1 #!/usr/bin/env python
3 import os
4 import sys
5 import time
6 import shutil
7 from commons.core.checker.RepetException import RepetException
8 from commons.core.sql.TableJobAdaptator import TableJobAdaptator
9 from commons.core.sql.DbFactory import DbFactory
10 from commons.core.sql.Job import Job
12 try:
13 newDir = None
14 print os.uname()
15 beginTime = time.time()
16 print 'beginTime=%f' % beginTime
17 print "work in dir '@@tmpDir@@'"
18 sys.stdout.flush()
19 if not os.path.exists( "@@tmpDir@@" ):
20 raise IOError("ERROR: temporary directory '@@tmpDir@@' doesn't exist")
22 minFreeGigaInTmpDir = 1
23 freeSpace = os.statvfs("@@tmpDir@@")
24 if ((freeSpace.f_bavail * freeSpace.f_frsize) / 1073741824.0 < minFreeGigaInTmpDir):
25 raise RepetException("ERROR: less than %iG of input file in '@@tmpDir@@'" % minFreeGigaInTmpDir)
27 os.chdir("@@tmpDir@@")
28 newDir = "@@groupId@@_@@jobName@@_@@time@@"
29 if os.path.exists(newDir):
30 shutil.rmtree(newDir)
31 os.mkdir(newDir)
32 os.chdir(newDir)
34 iJob = Job(jobname = "@@jobName@@", groupid = "@@groupId@@", launcherFile = "@@launcher@@", node = os.getenv("HOSTNAME"))
35 iDb = DbFactory.createInstance()
36 iTJA = TableJobAdaptator(iDb, "@@jobTableName@@")
37 print "current status: %s" % iTJA.getJobStatus(iJob)
38 iTJA.changeJobStatus(iJob, "running")
39 print "updated status: %s" % iTJA.getJobStatus(iJob)
40 sys.stdout.flush()
41 iDb.close()
43 @@cmdStart@@
44 if log != 0:
45 raise RepetException("ERROR: job returned %i" % log)
46 else:
47 print "job finished successfully"
48 sys.stdout.flush()
49 @@cmdFinish@@
51 os.chdir("..")
52 shutil.rmtree(newDir)
54 iDb = DbFactory.createInstance()
55 iTJA = TableJobAdaptator(iDb, "@@jobTableName@@")
56 print "current status: %s" % iTJA.getJobStatus(iJob)
57 iTJA.changeJobStatus(iJob, "finished")
58 print "updated status: %s" % iTJA.getJobStatus(iJob)
59 sys.stdout.flush()
60 iDb.close()
62 endTime = time.time()
63 print 'endTime=%f' % endTime
64 print 'executionTime=%f' % (endTime - beginTime)
65 print os.uname()
66 sys.stdout.flush()
68 except IOError, e :
69 print e
70 iJob = Job(jobname = "@@jobName@@", groupid = "@@groupId@@", launcherFile = "@@launcher@@", node = os.getenv("HOSTNAME"))
71 iDb = DbFactory.createInstance()
72 iTJA = TableJobAdaptator(iDb, "@@jobTableName@@")
73 print "current status: %s" % iTJA.getJobStatus(iJob)
74 iTJA.changeJobStatus(iJob, "error")
75 print "updated status: %s" % iTJA.getJobStatus(iJob)
76 sys.stdout.flush()
77 iDb.close()
78 sys.exit(1)
80 except Exception, e :
81 print "tmpDir is : @@tmpDir@@"
82 print "cDir is : @@cDir@@"
83 print e
84 if newDir != None and os.path.exists("../%s" % newDir) and not os.path.exists("@@cDir@@/%s" % newDir):
85 os.chdir("..")
86 shutil.move(newDir, "@@cDir@@/%s" % newDir)
87 iJob = Job(jobname = "@@jobName@@", groupid = "@@groupId@@", launcherFile = "@@launcher@@", node = os.getenv("HOSTNAME"))
88 iDb = DbFactory.createInstance()
89 iTJA = TableJobAdaptator(iDb, "@@jobTableName@@")
90 print "current status: %s" % iTJA.getJobStatus(iJob)
91 iTJA.changeJobStatus(iJob, "error")
92 print "updated status: %s" % iTJA.getJobStatus(iJob)
93 sys.stdout.flush()
94 iDb.close()
95 sys.exit(1)