1 #!/usr/bin/env perl
3 use strict;
4 use warnings;
6 if(@ARGV == 1 and $ARGV[0] eq "-v"){
7 print "Version 1.0\n";
8 exit;
9 }
11 my $quiet = 0;
12 if(@ARGV and $ARGV[0] =~ /^-q(?:uiet)?$/){
13 $quiet = 1;
14 shift @ARGV;
15 }
17 @ARGV == 5 or die "Usage: $0 [-q(uiet)] <snp table> <targets.bed> <coding.gtf> <coverage stats summary.txt> <output table>\n";
19 my $hgvs_file = $ARGV[0];
20 my $target_bed = $ARGV[1];
21 my $coding_gtf = $ARGV[2];
22 my $stats_file = $ARGV[3];
23 my $output = $ARGV[4];
25 open(TAB, $hgvs_file)
26 or die "Cannot open SNP HGVS file $hgvs_file for reading: $!\n";
27 my $header = <TAB>; # header
28 chomp $header;
29 my @header = split /\t/, $header;
30 my ($chr_column, $pos_column, $ref_column, $var_column, $depth_column, $caveat_column, $hgvs_aa_column, $zygosity_column, $rsid_column, $maf_column);
31 # Transcript type Transcript length Transcript HGVS cDNA Strand Chr Pos Zygosity P-value Variant Reads Total Reads Ref Bases Var Bases Population Frequency Source Pop. freq. or DGV2 gain/loss coverage Since dbSNP Release # HGVS AA Distance from an exon boundary (AA coding variants only) Caveats Phase Sources
32 for(my $i = 0; $i < $#header; $i++){
33 if($header[$i] eq "Chr"){
34 $chr_column = $i;
35 }
36 elsif($header[$i] eq "DNA From"){
37 $pos_column = $i;
38 }
39 elsif($header[$i] eq "Ref base"){
40 $ref_column = $i;
41 }
42 elsif($header[$i] eq "Obs base"){
43 $var_column = $i;
44 }
45 elsif($header[$i] eq "Total Reads"){
46 $depth_column = $i;
47 }
48 elsif($header[$i] eq "Caveats"){
49 $caveat_column = $i;
50 }
51 elsif($header[$i] eq "Protein HGVS"){
52 $hgvs_aa_column = $i;
53 }
54 elsif($header[$i] eq "Zygosity"){
55 $zygosity_column = $i;
56 }
57 elsif($header[$i] eq "Pop. freq."){
58 $maf_column = $i;
59 }
60 elsif($header[$i] eq "Pop. freq. source"){
61 $rsid_column = $i;
62 }
63 }
64 if(not defined $chr_column){
65 die "Cannot find Chr header in $hgvs_file, aborting\n";
66 }
67 if(not defined $pos_column){
68 die "Cannot find Pos header in $hgvs_file, aborting\n";
69 }
70 if(not defined $ref_column){
71 die "Cannot find Ref Bases header in $hgvs_file, aborting\n";
72 }
73 if(not defined $var_column){
74 die "Cannot find Var Bases header in $hgvs_file, aborting\n";
75 }
76 if(not defined $depth_column){
77 die "Cannot find Total Reads header in $hgvs_file, aborting\n";
78 }
79 if(not defined $caveat_column){
80 die "Cannot find Caveats header in $hgvs_file, aborting\n";
81 }
82 if(not defined $hgvs_aa_column){
83 die "Cannot find HGVS AA header in $hgvs_file, aborting\n";
84 }
85 if(not defined $zygosity_column){
86 die "Cannot find Zygosity header in $hgvs_file, aborting\n";
87 }
88 if(not defined $maf_column){
89 die "Cannot find Pop. freq. header in $hgvs_file, aborting\n";
90 }
91 if(not defined $rsid_column){
92 die "Cannot find rsID header in $hgvs_file, aborting\n";
93 }
95 my %target_regions;
96 print STDERR "Reading in coding sequence definitions...\n" unless $quiet;
97 open(GTF, $coding_gtf)
98 or die "Cannot open coding sequence GTF file $coding_gtf for reading: $!\n";
99 while(<GTF>){
100 next if /^\s*#/;
101 tr/\r//d;
102 chomp;
103 my @fields = split /\t/, $_;
104 next unless $fields[2] eq "CDS";
105 if(not exists $target_regions{$fields[0]}){
106 $target_regions{$fields[0]} = [];
107 }
108 my $chr = $target_regions{$fields[0]};
109 for my $pos ($fields[3]..$fields[4]){
110 $target_regions{$fields[0]}->[$pos] = "C";
111 }
112 }
113 close(GTF);
115 print STDERR "Reading in targeted sequence definitions...\n" unless $quiet;
116 my $intersection_count = 0;
117 my $targeted_total = 0;
118 my $non_coding_target_total = 0;
119 open(BED, $target_bed)
120 or die "Cannot open target regions BED file $target_bed for reading: $!\n";
121 while(<BED>){
122 next if /^\s*#/;
123 tr/\r//d;
124 chomp;
125 my @fields = split /\t/, $_;
126 $targeted_total += $fields[2]-$fields[1]+1;
128 if(not exists $target_regions{$fields[0]}){
129 $target_regions{$fields[0]} = [];
130 }
131 my $chr = $target_regions{$fields[0]};
132 for my $pos ($fields[1]..$fields[2]){
133 if(defined $target_regions{$fields[0]}->[$pos]){
134 $intersection_count++;
135 }
136 else{
137 $target_regions{$fields[0]}->[$pos] = "T";
138 $non_coding_target_total++;
139 }
140 }
141 }
142 close(BED);
144 print STDERR "Reading in coverage information...\n" unless $quiet;
145 open(STATS, $stats_file)
146 or die "Cannot open $stats_file for reading: $!\n";
147 my $total_bases_lt_10x;
148 my $total_bases_lt_20x;
149 while(<STATS>){
150 if(/^Total bases with less than 10-fold coverage\t(\d+)/){
151 $total_bases_lt_10x = $1;
152 }
153 elsif(/^Total bases with less than 20-fold coverage\t(\d+)/){
154 $total_bases_lt_20x = $1;
155 }
156 }
157 close(STATS);
158 my $total_bases_under_consideration_10 = $targeted_total-$non_coding_target_total-$total_bases_lt_10x*(1-$non_coding_target_total/$targeted_total);
159 my $total_bases_under_consideration_20 = $targeted_total-$non_coding_target_total-$total_bases_lt_20x*(1-$non_coding_target_total/$targeted_total);
160 my $total_noncoding_bases_under_consideration_10 = $non_coding_target_total-$total_bases_lt_10x*($non_coding_target_total/$targeted_total);
161 my $total_noncoding_bases_under_consideration_20 = $non_coding_target_total-$total_bases_lt_20x*($non_coding_target_total/$targeted_total);
163 print STDERR "Processing called SNPs...\n" unless $quiet;
164 my %seen;
165 my $coding_transition_count_10 = 0; # A->G, G->A, C->T, T->C, i.e. effect of deamination of 5'-methyl C to uracil
166 my $coding_transition_count_20 = 0;
167 my $coding_transversion_count_10 = 0; # A <-> C, A <-> T, G <-> C or G <-> T
168 my $coding_transversion_count_20 = 0;
169 my $coding_snp_count_10 = 0;
170 my $noncoding_transition_count_10 = 0;
171 my $noncoding_transition_count_20 = 0;
172 my $noncoding_transversion_count_10 = 0;
173 my $noncoding_transversion_count_20 = 0;
174 my $synonymous_snp_count_10 = 0;
175 my $snp_count_10 = 0;
176 my $autosomal_snp_count_10 = 0;
177 my $novel_snp_count_10 = 0;
178 my $homo_snp_count_10 = 0;
179 my $non_coding_snp_count_10 = 0;
180 my $coding_snp_count_20 = 0;
181 my $synonymous_snp_count_20 = 0;
182 my $snp_count_20 = 0;
183 my $autosomal_snp_count_20 = 0;
184 my $novel_snp_count_20 = 0;
185 my $homo_snp_count_20 = 0;
186 my $non_coding_snp_count_20 = 0;
188 # Okay, put all of the protein-coding lines at the start so that if any transcript for a
189 # gene says it's protein coding, that'll be the state recorded for the SNP.
190 my @datalines = <TAB>;
192 my $tot_snps = 0;
193 for(@datalines){
194 chomp;
195 my @F = split /\t/, $_;
197 my $newbases = $F[$var_column];
198 my $refbases = $F[$ref_column];
199 next unless length($newbases) eq length($refbases); #SNPs and MNPs only
200 for (my $i = 0; $i < length($newbases); $i++){
201 my $newbase = substr($newbases, $i, 1);
202 my $refbase = substr($refbases, $i, 1);
203 next if $refbase eq $newbase; # ref in the middle of a phased MNP
205 next if exists $seen{"$F[$chr_column]:$F[$pos_column]:$newbase"}; # seen SNP already
206 $seen{"$F[$chr_column]:$F[$pos_column]:$newbase"} = 1;
208 $tot_snps++;
209 next unless $F[$depth_column] >= 10 and $F[$caveat_column] =~ /^(;?[^;]+auto set to \d\.\d+|)$/; # only look at areas with no caveats (besides auto-set allele frequencies)
211 $snp_count_10++;
212 $snp_count_20++ if $F[$depth_column] >= 20;
213 if($F[$hgvs_aa_column] eq "NA"){ #HGVS protein field
214 if(defined $target_regions{$F[$chr_column]}->[$F[$pos_column]]){
215 if($target_regions{$F[$chr_column]}->[$F[$pos_column]] eq "C"){
216 #print STDERR "Counting $F[18] as alternate coding targeted\n";
217 $coding_snp_count_10++;
218 $coding_snp_count_20++ if $F[$depth_column] >= 20;
219 $homo_snp_count_10++ if $F[$zygosity_column] =~ /homozygote/;
220 $homo_snp_count_20++ if $F[$zygosity_column] =~ /homozygote/ and $F[$depth_column] >= 20;
221 }
222 elsif($target_regions{$F[$chr_column]}->[$F[$pos_column]] eq "T"){
223 #print STDERR "Counting $F[18] as non-coding targeted\n";
224 $non_coding_snp_count_10++;
225 $non_coding_snp_count_20++ if $F[$depth_column] >= 20;
226 }
227 # else non-target flanking
228 else{
229 #print STDERR "Ignoring $F[1]:$F[2] as flanking targeted areas (but shouldn't be here)\n";
230 }
231 }
232 #else non-target flanking
233 else{
234 #print STDERR "Ignoring $F[1]:$F[2] as flanking targeted areas\n";
235 }
236 if($refbase eq "C" and $newbase eq "T" or
237 $refbase eq "T" and $newbase eq "C" or
238 $refbase eq "A" and $newbase eq "G" or
239 $refbase eq "G" and $newbase eq "A"){
240 $noncoding_transition_count_10++;
241 $noncoding_transition_count_20++ if $F[$depth_column] >= 20;
242 }
243 else{
244 $noncoding_transversion_count_10++;
245 $noncoding_transversion_count_20++ if $F[$depth_column] >= 20;
246 }
247 next;
248 }
249 elsif($F[$hgvs_aa_column] =~ /^p\..\d+=$/){
250 $synonymous_snp_count_10++;
251 $synonymous_snp_count_20++ if $F[$depth_column] >= 20;
252 }
253 #print STDERR "Counting $F[18] as coding targeted\n";
254 if($F[$chr_column] !~ /X/ and $F[$chr_column] !~ /Y/){
255 $autosomal_snp_count_10++;
256 $autosomal_snp_count_20++ if $F[$depth_column] >= 20;
257 $homo_snp_count_10++ if $F[$zygosity_column] =~ /homozygote/;
258 $homo_snp_count_20++ if $F[$zygosity_column] =~ /homozygote/ and $F[$depth_column] >= 20;
259 }
260 $novel_snp_count_10++ if $F[$rsid_column] eq "novel" and $F[$maf_column] eq "NA";
261 $novel_snp_count_20++ if $F[$rsid_column] eq "novel" and $F[$maf_column] eq "NA" and $F[$depth_column] >= 20;
262 $coding_snp_count_10++;
263 $coding_snp_count_20++ if $F[$depth_column] >= 20;
264 if($refbase eq "C" and $newbase eq "T" or
265 $refbase eq "T" and $newbase eq "C" or
266 $refbase eq "A" and $newbase eq "G" or
267 $refbase eq "G" and $newbase eq "A"){
268 $coding_transition_count_10++;
269 $coding_transition_count_20++ if $F[$depth_column] >= 20;
270 }
271 else{
272 $coding_transversion_count_10++;
273 $coding_transversion_count_20++ if $F[$depth_column] >= 20;
274 }
275 } # end for each new base
276 }
278 open(SUMMARY, ">$output")
279 or die "Cannot open $output for writing: $!\n";
280 printf SUMMARY "Measure\tActual\tIdeal (human)\n";
281 printf SUMMARY "Non-coding SNPs observed %% rate (in the ~%d target non-coding bases with >= 10x coverage)\t%.4f\t0.1\n", $total_noncoding_bases_under_consideration_10, $non_coding_snp_count_10/$total_noncoding_bases_under_consideration_10*100;
282 printf SUMMARY "Non-coding SNPs observed %% rate (in the ~%d target non-coding bases with >= 20x coverage)\t%.4f\t0.1\n", $total_noncoding_bases_under_consideration_20, $non_coding_snp_count_20/$total_noncoding_bases_under_consideration_20*100;
283 printf SUMMARY "Total coding region of interest\t\t%d\n", $intersection_count;
284 printf SUMMARY "Total SNP count (10x)\t%d\t%d\n", $coding_snp_count_10, $total_bases_under_consideration_10*0.00048;
285 printf SUMMARY "Total SNP count (20x)\t%d\t%d\n", $coding_snp_count_20, $total_bases_under_consideration_20*0.00048;
286 printf SUMMARY "Coding SNPs observed %% rate (in the ~%d target coding bases with >= 10x coverage)\t%.4f\t0.048\n", $total_bases_under_consideration_10, $coding_snp_count_10/$total_bases_under_consideration_10*100;
287 printf SUMMARY "Coding SNPs observed %% rate (in the ~%d target coding bases with >= 20x coverage)\t%.4f\t0.048\n", $total_bases_under_consideration_20, $coding_snp_count_20/$total_bases_under_consideration_20*100;
288 printf SUMMARY "Non-synonymous SNPs observed %% rate (10x)\t%.2f\t45\n", ($coding_snp_count_10-$synonymous_snp_count_10)/$coding_snp_count_10*100;
289 printf SUMMARY "Non-synonymous SNPs observed %% rate (20x)\t%.2f\t45\n", ($coding_snp_count_20-$synonymous_snp_count_20)/$coding_snp_count_20*100;
290 # 37% comes from 0.59 homo het ratio report for 20 human genomes in doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1001111
291 printf SUMMARY "Homo SNPs observed %% rate (10x, autosomal chromosomes)\t%.4f\t37\n", $homo_snp_count_10/$autosomal_snp_count_10*100;
292 printf SUMMARY "Homo SNPs observed %% rate (20x, autosomal chromosomes)\t%.4f\t37\n", $homo_snp_count_20/$autosomal_snp_count_20*100;
293 printf SUMMARY "Novel SNP observed %% rate (10x)\t%.4f\t<1\n", $novel_snp_count_10/$snp_count_10*100;
294 printf SUMMARY "Novel SNP observed %% rate (20x)\t%.4f\t<1\n", $novel_snp_count_20/$snp_count_20*100;
295 printf SUMMARY "Coding SNPs transition:transversion (10x)\t%.2f\t3\n", $coding_transition_count_10/$coding_transversion_count_10 if $coding_transversion_count_10;
296 printf SUMMARY "Coding SNPs transition:transversion (20x)\t%.2f\t3\n", $coding_transition_count_20/$coding_transversion_count_20 if $coding_transversion_count_20;
297 printf SUMMARY "Non-coding SNPs transition:transversion (10x)\t%.2f\t2.1\n", $noncoding_transition_count_10/$noncoding_transversion_count_10 if $noncoding_transversion_count_10;
298 printf SUMMARY "Non-coding SNPs transition:transversion (20x)\t%.2f\t2.1\n", $noncoding_transition_count_20/$noncoding_transversion_count_20 if $noncoding_transversion_count_20;
299 printf SUMMARY "All SNPs transition:transversion (10x)\t%.2f\tNA\n", ($noncoding_transition_count_10+$coding_transition_count_10)/($noncoding_transversion_count_10+$coding_transversion_count_10) if $noncoding_transversion_count_10 or $coding_transversion_count_10;
300 printf SUMMARY "All SNPs transition:transversion (20x)\t%.2f\tNA\n", ($noncoding_transition_count_20+$coding_transition_count_20)/($noncoding_transversion_count_20+$coding_transversion_count_20) if $noncoding_transversion_count_20 or $noncoding_transversion_count_20;
301 close(SUMMARY);