view collection_column_join.xml @ 2:dfde09461b1e draft

planemo upload for repository commit 52cb707375a11118a7e46612bd5044016abb9903
author iuc
date Wed, 24 May 2017 06:19:45 -0400
parents 9c8536c7ed42
children 58228a4d58fe
line wrap: on
line source

<tool id="collection_column_join" name="Column Join" version="0.0.2">
    <description>on Collections</description>
        <requirement type="package" version="8.25">coreutils</requirement>
    <command detect_errors="exit_code"><![CDATA[
        #if 'output_shell_script' in str( $include_outputs ).split( "," ):
            cp '${collection_column_join_script}' '${script_output}' &&
        #end if
        sh '${collection_column_join_script}'
        <configfile name="collection_column_join_script"><![CDATA[
touch header0.tmp &&
touch output0.tmp &&
#set $delimiter = '\t'
#set $left_identifier_column = $identifier_column
#set $tail_offset = int( str( $has_header ) ) + 1
#for $i, $tabular_item in enumerate( $input_tabular ):
    #if $has_header:
        head -n ${has_header} "${tabular_item}" | awk '{ n = split(\$0,arr,"${delimiter}"); ctr=1; for(i=1;i<=n;i++){ if( i != $identifier_column ){ if( ctr > 1) {printf("${delimiter}")}; printf( "${tabular_item.element_identifier}_%s", arr[i] ); ctr++ } }; printf( "\n" ); }' > input_header.tmp &&
        tail -n +${tail_offset} "${tabular_item}" | LC_ALL=C sort -t "${delimiter}" -k $identifier_column > input_file.tmp &&
        awk '{ n = split(\$0,arr,"${delimiter}"); ctr=1; for(i=1;i<=n;i++){ if( i != $identifier_column ){ if( ctr > 1) {printf("${delimiter}")}; printf( "${tabular_item.element_identifier}_%s", i ); ctr++ } }; exit }' "${tabular_item}" > input_header.tmp &&
        LC_ALL=C sort -t "${delimiter}" -k $identifier_column "${tabular_item}" > input_file.tmp &&
    #end if
    #if $i == 0:
        mv input_file.tmp output${ ( $i + 1 ) % 2 }.tmp &&
        #if $has_header:
            awk '{ printf \$${identifier_column}; exit }' "${tabular_item}" > header${ $i % 2 }.tmp &&
            echo "#KEY" > header${ $i % 2 }.tmp &&
        #end if
        LC_ALL=C join -o auto -a 1 -a 2 -1 ${left_identifier_column} -2 ${identifier_column} -t "${delimiter}" -e "${fill_char}" output${ $i % 2 }.tmp input_file.tmp  > output${ ( $i + 1 ) % 2 }.tmp &&
        #set $left_identifier_column = 1
    #end if
    paste -d "${delimiter}" header${ $i % 2 }.tmp input_header.tmp > header${ ( $i + 1 ) % 2 }.tmp &&
#end for
cat header${ ( $i + 1 ) % 2 }.tmp output${ ( $i + 1 ) % 2 }.tmp > "${tabular_output}"
        <param name="input_tabular" type="data" format="tabular" multiple="True" optional="False" label="Tabular files"/>
        <!-- <param name="identifier_column" type="data_column" data_ref="input_tabular" value="0" min="0" optional="False" label="Identifier column"/> -->
        <param name="identifier_column" type="integer" value="1" min="0" optional="False" label="Identifier column"/>
        <param name="has_header" type="integer" value="0" min="0" optional="False" label="Number of Header lines in each item"/>
        <param name="fill_char" type="text" value="." optional="False" label="Fill character"/>
        <param name="include_outputs" type="select" multiple="True" label="Additional datasets to create">
            <option value="output_shell_script" selected="false">Shell script</option>
        <data format="tabular" name="tabular_output"/>
        <data format="txt" name="script_output">
            <filter>include_outputs and "output_shell_script" in include_outputs</filter>
            <param name="input_tabular" value="in_1.tabular,in_2.tabular,in_3.tabular" ftype="tabular"/>
            <param name="identifier_column" value="1"/>
            <param name="has_header" value="1"/>
            <param name="fill_char" value="."/>
            <param name="include_outputs" />
            <output name="tabular_output" file="out_1.tabular" ftype="tabular"/>
            <param name="input_tabular" value="in_1_headerless.tabular,in_2_headerless.tabular,in_3_headerless.tabular" ftype="tabular"/>
            <param name="identifier_column" value="1"/>
            <param name="has_header" value="0"/>
            <param name="fill_char" value="."/>
            <param name="include_outputs" />
            <output name="tabular_output" file="out_2.tabular" ftype="tabular"/>
Joins lists of tabular datasets together on a field.



To join three files, with headers, based on the first column:

**First file (in_1.tabular)**::

    #KEY    c2  c3  c4
    one     1-1 1-2 1-3
    two     1-4 1-5 1-6
    three   1-7 1-8 1-9

**Second File (in_2.tabular)**::

    #KEY    c2  c3  c4
    one     2-1 2-2 2-3
    two     2-4 2-5 2-6
    three   2-7 2-8 2-9

**Third file (in_3.tabular)**::

    #KEY    c2  c3  c4
    one     3-3 3-2 3-3
    two     3-4 3-5 3-6
    three   3-7 3-8 3-9

**Joining** the files, using **identifier column of 1** and a **header lines of 1**, will return::

    #KEY    in_1.tabular_c2 in_1.tabular_c3 in_1.tabular_c4 in_2.tabular_c2 in_2.tabular_c3 in_2.tabular_c4 in_3.tabular_c2 in_3.tabular_c3 in_3.tabular_c4
    one     1-1              1-2            1-3             2-1              2-2             2-3             3-3             3-2             3-3
    three   1-7              1-8            1-9             2-7              2-8             2-9             3-7             3-8             3-9
    two     1-4              1-5            1-6             2-4              2-5             2-6             3-4             3-5             3-6
