1 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
3 ############################################
4 # tophatstatsPE
5 # John Garbe
6 # May 29, 2012
7 #
8 # Calculate statistics about the data going into and out of tophat:
9 # -Count the number of raw reads, the number of aligned reads, the number
10 # of properly paired reads, etc
11 #
12 ###########################################
14 die "USAGE: tophatstats.pl accepted_hits.bam fastqfile.fastq\n" unless ($#ARGV == 1);
16 $bamfile = $ARGV[0];
17 $fastqfile = $ARGV[1];
18 die "cannot open $fastqfile" unless (-e $fastqfile);
19 die "cannot open $bamfile" unless (-e $bamfile);
21 my $junk;
22 $divide = 4; # four lines per read in a fastq file
23 $insertsum = 0;
24 $insertcount = 0;
25 # count total number of raw reads
26 if (1) {
27 print "Input files: $bamfile\t $fastqfile\n";
28 $results = `wc -l $fastqfile`;
29 ($results, $junk) = split ' ', $results;
30 $total = $results / $divide;
31 print "$total total read pairs in fastq file\n";
32 }
34 # read in bam file as a pipe from samtools
35 open IFILE, "samtools view $bamfile |" or die "cannot open $bamfile\n";
37 # initialize array counting multiple alignments
38 for $i (0..200) {
39 $count[$i] = 0;
40 for $j (0..40) {
41 $unique[$i][$j] = 0;
42 }
43 }
45 $insertsum = 0;
46 $insertcount = 0;
47 # read through bam file, counting alignments
48 while ($line = <IFILE>) {
49 @line = split /\t/, $line, 3;
50 $count[$line[1]]++;
52 # pull out number of alignments for this read
53 @line = split /\t/, $line, 12;
54 ($junk, $int) = split /NH:i:/, $line[11];
55 ($int, $junk) = split /\W/, $int;
56 if ($int == 1) { # count unique alignments
57 $unique[$line[1]][1]++;
58 } elsif ($int > 1) { # count non-unique alignments
59 $unique[$line[1]][2]+= 1 / $int;
60 }
61 if ($line[1] == 99 || $line[1] == 83) { # if proper insert size use for insert size average
62 @line = split /\t/, $line, 10;
63 $insertsum += $line[8];
64 $insertcount++;
65 }
66 }
68 # singleton
69 $singleton_unique = 0;
70 $singleton_multiple = 0;
71 for $i (73, 133, 89, 121, 165, 181, 101, 117, 153, 185, 69, 137) {
72 $singleton_unique += $unique[$i][1];
73 $singleton_multiple += int($unique[$i][2]);
74 }
75 $singleton = $singleton_unique + $singleton_multiple;
76 $singleton_percent = $singleton / $total * 100;
77 printf "$singleton (%.2f%%) read pairs with only one read in the pair mapped ($singleton_unique with unique alignments)\n", $singleton_percent;
79 # correct correct
80 $correctcorrect_unique = 0;
81 $correctcorrect_multiple = 0;
82 for $i (99, 83) {
83 $correctcorrect_unique += $unique[$i][1];
84 $correctcorrect_multiple += int($unique[$i][2]);
85 }
86 $correctcorrect = $correctcorrect_unique + $correctcorrect_multiple;
87 $correctcorrect_percent = $correctcorrect / $total * 100;
88 printf "$correctcorrect (%.2f%%) read pairs mapped with correct orientation and insert size ($correctcorrect_unique with unique alignments)\n", $correctcorrect_percent;
90 # correct wrong insert size
91 $correctwrong_unique = 0;
92 $correctwrong_multiple = 0;
93 for $i (81, 97, 65, 113) {
94 $correctwrong_unique += $unique[$i][1];
95 $correctwrong_multiple += int($unique[$i][2]);
96 }
97 $correctwrong = $correctwrong_unique + $correctwrong_multiple;
98 $correctwrong_percent = $correctwrong / $total * 100;
99 printf "$correctwrong (%.2f%%) read pairs mapped with correct orientation but wrong insert size ($correctwrong_unique with unique alignments)\n", $correctwrong_percent;
101 # correct wrong orientation
102 $correctswitched_unique = 0;
103 $correctswitched_multiple = 0;
104 for $i (67, 115) {
105 $correctswitched_unique += $unique[$i][1];
106 $correctswitched_multiple += $unique[$i][2];
107 }
108 $correctswitched = $correctswitched_unique + $correctswitched_multiple;
109 $correctswitched_percent = $correctswitched / $total * 100;
110 printf "$correctswitched (%.2f%%) read pairs mapped with wrong orientation but correct insert size ($correctswitched_unique with unique alignments)\n", $correctswitched_percent;
112 # no mapping
113 $nomapping = $total - ($correctcorrect + $correctswitched + $correctwrong + $singleton);
114 $nomapping_percent = $nomapping / $total * 100;
115 printf "$nomapping (%.2f%%) read pairs with no mapping\n", $nomapping_percent;
117 # insert size
118 $insertavg = 0;
119 $insertavg = $insertsum / $insertcount unless ($insertcount == 0);
120 #printf "%.2fbp average inner distance between read pairs (of read pairs with correct insert size)\n", $insertavg; # Not ready for primetime yet - needs verification
122 exit;
124 ############################################################