1 #!/usr/bin/env Rscript
3 suppressPackageStartupMessages(library("optparse"))
5 option_list <- list(
6 make_option(c("-a", "--adult_mort"), action="store", dest="adult_mort", type="integer", help="Adjustment rate for adult mortality"),
7 make_option(c("-b", "--adult_accum"), action="store", dest="adult_accum", type="integer", help="Adjustment of DD accumulation (old nymph->adult)"),
8 make_option(c("-c", "--egg_mort"), action="store", dest="egg_mort", type="integer", help="Adjustment rate for egg mortality"),
9 make_option(c("-e", "--location"), action="store", dest="location", help="Selected location"),
10 make_option(c("-f", "--min_clutch_size"), action="store", dest="min_clutch_size", type="integer", help="Adjustment of minimum clutch size"),
11 make_option(c("-i", "--max_clutch_size"), action="store", dest="max_clutch_size", type="integer", help="Adjustment of maximum clutch size"),
12 make_option(c("-j", "--nymph_mort"), action="store", dest="nymph_mort", type="integer", help="Adjustment rate for nymph mortality"),
13 make_option(c("-k", "--old_nymph_accum"), action="store", dest="old_nymph_accum", type="integer", help="Adjustment of DD accumulation (young nymph->old nymph)"),
14 make_option(c("-n", "--num_days"), action="store", dest="num_days", type="integer", help="Total number of days in the temperature dataset"),
15 make_option(c("-o", "--output"), action="store", dest="output", help="Output dataset"),
16 make_option(c("-p", "--oviposition"), action="store", dest="oviposition", type="integer", help="Adjustment for oviposition rate"),
17 make_option(c("-q", "--photoperiod"), action="store", dest="photoperiod", type="double", help="Critical photoperiod for diapause induction/termination"),
18 make_option(c("-s", "--replications"), action="store", dest="replications", type="integer", help="Number of replications"),
19 make_option(c("-t", "--se_plot"), action="store", dest="se_plot", help="Plot SE"),
20 make_option(c("-v", "--input"), action="store", dest="input", help="Temperature data for selected location"),
21 make_option(c("-y", "--young_nymph_accum"), action="store", dest="young_nymph_accum", type="integer", help="Adjustment of DD accumulation (egg->young nymph)"),
22 make_option(c("-x", "--insect"), action="store", dest="insect", help="Insect name")
23 )
25 parser <- OptionParser(usage="%prog [options] file", option_list=option_list)
26 args <- parse_args(parser, positional_arguments=TRUE)
27 opt <- args$options
29 parse_input_data = function(input_file, num_rows) {
30 # Read in the input temperature datafile into a data frame.
31 temperature_data_frame <- read.csv(file=input_file, header=T, strip.white=TRUE, sep=",")
32 num_columns <- dim(temperature_data_frame)[2]
33 if (num_columns == 6) {
34 # The input data has the following 6 columns:
36 # Set the column names for access when adding daylight length..
37 colnames(temperature_data_frame) <- c("LATITUDE","LONGITUDE", "DATE", "DOY", "TMIN", "TMAX")
38 # Add a column containing the daylight length for each day.
39 temperature_data_frame <- add_daylight_length(temperature_data_frame, num_columns, num_rows)
40 # Reset the column names with the additional column for later access.
41 colnames(temperature_data_frame) <- c("LATITUDE","LONGITUDE", "DATE", "DOY", "TMIN", "TMAX", "DAYLEN")
42 }
43 return(temperature_data_frame)
44 }
46 add_daylight_length = function(temperature_data_frame, num_columns, num_rows) {
47 # Return a vector of daylight length (photoperido profile) for
48 # the number of days specified in the input temperature data
49 # (from Forsythe 1995).
50 p = 0.8333
51 latitude <- temperature_data_frame$LATITUDE[1]
52 daylight_length_vector <- NULL
53 for (i in 1:num_rows) {
54 # Get the day of the year from the current row
55 # of the temperature data for computation.
56 doy <- temperature_data_frame$DOY[i]
57 theta <- 0.2163108 + 2 * atan(0.9671396 * tan(0.00860 * (doy - 186)))
58 phi <- asin(0.39795 * cos(theta))
59 # Compute the length of daylight for the day of the year.
60 daylight_length_vector[i] <- 24 - (24 / pi * acos((sin(p * pi / 180) + sin(latitude * pi / 180) * sin(phi)) / (cos(latitude * pi / 180) * cos(phi))))
61 }
62 # Append daylight_length_vector as a new column to temperature_data_frame.
63 temperature_data_frame[, num_columns+1] <- daylight_length_vector
64 return(temperature_data_frame)
65 }
67 get_temperature_at_hour = function(latitude, temperature_data_frame, row, num_days) {
68 # Base development threshold for Brown Marmolated Stink Bug
69 # insect phenology model.
70 # TODO: Pass insect on the command line to accomodate more
71 # the just the Brown Marmolated Stink Bub.
72 threshold <- 14.17
73 # Minimum temperature for current row.
74 dnp <- temperature_data_frame$TMIN[row]
75 # Maximum temperature for current row.
76 dxp <- temperature_data_frame$TMAX[row]
77 # Mean temperature for current row.
78 dmean <- 0.5 * (dnp + dxp)
79 # Initialize degree day accumulation
80 dd <- 0
81 if (dxp < threshold) {
82 dd <- 0
83 }
84 else {
85 # Initialize hourly temperature.
86 T <- NULL
87 # Initialize degree hour vector.
88 dh <- NULL
89 # Daylight length for current row.
90 y <- temperature_data_frame$DAYLEN[row]
91 # Darkness length.
92 z <- 24 - y
93 # Lag coefficient.
94 a <- 1.86
95 # Darkness coefficient.
96 b <- 2.20
97 # Sunrise time.
98 risetime <- 12 - y / 2
99 # Sunset time.
100 settime <- 12 + y / 2
101 ts <- (dxp - dnp) * sin(pi * (settime - 5) / (y + 2 * a)) + dnp
102 for (i in 1:24) {
103 if (i > risetime && i < settime) {
104 # Number of hours after Tmin until sunset.
105 m <- i - 5
106 T[i] = (dxp - dnp) * sin(pi * m / (y + 2 * a)) + dnp
107 if (T[i] < 8.4) {
108 dh[i] <- 0
109 }
110 else {
111 dh[i] <- T[i] - 8.4
112 }
113 }
114 else if (i > settime) {
115 n <- i - settime
116 T[i] = dnp + (ts - dnp) * exp( - b * n / z)
117 if (T[i] < 8.4) {
118 dh[i] <- 0
119 }
120 else {
121 dh[i] <- T[i] - 8.4
122 }
123 }
124 else {
125 n <- i + 24 - settime
126 T[i]=dnp + (ts - dnp) * exp( - b * n / z)
127 if (T[i] < 8.4) {
128 dh[i] <- 0
129 }
130 else {
131 dh[i] <- T[i] - 8.4
132 }
133 }
134 }
135 dd <- sum(dh) / 24
136 }
137 return(c(dmean, dd))
138 }
140 dev.egg = function(temperature) {
141 dev.rate= -0.9843 * temperature + 33.438
142 return(dev.rate)
143 }
145 dev.young = function(temperature) {
146 n12 <- -0.3728 * temperature + 14.68
147 n23 <- -0.6119 * temperature + 25.249
148 dev.rate = mean(n12 + n23)
149 return(dev.rate)
150 }
152 dev.old = function(temperature) {
153 n34 <- -0.6119 * temperature + 17.602
154 n45 <- -0.4408 * temperature + 19.036
155 dev.rate = mean(n34 + n45)
156 return(dev.rate)
157 }
159 dev.emerg = function(temperature) {
160 emerg.rate <- -0.5332 * temperature + 24.147
161 return(emerg.rate)
162 }
164 mortality.egg = function(temperature) {
165 if (temperature < 12.7) {
166 mort.prob = 0.8
167 }
168 else {
169 mort.prob = 0.8 - temperature / 40.0
170 if (mort.prob < 0) {
171 mort.prob = 0.01
172 }
173 }
174 return(mort.prob)
175 }
177 mortality.nymph = function(temperature) {
178 if (temperature < 12.7) {
179 mort.prob = 0.03
180 }
181 else {
182 mort.prob = temperature * 0.0008 + 0.03
183 }
184 return(mort.prob)
185 }
187 mortality.adult = function(temperature) {
188 if (temperature < 12.7) {
189 mort.prob = 0.002
190 }
191 else {
192 mort.prob = temperature * 0.0005 + 0.02
193 }
194 return(mort.prob)
195 }
197 temperature_data_frame <- parse_input_data(opt$input, opt$num_days)
198 # All latitude values are the same,
199 # so get the value from the first row.
200 latitude <- temperature_data_frame$LATITUDE[1]
202 cat("Number of days: ", opt$num_days, "\n")
204 # Initialize matrix for results from all replications.
205 S0.rep <- S1.rep <- S2.rep <- S3.rep <- S4.rep <- S5.rep <- matrix(rep(0, opt$num_days * opt$replications), ncol = opt$replications)
206 newborn.rep <- death.rep <- adult.rep <- pop.rep <- g0.rep <- g1.rep <- g2.rep <- g0a.rep <- g1a.rep <- g2a.rep <- matrix(rep(0, opt$num_days * opt$replications), ncol=opt$replications)
208 # Loop through replications.
209 for (N.rep in 1:opt$replications) {
210 # During each replication start with 1000 individuals.
211 # TODO: user definable as well?
212 n <- 1000
213 # Generation, Stage, DD, T, Diapause.
214 vec.ini <- c(0, 3, 0, 0, 0)
215 # Overwintering, previttelogenic, DD=0, T=0, no-diapause.
216 vec.mat <- rep(vec.ini, n)
217 # Complete matrix for the population.
218 vec.mat <- base::t(matrix(vec.mat, nrow=5))
219 # Time series of population size.
220 tot.pop <- NULL
221 gen0.pop <- rep(0, opt$num_days)
222 gen1.pop <- rep(0, opt$num_days)
223 gen2.pop <- rep(0, opt$num_days)
224 S0 <- S1 <- S2 <- S3 <- S4 <- S5 <- rep(0, opt$num_days)
225 g0.adult <- g1.adult <- g2.adult <- rep(0, opt$num_days)
226 N.newborn <- N.death <- N.adult <- rep(0, opt$num_days)
227 dd.day <- rep(0, opt$num_days)
228 # All the days included in the input temperature dataset.
229 for (row in 1:opt$num_days) {
230 # Get the integer day of the year for the current row.
231 doy <- temperature_data_frame$DOY[row]
232 # Photoperiod in the day.
233 photoperiod <- temperature_data_frame$DAYLEN[row]
234 temp.profile <- get_temperature_at_hour(latitude, temperature_data_frame, row, opt$num_days)
235 mean.temp <- temp.profile[1]
236 dd.temp <- temp.profile[2]
237 dd.day[row] <- dd.temp
238 # Trash bin for death.
239 death.vec <- NULL
240 # Newborn.
241 birth.vec <- NULL
242 # All individuals.
243 for (i in 1:n) {
244 # Find individual record.
245 vec.ind <- vec.mat[i,]
246 # First of all, still alive?
247 # Adjustment for late season mortality rate.
248 if (latitude < 40.0) {
249 post.mort <- 1
250 day.kill <- 300
251 }
252 else {
253 post.mort <- 2
254 day.kill <- 250
255 }
256 if (vec.ind[2] == 0) {
257 # Egg.
258 death.prob = opt$egg_mort * mortality.egg(mean.temp)
259 }
260 else if (vec.ind[2] == 1 | vec.ind[2] == 2) {
261 death.prob = opt$nymph_mort * mortality.nymph(mean.temp)
262 }
263 else if (vec.ind[2] == 3 | vec.ind[2] == 4 | vec.ind[2] == 5) {
264 # For adult.
265 if (doy < day.kill) {
266 death.prob = opt$adult_mort * mortality.adult(mean.temp)
267 }
268 else {
269 # Increase adult mortality after fall equinox.
270 death.prob = opt$adult_mort * post.mort * mortality.adult(mean.temp)
271 }
272 }
273 # (or dependent on temperature and life stage?)
274 u.d <- runif(1)
275 if (u.d < death.prob) {
276 death.vec <- c(death.vec, i)
277 }
278 else {
279 # Aggregrate index of dead bug.
280 # Event 1 end of diapause.
281 if (vec.ind[1] == 0 && vec.ind[2] == 3) {
282 # Overwintering adult (previttelogenic).
283 if (photoperiod > opt$photoperiod && vec.ind[3] > 68 && doy < 180) {
284 # Add 68C to become fully reproductively matured.
285 # Transfer to vittelogenic.
286 vec.ind <- c(0, 4, 0, 0, 0)
287 vec.mat[i,] <- vec.ind
288 }
289 else {
290 # Add to dd.
291 vec.ind[3] <- vec.ind[3] + dd.temp
292 # Add 1 day in current stage.
293 vec.ind[4] <- vec.ind[4] + 1
294 vec.mat[i,] <- vec.ind
295 }
296 }
297 if (vec.ind[1] != 0 && vec.ind[2] == 3) {
298 # Not overwintering adult (previttelogenic).
299 current.gen <- vec.ind[1]
300 if (vec.ind[3] > 68) {
301 # Add 68C to become fully reproductively matured.
302 # Transfer to vittelogenic.
303 vec.ind <- c(current.gen, 4, 0, 0, 0)
304 vec.mat[i,] <- vec.ind
305 }
306 else {
307 # Add to dd.
308 vec.ind[3] <- vec.ind[3] + dd.temp
309 # Add 1 day in current stage.
310 vec.ind[4] <- vec.ind[4] + 1
311 vec.mat[i,] <- vec.ind
312 }
313 }
314 # Event 2 oviposition -- where population dynamics comes from.
315 if (vec.ind[2] == 4 && vec.ind[1] == 0 && mean.temp > 10) {
316 # Vittelogenic stage, overwintering generation.
317 if (vec.ind[4] == 0) {
318 # Just turned in vittelogenic stage.
319 n.birth=round(runif(1, 2 + opt$min_clutch_size, 8 + opt$max_clutch_size))
320 }
321 else {
322 # Daily probability of birth.
323 p.birth = opt$oviposition * 0.01
324 u1 <- runif(1)
325 if (u1 < p.birth) {
326 n.birth=round(runif(1, 2, 8))
327 }
328 }
329 # Add to dd.
330 vec.ind[3] <- vec.ind[3] + dd.temp
331 # Add 1 day in current stage.
332 vec.ind[4] <- vec.ind[4] + 1
333 vec.mat[i,] <- vec.ind
334 if (n.birth > 0) {
335 # Add new birth -- might be in different generations.
336 new.gen <- vec.ind[1] + 1
337 # Egg profile.
338 new.ind <- c(new.gen, 0, 0, 0, 0)
339 new.vec <- rep(new.ind, n.birth)
340 # Update batch of egg profile.
341 new.vec <- t(matrix(new.vec, nrow=5))
342 # Group with total eggs laid in that day.
343 birth.vec <- rbind(birth.vec, new.vec)
344 }
345 }
346 # Event 2 oviposition -- for generation 1.
347 if (vec.ind[2] == 4 && vec.ind[1] == 1 && mean.temp > 12.5 && doy < 222) {
348 # Vittelogenic stage, 1st generation
349 if (vec.ind[4] == 0) {
350 # Just turned in vittelogenic stage.
351 n.birth=round(runif(1, 2 + opt$min_clutch_size, 8 + opt$max_clutch_size))
352 }
353 else {
354 # Daily probability of birth.
355 p.birth = opt$oviposition * 0.01
356 u1 <- runif(1)
357 if (u1 < p.birth) {
358 n.birth = round(runif(1, 2, 8))
359 }
360 }
361 # Add to dd.
362 vec.ind[3] <- vec.ind[3] + dd.temp
363 # Add 1 day in current stage.
364 vec.ind[4] <- vec.ind[4] + 1
365 vec.mat[i,] <- vec.ind
366 if (n.birth > 0) {
367 # Add new birth -- might be in different generations.
368 new.gen <- vec.ind[1] + 1
369 # Egg profile.
370 new.ind <- c(new.gen, 0, 0, 0, 0)
371 new.vec <- rep(new.ind, n.birth)
372 # Update batch of egg profile.
373 new.vec <- t(matrix(new.vec, nrow=5))
374 # Group with total eggs laid in that day.
375 birth.vec <- rbind(birth.vec, new.vec)
376 }
377 }
378 # Event 3 development (with diapause determination).
379 # Event 3.1 egg development to young nymph (vec.ind[2]=0 -> egg).
380 if (vec.ind[2] == 0) {
381 # Egg stage.
382 # Add to dd.
383 vec.ind[3] <- vec.ind[3] + dd.temp
384 if (vec.ind[3] >= (68 + opt$young_nymph_accum)) {
385 # From egg to young nymph, DD requirement met.
386 current.gen <- vec.ind[1]
387 # Transfer to young nymph stage.
388 vec.ind <- c(current.gen, 1, 0, 0, 0)
389 }
390 else {
391 # Add 1 day in current stage.
392 vec.ind[4] <- vec.ind[4] + 1
393 }
394 vec.mat[i,] <- vec.ind
395 }
396 # Event 3.2 young nymph to old nymph (vec.ind[2]=1 -> young nymph: determines diapause).
397 if (vec.ind[2] == 1) {
398 # young nymph stage.
399 # add to dd.
400 vec.ind[3] <- vec.ind[3] + dd.temp
401 if (vec.ind[3] >= (250 + opt$old_nymph_accum)) {
402 # From young to old nymph, dd requirement met.
403 current.gen <- vec.ind[1]
404 # Transfer to old nym stage.
405 vec.ind <- c(current.gen, 2, 0, 0, 0)
406 if (photoperiod < opt$photoperiod && doy > 180) {
407 vec.ind[5] <- 1
408 } # Prepare for diapausing.
409 }
410 else {
411 # Add 1 day in current stage.
412 vec.ind[4] <- vec.ind[4] + 1
413 }
414 vec.mat[i,] <- vec.ind
415 }
416 # Event 3.3 old nymph to adult: previttelogenic or diapausing?
417 if (vec.ind[2] == 2) {
418 # Old nymph stage.
419 # add to dd.
420 vec.ind[3] <- vec.ind[3] + dd.temp
421 if (vec.ind[3] >= (200 + opt$adult_accum)) {
422 # From old to adult, dd requirement met.
423 current.gen <- vec.ind[1]
424 if (vec.ind[5] == 0) {
425 # Non-diapausing adult -- previttelogenic.
426 vec.ind <- c(current.gen, 3, 0, 0, 0)
427 }
428 else {
429 # Diapausing.
430 vec.ind <- c(current.gen, 5, 0, 0, 1)
431 }
432 }
433 else {
434 # Add 1 day in current stage.
435 vec.ind[4] <- vec.ind[4] + 1
436 }
437 vec.mat[i,] <- vec.ind
438 }
439 # Event 4 growing of diapausing adult (unimportant, but still necessary).
440 if (vec.ind[2] == 5) {
441 vec.ind[3] <- vec.ind[3] + dd.temp
442 vec.ind[4] <- vec.ind[4] + 1
443 vec.mat[i,] <- vec.ind
444 }
445 } # Else if it is still alive.
446 } # End of the individual bug loop.
447 # Find how many died.
448 n.death <- length(death.vec)
449 if (n.death > 0) {
450 vec.mat <- vec.mat[-death.vec, ]
451 }
452 # Remove record of dead.
453 # Find how many new born.
454 n.newborn <- length(birth.vec[,1])
455 vec.mat <- rbind(vec.mat, birth.vec)
456 # Update population size for the next day.
457 n <- n - n.death + n.newborn
459 # Aggregate results by day.
460 tot.pop <- c(tot.pop, n)
461 # Egg.
462 s0 <- sum(vec.mat[,2] == 0)
463 # Young nymph.
464 s1 <- sum(vec.mat[,2] == 1)
465 # Old nymph.
466 s2 <- sum(vec.mat[,2] == 2)
467 # Previtellogenic.
468 s3 <- sum(vec.mat[,2] == 3)
469 # Vitellogenic.
470 s4 <- sum(vec.mat[,2] == 4)
471 # Diapausing.
472 s5 <- sum(vec.mat[,2] == 5)
473 # Overwintering adult.
474 gen0 <- sum(vec.mat[,1] == 0)
475 # First generation.
476 gen1 <- sum(vec.mat[,1] == 1)
477 # Second generation.
478 gen2 <- sum(vec.mat[,1] == 2)
479 # Sum of all adults.
480 n.adult <- sum(vec.mat[,2] == 3) + sum(vec.mat[,2] == 4) + sum(vec.mat[,2] == 5)
482 # Generation 0 pop size.
483 gen0.pop[row] <- gen0
484 gen1.pop[row] <- gen1
485 gen2.pop[row] <- gen2
487 S0[row] <- s0
488 S1[row] <- s1
489 S2[row] <- s2
490 S3[row] <- s3
491 S4[row] <- s4
492 S5[row] <- s5
494 g0.adult[row] <- sum(vec.mat[,1] == 0)
495 g1.adult[row] <- sum((vec.mat[,1] == 1 & vec.mat[,2] == 3) | (vec.mat[,1] == 1 & vec.mat[,2] == 4) | (vec.mat[,1] == 1 & vec.mat[,2] == 5))
496 g2.adult[row] <- sum((vec.mat[,1]== 2 & vec.mat[,2] == 3) | (vec.mat[,1] == 2 & vec.mat[,2] == 4) | (vec.mat[,1] == 2 & vec.mat[,2] == 5))
498 N.newborn[row] <- n.newborn
499 N.death[row] <- n.death
500 N.adult[row] <- n.adult
501 } # end of days specified in the input temperature data
503 dd.cum <- cumsum(dd.day)
505 # Collect all the outputs.
506 S0.rep[,N.rep] <- S0
507 S1.rep[,N.rep] <- S1
508 S2.rep[,N.rep] <- S2
509 S3.rep[,N.rep] <- S3
510 S4.rep[,N.rep] <- S4
511 S5.rep[,N.rep] <- S5
512 newborn.rep[,N.rep] <- N.newborn
513 death.rep[,N.rep] <- N.death
514 adult.rep[,N.rep] <- N.adult
515 pop.rep[,N.rep] <- tot.pop
516 g0.rep[,N.rep] <- gen0.pop
517 g1.rep[,N.rep] <- gen1.pop
518 g2.rep[,N.rep] <- gen2.pop
519 g0a.rep[,N.rep] <- g0.adult
520 g1a.rep[,N.rep] <- g1.adult
521 g2a.rep[,N.rep] <- g2.adult
522 }
524 # Data analysis and visualization can currently
525 # plot only within a single calendar year.
526 # TODO: enhance this to accomodate multiple calendar years.
527 start_date <- temperature_data_frame$DATE[1]
528 end_date <- temperature_data_frame$DATE[opt$num_days]
530 n.yr <- 1
531 day.all <- c(1:opt$num_days * n.yr)
533 # mean value for adults
534 sa <- apply((S3.rep + S4.rep + S5.rep), 1, mean)
535 # mean value for nymphs
536 sn <- apply((S1.rep + S2.rep), 1,mean)
537 # mean value for eggs
538 se <- apply(S0.rep, 1, mean)
539 # mean value for P
540 g0 <- apply(g0.rep, 1, mean)
541 # mean value for F1
542 g1 <- apply(g1.rep, 1, mean)
543 # mean value for F2
544 g2 <- apply(g2.rep, 1, mean)
545 # mean value for P adult
546 g0a <- apply(g0a.rep, 1, mean)
547 # mean value for F1 adult
548 g1a <- apply(g1a.rep, 1, mean)
549 # mean value for F2 adult
550 g2a <- apply(g2a.rep, 1, mean)
552 # SE for adults
553 sa.se <- apply((S3.rep + S4.rep + S5.rep), 1, sd) / sqrt(opt$replications)
554 # SE for nymphs
555 sn.se <- apply((S1.rep + S2.rep) / sqrt(opt$replications), 1, sd)
556 # SE for eggs
557 se.se <- apply(S0.rep, 1, sd) / sqrt(opt$replications)
558 # SE value for P
559 g0.se <- apply(g0.rep, 1, sd) / sqrt(opt$replications)
560 # SE for F1
561 g1.se <- apply(g1.rep, 1, sd) / sqrt(opt$replications)
562 # SE for F2
563 g2.se <- apply(g2.rep, 1, sd) / sqrt(opt$replications)
564 # SE for P adult
565 g0a.se <- apply(g0a.rep, 1, sd) / sqrt(opt$replications)
566 # SE for F1 adult
567 g1a.se <- apply(g1a.rep, 1, sd) / sqrt(opt$replications)
568 # SE for F2 adult
569 g2a.se <- apply(g2a.rep, 1, sd) / sqrt(opt$replications)
571 dev.new(width=20, height=30)
573 # Start PDF device driver to save charts to output.
574 pdf(file=opt$output, width=20, height=30, bg="white")
576 par(mar = c(5, 6, 4, 4), mfrow=c(3, 1))
578 # Subfigure 1: population size by life stage
579 title <- paste(opt$insect, ": Total pop. by life stage :", opt$location, ": Lat:", latitude, ":", start_date, "-", end_date, sep=" ")
580 plot(day.all, sa, main=title, type="l", ylim=c(0, max(se + se.se, sn + sn.se, sa + sa.se)), axes=F, lwd=2, xlab="", ylab="", cex=3, cex.lab=3, cex.axis=3, cex.main=3)
581 # Young and old nymphs.
582 lines(day.all, sn, lwd=2, lty=1, col=2)
583 # Eggs
584 lines(day.all, se, lwd=2, lty=1, col=4)
585 axis(1, at=c(1:12) * 30 - 15, cex.axis=3, labels=c("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"))
586 axis(2, cex.axis=3)
587 leg.text <- c("Egg", "Nymph", "Adult")
588 legend("topleft", leg.text, lty=c(1, 1, 1), col=c(4, 2, 1), cex=3)
589 if (opt$se_plot == 1) {
590 # Add SE lines to plot
591 # SE for adults
592 lines (day.all, sa + sa.se, lty=2)
593 lines (day.all, sa - sa.se, lty=2)
594 # SE for nymphs
595 lines (day.all, sn + sn.se, col=2, lty=2)
596 lines (day.all, sn - sn.se, col=2, lty=2)
597 # SE for eggs
598 lines (day.all, se + se.se, col=4, lty=2)
599 lines (day.all, se - se.se, col=4, lty=2)
600 }
602 # Subfigure 2: population size by generation
603 title <- paste(opt$insect, ": Total pop. by generation :", opt$location, ": Lat:", latitude, ":", start_date, "-", end_date, sep=" ")
604 plot(day.all, g0, main=title, type="l", ylim=c(0, max(g2)), axes=F, lwd=2, xlab="", ylab="", cex=3, cex.lab=3, cex.axis=3, cex.main=3)
605 lines(day.all, g1, lwd = 2, lty = 1, col=2)
606 lines(day.all, g2, lwd = 2, lty = 1, col=4)
607 axis(1, at=c(1:12) * 30 - 15, cex.axis=3, labels = c("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"))
608 axis(2, cex.axis=3)
609 leg.text <- c("P", "F1", "F2")
610 legend("topleft", leg.text, lty=c(1, 1, 1), col=c(1, 2, 4), cex=3)
611 if (opt$se_plot == 1) {
612 # Add SE lines to plot
613 # SE for adults
614 lines (day.all, g0+g0.se, lty=2)
615 lines (day.all, g0-g0.se, lty=2)
616 # SE for nymphs
617 lines (day.all, g1+g1.se, col=2, lty=2)
618 lines (day.all, g1-g1.se, col=2, lty=2)
619 # SE for eggs
620 lines (day.all, g2+g2.se, col=4, lty=2)
621 lines (day.all, g2-g2.se, col=4, lty=2)
622 }
624 # Subfigure 3: adult population size by generation
625 title <- paste(opt$insect, ": Adult pop. by generation :", opt$location, ": Lat:", latitude, ":", start_date, "-", end_date, sep=" ")
626 plot(day.all, g0a, ylim=c(0, max(g2a) + 100), main=title, type="l", axes=F, lwd=2, xlab="", ylab="", cex=3, cex.lab=3, cex.axis=3, cex.main=3)
627 lines(day.all, g1a, lwd = 2, lty = 1, col=2)
628 lines(day.all, g2a, lwd = 2, lty = 1, col=4)
629 axis(1, at=c(1:12) * 30 - 15, cex.axis=3, labels = c("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"))
630 axis(2, cex.axis=3)
631 leg.text <- c("P", "F1", "F2")
632 legend("topleft", leg.text, lty=c(1, 1, 1), col=c(1, 2, 4), cex=3)
633 if (opt$se_plot == 1) {
634 # Add SE lines to plot
635 # SE for adults
636 lines (day.all, g0a+g0a.se, lty=2)
637 lines (day.all, g0a-g0a.se, lty=2)
638 # SE for nymphs
639 lines (day.all, g1a+g1a.se, col=2, lty=2)
640 lines (day.all, g1a-g1a.se, col=2, lty=2)
641 # SE for eggs
642 lines (day.all, g2a+g2a.se, col=4, lty=2)
643 lines (day.all, g2a-g2a.se, col=4, lty=2)
644 }
646 # Turn off device driver to flush output.
647 dev.off()