1 log_file=file("Query_Geo_Database.log", open = "wt")
2 sink(log_file)
3 sink(log_file, type = "out")
4 suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(library("batch")))
5 suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(library(GEOquery)))
6 listArguments = parseCommandArgs(evaluate=FALSE)
7 GeoCode=listArguments[["GeoCode"]]
8 GeoCode=toupper(GeoCode)
9 gethelp.df =tryCatch(eList <- getGEOSuppFiles(GeoCode), error = function(cond)"skip")
10 if(is.null(gethelp.df)){
11 gethelp.df =tryCatch(eList <- getGEOSuppFiles(GeoCode), error = function(cond)"skip")
12 }
13 if(is.null(gethelp.df)){
14 print('GeoCode with no raw data, choose another code or retry.')
15 }else{
16 if(is.data.frame(gethelp.df)==TRUE){
17 rawdata=rownames(eList)[grep('RAW',rownames(eList))][1]
18 untar(rawdata, exdir = 'CEL')
19 }else{
20 if(gethelp.df=="skip"){
21 print('Network Trouble Try Again Or Check your GeoCode')
22 }else{
23 print('GeoCode with no raw data, choose another code or retry.')
24 }
25 }
26 }