view R_functions/clustering_functions.R @ 0:64e75e21466e draft default tip

author pmac
date Wed, 01 Jun 2016 03:38:39 -0400
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# Automated clustering suite, that makes use of dbscan and hclust 
# clustering algorithms

# Do the OPTICS clustering algorithm on the input data.
# Computationally determines the 'optimal' value for the epsilion neighbourhood argument.
# Outputs an integer array indicating which cluster each sample from the input data belongs to.
# 0 indicates the sample is an outlier and does not belong to any sample
automated_dbscan = function(pca_data, emax, mp) {
  d = dist(pca_data$values[, c(1, 2)])
  oc = optics(d, emax, mp)
  eps = compute_eps(oc, 3)
  oc_clusters = optics_cut(oc, eps)

# Do the hclust clustering algorithm on the input data, automatically 
# computing the optimal value for 'k', i.e. the number of clusters.
# Outputs an integer array indicating which cluster each sample from the input data belongs to.
automated_hclust = function(pca_data) {
  d = dist(pca_data$values[, c(1, 2)])
  hc = hclust(d)
  k = compute_k(hc, d, 10)
  clusters = cutree(hc, k)

# determine the optimal epsilon value for dbscan
# From the input OPTICS data, 
compute_eps = function(oc, weight) {
  rdist = oc$reachdist
  iqr = IQR(rdist)
  uc = median(rdist) + weight*iqr
  outliers = rdist[which(rdist > uc)]
  eps = median(outliers)

# determining k using the silhouette method and hclust
# Values near 1 indicate clustering is appropriate.
compute_k = function(hc, d, n) {
  s = 1:n
  # try clusters from size 2 to n, evaluating the 'silhouette coefficient'
  # for each value of k.
  for (i in 1:n) {
    # silhouette method not valid for cluster size = 1
    if (i == 1) {
      # if the silhouette coeff is < 0.5 for all the other values,
      # we assume there is just one big cluster
      s[i] = 0.5
    } else {
      # get the silhoutte coeff for every point, and take the mean
      clusters = cutree(hc, i)
      sil = silhouette(clusters, d)
      sil_coeff = mean(sil[, 'sil_width'])
      s[i] = sil_coeff

# Compute the centroids of each cluster
# returns an n x m matrix, where
# n = number of clusters
# m = dimension of data
find_cluster_centers = function(clusters, x) {
  cluster_ids = unique(clusters)
  k = length(cluster_ids)
  centers = matrix(nrow=k, ncol=ncol(x))
  rownames(centers) = 1:k
  for (i in 1:k) {
    this_id = cluster_ids[i]
    # dont work out centre of outliers
    cluster_points = x[which(clusters==this_id), ]
    if (is.null(dim(cluster_points))) {
      l = length(cluster_points)
      cluster_points = matrix(cluster_points, ncol=l)
    centers[i, ] = apply(cluster_points, 2, FUN=mean)
    rownames(centers)[i] = this_id
  centers = centers[rownames(centers) != 0, , drop=FALSE]

# Determine which clusters are outliers based on how far away their cluster
# centers are from the center of all the data. Returns a list containing the 
# 'ids' of all rejected CLUSTERS (not samples)
find_cluster_outliers_sd = function(clusters, centers, pca_data, numsds) {
  if(nrow(centers) <= 1) {
    print("no centers, or only one center")
  # work out the standard deviation of the data in pc1 and pc2 directions
  pc1_sd = sd(pca_data$values[, 1])
  pc2_sd = sd(pca_data$values[, 2])
  # work out centroid of the pca data
  centroid = apply(pca_data$values, 2, FUN=mean)
  pc1_bar = centroid[1]
  pc2_bar = centroid[2]
  # get pc1 and pc2 hi-lo cutoffs
  pc1_hi = pc1_bar + pc1_sd*numsds
  pc1_lo = pc1_bar - pc1_sd*numsds
  pc2_hi = pc2_bar + pc2_sd*numsds
  pc2_lo = pc2_bar - pc2_sd*numsds
  # check which clusters fall outside cutoffs
  pc1_centers = centers[, 1]
  pc2_centers = centers[, 2]
  pc1_ol = which(pc1_centers > pc1_hi | pc1_centers < pc1_lo)
  pc2_ol = which(pc2_centers > pc2_hi | pc2_centers < pc2_lo)
  all_ol = union(pc1_ol, pc2_ol)
  rc = rownames(centers)[all_ol] # id of rejected clusters

# Determine which clusters are outliers based on how far away they are from other clusters
# Returns a list containing the 'ids' of all rejected CLUSTERS (not samples)
find_cluster_outliers_mcd = function(clusters, centers, pca_data, multiplier, ndim) {
  if(nrow(centers) <= 1) {
    print("no centers, or only one center")
  d = dist(centers[, 1:ndim])
  dm = as.matrix(d)
  avg_distance = mean(as.numeric(d))
  # ignore the diagonal
  cluster_distances = rowSums(dm)/(ncol(dm)-1)
  # trim clusters based on how far apart they are
  cutoff = multiplier*avg_distance
  indices = which(cluster_distances > cutoff)
  rc = names(cluster_distances)[indices]