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author | jvolkening |
date | Fri, 01 Nov 2019 13:53:15 -0400 |
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<tool id="centrifuge" name="Centrifuge" version="1.0.4_beta"> <description>Read-based metagenome characterization</description> <!-- ***************************************************************** --> <requirements> <requirement type="package" version="1.0.4_beta">centrifuge</requirement> </requirements> <!-- ***************************************************************** --> <version_command>centrifuge --version | perl -wnE'print "$1\n" for /centrifuge\S+ version (\S+)/g'</version_command> <!-- ***************************************************************** --> <command detect_errors="aggressive"> <![CDATA[ centrifuge ##--Output Options------------------------------ --out-fmt $outputs.out_fmt --tab-fmt-cols $outputs.tab_fmt_cols ##--General Options----------------------------- --threads \${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1} #if $general.skip != "": --skip $general.skip #end if #if $general.upto != "": --upto $general.upto #end if #if $general.trim5 != "": --trim5 $general.trim5 #end if #if $general.trim3 != "": --trim3 $general.trim3 #end if $general.ignore_quals $general.nofw $general.norc $general.non_deterministic #if $general.seed != "": --seed $general.seed #end if ##--Classification------------------------------ --min-hitlen $classification.min_hitlen #if $classification.min_totallen != "": --min-totallen $classification.min_totallen #end if #if $classification.host_taxids != "": --host-taxids $classification.host_taxids #end if #if $classification.exclude_taxids != "": --exclude-taxids $classification.exclude_taxids #end if ##--Inputs-------------------------------------- -x '${inputs.db.fields.path}' #for $s in $inputs.unpaired -U '${s.u_reads}' #end for #for $s in $inputs.paired -1 '${s.p_reads.forward}' -2 '${s.p_reads.reverse}' #end for #if $inputs.sra: --sra-acc $inputs.sra #end if #if $outputs.out_fmt == "tab": -S $out_tab #elif $outputs.out_fmt == "sam": -S $out_sam #end if --report-file $report ]]> </command> <!-- ***************************************************************** --> <inputs> <section name="inputs" title="Inputs" expanded="True"> <repeat name="unpaired" title="Unpaired reads" min="0" default="0"> <param name="u_reads" type="data" format="fastq" label="Unpaired reads"/> </repeat> <repeat name="paired" title="Paired reads" min="0" default="0"> <param name="p_reads" type="data_collection" collection_type="paired" format="fastq" label="Paired read collection"/> </repeat> <param name="sra" type="text" label="SRA accession"> <sanitizer invalid_char=""> <valid initial="string.letters,string.digits"> <add value="," /> </valid> </sanitizer> </param> <param name="db" type="select" label="Select a reference database"> <options from_data_table="centrifuge_indices"> <filter type="sort_by" column="2"/> <validator type="no_options" message="No indexes are available for the selected input dataset"/> </options> </param> </section> <section name="outputs" title="Outputs" expanded="False"> <param argument="--out-fmt" name="out_fmt" type="select" label="Output format"> <option value="tab" selected="true">tabular</option> <option value="sam">SAM</option> </param> <param argument="--tab-fmt-cols" name="tab_fmt_cols" type="text" label="Output columns" value="readID,seqID,taxID,score,2ndBestScore,hitLength,queryLength,numMatches"> <sanitizer invalid_char=""> <valid initial="string.letters,string.digits"> <add value="," /> </valid> </sanitizer> </param> </section> <section name="general" title="General options" expanded="False"> <param argument="--skip" type="integer" value="" optional="true" label="Initial reads to skip" /> <param argument="--upto" type="integer" value="" optional="true" label="Stop after reads" /> <param argument="--trim5" type="integer" value="" optional="true" label="Trim 5' bases" /> <param argument="--trim3" type="integer" value="" optional="true" label="Trim 3' bases" /> <param argument="--ignore-quals" name="ignore_quals" type="boolean" truevalue="--ignore-quals" falsevalue="" checked="no" label="Ignore qualities" /> <param argument="--nofw" type="boolean" truevalue="--nofw" falsevalue="" checked="no" label="Don't map forward strand" /> <param argument="--norc" type="boolean" truevalue="--norc" falsevalue="" checked="no" label="Don't map rev-com strand" /> <param argument="--seed" type="integer" value="" min="0" optional="true" label="Starting seed" /> <param argument="--non-deterministic" name="non_deterministic" type="boolean" truevalue="--non-deterministic" falsevalue="" checked="no" label="Use non-deterministic seeding" /> </section> <section name="classification" title="Classification" expanded="True"> <param argument="--min-hitlen" name="min_hitlen" type="integer" value="22" min="16" label="Minimum hit length" /> <param argument="--min-totallen" name="min_totallen" type="integer" optional="true" min="0" label="Minimum summed length" /> <param argument="--host-taxids" name="host_taxids" type="text" label="Host taxonomic IDs"> <sanitizer invalid_char=""> <valid initial="string.digits"> <add value="," /> </valid> </sanitizer> </param> <param argument="--exclude-taxids" name="exclude_taxids" type="text" label="Excluded taxonomic IDs"> <sanitizer invalid_char=""> <valid initial="string.digits"> <add value="," /> </valid> </sanitizer> </param> </section> </inputs> <!-- ***************************************************************** --> <outputs> <data name="out_tab" format="tabular" label="Centrifuge on ${on_string}: Output"> <filter>(outputs['out_fmt'] == "tab")</filter> </data> <data name="out_sam" format="sam" label="Centrifuge on ${on_string}: Output"> <filter>(outputs['out_fmt'] == "sam")</filter> </data> <data name="report" format="tabular" label="Centrifuge on ${on_string}: Report" /> </outputs> <!-- ***************************************************************** --> <tests> <!-- default unpaired --> <test> <param name="db" value="test_db" /> <param name="u_reads" ftype="fastq" value="input_u.fq" /> <output name="out_tab" file="defaults.tsv" sort="true" /> <output name="report" file="" /> </test> <!-- default paired --> <test> <param name="db" value="test_db" /> <param name="p_reads"> <collection type="paired"> <element name="forward" value="input_f.fq" /> <element name="reverse" value="input_r.fq" /> </collection> </param> <output name="out_tab" file="paired.tsv" sort="true" /> <output name="report" file="" /> </test> <!-- default combined --> <test> <param name="db" value="test_db" /> <param name="u_reads" ftype="fastq" value="input_u.fq" /> <param name="p_reads"> <collection type="paired"> <element name="forward" value="input_f.fq" /> <element name="reverse" value="input_r.fq" /> </collection> </param> <output name="out_tab" file="both.tsv" sort="true" /> <output name="report" file="" /> </test> <!-- exclude IDs --> <test> <param name="db" value="test_db" /> <param name="exclude_taxids" value="9913" /> <param name="u_reads" ftype="fastq" value="input_u.fq" /> <output name="out_tab" file="exclude.tsv" sort="true" /> <output name="report" file="" /> </test> <!-- specify host --> <test> <param name="db" value="test_db" /> <param name="host_taxids" value="9913" /> <param name="u_reads" ftype="fastq" value="input_u.fq" /> <output name="out_tab" file="host.tsv" sort="true" /> <output name="report" file="" /> </test> <!-- minimum length --> <test> <param name="db" value="test_db" /> <param name="min_hitlen" value="83" /> <param name="u_reads" ftype="fastq" value="input_u.fq" /> <output name="out_tab" file="minlen83.tsv" sort="true" /> <output name="report" file="" /> </test> <!-- norc --> <test> <param name="db" value="test_db" /> <param name="norc" value="true" /> <param name="u_reads" ftype="fastq" value="input_u.fq" /> <output name="out_tab" file="norc.tsv" sort="true" /> <output name="report" file="" /> </test> <!-- nofw --> <test> <param name="db" value="test_db" /> <param name="nofw" value="true" /> <param name="u_reads" ftype="fastq" value="input_u.fq" /> <output name="out_tab" file="nofw.tsv" sort="true" /> <output name="report" file="" /> </test> <!-- set seed --> <test> <param name="db" value="test_db" /> <param name="seed" value="123" /> <param name="u_reads" ftype="fastq" value="input_u.fq" /> <output name="out_tab" file="seed123.tsv" sort="true" /> <output name="report" file="" /> </test> <!-- 5' trim --> <test> <param name="db" value="test_db" /> <param name="trim5" value="10" /> <param name="u_reads" ftype="fastq" value="input_u.fq" /> <output name="out_tab" file="trim5_10.tsv" sort="true" /> <output name="report" file="" /> </test> <!-- 3' trim --> <test> <param name="db" value="test_db" /> <param name="trim3" value="5" /> <param name="u_reads" ftype="fastq" value="input_u.fq" /> <output name="out_tab" file="trim3_5.tsv" sort="true" /> <output name="report" file="" /> </test> <!-- skip start --> <test> <param name="db" value="test_db" /> <param name="skip" value="3" /> <param name="u_reads" ftype="fastq" value="input_u.fq" /> <output name="out_tab" file="skip3.tsv" sort="true" /> <output name="report" file="" /> </test> <!-- skip end --> <test> <param name="db" value="test_db" /> <param name="upto" value="6" /> <param name="u_reads" ftype="fastq" value="input_u.fq" /> <output name="out_tab" file="upto6.tsv" sort="true" /> <output name="report" file="" /> </test> <!-- invalid parameter value --> <test expect_failure="true"> <param name="db" value="test_db" /> <param name="tab_fmt_cols" value="FooBar" /> <param name="u_reads" ftype="fastq" value="input_u.fq" /> </test> </tests> <!-- ***************************************************************** --> <help> <![CDATA[ Overview -------- **Centrifuge** is a very rapid and memory-efficient system for the classification of DNA sequences from microbial samples, with better sensitivity than and comparable accuracy to other leading systems. The system uses a novel indexing scheme based on the Burrows-Wheeler transform (BWT) and the Ferragina-Manzini (FM) index, optimized specifically for the metagenomic classification problem. Centrifuge requires a relatively small index (e.g., 4.3 GB for ~4,100 bacterial genomes) yet provides very fast classification speed, allowing it to process a typical DNA sequencing run within an hour. Together these advances enable timely and accurate analysis of large metagenomics data sets on conventional desktop computers. Usage ----- Following is the manpage for `centrifuge`, which can be linked with the options above using the help text. Note that not all options are available in the Galaxy wrapper. :: centrifuge [options]* -x <cf-idx> {-1 <m1> -2 <m2> | -U <r> | --sra-acc <SRA accession number>} [-S <filename>] [--report-file <report>] <cf-idx> Index filename prefix (minus trailing <m1> Files with #1 mates, paired with files in <m2>. Could be gzip'ed (extension: .gz) or bzip2'ed (extension: .bz2). <m2> Files with #2 mates, paired with files in <m1>. Could be gzip'ed (extension: .gz) or bzip2'ed (extension: .bz2). <r> Files with unpaired reads. Could be gzip'ed (extension: .gz) or bzip2'ed (extension: .bz2). <SRA accession number> Comma-separated list of SRA accession numbers, e.g. --sra-acc SRR353653,SRR353654. <filename> File for classification output (default: stdout) <report> File for tabular report output (default: centrifuge_report.tsv) <m1>, <m2>, <r> can be comma-separated lists (no whitespace) and can be specified many times. E.g. '-U file1.fq,file2.fq -U file3.fq'. Options (defaults in parentheses): Input: -q query input files are FASTQ .fq/.fastq (default) --qseq query input files are in Illumina's qseq format -f query input files are (multi-)FASTA .fa/.mfa -r query input files are raw one-sequence-per-line -c <m1>, <m2>, <r> are sequences themselves, not files -s/--skip <int> skip the first <int> reads/pairs in the input (none) -u/--upto <int> stop after first <int> reads/pairs (no limit) -5/--trim5 <int> trim <int> bases from 5'/left end of reads (0) -3/--trim3 <int> trim <int> bases from 3'/right end of reads (0) --phred33 qualities are Phred+33 (default) --phred64 qualities are Phred+64 --int-quals qualities encoded as space-delimited integers --ignore-quals treat all quality values as 30 on Phred scale (off) --nofw do not align forward (original) version of read (off) --norc do not align reverse-complement version of read (off) --sra-acc SRA accession ID Classification: --min-hitlen <int> minimum length of partial hits (default 22, must be greater than 15) --min-totallen <int> minimum summed length of partial hits per read (default 0) --host-taxids <taxids> comma-separated list of taxonomic IDs that will be preferred in classification --exclude-taxids <taxids> comma-separated list of taxonomic IDs that will be excluded in classification Output: --out-fmt <str> define output format, either 'tab' or 'sam' (tab) --tab-fmt-cols <str> columns in tabular format, comma separated default: readID,seqID,taxID,score,2ndBestScore,hitLength,queryLength,numMatches -t/--time print wall-clock time taken by search phases --un <path> write unpaired reads that didn't align to <path> --al <path> write unpaired reads that aligned at least once to <path> --un-conc <path> write pairs that didn't align concordantly to <path> --al-conc <path> write pairs that aligned concordantly at least once to <path> (Note: for --un, --al, --un-conc, or --al-conc, add '-gz' to the option name, e.g. --un-gz <path>, to gzip compress output, or add '-bz2' to bzip2 compress output.) --quiet print nothing to stderr except serious errors --met-file <path> send metrics to file at <path> (off) --met-stderr send metrics to stderr (off) --met <int> report internal counters & metrics every <int> secs (1) Performance: -o/--offrate <int> override offrate of index; must be >= index's offrate -p/--threads <int> number of alignment threads to launch (1) --mm use memory-mapped I/O for index; many 'bowtie's can share Other: --qc-filter filter out reads that are bad according to QSEQ filter --seed <int> seed for random number generator (0) --non-deterministic seed rand. gen. arbitrarily instead of using read attributes --version print version information and quit -h/--help print this usage message ]]> </help> <!-- ***************************************************************** --> <citations> <citation type="doi">10.1101/gr.210641.116</citation> </citations> </tool>