1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 #Dan Blankenberg
3 """
4 Script to Join Two Files on specified columns.
6 Takes two tab delimited files, two column numbers (base 1) and outputs a new tab delimited file with lines joined by tabs.
7 User can also opt to have have non-joining rows of file1 echoed.
9 """
11 import optparse, os, sys, tempfile, struct
12 import psyco_full
14 try:
15 simple_json_exception = None
16 from galaxy import eggs
17 from galaxy.util.bunch import Bunch
18 from galaxy.util import stringify_dictionary_keys
19 import pkg_resources
20 pkg_resources.require("simplejson")
21 import simplejson
22 except Exception, e:
23 simplejson_exception = e
24 simplejson = None
27 class OffsetList:
28 def __init__( self, filesize = 0, fmt = None ):
29 self.file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( 'w+b' )
30 if fmt:
31 self.fmt = fmt
32 elif filesize and filesize <= sys.maxint * 2:
33 self.fmt = 'I'
34 else:
35 self.fmt = 'Q'
36 self.fmt_size = struct.calcsize( self.fmt )
37 @property
38 def size( self ):
39 self.file.flush()
40 return self.file_size / self.fmt_size
41 @property
42 def file_size( self ):
43 self.file.flush()
44 return os.stat( self.file.name ).st_size
45 def add_offset( self, offset ):
46 if not isinstance( offset, list ):
47 offset = [offset]
48 self.file.seek( self.file_size )
49 for off in offset:
50 self.file.write( struct.pack( self.fmt, off ) )
51 def get_offsets( self, start = 0 ):
52 self.file.seek( start * self.fmt_size )
53 while True:
54 packed = self.file.read( self.fmt_size )
55 if not packed: break
56 yield struct.unpack( self.fmt, packed )[0]
57 def get_offset_by_index( self, index ):
58 self.file.seek( index * self.fmt_size )
59 return struct.unpack( self.fmt, self.file.read( self.fmt_size ) )[0]
60 def set_offset_at_index( self, index, offset ):
61 if not isinstance( offset, list ):
62 offset = [offset]
63 if index >= self.size:
64 self.add_offset( offset )
65 else:
66 temp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( 'w+b' )
67 self.file.seek( 0 )
68 temp_file.write( self.file.read( ( index ) * self.fmt_size ) )
69 for off in offset:
70 temp_file.write( struct.pack( self.fmt, off ) )
71 temp_file.write( self.file.read() )
72 self.file = temp_file
74 class SortedOffsets( OffsetList ):
75 def __init__( self, indexed_filename, column, split = None ):
76 OffsetList.__init__( self, os.stat( indexed_filename ).st_size )
77 self.indexed_filename = indexed_filename
78 self.indexed_file = open( indexed_filename, 'rb' )
79 self.column = column
80 self.split = split
81 self.last_identifier = None
82 self.last_identifier_merged = None
83 self.last_offset_merged = 0
84 def merge_with_dict( self, new_offset_dict ):
85 if not new_offset_dict: return #no items to merge in
86 keys = new_offset_dict.keys()
87 keys.sort()
88 identifier2 = keys.pop( 0 )
90 result_offsets = OffsetList( fmt = self.fmt )
91 offsets1 = enumerate( self.get_offsets() )
92 try:
93 index1, offset1 = offsets1.next()
94 identifier1 = self.get_identifier_by_offset( offset1 )
95 except StopIteration:
96 offset1 = None
97 identifier1 = None
98 index1 = 0
100 while True:
101 if identifier1 is None and identifier2 is None:
102 self.file = result_offsets.file #self is now merged results
103 return
104 elif identifier1 is None or ( identifier2 and identifier2 < identifier1 ):
105 result_offsets.add_offset( new_offset_dict[identifier2] )
106 if keys:
107 identifier2 = keys.pop( 0 )
108 else:
109 identifier2 = None
110 elif identifier2 is None:
111 result_offsets.file.seek( result_offsets.file_size )
112 self.file.seek( index1 * self.fmt_size )
113 result_offsets.file.write( self.file.read() )
114 identifier1 = None
115 offset1 = None
116 else:
117 result_offsets.add_offset( offset1 )
118 try:
119 index1, offset1 = offsets1.next()
120 identifier1 = self.get_identifier_by_offset( offset1 )
121 except StopIteration:
122 offset1 = None
123 identifier1 = None
124 index1 += 1
125 #methods to help link offsets to lines, ids, etc
126 def get_identifier_by_line( self, line ):
127 if isinstance( line, str ):
128 fields = line.rstrip( '\r\n' ).split( self.split )
129 if self.column < len( fields ):
130 return fields[self.column]
131 return None
132 def get_line_by_offset( self, offset ):
133 self.indexed_file.seek( offset )
134 return self.indexed_file.readline()
135 def get_identifier_by_offset( self, offset ):
136 return self.get_identifier_by_line( self.get_line_by_offset( offset ) )
138 #indexed set of offsets, index is built on demand
139 class OffsetIndex:
140 def __init__( self, filename, column, split = None, index_depth = 3 ):
141 self.filename = filename
142 self.file = open( filename, 'rb' )
143 self.column = column
144 self.split = split
145 self._offsets = {}
146 self._index = None
147 self.index_depth = index_depth
148 def _build_index( self ):
149 self._index = {}
150 for start_char, sorted_offsets in self._offsets.items():
151 self._index[start_char]={}
152 for i, offset in enumerate( sorted_offsets.get_offsets() ):
153 identifier = sorted_offsets.get_identifier_by_offset( offset )
154 if identifier[0:self.index_depth] not in self._index[start_char]:
155 self._index[start_char][identifier[0:self.index_depth]] = i
156 def get_lines_by_identifier( self, identifier ):
157 if not identifier: return
158 #if index doesn't exist, build it
159 if self._index is None: self._build_index()
161 #identifier cannot exist
162 if identifier[0] not in self._index or identifier[0:self.index_depth] not in self._index[identifier[0]]:
163 return
164 #identifier might exist, search for it
165 offset_index = self._index[identifier[0]][identifier[0:self.index_depth]]
166 while True:
167 if offset_index >= self._offsets[identifier[0]].size:
168 return
169 offset = self._offsets[identifier[0]].get_offset_by_index( offset_index )
170 identifier2 = self._offsets[identifier[0]].get_identifier_by_offset( offset )
171 if not identifier2 or identifier2 > identifier:
172 return
173 if identifier2 == identifier:
174 yield self._offsets[identifier[0]].get_line_by_offset( offset )
175 offset_index += 1
176 def get_offsets( self ):
177 keys = self._offsets.keys()
178 keys.sort()
179 for key in keys:
180 for offset in self._offsets[key].get_offsets():
181 yield offset
182 def get_line_by_offset( self, offset ):
183 self.file.seek( offset )
184 return self.file.readline()
185 def get_identifiers_offsets( self ):
186 keys = self._offsets.keys()
187 keys.sort()
188 for key in keys:
189 for offset in self._offsets[key].get_offsets():
190 yield self._offsets[key].get_identifier_by_offset( offset ), offset
191 def get_identifier_by_line( self, line ):
192 if isinstance( line, str ):
193 fields = line.rstrip( '\r\n' ).split( self.split )
194 if self.column < len( fields ):
195 return fields[self.column]
196 return None
197 def merge_with_dict( self, d ):
198 if not d: return #no data to merge
199 self._index = None
200 keys = d.keys()
201 keys.sort()
202 identifier = keys.pop( 0 )
203 first_char = identifier[0]
204 temp = { identifier: d[identifier] }
205 while True:
206 if not keys:
207 if first_char not in self._offsets:
208 self._offsets[first_char] = SortedOffsets( self.filename, self.column, self.split )
209 self._offsets[first_char].merge_with_dict( temp )
210 return
211 identifier = keys.pop( 0 )
212 if identifier[0] == first_char:
213 temp[identifier] = d[identifier]
214 else:
215 if first_char not in self._offsets:
216 self._offsets[first_char] = SortedOffsets( self.filename, self.column, self.split )
217 self._offsets[first_char].merge_with_dict( temp )
218 temp = { identifier: d[identifier] }
219 first_char = identifier[0]
221 class BufferedIndex:
222 def __init__( self, filename, column, split = None, buffer = 1000000, index_depth = 3 ):
223 self.index = OffsetIndex( filename, column, split, index_depth )
224 self.buffered_offsets = {}
225 f = open( filename, 'rb' )
226 offset = f.tell()
227 identified_offset_count = 1
228 while True:
229 offset = f.tell()
230 line = f.readline()
231 if not line: break #EOF
232 identifier = self.index.get_identifier_by_line( line )
233 if identifier:
234 #flush buffered offsets, if buffer size reached
235 if buffer and identified_offset_count % buffer == 0:
236 self.index.merge_with_dict( self.buffered_offsets )
237 self.buffered_offsets = {}
238 if identifier not in self.buffered_offsets:
239 self.buffered_offsets[identifier] = []
240 self.buffered_offsets[identifier].append( offset )
241 identified_offset_count += 1
242 f.close()
244 def get_lines_by_identifier( self, identifier ):
245 for line in self.index.get_lines_by_identifier( identifier ):
246 yield line
247 if identifier in self.buffered_offsets:
248 for offset in self.buffered_offsets[identifier]:
249 yield self.index.get_line_by_offset( offset )
252 def fill_empty_columns( line, split, fill_values ):
253 if not fill_values:
254 return line
255 filled_columns = []
256 for i, field in enumerate( line.split( split ) ):
257 if field or i >= len( fill_values ):
258 filled_columns.append( field )
259 else:
260 filled_columns.append( fill_values[i] )
261 if len( fill_values ) > len( filled_columns ):
262 filled_columns.extend( fill_values[ len( filled_columns ) : ] )
263 return split.join( filled_columns )
266 def join_files( filename1, column1, filename2, column2, out_filename, split = None, buffer = 1000000, keep_unmatched = False, keep_partial = False, index_depth = 3, fill_options = None ):
267 #return identifier based upon line
268 def get_identifier_by_line( line, column, split = None ):
269 if isinstance( line, str ):
270 fields = line.rstrip( '\r\n' ).split( split )
271 if column < len( fields ):
272 return fields[column]
273 return None
274 if fill_options is None:
275 fill_options = Bunch( fill_unjoined_only = True, file1_columns = None, file2_columns = None )
276 out = open( out_filename, 'w+b' )
277 index = BufferedIndex( filename2, column2, split, buffer, index_depth )
278 for line1 in open( filename1, 'rb' ):
279 identifier = get_identifier_by_line( line1, column1, split )
280 if identifier:
281 written = False
282 for line2 in index.get_lines_by_identifier( identifier ):
283 if not fill_options.fill_unjoined_only:
284 out.write( "%s%s%s\n" % ( fill_empty_columns( line1.rstrip( '\r\n' ), split, fill_options.file1_columns ), split, fill_empty_columns( line2.rstrip( '\r\n' ), split, fill_options.file2_columns ) ) )
285 else:
286 out.write( "%s%s%s\n" % ( line1.rstrip( '\r\n' ), split, line2.rstrip( '\r\n' ) ) )
287 written = True
288 if not written and keep_unmatched:
289 out.write( fill_empty_columns( line1.rstrip( '\r\n' ), split, fill_options.file1_columns ) )
290 if fill_options:
291 if fill_options.file2_columns:
292 out.write( "%s%s" % ( split, fill_empty_columns( "", split, fill_options.file2_columns ) ) )
293 out.write( "\n" )
294 elif keep_partial:
295 out.write( fill_empty_columns( line1.rstrip( '\r\n' ), split, fill_options.file1_columns ) )
296 if fill_options:
297 if fill_options.file2_columns:
298 out.write( "%s%s" % ( split, fill_empty_columns( "", split, fill_options.file2_columns ) ) )
299 out.write( "\n" )
300 out.close()
302 def main():
303 parser = optparse.OptionParser()
304 parser.add_option(
305 '-b','--buffer',
306 dest='buffer',
307 type='int',default=1000000,
308 help='Number of lines to buffer at a time. Default: 1,000,000 lines. A buffer of 0 will attempt to use memory only.'
309 )
310 parser.add_option(
311 '-d','--index_depth',
312 dest='index_depth',
313 type='int',default=3,
314 help='Depth to use on filebased offset indexing. Default: 3.'
315 )
316 parser.add_option(
317 '-p','--keep_partial',
318 action='store_true',
319 dest='keep_partial',
320 default=False,
321 help='Keep rows in first input which are missing identifiers.')
322 parser.add_option(
323 '-u','--keep_unmatched',
324 action='store_true',
325 dest='keep_unmatched',
326 default=False,
327 help='Keep rows in first input which are not joined with the second input.')
328 parser.add_option(
329 '-f','--fill_options_file',
330 dest='fill_options_file',
331 type='str',default=None,
332 help='Fill empty columns with a values from a JSONified file.')
335 options, args = parser.parse_args()
337 fill_options = None
338 if options.fill_options_file is not None:
339 try:
340 if simplejson is None:
341 raise simplejson_exception
342 fill_options = Bunch( **stringify_dictionary_keys( simplejson.load( open( options.fill_options_file ) ) ) ) #simplejson.load( open( options.fill_options_file ) )
343 except Exception, e:
344 print "Warning: Ignoring fill options due to simplejson error (%s)." % e
345 if fill_options is None:
346 fill_options = Bunch()
347 if 'fill_unjoined_only' not in fill_options:
348 fill_options.fill_unjoined_only = True
349 if 'file1_columns' not in fill_options:
350 fill_options.file1_columns = None
351 if 'file2_columns' not in fill_options:
352 fill_options.file2_columns = None
355 try:
356 filename1 = args[0]
357 filename2 = args[1]
358 column1 = int( args[2] ) - 1
359 column2 = int( args[3] ) - 1
360 out_filename = args[4]
361 except:
362 print >> sys.stderr, "Error parsing command line."
363 sys.exit()
365 #Character for splitting fields and joining lines
366 split = "\t"
368 return join_files( filename1, column1, filename2, column2, out_filename, split, options.buffer, options.keep_unmatched, options.keep_partial, options.index_depth, fill_options = fill_options )
370 if __name__ == "__main__": main()