1 <tool id="glimmerhmm_predict" name="GlimmerHMM" version="0.1">
2 <description>Predict ORFs in eukaryotic genomes</description>
3 <command>glimmerhmm
4 $input /home/galaxy/lib/glimmer_trainings/train_crypto
5 -o $output
6 -g
7 $svm_splice_prediction
8 $partial_gene
9 #if str($top_n_predictions) != "-1":
10 -n $top_n_predictions
11 #end if
12 2> /dev/null</command>
13 <inputs>
14 <param name="input" type="data" format="fasta" label="Genome Sequence"/>
15 <param name="partial_gene" type="boolean" label="Don't make partial gene predictions" truevalue="-f" falsevalue="" checked="false" />
16 <param name="svm_splice_prediction" type="boolean" label="Don't use svm splice site predictions" truevalue="-v" falsevalue="" checked="false" />
17 <param name="top_n_predictions" type="integer" label="top n best predictions, -1 means infinite" value="-1"/>
18 </inputs>
19 <outputs>
20 <data format="tabular" name="output">
21 <change_format>
22 <when input="gff" value="-g" format="gff" />
23 </change_format>
24 </data>
25 </outputs>
26 <help>
28 **What it does**
30 GlimmerHMM is a new gene finder based on a Generalized Hidden Markov Model (GHMM).
31 Although the gene finder conforms to the overall mathematical framework of a GHMM,
32 additionally it incorporates splice site models adapted from the GeneSplicer program and a
33 decision tree adapted from GlimmerM. It also utilizes Interpolated Markov Models for the
34 coding and noncoding models . Currently, GlimmerHMM's GHMM structure includes introns of each phase,
35 intergenic regions, and four types of exons (initial, internal, final, and single).
36 A basic user manual can be consulted here.
38 -----
40 **Example**
42 Suppose you have the following DNA formatted sequences::
44 >SQ Sequence 8667507 BP; 1203558 A; 3121252 C; 3129638 G; 1213059 T; 0 other;
45 cccgcggagcgggtaccacatcgctgcgcgatgtgcgagcgaacacccgggctgcgcccg
46 ggtgttgcgctcccgctccgcgggagcgctggcgggacgctgcgcgtcccgctcaccaag
47 cccgcttcgcgggcttggtgacgctccgtccgctgcgcttccggagttgcggggcttcgc
48 cccgctaaccctgggcctcgcttcgctccgccttgggcctgcggcgggtccgctgcgctc
49 ccccgcctcaagggcccttccggctgcgcctccaggacccaaccgcttgcgcgggcctgg
51 Running this tool will produce this::
53 ##gff-version 3
54 ##sequence-region ConsensusfromCH236920mapping 1 4148552
55 ConsensusfromCH236920mapping GlimmerHMM mRNA 1 122 . + . ID=ConsensusfromCH236920mapping.path1.gene1;Name=ConsensusfromCH236920mapping.path1.gene1
56 ConsensusfromCH236920mapping GlimmerHMM CDS 1 122 . + 0 ID=ConsensusfromCH236920mapping.cds1.1;
57 ConsensusfromCH236920mapping GlimmerHMM mRNA 14066 15205 . - . ID=ConsensusfromCH236920mapping.path1.gene2;Name=ConsensusfromCH236920mapping.path1.gene2
58 ConsensusfromCH236920mapping GlimmerHMM CDS 14066 15034 . - 0 ID=ConsensusfromCH236920mapping.cds2.1;
59 ConsensusfromCH236920mapping GlimmerHMM CDS 15137 15205 . - 0 ID=ConsensusfromCH236920mapping.cds2.2;
60 ConsensusfromCH236920mapping GlimmerHMM mRNA 19910 24210 . - . ID=ConsensusfromCH236920mapping.path1.gene3;Name=ConsensusfromCH236920mapping.path1.gene3
64 </help>
65 </tool>