1 #!/usr/bin/python
3 """
4 Wrapper that executes a program with its arguments but reports standard error
5 messages only if the program exit status was not 0. This is useful to prevent
6 Galaxy to interpret that there was an error if something was printed on stderr,
7 e.g. if this was simply a warning.
8 Example: ./stderr_wrapper.py myprog arg1 -f arg2
9 Author: Florent Angly
10 """
12 import sys, subprocess
14 assert sys.version_info[:2] >= ( 2, 4 )
16 def stop_err( msg ):
17 sys.stderr.write( "%s\n" % msg )
18 sys.exit()
20 def __main__():
21 # Get command-line arguments
22 args = sys.argv
23 # Remove name of calling program, i.e. ./stderr_wrapper.py
24 args.pop(0)
25 # If there are no arguments left, we're done
26 if len(args) == 0:
27 return
29 # If one needs to silence stdout
30 args.append( ">" )
31 args.append( "/dev/null" )
33 #cmdline = " ".join(args)
34 #print cmdline
35 try:
36 # Run program
37 proc = subprocess.Popen( args=args, shell=False, stderr=subprocess.PIPE )
38 returncode = proc.wait()
39 # Capture stderr, allowing for case where it's very large
40 stderr = ''
41 buffsize = 1048576
42 try:
43 while True:
44 stderr += proc.stderr.read( buffsize )
45 if not stderr or len( stderr ) % buffsize != 0:
46 break
47 except OverflowError:
48 pass
49 # Running Grinder failed: write error message to stderr
50 if returncode != 0:
51 raise Exception, stderr
52 except Exception, e:
53 # Running Grinder failed: write error message to stderr
54 stop_err( 'Error: ' + str( e ) )
57 if __name__ == "__main__": __main__()