1 <tool id="macs2_1_peakcalling" name="MACS2.1.0" version="2.1.0-5">
2 <description>Model-based Analysis of ChIP-Seq: peak calling</description>
3 <requirements>
4 <requirement type="package" version="2.7">python</requirement>
5 <requirement type="package" version="1.9">numpy</requirement>
6 <requirement type="package" version="">macs2</requirement>
7 <requirement type="package" version="3.1.2">R</requirement>
8 <requirement type="package" version="1.0">ucsc_tools_for_macs21</requirement>
9 </requirements>
10 <version_command>macs2 --version</version_command>
11 <command interpreter="python">
12 macs21_wrapper.py callpeak
13 ##
14 ## ChIP-seq input
15 $input_chipseq_file1
16 ##
17 ## ChIP-seq control
18 #if str($input_control_file1) != 'None'
19 -c $input_control_file1
20 #end if
21 ##
22 --format=$format
23 --name="$experiment_name"
24 --bw=$bw
25 ##
26 ## Genome size
27 #if str($genome_size.gsize) == ''
28 --gsize=$genome_size.user_defined_gsize
29 #else:
30 --gsize=$genome_size.gsize
31 #end if
32 ##
33 ## Broad peaks
34 #if str($broad_options.broad_regions) == 'broad'
35 --broad --broad-cutoff=$broad_options.broad_cutoff
36 #end if
37 ##
38 ## (no)model options
39 #if str($nomodel_type.nomodel_type_selector) == 'nomodel'
40 --nomodel --extsize=$nomodel_type.extsize
41 #end if
42 ##
43 ## pq value select options
44 #if str($pq_options.pq_options_selector) == 'qvalue'
45 --qvalue=$pq_options.qvalue
46 #else
47 --pvalue=$pq_options.pvalue
48 #end if
49 ##
50 ## Bedgraph options
51 #if $bdg_options.bdg
52 -B $bdg_options.spmr
53 #end if
54 ##
55 ## Advanced options
56 #if $advanced_options.advanced_options_selector
57 --mfold $advanced_options.mfoldlo $advanced_options.mfoldhi
58 $advanced_options.nolambda
59 $advanced_options.call_summits
60 #if str($advanced_options.keep_duplicates.keep_dup) == ''
61 --keep-dup $advanced_options.keep_duplicates.maximum_tags
62 #else
63 --keep-dup $advanced_options.keep_duplicates.keep_dup
64 #end if
65 #else
66 ## Defaults if advanced options not set
67 --mfold 10 30 --keep-dup 1
68 #end if
69 ##
70 ## Output files
71 --output-summits=$output_summits_bed_file
72 --output-extra-files=$output_extra_files
73 --output-extra-files-path=$output_extra_files.files_path
74 ##
75 ## Narrow/broad peak outputs
76 #if str($broad_options.broad_regions) == 'broad'
77 --output-broadpeaks=$output_broadpeaks_file
78 --output-gappedpeaks=$output_gappedpeaks_file
79 #else
80 --output-narrowpeaks=$output_narrowpeaks_file
81 #end if
82 ##
83 ## Bedgraph outputs
84 #if $bdg_options.bdg
85 --output-pileup=$output_treat_pileup_file
86 --output-lambda-bedgraph=$output_lambda_bedgraph_file
87 #if $bdg_options.make_bigwig
88 --output-bigwig=$output_bigwig_file
89 --length=$GALAXY_DATA_INDEX_DIR/shared/ucsc/chrom/${input_chipseq_file1.dbkey}.len
90 #end if
91 #end if
92 ##
93 ## XLS/interval output
94 #if str($xls_to_interval) == 'True'
95 --output-xls-to-interval=$output_xls_to_interval_peaks_file
96 #else
97 --output-peaks=$output_peaks_file
98 #end if
99 </command>
100 <inputs>
101 <!--experiment name used as base for output file names -->
102 <param name="experiment_name" type="text" value="MACS2.1.0 in Galaxy" size="50"
103 label="Experiment Name"/>
104 <!--choose 'broad' or 'narrow' regions-->
105 <conditional name="broad_options">
106 <param name="broad_regions" type="select" label="Type of region to call"
107 help="Broad regions are formed by linking nearby enriched regions">
108 <option value="" selected="true">Narrow regions</option>
109 <option value="broad">Broad regions</option>
110 </param>
111 <when value="broad">
112 <param name="broad_cutoff" type="float"
113 label="Cutoff for broad regions"
114 value="0.1" help="default: 0.1 (--broad-cutoff)"/>
115 </when>
116 </conditional>
117 <param name="format" type="select" label="Format of input read data"
118 help="Specify the format of the input data and whether or not it is paired end (--format)">
119 <option value="BAMPE" selected="true">BAM (paired-end)</option>
120 <option value="BAM">BAM (single-end)</option>
121 <option value="BEDPE">BED (paired-end)</option>
122 <option value="BED">BED (single-end)</option>
123 <option value="SAMPE">SAM (paired-end)</option>
124 <option value="SAM">SAM (single-end)</option>
125 </param>
126 <param name="input_chipseq_file1" type="data" format="bed,sam,bam"
127 label="ChIP-seq read file" />
128 <param name="input_control_file1" type="data" format="bed,sam,bam" optional="True"
129 label="ChIP-seq control read file" />
130 <conditional name="genome_size">
131 <param name="gsize" type="select" label="Effective genome size"
132 help="Either pre-defined (for common organisms), or user-defined (--gsize)">
133 <option value="hs" selected="true">Human (2.7e9)</option>
134 <option value="mm">Mouse (1.87e9)</option>
135 <option value="ce">C. elegans (9e7)</option>
136 <option value="dm">Fruitfly (1.2e8)</option>
137 <option value="">User-defined</option>
138 </param>
139 <when value="">
140 <!-- User-defined effective genome size -->
141 <param name="user_defined_gsize" type="float" value=""
142 label="Enter effective genome size (number of bases)"
143 help="e.g. '1.0e+9' or '1000000000'" />
144 </when>
145 </conditional>
146 <param name="bw" type="integer" label="Band width" value="300" help="(--bw)"/>
147 <param name="xls_to_interval" label="Include XLS file from MACS"
148 type="boolean" truevalue="True" falsevalue="False" checked="True"
149 help="MACS2 XLS file will be output to the history in 'interval' format (suitable for subsequent analysis in Galaxy). Note that start positions are 1-based."/>
151 <conditional name="bdg_options">
152 <param name="bdg"
153 label="Save treatment and control lambda pileups in bedGraph"
154 type="boolean" truevalue="-B" falsevalue="" checked="False" />
155 <when value="-B">
156 <param name="spmr"
157 type="boolean" truevalue="--SPMR" falsevalue="" checked="False"
158 label="Save signal per million reads for fragment pileup profiles"
159 help="(--SPMR)" />
160 <param name="make_bigwig" type="boolean" checked="True"
161 truevalue="True" falsevalue=""
162 label="Also generate bigWig file from bedGraph"
163 help="bigWig file can used in subsequent analyses e.g. CEAS" />
164 </when>
165 <when value="">
166 <!-- Display nothing -->
167 </when>
168 </conditional>
170 <conditional name="pq_options">
171 <param name="pq_options_selector" type="select"
172 label="Select p-value or q-value" help="default uses q-value">
173 <option value="qvalue">q-value</option>
174 <option value="pvalue">p-value</option>
175 </param>
176 <when value="pvalue">
177 <param name="pvalue" type="float"
178 label="p-value cutoff for binding region detection"
179 value="1e-2" help="default: 1e-2 (--pvalue)"/>
180 </when>
181 <when value="qvalue">
182 <param name="qvalue" type="float"
183 label="q-value cutoff for binding region detection"
184 value="0.01" help="default: 0.01 (--qvalue)"/>
185 </when>
186 </conditional>
187 <conditional name="advanced_options">
188 <param name="advanced_options_selector"
189 type="boolean" truevalue="on" falsevalue="off" checked="False"
190 label="Use advanced options?" />
191 <when value="on">
192 <param name="mfoldlo" type="integer"
193 label="Select the regions with MFOLD high-confidence enrichment ratio against background to build model (lower-limit)"
194 value="10" help="(--mfold)"/>
195 <param name="mfoldhi" type="integer"
196 label="Select the regions with MFOLD high-confidence enrichment ratio against background to build model (upper-limit)"
197 value="30" help="(--mfold)"/>
198 <param name="nolambda"
199 label="Use fixed background lambda as local lambda for every binding region"
200 type="boolean" truevalue="--nolambda" falsevalue="" checked="False"
201 help="(--nolambda)"/>
202 <param name="call_summits"
203 label="Detect subpeaks within binding region"
204 type="boolean" truevalue="--call-summits" falsevalue="" checked="False"
205 help="(--call-summits)"/>
206 <conditional name="keep_duplicates">
207 <param name="keep_dup" type="select"
208 label="Use of duplicate reads">
209 <option value="auto">Automatically calculate maximum number of duplicates to keep (auto)</option>
210 <option value="all">Use all duplicates (all)</option>
211 <option value="" selected="true">Manually specify maxium number of duplicates</option>
212 </param>
213 <when value="">
214 <param name="maximum_tags" type="integer" value="1"
215 label="Maxium number of duplicated tags to keep at each location"/>
216 </when>
217 </conditional>
218 </when>
219 <when value="off">
220 <!--display nothing-->
221 </when>
222 </conditional>
223 <conditional name="nomodel_type">
224 <param name="nomodel_type_selector" type="select" label="Build Model">
225 <option value="nomodel">Do not build the shifting model (--nomodel enabled)</option>
226 <option value="create_model" selected="true">Build the shifting model (--nomodel disabled)</option>
227 </param>
228 <when value="nomodel">
229 <param name="extsize" type="integer" label="Arbitrary extension size in bp" value="200" help="Used as fragment size to extend each read towards 3' end (--extsize)"/>
230 </when>
231 </conditional>
232 </inputs>
234 <outputs>
235 <!--callpeaks output-->
236 <data name="output_extra_files" format="html"
237 label="${tool.name}: callpeak on ${on_string} (html report)">
238 </data>
239 <data name="output_summits_bed_file" format="bed"
240 label="${tool.name}: callpeak on ${on_string} (summits: bed)">
241 </data>
242 <data name="output_peaks_file" format="xls"
243 label="${tool.name}: callpeak on ${on_string} (peaks: xls)">
244 <filter>xls_to_interval is False</filter>
245 </data>
246 <data name="output_narrowpeaks_file" format="interval"
247 label="${tool.name}: callpeak on ${on_string} (peaks: narrowPeak)">
248 <filter>broad_options['broad_regions'] == ''</filter>
249 </data>
250 <data name="output_broadpeaks_file" format="interval"
251 label="${tool.name}: callpeak on ${on_string} (peaks: broadPeak)">
252 <filter>broad_options['broad_regions'] == 'broad'</filter>
253 </data>
254 <data name="output_gappedpeaks_file" format="interval"
255 label="${tool.name}: callpeak on ${on_string} (peaks: gappedPeak)">
256 <filter>broad_options['broad_regions'] == 'broad'</filter>
257 </data>
258 <data name="output_xls_to_interval_peaks_file" format="interval"
259 label="${tool.name}: callpeak on ${on_string} (peaks: interval)">
260 <filter>xls_to_interval is True</filter>
261 </data>
262 <data name="output_treat_pileup_file" format="bedgraph"
263 label="${tool.name}: callpeak on ${on_string} (treat pileup: bedGraph)">
264 <filter>bdg_options['bdg'] is True</filter>
265 </data>
266 <data name="output_lambda_bedgraph_file" format="bedgraph"
267 label="${tool.name}: callpeak on ${on_string} (control lambda: bedGraph)">
268 <filter>bdg_options['bdg'] is True</filter>
269 </data>
270 <data name="output_bigwig_file" format="bigwig"
271 label="${tool.name}: callpeak on ${on_string} (treat pileup: bigWig)">
272 <filter>bdg_options['bdg'] is True</filter>
273 <filter>bdg_options['make_bigwig'] is True</filter>
274 </data>
275 </outputs>
276 <tests>
277 <!-- Peak calling without bigwig output -->
278 <test>
279 <!-- Inputs -->
280 <param name="experiment_name" value="test_MACS2.1.0" />
281 <param name="broad_regions" value="" />
282 <param name="format" value="BED" />
283 <param name="input_chipseq_file1" value="test_region_IP.bed" dbkey="galGal3"
284 ftype="bed" />
285 <param name="input_control_file1" value="test_region_Input.bed"
286 ftype="bed" />
287 <param name="gsize" value="" />
288 <param name="user_defined_gsize" value="775000000.0" />
289 <param name="bw" value="300" />
290 <param name="xls_to_interval" value="true" />
291 <param name="bdg_options|bdg" value="-B" />
292 <param name="bdg_options|spmr" value="--SPMR" />
293 <param name="bdg_options|make_bigwig" value="false" />
294 <param name="pq_options_selector" value="qvalue" />
295 <param name="qvalue" value="0.05" />
296 <param name="advanced_options_selector" value="true" />
297 <param name="advanced_options|mfoldlo" value="5" />
298 <param name="advanced_options|mfoldhi" value="50" />
299 <param name="advanced_options|nolambda" value="" />
300 <param name="advanced_options|call_summits" value="" />
301 <param name="advanced_options|keep_duplicates" value="" />
302 <param name="advanced_options|maximum_tags" value="1" />
303 <param name="nomodel_type_selector" value="nomodel" />
304 <param name="nomodel_type|extsize" value="243" />
305 <!-- Outputs -->
306 <output name="output_extra_files" file="test_MACS2.1.0_html_report.zip"
307 compare="sim_size" delta="1500" />
308 <output name="output_summits_bed_file" file="test_MACS2.1.0_summits.bed" />
309 <output name="output_narrowpeaks_file" file="test_MACS2.1.0_peaks_narrowPeak.interval" />
310 <output name="output_xls_to_interval_peaks_file"
311 file="test_MACS2.1.0_peaks.xls.re_match"
312 compare="re_match" lines_diff="1" />
313 <output name="output_treat_pileup_file" file="test_MACS2.1.0_treat_pileup.bdg" />
314 <output name="output_lambda_bedgraph_file" file="test_MACS2.1.0_control_lambda.bdg" />
315 </test>
316 <!-- Peak calling with bigwig output -->
317 <test>
318 <!-- Inputs -->
319 <param name="experiment_name" value="test_MACS2.1.0" />
320 <param name="broad_regions" value="" />
321 <param name="format" value="BED" />
322 <param name="input_chipseq_file1" value="test_region_IP.bed" dbkey="galGal3"
323 ftype="bed" />
324 <param name="input_control_file1" value="test_region_Input.bed"
325 ftype="bed" />
326 <param name="gsize" value="" />
327 <param name="user_defined_gsize" value="775000000.0" />
328 <param name="bw" value="300" />
329 <param name="xls_to_interval" value="true" />
330 <param name="bdg_options|bdg" value="-B" />
331 <param name="bdg_options|spmr" value="--SPMR" />
332 <param name="bdg_options|make_bigwig" value="true" />
333 <param name="pq_options_selector" value="qvalue" />
334 <param name="qvalue" value="0.05" />
335 <param name="advanced_options_selector" value="true" />
336 <param name="advanced_options|mfoldlo" value="5" />
337 <param name="advanced_options|mfoldhi" value="50" />
338 <param name="advanced_options|nolambda" value="" />
339 <param name="advanced_options|call_summits" value="" />
340 <param name="advanced_options|keep_duplicates" value="" />
341 <param name="advanced_options|maximum_tags" value="1" />
342 <param name="nomodel_type_selector" value="nomodel" />
343 <param name="nomodel_type|extsize" value="243" />
344 <!-- Outputs -->
345 <output name="output_extra_files" file="test_MACS2.1.0_bw_html_report.zip"
346 compare="sim_size" delta="2500" />
347 <output name="output_summits_bed_file" file="test_MACS2.1.0_summits.bed" />
348 <output name="output_narrowpeaks_file" file="test_MACS2.1.0_peaks_narrowPeak.interval" />
349 <output name="output_xls_to_interval_peaks_file"
350 file="test_MACS2.1.0_peaks.xls.re_match"
351 compare="re_match" lines_diff="1" />
352 <output name="output_treat_pileup_file" file="test_MACS2.1.0_treat_pileup.bdg" />
353 <output name="output_lambda_bedgraph_file" file="test_MACS2.1.0_control_lambda.bdg" />
354 <output name="output_bigwig_file" file="test_MACS2.1.0_treat_pileup.bw"
355 compare="sim_size" />
356 </test>
357 </tests>
358 <help>
359 **What it does**
361 MACS (Model-based Analysis of ChIP-seq) 2.1.0 provides algorithms for identifying
362 transcript factor binding sites. The program can be used either for ChIP-Seq data alone,
363 or with control sample data to improve specificity.
365 View the MACS2 documentation at:
366 https://github.com/taoliu/MACS/blob/master/README.rst
368 ------
370 **Usage**
372 The tool interfaces with the **callpeak** function in MACS, which calls peaks from
373 alignment results.
375 ------
377 **Credits**
379 This Galaxy tool was based on the MACS2 tool hosted in the Galaxy toolshed at
381 * http://toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/view/modencode-dcc/macs2
383 (specifically the 16:14f378e35191 revision of the tool) which is credited to Ziru
384 Zhou. This version is a reimplemented version developed within the Bioinformatics
385 Core Facility at the University of Manchester, which uses more up-to-date Galaxy
386 syntax and adds some extra features.
388 The tool runs Tao Liu's MACS2 software:
390 * https://github.com/taoliu/MACS
392 The reference for MACS is:
394 * Zhang Y, Liu T, Meyer CA, Eeckhoute J, Johnson DS, Bernstein BE, Nusbaum C,
395 Myers RM, Brown M, Li W, Liu XS. Model-based analysis of ChIP-Seq (MACS).
396 Genome Biol. 2008;9(9):R137.
398 Please kindly acknowledge both this Galaxy tool and the MACS2 package if you
399 use it.
400 </help>
401 <citations>
402 <!--
403 See https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/Admin/Tools/ToolConfigSyntax#A.3Ccitations.3E_tag_set
404 Can be either DOI or Bibtex
405 Use http://www.bioinformatics.org/texmed/ to convert PubMed to Bibtex
406 -->
407 <citation type="doi">10.1186/gb-2008-9-9-r137</citation>
408 </citations>
409 </tool>