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author iuc
date Wed, 24 Jul 2019 05:37:26 -0400
parents 294de027cb5d
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format-version: 1.2
data-version: releases/2018-04-30
subsetdef: goantislim_grouping "Grouping classes that can be excluded"
subsetdef: gocheck_do_not_annotate "Term not to be used for direct annotation"
subsetdef: gocheck_do_not_manually_annotate "Term not to be used for direct manual annotation"
subsetdef: goslim_agr "AGR slim"
subsetdef: goslim_aspergillus "Aspergillus GO slim"
subsetdef: goslim_candida "Candida GO slim"
subsetdef: goslim_chembl "ChEMBL protein targets summary"
subsetdef: goslim_generic "Generic GO slim"
subsetdef: goslim_goa "GOA and proteome slim"
subsetdef: goslim_metagenomics "Metagenomics GO slim"
subsetdef: goslim_mouse "Mouse GO slim"
subsetdef: goslim_pir "PIR GO slim"
subsetdef: goslim_plant "Plant GO slim"
subsetdef: goslim_pombe "Fission yeast GO slim"
subsetdef: goslim_synapse "synapse GO slim"
subsetdef: goslim_virus "Viral GO slim"
subsetdef: goslim_yeast "Yeast GO slim"
subsetdef: gosubset_prok "Prokaryotic GO subset"
subsetdef: mf_needs_review "Catalytic activity terms in need of attention"
subsetdef: termgenie_unvetted "Terms created by TermGenie that do not follow a template and require additional vetting by editors"
subsetdef: virus_checked "Viral overhaul terms"
synonymtypedef: syngo_official_label "label approved by the SynGO project"
synonymtypedef: systematic_synonym "Systematic synonym" EXACT
default-namespace: gene_ontology
remark: cvs version: $Revision: 38972$
remark: Includes Ontology(OntologyID(Anonymous-35)) [Axioms: 230 Logical Axioms: 228]
remark: Includes Ontology(OntologyID(OntologyIRI(<>))) [Axioms: 18 Logical Axioms: 0]
ontology: go

id: GO:0000003
name: reproduction
namespace: biological_process
alt_id: GO:0019952
alt_id: GO:0050876
def: "The production of new individuals that contain some portion of genetic material inherited from one or more parent organisms." [GOC:go_curators, GOC:isa_complete, GOC:jl, ISBN:0198506732]
subset: goslim_agr
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_generic
subset: goslim_pir
subset: goslim_plant
subset: gosubset_prok
synonym: "reproductive physiological process" EXACT []
xref: Wikipedia:Reproduction
is_a: GO:0008150 ! biological_process
disjoint_from: GO:0044848 ! biological phase

id: GO:0001906
name: cell killing
namespace: biological_process
def: "Any process in an organism that results in the killing of its own cells or those of another organism, including in some cases the death of the other organism. Killing here refers to the induction of death in one cell by another cell, not cell-autonomous death due to internal or other environmental conditions." [GOC:add]
subset: goslim_pir
subset: gosubset_prok
synonym: "necrosis" RELATED []
is_a: GO:0008150 ! biological_process
disjoint_from: GO:0044848 ! biological phase

id: GO:0002376
name: immune system process
namespace: biological_process
def: "Any process involved in the development or functioning of the immune system, an organismal system for calibrated responses to potential internal or invasive threats." [GO_REF:0000022, GOC:add, GOC:mtg_15nov05]
comment: Note that this term is a direct child of 'biological_process ; GO:0008150' because some immune system processes are types of cellular process (GO:0009987), whereas others are types of multicellular organism process (GO:0032501). This term was added by GO_REF:0000022.
subset: goslim_agr
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_generic
subset: goslim_mouse
subset: goslim_pir
xref: Wikipedia:Immune_system
is_a: GO:0008150 ! biological_process
disjoint_from: GO:0044848 ! biological phase

id: GO:0003674
name: molecular_function
namespace: molecular_function
alt_id: GO:0005554
def: "A molecular process that can be carried out by the action of a single macromolecular machine, usually via direct physical interactions with other molecular entities. Function in this sense denotes an action, or activity, that a gene product (or a complex) performs. These actions are described from two distinct but related perspectives: (1) biochemical activity, and (2) role as a component in a larger system/process." [GOC:pdt]
comment: Note that, in addition to forming the root of the molecular function ontology, this term is recommended for use for the annotation of gene products whose molecular function is unknown. When this term is used for annotation, it indicates that no information was available about the molecular function of the gene product annotated as of the date the annotation was made; the evidence code "no data" (ND), is used to indicate this. Despite its name, this is not a type of 'function' in the sense typically defined by upper ontologies such as Basic Formal Ontology (BFO). It is instead a BFO:process carried out by a single gene product or complex.
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_generic
subset: goslim_metagenomics
subset: goslim_pir
subset: goslim_plant
subset: goslim_yeast
subset: gosubset_prok
synonym: "molecular function" EXACT []

id: GO:0003824
name: catalytic activity
namespace: molecular_function
def: "Catalysis of a biochemical reaction at physiological temperatures. In biologically catalyzed reactions, the reactants are known as substrates, and the catalysts are naturally occurring macromolecular substances known as enzymes. Enzymes possess specific binding sites for substrates, and are usually composed wholly or largely of protein, but RNA that has catalytic activity (ribozyme) is often also regarded as enzymatic." [GOC:vw, ISBN:0198506732]
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_metagenomics
subset: goslim_pir
subset: goslim_plant
subset: gosubset_prok
synonym: "enzyme activity" EXACT [GOC:dph, GOC:tb]
xref: Wikipedia:Enzyme
is_a: GO:0003674 ! molecular_function

id: GO:0005198
name: structural molecule activity
namespace: molecular_function
def: "The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of a complex or its assembly within or outside a cell." [GOC:mah, GOC:vw]
subset: goslim_agr
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_generic
subset: goslim_pir
subset: goslim_plant
subset: goslim_yeast
subset: gosubset_prok
is_a: GO:0003674 ! molecular_function

id: GO:0005215
name: transporter activity
namespace: molecular_function
alt_id: GO:0005478
def: "Enables the directed movement of substances (such as macromolecules, small molecules, ions) into, out of or within a cell, or between cells." [GOC:ai, GOC:dgf]
comment: Some transporters, such as certain members of the SLC family, are referred to as 'carriers'; however GO uses carrier with a different meaning: a carrier binds to and transports the substance (see GO:0140104 molecular carrier activity), whereas a transporter forms some pore that allows the passing of molecules.
subset: goslim_agr
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_metagenomics
subset: goslim_mouse
subset: goslim_pir
subset: goslim_plant
subset: gosubset_prok
synonym: "carrier" RELATED []
xref: Reactome:REACT_6315 "Virion-associated M2 protein mediated ion infusion, Homo sapiens"
is_a: GO:0003674 ! molecular_function

id: GO:0005488
name: binding
namespace: molecular_function
def: "The selective, non-covalent, often stoichiometric, interaction of a molecule with one or more specific sites on another molecule." [GOC:ceb, GOC:mah, ISBN:0198506732]
comment: Note that this term is in the subset of terms that should not be used for direct, manual gene product annotation. Please choose a more specific child term, or request a new one if no suitable term is available. For ligands that bind to signal transducing receptors, consider the molecular function term 'receptor binding ; GO:0005102' and its children.
subset: gocheck_do_not_manually_annotate
subset: goslim_pir
subset: goslim_plant
subset: gosubset_prok
synonym: "ligand" NARROW []
xref: Wikipedia:Binding_(molecular)
is_a: GO:0003674 ! molecular_function

id: GO:0005575
name: cellular_component
namespace: cellular_component
alt_id: GO:0008372
def: "A location, relative to cellular compartments and structures, occupied by a macromolecular machine when it carries out a molecular function. There are two ways in which the gene ontology describes locations of gene products: (1) relative to cellular structures (e.g., cytoplasmic side of plasma membrane) or compartments (e.g., mitochondrion), and (2) the stable macromolecular complexes of which they are parts (e.g., the ribosome)." [GOC:pdt, NIF_Subcellular:sao-1337158144]
comment: Note that, in addition to forming the root of the cellular component ontology, this term is recommended for use for the annotation of gene products whose cellular component is unknown. When this term is used for annotation, it indicates that no information was available about the cellular component of the gene product annotated as of the date the annotation was made; the evidence code "no data" (ND), is used to indicate this.
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_generic
subset: goslim_metagenomics
subset: goslim_pir
subset: goslim_plant
subset: goslim_yeast
subset: gosubset_prok
synonym: "cell or subcellular entity" EXACT []
synonym: "cellular component" EXACT []
synonym: "subcellular entity" RELATED [NIF_Subcellular:nlx_subcell_100315]
xref: NIF_Subcellular:sao-1337158144
xref: NIF_Subcellular:sao1337158144

id: GO:0005576
name: extracellular region
namespace: cellular_component
def: "The space external to the outermost structure of a cell. For cells without external protective or external encapsulating structures this refers to space outside of the plasma membrane. This term covers the host cell environment outside an intracellular parasite." [GOC:go_curators]
comment: Note that this term is intended to annotate gene products that are not attached to the cell surface. For gene products from multicellular organisms which are secreted from a cell but retained within the organism (i.e. released into the interstitial fluid or blood), consider the cellular component term 'extracellular space ; GO:0005615'.
subset: goslim_agr
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_generic
subset: goslim_metagenomics
subset: goslim_mouse
subset: goslim_pir
subset: goslim_plant
subset: goslim_yeast
subset: gosubset_prok
synonym: "extracellular" EXACT []
xref: Wikipedia:Extracellular
is_a: GO:0005575 ! cellular_component

id: GO:0005623
name: cell
namespace: cellular_component
def: "The basic structural and functional unit of all organisms. Includes the plasma membrane and any external encapsulating structures such as the cell wall and cell envelope." [GOC:go_curators]
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_generic
subset: goslim_plant
subset: gosubset_prok
xref: NIF_Subcellular:sao1813327414
xref: Wikipedia:Cell_(biology)
is_a: GO:0005575 ! cellular_component
property_value: IAO:0000589 "cell and encapsulating structures" xsd:string

id: GO:0006791
name: sulfur utilization
namespace: biological_process
def: "A series of processes that forms an integrated mechanism by which a cell or an organism detects the depletion of primary sulfur sources and then activates genes to scavenge the last traces of the primary sulfur source and to transport and metabolize alternate sulfur sources. The utilization process begins when the cell or organism detects sulfur levels, includes the activation of genes whose products detect, transport or metabolize sulfur-containing compounds, and ends when the sulfur is incorporated into the cell or organism's metabolism." [GOC:mah, GOC:mlg]
subset: gosubset_prok
synonym: "sulphur utilization" EXACT []
is_a: GO:0008150 ! biological_process

id: GO:0006794
name: phosphorus utilization
namespace: biological_process
def: "A series of processes that forms an integrated mechanism by which a cell or an organism detects the depletion of primary phosphorus source and then activates genes to scavenge the last traces of the primary phosphorus source and to transport and metabolize alternative phosphorus sources. The utilization process begins when the cell or organism detects phosphorus levels, includes the phosphorus-containing substances, and ends when phosphorus is incorporated into the cell or organism's metabolism." [GOC:mah, GOC:mlg]
subset: gosubset_prok
is_a: GO:0008150 ! biological_process

id: GO:0007610
name: behavior
namespace: biological_process
alt_id: GO:0044708
def: "The internally coordinated responses (actions or inactions) of animals (individuals or groups) to internal or external stimuli, via a mechanism that involves nervous system activity." [GOC:ems, GOC:jl, ISBN:0395448956, PMID:20160973]
comment: 1. Note that this term is in the subset of terms that should not be used for direct gene product annotation. Instead, select a child term or, if no appropriate child term exists, please request a new term. Direct annotations to this term may be amended during annotation reviews.\n2. While a broader definition of behavior encompassing plants and single cell organisms would be justified on the basis of some usage (see PMID:20160973 for discussion), GO uses a tight definition that limits behavior to animals and to responses involving the nervous system, excluding plant responses that GO classifies under development, and responses of unicellular organisms that has general classifications for covering the responses of cells in multicellular organisms (e.g. cell chemotaxis).
subset: gocheck_do_not_manually_annotate
subset: goslim_agr
subset: goslim_plant
subset: gosubset_prok
synonym: "behavioral response to stimulus" EXACT []
synonym: "behaviour" EXACT []
synonym: "behavioural response to stimulus" EXACT []
synonym: "single-organism behavior" RELATED []
xref: Wikipedia:Behavior
is_a: GO:0008150 ! biological_process
disjoint_from: GO:0032502 ! developmental process
created_by: janelomax
creation_date: 2012-09-20T14:06:08Z

id: GO:0008150
name: biological_process
namespace: biological_process
alt_id: GO:0000004
alt_id: GO:0007582
alt_id: GO:0044699
def: "A biological process represents a specific objective that the organism is genetically programmed to achieve. Biological processes are often described by their outcome or ending state, e.g., the biological process of cell division results in the creation of two daughter cells (a divided cell) from a single parent cell. A biological process is accomplished by a particular set of molecular functions carried out by specific gene products (or macromolecular complexes), often in a highly regulated manner and in a particular temporal sequence." [GOC:pdt]
comment: Note that, in addition to forming the root of the biological process ontology, this term is recommended for use for the annotation of gene products whose biological process is unknown. When this term is used for annotation, it indicates that no information was available about the biological process of the gene product annotated as of the date the annotation was made; the evidence code "no data" (ND), is used to indicate this.
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_generic
subset: goslim_metagenomics
subset: goslim_pir
subset: goslim_plant
subset: goslim_pombe
subset: goslim_yeast
subset: gosubset_prok
synonym: "biological process" EXACT []
synonym: "physiological process" EXACT []
synonym: "single organism process" RELATED []
synonym: "single-organism process" RELATED []
xref: Wikipedia:Biological_process
created_by: janelomax
creation_date: 2012-09-19T15:05:24Z

id: GO:0008152
name: metabolic process
namespace: biological_process
alt_id: GO:0044236
alt_id: GO:0044710
def: "The chemical reactions and pathways, including anabolism and catabolism, by which living organisms transform chemical substances. Metabolic processes typically transform small molecules, but also include macromolecular processes such as DNA repair and replication, and protein synthesis and degradation." [GOC:go_curators, ISBN:0198547684]
comment: Note that metabolic processes do not include single functions or processes such as protein-protein interactions, protein-nucleic acids, nor receptor-ligand interactions.
subset: gocheck_do_not_manually_annotate
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_metagenomics
subset: goslim_pir
subset: goslim_plant
subset: gosubset_prok
synonym: "metabolic process resulting in cell growth" NARROW []
synonym: "metabolism" EXACT []
synonym: "metabolism resulting in cell growth" NARROW []
synonym: "multicellular organism metabolic process" NARROW []
synonym: "single-organism metabolic process" RELATED []
xref: Wikipedia:Metabolism
is_a: GO:0008150 ! biological_process
disjoint_from: GO:0044848 ! biological phase
created_by: janelomax
creation_date: 2012-10-17T15:46:40Z

id: GO:0008283
name: cell proliferation
namespace: biological_process
def: "The multiplication or reproduction of cells, resulting in the expansion of a cell population." [GOC:mah, GOC:mb]
comment: This term was moved out from being a child of 'cellular process' because it is a cell population-level process, and cellular processes are restricted to those processes that involve individual cells. Also note that this term is intended to be used for the proliferation of cells within a multicellular organism, not for the expansion of a population of single-celled organisms.
subset: goslim_agr
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_generic
subset: goslim_mouse
subset: goslim_pir
subset: gosubset_prok
is_a: GO:0008150 ! biological_process

id: GO:0009295
name: nucleoid
namespace: cellular_component
def: "The region of a virus, bacterial cell, mitochondrion or chloroplast to which the nucleic acid is confined." [GOC:bm, GOC:ma, ISBN:3540076689]
subset: gosubset_prok
xref: Wikipedia:Nucleoid
is_a: GO:0005575 ! cellular_component

id: GO:0009758
name: carbohydrate utilization
namespace: biological_process
alt_id: GO:0007587
def: "A series of processes that forms an integrated mechanism by which a cell or an organism detects the depletion of primary carbohydrate sources,usually glucose, and then activates genes to scavenge the last traces of the primary carbohydrate source and to transport and metabolize alternate carbohydrate sources. The utilization process begins when the cell or organism detects carbohydrate levels, includes the activation of genes whose products detect, transport or metabolize carbohydrates, and ends when the carbohydrate is incorporated into the cell or organism's metabolism." [GOC:mah, GOC:mcc2, GOC:mlg]
synonym: "sugar utilization" NARROW [GOC:mcc2]
is_a: GO:0008150 ! biological_process

id: GO:0009987
name: cellular process
namespace: biological_process
alt_id: GO:0008151
alt_id: GO:0044763
alt_id: GO:0050875
def: "Any process that is carried out at the cellular level, but not necessarily restricted to a single cell. For example, cell communication occurs among more than one cell, but occurs at the cellular level." [GOC:go_curators, GOC:isa_complete]
subset: goslim_pir
subset: goslim_plant
subset: gosubset_prok
synonym: "cell growth and/or maintenance" NARROW []
synonym: "cell physiology" EXACT []
synonym: "cellular physiological process" EXACT []
synonym: "single-organism cellular process" RELATED []
is_a: GO:0008150 ! biological_process
disjoint_from: GO:0044848 ! biological phase
created_by: janelomax
creation_date: 2012-12-11T16:56:55Z

id: GO:0015976
name: carbon utilization
namespace: biological_process
alt_id: GO:0015978
def: "A series of processes that forms an integrated mechanism by which a cell or an organism detects the depletion of primary carbon sources and then activates genes to scavenge the last traces of the primary carbon source and to transport and metabolize alternative carbon sources such as carbon dioxide or carbonic acid. The utilization process begins when the cell or organism detects carbon levels, includes the activation of genes whose products detect, transport or metabolize carbon-containing substances, and ends when carbon is incorporated into the cell or organism's metabolism." [GOC:mah, GOC:mlg]
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_pir
subset: gosubset_prok
synonym: "carbon utilization by utilization of organic compounds" EXACT [GOC:mah]
synonym: "heterotrophy" EXACT []
xref: Wikipedia:Heterotroph
is_a: GO:0008150 ! biological_process

id: GO:0016020
name: membrane
namespace: cellular_component
def: "A lipid bilayer along with all the proteins and protein complexes embedded in it an attached to it." [GOC:dos, GOC:mah, ISBN:0815316194]
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_metagenomics
subset: goslim_pir
subset: goslim_plant
subset: goslim_yeast
subset: gosubset_prok
xref: Wikipedia:Biological_membrane
is_a: GO:0005575 ! cellular_component

id: GO:0016209
name: antioxidant activity
namespace: molecular_function
def: "Inhibition of the reactions brought about by dioxygen (O2) or peroxides. Usually the antioxidant is effective because it can itself be more easily oxidized than the substance protected. The term is often applied to components that can trap free radicals, thereby breaking the chain reaction that normally leads to extensive biological damage." [ISBN:0198506732]
subset: goslim_metagenomics
subset: goslim_pir
subset: gosubset_prok
is_a: GO:0003674 ! molecular_function

id: GO:0019012
name: virion
namespace: cellular_component
def: "The complete fully infectious extracellular virus particle." [ISBN:0781718325]
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_metagenomics
subset: goslim_pir
synonym: "complete virus particle" EXACT []
xref: Wikipedia:Virus
is_a: GO:0005575 ! cellular_component

id: GO:0019740
name: nitrogen utilization
namespace: biological_process
def: "A series of processes that forms an integrated mechanism by which a cell or an organism detects the depletion of primary nitrogen source, usually ammonia, and then activates genes to scavenge the last traces of the primary nitrogen source and to transport and metabolize alternative nitrogen sources. The utilization process begins when the cell or organism detects nitrogen levels, includes the activation of genes whose products detect, transport or metabolize nitrogen-containing substances, and ends when nitrogen is incorporated into the cell or organism's metabolism." [GOC:mah, GOC:mlg]
subset: gosubset_prok
is_a: GO:0008150 ! biological_process

id: GO:0022414
name: reproductive process
namespace: biological_process
alt_id: GO:0044702
def: "A biological process that directly contributes to the process of producing new individuals by one or two organisms. The new individuals inherit some proportion of their genetic material from the parent or parents." [GOC:dph, GOC:isa_complete]
subset: gosubset_prok
synonym: "single organism reproductive process" RELATED []
is_a: GO:0008150 ! biological_process
intersection_of: GO:0008150 ! biological_process
intersection_of: part_of GO:0000003 ! reproduction
disjoint_from: GO:0044848 ! biological phase
relationship: part_of GO:0000003 ! reproduction
created_by: janelomax
creation_date: 2012-09-19T15:56:06Z

id: GO:0022610
name: biological adhesion
namespace: biological_process
def: "The attachment of a cell or organism to a substrate, another cell, or other organism. Biological adhesion includes intracellular attachment between membrane regions." [GOC:isa_complete]
subset: goslim_pir
subset: gosubset_prok
is_a: GO:0008150 ! biological_process
disjoint_from: GO:0044848 ! biological phase

id: GO:0023052
name: signaling
namespace: biological_process
alt_id: GO:0023046
alt_id: GO:0044700
def: "The entirety of a process in which information is transmitted within a biological system. This process begins with an active signal and ends when a cellular response has been triggered." [GOC:mtg_signal, GOC:mtg_signaling_feb11, GOC:signaling]
comment: Note that a signal is any variable property or parameter that serves to convey information, and may be a physical entity such as a gene product or small molecule, a photon, or a change in state such as movement or voltage change.
subset: goslim_agr
subset: goslim_mouse
subset: goslim_pombe
subset: goslim_yeast
synonym: "biological signaling" EXACT []
synonym: "signaling process" EXACT []
synonym: "signalling" EXACT []
synonym: "signalling process" RELATED [GOC:mah]
synonym: "single organism signaling" RELATED []
is_a: GO:0008150 ! biological_process
disjoint_from: GO:0044848 ! biological phase
created_by: janelomax
creation_date: 2010-02-16T09:30:50Z

id: GO:0030054
name: cell junction
namespace: cellular_component
def: "A cellular component that forms a specialized region of connection between two or more cells or between a cell and the extracellular matrix. At a cell junction, anchoring proteins extend through the plasma membrane to link cytoskeletal proteins in one cell to cytoskeletal proteins in neighboring cells or to proteins in the extracellular matrix." [GOC:mah,, ISBN:0198506732]
subset: goslim_agr
xref: Wikipedia:Cell_junction
is_a: GO:0005575 ! cellular_component

id: GO:0031386
name: protein tag
namespace: molecular_function
def: "A molecular function exhibited by a protein that is covalently attached (AKA tagged or conjugated) to another protein where it acts as a marker, recognized by the cellular apparatus to target the tagged protein for some cellular process such as modification, sequestration, transport or degradation." [GOC:dos, GOC:go_curators, PMID:19028679, PMID:20054389, PMID:6305978]
comment: Use this term to annotate conjugated tags, not for conjugating enzymes. At the time of writing, all known gene products with this activity are ubiquitin-like, either based on overall sequence similarity or the presence of common motifs and structures.
subset: goslim_pir
synonym: "covalent modifier" RELATED [GOC:vw]
synonym: "protein tagging activity" RELATED []
synonym: "ubiquitin" RELATED []
synonym: "ubiquitin-like protein modifier" EXACT []
is_a: GO:0003674 ! molecular_function

id: GO:0031974
name: membrane-enclosed lumen
namespace: cellular_component
def: "The enclosed volume within a sealed membrane or between two sealed membranes. Encompasses the volume enclosed by the membranes of a particular organelle, e.g. endoplasmic reticulum lumen, or the space between the two lipid bilayers of a double membrane surrounding an organelle, e.g. nuclear envelope lumen." [GOC:add, GOC:mah]
is_a: GO:0005575 ! cellular_component

id: GO:0032501
name: multicellular organismal process
namespace: biological_process
alt_id: GO:0044707
alt_id: GO:0050874
def: "Any biological process, occurring at the level of a multicellular organism, pertinent to its function." [GOC:curators, GOC:dph, GOC:isa_complete, GOC:tb]
subset: goslim_pir
synonym: "organismal physiological process" EXACT []
synonym: "single-multicellular organism process" RELATED []
is_a: GO:0008150 ! biological_process
disjoint_from: GO:0044848 ! biological phase
created_by: janelomax
creation_date: 2012-09-19T16:07:47Z

id: GO:0032502
name: developmental process
namespace: biological_process
alt_id: GO:0044767
def: "A biological process whose specific outcome is the progression of an integrated living unit: an anatomical structure (which may be a subcellular structure, cell, tissue, or organ), or organism over time from an initial condition to a later condition." [GOC:isa_complete]
subset: goslim_agr
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_pir
subset: gosubset_prok
synonym: "development" NARROW []
synonym: "single-organism developmental process" RELATED []
is_a: GO:0008150 ! biological_process
disjoint_from: GO:0044848 ! biological phase
created_by: janelomax
creation_date: 2012-12-19T12:21:31Z

id: GO:0032991
name: protein-containing complex
namespace: cellular_component
alt_id: GO:0043234
def: "A stable assembly of two or more macromolecules, i.e. proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates or lipids, in which at least one component is a protein and the constituent parts function together." [GOC:dos, GOC:mah]
comment: A protein complex in this context is meant as a stable set of interacting proteins which can be co-purified by an acceptable method, and where the complex has been shown to exist as an isolated, functional unit in vivo. Acceptable experimental methods include stringent protein purification followed by detection of protein interaction. The following methods should be considered non-acceptable: simple immunoprecipitation, pull-down experiments from cell extracts without further purification, colocalization and 2-hybrid screening. Interactions that should not be captured as protein complexes include: 1) enzyme/substrate, receptor/ligand or any similar transient interactions, unless these are a critical part of the complex assembly or are required e.g. for the receptor to be functional; 2) proteins associated in a pull-down/co-immunoprecipitation assay with no functional link or any evidence that this is a defined biological entity rather than a loose-affinity complex; 3) any complex where the only evidence is based on genetic interaction data; 4) partial complexes, where some subunits (e.g. transmembrane ones) cannot be expressed as recombinant proteins and are excluded from experiments (in this case, independent evidence is necessary to find out the composition of the full complex, if known). Interactions that may be captured as protein complexes include: 1) enzyme/substrate or receptor/ligand if the complex can only assemble and become functional in the presence of both classes of subunits; 2) complexes where one of the members has not been shown to be physically linked to the other(s), but is a homologue of, and has the same functionality as, a protein that has been experimentally demonstrated to form a complex with the other member(s); 3) complexes whose existence is accepted based on localization and pharmacological studies, but for which experimental evidence is not yet available for the complex as a whole.
subset: goslim_agr
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_generic
subset: goslim_pir
subset: gosubset_prok
synonym: "macromolecular complex" EXACT []
synonym: "macromolecule complex" EXACT []
synonym: "protein complex" NARROW []
synonym: "protein containing complex" EXACT []
synonym: "protein-protein complex" NARROW []
is_a: GO:0005575 ! cellular_component

id: GO:0038024
name: cargo receptor activity
namespace: molecular_function
def: "Combining selectively with an extracellular substance and delivering the substance into the cell via endocytosis." [GOC:bf, GOC:signaling, PMID:15239958]
comment: Note that this term and its child terms are intended for receptors that bind to and internalize molecules by receptor-mediated endocytosis. For receptors that are coupled to a signal transduction pathway, consider instead the term 'signaling receptor activity ; GO:0038023' and its children.
synonym: "endocytic receptor activity" EXACT [GOC:signaling, ISBN:0123645387, PMID:12671190]
synonym: "receptor activity" BROAD []
synonym: "receptor activity involved in ligand uptake" EXACT [PMID:12671190]
synonym: "receptor activity involved in receptor-mediated endocytosis" EXACT [GOC:bf]
synonym: "transport receptor activity" BROAD [GOC:signaling]
is_a: GO:0003674 ! molecular_function
created_by: rfoulger
creation_date: 2011-08-01T02:50:45Z

id: GO:0040007
name: growth
namespace: biological_process
alt_id: GO:0048590
def: "The increase in size or mass of an entire organism, a part of an organism or a cell." [GOC:bf, GOC:ma]
comment: See also the biological process term 'cell growth ; GO:0016049'.
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_generic
subset: goslim_pir
subset: goslim_plant
subset: gosubset_prok
synonym: "growth pattern" RELATED []
synonym: "non-developmental growth" RELATED [GOC:mah]
is_a: GO:0008150 ! biological_process
disjoint_from: GO:0044848 ! biological phase

id: GO:0040011
name: locomotion
namespace: biological_process
def: "Self-propelled movement of a cell or organism from one location to another." [GOC:dgh]
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_generic
subset: goslim_pir
subset: gosubset_prok
is_a: GO:0008150 ! biological_process
disjoint_from: GO:0044848 ! biological phase

id: GO:0043226
name: organelle
namespace: cellular_component
def: "Organized structure of distinctive morphology and function. Includes the nucleus, mitochondria, plastids, vacuoles, vesicles, ribosomes and the cytoskeleton, and prokaryotic structures such as anammoxosomes and pirellulosomes. Excludes the plasma membrane." [GOC:go_curators]
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_generic
subset: goslim_pir
subset: gosubset_prok
xref: NIF_Subcellular:sao1539965131
xref: Wikipedia:Organelle
is_a: GO:0005575 ! cellular_component

id: GO:0043473
name: pigmentation
namespace: biological_process
def: "The accumulation of pigment in an organism, tissue or cell, either by increased deposition or by increased number of cells." [GOC:jl]
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_generic
subset: goslim_pir
subset: gosubset_prok
is_a: GO:0008150 ! biological_process

id: GO:0044215
name: other organism
namespace: cellular_component
def: "A secondary organism with which the first organism is interacting." [GOC:jl]
comment: We plan to obsolete this branch of GO and replace its usage in annotation with a system for multi-organism annotation.
is_a: GO:0005575 ! cellular_component
created_by: jane
creation_date: 2009-11-12T01:04:58Z

id: GO:0044217
name: other organism part
namespace: cellular_component
def: "Any constituent part of a secondary organism with which the first organism is interacting." [GOC:jl]
comment: Note that this term is in the subset of terms that should not be used for direct gene product annotation. Instead, select a child term or, if no appropriate child term exists, please request a new term. Direct annotations to this term may be amended during annotation QC.
subset: gocheck_do_not_annotate
is_a: GO:0005575 ! cellular_component
intersection_of: GO:0005575 ! cellular_component
intersection_of: part_of GO:0044215 ! other organism
relationship: part_of GO:0044215 ! other organism
created_by: jane
creation_date: 2009-11-12T01:18:21Z

id: GO:0044421
name: extracellular region part
namespace: cellular_component
def: "Any constituent part of the extracellular region, the space external to the outermost structure of a cell. For cells without external protective or external encapsulating structures this refers to space outside of the plasma membrane. This term covers constituent parts of the host cell environment outside an intracellular parasite." [GOC:jl]
comment: Note that this term is in the subset of terms that should not be used for direct gene product annotation. Instead, select a child term or, if no appropriate child term exists, please request a new term. Direct annotations to this term may be amended during annotation QC.
subset: goantislim_grouping
subset: gocheck_do_not_annotate
subset: gosubset_prok
synonym: "extracellular structure" RELATED [NIF_Subcellular:sao9117790637]
xref: NIF_Subcellular:sao9117790637
is_a: GO:0005575 ! cellular_component
intersection_of: GO:0005575 ! cellular_component
intersection_of: part_of GO:0005576 ! extracellular region
relationship: part_of GO:0005576 ! extracellular region

id: GO:0044422
name: organelle part
namespace: cellular_component
def: "Any constituent part of an organelle, an organized structure of distinctive morphology and function. Includes constituent parts of the nucleus, mitochondria, plastids, vacuoles, vesicles, ribosomes and the cytoskeleton, but excludes the plasma membrane." [GOC:jl]
comment: Note that this term is in the subset of terms that should not be used for direct gene product annotation. Instead, select a child term or, if no appropriate child term exists, please request a new term. Direct annotations to this term may be amended during annotation QC.
subset: goantislim_grouping
subset: gocheck_do_not_annotate
subset: gosubset_prok
is_a: GO:0005575 ! cellular_component
intersection_of: GO:0005575 ! cellular_component
intersection_of: part_of GO:0043226 ! organelle
relationship: part_of GO:0043226 ! organelle

id: GO:0044423
name: virion part
namespace: cellular_component
def: "Any constituent part of a virion, a complete fully infectious extracellular virus particle." [GOC:jl]
comment: Note that this term is in the subset of terms that should not be used for direct gene product annotation. Instead, select a child term or, if no appropriate child term exists, please request a new term. Direct annotations to this term may be amended during annotation QC.
subset: goantislim_grouping
subset: gocheck_do_not_annotate
is_a: GO:0005575 ! cellular_component
intersection_of: GO:0005575 ! cellular_component
intersection_of: part_of GO:0019012 ! virion
relationship: part_of GO:0019012 ! virion

id: GO:0044425
name: membrane part
namespace: cellular_component
def: "Any constituent part of a membrane, a double layer of lipid molecules that encloses all cells, and, in eukaryotes, many organelles; may be a single or double lipid bilayer; also includes associated proteins." [GOC:jl]
comment: Note that this term is in the subset of terms that should not be used for direct gene product annotation. Instead, select a child term or, if no appropriate child term exists, please request a new term. Direct annotations to this term may be amended during annotation QC.
subset: goantislim_grouping
subset: gocheck_do_not_annotate
subset: gosubset_prok
is_a: GO:0005575 ! cellular_component
intersection_of: GO:0005575 ! cellular_component
intersection_of: part_of GO:0016020 ! membrane
relationship: part_of GO:0016020 ! membrane

id: GO:0044456
name: synapse part
namespace: cellular_component
def: "Any constituent part of a synapse, the junction between a nerve fiber of one neuron and another neuron or muscle fiber or glial cell." [GOC:jl]
comment: Note that this term is in the subset of terms that should not be used for direct gene product annotation. Instead, select a child term or, if no appropriate child term exists, please request a new term. Direct annotations to this term may be amended during annotation QC.
subset: goantislim_grouping
subset: gocheck_do_not_annotate
synonym: "synaptic component" RELATED [NIF_Subcellular:sao1784069613]
xref: NIF_Subcellular:sao1784069613
is_a: GO:0005575 ! cellular_component
intersection_of: GO:0005575 ! cellular_component
intersection_of: part_of GO:0045202 ! synapse
relationship: part_of GO:0045202 ! synapse

id: GO:0044464
name: cell part
namespace: cellular_component
def: "Any constituent part of a cell, the basic structural and functional unit of all organisms." [GOC:jl]
comment: Note that this term is in the subset of terms that should not be used for direct gene product annotation. Instead, select a child term or, if no appropriate child term exists, please request a new term. Direct annotations to this term may be amended during annotation QC.
subset: goantislim_grouping
subset: gocheck_do_not_annotate
subset: goslim_pir
subset: gosubset_prok
synonym: "cellular subcomponent" EXACT [NIF_Subcellular:sao628508602]
synonym: "protoplast" RELATED [GOC:mah]
xref: NIF_Subcellular:sao628508602
is_a: GO:0005575 ! cellular_component
intersection_of: GO:0005575 ! cellular_component
intersection_of: part_of GO:0005623 ! cell
relationship: part_of GO:0005623 ! cell

id: GO:0044848
name: biological phase
namespace: biological_process
def: "A distinct period or stage in a biological process or cycle." [GOC:jl]
comment: Note that phases are is_a disjoint from other biological processes. happens_during relationships can operate between phases and other biological processes e.g. DNA replication happens_during S phase.
subset: gocheck_do_not_manually_annotate
is_a: GO:0008150 ! biological_process
disjoint_from: GO:0048511 ! rhythmic process
disjoint_from: GO:0050896 ! response to stimulus
disjoint_from: GO:0051179 ! localization
disjoint_from: GO:0051704 ! multi-organism process
disjoint_from: GO:0071840 ! cellular component organization or biogenesis
disjoint_from: GO:0098743 ! cell aggregation
created_by: janelomax
creation_date: 2014-07-16T13:12:40Z

id: GO:0045182
name: translation regulator activity
namespace: molecular_function
def: "Any molecular function involved in the initiation, activation, perpetuation, repression or termination of polypeptide synthesis at the ribosome." [GOC:ai]
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_pir
subset: goslim_plant
subset: gosubset_prok
synonym: "translation factor activity" EXACT []
is_a: GO:0003674 ! molecular_function

id: GO:0045202
name: synapse
namespace: cellular_component
def: "The junction between a nerve fiber of one neuron and another neuron, muscle fiber or glial cell. As the nerve fiber approaches the synapse it enlarges into a specialized structure, the presynaptic nerve ending, which contains mitochondria and synaptic vesicles. At the tip of the nerve ending is the presynaptic membrane; facing it, and separated from it by a minute cleft (the synaptic cleft) is a specialized area of membrane on the receiving cell, known as the postsynaptic membrane. In response to the arrival of nerve impulses, the presynaptic nerve ending secretes molecules of neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft. These diffuse across the cleft and transmit the signal to the postsynaptic membrane." [ISBN:0198506732]
subset: goslim_agr
subset: goslim_mouse
subset: goslim_pir
subset: goslim_synapse
synonym: "electrotonic synapse" RELATED [NIF_Subcellular:sao1311109124]
synonym: "mixed synapse" NARROW [NIF_Subcellular:sao1506103497]
synonym: "synaptic junction" EXACT []
xref: NIF_Subcellular:sao914572699
xref: Wikipedia:Chemical_synapse
is_a: GO:0005575 ! cellular_component

id: GO:0045735
name: nutrient reservoir activity
namespace: molecular_function
def: "Functions in the storage of nutritious substrates." [GOC:ai]
comment: Note that this term can be used in place of the obsolete terms 'storage protein ; GO:0005187' and 'storage protein of fat body (sensu Insecta) ; GO:0008041'.
subset: goslim_pir
subset: gosubset_prok
synonym: "storage protein" RELATED []
synonym: "storage protein of fat body" RELATED []
synonym: "yolk protein" RELATED []
is_a: GO:0003674 ! molecular_function

id: GO:0048511
name: rhythmic process
namespace: biological_process
def: "Any process pertinent to the generation and maintenance of rhythms in the physiology of an organism." [GOC:jid]
subset: goslim_pir
subset: gosubset_prok
synonym: "rhythm" RELATED []
is_a: GO:0008150 ! biological_process

id: GO:0050896
name: response to stimulus
namespace: biological_process
alt_id: GO:0051869
def: "Any process that results in a change in state or activity of a cell or an organism (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of a stimulus. The process begins with detection of the stimulus and ends with a change in state or activity or the cell or organism." [GOC:ai, GOC:bf]
comment: Note that this term is in the subset of terms that should not be used for direct gene product annotation. Instead, select a child term or, if no appropriate child term exists, please request a new term. Direct annotations to this term may be amended during annotation QC.
subset: gocheck_do_not_manually_annotate
subset: goslim_agr
subset: goslim_mouse
subset: goslim_pir
subset: gosubset_prok
synonym: "physiological response to stimulus" EXACT []
is_a: GO:0008150 ! biological_process

id: GO:0051179
name: localization
namespace: biological_process
alt_id: GO:1902578
def: "Any process in which a cell, a substance, or a cellular entity, such as a protein complex or organelle, is transported, tethered to or otherwise maintained in a specific location. In the case of substances, localization may also be achieved via selective degradation." [GOC:ai, GOC:dos]
subset: goslim_pir
subset: gosubset_prok
synonym: "establishment and maintenance of cellular component location" NARROW []
synonym: "establishment and maintenance of localization" EXACT []
synonym: "establishment and maintenance of position" EXACT []
synonym: "establishment and maintenance of substance location" NARROW []
synonym: "establishment and maintenance of substrate location" NARROW []
synonym: "localisation" EXACT [GOC:mah]
synonym: "single organism localization" RELATED [GOC:TermGenie]
synonym: "single-organism localization" RELATED []
is_a: GO:0008150 ! biological_process
created_by: jl
creation_date: 2013-12-18T13:51:04Z

id: GO:0051704
name: multi-organism process
namespace: biological_process
alt_id: GO:0051706
def: "A biological process which involves another organism of the same or different species." [GOC:jl]
subset: goslim_pir
subset: gosubset_prok
synonym: "interaction between organisms" EXACT []
synonym: "physiological interaction between organisms" EXACT []
synonym: "physiological interaction with other organism" EXACT []
is_a: GO:0008150 ! biological_process

id: GO:0055044
name: symplast
namespace: cellular_component
def: "The interconnected cell membranes and intracellular regions of a plant. The interconnections occur via the plasmodesmata." [GOC:mtg_sensu]
subset: goslim_pir
xref: Wikipedia:Symplast
is_a: GO:0005575 ! cellular_component

id: GO:0060089
name: molecular transducer activity
namespace: molecular_function
def: "A compound molecular function in which an effector function is controlled by one or more regulatory components." [GOC:dos, GOC:pdt]
subset: gocheck_do_not_manually_annotate
subset: goslim_pir
subset: gosubset_prok
is_a: GO:0003674 ! molecular_function

id: GO:0065007
name: biological regulation
namespace: biological_process
def: "Any process that modulates a measurable attribute of any biological process, quality or function." [GOC:dph, GOC:isa_complete, GOC:mah, GOC:pr, GOC:vw]
subset: gocheck_do_not_annotate
subset: goslim_pir
subset: gosubset_prok
synonym: "regulation" BROAD []
is_a: GO:0008150 ! biological_process

id: GO:0071840
name: cellular component organization or biogenesis
namespace: biological_process
alt_id: GO:0071841
def: "A process that results in the biosynthesis of constituent macromolecules, assembly, arrangement of constituent parts, or disassembly of a cellular component." [GOC:mah]
subset: goslim_metagenomics
synonym: "cellular component organisation or biogenesis" EXACT [GOC:mah]
synonym: "cellular component organisation or biogenesis at cellular level" EXACT [GOC:mah]
synonym: "cellular component organization or biogenesis at cellular level" EXACT []
is_a: GO:0008150 ! biological_process
created_by: midori
creation_date: 2010-09-10T01:39:16Z

id: GO:0090729
name: toxin activity
namespace: molecular_function
alt_id: GO:0050827
def: "Interacting selectively with one or more biological molecules in another organism (the \"target\" organism), initiating pathogenesis (leading to an abnormal, generally detrimental state) in the target organism. The activity should refer to an evolved function of the active gene product, i.e. one that was selected for. Examples include the activity of botulinum toxin, and snake venom." [GOC:pt]
synonym: "toxin receptor binding" EXACT []
xref: Wikipedia:Toxin
is_a: GO:0003674 ! molecular_function
created_by: tanyaberardini
creation_date: 2016-12-19T15:23:27Z

id: GO:0097423
name: mitochondrion-associated adherens complex
namespace: cellular_component
def: "An organelle arrangement comprised of the following elements: a mitochondrion positioned near the presynaptic membrane; an electron-dense mitochondrial plaque adjacent to the outer mitochondrial membrane that faces the presynaptic membrane; filament-like elements appearing to link the mitochondrial plaque to a cell-cell junction region (sometimes termed punctum adherens); tubular or vesicular-appearing membrane (also called vesicular chain) interposed among the filaments. Mitochondrion-associated adherens complexes were initially described in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord. They are found in calyces and other large terminals of the auditory brainstem, and in a variety of mammalian species including humans." [NIF_Subcellular:sao1933817066, PMID:20089910]
synonym: "MAC" RELATED []
synonym: "mitochondrial adhaerens complex" EXACT []
xref: NIF_Subcellular:sao1933817066
is_a: GO:0005575 ! cellular_component
created_by: paola
creation_date: 2012-11-07T13:38:50Z

id: GO:0098743
name: cell aggregation
namespace: biological_process
def: "The clustering together and adhesion of initially separate cells to form an aggregate.  Examples include the clustering of unicellular organisms or blood cells in suspension and the condensation of mesenchymal cells during cartilage formation." [GOC:dos]
is_a: GO:0008150 ! biological_process

id: GO:0098754
name: detoxification
namespace: biological_process
def: "Any process that reduces or removes the toxicity of a toxic substance. These may include transport of the toxic substance away from sensitive areas and to compartments or complexes whose purpose is sequestration of the toxic substance." [GOC:dos]
subset: goslim_pombe
is_a: GO:0008150 ! biological_process

id: GO:0098772
name: molecular function regulator
namespace: molecular_function
def: "A molecular function that modulates the activity of a gene product or complex.  Examples include enzyme regulators and channel regulators." [GOC:dos, GOC:pt]
is_a: GO:0003674 ! molecular_function
relationship: regulates GO:0003674 ! molecular_function

id: GO:0099080
name: supramolecular complex
namespace: cellular_component
def: "A cellular component that consists of an indeterminate number of proteins or macromolecular complexes, organized into a regular, higher-order structure such as a polymer, sheet, network or a fiber." [GOC:dos]
is_a: GO:0005575 ! cellular_component

id: GO:0104005
name: hijacked molecular function
namespace: molecular_function
def: "A function that was not selected for in the evolution of an organism, but arises from co-option by another organism, e.g. a human protein used as a virus receptor." [GOC:pdt]
is_a: GO:0003674 ! molecular_function
created_by: dos
creation_date: 2017-08-04T02:12:09Z

id: GO:0140104
name: molecular carrier activity
namespace: molecular_function
def: "Directly binding to a specific ion or molecule and delivering it either to an acceptor molecule or to a specific location." [GOC:pdt]
subset: gocheck_do_not_annotate
is_a: GO:0003674 ! molecular_function
created_by: pg
creation_date: 2017-09-19T13:10:18Z

id: GO:0140110
name: transcription regulator activity
namespace: molecular_function
def: "A molecular function that controls the rate, timing and/or magnitude of transcription of genetic information. The function of transcriptional regulators is to modulate gene expression at the transcription step so that they are expressed in the right cell at the right time and in the right amount throughout the life of the cell and the organism." [GOC:pg, GOC:txnOH-2018, Wikipedia:Transcription_factor]
subset: gocheck_do_not_annotate
is_a: GO:0003674 ! molecular_function
created_by: pg
creation_date: 2017-10-18T07:05:44Z

id: ends_during
name: ends_during
namespace: external
xref: RO:0002093

id: happens_during
name: happens_during
namespace: external
xref: RO:0002092
is_transitive: true
is_a: ends_during ! ends_during

id: has_part
name: has_part
namespace: external
xref: BFO:0000051
is_transitive: true

id: negatively_regulates
name: negatively regulates
namespace: external
xref: RO:0002212
is_a: regulates ! regulates
transitive_over: part_of ! part of

id: never_in_taxon
name: never_in_taxon
namespace: external
xref: RO:0002161
expand_assertion_to: "Class: ?X DisjointWith: RO_0002162 some ?Y" []
is_metadata_tag: true
is_class_level: true

id: occurs_in
name: occurs in
namespace: external
xref: BFO:0000066
holds_over_chain: part_of occurs_in
transitive_over: part_of ! part of

id: part_of
name: part of
namespace: external
xref: BFO:0000050
is_transitive: true
inverse_of: has_part ! has_part

id: positively_regulates
name: positively regulates
namespace: external
xref: RO:0002213
holds_over_chain: negatively_regulates negatively_regulates
is_a: regulates ! regulates
transitive_over: part_of ! part of

id: regulates
name: regulates
namespace: external
xref: RO:0002211
is_transitive: true
transitive_over: part_of ! part of

id: starts_during
name: starts_during
namespace: external
xref: RO:0002091