L#150	1
+160388	Swb#M#156	4
+160388	Swb#M#155	5
+219177	Nso#107	1
+219177	Nse#L#151	1
+219177	Nse#L#153	2
+219177	Nse#L#152	1
+219177	Nso#1209	1
+37339	Sse#M#63	2
+230403	Tg#1251	2
+223862	Sse#M#62	1
+144409	Nse#L#151	1
+144409	Nso#1209	1
+89632	Nse#L#153	1
+29495	Vg#o#1132	3
+68974	Swb#M#156	2
+68974	Swb#M#157	5
+68974	Swb#M#155	1
+68974	Sws#M#163	14
+68974	Sws#M#1234	3
+68974	Swb#M#137	15
+68974	Sws#M#1230	4
+68974	Sws#M#83	6
+179439	Vg#o#1124	1
+144674	Swb#M#157	15
+144674	Swb#M#154	2
+42538	Vg#o#1153	1
+42538	Vg#h#1043	2
+136664	Nso#1209	2
+142556	Sws#M#1227	4
+142556	Sws#M#1230	1
+151616	Nso#1209	1
+151616	Sws#M#83	1
+2801	Nw#L#119	4
+2801	Nse#L#153	1
+112888	Nso#65	4
+112888	Nso#108	2
+112888	Nso#107	1
+1429	Nso#1209	1
+28012	Vg#o#1153	1
+156470	Sws#M#83	1
+10661	Sse#M#14	1
+10661	Sws#M#163	2
+23520	Sse#1224	2
+67341	Nso#108	2
+87238	Vg#oh#1070	7
+87238	Vg#o#1132	1
+224671	Nse#L#98	1
+197133	Vg#oh#1070	28
+197133	Vg#o#1132	1
+197133	Vg#o#1128	1
+165982	Vg#o#1160	1
+165982	Vg#h#1061	2
+62941	Sws#M#1230	1
+197139	Vg#h#1043	1
+197139	Vg#o#1124	11
+230895	Nw#R#189	2
+111319	Tg#1238	3
+111319	Tg#1252	1
+111319	Tg#1251	1
+111319	Tg#1249	1
+111184	Nso#1209	1
+13743	Tg#1251	1
+205944	Tg#1249	1
+184084	Vg#oh#1070	2
+156878	Sse#M#63	1
+156878	Nse#L#151	1
+216930	Nso#108	1
+111325	Vg#h#1038	1
+111325	Vg#h#1039	1
+111325	Tg#1249	1
+111325	Vg#h#1043	2
+114488	Nse#L#153	1
+114488	Nse#L#152	1
+114488	Vg#h#1061	2
+199514	Vg#o#1124	2
+199514	Vg#oh#1055	1
+199514	Vg#oh#1051	2
+212541	Nse#L#98	3
+114481	Nw#L#160	1
+110103	Nse#L#153	1
+107235	Vg#o#1124	1
+8562	Sws#M#163	2
+8562	Nso#108	1
+114246	Nso#108	2
+182630	Vg#o#1124	7
+132587	Vg#o#1124	1
+25641	Swb#M#156	3
+25641	Swb#M#154	7
+25641	Swb#M#155	1
+25641	Sws#M#163	1
+25641	Nso#108	2
+25641	Nso#107	1
+25641	Nso#106	1
+145786	Nso#65	1
+165410	Vg#o#1132	1
+165410	Tg#1238	2
+165410	Tg#1251	1
+165410	Vg#h#1043	5
+177523	Sws#M#163	2
+151438	Nse#L#153	1
+108381	Vg#h#1043	2
+108381	Vg#oh#1055	2
+206486	Nw#L#5	1
+35556	Nso#108	1
+35556	Sse#M#63	1
+35556	Nso#107	2
+35556	Tg#1249	1
+55354	Nso#108	2
+55354	Nso#106	1
+170434	Swb#M#154	7
+170434	Nse#L#153	1
+170434	Nso#108	1
+170434	Nw#R#50	2
+114068	Nso#108	2
+69942	Vg#h#1104	1
+69942	Vg#o#1132	1
+69942	Vg#o#1128	1
+144326	Tg#1249	4
+13708	Nse#L#150	1
+52873	Sse#M#64	1
+65673	Sse#M#63	1
+65673	Nso#107	1
+4015	Vg#h#1039	1
+4015	Tg#1238	1
+4015	Tg#1251	2
+4015	Tg#1249	17
+4015	Tg#1252	11
+11398	Nse#L#150	2
+11398	Nso#1209	1
+213547	Nw#L#160	1
+19549	Sse#M#14	3
+19549	Nse#L#153	1
+19549	Sse#M#62	15
+19549	Sse#M#63	9
+177014	Vg#h#1104	1
+177014	Vg#o#1124	11
+181174	Vg#oh#1055	1
+141312	Nse#L#151	2
+141312	Nse#L#150	2
+141312	Nso#1209	2
+114668	Tg#1238	4
+114668	Tg#1249	2
+6128	Nw#L#119	1
+193690	Vg#o#1124	18
+111100	Nso#1209	1
+81523	Tg#1249	2
+104678	Nso#107	3
+99301	Swb#M#156	3
+99301	Sws#M#163	12
+99301	Swb#M#137	7
+227331	Nso#106	1
+119981	Nso#65	1
+119981	Nse#L#151	1
+119981	Nso#106	1
+52016	Sws#M#1234	1
+52016	Nw#L#5	1
+32020	Vg#o#1124	28
+32020	Vg#h#1043	1
+32020	Vg#oh#1055	1
+32020	Vg#oh#1051	1
+32020	Vg#o#1132	1
+211503	Nso#1209	1
+14094	Vg#o#1124	4
+1563	Nse#L#150	1
+1563	Nso#108	2
+1563	Nso#106	1
+1563	Sws#M#83	1
+99302	Nso#107	1
+204742	Nse#L#151	1
+204742	Nso#1209	1
+9349	Vg#o#1153	1
+52759	Vg#o#1132	1
+52759	Vg#o#1124	1
+167146	Tg#1249	1
+167146	Nso#108	2
+105079	Nso#108	1
+105079	Sse#M#63	1
+25580	Swb#M#137	2
+161280	Nse#L#151	1
+161280	Nse#L#152	1
+199686	Vg#o#1128	1
+17020	Nso#106	1
+17020	Tg#1252	1
+124743	Swb#M#157	1
+208234	Nso#108	1
+144247	Tg#1252	1
+25420	Swb#M#157	7
+25420	Swb#M#155	1
+25420	Sws#M#163	8
+25420	Sws#M#1234	1
+25420	Swb#M#137	12
+25420	Sws#M#1230	5
+25420	Sse#M#62	1
+25420	Sse#M#63	2
+25420	Sse#M#64	1
+25420	Sws#M#83	4
+113166	Nse#L#152	2
+113166	Nse#L#98	1
+113166	Sse#M#169	1
+12396	Nw#R#50	1
+109586	Vg#o#1124	1
+109586	Vg#h#1061	1
+190451	Vg#oh#1070	57
+190451	Vg#oh#1055	45
+190451	Vg#oh#1051	30
+155077	Nw#L#160	1
+155077	Nw#R#50	1
+134601	Vg#o#1124	23
+135739	Tg#1238	1
+135739	Tg#1252	2
+203425	Tg#1238	1
+203425	Tg#1251	1
+203425	Tg#1252	1
+14128	Vg#o#1132	1
+63107	Sse#M#169	3
+39689	Tg#1251	1
+39689	Sse#M#169	2
+39689	Sse#M#75	1
+39689	Sws#M#1230	1
+39689	Nso#108	3
+39689	Nso#65	1
+39689	Sse#1224	1
+63104	Sse#M#169	3
+63104	Sse#M#75	4
+205757	Swb#M#155	3
+205757	Vg#o#1160	138
+205757	Vg#oh#1070	3
+205757	Vg#oh#1055	7
+205757	Vg#oh#1051	1
+205757	Vg#o#1132	5
+205757	Vg#o#1153	244
+142033	Tg#1249	4
+142033	Tg#1252	1
+147741	Tg#1251	5
+37034	Nso#108	1
+37034	Nso#107	1
+37034	Nso#106	1
+163284	Nw#L#160	2
+163284	Nso#1209	2
+163284	Nso#106	1
+148790	Nso#106	1
+68416	Vg#h#1038	1
+68416	Vg#o#1132	3
+193755	Vg#h#1038	1
+66994	Nso#108	1
+184850	Vg#oh#1070	3
+184850	Vg#oh#1055	1
+184850	Vg#oh#1051	8
+184850	Vg#o#1132	1
+160555	Sse#M#75	1
+195325	Vg#o#1124	1
+71875	Nso#107	2
+62679	Sse#1224	2
+222035	Nso#1209	1
+112960	Nso#108	2
+62675	Sse#1224	1
+132912	Sse#M#169	2
+106633	Nso#65	1
+106633	Nse#L#150	1
+182108	Vg#o#1124	6
+182108	Vg#h#1039	8
+182108	Vg#o#1132	3
+162867	Vg#o#1128	1
+137271	Sws#M#1230	1
+109541	Tg#1251	1
+109541	Vg#oh#1055	24
+69764	Sse#M#62	1
+115032	Nw#L#5	1
+2818	Sse#M#62	1
+2818	Sse#M#63	4
+133193	Vg#h#1039	1
+133193	Vg#o#1124	13
+128453	Swb#M#155	1
+128453	Nse#L#152	1
+128453	Sws#M#163	1
+128453	Nso#108	1
+128453	Nw#R#50	1
+175099	Vg#h#1038	1
+210079	Sws#M#1230	1
+175094	Vg#o#1124	3
+175650	Vg#h#1039	1
+216781	Nso#65	1
+216781	Nso#1209	1
+29792	Nse#L#152	1
+29792	Nse#L#98	1
+136708	Sse#M#63	1
+78074	Tg#1249	1
+129193	Nso#108	2
+129193	Nso#1209	8
+1740	Nse#L#151	1
+1740	Nse#L#153	1
+1740	Nso#108	1
+1740	Nso#107	1
+1740	Nso#65	4
+1740	Nso#1209	4
+1743	Swb#M#154	6
+1743	Nse#L#151	1
+1743	Nso#1209	2
+114327	Nso#108	1
+114327	Nso#1209	7
+8178	Sse#M#75	1
+169294	Nw#R#50	1
+169294	Sws#M#83	5
+169777	Sws#M#1227	1
+86555	Vg#h#1043	26
+113259	Nso#108	2
+113125	Nso#65	2
+113125	Sse#M#64	1
+113125	Nso#108	6
+113125	Nw#R#50	1
+114578	Tg#1238	1
+114816	Tg#1249	3
+114816	Tg#1238	3
+129226	Swb#M#155	1
+129226	Sws#M#1234	1
+129226	Sws#M#163	2
+114813	Vg#h#1038	1
+114813	Vg#o#1128	1
+99342	Nse#L#150	1
+110824	Vg#h#1104	26
+110824	Vg#h#1061	1
+97946	Vg#o#1153	3
+97946	Vg#oh#1070	6
+97946	Vg#o#1132	3
+97946	Vg#o#1124	1
+110829	Tg#1251	1
+110829	Vg#h#1061	3
+110829	Vg#h#1039	3
+110829	Vg#o#1132	1
+144881	Tg#1252	1
+48088	Vg#h#1104	5
+48088	Vg#o#1132	1
+5798	Nw#L#119	1
+5798	Sse#M#14	1
+5798	Nse#L#152	1
+5798	Nw#R#50	3
+5798	Sws#M#163	3
+5798	Sse#M#62	2
+5798	Sse#M#64	1
+136672	Sws#M#163	6
+136672	Swb#M#137	2
+111849	Nse#L#98	2
+111849	Sse#M#62	1
+111849	Sse#M#169	1
+1295	Sse#M#62	1
+1295	Sse#M#63	2
+1295	Sse#M#64	1
+155851	Vg#h#1104	2
+137507	Nso#1209	2
+137507	Nso#106	1
+154145	Swb#M#154	4
+154145	Sws#M#163	2
+154145	Sws#M#1234	1
+154145	Sws#M#83	2
+104638	Sws#M#1230	1
+104638	Sse#M#75	1
+104638	Sws#M#83	6
+132008	Vg#o#1124	10
+76891	Nse#L#153	1
+2588	Sse#M#62	1
+216714	Nso#107	1
+105813	Vg#o#1153	9
+105813	Vg#oh#1070	15
+105813	Vg#h#1104	1
+105813	Vg#h#1061	1
+105813	Vg#o#1132	2
+105813	Vg#o#1124	1
+28192	Vg#h#1104	1
+7461	Sse#1224	2
+7461	Sse#M#62	2
+7461	Nso#107	1
+91272	Swb#M#156	9
+91272	Swb#M#157	1
+91272	Sse#M#62	1
+91272	Sws#M#83	2
+103090	Nse#L#98	1
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/breadcrumbs/demo_input/testFeatureMetadata.pcl	Tue May 13 21:58:57 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ID	taxonomy_0	taxonomy_1	taxonomy_2	taxonomy_3	taxonomy_4	taxonomy_5	700098986	700098984	700098980	700098988	700037470	700037472	700037474	700037476
+TID	NA	NA	NA	NA	NA	NA	700098986	700098984	700098980	700098988	700037470	700037472	700037474	700037476
+STSite	NA	NA	NA	NA	NA	NA	L_Antecubital_fossa	R_Retroauricular_crease	Subgingival_plaque	R_Antecubital_fossa	L_Retroauricular_crease	R_Retroauricular_crease	L_Antecubital_fossa	R_Antecubital_fossa
+72	Bacteria	Firmicutes	Bacilli	Bacillales	Bacillaceae	unclassified	1.23	0	12	0	6	0	2	1
+4904	Bacteria	Firmicutes	Bacilli	Bacillales	Bacillaceae	unclassified	0	10	43	6	0	23	0	1
+1361	Bacteria	Firmicutes	Bacilli	Bacillales	Bacillaceae	unclassified	3	0	29	0	45	0	1	1
+3417	Bacteria	Firmicutes	Bacilli	Bacillales	Bacillaceae	unclassified	0	45	34	3	0	0	0	1
+1368	Bacteria	Firmicutes	Bacilli	Bacillales	Bacillaceae	unclassified	5	0	2	0	6	0	1	1
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/breadcrumbs/docs/PCL-Description.txt	Tue May 13 21:58:57 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+Although this example is delimited with spaces for consistent visualization, in a PCL file each element would be delimited by one tab.
+Here is an example of a very small PCL file.
+ID      Kingdom   Genus        Sample 1  Sample 2
+Cohort  NA        NA           Test      Control
+Age     NA        NA           34        43
+1232    Bacteria  Bacteroides  .23       .16
+543     Bacteria  Dorea        .001      .0021
+These are the different parts of the PCL file.
+ID                Feature metadata ID     Last feature metadata ID    sample ID          sample ID
+Metadata ID       NA                      NA                          sample metadata    sample metadata
+Last metadata ID  NA                      NA                          sample metadata    sample metadata
+Feature ID        Feature (row) metadata  Feature (row) metadata      Data measurement   Data measurement
+Feature ID        Feature (row) metadata  Feature (row) metadata      Data measurement   Data measurement
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/breadcrumbs/docs/	Tue May 13 21:58:57 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+# BreadCrumbs Tutorial #
+This is a brief tutorial to get you acquainted with the scripts provided in breadcrumbs. This tutorial is oragnized by script and task. Examples are given using files in the demo_input folder which is included in the BreadCrumbs package. Each of these commands should work from the command line in the breadcrumbs directory.
+Please note all of the following calls expect you to be in the breadcrumbs directory and to have both the ./breadcrumbs/src and ./breadcrumbs/scripts in your path and or python path.
+Enjoy and happy research!
+## Contents: ##
+1. scriptPCoA  
+I. Manipulating the measurements  
+II. Filtering  
+III. Filtering with knowledge of feature hierarchical relationship
+IV. Manipulate samples by metadata
+V. Manipulate the feature names
+4. scriptBiplotTSV.R
+## ##
+This script allows one to plot a PCoA of an abundance table. In the plot each sample is one marker. The marker shape and color is determined by a metadata (of your choice). The distances between each sample is determined by a specific beta-diversity distance metric. By default Bray-curtis distance is used. This can be changed as needed. You will notice for every call you must give it the sample id (-i) and the last metadata which should be the row before your first data (-l). This helps the scripts understand what is a data measurement and what is a metadata.
+A. How do I make a PCoA of an abundance table, painting (coloring) it by a specific metadata?
+> scripts/ -i TID -l STSite -p STSite demo_input/Test.pcl
+B. How do I make a series of PCoAs of an abundance table, one PCoA for every metadata?
+If nothing is specified with -p then all metadata are painted. Note there are a max of 9 shapes to use, a metadata will be skipped if it has more than 9 levels (specific values which can be used many times). Don't worry, the script will let you know if this happens and will just skip to the next metadata.
+> scripts/ -i TID -l STSite demo_input/Test.pcl
+C. How do I use a different beta-diversity distance metric instead of Bray-curtis distance?
+The following metrics can be choosen: braycurtis, canberra, chebyshev, cityblock, correlation, cosine, euclidean, hamming, sqeuclidean, unifrac_unweighted, unifrac_weighted
+> scripts/ -i TID -l STSite -m sqeuclidean demo_input/Test.pcl
+D. How do I get the coordinates of the points in the PCoA plot? Use -C and give a file path to which to write.
+> scripts/ -i TID -l STSite -C coordinates.txt demo_input/Test.pcl
+E. How do I get the distance matrix represented by the PCoA plot? Use -D and give a file path to which to write.
+> scripts/ -i TID -l STSite -D distances.txt demo_input/Test.pcl
+F. How do I make a PCoA using unifrac type metrics.
+> scripts/ -m unifrac_weighted -t demo_input/GreenGenesCore-May09.ref.tre -e demo_input/fastunifrac_Ley_et_al_NRM_2_sample_id_map.txt -c demo_input/fastunifrac_Ley_et_al_NRM_2_sample_id_map-colors.txt
+> scripts/ -m unifrac_unweighted -t demo_input/GreenGenesCore-May09.ref.tre -e demo_input/fastunifrac_Ley_et_al_NRM_2_sample_id_map.txt -c demo_input/fastunifrac_Ley_et_al_NRM_2_sample_id_map-colors.txt
+There already exists a collection of functionality surrounding unifrac distances in Qiime and related software. We support these metrics here for completeness, if your need is not met here, please look into Qiime and related software for a solutions with a more rich collection of functionality.
+## ##
+Abundance tables can be difficult to manipulate. This script captures frequent tasks that may be important to manipulating an abundance table including normalization, summing, filtering, stratifying the tables into subsets (for instance breaking up a large HMP table into tables, one for each body site), and other functionality. You will notice for every call you must give it the sample id (-i) and the last metadata which should be the row before your first data (-l). This helps the scripts understand what is a data measurement and what is a metadata.
+_Remember you can do multiple tasks or use multiple arguments at the same time._
+_Here is an example of summing, normalizing, adding on clade prefixes, and stratifies the tables based on the STSite metadata_
+> scripts/ -i TID -l STSite -s -n -x -y STSite demo_input/Test.pcl
+Please look at the detailed description of normalization and summation for a clear understanding of how the data is being manipulated.
+*Manipulating the measurements*  
+A. How do I sum a table based on clade names?
+> scripts/ -i TID -l STSite -s demo_input/Test.pcl
+B. How do I normalize a table?
+> scripts/ -i TID -l STSite -n demo_input/Test.pcl
+C. How do I filter a normalized table by percentage?
+This filters out bugs that are not in the top 0.95 percentage of at least 0.05 percent of the samples (a good default).
+> scripts/ -i TID -l STSite -P 0.95,0.05 demo_input/Test.pcl
+D. How do I filter a normalized table by a minimum abundance?  
+This filters out bugs that do not have at least a certain number of bugs in a certain number of samples. Here we show
+the call to filter out all bugs which do not have at least 3 samples with at least 0.0001 abundance (a good initial default).
+> scripts/ -i TID -l STSite -A 0.0001,3 demo_input/Test.pcl
+E. How do I filter a count table by count occurrence?  
+This removes samples that do not have at least 5 counts in at least 3 samples (an initial default to use could be 2,2).
+> scripts/ -i TID -l STSite -O 5,3 demo_input/Test.pcl
+F. How do I filter a table by standard deviation?  
+> scripts/ -i TID -l STSite -D 1 demo_input/Test.pcl
+*Filtering with knowledge of feature hierarchical relationship.*  
+F. How do I make the table have only terminal nodes?
+> scripts/ -i TID -l STSite -t demo_input/Test.pcl
+G. How do I remove all the OTUs from a table?
+> scripts/ -i TID -l STSite -u demo_input/Test.pcl
+H. How do I reduce all bugs more specific than a certain clade? Aka, how do I reset a table to be only a clade (genus) or higher?  
+This reduces the bugs to bugs with 3 levels of hierarchy or less (class on a standard biological taxonomy).
+> scripts/ -i TID -l STSite -c 3 demo_input/Test.pcl
+You may want to hierarchically sum all of you bugs before reducing the table to a certain level, just in case you are missing some.
+> scripts/ -i TID -l STSite -s -c 3 demo_input/Test.pcl
+Detail. OTUs or taxonomic clades are terminal nodes of a dendrogram representing the full taxonomy or phylogeny of a study. Biology may happen at these terminal clades or at higher level clades. Hierarchical summation uses the name of the bug (containing the consensus lineage) to add bugs together at different levels of their ancestral state and represent additional higher level clades or bigger groupings of bugs.
+More plainly, imagine if we have 2 bugs in a sample with 5 and 10 counts. These two bugs differ as species but share the rest of their ancestry. In this case, an additional bug is added for the genus level group. 
+k__kingdom1|p__phylum2|c__class1|o__order1|f__family1|g__genus1|s__species1	5
+k__kingdom1|p__phylum2|c__class1|o__order1|f__family1|g__genus1|s__species2	10
+k__kingdom1|p__phylum2|c__class1|o__order1|f__family1|g__genus1	15
+A new kingdom, phylum, class, order, and family is not entered because they would be the same grouping of counts as the new genus level entry.
+If we had an additional bug
+k__kingdom1|p__phylum2|c__class1|o__order2|f__family12|g__genus23|s__species14	2
+k__kingdom1|p__phylum2|c__class1|o__order1|f__family1|g__genus1|s__species1	5
+k__kingdom1|p__phylum2|c__class1|o__order1|f__family1|g__genus1|s__species2	10
+k__kingdom1|p__phylum2|c__class1	17
+k__kingdom1|p__phylum2|c__class1|o__order1|f__family1|g__genus1	15
+Two new bugs are added because o__order1 and o__order2 can be combined at the c__class1 grouping and s__species1 and s__species2 can be combined at the g__genus1 level. Other groupings at other clade levels are not made because they represent the same groupings of counts already accounted for in the data by bugs and would be redundant. For instance, having a k__kingdom 17 count entry would be the same grouping as the c_class1 bug that was added and so is not created and added.
+*How do I reduce the table to a list of bugs?*
+> scripts/ -i TID -l STSite -b features.txt demo_input/Test.pcl
+> scripts/ -i TID -l STSite -b 'Bacteria|3417,Bacteria|unclassified|4904' demo_input/Test.pcl
+IV. Manipulate samples by metadata.  
+J. How do I stratify the table to subtables based on a metadata? (Example. How do I take the HMP table and break it up by body site or time point?)
+> scripts/ -i TID -l STSite -y STSite demo_input/Test.pcl
+K. How do I remove all samples of a certain metadata value? (Example, How do I remove all gut HMP body site samples but leave the rest in the table?)
+> scripts/ -i TID -l STSite -r STSite,R_Retroauricular_crease, L_Retroauricular_crease demo_input/Test.pcl
+V. Manipulate the feature names  
+L. How do I add on the 'k__' and 's__' on the names of my bugs?
+> scripts/ -i TID -l STSite -x demo_input/Test.pcl
+## ##
+This script allows you to plot a row of an abundance table, metadata or data. This assumes the first column is the id and the remaining columns are values to be plotted. Three different plots can be generated based on the input arguments and the type of data given to the script. A boxplot is made if two features are given, one numeric and one categorical. A scatterplot is made if two numeric features are given. A histogram is made if one numeric feature is given.  
+A. How do I plot a box plot of two data.  
+A box plot requires two features, one not categorical and one that is categorical. The script detects this automatically and will plot the correct plot for you as you go.
+> scripts/ demo_input/Test.pcl STSite 'Bacteria|3417'
+B. How do I plot a scatter plot of two data?  
+A box plot requires two features, both not categorical. The script detects this automatically and will plot the correct plot for you as you go.
+> scripts/ demo_input/Test.pcl 'Bacteria|unclassified|4904' 'Bacteria|3417'
+C. How do I plot a histogram of a feature?  
+Just plot one numeric feature.
+> scripts/ demo_input/Test.pcl 'Bacteria|3417'
+D. How do I change the title or axes?
+> scripts/ -t Title -x Xaxis -y Yaxis demo_input/Test.pcl 'Bacteria|3417'
+E. How do I change the color?  Use -c and a hex color.
+> scripts/ -c '#333333' demo_input/Test.pcl 'Bacteria|3417'
+F. How do I invert the colors for a black background? Use -r .
+> scripts/ -r demo_input/Test.pcl 'Bacteria|3417'
+## scriptBiplotTSV.R ##
+This script allows one to plot a tsv file as a biplot. A tsv file is a transposed PCL file (demo files are found in demo_input). The positioning of sample markers and bug text are generated by nonmetric multidimensional scaling. The metadata are represented by arrows and then a text at the head of the arrow. The coordinates of the arrows are determined by the center/average of the coordinates of the samples with that metadata showing a central tendency of where that metadata is located. More specifically, discontinuous metadata are broken down to levels (values), then each level is made into it's own binary metadata (0 for not having that value and 1 for having that value). Then for each new metadata, samples with the value of 1 are selected and have their coordinates in the ordination are averaged. This average coordinate set is then used as the coordinates for that metadata level. For continuous data, using the ordination coordinates for all the sample points, the value of the continuous metadata is placed in a landscape using the sample coordiantes as x and y and the z as the metadata value. This is then smoothed with a lowess and then the maximum fitted value's coordinates are used as the central tendency of the metadata.
+This is a customizable plot there the metadata plotted, the bugs plotted, the arrow color, the bug and metadata text color, the sample colors, the sample shapes, and the title can be changed. Below are examples of how to use the commandline for this script; although options are shown seperately here, many options can be used together.
+A. This is the minimal call. The call to the script must include the following positional arguments lastmetadata and inputPCLFile after any optional arguments (given with flags preceeded by - or --).
+> ./scripts/scriptBiplotTSV.R STSite demo_input/Test-Biplot.tsv
+This consists of the script call, the last metadata value, and the input file.
+B. How do I specify an output file name? Use -o and then a name ending with the extension .pdf .
+> ./scripts/scriptBiplotTSV.R -o Test2Biplot.pdf STSite demo_input/Test-Biplot.tsv
+C. How do I specify bug names to plot? Use -b and the names of the bugs to plot (as written in your pcl file) seperated by commas.
+> ./scripts/scriptBiplotTSV.R -b 'Bacteria|3417' STSite demo_input/Test-Biplot.tsv
+> ./scripts/scriptBiplotTSV.R -b 'Bacteria|3417,Bacteria|unclassified|4904' STSite demo_input/Test-Biplot.tsv
+D. How do I specify metadata to plot? Using the -m option, if plotting a continuous metadata, give the id of the metadata (first column entry of metadata), for any other metadata concatonate the metadata ID and the value of interest with "_" . Here are a working examples.
+> ./scripts/scriptBiplotTSV.R -m 'STSite_L_Antecubital_fossa,STSite_R_Antecubital_fossa' STSite demo_input/Test-Biplot.tsv
+> ./scripts/scriptBiplotTSV.R -m 'Continuous' STSite demo_input/Test-Biplot.tsv
+E. How do I specify a title? Use -i and the title text. Use ' to surround the text. This helps the command line understand that the text is together and not a series of commands. These should be used when you are giving a flag a value that has spaces or anything but alphanumeric characters.
+> ./scripts/scriptBiplotTSV.R -i 'Test Title' STSite demo_input/Test-Biplot.tsv
+F. How do I specify a metadata to shape markers by? Use -y and the id for your metadata in your pcl file (the entry for your metadata in the first column).
+> ./scripts/scriptBiplotTSV.R -y STSite STSite demo_input/Test-Biplot.tsv
+G. How do I specify specific shapes to use? This requires the combination of -y and -s . Use -y to specify the metadata to use. Use -s to specify what shapes should be used for what metadata values. These are given as metadatavalue:shape,metadataValue:shape
+> ./scripts/scriptBiplotTSV.R -y STSite -s 'L_Antecubital_fossa:15,R_Antecubital_fossa:23' STSite demo_input/Test-Biplot.tsv
+H. How do I specify a metadata to color markers by? Use -c and the id for your metadata in your pcl file (the entry for your metadata in the first column).
+> ./scripts/scriptBiplotTSV.R -c STSite STSite demo_input/Test-Biplot.tsv
+I. How do I specify a default marker shape to use instead of using a metadata? Use -d and a number recognized by R's pch parameter (number between 1-25). For more information
+> ./scripts/scriptBiplotTSV.R -d 1 STSite demo_input/Test-Biplot.tsv
+J. How do I specify a color range to use when coloring? Use -r with two (R supported) colors seperated by a comma. R supported colors can be found in many sources including this one
+> ./scripts/scriptBiplotTSV.R -r 'red,cyan' STSite demo_input/Test-Biplot.tsv
+K. How do I specify a color to use when drawing arrows? Use -a and a (R supported) color. R supported colors can be found in many sources including this one
+> ./scripts/scriptBiplotTSV.R -a  red STSite demo_input/Test-Biplot.tsv
+L. How do I specify a color to use for arrow text? Use -w and a (R supported) color. R supported colors can be found in many sources including this one
+> ./scripts/scriptBiplotTSV.R -w orange STSite demo_input/Test-Biplot.tsv
+M. How do I specify a color to use for bug text? Use -t and a (R supported) color. Make sure to use -b to plot bugs.  R supported colors can be found in many sources including this one
+> ./scripts/scriptBiplotTSV.R -t pink -b 'Bacteria|3417' STSite demo_input/Test-Biplot.tsv
+N. How do I rotate the projection (plot) in reference to a specific metadata? Use the -e option and give the plot a metadata and a weight for that metadata, the larger the weight, the more the rotation takes into account the metadata. You may have to experiement with different weights and see how the rotation is affected. The weights can be from 0 (no rotation by the metadata) to a very large number. The metadata name should be the metadata id if the value is continuous or the metadata id and the value (level) of interest seperated by a _ if the metadata is not continuous. Below are two examples, one using a continuous metadata and one using a discontinuous metadata.
+> ./scripts/scriptBiplotTSV.R -e 'Continuous,2' STSite demo_input/Test-Biplot.tsv
+> ./scripts/scriptBiplotTSV.R -e 'STSite_L_Antecubital_fossa,.5' STSite demo_input/Test-Biplot.tsv
+O. How do I color NAs a specific color, no matter other coloring in the plot? Use -n and a color supported by R.  R supported colors can be found in many sources including this one This requires you to be coloring the plot by a metadata (option -c).
+> ./scripts/scriptBiplotTSV.R -n grey -c STSite STSite demo_input/Test-BiplotNA.tsv
+P. How do I scale arrows in the plot. Use -z and a number to weight how much the metadata influences the rotation (number between 0 and very large).
+> ./scripts/scriptBiplotTSV.R -z 2 STSite demo_input/Test-Biplot.tsv
+Q. How do I plot metadata labels without the arrows?
+> ./scripts/scriptBiplotTSV.R -A STSite demo_input/Test-Biplot.tsv
+R. How do I plot the biplot without metadata?
+> ./scripts/scriptBiplotTSV.R -m "" STSite demo_input/Test-Biplot.tsv
+## ##
+The script allows one to convert between PCL and BIOM file formats. ID, last feature (row) metadata, and last sample metadata are optional information in the script call (when converting from PCL to BIOM). These are used to dictate placement of certain key sample metadata in the PCL file. Typically, it is helpful to set these arguments. This aids in the consistent and reliable manipulation of these files. If the are not given, a guess will be made to the ID and it will be assumed no metadata exist.
+A quick definition:
+*ID or sample id* -  typically your first row in the PCL file (the Ids of all your samples) in the example below "ID"
+*Feature (row) metadata* - columns in your PCL file which describe your features. These come after your feature IDs but before your measurements.
+*Sample metadata* - rows in your PCL file which come before your measurements and describe your samples
+For a description of a PCL and it's parts please look in the docs folder for PCL-Description.txt
+A. The minimal call to convert from BIOM file to a PCL file or visa versa. This call indicates the sample metadata entry which is the sample id and which is the last listed metadata in a pcl file (before the data measurements). When converting a PCL file, if there are no metadata and only a metadata id, -l  and -i is not required. If there are multiple metadata in a pcl file the -l (last metadata) field is required. Neither of these fields are required for biom file conversion to pcl.
+> ./scripts/ demo_input/Test_no_metadata.pcl example1.biom
+> ./scripts/ demo_input/Test.biom example2.pcl
+> ./scripts/ -l STSite demo_input/Test.pcl example3.biom
+B. Specifying ID and lastmetadata
+> ./scripts/ -i TID -l STSite demo_input/Test.pcl example4.biom
+> ./scripts/ -i TID -l STSite demo_input/Test.biom example5.pcl
+C. The case where there are no sample metadata, just sample IDs. Indicate the ID and if no last metadata is indicated (-l) it is assumed no sample metadata exist.
+> ./scripts/ -i ID demo_input/Test_no_metadata.pcl example6.biom
+> ./scripts/ -i ID demo_input/Test_no_metadata.biom example7.pcl
+D. The case when converting a PCL file with Feature (row) metadata (for example taxonomy_5). Include the last column with feature metadata.
+> ./scripts/ -i ID -r taxonomy_5 -l STSite ./demo_input/testFeatureMetadata.pcl testFeatureMetadata.biom
+E. Although the output file name can be automatically generated, the output file name can be given if needed.
+> ./scripts/ -i TID -l STSite demo_input/Test.biom CustomFileName.pcl
+> ./scripts/ -i TID -l STSite demo_input/Test.pcl CustomFileName.biom
+F. Indicate the use of a pcl file using a delimiter that is not tab or indicate the creation of a pcl file using a delimier that is not tab.
+> ./scripts/ -i TID -l STSite -f , demo_input/Test-comma.pcl
+> ./scripts/ -i TID -l STSite -f , demo_input/Test-comma.biom
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/breadcrumbs/hclust/	Tue May 13 21:58:57 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,603 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import sys
+import numpy as np 
+import matplotlib
+import scipy
+import pylab
+import scipy.cluster.hierarchy as sch
+import scipy.spatial.distance as dis 
+from scipy import stats
+# User defined color maps (in addition to matplotlib ones)
+bbcyr = {'red':  (  (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+                    (0.25, 0.0, 0.0),
+                    (0.50, 0.0, 0.0),
+                    (0.75, 1.0, 1.0),
+                    (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)),
+         'green': ( (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+                    (0.25, 0.0, 0.0),
+                    (0.50, 1.0, 1.0),
+                    (0.75, 1.0, 1.0),
+                    (1.0, 0.0, 1.0)),
+         'blue': (  (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+                    (0.25, 1.0, 1.0),
+                    (0.50, 1.0, 1.0),
+                    (0.75, 0.0, 0.0),
+                    (1.0, 0.0, 1.0))}
+bbcry = {'red':  (  (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+                    (0.25, 0.0, 0.0),
+                    (0.50, 0.0, 0.0),
+                    (0.75, 1.0, 1.0),
+                    (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)),
+         'green': ( (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+                    (0.25, 0.0, 0.0),
+                    (0.50, 1.0, 1.0),
+                    (0.75, 0.0, 0.0),
+                    (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)),
+         'blue': (  (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+                    (0.25, 1.0, 1.0),
+                    (0.50, 1.0, 1.0),
+                    (0.75, 0.0, 0.0),
+                    (1.0, 0.0, 1.0))}
+my_colormaps = [    ('bbcyr',bbcyr),
+                    ('bbcry',bbcry)]
+def read_params(args):
+    import argparse as ap
+    import textwrap
+    p = ap.ArgumentParser( description= "TBA" )
+    p.add_argument( '--in', '--inp', metavar='INPUT_FILE', type=str, 
+                    nargs='?', default=sys.stdin,
+                    help= "the input archive " )
+    p.add_argument( '--out', metavar='OUTPUT_FILE', type=str, 
+                    nargs = '?', default=None,
+                    help= " the output file, image on screen"
+                          " if not specified. " )
+    p.add_argument( '-m', metavar='method', type=str,
+                    choices=[   "single","complete","average",
+                                "weighted","centroid","median",
+                                "ward" ],
+                    default="average" )
+    dist_funcs = [  "euclidean","minkowski","cityblock","seuclidean",
+                    "sqeuclidean","cosine","correlation","hamming",
+                    "jaccard","chebyshev","canberra","braycurtis",
+                    "mahalanobis","yule","matching","dice",
+                    "kulsinski","rogerstanimoto","russellrao","sokalmichener",
+                    "sokalsneath","wminkowski","ward"]
+    p.add_argument( '-d', metavar='distance function', type=str,
+                    choices=dist_funcs,
+                    default="euclidean" )
+    p.add_argument( '-f', metavar='distance function for features', type=str,
+                    choices=dist_funcs,
+                    default="d" )
+    p.add_argument( '--dmf', metavar='distance matrix for features', type=str,
+                    default = None )
+    p.add_argument( '--dms', metavar='distance matrix for samples', type=str,
+                    default = None )
+    p.add_argument( '-l', metavar='sample label', type=str,
+                    default = None )
+    p.add_argument( '-s', metavar='scale norm', type=str,
+                    default = 'lin', choices = ['log','lin'])
+    p.add_argument( '-x', metavar='x cell width', type=float,
+                    default = 0.1)
+    p.add_argument( '-y', metavar='y cell width', type=float,
+                    default = 0.1 )
+    p.add_argument( '--minv', metavar='min value', type=float,
+                    default = 0.0 )
+    p.add_argument( '--maxv', metavar='max value', type=float,
+                    default = None )
+    p.add_argument( '--xstart', metavar='x coordinate of the top left cell '
+                                        'of the values', 
+                    type=int, default=1 )
+    p.add_argument( '--ystart', metavar='y coordinate of the top left cell '
+                                        'of the values', 
+                    type=int, default=1 )
+    p.add_argument( '--xstop', metavar='x coordinate of the bottom right cell '
+                                        'of the values (default None = last row)', 
+                    type=int, default=None )
+    p.add_argument( '--ystop', metavar='y coordinate of the bottom right cell '
+                                        'of the values (default None = last column)', 
+                    type=int, default=None )
+    p.add_argument( '--perc', metavar='percentile for ordering and rows selection', type=int, default=None )
+    p.add_argument( '--top', metavar='selection of the top N rows', type=int, default=None )
+    p.add_argument( '--norm', metavar='whether to normalize columns (default 0)', type=int, default=0 )
+    p.add_argument( '--sdend_h', metavar='height of the sample dendrogram', type=float,
+                    default = 0.1 )
+    p.add_argument( '--fdend_w', metavar='width of the feature dendrogram', type=float,
+                    default = 0.1 )
+    p.add_argument( '--cm_h', metavar='height of the colormap', type=float,
+                    default = 0.03 )
+    p.add_argument( '--cm_ticks', metavar='label for ticks of the colormap', type=str,
+                    default = None )
+    p.add_argument( '--font_size', metavar='label_font_size', type=int,
+                    default = 7 )
+    p.add_argument( '--feat_dend_col_th', metavar='Color threshold for feature dendrogram', type=float,
+                    default = None )
+    p.add_argument( '--sample_dend_col_th', metavar='Color threshold for sample dendrogram', type=float,
+                    default = None )
+    p.add_argument( '--clust_ncols', metavar='Number of colors for clusters', type=int,
+                    default = 7 )
+    p.add_argument( '--clust_line_w', metavar='Cluster line width', type=float,
+                    default = 1.0 )
+    p.add_argument( '--label_cols', metavar='Label colors', type=str,
+                    default = None )
+    p.add_argument( '--label2cols', metavar='Label to colors mapping file', type=str,
+                    default = None )
+    p.add_argument( '--sdend_out', metavar='File for storing the samples dendrogram in PhyloXML format', type=str,
+                    default = None )
+    p.add_argument( '--fdend_out', metavar='File for storing the features dendrogram in PhyloXML format', type=str,
+                    default = None )
+    p.add_argument( '--pad_inches', metavar='Proportion of figure to be left blank around the plot', type=float,
+                    default = 0.1 )
+    p.add_argument( '--flabel', metavar='Whether to show the labels for the features', type=int,
+                    default = 0 )
+    p.add_argument( '--slabel', metavar='Whether to show the labels for the samples', type=int,
+                    default = 0 )
+    p.add_argument( '--legend', metavar='Whether to show the samples to label legend', type=int,
+                    default = 0 )
+    p.add_argument( '--legend_font_size', metavar='Legend font size', type=int,
+                    default = 7 )
+    p.add_argument( '--legend_ncol', metavar='Number of columns for the legend', type=int,
+                    default = 3 )
+    p.add_argument( '--grid', metavar='Whether to show the grid (only black for now)', type=int,
+                    default = 0 )
+    col_maps = ['Accent', 'Blues', 'BrBG', 'BuGn', 'BuPu', 'Dark2', 'GnBu', 
+                'Greens', 'Greys', 'OrRd', 'Oranges', 'PRGn', 'Paired', 
+                'Pastel1', 'Pastel2', 'PiYG', 'PuBu', 'PuBuGn', 'PuOr', 
+                'PuRd', 'Purples', 'RdBu', 'RdGy', 'RdPu', 'RdYlBu', 'RdYlGn', 
+                'Reds', 'Set1', 'Set2', 'Set3', 'Spectral', 'YlGn', 'YlGnBu', 
+                'YlOrBr', 'YlOrRd', 'afmhot', 'autumn', 'binary', 'bone', 
+                'brg', 'bwr', 'cool', 'copper', 'flag', 'gist_earth', 
+                'gist_gray', 'gist_heat', 'gist_ncar', 'gist_rainbow', 
+                'gist_stern', 'gist_yarg', 'gnuplot', 'gnuplot2', 'gray', 
+                'hot', 'hsv', 'jet', 'ocean', 'pink', 'prism', 'rainbow', 
+                'seismic', 'spectral', 'spring', 'summer', 'terrain', 'winter'] + [n for n,c in my_colormaps]
+    p.add_argument( '-c', metavar='colormap', type=str,
+                    choices = col_maps, default = 'jet' )
+    return vars(p.parse_args()) 
+# Predefined colors for dendrograms brances and class labels
+colors = [  "#B22222","#006400","#0000CD","#9400D3","#696969","#8B4513",
+            "#FF1493","#FF8C00","#3CB371","#00Bfff","#CDC9C9","#FFD700",
+            "#2F4F4F","#FF0000","#ADFF2F","#B03060" ]
+def samples2classes_panel(fig, samples, s2l, idx1, idx2, height, xsize, cols, legendon, fontsize, label2cols, legend_ncol ):
+    from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle
+    samples2labels = dict([(l[0],l[1]) 
+                            for l in [ll.strip().split('\t') 
+                                for ll in open(s2l)] if len(l) > 1])
+    if label2cols:
+        labels2colors = dict([(l[0],l[1]) for l in [ll.strip().split('\t') for ll in open(label2cols)]])
+    else:
+        cs = cols if cols else colors
+        labels2colors = dict([(l,cs[i%len(cs)]) for i,l in enumerate(set(samples2labels.values()))])
+    ax1 = fig.add_axes([0.,1.0,1.0,height],frameon=False)
+    ax1.set_xticks([])
+    ax1.set_yticks([])
+    ax1.set_ylim( [0.0, height] )
+    ax1.set_xlim( [0.0, xsize] )
+    step = xsize / float(len(samples))
+    labels = set()
+    added_labels = set()
+    for i,ind in enumerate(idx2):
+        if  not samples[ind] in samples2labels or \
+            not samples2labels[samples[ind]] in labels2colors:
+            fc, ll = "k", None
+        else:
+            ll = samples2labels[samples[ind]]
+            ll = None if ll in added_labels else ll
+            added_labels.add( ll )
+            fc = labels2colors[samples2labels[samples[ind]]]
+        rect = Rectangle( [float(i)*step, 0.0], step, height,
+                            facecolor = fc,
+                            label = ll,
+                            edgecolor='b', lw = 0.0)
+        labels.add( ll )
+        ax1.add_patch(rect)
+    ax1.autoscale_view()
+    if legendon:
+        ax1.legend( loc = 2, ncol = legend_ncol, bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 3.),
+                    borderpad = 0.0, labelspacing = 0.0,
+                    handlelength = 0.5, handletextpad = 0.3,
+                    borderaxespad = 0.0, columnspacing = 0.3,
+                    prop = {'size':fontsize}, frameon = False)
+def samples_dend_panel( fig, Z, Z2, ystart, ylen, lw ):
+    ax2 = fig.add_axes([0.0,1.0+ystart,1.0,ylen], frameon=False)
+    Z2['color_list'] = [c.replace('b','k') for c in Z2['color_list']]
+    mh = max(Z[:,2])
+    sch._plot_dendrogram(   Z2['icoord'], Z2['dcoord'], Z2['ivl'], 
+                            Z.shape[0] + 1, Z.shape[0] + 1, 
+                            mh, 'top', no_labels=True, 
+                            color_list=Z2['color_list'] )
+    for coll in ax2.collections:
+        coll._linewidths = (lw,)
+    ax2.set_xticks([])
+    ax2.set_yticks([])
+    ax2.set_xticklabels([])
+def features_dend_panel( fig, Z, Z2, width, lw ):
+    ax1 = fig.add_axes([-width,0.0,width,1.0], frameon=False)
+    Z2['color_list'] = [c.replace('b','k').replace('x','b') for c in Z2['color_list']]
+    mh = max(Z[:,2])
+    sch._plot_dendrogram(Z2['icoord'], Z2['dcoord'], Z2['ivl'], Z.shape[0] + 1, Z.shape[0] + 1, mh, 'right', no_labels=True, color_list=Z2['color_list'])
+    for coll in ax1.collections:
+        coll._linewidths = (lw,)
+    ax1.set_xticks([])
+    ax1.set_yticks([])
+    ax1.set_xticklabels([])
+def add_cmap( cmapdict, name ):
+    my_cmap = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap(name,cmapdict,256)
+    pylab.register_cmap(name=name,cmap=my_cmap)
+def init_fig(xsize,ysize,ncol):
+    fig = pylab.figure(figsize=(xsize,ysize))
+    sch._link_line_colors = colors[:ncol] 
+    return fig
+def heatmap_panel( fig, D, minv, maxv, idx1, idx2, cm_name, scale, cols, rows, label_font_size, cb_offset, cb_l, flabelson, slabelson, cm_ticks, gridon, bar_offset ):
+    cm = pylab.get_cmap(cm_name)
+    bottom_col = [    cm._segmentdata['red'][0][1],
+                      cm._segmentdata['green'][0][1],
+                      cm._segmentdata['blue'][0][1]   ]
+    axmatrix = fig.add_axes(    [0.0,0.0,1.0,1.0],
+                                axisbg=bottom_col)
+    if any([c < 0.95 for c in bottom_col]):
+        axmatrix.spines['right'].set_color('none')
+        axmatrix.spines['left'].set_color('none')
+        axmatrix.spines['top'].set_color('none')
+        axmatrix.spines['bottom'].set_color('none')
+    norm_f = matplotlib.colors.LogNorm if scale == 'log' else matplotlib.colors.Normalize
+    im = axmatrix.matshow(  D, norm = norm_f(   vmin=minv if minv > 0.0 else None,
+                                                vmax=maxv), 
+                            aspect='auto', origin='lower', cmap=cm, vmax=maxv)
+    axmatrix2 = axmatrix.twinx()
+    axmatrix3 = axmatrix.twiny()
+    axmatrix.set_xticks([])
+    axmatrix2.set_xticks([])
+    axmatrix3.set_xticks([])
+    axmatrix.set_yticks([])
+    axmatrix2.set_yticks([])
+    axmatrix3.set_yticks([])
+    axmatrix.set_xticklabels([])
+    axmatrix2.set_xticklabels([])
+    axmatrix3.set_xticklabels([])
+    axmatrix.set_yticklabels([])
+    axmatrix2.set_yticklabels([])
+    axmatrix3.set_yticklabels([])
+    if any([c < 0.95 for c in bottom_col]):
+        axmatrix2.spines['right'].set_color('none')
+        axmatrix2.spines['left'].set_color('none')
+        axmatrix2.spines['top'].set_color('none')
+        axmatrix2.spines['bottom'].set_color('none')
+    if any([c < 0.95 for c in bottom_col]):
+        axmatrix3.spines['right'].set_color('none')
+        axmatrix3.spines['left'].set_color('none')
+        axmatrix3.spines['top'].set_color('none')
+        axmatrix3.spines['bottom'].set_color('none')
+    if flabelson:
+        axmatrix2.set_yticks(np.arange(len(rows))+0.5)
+        axmatrix2.set_yticklabels([rows[r] for r in idx1],size=label_font_size,va='center')
+    if slabelson:
+        axmatrix.set_xticks(np.arange(len(cols)))
+        axmatrix.set_xticklabels([cols[r] for r in idx2],size=label_font_size,rotation=90,va='top',ha='center')
+    axmatrix.tick_params(length=0)
+    axmatrix2.tick_params(length=0)
+    axmatrix3.tick_params(length=0)
+    axmatrix2.set_ylim(0,len(rows))
+    if gridon:
+        axmatrix.set_yticks(np.arange(len(idx1)-1)+0.5)
+        axmatrix.set_xticks(np.arange(len(idx2))+0.5)
+        axmatrix.grid( True )
+        ticklines = axmatrix.get_xticklines()
+        ticklines.extend( axmatrix.get_yticklines() )
+        #gridlines = axmatrix.get_xgridlines()
+        #gridlines.extend( axmatrix.get_ygridlines() )
+        for line in ticklines:
+            line.set_linewidth(3)
+    if cb_l > 0.0:
+        axcolor = fig.add_axes([0.0,1.0+bar_offset*1.25,1.0,cb_l])
+        cbar = fig.colorbar(im, cax=axcolor, orientation='horizontal')
+        if cm_ticks:
+   cm_ticks.split(":") )
+def read_table( fin, xstart,xstop,ystart,ystop, percentile = None, top = None, norm = False ):
+    mat = [l.rstrip().split('\t') for l in open( fin )]
+    if fin.endswith(".biom"):
+        sample_labels =  mat[1][1:-1]
+        m = [(mm[-1]+"; OTU"+mm[0],np.array([float(f) for f in mm[1:-1]])) for mm in mat[2:]]
+        #feat_labels = [m[-1].replace(";","_").replace(" ","")+m[0] for m in mat[2:]]
+        #print len(feat_labels)
+        #print len(sample_labels)
+    else:
+        sample_labels = mat[0][xstart:xstop]
+        m = [(mm[xstart-1],np.array([float(f) for f in mm[xstart:xstop]])) for mm in mat[ystart:ystop]]
+    if norm:
+        msums = [0.0 for l in m[0][1]]
+        for mm in m:
+            for i,v in enumerate(mm[1]):
+                msums[i] += v
+    if top and not percentile:
+        percentile = 90
+    if percentile:
+        m = sorted(m,key=lambda x:-stats.scoreatpercentile(x[1],percentile))
+    if top:
+        if fin.endswith(".biom"):
+            #feat_labels = [mm[-1].replace(";","_").replace(" ","")+mm[0] for mm in m[:top]]
+            feat_labels = [mm[0] for mm in m[:top]]
+        else:
+            feat_labels = [mm[0] for mm in m[:top]]
+        if norm:
+            m = [np.array([n/v for n,v in zip(mm[1],msums)]) for mm in m[:top]]
+        else:
+            m = [mm[1] for mm in m[:top]]
+    else:
+        if fin.endswith(".biom"):
+            feat_labels = [mm[0] for mm in m]
+        else:
+            feat_labels = [mm[0] for mm in m]
+        if norm:
+            m = [np.array([n/v for n,v in zip(mm[1],msums)]) for mm in m]
+        else:
+            m = [mm[1] for mm in m]
+        #m = [mm[1] for mm in m]
+    D = np.matrix(  np.array( m ) )
+    return D, feat_labels, sample_labels
+def read_dm( fin, n ):
+    mat = [[float(f) for f in l.strip().split('\t')] for l in open( fin )]
+    nc = sum([len(r) for r in mat]) 
+    if nc == n*n:
+        dm = []
+        for i in range(n):
+            dm += mat[i][i+1:]
+        return np.array(dm)
+    if nc == (n*n-n)/2:
+        dm = []
+        for i in range(n):
+            dm += mat[i]
+        return np.array(dm)
+    sys.stderr.write( "Error in reading the distance matrix\n" )
+    sys.exit()
+def exp_newick( inp, labels, outfile, tree_format = 'phyloxml' ):
+    n_leaves = int(inp[-1][-1])
+    from Bio import Phylo
+    import collections
+    from Bio.Phylo.BaseTree import Tree as BTree
+    from Bio.Phylo.BaseTree import Clade as BClade
+    tree = BTree()
+    tree.root = BClade()
+    subclades = {}
+    sb_cbl = {}
+    for i,(fr,to,bl,nsub) in enumerate( inp ):
+        if fr < n_leaves:
+            fr_c = BClade(branch_length=-1.0,name=labels[int(fr)])
+            subclades[fr] = fr_c
+            sb_cbl[fr] = bl
+        if to < n_leaves:
+            to_c = BClade(branch_length=-1.0,name=labels[int(to)])
+            subclades[to] = to_c
+            sb_cbl[to] = bl
+    for i,(fr,to,bl,nsub) in enumerate( inp ):
+        fr_c = subclades[fr] 
+        to_c = subclades[to]
+        cur_c = BClade(branch_length=bl)
+        cur_c.clades.append( fr_c )
+        cur_c.clades.append( to_c )
+        subclades[i+n_leaves] = cur_c
+    def reset_rec( clade, fath_bl ):
+        if clade.branch_length < 0:
+            clade.branch_length = fath_bl
+            return
+        for c in clade.clades:
+            reset_rec( c, clade.branch_length )
+        clade.branch_length = fath_bl-clade.branch_length
+    tree.root = cur_c
+    reset_rec( tree.root, 0.0 )
+    tree.root.branch_length = 0.0
+    Phylo.write(tree, outfile, tree_format )
+def hclust(  fin, fout,
+             method = "average",
+             dist_func = "euclidean",
+             feat_dist_func = "d",
+             xcw = 0.1,
+             ycw = 0.1,
+             scale = 'lin',
+             minv = 0.0,
+             maxv = None,
+             xstart = 1,
+             ystart = 1,
+             xstop = None,
+             ystop = None,
+             percentile = None,
+             top = None,
+             norm = False,
+             cm_name = 'jet',
+             s2l = None,
+             label_font_size = 7,
+             feat_dend_col_th = None,
+             sample_dend_col_th = None,
+             clust_ncols = 7,
+             clust_line_w = 1.0,
+             label_cols = None,
+             sdend_h = 0.1,
+             fdend_w = 0.1,
+             cm_h = 0.03,
+             dmf = None,
+             dms = None,
+             legendon = False,
+             label2cols = None,
+             flabelon = True,
+             slabelon = True,
+             cm_ticks = None,
+             legend_ncol = 3,
+             pad_inches = None,
+             legend_font_size = 7,
+             gridon = 0,
+             sdend_out = None,
+             fdend_out= None):
+    if label_cols and label_cols.count("-"):
+        label_cols = label_cols.split("-")
+    for n,c in my_colormaps:
+        add_cmap( c, n )
+    if feat_dist_func == 'd':
+        feat_dist_func = dist_func
+    D, feat_labels, sample_labels = read_table(fin,xstart,xstop,ystart,ystop,percentile,top,norm)
+    ylen,xlen = D[:].shape
+    Dt = D.transpose() 
+    size_cx, size_cy = xcw, ycw
+    xsize, ysize = max(xlen*size_cx,2.0), max(ylen*size_cy,2.0)
+    ydend_offset = 0.025*8.0/ysize if s2l else 0.0
+    fig = init_fig(xsize,ysize,clust_ncols)
+    nfeats, nsamples = len(D), len(Dt) 
+    if dmf:
+        p1 = read_dm( dmf, nfeats )
+        Y1 = sch.linkage(   p1, method=method )
+    else:
+        p1 = dis.pdist( D, feat_dist_func )
+        Y1 = sch.linkage( p1, method=method ) # , metric=feat_dist_func )
+        #Y1 = sch.linkage( D, method=method, metric=feat_dist_func )
+    Z1 = sch.dendrogram(Y1, no_plot=True, color_threshold=feat_dend_col_th) 
+    if fdend_out:
+        exp_newick( Y1, feat_labels, fdend_out )
+    if dms:
+        p2 = read_dm( dms, nsamples )
+        Y2 = sch.linkage(   p2, method=method )
+    else:
+        p2 = dis.pdist( Dt, dist_func )
+        Y2 = sch.linkage(   p2, method=method ) # , metric=dist_func )
+        #Y2 = sch.linkage(   Dt, method=method, metric=dist_func )
+    Z2 = sch.dendrogram(Y2, no_plot=True, color_threshold=sample_dend_col_th) 
+    if sdend_out:
+        exp_newick( Y2, sample_labels, sdend_out )
+    if fdend_w > 0.0:
+        features_dend_panel(fig, Y1, Z1, fdend_w*8.0/xsize, clust_line_w ) 
+    if sdend_h > 0.0: 
+        samples_dend_panel(fig, Y2, Z2, ydend_offset, sdend_h*8.0/ysize, clust_line_w)
+    idx1, idx2 = Z1['leaves'], Z2['leaves']
+    D = D[idx1,:][:,idx2]
+    if s2l:
+        samples2classes_panel( fig, sample_labels, s2l, idx1, idx2, 0.025*8.0/ysize, xsize, label_cols, legendon, legend_font_size, label2cols, legend_ncol )
+    heatmap_panel( fig, D, minv, maxv, idx1, idx2, cm_name, scale, sample_labels, feat_labels, label_font_size, -cm_h*8.0/ysize, cm_h*0.8*8.0/ysize, flabelon, slabelon, cm_ticks, gridon, ydend_offset+sdend_h*8.0/ysize )
+    fig.savefig(    fout, bbox_inches='tight',  
+                    pad_inches = pad_inches, 
+                    dpi=300) if fout else
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    pars = read_params( sys.argv )
+    hclust(   fin  = pars['in'],
+              fout = pars['out'],
+              method = pars['m'],
+              dist_func = pars['d'],
+              feat_dist_func = pars['f'],
+              xcw = pars['x'],
+              ycw = pars['y'],
+              scale = pars['s'],
+              minv = pars['minv'],
+              maxv = pars['maxv'],
+              xstart = pars['xstart'],
+              ystart = pars['ystart'],
+              xstop = pars['xstop'],
+              ystop = pars['ystop'],
+              percentile = pars['perc'],
+              top = pars['top'],
+              norm = pars['norm'],
+              cm_name = pars['c'],
+              s2l = pars['l'],
+              label_font_size = pars['font_size'],
+              feat_dend_col_th = pars['feat_dend_col_th'],
+              sample_dend_col_th = pars['sample_dend_col_th'],
+              clust_ncols = pars['clust_ncols'],
+              clust_line_w = pars['clust_line_w'],
+              label_cols = pars['label_cols'],
+              sdend_h = pars['sdend_h'],
+              fdend_w = pars['fdend_w'],
+              cm_h = pars['cm_h'],
+              dmf = pars['dmf'],
+              dms = pars['dms'],
+              legendon = pars['legend'],
+              label2cols = pars['label2cols'],
+              flabelon = pars['flabel'],
+              slabelon = pars['slabel'],
+              cm_ticks = pars['cm_ticks'],
+              legend_ncol = pars['legend_ncol'],
+              pad_inches = pars['pad_inches'],
+              legend_font_size = pars['legend_font_size'],
+              gridon = pars['grid'],
+              sdend_out = pars['sdend_out'],
+              fdend_out = pars['fdend_out'],
+              )
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/breadcrumbs/scripts/scriptBiplotTSV.R	Tue May 13 21:58:57 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,496 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
+funcGetCentroidForMetadatum <- function(
+### Given a binary metadatum, calculate the centroid of the samples associated with the metadata value of 1
+# 1. Get all samples that have the metadata value of 1
+# 2. Get the x and y coordinates of the selected samples
+# 3. Get the median value for the x and ys
+# 4. Return those coordinates as the centroid's X and Y value
+### Logical or integer (0,1) vector, TRUE or 1 values indicate correspoinding samples in the
+### mSamplePoints which will be used to define the centroid
+### Coordinates (columns;n=2) of samples (rows) corresponding to the vfMetadata
+  # Check the lengths which should be equal
+  if(length(vfMetadata)!=nrow(mSamplePoints))
+  {
+    print(paste("funcGetCentroidForMetadata::Error: Should have received metadata and samples of the same length, received metadata length ",length(vfMetadata)," and sample ",nrow(mSamplePoints)," length.",sep=""))
+    return( FALSE )
+  }
+  # Get all the samples that have the metadata value of 1
+  viMetadataSamples = which(as.integer(vfMetadata)==1)
+  # Get the x and y coordinates for the selected samples
+  mSelectedPoints = mSamplePoints[viMetadataSamples,]
+  # Get the median value for the x and the ys
+  if(!is.null(nrow(mSelectedPoints)))
+  {
+    return( list(x=median(mSelectedPoints[,1],na.rm = TRUE),y=median(mSelectedPoints[,2],na.rm = TRUE)) )
+  } else {
+    return( list(x=mSelectedPoints[1],y=mSelectedPoints[2]) )
+  }
+funcGetMaximumForMetadatum <- function(
+### Given a continuous metadata
+### 1. Use the x and ys from mSamplePoints for coordinates and the metadata value as a height (z)
+### 2. Use lowess to smooth the landscape
+### 3. Take the maximum of the landscape
+### 4. Return the coordiantes for the maximum as the centroid
+### Continuous (numeric or integer) metadata
+### Coordinates (columns;n=2) of samples (rows) corresponding to the vfMetadata
+  # Work with data frame
+  if(class(mSamplePoints)=="matrix")
+  {
+    mSamplePoints = data.frame(mSamplePoints)
+  }
+  # Check the lengths of the dataframes and the metadata
+  if(length(vdMetadata)!=nrow(mSamplePoints))
+  {
+    print(paste("funcGetMaximumForMetadatum::Error: Should have received metadata and samples of the same length, received metadata length ",length(vdMetadata)," and sample ",nrow(mSamplePoints)," length.",sep=""))
+    return( FALSE )
+  }
+  # Add the metadata value to the points
+  mSamplePoints[3] = vdMetadata
+  names(mSamplePoints) = c("x","y","z") 
+  # Create lowess to smooth the surface
+  # And calculate the fitted heights
+  # x = sample coordinate 1
+  # y = sample coordinate 2
+  # z = metadata value
+  loessSamples = loess(z~x*y, data=mSamplePoints, degree = 1, normalize = FALSE, na.action=na.omit)
+  # Naively get the max
+  vdCoordinates = loessSamples$x[which(loessSamples$y==max(loessSamples$y)),]
+  return(list(lsmod = loessSamples, x=vdCoordinates[1],y=vdCoordinates[2]))
+funcMakeShapes <- function(
+### Takes care of defining shapes for the plot
+### Data frame of metadata measurements
+### The metadata to shape by
+### List of custom metadata (per level if factor).
+### Should correspond to the number of levels in shapeBy; the format is level:shape,level:shape for example HighLuminosity:14,LowLuminosity:2,HighPH:10,LowPH:18 
+### Shape to default to if custom shapes are not used
+  lShapes = list()
+  vsShapeValues = c()
+  vsShapeShapes = c()
+  vsShapes = c()
+  sMetadataId = sShapeBy
+  # Set default shape, color, and color ranges 
+  if(!is.null(cDefaultShape))
+  {
+    # Default shape should be an int for the int pch options
+    if(!
+    {
+      cDefaultShape = as.integer(cDefaultShape)
+    }
+  } else {
+    cDefaultShape = 16
+  }
+  # Make shapes
+  vsShapes = rep(cDefaultShape,nrow(dfInput))
+  if(!is.null(sMetadataId))
+  {
+    if(is.null(sShapes))
+    {
+      vsShapeValues = unique(dfInput[[sMetadataId]])
+      vsShapeShapes = 1:length(vsShapeValues)
+    } else {
+      # Put the markers in the order of the values)
+      vsShapeBy = unlist(strsplit(sShapes,","))
+      for(sShapeBy in vsShapeBy)
+      {
+        vsShapeByPieces = unlist(strsplit(sShapeBy,":"))
+        lShapes[vsShapeByPieces[1]] = as.integer(vsShapeByPieces[2])
+      }
+      vsShapeValues = names(lShapes)
+   }
+    # Shapes in the correct order
+    if(!is.null(sShapes))
+    {
+      vsShapeShapes = unlist(lapply(vsShapeValues,function(x) lShapes[[x]]))
+    }
+    vsShapeValues = paste(vsShapeValues)
+    # Make the list of shapes
+    for(iShape in 1:length(vsShapeValues))
+    {
+      vsShapes[which(paste(dfInput[[sMetadataId]])==vsShapeValues[iShape])]=vsShapeShapes[iShape]
+    }
+    # If they are all numeric characters, make numeric
+    viIntNas = which(
+    viNas = which(
+    if(length(setdiff(viIntNas,viNas))==0)
+    {
+      vsShapes = as.integer(vsShapes)
+    } else {
+      print("funcMakeShapes::Error: Please supply numbers 1-25 for shape in the -y,--shapeBy option")
+      vsShapeValues = c()
+      vsShapeShapes = c()
+    }
+  }
+  return(list(PlotShapes=vsShapes,Values=vsShapeValues,Shapes=vsShapeShapes,ID=sMetadataId,DefaultShape=cDefaultShape))
+### Global defaults
+c_sDefaultColorBy = NULL
+c_sDefaultColorRange = "orange,cyan"
+c_sDefaultTextColor = "black"
+c_sDefaultArrowColor = "cyan"
+c_sDefaultArrowTextColor = "Blue"
+c_sDefaultNAColor = NULL
+c_sDefaultShapeBy = NULL
+c_sDefaultShapes = NULL
+c_sDefaultMarker = "16"
+c_fDefaultPlotArrows = TRUE
+c_sDefaultRotateByMetadata = NULL
+c_sDefaultResizeArrow = 1
+c_sDefaultTitle = "Custom Biplot of Bugs and Samples - Metadata Plotted with Centroids"
+c_sDefaultOutputFile = NULL
+### Create command line argument parser
+pArgs <- OptionParser( usage = "%prog last_metadata input.tsv" )
+# Selecting features to plot
+pArgs <- add_option( pArgs, c("-b", "--bugs"), type="character", action="store", default=NULL, dest="sBugs", metavar="BugsToPlot", help="Comma delimited list of data to plot as text. To not plot metadata pass a blank or empty space. Bug|1,Bug|2")
+# The default needs to stay null for metadata or code needs to be changed in the plotting for a check to see if the metadata was default. Search for "#!# metadata default dependent"
+pArgs <- add_option( pArgs, c("-m", "--metadata"), type="character", action="store", default=NULL, dest="sMetadata", metavar="MetadataToPlot", help="Comma delimited list of metadata to plot as arrows. To not plot metadata pass a blank or empty space. metadata1,metadata2,metadata3")
+# Colors
+pArgs <- add_option( pArgs, c("-c", "--colorBy"), type="character", action="store", default=c_sDefaultColorBy, dest="sColorBy", metavar="MetadataToColorBy", help="The id of the metadatum to use to make the marker colors. Expected to be a continuous metadata.")
+pArgs <- add_option( pArgs, c("-r", "--colorRange"), type="character", action="store", default=c_sDefaultColorRange, dest="sColorRange", metavar="ColorRange", help=paste("Colors used to color the samples; a gradient will be formed between the color.Default=", c_sDefaultColorRange))
+pArgs <- add_option( pArgs, c("-t", "--textColor"), type="character", action="store", default=c_sDefaultTextColor, dest="sTextColor", metavar="TextColor", help=paste("The color bug features will be plotted with as text. Default =", c_sDefaultTextColor))
+pArgs <- add_option( pArgs, c("-a", "--arrowColor"), type="character", action="store", default=c_sDefaultArrowColor, dest="sArrowColor", metavar="ArrowColor", help=paste("The color metadata features will be plotted with as an arrow and text. Default", c_sDefaultArrowColor))
+pArgs <- add_option( pArgs, c("-w", "--arrowTextColor"), type="character", action="store", default=c_sDefaultArrowTextColor, dest="sArrowTextColor", metavar="ArrowTextColor", help=paste("The color for the metadata text ploted by the head of the metadata arrow. Default", c_sDefaultArrowTextColor))
+pArgs <- add_option(pArgs, c("-n","--plotNAColor"), type="character", action="store", default=c_sDefaultNAColor, dest="sPlotNAColor", metavar="PlotNAColor", help=paste("Plot NA values as this color. Example -n", c_sDefaultNAColor))
+# Shapes
+pArgs <- add_option( pArgs, c("-y", "--shapeby"), type="character", action="store", default=c_sDefaultShapeBy, dest="sShapeBy", metavar="MetadataToShapeBy", help="The metadata to use to make marker shapes. Expected to be a discrete metadatum. An example would be -y Environment")
+pArgs <- add_option( pArgs, c("-s", "--shapes"), type="character", action="store", default=c_sDefaultShapes, dest="sShapes", metavar="ShapesForPlotting", help="This is to be used to specify the shapes to use for plotting. Can use numbers recognized by R as shapes (see pch). Should correspond to the number of levels in shapeBy; the format is level:shape,level:shape for example HighLuminosity:14,LowLuminosity:2,HighPH:10,LowPH:18 . Need to specify -y/--shapeBy for this option to work.")
+pArgs <- add_option( pArgs, c("-d", "--defaultMarker"), type="character", action="store", default=c_sDefaultMarker, dest="sDefaultMarker", metavar="DefaultColorMarker", help="Default shape for markers which are not otherwise indicated in --shapes, can be used for unspecified values or NA. Must not be a shape in --shapes.")
+# Plot manipulations
+pArgs <- add_option( pArgs, c("-e","--rotateByMetadata"), type="character", action="store", default=c_sDefaultRotateByMetadata, dest="sRotateByMetadata", metavar="RotateByMetadata", help="Rotate the ordination by a metadata. Give both the metadata and value to weight it by. The larger the weight, the more the ordination is influenced by the metadata. If the metadata is continuous, use the metadata id; if the metadata is discrete, the ordination will be by one of the levels so use the metadata ID and level seperated by a '_'. Discrete example -e Environment_HighLumninosity,100 ; Continuous example -e Environment,100 .")
+pArgs <- add_option( pArgs, c("-z","--resizeArrow"), type="numeric", action="store", default=c_sDefaultResizeArrow, dest="dResizeArrow", metavar="ArrowScaleFactor", help="A constant to multiple the length of the arrow to expand or shorten all arrows together. This will not change the angle of the arrow nor the relative length of arrows to each other.")
+pArgs <- add_option( pArgs, c("-A", "--noArrows"), type="logical", action="store_true", default=FALSE, dest="fNoPlotMetadataArrows", metavar="DoNotPlotArrows", help="Adding this flag allows one to plot metadata labels without the arrows.")
+# Misc
+pArgs <- add_option( pArgs, c("-i", "--title"), type="character", action="store", default=c_sDefaultTitle, dest="sTitle", metavar="Title", help="This is the title text to add to the plot.")
+pArgs <- add_option( pArgs, c("-o", "--outputfile"), type="character", action="store", default=c_sDefaultOutputFile, dest="sOutputFileName", metavar="OutputFile", help="This is the name for the output pdf file. If an output file is not given, an output file name is made based on the input file name.")
+funcDoBiplot <- function(
+### Perform biplot. Samples are markers, bugs are text, and metadata are text with arrows. Markers and bugs are dtermined usiing NMDS and Bray-Curtis dissimilarity. Metadata are placed on the ordination in one of two ways: 1. Factor data - for each level take the ordination points for the samples that have that level and plot the metadata text at the average orindation point. 2. For continuous data - make a landscape (x and y form ordination of the points) and z (height) as the metadata value. Use a lowess line to get the fitted values for z and take the max of the landscape. Plot the metadata text at that smoothed max.
+### Comma delimited list of data to plot as text. Bug|1,Bug|2
+### Comma delimited list of metadata to plot as arrows. metadata1,metadata2,metadata3.
+sColorBy = c_sDefaultColorBy,
+### The id of the metadatum to use to make the marker colors. Expected to be a continuous metadata.
+sColorRange = c_sDefaultColorRange,
+### Colors used to color the samples; a gradient will be formed between the color. Example orange,cyan
+sTextColor = c_sDefaultTextColor,
+### The color bug features will be plotted with as text. Example black
+sArrowColor = c_sDefaultArrowColor,
+### The color metadata features will be plotted with as an arrow and text. Example cyan
+sArrowTextColor = c_sDefaultArrowTextColor,
+### The color for the metadata text ploted by the head of the metadat arrow. Example Blue
+sPlotNAColor = c_sDefaultNAColor,
+### Plot NA values as this color. Example grey
+sShapeBy = c_sDefaultShapeBy,
+### The metadata to use to make marker shapes. Expected to be a discrete metadatum.
+sShapes = c_sDefaultShapes,
+### This is to be used to specify the shapes to use for plotting. Can use numbers recognized by R as shapes (see pch). Should correspond to the number of levels in shapeBy; the format is level:shape,level:shape for example HighLuminosity:14,LowLuminosity:2,HighPH:10,LowPH:18 .  Works with sShapesBy.
+sDefaultMarker = c_sDefaultMarker,
+### The default marker shape to use if shapes are not otherwise indicated.
+sRotateByMetadata = c_sDefaultRotateByMetadata,
+### Metadata and value to rotate by. example Environment_HighLumninosity,100
+dResizeArrow = c_sDefaultResizeArrow,
+### Scale factor to resize tthe metadata arrows
+fPlotArrow = c_fDefaultPlotArrows,
+### A flag which can be used to turn off arrow plotting.
+sTitle = c_sDefaultTitle,
+### The title for the figure.
+### File to input (tsv file: tab seperated, row = sample file)
+### Last metadata that seperates data and metadata
+sOutputFileName = c_sDefaultOutputFile
+### The file name to save the figure.
+  # Define the colors
+  vsColorRange = c("blue","orange")
+  if(!is.null(sColorRange))
+  {
+    vsColorRange = unlist(strsplit(sColorRange,","))
+  }
+  cDefaultColor = "grey"
+  if(!is.null(vsColorRange) && length(vsColorRange)>0)
+  {
+    cDefaultColor = vsColorRange[1]
+  }
+  # List of bugs to plot
+  # If there is a list it needs to be more than one.
+  vsBugsToPlot = c()
+  if(!is.null(sBugs))
+  {
+    vsBugsToPlot = unlist(strsplit(sBugs,","))
+  }
+  # Metadata to plot
+  vsMetadata = c()
+  if(!is.null(sMetadata))
+  {
+    vsMetadata = unlist(strsplit(sMetadata,","))
+  }
+  ### Load table
+  dfInput = sInputFileName
+  if(class(sInputFileName)=="character")
+  {
+    dfInput = read.table(sInputFileName, sep = "\t", header=TRUE)
+    names(dfInput) = unlist(lapply(names(dfInput),function(x) gsub(".","|",x,fixed=TRUE)))
+    row.names(dfInput) = dfInput[,1]
+    dfInput = dfInput[-1]
+  }
+  iLastMetadata = which(names(dfInput)==sLastMetadata)
+  viMetadata = 1:iLastMetadata
+  viData = (iLastMetadata+1):ncol(dfInput)
+  ### Dummy the metadata if discontinuous
+  ### Leave the continous metadata alone but include
+  listMetadata = list()
+  vsRowNames = c()
+  viContinuousMetadata = c()
+  for(i in viMetadata)
+  {
+    vCurMetadata = unlist(dfInput[i])
+    if(is.numeric(vCurMetadata)||is.integer(vCurMetadata))
+    {
+      vCurMetadata[which(] = mean(vCurMetadata,na.rm=TRUE)
+      listMetadata[[length(listMetadata)+1]] = vCurMetadata
+      vsRowNames = c(vsRowNames,names(dfInput)[i])
+      viContinuousMetadata = c(viContinuousMetadata,length(listMetadata))
+    } else {
+      vCurMetadata = as.factor(vCurMetadata)
+      vsLevels = levels(vCurMetadata)
+      for(sLevel in vsLevels)
+      { 
+        vNewMetadata = rep(0,length(vCurMetadata))
+        vNewMetadata[which(vCurMetadata == sLevel)] = 1
+        listMetadata[[length(listMetadata)+1]] = vNewMetadata
+        vsRowNames = c(vsRowNames,paste(names(dfInput)[i],sLevel,sep="_"))
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  # Convert to data frame
+  dfDummyMetadata =,rbind))
+  names(dfDummyMetadata) = vsRowNames
+  iNumberMetadata = ncol(dfDummyMetadata)
+  # Data to use in ordination in NMDS
+  dfData = dfInput[viData]
+  # If rotating the ordination by a metadata
+  # 1. Add in the metadata as a bug
+  # 2. Multiply the bug by the weight
+  # 3. Push this through the NMDS
+  if(!is.null(sRotateByMetadata))
+  {
+    vsRotateMetadata = unlist(strsplit(sRotateByMetadata,","))
+    sMetadata = vsRotateMetadata[1]
+    dWeight = as.numeric(vsRotateMetadata[2])
+    sOrdinationMetadata = dfDummyMetadata[sMetadata]*dWeight
+    dfData[sMetadata] = sOrdinationMetadata
+  }
+  # Run NMDS on bug data (Default B-C)
+  # Will have species and points because working off of raw data
+  mNMDSData = metaMDS(dfData,k=2)
+  ## Make shapes
+  # Defines thes shapes and the metadata they are based on
+  # Metadata to use as shapes
+  lShapeInfo = funcMakeShapes(dfInput=dfInput, sShapeBy=sShapeBy, sShapes=sShapes, cDefaultShape=sDefaultMarker)
+  sMetadataShape = lShapeInfo[["ID"]]
+  vsShapeValues = lShapeInfo[["Values"]]
+  vsShapeShapes = lShapeInfo[["Shapes"]]
+  vsShapes = lShapeInfo[["PlotShapes"]]
+  cDefaultShape = lShapeInfo[["DefaultShape"]]
+  # Colors
+  vsColors = rep(cDefaultColor,nrow(dfInput))
+  vsColorValues = c()
+  vsColorRBG = c()
+  if(!is.null(sColorBy))
+  {
+    vsColorValues = paste(sort(unique(unlist(dfInput[[sColorBy]])),na.last=TRUE))
+    iLengthColorValues = length(vsColorValues)
+    vsColorRBG = lapply(1:iLengthColorValues/iLengthColorValues,colorRamp(vsColorRange))
+    vsColorRBG = unlist(lapply(vsColorRBG, function(x) rgb(x[1]/255,x[2]/255,x[3]/255)))
+    for(iColor in 1:length(vsColorRBG))
+    {
+      vsColors[which(paste(dfInput[[sColorBy]])==vsColorValues[iColor])]=vsColorRBG[iColor]
+    }
+    #If NAs are seperately given color, then color here
+    if(!is.null(sPlotNAColor))
+    {
+      vsColors[which([[sColorBy]]))] = sPlotNAColor
+      vsColorRBG[which(vsColorValues=="NA")] = sPlotNAColor
+    }
+  }
+  # Reduce the bugs down to the ones in the list to be plotted
+  viBugsToPlot = which(row.names(mNMDSData$species) %in% vsBugsToPlot)
+  viMetadataDummy = which(names(dfDummyMetadata) %in% vsMetadata)
+  # Build the matrix of metadata coordinates
+  mMetadataCoordinates = matrix(rep(NA, iNumberMetadata*2),nrow=iNumberMetadata)
+  for( i in 1:iNumberMetadata )
+  {
+    lxReturn = NA
+    if( i %in% viContinuousMetadata )
+    {
+      lxReturn = funcGetMaximumForMetadatum(dfDummyMetadata[[i]],mNMDSData$points)
+    } else {
+      lxReturn = funcGetCentroidForMetadatum(dfDummyMetadata[[i]],mNMDSData$points)
+    }
+    mMetadataCoordinates[i,] = c(lxReturn$x,lxReturn$y)
+  }
+  row.names(mMetadataCoordinates) = vsRowNames
+  #!# metadata default dependent
+  # Plot the biplot with the centroid constructed metadata coordinates
+  if( ( length( viMetadataDummy ) == 0 ) && ( is.null( sMetadata ) ) )
+  {
+    viMetadataDummy = 1:nrow(mMetadataCoordinates)
+  }
+  # Plot samples
+  # Make output name
+  if(is.null(sOutputFileName))
+  {
+    viPeriods = which(sInputFileName==".")
+    if(length(viPeriods)>0)
+    {
+      sOutputFileName = paste(OutputFileName[1:viPeriods[length(viPeriods)]],"pdf",sep=".")
+    } else {
+      sOutputFileName = paste(sInputFileName,"pdf",sep=".")
+    }
+  }
+  pdf(sOutputFileName,useDingbats=FALSE)
+  plot(mNMDSData$points, xlab=paste("NMDS1","Stress=",mNMDSData$stress), ylab="NMDS2", pch=vsShapes, col=vsColors)
+  title(sTitle,line=3)
+  # Plot Bugs
+  mPlotBugs = mNMDSData$species[viBugsToPlot,]
+  if(length(viBugsToPlot)==1)
+  {
+    text(x=mPlotBugs[1],y=mPlotBugs[2],labels=row.names(mNMDSData$species)[viBugsToPlot],col=sTextColor)
+  } else if(length(viBugsToPlot)>1){
+    text(x=mPlotBugs[,1],y=mPlotBugs[,2],labels=row.names(mNMDSData$species)[viBugsToPlot],col=sTextColor)
+  }
+  # Add alternative axes
+  axis(3, col=sArrowColor)
+  axis(4, col=sArrowColor)
+  box(col = "black")
+  # Plot Metadata
+  if(length(viMetadataDummy)>0)
+  {
+    if(fPlotArrow)
+    {
+      # Plot arrows
+      for(i in viMetadataDummy)
+      {
+        curCoordinates = mMetadataCoordinates[i,]
+        curCoordinates = curCoordinates * dResizeArrow
+        # Plot Arrow
+        arrows(0,0, curCoordinates[1] * 0.8, curCoordinates[2] * 0.8, col=sArrowColor, length=0.1 )
+      }
+    }
+    # Plot text
+    if(length(viMetadataDummy)==1)
+    {
+      text(x=mMetadataCoordinates[viMetadataDummy,][1]*dResizeArrow*0.8, y=mMetadataCoordinates[viMetadataDummy,][2]*dResizeArrow*0.8, labels=row.names(mMetadataCoordinates)[viMetadataDummy],col=sArrowTextColor)
+    } else {
+      text(x=mMetadataCoordinates[viMetadataDummy,1]*dResizeArrow*0.8, y=mMetadataCoordinates[viMetadataDummy,2]*dResizeArrow*0.8, labels=row.names(mMetadataCoordinates)[viMetadataDummy],col=sArrowTextColor)
+    }
+  }
+  sLegendText = c(paste(vsColorValues,sColorBy,sep="_"),paste(vsShapeValues,sMetadataShape,sep="_"))
+  sLegendShapes = c(rep(cDefaultShape,length(vsColorValues)),vsShapeShapes)
+  sLegendColors = c(vsColorRBG,rep(cDefaultColor,length(vsShapeValues)))
+  if(length(sLegendText)>0)
+  {
+    legend("topright",legend=sLegendText,pch=sLegendShapes,col=sLegendColors)
+  }
+  # Original biplot call if you want to check the custom ploting of the script
+  # There will be one difference where the biplot call scales an axis, this one does not. In relation to the axes, the points, text and arrows should still match.
+  # Axes to the top and right are for the arrow, otherse are for markers and bug names.
+  #biplot(mNMDSData$points,mMetadataCoordinates[viMetadataDummy,],xlabs=vsShapes,xlab=paste("MDS1","Stress=",mNMDSData$stress),main="Biplot function Bugs and Sampes - Metadata Plotted with Centroids")
+# This is the equivalent of __name__ == "__main__" in Python.
+# That is, if it's true we're being called as a command line script;
+# if it's false, we're being sourced or otherwise included, such as for
+# library or inlinedocs.
+if( identical( environment( ), globalenv( ) ) &&
+	!length( grep( "^source\\(", sys.calls( ) ) ) )
+  lsArgs <- parse_args( pArgs, positional_arguments=TRUE )
+  print("lsArgs")
+  print(lsArgs)
+  funcDoBiplot(
+    sBugs = lsArgs$options$sBugs,
+    sMetadata = lsArgs$options$sMetadata,
+    sColorBy = lsArgs$options$sColorBy,
+    sColorRange = lsArgs$options$sColorRange,
+    sTextColor = lsArgs$options$sTextColor,
+    sArrowColor = lsArgs$options$sArrowColor,
+    sArrowTextColor = lsArgs$options$sArrowTextColor,
+    sPlotNAColor = lsArgs$options$sPlotNAColor,
+    sShapeBy = lsArgs$options$sShapeBy,
+    sShapes = lsArgs$options$sShapes,
+    sDefaultMarker = lsArgs$options$sDefaultMarker,
+    sRotateByMetadata = lsArgs$options$sRotateByMetadata,
+    dResizeArrow = lsArgs$options$dResizeArrow,
+    fPlotArrow = !lsArgs$options$fNoPlotMetadataArrows,
+    sTitle = lsArgs$options$sTitle,
+    sInputFileName = lsArgs$args[2],
+    sLastMetadata = lsArgs$args[1],
+    sOutputFileName = lsArgs$options$sOutputFileName)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/breadcrumbs/scripts/	Tue May 13 21:58:57 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+Author: Timothy Tickle
+Description: Converts between BIOM and PCL files. If a PCL file is read, an equivalent BIOM file will be written; if a BIOM file is read, an equivalent pcl file will be written.
+__author__ = "Timothy Tickle"
+__copyright__ = "Copyright 2013"
+__credits__ = ["Timothy Tickle","George Weingart"]
+__license__ = ""
+__version__ = ""
+__maintainer__ = "Timothy Tickle"
+__email__ = ""
+__status__ = "Development"
+from AbundanceTable import AbundanceTable
+import argparse
+from ConstantsBreadCrumbs import ConstantsBreadCrumbs
+import os
+import sys
+#Set up arguments reader
+argp = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog = "",
+    description = """Converts a PCL file to a BIOM file and visa versa.""" )
+#For table
+argp.add_argument("-i","--id", dest="sID", default = None, metavar= "Sample ID", help="The metadata indicating the sample ID.")
+argp.add_argument("-l","--meta", dest = "sLastMetadataName", default = None, metavar= "Last Metadata Name", help="The last listed metadata before the first data measurement in the pcl file or to be in the pcl file.")
+argp.add_argument("-r","--rowMetadataID", dest = "sLastMetadataRow", default = None,  metavar = "Last Row Metadata Column", help = "If row metadata is present in a PCL file, what is the id of the last row metadata column (most right column that contains row metadata). PCL file only.")
+argp.add_argument("-f","--delim", dest = "cFileDelimiter", action= "store", metavar="File Delimiter", default="\t", help="File delimiter, default tab") 
+argp.add_argument("strFileAbund", metavar = "Abundance file", help ="Input data file")
+argp.add_argument("strOutputFile", default = "", nargs="?", metavar = "Selection Output File", help ="Output file")
+args = argp.parse_args( )
+# Make the output file name (if not given) and get the type of output file name
+# Change the extension from BIOM to pcl
+lsFilePieces = os.path.splitext(args.strFileAbund)
+strOutputFileType = ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_strPCLFile if lsFilePieces[-1]=="."+ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_strBiomFile else ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_strBiomFile
+if not args.strOutputFile:
+  args.strOutputFile = lsFilePieces[0] + "." + strOutputFileType
+# Set the last metadata to the id if not given.
+if not args.sLastMetadataName:
+  args.sLastMetadataName = args.sID
+# Read in abundance table
+abndTable = AbundanceTable.funcMakeFromFile(args.strFileAbund, cDelimiter=args.cFileDelimiter, sMetadataID=args.sID, sLastMetadataRow = args.sLastMetadataRow, sLastMetadata=args.sLastMetadataName, xOutputFile=args.strOutputFile)
+if not abndTable:
+  print("Could not create an abundance table from the given file and settings.")
+  abndTable.funcWriteToFile(args.strOutputFile, cDelimiter=args.cFileDelimiter, cFileType=strOutputFileType)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/breadcrumbs/scripts/	Tue May 13 21:58:57 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+Author: Timothy Tickle
+Description: Convert Env file to table
+__author__ = "Timothy Tickle"
+__copyright__ = "Copyright 2012"
+__credits__ = ["Timothy Tickle"]
+__license__ = ""
+__version__ = ""
+__maintainer__ = "Timothy Tickle"
+__email__ = ""
+__status__ = "Development"
+import sys
+import argparse
+import csv
+#Set up arguments reader
+argp = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog = "",
+    description = """Convert Env file to table""" )
+#For table
+argp.add_argument("strEnvFile", metavar = "EnvFile", help ="EnvFile data file")
+argp.add_argument("strOutputFile", metavar = "OutputFile", help ="Output File")
+args = argp.parse_args( )
+hndlReader = csv.reader(open(args.strEnvFile,'rU'), delimiter="\t")
+lsListOfIDs = []
+lsListOfFeatures = []
+dictValues = {}
+for lsLine in hndlReader:
+  print(lsLine)
+  lsListOfIDs.append(lsLine[1])
+  lsListOfFeatures.append(lsLine[0])
+  tpleKey = tuple([lsLine[1],lsLine[0]])
+  if tpleKey in dictValues:
+    print("Error:: Duplicate key entries found")
+    exit(1)
+  dictValues[tpleKey] = lsLine[2]
+lsListOfIDs = list(set(lsListOfIDs))
+lsListOfFeatures = list(set(lsListOfFeatures))
+hndlWrite = csv.writer(open(args.strOutputFile,'w'), delimiter="\t")
+for sFeature in lsListOfFeatures:
+  lsFeatureLine = [sFeature]
+  for sSample in lsListOfIDs:
+    lsFeatureLine.append(dictValues.get(tuple([sSample,sFeature]),0))
+  hndlWrite.writerow(lsFeatureLine)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/breadcrumbs/scripts/	Tue May 13 21:58:57 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+Author: Timothy Tickle
+Description: Performs common manipulations on tables
+__author__ = "Timothy Tickle"
+__copyright__ = "Copyright 2012"
+__credits__ = ["Timothy Tickle"]
+__license__ = ""
+__version__ = ""
+__maintainer__ = "Timothy Tickle"
+__email__ = ""
+__status__ = "Development"
+import argparse
+import csv
+import sys
+import re
+import os
+import numpy as np
+from src.AbundanceTable import AbundanceTable
+#from src.PCA import PCA
+from src.ValidateData import ValidateData
+#Set up arguments reader
+argp = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog = "",
+    description = """Performs common manipulations on tables.\nExample: python -i TID -l STSite Test.pcl""" )
+#Describe table
+argp.add_argument("-i","--id", dest="sIDName", default="ID", help="Abundance Table ID")
+argp.add_argument("-l","--meta", dest="sLastMetadataName", help="Last metadata name")
+argp.add_argument("-d","--fileDelim", dest= "cFileDelimiter", action= "store", default="\t", help="File delimiter, default tab")
+argp.add_argument("-f","--featureDelim", dest= "cFeatureDelimiter", action= "store", default="|", help="Feature (eg. bug or function) delimiter, default '|'")
+#Checked x 2
+argp.add_argument("-n","--doNorm", dest="fNormalize", action="store_true", default=False, help="Flag to turn on normalization")
+argp.add_argument("-s","--doSum", dest="fSum", action="store_true", default=False, help="Flag to turn on summation")
+#Unsupervised filtering
+argp.add_argument("-A","--doFilterAbundance", dest="strFilterAbundance", action="store", default=None, help="Turns on filtering by abundance (remove features that do not have a minimum abundance in a minimum number of samples); Should be a real number and an integer in the form 'minAbundance,minSamples', (should be performed on a normalized file).")
+argp.add_argument("-P","--doFilterPercentile", dest="strFilterPercentile", action="store", default=None, help="Turns on filtering by percentile Should be two numbers between 0 and 1 in the form 'percentile,percentage'. (should be performed on a normalized file).")
+argp.add_argument("-O","--doFilterOccurrence", dest="strFilterOccurence", action="store", default=None, help="Turns on filtering by occurrence. Should be two integers in the form 'minSequence,minSample' (should NOT be performed on a normalized file).")
+#argp.add_argument("-D","--doFilterDeviation", dest="dCuttOff", action="store", type=float, default=None, help="Flag to turn on filtering by standard deviation (should NOT be performed on a normalized file).")
+#Change bug membership
+argp.add_argument("-t","--makeTerminal", dest="fMakeTerminal", action="store_true", default=False, help="Works reduces the file to teminal features in the original file.")
+argp.add_argument("-u","--reduceOTUs", dest="fRemoveOTUs", action="store_true", default=False, help="Remove otu entries from file.")
+argp.add_argument("-c","--reduceToClade", dest="iClade", action="store", type=int, default=None, help="Specify a level of clade to reduce to [].")
+argp.add_argument("-b","--reduceToFeatures", dest="strFeatures", action="store", default=None, help="Reduce measurements to certain features (bugs or functions). This can be a comma delimited string (of atleast 2 bugs) or a file.")
+#Manipulate based on metadata
+argp.add_argument("-y","--stratifyBy", dest="strStratifyBy", action="store", default=None, help="Metadata to stratify tables by.")
+argp.add_argument("-r","--removeMetadata", dest="strRemoveMetadata", action="store", default=None, help="Remove samples of this metadata and value (format comma delimited string with metadata id first and the values to remove after 'id,lvalue1,value2').")
+#Manipulate lineage
+argp.add_argument("-x","--doPrefixClades", dest="fPrefixClades", action="store_true", default=False, help="Flag to turn on adding prefixes to clades to better identify them, for example s__ will be placed infront of each species.")
+#Combine tables
+#argp.add_argument("-m","--combineIntersect", dest="fCombineIntersect", action="store_true", default=False, help="Combine two tables including only common features/metadata (intersection).")
+#argp.add_argument("-e","--combineUnion", dest="fCombineUnion", action="store_true", default=False, help="Combine two tables (union).")
+#Dimensionality Reduction
+#argp.add_argument("-p","--doPCA", dest="fDoPCA",action="store_true", default=False, help="Flag to turn on adding metabugs and metametadata by performing PCA on each of bug relative abundance and continuous metadata and add the resulting components")
+argp.add_argument("-o","--output", dest="strOutFile", action="store", default=None, help="Indicate output pcl file.")
+argp.add_argument("strFileAbund", help ="Input data file")
+args = argp.parse_args( )
+# Creat output file if needed.
+if not args.strOutFile:
+  args.strOutFile = os.path.splitext(args.strFileAbund)[0]+"-mod.pcl"
+lsPieces = os.path.splitext(args.strOutFile)
+#List of abundance tables
+lsTables = []
+#Read in abundance table
+abndTable = AbundanceTable.funcMakeFromFile(xInputFile=args.strFileAbund,
+                                            cDelimiter = args.cFileDelimiter,
+                                            sMetadataID = args.sIDName,
+                                            sLastMetadata = args.sLastMetadataName,
+                                            lOccurenceFilter = None,
+                                            cFeatureNameDelimiter=args.cFeatureDelimiter,
+                                            xOutputFile = args.strOutFile)
+#TODO Check filtering, can not have some filtering together
+# Make feature list
+lsFeatures = []
+if args.strFeatures:
+  print "Get features not completed"
+#  if "," in args.strFeatures:
+#    lsFeatures = args.strFeatures.split(",")
+#    print "ManipulateTable::Reading in feature list "+str(len(lsFeatures))+"."
+#  else:
+#    csvr = csv.reader(open(args.strFeatures, "rU"))
+#    print "ManipulateTable::Reading in feature file "+args.strFeatures+"."
+#    for lsLine in csvr:
+#      lsFeatures.extend(lsLine)
+# Do summing
+#Sum if need
+if args.fSum:
+  for abndTable in lsTables:
+    print "ManipulateTable::"+abndTable.funcGetName()+" had "+str(len(abndTable.funcGetFeatureNames()))+" features before summing."
+    fResult = abndTable.funcSumClades()
+    if fResult:
+      print "ManipulateTable::"+abndTable.funcGetName()+" was summed."
+      print "ManipulateTable::"+abndTable.funcGetName()+" has "+str(len(abndTable.funcGetFeatureNames()))+" features after summing."
+    else:
+      print "ManipulateTable::ERROR. "+abndTable.funcGetName()+" was NOT summed."
+# Filter on counts
+if args.strFilterOccurence:
+  iMinimumSequence,iMinimumSample = args.strFilterOccurence.split(",")
+  for abndTable in lsTables:
+    if abndTable.funcIsNormalized():
+      print "ManipulateTable::ERROR. "+abndTable.funcGetName()+" is normalized and can not be filtered by occurence. This filter needs counts."
+    else:
+      fResult = abndTable.funcFilterAbundanceBySequenceOccurence(iMinSequence = int(iMinimumSequence), iMinSamples = int(iMinimumSample))
+      if fResult:
+        print "ManipulateTable::"+abndTable.funcGetName()+" was filtered by occurence and now has "+str(len(abndTable.funcGetFeatureNames()))+" features."
+      else:
+        print "ManipulateTable::ERROR. "+abndTable.funcGetName()+" was NOT filtered by occurence."
+# Change bug membership
+if args.fMakeTerminal:
+  lsTerminalTables = []
+  for abndTable in lsTables:
+    print "ManipulateTable::"+abndTable.funcGetName()+" had "+str(len(abndTable.funcGetFeatureNames()))+" features before making terminal."
+    abndTable = abndTable.funcGetFeatureAbundanceTable(abndTable.funcGetTerminalNodes())
+    if abndTable:
+      print "ManipulateTable::"+abndTable.funcGetName()+" has "+str(len(abndTable.funcGetFeatureNames()))+" terminal features."
+      lsTerminalTables.append(abndTable)
+    else:
+      print "ManipulateTable::ERROR. "+abndTable.funcGetName()+" was not made terminal."
+  lsTables = lsTerminalTables
+if args.fRemoveOTUs:
+  lsNotOTUs = []
+  for abndTable in lsTables:
+    print "ManipulateTable::"+abndTable.funcGetName()+" had "+str(len(abndTable.funcGetFeatureNames()))+" features before removing OTUs."
+    abndTable = abndTable.funcGetWithoutOTUs()
+    if abndTable:
+      print "ManipulateTable::"+abndTable.funcGetName()+" had OTUs removed and now has "+str(len(abndTable.funcGetFeatureNames()))+" features."
+      lsNotOTUs.append(abndTable)
+    else:
+      print "ManipulateTable::ERROR. "+abndTable.funcGetName()+" OTUs were not removed."
+  lsTables = lsNotOTUs
+if args.iClade:
+  for abndTable in lsTables:
+    fResult = abndTable.funcReduceFeaturesToCladeLevel(args.iClade)
+    if fResult:
+      print "ManipulateTable::"+abndTable.funcGetName()+" was reduced to clade level "+str(args.iClade)+"."
+    else:
+      print "ManipulateTable::ERROR. "+abndTable.funcGetName()+" was NOT reduced in clade levels."
+if args.strFeatures:
+  for abndTable in lsTables:
+    fResult = abndTable.funcGetFeatureAbundanceTable(lsFeatures)
+    if fResult:
+      print "ManipulateTable::"+abndTable.funcGetName()+" has been reduced to given features and now has "+str(len(abndTable.funcGetFeatureNames()))+" features."
+    else:
+      print "ManipulateTable::ERROR. "+abndTable.funcGetName()+" could not be reduced to the given list."
+if args.strRemoveMetadata:
+  lsMetadata = args.strRemoveMetadata.split(",")
+  for abndTable in lsTables:
+    fResult = abndTable.funcRemoveSamplesByMetadata(sMetadata=lsMetadata[0], lValuesToRemove=lsMetadata[1:])
+    if fResult:
+      print "ManipulateTable::"+abndTable.funcGetName()+" has had samples removed and now has "+str(len(abndTable.funcGetSampleNames()))+" samples."
+    else:
+      print "ManipulateTable::ERROR. Could not remove samples from "+abndTable.funcGetName()+"."
+# Normalize if needed
+if args.fNormalize:
+  for abndTable in lsTables:
+    fResult = abndTable.funcNormalize()
+    if fResult:
+      print "ManipulateTable::"+abndTable.funcGetName()+" was normalized."
+    else:
+      print "ManipulateTable::"+abndTable.funcGetName()+" was NOT normalized."
+# Filter on percentile
+if args.strFilterPercentile:
+  dPercentile,dPercentage = args.strFilterPercentile.split(",")
+  for abndTable in lsTables:
+    if abndTable.funcIsNormalized():
+      fResult = abndTable.funcFilterAbundanceByPercentile(dPercentileCutOff = float(dPercentile), dPercentageAbovePercentile = float(dPercentage))
+      if fResult:
+        print "ManipulateTable::"+abndTable.funcGetName()+" has been reduced by percentile and now has "+str(len(abndTable.funcGetFeatureNames()))+" features."
+      else:
+        print "ManipulateTable::ERROR. "+abndTable.funcGetName()+" could not be reduced by percentile."
+    else:
+      print "ManipulateTable::"+abndTable.funcGetName()+" was NOT normalized and so the percentile filter is invalid, please indicate to normalize the table."
+# Filter on abundance (should go after filter on percentile because the filter on percentile 
+# needs the full distribution of features in a sample
+if args.strFilterAbundance:
+  dAbundance,iMinSamples = args.strFilterAbundance.split(",")
+  dAbundance = float(dAbundance)
+  iMinSamples = int(iMinSamples)
+  for abndTable in lsTables:
+    if abndTable.funcIsNormalized():
+      fResult = abndTable.funcFilterAbundanceByMinValue(dMinAbundance=dAbundance,iMinSamples=iMinSamples)
+      if fResult:
+        print "ManipulateTable::"+abndTable.funcGetName()+" has been reduced by minimum relative abundance value and now has "+str(len(abndTable.funcGetFeatureNames()))+" features."
+      else:
+        print "ManipulateTable::ERROR. "+abndTable.funcGetName()+" could not be reduced by percentile."
+    else:
+      print "ManipulateTable::"+abndTable.funcGetName()+" was NOT normalized and so the abundance filter is invalid, please indicate to normalize the table."
+#if args.dCuttOff:
+#  print "Standard deviation filtering not completed"
+#  for abndTable in lsTables:
+#    abndTable.funcFilterFeatureBySD(dMinSDCuttOff=args.dCuttOff)
+#    if fResult:
+#      print "ManipulateTable::"+abndTable.funcGetName()+" has been reduced by standard deviation and now has "+str(len(abndTable.funcGetFeatureNames()))+" features."
+#    else:
+#      print "ManipulateTable::ERROR. "+abndTable.funcGetName()+" could not be reduced by standard devation."
+# Need to normalize again after abundance data filtering given removing features breaks the normalization
+# This happends twice because normalization is required to make the abundance data to filter on ;-)
+# Normalize if needed
+if args.fNormalize:
+  for abndTable in lsTables:
+    fResult = abndTable.funcNormalize()
+    if fResult:
+      print "ManipulateTable::"+abndTable.funcGetName()+" was normalized after filtering on abundance data."
+#Manipulate lineage
+if args.fPrefixClades:
+  for abndTable in lsTables:
+    fResult = abndTable.funcAddCladePrefixToFeatures()
+    if fResult:
+      print "ManipulateTable::Clade Prefix was added to "+abndTable.funcGetName()
+    else:
+      print "ManipulateTable::ERROR. Clade Prefix was NOT added to "+abndTable.funcGetName()
+# Under development
+# Reduce dimensionality
+#if args.fDoPCA:
+#  pcaCur = PCA()
+#  for abndTable in lsTables:
+#    # Add data features
+#    # Make data components and add to abundance table
+#    pcaCur.loadData(abndTable,True)
+#    ldVariance = pcaCur.getVariance()
+#    lldComponents = pcaCur.getComponents()
+#    # Make Names
+#    lsNamesData = ["Data_PC"+str((tpleVariance[0]+1))+"_"+re.sub("[\.|-]","_",str(tpleVariance[1])) for tpleVariance in enumerate(ldVariance)]
+#    abndTable.funcAddDataFeature(lsNamesData,lldComponents)
+#    # Add metadata features
+#    # Convert metadata to an input for PCA
+#    pcaCur.loadData(pcaCur.convertMetadataForPCA(abndTable),False)
+#    fSuccessful =
+#    if(fSuccessful):
+#      ldVariance = pcaCur.getVariance()
+#      lldComponents = pcaCur.getComponents()
+#      # Make Names
+#      lsNamesMetadata = ["Metadata_PC"+str((tpleVariance[0]+1))+"_"+re.sub("[\.|-]","_",str(tpleVariance[1])) for tpleVariance in enumerate(ldVariance)]
+#      # Make metadata components and add to abundance
+#      llsMetadata = [list(npdRow) for npdRow in lldComponents]
+#      abndTable.funcAddMetadataFeature(lsNamesMetadata, llsMetadata)
+#    else:
+#      print "ManipulateTable::No metadata to PCA, no PCA components added to file based on metadata"
+#Manipulate based on metadata
+if args.strStratifyBy:
+  labndStratifiedTables = []
+  for abndTable in lsTables:
+    labndResult = abndTable.funcStratifyByMetadata(strMetadata=args.strStratifyBy)
+    print "ManipulateTable::"+abndTable.funcGetName()+" was stratified by "+args.strStratifyBy+" in to "+str(len(labndResult))+" tables."
+    labndStratifiedTables.extend(labndResult)
+  lsTables = labndStratifiedTables
+if len(lsTables) == 1:
+  lsTables[0].funcWriteToFile(args.strOutFile)
+  iIndex = 1
+  for abndManTable in lsTables:
+    abndManTable.funcWriteToFile(lsPieces[0]+str(iIndex)+lsPieces[1])
+    iIndex = iIndex + 1
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/breadcrumbs/scripts/	Tue May 13 21:58:57 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+Author: Timothy Tickle
+Description: Make PCoA of an abundance file
+__author__ = "Timothy Tickle"
+__copyright__ = "Copyright 2012"
+__credits__ = ["Timothy Tickle"]
+__license__ = ""
+__version__ = ""
+__maintainer__ = "Timothy Tickle"
+__email__ = ""
+__status__ = "Development"
+import sys
+import argparse
+from src.AbundanceTable import AbundanceTable
+from src.Metric import Metric
+import csv
+import os
+from src.PCoA import PCoA
+#Set up arguments reader
+argp = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog = "",
+    description = """PCoAs an abundance file given a metadata.\nExample:python -i TID -l STSite""" )
+#For table
+argp.add_argument("-i","--id", dest="sIDName", default="ID", help="Abundance Table ID")
+argp.add_argument("-l","--meta", dest="sLastMetadataName", help="Last metadata name")
+argp.add_argument("-d","--fDelim", dest= "cFileDelimiter", action= "store", default="\t", help="File delimiter, default tab")
+argp.add_argument("-f","--featureDelim", dest="cFeatureNameDelimiter", action= "store", metavar="Feature Name Delimiter", default="|", help="Feature delimiter") 
+argp.add_argument("-n","--doNorm", dest="fDoNormData", action="store_true", default=False, help="Flag to turn on normalization")
+argp.add_argument("-s","--doSum", dest="fDoSumData", action="store_true", default=False, help="Flag to turn on summation")
+argp.add_argument("-p","--paint", dest="sLabel", metavar= "Label", default=None, help="Label to paint in the PCoA")
+argp.add_argument("-m","--metric", dest="strMetric", metavar = "distance", default = PCoA.c_BRAY_CURTIS, help ="Distance metric to use. Pick from braycurtis, canberra, chebyshev, cityblock, correlation, cosine, euclidean, hamming, spearman, sqeuclidean, unifrac_unweighted, unifrac_weighted")
+argp.add_argument("-o","--outputFile", dest="strOutFile", metavar= "outputFile", default=None, help="Specify the path for the output figure.")
+argp.add_argument("-D","--DistanceMatrix", dest="strFileDistanceMatrix", metavar= "strFileDistanceMatrix", default=None, help="Specify the path for outputing the distance matrix (if interested). Default this will not output.")
+argp.add_argument("-C","--CoordinatesMatrix", dest="strFileCoordinatesMatrix", metavar= "strFileCoordinatesMatrix", default=None, help="Specify the path for outputing the x,y coordinates matrix (Dim 1 and 2). Default this will not output.")
+# Unifrac arguments
+argp.add_argument("-t","--unifracTree", dest="istrmTree", metavar="UnifracTreeFile", default=None, help="Optional file only needed for UniFrac calculations.")
+argp.add_argument("-e","--unifracEnv", dest="istrmEnvr", metavar="UnifracEnvFile", default=None, help="Optional file only needed for UniFrac calculations.")
+argp.add_argument("-c","--unifracColor", dest="fileUnifracColor", metavar="UnifracColorFile", default = None, help="A text file indicating the groupings of metadata to color. Each line in the file is a group to color. An example file line would be  'GroupName:ID,ID,ID,ID'")
+argp.add_argument("strFileAbund", metavar = "Abundance file", nargs="?", help ="Input data file")
+args = argp.parse_args( )
+#Read in abundance table
+abndTable = None
+if args.strFileAbund:
+  abndTable = AbundanceTable.funcMakeFromFile(args.strFileAbund,
+                             cDelimiter = args.cFileDelimiter,
+                             sMetadataID = args.sIDName,
+                             sLastMetadata = args.sLastMetadataName,
+                             cFeatureNameDelimiter= args.cFeatureNameDelimiter)
+  #Normalize if need
+  if args.fDoSumData:
+    abndTable.funcSumClades()
+  #Sum if needed
+  if args.fDoNormData:
+    abndTable.funcNormalize()
+#Get the metadata to paint
+lsKeys = None
+if abndTable:
+  lsKeys = abndTable.funcGetMetadataCopy().keys() if not args.sLabel else [args.sLabel]
+#Get pieces of output file
+if not args.strOutFile:
+  if not args.strFileAbund:
+    args.strOutFile = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(args.istrmEnvr))[0]+"-pcoa.pdf"
+  else:
+    args.strOutFile = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(args.strFileAbund))[0]+"-pcoa.pdf"
+lsFilePieces = os.path.splitext(args.strOutFile)
+# Make PCoA object
+# Get PCoA object and plot
+pcoa = PCoA()
+if(not args.strMetric in [Metric.c_strUnifracUnweighted,Metric.c_strUnifracWeighted]) and abndTable:
+  pcoa.loadData(abndTable,True)
+# Optional args.strFileDistanceMatrix if not none will force a printing of the distance measures to the path in args.strFileDistanceMatrix, iDims=2, strDistanceMatrixFile=args.strFileDistanceMatrix, istrmTree=args.istrmTree, istrmEnvr=args.istrmEnvr)
+# Write dim 1 and 2 coordinates to file
+if args.strFileCoordinatesMatrix:
+  lsIds = pcoa.funcGetIDs()
+  mtrxCoordinates = pcoa.funcGetCoordinates()
+  csvrCoordinates = csv.writer(open(args.strFileCoordinatesMatrix, 'w'))
+  csvrCoordinates.writerow(["ID","Dimension_1","Dimension_2"])
+  for x in xrange(mtrxCoordinates.shape[0]):
+    strId = lsIds[x] if lsIds else ""
+    csvrCoordinates.writerow([strId]+mtrxCoordinates[x].tolist())
+# Paint metadata
+if lsKeys:
+  for iIndex in xrange(len(lsKeys)):
+    lsMetadata = abndTable.funcGetMetadata(lsKeys[iIndex])
+    pcoa.plotList(lsLabelList = lsMetadata,
+      strOutputFileName = lsFilePieces[0]+"-"+lsKeys[iIndex]+lsFilePieces[1],
+      iSize=20,
+      dAlpha=1.0,
+      charForceColor=None,
+      charForceShape=None,
+      fInvert=False,
+      iDim1=1,
+      iDim2=2)
+if args.strMetric in [Metric.c_strUnifracUnweighted,Metric.c_strUnifracWeighted]:
+  c_sNotGiven = "Not_specified"
+  lsIds = pcoa.funcGetIDs()
+  lsGroupLabels = [c_sNotGiven for s in lsIds]
+  if args.fileUnifracColor:
+    # Read color file and make a dictionary to convert ids
+    lsColorLines = csv.reader(open(args.fileUnifracColor))
+    dictConvertIDToGroup = {}
+    for lsLine in lsColorLines:
+      if lsLine:
+        sGroupID, sFirstID = lsLine[0].split(":")
+        dictConvertIDToGroup.update(dict([(sID,sGroupID) for sID in [sFirstID]+lsLine[1:]]))
+    lsGroupLabels = [dictConvertIDToGroup.get(sID,c_sNotGiven) for sID in lsIds]
+  pcoa.plotList(lsLabelList = lsGroupLabels,
+      strOutputFileName = lsFilePieces[0]+"-"+args.strMetric+lsFilePieces[1],
+      iSize=20,
+      dAlpha=1.0,
+      charForceColor=None,
+      charForceShape=None,
+      fInvert=False,
+      iDim1=1,
+      iDim2=2)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/breadcrumbs/scripts/	Tue May 13 21:58:57 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+Author: Timothy Tickle
+Description: Plots feaures
+__author__ = "Timothy Tickle"
+__copyright__ = "Copyright 2012"
+__credits__ = ["Timothy Tickle"]
+__license__ = ""
+__version__ = ""
+__maintainer__ = "Timothy Tickle"
+__email__ = ""
+__status__ = "Development"
+import sys
+import argparse
+import csv
+import os
+from src.BoxPlot import BoxPlot
+from src.Histogram import Histogram
+from src.ScatterPlot import ScatterPlot
+def funcPlotBoxPlot(lxVariable1,lxVariable2,fOneIsNumeric):
+  ly,lsLabels = [lxVariable1,lxVariable2] if fOneIsNumeric else [lxVariable2,lxVariable1]
+  # Group data
+  dictGroups = {}
+  for iIndex in xrange(len(ly)):
+    lsList = dictGroups.get(lsLabels[iIndex],[])
+    lsList.append(ly[iIndex])
+    dictGroups.setdefault(lsLabels[iIndex],lsList)
+  ly = [dictGroups[sKey] for sKey in dictGroups.keys()]
+  lsLabels = dictGroups.keys()
+  BoxPlot.funcPlot(ly=ly, lsLabels=lsLabels, strOutputFigurePath=args.strOutputFile, strTitle=args.strTitle, strXTitle=args.strX, strYTitle=args.strY, strColor=args.strColor, fJitter=True, fInvert=args.fColor, fInvertY=args.fAxis)
+#Set up arguments reader
+argp = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog = "\nExample: python Input.pcl valuesID groupID",
+    description = "Make a box plot from an abundance table.")
+#Sepecify output if needed
+argp.add_argument("-o","--output", dest="strOutputFile", action="store", default=None, help="Output file name.")
+# Text annotation
+argp.add_argument("-t","--title", dest="strTitle", action="store", default=None, help="Test for the title.")
+argp.add_argument("-x","--xaxis", dest="strX", action="store", default=None, help="Text for the x-axis.")
+argp.add_argument("-y","--yaxis", dest="strY", action="store", default=None, help="Text for the y-axis.")
+# Color options
+argp.add_argument("-c","--color", dest="strColor", action="store", default="#83C8F9", help="Fill color as a Hex number (including the #).")
+argp.add_argument("-r","--invertcolor", dest="fColor", action="store_true", default=False, help="Flag to invert the background to black.")
+# Axis adjustments
+argp.add_argument("-s","--invertyaxis", dest="fAxis", action="store_true", default=False, help="Flag to invert the y axis.")
+# Required
+argp.add_argument("strFileAbund", help ="Input data file")
+argp.add_argument("strFeatures", nargs = "+", help="Features to plot (from one to two metadata).")
+args = argp.parse_args( )
+#Holds the data
+lxVariable1 = None
+lxVariable2 = None
+fOneIsNumeric = False
+fTwoIsNumeric = False
+strFeatureOneID = args.strFeatures[0]
+strFeatureTwoID = None if len(args.strFeatures)<2 else args.strFeatures[1]
+# If the output file is not specified, make it up
+if not args.strOutputFile:
+  lsPieces = os.path.splitext(args.strFileAbund)
+  args.strOutputFile = [lsPieces[0],strFeatureOneID]
+  if strFeatureTwoID:
+    args.strOutputFile = args.strOutputFile+[strFeatureTwoID]
+  args.strOutputFile = "-".join(args.strOutputFile+["plotfeature.pdf"])
+if not args.strTitle:
+  args.strTitle = [strFeatureOneID]
+  if strFeatureTwoID:
+    args.strTitle = args.strTitle+[strFeatureTwoID]
+  args.strTitle = " vs ".join(args.strTitle)
+csvReader = csv.reader(open(args.strFileAbund, 'rU') if isinstance(args.strFileAbund,str) else args.strFileAbund, delimiter="\t")
+if args.strX is None:
+  args.strX = strFeatureOneID
+if args.strY is None:
+  args.strY = strFeatureTwoID
+# Get values and groupings
+for lsLine in csvReader:
+  if lsLine[0] == strFeatureOneID:
+    lxVariable1 = lsLine[1:]
+  if not strFeatureTwoID is None:
+    if lsLine[0] == strFeatureTwoID:
+      lxVariable2 = lsLine[1:]
+# Remove NAs
+liNAs = [i for i,x in enumerate(lxVariable1) if x.lower() == "na"]
+liNAs = set([i for i,x in enumerate(lxVariable1) if x.lower() == "na"]+liNAs)
+lxVariable1 = [x for i,x in enumerate(lxVariable1) if not i in liNAs]
+if not lxVariable2 is None:
+  lxVariable2 = [x for i,x in enumerate(lxVariable2) if not i in liNAs]
+# Type variables
+if not lxVariable1 is None:
+  try:
+    float(lxVariable1[0])
+    lxVariable1 = [float(xItem) for xItem in lxVariable1]
+    fOneIsNumeric = True
+  except ValueError:
+    pass
+if not lxVariable2 is None:
+  try:
+    float(lxVariable2[0])
+    lxVariable2 = [float(xItem) for xItem in lxVariable2]
+    fTwoIsNumeric = True
+  except ValueError:
+    pass
+if lxVariable1 is None:
+  print("scriptPlotFeature:: Sorry, could not find the feature "+ strFeatureOneID +" in the file "+args.strFileAbund+" .")
+elif( (lxVariable2 is None) and (not strFeatureTwoID is None) ):
+  print("scriptPlotFeature:: Sorry, could not find the feature "+ strFeatureTwoID +" in the file "+args.strFileAbund+" .")
+  # Plot as needed
+  if((not lxVariable1 is None ) and (not lxVariable2 is None)):
+    if(sum([fOneIsNumeric, fTwoIsNumeric])==0):
+      print "scriptPlotFeature:: Error, If plotting 2 variables, atleast 1 should be numeric."
+    elif(sum([fOneIsNumeric, fTwoIsNumeric])==1):
+      funcPlotBoxPlot(lxVariable1,lxVariable2, fOneIsNumeric=fOneIsNumeric)
+    elif(sum([fOneIsNumeric, fTwoIsNumeric])==2):
+      ScatterPlot.funcPlot(lxVariable1, lxVariable2, args.strOutputFile, strTitle=args.strTitle, strXTitle=args.strX, strYTitle=args.strY, strColor=args.strColor, fInvert=args.fColor)
+  elif(not lxVariable1 is None ):
+    if fOneIsNumeric:
+      Histogram.funcPlot(lxVariable1, args.strOutputFile, strTitle=args.strTitle, strXTitle=args.strX, strYTitle="Frequency", strColor=args.strColor, fInvert=args.fColor)
+    else:
+      print "Sorry currently histograms are support for only numeric data."
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/breadcrumbs/src/	Tue May 13 21:58:57 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,2435 @@
+Author: Timothy Tickle
+Description: Class to abstract an abundance table and methods to run on such a table.
+#Copyright (C) <2012>
+#Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
+#this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the
+#Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy,
+#modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,
+#and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+#the following conditions:
+#The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies
+#or substantial portions of the Software.
+__author__ = "Timothy Tickle"
+__copyright__ = "Copyright 2012"
+__credits__ = ["Timothy Tickle"]
+__license__ = "MIT"
+__maintainer__ = "Timothy Tickle"
+__email__ = ""
+__status__ = "Development"
+import csv
+import sys
+import blist
+from CClade import CClade
+from ConstantsBreadCrumbs import ConstantsBreadCrumbs
+import copy
+from datetime import date
+import numpy as np
+import os
+import re
+import scipy.stats
+import string
+from ValidateData import ValidateData
+from biom.parse import *
+from biom.table import *
+c_dTarget	= 1.0
+c_fRound	= False
+c_iSumAllCladeLevels = -1
+c_fOutputLeavesOnly = False
+class RowMetadata:
+	"""
+	Holds the row (feature) metadata and associated functions.
+	"""
+	def __init__(self, dictRowMetadata, iLongestMetadataEntry=None, lsRowMetadataIDs=None):
+		""" Constructor requires a dictionary or row metadata.
+		:param dictRowMetadata:	The row metadata values with the ids as the keys, must be stable (keep order)
+		:type:			{string feature id: {'metadata': {'taxonomy': [list of metadata values]}}}
+		"""
+		self.dictRowMetadata = dictRowMetadata
+		self.iLongestMetadataEntry = iLongestMetadataEntry
+		self.lsRowMetadataIDs = lsRowMetadataIDs
+		self.dictMetadataIDs = {}
+		# Get the ids for the metadata
+		if self.dictRowMetadata:
+			for dictMetadata in self.dictRowMetadata.values():
+				dictMetadata = dictMetadata.get(ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_metadata_lowercase, None)
+				if dictMetadata:
+					for key,value in dictMetadata.items():
+						if self.dictMetadataIDs.get(key, None):
+							self.dictMetadataIDs[key] = max(self.dictMetadataIDs[key],len(dictMetadata[key]))
+						else:
+							self.dictMetadataIDs[key] = len(dictMetadata[key])
+	def funcMakeIDs(self):
+		""" There should be a one to one mapping of row metadata ids and the values associated here with a feature ID.
+		    If not make ids from the key by appending numbers.
+		"""
+		# If there exists a ids list already return (this allows ID order to be given and preserved)
+		# Else make a list of IDs
+		if self.lsRowMetadataIDs:
+			return self.lsRowMetadataIDs
+		lsIDs = []
+		lsKeys = []
+		for key, value in self.dictMetadataIDs.items():
+			lsKeys.append( key )
+			if value > 1:
+				lsIDs.extend( [ "_".join( [ key, str( iIndex ) ] ) for iIndex in xrange( value ) ] )
+			else:
+				lsIDs.append( key )
+		return [ lsIDs, lsKeys ]
+	def funGetFeatureMetadata(self, sFeature, sMetadata):
+		"""
+		Returns a list of values in the order of row metadta ids for a microbial feature given an id.
+		:param sFeature:	Feature id to get metadata
+		:type:			string
+		:param sMetadata:	Metadata to get
+		:type:			string
+		:return:		list of metadata associated with the metadata
+		"""
+		lsMetadata = []
+		if self.dictRowMetadata:
+			dictFeature = self.dictRowMetadata.get( sFeature, None )
+			if dictFeature:
+				dictFeatureMetadata = dictFeature.get(ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_metadata_lowercase, None)
+				if dictFeatureMetadata:
+					lsMetadata = dictFeatureMetadata.get(sMetadata, None)
+		return lsMetadata
+class AbundanceTable:
+	"""
+	Represents an abundance table and contains common function to perform on the object.
+	This class is made from an abundance data file. What is expected is a text file delimited by
+	a character (which is given to the object). The first column is expected to be the id column
+	for each of the rows. Metadata is expected before measurement data. Columns are samples and
+	rows are features (bugs).
+	This object is currently not hashable.
+	"""
+	def __init__(self, npaAbundance, dictMetadata, strName, strLastMetadata, rwmtRowMetadata = None, dictFileMetadata = None, lOccurenceFilter = None, cFileDelimiter = ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_cTab, cFeatureNameDelimiter = "|"):
+		"""
+		Constructor for an abundance table.
+		:param	npaAbundance:	Structured Array of abundance data (Row=Features, Columns=Samples)
+		:type:	Numpy Structured Array abundance data (Row=Features, Columns=Samples)
+		:param	dictMetadata:	Dictionary of metadata {"String ID":["strValue","strValue","strValue","strValue","strValue"]}
+		:type:	Dictionary	Dictionary
+		:param	npaRowMetdata	Structured Array of row (feature) metadata (optional)
+		:type:	Numpy Structured Array abundance data (Row=Features, Columns=Feature metadata)
+	 	:param	strName:	The name of the metadata that serves as the ID for the columns (For example a sample ID)
+		:type:	string
+		:param	strLastMetadata: The string last metadata name
+      		:type:	string
+		:param	lOccurenceFilter: List of integers used in an occurence filter. [Min abundance, Min sample]
+		:type:	List of integers
+		:param	cFileDelimiter:	Character used as the delimiter of the file that is read in to create the abundance table.
+								Will also be used to write the abudance table file to a file to keep file consistency.
+		:type:	Character delimiter for reading the data in (default = TAB)
+		:param	cFeatureNameDelimiter:	Character used as the delimiter of the feature names (column 1). This is useful if the name are complex, for instance consensus lineages in metagenomics.
+		:type:	Character delimiter for feature names (default = |)
+		"""
+		### File Metadata
+		#Date
+		self.dateCreationDate = dictFileMetadata.get(ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_strDateKey,None) if dictFileMetadata else None
+		#Indicates if the table has been filtered and how
+		self._strCurrentFilterState = ""
+		#The delimiter from the source file
+		self._cDelimiter = cFileDelimiter
+		#The feature name delimiter
+		self._cFeatureDelimiter = cFeatureNameDelimiter
+		#File type
+		self.strFileFormatType = dictFileMetadata.get(ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_strFormatKey,None) if dictFileMetadata else None
+		#File generation source
+		self.strFileGenerationSource = dictFileMetadata.get(ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_strSourceKey,None) if dictFileMetadata else None
+		#File type
+		self.strFileType = dictFileMetadata.get(ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_strTypekey,None) if dictFileMetadata else None
+		#File url
+		self.strFileURL = dictFileMetadata.get(ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_strURLKey,None) if dictFileMetadata else None
+		#The id of the file
+		self.strId = dictFileMetadata.get(ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_strIDKey,None) if dictFileMetadata else None
+		#The lastmetadata name (which should be preserved when writing the file)
+		# Can be a None if biom file is read in.
+		self._strLastMetadataName = strLastMetadata
+		#The original number of features in the table
+		self._iOriginalFeatureCount = -1
+		#The name of the object relating to the file it was read from or would have been read from if it exists
+		#Keeps tract of changes to the file through the name
+		#Will be used to write out the object to a file as needed
+		self._strOriginalName = strName
+		#The original number of samples in the table
+		self._iOriginalSampleCount = -1
+		#Data sparsity type
+		self.fSparseMatrix = dictFileMetadata.get(ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_strSparsityKey,False) if dictFileMetadata else False
+		### Data metadata
+		#The column (sample) metdata
+		self._dictTableMetadata = dictMetadata
+		#The row (feature) metadata (Row Metadata object)
+		self.rwmtRowMetadata = rwmtRowMetadata
+		### Data
+		#The abundance data
+		self._npaFeatureAbundance = npaAbundance
+		### Logistical
+		#Clade prefixes for biological samples
+		self._lsCladePrefixes = ["k__","p__","c__","o__","f__","g__","s__"]
+		#This is not a hashable object
+		self.__hash__ = None
+		### Prep the object
+		self._fIsNormalized = self._fIsSummed = None
+		#If contents is not a false then set contents to appropriate objects
+		# Checking to see if the data is normalized, summed and if we need to run a filter on it.
+		if ( self._npaFeatureAbundance != None ) and self._dictTableMetadata:
+			self._iOriginalFeatureCount = self._npaFeatureAbundance.shape[0]
+			self._iOriginalSampleCount = len(self.funcGetSampleNames())
+			self._fIsNormalized = ( max( [max( list(a)[1:] or [0] ) for a in self._npaFeatureAbundance] or [0] ) <= 1 )
+			lsLeaves = AbundanceTable.funcGetTerminalNodesFromList( [a[0] for a in self._npaFeatureAbundance], self._cFeatureDelimiter )
+			self._fIsSummed = ( len( lsLeaves ) != len( self._npaFeatureAbundance ) )
+			#Occurence filtering
+			#Removes features that do not have a given level iLowestAbundance in a given amount of samples iLowestSampleOccurence
+			if ( not self._fIsNormalized ) and lOccurenceFilter:
+				iLowestAbundance, iLowestSampleOccurrence = lOccurenceFilter
+				self.funcFilterAbundanceBySequenceOccurence( iLowestAbundance, iLowestSampleOccurrence )
+#	  else:
+#		sys.stderr.write( "Abundance or metadata was None, should be atleast an empty object\n" )
+	@staticmethod
+	def funcMakeFromFile(xInputFile, cDelimiter = ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_cTab, sMetadataID = None, sLastMetadataRow = None, sLastMetadata = None,
+	   lOccurenceFilter = None, cFeatureNameDelimiter="|", xOutputFile = None):
+		"""
+		Creates an abundance table from a table file.
+		:param	xInputFile:	Path to input file.
+		:type:	String		String path.
+		:param	cDelimiter:	Delimiter for parsing the input file.
+		:type:	Character	Character
+		:param	sMetadataID:	String ID that is a metadata row ID (found on the first column) and used as an ID for samples
+		:type:	String		String ID
+		:param sLastRowMetadata: The id of the last (most right column) row metadata
+		:type: String	String ID
+		:param	sLastMetadata:	The ID of the metadata that is the last metadata before measurement or feature rows.
+		:type:	String		String ID
+		:param	lOccurenceFilter: List of integers used in an occurence filter. [Min abundance, Min sample]
+		:type:	List of integers
+		:param	cFeatureNameDelimiter:	Used to parse feature (bug) names if they are complex.
+						For example if they are consensus lineages and contain parent clade information.
+		:type:	Character	Delimiting letter
+		:param	xOutputFile:	File to output the abundance table which was read in.
+		:type:	FileStream or String file path
+		:return	AbundanceTable:	Will return an AbundanceTable object on no error. Returns False on error.
+		"""
+		#Get output file and remove if existing
+		outputFile = open( xOutputFile, "w" ) if isinstance(xOutputFile, str) else xOutputFile
+		#################################################################################
+		#    Check if file is a biom file - if so invoke the biom routine               #
+		#################################################################################
+		strFileName = xInputFile if isinstance(xInputFile, str) else
+                # Determine the file read function by file extension
+		if  strFileName.endswith(ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_strBiomFile):
+			BiomCommonArea = AbundanceTable._funcBiomToStructuredArray(xInputFile)
+			if  BiomCommonArea:
+				lContents = [BiomCommonArea[ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_BiomTaxData],
+					BiomCommonArea[ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_Metadata],
+					BiomCommonArea[ ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_dRowsMetadata],
+					BiomCommonArea[ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_BiomFileInfo]
+					]
+				# Update last metadata and id if given
+				if not sLastMetadata: 
+					strLastMetadata = BiomCommonArea[ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_sLastMetadata]
+			else:
+				# return false on failure
+				lContents = False
+		else:	
+			#Read in from text file to create the abundance and metadata structures
+			lContents = AbundanceTable._funcTextToStructuredArray(xInputFile=xInputFile, cDelimiter=cDelimiter,
+				sMetadataID = sMetadataID, sLastMetadataRow = sLastMetadataRow, sLastMetadata = sLastMetadata, ostmOutputFile = outputFile)
+		#If contents is not a false then set contents to appropriate objects
+		return AbundanceTable(npaAbundance=lContents[0], dictMetadata=lContents[1], strName=str(xInputFile), strLastMetadata=sLastMetadata, rwmtRowMetadata = lContents[2],
+		dictFileMetadata = lContents[3], lOccurenceFilter = lOccurenceFilter, cFileDelimiter=cDelimiter, cFeatureNameDelimiter=cFeatureNameDelimiter) if lContents else False
+	#Testing Status: Light happy path testing
+	@staticmethod
+	def funcCheckRawDataFile(strReadDataFileName, iFirstDataIndex = -1, sLastMetadataName = None, lOccurenceFilter = None, strOutputFileName = "", cDelimiter = ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_cTab):
+		"""
+		Check the input abundance table.
+		Currently reduces the features that have no occurence.
+		Also inserts a NA for blank metadata and a 0 for blank abundance data.
+		Gives the option to filter features through an occurence filter (a feature must have a level of abundance in a minimal number of samples to be included).
+		Either iFirstDataIndex or sLastMetadataName must be given
+		:param	strReadDataFileName:	File path of file to read and check.
+		:type:	String	File path.
+		:param	iFirstDataIndex:	First (row) index of data not metadata in the abundance file.
+		:type:	Integer	Index starting at 0.
+		:param	sLastMetadataName:	The ID of the last metadata in the file. Rows of measurements should follow this metadata.
+		:type:	String
+		:param	lOccurenceFilter:	The lowest number of occurences in the lowest number of samples needed for a feature to be kept
+		:type:	List[2]	List length 2 [lowest abundance (not normalized), lowest number of samples to occur in] (eg. [2.0,2.0])
+		:param	strOutputFileName:	File path of out put file.
+		:type:	String	File path.
+		:param	cDelimiter:	Character delimiter for reading and writing files.
+		:type:	Character	Delimiter.
+		:return	Output Path:	Output path for written checked file.
+		"""
+		#Validate parameters
+		if (iFirstDataIndex == -1) and (sLastMetadataName == None):
+			print "AbundanceTable:checkRawDataFile::Error, either iFirstDataIndex or sLastMetadataNamemust be given."
+			return False
+		#Get output file and remove if existing
+		outputFile = strOutputFileName
+		if not strOutputFileName:
+			outputFile = os.path.splitext(strReadDataFileName)[0]+ConstantsBreadCrumbs.OUTPUT_SUFFIX
+		#Read input file lines
+		#Drop blank lines
+		readData = ""
+		with open(strReadDataFileName,'rU') as f:
+			readData =
+		readData = filter(None,readData.split(ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_strEndline))
+		#Read the length of each line and make sure there is no jagged data
+		#Also hold row count for the metadata
+		iLongestLength = len(readData[0].split(cDelimiter))
+		iMetadataRow = -1
+		if not sLastMetadataName:
+			sLastMetadataName = "None"
+		for iIndex, strLine in enumerate(readData):
+			sLineElements = strLine.split(cDelimiter)
+		if sLineElements[0] == sLastMetadataName:
+			iMetadataRow = iIndex
+		iLongestLength = max(iLongestLength, len(sLineElements))
+		#If not already set, set iFirstDataIndex
+		if iFirstDataIndex < 0:
+			iFirstDataIndex = iMetadataRow + 1
+		#Used to substitute . to -
+		reSubPeriod = re.compile('\.')
+		#File writer
+		with open(outputFile,'w') as f:
+			#Write metadata
+			#Empty data is changed to a default
+			#Jagged ends are filled with a default
+			for strDataLine in readData[:iFirstDataIndex]:
+				lsLineElements = strDataLine.split(cDelimiter)
+				for iindex, sElement in enumerate(lsLineElements):
+					if not sElement.strip():
+						lsLineElements[iindex] = ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_strEmptyDataMetadata
+				if len(lsLineElements) < iLongestLength:
+					lsLineElements = lsLineElements + ([ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_strEmptyDataMetadata]*(iLongestLength-len(lsLineElements)))
+				f.write(cDelimiter.join(lsLineElements)+ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_strEndline)
+			#For each data line in the table
+			for line in readData[iFirstDataIndex:]:
+				writeToFile = False
+				cleanLine = list()
+				#Break line into delimited elements
+				lineElements = line.split(cDelimiter)
+				#Clean feature name
+				sCleanFeatureName = reSubPeriod.sub("-",lineElements[0])
+				#For each element but the first (taxa name)
+				#Element check to see if not == zero
+				#If so add to output
+				for element in lineElements[1:]:
+					if(element.strip() in string.whitespace):
+						cleanLine.append(ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_strEmptyAbundanceData)
+					#Set abundance of 0 but do not indicate the line should be saved
+					elif(element == "0"):
+						cleanLine.append(element)
+					#If an abundance is found set the line to be saved.
+					else:
+						cleanLine.append(element)
+						writeToFile = True
+				#Occurence filtering
+				#Removes features that do not have a given level iLowestAbundance in a given amount of samples iLowestSampleOccurence
+				if lOccurenceFilter:
+					iLowestAbundance, iLowestSampleOccurence = lOccurenceFilter
+					if iLowestSampleOccurence > sum([1 if float(sEntry) >= iLowestAbundance else 0 for sEntry in cleanLine]):
+						writeToFile = False
+				#Write to file
+				if writeToFile:    
+					f.write(sCleanFeatureName+cDelimiter+cDelimiter.join(cleanLine)+ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_strEndline)
+		return outputFile
+	def __repr__(self):
+		"""
+		Represent or print object.
+		"""
+		return "AbundanceTable"
+	def __str__(self):
+	  """
+	  Create a string representation of the Abundance Table.
+	  """
+	  return "".join(["Sample count:", str(len(self._npaFeatureAbundance.dtype.names[1:])),
+	  os.linesep+"Feature count:", str(len(self._npaFeatureAbundance[self._npaFeatureAbundance.dtype.names[0]])),
+	  os.linesep+"Id Metadata:", self._npaFeatureAbundance.dtype.names[0],
+	  os.linesep+"Metadata ids:", str(self._dictTableMetadata.keys()),
+	  os.linesep+"Metadata count:", str(len(self._dictTableMetadata.keys())),
+	  os.linesep+"Originating source:",self._strOriginalName,
+	  os.linesep+"Original feature count:", str(self._iOriginalFeatureCount),
+	  os.linesep+"Original sample count:", str(self._iOriginalSampleCount),
+	  os.linesep+"Is normalized:", str(self._fIsNormalized),
+	  os.linesep+"Is summed:", str(self._fIsSummed),
+	  os.linesep+"Current filtering state:", str(self._strCurrentFilterState),
+	  os.linesep+"Feature delimiter:", self._cFeatureDelimiter,
+	  os.linesep+"File delimiter:",self._cDelimiter])
+	def __eq__(self, objOther):
+		"""
+		Check if an object is equivalent in data to this object
+		Check to make sure that objOther is not None
+		Check to make sure objOther is the correct class type
+		Check to make sure self and other internal data are the same (exclusing file name)
+		Check data and make sure the npa arrays are the same
+		Check the metdata to make sure the dicts are the same 
+		(will need to sort the keys of the dicts before comparing, they do not guarentee any order.
+		"""
+                # Check for none
+		if objOther is None:
+			return False
+                #Check for object type
+		if isinstance(objOther,AbundanceTable) != True:
+			return False
+		#Check feature delimiter
+		if self.funcGetFeatureDelimiter() != objOther.funcGetFeatureDelimiter():
+			return False
+		#Check file delimiter
+		if self.funcGetFileDelimiter() != objOther.funcGetFileDelimiter():
+			return False
+		#************************************************** 
+		#* Commented out                                  *  
+		#************************************************** 			
+        #Check name  - Commented out by GW on 2013/09/14 because
+		#If we import pcl file into biom file and then export to pcl, the file names might be different but the tables might be the same
+                #Check name
+		#if self.funcGetName() != objOther.funcGetName():
+			#return  False
+	        #Check sample metadata
+		#Go through the metadata
+		result1 = self.funcGetMetadataCopy()
+		result2 = objOther.funcGetMetadataCopy()
+		if sorted(result1.keys()) != sorted(result2.keys()):
+			return False
+		for strKey in result1.keys():
+			if strKey not in result2:
+				return False
+			if result1[strKey] != result2[strKey]:
+				return False
+		#TODO check the row (feature) metadata
+		#TODO check the file metadata
+		#Check the ID
+		if self.funcGetFileDelimiter() != objOther.funcGetFileDelimiter():
+			return False
+		#Check the date
+		if self.dateCreationDate != objOther.dateCreationDate:
+			return False
+		#Check the format
+		if self.strFileFormatType != objOther.strFileFormatType:
+			return False
+		#************************************************** 
+		#* Commented out                                  *  
+		#************************************************** 			
+		#Check source  - Commented out by GW on 2013/09/14 because
+		#If we import pcl file into biom file and then export to pcl, the file names might be different but the tables might be the same			
+		#Check the source
+		#if self.strFileGenerationSource != objOther.strFileGenerationSource:
+			#return False
+		#Check the type
+		if self.strFileType != objOther.strFileType:
+			return False
+		#Check the URL
+		if self.strFileURL != objOther.strFileURL:
+			return False
+		#Check data
+		#TODO go through the data
+		#TODO also check the data type
+		result1 = self.funcGetAbundanceCopy()
+		result2 = objOther.funcGetAbundanceCopy()	
+		if len(result1) != len(result2):
+			return False
+		sorted_result1 = sorted(result1, key=lambda tup: tup[0])
+		sorted_result2 = sorted(result2, key=lambda tup: tup[0])		
+		if sorted_result1 != sorted_result2 :
+			return  False
+		#************************************************** 
+		#* Commented out                                  *  
+		#************************************************** 			
+		#Check AbundanceTable.__str__(self)  - Commented out by GW on 2013/09/14 because
+		#If we import pcl file into biom file and then export to pcl, the file names might be different but the tables might be the same						
+		#Check string representation
+		#if AbundanceTable.__str__(self) !=  AbundanceTable.__str__(objOther):
+				#return False
+		#Check if sample ids are the same and in the same order
+		if self.funcGetSampleNames() != objOther.funcGetSampleNames():
+			return  False
+		return  True
+	def __ne__(self, objOther):
+		return not self == objOther
+	#Testing Status: Light happy path testing
+        #TODO: Tim change static to class methods
+	@staticmethod
+	def _funcTextToStructuredArray(xInputFile = None, cDelimiter = ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_cTab, sMetadataID = None, sLastMetadataRow = None, sLastMetadata = None, ostmOutputFile = None):
+		"""
+		Private method
+		Used to read in a file that is samples (column) and taxa (rows) into a structured array.
+		:param	xInputFile:	File stream or path to input file.
+		:type:	String		File stream or string path.
+		:param	cDelimiter:	Delimiter for parsing the input file.
+		:type:	Character	Character.
+		:param	sMetadataID:	String ID that is a metadata row ID (found on the first column) and used as an ID for samples. 
+					If not given it is assumed to be position 0
+		:type: String		String ID
+		:param sLastMetadataRow: String ID that is the last row metadat id (id of the most right column with row/feature metadata)
+		:type:	String		String ID
+		:param	sLastMetadata:	The ID of the metadata that is the last metadata before measurement or feature rows.
+		:type:	String		String ID
+		:param	ostmOutputFile:	Output File to write to if needed. None does not write the file.
+		:type:	FileStream or String
+		:return	[taxData,metadata,rowmetadata]: Numpy Structured Array of abundance data and dictionary of metadata.
+ 										Metadata is a dictionary as such {"ID", [value,value,values...]}
+ 										Values are in the order thety are read in (and the order of the sample names).
+ 										ID is the first column in each metadata row.
+-										rowmetadata is a optional Numpy strucured array (can be None if not made)
++										rowmetadata is a optional RowMetadata object (can be None if not made)
+ 										The rowmetadata and taxData row Ids should match
+-										[Numpy structured Array, Dictionary, Numpy structured array]
++										The last dict is a collection of BIOM fielparameters when converting from a BIOM file
++										[Numpy structured Array, Dictionary, Numpy structured array, dict]
+		"""
+		# Open file from a stream or file path
+		istmInput = open( xInputFile, 'rU' ) if isinstance(xInputFile, str) else xInputFile
+		# Flag that when incremented will switch from metadata parsing to data parsing
+		iFirstDataRow = -1
+		# Sample id row
+		namesRow = None
+		# Row metadata names
+		lsRowMetadataIDs = None
+		# Index of the last row metadata
+		iIndexLastMetadataRow = None
+		# Holds metadata {ID:[list of values]}
+		metadata = dict()
+		# Holds the data measurements [(tuple fo values)]
+		dataMatrix = []
+		# Holds row metadata { sID : [ list of values ] }
+		dictRowMetadata = {}
+		# Positional index
+		iIndex = -1
+		# File handle
+		csvw = None
+		# Read in files
+		if ostmOutputFile:
+			csvw = csv.writer( open(ostmOutputFile,'w') if isinstance(ostmOutputFile, str) else ostmOutputFile, csv.excel_tab, delimiter = cDelimiter )
+		# For each line in the file, and assume the tax id is the first element and the data follows
+		for lsLineElements in csv.reader( istmInput, dialect = csv.excel_tab, delimiter = cDelimiter ):
+			iIndex += 1
+			taxId, sampleReads = lsLineElements[0], lsLineElements[1:]
+			# Read through data measurements
+			# Process them as a list of tuples (needed for structured array)
+			if iFirstDataRow > 0:
+				try:
+					# Parse the sample reads, removing row metadata and storing row metadata if it exists
+					if lsRowMetadataIDs:
+						# Build expected dict for row metadata dictionary {string feature id: {'metadata': {metadatakey: [list of metadata values]}}}
+						dictFeature = dict([ [sID, [sKey]] for sID, sKey in zip( lsRowMetadataIDs, sampleReads[ 0 : iIndexLastMetadataRow ]) ])
+						if len( dictFeature ):
+							dictRowMetadata[ taxId ] = { ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_metadata_lowercase: dictFeature }
+						dataMatrix.append(tuple([taxId] + [( float(s) if s.strip( ) else 0 ) for s in sampleReads[ iIndexLastMetadataRow: ]]))
+					else:
+						dataMatrix.append(tuple([taxId] + [( float(s) if s.strip( ) else 0 ) for s in sampleReads]))
+				except ValueError:
+					sys.stderr.write( "AbundanceTable:textToStructuredArray::Error, non-numerical value on data row. File:" + str(xInputFile) +
+						" Row:" + str(lsLineElements) + "\n" )
+					return False
+			# Go through study measurements
+			else:
+				# Read in metadata values, if the entry is blank then give it the default empty metadata value.
+				for i, s in enumerate( sampleReads ):
+					if not s.strip( ):
+						sampleReads[i] = ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_strEmptyDataMetadata
+				# If no id metadata (sample ids) is given then the first row is assumed to be the id row, otherwise look for the id for the metadata.
+				# Add the metadata to the containing dict
+				if ( ( not sMetadataID ) and ( iIndex == 0 ) ) or ( taxId == sMetadataID ):
+					namesRow = lsLineElements
+					# Remove the row metadata ids, these names are for the column ID and the samples ids
+					if sLastMetadataRow:
+						iIndexLastMetadataRow = lsLineElements.index(sLastMetadataRow)
+						lsRowMetadataIDs = namesRow[ 1 : iIndexLastMetadataRow + 1 ]
+						namesRow = [ namesRow[ 0 ] ] + namesRow[ iIndexLastMetadataRow + 1: ]
+						# If the sample metadata dictionary already has entries then remove the row metadata info from it.
+						if len( metadata ) and len( lsRowMetadataIDs ):
+							for sKey, lsValues in metadata.items():
+								metadata[ sKey ] = lsValues[ iIndexLastMetadataRow: ]
+				# Set the metadata without row metadata entries
+				metadata[taxId] = sampleReads[ iIndexLastMetadataRow: ] if (lsRowMetadataIDs and len( lsRowMetadataIDs )) else sampleReads
+				# If the last metadata was just processed switch to data processing
+				# If the last metadata name is not given it is assumed that there is only one metadata
+				if ( not sLastMetadata ) or ( taxId == sLastMetadata ):
+					iFirstDataRow = iIndex + 1
+			# If writing out the data write back out the line read in.
+			# This happens at the end so that the above cleaning is captured and written.
+			if csvw:
+				csvw.writerow( [taxId] + sampleReads )
+		if sLastMetadata and ( not dataMatrix ):
+			sys.stderr.write( "AbundanceTable:textToStructuredArray::Error, did not find the row for the last metadata ID. File:" + str(xInputFile) +
+				" Identifier:" + sLastMetadata + "\n" )
+			return False
+		# Make sure the names are found
+		if namesRow == None:
+			sys.stderr.write( "AbundanceTable:textToStructuredArray::Error, did not find the row for the unique sample/column. File:" + str(xInputFile) +
+				" Identifier:" + sMetadataID + "\n" )
+			return False
+		# Now we know the longest taxId we can define the first column holding the tax id
+		# Gross requirement of Numpy structured arrays, a = ASCII followed by max # of characters (as a string)
+		longestTaxId = max( len(a[0]) for a in dataMatrix )
+		dataTypeVector = [(namesRow[0],'a' + str(longestTaxId*2))] + [(s, "f4") for s in namesRow[1:]]
+		# Create structured array
+		taxData = np.array(dataMatrix,dtype=np.dtype(dataTypeVector))
+		# Returns a none currently because the PCL file specification this originally worked on did not have feature metadata
+ 		# Can be updated in the future.
+		# [Data (structured array), column metadata (dict), row metadata (structured array), file metadata (dict)]
+		return [taxData, metadata, RowMetadata(dictRowMetadata = dictRowMetadata, lsRowMetadataIDs = lsRowMetadataIDs), {
+                    ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_strIDKey:ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_strDefaultPCLID,
+                    ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_strDateKey:str(,
+                    ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_strFormatKey:ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_strDefaultPCLFileFormateType,
+                    ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_strSourceKey:ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_strDefaultPCLGenerationSource,
+                    ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_strTypekey:ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_strDefaultPCLFileTpe,
+                    ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_strURLKey:ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_strDefaultPCLURL,
+                    ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_strSparsityKey:ConstantsBreadCrumbs. c_fDefaultPCLSparsity}]
+#	def funcAdd(self,abndTwo,strFileName=None):
+#		"""
+#		Allows one to add an abundance table to an abundance table. They both must be the same state of normalization or summation
+#		or they will be summed or normalized if one of the two are.
+#		:param	abndTwo:	AbundanceTable object 2
+#		:type:	AbundanceTable
+#		:return	AbudanceTable:
+#		"""
+#		#Check summation and normalization
+#		if(self.funcIsSummed() or abndTwo.funcIsSummed()):
+#			self.funcSum()
+#			abndTwo.funcSum()
+#		if(self.funcIsNormalized() or abndTwo.funcIsNormalized()):
+#			self.funcNormalize()
+#			abndTwo.funcNormalize()
+#		#Normalize Feature names
+#    		#Get if the abundance tables have clades
+#    		fAbndInputHasClades = self.funcHasFeatureHierarchy()
+#    		fAbndCompareHasClades = abndTwo.funcHasFeatureHierarchy()
+#    		if(fAbndInputHasClades or fAbndCompareHasClades):
+#			#If feature delimiters do not match, switch
+#			if not self.funcGetFeatureDelimiter() == abndTwo.funcGetFeatureDelimiter():
+#				abndTwo.funcSetFeatureDelimiter(self.funcGetFeatureDelimiter())
+#			#Add prefixes if needed.
+#            		self.funcAddCladePrefixToFeatures()
+#        		abndTwo.funcAddCladePrefixToFeatures()
+#		#Get feature Names
+#		lsFeatures1 = self.funcGetFeatureNames()
+#		lsFeatures2 = abndTwo.funcGetFeatureNames()
+#		#Make one feature name list
+#		lsFeaturesCombined = list(set(lsFeatures1+lsFeature2))
+#		#Add samples by features (Use 0.0 for empty data features, use NA for empty metadata features)
+#		#Combine metadata
+#		dictMetadata1 = self.funcGetMetadataCopy()
+#		dictMetadata2 = abndTwo.funcGetMetadataCopy()
+#		#Get first table metadata and add NA for metadata it is missing for the length of the current metadata
+#		lsMetadataOnlyInTwo = list(set(dictMetadata2.keys())-set(dictMetadata1.keys()))
+#		dictCombinedMetadata = dictMetadata1
+#		lsEmptyMetadata = ["NA" for i in xrange(self.funcGetSampleCount())]
+#		for sKey in lsMetadataOnlyInTwo:
+#			dictCombinedMetadata[sKey]=lsEmptyMetadata
+#		#Add in the other metadata dictionary
+#		lsCombinedKeys = dictCombinedMetadata.keys()
+#		lsEmptyMetadata = ["NA" for i in xrange(abndTwo.funcGetSampleCount())]
+#		for sKey in lsCombinedKeys():
+#			if sKey in dictMetadata2:
+#				dictCombinedMetadata[sKey] = dictCombinedMetadata[sKey]+dictMetadata2[sKey]
+#			else:
+#				dictCombinedMetadata[sKey] = dictCombinedMetadata[sKey]+lsEmptyMetadata
+#		#Make Abundance table
+#		return AbundanceTable(npaAbundance=npaAbundance,
+#				dictMetadata = dictCombinedMetadata,
+#				strName = strFileName if strFileName else os.path.splitext(self)[0]+"_combined_"+os.path.splitext(abndTwo)[0],
+#				strLastMetadata = self.funcGetLastMetadataName(),
+#				cFileDelimiter = self.funcGetFileDelimiter(), cFeatureNameDelimiter=self.funcGetFeatureDelimiter())
+	#TODO This does not adjust for sample ordering, needs to
+	def funcAddDataFeature(self, lsNames, npdData):
+		"""
+		Adds a data or group of data to the underlying table.
+		Names should be in the order of the data
+		Each row is considered a feature (not sample).
+		:param lsNames:	Names of the features being added to the data of the table
+		:type: List	List of string names
+		:param npdData: Rows of features to add to the table
+		:type:	Numpy array accessed by row.
+		"""
+		if ( self._npaFeatureAbundance == None ):
+			return False
+		# Check number of input data rows
+		iDataRows = npdData.shape[0]
+		if (len(lsNames) != iDataRows):
+			print "Error:The names and the rows of data features to add must be of equal length"
+		# Grow the array by the neccessary amount and add the new rows
+		iTableRowCount = self.funcGetFeatureCount()
+		iRowElementCount = self.funcGetSampleCount()
+		self._npaFeatureAbundance.resize(iTableRowCount+iDataRows)
+		for iIndexData in xrange(iDataRows):
+			self._npaFeatureAbundance[iTableRowCount+iIndexData] = tuple([lsNames[iIndexData]]+list(npdData[iIndexData]))
+		return True
+	#TODO This does not adjust for sample ordering, needs to
+	def funcAddMetadataFeature(self,lsNames,llsMetadata):
+		"""
+		Adds metadata feature to the underlying table.
+		Names should be in the order of the lists of metadata
+		Each internal list is considered a metadata and paired to a name
+		"""
+		if ( self._dictTableMetadata == None ):
+			return False
+		# Check number of input data rows
+		iMetadataCount = len(llsMetadata)
+		if (len(lsNames) != iMetadataCount):
+			print "Error:The names and the rows of metadata features to add must be of equal length"
+		# Add the metadata
+		for tpleMetadata in zip(lsNames,llsMetadata):
+			self._dictTableMetadata[tpleMetadata[0]]=tpleMetadata[1]
+		return True
+	#2 test Cases
+	def funcSetFeatureDelimiter(self, cDelimiter):
+		"""
+		Changes the feature delimiter to the one provided.
+		Updates the feature names.
+		:param	cDelimiter:	Character feature delimiter
+		:type:	Character
+		:return	Boolean:	Indicator of success or not (false)
+		"""
+		if ( self._npaFeatureAbundance == None ):
+			return False
+		cDelimiterCurrent = self.funcGetFeatureDelimiter()
+		if ( not cDelimiter or not cDelimiterCurrent):
+			return False
+		#Make new feature names
+		lsNewFeatureNames = [sFeatureName.replace(cDelimiterCurrent,cDelimiter) for sFeatureName in self.funcGetFeatureNames()]
+		#Update new feature names to abundance table
+		if (not self.funcGetIDMetadataName() == None):
+			self._npaFeatureAbundance[self.funcGetIDMetadataName()] = np.array(lsNewFeatureNames)
+		#Update delimiter
+		self._cFeatureDelimiter = cDelimiter
+		return True
+	#Happy path tested
+	def funcGetSampleNames(self):
+		"""
+		Returns the sample names (IDs) contained in the abundance table.
+		:return	Sample Name:	A List of sample names indicated by the metadata associated with the sMetadataId given in table creation.
+								A list of string names or empty list on error as well as no underlying table.
+		"""
+		return self._npaFeatureAbundance.dtype.names[1:] if ( self._npaFeatureAbundance != None ) else []
+	#Happy Path Tested
+	def funcGetIDMetadataName(self):
+		"""
+		Returns the metadata id.
+		:return	ID:	The metadata id (the sample Id).
+					  Returns none on error.
+		"""
+		return self._npaFeatureAbundance.dtype.names[0] if ( self._npaFeatureAbundance != None ) else None
+	#Happy path tested
+	def funcGetAbundanceCopy(self):
+		"""
+		Returns a deep copy of the abundance table.
+		:return	Numpy Structured Array:	The measurement data in the Abundance table. Can use sample names to access each column of measurements.
+									   Returns none on error.
+		"""
+		return self._npaFeatureAbundance.copy() if ( self._npaFeatureAbundance != None ) else None
+	#Happy path tested
+	def funcGetAverageAbundancePerSample(self, lsTargetedFeatures):
+		"""
+		Averages feature abundance within a sample.
+		:param	lsTargetedFeatures:	String names of features to average
+		:type:	List of string names of features which are measured
+		:return	List: List of lists or boolean (False on error). One internal list per sample indicating the sample and the feature's average abudance
+			[[sample,average abundance of selected taxa]] or False on error
+		"""
+		#Sample rank averages [[sample,average abundance of selected taxa]]
+		sampleAbundanceAverages = []
+		sampleNames = self.funcGetSampleNames()
+		allTaxaNames = self.funcGetFeatureNames()
+		#Get an abundance table compressed to features of interest
+		abndReducedTable = self.funcGetFeatureAbundanceTable(lsTargetedFeatures)
+		if abndReducedTable == None:
+			return False  
+		#If the taxa to be selected are not in the list, Return nothing and log
+		lsMissing = []
+		for sFeature in lsTargetedFeatures:
+			if not sFeature in allTaxaNames:
+				lsMissing.append(sFeature)
+			else:
+				#Check to make sure the taxa of interest is not average abundance of 0
+				if not abndReducedTable.funcGetFeatureSumAcrossSamples(sFeature):
+					lsMissing.append(sFeature)
+		if len(lsMissing) > 0:
+			sys.stderr.write( "Could not find features for averaging: " + str(lsMissing) )
+			return False
+		#For each sample name get average abundance
+		for sName in sampleNames:
+			npaFeaturesSample = abndReducedTable.funcGetSample(sName)
+			sampleAbundanceAverages.append([sName,sum(npaFeaturesSample)/float(len(npaFeaturesSample))])
+		#Sort based on average
+		return sorted(sampleAbundanceAverages, key = lambda sampleData: sampleData[1], reverse = True)
+	#Happy path tested 1
+	def funcGetAverageSample(self):
+		"""
+		Returns the average sample of the abundance table.
+		This average sample is made of the average of each feature.
+		:return list: A list of averages in the order of the feature names.
+		"""
+		ldAverageSample = []
+		#If there are no samples then return empty list.
+		if len(self.funcGetSampleNames()) < 1:
+			return ldAverageSample
+		#If there are samples return the average of each feature in the order of the feature names.
+		for sFeature in self._npaFeatureAbundance:
+			npFeaturesAbundance = list(sFeature)[1:]
+			ldAverageSample.append(sum(npFeaturesAbundance)/float(len(npFeaturesAbundance)))
+		return ldAverageSample
+	#Tested 2 cases
+	def funcHasFeatureHierarchy(self):
+		"""
+		Returns an indicator of having a hierarchy in the features indicated by the existance of the
+		feature delimiter.
+		:return	Boolean:	True (Has a hierarchy) or False (Does not have a hierarchy)
+		"""
+		if ( self._npaFeatureAbundance == None ):
+			return None
+		cDelimiter = self.funcGetFeatureDelimiter()
+		if ( not cDelimiter ):
+			return False
+		#For each feature name, check to see if the delimiter is in the name
+		for sFeature in self.funcGetFeatureNames():
+			if cDelimiter in sFeature:
+				return True
+		return False
+	def funcGetCladePrefixes(self):
+		"""
+		Returns the list of prefixes to use on biological sample hierarchy
+		:return	List:	List of strings
+		"""
+		return self._lsCladePrefixes
+	#3 test cases
+	def funcAddCladePrefixToFeatures(self):
+		"""
+		As a standardized clade prefix to indicate biological clade given hierarchy.
+		Will not add a prefix to already prefixes feature names.
+		Will add prefix to feature names that do not have them or clades in a feature name that
+		do not have them while leaving ones that do as is.
+		:return	Boolean:	True (Has a hierarchy) or False (Does not have a hierarchy)
+		"""
+		if ( self._npaFeatureAbundance == None ):
+			return None
+		cDelimiter = self.funcGetFeatureDelimiter()
+		lsPrefixes = self.funcGetCladePrefixes()
+		iPrefixLength = len(lsPrefixes)
+		if ( not cDelimiter ):
+			return False
+		#Append prefixes to feature names
+		lsUpdatedFeatureNames = []
+		lsFeatureNames = self.funcGetFeatureNames()
+		for sFeatureName in lsFeatureNames:
+			lsClades = sFeatureName.split(cDelimiter)
+			#If there are not enough then error
+			if(len(lsClades) > iPrefixLength):
+                                print "Error:: Too many clades given to be biologically meaningful"
+				return False
+			lsUpdatedFeatureNames.append(cDelimiter.join([lsPrefixes[iClade]+lsClades[iClade] if not(lsClades[iClade][0:len(lsPrefixes[iClade])]==lsPrefixes[iClade]) else lsClades[iClade] for iClade in xrange(len(lsClades))]))
+		#Update new feature names to abundance table
+		if not self.funcGetIDMetadataName() == None:
+			self._npaFeatureAbundance[self.funcGetIDMetadataName()] = np.array(lsUpdatedFeatureNames)
+		return True
+	#Happy Path Tested
+	def funcGetFeatureAbundanceTable(self, lsFeatures):
+		"""
+		Returns a copy of the current abundance table with the abundance of just the given features.
+		:param	lsFeatures:	String Feature IDs that are kept in the compressed abundance table.
+		:type:	List of strings	Feature IDs (found as the first entry of a filter in the input file.
+		:return	AbundanceTable:	A compressed version of the abundance table.
+				  On an error None is returned.
+		"""
+		if ( self._npaFeatureAbundance == None ) or ( lsFeatures == None ):
+			return None
+		#Get a list of boolean indicators that the row is from the features list
+		lfFeatureData = [sRowID in lsFeatures for sRowID in self.funcGetFeatureNames()]
+		#compressed version as an Abundance table
+		lsNamePieces = os.path.splitext(self._strOriginalName)
+		abndFeature = AbundanceTable(npaAbundance=np.compress(lfFeatureData, self._npaFeatureAbundance, axis = 0),
+					dictMetadata = self.funcGetMetadataCopy(),
+					strName = lsNamePieces[0] + "-" + str(len(lsFeatures)) +"-Features"+lsNamePieces[1],
+					strLastMetadata=self.funcGetLastMetadataName(),
+					cFileDelimiter = self.funcGetFileDelimiter(), cFeatureNameDelimiter= self.funcGetFeatureDelimiter())
+		#Table is no longer normalized
+		abndFeature._fIsNormalized = False
+		return abndFeature
+	#Happy path tested
+	def funcGetFeatureDelimiter(self):
+		"""
+		The delimiter of the feature names (For example to use on concensus lineages).
+		:return	Character:	Delimiter for the feature name pieces if it is complex.
+		"""
+		return self._cFeatureDelimiter
+	#Happy path tested
+	def funcGetFeatureCount(self):
+		"""
+		Returns the current feature count.
+		:return	Count:	Returns the int count of features in the abundance table.
+						Returns None on error.
+		"""
+		return self._npaFeatureAbundance.shape[0] if not self._npaFeatureAbundance is None else 0
+	#Happy path tested
+	def funcGetFeatureSumAcrossSamples(self,sFeatureName):
+		"""
+		Returns float sum of feature values across the samples.
+		:param	sFeatureName: The feature ID to get the sum from.
+		:type:	String.
+		:return	Double:	Sum of one feature across samples.
+		"""
+		return sum(self.funcGetFeature(sFeatureName))
+	def funcGetFeature(self,sFeatureName):
+		"""
+		Returns feature values across the samples.
+		:param	sFeatureName: The feature ID to get the sum from.
+		:type:	String.
+		:return	Double:	Feature across samples.
+		"""
+		for sFeature in self._npaFeatureAbundance:
+			if sFeature[0] == sFeatureName:
+				return list(sFeature)[1:]
+		return None
+	#Happy path tested
+	def funcGetFeatureNames(self):
+		"""
+		Return the feature names as a list.
+		:return	Feature Names:	List of feature names (or IDs) as strings.
+								As an error returns empty list.
+		"""
+		if (not self._npaFeatureAbundance == None):
+			return self._npaFeatureAbundance[self.funcGetIDMetadataName()]
+		return []
+	#Happy path tested
+	def funcGetFileDelimiter(self):
+		"""
+		The delimiter of the file the data was read from and which is also the delimiter which would be used to write the data to a file.
+		:return	Character:	Delimiter for the parsing and writing the file.
+		"""
+		return self._cDelimiter
+	def funcGetLastMetadataName(self):
+		"""
+		Get the last metadata name that seperates abundance and metadata measurements.
+		:return string:	Metadata name
+		"""
+		return self._strLastMetadataName
+	#Happy path tested
+	def funcGetSample(self,sSampleName):
+		"""
+		Return a copy of the feature measurements of a sample.
+		:param	sSampleName:	Name of sample to return.	
+		:type:	String	
+		:return	Sample: Measurements	Feature measurements of a sample.
+				Empty numpy array returned on error.
+		"""
+		if (not self._npaFeatureAbundance == None):
+			return self._npaFeatureAbundance[sSampleName].copy()
+		return np.array([])
+	#Happy path tested
+	def funcGetMetadata(self, strMetadataName):
+		"""
+		Returns a list of metadata that is associated with the given metadata name (id).
+		:param	strMetadataName:	String metadata ID to be returned
+		:type:	String	ID
+		:return	Metadata:	List of metadata
+		"""
+		return copy.deepcopy( self._dictTableMetadata.get(strMetadataName) ) \
+			if self._dictTableMetadata else None
+	#Happy path tested
+	def funcGetMetadataCopy(self):
+		"""
+		Returns a deep copy of the metadata.
+		:return	Metadata copy:	{"ID":[value,value...]}
+		"""
+		return copy.deepcopy(self._dictTableMetadata)
+	#Happy path tested
+	def funcGetName(self):
+		"""
+		Returns the name of the object which is the file name that generated it.
+		If the object was generated from an Abundance Table (for instance through stratification)
+		the name is still in the form of a file that could be written to which is informative
+		of the changes that have occurred on the data set.
+		:return string: Name
+		"""
+		return self._strOriginalName
+	#Happy path tested. could do more
+	def funcGetTerminalNodes(self):
+		"""
+		Returns the terminal nodes given the current feature names in the abundance table. The 
+		features must contain a consensus lineage or all will be returned.
+		:return List:	List of strings of the terminal nodes given the abundance table.
+		"""
+		return AbundanceTable.funcGetTerminalNodesFromList(lsNames=self.funcGetFeatureNames(),cNameDelimiter=self.funcGetFeatureDelimiter())
+	#Tested 2 test cases
+	@staticmethod
+	def funcGetTerminalNodesFromList(lsNames,cNameDelimiter):
+		"""
+		Returns the terminal nodes given the current feature names in the abundance table. The 
+		features must contain a consensus lineage or all will be returned.
+		:param	lsNames:	The list of string names to parse and filter.
+		:type:	List of strings
+		:param	cNameDelimiter:	The delimiter for the name of the features.
+		:type:	Character	Delimiter
+		:return list:	A list of terminal elements in the list (given only the list).
+		"""
+		#Build hash
+		dictCounts = dict()
+		for strTaxaName in lsNames:
+			#Split into the elements of the clades
+			lsClades = filter(None,strTaxaName.split(cNameDelimiter))
+			#Count clade levels
+			iCladeLength = len(lsClades)
+			#Evaluate first element
+			sClade = lsClades[0]
+			dictCounts[sClade] = sClade not in dictCounts
+			#Evaluate the rest of the elements
+			if iCladeLength < 2:
+				continue
+			for iIndex in xrange(1,iCladeLength):
+				prevClade = sClade
+				sClade = cNameDelimiter.join([sClade,lsClades[iIndex]])
+				if sClade in dictCounts:
+					dictCounts[sClade] = dictCounts[prevClade] = False
+				else:
+					dictCounts[sClade] = True
+					dictCounts[prevClade] = False
+		#Return only the elements that were of count 1
+		return filter( lambda s: dictCounts[s] == True, dictCounts )
+	#Happy path tested
+	def funcIsNormalized(self):
+		"""
+		Returns if the data has been normalized.
+		:return	Boolean:	Indicates if the data is normalized.
+						   True indicates it the data is normalized.
+		"""
+		return self._fIsNormalized
+	#Happy path tested
+	def funcIsPrimaryIdMetadata(self,sMetadataName):
+		"""
+		Checks the metadata data associated with the sMetadatName and returns if the metadata is unique.
+		This is important to some of the functions in the Abundance Table specifically when translating from one metadata to another.
+		:param	sMetadataName:	ID of metadata to check for uniqueness.
+		:type:	String	Metadata ID.
+		:return	Boolean:	Returns indicator of uniqueness.
+							True indicates unique.
+		"""
+		lMetadata = self.funcGetMetadata(sMetadataName)
+		if not lMetadata:
+			return False
+		return (len(lMetadata) == len(set(lMetadata)))
+	#Happy path tested
+	def funcIsSummed(self):
+		"""
+		Return is the data is summed.
+		:return	Boolean:	Indicator of being summed. True indicates summed.
+		"""
+		return self._fIsSummed
+	#Happy path tested
+	def funcFilterAbundanceByPercentile(self, dPercentileCutOff = 95.0, dPercentageAbovePercentile=1.0):
+		"""
+		Filter on features.
+		A feature is removed if it's abundance is not found in the top X percentile a certain percentage of the samples.
+		:param	dPercentileCutOff:	The percentile used for filtering.
+		:type:	double	A double between 0.0 and 100.0
+		:param	dPercentageAbovePercentile:	The percentage above the given percentile (dPercentileCutOff) that must exist to keep the feature.
+		:type:	double	Between 0.0 and 100.0
+		:return	Boolean:	Indicator of filtering occuring without error. True indicates filtering occuring.
+		"""
+		#No need to do anything
+		if(dPercentileCutOff==0.0) or (dPercentageAbovePercentile==0.0):
+			return True
+		#Sample names
+		lsSampleNames = self.funcGetSampleNames()
+		#Scale percentage out of 100
+		dPercentageAbovePercentile = dPercentageAbovePercentile/100.0
+		#Sample count
+		iSampleCount = len(lsSampleNames)
+		#Get a threshold score of the value at the specified percentile for each sample
+		#In the order of the sample names
+		ldScoreAtPercentile = [scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(self._npaFeatureAbundance[lsSampleNames[iIndex]],dPercentileCutOff) for iIndex in xrange(iSampleCount)]
+		#Record how many entries for each feature have a value equal to or greater than the dPercentileCutOff
+		#If the percentile of entries passing the criteria are above the dPercentageAbovePercentile put index in list to keep
+		liKeepIndices = []
+		iSampleCount = float(iSampleCount)
+		for iRowIndex, npaRow in enumerate(self._npaFeatureAbundance):
+			iCountPass = sum([1 if dValue >= ldScoreAtPercentile[iValueIndex] else 0 for iValueIndex, dValue in enumerate(list(npaRow)[1:])])
+			if (iCountPass / iSampleCount) >= dPercentageAbovePercentile:
+				liKeepIndices.append(iRowIndex)
+		#Compress array
+		self._npaFeatureAbundance = self._npaFeatureAbundance[liKeepIndices,:]
+		#Update filter state
+		self._strCurrentFilterState += ":dPercentileCutOff=" + str(dPercentileCutOff) + ",dPercentageAbovePercentile=" + str(dPercentageAbovePercentile)
+		#Table is no longer normalized
+		self._fIsNormalized = False
+		return True
+	def funcFilterAbundanceByMinValue(self, dMinAbundance = 0.0001, iMinSamples = 3):
+		"""
+		Filter abundance by requiring features to have a minimum relative abundance in a minimum number of samples.
+		Will evaluate greater than or equal to the dMinAbundance and iMinSamples.
+		:param	dMinAbundance:	Minimum relative abundance.
+		:type:	Real	Number Less than 1.
+		:param	iMinSamples:	Minimum samples to have the relative abundnace or greater in.
+		:type:	Integer	Number greater than 1.
+		:return	Boolean:	Indicator of the filter running without error. False indicates error.
+		"""
+		#No need to do anything
+		if(dMinAbundance==0) or (iMinSamples==0):
+			return True
+		#This normalization requires the data to be relative abundance
+		if not self._fIsNormalized:
+			#sys.stderr.write( "Could not filter by sequence occurence because the data is already normalized.\n" )
+			return False
+		#Holds which indexes are kept
+		liKeepFeatures = []
+		for iRowIndex, dataRow in enumerate( self._npaFeatureAbundance ):
+			#See which rows meet the criteria and keep the index if needed.
+			if len( filter( lambda d: d >= dMinAbundance, list(dataRow)[1:] ) ) >= iMinSamples:
+				liKeepFeatures.append(iRowIndex)
+		#Compress array
+		self._npaFeatureAbundance = self._npaFeatureAbundance[liKeepFeatures,:]
+		#Update filter state
+		self._strCurrentFilterState += ":dMinAbundance=" + str(dMinAbundance) + ",iMinSamples=" + str(iMinSamples)
+		return True
+	#Happy path tested
+	def funcFilterAbundanceBySequenceOccurence(self, iMinSequence = 2, iMinSamples = 2):
+		"""
+		Filter occurence by requiring features to have a minimum sequence occurence in a minimum number of samples.
+		Will evaluate greater than or equal to the iMinSequence and iMinSamples.
+		:param	iMinSequence:	Minimum sequence to occur.
+		:type:	Integer	Number Greater than 1.
+		:param	iMinSamples:	Minimum samples to occur in.
+		:type:	Integer	Number greater than 1.
+		:return	Boolean:	Indicator of the filter running without error. False indicates error.
+		"""
+		#No need to do anything
+		if(iMinSequence==0) or (iMinSamples==0):
+			return True
+		#This normalization requires the data to be reads
+		if self._fIsNormalized:
+			#sys.stderr.write( "Could not filter by sequence occurence because the data is already normalized.\n" )
+			return False
+		#Holds which indexes are kept
+		liKeepFeatures = []
+		for iRowIndex, dataRow in enumerate( self._npaFeatureAbundance ):
+			#See which rows meet the criteria and keep the index if needed.
+			if len( filter( lambda d: d >= iMinSequence, list(dataRow)[1:] ) ) >= iMinSamples:
+				liKeepFeatures.append(iRowIndex)
+		#Compress array
+		self._npaFeatureAbundance = self._npaFeatureAbundance[liKeepFeatures,:]
+		#Update filter state
+		self._strCurrentFilterState += ":iMinSequence=" + str(iMinSequence) + ",iMinSamples=" + str(iMinSamples)
+		return True
+	#1 Happy path test
+	def funcFilterFeatureBySD(self, dMinSDCuttOff = 0.0):
+		"""
+		A feature is removed if it's abundance is not found to have standard deviation more than the given dMinSDCutoff.
+		:param	dMinSDCuttOff:	Standard deviation threshold.
+		:type:	Double	A double greater than 0.0.
+		:return	Boolean:	Indicator of success. False indicates error.
+		"""
+		#No need to do anything
+		if(dMinSDCuttOff==0.0):
+			return True
+		#Holds which indexes are kept
+		liKeepFeatures = []
+		#Evaluate each sample
+		for iRowIndex, dataRow in enumerate(self._npaFeatureAbundance):
+			if(np.std(list(dataRow)[1:])>=dMinSDCuttOff):
+				liKeepFeatures.append(iRowIndex)
+		#Compress array
+		self._npaFeatureAbundance = self._npaFeatureAbundance[liKeepFeatures,:]
+		#Update filter state
+		self._strCurrentFilterState += ":dMinSDCuttOff=" + str(dMinSDCuttOff)
+		#Table is no longer normalized
+		self._fIsNormalized = False
+		return True
+        #Happy path tested 2 tests
+	def funcGetWithoutOTUs(self):
+		"""
+		Remove features that are terminal otus. Terminal otus are identified as being an integer.
+		"""
+		#Get the feature names
+		lsFeatures = self.funcGetFeatureNames()
+		#Reduce, filter the feature names
+		lsFeatures = [sFeature for sFeature in lsFeatures if not (ValidateData.funcIsValidStringInt(sFeature.split(self.funcGetFeatureDelimiter())[-1]))]
+		return self.funcGetFeatureAbundanceTable(lsFeatures)
+	#Happy path tested
+	def funcNormalize(self):
+		"""
+		Convenience method which will call which ever normalization is approriate on the data.
+		:return Boolean: Indicator of success (true).
+		"""
+		if self._fIsSummed:
+			return self.funcNormalizeColumnsWithSummedClades()
+		else:
+			return self.funcNormalizeColumnsBySum()
+	#Testing Status: Light happy path testing
+	def funcNormalizeColumnsBySum(self):
+		"""
+		Normalize the data in a manner that is approrpiate for NOT summed data.
+		Normalize the columns (samples) of the abundance table.
+		Normalizes as a fraction of the total (number/(sum of all numbers in the column)).
+		Will not act on summed tables.
+		:return	Boolean:	Indicator of success. False indicates error.
+		"""
+		if self._fIsNormalized:
+#			sys.stderr.write( "This table is already normalized, did not perform new normalization request.\n" )
+			return False
+		if self._fIsSummed:
+			sys.stderr.write( "This table has clades summed, this normalization is not appropriate. Did not perform.\n" )
+			return False
+		#Normalize
+		for columnName in self.funcGetSampleNames():
+			column = self._npaFeatureAbundance[columnName]
+			columnTotal = sum(column)
+			if(columnTotal > 0.0):
+				column = column/columnTotal
+			self._npaFeatureAbundance[columnName] = column
+		#Indicate normalization has occured
+		self._fIsNormalized = True
+		return True
+	#Happy path tested
+	def funcNormalizeColumnsWithSummedClades(self):
+		"""
+		Normalizes a summed Abundance Table.
+		If this is called on a dataset which is not summed and not normalized.
+		The data will be summed first and then normalized.
+		If already normalized, the current normalization is kept.
+		:return	Boolean:	Indicator of success. False indicates error.
+		"""
+		if self._fIsNormalized:
+#			sys.stderr.write( "This table is already normalized, did not perform new summed normalization request.\n" )
+			return False
+		if not self._fIsSummed:
+			sys.stderr.write( "This table does not have clades summed, this normalization is not appropriate until the clades are summed. The clades are being summed now before normalization.\n" )
+			self.funcSumClades()
+		#Load a hash table with root data {sKey: npaAbundances}
+		hashRoots = {}
+		for npaRow in self._npaFeatureAbundance:
+			curldAbundance = np.array(list(npaRow)[1:])
+			curFeatureNameLength = len(npaRow[0].split(self._cFeatureDelimiter))
+			curlRootData = hashRoots.get(npaRow[0].split(self._cFeatureDelimiter)[0])
+			if not curlRootData:
+				hashRoots[npaRow[0].split(self._cFeatureDelimiter)[0]] = [curFeatureNameLength, curldAbundance]
+			elif curlRootData[0] > curFeatureNameLength:
+				hashRoots[npaRow[0].split(self._cFeatureDelimiter)[0]] = [curFeatureNameLength, curldAbundance]
+		#Normalize each feature by thier root feature
+		dataMatrix = list()
+		for npaRow in self._npaFeatureAbundance:
+			curHashRoot = list(hashRoots[npaRow[0].split(self._cFeatureDelimiter)[0]][1])
+			dataMatrix.append(tuple([npaRow[0]]+[npaRow[i+1]/curHashRoot[i] if curHashRoot[i] > 0 else 0 for i in xrange(len(curHashRoot))]))
+		self._npaFeatureAbundance = np.array(dataMatrix,self._npaFeatureAbundance.dtype)
+		#Indicate normalization has occured
+		self._fIsNormalized = True
+		return True
+	def _funcRankAbundanceHelper( self, aaTodo, iRank, lRankAbundance ):
+		"""
+		Helper method for ranking abudance which are tied.
+		:params aaTodo: List of tied ranks to change to a rank.
+		:type:	List of Enumerates of samples.
+		:params iRank: Current Rank
+		:type:	Integer
+		:params lRankAbundance: Sample of abundance
+		:type:	List of integers
+		"""
+		# Subtract one from iRank (each time) to account for next loop iteration
+		# Then average it with itself minus (the length of aaTodo + 1)
+		dRank = ( iRank + iRank - len( aaTodo ) - 1 ) / 2.0
+		for a in aaTodo:
+			lRankAbundance[a[0]] = dRank
+	#1 Happy path test
+	def funcRankAbundance(self):
+		"""
+		Rank abundances of features with in a sample.
+		:return	AbundanceTable:	Abundance table data ranked (Features with in samples).
+							  None is returned on error.
+		"""
+		if self._npaFeatureAbundance == None:
+			return None
+		lsSampleNames = self.funcGetSampleNames()
+		npRankAbundance = self.funcGetAbundanceCopy()
+		liRanks = []
+		#For each sample name get the ranks
+		for sName in lsSampleNames:
+			#Enumerate for order and sort abundances
+			lfSample = list(enumerate(npRankAbundance[sName]))
+			lfSample = sorted(lfSample, key = lambda a: a[1], reverse = True)
+			# Accumulate indices until a new value is encountered to detect + handle ties
+			aaTodo = []
+			for i, a in enumerate( lfSample ):
+				if ( not aaTodo ) or ( a[1] == aaTodo[-1][1] ):
+					aaTodo.append( a )
+				else:
+			# Make multiple tied ranks = average of first and last
+					self._funcRankAbundanceHelper( aaTodo, i, npRankAbundance[sName] )
+					aaTodo = [a]
+			self._funcRankAbundanceHelper( aaTodo, i + 1, npRankAbundance[sName] )
+		abndRanked = AbundanceTable(npaAbundance=npRankAbundance, dictMetadata=self.funcGetMetadataCopy(),
+			strName= self.funcGetName() + "-Ranked",
+			strLastMetadata=self.funcGetLastMetadataName(),
+			cFileDelimiter=self.funcGetFileDelimiter(),
+			cFeatureNameDelimiter=self.funcGetFeatureDelimiter())
+		#Table is no longer normalized
+		abndRanked._fIsNormalized = False
+		return abndRanked
+	def funcGetSampleCount(self):
+		"""
+		Returns the sample count of the abundance table.
+		"""
+		return len(self.funcGetSampleNames())
+	#Happy Path Tested
+	def funcReduceFeaturesToCladeLevel(self, iCladeLevel):
+		"""
+		Reduce the current table to a certain clade level.
+		:param	iCladeLevel:	The level of the clade to trim the features to.
+		:type:	Integer	The higher the number the more clades are presevered in the consensus lineage contained in the feature name.
+		:return	Boolean:	Indicator of success. False indicates error.
+		"""
+		if iCladeLevel < 1: return False
+		if not self._npaFeatureAbundance == None:
+			liFeatureKeep = []
+			[liFeatureKeep.append(tplFeature[0]) if (len(tplFeature[1][0].split(self.funcGetFeatureDelimiter())) <= iCladeLevel) else 0
+			 for tplFeature in enumerate(self._npaFeatureAbundance)]
+			#Compress array
+			self._npaFeatureAbundance = self._npaFeatureAbundance[liFeatureKeep,:]
+			#Update filter state
+			self._strCurrentFilterState += ":iCladeLevel=" + str(iCladeLevel)
+			return True
+		else:
+			return False
+	#Happy path tested
+	def funcRemoveSamples(self,lsSampleNames):
+		"""
+		Removes the samples given in the list.
+		:param	lsSampleNames:	A list of string names of samples to remove.
+		:type:	List of strings	Unique values
+		:return Boolean: Indicator of success (True = success, no error)
+		"""
+		#Samples to remove
+		setSamples = set(lsSampleNames)
+		#Get orignal sample count
+		iOriginalCount  = self._iOriginalSampleCount
+		#The samples to keep
+		lsKeepSamples = [sSample for sSample in self.funcGetSampleNames() if not sSample in setSamples]
+		#The sample to keep as boolean flags for compressing the metadata
+		lfKeepSamples = [not sSample in setSamples for sSample in self.funcGetSampleNames()]
+		#Reduce the abundance data and update
+		self._npaFeatureAbundance = self._npaFeatureAbundance[[self.funcGetIDMetadataName()]+lsKeepSamples]
+		#Reduce the metadata and update
+		for sKey in self._dictTableMetadata:
+			self._dictTableMetadata[sKey] = [value for iindex, value in enumerate(self._dictTableMetadata[sKey]) if lfKeepSamples[iindex]]
+		#Update sample number count
+		self._iOriginalSampleCount = len(self.funcGetSampleNames())
+		return self._iOriginalSampleCount == (iOriginalCount-len(setSamples))
+	#Happy path tested
+	def funcRemoveSamplesByMetadata(self, sMetadata, lValuesToRemove):
+		"""
+		Removes samples from the abundance table based on values of a metadata.
+		If a metadata has any value given the associated sample is removed.
+		:param	sMetadata:	ID of the metdata to check the given values.
+		:type:	String	Metadata ID
+		:param	lValuesToRemove:	A list of values which if equal to a metadata entry indicate to remove the associated sample.
+		:type:	List of values:	List
+		:return	Boolean:	Indicator of success (True = success, no error)
+		"""
+		lsSampleNames = self.funcGetSampleNames()
+		return self.funcRemoveSamples([lsSampleNames[iindex] for iindex, sValue in enumerate(self.funcGetMetadata(sMetadata)) if sValue in lValuesToRemove])
+	#Happy path testing
+	def funcSumClades(self):
+		"""
+		Sums abundance data by clades indicated in the feature name (as consensus lineages).
+		:return	Boolean:	Indicator of success.
+					False indicates an error.
+		"""
+		if not self.funcIsSummed():
+			#Read in the data
+			#Find the header column (iCol) assumed to be 1 or 2 depending on the location of "NAME"
+			#Create a list (adSeq) that will eventually hold the sum of the columns of data
+			astrHeaders = iCol = None
+			adSeqs = np.array([0] * len(self.funcGetSampleNames()))
+			pTree = CClade( )
+			aastrRaw = []
+			#For each row in the npaAbundance
+			#Get the feature name, feature abundances, and sum up the abudance columns
+			#Keep the sum for later normalization
+			#Give a tree the feature name and abundance
+			for dataRow in self._npaFeatureAbundance:
+				sFeatureName = dataRow[0]
+				ldAbundances = list(dataRow)[1:]
+				#Add to the sum of the columns (samples)
+				adSeqs = adSeqs + np.array(list(dataRow)[1:])
+				#Build tree
+				pTree.get( sFeatureName.split(self._cFeatureDelimiter) ).set( ldAbundances )
+			#Create tree of data
+			#Input missing data
+			#Fill hashFeatures with the clade name (key) and a blist of values (value) of the specified level interested.
+			pTree.impute( )
+			hashFeatures = {}
+			pTree.freeze( hashFeatures, c_iSumAllCladeLevels, c_fOutputLeavesOnly )
+			setstrFeatures = hashFeatures.keys( )
+			#Remove parent clades that are identical to child clades
+			for strFeature, adCounts in hashFeatures.items( ):
+					astrFeature = strFeature.strip( ).split( "|" )
+					while len( astrFeature ) > 1:
+						astrFeature = astrFeature[:-1]
+						strParent = "|".join( astrFeature )
+						adParent = hashFeatures.get( strParent )
+						if adParent == adCounts:
+							del hashFeatures[strParent]
+							setstrFeatures.remove( strParent )
+			#Sort features to be nice
+			astrFeatures = sorted( setstrFeatures )
+			#Change the hash table to an array
+			dataMatrix = list()
+			for sFeature in astrFeatures:
+				dataMatrix.append(tuple([sFeature]+list(hashFeatures[sFeature])))
+			self._npaFeatureAbundance=np.array(dataMatrix,self._npaFeatureAbundance.dtype)
+			#Indicate summation has occured
+			self._fIsSummed = True
+		return True
+	#Happy path tested
+	def funcStratifyByMetadata(self, strMetadata, fWriteToFile=False):
+		"""
+		Stratifies the AbundanceTable by the given metadata.
+		Will write each stratified abundance table to file
+		if fWriteToFile is True the object will used it's internally stored name as a file to write to
+		if fWriteToFile is a string then it should be a directory and end with "." This will rebase the file
+		and store it in a different directory but with an otherwise unchanged name.
+		Note: If the metadata used for stratification has NAs, they will be segregated to thier own table and returned.
+		:param	strMetadata:	Metadata ID to stratify data with.
+		:type:	String	ID for a metadata.
+		:param	fWriteToFile:	Indicator to write to file.
+		:type:	Boolean	True indicates to write to file.
+		:return	List:	List of AbundanceTables which are deep copies of the original.
+						Empty list on error.
+		"""
+		if self._npaFeatureAbundance is None or self._dictTableMetadata is None:
+			return []
+		#Get unique metadata values to stratify by
+		lsMetadata = self._dictTableMetadata.get(strMetadata,[])
+		setValues = set(lsMetadata)
+		#If there is only one metadata value then no need to stratify so return the original in the list (and write if needed)
+		if len(setValues) == 0:
+		  return []
+		retlAbundanceTables = []
+		dictAbundanceBlocks = dict()
+		#Given here there are multiple metadata values, continue to stratify
+		lsNames = self.funcGetSampleNames()
+		#Get index of values to break up
+		for value in setValues:
+			lfDataIndex = [sData==value for sData in lsMetadata]
+			#Get abundance data for the metadata value
+			#The true is added to keep the first column which should be the feature id
+			npaStratfiedAbundance = self._npaFeatureAbundance[[self.funcGetIDMetadataName()]+list(np.compress(lfDataIndex,lsNames))]
+			#Get metadata for the metadata value
+			dictStratifiedMetadata = dict()
+			for metadataType in self._dictTableMetadata:
+				dictValues = self.funcGetMetadata(metadataType)
+				dictStratifiedMetadata[metadataType] = np.compress(lfDataIndex,dictValues).tolist()
+			#Make abundance table
+			#Add abundance table to the list
+			lsNamePieces = os.path.splitext(self._strOriginalName)
+			objStratifiedAbundanceTable = AbundanceTable(npaAbundance=npaStratfiedAbundance, dictMetadata=dictStratifiedMetadata,
+				strName=lsNamePieces[0] + "-StratBy-" + value+lsNamePieces[1],
+				strLastMetadata=self.funcGetLastMetadataName(),
+				cFeatureNameDelimiter=self._cFeatureDelimiter, cFileDelimiter = self._cDelimiter)
+			if fWriteToFile:
+				objStratifiedAbundanceTable.funcWriteToFile(lsNamePieces[0] + "-StratBy-" + value+lsNamePieces[1])
+			#Append abundance table to returning list
+			retlAbundanceTables.append(objStratifiedAbundanceTable)
+		return retlAbundanceTables
+	#Happy Path Tested
+	def funcTranslateIntoMetadata(self, lsValues, sMetadataFrom, sMetadataTo, fFromPrimaryIds=True):
+		"""
+		Takes the given data values in one metadata and translates it to values in another
+		metadata of the sample samples holding the values of the first metadata
+		FPrimaryIds, if true the sMetadataFrom are checked for unique values,
+		If FPrimaryIds is not true, duplicate values can stop the preservation of order
+		Or may cause duplication in the "to" group. This is not advised.
+		if the sMetadataFrom has any duplicates the function fails and return false.
+		:param	lsValues:	Values to translate.
+		:type:	List	List of values.
+		:param	sMetadataFrom:	The metadata the lsValues come from.
+		:type:	String	ID for the metadata.
+		:param	sMetadataTo:	The metadata the lsValues will be translated into keeping the samples the same.
+		:type:	String	ID for the metadata.
+		:param	fFromPrimaryIds:	The metadata that are in the from metadata list must be unique in each sample.
+		:type:	Boolean	True indicates the metadata list should be unique in each sample. Otherwise a false will return.
+		:return List:	List of new values or False on error.
+		"""
+		#Get metadata
+		lFromMetadata = self.funcGetMetadata(sMetadataFrom)
+		if not lFromMetadata:
+				sys.stderr.write( "Abundancetable::funcTranlateIntoMetadata. Did not receive lFromMetadata.\n" )
+				return False
+		lToMetadata = self.funcGetMetadata(sMetadataTo)
+		if not lToMetadata:
+				sys.stderr.write( "Abundancetable::funcTranlateIntoMetadata. Did not receive lToMetadata.\n" )
+				return False
+		#Check to see if the values are unique if indicated to do so
+		if fFromPrimaryIds:
+			if not len(lFromMetadata) == len(set(lFromMetadata)):
+				sys.stderr.write( "Abundancetable::funcTranlateIntoMetadata. sMetadataFrom did not have unique values.\n" )
+				return False
+		#Translate over
+		if lFromMetadata and lToMetadata:
+			return [lToMetadata[iIndex] for iIndex in [lFromMetadata.index(value) for value in lsValues]]
+		return False
+	#Happy path tested
+	def funcToArray(self):
+		"""
+		Returns a numpy array of the current Abundance Table.
+		Removes the first ID head column and the numpy array is
+		Made of lists, not tuples.
+		:return Numpy Array:	np.array([[float,float,...],[float,float,...],[float,float,...]])
+								None is returned on error.
+		"""
+		if not self._npaFeatureAbundance == None:
+			return np.array([list(tplRow)[1:] for tplRow in self._npaFeatureAbundance],'float')
+		return None
+	#Happy Path tested
+	def funcWriteToFile(self, xOutputFile, cDelimiter=None, cFileType=ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_strPCLFile):
+		"""
+		Writes the AbundanceTable to a file strOutputFile.
+		Will rewrite over a file as needed.
+		Will use the cDelimiter to delimit columns if provided.
+		:param	xOutputFile:	File stream or File path to write the file to.
+		:type:	String	File Path
+		:param	cDelimiter:	Delimiter for the output file.
+		:type:	Character	If cDlimiter is not specified, the internally stored file delimiter is used.
+		"""
+		if not xOutputFile:
+			return
+		# Check delimiter argument
+		if not cDelimiter:
+			cDelimiter = self._cDelimiter
+		#  Check file type: If pcl: Write pcl file; If biom: write biom file;  If None - write pcl file
+		if(cFileType == None):		
+				cFileType == ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_strPCLFile 
+		if(cFileType == ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_strPCLFile):
+			# Write as a pcl file
+			self._funcWritePCLFile(xOutputFile, cDelimiter=cDelimiter)
+		elif(cFileType == ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_strBiomFile):
+			#Write as a biom  file
+			self._funcWriteBiomFile(xOutputFile)
+		return
+	def _funcWritePCLFile(self, xOutputFile, cDelimiter=None):
+		"""
+		Write an abundance table object as a PCL file.
+		:param	xOutputFile:	File stream or File path to write the file to.
+		:type:	String	File Path
+		:param	cDelimiter:	Delimiter for the output file.
+		:type:	Character	If cDlimiter is not specified, the internally stored file delimiter is used.
+		"""
+		f = csv.writer(open( xOutputFile, "w" ) if isinstance(xOutputFile, str) else xOutputFile, csv.excel_tab, delimiter=cDelimiter)
+		# Get Row metadata id info (IDs for column header, keys that line up with the ids)
+		lsRowMetadataIDs, lsRowMetadataIDKeys = self.rwmtRowMetadata.funcMakeIDs() if self.rwmtRowMetadata else [[],[]]
+		#Write Ids
+		f.writerows([[self.funcGetIDMetadataName()]+lsRowMetadataIDs+list(self.funcGetSampleNames())])
+		#Write column metadata
+		lsKeys = list(set(self._dictTableMetadata.keys())-set([self.funcGetIDMetadataName(),self.funcGetLastMetadataName()]))
+		lMetadataIterations = list(set(lsKeys+[self.funcGetLastMetadataName()] ))
+		f.writerows([[sMetaKey]+([ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_strEmptyDataMetadata]*len(lsRowMetadataIDs))+self.funcGetMetadata(sMetaKey) for sMetaKey in lMetadataIterations if sMetaKey != self.funcGetIDMetadataName() and not sMetaKey is None]) 
+		#Write abundance
+		lsOutput = list()
+		curAbundance = self._npaFeatureAbundance.tolist()
+		for curAbundanceRow in curAbundance:
+			# Make feature metadata, padding with NA as needed
+			lsMetadata = []
+			for sMetadataId in lsRowMetadataIDKeys:
+				lsMetadata = lsMetadata + self.rwmtRowMetadata.funGetFeatureMetadata( curAbundanceRow[0], sMetadataId )
+				lsMetadata = lsMetadata + ( [ ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_strEmptyDataMetadata ] * 
+					( self.rwmtRowMetadata.dictMetadataIDs.get( sMetadataId, 0 ) - len( lsMetadata ) ) )
+			f.writerows([[curAbundanceRow[0]]+lsMetadata+[str(curAbundanceElement) for curAbundanceElement in curAbundanceRow[1:]]])
+		return
+	def _funcWriteBiomFile(self, xOutputFile):
+		"""
+		Write an abundance table object as a Biom file.
+		:param	xOutputFile:	File stream or File path to write the file to.
+		:type:	String	File Path	
+		"""
+		#**************************
+		# Get Sample Names        *
+		#**************************
+		lSampNames = list(self.funcGetSampleNames())
+		#**************************
+		# Metadata Names          *
+		#**************************
+		dictMetadataCopy = self.funcGetMetadataCopy()
+		lMetaData = list()
+		iKeysCounter = 0
+		for lMetadataCopyEntry in dictMetadataCopy.iteritems():
+			iKeysCounter +=1
+			sMetadataName = lMetadataCopyEntry[0]
+			lMetadataEntries = lMetadataCopyEntry[1]
+			iMetadataEntryCounter =  -1
+			for sMetadataEntry in lMetadataEntries:
+				iMetadataEntryCounter+=1
+				dictMetadataNames = dict()
+				dictMetadataNames[sMetadataName ] = sMetadataEntry
+				if iKeysCounter == 1:
+					lMetaData.append(dictMetadataNames)
+				else:
+					lMetaData[iMetadataEntryCounter][sMetadataName ] = sMetadataEntry
+		#**************************
+		# Observation Ids         *
+		# and row metadata        *
+		#**************************
+		bTaxonomyInRowsFlag = False	
+		if  self.rwmtRowMetadata.dictRowMetadata  is not None:
+				bTaxonomyInRowsFlag = True	
+		lObservationMetadataTable = list()
+		lObservationIds = list()
+		lFeatureNamesResultArray = self.funcGetFeatureNames()
+		for sFeatureName  in  lFeatureNamesResultArray:
+			lObservationIds.append(sFeatureName)
+			if self.rwmtRowMetadata and self.rwmtRowMetadata.dictRowMetadata:
+				RowMetadataEntry = self.rwmtRowMetadata.dictRowMetadata[sFeatureName][ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_metadata_lowercase]	
+				lObservationMetadataTable.append( RowMetadataEntry )
+		#**************************
+		# Data                    *
+		#**************************
+		lData = list()
+		lAbundanceCopyResultArray = self.funcGetAbundanceCopy()
+		for r in lAbundanceCopyResultArray:
+			lr = list(r)
+			lr.pop(0)	#Remove metadata
+			lAbundanceValues = list()
+			for AbundanceEntry in lr:
+				flAbundanceEntry = float(AbundanceEntry)
+				lAbundanceValues.append(flAbundanceEntry)
+			lData.append(lAbundanceValues)
+		arrData = array(lData)  #Convert list to array
+		#**************************
+		# Invoke the              *
+		# biom table factory      *     
+		#**************************
+		if  bTaxonomyInRowsFlag == False:
+			BiomTable = table_factory(arrData,
+							  lSampNames,
+							  lObservationIds,
+							  lMetaData,
+							  constructor=SparseOTUTable)
+		else:				#There was metadata in the rows
+			BiomTable = table_factory(arrData,
+							  lSampNames,
+							  lObservationIds,
+							  lMetaData,
+							  lObservationMetadataTable if len(lObservationMetadataTable) > 0 else None,
+							  constructor=SparseOTUTable)	
+		#**************************
+		# Generate biom Output    *   
+		#**************************
+		f = open( xOutputFile, "w" ) if isinstance(xOutputFile, str) else xOutputFile
+		f.write(BiomTable.getBiomFormatJsonString(ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_biom_file_generated_by))
+		f.close()
+		return
+	#Testing Status: 1 Happy path test
+	@staticmethod
+	def funcPairTables(strFileOne, strFileTwo, strIdentifier, cDelimiter, strOutFileOne, strOutFileTwo, lsIgnoreValues=None):
+		"""
+		This method will read in two files and abridge both files (saved as new files)
+		to just the samples in common between the two files given a common identifier.
+		***If the identifier is not unique in each data set, the first sample with the pairing id is taken so make sure the ID is unique.
+		Expects the files to have the sample delimiters.
+		:param	strFileOne:	Path to file one to be paired.
+		:type:	String	File path.
+		:param	strFileTwo:	Path to file two to be paired.
+		:type:	String	File path.
+		:param	strIdentifier:	Metadata ID that is used for pairing.
+		:type:	String	Metadata ID.
+		:param	cDelimiter:	Character delimiter to read the files.
+		:type:	Character	Delimiter.
+		:param	strOutFileOne:	The output file for the paired version of the first file.
+		:type:	String	File path.
+		:param	strOutFileTwo:	The output file for the paired version of the second file.
+		:type:	String	File path.
+		:param	lsIgnoreValues:	These values are ignored even if common IDs between the two files.
+		:type:	List	List of strings.
+		:return	Boolean:	Indicator of no errors.
+							  False indicates errors.
+		"""
+		#Validate parameters
+		if(not ValidateData.funcIsValidFileName(strFileOne)):
+			sys.stderr.write( "AbundanceTable:checkRawDataFile::Error, file not valid. File:" + strFileOne + "\n" )
+			return False
+		#Validate parameters
+		if(not ValidateData.funcIsValidFileName(strFileTwo)):
+			sys.stderr.write( "AbundanceTable:checkRawDataFile::Error, file not valid. File:"+ strFileTwo + "\n" )
+			return False
+		#Make file one
+		#Read in file
+		istm = csv.reader(open(strFileOne,'rU'), csv.excel_tab, delimiter=cDelimiter)
+		lsContentsOne = [lsRow for lsRow in istm]
+		#Get the file identifier for file one
+		fileOneIdentifier = None
+		for sLine in lsContentsOne:
+			if sLine[0] == strIdentifier:
+				fileOneIdentifier = sLine
+				break
+		#Make file two
+		#Read in file
+		istm = csv.reader(open(strFileTwo,'rU'), csv.excel_tab, delimiter=cDelimiter)
+		lsContentsTwo = [lsRow for lsRow in istm]
+		#Get the file identifier for file two
+		fileTwoIdentifier = None
+		for sLine in lsContentsTwo:
+			if sLine[0] == strIdentifier:
+				fileTwoIdentifier = sLine
+				break
+		#Get what is in common between the identifiers
+		#And find which columns to keep in the tables based on the common elements
+		setsCommonIdentifiers = set(fileOneIdentifier) & set(fileTwoIdentifier)
+		if lsIgnoreValues:
+			setsCommonIdentifiers = setsCommonIdentifiers - set(lsIgnoreValues)
+		#Get positions of common identifiers in each data set, if the identifier is not unique in a date set just take the first index
+		lfFileOneIDIndexes = [fileOneIdentifier.index(sCommonID) for sCommonID in setsCommonIdentifiers]
+		lfFileTwoIDIndexes = [fileTwoIdentifier.index(sCommonID) for sCommonID in setsCommonIdentifiers]
+		#Convert index list to list of boolean
+		lfFileOneElements = [iIndex in lfFileOneIDIndexes for iIndex, sIdentifier in enumerate(fileOneIdentifier)]
+		lfFileTwoElements = [iIndex in lfFileTwoIDIndexes for iIndex, sIdentifier in enumerate(fileTwoIdentifier)]
+		#Write out file one
+		ostm = csv.writer(open(strOutFileOne,'w'), csv.excel_tab, delimiter=cDelimiter)
+		(ostm.writerows([np.compress(lfFileOneElements,sLine) for sLine in lsContentsOne]))
+		#Write out file two
+		ostm = csv.writer(open(strOutFileTwo,'w'), csv.excel_tab, delimiter=cDelimiter)
+		(ostm.writerows([np.compress(lfFileTwoElements,sLine) for sLine in lsContentsTwo]))
+		return True
+	#Testing Status: Light happy path testing
+	@staticmethod
+	def funcStratifyAbundanceTableByMetadata(strInputFile = None, strDirectory = "", cDelimiter = ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_cTab, iStratifyByRow = 1, llsGroupings = []):
+		"""
+		Splits an abundance table into multiple abundance tables stratified by the metadata
+		:param	strInputFile:	String file path to read in and stratify.
+		:type:	String	File path.
+		:param	strDirectory:	Output directory to write stratified files.
+		:type:	String	Output directory path.
+		:param	cDelimiter:	The delimiter used in the adundance file.
+		:type:	Character	Delimiter.
+		:param	iStratifyByRow:	The row which contains the metadata to use in stratification.
+		:type:	Integer	Positive integer index.
+		:param	llsGroupings:	A list of string lists where each string list holds values that are equal and should be grouped together.
+								So for example, if you wanted to group metadata "1", "2", and "3" seperately but "4" and "5" together you would
+								Give the following [["4","5"]].
+								If you know what "1" and "3" also together you would give [["1","3"],["4","5"]]
+		:type	List	List of list of strings
+		:return	Boolean:	Indicator of NO error.
+							False indicates an error.
+		"""
+		#Validate parameters
+		if(not ValidateData.funcIsValidFileName(strInputFile)):
+			sys.stderr.write( "AbundanceTable:stratifyAbundanceTableByMetadata::Error, file not valid. File:" + strInputFile + "\n" )
+			return False
+		if(not ValidateData.funcIsValidStringType(cDelimiter)):
+			sys.stderr.write( "AbundanceTable:stratifyAbundanceTableByMetadata::Error, Delimiter is not a valid string/char type. Delimiter =" + cDelimiter + "\n" )
+			return False
+		if(not ValidateData.funcIsValidPositiveInteger(iStratifyByRow, tempZero = True) and (not ValidateData.funcIsValidString(iStratifyByRow))):
+			sys.stderr.write( "AbundanceTable:stratifyAbundanceTableByMetadata::Error, Stratify by row is not a positive integer or string keyword. Row =" +
+				str(iStratifyByRow) + ".\n" )
+			return False
+		#Get the base of the file path
+		#This is dependent on the given output directory and the prefix of the file name of the input file
+		#If no output file is given then the input file directory is used.
+		baseFilePath = strDirectory
+		lsFilePiecesExt = os.path.splitext(strInputFile)
+		if baseFilePath:
+			baseFilePath = baseFilePath + os.path.splitext(os.path.split(strInputFile)[1])[0]
+		else:
+			baseFilePath = lsFilePiecesExt[0]
+		#Read in file
+		istm = csv.reader(open(strInputFile,'rU'), csv.excel_tab, delimiter=cDelimiter)
+		sFileContents = [lsRow for lsRow in istm]
+		#Collect metadata
+		metadataInformation = dict()
+		#If the tempStratifyRow is by key word than find the index
+		if ValidateData.funcIsValidString(iStratifyByRow):
+			for iLineIndex, strLine in enumerate(sFileContents):
+				if strLine[0].strip("\"") == iStratifyByRow:
+					iStratifyByRow = iLineIndex
+					break
+		#Stratify by metadata row
+		#Split metadata row into metadata entries
+		#And put in a dictionary containing {"variable":[1,2,3,4 column index]}
+		stratifyByRow = sFileContents[iStratifyByRow]
+		for metaDataIndex in xrange(1,len(stratifyByRow)):
+			metadata = stratifyByRow[metaDataIndex]
+			#Put all wierd categories, none, whitespace, blank space metadata cases into one bin
+			if not metadata or metadata in string.whitespace:
+				metadata = "Blank"
+			#Remove any extraneous formatting
+			metadata = metadata.strip(string.whitespace)
+			#Store processed metadata with column occurence in dictionary
+			if(not metadata in metadataInformation):
+				metadataInformation[metadata] = []
+			metadataInformation[metadata].append(metaDataIndex)
+		#For each of the groupings
+		#Use the first value as the primary value which the rest of the values in the list are placed into
+		#Go through the dict holding the indices and extend the list for the primary value with the secondary values
+		#Then set the secondary value list to empty so that it will be ignored.
+		if llsGroupings:
+			for lSKeyGroups in llsGroupings:
+				if len(lSKeyGroups) > 1:
+					for sGroup in lSKeyGroups[1:]:
+						if sGroup in metadataInformation:
+							metadataInformation[lSKeyGroups[0]].extend(metadataInformation[sGroup])
+							metadataInformation[sGroup] = []
+		#Stratify data
+		stratifiedAbundanceTables = dict()
+		for tableRow in sFileContents:
+			if(len(tableRow)> 1):
+				for metadata in metadataInformation:
+					#[0] includes the taxa line
+					columns = metadataInformation[metadata]
+					if columns:
+						columns = [0] + columns
+						lineList = list()
+						for column in columns:
+							lineList.append(tableRow[column])
+						stratifiedAbundanceTables.setdefault(metadata,[]).append(lineList)
+		#Write to file
+		lsFilesWritten = []
+		for metadata in stratifiedAbundanceTables:
+			sOutputFile = baseFilePath+"-by-"+metadata.strip("\"")+lsFilePiecesExt[1]
+			f = csv.writer(open(sOutputFile,'w'), csv.excel_tab, delimiter = cDelimiter )
+			f.writerows(stratifiedAbundanceTables[metadata])
+			lsFilesWritten.append(sOutputFile)
+		return lsFilesWritten
+	#*******************************************
+	#* biom interface functions:               *
+	#* 1. _funcBiomToStructuredArray           *
+	#* 2. _funcDecodeBiomMetadata              *
+	#*******************************************	
+	@staticmethod
+	def _funcBiomToStructuredArray(xInputFile = None):	
+		"""
+		Reads the biom input file and builds a "BiomCommonArea"  that contains:
+		1.BiomCommonArea['sLastMetadata'] - This is the name of the last Metadata (String)
+		2.BiomCommonArea['BiomTaxData']- dict() - going to be used as  lcontents[0]==TaxData 
+ 		3.BiomCommonArea['Metadata']   - dict() -  going to be used as lcontents[1]==MetaData
+		4.BiomCommonArea['BiomFileInfo'] - dict() - going to be used as lcontents[2]==FileInfo (id, format:eg. Biological Observation Matrix 0.9.1) etc.
+		5.BiomCommonArea['column_metadata_id'] - This is a string which is the name of the column id
+  		:param	xInputFile:	File path of biom file to read.
+		:type:	String	File path.
+		:return:   BiomCommonArea  (See description above)
+		:type:	dict()		
+		"""	
+		#*******************************************
+		#* Build the metadata                      *
+		#*******************************************
+		try:
+			BiomTable = parse_biom_table(open(xInputFile,'U') if isinstance(xInputFile, str) else xInputFile)	#Import the biom file
+		except:
+			print("Failure decoding biom file - please check your input biom file and rerun")
+			BiomCommonArea = None
+			return BiomCommonArea
+		BiomCommonArea = dict()		
+		dBugNames = list()			#Bug Names Table
+		dRowsMetadata = None		#Initialize the np.array of the Rows metadata
+		BiomElements  =  BiomTable.getBiomFormatObject('')	
+		for BiomKey, BiomValue in BiomElements.iteritems():
+		#****************************************************
+		#*     Checking the different keys:  format,        *
+		#*     rows, columns, date, generated_by            *
+		#****************************************************
+			if (BiomKey == ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_strFormatKey  
+			or BiomKey == ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_strFormatUrl  
+			or BiomKey == ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_MatrixTtype
+			or BiomKey == ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_strTypekey
+			or BiomKey == ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_strIDKey #Same as below
+			or BiomKey == ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_GeneratedBy  #<---Need to follow up with Biom as always BiomValue = "" even though in the file has a value
+			or BiomKey == ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_strDateKey):  #Same as above
+				BiomCommonArea = AbundanceTable._funcInsertKeyToCommonArea(BiomCommonArea, BiomKey, BiomValue)
+			if BiomKey == ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_rows:
+				iMaxIdLen = 0 
+				for iIndexRowMetaData in range(0, len(BiomValue)):
+					if ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_id_lowercase in BiomValue[iIndexRowMetaData]:
+						sBugName = BiomValue[iIndexRowMetaData][ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_id_lowercase]
+						dBugNames.append(sBugName) 	 #Post to the bug table
+						if len(sBugName) > iMaxIdLen:    #We  are calculating dynamically the length of the ID
+							iMaxIdLen  =  len(sBugName)
+				if ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_metadata_lowercase in BiomValue[0] and BiomValue[0][ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_metadata_lowercase] != None :
+ 					dRowsMetadata = AbundanceTable._funcBiomBuildRowMetadata(BiomValue,  iMaxIdLen )
+			if BiomKey == ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_columns:
+				BiomCommonArea = AbundanceTable._funcDecodeBiomMetadata(BiomCommonArea, BiomValue, iMaxIdLen)	#Call the subroutine to Build the metadata
+		#*******************************************
+		#* Build the TaxData                       *
+		#*******************************************
+		BiomTaxDataWork = list()			#Initlialize TaxData
+		BiomObservations = BiomTable.iterObservations(conv_to_np=True)		#Invoke biom method to fetch data from the biom file
+		for BiomObservationData in BiomObservations:
+			sBugName = str( BiomObservationData[1])
+			BiomTaxDataEntry = list()
+			BiomTaxDataEntry.append(sBugName)
+			BiomObservationsValues = BiomObservationData[0]
+			for BiomDataValue in BiomObservationsValues:
+				BiomTaxDataEntry.append(BiomDataValue)
+			BiomTaxDataWork.append(tuple(BiomTaxDataEntry))	
+		BiomCommonArea[ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_BiomTaxData] = np.array(BiomTaxDataWork,dtype=np.dtype(BiomCommonArea[ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_Dtype]))
+		BiomCommonArea[ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_dRowsMetadata] = RowMetadata(dRowsMetadata)
+		del(BiomCommonArea[ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_Dtype])			#Not needed anymore
+		return BiomCommonArea
+	@staticmethod
+	def _funcDecodeBiomMetadata(BiomCommonArea,  BiomValue = None,  iMaxIdLen=0 ):	
+		"""
+		Decode the Biom Metadata and build:  
+			1. BiomCommonArea['Metadata'] 
+			2. BiomCommonArea['Dtype']
+			3. BiomCommonArea['sLastMetadata']
+			4. BiomCommonArea['column_metadata_id'] - This is a string which is the name of the column id
+			These elements will be formatted and passed down the line to build the AbundanceTable
+ 		:param	BiomValue:	The "columns" Metadata from the biom file (Contains the Metadata information)
+		:type:	dict()	 
+		:param	iMaxIdLen:	 The maximum length of a row ID
+		:type:	Integer	
+		:return:   BiomCommonArea 
+		:type:	dict()		
+		"""
+		BiomCommonArea[ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_sLastMetadata] = None	#Initialize the LastMetadata element 
+		BiomCommonArea['dRowsMetadata'] = None				#Initialize for cases that there is no metadata in the rows
+		strLastMetadata = None
+		strIDMetadata = None
+		lenBiomValue = len(BiomValue)
+		BiomMetadata = dict()				 
+		for cntMetadata in range(0, lenBiomValue):
+			BiomMetadataEntry = BiomValue[cntMetadata]
+			for key, value in BiomMetadataEntry.iteritems(): 		#Loop on the entries
+ 				if key == ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_id_lowercase:		#If id - process it
+					strIDMetadata = ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_ID
+					if  ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_ID  not in BiomMetadata:	#If ID  not in the common area - initalize it
+						BiomMetadata[ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_ID] = list() #Initialize a list
+						for indx in range(0, lenBiomValue):			#And post the values
+							BiomMetadata[ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_ID].append(None)
+					BiomMetadata[ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_ID][cntMetadata] = value.encode(ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_ascii,ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_ignore)
+				if  key == ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_metadata_lowercase:		#If key = metadata
+					if  not value is None:					#And value is not empty
+						MetadataDict = value				#Initialize a dictionary and post the values
+						for MDkey, MDvalue in MetadataDict.iteritems():
+							if type(MDkey) == unicode :
+								MDkeyAscii = MDkey.encode(ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_ascii,ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_ignore)
+							else:
+								MDkeyAscii = MDkey 
+							if type(MDvalue) == unicode:
+								MDvalueAscii = MDvalue.encode(ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_ascii,ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_ignore)
+							else:
+								MDvalueAscii = MDvalue 
+							if  len(MDkeyAscii) > 0:		#Search for the last metadata
+									if not strIDMetadata:
+										strIDMetadata = MDkeyAscii
+									BiomCommonArea[ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_sLastMetadata] =  MDkeyAscii #Set the last Metadata
+							if  MDkeyAscii  not in BiomMetadata:
+								BiomMetadata[MDkeyAscii] = list()
+								for indx in range(0, lenBiomValue):
+									BiomMetadata[MDkeyAscii].append(None)
+							BiomMetadata[MDkeyAscii][cntMetadata] = MDvalueAscii 
+		BiomCommonArea[ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_Metadata] = BiomMetadata
+		BiomCommonArea[ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_MetadataID] = strIDMetadata
+		#**********************************************
+		#*    Build dtype                             *
+		#**********************************************
+		BiomDtype = list()
+		iMaxIdLen+=10 #Increase it by 10
+		BiomDtypeEntry = list()
+		FirstValue = ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_ID
+		SecondValue = "a" + str(iMaxIdLen)
+		BiomDtypeEntry.append(FirstValue)
+		BiomDtypeEntry.append(SecondValue)
+		BiomDtype.append(tuple(BiomDtypeEntry))
+		for a in BiomMetadata[ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_ID]:
+				BiomDtypeEntry = list()
+				FirstValue =  a.encode(ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_ascii,ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_ignore)
+				SecondValue = ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_f4 
+				BiomDtypeEntry.append(FirstValue)
+				BiomDtypeEntry.append(SecondValue)
+				BiomDtype.append(tuple(BiomDtypeEntry))
+		BiomCommonArea[ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_Dtype] = BiomDtype
+		return BiomCommonArea
+	@staticmethod
+	def _funcBiomBuildRowMetadata( BiomValue, iMaxIdLen ):	
+		"""
+		Builds the row metadata from a BIOM value
+  		:param	BiomValue:	BIOM Value from the BIOM JSON parsing
+		:type:			Complex dict of string pairs and dicts
+		:param	iMaxIdLen:	Maximum length of all the IDs
+		:type:			int
+		:return:		dictRowsMetadata - np Array containing the rows metadata
+		:type:			{string feature id: {'metadata': {'taxonomy': [list of metadata values]}}}	
+		"""	
+		# Build the input dict for RowMetadata from a dict of dicts from a BIOM file 
+		dictRowsMetadata = dict()
+		for iIndexRowMetaData in range(0, len(BiomValue)):
+			dictRowsMetadata[str(BiomValue[iIndexRowMetaData][ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_id_lowercase])] = dict()
+			RowMetadataEntryFromTable = BiomValue[iIndexRowMetaData][ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_metadata_lowercase]
+			dMetadataTempDict = dict()
+			for key, value in RowMetadataEntryFromTable.iteritems():
+				dMetadataTempDict[key] = value
+			dictRowsMetadata[str(BiomValue[iIndexRowMetaData][ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_id_lowercase])][ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_metadata_lowercase] = dMetadataTempDict
+		return dictRowsMetadata
+	@staticmethod
+	def _funcInsertKeyToCommonArea(BiomCommonArea, BiomKey, BiomValue):
+		"""
+		Inserts the keys into the BiomCommonArea["BiomFileInfo"]
+  		:param	BiomCommonArea   - The common area that has been built before
+		:type:	dict()
+		:param	BiomKey - The current key (eg. format, date, generated by)
+		:type:	str
+		:param	BiomValue - The current value of the key (eg. for format: "Biological Observation Matrix 0.9.1")
+		:type:	str
+		:return:   BiomCommonArea  - The updated common area
+		:type:	dict()		
+		"""	
+		if ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_BiomFileInfo not in BiomCommonArea:
+				BiomCommonArea[ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_BiomFileInfo] = dict()
+		strInsertKey = BiomKey			#Set Default - But it is now always the same... (eg. URL is not: format_url -->url and others)
+		PostBiomValue = BiomValue		#The default value to be posted 
+		if  BiomKey == ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_strFormatUrl:
+			strInsertKey = ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_strURLKey
+		if  BiomKey == ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_MatrixTtype:
+			strInsertKey = ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_strSparsityKey
+		if  BiomKey == ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_GeneratedBy:
+			PostBiomValue = None
+		if  BiomKey == ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_strDateKey:
+			PostBiomValue = None			
+		BiomCommonArea[ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_BiomFileInfo][strInsertKey] = PostBiomValue
+		return BiomCommonArea
Binary file src/breadcrumbs/src/AbundanceTable.pyc has changed
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/breadcrumbs/src/	Tue May 13 21:58:57 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+Author: Timothy Tickle
+Description: Class to create box plots.
+#Copyright (C) <2012>
+#Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
+#this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the
+#Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy,
+#modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,
+#and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+#the following conditions:
+#The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies
+#or substantial portions of the Software.
+__author__ = "Timothy Tickle"
+__copyright__ = "Copyright 2012"
+__credits__ = ["Timothy Tickle"]
+__license__ = "MIT"
+__maintainer__ = "Timothy Tickle"
+__email__ = ""
+__status__ = "Development"
+#External libraries
+from ConstantsFiguresBreadCrumbs import ConstantsFiguresBreadCrumbs
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+from pylab import *
+#Plots a matrix
+class BoxPlot:
+  @staticmethod
+  def funcPlot(ly, lsLabels, strOutputFigurePath, strTitle = "Title", strXTitle="X Axis", strYTitle="Y Axis", strColor = "#83C8F9", fJitter=False, fInvert=False, fInvertY=False):
+    """
+    Plot a box plot with optional jittering.
+    :params	ly: List of y values
+    :type:	List of doubles
+    :params	lsLabels: List of labels (x tick lables)
+    :type:	List string
+    :params	strOutputFigurePath: File path to make figure
+    :type:	String file path
+    :params	strTitle: Title of figure
+    :type:	String
+    :params	strXTitle: Label of x axis
+    :type:	String
+    :params	strYTitle: Label of y axis
+    :type:	String
+    :params	strColor: Hex color for the face of the boxplots
+    :type:	String
+    :params	fJitter: Indicator of jittering (true) or not (false)
+    :type:	Boolean
+    :params	fInvert: Invert colors (true)
+    :type:	Boolean
+    :params	fInvertY: Invert y axis
+    :type:	Boolean
+    """
+    #Start plot
+    #Get plot object
+    imgFigure = plt.figure()
+    #Get plot colorsstrOutFigure
+    objFigureControl = ConstantsFiguresBreadCrumbs()
+    #Boxplots have to be plotted over the scatter so the alpha can not go to 1.0
+    #In this case capturing the alpha before inversion
+    #Inversion automoatically sets it to 1.
+    dAlpha=objFigureControl.c_dAlpha
+    objFigureControl.invertColors(fInvert=fInvert)
+    #Color/Invert figure
+    imgFigure.set_facecolor(objFigureControl.c_strBackgroundColorWord)
+    imgSubplot = imgFigure.add_subplot(111,axisbg=objFigureControl.c_strBackgroundColorLetter)
+    imgSubplot.set_xlabel(strXTitle)
+    imgSubplot.set_ylabel(strYTitle)
+    imgSubplot.spines['top'].set_color(objFigureControl.c_strDetailsColorLetter)
+    imgSubplot.spines['bottom'].set_color(objFigureControl.c_strDetailsColorLetter)
+    imgSubplot.spines['left'].set_color(objFigureControl.c_strDetailsColorLetter)
+    imgSubplot.spines['right'].set_color(objFigureControl.c_strDetailsColorLetter)
+    imgSubplot.xaxis.label.set_color(objFigureControl.c_strDetailsColorLetter)
+    #Adds light grid for numbers and puts them in the background
+    imgSubplot.yaxis.grid(True, linestyle='-', which='major', color=objFigureControl.c_strGridLineColor, alpha=objFigureControl.c_dAlpha)
+    imgSubplot.set_axisbelow(True)
+    imgSubplot.yaxis.label.set_color(objFigureControl.c_strDetailsColorLetter)
+    imgSubplot.tick_params(axis='x', colors=objFigureControl.c_strDetailsColorLetter)
+    imgSubplot.tick_params(axis='y', colors=objFigureControl.c_strDetailsColorLetter)
+    charMarkerEdgeColor = objFigureControl.c_strDetailsColorLetter
+    #Make box plot
+    bp = plt.boxplot(x=ly, notch=1, patch_artist=True)
+    for iindex, ldData in enumerate(ly):
+      ldX = None
+      if fJitter:
+        ldX = [float(iindex+1)+ uniform(-.05,.05) for x in xrange(len(ldData))]
+      else:
+        ldX = [float(iindex+1) for x in xrange(len(ldData))]
+      plt.scatter(x=ldX,y=ly[iindex],c=strColor,marker="o",alpha=objFigureControl.c_dAlpha)
+    #Color boxes
+    plt.setp(bp['boxes'], color=objFigureControl.c_strDetailsColorLetter, facecolor=strColor, alpha=dAlpha)
+    plt.setp(bp['whiskers'], color=objFigureControl.c_strDetailsColorLetter)
+    #Set ticks and title
+    lsLabelsWithCounts = []
+    for iindex,sCurLabel in enumerate(lsLabels):
+      lsLabelsWithCounts.append(sCurLabel+" ( "+str(len(ly[iindex]))+" )")
+    xtickNames = plt.setp(imgSubplot, xticklabels=lsLabelsWithCounts)
+    imgSubplot.set_title(strTitle)
+    imgSubplot.title.set_color(objFigureControl.c_strDetailsColorLetter)
+    #Invert Y axis
+    if fInvertY:
+      ax = plt.gca()
+      ax.set_ylim(ax.get_ylim()[::-1])
+    #End plot
+    #Save to a file
+    imgFigure.savefig(strOutputFigurePath, facecolor=imgFigure.get_facecolor())
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/breadcrumbs/src/	Tue May 13 21:58:57 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+Author: Curtis Huttenhower
+Description: Used to create tree structures to hierarchically normalize abundance tables.
+#Copyright (C) <2012>
+#Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
+#this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the
+#Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy,
+#modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,
+#and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+#the following conditions:
+#The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies
+#or substantial portions of the Software.
+__author__ = "Curtis Huttenhower"
+__copyright__ = "Copyright 2012"
+__credits__ = ["Curtis Huttenhower"]
+__license__ = "MIT"
+__maintainer__ = "Timothy Tickle"
+__email__ = ""
+__status__ = "Development"
+import blist
+import sys
+class CClade:
+	def __init__( self ):
+		"""
+		Initialize CClade
+		Dictionary to hold the children nodes from feature consensus lineages.
+		adValues is a list of the abundance value.
+		"""
+		self.m_hashChildren = {}
+		self.m_adValues = None
+	def get( self, astrClade ):
+		"""
+		Recursively travel the length of a tree until you find the terminal node
+		(where astrClade == Falseor actually [])
+		or a dict key that matches the clade call.
+		If at any time a clade is given that is not currently know, return a new clade
+		which is set to the current Clade as a child.
+		"""
+		return self.m_hashChildren.setdefault(
+			astrClade[0], CClade( ) ).get( astrClade[1:] ) if astrClade else self
+	def set( self, adValues ):
+		"""
+        Set all the values given as a list in the same order given.
+		"""
+		self.m_adValues = blist.blist( [0] ) * len( adValues )
+		for i, d in enumerate( adValues ):
+			if d:
+				self.m_adValues[i] = d
+	def impute( self ):
+		"""
+		This allows you to recursively impute values for clades without values given their children counts.
+		Assumably this should be called only once and after all clade abundances have been added.
+		If the m_adValues already exist return the stored m_adValues. (No imputation needed).
+		Otherwise call impute for all children and take the sum of the values from all the children by column
+		Not a sum of a list but summing a list with lists by element.
+		"""
+        #If values do not exist
+		if not self.m_adValues:
+            #Call impute on all children
+            #If the parent clade has no abundance values
+            #Then take a copy of the child's
+            #If they now have a copy of a child's but have other children
+            #Sum their children with thier current values
+			for pChild in self.m_hashChildren.values( ):
+				adChild = pChild.impute( )
+				if self.m_adValues:
+					for i in range( len( adChild or [] ) ):
+						if adChild[i]:
+							self.m_adValues[i] += adChild[i]
+				elif adChild:
+					self.m_adValues = adChild[:] 
+		#If values exist return			
+		return self.m_adValues
+	def _freeze( self, hashValues, iTarget, astrClade, iDepth, fLeaves ):
+		"""
+		Update the given hashValues dict with clade abundances given depth specifications
+		Return a set of integers returning an indicator of the structure of the tree preserved in the dict/hash
+		When the appropriate level of the tree is reached
+		Hashvalue is updated with the clade (including lineage) and the abundance. looks like {"clade":blist(["0.0","0.1"...])}
+		"""
+        #fHit is true on atleast one of the following conditions:
+        #iTarget is not 0 indicating no changes
+        #Leaves are indicated to be only given and the target depth for the leaves is reached.
+        #The required depth is reached.
+		fHit = ( not iTarget ) or ( ( fLeaves and ( iDepth == iTarget ) ) or ( ( not fLeaves ) and ( iDepth <= iTarget ) ) )
+                #Increment depth
+		iDepth += 1
+                #Returns a set
+		setiRet = set()
+                #If there are children build integer set indicating structure of the tree preserved in the dict
+		if self.m_hashChildren:
+                        #Union all the results from freeze of all children
+                        #Call freeze but append the child clade to the clade in the call.
+                        #And give an incremented depth
+			for strChild, pChild in self.m_hashChildren.items( ):
+				setiRet |= pChild._freeze( hashValues, iTarget, astrClade + [strChild], iDepth, fLeaves )
+			setiRet = set( ( i + 1 ) for i in setiRet )
+		else:
+			setiRet.add( 0 )
+                #Indicate if the correct level is reached
+		if iTarget < 0:
+			if fLeaves:
+				fHit = -( iTarget + 1 ) in setiRet
+			else:
+				fHit = -( iTarget + 1 ) <= max( setiRet )
+                #if astrClade is not == [] (so you are actually in a clade of the tree)
+                #And the clade has values (should be true, if not impute should have been callded before running this method)
+                #And we are at the correct level of the tree then
+                #Add to the dict the clade and the abundance values
+		if astrClade and self.m_adValues and fHit:
+			hashValues["|".join( astrClade )] = self.m_adValues
+		return setiRet
+	def freeze( self, hashValues, iTarget, fLeaves ):
+		"""
+		Call helper function setting the clade and depth to defaults (start positions)
+		The important result of this method is hashValues is updated with clade and abundance information
+		"""
+		self._freeze( hashValues, iTarget, [], 0, fLeaves )
+	def _repr( self, strClade ):
+		"""
+		Represent tree clade for debugging. Helper function for recursive repr.
+		"""
+		strRet = "<"
+		if strClade:
+			strRet += "%s %s" % (strClade, self.m_adValues)
+			if self.m_hashChildren:
+				strRet += " "
+		if self.m_hashChildren:
+			strRet += " ".join( p._repr( s ) for (s, p) in self.m_hashChildren.items( ) )
+		return ( strRet + ">" )
+	def __repr__( self ):
+		"""
+		Represent tree clade for debugging.
+		"""
+		return self._repr( "" )
+pTree = CClade( )
+pTree.get( ("A", "B") ).set( [1, 2, 3] )
+pTree.get( ("A", "C") ).set( [4, 5, 6] )
+pTree.get( ("D", "E") ).set( [7, 8, 9] )
+iTaxa = 0
+if iTaxa:
+	pTree.impute( )
+hashFeatures = {}
+pTree.freeze( hashFeatures, iTaxa )
+print( pTree )
+print( hashFeatures )
+sys.exit( 0 )
Binary file src/breadcrumbs/src/CClade.pyc has changed
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/breadcrumbs/src/	Tue May 13 21:58:57 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,950 @@
+Author: Timothy Tickle
+Description: Class to call circlader and create dendrograms.
+#Copyright (C) <2012>
+#Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
+#this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the
+#Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy,
+#modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,
+#and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+#the following conditions:
+#The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies
+#or substantial portions of the Software.
+__author__ = "Timothy Tickle"
+__copyright__ = "Copyright 2012"
+__credits__ = ["Timothy Tickle"]
+__license__ = "MIT"
+__maintainer__ = "Timothy Tickle"
+__email__ = ""
+__status__ = "Development"
+#External libraries
+from AbundanceTable import AbundanceTable
+from CommandLine import CommandLine
+from ConstantsBreadCrumbs import ConstantsBreadCrumbs
+from ConstantsFiguresBreadCrumbs import ConstantsFiguresBreadCrumbs
+import math
+import numpy as np
+import os
+import re
+import scipy.stats
+from ValidateData import ValidateData
+#import scipy.stats.stats as stats
+class Cladogram:
+  """
+  This class manages creating files for Circlader and calling circulator.
+  """
+  #Script name
+  circladerScript=None
+  #Constants
+  c_sTaxa="Taxa"
+  c_sCircle="Circle"
+  c_sBorder="Border"
+  c_sShape="Shape"
+  c_sAlpha="Alpha"
+  c_sForced="Forced"
+  #Numpy array (structured array) holding data
+  #Should be SampleID, Sample Abundances/Data (samples = columns).....
+  npaAbundance = None
+  #List of sample names
+  lsSampleNames = None
+  #Name of output image
+  strImageName = "Cladogram.png"
+  #String used to call the sample id column
+  strSampleID = "ID"
+  strUnclassified = "unclassified"
+  #Minimum size of clade (terminal node count for clade)
+  iMinCladeSize = 1
+  #Level of ancestry to filter at (starts with 0 and based on the input file)
+  iCladeLevelToMeasure = 1
+  iCladeLevelToReduce = 1
+  cFeatureDelimiter = "|"
+  #Flags
+  #Turns on (True) or off (False) abundance-based filtering
+  fAbundanceFilter = False
+  #Turns on (True) or off (False) clade size-based filtering
+  fCladeSizeFilter = False
+  #Indicate if the following files were made
+  fSizeFileMade=False
+  fCircleFileMade=False
+  fColorFileMade=False
+  fTickFileMade=False
+  fHighlightFileMade=False
+  #Circlader files
+  strTreeFilePath="_Taxa.txt"
+  strCircleFilePath = "_Circle.txt"
+  strColorFilePath="_Color.txt"
+  strTickFilePath="_Tick.txt"
+  strHighLightFilePath="_HighLight.txt"
+  strSizeFilePath="_Size.txt"
+  strStyleFilePath=""
+  #Thresholds
+  #Controls the showing of taxa
+  c_dPercentileCutOff = 90.0
+  c_dPercentageAbovePercentile = 1.0
+  #Minimum average abundance score when using log scale
+  c_dMinLogSize = 0.0000000001
+  #Constant used to maginfy the size difference in the taxa (log only)
+  c_dLogScale = 1000000
+  #When after log10, an addition scaling adjustment (use this)
+  c_dCircleScale = 3
+  #Data for circular files
+  #Used to change IDs to proper labels
+  dictConvertIDs = None
+  #Labels to be relabeled
+  dictRelabels = None
+  #Colors
+  dictColors = None
+  #Elements that are forced to be highlighted
+  dictForcedHighLights = None
+  #Ticks
+  llsTicks = None
+  #Forced root of the tree, discarding data as needed.
+  strRoot = None
+  #Holds circle data as a list of dictionaries
+  #One dictionary per circle
+  ldictCircleData = None
+  def __init__(self):
+    self.dictForcedHighLights = dict()
+  #Happy Path Tested
+  def addHighLights(self, dictClades,fOverwrite):
+    """
+    This methods allows highlighting to be added.
+    When an element is added in this manner it will not be filtered out.
+    These elements, if existing in the tree will be highlighted the named color given.
+    This color name should be supplied in the set Color Data method
+    {strName1:strColorName1,strName2:strColorName2,...}
+    :param dictClades: Names of elements, if found in the tree which should be highlighted
+    :type: dictClades Dictionary of element name (string) and element color (string) 
+    :param fOverwrite: If element is already indicated to be highlighted, overwrite the color to the one provided here.
+    :type: fOverwrite boolean (True == overwrite color)
+    """
+    if ValidateData.funcIsValidDictionary(dictClades):
+        if ValidateData.funcIsValidBoolean(fOverwrite):
+            for strElement in dictClades:
+                if(strElement in self.dictForcedHighLights):
+                    if(fOverwrite):
+                        self.dictForcedHighLights[strElement] = dictClades[strElement]
+                else:
+                    self.dictForcedHighLights[strElement] = dictClades[strElement]
+  #Not tested
+  def getHighLights(self):
+    return self.dictForcedHighLights
+  #Not tested
+  def forceRoot(self, strRoot):
+    """
+    This method allows one to root the tree at a certain level and value
+    Only taxa that contain this value in their ancestry will be plotted
+    The root will be the value given, any previous heirachy will be ignored
+    This will remove highlighted data if indicated to do so
+    :params strRoot: Where to root the tree
+    :type: strRoot String
+    """
+    self.strRoot = strRoot
+  def generate(self, strImageName, strStyleFile, sTaxaFileName, strCircladerScript = ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_strCircladerScript, iTerminalCladeLevel = 10, sColorFileName=None, sTickFileName=None, sHighlightFileName=None, sSizeFileName=None, sCircleFileName=None):
+    """
+    This is the method to call to generate a cladogram using circlader.
+    The default data file is an abundance table unless the getDa function is overwritten.
+    :param strImageName: File name to save the output cladogram image
+    :type: strImageName File name (string)
+    :param strStyleFile: File path indicating the style file to use
+    :type: strStyleFile File path (string)
+    :param sTaxaFileName: File path indicating the taxa file to use
+    :type: sTaxaFileName File path (string)
+    :param strCircladerScript: File path to the Circlader script
+    :type: String
+    :param iTerminalCladeLevel: Clade level to use as terminal in plotting
+    :type: iTerminalCladeLevel integer starting with 1
+    :param strColorFile: File path indicating the color file to use
+    :type: strColorFile File path (string)
+    :param strTickFile: File path indicating the tick file to use
+    :type: strTickFile File path (string)
+    :param strHighlightFile: File path indicating the highlight file to use
+    :type: strHighlightFile File path (string)
+    :param strSizeFile: File path indicating the size file to use
+    :type: strSizeFile File path (string)
+    :param sCircleFileName: File path of circlader circle file.
+    :type: String
+    """
+    if self.npaAbundance == None:
+      print "Cladogram::generate. The data was not set so an image could not be generated"
+      return False
+    #Set script
+    self.circladerScript = strCircladerScript
+    #Set output file name
+    self.strImageName = strImageName
+    #Check files exist and remove files which will be written
+    self.manageFilePaths(sTaxaFileName, strStyleFile, sColorFileName, sTickFileName, sHighlightFileName, sSizeFileName, sCircleFileName)
+    #Get IDs
+    lsIDs = [strId for strId in list(self.npaAbundance[self.strSampleID])]
+    #Generate a dictionary to convert the ids to correct format
+    #Fix unclassified names
+    #Make numeric labels as indicated
+    self.dictConvertIDs = self.generateLabels(lsIDs)
+    #Remove taxa lower than the display clade level
+    lsCladeAndAboveFeatures = []
+    for sFeature in lsIDs:
+        if len(sFeature.split(self.cFeatureDelimiter)) <= iTerminalCladeLevel:
+            lsCladeAndAboveFeatures.append(sFeature)
+    lsIDs = lsCladeAndAboveFeatures
+    #Filter by abundance
+    if(self.fAbundanceFilter):
+      lsIDs = self.filterByAbundance(lsIDs)
+    #Update to the correct root
+    lsIDs = self.updateToRoot(lsIDs)
+    #Set highlights to root for consistency
+    if(not self.strRoot == None):
+      dictRootedHighLights = dict()
+      if not self.dictForcedHighLights == None:
+        for sKey in self.dictForcedHighLights.keys():
+          strUpdatedKey = self.updateToRoot([sKey])
+          dictRootedHighLights[strUpdatedKey[0]]=self.dictForcedHighLights[sKey]
+        self.dictForcedHighLights = dictRootedHighLights
+    #Set relabels to root for consistency
+    if(not self.strRoot == None):
+      dictRootedLabels = dict()
+      if not self.dictRelabels == None:
+        for sKey in self.dictRelabels.keys():
+          strUpdatedKey = self.updateToRoot([sKey])
+          dictRootedLabels[strUpdatedKey[0]]=self.dictRelabels[sKey]
+        self.dictRelabels = dictRootedLabels
+    #Filter by clade size Should be the last filter.
+    #It is not a strong filter but cleans up images
+    if(self.fCladeSizeFilter):
+      lsIDs = self.filterByCladeSize(lsIDs)
+    #Add in forced highlighting
+    lsIDs.extend(self.dictForcedHighLights.keys())
+    lsIDs = list(set(lsIDs))
+    #Add in forced circle data
+    for dictCircleData in self.ldictCircleData:
+      if(dictCircleData[self.c_sForced]):
+        lsTaxa = dictCircleData[self.c_sTaxa]
+        lsAlpha = dictCircleData[self.c_sAlpha]
+        lsAddTaxa = []
+        [lsAddTaxa.append(lsTaxa[tpleAlpha[0]]) if not tpleAlpha[1] == '0.0' else 0 for tpleAlpha in enumerate(lsAlpha)]
+        lsIDs.extend(lsAddTaxa)
+    lsIDs = list(set(lsIDs))
+    #Create circle files (needs to be after any filtering because it has a forcing option).
+    if not self.createCircleFile(lsIDs):
+      return False
+    #Generate / Write Tree file
+    if not self.createTreeFile(lsIDs):
+      return False
+    #Generate / Write Highlight file
+    if not self.createHighlightFile(lsIDs):
+      return False
+    #Generate / write color file
+    if(self.dictColors is not None):
+        lsColorData = [ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_cTab.join([sColorKey,self.dictColors[sColorKey]]) for sColorKey in self.dictColors]
+        self.writeToFile(self.strColorFilePath, ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_strEndline.join(lsColorData), False)
+        self.fColorFileMade=True
+    #Generate / write tick file
+    if(self.llsTicks is not None):
+        lsTickData = [ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_cTab.join(lsTicks) for lsTicks in self.llsTicks]
+        self.writeToFile(self.strTickFilePath, ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_strEndline.join(lsTickData), False)
+        self.fTickFileMade=True
+    #Generate / Write size data
+    if not self.createSizeFile(lsIDs):
+      return False
+    #Call commandline
+    lsCommand = [self.circladerScript, self.strTreeFilePath, self.strImageName, "--style_file", self.strStyleFilePath, "--tree_format", "tabular"]
+    if(self.fSizeFileMade):
+      lsCommand.extend(["--size_file", self.strSizeFilePath])
+    if(self.fColorFileMade):
+      lsCommand.extend(["--color_file", self.strColorFilePath])
+    if(self.fTickFileMade):
+      lsCommand.extend(["--tick_file", self.strTickFilePath])
+    if(self.fHighlightFileMade):
+      lsCommand.extend(["--highlight_file", self.strHighLightFilePath])
+    if(self.fCircleFileMade):
+      lsCommand.extend(["--circle_file", self.strCircleFilePath])
+    CommandLine().runCommandLine(lsCommand)
+  #Happy path tested
+  def setColorData(self, dictColors):
+    """
+    This methods allows color information to be specified.
+    Need to give a dictionary having a name (key)(string) and color (value)(string RGB)data
+    {strName1:Color,strName2:Color...}
+    Name will be a string name that references what needs to be this color
+    Color data should be a string in the RGB format 0-255,0-255,0-255
+    :param dictColors: Color Name and RGB specification
+    :type: dictColorsDictionary strings 
+    """
+    if ValidateData.funcIsValidDictionary(dictColors):
+      self.dictColors = dictColors
+      if not ConstantsFiguresBreadCrumbs.c_strBackgroundColorName in self.dictColors:
+        self.dictColors[ConstantsFiguresBreadCrumbs.c_strBackgroundColorName]=ConstantsFiguresBreadCrumbs.c_strBackgroundColor
+  #Not tested
+  def setAbundanceData(self, abtbAbundanceTable):
+    """
+    Sets the abundance data the Cladogram will use to plot
+    :params abtAbundanceTable: AbundanceTable to set
+    :type: AbundanceTable
+    """
+    self.npaAbundance = abtbAbundanceTable.funcGetAbundanceCopy()
+    self.strSampleID = abtbAbundanceTable.funcGetIDMetadataName()
+    self.lsSampleNames = abtbAbundanceTable.funcGetSampleNames()
+  #Not tested
+  def setFilterByAbundance(self, fAbundanceFilter, dPercentileCutOff = 90.0,  dPercentageAbovePercentile = 1.0):
+    """
+    Switch filtering by abundance on and off.
+    fAbundanceFilter == True indicates filtering is on
+    :param fAbundanceFilter: Switch to turn on (true) and off (false) abundance-based filtering
+    :type: fAbundanceFilter boolean
+    :param dPercentileCutOff: Percentage between 100.0 to 0.0.
+    :type: double
+    :param dPercentageAbovePercentile: Percentage between 100.0 to 1.0.
+    :type: double
+    """
+    self.fAbundanceFilter = fAbundanceFilter
+    self.c_dPercentileCutOff = dPercentileCutOff
+    self.c_dPercentageAbovePercentile = dPercentageAbovePercentile
+  #Not Tested
+  def setCircleScale(self, iScale):
+    """
+    Is a scale used to increase or decrease node sizes in the the cladogram to make more visible
+    iScale default is 3
+    :param iScale: Integer to increase the relative sizes of nodes
+    :type: iScale integer
+    """
+    self.c_dCircleScale = iScale
+  #Not tested
+  def setFeatureDelimiter(self, cDelimiter):
+    """
+    Set the delimiter used to parse the consensus lineages of features.
+    :param cDelimiter: The delimiter used to parse the consensus lineage of features.
+    :type: Character
+    """
+    if cDelimiter:
+      self.cFeatureDelimiter = cDelimiter
+  #Not tested
+  def setFilterByCladeSize(self, fCladeSizeFilter, iCladeLevelToMeasure = 3, iCladeLevelToReduce = 1, iMinimumCladeSize = 5, cFeatureDelimiter = None, strUnclassified="unclassified"):
+    """
+    Switch filtering by clade size on and off.
+    fCladeSizeFilter == True indicates filtering is on
+    NOT 0 based.
+    :param fCladeSizeFilter: Switch to turn on (true) and off (false) clade size-based filtering
+    :type: fCladeSizeFilter boolean
+    :param iCladeLevelToMeasure: The level of the concensus lineage that is measure or counted. Should be greater than iCladeLevelToReduce (Root is 1)
+    :type: iCladeLevelToMeasure int
+    :param iCladeLevelToReduce: The level of the concensus lineage that is reduced if the measured level are not the correct count (Root is 1)
+    :type: iCladeLevelToReduce int
+    :param iMinimumCladeSize: Minimum count of the measured clade for the clade to be kept
+    :type: iMinimumCladeSize int
+    :param cFeatureDelimiter: One may set the feature delimiter if needed.
+    :type: Character
+    :param strUnclassified: String indicating unclassifed features
+    :type: String
+    """
+    self.fCladeSizeFilter = fCladeSizeFilter
+    if iCladeLevelToMeasure > 0:
+        self.iCladeLevelToMeasure = iCladeLevelToMeasure
+    if iCladeLevelToReduce > 0:
+        self.iCladeLevelToReduce = iCladeLevelToReduce
+    if iMinimumCladeSize > 0:
+        self.iMinCladeSize = iMinimumCladeSize
+    if cFeatureDelimiter:
+        self.cFeatureDelimiter = cFeatureDelimiter
+    if strUnclassified:
+        self.strUnclassified = strUnclassified
+  #Not tested
+  def setTicks(self, llsTicks):
+    """
+    This methods allows tick information to be specified.
+    Need to generate a list of lists each having a tick level (number starting at 0 as a string), and tick name
+    #Lowest numbers are closest to the center of the tree
+    [[#,Name1],[#,Name2]...]
+    :param llsTicks: Level # and Name of level
+    :type: llsTicks List of lists of strings 
+    """
+    self.llsTicks = llsTicks
+  #Happy Path tested with createCircleFile
+  def addCircle(self, lsTaxa, strCircle, dBorder=0.0, strShape="R", dAlpha=1.0, fForced=False):
+    """
+    This methods allows one to add a circle to the outside of the cladogram.
+    :param lsTaxa: Taxa to highlight with this circle
+    :type: lsTaxa List of strings (taxa names)
+    :param strCircle: Circle the elements will be in, indicates color and circle level.
+    :type: strCircle String circle 
+    :param dBorder: Border size for the circle element border (between 0.0 and 1.0)
+      can also be a list of dBorders.  If list, position must match lsTaxa.
+    :type: dBorder Float of border size (or list of floats).
+    :param strShape: String Indicator of shape or method to determine shape.
+      Can also be a list of shapes.  If list, position must match lsTaxa.
+    :type: strShape String to indicate the shape (may also be a list of strings).
+        Default value is square.
+        Valid shapes are R(Square), v(inward pointing triangle), ^(outward pointing triangle)
+    :param dAlpha: The transparency of the circle element (between 0.0[clear] and 1.0[solid]).
+      Can also be a list of floats.  If list, position must match lsTaxa.
+    :type: dAlpha Float to indicate the transparency of the shape (may also be a list of strings).
+    :param fForced: Forces item in the features in the circle to be displayed in the cladogram no matter thier passing filters.
+    :type: Boolean
+    """
+    if(self.ldictCircleData == None):
+      self.ldictCircleData = list()
+    dictCircleData = dict()
+    dictCircleData[self.c_sTaxa]=lsTaxa
+    dictCircleData[self.c_sCircle]=strCircle
+    dictCircleData[self.c_sBorder]=dBorder
+    dictCircleData[self.c_sShape]=strShape
+    dictCircleData[self.c_sAlpha]=dAlpha
+    dictCircleData[self.c_sForced]=fForced
+    self.ldictCircleData.append(dictCircleData)
+    return True
+  #Happy Path tested with AddCircle
+  def createCircleFile(self, lsIDs):
+    """
+    Write circle data to file.
+    :param lsIDs: Ids to include in the circle file
+    :type: lsIDs List of strings
+    """
+    #If there is circle data
+    if(not self.ldictCircleData == None):
+      if self.strCircleFilePath == None:
+        print("Error, there is no circle file specified to write to.")
+        return False
+      #Holds circle data {Taxaname:string updates correctly for output to file}
+      dictCircleDataMethods = dict()
+      lsCircleData = list()
+      for dictCircleData in self.ldictCircleData:
+        lsTaxa = dictCircleData[self.c_sTaxa]
+        #Shape/s for taxa
+        datShape = dictCircleData[self.c_sShape]
+        fShapeIsList = (str(type(datShape)) == "<type 'list'>")
+        #Border/s for taxa
+        datBorder = dictCircleData[self.c_sBorder]
+        fBorderIsList = (str(type(datBorder)) == "<type 'list'>")
+        #Alpha/s for taxa
+        datAlpha = dictCircleData[self.c_sAlpha]
+        fAlphaIsList = (str(type(datAlpha)) == "<type 'list'>")
+        #Circle name
+        sCircleMethod = dictCircleData[self.c_sCircle]
+        #Check to make sure the lengths of the array match up
+        if(fShapeIsList):
+          if not len(datShape) == len(lsTaxa):
+            print("".join(["Error, Shapes were given as an list not of the size of the taxa list. Shape list length: ",str(len(datShape)),". Taxa list length: ",str(len(lsTaxa)),"."]))
+            return False
+        if(fBorderIsList):
+          if not len(datBorder) == len(lsTaxa):
+            print("".join(["Error, Border sizes were given as an list not of the size of the taxa list. Border list length: ",str(len(datBorder)),". Taxa list length: ",str(len(lsTaxa)),"."]))
+            return False
+        if(fAlphaIsList):
+          if not len(datAlpha) == len(lsTaxa):
+            print("".join(["Error, Alpha sizes were given as an list not of the size of the taxa list. Alpha list length: ",str(len(datAlpha)),". Taxa list length: ",str(len(lsTaxa)),"."]))
+            return False
+        #Update taxa to root if needed
+        #When doing this if any of the other data is an array we have to edit them
+        #as the taxa are edited for updating root
+        if((not fShapeIsList) and (not fBorderIsList) and (not fAlphaIsList)):
+          lsTaxa = self.updateToRoot(dictCircleData[self.c_sTaxa])
+        else:
+          #Initilize as lists or as the string value they already are
+          lsUpdatedTaxa = list()
+          datUpdatedShapes=list()
+          if(not fShapeIsList):
+            datUpdatedShapes = datShape
+          datUpdatedBorders=list()
+          if(not fBorderIsList):
+            datUpdatedBorders = datBorder
+          datUpdatedAlphas=list()
+          if(not fAlphaIsList):
+            datUpdatedAlphas = datAlpha
+          #If a taxa is kept, keep associated list information
+          #If not a list data, leave alone, it will be used globally for all taxa.
+          iTaxaIndex = -1
+          for sTaxa in lsTaxa:
+            iTaxaIndex = iTaxaIndex + 1
+            sUpdatedTaxa=self.updateToRoot([sTaxa])
+            if len(sUpdatedTaxa)==1:
+              lsUpdatedTaxa.append(sUpdatedTaxa[0])
+              if(fShapeIsList):
+                datUpdatedShapes.append(datShape[iTaxaIndex])
+              if(fBorderIsList):
+                datUpdatedBorders.append(datBorder[iTaxaIndex])
+              if(fAlphaIsList):
+                datUpdatedAlphas.append(datAlpha[iTaxaIndex])
+          #Reset data to rooted data
+          lsTaxa=lsUpdatedTaxa
+          datShape=datUpdatedShapes
+          datBorder=datUpdatedBorders
+          datAlpha=datUpdatedAlphas
+        #QC passes so we will add the circle to the figure and the ticks.
+        #If there are ticks and if the circle is not already in the ticks.
+        if(not self.llsTicks == None):
+          strCircleName = dictCircleData[self.c_sCircle]
+          fFound = False
+          iHighestNumber = -1
+          for tick in self.llsTicks:
+            #Look for name
+            if tick[1] == strCircleName:
+              fFound = True
+            #Find highest count
+            if int(tick[0]) > iHighestNumber:
+              iHighestNumber = int(tick[0])
+          if not fFound:
+            self.llsTicks.append([str(iHighestNumber+1),strCircleName])
+        #If the circle is forced, add the taxa to the lsIDs
+        #Otherwise we will only plot those that are matching 
+        #the lsIDs and the circle taxa list.
+        if dictCircleData[self.c_sForced]:
+          for iAlpha in xrange(0,len(datAlpha)):
+            if(not datAlpha[iAlpha] == "0.0"):
+              lsIDs.append(lsTaxa[iAlpha])
+          lsIDs = list(set(lsIDs))
+        #For all taxa in the cladogram
+        for sTaxa in lsTaxa:
+          #Store circle content name in dictionary
+          if not sTaxa in dictCircleDataMethods:
+            #Reset name to . delimited
+            asNameElements = filter(None,re.split("\|",sTaxa))
+            sCurTaxaName = asNameElements[len(asNameElements)-1]
+            if(len(asNameElements)>1):
+              if(sCurTaxaName=="unclassified"):
+                sCurTaxaName = ".".join([asNameElements[len(asNameElements)-2],sCurTaxaName])
+            sCurTaxa = ".".join(asNameElements)
+            #Add to dictionary
+            dictCircleDataMethods[sTaxa] = sCurTaxa
+          #If the taxa is in the selected method
+          if sTaxa in lsTaxa:
+            #Index of the id in the circle data
+            iTaxaIndex = lsTaxa.index(sTaxa)
+            #Get border
+            sBorder = ""
+            if(fBorderIsList):
+              sBorder = str(datBorder[iTaxaIndex])
+            else:
+              sBorder = str(datBorder)
+            #Get shape
+            sShape = ""
+            if(fShapeIsList):
+              sShape = datShape[iTaxaIndex]
+            else:
+              sShape = datShape
+            #Get alpha
+            sAlpha = ""
+            if(fAlphaIsList):
+              sAlpha = str(datAlpha[iTaxaIndex])
+            else:
+              sAlpha = str(datAlpha)
+            dictCircleDataMethods[sTaxa]=dictCircleDataMethods[sTaxa]+"".join([ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_cTab,sCircleMethod,":",sAlpha,"!",sShape,"#",sBorder])
+          else:
+            dictCircleDataMethods[sTaxa]=dictCircleDataMethods[sTaxa]+"".join([ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_cTab,sCircleMethod,":0.0!R#0.0"])
+      if len(dictCircleDataMethods)>0:
+        lsTaxaKeys = dictCircleDataMethods.keys()
+        sCircleContent = dictCircleDataMethods[lsTaxaKeys[0]]
+        for sTaxaKey in lsTaxaKeys[1:len(lsTaxaKeys)]:
+          sCircleContent = ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_strEndline.join([sCircleContent,dictCircleDataMethods[sTaxaKey]])
+        self.writeToFile(self.strCircleFilePath, sCircleContent, False)
+        self.fCircleFileMade=True
+        return True
+    self.fCircleFileMade=False
+    return False
+  #Happy Path tested
+  def createHighlightFile(self, lsIDs):
+    """
+    Write highlight data to file
+    :param lsIDs: Ids to include in the highlight file
+    :type: lsIDs List of strings
+    """
+    lsHighLightData = list()
+    #Each taxa name
+    for sID in lsIDs:
+      sCurColor = ""
+      #Rename taxa to be consisten with the . delimit format
+      asNameElements = filter(None,re.split("\|",sID))
+      sCurTaxaName = asNameElements[len(asNameElements)-1]
+      if(len(asNameElements)>1):
+        if(sCurTaxaName=="unclassified"):
+          sCurTaxaName = ".".join([asNameElements[len(asNameElements)-2],sCurTaxaName])
+      sCurTaxa = ".".join(asNameElements)
+      sCurLabel = ""
+      #Get color
+      sColorKey = ""
+      if(sID in self.dictForcedHighLights):
+        sColorKey = self.dictForcedHighLights[sID]
+        if(sColorKey in self.dictColors):
+          sCurColor = self.formatRGB(self.dictColors[sColorKey])
+        #Get label
+        if(self.dictRelabels is not None):
+          if(sID in self.dictRelabels):
+            sCurLabel = self.dictRelabels[sID]
+        if(sCurLabel == ""):
+          lsHighLightData.append(ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_cTab.join([sCurTaxa,sCurTaxaName,sCurLabel,sCurColor]))
+        else:
+          lsHighLightData.append(ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_cTab.join([sCurTaxa,sCurLabel,sCurLabel,sCurColor]))
+    if len(lsHighLightData)>0:
+      self.writeToFile(self.strHighLightFilePath, ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_strEndline.join(lsHighLightData), False)
+      self.fHighlightFileMade=True
+    return True
+  #Happy path tested
+  def createSizeFile(self, lsIDs):
+    """
+    Write size data to file
+    :param lsIDs: Ids to include in the size file
+    :type: lsIDs List of strings
+    """
+    if self.npaAbundance is not None:
+      dMinimumValue = (self.c_dMinLogSize*self.c_dLogScale)+1
+      lsWriteData = list()
+      for rowData in self.npaAbundance:
+        strCurrentId = rowData[0]
+        #Reset to root if needed to match current data
+        if(not self.strRoot == None):
+          strCurrentId = self.updateToRoot([strCurrentId])
+          if(len(strCurrentId) > 0):
+            strCurrentId = strCurrentId[0]
+        if(strCurrentId in lsIDs):
+          dAverage = np.average(list(rowData)[1:])
+          dSize = max([dMinimumValue,(dAverage*self.c_dLogScale)+1])
+          lsWriteData.append(".".join(re.split("\|",strCurrentId))+ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_cTab+str(math.log10(dSize)*self.c_dCircleScale))
+      if len(lsWriteData)>0:
+        self.writeToFile(self.strSizeFilePath, ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_strEndline.join(lsWriteData), False)
+        self.fSizeFileMade=True
+    return True
+  #Happy path tested 1
+  def createTreeFile(self, lsIDs):
+    """
+    Write tree data to file. The tree file defines the internal cladogram and all it's points.
+    :param lsIDs: Ids to include in the tree file as well as their ancestors
+    :type: lsIDs List of strings
+    """
+    lsFullTree = list()
+    for sID in lsIDs:
+      lsIDElements = filter(None,re.split("\|",sID))
+      sElementCur = lsIDElements[0]
+      if(not sElementCur in lsFullTree):
+        lsFullTree.append(sElementCur)
+      if(len(lsIDElements) > 1):
+        sNodePath = ""
+        for iEndLevel in xrange(1,len(lsIDElements)+1):
+          sCurAncestry = lsIDElements[0:iEndLevel]
+          sNodePath = ".".join(sCurAncestry)
+          if(not sNodePath in lsFullTree):
+            lsFullTree.append(sNodePath)
+    if len(lsFullTree)>0:
+      self.writeToFile(self.strTreeFilePath, ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_strEndline.join(lsFullTree), False)
+    return True
+  #Happy Path tested
+  def filterByAbundance(self, lsIDs):
+    """
+    Filter by abundance. Specifically this version requires elements of
+    the tree to have a certain percentage of a certain percentile in samples.
+    :param lsIDs: Ids to filter
+    :type: lsIDs List of strings
+    """
+    #list of ids to return that survived the filtering
+    retls = list()
+    if not self.npaAbundance is None:
+      #Hold the cuttoff score (threshold) for the percentile of interest {SampleName(string):score(double)}
+      dictPercentiles = dict()
+      for index in xrange(1,len(self.npaAbundance.dtype.names)):
+        dScore = scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(self.npaAbundance[self.npaAbundance.dtype.names[index]],self.c_dPercentileCutOff)
+        dictPercentiles[self.npaAbundance.dtype.names[index]] = dScore
+      #Sample count (Ignore sample id [position 0] which is not a name)
+      dSampleCount = float(len(self.npaAbundance.dtype.names[1:]))
+      #Check each taxa
+      for rowTaxaData in self.npaAbundance:
+        sCurTaxaName = rowTaxaData[0]
+        #Only look at the IDs given
+        if(sCurTaxaName in lsIDs):
+          dCountAbovePercentile = 0.0
+          ldAbundanceMeasures = list(rowTaxaData)[1:]
+          #Check to see if the abundance score meets the threshold and count if it does
+          for iScoreIndex in xrange(0,len(ldAbundanceMeasures)):
+            if(ldAbundanceMeasures[iScoreIndex] >= dictPercentiles[self.lsSampleNames[iScoreIndex]]):
+              dCountAbovePercentile = dCountAbovePercentile + 1.0
+          dPercentOverPercentile = dCountAbovePercentile / dSampleCount
+          if(dPercentOverPercentile >= (self.c_dPercentageAbovePercentile/100.0)):
+            retls.append(sCurTaxaName)
+    return retls
+  #Happy Path Tested
+  def filterByCladeSize(self, lsIDs):
+    """
+    Filter by the count of individuals in the clade.
+    :param lsIDs: Ids to filter
+    :type: lsIDs List of strings
+    """
+    #First get terminal nodes
+    lsTerminalNodes = AbundanceTable.funcGetTerminalNodesFromList(lsIDs,self.cFeatureDelimiter)
+    #Count up clades
+    cladeCounts = dict()
+    #For each terminal node count the
+    #Clades at clade levels
+    for sTerminalNode in lsTerminalNodes:
+        lsLineage = sTerminalNode.split(self.cFeatureDelimiter)
+        iLineageCount = len(lsLineage)
+        #If the lineage is shorter than the reduced clade level then no need to filter it
+        if iLineageCount >= self.iCladeLevelToReduce:
+            #If the lineage is longer than the reduced clade level and measuring clade level then count
+            #or If the lineage is longer than the reduced clade level but shorter than the measuring clade,
+            #only count if the last element is unclassified
+            if (iLineageCount >= self.iCladeLevelToMeasure) or (lsLineage[-1] == self.strUnclassified):
+                sLineage = self.cFeatureDelimiter.join(lsLineage[0:self.iCladeLevelToReduce])
+                cladeCounts[sLineage] = cladeCounts.get(sLineage,0) + 1
+    #Go through the IDs and reduce as needed using the clade counts
+    retls = list()
+    for sID in lsIDs:
+        lsID = sID.split(self.cFeatureDelimiter)
+        iIDCount = len(lsID)
+        #Too short to filter
+        if iLineageCount < self.iCladeLevelToReduce:
+            retls.append(sID)
+        #Check to see if the clade which is being reduced made the cut
+        if iIDCount >= self.iCladeLevelToReduce:
+            if (iIDCount >= self.iCladeLevelToMeasure) or (lsID[-1] == self.strUnclassified):
+                if cladeCounts[self.cFeatureDelimiter.join(lsID[0:self.iCladeLevelToReduce])] >= self.iMinCladeSize:
+                    retls.append(sID)
+    return retls
+  #Happy path tested
+  def formatRGB(self, sColor):
+    """
+    Takes a string that is of the format 0-255,0-255,0-255 and converts it to the 
+    color format of circlader _c_[0-1,0-1,0-1]
+    :param sColor: String RGB format
+    :type: sColor String
+    """
+    sCircladerColor = "_c_[1,1,1]"
+    if(sColor is not None):
+      sColorElements = filter(None,re.split(",",sColor))
+      if(len(sColorElements)==3):
+        iR = int(sColorElements[0])/255.0
+        iG = int(sColorElements[1])/255.0
+        iB = int(sColorElements[2])/255.0
+        sCircladerColor = "".join(["_c_[",str(iR),",",str(iG),",",str(iB),"]"])
+    return sCircladerColor
+  #Happy path tested
+  def generateLabels(self, lsIDs):
+    """
+    Labels for visualization. 
+    Changes unclassified to one_level_higher.unclassified and enables numeric labeling / relabeling.
+    Will only rename, will not add the label. The key must exist for the value to be used in replacing.
+    :param lsIDs: Ids to include in the labels file
+    :type: lsIDs List of strings
+    """
+    dictRet = dict()
+    for sID in lsIDs:
+        lsIDElements = filter(None,re.split("\|",sID))
+        iIDElementsCount = len(lsIDElements)
+        sLabel = lsIDElements[iIDElementsCount-1]
+        #Fix unclassified
+        if((sLabel == "unclassified") and (iIDElementsCount > 1)):
+            sLabel = ".".join([lsIDElements[iIDElementsCount-2],sLabel])
+        #Change to relabels if given
+        if(self.dictRelabels is not None):
+            if(sLabel in self.dictRelabels):
+                sLabel = self.dictRelabels[sLabel]
+        #Store lable
+        dictRet[sID] = sLabel
+    return dictRet
+  #Happy path tested
+  def manageFilePaths(self, sTaxaFileName, strStyleFile, sColorFileName=None, sTickFileName=None, sHighlightFileName=None, sSizeFileName=None, sCircleFileName=None):
+    """
+    This method sets the naming to the files generated that Circlader acts on.
+    These files include the tree, color, highlight, tick, circle, and size files.
+    Checks to make sure the file path to the syle file provided is an existing file.
+    Deletes any existing files with these generated names (except for the style files).
+    :param sStyleFile: File path indicating the style file to use
+    :type: String
+    :param strTaxaFile: File path indicating the taxa file to use
+    :type: String
+    :param sColorFile: File path indicating the color file to use
+    :type: String
+    :param sTickFile: File path indicating the tick file to use
+    :type: String
+    :param sHighlightFile: File path indicating the highlight file to use
+    :type: String
+    :param sSizeFile: File path indicating the size file to use
+    :type: String
+    :param sCircleFileName: File path for circle files
+    :type: String
+    :return boolean: True indicates success, false indicates error
+    """
+    #Do not remove the style file, it is static
+    if strStyleFile is None:
+      print("Error, style file is None")
+      return(False)
+    if not os.path.exists(strStyleFile):
+      print("Error, no style file found.")
+      return(False)
+    else:
+      self.strStyleFilePath = strStyleFile
+    #Set output files and remove if needed
+    self.strTreeFilePath = sTaxaFileName
+    self.strColorFilePath = sColorFileName
+    self.strTickFilePath = sTickFileName
+    self.strHighLightFilePath = sHighlightFileName
+    self.strSizeFilePath = sSizeFileName
+    self.strCircleFilePath = sCircleFileName
+    for sFile in [self.strTreeFilePath,self.strColorFilePath,self.strTickFilePath,
+                  self.strHighLightFilePath,self.strSizeFilePath,self.strCircleFilePath]:
+      if not sFile is None:
+        if(os.path.exists(sFile)):
+          os.remove(sFile)
+    return True
+  #Not tested
+  def relabelIDs(self, dictLabels):
+    """
+    Allows the relabeling of ids. Can be used to make numeric labeling of ids or renaming
+    :param dictLabels: Should label (key) (after unclassified is modified) and new label (value)
+    :type: dictLabels Dictionary of string (key:label to replace) string (value:new label to use in replacing)
+    """
+    self.dictRelabels = dictLabels
+  #Happy path tested
+  def updateToRoot(self, lsIDs):
+    """
+    Updates the clade to the root given. The clade must contain the root and the level of the 
+    root in the clade will be rest to it's first level, ignoring the previous levels of the clade.
+    :param lsIDs: List of Clades that will be reset to the root specified by setRoot
+    :type: lsIDs List of strings. Each string representing a clade.
+    """
+    if(self.strRoot is None):
+      return lsIDs
+    #Force root tree if indicated to do so
+    lsRootedIDs = list()
+    for sID in lsIDs:
+      sIDElements = filter(None,re.split("\|",sID))
+      if(self.strRoot in sIDElements):
+        iRootIndex = sIDElements.index(self.strRoot)
+        #If multiple levels of the clade exist after the new root merge them.
+        if(len(sIDElements)>iRootIndex+2):
+          lsRootedIDs.append("|".join(sIDElements[iRootIndex+1:]))
+        #If only one level of the clade exists after the new root, return it.
+        elif(len(sIDElements)>iRootIndex+1):
+          lsRootedIDs.append(sIDElements[iRootIndex+1])
+    return(lsRootedIDs)
+  #Testing: Used extensively in other tests
+  def writeToFile(self, strFileName, strDataToWrite, fAppend):
+    """
+    Helper function that writes a string to a file
+    :param strFileName: File to write to
+    :type: strFileName File path (string)
+    :param strDataToWrite: Data to write to file
+    :type: strDataToWrite String
+    :param fAppend: Indicates if an append should occur (True == Append)
+    :type: fAppend boolean
+    """
+    cMode = 'w'
+    if fAppend:
+      cMode = 'a'
+    with open(strFileName,cMode) as f:
+        f.write(strDataToWrite)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/breadcrumbs/src/	Tue May 13 21:58:57 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+Author: Timothy Tickle
+Description: Manages calling commandline from within code.
+#Copyright (C) <2012>
+#Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
+#this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the
+#Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy,
+#modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,
+#and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+#the following conditions:
+#The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies
+#or substantial portions of the Software.
+__author__ = "Timothy Tickle"
+__copyright__ = "Copyright 2012"
+__credits__ = ["Timothy Tickle"]
+__license__ = "MIT"
+__maintainer__ = "Timothy Tickle"
+__email__ = ""
+__status__ = "Development"
+#Import libaries
+from subprocess import call, Popen, PIPE
+from ValidateData import ValidateData
+import traceback
+class CommandLine():
+    """
+    Manages calling commandline from within code.
+    """
+    ##
+    #Contructor
+    def __init__(self): pass
+    def runCommandLine(self,tempCommand = None):
+        """
+        Sends a command to command line interface.
+        :param tempCommand: Must be an list of command key word and string arguments, no whitespaces
+        :type: List of strings
+        :return: boolean indicator of success (True = Success)
+        """
+        #Makes sure the the input data is a list of strings
+        if(not ValidateData.funcIsValidStringList(tempCommand)):
+            print "Error:: tempCommand must be an array of strings. Received="+str(tempCommand)+"."
+            return False
+        #Run command
+        try:
+            returnCode = call(tempCommand)
+            print "Return="+str(returnCode)
+            if returnCode > 0:
+                print "Error:: Error during command call. Script stopped."
+                print "Error:: Error Code "+str(returnCode)+"."
+                print "Error:: Command ="+str(tempCommand)+"."
+                return False
+        except (OSError,TypeError), e: 
+                print "Error:: Error during command call. Script stopped."
+                print "Error:: Command ="+str(tempCommand)+"."
+                print "Error:: OS error: "+str(traceback.format_exc(e))+"."
+                return False
+        return True
+    def runPipedCommandLine(self,tempCommand = None):
+        """
+        Sends a command to command line interface.
+        Create new array of string elements instead of white spacing
+        Put file names in escaped quotation marks.
+        This uses shell == true so make sure the commandline is not malicious
+        This should wait for process completion
+        :param tempCommand: Must be an list of command key word and string arguments, no whitespaces.
+        :type: List of strings
+        :return: Boolean (False = Failure or the return code from the subprocess)
+        """
+        #Makes sure the the input data is a list of strings
+        if(not ValidateData.funcIsValidStringList(tempCommand)):
+            print "Error:: tempCommand must be an array of strings. Received="+str(tempCommand)+"."
+            return False
+        #Run command
+        tempCommand = " ".join(tempCommand)
+        try:
+            returnCode = Popen(tempCommand, shell = True, stdout = PIPE).communicate()
+            return returnCode
+        except (OSError,TypeError), e: 
+                print "Error:: Error during command call. Script stopped."
+                print "Error:: Command ="+str(tempCommand)+"."
+                print "Error:: OS error: "+str(traceback.format_exc(e))+"."
+                return False
+    def runBatchCommandline(self,tempArrayOfCommands = None):
+        """
+        Sends a an array of commands to the commandline.
+        :param tempArrayOfCommands: Must be an list of commands, parsing and removing whitespace is handled internally.
+         Do not send mkdir and rm commands, use the appropriate os.* method call
+        :type: List of strings
+        :return: boolean indicator of success (True = Success)
+        """
+        #Holds commands
+        parsedCommmands = []
+        #Indicates if success or error occured
+        success = True
+        #Makes sure the the input data is list of strings
+        if(not ValidateData.funcIsValidStringList(tempArrayOfCommands)):
+            print "Error:: tempCommand must be an array of strings. Received="+str(tempArrayOfCommands)+"."
+            return False
+        #Parse commands into an array and call
+        #On an error break and return False
+        for command in tempArrayOfCommands:
+            commandElements = command.split(" ")
+            if(not self.runCommandLine(commandElements)):
+                success = False
+                break
+        return success
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/breadcrumbs/src/	Tue May 13 21:58:57 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+Author: Timothy Tickle
+Description: Project constants.
+#Copyright (C) <2012>
+#Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
+#this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the
+#Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy,
+#modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,
+#and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+#the following conditions:
+#The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies
+#or substantial portions of the Software.
+__author__ = "Timothy Tickle"
+__copyright__ = "Copyright 2012"
+__credits__ = ["Timothy Tickle"]
+__license__ = "MIT"
+__maintainer__ = "Timothy Tickle"
+__email__ = ""
+__status__ = "Development"
+#Used to test the FileIO class
+class ConstantsBreadCrumbs():
+    """
+    Class to hold project constants.
+    """
+    #Character Constants
+    c_strComma = ','
+    c_strColon = ':'
+    c_strConfigFileHeaderChar = '['
+    c_strConfigFileCommentChar = '#'
+    c_strEndline = '\n'
+    c_strExtDelim = '.'
+    c_cFastaIDLineStart = '>'
+    c_strPathDelim = '/'
+    c_cPipe = '|'
+    c_cQuote = '\"'
+    c_cTab = '\t'
+    c_strWhiteSpace = ' '
+    c_matrixFileDelim = '\t'
+    c_strBreadCrumbsSVMSpace = c_strWhiteSpace
+    #Default values for missing data in the Abundance Table
+    c_strEmptyAbundanceData = "0"
+    c_strEmptyDataMetadata = "NA"
+    c_strSVMNoSample = "-"
+    lNAs = list(set(["NA","na","Na","nA",c_strEmptyDataMetadata]))
+    #TODO remove
+    #Reference to circlader
+    c_strCircladerScript = "circlader/"
+    #AbundanceTable
+    #Suffix given to a file that is check with the checkRawDataFile method
+    OUTPUT_SUFFIX = "-checked.pcl"
+    #BIOM related
+    #PCL File metadata defaults (many of these come from biom file requirements
+    #ID
+    c_strIDKey = "id"
+    c_strDefaultPCLID = None
+    #File date
+    c_strDateKey = "date"
+    #File format type
+    c_strFormatKey = "format"
+    c_strDefaultPCLFileFormateType = "PCL"
+    #File generation source
+    c_strSourceKey = "source"
+    c_strDefaultPCLGenerationSource = None
+    #File type
+    c_strTypekey = "type"
+    c_strDefaultPCLFileTpe = None
+    #Allowable file types for biom files
+    c_strOTUType = "OTU"
+    c_strOTUBIOMType = "OTU table"
+    c_strPathwayType = "Pathway"
+    c_strPathwayBIOMType = "Pathway table"
+    c_strFunctionType = "Function"
+    c_strFunctionBIOMType = "Function table"
+    c_strOrthologType = "Ortholog"
+    c_strOrthologBIOMType = "Ortholog table"
+    c_strGeneType = "Gene"
+    c_strGeneBIOMType = "Gene table"
+    c_strMetaboliteType = "Metabolite"
+    c_strMetaboliteBIOMType = "Metabolite table"
+    c_strTaxonType = "Taxon"
+    c_strTaxonBIOMType = "Taxon table"
+    c_dictFileType = {c_strOTUType:c_strOTUBIOMType, c_strPathwayType:c_strPathwayBIOMType, c_strFunctionType:c_strFunctionBIOMType, c_strOrthologType:c_strOrthologBIOMType, c_strGeneType:c_strGeneBIOMType, c_strMetaboliteType:c_strMetaboliteBIOMType, c_strTaxonType:c_strTaxonType}
+    #File URL
+    c_strURLKey = "url"
+    c_strDefaultPCLURL = None
+    c_strFormatUrl =  "format_url"
+    #File sparse matrix
+    c_strSparsityKey = "sparsity"
+    c_fDefaultPCLSparsity = False
+    # BIOM related Data
+    # Data shape
+    c_strDataShapeKey = "shape"
+	######################################################################
+	# Constants related to biom import and export files                  #
+	######################################################################
+    # Biom file extension
+    c_strBiomFile = "biom"
+    c_BiomTaxData = "BiomTaxData"
+    c_MetadataID = "column_metadata_id"
+    c_Metadata = "Metadata"
+    c_metadata_lowercase = "metadata"
+    c_sLastMetadata = "sLastMetadata"
+    c_columns = "columns"	
+    c_rows = "rows"
+    c_ascii = "ascii"	
+    c_ignore = "ignore"	
+    c_Dtype = "Dtype"	
+    c_ID = "ID"	
+    c_id_lowercase = "id"	
+    c_f4 = "f8"		
+    c_biom_file_generated_by = "BreadCrumbs"
+    c_strPCLFile = "pcl"
+    c_taxonomy = "taxonomy"
+    c_dRowsMetadata = "dRowsMetadata"
+    c_BiomFileInfo = "BiomFileInfo"
+    c_MatrixTtype = "matrix_type"
+    c_GeneratedBy = "generated_by"
+    c_MetadataEntriesTotal = "MetadataEntriesTotal"
+    c_MaximumLength = "MaximumLength"
+    def __init__(self):
+      pass
Binary file src/breadcrumbs/src/ConstantsBreadCrumbs.pyc has changed
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/breadcrumbs/src/	Tue May 13 21:58:57 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+Author: Timothy Tickle
+Description: Constants for figures.
+#Copyright (C) <2012>
+#Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
+#this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the
+#Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy,
+#modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,
+#and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+#the following conditions:
+#The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies
+#or substantial portions of the Software.
+__author__ = "Timothy Tickle"
+__copyright__ = "Copyright 2012"
+__credits__ = ["Timothy Tickle"]
+__license__ = "MIT"
+__maintainer__ = "Timothy Tickle"
+__email__ = ""
+__status__ = "Development"
+#Holds global configuration constants
+class ConstantsFiguresBreadCrumbs():
+    #Figure oriented
+    c_strBackgroundColorName = "Invisible"
+    c_strBackgroundColor = "255,255,255"
+    c_strBackgroundColorWord = "white"
+    c_strBackgroundColorLetter = "w"
+    c_strDetailsColorWord = "black"
+    c_strDetailsColorLetter = "k"
+    #PCOA Markers
+    c_charPCOAPieChart = "o"
+    c_charPCOASquarePieChart = "s"
+    iMarkerSize = 100
+    #PCoA defaults
+    c_strPCoALabelDefault = "Label"
+    c_cPCoAColorDefault = 'g'
+    c_cPCoAShapeDefault = 'o'
+    c_cPCoASizeDefault = 20
+    #General plotting
+    c_strGridLineColor = "#CCCCCC"
+    c_fInverted = False
+    c_dAlpha = 0.5
+    def invertColors(self,fInvert):
+        if fInvert==True:
+            #General colors
+            self.c_strBackgroundColor = "0,0,0"
+            self.c_strBackgroundColorTuple = (0,0,0)
+            self.c_strBackgroundColorWord = "black"
+            self.c_strBackgroundColorLetter = "k"
+            self.c_strDetailsColorWord = "white"
+            self.c_strDetailsColorLetter = "w"
+            #Invert no select color
+            self.c_charNoSelect = "#000000" # black
+            #Record that it is inverted
+            self.c_fInverted = True
+            #Alpha looks best at full in inversion
+            self.c_dAlpha = 1.0
+        else:
+            #General colors
+            self.c_strBackgroundColor = "255,255,255"
+            self.c_strBackgroundColorTuple = (255,255,255)
+            self.c_strBackgroundColorWord = "white"
+            self.c_strBackgroundColorLetter = "w"
+            self.c_strDetailsColorWord = "black"
+            self.c_strDetailsColorLetter = "k"
+            #No select color
+            self.c_charNoSelect = "#FFFFFF" # White
+            #Record that it is not inverted
+            self.c_fInverted = False
+            #Alpha looks best at full in inversion
+            self.c_dAlpha = 0.5
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/breadcrumbs/src/	Tue May 13 21:58:57 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+Author: Timothy Tickle
+Description: Class to create scatter plots.
+#Copyright (C) <2012>
+#Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
+#this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the
+#Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy,
+#modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,
+#and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+#the following conditions:
+#The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies
+#or substantial portions of the Software.
+__author__ = "Timothy Tickle"
+__copyright__ = "Copyright 2012"
+__credits__ = ["Timothy Tickle"]
+__license__ = "MIT"
+__maintainer__ = "Timothy Tickle"
+__email__ = ""
+__status__ = "Development"
+#External libraries
+from ConstantsFiguresBreadCrumbs import ConstantsFiguresBreadCrumbs
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+from pylab import *
+#Plots a matrix
+class Histogram:
+  @staticmethod
+  def funcPlot(lx, strOutputFigurePath, strTitle = "Title", strXTitle="X Axis", strYTitle="Y Axis", strColor = "#83C8F9", fInvert=False):
+    """
+    Plot a box plot with optional jittering.
+    :params	lx: List of x values
+    :type:	List of doubles
+    :params	strOutputFigurePath: File path to make figure
+    :type:	String file path
+    :params	strTitle: Title of figure
+    :type:	String
+    :params	strXTitle: Label of x axis
+    :type:	String
+    :params	strYTitle: Label of y axis
+    :type:	String
+    :params	strColor: Hex color for the face of the boxplots
+    :type:	String
+    :params	fInvert: Invert colors (true)
+    :type:	Boolean
+    """
+    #Start plot
+    #Get plot object
+    imgFigure = plt.figure()
+    #Get plot colorsstrOutFigure
+    objFigureControl = ConstantsFiguresBreadCrumbs()
+    #Boxplots have to be plotted over the scatter so the alpha can not go to 1.0
+    #In this case capturing the alpha before inversion
+    #Inversion automoatically sets it to 1.
+    dAlpha=objFigureControl.c_dAlpha
+    objFigureControl.invertColors(fInvert=fInvert)
+    #Color/Invert figure
+    imgFigure.set_facecolor(objFigureControl.c_strBackgroundColorWord)
+    imgSubplot = imgFigure.add_subplot(111,axisbg=objFigureControl.c_strBackgroundColorLetter)
+    imgSubplot.set_xlabel(strXTitle)
+    imgSubplot.set_ylabel(strYTitle)
+    imgSubplot.spines['top'].set_color(objFigureControl.c_strDetailsColorLetter)
+    imgSubplot.spines['bottom'].set_color(objFigureControl.c_strDetailsColorLetter)
+    imgSubplot.spines['left'].set_color(objFigureControl.c_strDetailsColorLetter)
+    imgSubplot.spines['right'].set_color(objFigureControl.c_strDetailsColorLetter)
+    imgSubplot.xaxis.label.set_color(objFigureControl.c_strDetailsColorLetter)
+    #Adds light grid for numbers and puts them in the background
+    imgSubplot.yaxis.grid(True, linestyle='-', which='major', color=objFigureControl.c_strGridLineColor, alpha=objFigureControl.c_dAlpha)
+    imgSubplot.set_axisbelow(True)
+    imgSubplot.yaxis.label.set_color(objFigureControl.c_strDetailsColorLetter)
+    imgSubplot.tick_params(axis='x', colors=objFigureControl.c_strDetailsColorLetter)
+    imgSubplot.tick_params(axis='y', colors=objFigureControl.c_strDetailsColorLetter)
+    charMarkerEdgeColor = objFigureControl.c_strDetailsColorLetter
+    #Make scatter plot
+    plt.hist(x=lx,histtype='bar',color=strColor)
+    #Set ticks and title
+    imgSubplot.set_title(strTitle)
+    imgSubplot.title.set_color(objFigureControl.c_strDetailsColorLetter)
+    #End plot
+    #Save to a file
+    imgFigure.savefig(strOutputFigurePath, facecolor=imgFigure.get_facecolor())
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
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+## Included from MLPY build 2.2.0
+## Attempts were made to contact Davide Albanese on 08-10-2012 and 09-19-2012 at
+## This code is written by Davide Albanese, <>
+## (C) 2009 Fondazione Bruno Kessler - Via Santa Croce 77, 38100 Trento, ITALY.
+## This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+## (at your option) any later version.
+## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+## GNU General Public License for more details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+## along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+__all__= ['Kmedoids', 'Minkowski']
+import numpy as np
+import matplotlib
+matplotlib.use( "Agg" )
+import mlpy
+def kmedoids_core(x, med, oth, clust, cost, dist):
+    """
+    * for each mediod m
+       * for each non-mediod data point n
+         Swap m and n and compute the total cost of the configuration
+    Select the configuration with the lowest cost
+    """
+    d = np.empty((oth.shape[0], med.shape[0]), dtype=float)
+    med_n = np.empty_like(med)
+    oth_n = np.empty_like(oth)
+    idx = np.arange(oth.shape[0])
+    med_cur = med.copy()
+    oth_cur = oth.copy()
+    clust_cur = clust.copy()
+    cost_cur = cost
+    for i, m in enumerate(med):
+        for j, n in enumerate(oth[clust == i]):
+            med_n, oth_n = med.copy(), oth.copy()
+            med_n[i] = n
+            tmp = oth_n[clust == i]
+            tmp[j] = m
+            oth_n[clust == i] = tmp
+            for ii, nn in enumerate(oth_n):
+                for jj, mm in enumerate(med_n):
+                    d[ii, jj] = dist.compute(x[mm], x[nn])
+            clust_n = np.argmin(d, axis=1) # clusters
+            cost_n = np.sum(d[idx, clust_n]) # total cost of configuration
+            if cost_n <= cost_cur:
+                med_cur   = med_n.copy()
+                oth_cur   = oth_n.copy()
+                clust_cur = clust_n.copy()
+                cost_cur  = cost_n
+    return med_cur, oth_cur, clust_cur, cost_cur
+class Kmedoids:
+    """k-medoids algorithm.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, k, dist, maxloops=100, rs=0):
+        """Initialize Kmedoids.
+        :Parameters:
+          k : int
+              Number of clusters/medoids
+          dist : class
+                 class with a .compute(x, y) method which
+                 returns a distance
+          maxloops : int
+                     maximum number of loops
+          rs : int
+               random seed
+        Example:
+        >>> import numpy as np
+        >>> import mlpy
+        >>> x = np.array([[ 1. ,  1.5],
+        ...               [ 1.1,  1.8],
+        ...               [ 2. ,  2.8],
+        ...               [ 3.2,  3.1],
+        ...               [ 3.4,  3.2]])
+        >>> dtw = mlpy.Dtw(onlydist=True)
+        >>> km = mlpy.Kmedoids(k=3, dist=dtw)
+        >>> km.compute(x)
+        (array([4, 0, 2]), array([3, 1]), array([0, 1]), 0.072499999999999981)
+        Samples 4, 0, 2 are medoids and represent cluster 0, 1, 2 respectively.
+         * cluster 0: samples 4 (medoid) and 3
+         * cluster 1: samples 0 (medoid)  and 1
+         * cluster 2: sample 2 (medoid)
+        """
+        self.__k = k
+        self.__maxloops = maxloops
+        self.__rs = rs
+        self.__dist = dist
+        np.random.seed(self.__rs)
+    def compute(self, x):
+        """Compute Kmedoids.
+        :Parameters:
+           x : ndarray
+               An 2-dimensional vector (sample x features).
+        :Returns:
+           m : ndarray (1-dimensional vector)
+               medoids indexes
+           n : ndarray (1-dimensional vector)
+               non-medoids indexes
+           cl : ndarray 1-dimensional vector)
+                cluster membership for non-medoids.
+                Groups are in 0, ..., k-1
+           co : double
+                total cost of configuration
+        """
+        # randomly select k of the n data points as the mediods
+        idx = np.arange(x.shape[0])
+        np.random.shuffle(idx)
+        med = idx[0:self.__k]
+        oth = idx[self.__k::]
+        # compute distances
+        d = np.empty((oth.shape[0], med.shape[0]), dtype=float)
+        for i, n in enumerate(oth):
+            for j, m in enumerate(med):
+                d[i, j] = self.__dist.compute(x[m], x[n])
+        # associate each data point to the closest medoid
+        clust = np.argmin(d, axis=1)
+        # total cost of configuration
+        cost = np.sum(d[np.arange(d.shape[0]), clust])
+        # repeat kmedoids_core until there is no change in the medoid
+        for l in range(self.__maxloops):
+            med_n, oth_n, clust_n, cost_n = kmedoids_core(x, med, oth, clust, cost, self.__dist)
+            if (cost_n < cost):
+                med, oth, clust, cost = med_n, oth_n, clust_n, cost_n
+            else:
+                break
+        return med, oth, clust, cost
+class Minkowski:
+    """
+    Computes the Minkowski distance between two vectors ``x`` and ``y``.
+    .. math::
+      {||x-y||}_p = (\sum{|x_i - y_i|^p})^{1/p}.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, p):
+        """
+        Initialize Minkowski class.
+        :Parameters:
+          p : float
+              The norm of the difference :math:`{||x-y||}_p`
+        """
+        self.__p = p
+    def compute(self, x, y):
+        """
+        Compute Minkowski distance
+        :Parameters:
+           x : ndarray
+               An 1-dimensional vector.
+           y : ndarray
+               An 1-dimensional vector.
+        :Returns:
+           d : float
+               The Minkowski distance between vectors ``x`` and ``y``           
+        """
+        return (abs(x - y)**self.__p).sum() ** (1.0 / self.__p)    
Binary file src/breadcrumbs/src/KMedoids.pyc has changed
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+++ b/src/breadcrumbs/src/	Tue May 13 21:58:57 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+Author: Timothy Tickle
+Description: Allows KMedoids on a custom metric space.
+#Copyright (C) <2012>
+#Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
+#this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the
+#Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy,
+#modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,
+#and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+#the following conditions:
+#The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies
+#or substantial portions of the Software.
+__author__ = "Timothy Tickle"
+__copyright__ = "Copyright 2012"
+__credits__ = ["Timothy Tickle"]
+__license__ = "MIT"
+__maintainer__ = "Timothy Tickle"
+__email__ = ""
+__status__ = "Development"
+#External libraries
+from scipy.spatial.distance import squareform
+class MLPYDistanceAdaptor:
+    """
+    Allows one to use custom distance metrics with KMedoids in the MLPY package.
+    """
+    npaMatrix = None
+    """
+    Distance matrix to reference.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, npaDistanceMatrix, fIsCondensedMatrix):
+        """
+        Constructor requires a matrix of distances, could be condensed or square matrices
+    	:param	npaDistanceMatrix:	The distance matrix to be used
+	:type	Numpy array
+	:param	fIsCondensedMatrix:	Indicator of the matrix being square (true = condensed; false = square)
+	:type	Boolean
+        """
+        if fIsCondensedMatrix:
+            self.npaMatrix = squareform(npaDistanceMatrix)
+        else:
+            self.npaMatrix = npaDistanceMatrix
+    def compute(self,x,y):
+        """
+        This is the only method required in the interface to MLPY to be a distance metric.
+        Does NOT want values but positions, the positions will be used for accessing the distance matrix already provided.
+	:param	x:	X position as a array of 1 number
+	:type	Numpy array
+	:param	y:	Y position as a array of 1 number
+	:type	Boolean
+        """
+        if(self.npaMatrix == None):
+            raise Exception("".join(["MLPYDistanceAdaptor. Attempted to compute distance with out a distance matrix passed in during construction."]))
+        return self.npaMatrix[x[0],y[0]]
Binary file src/breadcrumbs/src/MLPYDistanceAdaptor.pyc has changed
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
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+Author: Timothy Tickle
+Description: Calculates Metrics.
+#Copyright (C) <2012>
+#Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
+#this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the
+#Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy,
+#modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,
+#and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+#the following conditions:
+#The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies
+#or substantial portions of the Software.
+__author__ = "Timothy Tickle"
+__copyright__ = "Copyright 2012"
+__credits__ = ["Timothy Tickle"]
+__license__ = "MIT"
+__maintainer__ = "Timothy Tickle"
+__email__ = ""
+__status__ = "Development"
+#Update path
+from ConstantsBreadCrumbs import ConstantsBreadCrumbs
+import csv
+import numpy as np
+from types import *
+from ValidateData import ValidateData
+#External libraries
+from cogent.maths.unifrac.fast_unifrac import fast_unifrac_file
+import cogent.maths.stats.alpha_diversity
+import scipy.spatial.distance
+class Metric:
+    """
+    Performs ecological measurements.
+    """
+    #Diversity metrics Alpha
+    c_strSimpsonDiversity = "SimpsonD"
+    c_strInvSimpsonDiversity = "InSimpsonD"
+    c_strChao1Diversity = "Chao1"
+    #Diversity metrics Beta
+    c_strBrayCurtisDissimilarity = "B_Curtis"
+    c_strUnifracUnweighted = "unifrac_unweighted"
+    c_strUnifracWeighted = "unifrac_weighted"
+    #Additive inverses of beta metrics
+    c_strInvBrayCurtisDissimilarity = "InB_Curtis"
+    #Richness
+    c_strShannonRichness = "ShannonR"
+    c_strObservedCount = "Observed_Count"
+    #Different alpha diversity metrics
+    setAlphaDiversities = set(["observed_species","margalef","menhinick",
+	"dominance","reciprocal_simpson","shannon","equitability","berger_parker_d",
+	"mcintosh_d","brillouin_d","strong","fisher_alpha","simpson",
+	"mcintosh_e","heip_e","simpson_e","robbins","michaelis_menten_fit","chao1","ACE"])
+    #Different beta diversity metrics
+    setBetaDiversities = set(["braycurtis","canberra","chebyshev","cityblock",
+	"correlation","cosine","euclidean","hamming","sqeuclidean"])
+    #Tested 4
+    @staticmethod
+    def funcGetSimpsonsDiversityIndex(ldSampleTaxaAbundancies=None):
+        """
+        Calculates the Simpsons diversity index as defined as sum(Pi*Pi).
+        Note***: Assumes that the abundance measurements are already normalized by the total population N.
+        :param	ldSampleTaxaAbundancies:	List of measurements to calculate metric on (a sample).
+        :type:	List of doubles
+        :return	Double:	Diversity metric
+        """
+        #Calculate metric
+        return sum((ldSampleTaxaAbundancies)*(ldSampleTaxaAbundancies))
+    #Tested 4
+    @staticmethod
+    def funcGetInverseSimpsonsDiversityIndex(ldSampleTaxaAbundancies=None):
+        """
+        Calculates Inverse Simpsons diversity index 1/sum(Pi*Pi).
+        This is multiplicative inverse which reverses the order of the simpsons diversity index.
+        Note***: Assumes that the abundance measurements are already normalized by the total population N.
+        :param	ldSampleTaxaAbundancies:	List of measurements to calculate metric on (a sample).
+        :type:	List of doubles
+        :return	Double:	Diversity metric
+        """
+        simpsons = Metric.funcGetSimpsonsDiversityIndex(ldSampleTaxaAbundancies)
+        #If simpsons is false return false, else return inverse
+        if not simpsons:
+            return False
+        return 1.0/simpsons
+    #Tested 4
+    @staticmethod
+    def funcGetShannonRichnessIndex(ldSampleTaxaAbundancies=None):
+        """
+        Calculates the Shannon richness index.
+        Note***: Assumes that the abundance measurements are already normalized by the total population N.
+        If not normalized, include N in the parameter tempTotalN and it will be.
+	This is in base exp(1) like the default R Vegan package. Cogent is by defaul in bits (base=2)
+	Both options are here for your use. See Metric.funcGetAlphaDiversity() to access cogent
+        :param	ldSampleTaxaAbundancies:	List of measurements to calculate metric on (a sample).
+        :type:	List of doubles
+        :return	Double:	Richness metric
+        """
+        #Calculate metric
+        ldSampleTaxaAbundancies = ldSampleTaxaAbundancies[np.where(ldSampleTaxaAbundancies != 0)]
+        tempIntermediateNumber = sum(ldSampleTaxaAbundancies*(np.log(ldSampleTaxaAbundancies)))
+        if(tempIntermediateNumber == 0.0):
+            return 0.0
+        return -1 * tempIntermediateNumber
+    #Test 3
+    @staticmethod
+    def funcGetChao1DiversityIndex(ldSampleTaxaAbundancies=None, fCorrectForBias=False):
+        """
+        Calculates the Chao1 diversity index.
+        Note***: Not normalized by abundance.
+        :param	ldSampleTaxaAbundancies:	List of measurements to calculate metric on (a sample).
+        :type:	List of doubles
+        :param	fCorrectForBias:	Indicator to use bias correction.
+        :type:	Boolean	False indicates uncorrected for bias (uncorrected = Chao 1984, corrected = Chao 1987, Eq. 2)
+        :return	Double:	Diversity metric
+        """
+        #If not counts return false
+        if [num for num in ldSampleTaxaAbundancies if((num<1) and (not num==0))]: return False
+        #Observed = total number of species observed in all samples pooled
+        totalObservedSpecies = len(ldSampleTaxaAbundancies)-len(ldSampleTaxaAbundancies[ldSampleTaxaAbundancies == 0])
+        #Singles = number of species that occur in exactly 1 sample
+        singlesObserved = len(ldSampleTaxaAbundancies[ldSampleTaxaAbundancies == 1.0])
+        #Doubles = number of species that occue in exactly 2 samples
+        doublesObserved = len(ldSampleTaxaAbundancies[ldSampleTaxaAbundancies == 2.0])
+        #If singles or doubles = 0, return observations so that a divided by zero error does not occur
+        if((singlesObserved == 0) or (doublesObserved == 0)):
+            return totalObservedSpecies
+        #Calculate metric
+        if fCorrectForBias:
+            return cogent.maths.stats.alpha_diversity.chao1_bias_corrected(observed = totalObservedSpecies, singles = singlesObserved, doubles = doublesObserved)
+        else:
+            return cogent.maths.stats.alpha_diversity.chao1_uncorrected(observed = totalObservedSpecies, singles = singlesObserved, doubles = doublesObserved)
+    #Test 3
+    @staticmethod
+    def funcGetObservedCount(ldSampleAbundances, dThreshold = 0.0):
+        """
+        Count how many bugs / features have a value of greater than 0 or the threshold given.
+        Expects a vector of abundances.
+        ****Do not normalize data if using the threshold.
+        :param	ldSampleAbundances:	List of measurements to calculate metric on (a sample).
+        :type:	List of doubles
+        :param	dThreshold:	The lowest number the measurement can be to be counted as an observation.
+        :type:	Double
+        :return	Count:	Number of features observed in a sample.
+        """
+        return sum([1 for observation in ldSampleAbundances if observation > dThreshold])
+    #Test Cases 6
+    @staticmethod
+    def funcGetAlphaDiversity(liCounts,strMetric):
+        """
+        Passes counts to cogent for an alpha diversity metric.
+	setAlphaDiversities are the names supported
+        :param	liCount:	List of counts to calculate metric on (a sample).
+        :type:	List of ints
+        :return	Diversity:	Double diversity metric.
+        """
+        return getattr(cogent.maths.stats.alpha_diversity,strMetric)(liCounts)
+    #Happy path tested 1
+    @staticmethod
+    def funcGetDissimilarity(ldSampleTaxaAbundancies, funcDistanceFunction):
+        """
+        Calculates the distance between samples given a function.
+        If you have 5 rows (labeled r1,r2,r3,r4,r5) the vector are the distances in this order.
+        condensed form = [d(r1,r2), d(r1,r3), d(r1,r4), d(r1,r5), d(r2,r3), d(r2,r4), d(r2,r5), d(r3,r4), d(r3,r5), d(r4,r5)].
+        Note***: Assumes that the abundance measurements are already normalized by the total population N.
+        :param	ldSampleTaxaAbundancies:
+        :type:	List of doubles
+        :param	funcDistanceFunction: Distance function used to calculate distances
+        :type:	Function
+        :return	Double:	Dissimilarity metric
+        """
+        #Calculate metric
+        try:
+            return scipy.spatial.distance.pdist(ldSampleTaxaAbundancies, funcDistanceFunction)
+        except ValueError as error:
+            print "".join(["Metric.funcGetDissimilarity. Error=",str(error)])
+            return False
+    #Test case 1
+    @staticmethod
+    def funcGetDissimilarityByName(ldSampleTaxaAbundancies, strMetric):
+        """
+        Calculates beta-diversity metrics between lists of abundances
+	setBetaDiversities are the names supported
+        :param	ldSampleTaxaAbundancies:
+        :type:	List of doubles
+        :param	strMetric: Name of the distance function used to calculate distances
+        :type:	String
+        :return	list double:	Dissimilarity metrics between each sample
+        """
+        return scipy.spatial.distance.pdist(ldSampleTaxaAbundancies,strMetric)
+    #Test 3
+    @staticmethod
+    def funcGetBrayCurtisDissimilarity(ldSampleTaxaAbundancies):
+        """
+        Calculates the BrayCurtis Beta dissimilarity index.
+        d(u,v)=sum(abs(row1-row2))/sum(row1+row2).
+        This is scale invariant.
+        If you have 5 rows (labeled r1,r2,r3,r4,r5) the vector are the distances in this order.
+        condensed form = [d(r1,r2), d(r1,r3), d(r1,r4), d(r1,r5), d(r2,r3), d(r2,r4), d(r2,r5), d(r3,r4), d(r3,r5), d(r4,r5)].
+        Note***: Assumes that the abundance measurements are already normalized by the total population N.
+        :param	ldSampleTaxaAbundancies:
+        :type:	List of doubles
+        :return	Double Matrix:	Dissimilarity metric
+        """
+        #Calculate metric
+        try:
+            return scipy.spatial.distance.pdist(X=ldSampleTaxaAbundancies, metric='braycurtis')
+        except ValueError as error:
+            print "".join(["Metric.getBrayCurtisDissimilarity. Error=",str(error)])
+            return False
+    #Test 3
+    @staticmethod
+    def funcGetInverseBrayCurtisDissimilarity(ldSampleTaxaAbundancies):
+        """
+        Calculates 1 - the BrayCurtis Beta dissimilarity index.
+        d(u,v)=1-(sum(abs(row1-row2))/sum(row1+row2)).
+        This is scale invariant and ranges between 0 and 1.
+        If you have 5 rows (labeled r1,r2,r3,r4,r5) the vector are the distances in this order.
+        condensed form = [d(r1,r2), d(r1,r3), d(r1,r4), d(r1,r5), d(r2,r3), d(r2,r4), d(r2,r5), d(r3,r4), d(r3,r5), d(r4,r5)].
+        Note***: Assumes that the abundance measurements are already normalized by the total population N.
+        :param	ldSampleTaxaAbundancies:	An np.array of samples (rows) x measurements (columns) in which distance is measured between rows
+        :type:	List	List of doubles
+        :return	Double Matrix:	1 - Bray-Curtis dissimilarity.	
+        """
+        bcValue = Metric.funcGetBrayCurtisDissimilarity(ldSampleTaxaAbundancies = ldSampleTaxaAbundancies)
+        if not type(bcValue) is BooleanType:
+            return 1.0-bcValue
+        return False
+    #Test cases 8
+    @staticmethod
+    def funcGetUnifracDistance(istrmTree,istrmEnvr,lsSampleOrder=None,fWeighted=True):
+	"""
+	Gets a unifrac distance from files/filestreams.
+        :param	istrmTree:	File path or stream which is a Newick format file
+        :type:	String of file stream
+        :param	istrmEnvr:	File path or stream which is a Newick format file
+        :type:	String of file stream
+	"""
+	npaDist, lsSampleNames = fast_unifrac_file(open(istrmTree,"r") if isinstance(istrmTree, str) else istrmTree,
+			open(istrmEnvr,"r") if isinstance(istrmEnvr, str) else istrmEnvr, weighted=fWeighted).get("distance_matrix",False)
+        #Was trying to avoid preallocating a matrix but if you only need a subset of the samples then it
+        #is simpler to preallocate so this is what I am doing but making a condensed matrix and not a full matrix
+        #Dictionary to translate the current order of the samples to what is expected if given an input order
+        if lsSampleOrder:
+            #{NewOrder:OriginalOrder} way to convert from old to new sample location
+            dictTranslate = dict([[lsSampleOrder.index(sSampleName),lsSampleNames.index(sSampleName)] for sSampleName in lsSampleNames if sSampleName in lsSampleOrder])
+            #Check to make sure all samples requested were found
+            if not len(dictTranslate.keys()) == len(lsSampleOrder):
+                print "Metric.funcGetUnifracDistance. Error= The some or all sample names given (lsSampleOrder) were not contained in the matrix."
+                return False
+            #Length of data
+            iLengthOfData = len(lsSampleOrder)
+            #Preallocate matrix and shuffle
+            mtrxData = np.zeros(shape=(iLengthOfData,iLengthOfData))
+            for x in xrange(iLengthOfData):
+                for y in xrange(iLengthOfData):
+                    mtrxData[x,y] = npaDist[dictTranslate[x],dictTranslate[y]]
+            npaDist = mtrxData
+            lsSampleNames = lsSampleOrder
+        #If no sample order is given, condense the matrix and return
+        return (scipy.spatial.distance.squareform(npaDist),lsSampleNames)
+    #Test 7
+    @staticmethod
+    def funcGetAlphaMetric(ldAbundancies, strMetric):
+        """
+        Get alpha abundance of the metric for the vector.
+        Note: Shannon is measured with base 2 ("shannon") or base exp(1) (Metric.c_strShannonRichness) depending which method is called.
+        :param	ldAbundancies:	List of values to compute metric (a sample).
+        :type:	List	List of doubles.
+        :param	strMetric:	The metric to measure.
+        :type:	String	Metric name (Use from constants above).
+        :return	Double:	Metric specified by strMetric derived from ldAbundancies.
+        """
+        if(strMetric == Metric.c_strShannonRichness):
+            return Metric.funcGetShannonRichnessIndex(ldSampleTaxaAbundancies=ldAbundancies)
+        elif(strMetric == Metric.c_strSimpsonDiversity):
+            return Metric.funcGetSimpsonsDiversityIndex(ldSampleTaxaAbundancies=ldAbundancies)
+        elif(strMetric == Metric.c_strInvSimpsonDiversity):
+            return Metric.funcGetInverseSimpsonsDiversityIndex(ldSampleTaxaAbundancies=ldAbundancies)
+        elif(strMetric == Metric.c_strObservedCount):
+            return Metric.funcGetObservedCount(ldSampleAbundances=ldAbundancies)
+        #Chao1 Needs NOT Normalized Abundance (Counts)
+        elif(strMetric == Metric.c_strChao1Diversity):
+            return Metric.funcGetChao1DiversityIndex(ldSampleTaxaAbundancies=ldAbundancies)
+        elif(strMetric in Metric.setAlphaDiversities):
+            return Metric.funcGetAlphaDiversity(liCounts=ldAbundancies, strMetric=strMetric)
+        else:
+            return False
+    #Test 5
+    @staticmethod
+    def funcBuildAlphaMetricsMatrix(npaSampleAbundance = None, lsSampleNames = None, lsDiversityMetricAlpha = None):
+        """
+        Build a matrix of alpha diversity metrics for each sample
+        Row = metric, column = sample
+        :param	npaSampleAbundance:	Observations (Taxa (row) x sample (column))
+        :type:	Numpy Array
+        :param	lsSampleNames:	List of sample names of samples to measure (do not include the taxa id column name or other column names which should not be read).
+        :type:	List of strings	Strings being samples to measure from the npaSampleAbundance.
+        :param	lsDiversityMetricAlpha:	List of diversity metrics to use in measuring.
+        :type:	List of strings	Strings being metrics to derived from the indicated samples.
+        :return	List of List of doubles:	Each internal list is a list of (floats) indicating a specific metric measurement method measuring multiple samples
+            [[metric1-sample1, metric1-sample2, metric1-sample3],[metric1-sample1, metric1-sample2, metric1-sample3]]
+        """
+        if not ValidateData.funcIsValidList(lsDiversityMetricAlpha):
+            lsDiversityMetricAlpha = [lsDiversityMetricAlpha]
+        #Get amount of metrics
+        metricsCount = len(lsDiversityMetricAlpha)
+        #Create return
+        returnMetricsMatrixRet = [[] for index in lsDiversityMetricAlpha]
+        #For each sample get all metrics
+        #Place in list of lists
+        #[[metric1-sample1, metric1-sample2, metric1-sample3],[metric1-sample1, metric1-sample2, metric1-sample3]]
+        for sample in lsSampleNames:
+            sampleAbundance = npaSampleAbundance[sample]
+            for metricIndex in xrange(0,metricsCount):
+                returnMetricsMatrixRet[metricIndex].append(Metric.funcGetAlphaMetric(ldAbundancies = sampleAbundance, strMetric = lsDiversityMetricAlpha[metricIndex]))
+        return returnMetricsMatrixRet
+    #Testing 6 cases
+    @staticmethod
+    def funcGetBetaMetric(npadAbundancies=None, sMetric=None, istrmTree=None, istrmEnvr=None, lsSampleOrder=None, fAdditiveInverse = False):
+        """
+        Takes a matrix of values and returns a beta metric matrix. The metric returned is indicated by name (sMetric).
+        :param	npadAbundancies:	Numpy array of sample abundances to measure against.
+        :type:	Numpy Array	Numpy array where row=samples and columns = features.
+        :param	sMetric:	String name of beta metric. Possibilities are listed in microPITA.
+        :type:	String	String name of beta metric. Possibilities are listed in microPITA.
+        :return	Double:	Measurement indicated by metric for given abundance list
+        """
+        if sMetric == Metric.c_strBrayCurtisDissimilarity:
+            mtrxDistance = Metric.funcGetBrayCurtisDissimilarity(ldSampleTaxaAbundancies=npadAbundancies)
+        elif sMetric == Metric.c_strInvBrayCurtisDissimilarity:
+            mtrxDistance = Metric.funcGetInverseBrayCurtisDissimilarity(ldSampleTaxaAbundancies=npadAbundancies)
+        elif sMetric in Metric.setBetaDiversities:
+            mtrxDistance = Metric.funcGetDissimilarityByName(ldSampleTaxaAbundancies=npadAbundancies, strMetric=sMetric)
+        elif sMetric == Metric.c_strUnifracUnweighted:
+            mtrxDistance = Metric.funcGetUnifracDistance(istrmTree=istrmTree,istrmEnvr=istrmEnvr,lsSampleOrder=lsSampleOrder,fWeighted=False)
+#            mtrxDistance = xReturn[0] if not type(xReturn) is BooleanType else xReturn
+        elif sMetric == Metric.c_strUnifracWeighted:
+            mtrxDistance = Metric.funcGetUnifracDistance(istrmTree=istrmTree,istrmEnvr=istrmEnvr,lsSampleOrder=lsSampleOrder,fWeighted=True)
+#            mtrxDistance = xReturn[0] if not type(xReturn) is BooleanType else xReturn
+        else:
+            mtrxDistance = False
+        if fAdditiveInverse and not type(mtrxDistance) is BooleanType:
+	    if sMetric in [Metric.c_strUnifracUnweighted,Metric.c_strUnifracWeighted]:
+		mtrxDistance = (1.0 - mtrxDistance[0],mtrxDistance[1])
+	    else:
+                mtrxDistance = 1.0 - mtrxDistance
+	return mtrxDistance
+    #Test Cases 11
+    @staticmethod
+    def funcReadMatrixFile(istmMatrixFile, lsSampleOrder=None):
+	"""
+	Reads in a file with a precalculated beta-diversty matrix.
+	:param istmMatrixFile:	File with beta-diversity matrix
+	:type:	FileStream of String file path
+	"""
+        #Read in data
+        f = csv.reader(open(istmMatrixFile,"r") if isinstance(istmMatrixFile, str) else istmMatrixFile, delimiter=ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_matrixFileDelim )
+        #Get header
+        try:
+            lsHeader =
+        except StopIteration:
+            return (False,False)
+        lsHeaderReducedToSamples = [sHeader for sHeader in lsHeader if sHeader in lsSampleOrder] if lsSampleOrder else lsHeader[1:]
+        #If no sample ordering is given, set the ordering to what is in the file
+        if not lsSampleOrder:
+	    lsSampleOrder = lsHeaderReducedToSamples
+        #Preallocate matrix
+        mtrxData = np.zeros(shape=(len(lsSampleOrder),len(lsSampleOrder)))
+        #Make sure all samples requested are in the file
+        if(not len(lsSampleOrder) == len(lsHeaderReducedToSamples)): return False
+	for lsLine in f:
+            if lsLine[0] in lsSampleOrder:
+                iRowIndex = lsSampleOrder.index(lsLine[0])
+                for i in xrange(1,len(lsSampleOrder)):
+                    iColumnIndexComing = lsHeader.index(lsSampleOrder[i])
+                    iColumnIndexGoing = lsSampleOrder.index(lsSampleOrder[i])
+                    mtrxData[iRowIndex,iColumnIndexGoing] = lsLine[iColumnIndexComing]
+                    mtrxData[iColumnIndexGoing,iRowIndex] = lsLine[iColumnIndexComing]
+        tpleMData = mtrxData.shape
+        mtrxData = mtrxData if any(sum(ld)>0 for ld in mtrxData) or ((tpleMData[0]==1) and (tpleMData[1]==1)) else []
+        return (mtrxData,lsSampleOrder)
+    #Test cases 2
+    @staticmethod
+    def funcWriteMatrixFile(mtrxMatrix, ostmMatrixFile, lsSampleNames=None):
+        """
+        Writes a square matrix to file.
+        :param mtrxMatrix:	Matrix to write to file
+        :type:	Numpy array
+        :lsSampleNames:	The names of the samples in the order of the matrix
+        :type:	List of strings
+        :ostmBetaMatrixFile:	File to write to
+        :type:	String or file stream
+        """
+        if not sum(mtrxMatrix.shape)>0 or not ostmMatrixFile:
+            return False
+        #Check to make sure the sample names are the correct length
+        tpleiShape = mtrxMatrix.shape
+        if not lsSampleNames:
+            lsSampleNames = range(tpleiShape[0])
+        if not(len(lsSampleNames) == tpleiShape[0]):
+            print "".join(["Metric.funcWriteMatrixFile. Error= Length of sample names ("+str(len(lsSampleNames))+") and matrix ("+str(mtrxMatrix.shape)+") not equal."])
+            return False
+        #Write to file
+        ostmOut = csv.writer(open(ostmMatrixFile,"w") if isinstance(ostmMatrixFile,str) else ostmMatrixFile, delimiter=ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_matrixFileDelim )
+        #Add the additional space at the beginning of the sample names to represent the id row/column
+        lsSampleNames = [""]+list(lsSampleNames)
+        #Write header and each row to file
+        ostmOut.writerow(lsSampleNames)
+        [ostmOut.writerow([lsSampleNames[iIndex+1]]+mtrxMatrix[iIndex,].tolist()) for iIndex in xrange(tpleiShape[0])]
+        return True
Binary file src/breadcrumbs/src/Metric.pyc has changed
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/breadcrumbs/src/	Tue May 13 21:58:57 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+Author: Timothy Tickle
+Description: Base class for ordination plots.
+#Copyright (C) <2012>
+#Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
+#this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the
+#Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy,
+#modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,
+#and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+#the following conditions:
+#The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies
+#or substantial portions of the Software.
+__author__ = "Timothy Tickle"
+__copyright__ = "Copyright 2013"
+__credits__ = ["Timothy Tickle"]
+__license__ = "MIT"
+__maintainer__ = "Timothy Tickle"
+__email__ = ""
+__status__ = "Development"
+#External libraries
+import AbundanceTable
+from ConstantsFiguresBreadCrumbs import ConstantsFiguresBreadCrumbs
+import as cm
+from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
+from UtilityMath import UtilityMath
+from ValidateData import ValidateData
+class Ordination:
+    """
+    Base class for ordination methods and plots.
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+      # Rows = Samples
+      self.dataMatrix = None
+      self.isRawData = None
+      self.lsIDs = []
+      self.dataProcessed = None
+    #Happy path tested
+    def loadData(self, xData, fIsRawData):
+        """
+        Loads data into the object (given a matrix or an abundance table)
+        Data can be the Abundance Table to be converted to a distance matrix or a distance matrix
+        If it is the AbundanceTable, indicate that it is rawData (tempIsRawData=True)
+        If it is the distance matrix already generated indicate (tempIsRawData=False)
+        and no conversion will occur in subsequent methods.
+        :params xData: AbundanceTable or Distance matrix . Taxa (columns) by samples (rows)(lists)
+        :type: AbundanceTable or DistanceMatrix
+        :param fIsRawData: Indicates if the xData is an AbudanceTable (True) or distance matrix (False; numpy array)
+        :type: boolean
+        :return boolean: indicator of success (True=Was able to load data)
+        """
+        if fIsRawData:
+            #Read in the file data to a numpy array.
+            #Samples (column) by Taxa (rows)(lists) without the column
+            data = xData.funcToArray()
+            if data==None:
+                print("Ordination:loadData::Error when converting AbundanceTable to Array, did not perform ordination.")
+                return False
+            #Transpose data to be Taxa (columns) by samples (rows)(lists)
+            data = UtilityMath.funcTransposeDataMatrix(data,fRemoveAdornments=False)
+            if(ValidateData.funcIsFalse(data)):
+                print("Ordination:loadData::Error when transposing data file, did not perform ordination.")
+                return False
+            else:
+                self.dataMatrix=data
+                self.isRawData=fIsRawData
+                self.lsIDs=xData.funcGetMetadata(xData.funcGetIDMetadataName())
+        #Otherwise load the data directly as passed.
+        else:
+            self.dataMatrix=xData
+            self.isRawData=fIsRawData
+        return True
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/breadcrumbs/src/	Tue May 13 21:58:57 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,809 @@
+Author: Timothy Tickle
+Description: Perfroms and plots Principle Coordinates Analysis.
+#Copyright (C) <2012>
+#Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
+#this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the
+#Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy,
+#modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,
+#and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+#the following conditions:
+#The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies
+#or substantial portions of the Software.
+__author__ = "Timothy Tickle"
+__copyright__ = "Copyright 2012"
+__credits__ = ["Timothy Tickle"]
+__license__ = "MIT"
+__maintainer__ = "Timothy Tickle"
+__email__ = ""
+__status__ = "Development"
+#External libraries
+from ConstantsFiguresBreadCrumbs import ConstantsFiguresBreadCrumbs
+from cogent.cluster.nmds import NMDS
+import csv
+import math
+import as cm
+from Metric import Metric
+import numpy as np
+from scipy.spatial.distance import squareform
+from scipy.stats.stats import spearmanr
+from Utility import Utility
+from UtilityMath import UtilityMath
+from ValidateData import ValidateData
+from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
+class PCoA:
+    """
+    Class to Run Principle Coordinates Analysis.
+    To run PCoA first load the AbundanceTable or distance matrix using the "load" method, 
+    then use the "run" method to derive points, and then use "plot" to plot the graph.
+    The process is structured in this way so that data is read once but can be transformed to different
+    distance matricies and after analysis can be plotted with multiple sample highlighting.
+    One can always reload or rerun data by calling the appropriate function.
+    Supported beta diversity metrics include "braycurtis","canberra","chebyshev","cityblock","correlation",
+	"cosine","euclidean","hamming","sqeuclidean",unifrac_unweighted","unifrac_weighted"
+    """
+    #Supported distance metrics
+    c_BRAY_CURTIS="B_Curtis"
+    c_SPEARMAN="spearman"
+    #Holds the data Matrix
+    dataMatrix=None
+    #Indicates if the data matrix is raw data (True) or a distance matrix (False)
+    isRawData=None
+    # Holds current matrix ids
+    lsIDs = None
+    #Current pcoa object
+    pcoa = None
+    #Holds the most recently successful distance metric
+    strRecentMetric = None
+    #Current dimensions
+    _iDimensions = 2
+    #Get plot colors
+    objFigureControl = ConstantsFiguresBreadCrumbs()
+    #Forced X Axis
+    ldForcedXAxis = None
+    #Indices for the plot group dictionary
+    c_iXPointIndex = 0
+    c_iYPointIndex = 1
+    c_iColorIndex = 2
+    c_iMarkerIndex = 3
+    c_iAlphaIndex = 4
+    c_iLabelIndex = 5
+    c_iShapeIndex = 6
+    c_iEdgeColorIndex = 7
+    c_strTiesKey = "Ties"
+    #Happy path tested
+    def loadData(self, xData, fIsRawData):
+        """
+        Loads data into PCoA (given the matrix or an abundance table)
+        Data can be the Abundance Table to be converted to a distance matrix or a distance matrix
+        If it is the AbundanceTable, indicate that it is rawData (tempIsRawData=True)
+        If it is the distance matrix already generated indicate (tempIsRawData=False)
+        and no conversion will occur in subsequent methods.
+        :params xData: AbundanceTable or Distance matrix . Taxa (columns) by samples (rows)(lists)
+        :type: AbundanceTable or DistanceMatrix
+        :param fIsRawData: Indicates if the xData is an AbudanceTable (True) or distance matrix (False; numpy array)
+        :type: boolean
+        :return boolean: indicator of success (True=Was able to load data)
+        """
+        if fIsRawData:
+            #Read in the file data to a numpy array.
+            #Samples (column) by Taxa (rows)(lists) without the column
+            data = xData.funcToArray()
+            if data==None:
+                print("PCoA:loadData::Error when converting AbundanceTable to Array, did not perform PCoA.")
+                return False
+            #Transpose data to be Taxa (columns) by samples (rows)(lists)
+            data = UtilityMath.funcTransposeDataMatrix(data,fRemoveAdornments=False)
+            if(ValidateData.funcIsFalse(data)):
+                print("PCoA:loadData::Error when transposing data file, did not perform PCoA.")
+                return False
+            else:
+                self.dataMatrix=data
+                self.isRawData=fIsRawData
+                self.lsIDs=xData.funcGetMetadata(xData.funcGetIDMetadataName())
+        #Otherwise load the data directly as passed.
+        else:
+            self.dataMatrix=xData
+            self.isRawData=fIsRawData
+        return True
+    def run(self, tempDistanceMetric=None, iDims=2, strDistanceMatrixFile=None, istrmTree=None, istrmEnvr=None):
+        """
+        Runs analysis on loaded data.
+        :param tempDistanceMetric: The name of the distance metric to use when performing PCoA.
+                                   None indicates a distance matrix was already given when loading and will be used.
+                                   Supports "braycurtis","canberra","chebyshev","cityblock","correlation",
+				   "cosine","euclidean","hamming","sqeuclidean",unifrac_unweighted","unifrac_weighted"
+        :type: String Distance matrix name
+        :param iDims: How many dimension to plot the PCoA graphs.
+                      (This can be minimally 2; all combinations of dimensions are plotted).
+                      iDims start with 1 (not index-based).
+        :type: Integer Positive integer 2 or greater.
+	:param strDistanceMatrixFile: If the underlying distance matrix should be output, this is the file to output to.
+	:type: String Output file for distances of None for indicating it shoudl not be done.
+	:param istrmTree: One of two files needed for unifrac calculations, this is the phylogeny of the features.
+	:type: String Path to file
+	:param istrmEnvr: One of two files needed for unifrac calculations, this is the environment file for the features.
+	:type: String Path to file
+        :return boolean: Indicator of success (True)
+        """
+        if iDims > 1:
+            self._iDimensions = iDims
+        #If distance metric is none, check to see if the matrix is a distance matrix
+        #If so, run NMDS on the distance matrix
+        #Otherwise return a false and do not run
+        if(tempDistanceMetric==None):
+            if(ValidateData.funcIsTrue(self.isRawData)):
+                print("PCoA:run::Error, no distance metric was specified but the previous load was not of a distance matrix.")
+                return False
+            elif(ValidateData.funcIsFalse(self.isRawData)):
+                self.pcoa = NMDS(dataMatrix, verbosity=0)
+                return True
+        #Make sure the distance metric was a valid string type
+        if(not ValidateData.funcIsValidString(tempDistanceMetric)):
+            print("PCoA:run::Error, distance metric was not a valid string type.")
+            return False
+        #Supported distances
+        distanceMatrix = None
+        if(tempDistanceMetric==self.c_SPEARMAN):
+            distanceMatrix = Metric().funcGetDissimilarity(ldSampleTaxaAbundancies=self.dataMatrix, funcDistanceFunction=lambda u,v: spearmanr(u,v)[0])
+        if(tempDistanceMetric in [Metric.c_strUnifracUnweighted,Metric.c_strUnifracWeighted]):
+            distanceMatrix,lsLabels = Metric().funcGetBetaMetric(sMetric=tempDistanceMetric, istrmTree=istrmTree, istrmEnvr=istrmEnvr)
+            self.lsIDs = lsLabels
+        else:
+            distanceMatrix = Metric().funcGetBetaMetric(npadAbundancies=self.dataMatrix, sMetric=tempDistanceMetric)
+        if(ValidateData.funcIsFalse(distanceMatrix)):
+            print "PCoA:run::Error, when generating distance matrix."
+            return False
+        # Make squareform
+        distanceMatrix = squareform(distanceMatrix)
+        # Writes distance measures if needed.
+        if strDistanceMatrixFile:
+            csvrDistance = csv.writer(open(strDistanceMatrixFile, 'w'))
+            if self.lsIDs:
+                csvrDistance.writerow(["ID"]+self.lsIDs)
+            for x in xrange(distanceMatrix.shape[0]):
+                strId = [self.lsIDs[x]] if self.lsIDs else []
+                csvrDistance.writerow(strId+distanceMatrix[x].tolist())
+        self.pcoa = NMDS(distanceMatrix, dimension=max(self._iDimensions,2), verbosity=0)
+        self.strRecentMetric = tempDistanceMetric
+        return True
+    #TODO Test
+    def funcGetCoordinates(self):
+        return(self.pcoa.getPoints())
+    #TODO Test
+    def funcGetIDs(self):
+        return(self.lsIDs)
+    #Happy path tested
+    def plot(self, tempPlotName="PCOA.png", tempColorGrouping=None, tempShape=None, tempLabels=None, tempShapeSize=None, tempAlpha = 1.0, tempLegendLocation="upper right", tempInvert=False, iDim1 = 1, iDim2 = 2):
+        """
+        Plots the provided data by the given distance matrix in the file.
+        All lists should be in order in relation to each other.
+        :param tempPlotName: Path of file to save figure.
+        :type: String File path.
+        :param tempColorGrouping: Colors for markers.
+                                  If you want a marker with multiple colors (piewedges) for that marker give a list in the list of colors.
+                                  For example ['r','r','r',['r','g','b']] This would make 3 red markers and 1 split into  3 wedges (red, green, and blue).
+                                  This is only possible if you are using circle shapes ('o') or square shapes ('s').
+        :type: Character or list of characters: Characters should be useable by matplotlib as a color.
+        :param tempShape: Marker shapes. If you want to specify one shape for all markers then just pass a char/str for the marker not a list.
+        :type: Character or list of characters. Characters should be useable by matplotlib as shapes.
+        :param tempLabels: Labels associated with the coloring. Should be consistent with tempColorGrouping (both should be strings or lists of equal length).
+        :type: String or list of Strings.
+        :param tempShapeSize: Sizes of markers (points). If no list is given, all markers are given the same size.
+        :type: Integer of list of integers:	1 or greater.
+        :param tempAlpha: Value between 0.0 and 1.0 (0.0 being completely transparent, 1.0 being opaque).
+        :type: Float 0.0-1.0.
+        :param tempLegendLocation: Indicates where to put the legend.
+        :type: String Either "upper right", "lower right", "upper left", "lower left".
+        :param tempInvert: Allows the inverting of the figure.
+        :type: boolean True inverts.
+        :param iDim1: First dimension to plot.
+        :type: Integer Greater than 1.
+        :param iDim2: Second dimension to plot.
+        :type: Integer Greater than 1.
+        :return boolean: Indicator of success (True)
+        """
+        if(not self.pcoa == None):
+            #Get point count
+            iDimensionOne = max(0,min(self._iDimensions-2, iDim1-1))
+            iDimensionTwo = max(1,min(self._iDimensions-1, iDim2-1))
+            adPoints = self.pcoa.getPoints()
+            #This is 1-stress which is the amount of variance not explained by all dimensions
+            #There is no precent variance, so I am trying this as a substitute
+            dPercentVariance = int((1.0-self.pcoa.getStress())*100)
+            ldXPoints = list(adPoints[:,iDimensionOne])
+            if not (self.ldForcedXAxis == None):
+                ldXPoints = self.ldForcedXAxis
+            ldYPoints = list(adPoints[:,iDimensionTwo])
+            iPointCount = len(ldXPoints)
+            #Get plot object
+            imgFigure = plt.figure()
+            self.objFigureControl.invertColors(fInvert=tempInvert)
+            #Manage Labels
+            if tempLabels is None:
+                tempLabels = [self.objFigureControl.c_strPCoALabelDefault] * iPointCount
+            elif(ValidateData.funcIsValidList(tempLabels)):
+              if not len(tempLabels) == iPointCount:
+                print "PCoA::plot:Error, the list of labels was given but was not the same length as the points so nothing was plotted."
+                print "PCoA::plot:tempLabels=", tempLabels
+                print "PCoA::plot:Label list length=", len(tempLabels) 
+                print "PCoA::plot:iPointCount=", iPointCount
+                return False
+            elif ValidateData.funcIsValidString(tempLabels):
+                tempLabels = [tempLabels] * iPointCount
+            else:
+                print "PCoA::plot:tempLabels was of an unexpected type. Expecting None, List, string, or char."
+                print tempLabels
+                return False
+            #Manage Colors
+            if tempColorGrouping is None:
+                tempColorGrouping = [self.objFigureControl.c_cPCoAColorDefault] * iPointCount
+            elif(ValidateData.funcIsValidList(tempColorGrouping)):
+              if not len(tempColorGrouping) == iPointCount:
+                print "PCoA::plot:Error, the list of colors was given but was not the same length as the points so nothing was plotted."
+                print "PCoA::plot:tempColorGrouping=", tempColorGrouping
+                print "PCoA::plot:Color list length=", len(tempColorGrouping) 
+                print "PCoA::plot:iPointCount=", iPointCount
+                return False
+            elif ValidateData.funcIsValidString(tempColorGrouping):
+                tempColorGrouping = [tempColorGrouping] * iPointCount
+            else:
+                print "PCoA::plot:tempColorGrouping was of an unexpected type. Expecting None, List, string, or char."
+                print tempColorGrouping
+                return False
+            #Manage tempShape
+            if tempShape is None:
+                tempShape = [self.objFigureControl.c_cPCoAShapeDefault] * iPointCount
+            elif(ValidateData.funcIsValidList(tempShape)):
+              if not len(tempShape) == iPointCount:
+                print "PCoA::plot:Error, the list of shapes was given but was not the same length as the points so nothing was plotted."
+                print "PCoA::plot:tempShape=", tempShape
+                print "PCoA::plot:Shape list length=", len(tempShape) 
+                print "PCoA::plot:iPointCount=", iPointCount
+                return False
+            elif ValidateData.funcIsValidString(tempShape):
+                tempShape = [tempShape] * iPointCount
+            else:
+                print("PCoA::plot:tempShape was of an unexpected type. Expecting None, List, string, or char.")
+                print tempShape
+                return False
+            #Manage tempShapeSize
+            if tempShapeSize is None:
+                tempShapeSize = [self.objFigureControl.c_cPCoASizeDefault] * iPointCount
+            elif(ValidateData.funcIsValidList(tempShapeSize)):
+              if not len(tempShapeSize) == iPointCount:
+                print "PCoA::plot:Error, the list of sizes was given but was not the same length as the points so nothing was plotted."
+                print "PCoA::plot:tempShapeSize=", tempShapeSize
+                print "PCoA::plot:Size list length=", len(tempShapeSize) 
+                print "PCoA::plot:iPointCount=", iPointCount
+                return False
+            elif ValidateData.funcIsValidInteger(tempShapeSize):
+                tempShapeSize = [tempShapeSize] * iPointCount
+            else:
+                print "PCoA::plot:tempShapeSize was of an unexpected type. Expecting None, List, string, or char."
+                print tempShapeSize
+                return False
+            #Color/Invert figure
+            imgFigure.set_facecolor(self.objFigureControl.c_strBackgroundColorWord)
+            imgSubplot = imgFigure.add_subplot(111,axisbg=self.objFigureControl.c_strBackgroundColorLetter)
+            imgSubplot.set_xlabel("Dimension "+str(iDimensionOne+1)+" (1-Stress = "+str(dPercentVariance)+"% )")
+            imgSubplot.set_ylabel("Dimension "+str(iDimensionTwo+1))
+            imgSubplot.spines['top'].set_color(self.objFigureControl.c_strDetailsColorLetter)
+            imgSubplot.spines['bottom'].set_color(self.objFigureControl.c_strDetailsColorLetter)
+            imgSubplot.spines['left'].set_color(self.objFigureControl.c_strDetailsColorLetter)
+            imgSubplot.spines['right'].set_color(self.objFigureControl.c_strDetailsColorLetter)
+            imgSubplot.xaxis.label.set_color(self.objFigureControl.c_strDetailsColorLetter)
+            imgSubplot.yaxis.label.set_color(self.objFigureControl.c_strDetailsColorLetter)
+            imgSubplot.tick_params(axis='x', colors=self.objFigureControl.c_strDetailsColorLetter)
+            imgSubplot.tick_params(axis='y', colors=self.objFigureControl.c_strDetailsColorLetter)
+            charMarkerEdgeColor = self.objFigureControl.c_strDetailsColorLetter
+            #If given a list of colors, each color will be plotted individually stratified by shape
+            #Plot colors seperately so the legend will pick up on the labels and make a legend
+            if(ValidateData.funcIsValidList(tempColorGrouping)):
+                if len(tempColorGrouping) == iPointCount:
+                    #Dictionary to hold plotting groups
+                    #Logistical to plot points as layers in an intelligent fashion
+                    #{CountofPoints: [[plot info list]]} The list happends so ties can occur in the key
+                    dictPlotGroups = dict()
+                    #Check for lists in the list which indicate the need to plot pie charts
+                    lfAreLists = [ValidateData.funcIsValidList(objColor) for objIndex, objColor in enumerate(tempColorGrouping)]
+                    #Pie chart data seperated out
+                    lsColorsPieCharts = None
+                    lcShapesPieCharts = None
+                    lsLabelsPieCharts = None
+                    lsSizesPieCharts = None
+                    ldXPointsPieCharts = None
+                    ldYPointsPieCharts = None
+                    #Split out piechart data
+                    if sum(lfAreLists) > 0:
+                        #Get lists of index that are and are not lists
+                        liAreLists = []
+                        liAreNotLists = []
+                        curIndex = 0
+                        for fIsList in lfAreLists:
+                            if fIsList: liAreLists.append(curIndex)
+                            else: liAreNotLists.append(curIndex)
+                            curIndex = curIndex + 1
+                        lsColorsPieCharts = Utility.reduceList(tempColorGrouping, liAreLists)
+                        tempColorGrouping = Utility.reduceList(tempColorGrouping, liAreNotLists)
+                        #Split out shapes
+                        lcShapesPieCharts = Utility.reduceList(tempShape, liAreLists)
+                        tempShape = Utility.reduceList(tempShape, liAreNotLists)
+                        #Split out labels
+                        lsLabelsPieCharts = Utility.reduceList(tempLabels, liAreLists)
+                        tempLabels = Utility.reduceList(tempLabels, liAreNotLists)
+                        #Split out sizes
+                        lsSizesPieCharts = Utility.reduceList(tempShapeSize, liAreLists)
+                        tempShapeSize = Utility.reduceList(tempShapeSize, liAreNotLists)
+                        #Split out xpoints
+                        ldXPointsPieCharts = Utility.reduceList(ldXPoints, liAreLists)
+                        ldXPoints = Utility.reduceList(ldXPoints, liAreNotLists)
+                        #Split out ypoints
+                        ldYPointsPieCharts = Utility.reduceList(ldYPoints, liAreLists)
+                        ldYPoints = Utility.reduceList(ldYPoints, liAreNotLists)
+                    #Get unique colors and plot each individually
+                    acharUniqueColors = list(set(tempColorGrouping))
+                    for iColorIndex in xrange(0,len(acharUniqueColors)):
+                        #Get the color
+                        charColor = acharUniqueColors[iColorIndex]
+                        #Get indices of colors
+                        aiColorPointPositions = Utility.getIndices(tempColorGrouping,charColor)
+                        #Reduce the labels by color
+                        acharLabelsByColor = Utility.reduceList(tempLabels,aiColorPointPositions)
+                        #Reduces sizes to indices if a list
+                        reducedSizes = tempShapeSize
+                        #Reduce sizes if a list
+                        if(ValidateData.funcIsValidList(reducedSizes)):
+                          reducedSizes = Utility.reduceList(reducedSizes,aiColorPointPositions)
+                        #Reduce to the current color grouping
+                        aiXPoints = Utility.reduceList(ldXPoints,aiColorPointPositions)
+                        aiYPoints = Utility.reduceList(ldYPoints,aiColorPointPositions)
+                        #There are 3 options for shapes which are checked in this order.
+                        #1. 1 shape character is given which is used for all markers
+                        #2. A list is given of marker characters or lists of decimals which will be used to make pie chart markers
+                        #This is handled after the rest this block of code
+                        #3. A list of char are given each indicating the marker for a sample
+                        #If the shapes are not a list plot
+                        #Otherwise plot per shape per color (can not plot list of shapes in matplotlib)
+                        reducedShapes = tempShape
+                        if(not ValidateData.funcIsValidList(reducedShapes)):
+                          reducedShapes = reducedShapes[0]
+                          dictPlotGroups.setdefault(len(aiXPoints), []).append([aiXPoints,aiYPoints,[charColor],reducedShapes,tempAlpha,tempLabels[tempColorGrouping.index(charColor)],reducedSizes,charMarkerEdgeColor])
+                        #Shapes are supplied as a list so plot each shape
+                        else:
+                          #Reduce to shapes of the current colors
+                          reducedShapes = Utility.reduceList(reducedShapes,aiColorPointPositions)
+                          acharReducedShapesElements = list(set(reducedShapes))
+                          #If there are multiple shapes, plot seperately because one is not allowed to plot them as a list
+                          for aCharShapeElement in acharReducedShapesElements:
+                            #Get indices
+                            aiShapeIndices = Utility.getIndices(reducedShapes,aCharShapeElement)
+                            #Reduce label by shapes
+                            strShapeLabel = Utility.reduceList(acharLabelsByColor,aiShapeIndices)
+                            #Reduce sizes by shapes
+                            strShapeSizes = reducedSizes
+                            if ValidateData.funcIsValidList(reducedSizes):
+                              strShapeSizes = Utility.reduceList(reducedSizes,aiShapeIndices)
+                            #Get points per shape
+                            aiXPointsPerShape = Utility.reduceList(aiXPoints,aiShapeIndices)
+                            aiYPointsPerShape = Utility.reduceList(aiYPoints,aiShapeIndices)
+                            #Get sizes per shape
+                            #Reduce sizes if a list
+                            reducedSizesPerShape = reducedSizes
+                            if(ValidateData.funcIsValidList(reducedSizes)):
+                              reducedSizesPerShape = Utility.reduceList(reducedSizes,aiShapeIndices)
+                            #Put plot data in dict of lists for later plotting
+                            #Separate out the background printing
+                            dictPlotGroups.setdefault(len(aiXPointsPerShape), []).append([aiXPointsPerShape,aiYPointsPerShape,[charColor],aCharShapeElement,tempAlpha,strShapeLabel[0],strShapeSizes,charMarkerEdgeColor])
+                    #Plot each color starting with largest color amount to smallest color anmount so small groups will not be covered up by larger groups
+                    #Plot other colors in increasing order
+                    for sPlotGroupKey in sorted(list(dictPlotGroups.keys()), reverse=True):
+                        lslsCurPlotGroup = dictPlotGroups[sPlotGroupKey]
+                        #Plot
+                        for lsGroup in lslsCurPlotGroup:
+                            imgSubplot.scatter(lsGroup[self.c_iXPointIndex],
+                                           lsGroup[self.c_iYPointIndex],
+                                           c = lsGroup[self.c_iColorIndex],
+                                           marker = lsGroup[self.c_iMarkerIndex],
+                                           alpha = lsGroup[self.c_iAlphaIndex],
+                                           label = lsGroup[self.c_iLabelIndex],
+                                           s = lsGroup[self.c_iShapeIndex],
+                                           edgecolor = lsGroup[self.c_iEdgeColorIndex])
+                    #Plot pie charts
+                    if not lsColorsPieCharts is None:
+                        self.plotWithPieMarkers(imgSubplot=imgSubplot, aiXPoints=ldXPointsPieCharts, aiYPoints=ldYPointsPieCharts, dSize=lsSizesPieCharts, llColors=lsColorsPieCharts, lsLabels=lsLabelsPieCharts, lcShapes=lcShapesPieCharts, edgeColor=charMarkerEdgeColor, dAlpha=tempAlpha)
+            objLegend = imgSubplot.legend(loc=tempLegendLocation, scatterpoints=1, prop={'size':10})
+            #Invert legend
+            if(tempInvert):
+              if objLegend:
+                objLegend.legendPatch.set_fc(self.objFigureControl.c_strBackgroundColorWord)
+                objLegend.legendPatch.set_ec(self.objFigureControl.c_strDetailsColorLetter)
+                plt.setp(objLegend.get_texts(),color=self.objFigureControl.c_strDetailsColorLetter)
+            #Make legend background transparent
+            if objLegend:
+              objLegendFrame = objLegend.get_frame()
+              objLegendFrame.set_alpha(self.objFigureControl.c_dAlpha)
+            imgFigure.savefig(tempPlotName, facecolor=imgFigure.get_facecolor())
+            return True
+    #Indirectly tested
+    def plotWithPieMarkers(self, imgSubplot, aiXPoints, aiYPoints, dSize, llColors, lsLabels, lcShapes, edgeColor, dAlpha):
+        """
+        The all lists should be in the same order
+        :param imgSubPlot: Image to plot to
+        :type: Image
+        :param aiXPoints: List of X axis points (one element per color list)
+        :type: List of Floats
+        :param aiYPoints: List of X axis points (one element per color list)
+        :type: List of Floats
+        :param dSize: double or List of doubles (one element per color list)
+        :type: List of Floats
+        :param llColors: List of Lists of colors, one list of colors is for 1 piechart/multiply highlighted feature
+                         Example ["red","blue","green"] for a marker with 3 sections.
+        :type: List of strings
+        :param lsLabels: List of labels  (one element per color list).
+        :type: List of Floats
+        :param lcShapes: Indicates which shape of a pie chart to use, currently supported 'o' and 's'  (one element per color list).
+        :type: List of characters
+        :param edgeColor: One color entry for the edge of the piechart.
+        :type: List of characters
+        :param dAlpha: Value between 0.0 and 1.0 (0.0 being completely transparent, 1.0 being opaque).
+        :type: Float 0.0-1.0.
+        """
+        #Zip up points to pairs
+        xyPoints = zip(aiXPoints,aiYPoints)
+        #For each pair of points
+        for iIndex,dXY in enumerate(xyPoints):
+            ldWedges = []
+            #Get colors
+            lcurColors = llColors[iIndex]
+            #Get pie cut shape
+            cPieChartType = lcShapes[iIndex]
+            if cPieChartType == ConstantsFiguresBreadCrumbs().c_charPCOAPieChart:
+                ldWedges = self.makePieWedges(len(lcurColors),20)
+            elif cPieChartType == ConstantsFiguresBreadCrumbs().c_charPCOASquarePieChart:
+                ldWedges = self.makeSquarePieWedges(len(lcurColors))
+            for iWedgeIndex,dWedge in enumerate(ldWedges):
+                imgSubplot.scatter(x=dXY[0], y=dXY[1], marker=(dWedge,0), s=dSize[iIndex], label=lsLabels[iIndex], facecolor=lcurColors[iWedgeIndex], edgecolor=edgeColor, alpha=dAlpha)
+    #Indirectly tested
+    def makePieWedges(self, iWedgeCount, iSplineResolution = 10):
+        """
+        Generate a list of tuple points which will draw a square broken up into pie cuts.
+        :param iWedgeCount: The number of piecuts in the square.
+        :type: Integer Number greater than 1.
+        :param iSplineResolution: The amount of smoothing to the circle's outer edge, the higher the number the more smooth.
+        :type: integer Greater than 1.
+        :return list List of tuples. Each tuple is a point, formatted for direct plotting of the marker.
+        """
+        ldWedge = []
+        dLastValue = 0.0
+        #Create a list of equal percentages for all wedges
+        #Do not include a last wedge it gets all the space from the 2nd to last wedge to the end
+        #Which should still be equal to the others
+        ldPercentages = [1.0/iWedgeCount]*(iWedgeCount-1)
+        for dPercentage in ldPercentages:
+            ldX = [0] + np.cos(np.linspace(2*math.pi*dLastValue,2*math.pi*(dLastValue+dPercentage),iSplineResolution)).tolist()
+            ldY = [0] + np.sin(np.linspace(2*math.pi*dLastValue,2*math.pi*(dLastValue+dPercentage),iSplineResolution)).tolist()
+            ldWedge.append(zip(ldX,ldY))
+            dLastValue = dLastValue+dPercentage
+        ldX = [0] + np.cos(np.linspace(2*math.pi*dLastValue,2*math.pi,iSplineResolution)).tolist()
+        ldY = [0] + np.sin(np.linspace(2*math.pi*dLastValue,2*math.pi,iSplineResolution)).tolist()
+        ldWedge.append(zip(ldX,ldY))
+        return ldWedge
+    #Indirectly tested
+    def makeSquarePieWedges(self, iWedgeCount):
+        """
+        Generate a list of tuple points which will draw a square broken up into pie cuts.
+        :param iWedgeCount: The number of piecuts in the square.
+        :type: Integer Number greater than 1.
+        :return list List of tuples. Each tuple is a point, formatted for direct plotting of the marker.
+        """
+        ldWedge = []
+        dLastPercentageValue = 0.0
+        dLastSquareValue = 0.0
+        dCumulativePercentageValue = 0.0
+        dRadius = None
+        fXYSwitched = False
+        fAfterCorner = False
+        iSwitchCounts = 0
+        iMagicNumber =(1.0/4)
+        #Create a list of equal percentages for all wedges
+        #Do not include a last wedge it gets all the space from the 2nd to last wedge to the end
+        #Which should still be equal to the others
+        ldPercentages = [1.0/iWedgeCount]*(iWedgeCount)
+        for dPercentage in ldPercentages:
+          ldCircleXs = np.cos([2*math.pi*dLastPercentageValue,2*math.pi*(dLastPercentageValue+dPercentage)])
+          ldCircleYs = np.sin([2*math.pi*dLastPercentageValue,2*math.pi*(dLastPercentageValue+dPercentage)])
+          if dRadius == None:
+            dRadius = ldCircleXs[0]
+          #Check to see if at corner
+          fAtCorner = False
+          iDistance = int((dLastPercentageValue+dPercentage+(iMagicNumber/2))/iMagicNumber
+                  ) - int((dLastPercentageValue+(iMagicNumber/2))/iMagicNumber)
+          if(iDistance > 0):
+            fAtCorner = True
+            if iDistance > 1:
+              fXYSwitched = not fXYSwitched
+              iSwitchCounts = iSwitchCounts + 1
+          #Check to see if at a side center
+          fAtSide = False
+          if (int((dLastPercentageValue+dPercentage)/iMagicNumber) > int(dLastPercentageValue/iMagicNumber)):
+            fAtSide = True
+          #Handle corner xy switching
+          if fAtCorner:
+            fXYSwitched = not fXYSwitched
+            iSwitchCounts = iSwitchCounts + 1
+          #Make sure the xy switching occurs to vary the slope at the corner.
+          if fXYSwitched:
+              ldCircleXs,ldCircleYs = ldCircleYs,ldCircleXs
+          dSquarePoint = dRadius * (ldCircleYs[1]/float(ldCircleXs[1]))
+          dRadiusSq1 = dRadius
+          dRadiusSq2 = dRadius
+          dLastSquareValueSq = dLastSquareValue
+          dSquarePointSq = dSquarePoint
+          #If in quadrants 2,3 make sign changes
+          if iSwitchCounts in [2,3]:
+            if iSwitchCounts == 2:
+              dRadiusSq1 = dRadiusSq1 *-1
+            elif iSwitchCounts == 3:
+              dRadiusSq1 = dRadiusSq1 * -1
+              dRadiusSq2 = dRadiusSq2 * -1
+            dLastSquareValueSq = dLastSquareValueSq * -1.0
+            dSquarePointSq = dSquarePointSq * -1.0
+          if fAtCorner:
+            #Corner 1
+            if iSwitchCounts==1:
+              ldWedge.append(zip([0,dRadiusSq1,dRadiusSq1,dSquarePointSq,0],[0,dLastSquareValueSq,dRadiusSq2,dRadiusSq2,0]))
+            #Corner 2
+            elif iSwitchCounts==2:
+              if iDistance > 1:
+                ldWedge.append(zip([0,-dRadiusSq1,-dRadiusSq1,dRadiusSq1,dRadiusSq1,0],[0,-dLastSquareValueSq,dRadiusSq2,dRadiusSq2,dSquarePointSq,0]))
+              else:
+                ldWedge.append(zip([0,-dLastSquareValueSq,dRadiusSq1,dRadiusSq1,0],[0,dRadiusSq2,dRadiusSq2,dSquarePointSq,0]))
+            #Corner 3
+            elif iSwitchCounts==3:
+              if iDistance > 1:
+                ldWedge.append(zip([0,-dLastSquareValueSq,dRadiusSq1,dRadiusSq1,dSquarePointSq,0],[0,-dRadiusSq2,-dRadiusSq2,dRadiusSq2,dRadiusSq2,0]))
+              else:
+                ldWedge.append(zip([0,dRadiusSq1,dRadiusSq1,dSquarePointSq,0],[0,dLastSquareValueSq,dRadiusSq2,dRadiusSq2,0]))
+            #Corner 4
+            elif iSwitchCounts==4:
+              if iDistance > 1:
+                ldWedge.append(zip([0,-dRadiusSq1,-dRadiusSq1,dRadiusSq1,dRadiusSq1,0],[0,-dLastSquareValueSq,-dRadiusSq2,-dRadiusSq2,dSquarePointSq,0]))
+              else:
+                ldWedge.append(zip([0,(-1.0*dLastSquareValueSq),dRadiusSq1,dRadiusSq1,0],[0,(-1.0*dRadiusSq2),(-1.0*dRadiusSq2),dSquarePointSq,0]))
+            fAfterCorner = True
+          else:
+            if iSwitchCounts%2:
+              ldWedge.append(zip([0,dLastSquareValueSq,dSquarePointSq,0],[0,dRadiusSq2,dRadiusSq2,0]))
+            else:
+              ldWedge.append(zip([0,dRadiusSq1,dRadiusSq1,0],[0,dLastSquareValueSq,dSquarePointSq,0]))
+          dLastSquareValue = dSquarePoint
+          dCumulativePercentageValue = dCumulativePercentageValue + dLastSquareValue
+          dLastPercentageValue = dLastPercentageValue+dPercentage
+        return ldWedge
+    #Happy Path Tested
+    def plotList(self, lsLabelList, strOutputFileName, iSize=20, dAlpha=1.0, charForceColor=None, charForceShape=None, fInvert=False, iDim1=1, iDim2=2):
+        """
+        Convenience method used to plot data in the PCoA given a label list (which is in order of the underlying data).
+        This is for the scenario where you do not care that the color or shape of the data will be as long as it varies
+        with the label.
+        This method does allow forcing color or shape to 1 character so that they do not vary with the label but are one value.
+        This is helpful when you have a large number of labels to plot given the shapes in the PCoA are limited but not the coloring.
+        :param lsLabelList: List of string labels which are in order of the data in the PCoA object (as the data was loaded the PCoA object).
+        :type: List of strings
+        :param strOutputFileName: File path to save figure.
+        :type: String
+        :param iSize: Size of marker. Default 20.
+        :type: Integer
+        :param dAlpha: Alpha for the markers. (0.0 tranparent, 1.0 opaque)
+        :type: Double between 0.0 and 1.0
+        :param charForceColor: Color to force the points to. (Must be understandable by matplotlib as a color [ie. 'k','m','c','r','g','b','y','w'])
+        :type: Character
+        :param charForceShape: Shape to force the points to. (Must be understandable by matplotlib as a shape [ie. 'o','s','^','v','<','>','8','p','h'])
+        :type: Character
+        :param fInvert: Allows one to invert the background and plot details from white to black (True == background is black).
+        :type: Boolean
+        :param iDim1: The first dimension to plot
+        :type: Integer starting at 1
+        :param iDim2: The second dimension to plot
+        :type: Integer starting at 2
+        :return boolean: Indicator of success (True)
+        """
+        #Get uniqueValues for labels
+        acharUniqueValues = list(set(lsLabelList))
+        iCountUniqueValues = len(acharUniqueValues)
+        #Set colors
+        atupldLabelColors = None
+        #Set shapes
+        alLabelShapes = None
+        if charForceShape == None:
+            #Get shapes
+            acharShapes = PCoA.getShapes(iCountUniqueValues)
+            if len(acharShapes) == 0:
+                return False
+            #Make label shapes
+            alLabelShapes = [ acharShapes[acharUniqueValues.index(sMetadata)] for sMetadata in lsLabelList ]
+        else:
+            alLabelShapes = charForceShape
+        #If the coloring is not forced, color so it is based on the labels
+        if charForceColor == None:
+            #Get colors based on labels
+            atupldColors = [Utility.RGBToHex(cm.jet(float(iUniqueValueIndex)/float(iCountUniqueValues))) for iUniqueValueIndex in xrange(0,iCountUniqueValues)]
+            #Make sure generated colors are unique
+            if not iCountUniqueValues == len(set(atupldColors)):
+                print "PCoA::plotList:Error, generated colors were not unique for each unique label value."
+                print "Labels"
+                print lsLabelList
+                print len(lsLabelList)
+                print "Unique Labels"
+                print set(lsLabelList)
+                print len(set(lsLabelList))
+                print "Colors"
+                print atupldColors
+                print len(atupldColors)
+                print "Unique Colors"
+                print set(atupldColors)
+                print len(set(atupldColors))
+                return False
+            #Make label coloring
+            atupldLabelColors = [ atupldColors[acharUniqueValues.index(sMetadata)] for sMetadata in lsLabelList ]
+        #If the coloring is forced, color so it is based on the charForcedColor list
+        elif(ValidateData.funcIsValidList(charForceColor)):
+            atupldLabelColors = charForceColor[0]
+            if not len(lsLabelList) == len(atupldLabelColors):
+                print "PCoA::plotList:Error, label and forced color lengths were not the same."
+                print "Labels"
+                print lsLabelList
+                print len(lsLabelList)
+                print "Forced Colors"
+                print charForceColor[0]
+                print len(charForceColor[0])
+                return False
+            lsLabelList = [ "".join([charForceColor[1][iLabelIndex], "_", lsLabelList[iLabelIndex]]) for iLabelIndex in xrange(0,len(charForceColor[1]))]
+        #If the color is forced but the color does not vary, color all markers are the same.
+        else:
+            atupldLabelColors = charForceColor
+        #Call plot
+        self.plot(tempPlotName=strOutputFileName, tempColorGrouping=atupldLabelColors, tempShape=alLabelShapes, tempLabels=lsLabelList, tempShapeSize = iSize, tempAlpha=dAlpha, tempInvert = fInvert, iDim1=iDim1, iDim2=iDim2)
+    def funcForceXAxis(self, dList):
+        """
+        Force the X axis to the given list.
+        :param dList: List of values to force the x axis of the plot (floats).
+        :type: List of floats
+        """
+        self.ldForcedXAxis = dList
+    def funcUnforceXAxis(self):
+        """
+        Return the X axis to the values derived from the loaded data.
+        """
+        self.ldForcedXAxis = None
+    #Happy Path Tested
+    @staticmethod
+    def getShapes(intShapeCount):
+        """
+        Returns a list of characters which are valid shapes for markers.
+        :param intShapeCount: The number of shapes to return.
+        :type: Integer (min 1, max 9)
+        :return: A list of characters to use as markers. [] is returned on error
+        """
+        lsPointShapes = ['o','s','^','v','<','>','8','p','h']
+        if intShapeCount > len(lsPointShapes):
+            print("".join(["Error, PCoA.getShapes. Do not have enough shapes to give. Received request for ",str(intShapeCount)," shapes. Max available shape count is ",str(len(lsPointShapes)),"."]))
+            return []
+        return lsPointShapes[0:intShapeCount]
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/breadcrumbs/src/	Tue May 13 21:58:57 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+Author: Timothy Tickle
+Description: Plots matrices.
+#Copyright (C) <2012>
+#Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
+#this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the
+#Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy,
+#modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,
+#and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+#the following conditions:
+#The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies
+#or substantial portions of the Software.
+__author__ = "Timothy Tickle"
+__copyright__ = "Copyright 2012"
+__credits__ = ["Timothy Tickle"]
+__license__ = "MIT"
+__maintainer__ = "Timothy Tickle"
+__email__ = ""
+__status__ = "Development"
+#External libraries
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import numpy as np
+from pylab import *
+#Plots a matrix
+class PlotMatrix:
+  #Given a matrix and labels consistent to the matrix, plot a matrix
+  @staticmethod
+  def funcPlotMatrix(npMatrix, lsXLabels, strOutputFigurePath, strXTitle="X Axis", strYTitle="Y Axis", fFlipYLabels=False):
+    """
+    Given a matrix and labels consistent to the matrix, plot a matrix.
+    :param npMatrix: Numpy Array (matrix) to plot.
+    :type: Numpy Array
+    :param lsXLabels: X Labels
+    :type: List of strings
+    :param strOutputFigurePath: File to create the figure file.
+    :type: String
+    :param strXTitle: X Axis label.
+    :type: String
+    :param strYTitle: Y axis label.
+    :type: String
+    :param fFlipYLabels: Flip the Y labels so they are opposite order of x axis.
+    :type: Boolean
+    """
+    #Get canvas/figure
+    plt.clf()
+    figConfusionMatrix = plt.figure()
+    objAxis = figConfusionMatrix.add_subplot(111)
+    #Get y labels
+    lNewYLabels = list(lsXLabels)
+    if fFlipYLabels:
+        lNewYLabels.reverse()
+    #Set x axis and position
+    objAxis.xaxis.set_ticklabels([""]+lsXLabels)
+    objAxis.xaxis.set_ticks_position('top')
+    #Set y axis
+    objAxis.yaxis.set_ticklabels([""]+lNewYLabels)
+    #Set axis titles
+    ylabel(strYTitle)
+    plt.suptitle(strXTitle)
+    #Plot matrix values
+    objPlot = objAxis.imshow(np.array(npMatrix), cmap=get_cmap("Blues"), interpolation='nearest')
+    #Plot text values
+    for yIndex, ldRow in enumerate(npMatrix):
+        for xIndex, dValue in enumerate(ldRow):
+            plt.text(xIndex, yIndex, dValue, fontdict = {'size':18,'weight':'bold'} )
+    #Add color bar
+    figConfusionMatrix.colorbar(objPlot, ticks=range(int(min(np.array(npMatrix).ravel())),int(max(np.array(npMatrix).ravel()))))
+    #Save to a file
+    savefig(strOutputFigurePath)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/breadcrumbs/src/	Tue May 13 21:58:57 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+Author: Timothy Tickle
+Description: Class to Allow Support Vector Machine analysis and to contain associated scripts
+#Copyright (C) <2012>
+#Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
+#this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the
+#Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy,
+#modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,
+#and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+#the following conditions:
+#The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies
+#or substantial portions of the Software.
+__author__ = "Timothy Tickle"
+__copyright__ = "Copyright 2012"
+__credits__ = ["Timothy Tickle"]
+__license__ = "MIT"
+__maintainer__ = "Timothy Tickle"
+__email__ = ""
+__status__ = "Development"
+from AbundanceTable import AbundanceTable
+from ConstantsBreadCrumbs import ConstantsBreadCrumbs
+import csv
+import os
+from random import shuffle
+from ValidateData import ValidateData
+class SVM:
+    """
+    Class which holds generic methods for SVM use.
+    """
+    #1 Happy Path tested
+    @staticmethod
+    def funcConvertAbundanceTableToSVMFile(abndAbundanceTable, xOutputSVMFile, sMetadataLabel, lsOriginalLabels = None, lsSampleOrdering = None):
+        """
+        Converts abundance files to input SVM files.
+        :param abndAbundanceTable:    AbudanceTable object to turn to input SVM file.
+        :type:	AbundanceTable
+        :param xOutputSVMFile: File to save SVM data to when converted from the abundance table.
+        :type:	FileStream or string file path
+        :param	sMetadataLabel: The name of the last row in the abundance table representing metadata.
+        :type:	String
+	:param:	lsOriginalLabels The original labels.
+	:type:	List of strings
+        :param	lsSampleOrdering: Order of samples to output to output file. If none, the order in the abundance table is used.
+        :type:	List of strings
+        :return	lsUniqueLabels:	List of unique labels.
+        """
+        #Create data matrix
+        dataMatrix = zip(*abndAbundanceTable.funcGetAbundanceCopy())
+        #Add labels
+        llData = []
+        lsLabels = lsOriginalLabels if lsOriginalLabels else SVM.funcMakeLabels(abndAbundanceTable.funcGetMetadata(sMetadataLabel))
+        if not isinstance(xOutputSVMFile,str):
+            if xOutputSVMFile.closed:
+                xOutputSVMFile = open(,"w")
+	ostm = open(xOutputSVMFile,"w") if isinstance(xOutputSVMFile, str) else xOutputSVMFile
+        f = csv.writer(ostm, csv.excel_tab, delimiter = ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_strBreadCrumbsSVMSpace)
+	#This allows the creation of partially known files for stratification purposes
+	lsCurrentSamples = abndAbundanceTable.funcGetSampleNames()
+        lsOrderingSamples = lsSampleOrdering if lsSampleOrdering else lsCurrentSamples[:]
+	iLabelIndex = 0
+	iSize = len(dataMatrix[0])
+	iIndexSample = 1
+	for sSample in lsOrderingSamples:
+		if sSample in lsCurrentSamples:
+        		f.writerow([lsLabels[iLabelIndex]]+
+				[ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_strColon.join([str(tpleFeature[0]+1),str(tpleFeature[1])]) for tpleFeature in enumerate(dataMatrix[iIndexSample])])
+			iLabelIndex += 1
+			iIndexSample += 1
+		#Make blank entry
+		else:
+			f.writerow([ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_strSVMNoSample]+[ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_strColon.join([str(tpleNas[0]+1),str(tpleNas[1])])
+						for tpleNas in enumerate([ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_strSVMNoSample]*iSize)])
+			if lsOriginalLabels:
+				iLabelIndex += 1
+	ostm.close()
+        return set(lsLabels)
+    @staticmethod
+    def funcUpdateSVMFileWithAbundanceTable(abndAbundanceTable, xOutputSVMFile, lsOriginalLabels, lsSampleOrdering):
+        """
+        Takes a SVM input file and updates it with an abundance table.
+        lsOriginalLabels and lsSampleOrdering should be consistent to the input file.
+        Samples in the abundance table will be used to update the file if the sample name in the abundace table is also in the lsSampleOrdering.
+        lsOriginalLabels and lsSampleOrdering should be in the same order.
+        :param abndAbundanceTable:   AbudanceTable object to turn to input SVM file.
+        :type:    AbundanceTable
+        :param xOutputSVMFile: File to save SVM data to when converted from the abundance table.
+        :type:	FileStream or string file path
+        :param	lsOriginalLabels: The list of the original labels (as numerics 0,1,2,3, should be in the file).
+        :type:	List of strings
+        :param	lsSampleOrdering: Order of samples in the output file.
+        :type:	List of strings
+        :return	lsUniqueLabels:	List of unique labels.
+        """
+        #Read in old file
+        if not isinstance(xOutputSVMFile,str):
+            if xOutputSVMFile.closed:
+                xOutputSVMFile = open(,"r")
+	ostm = open(xOutputSVMFile,"r") if isinstance(xOutputSVMFile, str) else xOutputSVMFile
+        fin = csv.reader(ostm, csv.excel_tab, delimiter = ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_strBreadCrumbsSVMSpace)
+	#Read in contents of file
+	llsOldContents = [lsRow for lsRow in fin]
+	ostm.close()
+	#Check to make sure this ordering covers all positions in the old file
+	if not len(llsOldContents) == len(lsSampleOrdering):
+		print "The length of the original file ("+str(len(llsOldContents))+") does not match the length of the ordering given ("+str(len(lsSampleOrdering))+")."
+		return False
+        #Create data matrix from new data
+        dataMatrix = zip(*abndAbundanceTable.funcGetAbundanceCopy())
+        #Add labels
+        llData = []
+	#Write to file
+        if not isinstance(xOutputSVMFile,str):
+            if xOutputSVMFile.closed:
+                xOutputSVMFile = open(,"w")
+	ostm = open(xOutputSVMFile,"w") if isinstance(xOutputSVMFile, str) else xOutputSVMFile
+        f = csv.writer(ostm, csv.excel_tab, delimiter = ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_strBreadCrumbsSVMSpace)
+	#This allows to know what position to place the new lines
+	lsCurrentSamples = abndAbundanceTable.funcGetSampleNames()
+	iSize = len(dataMatrix[0])
+	iIndexSample = 1
+	iIndexOriginalOrder = 0
+	for sSample in lsSampleOrdering:
+		if sSample in lsCurrentSamples:
+        		f.writerow([lsOriginalLabels[iIndexOriginalOrder]]+
+				[ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_strColon.join([str(tpleFeature[0]+1),str(tpleFeature[1])]) for tpleFeature in enumerate(dataMatrix[iIndexSample])])
+			iIndexSample += 1
+		#Make blank entry
+		else:
+			f.writerow(llsOldContents[iIndexOriginalOrder])
+		iIndexOriginalOrder += 1
+	ostm.close()
+        return True
+    #Tested 5
+    @staticmethod
+    def funcMakeLabels(lsMetadata):
+        """
+        Given a list of metadata, labels are assigned. This is function represents a central location to make labels so all are consistent.
+        :param	lsMetafdata:    List of metadata to turn into labels based on the metadata's values.
+        :type:	List of integer labels
+        """
+        #Do not use a set to make elements unique. Need to preserve order.
+        #First label should be 0
+        lsUniqueLabels = []
+        [lsUniqueLabels.append(sElement) for sElement in lsMetadata if not (sElement in lsUniqueLabels)]
+        dictLabels = dict([[str(lenuLabels[1]),str(lenuLabels[0])] for lenuLabels in enumerate(lsUniqueLabels)])
+        return [dictLabels[sLabel] for sLabel in lsMetadata]
+    #Tested
+    @staticmethod
+    def funcReadLabelsFromFile(xSVMFile, lsAllSampleNames, isPredictFile):
+      """
+      Reads in the labels from the input file or prediction output file of a LibSVM formatted file
+      and associates them in order with the given sample names.
+      Prediction file expected format: Labels declared in first line with labels keyword.
+      Each following row a sample with the first entry the predicted label
+      Prediction file example:
+      labels 0 1
+      0	0.3	0.4	0.6
+      1	0.1	0.2	0.3
+      1	0.2	0.2	0.2
+      0	0.2	0.4	0.3
+      Input file expected format:
+      Each row a sample with the first entry the predicted label
+      Input file example:
+      0	0.3	0.4	0.6
+      1	0.1	0.2	0.3
+      1	0.2	0.2	0.2
+      0	0.2	0.4	0.3
+      :param xSVMFile:  File path to read in prediction labels.
+      :type String
+      :param lsAllSampleNames List of sample ids in the order of the labels.
+      :type List of Strings
+      :param isPredictFile: Indicates if the file is the input (False) or prediction (True) file
+      :type boolean
+      :return: Dictionary {label:["sampleName1", "sampleName2"...],...} or False on error
+      """
+      #Open prediction file and input file and get labels to compare to the predictions
+      g = csv.reader( open(xSVMFile, 'r') if isinstance(xSVMFile, str) else xSVMFile, csv.excel_tab, delimiter = ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_strBreadCrumbsSVMSpace )
+      lsOriginalLabels = [lsLineElements[0] for lsLineElements in g if not lsLineElements[0] == ConstantsBreadCrumbs.c_strSVMNoSample]
+      if isPredictFile:
+          lsOriginalLabels = lsOriginalLabels[1:]
+      #Check sample name length
+      if not len(lsAllSampleNames) == len(lsOriginalLabels):
+        print "SVM::funcReadLabelsFromFile. Error, the length of sample names did not match the original labels length. Samples ("+str(len(lsAllSampleNames))+"):"+str(lsAllSampleNames)+" Labels ("+str(len(lsOriginalLabels))+"):"+str(lsOriginalLabels)
+        return False
+      #Change to {label:["sampleName1", "sampleName2"...],...}
+      dictSampleLabelsRet = dict()
+      for sValue in set(lsOriginalLabels):  
+        dictSampleLabelsRet[sValue] = set([lsAllSampleNames[iindex] for iindex, sLabel in enumerate(lsOriginalLabels) if sLabel == sValue])
+      return dictSampleLabelsRet
+    #Tested
+    @staticmethod
+    def funcScaleFeature(npdData):
+        """
+        Scale a feature between 0 and 1. Using 01 and not 01,1 because it keeps the sparsity of the data and may save time.
+        :param	npdData:	Feature data to scale.
+        :type	Numpy Array	Scaled feature data.
+        :return npaFloat:    A numpy array of floats.
+        """
+        if sum(npdData) == 0 or len(set(npdData))==1:
+            return npdData
+        dMin = min(npdData)
+        return (npdData-dMin)/float(max(npdData-dMin))
+    #Tested
+    @staticmethod
+    def funcWeightLabels(lLabels):
+        """
+        Returns weights for labels based on how balanced the labels are. Weights try to balance unbalanced results.
+        :params	lLabels:	List of labels to use for measure how balanced the comparison is.
+        :type	List
+        :return	List:		[dictWeights ({"label":weight}),lUniqueLabels (unique occurences of original labels)]
+        """
+        #Convert to dict
+        #Do not use set to make elements unique. Need to preserve order.
+        #First label should be 0
+        lUniqueLabels = []
+        for sElement in lLabels:
+            if sElement not in lUniqueLabels:
+                lUniqueLabels.append(sElement)
+        dictLabels = dict(zip(lUniqueLabels, range(len(lUniqueLabels))))
+        #Build a dict of weights per label {label:weight, label:weight}
+        #Get the occurrence of each label
+        dictWeights = dict()
+        for sLabelKey in dictLabels:
+            sCurLabel = dictLabels[sLabelKey]
+            dictWeights[sCurLabel] = lLabels.count(sLabelKey)
+        #Divide the highest occurrence each occurrence
+        iMaxOccurence = max(dictWeights.values())
+        for sWeightKey in dictWeights:
+            dictWeights[sWeightKey]=iMaxOccurence/float(dictWeights[sWeightKey])
+        return [dictWeights,lUniqueLabels]
+    #Tested 3/4 cases could add in test 12 with randomize True
+    def func10FoldCrossvalidation(self, iTotalSampleCount, fRandomise = False):
+        """
+        Generator.
+        Generates the indexes for a 10 fold cross validation given a sample count.
+        If there are less than 10 samples, it uses the sample count as the K-fold cross validation
+        as a leave one out method.
+        :param	iTotalSampleCount:	Total Sample Count
+	:type	Integer	Sample Count
+	:param	fRandomise:	Random sample indices
+	:type	Boolean	True indicates randomise (Default False)
+        """
+        #Make indices and shuffle if needed
+        liindices = range(iTotalSampleCount)
+        if fRandomise:
+            shuffle(liindices)
+        #For 10 times
+        iKFold = 10
+        if iTotalSampleCount < iKFold:
+            iKFold = iTotalSampleCount
+        for iiteration in xrange(iKFold):
+            lfTraining = [iindex % iKFold != iiteration for iindex in liindices]
+            lfValidation = [not iindex for iindex in lfTraining]
+            yield lfTraining, lfValidation
Binary file src/breadcrumbs/src/SVM.pyc has changed
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+++ b/src/breadcrumbs/src/	Tue May 13 21:58:57 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+Author: Timothy Tickle
+Description: Class to create scatter plots.
+#Copyright (C) <2012>
+#Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
+#this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the
+#Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy,
+#modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,
+#and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+#the following conditions:
+#The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies
+#or substantial portions of the Software.
+__author__ = "Timothy Tickle"
+__copyright__ = "Copyright 2012"
+__credits__ = ["Timothy Tickle"]
+__license__ = "MIT"
+__maintainer__ = "Timothy Tickle"
+__email__ = ""
+__status__ = "Development"
+#External libraries
+from ConstantsFiguresBreadCrumbs import ConstantsFiguresBreadCrumbs
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+from pylab import *
+#Plots a matrix
+class ScatterPlot:
+  @staticmethod
+  def funcPlot(lx, ly, strOutputFigurePath, strTitle = "Title", strXTitle="X Axis", strYTitle="Y Axis", strColor = "#83C8F9", fInvert=False):
+    """
+    Plot a scatter plot.
+    :params	lx: List of x values
+    :type:	List of doubles
+    :params	ly: List of y values
+    :type:	List of doubles
+    :params	strOutputFigurePath: File path to make figure
+    :type:	String file path
+    :params	strTitle: Title of figure
+    :type:	String
+    :params	strXTitle: Label of x axis
+    :type:	String
+    :params	strYTitle: Label of y axis
+    :type:	String
+    :params	strColor: Hex color for the face of the boxplots
+    :type:	String
+    :params	fInvert: Invert colors (true)
+    :type:	Boolean
+    """
+    #Start plot
+    #Get plot object
+    imgFigure = plt.figure()
+    #Get plot colorsstrOutFigure
+    objFigureControl = ConstantsFiguresBreadCrumbs()
+    #Boxplots have to be plotted over the scatter so the alpha can not go to 1.0
+    #In this case capturing the alpha before inversion
+    #Inversion automoatically sets it to 1.
+    dAlpha=objFigureControl.c_dAlpha
+    objFigureControl.invertColors(fInvert=fInvert)
+    #Color/Invert figure
+    imgFigure.set_facecolor(objFigureControl.c_strBackgroundColorWord)
+    imgSubplot = imgFigure.add_subplot(111,axisbg=objFigureControl.c_strBackgroundColorLetter)
+    imgSubplot.set_xlabel(strXTitle)
+    imgSubplot.set_ylabel(strYTitle)
+    imgSubplot.spines['top'].set_color(objFigureControl.c_strDetailsColorLetter)
+    imgSubplot.spines['bottom'].set_color(objFigureControl.c_strDetailsColorLetter)
+    imgSubplot.spines['left'].set_color(objFigureControl.c_strDetailsColorLetter)
+    imgSubplot.spines['right'].set_color(objFigureControl.c_strDetailsColorLetter)
+    imgSubplot.xaxis.label.set_color(objFigureControl.c_strDetailsColorLetter)
+    #Adds light grid for numbers and puts them in the background
+    imgSubplot.yaxis.grid(True, linestyle='-', which='major', color=objFigureControl.c_strGridLineColor, alpha=objFigureControl.c_dAlpha)
+    imgSubplot.set_axisbelow(True)
+    imgSubplot.yaxis.label.set_color(objFigureControl.c_strDetailsColorLetter)
+    imgSubplot.tick_params(axis='x', colors=objFigureControl.c_strDetailsColorLetter)
+    imgSubplot.tick_params(axis='y', colors=objFigureControl.c_strDetailsColorLetter)
+    charMarkerEdgeColor = objFigureControl.c_strDetailsColorLetter
+    #Make scatter plot
+    plt.scatter(x=lx,y=ly,c=strColor,marker="o",alpha=objFigureControl.c_dAlpha)
+    #Set ticks and title
+    imgSubplot.set_title(strTitle)
+    imgSubplot.title.set_color(objFigureControl.c_strDetailsColorLetter)
+    #End plot
+    #Save to a file
+    imgFigure.savefig(strOutputFigurePath, facecolor=imgFigure.get_facecolor())
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@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+Author: Timothy Tickle
+Description: Utility class for generic functions.
+#Copyright (C) <2012>
+#Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
+#this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the
+#Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy,
+#modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,
+#and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+#the following conditions:
+#The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies
+#or substantial portions of the Software.
+__author__ = "Timothy Tickle"
+__copyright__ = "Copyright 2012"
+__credits__ = ["Timothy Tickle"]
+__license__ = "MIT"
+__maintainer__ = "Timothy Tickle"
+__email__ = ""
+__status__ = "Development"
+class Utility():
+    """
+    Class to perform misc methods.
+    """
+    #Tested 6
+    @staticmethod
+    def getIndices(aList, dataElement):
+        """
+        Returns the index or indicies of the element in the list.
+        :param aList: List ot search for element.
+        :type List.
+        :param dataElement: Element for which to search.
+        :type Object of the same type as is found in the list.
+        :return: List of indicies indicating where the element occurs in the list. Returns [] when the element is not in the list.
+        """
+        aretIndices = []
+        for dataIndex in xrange(0,len(aList)):
+            if(aList[dataIndex] == dataElement):
+                aretIndices.append(dataIndex)
+        return aretIndices
+    #Tested 6
+    @staticmethod
+    def reduceList(aList, dataIndicies):
+        """
+        Reduces a list to just the data indicies given.
+        :param aList: List to reduce.
+        :type List
+        :param dataIndicies: list of indicies to keep.
+        :type List of integers
+        :return: Reduced list.  Returns [] when the and empty index list is given.
+        """
+        return [aList[dataIndicies[dataIndex]] for dataIndex in xrange(0,len(dataIndicies))]
+    #Tested 8
+    @staticmethod
+    def RGBToHex(adColor):
+        """
+        Change a RGB float to hex.
+        :param adColor: A list of 3 elements which are floats between 0.0 and 1.0
+        :type A list of floats
+        :return: A string (HEX formatted) representation of the RGB color
+        """
+        charR = (hex(int(adColor[0]*255)))[2:]
+        if(str(charR) == "0"):
+            charR = "00"
+        charG = (hex(int(adColor[1]*255)))[2:]
+        if(str(charG) == "0"):
+            charG = "00"
+        charB = (hex(int(adColor[2]*255)))[2:]
+        if(str(charB) == "0"):
+            charB = "00"
+        return "".join(["#",charR, charG, charB])
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/breadcrumbs/src/	Tue May 13 21:58:57 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+Author: Timothy Tickle
+Description: Utility class for generic math functions.
+#Copyright (C) <2012>
+#Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
+#this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the
+#Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy,
+#modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,
+#and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+#the following conditions:
+#The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies
+#or substantial portions of the Software.
+__author__ = "Timothy Tickle"
+__copyright__ = "Copyright 2012"
+__credits__ = ["Timothy Tickle"]
+__license__ = "MIT"
+__maintainer__ = "Timothy Tickle"
+__email__ = ""
+__status__ = "Development"
+#Import libaries
+import itertools
+import numpy as np
+import operator
+import random
+from ValidateData import ValidateData
+class UtilityMath():
+    """
+    Class to perform misc math methods.
+    """
+    ##
+    #Happy path test 2
+    @staticmethod
+    def funcConvertToBHQValue(ldPValues, iNumberOfTests=None):
+        """
+        Convert a list of p-value to a list of q-values.
+        :param	ldPValues:	List of doubles (p-values) to convert.
+        :type	List
+        :param	iNumberOfTests:	Number of (multiple) tests if different than the ldValue length. If not set the length of ldPValues is used.
+        :type	Integer
+        :return	List:	List of Q-values made with a BH modification.
+        """
+        #If the number of tests is not specified, use the number of pvalues
+        if(iNumberOfTests == None):
+            iNumberOfTests = len(ldPValues)
+        #Used to hold the pvalues as they are being manipulated
+        lsConvertToQValues = list()
+        #Is used to set the ordr of the pvalues as they are placed in the lsConvertToQValues
+        dOrder = 1
+        for dValue in ldPValues:
+            lsConvertToQValues.append([dValue,dOrder,None])
+            dOrder = dOrder + 1
+        #Sort by pvalue
+        lsConvertToQValues.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
+        #Used to keep track of the current test number
+        iTest = 1
+        for dConvValue in lsConvertToQValues:
+            dConvValue[2] = dConvValue[0] * iNumberOfTests / iTest
+            iTest = iTest + 1
+        #Sort by original order
+        lsConvertToQValues.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])
+        #return just 1 dimension (the qvalue)
+        return [ldValues[2] for ldValues in lsConvertToQValues]
+    #Happy path tested 5
+    @staticmethod
+    def funcSampleWithReplacement(aData, iSelect):
+        """
+        Sample from a vector of data (aData) with replacement iSelect many objects.
+        :param	aData:	Data to sample from with replacement.
+        :type	List
+        :param	iSelect:	Amount of data to select from the original data population.
+        :type	Integer.
+        :return	List:	List of sampled data.
+                        Returns an empty list on error.
+        """
+        if iSelect and aData:
+            iDataSize = len(aData)
+            funcRandom, funcInt = random.random, int
+            lsSampling =  operator.itemgetter(*[funcInt(funcRandom() * iDataSize) for selected in itertools.repeat(None, iSelect)])(aData)
+            if isinstance(lsSampling, basestring):
+                lsSampling = [lsSampling]
+            return lsSampling
+        return []
+    #Happy Path Tested 2
+    @staticmethod
+    def funcSumRowsOfColumns(npaAbundance, lsSampleNames):
+        """
+        Takes the column names of a npArray and sums the rows into one column.
+        :param	npaAbundance:	Array of data to sum.
+        :type	Numpy Array
+        :param	lsSampleNames:	List of sample names.
+        :type	List	List of strings.
+        :return	List	List of data summed at each row.
+        """
+        #Compress by data name
+        npPooledSample = npaAbundance[lsSampleNames[0]]
+        for strSampleName in lsSampleNames[1:]:
+            #When combining, combine counts by summing
+            npPooledSample = npPooledSample + npaAbundance[strSampleName]
+        return list(npPooledSample)
+    #Testing Status: Light happy path testing 2
+    @staticmethod
+    def funcTransposeDataMatrix(npaMatrix, fRemoveAdornments=False):
+        """
+        Transposes a numpy array.
+        :param	npaMatrix:	Data matrix to transpose.
+        :type	Numpy Array	
+        :param	fRemoveAdornments:	Remove the first column before transposing.
+        :type	Boolean	True indicates removing the column.
+        :return	Boolean or Numpy Array:	Transposed array or a boolean indicating error.
+                                   Boolean	False is returned on error.
+        """
+        #Validate parameters
+        if(not ValidateData.funcIsValidNPArray(npaMatrix)):
+            print "".join(["Utility_Math:transposeDataMatrix::Error, transposeDataMatrix was an invalid structured array. Value =",str(npaMatrix)])
+            return False
+        if(not ValidateData.funcIsValidBoolean(fRemoveAdornments)):
+            print "".join(["Utility_Math:transposeDataMatrix::Error, fRemoveAdornments was an invalid boolean. Value =",str(fRemoveAdornments)])
+            return False
+        #Change to samples x taxa as is needed for the compute method below
+        #Also remove the first row which is taxa identification
+        conversionMatrix = [list(row)[fRemoveAdornments:] for row in npaMatrix]
+        return np.array(conversionMatrix).transpose()
Binary file src/breadcrumbs/src/UtilityMath.pyc has changed
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/breadcrumbs/src/	Tue May 13 21:58:57 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,624 @@
+Author: Timothy Tickle
+Description: Validate Data containing methods for testing variables.
+#Copyright (C) <2012>
+#Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
+#this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the
+#Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy,
+#modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,
+#and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+#the following conditions:
+#The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies
+#or substantial portions of the Software.
+__author__ = "Timothy Tickle"
+__copyright__ = "Copyright 2012"
+__credits__ = ["Timothy Tickle"]
+__license__ = "MIT"
+__maintainer__ = "Timothy Tickle"
+__email__ = ""
+__status__ = "Development"
+#Import local code
+from types import *
+import decimal
+import os
+import re
+import string
+class ValidateData:
+    #Tested 5
+    @staticmethod
+    def funcIsValidBoolean(parameterValue):
+        """
+        Validates a parameter as a valid boolean.
+        :param	parameterValue:	Value to be evaluated.
+        :type	Unknown
+        :return	Boolean:	True indicates the parameter is a valid boolean.
+        :type	Boolean
+        """
+        #Check to make sure it is not null
+        if parameterValue == None:
+            return False
+        #Check to make sure it is a string
+        if not type(parameterValue) is BooleanType:
+            return False
+        return True
+    #Tested 6
+    @staticmethod
+    def funcIsTrue(parameterValue):
+        """
+        Validates a parameter as true.
+        :param	parameterValue:	Value to be evaluated.
+        :type	Unknown
+        :return	Boolean:	True indicates the parameter is True.
+        :type	Boolean
+        """
+        if(ValidateData.funcIsValidBoolean(parameterValue)):
+            if(parameterValue == True):
+                return True
+        return False
+    #Tested 6
+    @staticmethod
+    def funcIsFalse(parameterValue):
+        """
+        Validates a parameter as false.
+        :param	parameterValue:	Value to be evaluated.
+        :type	Unknown
+        :return	Boolean:	True indicates the parameter is False.
+        :type	Boolean
+        """
+        if(ValidateData.funcIsValidBoolean(parameterValue)):
+            if(parameterValue == False):
+                return True
+        return False
+    #Tested 5
+    @staticmethod
+    def funcIsValidInteger(parameterValue):
+        """
+        Validates a parameter as an integer.
+        :param	parameterValue:	Value to be evaluated.
+        :type	Unknown
+        :return	Boolean:	True indicates the parameter is an integer.
+        :type	Boolean
+        """
+        #Check to make sure it is not null
+        if (parameterValue == None):
+            return False
+        #Check to make sure it is an integer
+        if not type(parameterValue) is IntType:
+            return False
+        return True
+    #Tested 5
+    @staticmethod
+    def funcIsValidPositiveInteger(parameterValue, tempZero = False):
+        """
+        Validates a parameter as false.
+        :param	parameterValue:	Value to be evaluated.
+        :type	Unknown
+        :param	tempZero:	Allows one to set what the value for zero should return.
+        :type	Boolean	The return value for zero.
+        :return	Boolean:	True indicates the parameter is a positive integer.
+        :type	Boolean
+        """
+        #Check to make sure it is not null
+        if not ValidateData.funcIsValidInteger(parameterValue):
+            return False
+        #Check to see it is positive
+        if (parameterValue < 0):
+            return False
+        #Check for zero value
+        if(parameterValue == 0):
+            return tempZero
+        return True
+    #Tested 14
+    @staticmethod
+    def funcIsValidNumeric(parameterValue):
+        """
+        Validates a parameter as an integer.
+        :param	parameterValue:	Value to be evaluated.
+        :type	Unknown
+        :return	Boolean:	True indicates the parameter is a numeric.
+        :type	Boolean
+        """
+        #Check to make sure it is not null
+        if (parameterValue == None):
+            return False
+        #Check to make sure it is an integer
+        if((type(parameterValue) == IntType)or(type(parameterValue) == LongType)or(type(parameterValue) == FloatType)or(type(parameterValue) == ComplexType)or(str(type(parameterValue)) == "<type 'numpy.float64'>")):
+            if(not type(parameterValue) == BooleanType):
+                return True
+        return False
+    #Tested 5
+    @staticmethod
+    def funcIsValidStringType(parameterValue):
+        """
+        Validates a parameter as a string. This allows the string to be blank or empty.
+        :param	parameterValue:	Value to be evaluated.
+        :type	Unknown
+        :return	Boolean:	True indicates the parameter is a string type.
+        :type	Boolean
+        """
+        #Check to make sure it is not null
+        if parameterValue == None:
+            return False
+        #Check to make sure it is a string
+        if not type(parameterValue) is StringType:
+            return False
+        return True
+    #Tested 5
+    @staticmethod
+    def funcIsValidString(parameterValue):
+        """
+        Validates a parameter as a string. Does NOT allow string to be blank or empty.
+        :param	parameterValue:	Value to be evaluated.
+        :type	Unknown
+        :return	Boolean:	True indicates the parameter is a string.
+        :type	Boolean
+        """
+        #Type check
+        if not ValidateData.funcIsValidStringType(parameterValue):
+            return False
+        #Check to see it is not blank
+        if parameterValue.strip() == "":
+            return False
+        return True
+    @staticmethod
+    def funcIsValidStringInt(parameterValue):
+        """
+        Validates a parameter that is a string as a format which is an integer.
+        :param	parameterValue:	Value to be evaluated.
+        :type	Unknown
+        """
+        #Type string check
+        if not ValidateData.funcIsValidStringType(parameterValue):
+            return False
+        #Check to see if the string can be converted to an integer
+        try:
+            int(parameterValue)
+        except:
+            return False
+        return True
+    @staticmethod
+    def funcIsValidStringFloat(parameterValue):
+        """
+        Validates a parameter that is a string as a format which is a numeric.
+        :param	parameterValue:	Value to be evaluated.
+        :type	Unknown
+        """
+        #Type string check
+        if not ValidateData.funcIsValidStringType(parameterValue):
+            return False
+        #Check to see if the string can be converted to a double
+        try:
+            float(parameterValue)
+        except:
+            return False
+        return True
+    #Tested 6
+    @staticmethod
+    def funcIsValidFormatString(parameterValue):
+        """
+        Validates a parameter as a valid format string.
+        :param	parameterValue:	Value to be evaluated.
+        :type	Unknown
+        :return	Boolean:	True indicates the parameter is a valid value.
+        :type	Boolean
+        """
+        lettersValid = False
+        if ValidateData.funcIsValidString(parameterValue):
+            validChars = "BbcdfHhIiLlPpsx0123456789"
+            for letter in parameterValue:
+                lettersValid = letter in validChars
+                if(not lettersValid):
+                    break
+        return lettersValid
+    #Tested 5
+    @staticmethod
+    def funcIsValidChar(parameterValue):
+        """
+        Validates a parameter as a valid character.
+        :param	parameterValue:	Value to be evaluated.
+        :type	Unknown
+        :return	Boolean:	True indicates the parameter is a valid value.
+        :type	Boolean
+        """
+        return ValidateData.funcIsValidString(parameterValue)
+    #Tested 13
+    @staticmethod
+    def funcIsValidPositiveNumberChar(parameterValue):
+        """
+        Validates a parameter as a valid character representing a number.
+        :param	parameterValue:	Value to be evaluated.
+        :type	Unknown
+        :return	Boolean:	True indicates the parameter is a valid value.
+        :type	Boolean
+        """
+        #Check to make sure is a valid string
+        if not ValidateData.funcIsValidString(parameterValue):
+            return False
+        #Try to convert to decimal
+        try:
+            decimalConversion = decimal.Decimal(parameterValue)
+            if decimalConversion < 0:
+                return False
+        except:
+            return False
+        return True
+    #Tested 9
+    @staticmethod
+    def funcIsValidFlagChar(parameterValue):
+        """
+        Validates a parameter as a valid character representing a boolean.
+        :param	parameterValue:	Value to be evaluated.
+        :type	Unknown
+        :return	Boolean:	True indicates the parameter is a valid value.
+        :type	Boolean
+        """
+        if parameterValue == '0' or parameterValue == "0" or parameterValue == '1' or parameterValue == "1":
+            return True
+        return False
+    #Tested 15
+    @staticmethod
+    def funcIsValidBoundedIntegerChar(parameterValue, iValueOne, iValueTwo):
+        """
+        Validates a parameter as a valid characater that represents an integer inclusively bounded by two given values.
+        :param	parameterValue:	Value to be evaluated.
+        :type	Unknown
+        :param	iValueOne:	One bound for the value.
+        :type	Integer
+        :param	iValueTwo:	The other bound for the data.
+        :type	Integer
+        :return	Boolean:	True indicates the parameter is a valid value.
+        :type	Boolean
+        """
+        #Check to make sure is a valid string
+        if not ValidateData.funcIsValidString(parameterValue):
+            return False
+        #Check to make sure is a valid integer
+        if not ValidateData.funcIsValidInteger(iValueOne):
+            return False
+        #Check to make sure is a valid integer
+        if not ValidateData.funcIsValidInteger(iValueTwo):
+            return False
+        #Try to convert to decimal
+        try:
+            intConversion = int(parameterValue)
+            if(iValueOne < iValueTwo):
+                if ((intConversion >= iValueOne) and (intConversion <= iValueTwo)):
+                    return True
+                return False
+            if(iValueTwo < iValueOne):
+                if ((intConversion >= iValueTwo) and (intConversion <= iValueOne)):
+                    return True
+                return False
+            if(iValueOne == iValueTwo):
+                if (intConversion == iValueOne):
+                    return True
+                return False
+        except:
+            return False
+    #Tested 9
+    @staticmethod
+    def funcIsValidList(parameterValue):
+        """
+        Validates a parameter as a list.
+        :param	parameterValue:	Value to be evaluated.
+        :type	Unknown
+        :return	Boolean:	True indicates the parameter is a list
+        :type	Boolean
+        """
+        #Check to make sure it is not null
+        if parameterValue == None:
+            return False
+        #Check to make sure it is a list
+        if not type(parameterValue) is ListType:
+            return False
+        #Check elements
+        listSize = len(parameterValue)
+        for i in range(0,listSize):
+            if parameterValue[i] == None:
+                return False
+            if type(parameterValue[i]) is ListType:
+                if ValidateData.funcIsValidList(parameterValue[i]) == False:
+                    return False
+        return True
+    #Tested 9
+    @staticmethod
+    def funcIsValidTuple(parameterValue):
+        """
+        Validates a parameter as a tuple.
+        :param	parameterValue:	Value to be evaluated.
+        :type	Unknown
+        :return	Boolean:	True indicates the parameter is a tuple
+        :type	Boolean
+        """
+        #Check to make sure it is not null
+        if parameterValue == None:
+            return False
+        #Check to make sure it is a string
+        if not type(parameterValue) is TupleType:
+            return False
+        #Check elements
+        tupleSize = len(parameterValue)
+        for i in range(0,tupleSize):
+            if parameterValue[i] == None:
+                return False
+            if type(parameterValue[i]) is TupleType:
+                if ValidateData.funcIsValidTuple(parameterValue[i]) == False:
+                    return False
+        return True
+    #Tested 7
+    @staticmethod
+    def funcIsValidNumericList(parameterValue):
+        """
+        Validates a parameter as a list of numeric values.
+        :param	parameterValue:	Value to be evaluated.
+        :type	Unknown
+        :return	Boolean:	True indicates the parameter is a list of numeric values.
+        :type	Boolean
+        """
+        #Check is valid list
+        if(not ValidateData.funcIsValidList(parameterValue)):
+            return False
+        #Check elements
+        listSize = len(parameterValue)
+        for i in xrange(0,listSize):
+            if(not ValidateData.funcIsValidNumeric(parameterValue[i])):
+                return False
+        return True
+    #Tested 7
+    @staticmethod
+    def funcIsValidStringList(parameterValue):
+        """
+        Validates a parameter as a list of string values.
+        :param	parameterValue:	Value to be evaluated.
+        :type	Unknown
+        :return	Boolean:	True indicates the parameter is a list of string values.
+        :type	Boolean
+        """
+        #Check is valid list
+        if(not ValidateData.funcIsValidList(parameterValue)):
+            return False
+        #Check elements
+        listSize = len(parameterValue)
+        for i in xrange(0,listSize):
+            if(not ValidateData.funcIsValidString(parameterValue[i])):
+                return False
+        return True
+    #Tested 4
+    @staticmethod
+    def funcIsValidNPArray(parameterValue):
+        """
+        Validates a parameter as a numpy array.
+        :param	parameterValue:	Value to be evaluated.
+        :type	Unknown
+        :return	Boolean:	True indicates the parameter is a numpy array.
+        :type	Boolean
+        """
+        #Check to make sure it is not null
+        if parameterValue == None:
+            return False
+        #Check to make sure it is a structure array
+        if not str(type(parameterValue)) == "<type 'numpy.ndarray'>":
+            return False
+        return True
+    #Tested 9
+    @staticmethod
+    def funcIsValidDictionary(parameterValue):
+        """
+        Validates a parameter as a dictionary.
+        :param	parameterValue:	Value to be evaluated.
+        :type	Unknown
+        :return	Boolean:	True indicates the parameter is a dictionary.
+        :type	Boolean
+        """
+        #Check to make sure it is not null
+        if parameterValue == None:
+            return False
+        #Check to make sure it is a string
+        if not type(parameterValue) is DictType:
+            return False
+        #Check key elements
+        keyList = parameterValue.keys()
+        keyListSize = len(keyList)
+        for i in range(0,keyListSize):
+            if keyList[i] == None:
+                return False
+            if type(keyList[i]) is ListType:
+                if validateData.funcIsValidList(keyList[i]) == False:
+                    return False
+        #Check key elements
+        itemList = parameterValue.values()
+        itemListSize = len(itemList)
+        for i in range(0,itemListSize):
+            if itemList[i] == None:
+                return False
+            if type(itemList[i]) is ListType:
+                if ValidateData.funcIsValidList(itemList[i]) == False:
+                    return False
+        return True
+    #Tested 18
+    @staticmethod
+    def funcIsValidDNASequence(parameterValue):
+        """
+        Validates a parameter as a valid DNA sequence.
+        :param	parameterValue:	Value to be evaluated.
+        :type	Unknown
+        :return	Boolean:	True indicates the parameter is a valid value.
+        :type	Boolean
+        """
+        if ValidateData.funcIsValidString(parameterValue):
+            expression = re.compile(r'[^atcgATCG]')
+            if not None ==
+                return False
+            return True
+        return False
+    #Tested 15
+    @staticmethod
+    def funcIsValidNucleotideBase(parameterValue):
+        """
+        Validates a parameter as a character which is a valid nucleotide representation.
+        :param	parameterValue:	Value to be evaluated.
+        :type	Unknown
+        :return	Boolean:	True indicates the parameter is a valid value.
+        :type	Boolean
+        """
+        if (ValidateData.funcIsValidDNASequence(parameterValue) or (parameterValue == 'u') or (parameterValue == "U")):
+            if (len(parameterValue) == 1):
+                return True
+        return False
+    #Testing 4
+    @staticmethod
+    def funcIsValidFileName(parameterValue):
+        """
+        Validates a parameter as a valid file name.
+        :param	parameterValue:	Value to be evaluated.
+        :type	Unknown
+        :return	Boolean:	True indicates the parameter is a valid file path.
+        :type	Boolean
+        """
+        if parameterValue is None:
+            return False
+        elif(ValidateData.funcIsValidString(parameterValue)):
+            return os.path.exists(parameterValue)
+        return False
+    #Tested 5
+    @staticmethod
+    def funcIsValidClass(parameterValue, strCorrectName):
+        """
+        Validates a parameter as a valid class (of a specifc type given by name).
+        :param	parameterValue:	Value to be evaluated.
+        :type	Unknown
+        :param	strCorrectName:	Name of te class the parameter should be.
+        :type	Unknown
+        :return	Boolean:	True indicates the parameter is a valid value.
+        :type	Boolean
+        """
+        if(parameterValue==None):
+            return False
+        if not ValidateData.funcIsValidString(strCorrectName):
+            return False
+        classType = type(parameterValue).__name__
+        if(classType == strCorrectName):
+            return True
+        if(classType == 'instance'):
+            if(parameterValue.__class__.__name__==strCorrectName):
+                return True
+            else:
+                return False
+        return False
Binary file src/breadcrumbs/src/ValidateData.pyc has changed
Binary file src/breadcrumbs/src/__init__.pyc has changed
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/breadcrumbs/src/circlader/	Tue May 13 21:58:57 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# NAME:
+# DESCRIPTION:  Circlader (circular cladogram buider) is a python script for
+#               creating images of circular cladogram starting from any guide
+#               tree in tabular or Newick format
+# Author: Nicola Segata
+# email:
+# Copyright: (c) 2011
+# Licence: <your licence>
+import os
+import sys,argparse
+import circlader_lib as cir
+def read_params(args):
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Circlader')
+    parser.add_argument('tree_file', nargs='?', default=None, type=str,
+            help=   "the input tree in Newick format (unless --tf is specified)"
+                    "[stdin if not present]")
+    parser.add_argument('out_image', nargs='?', default=None, type=str,
+            help=   "the output image (the format is guessed from the extension "
+                    "[windows visualization if not present]")  
+    parser.add_argument('--tree_format', choices=['newick','tabular'], 
+                        default='newick', type=str,
+            help=       "specifies the input tree format (default \"newick\", "
+                        "other choice is \"tabular\")")
+    parser.add_argument('--style_file', nargs='?', default=os.getcwd()+"/default_styles/style.txt", type=str,
+            help=       "set the style file (default_styles/style.txt if not specified)")
+    parser.add_argument('--color_file', nargs='?', default=None, type=str,
+            help=       "set the color file (default_styles/colors.txt if not specified)")
+    parser.add_argument('--highlight_file', nargs='?', default=None, type=str,
+            help=       "set the highlight file (default none)")
+    parser.add_argument('--tick_file', nargs='?', default=None, type=str,
+            help=       "set the label file for level's names (default none)")
+    parser.add_argument('--size_file', nargs='?', default=None, type=str,
+            help=       "set the file containing the dimentison of the circles (default none)")
+    parser.add_argument('--circle_file', nargs='?', default=None, type=str,
+            help=       "set the external circles file (default none) [BETA FEATURE]")
+    parser.add_argument('--format', choices=['png','pdf','ps','eps','svg'], default=None, type=str,
+            help=       "set the format of the output image (default none "
+                        "meaning that the format is guessed from the output "
+                        "file extension)")
+    parser.add_argument('--dpi', default=300, type=int )
+    return vars(parser.parse_args())
+params = read_params(sys.argv)
+cladogram = cir.Tree()
+if params['tree_format'] == 'newick':
+    cladogram.load_newick(params['tree_file'])
+    cladogram.load_lefse(params['tree_file'])
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/breadcrumbs/src/circlader/	Tue May 13 21:58:57 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,726 @@
+# NAME:
+# DESCRIPTION:  Circlader (CIRcular CLADogram buidER) is a python script for
+#               creating images of circular cladogram starting from any guide
+#               tree in tabular or Newick format
+# Author: Nicola Segata
+# email:
+# Copyright: (c) 2011
+# Licence: <your licence>
+import sys,os,math,matplotlib
+from matplotlib import collections
+from Bio import Phylo
+import numpy as np
+from pylab import *
+import operator
+import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
+class Tree:
+    max_rad_dist = math.pi*0.15
+# Class specifying clade with strutural characteristics and 
+# associated information
+    class Clade:
+        def __init__(   self,taxa_id=0, name='',
+                        br_len=-1.0, root_br_dist=-1.0,
+                        highlighted=False,
+                        ext_seg = False,
+                        ext_seg_vec = None):
+   = taxa_id
+   = name
+            self.label = name
+            self.label_cat = ''
+            self.col = 'w'
+            self.br_len = br_len
+            self.tot_br_len = 0.0 
+            self.root_br_dist = root_br_dist
+            self.is_leaf = True
+            self.is_highlighted = highlighted
+            self.__children = {}
+            self.pos = Tree.VisPos()
+            self.nleaves = 0
+            self.size = 0
+            self.ext_seg = ext_seg
+            self.ext_seg_vec = ext_seg_vec
+        def add_child(self,cl):
+            self.__children[] = cl
+            self.tot_br_len += (cl.br_len + 
+                    (0 if cl.is_leaf else cl.tot_br_len))
+            self.is_leaf = False
+        def get_children(self):
+            return self.__children.values()
+#   Class decribing graphical information associated with clades
+    class VisPos:
+        def __init__(   self, r=0.0, rad=0.0, rmin=0.0, 
+                        rmax=0.0, lab_lev = 0.0):
+            self.rad = rad
+            self.r = r
+            self.rad_min = rmin
+            self.rad_max = rmax
+            self.lab_lev = lab_lev
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.__all_taxa = set([])
+        self.__noname_gen = self.__unique_none_id()
+        self.__max_br_depth = 0.0
+        self.__min_br_depth = float(sys.maxint) 
+        self.__leaves = []
+        self.min_high = float(sys.maxint)
+        self.max_high = -1.0
+        self.added_label_cats = []
+        self.vis_cats = []
+        self.wing_ext_max = 1.0
+        self.cseg = None 
+    def __unique_none_id(self):
+        for i in xrange(2**31-1):
+            yield "_"+str(i)
+    def add_clade(self,cl,fn,br_depth):
+        cl.size = self.sizes[] if hasattr(self, 'sizes') and in self.sizes else self.opt['default_taxa_size']
+        if cl.is_highlighted:
+            cl.pos.lab_lev = br_depth+1.0
+            if self.min_high > cl.pos.lab_lev:
+                self.min_high = cl.pos.lab_lev
+            if self.max_high < min( cl.pos.lab_lev,
+                    float(self.opt['highlighting_bar_stop_level'])*1.001):
+                self.max_high = cl.pos.lab_lev
+            cl.label = self.labels[fn]
+            cl.col = self.label_color[fn]
+            cl.label_cat = self.label_cat[fn]
+            cl.size *= self.opt['highlight_taxa_size_magnifier']
+    def load_lefse(self,inp_f):
+        with open(inp_f, 'r') as inp:
+            rows = ["root."+l.rstrip().split("\t")[0] for l in inp.readlines()]
+        rows.append("root")
+        self.opt['ignore_branch_len'] = 1
+        def rec_add(clade_name,rows,br_depth=0.0, first = False):
+            self.__all_taxa.add(clade_name)
+            fn = clade_name if not clade_name.startswith("root.") \
+                            else clade_name.split("root.")[1]
+            highlighted = (fn in self.labels)
+            ext_seg = (self.cseg and fn in self.cseg)
+            ext_seg_v = self.cseg[fn] if ext_seg else None
+            cl = Tree.Clade(    clade_name, clade_name.split(".")[-1],1.0,
+                                br_depth+1.0, highlighted = highlighted, ext_seg = ext_seg, ext_seg_vec = ext_seg_v )
+            self.add_clade(cl,fn,br_depth)
+            rows.remove(clade_name)
+            np = clade_name.count(".")
+            children = [r for r in rows if r.count(".") == np+1 and \
+                        r.count(".") > 0  and \
+                        ".".join(r.split(".")[:-1]) == clade_name]
+            if not children:
+                self.__leaves.append(cl)
+                if cl.root_br_dist > self.__max_br_depth:
+                    self.__max_br_depth = cl.root_br_dist
+                if cl.root_br_dist > self.__max_br_depth:
+                    self.__max_br_depth = cl.root_br_dist
+                cl.nleaves = 1
+            nleav = len(self.__leaves)
+            for c in children:
+                cl.add_child(rec_add(c,rows,br_depth+1.0 if not first else 0.0))
+            sep = 'sep_clades' in self.opt and self.opt['sep_clades']
+            if sep and children and all([c.is_leaf for c in cl.get_children()]):
+                self.__leaves.insert(nleav,None)
+                self.__leaves.append(None)
+            cl.nleaves = sum([c.nleaves for c in cl.get_children()])
+            return cl
+        self.root = rec_add(rows[-1],rows, first = True)    
+    def load_newick(self,inp_f):
+        if os.path.splitext(inp_f)[-1] == '.nwk':
+            bio_tree =, "newick")
+        elif os.path.splitext(inp_f)[-1] == '.xml':
+            bio_tree =, "phyloxml")
+        else:
+            sys.stderr.write( "Unrecognized tree extensions: "+os.path.splitext(inp_f)[-1]+"\n" )
+            sys.exit(0)
+        def rec_add(clade,br_depth=-0.0):
+            nam = if else "noname"
+            if nam in self.__all_taxa:
+                oldn = nam
+                nam =
+                print "Warning: "+oldn+" non unique, renamed to "+nam
+            self.__all_taxa.add(nam)
+            if self.opt['ignore_branch_len']: clade.branch_length = 1.0
+            fn = nam if not nam.startswith("root.") else nam.split("root.")[1]
+            highlighted = (fn in self.labels)
+            ext_seg = (self.cseg and fn in self.cseg)
+            ext_seg_v = self.cseg[fn] if ext_seg else None
+            cl = Tree.Clade(    nam,
+                                nam,
+                                clade.branch_length,
+                                br_depth+clade.branch_length,
+                                highlighted=highlighted,
+                                ext_seg = ext_seg, ext_seg_vec = ext_seg_v)
+            self.add_clade(cl,fn,br_depth)
+            if not clade.clades: 
+                cl.nleaves = 1
+                return cl 
+            if br_depth+cl.br_len < self.opt['max_branch_depth']:
+                nleav = len(clade.clades) 
+                for c in clade.clades:
+                    cl.add_child(rec_add(c,br_depth+cl.br_len))
+            cl.nleaves = sum([c.nleaves for c in cl.get_children()])
+            return cl
+        def rec_leaves( cl ):
+            children = cl.get_children()
+            if 'size_sorted' in self.opt and self.opt['size_sorted']:
+                children = sorted(children, key=lambda x: x.nleaves,reverse= True)
+            for c in children:
+                rec_leaves( c ) 
+            if not children:
+                self.__leaves.append(cl)
+                if cl.root_br_dist > self.__max_br_depth:
+                    self.__max_br_depth = cl.root_br_dist
+                if cl.root_br_dist < self.__min_br_depth:
+                    self.__min_br_depth = cl.root_br_dist
+                cl.nleaves = 1
+                return
+            nleav = len(self.__leaves)
+            sep = 'sep_clades' in self.opt and self.opt['sep_clades'] 
+            if sep and all([c.is_leaf for c in children]):
+                self.__leaves.insert(nleav,None)
+                self.__leaves.append(None)
+        self.root = rec_add(bio_tree.root,-1.0)
+        rec_leaves( self.root )
+    def pos_rad_leaves(self):
+        nl = len(self.__leaves)
+        cir_width = float(self.opt['total_rotation'])/360.0 
+        self.cir_offset = np.pi*0.5+(1.0-cir_width)*np.pi
+        dist = math.pi*cir_width*2.0/nl
+        if dist > self.__class__.max_rad_dist:
+            dist = self.__class__.max_rad_dist
+        prev = self.cir_offset-dist
+        ln = False
+        for i,c in enumerate(self.__leaves):
+            if not c:
+                ln = True
+                continue
+            c.pos.rad = dist*(i if ln else i)+self.cir_offset
+            c.pos.rad_min = (c.pos.rad + prev)*0.5 
+            next_none = self.__leaves[(i+1)%len(self.__leaves)]
+            c.pos.rad_max = (c.pos.rad + dist*(i+1 if next_none else i+3) +self.cir_offset)*0.5  
+            prev = c.pos.rad
+            ln = False
+    def set_pos(self):
+        cl = self.root
+        def rec_set_pos(clade):
+            children = clade.get_children()
+            #children = sorted(children, lambda x,y: cmp(x.nleaves,y.nleaves),reverse= True)
+            clade.pos.r = clade.root_br_dist / self.__max_br_depth
+            if children:
+                rad_mm = [rec_set_pos(c) for c in children]
+                rads = [lcl.pos.rad for lcl in children]
+                clade.pos.rad = (min(rads)+max(rads))*0.5
+                clade.pos.rad_min,clade.pos.rad_max = min([r[0] for r in rad_mm]), max([r[1] for r in rad_mm]) 
+                return clade.pos.rad_min,clade.pos.rad_max
+            return clade.pos.rad_min,clade.pos.rad_max
+        rec_set_pos(cl)
+    def draw(self,out_img_file,outformat=None,dpi=300):
+        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7,7))
+        ax = fig.add_subplot(   111, 
+                                polar=True, 
+                                frame_on=False )
+        plt.subplots_adjust(    right=1.0-self.opt['right_space'],
+                                left=self.opt['left_space'],
+                                top=1.0-self.opt['top_space'],
+                                bottom=self.opt['bottom_space'] )
+        xticks([])
+        yticks([])
+        circle_taxa_draw = []
+        ign_bl = self.opt['ignore_branch_len']
+        ext_unit = self.opt['annotation_wing_sep'] 
+        high_start = float(self.opt['highlighting_bar_start_level'])/self.__max_br_depth
+        high_stop = float(self.opt['highlighting_bar_stop_level']+1)/self.__max_br_depth*1.001
+        taxa_circle, taxa_circle_h = {}, {}
+        taxa_circle_attr = [ 'rad', 'r', 'shape', 'col', 'size', 'linew' ]
+        for a in taxa_circle_attr:
+            taxa_circle[a], taxa_circle_h[a] = [], []
+        branch_line_1, branch_line_2, branch_line_3 = {}, {}, {}
+        branch_line_attr = [ 'frto', 'col' ]
+        for a in branch_line_attr:
+            branch_line_1[a], branch_line_2[a], branch_line_3[a]  = [], [], []
+        def draw_branch(clade,children,fcol):
+            rads = [lcl.pos.rad for lcl in children]
+            min_rads,max_rads = min(rads),max(rads) 
+            sbl = self.opt['sub_branches_opening_point'] if ign_bl else 1.0
+            sb,rsb = sbl,1-sbl 
+            redf = 1.0-self.opt['sub_branches_angle_reduction'] 
+            red,nred = (redf,1-redf) if abs(max_rads - min_rads) < math.pi else (1.0,0.0)
+            mid = ( max_rads + min_rads ) * 0.5 
+            rads_l = list(arange( min_rads*red+mid*nred, max_rads*red+mid*nred,0.05)) \
+                        + [max_rads*red+mid*nred]
+            if self.opt['highligh_branch_color']:
+                col = fcol 
+                if clade.is_highlighted:
+                    col = clade.col
+            else: col = self.opt['branch_color']
+            if clade != self.root:
+                branch_line_1['frto'].append(   
+                        np.array( 
+                            [np.array(
+                                [c, sb*clade.pos.r+rsb*children[0].pos.r] ) 
+                                for c in rads_l]   )   )
+                branch_line_1['col'].append(col)
+            branch_line_2['frto'].append(   
+                    np.array( 
+                        [np.array( [clade.pos.rad*red+mid*nred, sb*clade.pos.r+rsb*children[0].pos.r]),
+                        np.array( [clade.pos.rad, clade.pos.r])] ) )  
+            branch_line_2['col'].append(col)
+            """
+            if clade == self.root:
+                for c in children:
+                    branch_line_3['col'].append(col)
+                    print [c.pos.rad, c.pos.r]
+                    branch_line_3['frto'].append( np.array( [   np.array( [c.pos.rad*red+mid*nred, sb*clade.pos.r+rsb*c.pos.r] ),
+                                                  np.array( [c.pos.rad, c.pos.r] ) ] ) ) 
+#branch_line_3['frto'].append( np.array( [   np.array( [c.pos.rad, c.pos.r] ), # it should be [0.0,0.0] but with that the branches disappear
+#                                                                np.array( [c.pos.rad, 0.0] ) ] ) )
+            """  
+            if clade == self.root:
+                for c in children:
+                    branch_line_3['col'].append(col)
+                    branch_line_3['frto'].append( np.array( [   np.array( [c.pos.rad*red+mid*nred, 0.0] ),
+                                                                np.array( [c.pos.rad, c.pos.r] ) ] ) )
+            else:
+                for c in children:
+                    branch_line_3['col'].append(col)
+                    branch_line_3['frto'].append( np.array( [   np.array( [c.pos.rad*red+mid*nred, sb*clade.pos.r+rsb*c.pos.r] ),
+                                                            np.array( [c.pos.rad, c.pos.r] ) ] ) )
+            return col
+        def draw_taxa_circle(clade):
+            if clade.is_leaf and not self.opt['draw_leaf_taxa']:
+                return
+            if not clade.is_leaf and not self.opt['draw_internal_taxa']:
+                return
+            tc = taxa_circle_h if clade.is_highlighted else taxa_circle
+            tc['rad'].append( clade.pos.rad )
+            tc['r'].append( clade.pos.r )
+            tc['shape'].append( 'o' )
+            tc['col'].append( clade.col )
+            tc['size'].append( clade.size  )
+            tc['linew'].append( self.opt['taxa_circle_edge_width'] )
+        def draw_extended_leaves(clade):
+            ax.plot(    [clade.pos.rad,clade.pos.rad],
+                        [clade.pos.r,1.0],"-",color=[0.7,0.7,0.7])
+        def draw_wing(clade):
+            ext = self.opt['fixed_wing_stop'] if 'fixed_wing_stop' in self.opt and self.opt['fixed_wing_stop'] >= 0 else self.max_high-clade.pos.lab_lev+1
+            ext_max = ext*ext_unit
+            if not clade.label_cat in [v['label'] for v in self.vis_cats] and clade.label_cat:
+                self.vis_cats.append(   {   'color':clade.col,
+                                            'alpha':self.opt['bar_alpha'],
+                                            'label':clade.label_cat}    )
+            if not clade.label and 'no_wind_if_no_label' in self.opt and self.opt['no_wind_if_no_label']:
+                return
+            if high_start < clade.pos.r <= high_stop:
+                wlab = clade.label.split("_r_")[-1] if not clade.label.count(":") else clade.label.split(":")[0].split("_r_")[-1]
+           clade.pos.rad_min, 
+                            1-clade.pos.r+ext_max+ext_unit*0.25,
+                            width = abs(clade.pos.rad_min-clade.pos.rad_max),
+                            bottom = clade.pos.r,
+                            alpha = self.opt['bar_alpha'],
+                            color=clade.col, 
+                            edgecolor=clade.col )
+                if 1.0+ext_max+ext_unit*0.25 > self.wing_ext_max:
+                    self.wing_ext_max = 1.0+ext_max+ext_unit*0.25
+                des = float(180.0*(clade.pos.rad_min+clade.pos.rad_max)/np.pi)*0.5 # -(0 if clade.label.count("_r_") else 90)
+                if not clade.label.count("_r_"):
+                    des += (90 if 180 < des < 360 else -90)
+                lro = 0.5 if 'radial_label_wing_offset' not in self.opt else self.opt['radial_label_wing_offset']
+                ax.text(    ((clade.pos.rad_min+clade.pos.rad_max)*0.5), 
+                            1+ext_max-ext_unit*lro+ext_unit*0.25,
+                            wlab,
+                            rotation=des,
+                            ha="center",
+                            va="center",
+                            fontsize=self.opt['label_font_size'], 
+                            fontstretch=0   )
+                if clade.label.count(":"):
+           0.0, 
+                            0.0, 
+                            width = 0.0, 
+                            bottom = 0.0, 
+                            alpha = 1.0, 
+                            color=clade.col, 
+                            label=clade.label.split("_r_")[-1]   )
+        def draw_sectors(clade):
+            for i,v in enumerate(clade.ext_seg_vec):
+                if v[1] <= 0.0: continue
+                height = self.opt['seg_radial_depth'] * ( v[3] if v[3] else 1.0)
+                width = abs(clade.pos.rad_min-clade.pos.rad_max)*self.opt['seg_width']
+                startx = clade.pos.rad_min+abs(clade.pos.rad_min-clade.pos.rad_max)*((1.0-self.opt['seg_width'])*0.5)
+                starty = self.wing_ext_max+self.opt['dist_from_tree']+self.opt['seg_radial_depth']*i
+                art2 = None
+                lw = v[4] if v[4] else self.opt['seg_line_width']
+                if not v[2] or v[2] == 'R':
+                    if lw > 0.0:
+                        art2 = mpatches.Rectangle(      (startx,starty), width = width, height = height,
+                                                        fc = 'none', ec='k', linewidth= lw )
+                    art = mpatches.Rectangle(   (startx,starty),
+                                                 width = width,
+                                                 height = height,
+                                                 alpha=v[1],
+                                                 color=v[0],
+                                                 linewidth= 0.0
+                                                 )
+                elif v[2] == '^':
+                    if lw > 0.0:
+                        art2 = mpatches.Polygon( [   [startx,starty],[startx+width/2, starty+height], [startx+width,starty ] ],
+                                                     fc = 'none', ec='k', linewidth=  lw)
+                    art = mpatches.Polygon( [   [startx,starty],
+                                                [startx+width/2, starty+height],
+                                                [startx+width,starty ] ],
+                                                alpha=v[1], color=v[0],
+                                                linewidth=  0.0)
+                elif v[2] == 'v':
+                    if lw > 0.0:
+                        art2 = mpatches.Polygon( [  [startx,starty + height], [startx+width/2, starty], [startx+width,starty + height ] ],
+                                                    fc = 'none', ec='k', linewidth=  lw)
+                    art = mpatches.Polygon( [   [startx,starty + height],
+                                                [startx+width/2, starty],
+                                                [startx+width,starty + height ] ],
+                                                alpha=v[1], color=v[0],
+                                                linewidth=  0.0)
+                if art2:
+                    ax.add_patch(art2)
+                ax.add_patch(art)
+           clade.pos.rad_min+abs(clade.pos.rad_min-clade.pos.rad_max)*((1.0-self.opt['seg_width'])*0.5),
+                #            self.opt['seg_radial_depth'],
+                #            width = abs(clade.pos.rad_min-clade.pos.rad_max)*self.opt['seg_width'],
+                #            bottom =  self.wing_ext_max+self.opt['dist_from_tree']+self.opt['seg_radial_depth']*i,
+                #            alpha=v[1],
+                #            color=v[0],
+                #            linewidth=  self.opt['seg_line_width'])
+        def draw_scale():
+            nticks = self.opt['branch_length_n_ticks']
+            round_prec = 2
+            if self.opt['ignore_branch_len']:
+                nlev = int(self.__max_br_depth)
+                tick_step = 1.0/float(nlev)
+                while not ( nlev <= self.opt['branch_length_n_ticks'] 
+                            and not int(self.__max_br_depth) % nlev):
+                    nlev -= 1
+                    tick_step = 1.0/float(nlev)
+            else:
+                tick_step = (1.0 - self.root.pos.r)/float(nticks)
+            tick_pos = np.arange(self.root.pos.r,1.000001,tick_step)
+            if self.opt['show_branch_length_ticks']: 
+                yticks(tick_pos,[])
+            if self.opt['show_branch_length_labels']:
+                for t in tick_pos:
+                    tv = int(round(t*self.__max_br_depth-1.0,2)) \
+                            if self.opt['ignore_branch_len'] \
+                            else round(t*self.__max_br_depth,round_prec)
+                    if self.tick_labels:
+                        tv = self.tick_labels[tv]
+                    else: tv = str(tv) 
+                    ax.text(    np.pi*0.5,t,
+                                tv,
+                                ha="center",
+                                fontsize = self.opt['branch_length_ticks_font_size'])
+        def draw_legend():
+            ret = []
+            h, lleg = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
+            if len(lleg) > 0:
+                hl = sorted(zip(h, lleg),key=operator.itemgetter(1))
+                h2, l2 = zip(*hl)
+                leg = ax.legend(    h2, 
+                                    l2, 
+                                    bbox_to_anchor=(1.03, 1),
+                                    frameon=False, 
+                                    prop={'size':self.opt['label_font_size']},
+                                    labelspacing=self.opt['legend_label_distance'],
+                                    loc=2, 
+                                    ncol=self.opt['legend_n_col'],
+                                    borderaxespad=0.    )
+                ret.append( leg )
+            if self.vis_cats:
+                labs = []
+                for l in self.vis_cats:
+                    ll, =   0.0,
+                                    0.0,
+                                    width=0.0,
+                                    bottom=0.0,
+                                    alpha=l['alpha'],
+                                    color=l['color'],
+                                    edgecolor=l['color'],
+                                    label=l['label'] )
+                    labs.append((ll,l['label']))
+                leg2 = ax.legend(   [lp for (lp,la) in labs],
+                                    [la for (lp,la) in labs],
+                                    bbox_to_anchor=(0.0, 1),
+                                    prop={'size':self.opt['category_font_size']},
+                                    labelspacing=self.opt['legend_label_distance'],
+                                    #                                    prop={'size':self.opt['label_font_size']},
+                                    frameon=False,
+                                    loc=2,
+                                    borderaxespad=0.    )
+                ret.append( leg2 )
+            if len(lleg) > 0:
+                gca().add_artist(leg)
+            return ret
+        def rec_draw(clade,fcol=self.opt['branch_color']):
+            children = clade.get_children()
+            if children:
+                draw_branch(clade,children,fcol)
+            rec_col = clade.col if clade.is_highlighted else fcol
+            fcls = [rec_draw(c,rec_col) for c in children]
+            if not self.opt['draw_taxa']: return clade
+            for fc in fcls:
+                if fc.is_leaf and self.opt['extend_leaves']:
+                    draw_extended_leaves(fc)
+                highlighted_clade = draw_taxa_circle(fc)
+                if highlighted_clade:
+                    circle_taxa_draw.append(highlighted_clade)
+                if fc.is_highlighted:
+                    draw_wing(fc)
+            return clade
+        rec_draw(self.root)
+        def rec_draw_sectors(clade,fcol=self.opt['branch_color']):
+            children = clade.get_children()
+            fcls = [rec_draw_sectors(c) for c in children]
+            if not self.opt['draw_taxa']: return clade
+            if clade.ext_seg:
+                draw_sectors(clade)
+            return clade
+        rec_draw_sectors(self.root)
+        coll_b1 = collections.LineCollection(  branch_line_1['frto'],
+                                               color = branch_line_1['col'],
+                                               linewidths = self.opt['branch_tickness'])
+        ax.add_collection(coll_b1)
+        coll_b2 = collections.LineCollection(  branch_line_2['frto'],
+                                               color = branch_line_2['col'],
+                                               linewidths = self.opt['branch_tickness'])
+        ax.add_collection(coll_b2)
+        coll_b3 = collections.LineCollection(   branch_line_3['frto'],
+                                                color = branch_line_3['col'],
+                                                linewidths = self.opt['branch_tickness'])
+        ax.add_collection(coll_b3)
+        for tc in [taxa_circle, taxa_circle_h]:
+            if not tc['rad']: continue
+            ax.scatter(     tc['rad'], 
+                            tc['r'],
+                            #taxa_circle_shape
+                            c = tc['col'],
+                            s = tc['size'],
+                            alpha = 1.0,
+                            linewidths = tc['linew'],
+                            zorder=12)
+        if self.opt['show_branch_length_ticks'] or self.opt['show_branch_length_labels']:
+            draw_scale()
+        legs = []
+        if 'legend_on' not in self.opt or self.opt['legend_on']:
+            legs = draw_legend()
+        fc = 'w'   
+        if 'background_color' in self.opt and self.opt['background_color'] == 'k': 
+            def get_col_attr(x):
+                return hasattr(x, 'set_color')  and hasattr(x, 'get_color') # and not hasattr(x, 'set_facecolor')
+            for o in ax.findobj(get_col_attr):
+                col = o.get_color()
+                if col == 'k':
+                    o.set_color('w')
+            fc = 'k'
+        a,b = ax.get_ylim()
+        ylim((0,b))
+        if out_img_file:
+            plt.savefig(    out_img_file,
+                            dpi=dpi,
+                            facecolor=fc,
+                            #bbox_inches='tight',
+                            #bbox_extra_artists = [l.legendPatch for l in legs],
+                            #pad_inches=0.45
+                            format = outformat,
+                            edgecolor=fc) #,format=self.opt['img_format'])
+            plt.close()
+        else:
+    def read_highlights(self,highlights_file):
+        self.labels = {}
+        self.label_color = {}
+        self.label_cat = {}
+        if not highlights_file: 
+            return
+        with open(highlights_file) as inp_f:
+            labels = [l.rstrip().split('\t') 
+                    for l in inp_f.readlines() if not l.startswith("#")] 
+        for l in labels:
+            self.labels[l[0]] = l[1] 
+            self.label_cat[l[0]] = l[2]
+            if l[3].startswith("_c_"):
+                self.label_color[l[0]] = [float(v) for v in l[3].split("_c_")[-1].split("[")[-1].split("]")[0].split(",")]
+            else:
+                self.label_color[l[0]] = self.colors[l[3]]
+    def read_circles(self,circles_file):
+        self.cseg = {}
+        if not circles_file: 
+            return
+        with open(circles_file) as inp_f:
+            mat = [l.rstrip().split('\t') 
+                    for l in inp_f.readlines() if not l.startswith("#")] 
+        for m in mat:
+            cv = []
+            cs = []
+            for v in m[1:]:
+                v00,bor = v.split("#") if "#" in v else (v,None)
+                v0,dep = v00.split("$") if "$" in v00 else (v00,None)
+                v1,shape = v0.split("!") if "!" in v0 else (v0,None)
+                col,alpha = v1.split(":") if ":" in v1 else [v1,"1.0"]
+                if col.startswith("_c_"):
+                    c = [float(v) for v in col.split("_c_")[-1].split("[")[-1].split("]")[0].split(",")]
+                else:
+                    c = self.colors[col]
+                a = float(alpha)
+                cv.append((c,a,shape,float(dep) if dep else None,float(bor) if bor else None))
+            self.cseg[m[0]] = cv
+    def read_sizes(self,size_file):
+        self.sizes = {}
+        if not size_file: 
+            return
+        with open(size_file) as inp_f:
+            rows = [l.rstrip().split('\t') 
+                    for l in inp_f.readlines() if not l.startswith("#")] 
+        for l in rows:
+            self.sizes["root."+l[0]] = float(l[1])
+    def read_tick_labels(self,ticks_file):
+        self.tick_labels = {}
+        if not ticks_file:
+            return
+        with open(ticks_file) as inp_f:
+            labels = [l.rstrip().split('\t') 
+                        for l in inp_f.readlines() if not l.startswith("#")] 
+        for l in labels:
+            self.tick_labels[int(l[0])-1] = l[1] 
+    default_colors = 'bgrcmy'
+    def read_colors(self,colors_file):
+        if not colors_file:
+            self.opt = {}
+            for c in self.default_colors:
+                self.opt[c] = c
+            return
+        self.color_list = []
+        self.colors = {}
+        with open(colors_file) as inp_f:
+            col = [l.rstrip().split('\t') 
+                    for l in inp_f.readlines() if not l.startswith("#")]
+        for c in col:
+            self.color_list.append(c[0])
+            self.colors[c[0]] = [float(cc)/255.0 for cc in c[1].split(',')]
+    def read_style(self,style_file):
+        with open(style_file) as inp_f:
+            self.opt = dict([(l.rstrip().split()[0],l.split("#")[0].split()[1:]) 
+                                for l in inp_f.readlines() 
+                                    if l.strip() and not l.startswith("#")])
+        for o in self.opt:
+            try:
+                v= int(self.opt[o][0])
+            except ValueError:
+                try:
+                    v= float(self.opt[o][0])
+                except ValueError:
+                    try:
+                        v = str(self.opt[o][0])[0]
+                    except ValueError:
+                        print "not a valid input",self.opt[o][0]
+            self.opt[o] = v
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/breadcrumbs/src/under_development/	Tue May 13 21:58:57 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+Author: Timothy Tickle
+Description: Performs and plots Principle Components Analysis.
+#Copyright (C) <2012>
+#Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
+#this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the
+#Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy,
+#modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,
+#and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+#the following conditions:
+#The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies
+#or substantial portions of the Software.
+__author__ = "Timothy Tickle"
+__copyright__ = "Copyright 2013"
+__credits__ = ["Timothy Tickle"]
+__license__ = "MIT"
+__maintainer__ = "Timothy Tickle"
+__email__ = ""
+__status__ = "Development"
+#External libraries
+from AbundanceTable import AbundanceTable
+from ConstantsFiguresBreadCrumbs import ConstantsFiguresBreadCrumbs
+from Ordination import Ordination
+import as cm
+from math import sqrt,asin
+from matplotlib.mlab import PCA as mplPCA
+from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
+from numpy import *
+from UtilityMath import UtilityMath
+from ValidateData import ValidateData
+class PCA(Ordination):
+  """
+  Class to Run Principle Components Analysis on an abundance table object
+  """
+  def __init__(self):
+    Ordination.__init__(self)
+    self.c_strComponents = "components"
+    self.c_strVariance = "percent_variance"
+  def run(self,fScale=True,fCenter=True,fASTransform=False):
+    if not self.dataMatrix is None:
+      mtrxPrepped = self.dataMatrix.T
+      if fASTransform:
+        mtrxPrepped = array([self.doAsinOnList(row) for row in sqrt(mtrxPrepped)])
+      if fCenter:
+        mtrxPrepped = mtrxPrepped-mean(mtrxPrepped,0)
+      if fScale:
+        # This is consistent to R's prcomp method.
+        vStd = std(a=mtrxPrepped,axis=0) if fCenter else [sqrt(sum(square(ldRow))/len(ldRow)) for ldRow in mtrxPrepped.T]
+        mtrxPrepped /= vStd
+      iRows, iCols = mtrxPrepped.shape
+      U,S,V = linalg.svd(a=mtrxPrepped,full_matrices=False)
+      ldVariance = square(S*(iCols-1))
+      ldVariance = ldVariance/sum(ldVariance)
+      # Here components are row-wise so each component is a row.
+      # Here percent variance is given and it is in the order of the components.
+      self.dataProcessed = {self.c_strComponents:V, self.c_strVariance:ldVariance}
+      return True
+    else:
+      print("PCA:run::Error Tried to run analysis on no data load data first.")
+    return False
+  def getVariance(self,iIndex=None):
+    if not self.dataProcessed is None:
+      if not iIndex is None:
+        return self.dataProcessed[self.c_strVariance][iIndex]
+      return self.dataProcessed[self.c_strVariance]
+    else:
+      print("PCA:getVariance::Error Tried to run analysis on no data load data first.")
+    return False
+  def getComponents(self,iIndex=None):
+    if not self.dataProcessed is None:
+      if not iIndex is None:
+        return self.dataProcessed[self.c_strComponents].T[iIndex]
+      return self.dataProcessed[self.c_strComponents].T
+    else:
+      print("PCA:getComponents::Error Tried to run analysis on no data load data first.")
+    return False
+  def doAsinOnList(self, lsValues):
+    return([asin(element) for element in lsValues])
+  def convertMetadataForPCA(self,abndTable):
+    """ This takes a metadata dictionary from an abundance table and formats the metadata for use in the PCA.
+        This formatting includes reducing discontinuous data to leveles and replacing NA values to the means of the value (continuous data only)
+        This returns a numpy array of the format needed for this PCA object.
+    """
+    # Replace missing values with the mean
+    # dummy the discrete data
+    dictMetadata = abndTable.funcGetMetadataCopy()
+    if(len(dictMetadata) < 2):
+      return None
+    ## Remove the metadata id
+    dictMetadata.pop(abndTable.funcGetIDMetadataName(),None)
+    lMetadata = []
+    for lxItem in dictMetadata.values():
+      ## If this is not numeric data then dummy
+      ## Treat NA as a seperate category
+      if not (sum([ ValidateData.funcIsValidStringFloat(xItem) for xItem in lxItem]) == len(lxItem)):
+        # Get levels
+        setsLevels = set(lxItem)
+        # Go through each level and dummy the metadata
+        for sLevel in setsLevels:
+          lMetadata.append([1.0 if xItem==sLevel else 0.0 for xItem in lxItem])
+      else:
+        # Change NA to Mean and store numeric data as float
+        # Also add to the metadata so that there are no negative numbers
+        ldNONA = [float(xItem) for xItem in lxItem if not xItem.strip().lower() in ["na",""]]
+        dMean = sum(ldNONA)/float(len(ldNONA))
+        lsMetadataValues = [dMean if xItem.strip().lower() in ["na",""] else float(xItem) for xItem in lxItem]
+        dMinValueAdj = abs(min(lsMetadataValues))
+        lMetadata.append([sValue + dMinValueAdj for sValue in lsMetadataValues])
+    return(array(lMetadata).T)
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+++ b/tool_dependencies.xml	Tue May 13 21:58:57 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+    <set_environment version="1.0">
+        <environment_variable name="micropita_SCRIPT_PATH" action="set_to">$REPOSITORY_INSTALL_DIR</environment_variable>   
+    </set_environment>