1 <?xml version="."?>
2 <tool id="insect_phenology_model" name="Insect phenology model" version="1.0.0">
3 <description>expressing stage-specific phenology and population dynamics</description>
4 <requirements>
5 <requirement type="package" version="1.3.2">r-optparse</requirement>
6 </requirements>
7 <command detect_errors="exit_code"><![CDATA[
8 Rscript '$__tool_directory__/insect_phenology_model.R'
9 -a $adult_mort
10 -b $adult_accum
11 -c $egg_mort
12 -d $latitude
13 -e '$location'
14 -f $max_clutch_size
15 -i $min_clutch_size
16 -j $nymph_mort
17 -k $old_nymph_accum
18 -o '$output'
19 -p $oviposition
20 -q $photoperiod
21 -s $replications
22 -t $se_plot
23 -u $year
24 -v '$temperature_data'
25 -y $young_nymph_accum
26 ]]></command>
27 <inputs>
28 <param name="location" type="text" value="" optional="false" label="Location" />
29 <param name="latitude" type="float" value="0.0" label="Latitude of selected location" />
30 <param name="temperature_data" type="data" format="csv" label="Temperature data" />
31 <param name="year" type="integer" value="2017" min="1995" label="Temperature data year" />
32 <param name="replications" type="integer" value="10" min="1" label="Number of replications" />
33 <param name="photoperiod" type="float" value="13.5" min="0" label="Critical photoperiod for diapause induction/termination" />
34 <param name="egg_mort" type="integer" value="1" min="0" label="Adjustment rate for egg mortality" />
35 <param name="nymph_mort" type="integer" value="1" min="0" label="Adjustment rate for nymph mortality" />
36 <param name="adult_mort" type="integer" value="1" min="0" label="Adjustment rate for adult mortality" />
37 <param name="oviposition" type="integer" value="1" min="0" label="Adjustment oviposition rate" />
38 <param name="min_clutch_size" type="integer" value="0" min="0" label="Adjustment of minimum clutch size" />
39 <param name="max_clutch_size" type="integer" value="0" min="0" label="Adjustment of maximum clutch size" />
40 <param name="young_nymph_accum" type="integer" value="0" min="0" label="Adjustment of DD accumulation (egg->young nymph)" />
41 <param name="old_nymph_accum" type="integer" value="0" min="0" label="Adjustment of DD accumulation (young nymph->old nymph)" />
42 <param name="adult_accum" type="integer" value="0" min="0" label="Adjustment of DD accumulation (old nymph->adult)" />
43 <param name="se_plot" type="select" label="Plot SE?">
44 <option value="1" selected="True">Yes</option>
45 <option value="0">No</option>
46 </param>
47 </inputs>
48 <outputs>
49 <data name="output" format="pdf" label="${tool.name} ${location}, ${year} lat:${latitude} on ${on_string}" />
50 </outputs>
51 <tests>
52 <test>
53 <param name="temperature_data" value="asheville2014.csv" ftype="csv" />
54 <param name="location" value="asheville:35.58" />
55 <param name="year" value="2014" />
56 <param name="replications" value="3" />
57 <output name="output" file="output.pdf" ftype="pdf" compare="contains" />
58 </test>
59 </tests>
60 <help>
61 **What it does**
63 Provides an agent-based stochastic model expressing stage-specific phenology and population dynamics for an insect species across geographic regions.
65 -----
67 **Required options**
69 * **Location** - the location associated with the selected temperature data.
70 * **Temperature data** - select the dataset from your history containing the temperature data.
71 * **Temperature data year** - the year during which the temperature data was recorded.
72 * **Number of replications** - number of replications.
73 * **Critical photoperiod for diapause induction/termination** - critical photoperiod for diapause induction/termination.
74 * **Adjustment rate for egg mortality** - adjustment rate for egg mortality.
75 * **Adjustment rate for nymph mortality** - adjustment rate for nymph mortality.
76 * **Adjustment rate for adult mortality** - adjustment rate for adult mortality.
77 * **Adjustment oviposition rate** - adjustment oviposition rate.
78 * **Adjustment of minimum clutch size** - adjustment of minimum clutch size.
79 * **Adjustment of maximum clutch size** - adjustment of maximum clutch size
80 * **Adjustment of DD accumulation (egg->young nymph)** - adjustment of DD accumulation (egg->young nymph).
81 * **Adjustment of DD accumulation (young nymph->old nymph)** - adjustment of DD accumulation (young nymph->old nymph).
82 * **Adjustment of DD accumulation (old nymph->adult)** - adjustment of DD accumulation (old nymph->adult).
83 * **Plot SE** - add SE lines to plot for eggs, nymphs and adults.
85 </help>
86 <citations>
87 <citation type="doi">10.3389/fphys.2016.00165</citation>
88 </citations>
89 </tool>