1 <tool id="bam_to_psl" name="Convert BAM to PSL format" version="@TOOL_VERSION@+galaxy@VERSION_SUFFIX@" profile="@PROFILE@">
2 <description></description>
3 <macros>
4 <import>macros.xml</import>
5 </macros>
6 <expand macro="requirements"/>
7 <command detect_errors="exit_code"><![CDATA[
8 #if $input.ext == 'bam':
9 samtools view -o 'input.sam' -h '$input' &&
10 #else:
11 ln -s '$input' 'input.sam' &&
12 #end if
13 python '${__tool_directory__}/bam_to_psl.py'
14 --input_file 'input.sam'
15 --output_file '$output'
16 ]]></command>
17 <inputs>
18 <param name="input" type="data" format="bam,sam" label="BAM or SAM file"/>
19 </inputs>
20 <outputs>
21 <data name="output" format="psl"/>
22 </outputs>
23 <tests>
24 <test>
25 <param name="input" value="input_1.sam" ftype="sam"/>
26 <output name="output" value="output_1.psl" ftype="psl" compare="contains"/>
27 </test>
28 <test>
29 <param name="input" value="input_2.bam" ftype="bam"/>
30 <output name="output" value="output_2.psl" ftype="psl" compare="contains"/>
31 </test>
32 </tests>
33 <help>
34 **What it does**
36 Converts a BAM or SAM dataset to PSL format - https://genome.ucsc.edu/FAQ/FAQformat.html#format2.
37 </help>
38 <expand macro="citations"/>
39 </tool>